2024/05/07 - AWS Resilience Hub - 1 new 1 updated api methods
Changes AWS Resilience Hub has expanded its drift detection capabilities by introducing a new type of drift detection - application resource drift. This new enhancement detects changes, such as the addition or deletion of resources within the application's input sources.
Indicates the list of resource drifts that were detected while running an assessment.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.list_app_assessment_resource_drifts( assessmentArn='string', maxResults=123, nextToken='string' )
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the assessment. The format for this ARN is: arn: partition :resiliencehub: region : account :app-assessment/ app-id . For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) in the Amazon Web Services General Reference guide.
Indicates the maximum number of drift results to include in the response. If more results exist than the specified MaxResults value, a token is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.
Null, or the token from a previous call to get the next set of results.
Response Syntax
{ 'nextToken': 'string', 'resourceDrifts': [ { 'appArn': 'string', 'appVersion': 'string', 'diffType': 'NotEqual'|'Added'|'Removed', 'referenceId': 'string', 'resourceIdentifier': { 'logicalResourceId': { 'eksSourceName': 'string', 'identifier': 'string', 'logicalStackName': 'string', 'resourceGroupName': 'string', 'terraformSourceName': 'string' }, 'resourceType': 'string' } }, ] }
Response Structure
(dict) --
nextToken (string) --
Null, or the token from a previous call to get the next set of results.
resourceDrifts (list) --
Indicates all the resource drifts detected for an assessed entity.
(dict) --
Indicates the resources that have drifted in the current application version.
appArn (string) --
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application whose resources have drifted. The format for this ARN is: arn: partition :resiliencehub: region : account :app-assessment/ app-id . For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) in the Amazon Web Services General Reference guide.
appVersion (string) --
Version of the application whose resources have drifted.
diffType (string) --
Indicates if the resource was added or removed.
referenceId (string) --
Reference identifier of the resource drift.
resourceIdentifier (dict) --
Identifier of the drifted resource.
logicalResourceId (dict) --
Logical identifier of the drifted resource.
eksSourceName (string) --
Name of the Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service cluster and namespace this resource belongs to.
This parameter accepts values in "eks-cluster/namespace" format.
identifier (string) --
Identifier of the resource.
logicalStackName (string) --
The name of the CloudFormation stack this resource belongs to.
resourceGroupName (string) --
The name of the resource group that this resource belongs to.
terraformSourceName (string) --
The name of the Terraform S3 state file this resource belongs to.
resourceType (string) --
Type of the drifted resource.
{'complianceDrifts': {'diffType': {'Added', 'Removed'}, 'driftType': {'AppComponentResiliencyComplianceStatus'}}}
List of compliance drifts that were detected while running an assessment.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.list_app_assessment_compliance_drifts( assessmentArn='string', maxResults=123, nextToken='string' )
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the assessment. The format for this ARN is: arn: partition :resiliencehub: region : account :app-assessment/ app-id . For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) in the Amazon Web Services General Reference guide.
Indicates the maximum number of applications requested.
Indicates the unique token number of the next application to be checked for compliance and regulatory requirements from the list of applications.
Response Syntax
{ 'complianceDrifts': [ { 'actualReferenceId': 'string', 'actualValue': { 'string': { 'achievableRpoInSecs': 123, 'achievableRtoInSecs': 123, 'complianceStatus': 'PolicyBreached'|'PolicyMet', 'currentRpoInSecs': 123, 'currentRtoInSecs': 123, 'message': 'string', 'rpoDescription': 'string', 'rpoReferenceId': 'string', 'rtoDescription': 'string', 'rtoReferenceId': 'string' } }, 'appId': 'string', 'appVersion': 'string', 'diffType': 'NotEqual'|'Added'|'Removed', 'driftType': 'ApplicationCompliance'|'AppComponentResiliencyComplianceStatus', 'entityId': 'string', 'entityType': 'string', 'expectedReferenceId': 'string', 'expectedValue': { 'string': { 'achievableRpoInSecs': 123, 'achievableRtoInSecs': 123, 'complianceStatus': 'PolicyBreached'|'PolicyMet', 'currentRpoInSecs': 123, 'currentRtoInSecs': 123, 'message': 'string', 'rpoDescription': 'string', 'rpoReferenceId': 'string', 'rtoDescription': 'string', 'rtoReferenceId': 'string' } } }, ], 'nextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
complianceDrifts (list) --
Indicates compliance drifts (recovery time objective (RTO) and recovery point objective (RPO)) detected for an assessed entity.
(dict) --
Indicates the compliance drifts (recovery time objective (RTO) and recovery point objective (RPO)) that were detected for an assessed entity.
actualReferenceId (string) --
Assessment identifier that is associated with this drift item.
actualValue (dict) --
Actual compliance value of the entity.
(string) --
(dict) --
Defines the compliance against the resiliency policy for a disruption.
achievableRpoInSecs (integer) --
The Recovery Point Objective (RPO) that is achievable, in seconds.
achievableRtoInSecs (integer) --
The Recovery Time Objective (RTO) that is achievable, in seconds
complianceStatus (string) --
The current status of compliance for the resiliency policy.
currentRpoInSecs (integer) --
The current RPO, in seconds.
currentRtoInSecs (integer) --
The current RTO, in seconds.
message (string) --
The disruption compliance message.
rpoDescription (string) --
The RPO description.
rpoReferenceId (string) --
Reference identifier of the RPO .
rtoDescription (string) --
The RTO description.
rtoReferenceId (string) --
Reference identifier of the RTO.
appId (string) --
Identifier of your application.
appVersion (string) --
Published version of your application on which drift was detected.
diffType (string) --
Difference type between actual and expected recovery point objective (RPO) and recovery time objective (RTO) values. Currently, Resilience Hub supports only NotEqual difference type.
driftType (string) --
The type of drift detected. Currently, Resilience Hub supports only ApplicationCompliance drift type.
entityId (string) --
Identifier of an entity in which drift was detected. For compliance drift, the entity ID can be either application ID or the AppComponent ID.
entityType (string) --
The type of entity in which drift was detected. For compliance drifts, Resilience Hub supports AWS::ResilienceHub::AppComponent and AWS::ResilienceHub::Application .
expectedReferenceId (string) --
Assessment identifier of a previous assessment of the same application version. Resilience Hub uses the previous assessment (associated with the reference identifier) to compare the compliance with the current assessment to identify drifts.
expectedValue (dict) --
The expected compliance value of an entity.
(string) --
(dict) --
Defines the compliance against the resiliency policy for a disruption.
achievableRpoInSecs (integer) --
The Recovery Point Objective (RPO) that is achievable, in seconds.
achievableRtoInSecs (integer) --
The Recovery Time Objective (RTO) that is achievable, in seconds
complianceStatus (string) --
The current status of compliance for the resiliency policy.
currentRpoInSecs (integer) --
The current RPO, in seconds.
currentRtoInSecs (integer) --
The current RTO, in seconds.
message (string) --
The disruption compliance message.
rpoDescription (string) --
The RPO description.
rpoReferenceId (string) --
Reference identifier of the RPO .
rtoDescription (string) --
The RTO description.
rtoReferenceId (string) --
Reference identifier of the RTO.
nextToken (string) --
Token number of the next application to be checked for compliance and regulatory requirements from the list of applications.