2016/07/28 - Amazon Cognito Identity Provider - 15 new 9 updated api methods
Lists the devices.
Request Syntax
client.list_devices( AccessToken='string', Limit=123, PaginationToken='string' )
The access tokens for the request to list devices.
The limit of the device request.
The pagination token for the list request.
Response Syntax
{ 'Devices': [ { 'DeviceKey': 'string', 'DeviceAttributes': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ], 'DeviceCreateDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'DeviceLastModifiedDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'DeviceLastAuthenticatedDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }, ], 'PaginationToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents the response to list devices.
Devices (list) --
The devices returned in the list devices response.
(dict) --
The device type.
DeviceKey (string) --
The device key.
DeviceAttributes (list) --
The device attributes.
(dict) --
Specifies whether the attribute is standard or custom.
Name (string) --
The name of the attribute.
Value (string) --
The value of the attribute.
DeviceCreateDate (datetime) --
The creation date of the device.
DeviceLastModifiedDate (datetime) --
The last modified date of the device.
DeviceLastAuthenticatedDate (datetime) --
The date in which the device was last authenticated.
PaginationToken (string) --
The pagination token for the list device response.
Signs out users from all devices.
Request Syntax
client.global_sign_out( AccessToken='string' )
The access token.
Response Syntax
Response Structure
(dict) --
The response to the request to sign out all devices.
Lists devices, as an administrator.
Request Syntax
client.admin_list_devices( UserPoolId='string', Username='string', Limit=123, PaginationToken='string' )
The user pool ID.
The user name.
The limit of the devices request.
The pagination token.
Response Syntax
{ 'Devices': [ { 'DeviceKey': 'string', 'DeviceAttributes': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ], 'DeviceCreateDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'DeviceLastModifiedDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'DeviceLastAuthenticatedDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }, ], 'PaginationToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Lists the device's response, as an administrator.
Devices (list) --
The devices in the list of devices response.
(dict) --
The device type.
DeviceKey (string) --
The device key.
DeviceAttributes (list) --
The device attributes.
(dict) --
Specifies whether the attribute is standard or custom.
Name (string) --
The name of the attribute.
Value (string) --
The value of the attribute.
DeviceCreateDate (datetime) --
The creation date of the device.
DeviceLastModifiedDate (datetime) --
The last modified date of the device.
DeviceLastAuthenticatedDate (datetime) --
The date in which the device was last authenticated.
PaginationToken (string) --
The pagination token.
Initiates the authentication flow, as an administrator.
Request Syntax
client.admin_initiate_auth( UserPoolId='string', ClientId='string', AuthFlow='USER_SRP_AUTH'|'REFRESH_TOKEN_AUTH'|'CUSTOM_AUTH'|'ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH', AuthParameters={ 'string': 'string' }, ClientMetadata={ 'string': 'string' } )
The ID of the Amazon Cognito user pool.
The client app ID.
The authentication flow.
The authentication parameters.
(string) --
(string) --
The client app metadata.
(string) --
(string) --
Response Syntax
{ 'ChallengeName': 'SMS_MFA'|'PASSWORD_VERIFIER'|'CUSTOM_CHALLENGE'|'DEVICE_SRP_AUTH'|'DEVICE_PASSWORD_VERIFIER'|'ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH', 'Session': 'string', 'ChallengeParameters': { 'string': 'string' }, 'AuthenticationResult': { 'AccessToken': 'string', 'ExpiresIn': 123, 'TokenType': 'string', 'RefreshToken': 'string', 'IdToken': 'string', 'NewDeviceMetadata': { 'DeviceKey': 'string', 'DeviceGroupKey': 'string' } } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Initiates the authentication response, as an administrator.
ChallengeName (string) --
The name of the challenge.
Session (string) --
The session.
ChallengeParameters (dict) --
The challenge parameters.
(string) --
(string) --
AuthenticationResult (dict) --
The result type of the authentication result.
AccessToken (string) --
The access token of the authentication result.
ExpiresIn (integer) --
The expiration period of the authentication result.
TokenType (string) --
The token type of the authentication result.
RefreshToken (string) --
The refresh token of the authentication result.
IdToken (string) --
The ID token of the authentication result.
NewDeviceMetadata (dict) --
The new device metadata from an authentication result.
DeviceKey (string) --
The device key.
DeviceGroupKey (string) --
The device group key.
Forgets the specified device.
Request Syntax
client.forget_device( AccessToken='string', DeviceKey='string' )
The access token for the forgotten device request.
The device key.
Initiates the authentication flow.
Request Syntax
client.initiate_auth( AuthFlow='USER_SRP_AUTH'|'REFRESH_TOKEN_AUTH'|'CUSTOM_AUTH'|'ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH', AuthParameters={ 'string': 'string' }, ClientMetadata={ 'string': 'string' }, ClientId='string' )
The authentication flow.
The authentication parameters.
(string) --
(string) --
The client app's metadata.
(string) --
(string) --
The client ID.
Response Syntax
{ 'ChallengeName': 'SMS_MFA'|'PASSWORD_VERIFIER'|'CUSTOM_CHALLENGE'|'DEVICE_SRP_AUTH'|'DEVICE_PASSWORD_VERIFIER'|'ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH', 'Session': 'string', 'ChallengeParameters': { 'string': 'string' }, 'AuthenticationResult': { 'AccessToken': 'string', 'ExpiresIn': 123, 'TokenType': 'string', 'RefreshToken': 'string', 'IdToken': 'string', 'NewDeviceMetadata': { 'DeviceKey': 'string', 'DeviceGroupKey': 'string' } } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Initiates the authentication response.
ChallengeName (string) --
The name of the challenge.
Session (string) --
The session.
ChallengeParameters (dict) --
The challenge parameters.
(string) --
(string) --
AuthenticationResult (dict) --
The result type of the authentication result.
AccessToken (string) --
The access token of the authentication result.
ExpiresIn (integer) --
The expiration period of the authentication result.
TokenType (string) --
The token type of the authentication result.
RefreshToken (string) --
The refresh token of the authentication result.
IdToken (string) --
The ID token of the authentication result.
NewDeviceMetadata (dict) --
The new device metadata from an authentication result.
DeviceKey (string) --
The device key.
DeviceGroupKey (string) --
The device group key.
Forgets the device, as an administrator.
Request Syntax
client.admin_forget_device( UserPoolId='string', Username='string', DeviceKey='string' )
The user pool ID.
The user name.
The device key.
Updates the device status as an administrator.
Request Syntax
client.admin_update_device_status( UserPoolId='string', Username='string', DeviceKey='string', DeviceRememberedStatus='remembered'|'not_remembered' )
The user pool ID>
The user name.
The device key.
The status indicating whether a device has been remembered or not.
Response Syntax
Response Structure
(dict) --
The status response from the request to update the device, as an administrator.
Gets the device, as an administrator.
Request Syntax
client.admin_get_device( DeviceKey='string', UserPoolId='string', Username='string' )
The device key.
The user pool ID.
The user name.
Response Syntax
{ 'Device': { 'DeviceKey': 'string', 'DeviceAttributes': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ], 'DeviceCreateDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'DeviceLastModifiedDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'DeviceLastAuthenticatedDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1) } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Gets the device response, as an administrator.
Device (dict) --
The device.
DeviceKey (string) --
The device key.
DeviceAttributes (list) --
The device attributes.
(dict) --
Specifies whether the attribute is standard or custom.
Name (string) --
The name of the attribute.
Value (string) --
The value of the attribute.
DeviceCreateDate (datetime) --
The creation date of the device.
DeviceLastModifiedDate (datetime) --
The last modified date of the device.
DeviceLastAuthenticatedDate (datetime) --
The date in which the device was last authenticated.
Gets the device.
Request Syntax
client.get_device( DeviceKey='string', AccessToken='string' )
The device key.
The access token.
Response Syntax
{ 'Device': { 'DeviceKey': 'string', 'DeviceAttributes': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ], 'DeviceCreateDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'DeviceLastModifiedDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'DeviceLastAuthenticatedDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1) } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Gets the device response.
Device (dict) --
The device.
DeviceKey (string) --
The device key.
DeviceAttributes (list) --
The device attributes.
(dict) --
Specifies whether the attribute is standard or custom.
Name (string) --
The name of the attribute.
Value (string) --
The value of the attribute.
DeviceCreateDate (datetime) --
The creation date of the device.
DeviceLastModifiedDate (datetime) --
The last modified date of the device.
DeviceLastAuthenticatedDate (datetime) --
The date in which the device was last authenticated.
Confirms tracking of the device. This API call is the call that beings device tracking.
Request Syntax
client.confirm_device( AccessToken='string', DeviceKey='string', DeviceSecretVerifierConfig={ 'PasswordVerifier': 'string', 'Salt': 'string' }, DeviceName='string' )
The access token.
The device key.
The configuration of the device secret verifier.
PasswordVerifier (string) --
The password verifier.
Salt (string) --
The salt.
The device name.
Response Syntax
{ 'UserConfirmationNecessary': True|False }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Confirms the device response.
UserConfirmationNecessary (boolean) --
Indicates whether the user confirmation is necessary to confirm the device response.
Updates the device status.
Request Syntax
client.update_device_status( AccessToken='string', DeviceKey='string', DeviceRememberedStatus='remembered'|'not_remembered' )
The access token.
The device key.
The status of whether a device is remembered.
Response Syntax
Response Structure
(dict) --
The response to the request to update the device status.
Responds to the authentication challenge.
Request Syntax
client.respond_to_auth_challenge( ClientId='string', ChallengeName='SMS_MFA'|'PASSWORD_VERIFIER'|'CUSTOM_CHALLENGE'|'DEVICE_SRP_AUTH'|'DEVICE_PASSWORD_VERIFIER'|'ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH', Session='string', ChallengeResponses={ 'string': 'string' } )
The client ID.
The name of the challenge.
The session.
The responses to the authentication challenge.
(string) --
(string) --
Response Syntax
{ 'ChallengeName': 'SMS_MFA'|'PASSWORD_VERIFIER'|'CUSTOM_CHALLENGE'|'DEVICE_SRP_AUTH'|'DEVICE_PASSWORD_VERIFIER'|'ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH', 'Session': 'string', 'ChallengeParameters': { 'string': 'string' }, 'AuthenticationResult': { 'AccessToken': 'string', 'ExpiresIn': 123, 'TokenType': 'string', 'RefreshToken': 'string', 'IdToken': 'string', 'NewDeviceMetadata': { 'DeviceKey': 'string', 'DeviceGroupKey': 'string' } } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
The response to respond to the authentication challenge.
ChallengeName (string) --
The challenge name.
Session (string) --
The session.
ChallengeParameters (dict) --
The challenge parameters.
(string) --
(string) --
AuthenticationResult (dict) --
The result type of the authentication result.
AccessToken (string) --
The access token of the authentication result.
ExpiresIn (integer) --
The expiration period of the authentication result.
TokenType (string) --
The token type of the authentication result.
RefreshToken (string) --
The refresh token of the authentication result.
IdToken (string) --
The ID token of the authentication result.
NewDeviceMetadata (dict) --
The new device metadata from an authentication result.
DeviceKey (string) --
The device key.
DeviceGroupKey (string) --
The device group key.
Signs out users from all devices, as an administrator.
Request Syntax
client.admin_user_global_sign_out( UserPoolId='string', Username='string' )
The user pool ID.
The user name.
Response Syntax
Response Structure
(dict) --
The global signot response, as an administrator.
Responds to an authentication challenge, as an administrator.
Request Syntax
client.admin_respond_to_auth_challenge( UserPoolId='string', ClientId='string', ChallengeName='SMS_MFA'|'PASSWORD_VERIFIER'|'CUSTOM_CHALLENGE'|'DEVICE_SRP_AUTH'|'DEVICE_PASSWORD_VERIFIER'|'ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH', ChallengeResponses={ 'string': 'string' }, Session='string' )
The ID of the Amazon Cognito user pool.
The client ID.
The name of the challenge.
The challenge response.
(string) --
(string) --
The session.
Response Syntax
{ 'ChallengeName': 'SMS_MFA'|'PASSWORD_VERIFIER'|'CUSTOM_CHALLENGE'|'DEVICE_SRP_AUTH'|'DEVICE_PASSWORD_VERIFIER'|'ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH', 'Session': 'string', 'ChallengeParameters': { 'string': 'string' }, 'AuthenticationResult': { 'AccessToken': 'string', 'ExpiresIn': 123, 'TokenType': 'string', 'RefreshToken': 'string', 'IdToken': 'string', 'NewDeviceMetadata': { 'DeviceKey': 'string', 'DeviceGroupKey': 'string' } } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Responds to the authentication challenge, as an administrator.
ChallengeName (string) --
The name of the challenge.
Session (string) --
The session.
ChallengeParameters (dict) --
The challenge parameters.
(string) --
(string) --
AuthenticationResult (dict) --
The result type of the authentication result.
AccessToken (string) --
The access token of the authentication result.
ExpiresIn (integer) --
The expiration period of the authentication result.
TokenType (string) --
The token type of the authentication result.
RefreshToken (string) --
The refresh token of the authentication result.
IdToken (string) --
The ID token of the authentication result.
NewDeviceMetadata (dict) --
The new device metadata from an authentication result.
DeviceKey (string) --
The device key.
DeviceGroupKey (string) --
The device group key.
{'UserStatus': {'RESET_REQUIRED'}}
Gets the specified user by user name in a user pool as an administrator. Works on any user.
Request Syntax
client.admin_get_user( UserPoolId='string', Username='string' )
The user pool ID for the user pool where you want to get information about the user.
The user name of the user you wish to retrieve.
Response Syntax
{ 'Username': 'string', 'UserAttributes': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ], 'UserCreateDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'UserLastModifiedDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'Enabled': True|False, 'UserStatus': 'UNCONFIRMED'|'CONFIRMED'|'ARCHIVED'|'COMPROMISED'|'UNKNOWN'|'RESET_REQUIRED', 'MFAOptions': [ { 'DeliveryMedium': 'SMS'|'EMAIL', 'AttributeName': 'string' }, ] }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents the response from the server from the request to get the specified user as an administrator.
Username (string) --
The user name of the user about whom you are receiving information.
UserAttributes (list) --
An array of name-value pairs representing user attributes.
(dict) --
Specifies whether the attribute is standard or custom.
Name (string) --
The name of the attribute.
Value (string) --
The value of the attribute.
UserCreateDate (datetime) --
The date the user was created.
UserLastModifiedDate (datetime) --
The date the user was last modified.
Enabled (boolean) --
Indicates that the status is enabled.
UserStatus (string) --
The user status. Can be one of the following:
UNCONFIRMED - User has been created but not confirmed.
CONFIRMED - User has been confirmed.
ARCHIVED - User is no longer active.
COMPROMISED - User is disabled due to a potential security threat.
UNKNOWN - User status is not known.
MFAOptions (list) --
Specifies the options for MFA (e.g., email or phone number).
(dict) --
Specifies the different settings for multi-factor authentication (MFA).
DeliveryMedium (string) --
The delivery medium (email message or SMS message) to send the MFA code.
AttributeName (string) --
The attribute name of the MFA option type.
{'DeviceConfiguration': {'ChallengeRequiredOnNewDevice': 'boolean', 'DeviceOnlyRememberedOnUserPrompt': 'boolean'}, 'EmailConfiguration': {'ReplyToEmailAddress': 'string', 'SourceArn': 'string'}, 'LambdaConfig': {'CreateAuthChallenge': 'string', 'DefineAuthChallenge': 'string', 'VerifyAuthChallengeResponse': 'string'}, 'SmsConfiguration': {'ExternalId': 'string', 'SnsCallerArn': 'string'}}Response
{'UserPool': {'DeviceConfiguration': {'ChallengeRequiredOnNewDevice': 'boolean', 'DeviceOnlyRememberedOnUserPrompt': 'boolean'}, 'EmailConfiguration': {'ReplyToEmailAddress': 'string', 'SourceArn': 'string'}, 'EmailConfigurationFailure': 'string', 'LambdaConfig': {'CreateAuthChallenge': 'string', 'DefineAuthChallenge': 'string', 'VerifyAuthChallengeResponse': 'string'}, 'SmsConfiguration': {'ExternalId': 'string', 'SnsCallerArn': 'string'}, 'SmsConfigurationFailure': 'string'}}
Creates a new Amazon Cognito user pool and sets the password policy for the pool.
Request Syntax
client.create_user_pool( PoolName='string', Policies={ 'PasswordPolicy': { 'MinimumLength': 123, 'RequireUppercase': True|False, 'RequireLowercase': True|False, 'RequireNumbers': True|False, 'RequireSymbols': True|False } }, LambdaConfig={ 'PreSignUp': 'string', 'CustomMessage': 'string', 'PostConfirmation': 'string', 'PreAuthentication': 'string', 'PostAuthentication': 'string', 'DefineAuthChallenge': 'string', 'CreateAuthChallenge': 'string', 'VerifyAuthChallengeResponse': 'string' }, AutoVerifiedAttributes=[ 'phone_number'|'email', ], AliasAttributes=[ 'phone_number'|'email'|'preferred_username', ], SmsVerificationMessage='string', EmailVerificationMessage='string', EmailVerificationSubject='string', SmsAuthenticationMessage='string', MfaConfiguration='OFF'|'ON'|'OPTIONAL', DeviceConfiguration={ 'ChallengeRequiredOnNewDevice': True|False, 'DeviceOnlyRememberedOnUserPrompt': True|False }, EmailConfiguration={ 'SourceArn': 'string', 'ReplyToEmailAddress': 'string' }, SmsConfiguration={ 'SnsCallerArn': 'string', 'ExternalId': 'string' } )
A string used to name the user pool.
The policies associated with the new user pool.
PasswordPolicy (dict) --
A container with information about the user pool password policy.
MinimumLength (integer) --
The minimum length of the password policy that you have set. Cannot be less than 6.
RequireUppercase (boolean) --
In the password policy that you have set, refers to whether you have required users to use at least one uppercase letter in their password.
RequireLowercase (boolean) --
In the password policy that you have set, refers to whether you have required users to use at least one lowercase letter in their password.
RequireNumbers (boolean) --
In the password policy that you have set, refers to whether you have required users to use at least one number in their password.
RequireSymbols (boolean) --
In the password policy that you have set, refers to whether you have required users to use at least one symbol in their password.
The Lambda trigger configuration information for the new user pool.
PreSignUp (string) --
A pre-registration AWS Lambda trigger.
CustomMessage (string) --
A custom Message AWS Lambda trigger.
PostConfirmation (string) --
A post-confirmation AWS Lambda trigger.
PreAuthentication (string) --
A pre-authentication AWS Lambda trigger.
PostAuthentication (string) --
A post-authentication AWS Lambda trigger.
DefineAuthChallenge (string) --
Defines the authentication challenge.
CreateAuthChallenge (string) --
Creates an authentication challenge.
VerifyAuthChallengeResponse (string) --
Verifies the authentication challenge response.
The attributes to be auto-verified. Possible values: email , phone_number .
(string) --
Attributes supported as an alias for this user pool. Possible values: phone_number , email , or preferred_username .
(string) --
A string representing the SMS verification message.
A string representing the email verification message.
A string representing the email verification subject.
A string representing the SMS authentication message.
Specifies MFA configuration details.
The device configuration.
ChallengeRequiredOnNewDevice (boolean) --
Indicates whether a challenge is required on a new device. Only applicable to a new device.
DeviceOnlyRememberedOnUserPrompt (boolean) --
If true, a device is only remembered on user prompt.
The email configuration.
SourceArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the email source.
ReplyToEmailAddress (string) --
The REPLY-TO email address.
The SMS configuration.
SnsCallerArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) caller.
ExternalId (string) --
The external ID.
Response Syntax
{ 'UserPool': { 'Id': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'Policies': { 'PasswordPolicy': { 'MinimumLength': 123, 'RequireUppercase': True|False, 'RequireLowercase': True|False, 'RequireNumbers': True|False, 'RequireSymbols': True|False } }, 'LambdaConfig': { 'PreSignUp': 'string', 'CustomMessage': 'string', 'PostConfirmation': 'string', 'PreAuthentication': 'string', 'PostAuthentication': 'string', 'DefineAuthChallenge': 'string', 'CreateAuthChallenge': 'string', 'VerifyAuthChallengeResponse': 'string' }, 'Status': 'Enabled'|'Disabled', 'LastModifiedDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'CreationDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'SchemaAttributes': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'AttributeDataType': 'String'|'Number'|'DateTime'|'Boolean', 'DeveloperOnlyAttribute': True|False, 'Mutable': True|False, 'Required': True|False, 'NumberAttributeConstraints': { 'MinValue': 'string', 'MaxValue': 'string' }, 'StringAttributeConstraints': { 'MinLength': 'string', 'MaxLength': 'string' } }, ], 'AutoVerifiedAttributes': [ 'phone_number'|'email', ], 'AliasAttributes': [ 'phone_number'|'email'|'preferred_username', ], 'SmsVerificationMessage': 'string', 'EmailVerificationMessage': 'string', 'EmailVerificationSubject': 'string', 'SmsAuthenticationMessage': 'string', 'MfaConfiguration': 'OFF'|'ON'|'OPTIONAL', 'DeviceConfiguration': { 'ChallengeRequiredOnNewDevice': True|False, 'DeviceOnlyRememberedOnUserPrompt': True|False }, 'EstimatedNumberOfUsers': 123, 'EmailConfiguration': { 'SourceArn': 'string', 'ReplyToEmailAddress': 'string' }, 'SmsConfiguration': { 'SnsCallerArn': 'string', 'ExternalId': 'string' }, 'SmsConfigurationFailure': 'string', 'EmailConfigurationFailure': 'string' } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents the response from the server for the request to create a user pool.
UserPool (dict) --
A container for the user pool details.
Id (string) --
The ID of the user pool.
Name (string) --
The name of the user pool.
Policies (dict) --
A container describing the policies associated with a user pool.
PasswordPolicy (dict) --
A container with information about the user pool password policy.
MinimumLength (integer) --
The minimum length of the password policy that you have set. Cannot be less than 6.
RequireUppercase (boolean) --
In the password policy that you have set, refers to whether you have required users to use at least one uppercase letter in their password.
RequireLowercase (boolean) --
In the password policy that you have set, refers to whether you have required users to use at least one lowercase letter in their password.
RequireNumbers (boolean) --
In the password policy that you have set, refers to whether you have required users to use at least one number in their password.
RequireSymbols (boolean) --
In the password policy that you have set, refers to whether you have required users to use at least one symbol in their password.
LambdaConfig (dict) --
A container describing the AWS Lambda triggers associated with a user pool.
PreSignUp (string) --
A pre-registration AWS Lambda trigger.
CustomMessage (string) --
A custom Message AWS Lambda trigger.
PostConfirmation (string) --
A post-confirmation AWS Lambda trigger.
PreAuthentication (string) --
A pre-authentication AWS Lambda trigger.
PostAuthentication (string) --
A post-authentication AWS Lambda trigger.
DefineAuthChallenge (string) --
Defines the authentication challenge.
CreateAuthChallenge (string) --
Creates an authentication challenge.
VerifyAuthChallengeResponse (string) --
Verifies the authentication challenge response.
Status (string) --
The status of a user pool.
LastModifiedDate (datetime) --
The last modified date of a user pool.
CreationDate (datetime) --
The creation date of a user pool.
SchemaAttributes (list) --
A container with the schema attributes of a user pool.
(dict) --
Contains information about the schema attribute.
Name (string) --
A schema attribute of the name type.
AttributeDataType (string) --
The attribute data type.
DeveloperOnlyAttribute (boolean) --
Specifies whether the attribute type is developer only.
Mutable (boolean) --
Specifies whether the attribute can be changed once it has been created.
Required (boolean) --
Specifies whether a user pool attribute is required. If the attribute is required and the user does not provide a value, registration or sign-in will fail.
NumberAttributeConstraints (dict) --
Specifies the constraints for an attribute of the number type.
MinValue (string) --
The minimum value of an attribute that is of the number data type.
MaxValue (string) --
The maximum value of an attribute that is of the number data type.
StringAttributeConstraints (dict) --
Specifies the constraints for an attribute of the string type.
MinLength (string) --
The minimum length of an attribute value of the string type.
MaxLength (string) --
The maximum length of an attribute value of the string type.
AutoVerifiedAttributes (list) --
Specifies the attributes that are auto-verified in a user pool.
(string) --
AliasAttributes (list) --
Specifies the attributes that are aliased in a user pool.
(string) --
SmsVerificationMessage (string) --
The contents of the SMS verification message.
EmailVerificationMessage (string) --
The contents of the email verification message.
EmailVerificationSubject (string) --
The subject of the email verification message.
SmsAuthenticationMessage (string) --
The contents of the SMS authentication message.
MfaConfiguration (string) --
Can be one of the following values:
OFF - MFA tokens are not required and cannot be specified during user registration.
ON - MFA tokens are required for all user registrations. You can only specify required when you are initially creating a user pool.
OPTIONAL - Users have the option when registering to create an MFA token.
DeviceConfiguration (dict) --
The device configuration.
ChallengeRequiredOnNewDevice (boolean) --
Indicates whether a challenge is required on a new device. Only applicable to a new device.
DeviceOnlyRememberedOnUserPrompt (boolean) --
If true, a device is only remembered on user prompt.
EstimatedNumberOfUsers (integer) --
A number estimating the size of the user pool.
EmailConfiguration (dict) --
The email configuration.
SourceArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the email source.
ReplyToEmailAddress (string) --
The REPLY-TO email address.
SmsConfiguration (dict) --
The SMS configuration.
SnsCallerArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) caller.
ExternalId (string) --
The external ID.
SmsConfigurationFailure (string) --
The reason why the SMS configuration cannot send the message(s) to your users.
EmailConfigurationFailure (string) --
The reason why the email configuration cannot send the messages to your users.
{'ExplicitAuthFlows': ['ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH'], 'ReadAttributes': ['string'], 'RefreshTokenValidity': 'integer', 'WriteAttributes': ['string']}Response
{'UserPoolClient': {'ExplicitAuthFlows': ['ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH'], 'ReadAttributes': ['string'], 'RefreshTokenValidity': 'integer', 'WriteAttributes': ['string']}}
Creates the user pool client.
Request Syntax
client.create_user_pool_client( UserPoolId='string', ClientName='string', GenerateSecret=True|False, RefreshTokenValidity=123, ReadAttributes=[ 'string', ], WriteAttributes=[ 'string', ], ExplicitAuthFlows=[ 'ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH', ] )
The user pool ID for the user pool where you want to create a user pool client.
The client name for the user pool client you would like to create.
Boolean to specify whether you want to generate a secret for the user pool client being created.
Refreshes the token validity.
The read attributes.
(string) --
The write attributes.
(string) --
The explicit authentication flows.
(string) --
Response Syntax
{ 'UserPoolClient': { 'UserPoolId': 'string', 'ClientName': 'string', 'ClientId': 'string', 'ClientSecret': 'string', 'LastModifiedDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'CreationDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'RefreshTokenValidity': 123, 'ReadAttributes': [ 'string', ], 'WriteAttributes': [ 'string', ], 'ExplicitAuthFlows': [ 'ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH', ] } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents the response from the server to create a user pool client.
UserPoolClient (dict) --
The user pool client that was just created.
UserPoolId (string) --
The user pool ID for the user pool client.
ClientName (string) --
The client name from the user pool request of the client type.
ClientId (string) --
The ID of the client associated with the user pool.
ClientSecret (string) --
The client secret from the user pool request of the client type.
LastModifiedDate (datetime) --
The last modified date from the user pool request of the client type.
CreationDate (datetime) --
The creation date from the user pool request of the client type.
RefreshTokenValidity (integer) --
The validity of the refresh token.
ReadAttributes (list) --
The Read-only attributes.
(string) --
WriteAttributes (list) --
The writeable attributes.
(string) --
ExplicitAuthFlows (list) --
The explicit authentication flows.
(string) --
{'UserPool': {'DeviceConfiguration': {'ChallengeRequiredOnNewDevice': 'boolean', 'DeviceOnlyRememberedOnUserPrompt': 'boolean'}, 'EmailConfiguration': {'ReplyToEmailAddress': 'string', 'SourceArn': 'string'}, 'EmailConfigurationFailure': 'string', 'LambdaConfig': {'CreateAuthChallenge': 'string', 'DefineAuthChallenge': 'string', 'VerifyAuthChallengeResponse': 'string'}, 'SmsConfiguration': {'ExternalId': 'string', 'SnsCallerArn': 'string'}, 'SmsConfigurationFailure': 'string'}}
Returns the configuration information and metadata of the specified user pool.
Request Syntax
client.describe_user_pool( UserPoolId='string' )
The user pool ID for the user pool you want to describe.
Response Syntax
{ 'UserPool': { 'Id': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'Policies': { 'PasswordPolicy': { 'MinimumLength': 123, 'RequireUppercase': True|False, 'RequireLowercase': True|False, 'RequireNumbers': True|False, 'RequireSymbols': True|False } }, 'LambdaConfig': { 'PreSignUp': 'string', 'CustomMessage': 'string', 'PostConfirmation': 'string', 'PreAuthentication': 'string', 'PostAuthentication': 'string', 'DefineAuthChallenge': 'string', 'CreateAuthChallenge': 'string', 'VerifyAuthChallengeResponse': 'string' }, 'Status': 'Enabled'|'Disabled', 'LastModifiedDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'CreationDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'SchemaAttributes': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'AttributeDataType': 'String'|'Number'|'DateTime'|'Boolean', 'DeveloperOnlyAttribute': True|False, 'Mutable': True|False, 'Required': True|False, 'NumberAttributeConstraints': { 'MinValue': 'string', 'MaxValue': 'string' }, 'StringAttributeConstraints': { 'MinLength': 'string', 'MaxLength': 'string' } }, ], 'AutoVerifiedAttributes': [ 'phone_number'|'email', ], 'AliasAttributes': [ 'phone_number'|'email'|'preferred_username', ], 'SmsVerificationMessage': 'string', 'EmailVerificationMessage': 'string', 'EmailVerificationSubject': 'string', 'SmsAuthenticationMessage': 'string', 'MfaConfiguration': 'OFF'|'ON'|'OPTIONAL', 'DeviceConfiguration': { 'ChallengeRequiredOnNewDevice': True|False, 'DeviceOnlyRememberedOnUserPrompt': True|False }, 'EstimatedNumberOfUsers': 123, 'EmailConfiguration': { 'SourceArn': 'string', 'ReplyToEmailAddress': 'string' }, 'SmsConfiguration': { 'SnsCallerArn': 'string', 'ExternalId': 'string' }, 'SmsConfigurationFailure': 'string', 'EmailConfigurationFailure': 'string' } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents the response to describe the user pool.
UserPool (dict) --
The container of metadata returned by the server to describe the pool.
Id (string) --
The ID of the user pool.
Name (string) --
The name of the user pool.
Policies (dict) --
A container describing the policies associated with a user pool.
PasswordPolicy (dict) --
A container with information about the user pool password policy.
MinimumLength (integer) --
The minimum length of the password policy that you have set. Cannot be less than 6.
RequireUppercase (boolean) --
In the password policy that you have set, refers to whether you have required users to use at least one uppercase letter in their password.
RequireLowercase (boolean) --
In the password policy that you have set, refers to whether you have required users to use at least one lowercase letter in their password.
RequireNumbers (boolean) --
In the password policy that you have set, refers to whether you have required users to use at least one number in their password.
RequireSymbols (boolean) --
In the password policy that you have set, refers to whether you have required users to use at least one symbol in their password.
LambdaConfig (dict) --
A container describing the AWS Lambda triggers associated with a user pool.
PreSignUp (string) --
A pre-registration AWS Lambda trigger.
CustomMessage (string) --
A custom Message AWS Lambda trigger.
PostConfirmation (string) --
A post-confirmation AWS Lambda trigger.
PreAuthentication (string) --
A pre-authentication AWS Lambda trigger.
PostAuthentication (string) --
A post-authentication AWS Lambda trigger.
DefineAuthChallenge (string) --
Defines the authentication challenge.
CreateAuthChallenge (string) --
Creates an authentication challenge.
VerifyAuthChallengeResponse (string) --
Verifies the authentication challenge response.
Status (string) --
The status of a user pool.
LastModifiedDate (datetime) --
The last modified date of a user pool.
CreationDate (datetime) --
The creation date of a user pool.
SchemaAttributes (list) --
A container with the schema attributes of a user pool.
(dict) --
Contains information about the schema attribute.
Name (string) --
A schema attribute of the name type.
AttributeDataType (string) --
The attribute data type.
DeveloperOnlyAttribute (boolean) --
Specifies whether the attribute type is developer only.
Mutable (boolean) --
Specifies whether the attribute can be changed once it has been created.
Required (boolean) --
Specifies whether a user pool attribute is required. If the attribute is required and the user does not provide a value, registration or sign-in will fail.
NumberAttributeConstraints (dict) --
Specifies the constraints for an attribute of the number type.
MinValue (string) --
The minimum value of an attribute that is of the number data type.
MaxValue (string) --
The maximum value of an attribute that is of the number data type.
StringAttributeConstraints (dict) --
Specifies the constraints for an attribute of the string type.
MinLength (string) --
The minimum length of an attribute value of the string type.
MaxLength (string) --
The maximum length of an attribute value of the string type.
AutoVerifiedAttributes (list) --
Specifies the attributes that are auto-verified in a user pool.
(string) --
AliasAttributes (list) --
Specifies the attributes that are aliased in a user pool.
(string) --
SmsVerificationMessage (string) --
The contents of the SMS verification message.
EmailVerificationMessage (string) --
The contents of the email verification message.
EmailVerificationSubject (string) --
The subject of the email verification message.
SmsAuthenticationMessage (string) --
The contents of the SMS authentication message.
MfaConfiguration (string) --
Can be one of the following values:
OFF - MFA tokens are not required and cannot be specified during user registration.
ON - MFA tokens are required for all user registrations. You can only specify required when you are initially creating a user pool.
OPTIONAL - Users have the option when registering to create an MFA token.
DeviceConfiguration (dict) --
The device configuration.
ChallengeRequiredOnNewDevice (boolean) --
Indicates whether a challenge is required on a new device. Only applicable to a new device.
DeviceOnlyRememberedOnUserPrompt (boolean) --
If true, a device is only remembered on user prompt.
EstimatedNumberOfUsers (integer) --
A number estimating the size of the user pool.
EmailConfiguration (dict) --
The email configuration.
SourceArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the email source.
ReplyToEmailAddress (string) --
The REPLY-TO email address.
SmsConfiguration (dict) --
The SMS configuration.
SnsCallerArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) caller.
ExternalId (string) --
The external ID.
SmsConfigurationFailure (string) --
The reason why the SMS configuration cannot send the message(s) to your users.
EmailConfigurationFailure (string) --
The reason why the email configuration cannot send the messages to your users.
{'UserPoolClient': {'ExplicitAuthFlows': ['ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH'], 'ReadAttributes': ['string'], 'RefreshTokenValidity': 'integer', 'WriteAttributes': ['string']}}
Client method for returning the configuration information and metadata of the specified user pool client.
Request Syntax
client.describe_user_pool_client( UserPoolId='string', ClientId='string' )
The user pool ID for the user pool you want to describe.
The ID of the client associated with the user pool.
Response Syntax
{ 'UserPoolClient': { 'UserPoolId': 'string', 'ClientName': 'string', 'ClientId': 'string', 'ClientSecret': 'string', 'LastModifiedDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'CreationDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'RefreshTokenValidity': 123, 'ReadAttributes': [ 'string', ], 'WriteAttributes': [ 'string', ], 'ExplicitAuthFlows': [ 'ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH', ] } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents the response from the server from a request to describe the user pool client.
UserPoolClient (dict) --
The user pool client from a server response to describe the user pool client.
UserPoolId (string) --
The user pool ID for the user pool client.
ClientName (string) --
The client name from the user pool request of the client type.
ClientId (string) --
The ID of the client associated with the user pool.
ClientSecret (string) --
The client secret from the user pool request of the client type.
LastModifiedDate (datetime) --
The last modified date from the user pool request of the client type.
CreationDate (datetime) --
The creation date from the user pool request of the client type.
RefreshTokenValidity (integer) --
The validity of the refresh token.
ReadAttributes (list) --
The Read-only attributes.
(string) --
WriteAttributes (list) --
The writeable attributes.
(string) --
ExplicitAuthFlows (list) --
The explicit authentication flows.
(string) --
{'UserPools': {'LambdaConfig': {'CreateAuthChallenge': 'string', 'DefineAuthChallenge': 'string', 'VerifyAuthChallengeResponse': 'string'}}}
Lists the user pools associated with an AWS account.
Request Syntax
client.list_user_pools( NextToken='string', MaxResults=123 )
An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.
The maximum number of results you want the request to return when listing the user pools.
Response Syntax
{ 'UserPools': [ { 'Id': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'LambdaConfig': { 'PreSignUp': 'string', 'CustomMessage': 'string', 'PostConfirmation': 'string', 'PreAuthentication': 'string', 'PostAuthentication': 'string', 'DefineAuthChallenge': 'string', 'CreateAuthChallenge': 'string', 'VerifyAuthChallengeResponse': 'string' }, 'Status': 'Enabled'|'Disabled', 'LastModifiedDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'CreationDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }, ], 'NextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents the response to list user pools.
UserPools (list) --
The user pools from the response to list users.
(dict) --
A user pool description.
Id (string) --
The ID in a user pool description.
Name (string) --
The name in a user pool description.
LambdaConfig (dict) --
The AWS Lambda configuration information in a user pool description.
PreSignUp (string) --
A pre-registration AWS Lambda trigger.
CustomMessage (string) --
A custom Message AWS Lambda trigger.
PostConfirmation (string) --
A post-confirmation AWS Lambda trigger.
PreAuthentication (string) --
A pre-authentication AWS Lambda trigger.
PostAuthentication (string) --
A post-authentication AWS Lambda trigger.
DefineAuthChallenge (string) --
Defines the authentication challenge.
CreateAuthChallenge (string) --
Creates an authentication challenge.
VerifyAuthChallengeResponse (string) --
Verifies the authentication challenge response.
Status (string) --
The user pool status in a user pool description.
LastModifiedDate (datetime) --
The last modified date in a user pool description.
CreationDate (datetime) --
The creation date in a user pool description.
NextToken (string) --
An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.
{'Filter': 'string'}Response
{'Users': {'UserStatus': {'RESET_REQUIRED'}}}
Lists the users in the Amazon Cognito user pool.
Request Syntax
client.list_users( UserPoolId='string', AttributesToGet=[ 'string', ], Limit=123, PaginationToken='string', Filter='string' )
The user pool ID for which you want to list users.
The attributes to get from the request to list users.
(string) --
The limit of the request to list users.
An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.
The filter for the list users request.
Response Syntax
{ 'Users': [ { 'Username': 'string', 'Attributes': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ], 'UserCreateDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'UserLastModifiedDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'Enabled': True|False, 'UserStatus': 'UNCONFIRMED'|'CONFIRMED'|'ARCHIVED'|'COMPROMISED'|'UNKNOWN'|'RESET_REQUIRED' }, ], 'PaginationToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
The response from the request to list users.
Users (list) --
The users returned in the request to list users.
(dict) --
The user type.
Username (string) --
The user name of the user you wish to describe.
Attributes (list) --
A container with information about the user type attributes.
(dict) --
Specifies whether the attribute is standard or custom.
Name (string) --
The name of the attribute.
Value (string) --
The value of the attribute.
UserCreateDate (datetime) --
The creation date of the user.
UserLastModifiedDate (datetime) --
The last modified date of the user.
Enabled (boolean) --
Specifies whether the user is enabled.
UserStatus (string) --
The user status. Can be one of the following:
UNCONFIRMED - User has been created but not confirmed.
CONFIRMED - User has been confirmed.
ARCHIVED - User is no longer active.
COMPROMISED - User is disabled due to a potential security threat.
UNKNOWN - User status is not known.
PaginationToken (string) --
An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.
{'DeviceConfiguration': {'ChallengeRequiredOnNewDevice': 'boolean', 'DeviceOnlyRememberedOnUserPrompt': 'boolean'}, 'EmailConfiguration': {'ReplyToEmailAddress': 'string', 'SourceArn': 'string'}, 'LambdaConfig': {'CreateAuthChallenge': 'string', 'DefineAuthChallenge': 'string', 'VerifyAuthChallengeResponse': 'string'}, 'SmsConfiguration': {'ExternalId': 'string', 'SnsCallerArn': 'string'}}
Updates the specified user pool with the specified attributes.
Request Syntax
client.update_user_pool( UserPoolId='string', Policies={ 'PasswordPolicy': { 'MinimumLength': 123, 'RequireUppercase': True|False, 'RequireLowercase': True|False, 'RequireNumbers': True|False, 'RequireSymbols': True|False } }, LambdaConfig={ 'PreSignUp': 'string', 'CustomMessage': 'string', 'PostConfirmation': 'string', 'PreAuthentication': 'string', 'PostAuthentication': 'string', 'DefineAuthChallenge': 'string', 'CreateAuthChallenge': 'string', 'VerifyAuthChallengeResponse': 'string' }, AutoVerifiedAttributes=[ 'phone_number'|'email', ], SmsVerificationMessage='string', EmailVerificationMessage='string', EmailVerificationSubject='string', SmsAuthenticationMessage='string', MfaConfiguration='OFF'|'ON'|'OPTIONAL', DeviceConfiguration={ 'ChallengeRequiredOnNewDevice': True|False, 'DeviceOnlyRememberedOnUserPrompt': True|False }, EmailConfiguration={ 'SourceArn': 'string', 'ReplyToEmailAddress': 'string' }, SmsConfiguration={ 'SnsCallerArn': 'string', 'ExternalId': 'string' } )
The user pool ID for the user pool you want to update.
A container with the policies you wish to update in a user pool.
PasswordPolicy (dict) --
A container with information about the user pool password policy.
MinimumLength (integer) --
The minimum length of the password policy that you have set. Cannot be less than 6.
RequireUppercase (boolean) --
In the password policy that you have set, refers to whether you have required users to use at least one uppercase letter in their password.
RequireLowercase (boolean) --
In the password policy that you have set, refers to whether you have required users to use at least one lowercase letter in their password.
RequireNumbers (boolean) --
In the password policy that you have set, refers to whether you have required users to use at least one number in their password.
RequireSymbols (boolean) --
In the password policy that you have set, refers to whether you have required users to use at least one symbol in their password.
The AWS Lambda configuration information from the request to update the user pool.
PreSignUp (string) --
A pre-registration AWS Lambda trigger.
CustomMessage (string) --
A custom Message AWS Lambda trigger.
PostConfirmation (string) --
A post-confirmation AWS Lambda trigger.
PreAuthentication (string) --
A pre-authentication AWS Lambda trigger.
PostAuthentication (string) --
A post-authentication AWS Lambda trigger.
DefineAuthChallenge (string) --
Defines the authentication challenge.
CreateAuthChallenge (string) --
Creates an authentication challenge.
VerifyAuthChallengeResponse (string) --
Verifies the authentication challenge response.
The attributes that are automatically verified when the Amazon Cognito service makes a request to update user pools.
(string) --
A container with information about the SMS verification message.
The contents of the email verification message.
The subject of the email verfication message
The contents of the SMS authentication message.
Can be one of the following values:
OFF - MFA tokens are not required and cannot be specified during user registration.
ON - MFA tokens are required for all user registrations. You can only specify required when you are initially creating a user pool.
OPTIONAL - Users have the option when registering to create an MFA token.
Device configuration.
ChallengeRequiredOnNewDevice (boolean) --
Indicates whether a challenge is required on a new device. Only applicable to a new device.
DeviceOnlyRememberedOnUserPrompt (boolean) --
If true, a device is only remembered on user prompt.
Email configuration.
SourceArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the email source.
ReplyToEmailAddress (string) --
The REPLY-TO email address.
SMS configuration.
SnsCallerArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) caller.
ExternalId (string) --
The external ID.
Response Syntax
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents the response from the server when you make a request to update the user pool.
{'ExplicitAuthFlows': ['ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH'], 'ReadAttributes': ['string'], 'RefreshTokenValidity': 'integer', 'WriteAttributes': ['string']}Response
{'UserPoolClient': {'ExplicitAuthFlows': ['ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH'], 'ReadAttributes': ['string'], 'RefreshTokenValidity': 'integer', 'WriteAttributes': ['string']}}
Allows the developer to update the specified user pool client and password policy.
Request Syntax
client.update_user_pool_client( UserPoolId='string', ClientId='string', ClientName='string', RefreshTokenValidity=123, ReadAttributes=[ 'string', ], WriteAttributes=[ 'string', ], ExplicitAuthFlows=[ 'ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH', ] )
The user pool ID for the user pool where you want to update the user pool client.
The ID of the client associated with the user pool.
The client name from the update user pool client request.
The validity of the refresh token.
The read-only attributes of the user pool.
(string) --
The writeable attributes of the user pool.
(string) --
Explicit authentication flows.
(string) --
Response Syntax
{ 'UserPoolClient': { 'UserPoolId': 'string', 'ClientName': 'string', 'ClientId': 'string', 'ClientSecret': 'string', 'LastModifiedDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'CreationDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'RefreshTokenValidity': 123, 'ReadAttributes': [ 'string', ], 'WriteAttributes': [ 'string', ], 'ExplicitAuthFlows': [ 'ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH', ] } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents the response from the server to the request to update the user pool client.
UserPoolClient (dict) --
The user pool client value from the response from the server when an update user pool client request is made.
UserPoolId (string) --
The user pool ID for the user pool client.
ClientName (string) --
The client name from the user pool request of the client type.
ClientId (string) --
The ID of the client associated with the user pool.
ClientSecret (string) --
The client secret from the user pool request of the client type.
LastModifiedDate (datetime) --
The last modified date from the user pool request of the client type.
CreationDate (datetime) --
The creation date from the user pool request of the client type.
RefreshTokenValidity (integer) --
The validity of the refresh token.
ReadAttributes (list) --
The Read-only attributes.
(string) --
WriteAttributes (list) --
The writeable attributes.
(string) --
ExplicitAuthFlows (list) --
The explicit authentication flows.
(string) --