2019/07/09 - AWS Amplify - 10 new 20 updated api methods
Changes This release adds webhook APIs and manual deployment APIs for AWS Amplify Console.
Start a deployment for manual deploy apps. (Apps are not connected to repository)
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.start_deployment( appId='string', branchName='string', jobId='string', sourceUrl='string' )
Unique Id for an Amplify App.
Name for the branch, for the Job.
The job id for this deployment, generated by create deployment request.
The sourceUrl for this deployment, used when calling start deployment without create deployment. SourceUrl can be any HTTP GET url that is public accessible and downloads a single zip.
Response Syntax
{ 'jobSummary': { 'jobArn': 'string', 'jobId': 'string', 'commitId': 'string', 'commitMessage': 'string', 'commitTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'startTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'status': 'PENDING'|'PROVISIONING'|'RUNNING'|'FAILED'|'SUCCEED'|'CANCELLING'|'CANCELLED', 'endTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'jobType': 'RELEASE'|'RETRY'|'MANUAL'|'WEB_HOOK' } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Result structure for start a deployment.
jobSummary (dict) --
Summary for the Job.
jobArn (string) --
Arn for the Job.
jobId (string) --
Unique Id for the Job.
commitId (string) --
Commit Id from 3rd party repository provider for the Job.
commitMessage (string) --
Commit message from 3rd party repository provider for the Job.
commitTime (datetime) --
Commit date / time for the Job.
startTime (datetime) --
Start date / time for the Job.
status (string) --
Status for the Job.
endTime (datetime) --
End date / time for the Job.
jobType (string) --
Type for the Job. n "RELEASE": Manually released from source by using StartJob API. "RETRY": Manually retried by using StartJob API. "WEB_HOOK": Automatically triggered by WebHooks.
Create a deployment for manual deploy apps. (Apps are not connected to repository)
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_deployment( appId='string', branchName='string', fileMap={ 'string': 'string' } )
Unique Id for an Amplify App.
Name for the branch, for the Job.
Optional file map that contains file name as the key and file content md5 hash as the value. If this argument is provided, the service will generate different upload url per file. Otherwise, the service will only generate a single upload url for the zipped files.
(string) --
(string) --
Response Syntax
{ 'jobId': 'string', 'fileUploadUrls': { 'string': 'string' }, 'zipUploadUrl': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Result structure for create a new deployment.
jobId (string) --
The jobId for this deployment, will supply to start deployment api.
fileUploadUrls (dict) --
When the fileMap argument is provided in the request, the fileUploadUrls will contain a map of file names to upload url.
(string) --
(string) --
zipUploadUrl (string) --
When the fileMap argument is NOT provided. This zipUploadUrl will be returned.
Update a webhook.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.update_webhook( webhookId='string', branchName='string', description='string' )
Unique Id for a webhook.
Name for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
Description for a webhook.
Response Syntax
{ 'webhook': { 'webhookArn': 'string', 'webhookId': 'string', 'webhookUrl': 'string', 'branchName': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'createTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'updateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1) } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Result structure for the update webhook request.
webhook (dict) --
Webhook structure.
webhookArn (string) --
ARN for the webhook.
webhookId (string) --
Id of the webhook.
webhookUrl (string) --
Url of the webhook.
branchName (string) --
Name for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
description (string) --
Description for a webhook.
createTime (datetime) --
Create date / time for a webhook.
updateTime (datetime) --
Update date / time for a webhook.
Retrieves webhook info that corresponds to a webhookId.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_webhook( webhookId='string' )
Unique Id for a webhook.
Response Syntax
{ 'webhook': { 'webhookArn': 'string', 'webhookId': 'string', 'webhookUrl': 'string', 'branchName': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'createTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'updateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1) } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Result structure for the get webhook request.
webhook (dict) --
Webhook structure.
webhookArn (string) --
ARN for the webhook.
webhookId (string) --
Id of the webhook.
webhookUrl (string) --
Url of the webhook.
branchName (string) --
Name for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
description (string) --
Description for a webhook.
createTime (datetime) --
Create date / time for a webhook.
updateTime (datetime) --
Update date / time for a webhook.
List tags for resource.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.list_tags_for_resource( resourceArn='string' )
Resource arn used to list tags.
Response Syntax
{ 'tags': { 'string': 'string' } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Response for list tags.
tags (dict) --
Tags result for response.
(string) --
(string) --
Untag resource with resourceArn.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.untag_resource( resourceArn='string', tagKeys=[ 'string', ] )
Resource arn used to untag resource.
Tag keys used to untag resource.
(string) --
Response Syntax
Response Structure
(dict) --
Response for untag resource.
Deletes a webhook.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.delete_webhook( webhookId='string' )
Unique Id for a webhook.
Response Syntax
{ 'webhook': { 'webhookArn': 'string', 'webhookId': 'string', 'webhookUrl': 'string', 'branchName': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'createTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'updateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1) } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Result structure for the delete webhook request.
webhook (dict) --
Webhook structure.
webhookArn (string) --
ARN for the webhook.
webhookId (string) --
Id of the webhook.
webhookUrl (string) --
Url of the webhook.
branchName (string) --
Name for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
description (string) --
Description for a webhook.
createTime (datetime) --
Create date / time for a webhook.
updateTime (datetime) --
Update date / time for a webhook.
List webhooks with an app.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.list_webhooks( appId='string', nextToken='string', maxResults=123 )
Unique Id for an Amplify App.
Pagination token. Set to null to start listing webhooks from start. If non-null pagination token is returned in a result, then pass its value in here to list more webhooks.
Maximum number of records to list in a single response.
Response Syntax
{ 'webhooks': [ { 'webhookArn': 'string', 'webhookId': 'string', 'webhookUrl': 'string', 'branchName': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'createTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'updateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }, ], 'nextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Result structure for the list webhooks request.
webhooks (list) --
List of webhooks.
(dict) --
Structure for webhook, which associates a webhook with an Amplify App.
webhookArn (string) --
ARN for the webhook.
webhookId (string) --
Id of the webhook.
webhookUrl (string) --
Url of the webhook.
branchName (string) --
Name for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
description (string) --
Description for a webhook.
createTime (datetime) --
Create date / time for a webhook.
updateTime (datetime) --
Update date / time for a webhook.
nextToken (string) --
Pagination token. If non-null pagination token is returned in a result, then pass its value in another request to fetch more entries.
Create a new webhook on an App.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_webhook( appId='string', branchName='string', description='string' )
Unique Id for an Amplify App.
Name for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
Description for a webhook.
Response Syntax
{ 'webhook': { 'webhookArn': 'string', 'webhookId': 'string', 'webhookUrl': 'string', 'branchName': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'createTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'updateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1) } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Result structure for the create webhook request.
webhook (dict) --
Webhook structure.
webhookArn (string) --
ARN for the webhook.
webhookId (string) --
Id of the webhook.
webhookUrl (string) --
Url of the webhook.
branchName (string) --
Name for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
description (string) --
Description for a webhook.
createTime (datetime) --
Create date / time for a webhook.
updateTime (datetime) --
Update date / time for a webhook.
Tag resource with tag key and value.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.tag_resource( resourceArn='string', tags={ 'string': 'string' } )
Resource arn used to tag resource.
Tags used to tag resource.
(string) --
(string) --
Response Syntax
Response Structure
(dict) --
Response for tag resource.
{'accessToken': 'string', 'autoBranchCreationConfig': {'basicAuthCredentials': 'string', 'buildSpec': 'string', 'enableAutoBuild': 'boolean', 'enableBasicAuth': 'boolean', 'environmentVariables': {'string': 'string'}, 'framework': 'string', 'stage': 'PRODUCTION | BETA | DEVELOPMENT | ' 'EXPERIMENTAL'}, 'autoBranchCreationPatterns': ['string'], 'enableAutoBranchCreation': 'boolean'}Response
{'app': {'autoBranchCreationConfig': {'basicAuthCredentials': 'string', 'buildSpec': 'string', 'enableAutoBuild': 'boolean', 'enableBasicAuth': 'boolean', 'environmentVariables': {'string': 'string'}, 'framework': 'string', 'stage': 'PRODUCTION | BETA | ' 'DEVELOPMENT | EXPERIMENTAL'}, 'autoBranchCreationPatterns': ['string'], 'enableAutoBranchCreation': 'boolean'}}
Creates a new Amplify App.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_app( name='string', description='string', repository='string', platform='WEB', iamServiceRoleArn='string', oauthToken='string', accessToken='string', environmentVariables={ 'string': 'string' }, enableBranchAutoBuild=True|False, enableBasicAuth=True|False, basicAuthCredentials='string', customRules=[ { 'source': 'string', 'target': 'string', 'status': 'string', 'condition': 'string' }, ], tags={ 'string': 'string' }, buildSpec='string', enableAutoBranchCreation=True|False, autoBranchCreationPatterns=[ 'string', ], autoBranchCreationConfig={ 'stage': 'PRODUCTION'|'BETA'|'DEVELOPMENT'|'EXPERIMENTAL', 'framework': 'string', 'enableAutoBuild': True|False, 'environmentVariables': { 'string': 'string' }, 'basicAuthCredentials': 'string', 'enableBasicAuth': True|False, 'buildSpec': 'string' } )
Name for the Amplify App
Description for an Amplify App
Repository for an Amplify App
Platform / framework for an Amplify App
AWS IAM service role for an Amplify App
OAuth token for 3rd party source control system for an Amplify App, used to create webhook and read-only deploy key. OAuth token is not stored.
Personal Access token for 3rd party source control system for an Amplify App, used to create webhook and read-only deploy key. Token is not stored.
Environment variables map for an Amplify App.
(string) --
(string) --
Enable the auto building of branches for an Amplify App.
Enable Basic Authorization for an Amplify App, this will apply to all branches part of this App.
Credentials for Basic Authorization for an Amplify App.
Custom rewrite / redirect rules for an Amplify App.
(dict) --
Custom rewrite / redirect rule.
source (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The source pattern for a URL rewrite or redirect rule.
target (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The target pattern for a URL rewrite or redirect rule.
status (string) --
The status code for a URL rewrite or redirect rule.
condition (string) --
The condition for a URL rewrite or redirect rule, e.g. country code.
Tag for an Amplify App
(string) --
(string) --
BuildSpec for an Amplify App
Enables automated branch creation for the Amplify App.
Automated branch creation glob patterns for the Amplify App.
(string) --
Automated branch creation config for the Amplify App.
stage (string) --
Stage for the auto created branch.
framework (string) --
Framework for the auto created branch.
enableAutoBuild (boolean) --
Enables auto building for the auto created branch.
environmentVariables (dict) --
Environment Variables for the auto created branch.
(string) --
(string) --
basicAuthCredentials (string) --
Basic Authorization credentials for the auto created branch.
enableBasicAuth (boolean) --
Enables Basic Auth for the auto created branch.
buildSpec (string) --
BuildSpec for the auto created branch.
Response Syntax
{ 'app': { 'appId': 'string', 'appArn': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'description': 'string', 'repository': 'string', 'platform': 'WEB', 'createTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'updateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'iamServiceRoleArn': 'string', 'environmentVariables': { 'string': 'string' }, 'defaultDomain': 'string', 'enableBranchAutoBuild': True|False, 'enableBasicAuth': True|False, 'basicAuthCredentials': 'string', 'customRules': [ { 'source': 'string', 'target': 'string', 'status': 'string', 'condition': 'string' }, ], 'productionBranch': { 'lastDeployTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'status': 'string', 'thumbnailUrl': 'string', 'branchName': 'string' }, 'buildSpec': 'string', 'enableAutoBranchCreation': True|False, 'autoBranchCreationPatterns': [ 'string', ], 'autoBranchCreationConfig': { 'stage': 'PRODUCTION'|'BETA'|'DEVELOPMENT'|'EXPERIMENTAL', 'framework': 'string', 'enableAutoBuild': True|False, 'environmentVariables': { 'string': 'string' }, 'basicAuthCredentials': 'string', 'enableBasicAuth': True|False, 'buildSpec': 'string' } } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
app (dict) --
Amplify App represents different branches of a repository for building, deploying, and hosting.
appId (string) --
Unique Id for the Amplify App.
appArn (string) --
ARN for the Amplify App.
name (string) --
Name for the Amplify App.
tags (dict) --
Tag for Amplify App.
(string) --
(string) --
description (string) --
Description for the Amplify App.
repository (string) --
Repository for the Amplify App.
platform (string) --
Platform for the Amplify App.
createTime (datetime) --
Create date / time for the Amplify App.
updateTime (datetime) --
Update date / time for the Amplify App.
iamServiceRoleArn (string) --
IAM service role ARN for the Amplify App.
environmentVariables (dict) --
Environment Variables for the Amplify App.
(string) --
(string) --
defaultDomain (string) --
Default domain for the Amplify App.
enableBranchAutoBuild (boolean) --
Enables auto-building of branches for the Amplify App.
enableBasicAuth (boolean) --
Enables Basic Authorization for branches for the Amplify App.
basicAuthCredentials (string) --
Basic Authorization credentials for branches for the Amplify App.
customRules (list) --
Custom redirect / rewrite rules for the Amplify App.
(dict) --
Custom rewrite / redirect rule.
source (string) --
The source pattern for a URL rewrite or redirect rule.
target (string) --
The target pattern for a URL rewrite or redirect rule.
status (string) --
The status code for a URL rewrite or redirect rule.
condition (string) --
The condition for a URL rewrite or redirect rule, e.g. country code.
productionBranch (dict) --
Structure with Production Branch information.
lastDeployTime (datetime) --
Last Deploy Time of Production Branch.
status (string) --
Status of Production Branch.
thumbnailUrl (string) --
Thumbnail URL for Production Branch.
branchName (string) --
Branch Name for Production Branch.
buildSpec (string) --
BuildSpec content for Amplify App.
enableAutoBranchCreation (boolean) --
Enables automated branch creation for the Amplify App.
autoBranchCreationPatterns (list) --
Automated branch creation glob patterns for the Amplify App.
(string) --
autoBranchCreationConfig (dict) --
Automated branch creation config for the Amplify App.
stage (string) --
Stage for the auto created branch.
framework (string) --
Framework for the auto created branch.
enableAutoBuild (boolean) --
Enables auto building for the auto created branch.
environmentVariables (dict) --
Environment Variables for the auto created branch.
(string) --
(string) --
basicAuthCredentials (string) --
Basic Authorization credentials for the auto created branch.
enableBasicAuth (boolean) --
Enables Basic Auth for the auto created branch.
buildSpec (string) --
BuildSpec for the auto created branch.
{'displayName': 'string'}Response
{'branch': {'associatedResources': ['string']}}
Creates a new Branch for an Amplify App.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_branch( appId='string', branchName='string', description='string', stage='PRODUCTION'|'BETA'|'DEVELOPMENT'|'EXPERIMENTAL', framework='string', enableNotification=True|False, enableAutoBuild=True|False, environmentVariables={ 'string': 'string' }, basicAuthCredentials='string', enableBasicAuth=True|False, tags={ 'string': 'string' }, buildSpec='string', ttl='string', displayName='string' )
Unique Id for an Amplify App.
Name for the branch.
Description for the branch.
Stage for the branch.
Framework for the branch.
Enables notifications for the branch.
Enables auto building for the branch.
Environment Variables for the branch.
(string) --
(string) --
Basic Authorization credentials for the branch.
Enables Basic Auth for the branch.
Tag for the branch.
(string) --
(string) --
BuildSpec for the branch.
The content TTL for the website in seconds.
Display name for a branch, will use as the default domain prefix.
Response Syntax
{ 'branch': { 'branchArn': 'string', 'branchName': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'stage': 'PRODUCTION'|'BETA'|'DEVELOPMENT'|'EXPERIMENTAL', 'displayName': 'string', 'enableNotification': True|False, 'createTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'updateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'environmentVariables': { 'string': 'string' }, 'enableAutoBuild': True|False, 'customDomains': [ 'string', ], 'framework': 'string', 'activeJobId': 'string', 'totalNumberOfJobs': 'string', 'enableBasicAuth': True|False, 'thumbnailUrl': 'string', 'basicAuthCredentials': 'string', 'buildSpec': 'string', 'ttl': 'string', 'associatedResources': [ 'string', ] } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Result structure for create branch request.
branch (dict) --
Branch structure for an Amplify App.
branchArn (string) --
ARN for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
branchName (string) --
Name for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
description (string) --
Description for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
tags (dict) --
Tag for branch for Amplify App.
(string) --
(string) --
stage (string) --
Stage for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
displayName (string) --
Display name for a branch, will use as the default domain prefix.
enableNotification (boolean) --
Enables notifications for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
createTime (datetime) --
Creation date and time for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
updateTime (datetime) --
Last updated date and time for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
environmentVariables (dict) --
Environment Variables specific to a branch, part of an Amplify App.
(string) --
(string) --
enableAutoBuild (boolean) --
Enables auto-building on push for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
customDomains (list) --
Custom domains for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
(string) --
framework (string) --
Framework for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
activeJobId (string) --
Id of the active job for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
totalNumberOfJobs (string) --
Total number of Jobs part of an Amplify App.
enableBasicAuth (boolean) --
Enables Basic Authorization for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
thumbnailUrl (string) --
Thumbnail URL for the branch.
basicAuthCredentials (string) --
Basic Authorization credentials for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
buildSpec (string) --
BuildSpec content for branch for Amplify App.
ttl (string) --
The content TTL for the website in seconds.
associatedResources (list) --
List of custom resources that are linked to this branch.
(string) --
{'domainAssociation': {'domainStatus': {'CREATING', 'REQUESTING_CERTIFICATE', 'UPDATING'}}}
Create a new DomainAssociation on an App
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_domain_association( appId='string', domainName='string', enableAutoSubDomain=True|False, subDomainSettings=[ { 'prefix': 'string', 'branchName': 'string' }, ] )
Unique Id for an Amplify App.
Domain name for the Domain Association.
Enables automated creation of Subdomains for branches.
Setting structure for the Subdomain.
(dict) --
Setting for the Subdomain.
prefix (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Prefix setting for the Subdomain.
branchName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Branch name setting for the Subdomain.
Response Syntax
{ 'domainAssociation': { 'domainAssociationArn': 'string', 'domainName': 'string', 'enableAutoSubDomain': True|False, 'domainStatus': 'PENDING_VERIFICATION'|'IN_PROGRESS'|'AVAILABLE'|'PENDING_DEPLOYMENT'|'FAILED'|'CREATING'|'REQUESTING_CERTIFICATE'|'UPDATING', 'statusReason': 'string', 'certificateVerificationDNSRecord': 'string', 'subDomains': [ { 'subDomainSetting': { 'prefix': 'string', 'branchName': 'string' }, 'verified': True|False, 'dnsRecord': 'string' }, ] } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Result structure for the create Domain Association request.
domainAssociation (dict) --
Domain Association structure.
domainAssociationArn (string) --
ARN for the Domain Association.
domainName (string) --
Name of the domain.
enableAutoSubDomain (boolean) --
Enables automated creation of Subdomains for branches.
domainStatus (string) --
Status fo the Domain Association.
statusReason (string) --
Reason for the current status of the Domain Association.
certificateVerificationDNSRecord (string) --
DNS Record for certificate verification.
subDomains (list) --
Subdomains for the Domain Association.
(dict) --
Subdomain for the Domain Association.
subDomainSetting (dict) --
Setting structure for the Subdomain.
prefix (string) --
Prefix setting for the Subdomain.
branchName (string) --
Branch name setting for the Subdomain.
verified (boolean) --
Verified status of the Subdomain
dnsRecord (string) --
DNS record for the Subdomain.
{'app': {'autoBranchCreationConfig': {'basicAuthCredentials': 'string', 'buildSpec': 'string', 'enableAutoBuild': 'boolean', 'enableBasicAuth': 'boolean', 'environmentVariables': {'string': 'string'}, 'framework': 'string', 'stage': 'PRODUCTION | BETA | ' 'DEVELOPMENT | EXPERIMENTAL'}, 'autoBranchCreationPatterns': ['string'], 'enableAutoBranchCreation': 'boolean'}}
Delete an existing Amplify App by appId.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.delete_app( appId='string' )
Unique Id for an Amplify App.
Response Syntax
{ 'app': { 'appId': 'string', 'appArn': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'description': 'string', 'repository': 'string', 'platform': 'WEB', 'createTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'updateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'iamServiceRoleArn': 'string', 'environmentVariables': { 'string': 'string' }, 'defaultDomain': 'string', 'enableBranchAutoBuild': True|False, 'enableBasicAuth': True|False, 'basicAuthCredentials': 'string', 'customRules': [ { 'source': 'string', 'target': 'string', 'status': 'string', 'condition': 'string' }, ], 'productionBranch': { 'lastDeployTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'status': 'string', 'thumbnailUrl': 'string', 'branchName': 'string' }, 'buildSpec': 'string', 'enableAutoBranchCreation': True|False, 'autoBranchCreationPatterns': [ 'string', ], 'autoBranchCreationConfig': { 'stage': 'PRODUCTION'|'BETA'|'DEVELOPMENT'|'EXPERIMENTAL', 'framework': 'string', 'enableAutoBuild': True|False, 'environmentVariables': { 'string': 'string' }, 'basicAuthCredentials': 'string', 'enableBasicAuth': True|False, 'buildSpec': 'string' } } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Result structure for an Amplify App delete request.
app (dict) --
Amplify App represents different branches of a repository for building, deploying, and hosting.
appId (string) --
Unique Id for the Amplify App.
appArn (string) --
ARN for the Amplify App.
name (string) --
Name for the Amplify App.
tags (dict) --
Tag for Amplify App.
(string) --
(string) --
description (string) --
Description for the Amplify App.
repository (string) --
Repository for the Amplify App.
platform (string) --
Platform for the Amplify App.
createTime (datetime) --
Create date / time for the Amplify App.
updateTime (datetime) --
Update date / time for the Amplify App.
iamServiceRoleArn (string) --
IAM service role ARN for the Amplify App.
environmentVariables (dict) --
Environment Variables for the Amplify App.
(string) --
(string) --
defaultDomain (string) --
Default domain for the Amplify App.
enableBranchAutoBuild (boolean) --
Enables auto-building of branches for the Amplify App.
enableBasicAuth (boolean) --
Enables Basic Authorization for branches for the Amplify App.
basicAuthCredentials (string) --
Basic Authorization credentials for branches for the Amplify App.
customRules (list) --
Custom redirect / rewrite rules for the Amplify App.
(dict) --
Custom rewrite / redirect rule.
source (string) --
The source pattern for a URL rewrite or redirect rule.
target (string) --
The target pattern for a URL rewrite or redirect rule.
status (string) --
The status code for a URL rewrite or redirect rule.
condition (string) --
The condition for a URL rewrite or redirect rule, e.g. country code.
productionBranch (dict) --
Structure with Production Branch information.
lastDeployTime (datetime) --
Last Deploy Time of Production Branch.
status (string) --
Status of Production Branch.
thumbnailUrl (string) --
Thumbnail URL for Production Branch.
branchName (string) --
Branch Name for Production Branch.
buildSpec (string) --
BuildSpec content for Amplify App.
enableAutoBranchCreation (boolean) --
Enables automated branch creation for the Amplify App.
autoBranchCreationPatterns (list) --
Automated branch creation glob patterns for the Amplify App.
(string) --
autoBranchCreationConfig (dict) --
Automated branch creation config for the Amplify App.
stage (string) --
Stage for the auto created branch.
framework (string) --
Framework for the auto created branch.
enableAutoBuild (boolean) --
Enables auto building for the auto created branch.
environmentVariables (dict) --
Environment Variables for the auto created branch.
(string) --
(string) --
basicAuthCredentials (string) --
Basic Authorization credentials for the auto created branch.
enableBasicAuth (boolean) --
Enables Basic Auth for the auto created branch.
buildSpec (string) --
BuildSpec for the auto created branch.
{'branch': {'associatedResources': ['string']}}
Deletes a branch for an Amplify App.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.delete_branch( appId='string', branchName='string' )
Unique Id for an Amplify App.
Name for the branch.
Response Syntax
{ 'branch': { 'branchArn': 'string', 'branchName': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'stage': 'PRODUCTION'|'BETA'|'DEVELOPMENT'|'EXPERIMENTAL', 'displayName': 'string', 'enableNotification': True|False, 'createTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'updateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'environmentVariables': { 'string': 'string' }, 'enableAutoBuild': True|False, 'customDomains': [ 'string', ], 'framework': 'string', 'activeJobId': 'string', 'totalNumberOfJobs': 'string', 'enableBasicAuth': True|False, 'thumbnailUrl': 'string', 'basicAuthCredentials': 'string', 'buildSpec': 'string', 'ttl': 'string', 'associatedResources': [ 'string', ] } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Result structure for delete branch request.
branch (dict) --
Branch structure for an Amplify App.
branchArn (string) --
ARN for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
branchName (string) --
Name for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
description (string) --
Description for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
tags (dict) --
Tag for branch for Amplify App.
(string) --
(string) --
stage (string) --
Stage for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
displayName (string) --
Display name for a branch, will use as the default domain prefix.
enableNotification (boolean) --
Enables notifications for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
createTime (datetime) --
Creation date and time for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
updateTime (datetime) --
Last updated date and time for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
environmentVariables (dict) --
Environment Variables specific to a branch, part of an Amplify App.
(string) --
(string) --
enableAutoBuild (boolean) --
Enables auto-building on push for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
customDomains (list) --
Custom domains for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
(string) --
framework (string) --
Framework for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
activeJobId (string) --
Id of the active job for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
totalNumberOfJobs (string) --
Total number of Jobs part of an Amplify App.
enableBasicAuth (boolean) --
Enables Basic Authorization for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
thumbnailUrl (string) --
Thumbnail URL for the branch.
basicAuthCredentials (string) --
Basic Authorization credentials for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
buildSpec (string) --
BuildSpec content for branch for Amplify App.
ttl (string) --
The content TTL for the website in seconds.
associatedResources (list) --
List of custom resources that are linked to this branch.
(string) --
{'domainAssociation': {'domainStatus': {'CREATING', 'REQUESTING_CERTIFICATE', 'UPDATING'}}}
Deletes a DomainAssociation.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.delete_domain_association( appId='string', domainName='string' )
Unique Id for an Amplify App.
Name of the domain.
Response Syntax
{ 'domainAssociation': { 'domainAssociationArn': 'string', 'domainName': 'string', 'enableAutoSubDomain': True|False, 'domainStatus': 'PENDING_VERIFICATION'|'IN_PROGRESS'|'AVAILABLE'|'PENDING_DEPLOYMENT'|'FAILED'|'CREATING'|'REQUESTING_CERTIFICATE'|'UPDATING', 'statusReason': 'string', 'certificateVerificationDNSRecord': 'string', 'subDomains': [ { 'subDomainSetting': { 'prefix': 'string', 'branchName': 'string' }, 'verified': True|False, 'dnsRecord': 'string' }, ] } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
domainAssociation (dict) --
Structure for Domain Association, which associates a custom domain with an Amplify App.
domainAssociationArn (string) --
ARN for the Domain Association.
domainName (string) --
Name of the domain.
enableAutoSubDomain (boolean) --
Enables automated creation of Subdomains for branches.
domainStatus (string) --
Status fo the Domain Association.
statusReason (string) --
Reason for the current status of the Domain Association.
certificateVerificationDNSRecord (string) --
DNS Record for certificate verification.
subDomains (list) --
Subdomains for the Domain Association.
(dict) --
Subdomain for the Domain Association.
subDomainSetting (dict) --
Setting structure for the Subdomain.
prefix (string) --
Prefix setting for the Subdomain.
branchName (string) --
Branch name setting for the Subdomain.
verified (boolean) --
Verified status of the Subdomain
dnsRecord (string) --
DNS record for the Subdomain.
{'jobSummary': {'jobType': {'MANUAL'}}}
Delete a job, for an Amplify branch, part of Amplify App.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.delete_job( appId='string', branchName='string', jobId='string' )
Unique Id for an Amplify App.
Name for the branch, for the Job.
Unique Id for the Job.
Response Syntax
{ 'jobSummary': { 'jobArn': 'string', 'jobId': 'string', 'commitId': 'string', 'commitMessage': 'string', 'commitTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'startTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'status': 'PENDING'|'PROVISIONING'|'RUNNING'|'FAILED'|'SUCCEED'|'CANCELLING'|'CANCELLED', 'endTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'jobType': 'RELEASE'|'RETRY'|'MANUAL'|'WEB_HOOK' } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Result structure for the delete job request.
jobSummary (dict) --
Structure for the summary of a Job.
jobArn (string) --
Arn for the Job.
jobId (string) --
Unique Id for the Job.
commitId (string) --
Commit Id from 3rd party repository provider for the Job.
commitMessage (string) --
Commit message from 3rd party repository provider for the Job.
commitTime (datetime) --
Commit date / time for the Job.
startTime (datetime) --
Start date / time for the Job.
status (string) --
Status for the Job.
endTime (datetime) --
End date / time for the Job.
jobType (string) --
Type for the Job. n "RELEASE": Manually released from source by using StartJob API. "RETRY": Manually retried by using StartJob API. "WEB_HOOK": Automatically triggered by WebHooks.
{'app': {'autoBranchCreationConfig': {'basicAuthCredentials': 'string', 'buildSpec': 'string', 'enableAutoBuild': 'boolean', 'enableBasicAuth': 'boolean', 'environmentVariables': {'string': 'string'}, 'framework': 'string', 'stage': 'PRODUCTION | BETA | ' 'DEVELOPMENT | EXPERIMENTAL'}, 'autoBranchCreationPatterns': ['string'], 'enableAutoBranchCreation': 'boolean'}}
Retrieves an existing Amplify App by appId.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_app( appId='string' )
Unique Id for an Amplify App.
Response Syntax
{ 'app': { 'appId': 'string', 'appArn': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'description': 'string', 'repository': 'string', 'platform': 'WEB', 'createTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'updateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'iamServiceRoleArn': 'string', 'environmentVariables': { 'string': 'string' }, 'defaultDomain': 'string', 'enableBranchAutoBuild': True|False, 'enableBasicAuth': True|False, 'basicAuthCredentials': 'string', 'customRules': [ { 'source': 'string', 'target': 'string', 'status': 'string', 'condition': 'string' }, ], 'productionBranch': { 'lastDeployTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'status': 'string', 'thumbnailUrl': 'string', 'branchName': 'string' }, 'buildSpec': 'string', 'enableAutoBranchCreation': True|False, 'autoBranchCreationPatterns': [ 'string', ], 'autoBranchCreationConfig': { 'stage': 'PRODUCTION'|'BETA'|'DEVELOPMENT'|'EXPERIMENTAL', 'framework': 'string', 'enableAutoBuild': True|False, 'environmentVariables': { 'string': 'string' }, 'basicAuthCredentials': 'string', 'enableBasicAuth': True|False, 'buildSpec': 'string' } } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
app (dict) --
Amplify App represents different branches of a repository for building, deploying, and hosting.
appId (string) --
Unique Id for the Amplify App.
appArn (string) --
ARN for the Amplify App.
name (string) --
Name for the Amplify App.
tags (dict) --
Tag for Amplify App.
(string) --
(string) --
description (string) --
Description for the Amplify App.
repository (string) --
Repository for the Amplify App.
platform (string) --
Platform for the Amplify App.
createTime (datetime) --
Create date / time for the Amplify App.
updateTime (datetime) --
Update date / time for the Amplify App.
iamServiceRoleArn (string) --
IAM service role ARN for the Amplify App.
environmentVariables (dict) --
Environment Variables for the Amplify App.
(string) --
(string) --
defaultDomain (string) --
Default domain for the Amplify App.
enableBranchAutoBuild (boolean) --
Enables auto-building of branches for the Amplify App.
enableBasicAuth (boolean) --
Enables Basic Authorization for branches for the Amplify App.
basicAuthCredentials (string) --
Basic Authorization credentials for branches for the Amplify App.
customRules (list) --
Custom redirect / rewrite rules for the Amplify App.
(dict) --
Custom rewrite / redirect rule.
source (string) --
The source pattern for a URL rewrite or redirect rule.
target (string) --
The target pattern for a URL rewrite or redirect rule.
status (string) --
The status code for a URL rewrite or redirect rule.
condition (string) --
The condition for a URL rewrite or redirect rule, e.g. country code.
productionBranch (dict) --
Structure with Production Branch information.
lastDeployTime (datetime) --
Last Deploy Time of Production Branch.
status (string) --
Status of Production Branch.
thumbnailUrl (string) --
Thumbnail URL for Production Branch.
branchName (string) --
Branch Name for Production Branch.
buildSpec (string) --
BuildSpec content for Amplify App.
enableAutoBranchCreation (boolean) --
Enables automated branch creation for the Amplify App.
autoBranchCreationPatterns (list) --
Automated branch creation glob patterns for the Amplify App.
(string) --
autoBranchCreationConfig (dict) --
Automated branch creation config for the Amplify App.
stage (string) --
Stage for the auto created branch.
framework (string) --
Framework for the auto created branch.
enableAutoBuild (boolean) --
Enables auto building for the auto created branch.
environmentVariables (dict) --
Environment Variables for the auto created branch.
(string) --
(string) --
basicAuthCredentials (string) --
Basic Authorization credentials for the auto created branch.
enableBasicAuth (boolean) --
Enables Basic Auth for the auto created branch.
buildSpec (string) --
BuildSpec for the auto created branch.
{'branch': {'associatedResources': ['string']}}
Retrieves a branch for an Amplify App.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_branch( appId='string', branchName='string' )
Unique Id for an Amplify App.
Name for the branch.
Response Syntax
{ 'branch': { 'branchArn': 'string', 'branchName': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'stage': 'PRODUCTION'|'BETA'|'DEVELOPMENT'|'EXPERIMENTAL', 'displayName': 'string', 'enableNotification': True|False, 'createTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'updateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'environmentVariables': { 'string': 'string' }, 'enableAutoBuild': True|False, 'customDomains': [ 'string', ], 'framework': 'string', 'activeJobId': 'string', 'totalNumberOfJobs': 'string', 'enableBasicAuth': True|False, 'thumbnailUrl': 'string', 'basicAuthCredentials': 'string', 'buildSpec': 'string', 'ttl': 'string', 'associatedResources': [ 'string', ] } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
branch (dict) --
Branch for an Amplify App, which maps to a 3rd party repository branch.
branchArn (string) --
ARN for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
branchName (string) --
Name for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
description (string) --
Description for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
tags (dict) --
Tag for branch for Amplify App.
(string) --
(string) --
stage (string) --
Stage for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
displayName (string) --
Display name for a branch, will use as the default domain prefix.
enableNotification (boolean) --
Enables notifications for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
createTime (datetime) --
Creation date and time for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
updateTime (datetime) --
Last updated date and time for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
environmentVariables (dict) --
Environment Variables specific to a branch, part of an Amplify App.
(string) --
(string) --
enableAutoBuild (boolean) --
Enables auto-building on push for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
customDomains (list) --
Custom domains for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
(string) --
framework (string) --
Framework for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
activeJobId (string) --
Id of the active job for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
totalNumberOfJobs (string) --
Total number of Jobs part of an Amplify App.
enableBasicAuth (boolean) --
Enables Basic Authorization for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
thumbnailUrl (string) --
Thumbnail URL for the branch.
basicAuthCredentials (string) --
Basic Authorization credentials for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
buildSpec (string) --
BuildSpec content for branch for Amplify App.
ttl (string) --
The content TTL for the website in seconds.
associatedResources (list) --
List of custom resources that are linked to this branch.
(string) --
{'domainAssociation': {'domainStatus': {'CREATING', 'REQUESTING_CERTIFICATE', 'UPDATING'}}}
Retrieves domain info that corresponds to an appId and domainName.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_domain_association( appId='string', domainName='string' )
Unique Id for an Amplify App.
Name of the domain.
Response Syntax
{ 'domainAssociation': { 'domainAssociationArn': 'string', 'domainName': 'string', 'enableAutoSubDomain': True|False, 'domainStatus': 'PENDING_VERIFICATION'|'IN_PROGRESS'|'AVAILABLE'|'PENDING_DEPLOYMENT'|'FAILED'|'CREATING'|'REQUESTING_CERTIFICATE'|'UPDATING', 'statusReason': 'string', 'certificateVerificationDNSRecord': 'string', 'subDomains': [ { 'subDomainSetting': { 'prefix': 'string', 'branchName': 'string' }, 'verified': True|False, 'dnsRecord': 'string' }, ] } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Result structure for the get Domain Association request.
domainAssociation (dict) --
Domain Association structure.
domainAssociationArn (string) --
ARN for the Domain Association.
domainName (string) --
Name of the domain.
enableAutoSubDomain (boolean) --
Enables automated creation of Subdomains for branches.
domainStatus (string) --
Status fo the Domain Association.
statusReason (string) --
Reason for the current status of the Domain Association.
certificateVerificationDNSRecord (string) --
DNS Record for certificate verification.
subDomains (list) --
Subdomains for the Domain Association.
(dict) --
Subdomain for the Domain Association.
subDomainSetting (dict) --
Setting structure for the Subdomain.
prefix (string) --
Prefix setting for the Subdomain.
branchName (string) --
Branch name setting for the Subdomain.
verified (boolean) --
Verified status of the Subdomain
dnsRecord (string) --
DNS record for the Subdomain.
{'job': {'steps': {'context': 'string', 'statusReason': 'string'}, 'summary': {'jobType': {'MANUAL'}}}}
Get a job for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_job( appId='string', branchName='string', jobId='string' )
Unique Id for an Amplify App.
Name for the branch, for the Job.
Unique Id for the Job.
Response Syntax
{ 'job': { 'summary': { 'jobArn': 'string', 'jobId': 'string', 'commitId': 'string', 'commitMessage': 'string', 'commitTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'startTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'status': 'PENDING'|'PROVISIONING'|'RUNNING'|'FAILED'|'SUCCEED'|'CANCELLING'|'CANCELLED', 'endTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'jobType': 'RELEASE'|'RETRY'|'MANUAL'|'WEB_HOOK' }, 'steps': [ { 'stepName': 'string', 'startTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'status': 'PENDING'|'PROVISIONING'|'RUNNING'|'FAILED'|'SUCCEED'|'CANCELLING'|'CANCELLED', 'endTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'logUrl': 'string', 'artifactsUrl': 'string', 'screenshots': { 'string': 'string' }, 'statusReason': 'string', 'context': 'string' }, ] } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
job (dict) --
Structure for an execution job for an Amplify App.
summary (dict) --
Summary for an execution job for an Amplify App.
jobArn (string) --
Arn for the Job.
jobId (string) --
Unique Id for the Job.
commitId (string) --
Commit Id from 3rd party repository provider for the Job.
commitMessage (string) --
Commit message from 3rd party repository provider for the Job.
commitTime (datetime) --
Commit date / time for the Job.
startTime (datetime) --
Start date / time for the Job.
status (string) --
Status for the Job.
endTime (datetime) --
End date / time for the Job.
jobType (string) --
Type for the Job. n "RELEASE": Manually released from source by using StartJob API. "RETRY": Manually retried by using StartJob API. "WEB_HOOK": Automatically triggered by WebHooks.
steps (list) --
Execution steps for an execution job, for an Amplify App.
(dict) --
Structure for an execution step for an execution job, for an Amplify App.
stepName (string) --
Name of the execution step.
startTime (datetime) --
Start date/ time of the execution step.
status (string) --
Status of the execution step.
endTime (datetime) --
End date/ time of the execution step.
logUrl (string) --
URL to the logs for the execution step.
artifactsUrl (string) --
URL to the artifact for the execution step.
screenshots (dict) --
List of screenshot URLs for the execution step, if relevant.
(string) --
(string) --
statusReason (string) --
The reason for current step status.
context (string) --
The context for current step, will include build image if step is build.
{'apps': {'autoBranchCreationConfig': {'basicAuthCredentials': 'string', 'buildSpec': 'string', 'enableAutoBuild': 'boolean', 'enableBasicAuth': 'boolean', 'environmentVariables': {'string': 'string'}, 'framework': 'string', 'stage': 'PRODUCTION | BETA | ' 'DEVELOPMENT | EXPERIMENTAL'}, 'autoBranchCreationPatterns': ['string'], 'enableAutoBranchCreation': 'boolean'}}
Lists existing Amplify Apps.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.list_apps( nextToken='string', maxResults=123 )
Pagination token. If non-null pagination token is returned in a result, then pass its value in another request to fetch more entries.
Maximum number of records to list in a single response.
Response Syntax
{ 'apps': [ { 'appId': 'string', 'appArn': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'description': 'string', 'repository': 'string', 'platform': 'WEB', 'createTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'updateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'iamServiceRoleArn': 'string', 'environmentVariables': { 'string': 'string' }, 'defaultDomain': 'string', 'enableBranchAutoBuild': True|False, 'enableBasicAuth': True|False, 'basicAuthCredentials': 'string', 'customRules': [ { 'source': 'string', 'target': 'string', 'status': 'string', 'condition': 'string' }, ], 'productionBranch': { 'lastDeployTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'status': 'string', 'thumbnailUrl': 'string', 'branchName': 'string' }, 'buildSpec': 'string', 'enableAutoBranchCreation': True|False, 'autoBranchCreationPatterns': [ 'string', ], 'autoBranchCreationConfig': { 'stage': 'PRODUCTION'|'BETA'|'DEVELOPMENT'|'EXPERIMENTAL', 'framework': 'string', 'enableAutoBuild': True|False, 'environmentVariables': { 'string': 'string' }, 'basicAuthCredentials': 'string', 'enableBasicAuth': True|False, 'buildSpec': 'string' } }, ], 'nextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Result structure for an Amplify App list request.
apps (list) --
List of Amplify Apps.
(dict) --
Amplify App represents different branches of a repository for building, deploying, and hosting.
appId (string) --
Unique Id for the Amplify App.
appArn (string) --
ARN for the Amplify App.
name (string) --
Name for the Amplify App.
tags (dict) --
Tag for Amplify App.
(string) --
(string) --
description (string) --
Description for the Amplify App.
repository (string) --
Repository for the Amplify App.
platform (string) --
Platform for the Amplify App.
createTime (datetime) --
Create date / time for the Amplify App.
updateTime (datetime) --
Update date / time for the Amplify App.
iamServiceRoleArn (string) --
IAM service role ARN for the Amplify App.
environmentVariables (dict) --
Environment Variables for the Amplify App.
(string) --
(string) --
defaultDomain (string) --
Default domain for the Amplify App.
enableBranchAutoBuild (boolean) --
Enables auto-building of branches for the Amplify App.
enableBasicAuth (boolean) --
Enables Basic Authorization for branches for the Amplify App.
basicAuthCredentials (string) --
Basic Authorization credentials for branches for the Amplify App.
customRules (list) --
Custom redirect / rewrite rules for the Amplify App.
(dict) --
Custom rewrite / redirect rule.
source (string) --
The source pattern for a URL rewrite or redirect rule.
target (string) --
The target pattern for a URL rewrite or redirect rule.
status (string) --
The status code for a URL rewrite or redirect rule.
condition (string) --
The condition for a URL rewrite or redirect rule, e.g. country code.
productionBranch (dict) --
Structure with Production Branch information.
lastDeployTime (datetime) --
Last Deploy Time of Production Branch.
status (string) --
Status of Production Branch.
thumbnailUrl (string) --
Thumbnail URL for Production Branch.
branchName (string) --
Branch Name for Production Branch.
buildSpec (string) --
BuildSpec content for Amplify App.
enableAutoBranchCreation (boolean) --
Enables automated branch creation for the Amplify App.
autoBranchCreationPatterns (list) --
Automated branch creation glob patterns for the Amplify App.
(string) --
autoBranchCreationConfig (dict) --
Automated branch creation config for the Amplify App.
stage (string) --
Stage for the auto created branch.
framework (string) --
Framework for the auto created branch.
enableAutoBuild (boolean) --
Enables auto building for the auto created branch.
environmentVariables (dict) --
Environment Variables for the auto created branch.
(string) --
(string) --
basicAuthCredentials (string) --
Basic Authorization credentials for the auto created branch.
enableBasicAuth (boolean) --
Enables Basic Auth for the auto created branch.
buildSpec (string) --
BuildSpec for the auto created branch.
nextToken (string) --
Pagination token. Set to null to start listing Apps from start. If non-null pagination token is returned in a result, then pass its value in here to list more projects.
{'branches': {'associatedResources': ['string']}}
Lists branches for an Amplify App.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.list_branches( appId='string', nextToken='string', maxResults=123 )
Unique Id for an Amplify App.
Pagination token. Set to null to start listing branches from start. If a non-null pagination token is returned in a result, then pass its value in here to list more branches.
Maximum number of records to list in a single response.
Response Syntax
{ 'branches': [ { 'branchArn': 'string', 'branchName': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'stage': 'PRODUCTION'|'BETA'|'DEVELOPMENT'|'EXPERIMENTAL', 'displayName': 'string', 'enableNotification': True|False, 'createTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'updateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'environmentVariables': { 'string': 'string' }, 'enableAutoBuild': True|False, 'customDomains': [ 'string', ], 'framework': 'string', 'activeJobId': 'string', 'totalNumberOfJobs': 'string', 'enableBasicAuth': True|False, 'thumbnailUrl': 'string', 'basicAuthCredentials': 'string', 'buildSpec': 'string', 'ttl': 'string', 'associatedResources': [ 'string', ] }, ], 'nextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Result structure for list branches request.
branches (list) --
List of branches for an Amplify App.
(dict) --
Branch for an Amplify App, which maps to a 3rd party repository branch.
branchArn (string) --
ARN for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
branchName (string) --
Name for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
description (string) --
Description for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
tags (dict) --
Tag for branch for Amplify App.
(string) --
(string) --
stage (string) --
Stage for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
displayName (string) --
Display name for a branch, will use as the default domain prefix.
enableNotification (boolean) --
Enables notifications for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
createTime (datetime) --
Creation date and time for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
updateTime (datetime) --
Last updated date and time for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
environmentVariables (dict) --
Environment Variables specific to a branch, part of an Amplify App.
(string) --
(string) --
enableAutoBuild (boolean) --
Enables auto-building on push for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
customDomains (list) --
Custom domains for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
(string) --
framework (string) --
Framework for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
activeJobId (string) --
Id of the active job for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
totalNumberOfJobs (string) --
Total number of Jobs part of an Amplify App.
enableBasicAuth (boolean) --
Enables Basic Authorization for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
thumbnailUrl (string) --
Thumbnail URL for the branch.
basicAuthCredentials (string) --
Basic Authorization credentials for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
buildSpec (string) --
BuildSpec content for branch for Amplify App.
ttl (string) --
The content TTL for the website in seconds.
associatedResources (list) --
List of custom resources that are linked to this branch.
(string) --
nextToken (string) --
Pagination token. If non-null pagination token is returned in a result, then pass its value in another request to fetch more entries.
{'domainAssociations': {'domainStatus': {'CREATING', 'REQUESTING_CERTIFICATE', 'UPDATING'}}}
List domains with an app
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.list_domain_associations( appId='string', nextToken='string', maxResults=123 )
Unique Id for an Amplify App.
Pagination token. Set to null to start listing Apps from start. If non-null pagination token is returned in a result, then pass its value in here to list more projects.
Maximum number of records to list in a single response.
Response Syntax
{ 'domainAssociations': [ { 'domainAssociationArn': 'string', 'domainName': 'string', 'enableAutoSubDomain': True|False, 'domainStatus': 'PENDING_VERIFICATION'|'IN_PROGRESS'|'AVAILABLE'|'PENDING_DEPLOYMENT'|'FAILED'|'CREATING'|'REQUESTING_CERTIFICATE'|'UPDATING', 'statusReason': 'string', 'certificateVerificationDNSRecord': 'string', 'subDomains': [ { 'subDomainSetting': { 'prefix': 'string', 'branchName': 'string' }, 'verified': True|False, 'dnsRecord': 'string' }, ] }, ], 'nextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Result structure for the list Domain Association request.
domainAssociations (list) --
List of Domain Associations.
(dict) --
Structure for Domain Association, which associates a custom domain with an Amplify App.
domainAssociationArn (string) --
ARN for the Domain Association.
domainName (string) --
Name of the domain.
enableAutoSubDomain (boolean) --
Enables automated creation of Subdomains for branches.
domainStatus (string) --
Status fo the Domain Association.
statusReason (string) --
Reason for the current status of the Domain Association.
certificateVerificationDNSRecord (string) --
DNS Record for certificate verification.
subDomains (list) --
Subdomains for the Domain Association.
(dict) --
Subdomain for the Domain Association.
subDomainSetting (dict) --
Setting structure for the Subdomain.
prefix (string) --
Prefix setting for the Subdomain.
branchName (string) --
Branch name setting for the Subdomain.
verified (boolean) --
Verified status of the Subdomain
dnsRecord (string) --
DNS record for the Subdomain.
nextToken (string) --
Pagination token. If non-null pagination token is returned in a result, then pass its value in another request to fetch more entries.
{'jobSummaries': {'jobType': {'MANUAL'}}}
List Jobs for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.list_jobs( appId='string', branchName='string', nextToken='string', maxResults=123 )
Unique Id for an Amplify App.
Name for a branch.
Pagination token. Set to null to start listing steps from start. If a non-null pagination token is returned in a result, then pass its value in here to list more steps.
Maximum number of records to list in a single response.
Response Syntax
{ 'jobSummaries': [ { 'jobArn': 'string', 'jobId': 'string', 'commitId': 'string', 'commitMessage': 'string', 'commitTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'startTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'status': 'PENDING'|'PROVISIONING'|'RUNNING'|'FAILED'|'SUCCEED'|'CANCELLING'|'CANCELLED', 'endTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'jobType': 'RELEASE'|'RETRY'|'MANUAL'|'WEB_HOOK' }, ], 'nextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Maximum number of records to list in a single response.
jobSummaries (list) --
Result structure for list job result request.
(dict) --
Structure for the summary of a Job.
jobArn (string) --
Arn for the Job.
jobId (string) --
Unique Id for the Job.
commitId (string) --
Commit Id from 3rd party repository provider for the Job.
commitMessage (string) --
Commit message from 3rd party repository provider for the Job.
commitTime (datetime) --
Commit date / time for the Job.
startTime (datetime) --
Start date / time for the Job.
status (string) --
Status for the Job.
endTime (datetime) --
End date / time for the Job.
jobType (string) --
Type for the Job. n "RELEASE": Manually released from source by using StartJob API. "RETRY": Manually retried by using StartJob API. "WEB_HOOK": Automatically triggered by WebHooks.
nextToken (string) --
Pagination token. If non-null pagination token is returned in a result, then pass its value in another request to fetch more entries.
{'jobType': {'MANUAL'}}Response
{'jobSummary': {'jobType': {'MANUAL'}}}
Starts a new job for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.start_job( appId='string', branchName='string', jobId='string', jobType='RELEASE'|'RETRY'|'MANUAL'|'WEB_HOOK', jobReason='string', commitId='string', commitMessage='string', commitTime=datetime(2015, 1, 1) )
Unique Id for an Amplify App.
Name for the branch, for the Job.
Unique Id for an existing job. Required for "RETRY" JobType.
Type for the Job. Available JobTypes are: n "RELEASE": Start a new job with the latest change from the specified branch. Only available for apps that have connected to a repository. "RETRY": Retry an existing job. JobId is required for this type of job.
Descriptive reason for starting this job.
Commit Id from 3rd party repository provider for the Job.
Commit message from 3rd party repository provider for the Job.
Commit date / time for the Job.
Response Syntax
{ 'jobSummary': { 'jobArn': 'string', 'jobId': 'string', 'commitId': 'string', 'commitMessage': 'string', 'commitTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'startTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'status': 'PENDING'|'PROVISIONING'|'RUNNING'|'FAILED'|'SUCCEED'|'CANCELLING'|'CANCELLED', 'endTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'jobType': 'RELEASE'|'RETRY'|'MANUAL'|'WEB_HOOK' } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Result structure for run job request.
jobSummary (dict) --
Summary for the Job.
jobArn (string) --
Arn for the Job.
jobId (string) --
Unique Id for the Job.
commitId (string) --
Commit Id from 3rd party repository provider for the Job.
commitMessage (string) --
Commit message from 3rd party repository provider for the Job.
commitTime (datetime) --
Commit date / time for the Job.
startTime (datetime) --
Start date / time for the Job.
status (string) --
Status for the Job.
endTime (datetime) --
End date / time for the Job.
jobType (string) --
Type for the Job. n "RELEASE": Manually released from source by using StartJob API. "RETRY": Manually retried by using StartJob API. "WEB_HOOK": Automatically triggered by WebHooks.
{'jobSummary': {'jobType': {'MANUAL'}}}
Stop a job that is in progress, for an Amplify branch, part of Amplify App.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.stop_job( appId='string', branchName='string', jobId='string' )
Unique Id for an Amplify App.
Name for the branch, for the Job.
Unique Id for the Job.
Response Syntax
{ 'jobSummary': { 'jobArn': 'string', 'jobId': 'string', 'commitId': 'string', 'commitMessage': 'string', 'commitTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'startTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'status': 'PENDING'|'PROVISIONING'|'RUNNING'|'FAILED'|'SUCCEED'|'CANCELLING'|'CANCELLED', 'endTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'jobType': 'RELEASE'|'RETRY'|'MANUAL'|'WEB_HOOK' } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Result structure for the stop job request.
jobSummary (dict) --
Summary for the Job.
jobArn (string) --
Arn for the Job.
jobId (string) --
Unique Id for the Job.
commitId (string) --
Commit Id from 3rd party repository provider for the Job.
commitMessage (string) --
Commit message from 3rd party repository provider for the Job.
commitTime (datetime) --
Commit date / time for the Job.
startTime (datetime) --
Start date / time for the Job.
status (string) --
Status for the Job.
endTime (datetime) --
End date / time for the Job.
jobType (string) --
Type for the Job. n "RELEASE": Manually released from source by using StartJob API. "RETRY": Manually retried by using StartJob API. "WEB_HOOK": Automatically triggered by WebHooks.
{'autoBranchCreationConfig': {'basicAuthCredentials': 'string', 'buildSpec': 'string', 'enableAutoBuild': 'boolean', 'enableBasicAuth': 'boolean', 'environmentVariables': {'string': 'string'}, 'framework': 'string', 'stage': 'PRODUCTION | BETA | DEVELOPMENT | ' 'EXPERIMENTAL'}, 'autoBranchCreationPatterns': ['string'], 'enableAutoBranchCreation': 'boolean'}Response
{'app': {'autoBranchCreationConfig': {'basicAuthCredentials': 'string', 'buildSpec': 'string', 'enableAutoBuild': 'boolean', 'enableBasicAuth': 'boolean', 'environmentVariables': {'string': 'string'}, 'framework': 'string', 'stage': 'PRODUCTION | BETA | ' 'DEVELOPMENT | EXPERIMENTAL'}, 'autoBranchCreationPatterns': ['string'], 'enableAutoBranchCreation': 'boolean'}}
Updates an existing Amplify App.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.update_app( appId='string', name='string', description='string', platform='WEB', iamServiceRoleArn='string', environmentVariables={ 'string': 'string' }, enableBranchAutoBuild=True|False, enableBasicAuth=True|False, basicAuthCredentials='string', customRules=[ { 'source': 'string', 'target': 'string', 'status': 'string', 'condition': 'string' }, ], buildSpec='string', enableAutoBranchCreation=True|False, autoBranchCreationPatterns=[ 'string', ], autoBranchCreationConfig={ 'stage': 'PRODUCTION'|'BETA'|'DEVELOPMENT'|'EXPERIMENTAL', 'framework': 'string', 'enableAutoBuild': True|False, 'environmentVariables': { 'string': 'string' }, 'basicAuthCredentials': 'string', 'enableBasicAuth': True|False, 'buildSpec': 'string' } )
Unique Id for an Amplify App.
Name for an Amplify App.
Description for an Amplify App.
Platform for an Amplify App.
IAM service role for an Amplify App.
Environment Variables for an Amplify App.
(string) --
(string) --
Enables branch auto-building for an Amplify App.
Enables Basic Authorization for an Amplify App.
Basic Authorization credentials for an Amplify App.
Custom redirect / rewrite rules for an Amplify App.
(dict) --
Custom rewrite / redirect rule.
source (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The source pattern for a URL rewrite or redirect rule.
target (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The target pattern for a URL rewrite or redirect rule.
status (string) --
The status code for a URL rewrite or redirect rule.
condition (string) --
The condition for a URL rewrite or redirect rule, e.g. country code.
BuildSpec for an Amplify App.
Enables automated branch creation for the Amplify App.
Automated branch creation glob patterns for the Amplify App.
(string) --
Automated branch creation config for the Amplify App.
stage (string) --
Stage for the auto created branch.
framework (string) --
Framework for the auto created branch.
enableAutoBuild (boolean) --
Enables auto building for the auto created branch.
environmentVariables (dict) --
Environment Variables for the auto created branch.
(string) --
(string) --
basicAuthCredentials (string) --
Basic Authorization credentials for the auto created branch.
enableBasicAuth (boolean) --
Enables Basic Auth for the auto created branch.
buildSpec (string) --
BuildSpec for the auto created branch.
Response Syntax
{ 'app': { 'appId': 'string', 'appArn': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'description': 'string', 'repository': 'string', 'platform': 'WEB', 'createTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'updateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'iamServiceRoleArn': 'string', 'environmentVariables': { 'string': 'string' }, 'defaultDomain': 'string', 'enableBranchAutoBuild': True|False, 'enableBasicAuth': True|False, 'basicAuthCredentials': 'string', 'customRules': [ { 'source': 'string', 'target': 'string', 'status': 'string', 'condition': 'string' }, ], 'productionBranch': { 'lastDeployTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'status': 'string', 'thumbnailUrl': 'string', 'branchName': 'string' }, 'buildSpec': 'string', 'enableAutoBranchCreation': True|False, 'autoBranchCreationPatterns': [ 'string', ], 'autoBranchCreationConfig': { 'stage': 'PRODUCTION'|'BETA'|'DEVELOPMENT'|'EXPERIMENTAL', 'framework': 'string', 'enableAutoBuild': True|False, 'environmentVariables': { 'string': 'string' }, 'basicAuthCredentials': 'string', 'enableBasicAuth': True|False, 'buildSpec': 'string' } } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Result structure for an Amplify App update request.
app (dict) --
App structure for the updated App.
appId (string) --
Unique Id for the Amplify App.
appArn (string) --
ARN for the Amplify App.
name (string) --
Name for the Amplify App.
tags (dict) --
Tag for Amplify App.
(string) --
(string) --
description (string) --
Description for the Amplify App.
repository (string) --
Repository for the Amplify App.
platform (string) --
Platform for the Amplify App.
createTime (datetime) --
Create date / time for the Amplify App.
updateTime (datetime) --
Update date / time for the Amplify App.
iamServiceRoleArn (string) --
IAM service role ARN for the Amplify App.
environmentVariables (dict) --
Environment Variables for the Amplify App.
(string) --
(string) --
defaultDomain (string) --
Default domain for the Amplify App.
enableBranchAutoBuild (boolean) --
Enables auto-building of branches for the Amplify App.
enableBasicAuth (boolean) --
Enables Basic Authorization for branches for the Amplify App.
basicAuthCredentials (string) --
Basic Authorization credentials for branches for the Amplify App.
customRules (list) --
Custom redirect / rewrite rules for the Amplify App.
(dict) --
Custom rewrite / redirect rule.
source (string) --
The source pattern for a URL rewrite or redirect rule.
target (string) --
The target pattern for a URL rewrite or redirect rule.
status (string) --
The status code for a URL rewrite or redirect rule.
condition (string) --
The condition for a URL rewrite or redirect rule, e.g. country code.
productionBranch (dict) --
Structure with Production Branch information.
lastDeployTime (datetime) --
Last Deploy Time of Production Branch.
status (string) --
Status of Production Branch.
thumbnailUrl (string) --
Thumbnail URL for Production Branch.
branchName (string) --
Branch Name for Production Branch.
buildSpec (string) --
BuildSpec content for Amplify App.
enableAutoBranchCreation (boolean) --
Enables automated branch creation for the Amplify App.
autoBranchCreationPatterns (list) --
Automated branch creation glob patterns for the Amplify App.
(string) --
autoBranchCreationConfig (dict) --
Automated branch creation config for the Amplify App.
stage (string) --
Stage for the auto created branch.
framework (string) --
Framework for the auto created branch.
enableAutoBuild (boolean) --
Enables auto building for the auto created branch.
environmentVariables (dict) --
Environment Variables for the auto created branch.
(string) --
(string) --
basicAuthCredentials (string) --
Basic Authorization credentials for the auto created branch.
enableBasicAuth (boolean) --
Enables Basic Auth for the auto created branch.
buildSpec (string) --
BuildSpec for the auto created branch.
{'displayName': 'string'}Response
{'branch': {'associatedResources': ['string']}}
Updates a branch for an Amplify App.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.update_branch( appId='string', branchName='string', description='string', framework='string', stage='PRODUCTION'|'BETA'|'DEVELOPMENT'|'EXPERIMENTAL', enableNotification=True|False, enableAutoBuild=True|False, environmentVariables={ 'string': 'string' }, basicAuthCredentials='string', enableBasicAuth=True|False, buildSpec='string', ttl='string', displayName='string' )
Unique Id for an Amplify App.
Name for the branch.
Description for the branch.
Framework for the branch.
Stage for the branch.
Enables notifications for the branch.
Enables auto building for the branch.
Environment Variables for the branch.
(string) --
(string) --
Basic Authorization credentials for the branch.
Enables Basic Auth for the branch.
BuildSpec for the branch.
The content TTL for the website in seconds.
Display name for a branch, will use as the default domain prefix.
Response Syntax
{ 'branch': { 'branchArn': 'string', 'branchName': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'stage': 'PRODUCTION'|'BETA'|'DEVELOPMENT'|'EXPERIMENTAL', 'displayName': 'string', 'enableNotification': True|False, 'createTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'updateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'environmentVariables': { 'string': 'string' }, 'enableAutoBuild': True|False, 'customDomains': [ 'string', ], 'framework': 'string', 'activeJobId': 'string', 'totalNumberOfJobs': 'string', 'enableBasicAuth': True|False, 'thumbnailUrl': 'string', 'basicAuthCredentials': 'string', 'buildSpec': 'string', 'ttl': 'string', 'associatedResources': [ 'string', ] } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Result structure for update branch request.
branch (dict) --
Branch structure for an Amplify App.
branchArn (string) --
ARN for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
branchName (string) --
Name for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
description (string) --
Description for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
tags (dict) --
Tag for branch for Amplify App.
(string) --
(string) --
stage (string) --
Stage for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
displayName (string) --
Display name for a branch, will use as the default domain prefix.
enableNotification (boolean) --
Enables notifications for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
createTime (datetime) --
Creation date and time for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
updateTime (datetime) --
Last updated date and time for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
environmentVariables (dict) --
Environment Variables specific to a branch, part of an Amplify App.
(string) --
(string) --
enableAutoBuild (boolean) --
Enables auto-building on push for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
customDomains (list) --
Custom domains for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
(string) --
framework (string) --
Framework for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
activeJobId (string) --
Id of the active job for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
totalNumberOfJobs (string) --
Total number of Jobs part of an Amplify App.
enableBasicAuth (boolean) --
Enables Basic Authorization for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
thumbnailUrl (string) --
Thumbnail URL for the branch.
basicAuthCredentials (string) --
Basic Authorization credentials for a branch, part of an Amplify App.
buildSpec (string) --
BuildSpec content for branch for Amplify App.
ttl (string) --
The content TTL for the website in seconds.
associatedResources (list) --
List of custom resources that are linked to this branch.
(string) --
{'domainAssociation': {'domainStatus': {'CREATING', 'REQUESTING_CERTIFICATE', 'UPDATING'}}}
Create a new DomainAssociation on an App
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.update_domain_association( appId='string', domainName='string', enableAutoSubDomain=True|False, subDomainSettings=[ { 'prefix': 'string', 'branchName': 'string' }, ] )
Unique Id for an Amplify App.
Name of the domain.
Enables automated creation of Subdomains for branches.
Setting structure for the Subdomain.
(dict) --
Setting for the Subdomain.
prefix (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Prefix setting for the Subdomain.
branchName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Branch name setting for the Subdomain.
Response Syntax
{ 'domainAssociation': { 'domainAssociationArn': 'string', 'domainName': 'string', 'enableAutoSubDomain': True|False, 'domainStatus': 'PENDING_VERIFICATION'|'IN_PROGRESS'|'AVAILABLE'|'PENDING_DEPLOYMENT'|'FAILED'|'CREATING'|'REQUESTING_CERTIFICATE'|'UPDATING', 'statusReason': 'string', 'certificateVerificationDNSRecord': 'string', 'subDomains': [ { 'subDomainSetting': { 'prefix': 'string', 'branchName': 'string' }, 'verified': True|False, 'dnsRecord': 'string' }, ] } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Result structure for the update Domain Association request.
domainAssociation (dict) --
Domain Association structure.
domainAssociationArn (string) --
ARN for the Domain Association.
domainName (string) --
Name of the domain.
enableAutoSubDomain (boolean) --
Enables automated creation of Subdomains for branches.
domainStatus (string) --
Status fo the Domain Association.
statusReason (string) --
Reason for the current status of the Domain Association.
certificateVerificationDNSRecord (string) --
DNS Record for certificate verification.
subDomains (list) --
Subdomains for the Domain Association.
(dict) --
Subdomain for the Domain Association.
subDomainSetting (dict) --
Setting structure for the Subdomain.
prefix (string) --
Prefix setting for the Subdomain.
branchName (string) --
Branch name setting for the Subdomain.
verified (boolean) --
Verified status of the Subdomain
dnsRecord (string) --
DNS record for the Subdomain.