2023/08/04 - AWS DataSync - 2 updated api methods
Changes Display cloud storage used capacity at a cluster level.
{'Metrics': {'Capacity': {'ClusterCloudStorageUsed': 'long'}}}
Returns information, including performance data and capacity usage, which DataSync Discovery collects about a specific resource in your-premises storage system.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.describe_storage_system_resource_metrics( DiscoveryJobArn='string', ResourceType='SVM'|'VOLUME'|'CLUSTER', ResourceId='string', StartTime=datetime(2015, 1, 1), EndTime=datetime(2015, 1, 1), MaxResults=123, NextToken='string' )
Specifies the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the discovery job that collects information about your on-premises storage system.
Specifies the kind of storage system resource that you want information about.
Specifies the universally unique identifier (UUID) of the storage system resource that you want information about.
Specifies a time within the total duration that the discovery job ran. To see information gathered during a certain time frame, use this parameter with EndTime .
Specifies a time within the total duration that the discovery job ran. To see information gathered during a certain time frame, use this parameter with StartTime .
Specifies how many results that you want in the response.
Specifies an opaque string that indicates the position to begin the next list of results in the response.
Response Syntax
{ 'Metrics': [ { 'Timestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'P95Metrics': { 'IOPS': { 'Read': 123.0, 'Write': 123.0, 'Other': 123.0, 'Total': 123.0 }, 'Throughput': { 'Read': 123.0, 'Write': 123.0, 'Other': 123.0, 'Total': 123.0 }, 'Latency': { 'Read': 123.0, 'Write': 123.0, 'Other': 123.0 } }, 'Capacity': { 'Used': 123, 'Provisioned': 123, 'LogicalUsed': 123, 'ClusterCloudStorageUsed': 123 }, 'ResourceId': 'string', 'ResourceType': 'SVM'|'VOLUME'|'CLUSTER' }, ], 'NextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Metrics (list) --
The details that your discovery job collected about your storage system resource.
(dict) --
Information, including performance data and capacity usage, provided by DataSync Discovery about a resource in your on-premises storage system.
Timestamp (datetime) --
The time when DataSync Discovery collected this information from the resource.
P95Metrics (dict) --
The types of performance data that DataSync Discovery collects about the on-premises storage system resource.
IOPS (dict) --
The IOPS peaks for an on-premises storage system resource. Each data point represents the 95th percentile peak value during a 1-hour interval.
Read (float) --
Peak IOPS related to read operations.
Write (float) --
Peak IOPS related to write operations.
Other (float) --
Peak IOPS unrelated to read and write operations.
Total (float) --
Peak total IOPS on your on-premises storage system resource.
Throughput (dict) --
The throughput peaks for an on-premises storage system resource. Each data point represents the 95th percentile peak value during a 1-hour interval.
Read (float) --
Peak throughput related to read operations.
Write (float) --
Peak throughput related to write operations.
Other (float) --
Peak throughput unrelated to read and write operations.
Total (float) --
Peak total throughput on your on-premises storage system resource.
Latency (dict) --
The latency peaks for an on-premises storage system resource. Each data point represents the 95th percentile peak value during a 1-hour interval.
Read (float) --
Peak latency for read operations.
Write (float) --
Peak latency for write operations.
Other (float) --
Peak latency for operations unrelated to read and write operations.
Capacity (dict) --
The storage capacity of the on-premises storage system resource.
Used (integer) --
The amount of space that's being used in a storage system resource.
Provisioned (integer) --
The total amount of space available in a storage system resource.
LogicalUsed (integer) --
The amount of space that's being used in a storage system resource without accounting for compression or deduplication.
ClusterCloudStorageUsed (integer) --
The amount of space in the cluster that's in cloud storage (for example, if you're using data tiering).
ResourceId (string) --
The universally unique identifier (UUID) of the on-premises storage system resource.
ResourceType (string) --
The type of on-premises storage system resource.
NextToken (string) --
The opaque string that indicates the position to begin the next list of results in the response.
{'ResourceDetails': {'NetAppONTAPClusters': {'ClusterCloudStorageUsed': 'long'}}}
Returns information that DataSync Discovery collects about resources in your on-premises storage system.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.describe_storage_system_resources( DiscoveryJobArn='string', ResourceType='SVM'|'VOLUME'|'CLUSTER', ResourceIds=[ 'string', ], Filter={ 'string': [ 'string', ] }, MaxResults=123, NextToken='string' )
Specifies the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the discovery job that's collecting data from your on-premises storage system.
Specifies what kind of storage system resources that you want information about.
Specifies the universally unique identifiers (UUIDs) of the storage system resources that you want information about. You can't use this parameter in combination with the Filter parameter.
(string) --
Filters the storage system resources that you want returned. For example, this might be volumes associated with a specific storage virtual machine (SVM).
(string) --
(list) --
(string) --
Specifies the maximum number of storage system resources that you want to list in a response.
Specifies an opaque string that indicates the position to begin the next list of results in the response.
Response Syntax
{ 'ResourceDetails': { 'NetAppONTAPSVMs': [ { 'ClusterUuid': 'string', 'ResourceId': 'string', 'SvmName': 'string', 'CifsShareCount': 123, 'EnabledProtocols': [ 'string', ], 'TotalCapacityUsed': 123, 'TotalCapacityProvisioned': 123, 'TotalLogicalCapacityUsed': 123, 'MaxP95Performance': { 'IopsRead': 123.0, 'IopsWrite': 123.0, 'IopsOther': 123.0, 'IopsTotal': 123.0, 'ThroughputRead': 123.0, 'ThroughputWrite': 123.0, 'ThroughputOther': 123.0, 'ThroughputTotal': 123.0, 'LatencyRead': 123.0, 'LatencyWrite': 123.0, 'LatencyOther': 123.0 }, 'Recommendations': [ { 'StorageType': 'string', 'StorageConfiguration': { 'string': 'string' }, 'EstimatedMonthlyStorageCost': 'string' }, ], 'NfsExportedVolumes': 123, 'RecommendationStatus': 'NONE'|'IN_PROGRESS'|'COMPLETED'|'FAILED', 'TotalSnapshotCapacityUsed': 123, 'LunCount': 123 }, ], 'NetAppONTAPVolumes': [ { 'VolumeName': 'string', 'ResourceId': 'string', 'CifsShareCount': 123, 'SecurityStyle': 'string', 'SvmUuid': 'string', 'SvmName': 'string', 'CapacityUsed': 123, 'CapacityProvisioned': 123, 'LogicalCapacityUsed': 123, 'NfsExported': True|False, 'SnapshotCapacityUsed': 123, 'MaxP95Performance': { 'IopsRead': 123.0, 'IopsWrite': 123.0, 'IopsOther': 123.0, 'IopsTotal': 123.0, 'ThroughputRead': 123.0, 'ThroughputWrite': 123.0, 'ThroughputOther': 123.0, 'ThroughputTotal': 123.0, 'LatencyRead': 123.0, 'LatencyWrite': 123.0, 'LatencyOther': 123.0 }, 'Recommendations': [ { 'StorageType': 'string', 'StorageConfiguration': { 'string': 'string' }, 'EstimatedMonthlyStorageCost': 'string' }, ], 'RecommendationStatus': 'NONE'|'IN_PROGRESS'|'COMPLETED'|'FAILED', 'LunCount': 123 }, ], 'NetAppONTAPClusters': [ { 'CifsShareCount': 123, 'NfsExportedVolumes': 123, 'ResourceId': 'string', 'ClusterName': 'string', 'MaxP95Performance': { 'IopsRead': 123.0, 'IopsWrite': 123.0, 'IopsOther': 123.0, 'IopsTotal': 123.0, 'ThroughputRead': 123.0, 'ThroughputWrite': 123.0, 'ThroughputOther': 123.0, 'ThroughputTotal': 123.0, 'LatencyRead': 123.0, 'LatencyWrite': 123.0, 'LatencyOther': 123.0 }, 'ClusterBlockStorageSize': 123, 'ClusterBlockStorageUsed': 123, 'ClusterBlockStorageLogicalUsed': 123, 'Recommendations': [ { 'StorageType': 'string', 'StorageConfiguration': { 'string': 'string' }, 'EstimatedMonthlyStorageCost': 'string' }, ], 'RecommendationStatus': 'NONE'|'IN_PROGRESS'|'COMPLETED'|'FAILED', 'LunCount': 123, 'ClusterCloudStorageUsed': 123 }, ] }, 'NextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
ResourceDetails (dict) --
The information collected about your storage system's resources. A response can also include Amazon Web Services storage service recommendations.
For more information, see storage resource information collected by and recommendations provided by DataSync Discovery.
NetAppONTAPSVMs (list) --
The information that DataSync Discovery collects about storage virtual machines (SVMs) in your on-premises storage system.
(dict) --
The information that DataSync Discovery collects about a storage virtual machine (SVM) in your on-premises storage system.
ClusterUuid (string) --
The universally unique identifier (UUID) of the cluster associated with the SVM.
ResourceId (string) --
The UUID of the SVM.
SvmName (string) --
The name of the SVM
CifsShareCount (integer) --
The number of CIFS shares in the SVM.
EnabledProtocols (list) --
The data transfer protocols (such as NFS) configured for the SVM.
(string) --
TotalCapacityUsed (integer) --
The storage space that's being used in the SVM.
TotalCapacityProvisioned (integer) --
The total storage space that's available in the SVM.
TotalLogicalCapacityUsed (integer) --
The storage space that's being used in the SVM without accounting for compression or deduplication.
MaxP95Performance (dict) --
The performance data that DataSync Discovery collects about the SVM.
IopsRead (float) --
Peak IOPS related to read operations.
IopsWrite (float) --
Peak IOPS related to write operations.
IopsOther (float) --
Peak IOPS unrelated to read and write operations.
IopsTotal (float) --
Peak total IOPS on your on-premises storage system resource.
ThroughputRead (float) --
Peak throughput related to read operations.
ThroughputWrite (float) --
Peak throughput related to write operations.
ThroughputOther (float) --
Peak throughput unrelated to read and write operations.
ThroughputTotal (float) --
Peak total throughput on your on-premises storage system resource.
LatencyRead (float) --
Peak latency for read operations.
LatencyWrite (float) --
Peak latency for write operations.
LatencyOther (float) --
Peak latency for operations unrelated to read and write operations.
Recommendations (list) --
The Amazon Web Services storage services that DataSync Discovery recommends for the SVM. For more information, see Recommendations provided by DataSync Discovery.
(dict) --
The details about an Amazon Web Services storage service that DataSync Discovery recommends for a resource in your on-premises storage system.
For more information, see Recommendations provided by DataSync Discovery.
StorageType (string) --
A recommended Amazon Web Services storage service that you can migrate data to based on information that DataSync Discovery collects about your on-premises storage system.
StorageConfiguration (dict) --
Information about how you can set up a recommended Amazon Web Services storage service.
(string) --
(string) --
EstimatedMonthlyStorageCost (string) --
The estimated monthly cost of the recommended Amazon Web Services storage service.
NfsExportedVolumes (integer) --
The number of NFS volumes in the SVM.
RecommendationStatus (string) --
Indicates whether DataSync Discovery recommendations for the SVM are ready to view, incomplete, or can't be determined.
For more information, see Recommendation statuses.
TotalSnapshotCapacityUsed (integer) --
The amount of storage in the SVM that's being used for snapshots.
LunCount (integer) --
The number of LUNs (logical unit numbers) in the SVM.
NetAppONTAPVolumes (list) --
The information that DataSync Discovery collects about volumes in your on-premises storage system.
(dict) --
The information that DataSync Discovery collects about a volume in your on-premises storage system.
VolumeName (string) --
The name of the volume.
ResourceId (string) --
The universally unique identifier (UUID) of the volume.
CifsShareCount (integer) --
The number of CIFS shares in the volume.
SecurityStyle (string) --
The volume's security style (such as Unix or NTFS).
SvmUuid (string) --
The UUID of the storage virtual machine (SVM) associated with the volume.
SvmName (string) --
The name of the SVM associated with the volume.
CapacityUsed (integer) --
The storage space that's being used in the volume.
CapacityProvisioned (integer) --
The total storage space that's available in the volume.
LogicalCapacityUsed (integer) --
The storage space that's being used in the volume without accounting for compression or deduplication.
NfsExported (boolean) --
The number of NFS volumes in the volume.
SnapshotCapacityUsed (integer) --
The amount of storage in the volume that's being used for snapshots.
MaxP95Performance (dict) --
The performance data that DataSync Discovery collects about the volume.
IopsRead (float) --
Peak IOPS related to read operations.
IopsWrite (float) --
Peak IOPS related to write operations.
IopsOther (float) --
Peak IOPS unrelated to read and write operations.
IopsTotal (float) --
Peak total IOPS on your on-premises storage system resource.
ThroughputRead (float) --
Peak throughput related to read operations.
ThroughputWrite (float) --
Peak throughput related to write operations.
ThroughputOther (float) --
Peak throughput unrelated to read and write operations.
ThroughputTotal (float) --
Peak total throughput on your on-premises storage system resource.
LatencyRead (float) --
Peak latency for read operations.
LatencyWrite (float) --
Peak latency for write operations.
LatencyOther (float) --
Peak latency for operations unrelated to read and write operations.
Recommendations (list) --
The Amazon Web Services storage services that DataSync Discovery recommends for the volume. For more information, see Recommendations provided by DataSync Discovery.
(dict) --
The details about an Amazon Web Services storage service that DataSync Discovery recommends for a resource in your on-premises storage system.
For more information, see Recommendations provided by DataSync Discovery.
StorageType (string) --
A recommended Amazon Web Services storage service that you can migrate data to based on information that DataSync Discovery collects about your on-premises storage system.
StorageConfiguration (dict) --
Information about how you can set up a recommended Amazon Web Services storage service.
(string) --
(string) --
EstimatedMonthlyStorageCost (string) --
The estimated monthly cost of the recommended Amazon Web Services storage service.
RecommendationStatus (string) --
Indicates whether DataSync Discovery recommendations for the volume are ready to view, incomplete, or can't be determined.
For more information, see Recommendation statuses.
LunCount (integer) --
The number of LUNs (logical unit numbers) in the volume.
NetAppONTAPClusters (list) --
The information that DataSync Discovery collects about the cluster in your on-premises storage system.
(dict) --
The information that DataSync Discovery collects about an on-premises storage system cluster.
CifsShareCount (integer) --
The number of CIFS shares in the cluster.
NfsExportedVolumes (integer) --
The number of NFS volumes in the cluster.
ResourceId (string) --
The universally unique identifier (UUID) of the cluster.
ClusterName (string) --
The name of the cluster.
MaxP95Performance (dict) --
The performance data that DataSync Discovery collects about the cluster.
IopsRead (float) --
Peak IOPS related to read operations.
IopsWrite (float) --
Peak IOPS related to write operations.
IopsOther (float) --
Peak IOPS unrelated to read and write operations.
IopsTotal (float) --
Peak total IOPS on your on-premises storage system resource.
ThroughputRead (float) --
Peak throughput related to read operations.
ThroughputWrite (float) --
Peak throughput related to write operations.
ThroughputOther (float) --
Peak throughput unrelated to read and write operations.
ThroughputTotal (float) --
Peak total throughput on your on-premises storage system resource.
LatencyRead (float) --
Peak latency for read operations.
LatencyWrite (float) --
Peak latency for write operations.
LatencyOther (float) --
Peak latency for operations unrelated to read and write operations.
ClusterBlockStorageSize (integer) --
The total storage space that's available in the cluster.
ClusterBlockStorageUsed (integer) --
The storage space that's being used in a cluster.
ClusterBlockStorageLogicalUsed (integer) --
The storage space that's being used in the cluster without accounting for compression or deduplication.
Recommendations (list) --
The Amazon Web Services storage services that DataSync Discovery recommends for the cluster. For more information, see Recommendations provided by DataSync Discovery.
(dict) --
The details about an Amazon Web Services storage service that DataSync Discovery recommends for a resource in your on-premises storage system.
For more information, see Recommendations provided by DataSync Discovery.
StorageType (string) --
A recommended Amazon Web Services storage service that you can migrate data to based on information that DataSync Discovery collects about your on-premises storage system.
StorageConfiguration (dict) --
Information about how you can set up a recommended Amazon Web Services storage service.
(string) --
(string) --
EstimatedMonthlyStorageCost (string) --
The estimated monthly cost of the recommended Amazon Web Services storage service.
RecommendationStatus (string) --
Indicates whether DataSync Discovery recommendations for the cluster are ready to view, incomplete, or can't be determined.
For more information, see Recommendation statuses.
LunCount (integer) --
The number of LUNs (logical unit numbers) in the cluster.
ClusterCloudStorageUsed (integer) --
The amount of space in the cluster that's in cloud storage (for example, if you're using data tiering).
NextToken (string) --
The opaque string that indicates the position to begin the next list of results in the response.