2024/11/14 - Amazon QuickSight - 17 new api methods
Changes This release adds APIs for Custom Permissions management in QuickSight, and APIs to support QuickSight Branding.
Creates an Amazon QuickSight brand.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_brand( AwsAccountId='string', BrandId='string', BrandDefinition={ 'BrandName': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'ApplicationTheme': { 'BrandColorPalette': { 'Primary': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Secondary': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Accent': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Measure': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Dimension': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Success': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Info': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Warning': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Danger': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' } }, 'BrandElementStyle': { 'NavbarStyle': { 'GlobalNavbar': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'ContextualNavbar': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' } } } }, 'LogoConfiguration': { 'AltText': 'string', 'LogoSet': { 'Primary': { 'Original': { 'Source': { 'PublicUrl': 'string', 'S3Uri': 'string' } } }, 'Favicon': { 'Original': { 'Source': { 'PublicUrl': 'string', 'S3Uri': 'string' } } } } } }, Tags=[ { 'Key': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ] )
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the brand.
The ID of the Amazon QuickSight brand.
The definition of the brand.
BrandName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the brand.
Description (string) --
The description of the brand.
ApplicationTheme (dict) --
The application theme of the brand.
BrandColorPalette (dict) --
The color palette.
Primary (dict) --
The primary color.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Secondary (dict) --
The secondary color.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Accent (dict) --
The color that is used for accent elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Measure (dict) --
The color that is used for measure elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Dimension (dict) --
The color that is used for dimension elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Success (dict) --
The color that is used for success elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Info (dict) --
The color that is used for info elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Warning (dict) --
The color that is used for warning elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Danger (dict) --
The color that is used for danger elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
BrandElementStyle (dict) --
The element style.
NavbarStyle (dict) --
The navigation bar style.
GlobalNavbar (dict) --
The global navigation bar style.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
ContextualNavbar (dict) --
The contextual navigation bar style.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
LogoConfiguration (dict) --
The logo configuration of the brand.
AltText (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The alt text for the logo.
LogoSet (dict) -- [REQUIRED]
A set of configured logos.
Primary (dict) -- [REQUIRED]
The primary logo.
Original (dict) -- [REQUIRED]
The original image.
Source (dict) --
The source of the image.
PublicUrl (string) --
The public URL that points to the source image.
S3Uri (string) --
The Amazon S3 URI that points to the source image.
Favicon (dict) --
The favicon logo.
Original (dict) -- [REQUIRED]
The original image.
Source (dict) --
The source of the image.
PublicUrl (string) --
The public URL that points to the source image.
S3Uri (string) --
The Amazon S3 URI that points to the source image.
A map of the key-value pairs that are assigned to the brand.
(dict) --
The key or keys of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags assigned to the resource.
Key (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Tag key.
Value (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Tag value.
Response Syntax
{ 'RequestId': 'string', 'BrandDetail': { 'BrandId': 'string', 'Arn': 'string', 'BrandStatus': 'CREATE_IN_PROGRESS'|'CREATE_SUCCEEDED'|'CREATE_FAILED'|'DELETE_IN_PROGRESS'|'DELETE_FAILED', 'CreatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'LastUpdatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'VersionId': 'string', 'VersionStatus': 'CREATE_IN_PROGRESS'|'CREATE_SUCCEEDED'|'CREATE_FAILED', 'Errors': [ 'string', ], 'Logo': { 'AltText': 'string', 'LogoSet': { 'Primary': { 'Original': { 'Source': { 'PublicUrl': 'string', 'S3Uri': 'string' }, 'GeneratedImageUrl': 'string' }, 'Height64': { 'Source': { 'PublicUrl': 'string', 'S3Uri': 'string' }, 'GeneratedImageUrl': 'string' }, 'Height32': { 'Source': { 'PublicUrl': 'string', 'S3Uri': 'string' }, 'GeneratedImageUrl': 'string' } }, 'Favicon': { 'Original': { 'Source': { 'PublicUrl': 'string', 'S3Uri': 'string' }, 'GeneratedImageUrl': 'string' }, 'Height64': { 'Source': { 'PublicUrl': 'string', 'S3Uri': 'string' }, 'GeneratedImageUrl': 'string' }, 'Height32': { 'Source': { 'PublicUrl': 'string', 'S3Uri': 'string' }, 'GeneratedImageUrl': 'string' } } } } }, 'BrandDefinition': { 'BrandName': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'ApplicationTheme': { 'BrandColorPalette': { 'Primary': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Secondary': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Accent': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Measure': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Dimension': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Success': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Info': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Warning': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Danger': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' } }, 'BrandElementStyle': { 'NavbarStyle': { 'GlobalNavbar': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'ContextualNavbar': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' } } } }, 'LogoConfiguration': { 'AltText': 'string', 'LogoSet': { 'Primary': { 'Original': { 'Source': { 'PublicUrl': 'string', 'S3Uri': 'string' } } }, 'Favicon': { 'Original': { 'Source': { 'PublicUrl': 'string', 'S3Uri': 'string' } } } } } } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
BrandDetail (dict) --
The details of the brand.
BrandId (string) --
The ID of the Amazon QuickSight brand.
Arn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the brand.
BrandStatus (string) --
The status of the brand.
CreatedTime (datetime) --
The time that the brand was created.
LastUpdatedTime (datetime) --
The last time the brand was updated.
VersionId (string) --
The ID of the version.
VersionStatus (string) --
The status of the version.
Errors (list) --
A list of errors that occurred during the most recent brand operation.
(string) --
Logo (dict) --
The logo details.
AltText (string) --
The alt text for the logo.
LogoSet (dict) --
A set of configured logos.
Primary (dict) --
The primary logo.
Original (dict) --
The original image.
Source (dict) --
The source of the logo image.
PublicUrl (string) --
The public URL that points to the source image.
S3Uri (string) --
The Amazon S3 URI that points to the source image.
GeneratedImageUrl (string) --
The URL that points to the generated logo image.
Height64 (dict) --
The image with the height set to 64 pixels.
Source (dict) --
The source of the logo image.
PublicUrl (string) --
The public URL that points to the source image.
S3Uri (string) --
The Amazon S3 URI that points to the source image.
GeneratedImageUrl (string) --
The URL that points to the generated logo image.
Height32 (dict) --
The image with the height set to 32 pixels.
Source (dict) --
The source of the logo image.
PublicUrl (string) --
The public URL that points to the source image.
S3Uri (string) --
The Amazon S3 URI that points to the source image.
GeneratedImageUrl (string) --
The URL that points to the generated logo image.
Favicon (dict) --
The favicon logo.
Original (dict) --
The original image.
Source (dict) --
The source of the logo image.
PublicUrl (string) --
The public URL that points to the source image.
S3Uri (string) --
The Amazon S3 URI that points to the source image.
GeneratedImageUrl (string) --
The URL that points to the generated logo image.
Height64 (dict) --
The image with the height set to 64 pixels.
Source (dict) --
The source of the logo image.
PublicUrl (string) --
The public URL that points to the source image.
S3Uri (string) --
The Amazon S3 URI that points to the source image.
GeneratedImageUrl (string) --
The URL that points to the generated logo image.
Height32 (dict) --
The image with the height set to 32 pixels.
Source (dict) --
The source of the logo image.
PublicUrl (string) --
The public URL that points to the source image.
S3Uri (string) --
The Amazon S3 URI that points to the source image.
GeneratedImageUrl (string) --
The URL that points to the generated logo image.
BrandDefinition (dict) --
The definition of the brand.
BrandName (string) --
The name of the brand.
Description (string) --
The description of the brand.
ApplicationTheme (dict) --
The application theme of the brand.
BrandColorPalette (dict) --
The color palette.
Primary (dict) --
The primary color.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Secondary (dict) --
The secondary color.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Accent (dict) --
The color that is used for accent elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Measure (dict) --
The color that is used for measure elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Dimension (dict) --
The color that is used for dimension elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Success (dict) --
The color that is used for success elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Info (dict) --
The color that is used for info elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Warning (dict) --
The color that is used for warning elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Danger (dict) --
The color that is used for danger elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
BrandElementStyle (dict) --
The element style.
NavbarStyle (dict) --
The navigation bar style.
GlobalNavbar (dict) --
The global navigation bar style.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
ContextualNavbar (dict) --
The contextual navigation bar style.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
LogoConfiguration (dict) --
The logo configuration of the brand.
AltText (string) --
The alt text for the logo.
LogoSet (dict) --
A set of configured logos.
Primary (dict) --
The primary logo.
Original (dict) --
The original image.
Source (dict) --
The source of the image.
PublicUrl (string) --
The public URL that points to the source image.
S3Uri (string) --
The Amazon S3 URI that points to the source image.
Favicon (dict) --
The favicon logo.
Original (dict) --
The original image.
Source (dict) --
The source of the image.
PublicUrl (string) --
The public URL that points to the source image.
S3Uri (string) --
The Amazon S3 URI that points to the source image.
Updates a brand.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.update_brand( AwsAccountId='string', BrandId='string', BrandDefinition={ 'BrandName': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'ApplicationTheme': { 'BrandColorPalette': { 'Primary': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Secondary': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Accent': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Measure': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Dimension': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Success': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Info': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Warning': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Danger': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' } }, 'BrandElementStyle': { 'NavbarStyle': { 'GlobalNavbar': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'ContextualNavbar': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' } } } }, 'LogoConfiguration': { 'AltText': 'string', 'LogoSet': { 'Primary': { 'Original': { 'Source': { 'PublicUrl': 'string', 'S3Uri': 'string' } } }, 'Favicon': { 'Original': { 'Source': { 'PublicUrl': 'string', 'S3Uri': 'string' } } } } } } )
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the brand.
The ID of the Amazon QuickSight brand.
The definition of the brand.
BrandName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the brand.
Description (string) --
The description of the brand.
ApplicationTheme (dict) --
The application theme of the brand.
BrandColorPalette (dict) --
The color palette.
Primary (dict) --
The primary color.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Secondary (dict) --
The secondary color.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Accent (dict) --
The color that is used for accent elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Measure (dict) --
The color that is used for measure elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Dimension (dict) --
The color that is used for dimension elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Success (dict) --
The color that is used for success elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Info (dict) --
The color that is used for info elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Warning (dict) --
The color that is used for warning elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Danger (dict) --
The color that is used for danger elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
BrandElementStyle (dict) --
The element style.
NavbarStyle (dict) --
The navigation bar style.
GlobalNavbar (dict) --
The global navigation bar style.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
ContextualNavbar (dict) --
The contextual navigation bar style.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
LogoConfiguration (dict) --
The logo configuration of the brand.
AltText (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The alt text for the logo.
LogoSet (dict) -- [REQUIRED]
A set of configured logos.
Primary (dict) -- [REQUIRED]
The primary logo.
Original (dict) -- [REQUIRED]
The original image.
Source (dict) --
The source of the image.
PublicUrl (string) --
The public URL that points to the source image.
S3Uri (string) --
The Amazon S3 URI that points to the source image.
Favicon (dict) --
The favicon logo.
Original (dict) -- [REQUIRED]
The original image.
Source (dict) --
The source of the image.
PublicUrl (string) --
The public URL that points to the source image.
S3Uri (string) --
The Amazon S3 URI that points to the source image.
Response Syntax
{ 'RequestId': 'string', 'BrandDetail': { 'BrandId': 'string', 'Arn': 'string', 'BrandStatus': 'CREATE_IN_PROGRESS'|'CREATE_SUCCEEDED'|'CREATE_FAILED'|'DELETE_IN_PROGRESS'|'DELETE_FAILED', 'CreatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'LastUpdatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'VersionId': 'string', 'VersionStatus': 'CREATE_IN_PROGRESS'|'CREATE_SUCCEEDED'|'CREATE_FAILED', 'Errors': [ 'string', ], 'Logo': { 'AltText': 'string', 'LogoSet': { 'Primary': { 'Original': { 'Source': { 'PublicUrl': 'string', 'S3Uri': 'string' }, 'GeneratedImageUrl': 'string' }, 'Height64': { 'Source': { 'PublicUrl': 'string', 'S3Uri': 'string' }, 'GeneratedImageUrl': 'string' }, 'Height32': { 'Source': { 'PublicUrl': 'string', 'S3Uri': 'string' }, 'GeneratedImageUrl': 'string' } }, 'Favicon': { 'Original': { 'Source': { 'PublicUrl': 'string', 'S3Uri': 'string' }, 'GeneratedImageUrl': 'string' }, 'Height64': { 'Source': { 'PublicUrl': 'string', 'S3Uri': 'string' }, 'GeneratedImageUrl': 'string' }, 'Height32': { 'Source': { 'PublicUrl': 'string', 'S3Uri': 'string' }, 'GeneratedImageUrl': 'string' } } } } }, 'BrandDefinition': { 'BrandName': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'ApplicationTheme': { 'BrandColorPalette': { 'Primary': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Secondary': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Accent': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Measure': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Dimension': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Success': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Info': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Warning': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Danger': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' } }, 'BrandElementStyle': { 'NavbarStyle': { 'GlobalNavbar': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'ContextualNavbar': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' } } } }, 'LogoConfiguration': { 'AltText': 'string', 'LogoSet': { 'Primary': { 'Original': { 'Source': { 'PublicUrl': 'string', 'S3Uri': 'string' } } }, 'Favicon': { 'Original': { 'Source': { 'PublicUrl': 'string', 'S3Uri': 'string' } } } } } } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
BrandDetail (dict) --
The details of the brand.
BrandId (string) --
The ID of the Amazon QuickSight brand.
Arn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the brand.
BrandStatus (string) --
The status of the brand.
CreatedTime (datetime) --
The time that the brand was created.
LastUpdatedTime (datetime) --
The last time the brand was updated.
VersionId (string) --
The ID of the version.
VersionStatus (string) --
The status of the version.
Errors (list) --
A list of errors that occurred during the most recent brand operation.
(string) --
Logo (dict) --
The logo details.
AltText (string) --
The alt text for the logo.
LogoSet (dict) --
A set of configured logos.
Primary (dict) --
The primary logo.
Original (dict) --
The original image.
Source (dict) --
The source of the logo image.
PublicUrl (string) --
The public URL that points to the source image.
S3Uri (string) --
The Amazon S3 URI that points to the source image.
GeneratedImageUrl (string) --
The URL that points to the generated logo image.
Height64 (dict) --
The image with the height set to 64 pixels.
Source (dict) --
The source of the logo image.
PublicUrl (string) --
The public URL that points to the source image.
S3Uri (string) --
The Amazon S3 URI that points to the source image.
GeneratedImageUrl (string) --
The URL that points to the generated logo image.
Height32 (dict) --
The image with the height set to 32 pixels.
Source (dict) --
The source of the logo image.
PublicUrl (string) --
The public URL that points to the source image.
S3Uri (string) --
The Amazon S3 URI that points to the source image.
GeneratedImageUrl (string) --
The URL that points to the generated logo image.
Favicon (dict) --
The favicon logo.
Original (dict) --
The original image.
Source (dict) --
The source of the logo image.
PublicUrl (string) --
The public URL that points to the source image.
S3Uri (string) --
The Amazon S3 URI that points to the source image.
GeneratedImageUrl (string) --
The URL that points to the generated logo image.
Height64 (dict) --
The image with the height set to 64 pixels.
Source (dict) --
The source of the logo image.
PublicUrl (string) --
The public URL that points to the source image.
S3Uri (string) --
The Amazon S3 URI that points to the source image.
GeneratedImageUrl (string) --
The URL that points to the generated logo image.
Height32 (dict) --
The image with the height set to 32 pixels.
Source (dict) --
The source of the logo image.
PublicUrl (string) --
The public URL that points to the source image.
S3Uri (string) --
The Amazon S3 URI that points to the source image.
GeneratedImageUrl (string) --
The URL that points to the generated logo image.
BrandDefinition (dict) --
The definition of the brand.
BrandName (string) --
The name of the brand.
Description (string) --
The description of the brand.
ApplicationTheme (dict) --
The application theme of the brand.
BrandColorPalette (dict) --
The color palette.
Primary (dict) --
The primary color.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Secondary (dict) --
The secondary color.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Accent (dict) --
The color that is used for accent elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Measure (dict) --
The color that is used for measure elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Dimension (dict) --
The color that is used for dimension elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Success (dict) --
The color that is used for success elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Info (dict) --
The color that is used for info elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Warning (dict) --
The color that is used for warning elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Danger (dict) --
The color that is used for danger elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
BrandElementStyle (dict) --
The element style.
NavbarStyle (dict) --
The navigation bar style.
GlobalNavbar (dict) --
The global navigation bar style.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
ContextualNavbar (dict) --
The contextual navigation bar style.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
LogoConfiguration (dict) --
The logo configuration of the brand.
AltText (string) --
The alt text for the logo.
LogoSet (dict) --
A set of configured logos.
Primary (dict) --
The primary logo.
Original (dict) --
The original image.
Source (dict) --
The source of the image.
PublicUrl (string) --
The public URL that points to the source image.
S3Uri (string) --
The Amazon S3 URI that points to the source image.
Favicon (dict) --
The favicon logo.
Original (dict) --
The original image.
Source (dict) --
The source of the image.
PublicUrl (string) --
The public URL that points to the source image.
S3Uri (string) --
The Amazon S3 URI that points to the source image.
Returns a list of all the custom permissions profiles.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.list_custom_permissions( AwsAccountId='string', MaxResults=123, NextToken='string' )
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the custom permissions profiles that you want to list.
The maximum number of results to return.
The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
Response Syntax
{ 'Status': 123, 'CustomPermissionsList': [ { 'Arn': 'string', 'CustomPermissionsName': 'string', 'Capabilities': { 'ExportToCsv': 'DENY', 'ExportToExcel': 'DENY', 'CreateAndUpdateThemes': 'DENY', 'AddOrRunAnomalyDetectionForAnalyses': 'DENY', 'ShareAnalyses': 'DENY', 'CreateAndUpdateDatasets': 'DENY', 'ShareDatasets': 'DENY', 'SubscribeDashboardEmailReports': 'DENY', 'CreateAndUpdateDashboardEmailReports': 'DENY', 'ShareDashboards': 'DENY', 'CreateAndUpdateThresholdAlerts': 'DENY', 'RenameSharedFolders': 'DENY', 'CreateSharedFolders': 'DENY', 'CreateAndUpdateDataSources': 'DENY', 'ShareDataSources': 'DENY', 'ViewAccountSPICECapacity': 'DENY', 'CreateSPICEDataset': 'DENY' } }, ], 'NextToken': 'string', 'RequestId': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Status (integer) --
The HTTP status of the request.
CustomPermissionsList (list) --
A list of custom permissions profiles.
(dict) --
The custom permissions profile.
Arn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the custom permissions profile.
CustomPermissionsName (string) --
The name of the custom permissions profile.
Capabilities (dict) --
A set of actions in the custom permissions profile.
ExportToCsv (string) --
The ability to export to CSV files.
ExportToExcel (string) --
The ability to export to Excel files.
CreateAndUpdateThemes (string) --
The ability to export to Create and Update themes.
AddOrRunAnomalyDetectionForAnalyses (string) --
The ability to add or run anomaly detection.
ShareAnalyses (string) --
The ability to share analyses.
CreateAndUpdateDatasets (string) --
The ability to create and update datasets.
ShareDatasets (string) --
The ability to share datasets.
SubscribeDashboardEmailReports (string) --
The ability to subscribe to email reports.
CreateAndUpdateDashboardEmailReports (string) --
The ability to create and update email reports.
ShareDashboards (string) --
The ability to share dashboards.
CreateAndUpdateThresholdAlerts (string) --
The ability to create and update threshold alerts.
RenameSharedFolders (string) --
The ability to rename shared folders.
CreateSharedFolders (string) --
The ability to create shared folders.
CreateAndUpdateDataSources (string) --
The ability to create and update data sources.
ShareDataSources (string) --
The ability to share data sources.
ViewAccountSPICECapacity (string) --
The ability to view account SPICE capacity.
CreateSPICEDataset (string) --
The ability to create a SPICE dataset.
NextToken (string) --
The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
Describes a brand assignment.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.describe_brand_assignment( AwsAccountId='string' )
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the brand assignment.
Response Syntax
{ 'RequestId': 'string', 'BrandArn': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
BrandArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the brand.
Updates a brand assignment.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.update_brand_assignment( AwsAccountId='string', BrandArn='string' )
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the brand assignment.
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the brand.
Response Syntax
{ 'RequestId': 'string', 'BrandArn': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
BrandArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the brand.
Deletes a custom permissions profile from a user.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.delete_user_custom_permission( UserName='string', AwsAccountId='string', Namespace='string' )
The username of the user that you want to remove custom permissions from.
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the custom permission configuration that you want to delete.
The namespace that the user belongs to.
Response Syntax
{ 'RequestId': 'string', 'Status': 123 }
Response Structure
(dict) --
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
Status (integer) --
The HTTP status of the request.
Creates a custom permissions profile.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_custom_permissions( AwsAccountId='string', CustomPermissionsName='string', Capabilities={ 'ExportToCsv': 'DENY', 'ExportToExcel': 'DENY', 'CreateAndUpdateThemes': 'DENY', 'AddOrRunAnomalyDetectionForAnalyses': 'DENY', 'ShareAnalyses': 'DENY', 'CreateAndUpdateDatasets': 'DENY', 'ShareDatasets': 'DENY', 'SubscribeDashboardEmailReports': 'DENY', 'CreateAndUpdateDashboardEmailReports': 'DENY', 'ShareDashboards': 'DENY', 'CreateAndUpdateThresholdAlerts': 'DENY', 'RenameSharedFolders': 'DENY', 'CreateSharedFolders': 'DENY', 'CreateAndUpdateDataSources': 'DENY', 'ShareDataSources': 'DENY', 'ViewAccountSPICECapacity': 'DENY', 'CreateSPICEDataset': 'DENY' }, Tags=[ { 'Key': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ] )
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that you want to create the custom permissions profile in.
The name of the custom permissions profile that you want to create.
A set of actions to include in the custom permissions profile.
ExportToCsv (string) --
The ability to export to CSV files.
ExportToExcel (string) --
The ability to export to Excel files.
CreateAndUpdateThemes (string) --
The ability to export to Create and Update themes.
AddOrRunAnomalyDetectionForAnalyses (string) --
The ability to add or run anomaly detection.
ShareAnalyses (string) --
The ability to share analyses.
CreateAndUpdateDatasets (string) --
The ability to create and update datasets.
ShareDatasets (string) --
The ability to share datasets.
SubscribeDashboardEmailReports (string) --
The ability to subscribe to email reports.
CreateAndUpdateDashboardEmailReports (string) --
The ability to create and update email reports.
ShareDashboards (string) --
The ability to share dashboards.
CreateAndUpdateThresholdAlerts (string) --
The ability to create and update threshold alerts.
RenameSharedFolders (string) --
The ability to rename shared folders.
CreateSharedFolders (string) --
The ability to create shared folders.
CreateAndUpdateDataSources (string) --
The ability to create and update data sources.
ShareDataSources (string) --
The ability to share data sources.
ViewAccountSPICECapacity (string) --
The ability to view account SPICE capacity.
CreateSPICEDataset (string) --
The ability to create a SPICE dataset.
The tags to associate with the custom permissions profile.
(dict) --
The key or keys of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags assigned to the resource.
Key (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Tag key.
Value (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Tag value.
Response Syntax
{ 'Status': 123, 'Arn': 'string', 'RequestId': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Status (integer) --
The HTTP status of the request.
Arn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the custom permissions profile.
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
Updates a custom permissions profile.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.update_custom_permissions( AwsAccountId='string', CustomPermissionsName='string', Capabilities={ 'ExportToCsv': 'DENY', 'ExportToExcel': 'DENY', 'CreateAndUpdateThemes': 'DENY', 'AddOrRunAnomalyDetectionForAnalyses': 'DENY', 'ShareAnalyses': 'DENY', 'CreateAndUpdateDatasets': 'DENY', 'ShareDatasets': 'DENY', 'SubscribeDashboardEmailReports': 'DENY', 'CreateAndUpdateDashboardEmailReports': 'DENY', 'ShareDashboards': 'DENY', 'CreateAndUpdateThresholdAlerts': 'DENY', 'RenameSharedFolders': 'DENY', 'CreateSharedFolders': 'DENY', 'CreateAndUpdateDataSources': 'DENY', 'ShareDataSources': 'DENY', 'ViewAccountSPICECapacity': 'DENY', 'CreateSPICEDataset': 'DENY' } )
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the custom permissions profile that you want to update.
The name of the custom permissions profile that you want to update.
A set of actions to include in the custom permissions profile.
ExportToCsv (string) --
The ability to export to CSV files.
ExportToExcel (string) --
The ability to export to Excel files.
CreateAndUpdateThemes (string) --
The ability to export to Create and Update themes.
AddOrRunAnomalyDetectionForAnalyses (string) --
The ability to add or run anomaly detection.
ShareAnalyses (string) --
The ability to share analyses.
CreateAndUpdateDatasets (string) --
The ability to create and update datasets.
ShareDatasets (string) --
The ability to share datasets.
SubscribeDashboardEmailReports (string) --
The ability to subscribe to email reports.
CreateAndUpdateDashboardEmailReports (string) --
The ability to create and update email reports.
ShareDashboards (string) --
The ability to share dashboards.
CreateAndUpdateThresholdAlerts (string) --
The ability to create and update threshold alerts.
RenameSharedFolders (string) --
The ability to rename shared folders.
CreateSharedFolders (string) --
The ability to create shared folders.
CreateAndUpdateDataSources (string) --
The ability to create and update data sources.
ShareDataSources (string) --
The ability to share data sources.
ViewAccountSPICECapacity (string) --
The ability to view account SPICE capacity.
CreateSPICEDataset (string) --
The ability to create a SPICE dataset.
Response Syntax
{ 'Status': 123, 'Arn': 'string', 'RequestId': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Status (integer) --
The HTTP status of the request.
Arn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the custom permissions profile.
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
Describes the published version of the brand.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.describe_brand_published_version( AwsAccountId='string', BrandId='string' )
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the brand.
The ID of the Amazon QuickSight brand.
Response Syntax
{ 'RequestId': 'string', 'BrandDetail': { 'BrandId': 'string', 'Arn': 'string', 'BrandStatus': 'CREATE_IN_PROGRESS'|'CREATE_SUCCEEDED'|'CREATE_FAILED'|'DELETE_IN_PROGRESS'|'DELETE_FAILED', 'CreatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'LastUpdatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'VersionId': 'string', 'VersionStatus': 'CREATE_IN_PROGRESS'|'CREATE_SUCCEEDED'|'CREATE_FAILED', 'Errors': [ 'string', ], 'Logo': { 'AltText': 'string', 'LogoSet': { 'Primary': { 'Original': { 'Source': { 'PublicUrl': 'string', 'S3Uri': 'string' }, 'GeneratedImageUrl': 'string' }, 'Height64': { 'Source': { 'PublicUrl': 'string', 'S3Uri': 'string' }, 'GeneratedImageUrl': 'string' }, 'Height32': { 'Source': { 'PublicUrl': 'string', 'S3Uri': 'string' }, 'GeneratedImageUrl': 'string' } }, 'Favicon': { 'Original': { 'Source': { 'PublicUrl': 'string', 'S3Uri': 'string' }, 'GeneratedImageUrl': 'string' }, 'Height64': { 'Source': { 'PublicUrl': 'string', 'S3Uri': 'string' }, 'GeneratedImageUrl': 'string' }, 'Height32': { 'Source': { 'PublicUrl': 'string', 'S3Uri': 'string' }, 'GeneratedImageUrl': 'string' } } } } }, 'BrandDefinition': { 'BrandName': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'ApplicationTheme': { 'BrandColorPalette': { 'Primary': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Secondary': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Accent': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Measure': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Dimension': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Success': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Info': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Warning': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Danger': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' } }, 'BrandElementStyle': { 'NavbarStyle': { 'GlobalNavbar': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'ContextualNavbar': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' } } } }, 'LogoConfiguration': { 'AltText': 'string', 'LogoSet': { 'Primary': { 'Original': { 'Source': { 'PublicUrl': 'string', 'S3Uri': 'string' } } }, 'Favicon': { 'Original': { 'Source': { 'PublicUrl': 'string', 'S3Uri': 'string' } } } } } } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
BrandDetail (dict) --
The details of the brand.
BrandId (string) --
The ID of the Amazon QuickSight brand.
Arn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the brand.
BrandStatus (string) --
The status of the brand.
CreatedTime (datetime) --
The time that the brand was created.
LastUpdatedTime (datetime) --
The last time the brand was updated.
VersionId (string) --
The ID of the version.
VersionStatus (string) --
The status of the version.
Errors (list) --
A list of errors that occurred during the most recent brand operation.
(string) --
Logo (dict) --
The logo details.
AltText (string) --
The alt text for the logo.
LogoSet (dict) --
A set of configured logos.
Primary (dict) --
The primary logo.
Original (dict) --
The original image.
Source (dict) --
The source of the logo image.
PublicUrl (string) --
The public URL that points to the source image.
S3Uri (string) --
The Amazon S3 URI that points to the source image.
GeneratedImageUrl (string) --
The URL that points to the generated logo image.
Height64 (dict) --
The image with the height set to 64 pixels.
Source (dict) --
The source of the logo image.
PublicUrl (string) --
The public URL that points to the source image.
S3Uri (string) --
The Amazon S3 URI that points to the source image.
GeneratedImageUrl (string) --
The URL that points to the generated logo image.
Height32 (dict) --
The image with the height set to 32 pixels.
Source (dict) --
The source of the logo image.
PublicUrl (string) --
The public URL that points to the source image.
S3Uri (string) --
The Amazon S3 URI that points to the source image.
GeneratedImageUrl (string) --
The URL that points to the generated logo image.
Favicon (dict) --
The favicon logo.
Original (dict) --
The original image.
Source (dict) --
The source of the logo image.
PublicUrl (string) --
The public URL that points to the source image.
S3Uri (string) --
The Amazon S3 URI that points to the source image.
GeneratedImageUrl (string) --
The URL that points to the generated logo image.
Height64 (dict) --
The image with the height set to 64 pixels.
Source (dict) --
The source of the logo image.
PublicUrl (string) --
The public URL that points to the source image.
S3Uri (string) --
The Amazon S3 URI that points to the source image.
GeneratedImageUrl (string) --
The URL that points to the generated logo image.
Height32 (dict) --
The image with the height set to 32 pixels.
Source (dict) --
The source of the logo image.
PublicUrl (string) --
The public URL that points to the source image.
S3Uri (string) --
The Amazon S3 URI that points to the source image.
GeneratedImageUrl (string) --
The URL that points to the generated logo image.
BrandDefinition (dict) --
The definition of the brand.
BrandName (string) --
The name of the brand.
Description (string) --
The description of the brand.
ApplicationTheme (dict) --
The application theme of the brand.
BrandColorPalette (dict) --
The color palette.
Primary (dict) --
The primary color.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Secondary (dict) --
The secondary color.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Accent (dict) --
The color that is used for accent elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Measure (dict) --
The color that is used for measure elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Dimension (dict) --
The color that is used for dimension elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Success (dict) --
The color that is used for success elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Info (dict) --
The color that is used for info elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Warning (dict) --
The color that is used for warning elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Danger (dict) --
The color that is used for danger elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
BrandElementStyle (dict) --
The element style.
NavbarStyle (dict) --
The navigation bar style.
GlobalNavbar (dict) --
The global navigation bar style.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
ContextualNavbar (dict) --
The contextual navigation bar style.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
LogoConfiguration (dict) --
The logo configuration of the brand.
AltText (string) --
The alt text for the logo.
LogoSet (dict) --
A set of configured logos.
Primary (dict) --
The primary logo.
Original (dict) --
The original image.
Source (dict) --
The source of the image.
PublicUrl (string) --
The public URL that points to the source image.
S3Uri (string) --
The Amazon S3 URI that points to the source image.
Favicon (dict) --
The favicon logo.
Original (dict) --
The original image.
Source (dict) --
The source of the image.
PublicUrl (string) --
The public URL that points to the source image.
S3Uri (string) --
The Amazon S3 URI that points to the source image.
Describes a custom permissions profile.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.describe_custom_permissions( AwsAccountId='string', CustomPermissionsName='string' )
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the custom permissions profile that you want described.
The name of the custom permissions profile to describe.
Response Syntax
{ 'Status': 123, 'CustomPermissions': { 'Arn': 'string', 'CustomPermissionsName': 'string', 'Capabilities': { 'ExportToCsv': 'DENY', 'ExportToExcel': 'DENY', 'CreateAndUpdateThemes': 'DENY', 'AddOrRunAnomalyDetectionForAnalyses': 'DENY', 'ShareAnalyses': 'DENY', 'CreateAndUpdateDatasets': 'DENY', 'ShareDatasets': 'DENY', 'SubscribeDashboardEmailReports': 'DENY', 'CreateAndUpdateDashboardEmailReports': 'DENY', 'ShareDashboards': 'DENY', 'CreateAndUpdateThresholdAlerts': 'DENY', 'RenameSharedFolders': 'DENY', 'CreateSharedFolders': 'DENY', 'CreateAndUpdateDataSources': 'DENY', 'ShareDataSources': 'DENY', 'ViewAccountSPICECapacity': 'DENY', 'CreateSPICEDataset': 'DENY' } }, 'RequestId': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Status (integer) --
The HTTP status of the request.
CustomPermissions (dict) --
The custom permissions profile.
Arn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the custom permissions profile.
CustomPermissionsName (string) --
The name of the custom permissions profile.
Capabilities (dict) --
A set of actions in the custom permissions profile.
ExportToCsv (string) --
The ability to export to CSV files.
ExportToExcel (string) --
The ability to export to Excel files.
CreateAndUpdateThemes (string) --
The ability to export to Create and Update themes.
AddOrRunAnomalyDetectionForAnalyses (string) --
The ability to add or run anomaly detection.
ShareAnalyses (string) --
The ability to share analyses.
CreateAndUpdateDatasets (string) --
The ability to create and update datasets.
ShareDatasets (string) --
The ability to share datasets.
SubscribeDashboardEmailReports (string) --
The ability to subscribe to email reports.
CreateAndUpdateDashboardEmailReports (string) --
The ability to create and update email reports.
ShareDashboards (string) --
The ability to share dashboards.
CreateAndUpdateThresholdAlerts (string) --
The ability to create and update threshold alerts.
RenameSharedFolders (string) --
The ability to rename shared folders.
CreateSharedFolders (string) --
The ability to create shared folders.
CreateAndUpdateDataSources (string) --
The ability to create and update data sources.
ShareDataSources (string) --
The ability to share data sources.
ViewAccountSPICECapacity (string) --
The ability to view account SPICE capacity.
CreateSPICEDataset (string) --
The ability to create a SPICE dataset.
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
Describes a brand.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.describe_brand( AwsAccountId='string', BrandId='string', VersionId='string' )
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the brand.
The ID of the Amazon QuickSight brand.
The ID of the specific version. The default value is the latest version.
Response Syntax
{ 'RequestId': 'string', 'BrandDetail': { 'BrandId': 'string', 'Arn': 'string', 'BrandStatus': 'CREATE_IN_PROGRESS'|'CREATE_SUCCEEDED'|'CREATE_FAILED'|'DELETE_IN_PROGRESS'|'DELETE_FAILED', 'CreatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'LastUpdatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'VersionId': 'string', 'VersionStatus': 'CREATE_IN_PROGRESS'|'CREATE_SUCCEEDED'|'CREATE_FAILED', 'Errors': [ 'string', ], 'Logo': { 'AltText': 'string', 'LogoSet': { 'Primary': { 'Original': { 'Source': { 'PublicUrl': 'string', 'S3Uri': 'string' }, 'GeneratedImageUrl': 'string' }, 'Height64': { 'Source': { 'PublicUrl': 'string', 'S3Uri': 'string' }, 'GeneratedImageUrl': 'string' }, 'Height32': { 'Source': { 'PublicUrl': 'string', 'S3Uri': 'string' }, 'GeneratedImageUrl': 'string' } }, 'Favicon': { 'Original': { 'Source': { 'PublicUrl': 'string', 'S3Uri': 'string' }, 'GeneratedImageUrl': 'string' }, 'Height64': { 'Source': { 'PublicUrl': 'string', 'S3Uri': 'string' }, 'GeneratedImageUrl': 'string' }, 'Height32': { 'Source': { 'PublicUrl': 'string', 'S3Uri': 'string' }, 'GeneratedImageUrl': 'string' } } } } }, 'BrandDefinition': { 'BrandName': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'ApplicationTheme': { 'BrandColorPalette': { 'Primary': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Secondary': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Accent': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Measure': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Dimension': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Success': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Info': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Warning': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'Danger': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' } }, 'BrandElementStyle': { 'NavbarStyle': { 'GlobalNavbar': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' }, 'ContextualNavbar': { 'Foreground': 'string', 'Background': 'string' } } } }, 'LogoConfiguration': { 'AltText': 'string', 'LogoSet': { 'Primary': { 'Original': { 'Source': { 'PublicUrl': 'string', 'S3Uri': 'string' } } }, 'Favicon': { 'Original': { 'Source': { 'PublicUrl': 'string', 'S3Uri': 'string' } } } } } } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
BrandDetail (dict) --
The details of the brand.
BrandId (string) --
The ID of the Amazon QuickSight brand.
Arn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the brand.
BrandStatus (string) --
The status of the brand.
CreatedTime (datetime) --
The time that the brand was created.
LastUpdatedTime (datetime) --
The last time the brand was updated.
VersionId (string) --
The ID of the version.
VersionStatus (string) --
The status of the version.
Errors (list) --
A list of errors that occurred during the most recent brand operation.
(string) --
Logo (dict) --
The logo details.
AltText (string) --
The alt text for the logo.
LogoSet (dict) --
A set of configured logos.
Primary (dict) --
The primary logo.
Original (dict) --
The original image.
Source (dict) --
The source of the logo image.
PublicUrl (string) --
The public URL that points to the source image.
S3Uri (string) --
The Amazon S3 URI that points to the source image.
GeneratedImageUrl (string) --
The URL that points to the generated logo image.
Height64 (dict) --
The image with the height set to 64 pixels.
Source (dict) --
The source of the logo image.
PublicUrl (string) --
The public URL that points to the source image.
S3Uri (string) --
The Amazon S3 URI that points to the source image.
GeneratedImageUrl (string) --
The URL that points to the generated logo image.
Height32 (dict) --
The image with the height set to 32 pixels.
Source (dict) --
The source of the logo image.
PublicUrl (string) --
The public URL that points to the source image.
S3Uri (string) --
The Amazon S3 URI that points to the source image.
GeneratedImageUrl (string) --
The URL that points to the generated logo image.
Favicon (dict) --
The favicon logo.
Original (dict) --
The original image.
Source (dict) --
The source of the logo image.
PublicUrl (string) --
The public URL that points to the source image.
S3Uri (string) --
The Amazon S3 URI that points to the source image.
GeneratedImageUrl (string) --
The URL that points to the generated logo image.
Height64 (dict) --
The image with the height set to 64 pixels.
Source (dict) --
The source of the logo image.
PublicUrl (string) --
The public URL that points to the source image.
S3Uri (string) --
The Amazon S3 URI that points to the source image.
GeneratedImageUrl (string) --
The URL that points to the generated logo image.
Height32 (dict) --
The image with the height set to 32 pixels.
Source (dict) --
The source of the logo image.
PublicUrl (string) --
The public URL that points to the source image.
S3Uri (string) --
The Amazon S3 URI that points to the source image.
GeneratedImageUrl (string) --
The URL that points to the generated logo image.
BrandDefinition (dict) --
The definition of the brand.
BrandName (string) --
The name of the brand.
Description (string) --
The description of the brand.
ApplicationTheme (dict) --
The application theme of the brand.
BrandColorPalette (dict) --
The color palette.
Primary (dict) --
The primary color.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Secondary (dict) --
The secondary color.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Accent (dict) --
The color that is used for accent elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Measure (dict) --
The color that is used for measure elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Dimension (dict) --
The color that is used for dimension elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Success (dict) --
The color that is used for success elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Info (dict) --
The color that is used for info elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Warning (dict) --
The color that is used for warning elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
Danger (dict) --
The color that is used for danger elements.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
BrandElementStyle (dict) --
The element style.
NavbarStyle (dict) --
The navigation bar style.
GlobalNavbar (dict) --
The global navigation bar style.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
ContextualNavbar (dict) --
The contextual navigation bar style.
Foreground (string) --
The foreground color.
Background (string) --
The background color.
LogoConfiguration (dict) --
The logo configuration of the brand.
AltText (string) --
The alt text for the logo.
LogoSet (dict) --
A set of configured logos.
Primary (dict) --
The primary logo.
Original (dict) --
The original image.
Source (dict) --
The source of the image.
PublicUrl (string) --
The public URL that points to the source image.
S3Uri (string) --
The Amazon S3 URI that points to the source image.
Favicon (dict) --
The favicon logo.
Original (dict) --
The original image.
Source (dict) --
The source of the image.
PublicUrl (string) --
The public URL that points to the source image.
S3Uri (string) --
The Amazon S3 URI that points to the source image.
Deletes an Amazon QuickSight brand.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.delete_brand( AwsAccountId='string', BrandId='string' )
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the brand.
The ID of the Amazon QuickSight brand.
Response Syntax
{ 'RequestId': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
Updates the published version of a brand.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.update_brand_published_version( AwsAccountId='string', BrandId='string', VersionId='string' )
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the brand.
The ID of the Amazon QuickSight brand.
The ID of the published version.
Response Syntax
{ 'RequestId': 'string', 'VersionId': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
VersionId (string) --
The ID of the published version.
Lists all brands in an Amazon QuickSight account.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.list_brands( AwsAccountId='string', MaxResults=123, NextToken='string' )
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the brands that you want to list.
The maximum number of results to be returned in a single request.
The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
Response Syntax
{ 'NextToken': 'string', 'Brands': [ { 'Arn': 'string', 'BrandId': 'string', 'BrandName': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'BrandStatus': 'CREATE_IN_PROGRESS'|'CREATE_SUCCEEDED'|'CREATE_FAILED'|'DELETE_IN_PROGRESS'|'DELETE_FAILED', 'CreatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'LastUpdatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }, ] }
Response Structure
(dict) --
NextToken (string) --
The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
Brands (list) --
A list of all brands in your Amazon Web Services account. This structure provides basic information about each brand.
(dict) --
A summary of the brand.
Arn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the brand.
BrandId (string) --
The ID of the Amazon QuickSight brand.
BrandName (string) --
The name of the brand.
Description (string) --
The description of the brand.
BrandStatus (string) --
The status of the brand.
CreatedTime (datetime) --
The time that the brand was created.
LastUpdatedTime (datetime) --
The time when the brand was last updated.
Updates a custom permissions profile for a user.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.update_user_custom_permission( UserName='string', AwsAccountId='string', Namespace='string', CustomPermissionsName='string' )
The username of the user that you want to update custom permissions for.
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the custom permission configuration that you want to update.
The namespace that the user belongs to.
The name of the custom permissions that you want to update.
Response Syntax
{ 'RequestId': 'string', 'Status': 123 }
Response Structure
(dict) --
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
Status (integer) --
The HTTP status of the request.
Deletes a brand assignment.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.delete_brand_assignment( AwsAccountId='string' )
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the brand assignment.
Response Syntax
{ 'RequestId': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
Deletes a custom permissions profile.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.delete_custom_permissions( AwsAccountId='string', CustomPermissionsName='string' )
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the custom permissions profile that you want to delete.
The name of the custom permissions profile that you want to delete.
Response Syntax
{ 'Status': 123, 'Arn': 'string', 'RequestId': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Status (integer) --
The HTTP status of the request.
Arn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the custom permissions profile.
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.