2024/06/26 - Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime - 4 new 3 updated api methods
Changes IVS Real-Time now offers customers the ability to upload public keys for customer vended participant tokens.
Deletes the specified public key used to sign stage participant tokens. This invalidates future participant tokens generated using the key pair’s private key.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.delete_public_key( arn='string' )
ARN of the public key to be deleted.
Response Syntax
Response Structure
(dict) --
Gets information for the specified public key.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_public_key( arn='string' )
ARN of the public key for which the information is to be retrieved.
Response Syntax
{ 'publicKey': { 'arn': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'publicKeyMaterial': 'string', 'fingerprint': 'string', 'tags': { 'string': 'string' } } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
publicKey (dict) --
The public key that is returned.
arn (string) --
Public key ARN.
name (string) --
Public key name.
publicKeyMaterial (string) --
Public key material.
fingerprint (string) --
The public key fingerprint, a short string used to identify or verify the full public key.
tags (dict) --
Tags attached to the resource. Array of maps, each of the form string:string (key:value) . See Tagging AWS Resources for details, including restrictions that apply to tags and "Tag naming limits and requirements"; Amazon IVS has no constraints on tags beyond what is documented there.
(string) --
(string) --
Gets summary information about all public keys in your account, in the AWS region where the API request is processed.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.list_public_keys( nextToken='string', maxResults=123 )
The first public key to retrieve. This is used for pagination; see the nextToken response field.
Maximum number of results to return. Default: 50.
Response Syntax
{ 'publicKeys': [ { 'arn': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'tags': { 'string': 'string' } }, ], 'nextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
publicKeys (list) --
List of the matching public keys (summary information only).
(dict) --
Summary information about a public key.
arn (string) --
Public key ARN.
name (string) --
Public key name.
tags (dict) --
Tags attached to the resource. Array of maps, each of the form string:string (key:value) . See Tagging AWS Resources for details, including restrictions that apply to tags and "Tag naming limits and requirements"; Amazon IVS has no constraints on tags beyond what is documented there.
(string) --
(string) --
nextToken (string) --
If there are more public keys than maxResults , use nextToken in the request to get the next set.
Import a public key to be used for signing stage participant tokens.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.import_public_key( publicKeyMaterial='string', name='string', tags={ 'string': 'string' } )
The content of the public key to be imported.
Name of the public key to be imported.
Tags attached to the resource. Array of maps, each of the form string:string (key:value) . See Tagging AWS Resources for details, including restrictions that apply to tags and "Tag naming limits and requirements"; Amazon IVS has no constraints on tags beyond what is documented there.
(string) --
(string) --
Response Syntax
{ 'publicKey': { 'arn': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'publicKeyMaterial': 'string', 'fingerprint': 'string', 'tags': { 'string': 'string' } } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
publicKey (dict) --
The public key that was imported.
arn (string) --
Public key ARN.
name (string) --
Public key name.
publicKeyMaterial (string) --
Public key material.
fingerprint (string) --
The public key fingerprint, a short string used to identify or verify the full public key.
tags (dict) --
Tags attached to the resource. Array of maps, each of the form string:string (key:value) . See Tagging AWS Resources for details, including restrictions that apply to tags and "Tag naming limits and requirements"; Amazon IVS has no constraints on tags beyond what is documented there.
(string) --
(string) --
{'stage': {'endpoints': {'events': 'string', 'whip': 'string'}}}
Creates a new stage (and optionally participant tokens).
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_stage( name='string', participantTokenConfigurations=[ { 'duration': 123, 'userId': 'string', 'attributes': { 'string': 'string' }, 'capabilities': [ 'PUBLISH'|'SUBSCRIBE', ] }, ], tags={ 'string': 'string' }, autoParticipantRecordingConfiguration={ 'storageConfigurationArn': 'string', 'mediaTypes': [ 'AUDIO_VIDEO'|'AUDIO_ONLY', ] } )
Optional name that can be specified for the stage being created.
Array of participant token configuration objects to attach to the new stage.
(dict) --
Object specifying a participant token configuration in a stage.
duration (integer) --
Duration (in minutes), after which the corresponding participant token expires. Default: 720 (12 hours).
userId (string) --
Customer-assigned name to help identify the token; this can be used to link a participant to a user in the customer’s own systems. This can be any UTF-8 encoded text. This field is exposed to all stage participants and should not be used for personally identifying, confidential, or sensitive information.
attributes (dict) --
Application-provided attributes to encode into the corresponding participant token and attach to a stage. Map keys and values can contain UTF-8 encoded text. The maximum length of this field is 1 KB total. This field is exposed to all stage participants and should not be used for personally identifying, confidential, or sensitive information.
(string) --
(string) --
capabilities (list) --
Set of capabilities that the user is allowed to perform in the stage.
(string) --
Tags attached to the resource. Array of maps, each of the form string:string (key:value) . See Tagging AWS Resources for details, including restrictions that apply to tags and "Tag naming limits and requirements"; Amazon IVS has no constraints on tags beyond what is documented there.
(string) --
(string) --
Configuration object for individual participant recording, to attach to the new stage.
storageConfigurationArn (string) -- [REQUIRED]
ARN of the StorageConfiguration resource to use for individual participant recording. Default: "" (empty string, no storage configuration is specified). Individual participant recording cannot be started unless a storage configuration is specified, when a Stage is created or updated.
mediaTypes (list) --
Types of media to be recorded. Default: AUDIO_VIDEO .
(string) --
Response Syntax
{ 'stage': { 'arn': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'activeSessionId': 'string', 'tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'autoParticipantRecordingConfiguration': { 'storageConfigurationArn': 'string', 'mediaTypes': [ 'AUDIO_VIDEO'|'AUDIO_ONLY', ] }, 'endpoints': { 'events': 'string', 'whip': 'string' } }, 'participantTokens': [ { 'participantId': 'string', 'token': 'string', 'userId': 'string', 'attributes': { 'string': 'string' }, 'duration': 123, 'capabilities': [ 'PUBLISH'|'SUBSCRIBE', ], 'expirationTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }, ] }
Response Structure
(dict) --
stage (dict) --
The stage that was created.
arn (string) --
Stage ARN.
name (string) --
Stage name.
activeSessionId (string) --
ID of the active session within the stage.
tags (dict) --
Tags attached to the resource. Array of maps, each of the form string:string (key:value) . See Tagging AWS Resources for details, including restrictions that apply to tags and "Tag naming limits and requirements"; Amazon IVS has no constraints on tags beyond what is documented there.
(string) --
(string) --
autoParticipantRecordingConfiguration (dict) --
Configuration object for individual participant recording, attached to the stage.
storageConfigurationArn (string) --
ARN of the StorageConfiguration resource to use for individual participant recording. Default: "" (empty string, no storage configuration is specified). Individual participant recording cannot be started unless a storage configuration is specified, when a Stage is created or updated.
mediaTypes (list) --
Types of media to be recorded. Default: AUDIO_VIDEO .
(string) --
endpoints (dict) --
Summary information about various endpoints for a stage.
events (string) --
Events endpoint.
whip (string) --
WHIP endpoint.
participantTokens (list) --
Participant tokens attached to the stage. These correspond to the participants in the request.
(dict) --
Object specifying a participant token in a stage.
Important : Treat tokens as opaque; i.e., do not build functionality based on token contents. The format of tokens could change in the future.
participantId (string) --
Unique identifier for this participant token, assigned by IVS.
token (string) --
The issued client token, encrypted.
userId (string) --
Customer-assigned name to help identify the token; this can be used to link a participant to a user in the customer’s own systems. This can be any UTF-8 encoded text. This field is exposed to all stage participants and should not be used for personally identifying, confidential, or sensitive information.
attributes (dict) --
Application-provided attributes to encode into the token and attach to a stage. This field is exposed to all stage participants and should not be used for personally identifying, confidential, or sensitive information.
(string) --
(string) --
duration (integer) --
Duration (in minutes), after which the participant token expires. Default: 720 (12 hours).
capabilities (list) --
Set of capabilities that the user is allowed to perform in the stage.
(string) --
expirationTime (datetime) --
ISO 8601 timestamp (returned as a string) for when this token expires.
{'stage': {'endpoints': {'events': 'string', 'whip': 'string'}}}
Gets information for the specified stage.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_stage( arn='string' )
ARN of the stage for which the information is to be retrieved.
Response Syntax
{ 'stage': { 'arn': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'activeSessionId': 'string', 'tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'autoParticipantRecordingConfiguration': { 'storageConfigurationArn': 'string', 'mediaTypes': [ 'AUDIO_VIDEO'|'AUDIO_ONLY', ] }, 'endpoints': { 'events': 'string', 'whip': 'string' } } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
stage (dict) --
The stage that is returned.
arn (string) --
Stage ARN.
name (string) --
Stage name.
activeSessionId (string) --
ID of the active session within the stage.
tags (dict) --
Tags attached to the resource. Array of maps, each of the form string:string (key:value) . See Tagging AWS Resources for details, including restrictions that apply to tags and "Tag naming limits and requirements"; Amazon IVS has no constraints on tags beyond what is documented there.
(string) --
(string) --
autoParticipantRecordingConfiguration (dict) --
Configuration object for individual participant recording, attached to the stage.
storageConfigurationArn (string) --
ARN of the StorageConfiguration resource to use for individual participant recording. Default: "" (empty string, no storage configuration is specified). Individual participant recording cannot be started unless a storage configuration is specified, when a Stage is created or updated.
mediaTypes (list) --
Types of media to be recorded. Default: AUDIO_VIDEO .
(string) --
endpoints (dict) --
Summary information about various endpoints for a stage.
events (string) --
Events endpoint.
whip (string) --
WHIP endpoint.
{'stage': {'endpoints': {'events': 'string', 'whip': 'string'}}}
Updates a stage’s configuration.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.update_stage( arn='string', name='string', autoParticipantRecordingConfiguration={ 'storageConfigurationArn': 'string', 'mediaTypes': [ 'AUDIO_VIDEO'|'AUDIO_ONLY', ] } )
ARN of the stage to be updated.
Name of the stage to be updated.
Configuration object for individual participant recording, to attach to the stage. Note that this cannot be updated while recording is active.
storageConfigurationArn (string) -- [REQUIRED]
ARN of the StorageConfiguration resource to use for individual participant recording. Default: "" (empty string, no storage configuration is specified). Individual participant recording cannot be started unless a storage configuration is specified, when a Stage is created or updated.
mediaTypes (list) --
Types of media to be recorded. Default: AUDIO_VIDEO .
(string) --
Response Syntax
{ 'stage': { 'arn': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'activeSessionId': 'string', 'tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'autoParticipantRecordingConfiguration': { 'storageConfigurationArn': 'string', 'mediaTypes': [ 'AUDIO_VIDEO'|'AUDIO_ONLY', ] }, 'endpoints': { 'events': 'string', 'whip': 'string' } } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
stage (dict) --
The updated stage.
arn (string) --
Stage ARN.
name (string) --
Stage name.
activeSessionId (string) --
ID of the active session within the stage.
tags (dict) --
Tags attached to the resource. Array of maps, each of the form string:string (key:value) . See Tagging AWS Resources for details, including restrictions that apply to tags and "Tag naming limits and requirements"; Amazon IVS has no constraints on tags beyond what is documented there.
(string) --
(string) --
autoParticipantRecordingConfiguration (dict) --
Configuration object for individual participant recording, attached to the stage.
storageConfigurationArn (string) --
ARN of the StorageConfiguration resource to use for individual participant recording. Default: "" (empty string, no storage configuration is specified). Individual participant recording cannot be started unless a storage configuration is specified, when a Stage is created or updated.
mediaTypes (list) --
Types of media to be recorded. Default: AUDIO_VIDEO .
(string) --
endpoints (dict) --
Summary information about various endpoints for a stage.
events (string) --
Events endpoint.
whip (string) --
WHIP endpoint.