2021/06/24 - AWS Transfer Family - 2 updated api methods
Changes Customers can successfully use legacy clients with Transfer Family endpoints enabled for FTPS and FTP behind routers, firewalls, and load balancers by providing a Custom IP address used for data channel communication.
{'Server': {'ProtocolDetails': {'PassiveIp': 'string'}}}
Describes a file transfer protocol-enabled server that you specify by passing the ServerId parameter.
The response contains a description of a server's properties. When you set EndpointType to VPC, the response will contain the EndpointDetails.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.describe_server( ServerId='string' )
A system-assigned unique identifier for a server.
Response Syntax
{ 'Server': { 'Arn': 'string', 'Certificate': 'string', 'ProtocolDetails': { 'PassiveIp': 'string' }, 'Domain': 'S3'|'EFS', 'EndpointDetails': { 'AddressAllocationIds': [ 'string', ], 'SubnetIds': [ 'string', ], 'VpcEndpointId': 'string', 'VpcId': 'string', 'SecurityGroupIds': [ 'string', ] }, 'EndpointType': 'PUBLIC'|'VPC'|'VPC_ENDPOINT', 'HostKeyFingerprint': 'string', 'IdentityProviderDetails': { 'Url': 'string', 'InvocationRole': 'string', 'DirectoryId': 'string' }, 'IdentityProviderType': 'SERVICE_MANAGED'|'API_GATEWAY'|'AWS_DIRECTORY_SERVICE', 'LoggingRole': 'string', 'Protocols': [ 'SFTP'|'FTP'|'FTPS', ], 'SecurityPolicyName': 'string', 'ServerId': 'string', 'State': 'OFFLINE'|'ONLINE'|'STARTING'|'STOPPING'|'START_FAILED'|'STOP_FAILED', 'Tags': [ { 'Key': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ], 'UserCount': 123 } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Server (dict) --
An array containing the properties of a server with the ServerID you specified.
Arn (string) --
Specifies the unique Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the server.
Certificate (string) --
Specifies the ARN of the Amazon Web ServicesCertificate Manager (ACM) certificate. Required when Protocols is set to FTPS.
ProtocolDetails (dict) --
The protocol settings that are configured for your server.
Use the PassiveIp parameter to indicate passive mode. Enter a single dotted-quad IPv4 address, such as the external IP address of a firewall, router, or load balancer.
PassiveIp (string) --
Indicates passive mode, for FTP and FTPS protocols. Enter a single dotted-quad IPv4 address, such as the external IP address of a firewall, router, or load balancer. For example:
aws transfer update-server --protocol-details PassiveIp=
Replace in the example above with the actual IP address you want to use.
Domain (string) --
Specifies the domain of the storage system that is used for file transfers.
EndpointDetails (dict) --
The virtual private cloud (VPC) endpoint settings that are configured for your server. When you host your endpoint within your VPC, you can make it accessible only to resources within your VPC, or you can attach Elastic IP addresses and make it accessible to clients over the internet. Your VPC's default security groups are automatically assigned to your endpoint.
AddressAllocationIds (list) --
A list of address allocation IDs that are required to attach an Elastic IP address to your server's endpoint.
(string) --
SubnetIds (list) --
A list of subnet IDs that are required to host your server endpoint in your VPC.
(string) --
VpcEndpointId (string) --
The ID of the VPC endpoint.
VpcId (string) --
The VPC ID of the VPC in which a server's endpoint will be hosted.
SecurityGroupIds (list) --
A list of security groups IDs that are available to attach to your server's endpoint.
(string) --
EndpointType (string) --
Defines the type of endpoint that your server is connected to. If your server is connected to a VPC endpoint, your server isn't accessible over the public internet.
HostKeyFingerprint (string) --
Specifies the Base64-encoded SHA256 fingerprint of the server's host key. This value is equivalent to the output of the ssh-keygen -l -f my-new-server-key command.
IdentityProviderDetails (dict) --
Specifies information to call a customer-supplied authentication API. This field is not populated when the IdentityProviderType of a server is AWS_DIRECTORY_SERVICE or SERVICE_MANAGED.
Url (string) --
Provides the location of the service endpoint used to authenticate users.
InvocationRole (string) --
Provides the type of InvocationRole used to authenticate the user account.
DirectoryId (string) --
The identifier of the Amazon Web ServicesDirectory Service directory that you want to stop sharing.
IdentityProviderType (string) --
Specifies the mode of authentication for a server. The default value is SERVICE_MANAGED, which allows you to store and access user credentials within the Amazon Web Services Transfer Family service.
Use AWS_DIRECTORY_SERVICE to provide access to Active Directory groups in Amazon Web Services Managed Active Directory or Microsoft Active Directory in your on-premises environment or in Amazon Web Services using AD Connectors. This option also requires you to provide a Directory ID using the IdentityProviderDetails parameter.
Use the API_GATEWAY value to integrate with an identity provider of your choosing. The API_GATEWAY setting requires you to provide an API Gateway endpoint URL to call for authentication using the IdentityProviderDetails parameter.
LoggingRole (string) --
Specifies the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that allows a server to turn on Amazon CloudWatch logging for Amazon S3 or Amazon EFS events. When set, user activity can be viewed in your CloudWatch logs.
Protocols (list) --
Specifies the file transfer protocol or protocols over which your file transfer protocol client can connect to your server's endpoint. The available protocols are:
SFTP (Secure Shell (SSH) File Transfer Protocol): File transfer over SSH
FTPS (File Transfer Protocol Secure): File transfer with TLS encryption
FTP (File Transfer Protocol): Unencrypted file transfer
(string) --
SecurityPolicyName (string) --
Specifies the name of the security policy that is attached to the server.
ServerId (string) --
Specifies the unique system-assigned identifier for a server that you instantiate.
State (string) --
Specifies the condition of a server for the server that was described. A value of ONLINE indicates that the server can accept jobs and transfer files. A State value of OFFLINE means that the server cannot perform file transfer operations.
The states of STARTING and STOPPING indicate that the server is in an intermediate state, either not fully able to respond, or not fully offline. The values of START_FAILED or STOP_FAILED can indicate an error condition.
Tags (list) --
Specifies the key-value pairs that you can use to search for and group servers that were assigned to the server that was described.
(dict) --
Creates a key-value pair for a specific resource. Tags are metadata that you can use to search for and group a resource for various purposes. You can apply tags to servers, users, and roles. A tag key can take more than one value. For example, to group servers for accounting purposes, you might create a tag called Group and assign the values Research and Accounting to that group.
Key (string) --
The name assigned to the tag that you create.
Value (string) --
Contains one or more values that you assigned to the key name you create.
UserCount (integer) --
Specifies the number of users that are assigned to a server you specified with the ServerId.
{'ProtocolDetails': {'PassiveIp': 'string'}}
Updates the file transfer protocol-enabled server's properties after that server has been created.
The UpdateServer call returns the ServerId of the server you updated.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.update_server( Certificate='string', ProtocolDetails={ 'PassiveIp': 'string' }, EndpointDetails={ 'AddressAllocationIds': [ 'string', ], 'SubnetIds': [ 'string', ], 'VpcEndpointId': 'string', 'VpcId': 'string', 'SecurityGroupIds': [ 'string', ] }, EndpointType='PUBLIC'|'VPC'|'VPC_ENDPOINT', HostKey='string', IdentityProviderDetails={ 'Url': 'string', 'InvocationRole': 'string', 'DirectoryId': 'string' }, LoggingRole='string', Protocols=[ 'SFTP'|'FTP'|'FTPS', ], SecurityPolicyName='string', ServerId='string' )
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Web ServicesCertificate Manager (ACM) certificate. Required when Protocols is set to FTPS.
To request a new public certificate, see Request a public certificate in the Amazon Web ServicesCertificate Manager User Guide.
To import an existing certificate into ACM, see Importing certificates into ACM in the Amazon Web ServicesCertificate Manager User Guide.
To request a private certificate to use FTPS through private IP addresses, see Request a private certificate in the Amazon Web ServicesCertificate Manager User Guide.
Certificates with the following cryptographic algorithms and key sizes are supported:
2048-bit RSA (RSA_2048)
4096-bit RSA (RSA_4096)
Elliptic Prime Curve 256 bit (EC_prime256v1)
Elliptic Prime Curve 384 bit (EC_secp384r1)
Elliptic Prime Curve 521 bit (EC_secp521r1)
The protocol settings that are configured for your server.
Use the PassiveIp parameter to indicate passive mode (for FTP and FTPS protocols). Enter a single dotted-quad IPv4 address, such as the external IP address of a firewall, router, or load balancer.
PassiveIp (string) --
Indicates passive mode, for FTP and FTPS protocols. Enter a single dotted-quad IPv4 address, such as the external IP address of a firewall, router, or load balancer. For example:
aws transfer update-server --protocol-details PassiveIp=
Replace in the example above with the actual IP address you want to use.
The virtual private cloud (VPC) endpoint settings that are configured for your server. When you host your endpoint within your VPC, you can make it accessible only to resources within your VPC, or you can attach Elastic IP addresses and make it accessible to clients over the internet. Your VPC's default security groups are automatically assigned to your endpoint.
AddressAllocationIds (list) --
A list of address allocation IDs that are required to attach an Elastic IP address to your server's endpoint.
(string) --
SubnetIds (list) --
A list of subnet IDs that are required to host your server endpoint in your VPC.
(string) --
VpcEndpointId (string) --
The ID of the VPC endpoint.
VpcId (string) --
The VPC ID of the VPC in which a server's endpoint will be hosted.
SecurityGroupIds (list) --
A list of security groups IDs that are available to attach to your server's endpoint.
(string) --
The type of endpoint that you want your server to use. You can choose to make your server's endpoint publicly accessible (PUBLIC) or host it inside your VPC. With an endpoint that is hosted in a VPC, you can restrict access to your server and resources only within your VPC or choose to make it internet facing by attaching Elastic IP addresses directly to it.
The RSA private key as generated by ssh-keygen -N "" -m PEM -f my-new-server-key.
For more information, see Change the host key for your SFTP-enabled server in the Amazon Web ServicesTransfer Family User Guide.
An array containing all of the information required to call a customer's authentication API method.
Url (string) --
Provides the location of the service endpoint used to authenticate users.
InvocationRole (string) --
Provides the type of InvocationRole used to authenticate the user account.
DirectoryId (string) --
The identifier of the Amazon Web ServicesDirectory Service directory that you want to stop sharing.
Specifies the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that allows a server to turn on Amazon CloudWatch logging for Amazon S3 or Amazon EFS events. When set, user activity can be viewed in your CloudWatch logs.
Specifies the file transfer protocol or protocols over which your file transfer protocol client can connect to your server's endpoint. The available protocols are:
Secure Shell (SSH) File Transfer Protocol (SFTP): File transfer over SSH
File Transfer Protocol Secure (FTPS): File transfer with TLS encryption
File Transfer Protocol (FTP): Unencrypted file transfer
(string) --
Specifies the name of the security policy that is attached to the server.
A system-assigned unique identifier for a server instance that the user account is assigned to.
Response Syntax
{ 'ServerId': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
ServerId (string) --
A system-assigned unique identifier for a server that the user account is assigned to.