2018/01/09 - AWS Directory Service - 2 updated api methods
Changes Update ds client to latest version
{'Edition': 'Enterprise | Standard'}
Creates a Microsoft AD in the AWS cloud.
Before you call CreateMicrosoftAD, ensure that all of the required permissions have been explicitly granted through a policy. For details about what permissions are required to run the CreateMicrosoftAD operation, see AWS Directory Service API Permissions: Actions, Resources, and Conditions Reference.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_microsoft_ad( Name='string', ShortName='string', Password='string', Description='string', VpcSettings={ 'VpcId': 'string', 'SubnetIds': [ 'string', ] }, Edition='Enterprise'|'Standard' )
The fully qualified domain name for the directory, such as corp.example.com. This name will resolve inside your VPC only. It does not need to be publicly resolvable.
The NetBIOS name for your domain. A short identifier for your domain, such as CORP. If you don't specify a NetBIOS name, it will default to the first part of your directory DNS. For example, CORP for the directory DNS corp.example.com.
The password for the default administrative user named Admin.
A textual description for the directory. This label will appear on the AWS console Directory Details page after the directory is created.
Contains VPC information for the CreateDirectory or CreateMicrosoftAD operation.
VpcId (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The identifier of the VPC in which to create the directory.
SubnetIds (list) -- [REQUIRED]
The identifiers of the subnets for the directory servers. The two subnets must be in different Availability Zones. AWS Directory Service creates a directory server and a DNS server in each of these subnets.
(string) --
AWS Microsoft AD is available in two editions: Standard and Enterprise. Enterprise is the default.
Response Syntax
{ 'DirectoryId': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Result of a CreateMicrosoftAD request.
DirectoryId (string) --
The identifier of the directory that was created.
{'DirectoryDescriptions': {'Edition': 'Enterprise | Standard'}}
Obtains information about the directories that belong to this account.
You can retrieve information about specific directories by passing the directory identifiers in the DirectoryIds parameter. Otherwise, all directories that belong to the current account are returned.
This operation supports pagination with the use of the NextToken request and response parameters. If more results are available, the DescribeDirectoriesResult.NextToken member contains a token that you pass in the next call to DescribeDirectories to retrieve the next set of items.
You can also specify a maximum number of return results with the Limit parameter.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.describe_directories( DirectoryIds=[ 'string', ], NextToken='string', Limit=123 )
A list of identifiers of the directories for which to obtain the information. If this member is null, all directories that belong to the current account are returned.
An empty list results in an InvalidParameterException being thrown.
(string) --
The DescribeDirectoriesResult.NextToken value from a previous call to DescribeDirectories. Pass null if this is the first call.
The maximum number of items to return. If this value is zero, the maximum number of items is specified by the limitations of the operation.
Response Syntax
{ 'DirectoryDescriptions': [ { 'DirectoryId': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'ShortName': 'string', 'Size': 'Small'|'Large', 'Edition': 'Enterprise'|'Standard', 'Alias': 'string', 'AccessUrl': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'DnsIpAddrs': [ 'string', ], 'Stage': 'Requested'|'Creating'|'Created'|'Active'|'Inoperable'|'Impaired'|'Restoring'|'RestoreFailed'|'Deleting'|'Deleted'|'Failed', 'LaunchTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'StageLastUpdatedDateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'Type': 'SimpleAD'|'ADConnector'|'MicrosoftAD', 'VpcSettings': { 'VpcId': 'string', 'SubnetIds': [ 'string', ], 'SecurityGroupId': 'string', 'AvailabilityZones': [ 'string', ] }, 'ConnectSettings': { 'VpcId': 'string', 'SubnetIds': [ 'string', ], 'CustomerUserName': 'string', 'SecurityGroupId': 'string', 'AvailabilityZones': [ 'string', ], 'ConnectIps': [ 'string', ] }, 'RadiusSettings': { 'RadiusServers': [ 'string', ], 'RadiusPort': 123, 'RadiusTimeout': 123, 'RadiusRetries': 123, 'SharedSecret': 'string', 'AuthenticationProtocol': 'PAP'|'CHAP'|'MS-CHAPv1'|'MS-CHAPv2', 'DisplayLabel': 'string', 'UseSameUsername': True|False }, 'RadiusStatus': 'Creating'|'Completed'|'Failed', 'StageReason': 'string', 'SsoEnabled': True|False, 'DesiredNumberOfDomainControllers': 123 }, ], 'NextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Contains the results of the DescribeDirectories operation.
DirectoryDescriptions (list) --
The list of DirectoryDescription objects that were retrieved.
It is possible that this list contains less than the number of items specified in the Limit member of the request. This occurs if there are less than the requested number of items left to retrieve, or if the limitations of the operation have been exceeded.
(dict) --
Contains information about an AWS Directory Service directory.
DirectoryId (string) --
The directory identifier.
Name (string) --
The fully-qualified name of the directory.
ShortName (string) --
The short name of the directory.
Size (string) --
The directory size.
Edition (string) --
The edition associated with this directory.
Alias (string) --
The alias for the directory. If no alias has been created for the directory, the alias is the directory identifier, such as d-XXXXXXXXXX.
AccessUrl (string) --
The access URL for the directory, such as http://<alias>.awsapps.com. If no alias has been created for the directory, <alias> is the directory identifier, such as d-XXXXXXXXXX.
Description (string) --
The textual description for the directory.
DnsIpAddrs (list) --
The IP addresses of the DNS servers for the directory. For a Simple AD or Microsoft AD directory, these are the IP addresses of the Simple AD or Microsoft AD directory servers. For an AD Connector directory, these are the IP addresses of the DNS servers or domain controllers in the on-premises directory to which the AD Connector is connected.
(string) --
Stage (string) --
The current stage of the directory.
LaunchTime (datetime) --
Specifies when the directory was created.
StageLastUpdatedDateTime (datetime) --
The date and time that the stage was last updated.
Type (string) --
The directory size.
VpcSettings (dict) --
A DirectoryVpcSettingsDescription object that contains additional information about a directory. This member is only present if the directory is a Simple AD or Managed AD directory.
VpcId (string) --
The identifier of the VPC that the directory is in.
SubnetIds (list) --
The identifiers of the subnets for the directory servers.
(string) --
SecurityGroupId (string) --
The domain controller security group identifier for the directory.
AvailabilityZones (list) --
The list of Availability Zones that the directory is in.
(string) --
ConnectSettings (dict) --
A DirectoryConnectSettingsDescription object that contains additional information about an AD Connector directory. This member is only present if the directory is an AD Connector directory.
VpcId (string) --
The identifier of the VPC that the AD Connector is in.
SubnetIds (list) --
A list of subnet identifiers in the VPC that the AD connector is in.
(string) --
CustomerUserName (string) --
The username of the service account in the on-premises directory.
SecurityGroupId (string) --
The security group identifier for the AD Connector directory.
AvailabilityZones (list) --
A list of the Availability Zones that the directory is in.
(string) --
ConnectIps (list) --
The IP addresses of the AD Connector servers.
(string) --
RadiusSettings (dict) --
A RadiusSettings object that contains information about the RADIUS server configured for this directory.
RadiusServers (list) --
An array of strings that contains the IP addresses of the RADIUS server endpoints, or the IP addresses of your RADIUS server load balancer.
(string) --
RadiusPort (integer) --
The port that your RADIUS server is using for communications. Your on-premises network must allow inbound traffic over this port from the AWS Directory Service servers.
RadiusTimeout (integer) --
The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the RADIUS server to respond.
RadiusRetries (integer) --
The maximum number of times that communication with the RADIUS server is attempted.
SharedSecret (string) --
Not currently used.
AuthenticationProtocol (string) --
The protocol specified for your RADIUS endpoints.
DisplayLabel (string) --
Not currently used.
UseSameUsername (boolean) --
Not currently used.
RadiusStatus (string) --
The status of the RADIUS MFA server connection.
StageReason (string) --
Additional information about the directory stage.
SsoEnabled (boolean) --
Indicates if single-sign on is enabled for the directory. For more information, see EnableSso and DisableSso.
DesiredNumberOfDomainControllers (integer) --
The desired number of domain controllers in the directory if the directory is Microsoft AD.
NextToken (string) --
If not null, more results are available. Pass this value for the NextToken parameter in a subsequent call to DescribeDirectories to retrieve the next set of items.