AWS Glue

2021/03/29 - AWS Glue - 1 updated api methods

Changes  Allow Dots in Registry and Schema Names for CreateRegistry, CreateSchema; Fixed issue when duplicate keys are present and not returned as part of QuerySchemaVersionMetadata.

QuerySchemaVersionMetadata (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'MetadataInfoMap': {'OtherMetadataValueList': [{'CreatedTime': 'string',
                                                 'MetadataValue': 'string'}]}}

Queries for the schema version metadata information.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'SchemaArn': 'string',
        'SchemaName': 'string',
        'RegistryName': 'string'
        'LatestVersion': True|False,
        'VersionNumber': 123
            'MetadataKey': 'string',
            'MetadataValue': 'string'
type SchemaId


param SchemaId

A wrapper structure that may contain the schema name and Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

  • SchemaArn (string) --

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the schema. One of SchemaArn or SchemaName has to be provided.

  • SchemaName (string) --

    The name of the schema. One of SchemaArn or SchemaName has to be provided.

  • RegistryName (string) --

    The name of the schema registry that contains the schema.

type SchemaVersionNumber


param SchemaVersionNumber

The version number of the schema.

  • LatestVersion (boolean) --

    The latest version available for the schema.

  • VersionNumber (integer) --

    The version number of the schema.

type SchemaVersionId


param SchemaVersionId

The unique version ID of the schema version.

type MetadataList


param MetadataList

Search key-value pairs for metadata, if they are not provided all the metadata information will be fetched.

  • (dict) --

    A structure containing a key value pair for metadata.

    • MetadataKey (string) --

      A metadata key.

    • MetadataValue (string) --

      A metadata key’s corresponding value.

type MaxResults


param MaxResults

Maximum number of results required per page. If the value is not supplied, this will be defaulted to 25 per page.

type NextToken


param NextToken

A continuation token, if this is a continuation call.




Response Syntax

    'MetadataInfoMap': {
        'string': {
            'MetadataValue': 'string',
            'CreatedTime': 'string',
            'OtherMetadataValueList': [
                    'MetadataValue': 'string',
                    'CreatedTime': 'string'
    'SchemaVersionId': 'string',
    'NextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • MetadataInfoMap (dict) --

      A map of a metadata key and associated values.

      • (string) --

        • (dict) --

          A structure containing metadata information for a schema version.

          • MetadataValue (string) --

            The metadata key’s corresponding value.

          • CreatedTime (string) --

            The time at which the entry was created.

          • OtherMetadataValueList (list) --

            Other metadata belonging to the same metadata key.

            • (dict) --

              A structure containing other metadata for a schema version belonging to the same metadata key.

              • MetadataValue (string) --

                The metadata key’s corresponding value for the other metadata belonging to the same metadata key.

              • CreatedTime (string) --

                The time at which the entry was created.

    • SchemaVersionId (string) --

      The unique version ID of the schema version.

    • NextToken (string) --

      A continuation token for paginating the returned list of tokens, returned if the current segment of the list is not the last.