Change log of AWS APIs

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2025/02/18 - emr-containers - 6 updated api methods

Changes   EMR on EKS StartJobRun Api will be supporting the configuration of log storage in AWS by using "managedLogs" under "MonitoringConfiguration".

2025/02/18 - medialive - 4 updated api methods

Changes   Adds support for creating CloudWatchAlarmTemplates for AWS Elemental MediaTailor Playback Configuration resources.

2025/02/17 - amplify - 10 updated api methods

Changes   Add ComputeRoleArn to CreateApp, UpdateApp, CreateBranch, and UpdateBranch, allowing caller to specify a role to be assumed by Amplify Hosting for server-side rendered applications.

2025/02/17 - dms - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Support replicationConfigArn in DMS DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessments API.

2025/02/17 - timestream-influxdb - 6 new 4 updated api methods

Changes   This release introduces APIs to manage DbClusters and adds support for read replicas

2025/02/14 - codebuild - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Added test suite names to test case metadata

2025/02/14 - connect - 1 new 17 updated api methods

Changes   Release Notes: 1) Analytics API enhancements: Added new ListAnalyticsDataLakeDataSets API. 2) Onboarding API Idempotency: Adds ClientToken to instance creation and management APIs to support idempotency.

2025/02/14 - dms - 3 updated api methods

Changes   Introduces premigration assessment feature to DMS Serverless API for start-replication and describe-replications

2025/02/14 - s3 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Added support for Content-Range header in HeadObject response.

2025/02/14 - wafv2 - 4 updated api methods

Changes   The WAFv2 API now supports configuring data protection in webACLs.

2025/02/13 - access-analyzer - 1 new api methods

Changes   This release introduces the getFindingsStatistics API, enabling users to retrieve aggregated finding statistics for IAM Access Analyzer's external access and unused access analysis features. Updated service API and documentation.

2025/02/13 - api.sagemaker - 2 updated api methods

Changes   Adds additional values to the InferenceAmiVersion parameter in the ProductionVariant data type.

2025/02/13 - storagegateway - 5 new api methods

Changes   This release adds support for generating cache reports on S3 File Gateways for files that fail to upload.

2025/02/12 - bedrock-agent-runtime - 1 updated api methods

Changes   This releases adds the additionalModelRequestFields field to the InvokeInlineAgent operation. Use additionalModelRequestFields to specify additional inference parameters for a model beyond the base inference parameters.

2025/02/12 - bedrock-agent - 4 updated api methods

Changes   This releases adds the additionalModelRequestFields field to the CreateAgent and UpdateAgent operations. Use additionalModelRequestFields to specify additional inference parameters for a model beyond the base inference parameters.

2025/02/12 - fsx - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Support for in-place Lustre version upgrades

2025/02/12 - medialive - 6 updated api methods

Changes   Adds a RequestId parameter to all MediaLive Workflow Monitor create operations. The RequestId parameter allows idempotent operations.

2025/02/12 - aoss - 3 updated api methods

Changes   Custom OpenSearchServerless Entity ID for SAML Config.

2025/02/12 - polly - 7 updated api methods

Changes   Added support for the new voice - Jasmine (en-SG). Jasmine is available as a Neural voice only.

2025/02/11 - acm-pca - 4 updated api methods

Changes   Private Certificate Authority service now supports Partitioned CRL as a revocation configuration option.

2025/02/11 - appsync - 3 updated api methods

Changes   Add support for operation level caching

2025/02/11 - ec2 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   Adding support for the new fullSnapshotSizeInBytes field in the response of the EC2 EBS DescribeSnapshots API. This field represents the size of all the blocks that were written to the source volume at the time the snapshot was created.

2025/02/10 - dms - 4 updated api methods

Changes   New vendors for DMS Data Providers: DB2 LUW and DB2 for z/OS

2025/02/07 - api.ecr - 3 updated api methods

Changes   Adds support to handle the new basic scanning daily quota.

2025/02/07 - eks - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Introduce versionStatus field to take place of status field in EKS DescribeClusterVersions API

2025/02/07 - mediaconvert - 12 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for Animated GIF output, forced chroma sample positioning metadata, and Extensible Wave Container format

2025/02/07 - pi - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Adds documentation for dimension groups and dimensions to analyze locks for Database Insights.

2025/02/07 - transcribe - 2 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for the Clinical Note Template Customization feature for the AWS HealthScribe APIs within Amazon Transcribe.

2025/02/06 - cloudformation - 5 new 4 updated api methods

Changes   We added 5 new stack refactoring APIs: CreateStackRefactor, ExecuteStackRefactor, ListStackRefactors, DescribeStackRefactor, ListStackRefactorActions.

2025/02/06 - cases - 5 new 3 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds the ability to conditionally require fields on a template. Check public documentation for more information.

2025/02/06 - cost-optimization-hub - 3 updated api methods

Changes   This release enables AWS Cost Optimization Hub to show cost optimization recommendations for Amazon Auto Scaling Groups, including those with single and mixed instance types.

2025/02/06 - s3 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   Updated list of the valid AWS Region values for the LocationConstraint parameter for general purpose buckets.

2025/02/04 - dms - 6 updated api methods

Changes   Introduces TargetDataSettings with the TablePreparationMode option available for data migrations.

2025/02/04 - iam - 3 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for accepting encrypted SAML assertions. Customers can now configure their identity provider to encrypt the SAML assertions it sends to IAM.

2025/02/04 - neptune-graph - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Added argument to `list-export` to filter by graph ID

2025/02/04 - qbusiness - 2 updated api methods

Changes   Adds functionality to enable/disable a new Q Business Chat orchestration feature. If enabled, Q Business can orchestrate over datasources and plugins without the need for customers to select specific chat modes.

2025/02/03 - api.mediatailor - 4 updated api methods

Changes   Add support for CloudWatch Vended Logs which allows for delivery of customer logs to CloudWatch Logs, S3, or Firehose.

2025/01/31 - aps - 4 updated api methods

Changes   Add support for sending metrics to cross account and CMCK AMP workspaces through RoleConfiguration on Create/Update Scraper.

2025/01/31 - bedrock-agent-runtime - 1 updated api methods

Changes   This change is to deprecate the existing citation field under RetrieveAndGenerateStream API response in lieu of GeneratedResponsePart and RetrievedReferences

2025/01/31 - codebuild - 5 updated api methods

Changes   Added support for CodeBuild self-hosted Buildkite runner builds

2025/01/31 - geo-routes - 2 updated api methods

Changes   The OptimizeWaypoints API now supports 50 waypoints per request (20 with constraints like AccessHours or AppointmentTime). It adds waypoint clustering via Clustering and ClusteringIndex for better optimization. Also, total distance validation is removed for greater flexibility.

2025/01/31 - api.sagemaker - 14 updated api methods

Changes   This release introduces a new valid value in InstanceType parameter: p5en.48xlarge, in ProductionVariant.

2025/01/30 - appstream2 - 3 updated api methods

Changes   Add support for managing admin consent requirement on selected domains for OneDrive Storage Connectors in AppStream2.0.

2025/01/30 - bedrock-agent-runtime - 5 updated api methods

Changes   Add a 'reason' field to InternalServerException

2025/01/30 - api.mediatailor - 3 updated api methods

Changes   Adds options for configuring how MediaTailor conditions ads before inserting them into the content stream. Based on the new settings, MediaTailor will either transcode ads to match the content stream as it has in the past, or it will insert ads without first transcoding them.

2025/01/30 - qbusiness - 4 new api methods

Changes   Added APIs to manage QBusiness user subscriptions

2025/01/30 - s3tables - 1 updated api methods

Changes   You can now use the CreateTable API operation to create tables with schemas by adding an optional metadata argument.

2025/01/30 - verifiedpermissions - 4 updated api methods

Changes   Adds Cedar JSON format support for entities and context data in authorization requests

2025/01/29 - mail-manager - 13 new 6 updated api methods

Changes   This release includes a new feature for Amazon SES Mail Manager which allows customers to specify known addresses and domains and make use of those in traffic policies and rules actions to distinguish between known and unknown entries.

2025/01/28 - appsync - 2 updated api methods

Changes   Add stash and outErrors to EvaluateCode/EvaluateMappingTemplate response

2025/01/28 - datasync - 3 updated api methods

Changes   AWS DataSync now supports the Kerberos authentication protocol for SMB locations.

2025/01/28 - deadline - 10 new 6 updated api methods

Changes   feature: Deadline: Add support for limiting the concurrent usage of external resources, like floating licenses, using limits and the ability to constrain the maximum number of workers that work on a job

2025/01/28 - firehose - 3 updated api methods

Changes   For AppendOnly streams, Firehose will automatically scale to match your throughput.

2025/01/28 - timestream-influxdb - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Adds 'allocatedStorage' parameter to UpdateDbInstance API that allows increasing the database instance storage size and 'dbStorageType' parameter to UpdateDbInstance API that allows changing the storage type of the database instance

2025/01/27 - bedrock-agent - 15 updated api methods

Changes   Add support for the prompt caching feature for Bedrock Prompt Management

2025/01/27 - mediaconvert - 12 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for dynamic audio configuration and the ability to disable the deblocking filter for h265 encodes.

2025/01/24 - cloudtrail - 1 new api methods

Changes   This release introduces the SearchSampleQueries API that allows users to search for CloudTrail Lake sample queries.

2025/01/24 - eks - 12 updated api methods

Changes   Adds support for UpdateStrategies in EKS Managed Node Groups.

2025/01/24 - healthlake - 9 updated api methods

Changes   Added new authorization strategy value 'SMART_ON_FHIR' for CreateFHIRDatastore API to support Smart App 2.0

2025/01/24 - transfer - 3 updated api methods

Changes   Added CustomDirectories as a new directory option for storing inbound AS2 messages, MDN files and Status files.

2025/01/23 - ec2 - 5 updated api methods

Changes   Added "future" allocation type for future dated capacity reservation

2025/01/22 - bedrock-agent-runtime - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Adds multi-turn input support for an Agent node in an Amazon Bedrock Flow

2025/01/22 - medialive - 10 updated api methods

Changes   AWS Elemental MediaLive adds a new feature, ID3 segment tagging, in CMAF Ingest output groups. It allows customers to insert ID3 tags into every output segment, controlled by a newly added channel schedule action Id3SegmentTagging.

2025/01/21 - connect - 1 new 5 updated api methods

Changes   Added DeleteContactFlowVersion API and the CAMPAIGN flow type

2025/01/21 - iotsitewise - 8 updated api methods

Changes   AWS IoT SiteWise now supports ingestion and querying of Null (all data types) and NaN (double type) values of bad or uncertain data quality. New partial error handling prevents data loss during ingestion. Enabled by default for new customers; existing customers can opt-in.

2025/01/21 - quicksight - 14 updated api methods

Changes   Added `DigitGroupingStyle` in ThousandsSeparator to allow grouping by `LAKH`( Indian Grouping system ) currency. Support LAKH and `CRORE` currency types in Column Formatting.

2025/01/17 - ec2 - 25 updated api methods

Changes   Release u7i-6tb.112xlarge, u7i-8tb.112xlarge, u7inh-32tb.480xlarge, p5e.48xlarge, p5en.48xlarge, f2.12xlarge, f2.48xlarge, trn2.48xlarge instance types.

2025/01/17 - notifications - 14 new 2 updated api methods

Changes   Added support for Managed Notifications, integration with AWS Organization and added aggregation summaries for Aggregate Notifications

2025/01/16 - api.sagemaker - 3 updated api methods

Changes   Added support for ml.trn1.32xlarge instance type in Reserved Capacity Offering

2025/01/15 - bedrock-agent-runtime - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Now supports streaming for inline agents.

2025/01/15 - partnercentral-selling - 3 new 3 updated api methods

Changes   Add Tagging support for ResourceSnapshotJob resources

2025/01/15 - s3 - 38 updated api methods

Changes   This change enhances integrity protections for new SDK requests to S3. S3 SDKs now support the CRC64NVME checksum algorithm, full object checksums for multipart S3 objects, and new default integrity protections for S3 requests. The S3 client attempts to validate response checksums for all S3 API operations that support checksums. However, if the SDK has not implemented the specified checksum algorithm then this validation is skipped. Checksum validation behavior can be configured using the ``when_supported`` and ``when_required`` options - in code using the ``response_checksum_validation`` parameter for ``botocore.config.Config``, in the shared AWS config file using ``response_checksum_validation``, or as an env variable using ``AWS_RESPONSE_CHECKSUM_VALIDATION``. Added support for the CRC64NVME checksum algorithm in the S3 client through the optional AWS CRT (``awscrt``) dependency. S3 client behavior is updated to always calculate a CRC32 checksum by default for operations that support it (such as PutObject or UploadPart), or require it (such as DeleteObjects). Checksum behavior can be configured using ``when_supported`` and ``when_required`` options - in code using the ``request_checksum_calculation`` parameter for ``botocore.config.Config``, in the shared AWS config file using ``request_checksum_calculation``, or as an env variable using ``AWS_REQUEST_CHECKSUM_CALCULATION``. Note: Botocore will no longer automatically compute and populate the Content-MD5 header.

2025/01/15 - email - 1 updated api methods

Changes   This release introduces a new recommendation in Virtual Deliverability Manager Advisor, which detects elevated complaint rates for customer sending identities.

2025/01/15 - workspaces - 6 updated api methods

Changes   Added GeneralPurpose.4xlarge & GeneralPurpose.8xlarge ComputeTypes.

2025/01/14 - gamelift - 3 updated api methods

Changes   Amazon GameLift releases a new game session placement feature: PriorityConfigurationOverride. You can now override how a game session queue prioritizes placement locations for a single StartGameSessionPlacement request.

2025/01/14 - route53 - 14 updated api methods

Changes   Amazon Route 53 now supports the Mexico (Central) Region (mx-central-1) for latency records, geoproximity records, and private DNS for Amazon VPCs in that region

2025/01/13 - bedrock - 2 updated api methods

Changes   With this release, Bedrock Evaluation will now support latency-optimized inference for foundation models.

2025/01/13 - ec2 - 3 updated api methods

Changes   Add support for DisconnectOnSessionTimeout flag in CreateClientVpnEndpoint and ModifyClientVpnEndpoint requests and DescribeClientVpnEndpoints responses

2025/01/13 - kafkaconnect - 2 new 1 updated api methods

Changes   Support updating connector configuration via UpdateConnector API. Release Operations API to monitor the status of the connector operation.

2025/01/13 - transcribe - 6 updated api methods

Changes   This update provides tagging support for Transcribe's Call Analytics Jobs and Call Analytics Categories.

2025/01/09 - codebuild - 7 updated api methods

Changes   AWS CodeBuild Now Supports BuildBatch in Reserved Capacity and Lambda

2025/01/09 - compute-optimizer - 2 updated api methods

Changes   This release expands AWS Compute Optimizer rightsizing recommendation support for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups to include those with scaling policies and multiple instance types.

2025/01/09 - fms - 2 updated api methods

Changes   AWS Firewall Manager now lets you combine multiple resource tags using the logical AND operator or the logical OR operator.

2025/01/08 - route53 - 14 updated api methods

Changes   Amazon Route 53 now supports the Asia Pacific (Thailand) Region (ap-southeast-7) for latency records, geoproximity records, and private DNS for Amazon VPCs in that region

2025/01/08 - api.sagemaker - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Adds support for IPv6 for SageMaker HyperPod cluster nodes.

2025/01/07 - cloudhsmv2 - 5 updated api methods

Changes   Adds support to ModifyCluster for modifying a Cluster's Hsm Type.

2025/01/07 - dynamodb - 2 updated api methods

Changes   This release makes Amazon DynamoDB point-in-time-recovery (PITR) to be configurable. You can set PITR recovery period for each table individually to between 1 and 35 days.

2025/01/07 - imagebuilder - 1 new 4 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for importing images from ISO disk files. Added new ImportDiskImage API operation.

2025/01/06 - scn - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Allow vanity DNS domain when creating a new ASC instance

2025/01/02 - gamelift - 1 new 5 updated api methods

Changes   Amazon GameLift releases a new game session shutdown feature. Use the Amazon GameLift console or AWS CLI to terminate an in-progress game session that's entered a bad state or is no longer needed.

2025/01/02 - mediaconnect - 3 updated api methods

Changes   AWS Elemental MediaConnect now supports Content Quality Analysis for enhanced source stream monitoring. This enables you to track specific audio and video metrics in transport stream source flows, ensuring your content meets quality standards.

2025/01/02 - mediaconvert - 12 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for the AVC3 codec and fixes an alignment issue with Japanese vertical captions.

2025/01/02 - api.sagemaker - 9 updated api methods

Changes   Adding ETag information with Model Artifacts for Model Registry

2024/12/23 - eks - 1 new api methods

Changes   This release adds support for DescribeClusterVersions API that provides important information about Kubernetes versions along with end of support dates

2024/12/23 - glue - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Add IncludeRoot parameters to GetCatalogs API to return root catalog.