2024/12/03 - Amazon DataZone - 14 new23 updated api methods
Changes Adds support for Connections, ProjectProfiles, and JobRuns APIs. Supports the new Lineage feature at GA. Adjusts optionality of a parameter for DataSource and SubscriptionTarget APIs which may adjust types in some clients.
The details of the project profile.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_project_profile( domainIdentifier='string', identifier='string' )
The ID of the domain.
The ID of the project profile.
Response Syntax
{ 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'createdBy': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'domainId': 'string', 'domainUnitId': 'string', 'environmentConfigurations': [ { 'awsAccount': { 'awsAccountId': 'string', 'awsAccountIdPath': 'string' }, 'awsRegion': { 'regionName': 'string', 'regionNamePath': 'string' }, 'configurationParameters': { 'parameterOverrides': [ { 'isEditable': True|False, 'name': 'string', 'value': 'string' }, ], 'resolvedParameters': [ { 'isEditable': True|False, 'name': 'string', 'value': 'string' }, ], 'ssmPath': 'string' }, 'deploymentMode': 'ON_CREATE'|'ON_DEMAND', 'deploymentOrder': 123, 'description': 'string', 'environmentBlueprintId': 'string', 'id': 'string', 'name': 'string' }, ], 'id': 'string', 'lastUpdatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'name': 'string', 'status': 'ENABLED'|'DISABLED' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
createdAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the project profile was created.
createdBy (string) --
The user who created the project profile.
description (string) --
The description of the project profile.
domainId (string) --
The ID of the domain of the project profile.
domainUnitId (string) --
The ID of the domain unit of the project profile.
environmentConfigurations (list) --
The environment configurations of the project profile.
(dict) --
The configuration of an environment.
awsAccount (dict) --
The Amazon Web Services account of the environment.
awsAccountId (string) --
The account ID of a project.
awsAccountIdPath (string) --
The account ID path of a project.
awsRegion (dict) --
The Amazon Web Services Region of the environment.
regionName (string) --
The Amazon Web Services Region name.
regionNamePath (string) --
The region name path.
configurationParameters (dict) --
The configuration parameters of the environment.
parameterOverrides (list) --
The parameter overrides.
(dict) --
The environment configuration parameter.
isEditable (boolean) --
Specifies whether the environment parameter is editable.
name (string) --
The name of the environment configuration parameter.
value (string) --
The value of the environment configuration parameter.
resolvedParameters (list) --
The resolved environment configuration parameters.
(dict) --
The environment configuration parameter.
isEditable (boolean) --
Specifies whether the environment parameter is editable.
name (string) --
The name of the environment configuration parameter.
value (string) --
The value of the environment configuration parameter.
ssmPath (string) --
Ssm path environment configuration parameters.
deploymentMode (string) --
The deployment mode of the environment.
deploymentOrder (integer) --
The deployment order of the environment.
description (string) --
The environment description.
environmentBlueprintId (string) --
The environment blueprint ID.
id (string) --
The environment ID.
name (string) --
The environment name.
id (string) --
The ID of the project profile.
lastUpdatedAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when project profile was last updated.
name (string) --
The name of the project profile.
status (string) --
The status of the project profile.
Gets a connection. In Amazon DataZone, a connection enables you to connect your resources (domains, projects, and environments) to external resources and services.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_connection( domainIdentifier='string', identifier='string', withSecret=True|False )
The ID of the domain where we get the connection.
The connection ID.
Specifies whether a connection has a secret.
Response Syntax
{ 'connectionCredentials': { 'accessKeyId': 'string', 'expiration': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'secretAccessKey': 'string', 'sessionToken': 'string' }, 'connectionId': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'domainId': 'string', 'domainUnitId': 'string', 'environmentId': 'string', 'environmentUserRole': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'physicalEndpoints': [ { 'awsLocation': { 'accessRole': 'string', 'awsAccountId': 'string', 'awsRegion': 'string', 'iamConnectionId': 'string' }, 'glueConnection': { 'athenaProperties': { 'string': 'string' }, 'authenticationConfiguration': { 'authenticationType': 'BASIC'|'OAUTH2'|'CUSTOM', 'oAuth2Properties': { 'authorizationCodeProperties': { 'authorizationCode': 'string', 'redirectUri': 'string' }, 'oAuth2ClientApplication': { 'aWSManagedClientApplicationReference': 'string', 'userManagedClientApplicationClientId': 'string' }, 'oAuth2Credentials': { 'accessToken': 'string', 'jwtToken': 'string', 'refreshToken': 'string', 'userManagedClientApplicationClientSecret': 'string' }, 'oAuth2GrantType': 'AUTHORIZATION_CODE'|'CLIENT_CREDENTIALS'|'JWT_BEARER', 'tokenUrl': 'string', 'tokenUrlParametersMap': { 'string': 'string' } }, 'secretArn': 'string' }, 'compatibleComputeEnvironments': [ 'SPARK'|'ATHENA'|'PYTHON', ], 'connectionProperties': { 'string': 'string' }, 'connectionSchemaVersion': 123, 'connectionType': 'ATHENA'|'BIGQUERY'|'DATABRICKS'|'DOCUMENTDB'|'DYNAMODB'|'HYPERPOD'|'IAM'|'MYSQL'|'OPENSEARCH'|'ORACLE'|'POSTGRESQL'|'REDSHIFT'|'SAPHANA'|'SNOWFLAKE'|'SPARK'|'SQLSERVER'|'TERADATA'|'VERTICA'|'WORKFLOWS_MWAA', 'creationTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'description': 'string', 'lastConnectionValidationTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'lastUpdatedBy': 'string', 'lastUpdatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'matchCriteria': [ 'string', ], 'name': 'string', 'physicalConnectionRequirements': { 'availabilityZone': 'string', 'securityGroupIdList': [ 'string', ], 'subnetId': 'string', 'subnetIdList': [ 'string', ] }, 'pythonProperties': { 'string': 'string' }, 'sparkProperties': { 'string': 'string' }, 'status': 'CREATING'|'CREATE_FAILED'|'DELETING'|'DELETE_FAILED'|'READY'|'UPDATING'|'UPDATE_FAILED'|'DELETED', 'statusReason': 'string' }, 'glueConnectionName': 'string', 'host': 'string', 'port': 123, 'protocol': 'ATHENA'|'GLUE_INTERACTIVE_SESSION'|'HTTPS'|'JDBC'|'LIVY'|'ODBC'|'PRISM', 'stage': 'string' }, ], 'projectId': 'string', 'props': { 'athenaProperties': { 'workgroupName': 'string' }, 'glueProperties': { 'errorMessage': 'string', 'status': 'CREATING'|'CREATE_FAILED'|'DELETING'|'DELETE_FAILED'|'READY'|'UPDATING'|'UPDATE_FAILED'|'DELETED' }, 'hyperPodProperties': { 'clusterArn': 'string', 'clusterName': 'string', 'orchestrator': 'EKS'|'SLURM' }, 'iamProperties': { 'environmentId': 'string', 'glueLineageSyncEnabled': True|False }, 'redshiftProperties': { 'credentials': { 'secretArn': 'string', 'usernamePassword': { 'password': 'string', 'username': 'string' } }, 'databaseName': 'string', 'isProvisionedSecret': True|False, 'jdbcIamUrl': 'string', 'jdbcUrl': 'string', 'lineageSync': { 'enabled': True|False, 'lineageJobId': 'string', 'schedule': { 'schedule': 'string' } }, 'redshiftTempDir': 'string', 'status': 'CREATING'|'CREATE_FAILED'|'DELETING'|'DELETE_FAILED'|'READY'|'UPDATING'|'UPDATE_FAILED'|'DELETED', 'storage': { 'clusterName': 'string', 'workgroupName': 'string' } }, 'sparkEmrProperties': { 'computeArn': 'string', 'credentials': { 'password': 'string', 'username': 'string' }, 'credentialsExpiration': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'governanceType': 'AWS_MANAGED'|'USER_MANAGED', 'instanceProfileArn': 'string', 'javaVirtualEnv': 'string', 'livyEndpoint': 'string', 'logUri': 'string', 'pythonVirtualEnv': 'string', 'runtimeRole': 'string', 'trustedCertificatesS3Uri': 'string' }, 'sparkGlueProperties': { 'additionalArgs': { 'connection': 'string' }, 'glueConnectionName': 'string', 'glueVersion': 'string', 'idleTimeout': 123, 'javaVirtualEnv': 'string', 'numberOfWorkers': 123, 'pythonVirtualEnv': 'string', 'workerType': 'string' } }, 'type': 'ATHENA'|'BIGQUERY'|'DATABRICKS'|'DOCUMENTDB'|'DYNAMODB'|'HYPERPOD'|'IAM'|'MYSQL'|'OPENSEARCH'|'ORACLE'|'POSTGRESQL'|'REDSHIFT'|'SAPHANA'|'SNOWFLAKE'|'SPARK'|'SQLSERVER'|'TERADATA'|'VERTICA'|'WORKFLOWS_MWAA' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
connectionCredentials (dict) --
Connection credentials.
accessKeyId (string) --
The access key ID of a connection.
expiration (datetime) --
The expiration of the connection credentials.
secretAccessKey (string) --
The secret access key of a connection.
sessionToken (string) --
The session token of a connection credentials.
connectionId (string) --
The ID of the connection.
description (string) --
Connection description.
domainId (string) --
The domain ID of the connection.
domainUnitId (string) --
The domain unit ID of the connection.
environmentId (string) --
The ID of the environment.
environmentUserRole (string) --
The environment user role.
name (string) --
The name of the connection.
physicalEndpoints (list) --
The physical endpoints of the connection.
(dict) --
The physical endpoints of a connection.
awsLocation (dict) --
The location of a connection.
accessRole (string) --
The access role of a connection.
awsAccountId (string) --
The account ID of a connection.
awsRegion (string) --
The Region of a connection.
iamConnectionId (string) --
The IAM connection ID of a connection.
glueConnection (dict) --
The Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
athenaProperties (dict) --
The Amazon Athena properties of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
(string) --
(string) --
authenticationConfiguration (dict) --
The authentication configuration of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
authenticationType (string) --
The authentication type of a connection.
oAuth2Properties (dict) --
The oAuth2 properties of a connection.
authorizationCodeProperties (dict) --
The authorization code properties of the OAuth2 properties.
authorizationCode (string) --
The authorization code of a connection.
redirectUri (string) --
The redirect URI of a connection.
oAuth2ClientApplication (dict) --
The OAuth2 client application of the OAuth2 properties.
aWSManagedClientApplicationReference (string) --
The Amazon Web Services managed client application reference in the OAuth2Client application.
userManagedClientApplicationClientId (string) --
The user managed client application client ID in the OAuth2Client application.
oAuth2Credentials (dict) --
The OAuth2 credentials of the OAuth2 properties.
accessToken (string) --
The access token of a connection.
jwtToken (string) --
The jwt token of the connection.
refreshToken (string) --
The refresh token of the connection.
userManagedClientApplicationClientSecret (string) --
The user managed client application client secret of the connection.
oAuth2GrantType (string) --
The OAuth2 grant type of the OAuth2 properties.
tokenUrl (string) --
The OAuth2 token URL of the OAuth2 properties.
tokenUrlParametersMap (dict) --
The OAuth2 token URL parameter map of the OAuth2 properties.
(string) --
(string) --
secretArn (string) --
The secret ARN of a connection.
compatibleComputeEnvironments (list) --
The compatible compute environments of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
(string) --
connectionProperties (dict) --
The properties of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
(string) --
(string) --
connectionSchemaVersion (integer) --
The connection schema version of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
connectionType (string) --
The type of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
creationTime (datetime) --
The creation time of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
description (string) --
The description of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
lastConnectionValidationTime (datetime) --
The last validation time of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
lastUpdatedBy (string) --
The user who last updated the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
lastUpdatedTime (datetime) --
The timestamp at which the Amazon Web Services Glue connection was last updated.
matchCriteria (list) --
The match criteria of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
(string) --
name (string) --
The name of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
physicalConnectionRequirements (dict) --
The physical connection requirements of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
availabilityZone (string) --
The availability zone of the physical connection requirements of a connection.
securityGroupIdList (list) --
The group ID list of the physical connection requirements of a connection.
(string) --
subnetId (string) --
The subnet ID of the physical connection requirements of a connection.
subnetIdList (list) --
The subnet ID list of the physical connection requirements of a connection.
(string) --
pythonProperties (dict) --
The Python properties of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
(string) --
(string) --
sparkProperties (dict) --
The Spark properties of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
(string) --
(string) --
status (string) --
The status of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
statusReason (string) --
The status reason of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
glueConnectionName (string) --
The Amazon Web Services Glue connection name.
host (string) --
The host in the physical endpoints of a connection.
port (integer) --
The port in the physical endpoints of a connection.
protocol (string) --
The protocol in the physical endpoints of a connection.
stage (string) --
The stage in the physical endpoints of a connection.
projectId (string) --
The ID of the project.
props (dict) --
Connection props.
athenaProperties (dict) --
The Amazon Athena properties of a connection.
workgroupName (string) --
The Amazon Athena workgroup name of a connection.
glueProperties (dict) --
The Amazon Web Services Glue properties of a connection.
errorMessage (string) --
The error message generated if the action is not completed successfully.
status (string) --
The status of a connection.
hyperPodProperties (dict) --
The hyper pod properties of a connection.
clusterArn (string) --
The cluster ARN of the hyper pod properties.
clusterName (string) --
The cluster name the hyper pod properties.
orchestrator (string) --
The orchestrator of the hyper pod properties.
iamProperties (dict) --
The IAM properties of a connection.
environmentId (string) --
The environment ID of the connection.
glueLineageSyncEnabled (boolean) --
Specifies whether Amazon Web Services Glue lineage sync is enabled for a connection.
redshiftProperties (dict) --
The Amazon Redshift properties of a connection.
credentials (dict) --
The Amazon Redshift credentials.
secretArn (string) --
The secret ARN of the Amazon Redshift credentials of a connection.
usernamePassword (dict) --
The username and password of the Amazon Redshift credentials of a connection.
password (string) --
The password of a connection.
username (string) --
The username of a connection.
databaseName (string) --
The Amazon Redshift database name.
isProvisionedSecret (boolean) --
Specifies whether Amaon Redshift properties has a provisioned secret.
jdbcIamUrl (string) --
The jdbcIam URL of the Amazon Redshift properties.
jdbcUrl (string) --
The jdbcURL of the Amazon Redshift properties.
lineageSync (dict) --
The lineage syn of the Amazon Redshift properties.
enabled (boolean) --
Specifies whether the Amaon Redshift lineage sync configuration is enabled.
lineageJobId (string) --
The lineage job ID of the Amaon Redshift lineage sync configuration.
schedule (dict) --
The schedule of teh Amaon Redshift lineage sync configuration.
schedule (string) --
The lineage sync schedule.
redshiftTempDir (string) --
The redshiftTempDir of the Amazon Redshift properties.
status (string) --
The status in the Amazon Redshift properties.
storage (dict) --
The storage in the Amazon Redshift properties.
clusterName (string) --
The cluster name in the Amazon Redshift storage properties.
workgroupName (string) --
The workgroup name in the Amazon Redshift storage properties.
sparkEmrProperties (dict) --
The Spark EMR properties of a connection.
computeArn (string) --
The compute ARN of the Spark EMR.
credentials (dict) --
The credentials of the Spark EMR.
password (string) --
The password of a connection.
username (string) --
The username of a connection.
credentialsExpiration (datetime) --
The credential expiration of the Spark EMR.
governanceType (string) --
The governance type of the Spark EMR.
instanceProfileArn (string) --
The instance profile ARN of the Spark EMR.
javaVirtualEnv (string) --
The Java virtual env of the Spark EMR.
livyEndpoint (string) --
The livy endpoint of the Spark EMR.
logUri (string) --
The log URI of the Spark EMR.
pythonVirtualEnv (string) --
The Python virtual env of the Spark EMR.
runtimeRole (string) --
The runtime role of the Spark EMR.
trustedCertificatesS3Uri (string) --
The trusted certificate S3 URL of the Spark EMR.
sparkGlueProperties (dict) --
The Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties of a connection.
additionalArgs (dict) --
The additional args in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
connection (string) --
The connection in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue args.
glueConnectionName (string) --
The Amazon Web Services Glue connection name in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
glueVersion (string) --
The Amazon Web Services Glue version in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
idleTimeout (integer) --
The idle timeout in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
javaVirtualEnv (string) --
The Java virtual env in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
numberOfWorkers (integer) --
The number of workers in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
pythonVirtualEnv (string) --
The Python virtual env in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
workerType (string) --
The worker type in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
type (string) --
The type of the connection.
Deletes a project profile.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.delete_project_profile( domainIdentifier='string', identifier='string' )
The ID of the domain where a project profile is deleted.
The ID of the project profile that is deleted.
Response Syntax
Response Structure
(dict) --
Lists connections. In Amazon DataZone, a connection enables you to connect your resources (domains, projects, and environments) to external resources and services.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.list_connections( domainIdentifier='string', environmentIdentifier='string', maxResults=123, name='string', nextToken='string', projectIdentifier='string', sortBy='NAME', sortOrder='ASCENDING'|'DESCENDING', type='ATHENA'|'BIGQUERY'|'DATABRICKS'|'DOCUMENTDB'|'DYNAMODB'|'HYPERPOD'|'IAM'|'MYSQL'|'OPENSEARCH'|'ORACLE'|'POSTGRESQL'|'REDSHIFT'|'SAPHANA'|'SNOWFLAKE'|'SPARK'|'SQLSERVER'|'TERADATA'|'VERTICA'|'WORKFLOWS_MWAA' )
The ID of the domain where you want to list connections.
The ID of the environment where you want to list connections.
The maximum number of connections to return in a single call to ListConnections. When the number of connections to be listed is greater than the value of MaxResults, the response contains a NextToken value that you can use in a subsequent call to ListConnections to list the next set of connections.
The name of the connection.
When the number of connections is greater than the default value for the MaxResults parameter, or if you explicitly specify a value for MaxResults that is less than the number of connections, the response includes a pagination token named NextToken. You can specify this NextToken value in a subsequent call to ListConnections to list the next set of connections.
The ID of the project where you want to list connections.
Specifies how you want to sort the listed connections.
Specifies the sort order for the listed connections.
The type of connection.
Response Syntax
{ 'items': [ { 'connectionId': 'string', 'domainId': 'string', 'domainUnitId': 'string', 'environmentId': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'physicalEndpoints': [ { 'awsLocation': { 'accessRole': 'string', 'awsAccountId': 'string', 'awsRegion': 'string', 'iamConnectionId': 'string' }, 'glueConnection': { 'athenaProperties': { 'string': 'string' }, 'authenticationConfiguration': { 'authenticationType': 'BASIC'|'OAUTH2'|'CUSTOM', 'oAuth2Properties': { 'authorizationCodeProperties': { 'authorizationCode': 'string', 'redirectUri': 'string' }, 'oAuth2ClientApplication': { 'aWSManagedClientApplicationReference': 'string', 'userManagedClientApplicationClientId': 'string' }, 'oAuth2Credentials': { 'accessToken': 'string', 'jwtToken': 'string', 'refreshToken': 'string', 'userManagedClientApplicationClientSecret': 'string' }, 'oAuth2GrantType': 'AUTHORIZATION_CODE'|'CLIENT_CREDENTIALS'|'JWT_BEARER', 'tokenUrl': 'string', 'tokenUrlParametersMap': { 'string': 'string' } }, 'secretArn': 'string' }, 'compatibleComputeEnvironments': [ 'SPARK'|'ATHENA'|'PYTHON', ], 'connectionProperties': { 'string': 'string' }, 'connectionSchemaVersion': 123, 'connectionType': 'ATHENA'|'BIGQUERY'|'DATABRICKS'|'DOCUMENTDB'|'DYNAMODB'|'HYPERPOD'|'IAM'|'MYSQL'|'OPENSEARCH'|'ORACLE'|'POSTGRESQL'|'REDSHIFT'|'SAPHANA'|'SNOWFLAKE'|'SPARK'|'SQLSERVER'|'TERADATA'|'VERTICA'|'WORKFLOWS_MWAA', 'creationTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'description': 'string', 'lastConnectionValidationTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'lastUpdatedBy': 'string', 'lastUpdatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'matchCriteria': [ 'string', ], 'name': 'string', 'physicalConnectionRequirements': { 'availabilityZone': 'string', 'securityGroupIdList': [ 'string', ], 'subnetId': 'string', 'subnetIdList': [ 'string', ] }, 'pythonProperties': { 'string': 'string' }, 'sparkProperties': { 'string': 'string' }, 'status': 'CREATING'|'CREATE_FAILED'|'DELETING'|'DELETE_FAILED'|'READY'|'UPDATING'|'UPDATE_FAILED'|'DELETED', 'statusReason': 'string' }, 'glueConnectionName': 'string', 'host': 'string', 'port': 123, 'protocol': 'ATHENA'|'GLUE_INTERACTIVE_SESSION'|'HTTPS'|'JDBC'|'LIVY'|'ODBC'|'PRISM', 'stage': 'string' }, ], 'projectId': 'string', 'props': { 'athenaProperties': { 'workgroupName': 'string' }, 'glueProperties': { 'errorMessage': 'string', 'status': 'CREATING'|'CREATE_FAILED'|'DELETING'|'DELETE_FAILED'|'READY'|'UPDATING'|'UPDATE_FAILED'|'DELETED' }, 'hyperPodProperties': { 'clusterArn': 'string', 'clusterName': 'string', 'orchestrator': 'EKS'|'SLURM' }, 'iamProperties': { 'environmentId': 'string', 'glueLineageSyncEnabled': True|False }, 'redshiftProperties': { 'credentials': { 'secretArn': 'string', 'usernamePassword': { 'password': 'string', 'username': 'string' } }, 'databaseName': 'string', 'isProvisionedSecret': True|False, 'jdbcIamUrl': 'string', 'jdbcUrl': 'string', 'lineageSync': { 'enabled': True|False, 'lineageJobId': 'string', 'schedule': { 'schedule': 'string' } }, 'redshiftTempDir': 'string', 'status': 'CREATING'|'CREATE_FAILED'|'DELETING'|'DELETE_FAILED'|'READY'|'UPDATING'|'UPDATE_FAILED'|'DELETED', 'storage': { 'clusterName': 'string', 'workgroupName': 'string' } }, 'sparkEmrProperties': { 'computeArn': 'string', 'credentials': { 'password': 'string', 'username': 'string' }, 'credentialsExpiration': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'governanceType': 'AWS_MANAGED'|'USER_MANAGED', 'instanceProfileArn': 'string', 'javaVirtualEnv': 'string', 'livyEndpoint': 'string', 'logUri': 'string', 'pythonVirtualEnv': 'string', 'runtimeRole': 'string', 'trustedCertificatesS3Uri': 'string' }, 'sparkGlueProperties': { 'additionalArgs': { 'connection': 'string' }, 'glueConnectionName': 'string', 'glueVersion': 'string', 'idleTimeout': 123, 'javaVirtualEnv': 'string', 'numberOfWorkers': 123, 'pythonVirtualEnv': 'string', 'workerType': 'string' } }, 'type': 'ATHENA'|'BIGQUERY'|'DATABRICKS'|'DOCUMENTDB'|'DYNAMODB'|'HYPERPOD'|'IAM'|'MYSQL'|'OPENSEARCH'|'ORACLE'|'POSTGRESQL'|'REDSHIFT'|'SAPHANA'|'SNOWFLAKE'|'SPARK'|'SQLSERVER'|'TERADATA'|'VERTICA'|'WORKFLOWS_MWAA' }, ], 'nextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
items (list) --
The results of the ListConnections action.
(dict) --
The summary of a connection.
connectionId (string) --
The ID of a connection.
domainId (string) --
The domain ID of a connection.
domainUnitId (string) --
The domain unit ID of a connection.
environmentId (string) --
The environment ID of a connection.
name (string) --
The connection name.
physicalEndpoints (list) --
The connection physical endpoints.
(dict) --
The physical endpoints of a connection.
awsLocation (dict) --
The location of a connection.
accessRole (string) --
The access role of a connection.
awsAccountId (string) --
The account ID of a connection.
awsRegion (string) --
The Region of a connection.
iamConnectionId (string) --
The IAM connection ID of a connection.
glueConnection (dict) --
The Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
athenaProperties (dict) --
The Amazon Athena properties of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
(string) --
(string) --
authenticationConfiguration (dict) --
The authentication configuration of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
authenticationType (string) --
The authentication type of a connection.
oAuth2Properties (dict) --
The oAuth2 properties of a connection.
authorizationCodeProperties (dict) --
The authorization code properties of the OAuth2 properties.
authorizationCode (string) --
The authorization code of a connection.
redirectUri (string) --
The redirect URI of a connection.
oAuth2ClientApplication (dict) --
The OAuth2 client application of the OAuth2 properties.
aWSManagedClientApplicationReference (string) --
The Amazon Web Services managed client application reference in the OAuth2Client application.
userManagedClientApplicationClientId (string) --
The user managed client application client ID in the OAuth2Client application.
oAuth2Credentials (dict) --
The OAuth2 credentials of the OAuth2 properties.
accessToken (string) --
The access token of a connection.
jwtToken (string) --
The jwt token of the connection.
refreshToken (string) --
The refresh token of the connection.
userManagedClientApplicationClientSecret (string) --
The user managed client application client secret of the connection.
oAuth2GrantType (string) --
The OAuth2 grant type of the OAuth2 properties.
tokenUrl (string) --
The OAuth2 token URL of the OAuth2 properties.
tokenUrlParametersMap (dict) --
The OAuth2 token URL parameter map of the OAuth2 properties.
(string) --
(string) --
secretArn (string) --
The secret ARN of a connection.
compatibleComputeEnvironments (list) --
The compatible compute environments of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
(string) --
connectionProperties (dict) --
The properties of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
(string) --
(string) --
connectionSchemaVersion (integer) --
The connection schema version of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
connectionType (string) --
The type of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
creationTime (datetime) --
The creation time of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
description (string) --
The description of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
lastConnectionValidationTime (datetime) --
The last validation time of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
lastUpdatedBy (string) --
The user who last updated the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
lastUpdatedTime (datetime) --
The timestamp at which the Amazon Web Services Glue connection was last updated.
matchCriteria (list) --
The match criteria of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
(string) --
name (string) --
The name of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
physicalConnectionRequirements (dict) --
The physical connection requirements of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
availabilityZone (string) --
The availability zone of the physical connection requirements of a connection.
securityGroupIdList (list) --
The group ID list of the physical connection requirements of a connection.
(string) --
subnetId (string) --
The subnet ID of the physical connection requirements of a connection.
subnetIdList (list) --
The subnet ID list of the physical connection requirements of a connection.
(string) --
pythonProperties (dict) --
The Python properties of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
(string) --
(string) --
sparkProperties (dict) --
The Spark properties of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
(string) --
(string) --
status (string) --
The status of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
statusReason (string) --
The status reason of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
glueConnectionName (string) --
The Amazon Web Services Glue connection name.
host (string) --
The host in the physical endpoints of a connection.
port (integer) --
The port in the physical endpoints of a connection.
protocol (string) --
The protocol in the physical endpoints of a connection.
stage (string) --
The stage in the physical endpoints of a connection.
projectId (string) --
The connection project ID.
props (dict) --
The connection props.
athenaProperties (dict) --
The Amazon Athena properties of a connection.
workgroupName (string) --
The Amazon Athena workgroup name of a connection.
glueProperties (dict) --
The Amazon Web Services Glue properties of a connection.
errorMessage (string) --
The error message generated if the action is not completed successfully.
status (string) --
The status of a connection.
hyperPodProperties (dict) --
The hyper pod properties of a connection.
clusterArn (string) --
The cluster ARN of the hyper pod properties.
clusterName (string) --
The cluster name the hyper pod properties.
orchestrator (string) --
The orchestrator of the hyper pod properties.
iamProperties (dict) --
The IAM properties of a connection.
environmentId (string) --
The environment ID of the connection.
glueLineageSyncEnabled (boolean) --
Specifies whether Amazon Web Services Glue lineage sync is enabled for a connection.
redshiftProperties (dict) --
The Amazon Redshift properties of a connection.
credentials (dict) --
The Amazon Redshift credentials.
secretArn (string) --
The secret ARN of the Amazon Redshift credentials of a connection.
usernamePassword (dict) --
The username and password of the Amazon Redshift credentials of a connection.
password (string) --
The password of a connection.
username (string) --
The username of a connection.
databaseName (string) --
The Amazon Redshift database name.
isProvisionedSecret (boolean) --
Specifies whether Amaon Redshift properties has a provisioned secret.
jdbcIamUrl (string) --
The jdbcIam URL of the Amazon Redshift properties.
jdbcUrl (string) --
The jdbcURL of the Amazon Redshift properties.
lineageSync (dict) --
The lineage syn of the Amazon Redshift properties.
enabled (boolean) --
Specifies whether the Amaon Redshift lineage sync configuration is enabled.
lineageJobId (string) --
The lineage job ID of the Amaon Redshift lineage sync configuration.
schedule (dict) --
The schedule of teh Amaon Redshift lineage sync configuration.
schedule (string) --
The lineage sync schedule.
redshiftTempDir (string) --
The redshiftTempDir of the Amazon Redshift properties.
status (string) --
The status in the Amazon Redshift properties.
storage (dict) --
The storage in the Amazon Redshift properties.
clusterName (string) --
The cluster name in the Amazon Redshift storage properties.
workgroupName (string) --
The workgroup name in the Amazon Redshift storage properties.
sparkEmrProperties (dict) --
The Spark EMR properties of a connection.
computeArn (string) --
The compute ARN of the Spark EMR.
credentials (dict) --
The credentials of the Spark EMR.
password (string) --
The password of a connection.
username (string) --
The username of a connection.
credentialsExpiration (datetime) --
The credential expiration of the Spark EMR.
governanceType (string) --
The governance type of the Spark EMR.
instanceProfileArn (string) --
The instance profile ARN of the Spark EMR.
javaVirtualEnv (string) --
The Java virtual env of the Spark EMR.
livyEndpoint (string) --
The livy endpoint of the Spark EMR.
logUri (string) --
The log URI of the Spark EMR.
pythonVirtualEnv (string) --
The Python virtual env of the Spark EMR.
runtimeRole (string) --
The runtime role of the Spark EMR.
trustedCertificatesS3Uri (string) --
The trusted certificate S3 URL of the Spark EMR.
sparkGlueProperties (dict) --
The Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties of a connection.
additionalArgs (dict) --
The additional args in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
connection (string) --
The connection in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue args.
glueConnectionName (string) --
The Amazon Web Services Glue connection name in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
glueVersion (string) --
The Amazon Web Services Glue version in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
idleTimeout (integer) --
The idle timeout in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
javaVirtualEnv (string) --
The Java virtual env in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
numberOfWorkers (integer) --
The number of workers in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
pythonVirtualEnv (string) --
The Python virtual env in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
workerType (string) --
The worker type in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
type (string) --
The connection type.
nextToken (string) --
When the number of connections is greater than the default value for the MaxResults parameter, or if you explicitly specify a value for MaxResults that is less than the number of connections, the response includes a pagination token named NextToken. You can specify this NextToken value in a subsequent call to ListConnections to list the next set of connections.
Lists job runs.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.list_job_runs( domainIdentifier='string', jobIdentifier='string', maxResults=123, nextToken='string', sortOrder='ASCENDING'|'DESCENDING', status='SCHEDULED'|'IN_PROGRESS'|'SUCCESS'|'PARTIALLY_SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED'|'ABORTED'|'TIMED_OUT'|'CANCELED' )
The ID of the domain where you want to list job runs.
The ID of the job run.
The maximum number of job runs to return in a single call to ListJobRuns. When the number of job runs to be listed is greater than the value of MaxResults, the response contains a NextToken value that you can use in a subsequent call to ListJobRuns to list the next set of job runs.
When the number of job runs is greater than the default value for the MaxResults parameter, or if you explicitly specify a value for MaxResults that is less than the number of job runs, the response includes a pagination token named NextToken. You can specify this NextToken value in a subsequent call to ListJobRuns to list the next set of job runs.
Specifies the order in which job runs are to be sorted.
The status of a job run.
Response Syntax
{ 'items': [ { 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'createdBy': 'string', 'domainId': 'string', 'endTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'error': { 'message': 'string' }, 'jobId': 'string', 'jobType': 'LINEAGE', 'runId': 'string', 'runMode': 'SCHEDULED'|'ON_DEMAND', 'startTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'status': 'SCHEDULED'|'IN_PROGRESS'|'SUCCESS'|'PARTIALLY_SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED'|'ABORTED'|'TIMED_OUT'|'CANCELED' }, ], 'nextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
items (list) --
The results of the ListJobRuns action.
(dict) --
The job run summary.
createdAt (datetime) --
The timestamp at which job run was created.
createdBy (string) --
The user who created the job run.
domainId (string) --
The domain ID of the job run.
endTime (datetime) --
The end time of a job run.
error (dict) --
The error of a job run.
message (string) --
The job run error message.
jobId (string) --
The job ID of a job run.
jobType (string) --
The job type of a job run.
runId (string) --
The run ID of a job run.
runMode (string) --
The run mode of a job run.
startTime (datetime) --
The start time of a job run.
status (string) --
The status of a job run.
nextToken (string) --
When the number of job runs is greater than the default value for the MaxResults parameter, or if you explicitly specify a value for MaxResults that is less than the number of job runs, the response includes a pagination token named NextToken. You can specify this NextToken value in a subsequent call to ListJobRuns to list the next set of job runs.
Updates a project profile.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.update_project_profile( description='string', domainIdentifier='string', domainUnitIdentifier='string', environmentConfigurations=[ { 'awsAccount': { 'awsAccountId': 'string', 'awsAccountIdPath': 'string' }, 'awsRegion': { 'regionName': 'string', 'regionNamePath': 'string' }, 'configurationParameters': { 'parameterOverrides': [ { 'isEditable': True|False, 'name': 'string', 'value': 'string' }, ], 'resolvedParameters': [ { 'isEditable': True|False, 'name': 'string', 'value': 'string' }, ], 'ssmPath': 'string' }, 'deploymentMode': 'ON_CREATE'|'ON_DEMAND', 'deploymentOrder': 123, 'description': 'string', 'environmentBlueprintId': 'string', 'id': 'string', 'name': 'string' }, ], identifier='string', name='string', status='ENABLED'|'DISABLED' )
The description of a project profile.
The ID of the domain where a project profile is to be updated.
The ID of the domain unit where a project profile is to be updated.
The environment configurations of a project profile.
(dict) --
The configuration of an environment.
awsAccount (dict) -- [REQUIRED]
The Amazon Web Services account of the environment.
awsAccountId (string) --
The account ID of a project.
awsAccountIdPath (string) --
The account ID path of a project.
awsRegion (dict) -- [REQUIRED]
The Amazon Web Services Region of the environment.
regionName (string) --
The Amazon Web Services Region name.
regionNamePath (string) --
The region name path.
configurationParameters (dict) --
The configuration parameters of the environment.
parameterOverrides (list) --
The parameter overrides.
(dict) --
The environment configuration parameter.
isEditable (boolean) --
Specifies whether the environment parameter is editable.
name (string) --
The name of the environment configuration parameter.
value (string) --
The value of the environment configuration parameter.
resolvedParameters (list) --
The resolved environment configuration parameters.
(dict) --
The environment configuration parameter.
isEditable (boolean) --
Specifies whether the environment parameter is editable.
name (string) --
The name of the environment configuration parameter.
value (string) --
The value of the environment configuration parameter.
ssmPath (string) --
Ssm path environment configuration parameters.
deploymentMode (string) --
The deployment mode of the environment.
deploymentOrder (integer) --
The deployment order of the environment.
description (string) --
The environment description.
environmentBlueprintId (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The environment blueprint ID.
id (string) --
The environment ID.
name (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The environment name.
The ID of a project profile that is to be updated.
The name of a project profile.
The status of a project profile.
Response Syntax
{ 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'createdBy': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'domainId': 'string', 'domainUnitId': 'string', 'environmentConfigurations': [ { 'awsAccount': { 'awsAccountId': 'string', 'awsAccountIdPath': 'string' }, 'awsRegion': { 'regionName': 'string', 'regionNamePath': 'string' }, 'configurationParameters': { 'parameterOverrides': [ { 'isEditable': True|False, 'name': 'string', 'value': 'string' }, ], 'resolvedParameters': [ { 'isEditable': True|False, 'name': 'string', 'value': 'string' }, ], 'ssmPath': 'string' }, 'deploymentMode': 'ON_CREATE'|'ON_DEMAND', 'deploymentOrder': 123, 'description': 'string', 'environmentBlueprintId': 'string', 'id': 'string', 'name': 'string' }, ], 'id': 'string', 'lastUpdatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'name': 'string', 'status': 'ENABLED'|'DISABLED' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
createdAt (datetime) --
The timestamp at which a project profile is created.
createdBy (string) --
The user who created a project profile.
description (string) --
The description of a project profile.
domainId (string) --
The ID of the domain where project profile is to be updated.
domainUnitId (string) --
The domain unit ID of the project profile to be updated.
environmentConfigurations (list) --
The environment configurations of a project profile.
(dict) --
The configuration of an environment.
awsAccount (dict) --
The Amazon Web Services account of the environment.
awsAccountId (string) --
The account ID of a project.
awsAccountIdPath (string) --
The account ID path of a project.
awsRegion (dict) --
The Amazon Web Services Region of the environment.
regionName (string) --
The Amazon Web Services Region name.
regionNamePath (string) --
The region name path.
configurationParameters (dict) --
The configuration parameters of the environment.
parameterOverrides (list) --
The parameter overrides.
(dict) --
The environment configuration parameter.
isEditable (boolean) --
Specifies whether the environment parameter is editable.
name (string) --
The name of the environment configuration parameter.
value (string) --
The value of the environment configuration parameter.
resolvedParameters (list) --
The resolved environment configuration parameters.
(dict) --
The environment configuration parameter.
isEditable (boolean) --
Specifies whether the environment parameter is editable.
name (string) --
The name of the environment configuration parameter.
value (string) --
The value of the environment configuration parameter.
ssmPath (string) --
Ssm path environment configuration parameters.
deploymentMode (string) --
The deployment mode of the environment.
deploymentOrder (integer) --
The deployment order of the environment.
description (string) --
The environment description.
environmentBlueprintId (string) --
The environment blueprint ID.
id (string) --
The environment ID.
name (string) --
The environment name.
id (string) --
The ID of the project profile.
lastUpdatedAt (datetime) --
The timestamp at which a project profile was last updated.
name (string) --
The name of the project profile.
status (string) --
The status of the project profile.
Updates a connection. In Amazon DataZone, a connection enables you to connect your resources (domains, projects, and environments) to external resources and services.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.update_connection( awsLocation={ 'accessRole': 'string', 'awsAccountId': 'string', 'awsRegion': 'string', 'iamConnectionId': 'string' }, description='string', domainIdentifier='string', identifier='string', props={ 'athenaProperties': { 'workgroupName': 'string' }, 'glueProperties': { 'glueConnectionInput': { 'authenticationConfiguration': { 'basicAuthenticationCredentials': { 'password': 'string', 'userName': 'string' }, 'secretArn': 'string' }, 'connectionProperties': { 'string': 'string' }, 'description': 'string' } }, 'iamProperties': { 'glueLineageSyncEnabled': True|False }, 'redshiftProperties': { 'credentials': { 'secretArn': 'string', 'usernamePassword': { 'password': 'string', 'username': 'string' } }, 'databaseName': 'string', 'host': 'string', 'lineageSync': { 'enabled': True|False, 'schedule': { 'schedule': 'string' } }, 'port': 123, 'storage': { 'clusterName': 'string', 'workgroupName': 'string' } }, 'sparkEmrProperties': { 'computeArn': 'string', 'instanceProfileArn': 'string', 'javaVirtualEnv': 'string', 'logUri': 'string', 'pythonVirtualEnv': 'string', 'runtimeRole': 'string', 'trustedCertificatesS3Uri': 'string' } } )
The location where a connection is to be updated.
accessRole (string) --
The access role of a connection.
awsAccountId (string) --
The account ID of a connection.
awsRegion (string) --
The Region of a connection.
iamConnectionId (string) --
The IAM connection ID of a connection.
The description of a connection.
The ID of the domain where a connection is to be updated.
The ID of the connection to be updated.
The connection props.
athenaProperties (dict) --
The Amazon Athena properties of a connection properties patch.
workgroupName (string) --
The Amazon Athena workgroup name of a connection.
glueProperties (dict) --
The Amazon Web Services Glue properties of a connection properties patch.
glueConnectionInput (dict) --
The Amazon Web Services Glue properties patch of a connection.
authenticationConfiguration (dict) --
The authentication configuration of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection patch.
basicAuthenticationCredentials (dict) --
The basic authentication credentials of a connection.
password (string) --
The password for a connection.
userName (string) --
The user name for the connecion.
secretArn (string) --
The secret ARN of a connection.
connectionProperties (dict) --
The properties of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection patch.
(string) --
(string) --
description (string) --
The description of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection patch.
iamProperties (dict) --
The IAM properties of a connection properties patch.
glueLineageSyncEnabled (boolean) --
Specifies whether Amazon Web Services Glue lineage sync is enabled for a connection.
redshiftProperties (dict) --
The Amazon Redshift properties of a connection properties patch.
credentials (dict) --
The credentials in the Amazon Redshift properties patch.
secretArn (string) --
The secret ARN of the Amazon Redshift credentials of a connection.
usernamePassword (dict) --
The username and password of the Amazon Redshift credentials of a connection.
password (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The password of a connection.
username (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The username of a connection.
databaseName (string) --
The name in the Amazon Redshift properties patch.
host (string) --
The host in the Amazon Redshift properties patch.
lineageSync (dict) --
The lineage sync in the Amazon Redshift properties patch.
enabled (boolean) --
Specifies whether the Amaon Redshift lineage sync configuration is enabled.
schedule (dict) --
The schedule of the Amaon Redshift lineage sync configuration.
schedule (string) --
The lineage sync schedule.
port (integer) --
The port in the Amazon Redshift properties patch.
storage (dict) --
The storage in the Amazon Redshift properties patch.
clusterName (string) --
The cluster name in the Amazon Redshift storage properties.
workgroupName (string) --
The workgroup name in the Amazon Redshift storage properties.
sparkEmrProperties (dict) --
The Spark EMR properties of a connection properties patch.
computeArn (string) --
The compute ARN in the Spark EMR properties patch.
instanceProfileArn (string) --
The instance profile ARN in the Spark EMR properties patch.
javaVirtualEnv (string) --
The Java virtual evn in the Spark EMR properties patch.
logUri (string) --
The log URI in the Spark EMR properties patch.
pythonVirtualEnv (string) --
The Python virtual env in the Spark EMR properties patch.
runtimeRole (string) --
The runtime role in the Spark EMR properties patch.
trustedCertificatesS3Uri (string) --
The trusted certificates S3 URI in the Spark EMR properties patch.
Response Syntax
{ 'connectionId': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'domainId': 'string', 'domainUnitId': 'string', 'environmentId': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'physicalEndpoints': [ { 'awsLocation': { 'accessRole': 'string', 'awsAccountId': 'string', 'awsRegion': 'string', 'iamConnectionId': 'string' }, 'glueConnection': { 'athenaProperties': { 'string': 'string' }, 'authenticationConfiguration': { 'authenticationType': 'BASIC'|'OAUTH2'|'CUSTOM', 'oAuth2Properties': { 'authorizationCodeProperties': { 'authorizationCode': 'string', 'redirectUri': 'string' }, 'oAuth2ClientApplication': { 'aWSManagedClientApplicationReference': 'string', 'userManagedClientApplicationClientId': 'string' }, 'oAuth2Credentials': { 'accessToken': 'string', 'jwtToken': 'string', 'refreshToken': 'string', 'userManagedClientApplicationClientSecret': 'string' }, 'oAuth2GrantType': 'AUTHORIZATION_CODE'|'CLIENT_CREDENTIALS'|'JWT_BEARER', 'tokenUrl': 'string', 'tokenUrlParametersMap': { 'string': 'string' } }, 'secretArn': 'string' }, 'compatibleComputeEnvironments': [ 'SPARK'|'ATHENA'|'PYTHON', ], 'connectionProperties': { 'string': 'string' }, 'connectionSchemaVersion': 123, 'connectionType': 'ATHENA'|'BIGQUERY'|'DATABRICKS'|'DOCUMENTDB'|'DYNAMODB'|'HYPERPOD'|'IAM'|'MYSQL'|'OPENSEARCH'|'ORACLE'|'POSTGRESQL'|'REDSHIFT'|'SAPHANA'|'SNOWFLAKE'|'SPARK'|'SQLSERVER'|'TERADATA'|'VERTICA'|'WORKFLOWS_MWAA', 'creationTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'description': 'string', 'lastConnectionValidationTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'lastUpdatedBy': 'string', 'lastUpdatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'matchCriteria': [ 'string', ], 'name': 'string', 'physicalConnectionRequirements': { 'availabilityZone': 'string', 'securityGroupIdList': [ 'string', ], 'subnetId': 'string', 'subnetIdList': [ 'string', ] }, 'pythonProperties': { 'string': 'string' }, 'sparkProperties': { 'string': 'string' }, 'status': 'CREATING'|'CREATE_FAILED'|'DELETING'|'DELETE_FAILED'|'READY'|'UPDATING'|'UPDATE_FAILED'|'DELETED', 'statusReason': 'string' }, 'glueConnectionName': 'string', 'host': 'string', 'port': 123, 'protocol': 'ATHENA'|'GLUE_INTERACTIVE_SESSION'|'HTTPS'|'JDBC'|'LIVY'|'ODBC'|'PRISM', 'stage': 'string' }, ], 'projectId': 'string', 'props': { 'athenaProperties': { 'workgroupName': 'string' }, 'glueProperties': { 'errorMessage': 'string', 'status': 'CREATING'|'CREATE_FAILED'|'DELETING'|'DELETE_FAILED'|'READY'|'UPDATING'|'UPDATE_FAILED'|'DELETED' }, 'hyperPodProperties': { 'clusterArn': 'string', 'clusterName': 'string', 'orchestrator': 'EKS'|'SLURM' }, 'iamProperties': { 'environmentId': 'string', 'glueLineageSyncEnabled': True|False }, 'redshiftProperties': { 'credentials': { 'secretArn': 'string', 'usernamePassword': { 'password': 'string', 'username': 'string' } }, 'databaseName': 'string', 'isProvisionedSecret': True|False, 'jdbcIamUrl': 'string', 'jdbcUrl': 'string', 'lineageSync': { 'enabled': True|False, 'lineageJobId': 'string', 'schedule': { 'schedule': 'string' } }, 'redshiftTempDir': 'string', 'status': 'CREATING'|'CREATE_FAILED'|'DELETING'|'DELETE_FAILED'|'READY'|'UPDATING'|'UPDATE_FAILED'|'DELETED', 'storage': { 'clusterName': 'string', 'workgroupName': 'string' } }, 'sparkEmrProperties': { 'computeArn': 'string', 'credentials': { 'password': 'string', 'username': 'string' }, 'credentialsExpiration': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'governanceType': 'AWS_MANAGED'|'USER_MANAGED', 'instanceProfileArn': 'string', 'javaVirtualEnv': 'string', 'livyEndpoint': 'string', 'logUri': 'string', 'pythonVirtualEnv': 'string', 'runtimeRole': 'string', 'trustedCertificatesS3Uri': 'string' }, 'sparkGlueProperties': { 'additionalArgs': { 'connection': 'string' }, 'glueConnectionName': 'string', 'glueVersion': 'string', 'idleTimeout': 123, 'javaVirtualEnv': 'string', 'numberOfWorkers': 123, 'pythonVirtualEnv': 'string', 'workerType': 'string' } }, 'type': 'ATHENA'|'BIGQUERY'|'DATABRICKS'|'DOCUMENTDB'|'DYNAMODB'|'HYPERPOD'|'IAM'|'MYSQL'|'OPENSEARCH'|'ORACLE'|'POSTGRESQL'|'REDSHIFT'|'SAPHANA'|'SNOWFLAKE'|'SPARK'|'SQLSERVER'|'TERADATA'|'VERTICA'|'WORKFLOWS_MWAA' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
connectionId (string) --
The ID of the connection.
description (string) --
The connection description.
domainId (string) --
The ID of the domain where a connection is to be updated.
domainUnitId (string) --
The ID of the domain unit where a connection is to be updated.
environmentId (string) --
The ID of the environment where a connection is to be updated.
name (string) --
The name of the connection.
physicalEndpoints (list) --
The physical endpoints of the connection.
(dict) --
The physical endpoints of a connection.
awsLocation (dict) --
The location of a connection.
accessRole (string) --
The access role of a connection.
awsAccountId (string) --
The account ID of a connection.
awsRegion (string) --
The Region of a connection.
iamConnectionId (string) --
The IAM connection ID of a connection.
glueConnection (dict) --
The Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
athenaProperties (dict) --
The Amazon Athena properties of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
(string) --
(string) --
authenticationConfiguration (dict) --
The authentication configuration of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
authenticationType (string) --
The authentication type of a connection.
oAuth2Properties (dict) --
The oAuth2 properties of a connection.
authorizationCodeProperties (dict) --
The authorization code properties of the OAuth2 properties.
authorizationCode (string) --
The authorization code of a connection.
redirectUri (string) --
The redirect URI of a connection.
oAuth2ClientApplication (dict) --
The OAuth2 client application of the OAuth2 properties.
aWSManagedClientApplicationReference (string) --
The Amazon Web Services managed client application reference in the OAuth2Client application.
userManagedClientApplicationClientId (string) --
The user managed client application client ID in the OAuth2Client application.
oAuth2Credentials (dict) --
The OAuth2 credentials of the OAuth2 properties.
accessToken (string) --
The access token of a connection.
jwtToken (string) --
The jwt token of the connection.
refreshToken (string) --
The refresh token of the connection.
userManagedClientApplicationClientSecret (string) --
The user managed client application client secret of the connection.
oAuth2GrantType (string) --
The OAuth2 grant type of the OAuth2 properties.
tokenUrl (string) --
The OAuth2 token URL of the OAuth2 properties.
tokenUrlParametersMap (dict) --
The OAuth2 token URL parameter map of the OAuth2 properties.
(string) --
(string) --
secretArn (string) --
The secret ARN of a connection.
compatibleComputeEnvironments (list) --
The compatible compute environments of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
(string) --
connectionProperties (dict) --
The properties of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
(string) --
(string) --
connectionSchemaVersion (integer) --
The connection schema version of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
connectionType (string) --
The type of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
creationTime (datetime) --
The creation time of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
description (string) --
The description of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
lastConnectionValidationTime (datetime) --
The last validation time of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
lastUpdatedBy (string) --
The user who last updated the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
lastUpdatedTime (datetime) --
The timestamp at which the Amazon Web Services Glue connection was last updated.
matchCriteria (list) --
The match criteria of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
(string) --
name (string) --
The name of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
physicalConnectionRequirements (dict) --
The physical connection requirements of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
availabilityZone (string) --
The availability zone of the physical connection requirements of a connection.
securityGroupIdList (list) --
The group ID list of the physical connection requirements of a connection.
(string) --
subnetId (string) --
The subnet ID of the physical connection requirements of a connection.
subnetIdList (list) --
The subnet ID list of the physical connection requirements of a connection.
(string) --
pythonProperties (dict) --
The Python properties of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
(string) --
(string) --
sparkProperties (dict) --
The Spark properties of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
(string) --
(string) --
status (string) --
The status of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
statusReason (string) --
The status reason of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
glueConnectionName (string) --
The Amazon Web Services Glue connection name.
host (string) --
The host in the physical endpoints of a connection.
port (integer) --
The port in the physical endpoints of a connection.
protocol (string) --
The protocol in the physical endpoints of a connection.
stage (string) --
The stage in the physical endpoints of a connection.
projectId (string) --
The project ID of the connection.
props (dict) --
The connection props.
athenaProperties (dict) --
The Amazon Athena properties of a connection.
workgroupName (string) --
The Amazon Athena workgroup name of a connection.
glueProperties (dict) --
The Amazon Web Services Glue properties of a connection.
errorMessage (string) --
The error message generated if the action is not completed successfully.
status (string) --
The status of a connection.
hyperPodProperties (dict) --
The hyper pod properties of a connection.
clusterArn (string) --
The cluster ARN of the hyper pod properties.
clusterName (string) --
The cluster name the hyper pod properties.
orchestrator (string) --
The orchestrator of the hyper pod properties.
iamProperties (dict) --
The IAM properties of a connection.
environmentId (string) --
The environment ID of the connection.
glueLineageSyncEnabled (boolean) --
Specifies whether Amazon Web Services Glue lineage sync is enabled for a connection.
redshiftProperties (dict) --
The Amazon Redshift properties of a connection.
credentials (dict) --
The Amazon Redshift credentials.
secretArn (string) --
The secret ARN of the Amazon Redshift credentials of a connection.
usernamePassword (dict) --
The username and password of the Amazon Redshift credentials of a connection.
password (string) --
The password of a connection.
username (string) --
The username of a connection.
databaseName (string) --
The Amazon Redshift database name.
isProvisionedSecret (boolean) --
Specifies whether Amaon Redshift properties has a provisioned secret.
jdbcIamUrl (string) --
The jdbcIam URL of the Amazon Redshift properties.
jdbcUrl (string) --
The jdbcURL of the Amazon Redshift properties.
lineageSync (dict) --
The lineage syn of the Amazon Redshift properties.
enabled (boolean) --
Specifies whether the Amaon Redshift lineage sync configuration is enabled.
lineageJobId (string) --
The lineage job ID of the Amaon Redshift lineage sync configuration.
schedule (dict) --
The schedule of teh Amaon Redshift lineage sync configuration.
schedule (string) --
The lineage sync schedule.
redshiftTempDir (string) --
The redshiftTempDir of the Amazon Redshift properties.
status (string) --
The status in the Amazon Redshift properties.
storage (dict) --
The storage in the Amazon Redshift properties.
clusterName (string) --
The cluster name in the Amazon Redshift storage properties.
workgroupName (string) --
The workgroup name in the Amazon Redshift storage properties.
sparkEmrProperties (dict) --
The Spark EMR properties of a connection.
computeArn (string) --
The compute ARN of the Spark EMR.
credentials (dict) --
The credentials of the Spark EMR.
password (string) --
The password of a connection.
username (string) --
The username of a connection.
credentialsExpiration (datetime) --
The credential expiration of the Spark EMR.
governanceType (string) --
The governance type of the Spark EMR.
instanceProfileArn (string) --
The instance profile ARN of the Spark EMR.
javaVirtualEnv (string) --
The Java virtual env of the Spark EMR.
livyEndpoint (string) --
The livy endpoint of the Spark EMR.
logUri (string) --
The log URI of the Spark EMR.
pythonVirtualEnv (string) --
The Python virtual env of the Spark EMR.
runtimeRole (string) --
The runtime role of the Spark EMR.
trustedCertificatesS3Uri (string) --
The trusted certificate S3 URL of the Spark EMR.
sparkGlueProperties (dict) --
The Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties of a connection.
additionalArgs (dict) --
The additional args in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
connection (string) --
The connection in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue args.
glueConnectionName (string) --
The Amazon Web Services Glue connection name in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
glueVersion (string) --
The Amazon Web Services Glue version in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
idleTimeout (integer) --
The idle timeout in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
javaVirtualEnv (string) --
The Java virtual env in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
numberOfWorkers (integer) --
The number of workers in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
pythonVirtualEnv (string) --
The Python virtual env in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
workerType (string) --
The worker type in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
type (string) --
The connection type.
Deletes and connection. In Amazon DataZone, a connection enables you to connect your resources (domains, projects, and environments) to external resources and services.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.delete_connection( domainIdentifier='string', identifier='string' )
The ID of the domain where the connection is deleted.
The ID of the connection that is deleted.
Response Syntax
{ 'status': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
status (string) --
The status of the action.
Lists lineage events.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.list_lineage_events( domainIdentifier='string', maxResults=123, nextToken='string', processingStatus='REQUESTED'|'PROCESSING'|'SUCCESS'|'FAILED', sortOrder='ASCENDING'|'DESCENDING', timestampAfter=datetime(2015, 1, 1), timestampBefore=datetime(2015, 1, 1) )
The ID of the domain where you want to list lineage events.
The maximum number of lineage events to return in a single call to ListLineageEvents. When the number of lineage events to be listed is greater than the value of MaxResults, the response contains a NextToken value that you can use in a subsequent call to ListLineageEvents to list the next set of lineage events.
When the number of lineage events is greater than the default value for the MaxResults parameter, or if you explicitly specify a value for MaxResults that is less than the number of lineage events, the response includes a pagination token named NextToken. You can specify this NextToken value in a subsequent call to ListLineageEvents to list the next set of lineage events.
The processing status of a lineage event.
The sort order of the lineage events.
The after timestamp of a lineage event.
The before timestamp of a lineage event.
Response Syntax
{ 'items': [ { 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'createdBy': 'string', 'domainId': 'string', 'eventSummary': { 'openLineageRunEventSummary': { 'eventType': 'START'|'RUNNING'|'COMPLETE'|'ABORT'|'FAIL'|'OTHER', 'inputs': [ { 'name': 'string', 'namespace': 'string' }, ], 'job': { 'name': 'string', 'namespace': 'string' }, 'outputs': [ { 'name': 'string', 'namespace': 'string' }, ], 'runId': 'string' } }, 'eventTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'id': 'string', 'processingStatus': 'REQUESTED'|'PROCESSING'|'SUCCESS'|'FAILED' }, ], 'nextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
items (list) --
The results of the ListLineageEvents action.
(dict) --
The data lineage event summary.
createdAt (datetime) --
The timestamp at which data lineage event was created.
createdBy (string) --
The user who created the data lineage event.
domainId (string) --
The domain ID of the lineage event.
eventSummary (dict) --
The summary of the data lineate event.
openLineageRunEventSummary (dict) --
The open lineage run event summary.
eventType (string) --
The event type of the open lineage run event summary.
inputs (list) --
The inputs of the open lineage run event summary.
(dict) --
The name identifier.
name (string) --
The name in the name identifier.
namespace (string) --
The namespace in the name identifier.
job (dict) --
The job of the open lineage run event summary.
name (string) --
The name in the name identifier.
namespace (string) --
The namespace in the name identifier.
outputs (list) --
The outputs of the open lineage run event summary.
(dict) --
The name identifier.
name (string) --
The name in the name identifier.
namespace (string) --
The namespace in the name identifier.
runId (string) --
The runID of the open lineage run event summary.
eventTime (datetime) --
The time of the data lineage event.
id (string) --
The ID of the data lineage event.
processingStatus (string) --
The processing status of the data lineage event.
nextToken (string) --
When the number of lineage events is greater than the default value for the MaxResults parameter, or if you explicitly specify a value for MaxResults that is less than the number of lineage events, the response includes a pagination token named NextToken. You can specify this NextToken value in a subsequent call to ListLineageEvents to list the next set of lineage events.
Lists project profiles.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.list_project_profiles( domainIdentifier='string', maxResults=123, name='string', nextToken='string', sortBy='NAME', sortOrder='ASCENDING'|'DESCENDING' )
The ID of the domain where you want to list project profiles.
The maximum number of project profiles to return in a single call to ListProjectProfiles. When the number of project profiles to be listed is greater than the value of MaxResults, the response contains a NextToken value that you can use in a subsequent call to ListProjectProfiles to list the next set of project profiles.
The name of a project profile.
When the number of project profiles is greater than the default value for the MaxResults parameter, or if you explicitly specify a value for MaxResults that is less than the number of project profiles, the response includes a pagination token named NextToken. You can specify this NextToken value in a subsequent call to ListProjectProfiles to list the next set of project profiles.
Specifies by what to sort project profiles.
Specifies the sort order of the project profiles.
Response Syntax
{ 'items': [ { 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'createdBy': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'domainId': 'string', 'domainUnitId': 'string', 'id': 'string', 'lastUpdatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'name': 'string', 'status': 'ENABLED'|'DISABLED' }, ], 'nextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
items (list) --
The results of the ListProjectProfiles action.
(dict) --
The summary of a project profile.
createdAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the project profile was created.
createdBy (string) --
The user who created the project profile.
description (string) --
The description of the project profile.
domainId (string) --
The domain ID of the project profile.
domainUnitId (string) --
The domain unit ID of the project profile.
id (string) --
The ID of the project profile.
lastUpdatedAt (datetime) --
The timestamp at which a project profile was last updated.
name (string) --
The name of a project profile.
status (string) --
The status of a project profile.
nextToken (string) --
When the number of project profiles is greater than the default value for the MaxResults parameter, or if you explicitly specify a value for MaxResults that is less than the number of project profiles, the response includes a pagination token named NextToken. You can specify this NextToken value in a subsequent call to ListProjectProfiles to list the next set of project profiles.
The details of the job run.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_job_run( domainIdentifier='string', identifier='string' )
The ID of the domain.
The ID of the job run.
Response Syntax
{ 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'createdBy': 'string', 'details': { 'lineageRunDetails': { 'sqlQueryRunDetails': { 'errorMessages': [ 'string', ], 'numQueriesFailed': 123, 'queryEndTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'queryStartTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'totalQueriesProcessed': 123 } } }, 'domainId': 'string', 'endTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'error': { 'message': 'string' }, 'id': 'string', 'jobId': 'string', 'jobType': 'LINEAGE', 'runMode': 'SCHEDULED'|'ON_DEMAND', 'startTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'status': 'SCHEDULED'|'IN_PROGRESS'|'SUCCESS'|'PARTIALLY_SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED'|'ABORTED'|'TIMED_OUT'|'CANCELED' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
createdAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the job run was created.
createdBy (string) --
The user who created the job run.
details (dict) --
The details of the job run.
lineageRunDetails (dict) --
The data lineage details of a job run.
sqlQueryRunDetails (dict) --
The SQL query run details of a data lineage run.
errorMessages (list) --
The error message of the SQL query run details of a data lineage run.
(string) --
numQueriesFailed (integer) --
The number of queries that failed in the SQL query run details of a data lineage run.
queryEndTime (datetime) --
The query end time in the SQL query run details of a data lineage run.
queryStartTime (datetime) --
The query start time in the SQL query run details of a data lineage run.
totalQueriesProcessed (integer) --
The total queries processed in the SQL query run details of a data lineage run.
domainId (string) --
The ID of the domain.
endTime (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the job run ended.
error (dict) --
The error generated if the action is not completed successfully.
message (string) --
The job run error message.
id (string) --
The ID of the job run.
jobId (string) --
The ID of the job run.
jobType (string) --
The type of the job run.
runMode (string) --
The mode of the job run.
startTime (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the job run started.
status (string) --
The status of the job run.
Creates a new connection. In Amazon DataZone, a connection enables you to connect your resources (domains, projects, and environments) to external resources and services.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_connection( awsLocation={ 'accessRole': 'string', 'awsAccountId': 'string', 'awsRegion': 'string', 'iamConnectionId': 'string' }, clientToken='string', description='string', domainIdentifier='string', environmentIdentifier='string', name='string', props={ 'athenaProperties': { 'workgroupName': 'string' }, 'glueProperties': { 'glueConnectionInput': { 'athenaProperties': { 'string': 'string' }, 'authenticationConfiguration': { 'authenticationType': 'BASIC'|'OAUTH2'|'CUSTOM', 'basicAuthenticationCredentials': { 'password': 'string', 'userName': 'string' }, 'customAuthenticationCredentials': { 'string': 'string' }, 'kmsKeyArn': 'string', 'oAuth2Properties': { 'authorizationCodeProperties': { 'authorizationCode': 'string', 'redirectUri': 'string' }, 'oAuth2ClientApplication': { 'aWSManagedClientApplicationReference': 'string', 'userManagedClientApplicationClientId': 'string' }, 'oAuth2Credentials': { 'accessToken': 'string', 'jwtToken': 'string', 'refreshToken': 'string', 'userManagedClientApplicationClientSecret': 'string' }, 'oAuth2GrantType': 'AUTHORIZATION_CODE'|'CLIENT_CREDENTIALS'|'JWT_BEARER', 'tokenUrl': 'string', 'tokenUrlParametersMap': { 'string': 'string' } }, 'secretArn': 'string' }, 'connectionProperties': { 'string': 'string' }, 'connectionType': 'SNOWFLAKE'|'BIGQUERY'|'DOCUMENTDB'|'DYNAMODB'|'MYSQL'|'OPENSEARCH'|'ORACLE'|'POSTGRESQL'|'REDSHIFT'|'SAPHANA'|'SQLSERVER'|'TERADATA'|'VERTICA', 'description': 'string', 'matchCriteria': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'physicalConnectionRequirements': { 'availabilityZone': 'string', 'securityGroupIdList': [ 'string', ], 'subnetId': 'string', 'subnetIdList': [ 'string', ] }, 'pythonProperties': { 'string': 'string' }, 'sparkProperties': { 'string': 'string' }, 'validateCredentials': True|False, 'validateForComputeEnvironments': [ 'SPARK'|'ATHENA'|'PYTHON', ] } }, 'hyperPodProperties': { 'clusterName': 'string' }, 'iamProperties': { 'glueLineageSyncEnabled': True|False }, 'redshiftProperties': { 'credentials': { 'secretArn': 'string', 'usernamePassword': { 'password': 'string', 'username': 'string' } }, 'databaseName': 'string', 'host': 'string', 'lineageSync': { 'enabled': True|False, 'schedule': { 'schedule': 'string' } }, 'port': 123, 'storage': { 'clusterName': 'string', 'workgroupName': 'string' } }, 'sparkEmrProperties': { 'computeArn': 'string', 'instanceProfileArn': 'string', 'javaVirtualEnv': 'string', 'logUri': 'string', 'pythonVirtualEnv': 'string', 'runtimeRole': 'string', 'trustedCertificatesS3Uri': 'string' }, 'sparkGlueProperties': { 'additionalArgs': { 'connection': 'string' }, 'glueConnectionName': 'string', 'glueVersion': 'string', 'idleTimeout': 123, 'javaVirtualEnv': 'string', 'numberOfWorkers': 123, 'pythonVirtualEnv': 'string', 'workerType': 'string' } } )
The location where the connection is created.
accessRole (string) --
The access role of a connection.
awsAccountId (string) --
The account ID of a connection.
awsRegion (string) --
The Region of a connection.
iamConnectionId (string) --
The IAM connection ID of a connection.
A unique, case-sensitive identifier that is provided to ensure the idempotency of the request.
This field is autopopulated if not provided.
A connection description.
The ID of the domain where the connection is created.
The ID of the environment where the connection is created.
The connection name.
The connection props.
athenaProperties (dict) --
The Amazon Athena properties of a connection.
workgroupName (string) --
The Amazon Athena workgroup name of a connection.
glueProperties (dict) --
The Amazon Web Services Glue properties of a connection.
glueConnectionInput (dict) --
The Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
athenaProperties (dict) --
The Amazon Athena properties of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
(string) --
(string) --
authenticationConfiguration (dict) --
The authentication configuration of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
authenticationType (string) --
The authentication type of a connection.
basicAuthenticationCredentials (dict) --
The basic authentication credentials of a connection.
password (string) --
The password for a connection.
userName (string) --
The user name for the connecion.
customAuthenticationCredentials (dict) --
The custom authentication credentials of a connection.
(string) --
(string) --
kmsKeyArn (string) --
The KMS key ARN of a connection.
oAuth2Properties (dict) --
The oAuth2 properties of a connection.
authorizationCodeProperties (dict) --
The authorization code properties of the OAuth2 properties.
authorizationCode (string) --
The authorization code of a connection.
redirectUri (string) --
The redirect URI of a connection.
oAuth2ClientApplication (dict) --
The OAuth2 client application of the OAuth2 properties.
aWSManagedClientApplicationReference (string) --
The Amazon Web Services managed client application reference in the OAuth2Client application.
userManagedClientApplicationClientId (string) --
The user managed client application client ID in the OAuth2Client application.
oAuth2Credentials (dict) --
The OAuth2 credentials of the OAuth2 properties.
accessToken (string) --
The access token of a connection.
jwtToken (string) --
The jwt token of the connection.
refreshToken (string) --
The refresh token of the connection.
userManagedClientApplicationClientSecret (string) --
The user managed client application client secret of the connection.
oAuth2GrantType (string) --
The OAuth2 grant type of the OAuth2 properties.
tokenUrl (string) --
The OAuth2 token URL of the OAuth2 properties.
tokenUrlParametersMap (dict) --
The OAuth2 token URL parameter map of the OAuth2 properties.
(string) --
(string) --
secretArn (string) --
The secret ARN of a connection.
connectionProperties (dict) --
The connection properties of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
(string) --
(string) --
connectionType (string) --
The connection type of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
description (string) --
The description of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
matchCriteria (string) --
The match criteria of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
name (string) --
The name of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
physicalConnectionRequirements (dict) --
The physical connection requirements for the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
availabilityZone (string) --
The availability zone of the physical connection requirements of a connection.
securityGroupIdList (list) --
The group ID list of the physical connection requirements of a connection.
(string) --
subnetId (string) --
The subnet ID of the physical connection requirements of a connection.
subnetIdList (list) --
The subnet ID list of the physical connection requirements of a connection.
(string) --
pythonProperties (dict) --
The Python properties of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
(string) --
(string) --
sparkProperties (dict) --
The Spark properties of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
(string) --
(string) --
validateCredentials (boolean) --
Speciefies whether to validate credentials of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
validateForComputeEnvironments (list) --
Speciefies whether to validate for compute environments of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
(string) --
hyperPodProperties (dict) --
The hyper pod properties of a connection.
clusterName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The cluster name the hyper pod properties.
iamProperties (dict) --
The IAM properties of a connection.
glueLineageSyncEnabled (boolean) --
Specifies whether Amazon Web Services Glue lineage sync is enabled for a connection.
redshiftProperties (dict) --
The Amazon Redshift properties of a connection.
credentials (dict) --
The Amaon Redshift credentials.
secretArn (string) --
The secret ARN of the Amazon Redshift credentials of a connection.
usernamePassword (dict) --
The username and password of the Amazon Redshift credentials of a connection.
password (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The password of a connection.
username (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The username of a connection.
databaseName (string) --
The Amazon Redshift database name.
host (string) --
The Amazon Redshift host.
lineageSync (dict) --
The lineage sync of the Amazon Redshift.
enabled (boolean) --
Specifies whether the Amaon Redshift lineage sync configuration is enabled.
schedule (dict) --
The schedule of the Amaon Redshift lineage sync configuration.
schedule (string) --
The lineage sync schedule.
port (integer) --
The Amaon Redshift port.
storage (dict) --
The Amazon Redshift storage.
clusterName (string) --
The cluster name in the Amazon Redshift storage properties.
workgroupName (string) --
The workgroup name in the Amazon Redshift storage properties.
sparkEmrProperties (dict) --
The Spark EMR properties of a connection.
computeArn (string) --
The compute ARN of Spark EMR.
instanceProfileArn (string) --
The instance profile ARN of Spark EMR.
javaVirtualEnv (string) --
The java virtual env of the Spark EMR.
logUri (string) --
The log URI of the Spark EMR.
pythonVirtualEnv (string) --
The Python virtual env of the Spark EMR.
runtimeRole (string) --
The runtime role of the Spark EMR.
trustedCertificatesS3Uri (string) --
The certificates S3 URI of the Spark EMR.
sparkGlueProperties (dict) --
The Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties of a connection.
additionalArgs (dict) --
The additional args in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
connection (string) --
The connection in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue args.
glueConnectionName (string) --
The Amazon Web Services Glue connection name in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
glueVersion (string) --
The Amazon Web Services Glue version in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
idleTimeout (integer) --
The idle timeout in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
javaVirtualEnv (string) --
The Java virtual env in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
numberOfWorkers (integer) --
The number of workers in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
pythonVirtualEnv (string) --
The Python virtual env in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
workerType (string) --
The worker type in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
Response Syntax
{ 'connectionId': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'domainId': 'string', 'domainUnitId': 'string', 'environmentId': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'physicalEndpoints': [ { 'awsLocation': { 'accessRole': 'string', 'awsAccountId': 'string', 'awsRegion': 'string', 'iamConnectionId': 'string' }, 'glueConnection': { 'athenaProperties': { 'string': 'string' }, 'authenticationConfiguration': { 'authenticationType': 'BASIC'|'OAUTH2'|'CUSTOM', 'oAuth2Properties': { 'authorizationCodeProperties': { 'authorizationCode': 'string', 'redirectUri': 'string' }, 'oAuth2ClientApplication': { 'aWSManagedClientApplicationReference': 'string', 'userManagedClientApplicationClientId': 'string' }, 'oAuth2Credentials': { 'accessToken': 'string', 'jwtToken': 'string', 'refreshToken': 'string', 'userManagedClientApplicationClientSecret': 'string' }, 'oAuth2GrantType': 'AUTHORIZATION_CODE'|'CLIENT_CREDENTIALS'|'JWT_BEARER', 'tokenUrl': 'string', 'tokenUrlParametersMap': { 'string': 'string' } }, 'secretArn': 'string' }, 'compatibleComputeEnvironments': [ 'SPARK'|'ATHENA'|'PYTHON', ], 'connectionProperties': { 'string': 'string' }, 'connectionSchemaVersion': 123, 'connectionType': 'ATHENA'|'BIGQUERY'|'DATABRICKS'|'DOCUMENTDB'|'DYNAMODB'|'HYPERPOD'|'IAM'|'MYSQL'|'OPENSEARCH'|'ORACLE'|'POSTGRESQL'|'REDSHIFT'|'SAPHANA'|'SNOWFLAKE'|'SPARK'|'SQLSERVER'|'TERADATA'|'VERTICA'|'WORKFLOWS_MWAA', 'creationTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'description': 'string', 'lastConnectionValidationTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'lastUpdatedBy': 'string', 'lastUpdatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'matchCriteria': [ 'string', ], 'name': 'string', 'physicalConnectionRequirements': { 'availabilityZone': 'string', 'securityGroupIdList': [ 'string', ], 'subnetId': 'string', 'subnetIdList': [ 'string', ] }, 'pythonProperties': { 'string': 'string' }, 'sparkProperties': { 'string': 'string' }, 'status': 'CREATING'|'CREATE_FAILED'|'DELETING'|'DELETE_FAILED'|'READY'|'UPDATING'|'UPDATE_FAILED'|'DELETED', 'statusReason': 'string' }, 'glueConnectionName': 'string', 'host': 'string', 'port': 123, 'protocol': 'ATHENA'|'GLUE_INTERACTIVE_SESSION'|'HTTPS'|'JDBC'|'LIVY'|'ODBC'|'PRISM', 'stage': 'string' }, ], 'projectId': 'string', 'props': { 'athenaProperties': { 'workgroupName': 'string' }, 'glueProperties': { 'errorMessage': 'string', 'status': 'CREATING'|'CREATE_FAILED'|'DELETING'|'DELETE_FAILED'|'READY'|'UPDATING'|'UPDATE_FAILED'|'DELETED' }, 'hyperPodProperties': { 'clusterArn': 'string', 'clusterName': 'string', 'orchestrator': 'EKS'|'SLURM' }, 'iamProperties': { 'environmentId': 'string', 'glueLineageSyncEnabled': True|False }, 'redshiftProperties': { 'credentials': { 'secretArn': 'string', 'usernamePassword': { 'password': 'string', 'username': 'string' } }, 'databaseName': 'string', 'isProvisionedSecret': True|False, 'jdbcIamUrl': 'string', 'jdbcUrl': 'string', 'lineageSync': { 'enabled': True|False, 'lineageJobId': 'string', 'schedule': { 'schedule': 'string' } }, 'redshiftTempDir': 'string', 'status': 'CREATING'|'CREATE_FAILED'|'DELETING'|'DELETE_FAILED'|'READY'|'UPDATING'|'UPDATE_FAILED'|'DELETED', 'storage': { 'clusterName': 'string', 'workgroupName': 'string' } }, 'sparkEmrProperties': { 'computeArn': 'string', 'credentials': { 'password': 'string', 'username': 'string' }, 'credentialsExpiration': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'governanceType': 'AWS_MANAGED'|'USER_MANAGED', 'instanceProfileArn': 'string', 'javaVirtualEnv': 'string', 'livyEndpoint': 'string', 'logUri': 'string', 'pythonVirtualEnv': 'string', 'runtimeRole': 'string', 'trustedCertificatesS3Uri': 'string' }, 'sparkGlueProperties': { 'additionalArgs': { 'connection': 'string' }, 'glueConnectionName': 'string', 'glueVersion': 'string', 'idleTimeout': 123, 'javaVirtualEnv': 'string', 'numberOfWorkers': 123, 'pythonVirtualEnv': 'string', 'workerType': 'string' } }, 'type': 'ATHENA'|'BIGQUERY'|'DATABRICKS'|'DOCUMENTDB'|'DYNAMODB'|'HYPERPOD'|'IAM'|'MYSQL'|'OPENSEARCH'|'ORACLE'|'POSTGRESQL'|'REDSHIFT'|'SAPHANA'|'SNOWFLAKE'|'SPARK'|'SQLSERVER'|'TERADATA'|'VERTICA'|'WORKFLOWS_MWAA' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
connectionId (string) --
The ID of the connection.
description (string) --
The connection description.
domainId (string) --
The ID of the domain where the connection is created.
domainUnitId (string) --
The ID of the domain unit where the connection is created.
environmentId (string) --
The ID of the environment where the connection is created.
name (string) --
The connection name.
physicalEndpoints (list) --
The physical endpoints of the connection.
(dict) --
The physical endpoints of a connection.
awsLocation (dict) --
The location of a connection.
accessRole (string) --
The access role of a connection.
awsAccountId (string) --
The account ID of a connection.
awsRegion (string) --
The Region of a connection.
iamConnectionId (string) --
The IAM connection ID of a connection.
glueConnection (dict) --
The Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
athenaProperties (dict) --
The Amazon Athena properties of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
(string) --
(string) --
authenticationConfiguration (dict) --
The authentication configuration of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
authenticationType (string) --
The authentication type of a connection.
oAuth2Properties (dict) --
The oAuth2 properties of a connection.
authorizationCodeProperties (dict) --
The authorization code properties of the OAuth2 properties.
authorizationCode (string) --
The authorization code of a connection.
redirectUri (string) --
The redirect URI of a connection.
oAuth2ClientApplication (dict) --
The OAuth2 client application of the OAuth2 properties.
aWSManagedClientApplicationReference (string) --
The Amazon Web Services managed client application reference in the OAuth2Client application.
userManagedClientApplicationClientId (string) --
The user managed client application client ID in the OAuth2Client application.
oAuth2Credentials (dict) --
The OAuth2 credentials of the OAuth2 properties.
accessToken (string) --
The access token of a connection.
jwtToken (string) --
The jwt token of the connection.
refreshToken (string) --
The refresh token of the connection.
userManagedClientApplicationClientSecret (string) --
The user managed client application client secret of the connection.
oAuth2GrantType (string) --
The OAuth2 grant type of the OAuth2 properties.
tokenUrl (string) --
The OAuth2 token URL of the OAuth2 properties.
tokenUrlParametersMap (dict) --
The OAuth2 token URL parameter map of the OAuth2 properties.
(string) --
(string) --
secretArn (string) --
The secret ARN of a connection.
compatibleComputeEnvironments (list) --
The compatible compute environments of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
(string) --
connectionProperties (dict) --
The properties of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
(string) --
(string) --
connectionSchemaVersion (integer) --
The connection schema version of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
connectionType (string) --
The type of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
creationTime (datetime) --
The creation time of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
description (string) --
The description of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
lastConnectionValidationTime (datetime) --
The last validation time of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
lastUpdatedBy (string) --
The user who last updated the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
lastUpdatedTime (datetime) --
The timestamp at which the Amazon Web Services Glue connection was last updated.
matchCriteria (list) --
The match criteria of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
(string) --
name (string) --
The name of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
physicalConnectionRequirements (dict) --
The physical connection requirements of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
availabilityZone (string) --
The availability zone of the physical connection requirements of a connection.
securityGroupIdList (list) --
The group ID list of the physical connection requirements of a connection.
(string) --
subnetId (string) --
The subnet ID of the physical connection requirements of a connection.
subnetIdList (list) --
The subnet ID list of the physical connection requirements of a connection.
(string) --
pythonProperties (dict) --
The Python properties of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
(string) --
(string) --
sparkProperties (dict) --
The Spark properties of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
(string) --
(string) --
status (string) --
The status of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
statusReason (string) --
The status reason of the Amazon Web Services Glue connection.
glueConnectionName (string) --
The Amazon Web Services Glue connection name.
host (string) --
The host in the physical endpoints of a connection.
port (integer) --
The port in the physical endpoints of a connection.
protocol (string) --
The protocol in the physical endpoints of a connection.
stage (string) --
The stage in the physical endpoints of a connection.
projectId (string) --
The ID of the project where the connection is created.
props (dict) --
The connection props.
athenaProperties (dict) --
The Amazon Athena properties of a connection.
workgroupName (string) --
The Amazon Athena workgroup name of a connection.
glueProperties (dict) --
The Amazon Web Services Glue properties of a connection.
errorMessage (string) --
The error message generated if the action is not completed successfully.
status (string) --
The status of a connection.
hyperPodProperties (dict) --
The hyper pod properties of a connection.
clusterArn (string) --
The cluster ARN of the hyper pod properties.
clusterName (string) --
The cluster name the hyper pod properties.
orchestrator (string) --
The orchestrator of the hyper pod properties.
iamProperties (dict) --
The IAM properties of a connection.
environmentId (string) --
The environment ID of the connection.
glueLineageSyncEnabled (boolean) --
Specifies whether Amazon Web Services Glue lineage sync is enabled for a connection.
redshiftProperties (dict) --
The Amazon Redshift properties of a connection.
credentials (dict) --
The Amazon Redshift credentials.
secretArn (string) --
The secret ARN of the Amazon Redshift credentials of a connection.
usernamePassword (dict) --
The username and password of the Amazon Redshift credentials of a connection.
password (string) --
The password of a connection.
username (string) --
The username of a connection.
databaseName (string) --
The Amazon Redshift database name.
isProvisionedSecret (boolean) --
Specifies whether Amaon Redshift properties has a provisioned secret.
jdbcIamUrl (string) --
The jdbcIam URL of the Amazon Redshift properties.
jdbcUrl (string) --
The jdbcURL of the Amazon Redshift properties.
lineageSync (dict) --
The lineage syn of the Amazon Redshift properties.
enabled (boolean) --
Specifies whether the Amaon Redshift lineage sync configuration is enabled.
lineageJobId (string) --
The lineage job ID of the Amaon Redshift lineage sync configuration.
schedule (dict) --
The schedule of teh Amaon Redshift lineage sync configuration.
schedule (string) --
The lineage sync schedule.
redshiftTempDir (string) --
The redshiftTempDir of the Amazon Redshift properties.
status (string) --
The status in the Amazon Redshift properties.
storage (dict) --
The storage in the Amazon Redshift properties.
clusterName (string) --
The cluster name in the Amazon Redshift storage properties.
workgroupName (string) --
The workgroup name in the Amazon Redshift storage properties.
sparkEmrProperties (dict) --
The Spark EMR properties of a connection.
computeArn (string) --
The compute ARN of the Spark EMR.
credentials (dict) --
The credentials of the Spark EMR.
password (string) --
The password of a connection.
username (string) --
The username of a connection.
credentialsExpiration (datetime) --
The credential expiration of the Spark EMR.
governanceType (string) --
The governance type of the Spark EMR.
instanceProfileArn (string) --
The instance profile ARN of the Spark EMR.
javaVirtualEnv (string) --
The Java virtual env of the Spark EMR.
livyEndpoint (string) --
The livy endpoint of the Spark EMR.
logUri (string) --
The log URI of the Spark EMR.
pythonVirtualEnv (string) --
The Python virtual env of the Spark EMR.
runtimeRole (string) --
The runtime role of the Spark EMR.
trustedCertificatesS3Uri (string) --
The trusted certificate S3 URL of the Spark EMR.
sparkGlueProperties (dict) --
The Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties of a connection.
additionalArgs (dict) --
The additional args in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
connection (string) --
The connection in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue args.
glueConnectionName (string) --
The Amazon Web Services Glue connection name in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
glueVersion (string) --
The Amazon Web Services Glue version in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
idleTimeout (integer) --
The idle timeout in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
javaVirtualEnv (string) --
The Java virtual env in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
numberOfWorkers (integer) --
The number of workers in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
pythonVirtualEnv (string) --
The Python virtual env in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
workerType (string) --
The worker type in the Spark Amazon Web Services Glue properties.
type (string) --
The connection type.
Describes the lineage event.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_lineage_event( domainIdentifier='string', identifier='string' )
The ID of the domain.
The ID of the lineage event.
Response Syntax
{ 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'createdBy': 'string', 'domainId': 'string', 'event': StreamingBody(), 'eventTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'id': 'string', 'processingStatus': 'REQUESTED'|'PROCESSING'|'SUCCESS'|'FAILED' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
createdAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the lineage event was created.
createdBy (string) --
The user who created the lineage event.
domainId (string) --
The ID of the domain.
event (:class:`.StreamingBody`) --
The lineage event details.
eventTime (datetime) --
The time of the lineage event.
id (string) --
The ID of the lineage event.
processingStatus (string) --
The progressing status of the lineage event.
Creates a project profile.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_project_profile( description='string', domainIdentifier='string', domainUnitIdentifier='string', environmentConfigurations=[ { 'awsAccount': { 'awsAccountId': 'string', 'awsAccountIdPath': 'string' }, 'awsRegion': { 'regionName': 'string', 'regionNamePath': 'string' }, 'configurationParameters': { 'parameterOverrides': [ { 'isEditable': True|False, 'name': 'string', 'value': 'string' }, ], 'resolvedParameters': [ { 'isEditable': True|False, 'name': 'string', 'value': 'string' }, ], 'ssmPath': 'string' }, 'deploymentMode': 'ON_CREATE'|'ON_DEMAND', 'deploymentOrder': 123, 'description': 'string', 'environmentBlueprintId': 'string', 'id': 'string', 'name': 'string' }, ], name='string', status='ENABLED'|'DISABLED' )
A description of a project profile.
A domain ID of the project profile.
A domain unit ID of the project profile.
Environment configurations of the project profile.
(dict) --
The configuration of an environment.
awsAccount (dict) -- [REQUIRED]
The Amazon Web Services account of the environment.
awsAccountId (string) --
The account ID of a project.
awsAccountIdPath (string) --
The account ID path of a project.
awsRegion (dict) -- [REQUIRED]
The Amazon Web Services Region of the environment.
regionName (string) --
The Amazon Web Services Region name.
regionNamePath (string) --
The region name path.
configurationParameters (dict) --
The configuration parameters of the environment.
parameterOverrides (list) --
The parameter overrides.
(dict) --
The environment configuration parameter.
isEditable (boolean) --
Specifies whether the environment parameter is editable.
name (string) --
The name of the environment configuration parameter.
value (string) --
The value of the environment configuration parameter.
resolvedParameters (list) --
The resolved environment configuration parameters.
(dict) --
The environment configuration parameter.
isEditable (boolean) --
Specifies whether the environment parameter is editable.
name (string) --
The name of the environment configuration parameter.
value (string) --
The value of the environment configuration parameter.
ssmPath (string) --
Ssm path environment configuration parameters.
deploymentMode (string) --
The deployment mode of the environment.
deploymentOrder (integer) --
The deployment order of the environment.
description (string) --
The environment description.
environmentBlueprintId (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The environment blueprint ID.
id (string) --
The environment ID.
name (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The environment name.
Project profile name.
Project profile status.
Response Syntax
{ 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'createdBy': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'domainId': 'string', 'domainUnitId': 'string', 'environmentConfigurations': [ { 'awsAccount': { 'awsAccountId': 'string', 'awsAccountIdPath': 'string' }, 'awsRegion': { 'regionName': 'string', 'regionNamePath': 'string' }, 'configurationParameters': { 'parameterOverrides': [ { 'isEditable': True|False, 'name': 'string', 'value': 'string' }, ], 'resolvedParameters': [ { 'isEditable': True|False, 'name': 'string', 'value': 'string' }, ], 'ssmPath': 'string' }, 'deploymentMode': 'ON_CREATE'|'ON_DEMAND', 'deploymentOrder': 123, 'description': 'string', 'environmentBlueprintId': 'string', 'id': 'string', 'name': 'string' }, ], 'id': 'string', 'lastUpdatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'name': 'string', 'status': 'ENABLED'|'DISABLED' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
createdAt (datetime) --
A timestamp at which a project profile is created.
createdBy (string) --
A user who created a project profile.
description (string) --
A project profile description.
domainId (string) --
The ID of the domain where a project profile is created.
domainUnitId (string) --
The ID of the domain unit where a project profile is created.
environmentConfigurations (list) --
Environment configurations of a project profile.
(dict) --
The configuration of an environment.
awsAccount (dict) --
The Amazon Web Services account of the environment.
awsAccountId (string) --
The account ID of a project.
awsAccountIdPath (string) --
The account ID path of a project.
awsRegion (dict) --
The Amazon Web Services Region of the environment.
regionName (string) --
The Amazon Web Services Region name.
regionNamePath (string) --
The region name path.
configurationParameters (dict) --
The configuration parameters of the environment.
parameterOverrides (list) --
The parameter overrides.
(dict) --
The environment configuration parameter.
isEditable (boolean) --
Specifies whether the environment parameter is editable.
name (string) --
The name of the environment configuration parameter.
value (string) --
The value of the environment configuration parameter.
resolvedParameters (list) --
The resolved environment configuration parameters.
(dict) --
The environment configuration parameter.
isEditable (boolean) --
Specifies whether the environment parameter is editable.
name (string) --
The name of the environment configuration parameter.
value (string) --
The value of the environment configuration parameter.
ssmPath (string) --
Ssm path environment configuration parameters.
deploymentMode (string) --
The deployment mode of the environment.
deploymentOrder (integer) --
The deployment order of the environment.
description (string) --
The environment description.
environmentBlueprintId (string) --
The environment blueprint ID.
id (string) --
The environment ID.
name (string) --
The environment name.
id (string) --
Project profile ID.
lastUpdatedAt (datetime) --
A timestamp when a project profile was last updated.
name (string) --
Project profile name.
status (string) --
Project profile status.
{'detail': {'createEnvironmentFromBlueprint': {}, 'createProjectFromProjectProfile': {'includeChildDomainUnits': 'boolean', 'projectProfiles': ['string']}}, 'policyType': {'CREATE_ENVIRONMENT_FROM_BLUEPRINT', 'CREATE_PROJECT_FROM_PROJECT_PROFILE'}}
Adds a policy grant (an authorization policy) to a specified entity, including domain units, environment blueprint configurations, or environment profiles.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.add_policy_grant( clientToken='string', detail={ 'addToProjectMemberPool': { 'includeChildDomainUnits': True|False }, 'createAssetType': { 'includeChildDomainUnits': True|False }, 'createDomainUnit': { 'includeChildDomainUnits': True|False }, 'createEnvironment': {} , 'createEnvironmentFromBlueprint': {} , 'createEnvironmentProfile': { 'domainUnitId': 'string' }, 'createFormType': { 'includeChildDomainUnits': True|False }, 'createGlossary': { 'includeChildDomainUnits': True|False }, 'createProject': { 'includeChildDomainUnits': True|False }, 'createProjectFromProjectProfile': { 'includeChildDomainUnits': True|False, 'projectProfiles': [ 'string', ] }, 'delegateCreateEnvironmentProfile': {} , 'overrideDomainUnitOwners': { 'includeChildDomainUnits': True|False }, 'overrideProjectOwners': { 'includeChildDomainUnits': True|False } }, domainIdentifier='string', entityIdentifier='string', entityType='DOMAIN_UNIT'|'ENVIRONMENT_BLUEPRINT_CONFIGURATION'|'ENVIRONMENT_PROFILE', policyType='CREATE_DOMAIN_UNIT'|'OVERRIDE_DOMAIN_UNIT_OWNERS'|'ADD_TO_PROJECT_MEMBER_POOL'|'OVERRIDE_PROJECT_OWNERS'|'CREATE_GLOSSARY'|'CREATE_FORM_TYPE'|'CREATE_ASSET_TYPE'|'CREATE_PROJECT'|'CREATE_ENVIRONMENT_PROFILE'|'DELEGATE_CREATE_ENVIRONMENT_PROFILE'|'CREATE_ENVIRONMENT'|'CREATE_ENVIRONMENT_FROM_BLUEPRINT'|'CREATE_PROJECT_FROM_PROJECT_PROFILE', principal={ 'domainUnit': { 'domainUnitDesignation': 'OWNER', 'domainUnitGrantFilter': { 'allDomainUnitsGrantFilter': {} }, 'domainUnitIdentifier': 'string' }, 'group': { 'groupIdentifier': 'string' }, 'project': { 'projectDesignation': 'OWNER'|'CONTRIBUTOR'|'PROJECT_CATALOG_STEWARD', 'projectGrantFilter': { 'domainUnitFilter': { 'domainUnit': 'string', 'includeChildDomainUnits': True|False } }, 'projectIdentifier': 'string' }, 'user': { 'allUsersGrantFilter': {} , 'userIdentifier': 'string' } } )
A unique, case-sensitive identifier that is provided to ensure the idempotency of the request.
This field is autopopulated if not provided.
The details of the policy grant.
addToProjectMemberPool (dict) --
Specifies that the policy grant is to be added to the members of the project.
includeChildDomainUnits (boolean) --
Specifies whether the policy grant is applied to child domain units.
createAssetType (dict) --
Specifies that this is a create asset type policy.
includeChildDomainUnits (boolean) --
Specifies whether the policy grant is applied to child domain units.
createDomainUnit (dict) --
Specifies that this is a create domain unit policy.
includeChildDomainUnits (boolean) --
Specifies whether the policy grant is applied to child domain units.
createEnvironment (dict) --
Specifies that this is a create environment policy.
createEnvironmentFromBlueprint (dict) --
The details of the policy of creating an environment.
createEnvironmentProfile (dict) --
Specifies that this is a create environment profile policy.
domainUnitId (string) --
The ID of the domain unit.
createFormType (dict) --
Specifies that this is a create form type policy.
includeChildDomainUnits (boolean) --
Specifies whether the policy grant is applied to child domain units.
createGlossary (dict) --
Specifies that this is a create glossary policy.
includeChildDomainUnits (boolean) --
Specifies whether the policy grant is applied to child domain units.
createProject (dict) --
Specifies that this is a create project policy.
includeChildDomainUnits (boolean) --
Specifies whether the policy grant is applied to child domain units.
createProjectFromProjectProfile (dict) --
Specifies whether to create a project from project profile.
includeChildDomainUnits (boolean) --
Specifies whether to include child domain units when creating a project from project profile policy grant details
projectProfiles (list) --
Specifies project profiles when creating a project from project profile policy grant details
(string) --
delegateCreateEnvironmentProfile (dict) --
Specifies that this is the delegation of the create environment profile policy.
overrideDomainUnitOwners (dict) --
Specifies whether to override domain unit owners.
includeChildDomainUnits (boolean) --
Specifies whether the policy is inherited by child domain units.
overrideProjectOwners (dict) --
Specifies whether to override project owners.
includeChildDomainUnits (boolean) --
Specifies whether the policy is inherited by child domain units.
The ID of the domain where you want to add a policy grant.
The ID of the entity (resource) to which you want to add a policy grant.
The type of entity (resource) to which the grant is added.
The type of policy that you want to grant.
The principal to whom the permissions are granted.
domainUnit (dict) --
The domain unit of the policy grant principal.
domainUnitDesignation (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Specifes the designation of the domain unit users.
domainUnitGrantFilter (dict) --
The grant filter for the domain unit.
allDomainUnitsGrantFilter (dict) --
Specifies a grant filter containing all domain units.
domainUnitIdentifier (string) --
The ID of the domain unit.
group (dict) --
The group of the policy grant principal.
groupIdentifier (string) --
The ID Of the group of the group principal.
project (dict) --
The project of the policy grant principal.
projectDesignation (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The project designation of the project policy grant principal.
projectGrantFilter (dict) --
The project grant filter of the project policy grant principal.
domainUnitFilter (dict) --
The domain unit filter of the project grant filter.
domainUnit (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The domain unit ID to use in the filter.
includeChildDomainUnits (boolean) --
Specifies whether to include child domain units.
projectIdentifier (string) --
The project ID of the project policy grant principal.
user (dict) --
The user of the policy grant principal.
allUsersGrantFilter (dict) --
The all users grant filter of the user policy grant principal.
userIdentifier (string) --
The user ID of the user policy grant principal.
Response Syntax
Response Structure
(dict) --
{'configuration': {'glueRunConfiguration': {'catalogName': 'string'}, 'sageMakerRunConfiguration': {'trackingAssets': {'string': ['string']}}}, 'connectionIdentifier': 'string'}Response
{'configuration': {'glueRunConfiguration': {'catalogName': 'string'}, 'sageMakerRunConfiguration': {'accountId': 'string', 'region': 'string', 'trackingAssets': {'string': ['string']}}}, 'connectionId': 'string'}
Creates an Amazon DataZone data source.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_data_source( assetFormsInput=[ { 'content': 'string', 'formName': 'string', 'typeIdentifier': 'string', 'typeRevision': 'string' }, ], clientToken='string', configuration={ 'glueRunConfiguration': { 'autoImportDataQualityResult': True|False, 'catalogName': 'string', 'dataAccessRole': 'string', 'relationalFilterConfigurations': [ { 'databaseName': 'string', 'filterExpressions': [ { 'expression': 'string', 'type': 'INCLUDE'|'EXCLUDE' }, ], 'schemaName': 'string' }, ] }, 'redshiftRunConfiguration': { 'dataAccessRole': 'string', 'redshiftCredentialConfiguration': { 'secretManagerArn': 'string' }, 'redshiftStorage': { 'redshiftClusterSource': { 'clusterName': 'string' }, 'redshiftServerlessSource': { 'workgroupName': 'string' } }, 'relationalFilterConfigurations': [ { 'databaseName': 'string', 'filterExpressions': [ { 'expression': 'string', 'type': 'INCLUDE'|'EXCLUDE' }, ], 'schemaName': 'string' }, ] }, 'sageMakerRunConfiguration': { 'trackingAssets': { 'string': [ 'string', ] } } }, connectionIdentifier='string', description='string', domainIdentifier='string', enableSetting='ENABLED'|'DISABLED', environmentIdentifier='string', name='string', projectIdentifier='string', publishOnImport=True|False, recommendation={ 'enableBusinessNameGeneration': True|False }, schedule={ 'schedule': 'string', 'timezone': 'UTC'|'AFRICA_JOHANNESBURG'|'AMERICA_MONTREAL'|'AMERICA_SAO_PAULO'|'ASIA_BAHRAIN'|'ASIA_BANGKOK'|'ASIA_CALCUTTA'|'ASIA_DUBAI'|'ASIA_HONG_KONG'|'ASIA_JAKARTA'|'ASIA_KUALA_LUMPUR'|'ASIA_SEOUL'|'ASIA_SHANGHAI'|'ASIA_SINGAPORE'|'ASIA_TAIPEI'|'ASIA_TOKYO'|'AUSTRALIA_MELBOURNE'|'AUSTRALIA_SYDNEY'|'CANADA_CENTRAL'|'CET'|'CST6CDT'|'ETC_GMT'|'ETC_GMT0'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_0'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_1'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_10'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_11'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_12'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_2'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_3'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_4'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_5'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_6'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_7'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_8'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_9'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_0'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_1'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_10'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_11'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_12'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_13'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_14'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_2'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_3'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_4'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_5'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_6'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_7'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_8'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_9'|'EUROPE_DUBLIN'|'EUROPE_LONDON'|'EUROPE_PARIS'|'EUROPE_STOCKHOLM'|'EUROPE_ZURICH'|'ISRAEL'|'MEXICO_GENERAL'|'MST7MDT'|'PACIFIC_AUCKLAND'|'US_CENTRAL'|'US_EASTERN'|'US_MOUNTAIN'|'US_PACIFIC' }, type='string' )
The metadata forms that are to be attached to the assets that this data source works with.
(dict) --
The details of a metadata form.
content (string) --
The content of the metadata form.
formName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the metadata form.
typeIdentifier (string) --
The ID of the metadata form type.
typeRevision (string) --
The revision of the metadata form type.
A unique, case-sensitive identifier that is provided to ensure the idempotency of the request.
This field is autopopulated if not provided.
Specifies the configuration of the data source. It can be set to either glueRunConfiguration or redshiftRunConfiguration.
glueRunConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
autoImportDataQualityResult (boolean) --
Specifies whether to automatically import data quality metrics as part of the data source run.
catalogName (string) --
The catalog name in the Amazon Web Services Glue run configuration.
dataAccessRole (string) --
The data access role included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
relationalFilterConfigurations (list) -- [REQUIRED]
The relational filter configurations included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
(dict) --
The relational filter configuration for the data source.
databaseName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The database name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
filterExpressions (list) --
The filter expressions specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
(dict) --
A filter expression in Amazon DataZone.
expression (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The search filter expression.
type (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The search filter explresison type.
schemaName (string) --
The schema name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
redshiftRunConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration of the Amazon Redshift data source.
dataAccessRole (string) --
The data access role included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.
redshiftCredentialConfiguration (dict) --
The details of the credentials required to access an Amazon Redshift cluster.
secretManagerArn (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The ARN of a secret manager for an Amazon Redshift cluster.
redshiftStorage (dict) --
The details of the Amazon Redshift storage as part of the configuration of an Amazon Redshift data source run.
redshiftClusterSource (dict) --
The details of the Amazon Redshift cluster source.
clusterName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of an Amazon Redshift cluster.
redshiftServerlessSource (dict) --
The details of the Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup source.
workgroupName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup.
relationalFilterConfigurations (list) -- [REQUIRED]
The relational filger configurations included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.
(dict) --
The relational filter configuration for the data source.
databaseName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The database name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
filterExpressions (list) --
The filter expressions specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
(dict) --
A filter expression in Amazon DataZone.
expression (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The search filter expression.
type (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The search filter explresison type.
schemaName (string) --
The schema name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
sageMakerRunConfiguration (dict) --
The Amazon SageMaker run configuration.
trackingAssets (dict) -- [REQUIRED]
The tracking assets of the Amazon SageMaker run.
(string) --
(list) --
(string) --
The ID of the connection.
The description of the data source.
The ID of the Amazon DataZone domain where the data source is created.
Specifies whether the data source is enabled.
The unique identifier of the Amazon DataZone environment to which the data source publishes assets.
The name of the data source.
The identifier of the Amazon DataZone project in which you want to add this data source.
Specifies whether the assets that this data source creates in the inventory are to be also automatically published to the catalog.
Specifies whether the business name generation is to be enabled for this data source.
enableBusinessNameGeneration (boolean) --
Specifies whether automatic business name generation is to be enabled or not as part of the recommendation configuration.
The schedule of the data source runs.
schedule (string) --
The schedule of the data source runs.
timezone (string) --
The timezone of the data source run.
The type of the data source.
Response Syntax
{ 'assetFormsOutput': [ { 'content': 'string', 'formName': 'string', 'typeName': 'string', 'typeRevision': 'string' }, ], 'configuration': { 'glueRunConfiguration': { 'accountId': 'string', 'autoImportDataQualityResult': True|False, 'catalogName': 'string', 'dataAccessRole': 'string', 'region': 'string', 'relationalFilterConfigurations': [ { 'databaseName': 'string', 'filterExpressions': [ { 'expression': 'string', 'type': 'INCLUDE'|'EXCLUDE' }, ], 'schemaName': 'string' }, ] }, 'redshiftRunConfiguration': { 'accountId': 'string', 'dataAccessRole': 'string', 'redshiftCredentialConfiguration': { 'secretManagerArn': 'string' }, 'redshiftStorage': { 'redshiftClusterSource': { 'clusterName': 'string' }, 'redshiftServerlessSource': { 'workgroupName': 'string' } }, 'region': 'string', 'relationalFilterConfigurations': [ { 'databaseName': 'string', 'filterExpressions': [ { 'expression': 'string', 'type': 'INCLUDE'|'EXCLUDE' }, ], 'schemaName': 'string' }, ] }, 'sageMakerRunConfiguration': { 'accountId': 'string', 'region': 'string', 'trackingAssets': { 'string': [ 'string', ] } } }, 'connectionId': 'string', 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'description': 'string', 'domainId': 'string', 'enableSetting': 'ENABLED'|'DISABLED', 'environmentId': 'string', 'errorMessage': { 'errorDetail': 'string', 'errorType': 'ACCESS_DENIED_EXCEPTION'|'CONFLICT_EXCEPTION'|'INTERNAL_SERVER_EXCEPTION'|'RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION'|'SERVICE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED_EXCEPTION'|'THROTTLING_EXCEPTION'|'VALIDATION_EXCEPTION' }, 'id': 'string', 'lastRunAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'lastRunErrorMessage': { 'errorDetail': 'string', 'errorType': 'ACCESS_DENIED_EXCEPTION'|'CONFLICT_EXCEPTION'|'INTERNAL_SERVER_EXCEPTION'|'RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION'|'SERVICE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED_EXCEPTION'|'THROTTLING_EXCEPTION'|'VALIDATION_EXCEPTION' }, 'lastRunStatus': 'REQUESTED'|'RUNNING'|'FAILED'|'PARTIALLY_SUCCEEDED'|'SUCCESS', 'name': 'string', 'projectId': 'string', 'publishOnImport': True|False, 'recommendation': { 'enableBusinessNameGeneration': True|False }, 'schedule': { 'schedule': 'string', 'timezone': 'UTC'|'AFRICA_JOHANNESBURG'|'AMERICA_MONTREAL'|'AMERICA_SAO_PAULO'|'ASIA_BAHRAIN'|'ASIA_BANGKOK'|'ASIA_CALCUTTA'|'ASIA_DUBAI'|'ASIA_HONG_KONG'|'ASIA_JAKARTA'|'ASIA_KUALA_LUMPUR'|'ASIA_SEOUL'|'ASIA_SHANGHAI'|'ASIA_SINGAPORE'|'ASIA_TAIPEI'|'ASIA_TOKYO'|'AUSTRALIA_MELBOURNE'|'AUSTRALIA_SYDNEY'|'CANADA_CENTRAL'|'CET'|'CST6CDT'|'ETC_GMT'|'ETC_GMT0'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_0'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_1'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_10'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_11'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_12'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_2'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_3'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_4'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_5'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_6'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_7'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_8'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_9'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_0'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_1'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_10'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_11'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_12'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_13'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_14'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_2'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_3'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_4'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_5'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_6'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_7'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_8'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_9'|'EUROPE_DUBLIN'|'EUROPE_LONDON'|'EUROPE_PARIS'|'EUROPE_STOCKHOLM'|'EUROPE_ZURICH'|'ISRAEL'|'MEXICO_GENERAL'|'MST7MDT'|'PACIFIC_AUCKLAND'|'US_CENTRAL'|'US_EASTERN'|'US_MOUNTAIN'|'US_PACIFIC' }, 'status': 'CREATING'|'FAILED_CREATION'|'READY'|'UPDATING'|'FAILED_UPDATE'|'RUNNING'|'DELETING'|'FAILED_DELETION', 'type': 'string', 'updatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }
Response Structure
(dict) --
assetFormsOutput (list) --
The metadata forms attached to the assets that this data source creates.
(dict) --
The details of a metadata form.
content (string) --
The content of the metadata form.
formName (string) --
The name of the metadata form.
typeName (string) --
The name of the metadata form type.
typeRevision (string) --
The revision of the metadata form type.
configuration (dict) --
Specifies the configuration of the data source. It can be set to either glueRunConfiguration or redshiftRunConfiguration.
glueRunConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
accountId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services account ID included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
autoImportDataQualityResult (boolean) --
Specifies whether to automatically import data quality metrics as part of the data source run.
catalogName (string) --
The catalog name in the Amazon Web Services Glue run configuration.
dataAccessRole (string) --
The data access role included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
region (string) --
The Amazon Web Services region included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
relationalFilterConfigurations (list) --
The relational filter configurations included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
(dict) --
The relational filter configuration for the data source.
databaseName (string) --
The database name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
filterExpressions (list) --
The filter expressions specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
(dict) --
A filter expression in Amazon DataZone.
expression (string) --
The search filter expression.
type (string) --
The search filter explresison type.
schemaName (string) --
The schema name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
redshiftRunConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration of the Amazon Redshift data source.
accountId (string) --
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.
dataAccessRole (string) --
The data access role included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.
redshiftCredentialConfiguration (dict) --
The details of the credentials required to access an Amazon Redshift cluster.
secretManagerArn (string) --
The ARN of a secret manager for an Amazon Redshift cluster.
redshiftStorage (dict) --
The details of the Amazon Redshift storage as part of the configuration of an Amazon Redshift data source run.
redshiftClusterSource (dict) --
The details of the Amazon Redshift cluster source.
clusterName (string) --
The name of an Amazon Redshift cluster.
redshiftServerlessSource (dict) --
The details of the Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup source.
workgroupName (string) --
The name of the Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup.
region (string) --
The Amazon Web Services region included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.
relationalFilterConfigurations (list) --
The relational filger configurations included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.
(dict) --
The relational filter configuration for the data source.
databaseName (string) --
The database name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
filterExpressions (list) --
The filter expressions specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
(dict) --
A filter expression in Amazon DataZone.
expression (string) --
The search filter expression.
type (string) --
The search filter explresison type.
schemaName (string) --
The schema name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
sageMakerRunConfiguration (dict) --
The Amazon SageMaker run configuration.
accountId (string) --
The Amazon SageMaker account ID.
region (string) --
The Amazon SageMaker Region.
trackingAssets (dict) --
The tracking assets of the Amazon SageMaker.
(string) --
(list) --
(string) --
connectionId (string) --
The ID of the connection.
createdAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the data source was created.
description (string) --
The description of the data source.
domainId (string) --
The ID of the Amazon DataZone domain in which the data source is created.
enableSetting (string) --
Specifies whether the data source is enabled.
environmentId (string) --
The unique identifier of the Amazon DataZone environment to which the data source publishes assets.
errorMessage (dict) --
Specifies the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
errorDetail (string) --
The details of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
errorType (string) --
The type of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
id (string) --
The unique identifier of the data source.
lastRunAt (datetime) --
The timestamp that specifies when the data source was last run.
lastRunErrorMessage (dict) --
Specifies the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
errorDetail (string) --
The details of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
errorType (string) --
The type of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
lastRunStatus (string) --
The status of the last run of this data source.
name (string) --
The name of the data source.
projectId (string) --
The ID of the Amazon DataZone project to which the data source is added.
publishOnImport (boolean) --
Specifies whether the assets that this data source creates in the inventory are to be also automatically published to the catalog.
recommendation (dict) --
Specifies whether the business name generation is to be enabled for this data source.
enableBusinessNameGeneration (boolean) --
Specifies whether automatic business name generation is to be enabled or not as part of the recommendation configuration.
schedule (dict) --
The schedule of the data source runs.
schedule (string) --
The schedule of the data source runs.
timezone (string) --
The timezone of the data source run.
status (string) --
The status of the data source.
type (string) --
The type of the data source.
updatedAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the data source was updated.
{'domainVersion': 'V1 | V2', 'serviceRole': 'string'}
Creates an Amazon DataZone domain.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_domain( clientToken='string', description='string', domainExecutionRole='string', domainVersion='V1'|'V2', kmsKeyIdentifier='string', name='string', serviceRole='string', singleSignOn={ 'type': 'IAM_IDC'|'DISABLED', 'userAssignment': 'AUTOMATIC'|'MANUAL' }, tags={ 'string': 'string' } )
A unique, case-sensitive identifier that is provided to ensure the idempotency of the request.
This field is autopopulated if not provided.
The description of the Amazon DataZone domain.
The domain execution role that is created when an Amazon DataZone domain is created. The domain execution role is created in the Amazon Web Services account that houses the Amazon DataZone domain.
The version of the domain that is created.
The identifier of the Amazon Web Services Key Management Service (KMS) key that is used to encrypt the Amazon DataZone domain, metadata, and reporting data.
The name of the Amazon DataZone domain.
The service role of the domain that is created.
The single-sign on configuration of the Amazon DataZone domain.
type (string) --
The type of single sign-on in Amazon DataZone.
userAssignment (string) --
The single sign-on user assignment in Amazon DataZone.
The tags specified for the Amazon DataZone domain.
(string) --
(string) --
Response Syntax
{ 'arn': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'domainExecutionRole': 'string', 'domainVersion': 'V1'|'V2', 'id': 'string', 'kmsKeyIdentifier': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'portalUrl': 'string', 'rootDomainUnitId': 'string', 'serviceRole': 'string', 'singleSignOn': { 'type': 'IAM_IDC'|'DISABLED', 'userAssignment': 'AUTOMATIC'|'MANUAL' }, 'status': 'CREATING'|'AVAILABLE'|'CREATION_FAILED'|'DELETING'|'DELETED'|'DELETION_FAILED', 'tags': { 'string': 'string' } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
arn (string) --
The ARN of the Amazon DataZone domain.
description (string) --
The description of the Amazon DataZone domain.
domainExecutionRole (string) --
The domain execution role that is created when an Amazon DataZone domain is created. The domain execution role is created in the Amazon Web Services account that houses the Amazon DataZone domain.
domainVersion (string) --
The version of the domain that is created.
id (string) --
The identifier of the Amazon DataZone domain.
kmsKeyIdentifier (string) --
The identifier of the Amazon Web Services Key Management Service (KMS) key that is used to encrypt the Amazon DataZone domain, metadata, and reporting data.
name (string) --
The name of the Amazon DataZone domain.
portalUrl (string) --
The URL of the data portal for this Amazon DataZone domain.
rootDomainUnitId (string) --
The ID of the root domain unit.
serviceRole (string) --
Te service role of the domain that is created.
singleSignOn (dict) --
The single-sign on configuration of the Amazon DataZone domain.
type (string) --
The type of single sign-on in Amazon DataZone.
userAssignment (string) --
The single sign-on user assignment in Amazon DataZone.
status (string) --
The status of the Amazon DataZone domain.
tags (dict) --
The tags specified for the Amazon DataZone domain.
(string) --
(string) --
{'deploymentOrder': 'integer', 'environmentConfigurationId': 'string'}
Create an Amazon DataZone environment.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_environment( deploymentOrder=123, description='string', domainIdentifier='string', environmentAccountIdentifier='string', environmentAccountRegion='string', environmentBlueprintIdentifier='string', environmentConfigurationId='string', environmentProfileIdentifier='string', glossaryTerms=[ 'string', ], name='string', projectIdentifier='string', userParameters=[ { 'name': 'string', 'value': 'string' }, ] )
The deployment order of the environment.
The description of the Amazon DataZone environment.
The identifier of the Amazon DataZone domain in which the environment is created.
The ID of the account in which the environment is being created.
The region of the account in which the environment is being created.
The ID of the blueprint with which the environment is being created.
The configuration ID of the environment.
The identifier of the environment profile that is used to create this Amazon DataZone environment.
The glossary terms that can be used in this Amazon DataZone environment.
(string) --
The name of the Amazon DataZone environment.
The identifier of the Amazon DataZone project in which this environment is created.
The user parameters of this Amazon DataZone environment.
(dict) --
The parameter details of an evironment profile.
name (string) --
The name of an environment profile parameter.
value (string) --
The value of an environment profile parameter.
Response Syntax
{ 'awsAccountId': 'string', 'awsAccountRegion': 'string', 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'createdBy': 'string', 'deploymentProperties': { 'endTimeoutMinutes': 123, 'startTimeoutMinutes': 123 }, 'description': 'string', 'domainId': 'string', 'environmentActions': [ { 'auth': 'IAM'|'HTTPS', 'parameters': [ { 'key': 'string', 'value': 'string' }, ], 'type': 'string' }, ], 'environmentBlueprintId': 'string', 'environmentProfileId': 'string', 'glossaryTerms': [ 'string', ], 'id': 'string', 'lastDeployment': { 'deploymentId': 'string', 'deploymentStatus': 'IN_PROGRESS'|'SUCCESSFUL'|'FAILED'|'PENDING_DEPLOYMENT', 'deploymentType': 'CREATE'|'UPDATE'|'DELETE', 'failureReason': { 'code': 'string', 'message': 'string' }, 'isDeploymentComplete': True|False, 'messages': [ 'string', ] }, 'name': 'string', 'projectId': 'string', 'provider': 'string', 'provisionedResources': [ { 'name': 'string', 'provider': 'string', 'type': 'string', 'value': 'string' }, ], 'provisioningProperties': { 'cloudFormation': { 'templateUrl': 'string' } }, 'status': 'ACTIVE'|'CREATING'|'UPDATING'|'DELETING'|'CREATE_FAILED'|'UPDATE_FAILED'|'DELETE_FAILED'|'VALIDATION_FAILED'|'SUSPENDED'|'DISABLED'|'EXPIRED'|'DELETED'|'INACCESSIBLE', 'updatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'userParameters': [ { 'defaultValue': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'fieldType': 'string', 'isEditable': True|False, 'isOptional': True|False, 'keyName': 'string' }, ] }
Response Structure
(dict) --
awsAccountId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services account in which the Amazon DataZone environment is created.
awsAccountRegion (string) --
The Amazon Web Services region in which the Amazon DataZone environment is created.
createdAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the environment was created.
createdBy (string) --
The Amazon DataZone user who created this environment.
deploymentProperties (dict) --
The deployment properties of this Amazon DataZone environment.
endTimeoutMinutes (integer) --
The end timeout of the environment blueprint deployment.
startTimeoutMinutes (integer) --
The start timeout of the environment blueprint deployment.
description (string) --
The description of this Amazon DataZone environment.
domainId (string) --
The identifier of the Amazon DataZone domain in which the environment is created.
environmentActions (list) --
The configurable actions of this Amazon DataZone environment.
(dict) --
The configurable action of a Amazon DataZone environment.
auth (string) --
The authentication type of a configurable action of a Amazon DataZone environment.
parameters (list) --
The parameters of a configurable action in a Amazon DataZone environment.
(dict) --
The details of the parameters for the configurable environment action.
key (string) --
The key of the configurable action parameter.
value (string) --
The value of the configurable action parameter.
type (string) --
The type of a configurable action in a Amazon DataZone environment.
environmentBlueprintId (string) --
The ID of the blueprint with which this Amazon DataZone environment was created.
environmentProfileId (string) --
The ID of the environment profile with which this Amazon DataZone environment was created.
glossaryTerms (list) --
The glossary terms that can be used in this Amazon DataZone environment.
(string) --
id (string) --
The ID of this Amazon DataZone environment.
lastDeployment (dict) --
The details of the last deployment of this Amazon DataZone environment.
deploymentId (string) --
The identifier of the last deployment of the environment.
deploymentStatus (string) --
The status of the last deployment of the environment.
deploymentType (string) --
The type of the last deployment of the environment.
failureReason (dict) --
The failure reason of the last deployment of the environment.
code (string) --
The error code for the failure reason for the environment deployment.
message (string) --
The error message for the failure reason for the environment deployment.
isDeploymentComplete (boolean) --
Specifies whether the last deployment of the environment is complete.
messages (list) --
The messages of the last deployment of the environment.
(string) --
name (string) --
The name of this environment.
projectId (string) --
The ID of the Amazon DataZone project in which this environment is created.
provider (string) --
The provider of this Amazon DataZone environment.
provisionedResources (list) --
The provisioned resources of this Amazon DataZone environment.
(dict) --
The details of a provisioned resource of this Amazon DataZone environment.
name (string) --
The name of a provisioned resource of this Amazon DataZone environment.
provider (string) --
The provider of a provisioned resource of this Amazon DataZone environment.
type (string) --
The type of a provisioned resource of this Amazon DataZone environment.
value (string) --
The value of a provisioned resource of this Amazon DataZone environment.
provisioningProperties (dict) --
The provisioning properties of this Amazon DataZone environment.
cloudFormation (dict) --
The cloud formation properties included as part of the provisioning properties of an environment blueprint.
templateUrl (string) --
The template URL of the cloud formation provisioning properties of the environment blueprint.
status (string) --
The status of this Amazon DataZone environment.
updatedAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when this environment was updated.
userParameters (list) --
The user parameters of this Amazon DataZone environment.
(dict) --
The details of user parameters of an environment blueprint.
defaultValue (string) --
The default value of the parameter.
description (string) --
The description of the parameter.
fieldType (string) --
The filed type of the parameter.
isEditable (boolean) --
Specifies whether the parameter is editable.
isOptional (boolean) --
Specifies whether the custom parameter is optional.
keyName (string) --
The key name of the parameter.
{'projectProfileId': 'string', 'userParameters': [{'environmentConfigurationName': 'string', 'environmentParameters': [{'name': 'string', 'value': 'string'}]}]}Response
{'environmentDeploymentDetails': {'environmentFailureReasons': {'string': [{'code': 'string', 'message': 'string'}]}, 'overallDeploymentStatus': 'PENDING_DEPLOYMENT ' '| IN_PROGRESS | ' 'SUCCESSFUL | ' 'FAILED_VALIDATION ' '| ' 'FAILED_DEPLOYMENT'}, 'projectProfileId': 'string', 'userParameters': [{'environmentConfigurationName': 'string', 'environmentParameters': [{'name': 'string', 'value': 'string'}]}]}
Creates an Amazon DataZone project.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_project( description='string', domainIdentifier='string', domainUnitId='string', glossaryTerms=[ 'string', ], name='string', projectProfileId='string', userParameters=[ { 'environmentConfigurationName': 'string', 'environmentParameters': [ { 'name': 'string', 'value': 'string' }, ] }, ] )
The description of the Amazon DataZone project.
The ID of the Amazon DataZone domain in which this project is created.
The ID of the domain unit. This parameter is not required and if it is not specified, then the project is created at the root domain unit level.
The glossary terms that can be used in this Amazon DataZone project.
(string) --
The name of the Amazon DataZone project.
The ID of the project profile.
The user parameters of the project.
(dict) --
The environment configuration user parameters.
environmentConfigurationName (string) --
The environment configuration name.
environmentParameters (list) --
The environment parameters.
(dict) --
The parameter details of an evironment profile.
name (string) --
The name of an environment profile parameter.
value (string) --
The value of an environment profile parameter.
Response Syntax
{ 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'createdBy': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'domainId': 'string', 'domainUnitId': 'string', 'environmentDeploymentDetails': { 'environmentFailureReasons': { 'string': [ { 'code': 'string', 'message': 'string' }, ] }, 'overallDeploymentStatus': 'PENDING_DEPLOYMENT'|'IN_PROGRESS'|'SUCCESSFUL'|'FAILED_VALIDATION'|'FAILED_DEPLOYMENT' }, 'failureReasons': [ { 'code': 'string', 'message': 'string' }, ], 'glossaryTerms': [ 'string', ], 'id': 'string', 'lastUpdatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'name': 'string', 'projectProfileId': 'string', 'projectStatus': 'ACTIVE'|'DELETING'|'DELETE_FAILED', 'userParameters': [ { 'environmentConfigurationName': 'string', 'environmentParameters': [ { 'name': 'string', 'value': 'string' }, ] }, ] }
Response Structure
(dict) --
createdAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the project was created.
createdBy (string) --
The Amazon DataZone user who created the project.
description (string) --
The description of the project.
domainId (string) --
The identifier of the Amazon DataZone domain in which the project was created.
domainUnitId (string) --
The ID of the domain unit.
environmentDeploymentDetails (dict) --
The environment deployment details.
environmentFailureReasons (dict) --
Environment failure reasons.
(string) --
(list) --
(dict) --
The failure reasons for the environment deployment.
code (string) --
The error code for the failure reason for the environment deployment.
message (string) --
The error message for the failure reason for the environment deployment.
overallDeploymentStatus (string) --
The overall deployment status of the environment.
failureReasons (list) --
Specifies the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
(dict) --
Specifies the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
code (string) --
The code of the project deletion error.
message (string) --
The message of the project deletion error.
glossaryTerms (list) --
The glossary terms that can be used in the project.
(string) --
id (string) --
The ID of the Amazon DataZone project.
lastUpdatedAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the project was last updated.
name (string) --
The name of the project.
projectProfileId (string) --
The project profile ID.
projectStatus (string) --
The status of the Amazon DataZone project that was created.
userParameters (list) --
The user parameters of the project.
(dict) --
The environment configuration user parameters.
environmentConfigurationName (string) --
The environment configuration name.
environmentParameters (list) --
The environment parameters.
(dict) --
The parameter details of an evironment profile.
name (string) --
The name of an environment profile parameter.
value (string) --
The value of an environment profile parameter.
{'configuration': {'glueRunConfiguration': {'catalogName': 'string'}, 'sageMakerRunConfiguration': {'accountId': 'string', 'region': 'string', 'trackingAssets': {'string': ['string']}}}, 'connectionId': 'string'}
Deletes a data source in Amazon DataZone.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.delete_data_source( clientToken='string', domainIdentifier='string', identifier='string', retainPermissionsOnRevokeFailure=True|False )
A unique, case-sensitive identifier that is provided to ensure the idempotency of the request.
This field is autopopulated if not provided.
The ID of the Amazon DataZone domain in which the data source is deleted.
The identifier of the data source that is deleted.
Specifies that the granted permissions are retained in case of a self-subscribe functionality failure for a data source.
Response Syntax
{ 'assetFormsOutput': [ { 'content': 'string', 'formName': 'string', 'typeName': 'string', 'typeRevision': 'string' }, ], 'configuration': { 'glueRunConfiguration': { 'accountId': 'string', 'autoImportDataQualityResult': True|False, 'catalogName': 'string', 'dataAccessRole': 'string', 'region': 'string', 'relationalFilterConfigurations': [ { 'databaseName': 'string', 'filterExpressions': [ { 'expression': 'string', 'type': 'INCLUDE'|'EXCLUDE' }, ], 'schemaName': 'string' }, ] }, 'redshiftRunConfiguration': { 'accountId': 'string', 'dataAccessRole': 'string', 'redshiftCredentialConfiguration': { 'secretManagerArn': 'string' }, 'redshiftStorage': { 'redshiftClusterSource': { 'clusterName': 'string' }, 'redshiftServerlessSource': { 'workgroupName': 'string' } }, 'region': 'string', 'relationalFilterConfigurations': [ { 'databaseName': 'string', 'filterExpressions': [ { 'expression': 'string', 'type': 'INCLUDE'|'EXCLUDE' }, ], 'schemaName': 'string' }, ] }, 'sageMakerRunConfiguration': { 'accountId': 'string', 'region': 'string', 'trackingAssets': { 'string': [ 'string', ] } } }, 'connectionId': 'string', 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'description': 'string', 'domainId': 'string', 'enableSetting': 'ENABLED'|'DISABLED', 'environmentId': 'string', 'errorMessage': { 'errorDetail': 'string', 'errorType': 'ACCESS_DENIED_EXCEPTION'|'CONFLICT_EXCEPTION'|'INTERNAL_SERVER_EXCEPTION'|'RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION'|'SERVICE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED_EXCEPTION'|'THROTTLING_EXCEPTION'|'VALIDATION_EXCEPTION' }, 'id': 'string', 'lastRunAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'lastRunErrorMessage': { 'errorDetail': 'string', 'errorType': 'ACCESS_DENIED_EXCEPTION'|'CONFLICT_EXCEPTION'|'INTERNAL_SERVER_EXCEPTION'|'RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION'|'SERVICE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED_EXCEPTION'|'THROTTLING_EXCEPTION'|'VALIDATION_EXCEPTION' }, 'lastRunStatus': 'REQUESTED'|'RUNNING'|'FAILED'|'PARTIALLY_SUCCEEDED'|'SUCCESS', 'name': 'string', 'projectId': 'string', 'publishOnImport': True|False, 'retainPermissionsOnRevokeFailure': True|False, 'schedule': { 'schedule': 'string', 'timezone': 'UTC'|'AFRICA_JOHANNESBURG'|'AMERICA_MONTREAL'|'AMERICA_SAO_PAULO'|'ASIA_BAHRAIN'|'ASIA_BANGKOK'|'ASIA_CALCUTTA'|'ASIA_DUBAI'|'ASIA_HONG_KONG'|'ASIA_JAKARTA'|'ASIA_KUALA_LUMPUR'|'ASIA_SEOUL'|'ASIA_SHANGHAI'|'ASIA_SINGAPORE'|'ASIA_TAIPEI'|'ASIA_TOKYO'|'AUSTRALIA_MELBOURNE'|'AUSTRALIA_SYDNEY'|'CANADA_CENTRAL'|'CET'|'CST6CDT'|'ETC_GMT'|'ETC_GMT0'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_0'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_1'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_10'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_11'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_12'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_2'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_3'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_4'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_5'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_6'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_7'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_8'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_9'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_0'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_1'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_10'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_11'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_12'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_13'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_14'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_2'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_3'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_4'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_5'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_6'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_7'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_8'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_9'|'EUROPE_DUBLIN'|'EUROPE_LONDON'|'EUROPE_PARIS'|'EUROPE_STOCKHOLM'|'EUROPE_ZURICH'|'ISRAEL'|'MEXICO_GENERAL'|'MST7MDT'|'PACIFIC_AUCKLAND'|'US_CENTRAL'|'US_EASTERN'|'US_MOUNTAIN'|'US_PACIFIC' }, 'selfGrantStatus': { 'glueSelfGrantStatus': { 'selfGrantStatusDetails': [ { 'databaseName': 'string', 'failureCause': 'string', 'schemaName': 'string', 'status': 'GRANT_PENDING'|'REVOKE_PENDING'|'GRANT_IN_PROGRESS'|'REVOKE_IN_PROGRESS'|'GRANTED'|'GRANT_FAILED'|'REVOKE_FAILED' }, ] }, 'redshiftSelfGrantStatus': { 'selfGrantStatusDetails': [ { 'databaseName': 'string', 'failureCause': 'string', 'schemaName': 'string', 'status': 'GRANT_PENDING'|'REVOKE_PENDING'|'GRANT_IN_PROGRESS'|'REVOKE_IN_PROGRESS'|'GRANTED'|'GRANT_FAILED'|'REVOKE_FAILED' }, ] } }, 'status': 'CREATING'|'FAILED_CREATION'|'READY'|'UPDATING'|'FAILED_UPDATE'|'RUNNING'|'DELETING'|'FAILED_DELETION', 'type': 'string', 'updatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }
Response Structure
(dict) --
assetFormsOutput (list) --
The asset data forms associated with this data source.
(dict) --
The details of a metadata form.
content (string) --
The content of the metadata form.
formName (string) --
The name of the metadata form.
typeName (string) --
The name of the metadata form type.
typeRevision (string) --
The revision of the metadata form type.
configuration (dict) --
The configuration of the data source that is deleted.
glueRunConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
accountId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services account ID included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
autoImportDataQualityResult (boolean) --
Specifies whether to automatically import data quality metrics as part of the data source run.
catalogName (string) --
The catalog name in the Amazon Web Services Glue run configuration.
dataAccessRole (string) --
The data access role included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
region (string) --
The Amazon Web Services region included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
relationalFilterConfigurations (list) --
The relational filter configurations included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
(dict) --
The relational filter configuration for the data source.
databaseName (string) --
The database name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
filterExpressions (list) --
The filter expressions specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
(dict) --
A filter expression in Amazon DataZone.
expression (string) --
The search filter expression.
type (string) --
The search filter explresison type.
schemaName (string) --
The schema name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
redshiftRunConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration of the Amazon Redshift data source.
accountId (string) --
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.
dataAccessRole (string) --
The data access role included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.
redshiftCredentialConfiguration (dict) --
The details of the credentials required to access an Amazon Redshift cluster.
secretManagerArn (string) --
The ARN of a secret manager for an Amazon Redshift cluster.
redshiftStorage (dict) --
The details of the Amazon Redshift storage as part of the configuration of an Amazon Redshift data source run.
redshiftClusterSource (dict) --
The details of the Amazon Redshift cluster source.
clusterName (string) --
The name of an Amazon Redshift cluster.
redshiftServerlessSource (dict) --
The details of the Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup source.
workgroupName (string) --
The name of the Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup.
region (string) --
The Amazon Web Services region included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.
relationalFilterConfigurations (list) --
The relational filger configurations included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.
(dict) --
The relational filter configuration for the data source.
databaseName (string) --
The database name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
filterExpressions (list) --
The filter expressions specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
(dict) --
A filter expression in Amazon DataZone.
expression (string) --
The search filter expression.
type (string) --
The search filter explresison type.
schemaName (string) --
The schema name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
sageMakerRunConfiguration (dict) --
The Amazon SageMaker run configuration.
accountId (string) --
The Amazon SageMaker account ID.
region (string) --
The Amazon SageMaker Region.
trackingAssets (dict) --
The tracking assets of the Amazon SageMaker.
(string) --
(list) --
(string) --
connectionId (string) --
The ID of the connection that is deleted.
createdAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when this data source was created.
description (string) --
The description of the data source that is deleted.
domainId (string) --
The ID of the Amazon DataZone domain in which the data source is deleted.
enableSetting (string) --
The enable setting of the data source that specifies whether the data source is enabled or disabled.
environmentId (string) --
The ID of the environemnt associated with this data source.
errorMessage (dict) --
Specifies the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
errorDetail (string) --
The details of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
errorType (string) --
The type of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
id (string) --
The ID of the data source that is deleted.
lastRunAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the data source was last run.
lastRunErrorMessage (dict) --
Specifies the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
errorDetail (string) --
The details of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
errorType (string) --
The type of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
lastRunStatus (string) --
The status of the last run of this data source.
name (string) --
The name of the data source that is deleted.
projectId (string) --
The ID of the project in which this data source exists and from which it's deleted.
publishOnImport (boolean) --
Specifies whether the assets that this data source creates in the inventory are to be also automatically published to the catalog.
retainPermissionsOnRevokeFailure (boolean) --
Specifies that the granted permissions are retained in case of a self-subscribe functionality failure for a data source.
schedule (dict) --
The schedule of runs for this data source.
schedule (string) --
The schedule of the data source runs.
timezone (string) --
The timezone of the data source run.
selfGrantStatus (dict) --
Specifies the status of the self-granting functionality.
glueSelfGrantStatus (dict) --
The details for the self granting status for a Glue data source.
selfGrantStatusDetails (list) --
The details for the self granting status for a Glue data source.
(dict) --
The details for the self granting status.
databaseName (string) --
The name of the database used for the data source.
failureCause (string) --
The reason for why the operation failed.
schemaName (string) --
The name of the schema used in the data source.
status (string) --
The self granting status of the data source.
redshiftSelfGrantStatus (dict) --
The details for the self granting status for an Amazon Redshift data source.
selfGrantStatusDetails (list) --
The details for the self granting status for an Amazon Redshift data source.
(dict) --
The details for the self granting status.
databaseName (string) --
The name of the database used for the data source.
failureCause (string) --
The reason for why the operation failed.
schemaName (string) --
The name of the schema used in the data source.
status (string) --
The self granting status of the data source.
status (string) --
The status of this data source.
type (string) --
The type of this data source.
updatedAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when this data source was updated.
{'configuration': {'glueRunConfiguration': {'catalogName': 'string'}, 'sageMakerRunConfiguration': {'accountId': 'string', 'region': 'string', 'trackingAssets': {'string': ['string']}}}, 'connectionId': 'string'}
Gets an Amazon DataZone data source.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_data_source( domainIdentifier='string', identifier='string' )
The ID of the Amazon DataZone domain in which the data source exists.
The ID of the Amazon DataZone data source.
Response Syntax
{ 'assetFormsOutput': [ { 'content': 'string', 'formName': 'string', 'typeName': 'string', 'typeRevision': 'string' }, ], 'configuration': { 'glueRunConfiguration': { 'accountId': 'string', 'autoImportDataQualityResult': True|False, 'catalogName': 'string', 'dataAccessRole': 'string', 'region': 'string', 'relationalFilterConfigurations': [ { 'databaseName': 'string', 'filterExpressions': [ { 'expression': 'string', 'type': 'INCLUDE'|'EXCLUDE' }, ], 'schemaName': 'string' }, ] }, 'redshiftRunConfiguration': { 'accountId': 'string', 'dataAccessRole': 'string', 'redshiftCredentialConfiguration': { 'secretManagerArn': 'string' }, 'redshiftStorage': { 'redshiftClusterSource': { 'clusterName': 'string' }, 'redshiftServerlessSource': { 'workgroupName': 'string' } }, 'region': 'string', 'relationalFilterConfigurations': [ { 'databaseName': 'string', 'filterExpressions': [ { 'expression': 'string', 'type': 'INCLUDE'|'EXCLUDE' }, ], 'schemaName': 'string' }, ] }, 'sageMakerRunConfiguration': { 'accountId': 'string', 'region': 'string', 'trackingAssets': { 'string': [ 'string', ] } } }, 'connectionId': 'string', 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'description': 'string', 'domainId': 'string', 'enableSetting': 'ENABLED'|'DISABLED', 'environmentId': 'string', 'errorMessage': { 'errorDetail': 'string', 'errorType': 'ACCESS_DENIED_EXCEPTION'|'CONFLICT_EXCEPTION'|'INTERNAL_SERVER_EXCEPTION'|'RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION'|'SERVICE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED_EXCEPTION'|'THROTTLING_EXCEPTION'|'VALIDATION_EXCEPTION' }, 'id': 'string', 'lastRunAssetCount': 123, 'lastRunAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'lastRunErrorMessage': { 'errorDetail': 'string', 'errorType': 'ACCESS_DENIED_EXCEPTION'|'CONFLICT_EXCEPTION'|'INTERNAL_SERVER_EXCEPTION'|'RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION'|'SERVICE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED_EXCEPTION'|'THROTTLING_EXCEPTION'|'VALIDATION_EXCEPTION' }, 'lastRunStatus': 'REQUESTED'|'RUNNING'|'FAILED'|'PARTIALLY_SUCCEEDED'|'SUCCESS', 'name': 'string', 'projectId': 'string', 'publishOnImport': True|False, 'recommendation': { 'enableBusinessNameGeneration': True|False }, 'schedule': { 'schedule': 'string', 'timezone': 'UTC'|'AFRICA_JOHANNESBURG'|'AMERICA_MONTREAL'|'AMERICA_SAO_PAULO'|'ASIA_BAHRAIN'|'ASIA_BANGKOK'|'ASIA_CALCUTTA'|'ASIA_DUBAI'|'ASIA_HONG_KONG'|'ASIA_JAKARTA'|'ASIA_KUALA_LUMPUR'|'ASIA_SEOUL'|'ASIA_SHANGHAI'|'ASIA_SINGAPORE'|'ASIA_TAIPEI'|'ASIA_TOKYO'|'AUSTRALIA_MELBOURNE'|'AUSTRALIA_SYDNEY'|'CANADA_CENTRAL'|'CET'|'CST6CDT'|'ETC_GMT'|'ETC_GMT0'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_0'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_1'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_10'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_11'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_12'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_2'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_3'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_4'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_5'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_6'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_7'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_8'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_9'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_0'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_1'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_10'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_11'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_12'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_13'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_14'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_2'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_3'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_4'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_5'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_6'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_7'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_8'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_9'|'EUROPE_DUBLIN'|'EUROPE_LONDON'|'EUROPE_PARIS'|'EUROPE_STOCKHOLM'|'EUROPE_ZURICH'|'ISRAEL'|'MEXICO_GENERAL'|'MST7MDT'|'PACIFIC_AUCKLAND'|'US_CENTRAL'|'US_EASTERN'|'US_MOUNTAIN'|'US_PACIFIC' }, 'selfGrantStatus': { 'glueSelfGrantStatus': { 'selfGrantStatusDetails': [ { 'databaseName': 'string', 'failureCause': 'string', 'schemaName': 'string', 'status': 'GRANT_PENDING'|'REVOKE_PENDING'|'GRANT_IN_PROGRESS'|'REVOKE_IN_PROGRESS'|'GRANTED'|'GRANT_FAILED'|'REVOKE_FAILED' }, ] }, 'redshiftSelfGrantStatus': { 'selfGrantStatusDetails': [ { 'databaseName': 'string', 'failureCause': 'string', 'schemaName': 'string', 'status': 'GRANT_PENDING'|'REVOKE_PENDING'|'GRANT_IN_PROGRESS'|'REVOKE_IN_PROGRESS'|'GRANTED'|'GRANT_FAILED'|'REVOKE_FAILED' }, ] } }, 'status': 'CREATING'|'FAILED_CREATION'|'READY'|'UPDATING'|'FAILED_UPDATE'|'RUNNING'|'DELETING'|'FAILED_DELETION', 'type': 'string', 'updatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }
Response Structure
(dict) --
assetFormsOutput (list) --
The metadata forms attached to the assets created by this data source.
(dict) --
The details of a metadata form.
content (string) --
The content of the metadata form.
formName (string) --
The name of the metadata form.
typeName (string) --
The name of the metadata form type.
typeRevision (string) --
The revision of the metadata form type.
configuration (dict) --
The configuration of the data source.
glueRunConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
accountId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services account ID included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
autoImportDataQualityResult (boolean) --
Specifies whether to automatically import data quality metrics as part of the data source run.
catalogName (string) --
The catalog name in the Amazon Web Services Glue run configuration.
dataAccessRole (string) --
The data access role included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
region (string) --
The Amazon Web Services region included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
relationalFilterConfigurations (list) --
The relational filter configurations included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
(dict) --
The relational filter configuration for the data source.
databaseName (string) --
The database name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
filterExpressions (list) --
The filter expressions specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
(dict) --
A filter expression in Amazon DataZone.
expression (string) --
The search filter expression.
type (string) --
The search filter explresison type.
schemaName (string) --
The schema name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
redshiftRunConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration of the Amazon Redshift data source.
accountId (string) --
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.
dataAccessRole (string) --
The data access role included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.
redshiftCredentialConfiguration (dict) --
The details of the credentials required to access an Amazon Redshift cluster.
secretManagerArn (string) --
The ARN of a secret manager for an Amazon Redshift cluster.
redshiftStorage (dict) --
The details of the Amazon Redshift storage as part of the configuration of an Amazon Redshift data source run.
redshiftClusterSource (dict) --
The details of the Amazon Redshift cluster source.
clusterName (string) --
The name of an Amazon Redshift cluster.
redshiftServerlessSource (dict) --
The details of the Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup source.
workgroupName (string) --
The name of the Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup.
region (string) --
The Amazon Web Services region included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.
relationalFilterConfigurations (list) --
The relational filger configurations included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.
(dict) --
The relational filter configuration for the data source.
databaseName (string) --
The database name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
filterExpressions (list) --
The filter expressions specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
(dict) --
A filter expression in Amazon DataZone.
expression (string) --
The search filter expression.
type (string) --
The search filter explresison type.
schemaName (string) --
The schema name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
sageMakerRunConfiguration (dict) --
The Amazon SageMaker run configuration.
accountId (string) --
The Amazon SageMaker account ID.
region (string) --
The Amazon SageMaker Region.
trackingAssets (dict) --
The tracking assets of the Amazon SageMaker.
(string) --
(list) --
(string) --
connectionId (string) --
The ID of the connection.
createdAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the data source was created.
description (string) --
The description of the data source.
domainId (string) --
The ID of the Amazon DataZone domain in which the data source exists.
enableSetting (string) --
Specifies whether this data source is enabled or not.
environmentId (string) --
The ID of the environment where this data source creates and publishes assets,
errorMessage (dict) --
Specifies the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
errorDetail (string) --
The details of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
errorType (string) --
The type of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
id (string) --
The ID of the data source.
lastRunAssetCount (integer) --
The number of assets created by the data source during its last run.
lastRunAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of the last run of the data source.
lastRunErrorMessage (dict) --
Specifies the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
errorDetail (string) --
The details of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
errorType (string) --
The type of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
lastRunStatus (string) --
The status of the last run of the data source.
name (string) --
The name of the data source.
projectId (string) --
The ID of the project where the data source creates and publishes assets.
publishOnImport (boolean) --
Specifies whether the assets that this data source creates in the inventory are to be also automatically published to the catalog.
recommendation (dict) --
The recommendation configuration of the data source.
enableBusinessNameGeneration (boolean) --
Specifies whether automatic business name generation is to be enabled or not as part of the recommendation configuration.
schedule (dict) --
The schedule of the data source runs.
schedule (string) --
The schedule of the data source runs.
timezone (string) --
The timezone of the data source run.
selfGrantStatus (dict) --
Specifies the status of the self-granting functionality.
glueSelfGrantStatus (dict) --
The details for the self granting status for a Glue data source.
selfGrantStatusDetails (list) --
The details for the self granting status for a Glue data source.
(dict) --
The details for the self granting status.
databaseName (string) --
The name of the database used for the data source.
failureCause (string) --
The reason for why the operation failed.
schemaName (string) --
The name of the schema used in the data source.
status (string) --
The self granting status of the data source.
redshiftSelfGrantStatus (dict) --
The details for the self granting status for an Amazon Redshift data source.
selfGrantStatusDetails (list) --
The details for the self granting status for an Amazon Redshift data source.
(dict) --
The details for the self granting status.
databaseName (string) --
The name of the database used for the data source.
failureCause (string) --
The reason for why the operation failed.
schemaName (string) --
The name of the schema used in the data source.
status (string) --
The self granting status of the data source.
status (string) --
The status of the data source.
type (string) --
The type of the data source.
updatedAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the data source was updated.
{'lineageSummary': {'importStatus': 'IN_PROGRESS | SUCCESS | FAILED | ' 'PARTIALLY_SUCCEEDED'}}
Gets an Amazon DataZone data source run.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_data_source_run( domainIdentifier='string', identifier='string' )
The ID of the domain in which this data source run was performed.
The ID of the data source run.
Response Syntax
{ 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'dataSourceConfigurationSnapshot': 'string', 'dataSourceId': 'string', 'domainId': 'string', 'errorMessage': { 'errorDetail': 'string', 'errorType': 'ACCESS_DENIED_EXCEPTION'|'CONFLICT_EXCEPTION'|'INTERNAL_SERVER_EXCEPTION'|'RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION'|'SERVICE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED_EXCEPTION'|'THROTTLING_EXCEPTION'|'VALIDATION_EXCEPTION' }, 'id': 'string', 'lineageSummary': { 'importStatus': 'IN_PROGRESS'|'SUCCESS'|'FAILED'|'PARTIALLY_SUCCEEDED' }, 'projectId': 'string', 'runStatisticsForAssets': { 'added': 123, 'failed': 123, 'skipped': 123, 'unchanged': 123, 'updated': 123 }, 'startedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'status': 'REQUESTED'|'RUNNING'|'FAILED'|'PARTIALLY_SUCCEEDED'|'SUCCESS', 'stoppedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'type': 'PRIORITIZED'|'SCHEDULED', 'updatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }
Response Structure
(dict) --
createdAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the data source run was created.
dataSourceConfigurationSnapshot (string) --
The configuration snapshot of the data source run.
dataSourceId (string) --
The ID of the data source for this data source run.
domainId (string) --
The ID of the domain in which this data source run was performed.
errorMessage (dict) --
Specifies the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
errorDetail (string) --
The details of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
errorType (string) --
The type of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
id (string) --
The ID of the data source run.
lineageSummary (dict) --
The summary of the data lineage.
importStatus (string) --
The import status that's part of the run lineage summary of a data source.
projectId (string) --
The ID of the project in which this data source run occured.
runStatisticsForAssets (dict) --
The asset statistics from this data source run.
added (integer) --
The added statistic for the data source run.
failed (integer) --
The failed statistic for the data source run.
skipped (integer) --
The skipped statistic for the data source run.
unchanged (integer) --
The unchanged statistic for the data source run.
updated (integer) --
The updated statistic for the data source run.
startedAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when this data source run started.
status (string) --
The status of this data source run.
stoppedAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when this data source run stopped.
type (string) --
The type of this data source run.
updatedAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when this data source run was updated.
{'domainVersion': 'V1 | V2', 'serviceRole': 'string'}
Gets an Amazon DataZone domain.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_domain( identifier='string' )
The identifier of the specified Amazon DataZone domain.
Response Syntax
{ 'arn': 'string', 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'description': 'string', 'domainExecutionRole': 'string', 'domainVersion': 'V1'|'V2', 'id': 'string', 'kmsKeyIdentifier': 'string', 'lastUpdatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'name': 'string', 'portalUrl': 'string', 'rootDomainUnitId': 'string', 'serviceRole': 'string', 'singleSignOn': { 'type': 'IAM_IDC'|'DISABLED', 'userAssignment': 'AUTOMATIC'|'MANUAL' }, 'status': 'CREATING'|'AVAILABLE'|'CREATION_FAILED'|'DELETING'|'DELETED'|'DELETION_FAILED', 'tags': { 'string': 'string' } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
arn (string) --
The ARN of the specified Amazon DataZone domain.
createdAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the Amazon DataZone domain was created.
description (string) --
The description of the Amazon DataZone domain.
domainExecutionRole (string) --
The domain execution role with which the Amazon DataZone domain is created.
domainVersion (string) --
The version of the domain.
id (string) --
The identifier of the specified Amazon DataZone domain.
kmsKeyIdentifier (string) --
The identifier of the Amazon Web Services Key Management Service (KMS) key that is used to encrypt the Amazon DataZone domain, metadata, and reporting data.
lastUpdatedAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the Amazon DataZone domain was last updated.
name (string) --
The name of the Amazon DataZone domain.
portalUrl (string) --
The URL of the data portal for this Amazon DataZone domain.
rootDomainUnitId (string) --
The ID of the root domain in Amazon Datazone.
serviceRole (string) --
The service role of the domain.
singleSignOn (dict) --
The single sing-on option of the specified Amazon DataZone domain.
type (string) --
The type of single sign-on in Amazon DataZone.
userAssignment (string) --
The single sign-on user assignment in Amazon DataZone.
status (string) --
The status of the specified Amazon DataZone domain.
tags (dict) --
The tags specified for the Amazon DataZone domain.
(string) --
(string) --
{'environmentRolePermissionBoundary': 'string'}
Gets the blueprint configuration in Amazon DataZone.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_environment_blueprint_configuration( domainIdentifier='string', environmentBlueprintIdentifier='string' )
The ID of the Amazon DataZone domain where this blueprint exists.
He ID of the blueprint.
Response Syntax
{ 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'domainId': 'string', 'enabledRegions': [ 'string', ], 'environmentBlueprintId': 'string', 'environmentRolePermissionBoundary': 'string', 'manageAccessRoleArn': 'string', 'provisioningConfigurations': [ { 'lakeFormationConfiguration': { 'locationRegistrationExcludeS3Locations': [ 'string', ], 'locationRegistrationRole': 'string' } }, ], 'provisioningRoleArn': 'string', 'regionalParameters': { 'string': { 'string': 'string' } }, 'updatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }
Response Structure
(dict) --
createdAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when this blueprint was created.
domainId (string) --
The ID of the Amazon DataZone domain where this blueprint exists.
enabledRegions (list) --
The Amazon Web Services regions in which this blueprint is enabled.
(string) --
environmentBlueprintId (string) --
The ID of the blueprint.
environmentRolePermissionBoundary (string) --
The environment role permissions boundary.
manageAccessRoleArn (string) --
The ARN of the manage access role with which this blueprint is created.
provisioningConfigurations (list) --
The provisioning configuration of a blueprint.
(dict) --
The provisioning configuration of the blueprint.
lakeFormationConfiguration (dict) --
The Lake Formation configuration of the Data Lake blueprint.
locationRegistrationExcludeS3Locations (list) --
Specifies certain Amazon S3 locations if you do not want Amazon DataZone to automatically register them in hybrid mode.
(string) --
locationRegistrationRole (string) --
The role that is used to manage read/write access to the chosen Amazon S3 bucket(s) for Data Lake using AWS Lake Formation hybrid access mode.
provisioningRoleArn (string) --
The ARN of the provisioning role with which this blueprint is created.
regionalParameters (dict) --
The regional parameters of the blueprint.
(string) --
(dict) --
(string) --
(string) --
updatedAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when this blueprint was upated.
{'environmentDeploymentDetails': {'environmentFailureReasons': {'string': [{'code': 'string', 'message': 'string'}]}, 'overallDeploymentStatus': 'PENDING_DEPLOYMENT ' '| IN_PROGRESS | ' 'SUCCESSFUL | ' 'FAILED_VALIDATION ' '| ' 'FAILED_DEPLOYMENT'}, 'projectProfileId': 'string', 'userParameters': [{'environmentConfigurationName': 'string', 'environmentParameters': [{'name': 'string', 'value': 'string'}]}]}
Gets a project in Amazon DataZone.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_project( domainIdentifier='string', identifier='string' )
The ID of the Amazon DataZone domain in which the project exists.
The ID of the project.
Response Syntax
{ 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'createdBy': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'domainId': 'string', 'domainUnitId': 'string', 'environmentDeploymentDetails': { 'environmentFailureReasons': { 'string': [ { 'code': 'string', 'message': 'string' }, ] }, 'overallDeploymentStatus': 'PENDING_DEPLOYMENT'|'IN_PROGRESS'|'SUCCESSFUL'|'FAILED_VALIDATION'|'FAILED_DEPLOYMENT' }, 'failureReasons': [ { 'code': 'string', 'message': 'string' }, ], 'glossaryTerms': [ 'string', ], 'id': 'string', 'lastUpdatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'name': 'string', 'projectProfileId': 'string', 'projectStatus': 'ACTIVE'|'DELETING'|'DELETE_FAILED', 'userParameters': [ { 'environmentConfigurationName': 'string', 'environmentParameters': [ { 'name': 'string', 'value': 'string' }, ] }, ] }
Response Structure
(dict) --
createdAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the project was created.
createdBy (string) --
The Amazon DataZone user who created the project.
description (string) --
The description of the project.
domainId (string) --
The ID of the Amazon DataZone domain in which the project exists.
domainUnitId (string) --
The ID of the domain unit.
environmentDeploymentDetails (dict) --
The environment deployment status of a project.
environmentFailureReasons (dict) --
Environment failure reasons.
(string) --
(list) --
(dict) --
The failure reasons for the environment deployment.
code (string) --
The error code for the failure reason for the environment deployment.
message (string) --
The error message for the failure reason for the environment deployment.
overallDeploymentStatus (string) --
The overall deployment status of the environment.
failureReasons (list) --
Specifies the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
(dict) --
Specifies the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
code (string) --
The code of the project deletion error.
message (string) --
The message of the project deletion error.
glossaryTerms (list) --
The business glossary terms that can be used in the project.
(string) --
id (string) --
>The ID of the project.
lastUpdatedAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the project was last updated.
name (string) --
The name of the project.
projectProfileId (string) --
The ID of the project profile of a project.
projectStatus (string) --
The status of the project.
userParameters (list) --
The user parameters of a project.
(dict) --
The environment configuration user parameters.
environmentConfigurationName (string) --
The environment configuration name.
environmentParameters (list) --
The environment parameters.
(dict) --
The parameter details of an evironment profile.
name (string) --
The name of an environment profile parameter.
value (string) --
The value of an environment profile parameter.
{'items': {'lineageSummary': {'errorMessage': 'string', 'eventId': 'string', 'eventStatus': 'REQUESTED | PROCESSING | SUCCESS ' '| FAILED'}}}
Lists data source run activities.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.list_data_source_run_activities( domainIdentifier='string', identifier='string', maxResults=123, nextToken='string', status='FAILED'|'PUBLISHING_FAILED'|'SUCCEEDED_CREATED'|'SUCCEEDED_UPDATED'|'SKIPPED_ALREADY_IMPORTED'|'SKIPPED_ARCHIVED'|'SKIPPED_NO_ACCESS'|'UNCHANGED' )
The identifier of the Amazon DataZone domain in which to list data source run activities.
The identifier of the data source run.
The maximum number of activities to return in a single call to ListDataSourceRunActivities. When the number of activities to be listed is greater than the value of MaxResults, the response contains a NextToken value that you can use in a subsequent call to ListDataSourceRunActivities to list the next set of activities.
When the number of activities is greater than the default value for the MaxResults parameter, or if you explicitly specify a value for MaxResults that is less than the number of activities, the response includes a pagination token named NextToken. You can specify this NextToken value in a subsequent call to ListDataSourceRunActivities to list the next set of activities.
The status of the data source run.
Response Syntax
{ 'items': [ { 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'dataAssetId': 'string', 'dataAssetStatus': 'FAILED'|'PUBLISHING_FAILED'|'SUCCEEDED_CREATED'|'SUCCEEDED_UPDATED'|'SKIPPED_ALREADY_IMPORTED'|'SKIPPED_ARCHIVED'|'SKIPPED_NO_ACCESS'|'UNCHANGED', 'dataSourceRunId': 'string', 'database': 'string', 'errorMessage': { 'errorDetail': 'string', 'errorType': 'ACCESS_DENIED_EXCEPTION'|'CONFLICT_EXCEPTION'|'INTERNAL_SERVER_EXCEPTION'|'RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION'|'SERVICE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED_EXCEPTION'|'THROTTLING_EXCEPTION'|'VALIDATION_EXCEPTION' }, 'lineageSummary': { 'errorMessage': 'string', 'eventId': 'string', 'eventStatus': 'REQUESTED'|'PROCESSING'|'SUCCESS'|'FAILED' }, 'projectId': 'string', 'technicalDescription': 'string', 'technicalName': 'string', 'updatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }, ], 'nextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
items (list) --
The results of the ListDataSourceRunActivities action.
(dict) --
The activity details of the data source run.
createdAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when data source run activity was created.
dataAssetId (string) --
The identifier of the asset included in the data source run activity.
dataAssetStatus (string) --
The status of the asset included in the data source run activity.
dataSourceRunId (string) --
The identifier of the data source for the data source run activity.
database (string) --
The database included in the data source run activity.
errorMessage (dict) --
The details of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
errorDetail (string) --
The details of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
errorType (string) --
The type of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
lineageSummary (dict) --
The data lineage summary.
errorMessage (string) --
The data lineage error message.
eventId (string) --
The data lineage event ID.
eventStatus (string) --
The data lineage event status.
projectId (string) --
The project ID included in the data source run activity.
technicalDescription (string) --
The technical description included in the data source run activity.
technicalName (string) --
The technical name included in the data source run activity.
updatedAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when data source run activity was updated.
nextToken (string) --
When the number of activities is greater than the default value for the MaxResults parameter, or if you explicitly specify a value for MaxResults that is less than the number of activities, the response includes a pagination token named NextToken. You can specify this NextToken value in a subsequent call to ListDataSourceRunActivities to list the next set of activities.
{'items': {'lineageSummary': {'importStatus': 'IN_PROGRESS | SUCCESS | FAILED ' '| PARTIALLY_SUCCEEDED'}}}
Lists data source runs in Amazon DataZone.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.list_data_source_runs( dataSourceIdentifier='string', domainIdentifier='string', maxResults=123, nextToken='string', status='REQUESTED'|'RUNNING'|'FAILED'|'PARTIALLY_SUCCEEDED'|'SUCCESS' )
The identifier of the data source.
The identifier of the Amazon DataZone domain in which to invoke the ListDataSourceRuns action.
The maximum number of runs to return in a single call to ListDataSourceRuns. When the number of runs to be listed is greater than the value of MaxResults, the response contains a NextToken value that you can use in a subsequent call to ListDataSourceRuns to list the next set of runs.
When the number of runs is greater than the default value for the MaxResults parameter, or if you explicitly specify a value for MaxResults that is less than the number of runs, the response includes a pagination token named NextToken. You can specify this NextToken value in a subsequent call to ListDataSourceRuns to list the next set of runs.
The status of the data source.
Response Syntax
{ 'items': [ { 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'dataSourceId': 'string', 'errorMessage': { 'errorDetail': 'string', 'errorType': 'ACCESS_DENIED_EXCEPTION'|'CONFLICT_EXCEPTION'|'INTERNAL_SERVER_EXCEPTION'|'RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION'|'SERVICE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED_EXCEPTION'|'THROTTLING_EXCEPTION'|'VALIDATION_EXCEPTION' }, 'id': 'string', 'lineageSummary': { 'importStatus': 'IN_PROGRESS'|'SUCCESS'|'FAILED'|'PARTIALLY_SUCCEEDED' }, 'projectId': 'string', 'runStatisticsForAssets': { 'added': 123, 'failed': 123, 'skipped': 123, 'unchanged': 123, 'updated': 123 }, 'startedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'status': 'REQUESTED'|'RUNNING'|'FAILED'|'PARTIALLY_SUCCEEDED'|'SUCCESS', 'stoppedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'type': 'PRIORITIZED'|'SCHEDULED', 'updatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }, ], 'nextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
items (list) --
The results of the ListDataSourceRuns action.
(dict) --
The details of a data source run.
createdAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when a data source run was created.
dataSourceId (string) --
The identifier of the data source of the data source run.
errorMessage (dict) --
The details of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
errorDetail (string) --
The details of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
errorType (string) --
The type of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
id (string) --
The identifier of the data source run.
lineageSummary (dict) --
The run lineage summary of a data source.
importStatus (string) --
The import status that's part of the run lineage summary of a data source.
projectId (string) --
The project ID of the data source run.
runStatisticsForAssets (dict) --
The asset statistics from the data source run.
added (integer) --
The added statistic for the data source run.
failed (integer) --
The failed statistic for the data source run.
skipped (integer) --
The skipped statistic for the data source run.
unchanged (integer) --
The unchanged statistic for the data source run.
updated (integer) --
The updated statistic for the data source run.
startedAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when a data source run was started.
status (string) --
The status of the data source run.
stoppedAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when a data source run was stopped.
type (string) --
The type of the data source run.
updatedAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when a data source run was updated.
nextToken (string) --
When the number of runs is greater than the default value for the MaxResults parameter, or if you explicitly specify a value for MaxResults that is less than the number of runs, the response includes a pagination token named NextToken. You can specify this NextToken value in a subsequent call to ListDataSourceRuns to list the next set of runs.
{'connectionIdentifier': 'string'}Response
{'items': {'connectionId': 'string', 'description': 'string'}}
Lists data sources in Amazon DataZone.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.list_data_sources( connectionIdentifier='string', domainIdentifier='string', environmentIdentifier='string', maxResults=123, name='string', nextToken='string', projectIdentifier='string', status='CREATING'|'FAILED_CREATION'|'READY'|'UPDATING'|'FAILED_UPDATE'|'RUNNING'|'DELETING'|'FAILED_DELETION', type='string' )
The ID of the connection.
The identifier of the Amazon DataZone domain in which to list the data sources.
The identifier of the environment in which to list the data sources.
The maximum number of data sources to return in a single call to ListDataSources. When the number of data sources to be listed is greater than the value of MaxResults, the response contains a NextToken value that you can use in a subsequent call to ListDataSources to list the next set of data sources.
The name of the data source.
When the number of data sources is greater than the default value for the MaxResults parameter, or if you explicitly specify a value for MaxResults that is less than the number of data sources, the response includes a pagination token named NextToken. You can specify this NextToken value in a subsequent call to ListDataSources to list the next set of data sources.
The identifier of the project in which to list data sources.
The status of the data source.
The type of the data source.
Response Syntax
Response Structure
(dict) --
items (list) --
The results of the ListDataSources action.
(dict) --
The details of the data source.
connectionId (string) --
The connection ID that's part of the data source summary.
createdAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the data source was created.
dataSourceId (string) --
The ID of the data source.
description (string) --
The data source description.
domainId (string) --
The ID of the Amazon DataZone domain in which the data source exists.
enableSetting (string) --
Specifies whether the data source is enabled.
environmentId (string) --
The ID of the environment in which the data source exists.
lastRunAssetCount (integer) --
The count of the assets created during the last data source run.
lastRunAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the data source run was last performed.
lastRunErrorMessage (dict) --
The details of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
errorDetail (string) --
The details of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
errorType (string) --
The type of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
lastRunStatus (string) --
The status of the last data source run.
name (string) --
The name of the data source.
schedule (dict) --
The details of the schedule of the data source runs.
schedule (string) --
The schedule of the data source runs.
timezone (string) --
The timezone of the data source run.
status (string) --
The status of the data source.
type (string) --
The type of the data source.
updatedAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the data source was updated.
nextToken (string) --
When the number of data sources is greater than the default value for the MaxResults parameter, or if you explicitly specify a value for MaxResults that is less than the number of data sources, the response includes a pagination token named NextToken. You can specify this NextToken value in a subsequent call to ListDataSources to list the next set of data sources.
{'items': {'domainVersion': 'V1 | V2'}}
Lists Amazon DataZone domains.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.list_domains( maxResults=123, nextToken='string', status='CREATING'|'AVAILABLE'|'CREATION_FAILED'|'DELETING'|'DELETED'|'DELETION_FAILED' )
The maximum number of domains to return in a single call to ListDomains. When the number of domains to be listed is greater than the value of MaxResults, the response contains a NextToken value that you can use in a subsequent call to ListDomains to list the next set of domains.
When the number of domains is greater than the default value for the MaxResults parameter, or if you explicitly specify a value for MaxResults that is less than the number of domains, the response includes a pagination token named NextToken. You can specify this NextToken value in a subsequent call to ListDomains to list the next set of domains.
The status of the data source.
Response Syntax
{ 'items': [ { 'arn': 'string', 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'description': 'string', 'domainVersion': 'V1'|'V2', 'id': 'string', 'lastUpdatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'managedAccountId': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'portalUrl': 'string', 'status': 'CREATING'|'AVAILABLE'|'CREATION_FAILED'|'DELETING'|'DELETED'|'DELETION_FAILED' }, ], 'nextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
items (list) --
The results of the ListDomains action.
(dict) --
A summary of a Amazon DataZone domain.
arn (string) --
The ARN of the Amazon DataZone domain.
createdAt (datetime) --
A timestamp of when a Amazon DataZone domain was created.
description (string) --
A description of an Amazon DataZone domain.
domainVersion (string) --
The domain version.
id (string) --
The ID of the Amazon DataZone domain.
lastUpdatedAt (datetime) --
A timestamp of when a Amazon DataZone domain was last updated.
managedAccountId (string) --
The identifier of the Amazon Web Services account that manages the domain.
name (string) --
A name of an Amazon DataZone domain.
portalUrl (string) --
The data portal URL for the Amazon DataZone domain.
status (string) --
The status of the Amazon DataZone domain.
nextToken (string) --
When the number of domains is greater than the default value for the MaxResults parameter, or if you explicitly specify a value for MaxResults that is less than the number of domains, the response includes a pagination token named NextToken. You can specify this NextToken value in a subsequent call to ListDomains to list the next set of domains.
{'items': {'environmentRolePermissionBoundary': 'string'}}
Lists blueprint configurations for a Amazon DataZone environment.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.list_environment_blueprint_configurations( domainIdentifier='string', maxResults=123, nextToken='string' )
The identifier of the Amazon DataZone domain.
The maximum number of blueprint configurations to return in a single call to ListEnvironmentBlueprintConfigurations. When the number of configurations to be listed is greater than the value of MaxResults, the response contains a NextToken value that you can use in a subsequent call to ListEnvironmentBlueprintConfigurations to list the next set of configurations.
When the number of blueprint configurations is greater than the default value for the MaxResults parameter, or if you explicitly specify a value for MaxResults that is less than the number of configurations, the response includes a pagination token named NextToken. You can specify this NextToken value in a subsequent call to ListEnvironmentBlueprintConfigurations to list the next set of configurations.
Response Syntax
{ 'items': [ { 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'domainId': 'string', 'enabledRegions': [ 'string', ], 'environmentBlueprintId': 'string', 'environmentRolePermissionBoundary': 'string', 'manageAccessRoleArn': 'string', 'provisioningConfigurations': [ { 'lakeFormationConfiguration': { 'locationRegistrationExcludeS3Locations': [ 'string', ], 'locationRegistrationRole': 'string' } }, ], 'provisioningRoleArn': 'string', 'regionalParameters': { 'string': { 'string': 'string' } }, 'updatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }, ], 'nextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
items (list) --
The results of the ListEnvironmentBlueprintConfigurations action.
(dict) --
The configuration details of an environment blueprint.
createdAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when an environment blueprint was created.
domainId (string) --
The identifier of the Amazon DataZone domain in which an environment blueprint exists.
enabledRegions (list) --
The enabled Amazon Web Services Regions specified in a blueprint configuration.
(string) --
environmentBlueprintId (string) --
The identifier of the environment blueprint.
environmentRolePermissionBoundary (string) --
The environment role permission boundary.
manageAccessRoleArn (string) --
The ARN of the manage access role specified in the environment blueprint configuration.
provisioningConfigurations (list) --
The provisioning configuration of a blueprint.
(dict) --
The provisioning configuration of the blueprint.
lakeFormationConfiguration (dict) --
The Lake Formation configuration of the Data Lake blueprint.
locationRegistrationExcludeS3Locations (list) --
Specifies certain Amazon S3 locations if you do not want Amazon DataZone to automatically register them in hybrid mode.
(string) --
locationRegistrationRole (string) --
The role that is used to manage read/write access to the chosen Amazon S3 bucket(s) for Data Lake using AWS Lake Formation hybrid access mode.
provisioningRoleArn (string) --
The ARN of the provisioning role specified in the environment blueprint configuration.
regionalParameters (dict) --
The regional parameters of the environment blueprint.
(string) --
(dict) --
(string) --
(string) --
updatedAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the environment blueprint was updated.
nextToken (string) --
When the number of blueprint configurations is greater than the default value for the MaxResults parameter, or if you explicitly specify a value for MaxResults that is less than the number of configurations, the response includes a pagination token named NextToken. You can specify this NextToken value in a subsequent call to ListEnvironmentBlueprintConfigurations to list the next set of configurations.
{'grantList': {'detail': {'createEnvironmentFromBlueprint': {}, 'createProjectFromProjectProfile': {'includeChildDomainUnits': 'boolean', 'projectProfiles': ['string']}}}}
Lists policy grants.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
The ID of the domain where you want to list policy grants.
The ID of the entity for which you want to list policy grants.
The type of entity for which you want to list policy grants.
The maximum number of grants to return in a single call to ListPolicyGrants. When the number of grants to be listed is greater than the value of MaxResults, the response contains a NextToken value that you can use in a subsequent call to ListPolicyGrants to list the next set of grants.
When the number of grants is greater than the default value for the MaxResults parameter, or if you explicitly specify a value for MaxResults that is less than the number of grants, the response includes a pagination token named NextToken. You can specify this NextToken value in a subsequent call to ListPolicyGrants to list the next set of grants.
The type of policy that you want to list.
Response Syntax
{ 'grantList': [ { 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'createdBy': 'string', 'detail': { 'addToProjectMemberPool': { 'includeChildDomainUnits': True|False }, 'createAssetType': { 'includeChildDomainUnits': True|False }, 'createDomainUnit': { 'includeChildDomainUnits': True|False }, 'createEnvironment': {}, 'createEnvironmentFromBlueprint': {}, 'createEnvironmentProfile': { 'domainUnitId': 'string' }, 'createFormType': { 'includeChildDomainUnits': True|False }, 'createGlossary': { 'includeChildDomainUnits': True|False }, 'createProject': { 'includeChildDomainUnits': True|False }, 'createProjectFromProjectProfile': { 'includeChildDomainUnits': True|False, 'projectProfiles': [ 'string', ] }, 'delegateCreateEnvironmentProfile': {}, 'overrideDomainUnitOwners': { 'includeChildDomainUnits': True|False }, 'overrideProjectOwners': { 'includeChildDomainUnits': True|False } }, 'principal': { 'domainUnit': { 'domainUnitDesignation': 'OWNER', 'domainUnitGrantFilter': { 'allDomainUnitsGrantFilter': {} }, 'domainUnitIdentifier': 'string' }, 'group': { 'groupIdentifier': 'string' }, 'project': { 'projectDesignation': 'OWNER'|'CONTRIBUTOR'|'PROJECT_CATALOG_STEWARD', 'projectGrantFilter': { 'domainUnitFilter': { 'domainUnit': 'string', 'includeChildDomainUnits': True|False } }, 'projectIdentifier': 'string' }, 'user': { 'allUsersGrantFilter': {}, 'userIdentifier': 'string' } } }, ], 'nextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
grantList (list) --
The results of this action - the listed grants.
(dict) --
A member of the policy grant list.
createdAt (datetime) --
Specifies the timestamp at which policy grant member was created.
createdBy (string) --
Specifies the user who created the policy grant member.
detail (dict) --
The details of the policy grant member.
addToProjectMemberPool (dict) --
Specifies that the policy grant is to be added to the members of the project.
includeChildDomainUnits (boolean) --
Specifies whether the policy grant is applied to child domain units.
createAssetType (dict) --
Specifies that this is a create asset type policy.
includeChildDomainUnits (boolean) --
Specifies whether the policy grant is applied to child domain units.
createDomainUnit (dict) --
Specifies that this is a create domain unit policy.
includeChildDomainUnits (boolean) --
Specifies whether the policy grant is applied to child domain units.
createEnvironment (dict) --
Specifies that this is a create environment policy.
createEnvironmentFromBlueprint (dict) --
The details of the policy of creating an environment.
createEnvironmentProfile (dict) --
Specifies that this is a create environment profile policy.
domainUnitId (string) --
The ID of the domain unit.
createFormType (dict) --
Specifies that this is a create form type policy.
includeChildDomainUnits (boolean) --
Specifies whether the policy grant is applied to child domain units.
createGlossary (dict) --
Specifies that this is a create glossary policy.
includeChildDomainUnits (boolean) --
Specifies whether the policy grant is applied to child domain units.
createProject (dict) --
Specifies that this is a create project policy.
includeChildDomainUnits (boolean) --
Specifies whether the policy grant is applied to child domain units.
createProjectFromProjectProfile (dict) --
Specifies whether to create a project from project profile.
includeChildDomainUnits (boolean) --
Specifies whether to include child domain units when creating a project from project profile policy grant details
projectProfiles (list) --
Specifies project profiles when creating a project from project profile policy grant details
(string) --
delegateCreateEnvironmentProfile (dict) --
Specifies that this is the delegation of the create environment profile policy.
overrideDomainUnitOwners (dict) --
Specifies whether to override domain unit owners.
includeChildDomainUnits (boolean) --
Specifies whether the policy is inherited by child domain units.
overrideProjectOwners (dict) --
Specifies whether to override project owners.
includeChildDomainUnits (boolean) --
Specifies whether the policy is inherited by child domain units.
principal (dict) --
The principal of the policy grant member.
domainUnit (dict) --
The domain unit of the policy grant principal.
domainUnitDesignation (string) --
Specifes the designation of the domain unit users.
domainUnitGrantFilter (dict) --
The grant filter for the domain unit.
allDomainUnitsGrantFilter (dict) --
Specifies a grant filter containing all domain units.
domainUnitIdentifier (string) --
The ID of the domain unit.
group (dict) --
The group of the policy grant principal.
groupIdentifier (string) --
The ID Of the group of the group principal.
project (dict) --
The project of the policy grant principal.
projectDesignation (string) --
The project designation of the project policy grant principal.
projectGrantFilter (dict) --
The project grant filter of the project policy grant principal.
domainUnitFilter (dict) --
The domain unit filter of the project grant filter.
domainUnit (string) --
The domain unit ID to use in the filter.
includeChildDomainUnits (boolean) --
Specifies whether to include child domain units.
projectIdentifier (string) --
The project ID of the project policy grant principal.
user (dict) --
The user of the policy grant principal.
allUsersGrantFilter (dict) --
The all users grant filter of the user policy grant principal.
userIdentifier (string) --
The user ID of the user policy grant principal.
nextToken (string) --
When the number of grants is greater than the default value for the MaxResults parameter, or if you explicitly specify a value for MaxResults that is less than the number of grants, the response includes a pagination token named NextToken. You can specify this NextToken value in a subsequent call to ListPolicyGrants to list the next set of grants.
{'domainId': 'string', 'id': 'string'}
Posts a data lineage event.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.post_lineage_event( clientToken='string', domainIdentifier='string', event=b'bytes'|file )
A unique, case-sensitive identifier that is provided to ensure the idempotency of the request.
This field is autopopulated if not provided.
The ID of the domain where you want to post a data lineage event.
bytes or seekable file-like object
The data lineage event that you want to post. Only open-lineage run event are supported as events.
Response Syntax
{ 'domainId': 'string', 'id': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
domainId (string) --
The ID of the domain.
id (string) --
The ID of the lineage event.
{'environmentRolePermissionBoundary': 'string'}
Writes the configuration for the specified environment blueprint in Amazon DataZone.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.put_environment_blueprint_configuration( domainIdentifier='string', enabledRegions=[ 'string', ], environmentBlueprintIdentifier='string', environmentRolePermissionBoundary='string', manageAccessRoleArn='string', provisioningConfigurations=[ { 'lakeFormationConfiguration': { 'locationRegistrationExcludeS3Locations': [ 'string', ], 'locationRegistrationRole': 'string' } }, ], provisioningRoleArn='string', regionalParameters={ 'string': { 'string': 'string' } } )
The identifier of the Amazon DataZone domain.
Specifies the enabled Amazon Web Services Regions.
(string) --
The identifier of the environment blueprint.
The environment role permissions boundary.
The ARN of the manage access role.
The provisioning configuration of a blueprint.
(dict) --
The provisioning configuration of the blueprint.
lakeFormationConfiguration (dict) --
The Lake Formation configuration of the Data Lake blueprint.
locationRegistrationExcludeS3Locations (list) --
Specifies certain Amazon S3 locations if you do not want Amazon DataZone to automatically register them in hybrid mode.
(string) --
locationRegistrationRole (string) --
The role that is used to manage read/write access to the chosen Amazon S3 bucket(s) for Data Lake using AWS Lake Formation hybrid access mode.
The ARN of the provisioning role.
The regional parameters in the environment blueprint.
(string) --
(dict) --
(string) --
(string) --
Response Syntax
{ 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'domainId': 'string', 'enabledRegions': [ 'string', ], 'environmentBlueprintId': 'string', 'environmentRolePermissionBoundary': 'string', 'manageAccessRoleArn': 'string', 'provisioningConfigurations': [ { 'lakeFormationConfiguration': { 'locationRegistrationExcludeS3Locations': [ 'string', ], 'locationRegistrationRole': 'string' } }, ], 'provisioningRoleArn': 'string', 'regionalParameters': { 'string': { 'string': 'string' } }, 'updatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }
Response Structure
(dict) --
createdAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the environment blueprint was created.
domainId (string) --
The identifier of the Amazon DataZone domain.
enabledRegions (list) --
Specifies the enabled Amazon Web Services Regions.
(string) --
environmentBlueprintId (string) --
The identifier of the environment blueprint.
environmentRolePermissionBoundary (string) --
The environment role permissions boundary.
manageAccessRoleArn (string) --
The ARN of the manage access role.
provisioningConfigurations (list) --
The provisioning configuration of a blueprint.
(dict) --
The provisioning configuration of the blueprint.
lakeFormationConfiguration (dict) --
The Lake Formation configuration of the Data Lake blueprint.
locationRegistrationExcludeS3Locations (list) --
Specifies certain Amazon S3 locations if you do not want Amazon DataZone to automatically register them in hybrid mode.
(string) --
locationRegistrationRole (string) --
The role that is used to manage read/write access to the chosen Amazon S3 bucket(s) for Data Lake using AWS Lake Formation hybrid access mode.
provisioningRoleArn (string) --
The ARN of the provisioning role.
regionalParameters (dict) --
The regional parameters in the environment blueprint.
(string) --
(dict) --
(string) --
(string) --
updatedAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the environment blueprint was updated.
Removes a policy grant.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.remove_policy_grant( clientToken='string', domainIdentifier='string', entityIdentifier='string', entityType='DOMAIN_UNIT'|'ENVIRONMENT_BLUEPRINT_CONFIGURATION'|'ENVIRONMENT_PROFILE', policyType='CREATE_DOMAIN_UNIT'|'OVERRIDE_DOMAIN_UNIT_OWNERS'|'ADD_TO_PROJECT_MEMBER_POOL'|'OVERRIDE_PROJECT_OWNERS'|'CREATE_GLOSSARY'|'CREATE_FORM_TYPE'|'CREATE_ASSET_TYPE'|'CREATE_PROJECT'|'CREATE_ENVIRONMENT_PROFILE'|'DELEGATE_CREATE_ENVIRONMENT_PROFILE'|'CREATE_ENVIRONMENT'|'CREATE_ENVIRONMENT_FROM_BLUEPRINT'|'CREATE_PROJECT_FROM_PROJECT_PROFILE', principal={ 'domainUnit': { 'domainUnitDesignation': 'OWNER', 'domainUnitGrantFilter': { 'allDomainUnitsGrantFilter': {} }, 'domainUnitIdentifier': 'string' }, 'group': { 'groupIdentifier': 'string' }, 'project': { 'projectDesignation': 'OWNER'|'CONTRIBUTOR'|'PROJECT_CATALOG_STEWARD', 'projectGrantFilter': { 'domainUnitFilter': { 'domainUnit': 'string', 'includeChildDomainUnits': True|False } }, 'projectIdentifier': 'string' }, 'user': { 'allUsersGrantFilter': {} , 'userIdentifier': 'string' } } )
A unique, case-sensitive identifier that is provided to ensure the idempotency of the request.
This field is autopopulated if not provided.
The ID of the domain where you want to remove a policy grant.
The ID of the entity from which you want to remove a policy grant.
The type of the entity from which you want to remove a policy grant.
The type of the policy that you want to remove.
The principal from which you want to remove a policy grant.
domainUnit (dict) --
The domain unit of the policy grant principal.
domainUnitDesignation (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Specifes the designation of the domain unit users.
domainUnitGrantFilter (dict) --
The grant filter for the domain unit.
allDomainUnitsGrantFilter (dict) --
Specifies a grant filter containing all domain units.
domainUnitIdentifier (string) --
The ID of the domain unit.
group (dict) --
The group of the policy grant principal.
groupIdentifier (string) --
The ID Of the group of the group principal.
project (dict) --
The project of the policy grant principal.
projectDesignation (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The project designation of the project policy grant principal.
projectGrantFilter (dict) --
The project grant filter of the project policy grant principal.
domainUnitFilter (dict) --
The domain unit filter of the project grant filter.
domainUnit (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The domain unit ID to use in the filter.
includeChildDomainUnits (boolean) --
Specifies whether to include child domain units.
projectIdentifier (string) --
The project ID of the project policy grant principal.
user (dict) --
The user of the policy grant principal.
allUsersGrantFilter (dict) --
The all users grant filter of the user policy grant principal.
userIdentifier (string) --
The user ID of the user policy grant principal.
Response Syntax
Response Structure
(dict) --
{'configuration': {'glueRunConfiguration': {'catalogName': 'string'}, 'sageMakerRunConfiguration': {'trackingAssets': {'string': ['string']}}}}Response
{'configuration': {'glueRunConfiguration': {'catalogName': 'string'}, 'sageMakerRunConfiguration': {'accountId': 'string', 'region': 'string', 'trackingAssets': {'string': ['string']}}}, 'connectionId': 'string'}
Updates the specified data source in Amazon DataZone.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.update_data_source( assetFormsInput=[ { 'content': 'string', 'formName': 'string', 'typeIdentifier': 'string', 'typeRevision': 'string' }, ], configuration={ 'glueRunConfiguration': { 'autoImportDataQualityResult': True|False, 'catalogName': 'string', 'dataAccessRole': 'string', 'relationalFilterConfigurations': [ { 'databaseName': 'string', 'filterExpressions': [ { 'expression': 'string', 'type': 'INCLUDE'|'EXCLUDE' }, ], 'schemaName': 'string' }, ] }, 'redshiftRunConfiguration': { 'dataAccessRole': 'string', 'redshiftCredentialConfiguration': { 'secretManagerArn': 'string' }, 'redshiftStorage': { 'redshiftClusterSource': { 'clusterName': 'string' }, 'redshiftServerlessSource': { 'workgroupName': 'string' } }, 'relationalFilterConfigurations': [ { 'databaseName': 'string', 'filterExpressions': [ { 'expression': 'string', 'type': 'INCLUDE'|'EXCLUDE' }, ], 'schemaName': 'string' }, ] }, 'sageMakerRunConfiguration': { 'trackingAssets': { 'string': [ 'string', ] } } }, description='string', domainIdentifier='string', enableSetting='ENABLED'|'DISABLED', identifier='string', name='string', publishOnImport=True|False, recommendation={ 'enableBusinessNameGeneration': True|False }, retainPermissionsOnRevokeFailure=True|False, schedule={ 'schedule': 'string', 'timezone': 'UTC'|'AFRICA_JOHANNESBURG'|'AMERICA_MONTREAL'|'AMERICA_SAO_PAULO'|'ASIA_BAHRAIN'|'ASIA_BANGKOK'|'ASIA_CALCUTTA'|'ASIA_DUBAI'|'ASIA_HONG_KONG'|'ASIA_JAKARTA'|'ASIA_KUALA_LUMPUR'|'ASIA_SEOUL'|'ASIA_SHANGHAI'|'ASIA_SINGAPORE'|'ASIA_TAIPEI'|'ASIA_TOKYO'|'AUSTRALIA_MELBOURNE'|'AUSTRALIA_SYDNEY'|'CANADA_CENTRAL'|'CET'|'CST6CDT'|'ETC_GMT'|'ETC_GMT0'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_0'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_1'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_10'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_11'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_12'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_2'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_3'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_4'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_5'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_6'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_7'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_8'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_9'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_0'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_1'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_10'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_11'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_12'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_13'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_14'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_2'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_3'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_4'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_5'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_6'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_7'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_8'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_9'|'EUROPE_DUBLIN'|'EUROPE_LONDON'|'EUROPE_PARIS'|'EUROPE_STOCKHOLM'|'EUROPE_ZURICH'|'ISRAEL'|'MEXICO_GENERAL'|'MST7MDT'|'PACIFIC_AUCKLAND'|'US_CENTRAL'|'US_EASTERN'|'US_MOUNTAIN'|'US_PACIFIC' } )
The asset forms to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
(dict) --
The details of a metadata form.
content (string) --
The content of the metadata form.
formName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the metadata form.
typeIdentifier (string) --
The ID of the metadata form type.
typeRevision (string) --
The revision of the metadata form type.
The configuration to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
glueRunConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
autoImportDataQualityResult (boolean) --
Specifies whether to automatically import data quality metrics as part of the data source run.
catalogName (string) --
The catalog name in the Amazon Web Services Glue run configuration.
dataAccessRole (string) --
The data access role included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
relationalFilterConfigurations (list) -- [REQUIRED]
The relational filter configurations included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
(dict) --
The relational filter configuration for the data source.
databaseName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The database name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
filterExpressions (list) --
The filter expressions specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
(dict) --
A filter expression in Amazon DataZone.
expression (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The search filter expression.
type (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The search filter explresison type.
schemaName (string) --
The schema name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
redshiftRunConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration of the Amazon Redshift data source.
dataAccessRole (string) --
The data access role included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.
redshiftCredentialConfiguration (dict) --
The details of the credentials required to access an Amazon Redshift cluster.
secretManagerArn (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The ARN of a secret manager for an Amazon Redshift cluster.
redshiftStorage (dict) --
The details of the Amazon Redshift storage as part of the configuration of an Amazon Redshift data source run.
redshiftClusterSource (dict) --
The details of the Amazon Redshift cluster source.
clusterName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of an Amazon Redshift cluster.
redshiftServerlessSource (dict) --
The details of the Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup source.
workgroupName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup.
relationalFilterConfigurations (list) -- [REQUIRED]
The relational filger configurations included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.
(dict) --
The relational filter configuration for the data source.
databaseName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The database name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
filterExpressions (list) --
The filter expressions specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
(dict) --
A filter expression in Amazon DataZone.
expression (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The search filter expression.
type (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The search filter explresison type.
schemaName (string) --
The schema name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
sageMakerRunConfiguration (dict) --
The Amazon SageMaker run configuration.
trackingAssets (dict) -- [REQUIRED]
The tracking assets of the Amazon SageMaker run.
(string) --
(list) --
(string) --
The description to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
The identifier of the domain in which to update a data source.
The enable setting to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
The identifier of the data source to be updated.
The name to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
The publish on import setting to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
The recommendation to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
enableBusinessNameGeneration (boolean) --
Specifies whether automatic business name generation is to be enabled or not as part of the recommendation configuration.
Specifies that the granted permissions are retained in case of a self-subscribe functionality failure for a data source.
The schedule to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
schedule (string) --
The schedule of the data source runs.
timezone (string) --
The timezone of the data source run.
Response Syntax
{ 'assetFormsOutput': [ { 'content': 'string', 'formName': 'string', 'typeName': 'string', 'typeRevision': 'string' }, ], 'configuration': { 'glueRunConfiguration': { 'accountId': 'string', 'autoImportDataQualityResult': True|False, 'catalogName': 'string', 'dataAccessRole': 'string', 'region': 'string', 'relationalFilterConfigurations': [ { 'databaseName': 'string', 'filterExpressions': [ { 'expression': 'string', 'type': 'INCLUDE'|'EXCLUDE' }, ], 'schemaName': 'string' }, ] }, 'redshiftRunConfiguration': { 'accountId': 'string', 'dataAccessRole': 'string', 'redshiftCredentialConfiguration': { 'secretManagerArn': 'string' }, 'redshiftStorage': { 'redshiftClusterSource': { 'clusterName': 'string' }, 'redshiftServerlessSource': { 'workgroupName': 'string' } }, 'region': 'string', 'relationalFilterConfigurations': [ { 'databaseName': 'string', 'filterExpressions': [ { 'expression': 'string', 'type': 'INCLUDE'|'EXCLUDE' }, ], 'schemaName': 'string' }, ] }, 'sageMakerRunConfiguration': { 'accountId': 'string', 'region': 'string', 'trackingAssets': { 'string': [ 'string', ] } } }, 'connectionId': 'string', 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'description': 'string', 'domainId': 'string', 'enableSetting': 'ENABLED'|'DISABLED', 'environmentId': 'string', 'errorMessage': { 'errorDetail': 'string', 'errorType': 'ACCESS_DENIED_EXCEPTION'|'CONFLICT_EXCEPTION'|'INTERNAL_SERVER_EXCEPTION'|'RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION'|'SERVICE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED_EXCEPTION'|'THROTTLING_EXCEPTION'|'VALIDATION_EXCEPTION' }, 'id': 'string', 'lastRunAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'lastRunErrorMessage': { 'errorDetail': 'string', 'errorType': 'ACCESS_DENIED_EXCEPTION'|'CONFLICT_EXCEPTION'|'INTERNAL_SERVER_EXCEPTION'|'RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION'|'SERVICE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED_EXCEPTION'|'THROTTLING_EXCEPTION'|'VALIDATION_EXCEPTION' }, 'lastRunStatus': 'REQUESTED'|'RUNNING'|'FAILED'|'PARTIALLY_SUCCEEDED'|'SUCCESS', 'name': 'string', 'projectId': 'string', 'publishOnImport': True|False, 'recommendation': { 'enableBusinessNameGeneration': True|False }, 'retainPermissionsOnRevokeFailure': True|False, 'schedule': { 'schedule': 'string', 'timezone': 'UTC'|'AFRICA_JOHANNESBURG'|'AMERICA_MONTREAL'|'AMERICA_SAO_PAULO'|'ASIA_BAHRAIN'|'ASIA_BANGKOK'|'ASIA_CALCUTTA'|'ASIA_DUBAI'|'ASIA_HONG_KONG'|'ASIA_JAKARTA'|'ASIA_KUALA_LUMPUR'|'ASIA_SEOUL'|'ASIA_SHANGHAI'|'ASIA_SINGAPORE'|'ASIA_TAIPEI'|'ASIA_TOKYO'|'AUSTRALIA_MELBOURNE'|'AUSTRALIA_SYDNEY'|'CANADA_CENTRAL'|'CET'|'CST6CDT'|'ETC_GMT'|'ETC_GMT0'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_0'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_1'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_10'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_11'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_12'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_2'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_3'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_4'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_5'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_6'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_7'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_8'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_9'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_0'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_1'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_10'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_11'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_12'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_13'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_14'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_2'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_3'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_4'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_5'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_6'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_7'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_8'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_9'|'EUROPE_DUBLIN'|'EUROPE_LONDON'|'EUROPE_PARIS'|'EUROPE_STOCKHOLM'|'EUROPE_ZURICH'|'ISRAEL'|'MEXICO_GENERAL'|'MST7MDT'|'PACIFIC_AUCKLAND'|'US_CENTRAL'|'US_EASTERN'|'US_MOUNTAIN'|'US_PACIFIC' }, 'selfGrantStatus': { 'glueSelfGrantStatus': { 'selfGrantStatusDetails': [ { 'databaseName': 'string', 'failureCause': 'string', 'schemaName': 'string', 'status': 'GRANT_PENDING'|'REVOKE_PENDING'|'GRANT_IN_PROGRESS'|'REVOKE_IN_PROGRESS'|'GRANTED'|'GRANT_FAILED'|'REVOKE_FAILED' }, ] }, 'redshiftSelfGrantStatus': { 'selfGrantStatusDetails': [ { 'databaseName': 'string', 'failureCause': 'string', 'schemaName': 'string', 'status': 'GRANT_PENDING'|'REVOKE_PENDING'|'GRANT_IN_PROGRESS'|'REVOKE_IN_PROGRESS'|'GRANTED'|'GRANT_FAILED'|'REVOKE_FAILED' }, ] } }, 'status': 'CREATING'|'FAILED_CREATION'|'READY'|'UPDATING'|'FAILED_UPDATE'|'RUNNING'|'DELETING'|'FAILED_DELETION', 'type': 'string', 'updatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }
Response Structure
(dict) --
assetFormsOutput (list) --
The asset forms to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
(dict) --
The details of a metadata form.
content (string) --
The content of the metadata form.
formName (string) --
The name of the metadata form.
typeName (string) --
The name of the metadata form type.
typeRevision (string) --
The revision of the metadata form type.
configuration (dict) --
The configuration to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
glueRunConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
accountId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services account ID included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
autoImportDataQualityResult (boolean) --
Specifies whether to automatically import data quality metrics as part of the data source run.
catalogName (string) --
The catalog name in the Amazon Web Services Glue run configuration.
dataAccessRole (string) --
The data access role included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
region (string) --
The Amazon Web Services region included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
relationalFilterConfigurations (list) --
The relational filter configurations included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
(dict) --
The relational filter configuration for the data source.
databaseName (string) --
The database name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
filterExpressions (list) --
The filter expressions specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
(dict) --
A filter expression in Amazon DataZone.
expression (string) --
The search filter expression.
type (string) --
The search filter explresison type.
schemaName (string) --
The schema name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
redshiftRunConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration of the Amazon Redshift data source.
accountId (string) --
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.
dataAccessRole (string) --
The data access role included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.
redshiftCredentialConfiguration (dict) --
The details of the credentials required to access an Amazon Redshift cluster.
secretManagerArn (string) --
The ARN of a secret manager for an Amazon Redshift cluster.
redshiftStorage (dict) --
The details of the Amazon Redshift storage as part of the configuration of an Amazon Redshift data source run.
redshiftClusterSource (dict) --
The details of the Amazon Redshift cluster source.
clusterName (string) --
The name of an Amazon Redshift cluster.
redshiftServerlessSource (dict) --
The details of the Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup source.
workgroupName (string) --
The name of the Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup.
region (string) --
The Amazon Web Services region included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.
relationalFilterConfigurations (list) --
The relational filger configurations included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.
(dict) --
The relational filter configuration for the data source.
databaseName (string) --
The database name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
filterExpressions (list) --
The filter expressions specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
(dict) --
A filter expression in Amazon DataZone.
expression (string) --
The search filter expression.
type (string) --
The search filter explresison type.
schemaName (string) --
The schema name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
sageMakerRunConfiguration (dict) --
The Amazon SageMaker run configuration.
accountId (string) --
The Amazon SageMaker account ID.
region (string) --
The Amazon SageMaker Region.
trackingAssets (dict) --
The tracking assets of the Amazon SageMaker.
(string) --
(list) --
(string) --
connectionId (string) --
The connection ID.
createdAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the data source was updated.
description (string) --
The description to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
domainId (string) --
The identifier of the Amazon DataZone domain in which a data source is to be updated.
enableSetting (string) --
The enable setting to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
environmentId (string) --
The identifier of the environment in which a data source is to be updated.
errorMessage (dict) --
Specifies the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
errorDetail (string) --
The details of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
errorType (string) --
The type of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
id (string) --
The identifier of the data source to be updated.
lastRunAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the data source was last run.
lastRunErrorMessage (dict) --
The last run error message of the data source.
errorDetail (string) --
The details of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
errorType (string) --
The type of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
lastRunStatus (string) --
The last run status of the data source.
name (string) --
The name to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
projectId (string) --
The identifier of the project where data source is to be updated.
publishOnImport (boolean) --
The publish on import setting to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
recommendation (dict) --
The recommendation to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
enableBusinessNameGeneration (boolean) --
Specifies whether automatic business name generation is to be enabled or not as part of the recommendation configuration.
retainPermissionsOnRevokeFailure (boolean) --
Specifies that the granted permissions are retained in case of a self-subscribe functionality failure for a data source.
schedule (dict) --
The schedule to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
schedule (string) --
The schedule of the data source runs.
timezone (string) --
The timezone of the data source run.
selfGrantStatus (dict) --
Specifies the status of the self-granting functionality.
glueSelfGrantStatus (dict) --
The details for the self granting status for a Glue data source.
selfGrantStatusDetails (list) --
The details for the self granting status for a Glue data source.
(dict) --
The details for the self granting status.
databaseName (string) --
The name of the database used for the data source.
failureCause (string) --
The reason for why the operation failed.
schemaName (string) --
The name of the schema used in the data source.
status (string) --
The self granting status of the data source.
redshiftSelfGrantStatus (dict) --
The details for the self granting status for an Amazon Redshift data source.
selfGrantStatusDetails (list) --
The details for the self granting status for an Amazon Redshift data source.
(dict) --
The details for the self granting status.
databaseName (string) --
The name of the database used for the data source.
failureCause (string) --
The reason for why the operation failed.
schemaName (string) --
The name of the schema used in the data source.
status (string) --
The self granting status of the data source.
status (string) --
The status to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
type (string) --
The type to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
updatedAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the data source was updated.
{'serviceRole': 'string'}
Updates a Amazon DataZone domain.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.update_domain( clientToken='string', description='string', domainExecutionRole='string', identifier='string', name='string', serviceRole='string', singleSignOn={ 'type': 'IAM_IDC'|'DISABLED', 'userAssignment': 'AUTOMATIC'|'MANUAL' } )
A unique, case-sensitive identifier that is provided to ensure the idempotency of the request.
This field is autopopulated if not provided.
The description to be updated as part of the UpdateDomain action.
The domain execution role to be updated as part of the UpdateDomain action.
The ID of the Amazon Web Services domain that is to be updated.
The name to be updated as part of the UpdateDomain action.
The service role of the domain.
The single sign-on option to be updated as part of the UpdateDomain action.
type (string) --
The type of single sign-on in Amazon DataZone.
userAssignment (string) --
The single sign-on user assignment in Amazon DataZone.
Response Syntax
{ 'description': 'string', 'domainExecutionRole': 'string', 'id': 'string', 'lastUpdatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'name': 'string', 'rootDomainUnitId': 'string', 'serviceRole': 'string', 'singleSignOn': { 'type': 'IAM_IDC'|'DISABLED', 'userAssignment': 'AUTOMATIC'|'MANUAL' } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
description (string) --
The description to be updated as part of the UpdateDomain action.
domainExecutionRole (string) --
The domain execution role to be updated as part of the UpdateDomain action.
id (string) --
The identifier of the Amazon DataZone domain.
lastUpdatedAt (datetime) --
Specifies the timestamp of when the domain was last updated.
name (string) --
The name to be updated as part of the UpdateDomain action.
rootDomainUnitId (string) --
The ID of the root domain unit.
serviceRole (string) --
The service role of the domain.
singleSignOn (dict) --
The single sign-on option of the Amazon DataZone domain.
type (string) --
The type of single sign-on in Amazon DataZone.
userAssignment (string) --
The single sign-on user assignment in Amazon DataZone.
{'environmentDeploymentDetails': {'environmentFailureReasons': {'string': [{'code': 'string', 'message': 'string'}]}, 'overallDeploymentStatus': 'PENDING_DEPLOYMENT ' '| IN_PROGRESS | ' 'SUCCESSFUL | ' 'FAILED_VALIDATION ' '| ' 'FAILED_DEPLOYMENT'}}Response
{'environmentDeploymentDetails': {'environmentFailureReasons': {'string': [{'code': 'string', 'message': 'string'}]}, 'overallDeploymentStatus': 'PENDING_DEPLOYMENT ' '| IN_PROGRESS | ' 'SUCCESSFUL | ' 'FAILED_VALIDATION ' '| ' 'FAILED_DEPLOYMENT'}, 'projectProfileId': 'string', 'userParameters': [{'environmentConfigurationName': 'string', 'environmentParameters': [{'name': 'string', 'value': 'string'}]}]}
Updates the specified project in Amazon DataZone.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.update_project( description='string', domainIdentifier='string', environmentDeploymentDetails={ 'environmentFailureReasons': { 'string': [ { 'code': 'string', 'message': 'string' }, ] }, 'overallDeploymentStatus': 'PENDING_DEPLOYMENT'|'IN_PROGRESS'|'SUCCESSFUL'|'FAILED_VALIDATION'|'FAILED_DEPLOYMENT' }, glossaryTerms=[ 'string', ], identifier='string', name='string' )
The description to be updated as part of the UpdateProject action.
The ID of the Amazon DataZone domain where a project is being updated.
The environment deployment details of the project.
environmentFailureReasons (dict) --
Environment failure reasons.
(string) --
(list) --
(dict) --
The failure reasons for the environment deployment.
code (string) --
The error code for the failure reason for the environment deployment.
message (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The error message for the failure reason for the environment deployment.
overallDeploymentStatus (string) --
The overall deployment status of the environment.
The glossary terms to be updated as part of the UpdateProject action.
(string) --
The identifier of the project that is to be updated.
The name to be updated as part of the UpdateProject action.
Response Syntax
{ 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'createdBy': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'domainId': 'string', 'domainUnitId': 'string', 'environmentDeploymentDetails': { 'environmentFailureReasons': { 'string': [ { 'code': 'string', 'message': 'string' }, ] }, 'overallDeploymentStatus': 'PENDING_DEPLOYMENT'|'IN_PROGRESS'|'SUCCESSFUL'|'FAILED_VALIDATION'|'FAILED_DEPLOYMENT' }, 'failureReasons': [ { 'code': 'string', 'message': 'string' }, ], 'glossaryTerms': [ 'string', ], 'id': 'string', 'lastUpdatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'name': 'string', 'projectProfileId': 'string', 'projectStatus': 'ACTIVE'|'DELETING'|'DELETE_FAILED', 'userParameters': [ { 'environmentConfigurationName': 'string', 'environmentParameters': [ { 'name': 'string', 'value': 'string' }, ] }, ] }
Response Structure
(dict) --
createdAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the project was created.
createdBy (string) --
The Amazon DataZone user who created the project.
description (string) --
The description of the project that is to be updated.
domainId (string) --
The identifier of the Amazon DataZone domain in which a project is updated.
domainUnitId (string) --
The ID of the domain unit.
environmentDeploymentDetails (dict) --
The environment deployment details of the project.
environmentFailureReasons (dict) --
Environment failure reasons.
(string) --
(list) --
(dict) --
The failure reasons for the environment deployment.
code (string) --
The error code for the failure reason for the environment deployment.
message (string) --
The error message for the failure reason for the environment deployment.
overallDeploymentStatus (string) --
The overall deployment status of the environment.
failureReasons (list) --
Specifies the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
(dict) --
Specifies the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
code (string) --
The code of the project deletion error.
message (string) --
The message of the project deletion error.
glossaryTerms (list) --
The glossary terms of the project that are to be updated.
(string) --
id (string) --
The identifier of the project that is to be updated.
lastUpdatedAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the project was last updated.
name (string) --
The name of the project that is to be updated.
projectProfileId (string) --
The ID of the project profile.
projectStatus (string) --
The status of the project.
userParameters (list) --
The user parameters of the project.
(dict) --
The environment configuration user parameters.
environmentConfigurationName (string) --
The environment configuration name.
environmentParameters (list) --
The environment parameters.
(dict) --
The parameter details of an evironment profile.
name (string) --
The name of an environment profile parameter.
value (string) --
The value of an environment profile parameter.