AWS CodePipeline

2024/10/14 - AWS CodePipeline - 4 updated api methods

Changes  AWS CodePipeline V2 type pipelines now support automatically retrying failed stages and skipping stage for failed entry conditions.

CreatePipeline (updated) Link ¶
Changes (both)
{'pipeline': {'stages': {'beforeEntry': {'conditions': {'result': {'RETRY',
                         'onFailure': {'conditions': {'result': {'RETRY',
                                       'result': {'RETRY', 'SKIP'},
                                       'retryConfiguration': {'retryMode': 'FAILED_ACTIONS '
                                                                           '| '
                         'onSuccess': {'conditions': {'result': {'RETRY',

Creates a pipeline.


In the pipeline structure, you must include either artifactStore or artifactStores in your pipeline, but you cannot use both. If you create a cross-region action in your pipeline, you must use artifactStores .

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'name': 'string',
        'roleArn': 'string',
        'artifactStore': {
            'type': 'S3',
            'location': 'string',
            'encryptionKey': {
                'id': 'string',
                'type': 'KMS'
        'artifactStores': {
            'string': {
                'type': 'S3',
                'location': 'string',
                'encryptionKey': {
                    'id': 'string',
                    'type': 'KMS'
        'stages': [
                'name': 'string',
                'blockers': [
                        'name': 'string',
                        'type': 'Schedule'
                'actions': [
                        'name': 'string',
                        'actionTypeId': {
                            'category': 'Source'|'Build'|'Deploy'|'Test'|'Invoke'|'Approval'|'Compute',
                            'owner': 'AWS'|'ThirdParty'|'Custom',
                            'provider': 'string',
                            'version': 'string'
                        'runOrder': 123,
                        'configuration': {
                            'string': 'string'
                        'commands': [
                        'outputArtifacts': [
                                'name': 'string',
                                'files': [
                        'inputArtifacts': [
                                'name': 'string'
                        'outputVariables': [
                        'roleArn': 'string',
                        'region': 'string',
                        'namespace': 'string',
                        'timeoutInMinutes': 123
                'onFailure': {
                    'result': 'ROLLBACK'|'FAIL'|'RETRY'|'SKIP',
                    'retryConfiguration': {
                        'retryMode': 'FAILED_ACTIONS'|'ALL_ACTIONS'
                    'conditions': [
                            'result': 'ROLLBACK'|'FAIL'|'RETRY'|'SKIP',
                            'rules': [
                                    'name': 'string',
                                    'ruleTypeId': {
                                        'category': 'Rule',
                                        'owner': 'AWS',
                                        'provider': 'string',
                                        'version': 'string'
                                    'configuration': {
                                        'string': 'string'
                                    'inputArtifacts': [
                                            'name': 'string'
                                    'roleArn': 'string',
                                    'region': 'string',
                                    'timeoutInMinutes': 123
                'onSuccess': {
                    'conditions': [
                            'result': 'ROLLBACK'|'FAIL'|'RETRY'|'SKIP',
                            'rules': [
                                    'name': 'string',
                                    'ruleTypeId': {
                                        'category': 'Rule',
                                        'owner': 'AWS',
                                        'provider': 'string',
                                        'version': 'string'
                                    'configuration': {
                                        'string': 'string'
                                    'inputArtifacts': [
                                            'name': 'string'
                                    'roleArn': 'string',
                                    'region': 'string',
                                    'timeoutInMinutes': 123
                'beforeEntry': {
                    'conditions': [
                            'result': 'ROLLBACK'|'FAIL'|'RETRY'|'SKIP',
                            'rules': [
                                    'name': 'string',
                                    'ruleTypeId': {
                                        'category': 'Rule',
                                        'owner': 'AWS',
                                        'provider': 'string',
                                        'version': 'string'
                                    'configuration': {
                                        'string': 'string'
                                    'inputArtifacts': [
                                            'name': 'string'
                                    'roleArn': 'string',
                                    'region': 'string',
                                    'timeoutInMinutes': 123
        'version': 123,
        'executionMode': 'QUEUED'|'SUPERSEDED'|'PARALLEL',
        'pipelineType': 'V1'|'V2',
        'variables': [
                'name': 'string',
                'defaultValue': 'string',
                'description': 'string'
        'triggers': [
                'providerType': 'CodeStarSourceConnection',
                'gitConfiguration': {
                    'sourceActionName': 'string',
                    'push': [
                            'tags': {
                                'includes': [
                                'excludes': [
                            'branches': {
                                'includes': [
                                'excludes': [
                            'filePaths': {
                                'includes': [
                                'excludes': [
                    'pullRequest': [
                            'events': [
                            'branches': {
                                'includes': [
                                'excludes': [
                            'filePaths': {
                                'includes': [
                                'excludes': [
            'key': 'string',
            'value': 'string'
type pipeline


param pipeline


Represents the structure of actions and stages to be performed in the pipeline.

  • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

    The name of the pipeline.

  • roleArn (string) -- [REQUIRED]

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for CodePipeline to use to either perform actions with no actionRoleArn , or to use to assume roles for actions with an actionRoleArn .

  • artifactStore (dict) --

    Represents information about the S3 bucket where artifacts are stored for the pipeline.


    You must include either artifactStore or artifactStores in your pipeline, but you cannot use both. If you create a cross-region action in your pipeline, you must use artifactStores .

    • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The type of the artifact store, such as S3.

    • location (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The S3 bucket used for storing the artifacts for a pipeline. You can specify the name of an S3 bucket but not a folder in the bucket. A folder to contain the pipeline artifacts is created for you based on the name of the pipeline. You can use any S3 bucket in the same Amazon Web Services Region as the pipeline to store your pipeline artifacts.

    • encryptionKey (dict) --

      The encryption key used to encrypt the data in the artifact store, such as an Amazon Web Services Key Management Service key. If this is undefined, the default key for Amazon S3 is used.

      • id (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The ID used to identify the key. For an Amazon Web Services KMS key, you can use the key ID, the key ARN, or the alias ARN.


        Aliases are recognized only in the account that created the KMS key. For cross-account actions, you can only use the key ID or key ARN to identify the key. Cross-account actions involve using the role from the other account (AccountB), so specifying the key ID will use the key from the other account (AccountB).

      • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The type of encryption key, such as an Amazon Web Services KMS key. When creating or updating a pipeline, the value must be set to 'KMS'.

  • artifactStores (dict) --

    A mapping of artifactStore objects and their corresponding Amazon Web Services Regions. There must be an artifact store for the pipeline Region and for each cross-region action in the pipeline.


    You must include either artifactStore or artifactStores in your pipeline, but you cannot use both. If you create a cross-region action in your pipeline, you must use artifactStores .

    • (string) --

      • (dict) --

        The S3 bucket where artifacts for the pipeline are stored.


        You must include either artifactStore or artifactStores in your pipeline, but you cannot use both. If you create a cross-region action in your pipeline, you must use artifactStores .

        • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

          The type of the artifact store, such as S3.

        • location (string) -- [REQUIRED]

          The S3 bucket used for storing the artifacts for a pipeline. You can specify the name of an S3 bucket but not a folder in the bucket. A folder to contain the pipeline artifacts is created for you based on the name of the pipeline. You can use any S3 bucket in the same Amazon Web Services Region as the pipeline to store your pipeline artifacts.

        • encryptionKey (dict) --

          The encryption key used to encrypt the data in the artifact store, such as an Amazon Web Services Key Management Service key. If this is undefined, the default key for Amazon S3 is used.

          • id (string) -- [REQUIRED]

            The ID used to identify the key. For an Amazon Web Services KMS key, you can use the key ID, the key ARN, or the alias ARN.


            Aliases are recognized only in the account that created the KMS key. For cross-account actions, you can only use the key ID or key ARN to identify the key. Cross-account actions involve using the role from the other account (AccountB), so specifying the key ID will use the key from the other account (AccountB).

          • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

            The type of encryption key, such as an Amazon Web Services KMS key. When creating or updating a pipeline, the value must be set to 'KMS'.

  • stages (list) -- [REQUIRED]

    The stage in which to perform the action.

    • (dict) --

      Represents information about a stage and its definition.

      • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The name of the stage.

      • blockers (list) --

        Reserved for future use.

        • (dict) --

          Reserved for future use.

          • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

            Reserved for future use.

          • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

            Reserved for future use.

      • actions (list) -- [REQUIRED]

        The actions included in a stage.

        • (dict) --

          Represents information about an action declaration.

          • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

            The action declaration's name.

          • actionTypeId (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

            Specifies the action type and the provider of the action.

            • category (string) -- [REQUIRED]

              A category defines what kind of action can be taken in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the action. Valid categories are limited to one of the following values.

              • Source

              • Build

              • Test

              • Deploy

              • Invoke

              • Approval

            • owner (string) -- [REQUIRED]

              The creator of the action being called. There are three valid values for the Owner field in the action category section within your pipeline structure: AWS , ThirdParty , and Custom . For more information, see Valid Action Types and Providers in CodePipeline.

            • provider (string) -- [REQUIRED]

              The provider of the service being called by the action. Valid providers are determined by the action category. For example, an action in the Deploy category type might have a provider of CodeDeploy, which would be specified as CodeDeploy . For more information, see Valid Action Types and Providers in CodePipeline.

            • version (string) -- [REQUIRED]

              A string that describes the action version.

          • runOrder (integer) --

            The order in which actions are run.

          • configuration (dict) --

            The action's configuration. These are key-value pairs that specify input values for an action. For more information, see Action Structure Requirements in CodePipeline. For the list of configuration properties for the CloudFormation action type in CodePipeline, see Configuration Properties Reference in the CloudFormation User Guide . For template snippets with examples, see Using Parameter Override Functions with CodePipeline Pipelines in the CloudFormation User Guide .

            The values can be represented in either JSON or YAML format. For example, the JSON configuration item format is as follows:


            "Configuration" : { Key : Value },

            • (string) --

              • (string) --

          • commands (list) --

            The shell commands to run with your compute action in CodePipeline. All commands are supported except multi-line formats. While CodeBuild logs and permissions are used, you do not need to create any resources in CodeBuild.


            Using compute time for this action will incur separate charges in CodeBuild.

            • (string) --

          • outputArtifacts (list) --

            The name or ID of the result of the action declaration, such as a test or build artifact.

            • (dict) --

              Represents information about the output of an action.

              • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The name of the output of an artifact, such as "My App".

                The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

                Output artifact names must be unique within a pipeline.

              • files (list) --

                The files that you want to associate with the output artifact that will be exported from the compute action.

                • (string) --

          • inputArtifacts (list) --

            The name or ID of the artifact consumed by the action, such as a test or build artifact.

            • (dict) --

              Represents information about an artifact to be worked on, such as a test or build artifact.

              • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name:

                The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

          • outputVariables (list) --

            The list of variables that are to be exported from the compute action. This is specifically CodeBuild environment variables as used for that action.

            • (string) --

          • roleArn (string) --

            The ARN of the IAM service role that performs the declared action. This is assumed through the roleArn for the pipeline.

          • region (string) --

            The action declaration's Amazon Web Services Region, such as us-east-1.

          • namespace (string) --

            The variable namespace associated with the action. All variables produced as output by this action fall under this namespace.

          • timeoutInMinutes (integer) --

            A timeout duration in minutes that can be applied against the ActionType’s default timeout value specified in Quotas for CodePipeline. This attribute is available only to the manual approval ActionType.

      • onFailure (dict) --

        The method to use when a stage has not completed successfully. For example, configuring this field for rollback will roll back a failed stage automatically to the last successful pipeline execution in the stage.

        • result (string) --

          The specified result for when the failure conditions are met, such as rolling back the stage.

        • retryConfiguration (dict) --

          The retry configuration specifies automatic retry for a failed stage, along with the configured retry mode.

          • retryMode (string) --

            The method that you want to configure for automatic stage retry on stage failure. You can specify to retry only failed action in the stage or all actions in the stage.

        • conditions (list) --

          The conditions that are configured as failure conditions.

          • (dict) --

            The condition for the stage. A condition is made up of the rules and the result for the condition.

            • result (string) --

              The action to be done when the condition is met. For example, rolling back an execution for a failure condition.

            • rules (list) --

              The rules that make up the condition.

              • (dict) --

                Represents information about the rule to be created for an associated condition. An example would be creating a new rule for an entry condition, such as a rule that checks for a test result before allowing the run to enter the deployment stage.

                • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The name of the rule that is created for the condition, such as CheckAllResults.

                • ruleTypeId (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The ID for the rule type, which is made up of the combined values for category, owner, provider, and version.

                  • category (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    A category defines what kind of rule can be run in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the rule. The valid category is Rule .

                  • owner (string) --

                    The creator of the rule being called. The valid value for the Owner field in the rule category is AWS .

                  • provider (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The rule provider, such as the DeploymentWindow rule.

                  • version (string) --

                    A string that describes the rule version.

                • configuration (dict) --

                  The action configuration fields for the rule.

                  • (string) --

                    • (string) --

                • inputArtifacts (list) --

                  The input artifacts fields for the rule, such as specifying an input file for the rule.

                  • (dict) --

                    Represents information about an artifact to be worked on, such as a test or build artifact.

                    • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                      Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name:

                      The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

                • roleArn (string) --

                  The pipeline role ARN associated with the rule.

                • region (string) --

                  The Region for the condition associated with the rule.

                • timeoutInMinutes (integer) --

                  The action timeout for the rule.

      • onSuccess (dict) --

        The method to use when a stage has succeeded. For example, configuring this field for conditions will allow the stage to succeed when the conditions are met.

        • conditions (list) -- [REQUIRED]

          The conditions that are success conditions.

          • (dict) --

            The condition for the stage. A condition is made up of the rules and the result for the condition.

            • result (string) --

              The action to be done when the condition is met. For example, rolling back an execution for a failure condition.

            • rules (list) --

              The rules that make up the condition.

              • (dict) --

                Represents information about the rule to be created for an associated condition. An example would be creating a new rule for an entry condition, such as a rule that checks for a test result before allowing the run to enter the deployment stage.

                • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The name of the rule that is created for the condition, such as CheckAllResults.

                • ruleTypeId (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The ID for the rule type, which is made up of the combined values for category, owner, provider, and version.

                  • category (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    A category defines what kind of rule can be run in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the rule. The valid category is Rule .

                  • owner (string) --

                    The creator of the rule being called. The valid value for the Owner field in the rule category is AWS .

                  • provider (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The rule provider, such as the DeploymentWindow rule.

                  • version (string) --

                    A string that describes the rule version.

                • configuration (dict) --

                  The action configuration fields for the rule.

                  • (string) --

                    • (string) --

                • inputArtifacts (list) --

                  The input artifacts fields for the rule, such as specifying an input file for the rule.

                  • (dict) --

                    Represents information about an artifact to be worked on, such as a test or build artifact.

                    • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                      Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name:

                      The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

                • roleArn (string) --

                  The pipeline role ARN associated with the rule.

                • region (string) --

                  The Region for the condition associated with the rule.

                • timeoutInMinutes (integer) --

                  The action timeout for the rule.

      • beforeEntry (dict) --

        The method to use when a stage allows entry. For example, configuring this field for conditions will allow entry to the stage when the conditions are met.

        • conditions (list) -- [REQUIRED]

          The conditions that are configured as entry conditions.

          • (dict) --

            The condition for the stage. A condition is made up of the rules and the result for the condition.

            • result (string) --

              The action to be done when the condition is met. For example, rolling back an execution for a failure condition.

            • rules (list) --

              The rules that make up the condition.

              • (dict) --

                Represents information about the rule to be created for an associated condition. An example would be creating a new rule for an entry condition, such as a rule that checks for a test result before allowing the run to enter the deployment stage.

                • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The name of the rule that is created for the condition, such as CheckAllResults.

                • ruleTypeId (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The ID for the rule type, which is made up of the combined values for category, owner, provider, and version.

                  • category (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    A category defines what kind of rule can be run in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the rule. The valid category is Rule .

                  • owner (string) --

                    The creator of the rule being called. The valid value for the Owner field in the rule category is AWS .

                  • provider (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The rule provider, such as the DeploymentWindow rule.

                  • version (string) --

                    A string that describes the rule version.

                • configuration (dict) --

                  The action configuration fields for the rule.

                  • (string) --

                    • (string) --

                • inputArtifacts (list) --

                  The input artifacts fields for the rule, such as specifying an input file for the rule.

                  • (dict) --

                    Represents information about an artifact to be worked on, such as a test or build artifact.

                    • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                      Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name:

                      The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

                • roleArn (string) --

                  The pipeline role ARN associated with the rule.

                • region (string) --

                  The Region for the condition associated with the rule.

                • timeoutInMinutes (integer) --

                  The action timeout for the rule.

  • version (integer) --

    The version number of the pipeline. A new pipeline always has a version number of 1. This number is incremented when a pipeline is updated.

  • executionMode (string) --

    The method that the pipeline will use to handle multiple executions. The default mode is SUPERSEDED.

  • pipelineType (string) --

    CodePipeline provides the following pipeline types, which differ in characteristics and price, so that you can tailor your pipeline features and cost to the needs of your applications.

    • V1 type pipelines have a JSON structure that contains standard pipeline, stage, and action-level parameters.

    • V2 type pipelines have the same structure as a V1 type, along with additional parameters for release safety and trigger configuration.


    Including V2 parameters, such as triggers on Git tags, in the pipeline JSON when creating or updating a pipeline will result in the pipeline having the V2 type of pipeline and the associated costs.

    For information about pricing for CodePipeline, see Pricing.

    For information about which type of pipeline to choose, see What type of pipeline is right for me?.

  • variables (list) --

    A list that defines the pipeline variables for a pipeline resource. Variable names can have alphanumeric and underscore characters, and the values must match [A-Za-z0-9@\-_]+ .

    • (dict) --

      A variable declared at the pipeline level.

      • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The name of a pipeline-level variable.

      • defaultValue (string) --

        The value of a pipeline-level variable.

      • description (string) --

        The description of a pipeline-level variable. It's used to add additional context about the variable, and not being used at time when pipeline executes.

  • triggers (list) --

    The trigger configuration specifying a type of event, such as Git tags, that starts the pipeline.


    When a trigger configuration is specified, default change detection for repository and branch commits is disabled.

    • (dict) --

      Represents information about the specified trigger configuration, such as the filter criteria and the source stage for the action that contains the trigger.


      This is only supported for the CodeStarSourceConnection action type.


      When a trigger configuration is specified, default change detection for repository and branch commits is disabled.

      • providerType (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The source provider for the event, such as connections configured for a repository with Git tags, for the specified trigger configuration.

      • gitConfiguration (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

        Provides the filter criteria and the source stage for the repository event that starts the pipeline, such as Git tags.

        • sourceActionName (string) -- [REQUIRED]

          The name of the pipeline source action where the trigger configuration, such as Git tags, is specified. The trigger configuration will start the pipeline upon the specified change only.


          You can only specify one trigger configuration per source action.

        • push (list) --

          The field where the repository event that will start the pipeline, such as pushing Git tags, is specified with details.

          • (dict) --

            The event criteria that specify when a specified repository event will start the pipeline for the specified trigger configuration, such as the lists of Git tags to include and exclude.

            • tags (dict) --

              The field that contains the details for the Git tags trigger configuration.

              • includes (list) --

                The list of patterns of Git tags that, when pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                • (string) --

              • excludes (list) --

                The list of patterns of Git tags that, when pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

                • (string) --

            • branches (dict) --

              The field that specifies to filter on branches for the push trigger configuration.

              • includes (list) --

                The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                • (string) --

              • excludes (list) --

                The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

                • (string) --

            • filePaths (dict) --

              The field that specifies to filter on file paths for the push trigger configuration.

              • includes (list) --

                The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                • (string) --

              • excludes (list) --

                The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

                • (string) --

        • pullRequest (list) --

          The field where the repository event that will start the pipeline is specified as pull requests.

          • (dict) --

            The event criteria for the pull request trigger configuration, such as the lists of branches or file paths to include and exclude.

            • events (list) --

              The field that specifies which pull request events to filter on (opened, updated, closed) for the trigger configuration.

              • (string) --

            • branches (dict) --

              The field that specifies to filter on branches for the pull request trigger configuration.

              • includes (list) --

                The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                • (string) --

              • excludes (list) --

                The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

                • (string) --

            • filePaths (dict) --

              The field that specifies to filter on file paths for the pull request trigger configuration.

              • includes (list) --

                The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                • (string) --

              • excludes (list) --

                The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

                • (string) --

type tags


param tags

The tags for the pipeline.

  • (dict) --

    A tag is a key-value pair that is used to manage the resource.

    • key (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The tag's key.

    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The tag's value.




Response Syntax

    'pipeline': {
        'name': 'string',
        'roleArn': 'string',
        'artifactStore': {
            'type': 'S3',
            'location': 'string',
            'encryptionKey': {
                'id': 'string',
                'type': 'KMS'
        'artifactStores': {
            'string': {
                'type': 'S3',
                'location': 'string',
                'encryptionKey': {
                    'id': 'string',
                    'type': 'KMS'
        'stages': [
                'name': 'string',
                'blockers': [
                        'name': 'string',
                        'type': 'Schedule'
                'actions': [
                        'name': 'string',
                        'actionTypeId': {
                            'category': 'Source'|'Build'|'Deploy'|'Test'|'Invoke'|'Approval'|'Compute',
                            'owner': 'AWS'|'ThirdParty'|'Custom',
                            'provider': 'string',
                            'version': 'string'
                        'runOrder': 123,
                        'configuration': {
                            'string': 'string'
                        'commands': [
                        'outputArtifacts': [
                                'name': 'string',
                                'files': [
                        'inputArtifacts': [
                                'name': 'string'
                        'outputVariables': [
                        'roleArn': 'string',
                        'region': 'string',
                        'namespace': 'string',
                        'timeoutInMinutes': 123
                'onFailure': {
                    'result': 'ROLLBACK'|'FAIL'|'RETRY'|'SKIP',
                    'retryConfiguration': {
                        'retryMode': 'FAILED_ACTIONS'|'ALL_ACTIONS'
                    'conditions': [
                            'result': 'ROLLBACK'|'FAIL'|'RETRY'|'SKIP',
                            'rules': [
                                    'name': 'string',
                                    'ruleTypeId': {
                                        'category': 'Rule',
                                        'owner': 'AWS',
                                        'provider': 'string',
                                        'version': 'string'
                                    'configuration': {
                                        'string': 'string'
                                    'inputArtifacts': [
                                            'name': 'string'
                                    'roleArn': 'string',
                                    'region': 'string',
                                    'timeoutInMinutes': 123
                'onSuccess': {
                    'conditions': [
                            'result': 'ROLLBACK'|'FAIL'|'RETRY'|'SKIP',
                            'rules': [
                                    'name': 'string',
                                    'ruleTypeId': {
                                        'category': 'Rule',
                                        'owner': 'AWS',
                                        'provider': 'string',
                                        'version': 'string'
                                    'configuration': {
                                        'string': 'string'
                                    'inputArtifacts': [
                                            'name': 'string'
                                    'roleArn': 'string',
                                    'region': 'string',
                                    'timeoutInMinutes': 123
                'beforeEntry': {
                    'conditions': [
                            'result': 'ROLLBACK'|'FAIL'|'RETRY'|'SKIP',
                            'rules': [
                                    'name': 'string',
                                    'ruleTypeId': {
                                        'category': 'Rule',
                                        'owner': 'AWS',
                                        'provider': 'string',
                                        'version': 'string'
                                    'configuration': {
                                        'string': 'string'
                                    'inputArtifacts': [
                                            'name': 'string'
                                    'roleArn': 'string',
                                    'region': 'string',
                                    'timeoutInMinutes': 123
        'version': 123,
        'executionMode': 'QUEUED'|'SUPERSEDED'|'PARALLEL',
        'pipelineType': 'V1'|'V2',
        'variables': [
                'name': 'string',
                'defaultValue': 'string',
                'description': 'string'
        'triggers': [
                'providerType': 'CodeStarSourceConnection',
                'gitConfiguration': {
                    'sourceActionName': 'string',
                    'push': [
                            'tags': {
                                'includes': [
                                'excludes': [
                            'branches': {
                                'includes': [
                                'excludes': [
                            'filePaths': {
                                'includes': [
                                'excludes': [
                    'pullRequest': [
                            'events': [
                            'branches': {
                                'includes': [
                                'excludes': [
                            'filePaths': {
                                'includes': [
                                'excludes': [
    'tags': [
            'key': 'string',
            'value': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    Represents the output of a CreatePipeline action.

    • pipeline (dict) --

      Represents the structure of actions and stages to be performed in the pipeline.

      • name (string) --

        The name of the pipeline.

      • roleArn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for CodePipeline to use to either perform actions with no actionRoleArn , or to use to assume roles for actions with an actionRoleArn .

      • artifactStore (dict) --

        Represents information about the S3 bucket where artifacts are stored for the pipeline.


        You must include either artifactStore or artifactStores in your pipeline, but you cannot use both. If you create a cross-region action in your pipeline, you must use artifactStores .

        • type (string) --

          The type of the artifact store, such as S3.

        • location (string) --

          The S3 bucket used for storing the artifacts for a pipeline. You can specify the name of an S3 bucket but not a folder in the bucket. A folder to contain the pipeline artifacts is created for you based on the name of the pipeline. You can use any S3 bucket in the same Amazon Web Services Region as the pipeline to store your pipeline artifacts.

        • encryptionKey (dict) --

          The encryption key used to encrypt the data in the artifact store, such as an Amazon Web Services Key Management Service key. If this is undefined, the default key for Amazon S3 is used.

          • id (string) --

            The ID used to identify the key. For an Amazon Web Services KMS key, you can use the key ID, the key ARN, or the alias ARN.


            Aliases are recognized only in the account that created the KMS key. For cross-account actions, you can only use the key ID or key ARN to identify the key. Cross-account actions involve using the role from the other account (AccountB), so specifying the key ID will use the key from the other account (AccountB).

          • type (string) --

            The type of encryption key, such as an Amazon Web Services KMS key. When creating or updating a pipeline, the value must be set to 'KMS'.

      • artifactStores (dict) --

        A mapping of artifactStore objects and their corresponding Amazon Web Services Regions. There must be an artifact store for the pipeline Region and for each cross-region action in the pipeline.


        You must include either artifactStore or artifactStores in your pipeline, but you cannot use both. If you create a cross-region action in your pipeline, you must use artifactStores .

        • (string) --

          • (dict) --

            The S3 bucket where artifacts for the pipeline are stored.


            You must include either artifactStore or artifactStores in your pipeline, but you cannot use both. If you create a cross-region action in your pipeline, you must use artifactStores .

            • type (string) --

              The type of the artifact store, such as S3.

            • location (string) --

              The S3 bucket used for storing the artifacts for a pipeline. You can specify the name of an S3 bucket but not a folder in the bucket. A folder to contain the pipeline artifacts is created for you based on the name of the pipeline. You can use any S3 bucket in the same Amazon Web Services Region as the pipeline to store your pipeline artifacts.

            • encryptionKey (dict) --

              The encryption key used to encrypt the data in the artifact store, such as an Amazon Web Services Key Management Service key. If this is undefined, the default key for Amazon S3 is used.

              • id (string) --

                The ID used to identify the key. For an Amazon Web Services KMS key, you can use the key ID, the key ARN, or the alias ARN.


                Aliases are recognized only in the account that created the KMS key. For cross-account actions, you can only use the key ID or key ARN to identify the key. Cross-account actions involve using the role from the other account (AccountB), so specifying the key ID will use the key from the other account (AccountB).

              • type (string) --

                The type of encryption key, such as an Amazon Web Services KMS key. When creating or updating a pipeline, the value must be set to 'KMS'.

      • stages (list) --

        The stage in which to perform the action.

        • (dict) --

          Represents information about a stage and its definition.

          • name (string) --

            The name of the stage.

          • blockers (list) --

            Reserved for future use.

            • (dict) --

              Reserved for future use.

              • name (string) --

                Reserved for future use.

              • type (string) --

                Reserved for future use.

          • actions (list) --

            The actions included in a stage.

            • (dict) --

              Represents information about an action declaration.

              • name (string) --

                The action declaration's name.

              • actionTypeId (dict) --

                Specifies the action type and the provider of the action.

                • category (string) --

                  A category defines what kind of action can be taken in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the action. Valid categories are limited to one of the following values.

                  • Source

                  • Build

                  • Test

                  • Deploy

                  • Invoke

                  • Approval

                • owner (string) --

                  The creator of the action being called. There are three valid values for the Owner field in the action category section within your pipeline structure: AWS , ThirdParty , and Custom . For more information, see Valid Action Types and Providers in CodePipeline.

                • provider (string) --

                  The provider of the service being called by the action. Valid providers are determined by the action category. For example, an action in the Deploy category type might have a provider of CodeDeploy, which would be specified as CodeDeploy . For more information, see Valid Action Types and Providers in CodePipeline.

                • version (string) --

                  A string that describes the action version.

              • runOrder (integer) --

                The order in which actions are run.

              • configuration (dict) --

                The action's configuration. These are key-value pairs that specify input values for an action. For more information, see Action Structure Requirements in CodePipeline. For the list of configuration properties for the CloudFormation action type in CodePipeline, see Configuration Properties Reference in the CloudFormation User Guide . For template snippets with examples, see Using Parameter Override Functions with CodePipeline Pipelines in the CloudFormation User Guide .

                The values can be represented in either JSON or YAML format. For example, the JSON configuration item format is as follows:


                "Configuration" : { Key : Value },

                • (string) --

                  • (string) --

              • commands (list) --

                The shell commands to run with your compute action in CodePipeline. All commands are supported except multi-line formats. While CodeBuild logs and permissions are used, you do not need to create any resources in CodeBuild.


                Using compute time for this action will incur separate charges in CodeBuild.

                • (string) --

              • outputArtifacts (list) --

                The name or ID of the result of the action declaration, such as a test or build artifact.

                • (dict) --

                  Represents information about the output of an action.

                  • name (string) --

                    The name of the output of an artifact, such as "My App".

                    The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

                    Output artifact names must be unique within a pipeline.

                  • files (list) --

                    The files that you want to associate with the output artifact that will be exported from the compute action.

                    • (string) --

              • inputArtifacts (list) --

                The name or ID of the artifact consumed by the action, such as a test or build artifact.

                • (dict) --

                  Represents information about an artifact to be worked on, such as a test or build artifact.

                  • name (string) --

                    The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                    Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name:

                    The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

              • outputVariables (list) --

                The list of variables that are to be exported from the compute action. This is specifically CodeBuild environment variables as used for that action.

                • (string) --

              • roleArn (string) --

                The ARN of the IAM service role that performs the declared action. This is assumed through the roleArn for the pipeline.

              • region (string) --

                The action declaration's Amazon Web Services Region, such as us-east-1.

              • namespace (string) --

                The variable namespace associated with the action. All variables produced as output by this action fall under this namespace.

              • timeoutInMinutes (integer) --

                A timeout duration in minutes that can be applied against the ActionType’s default timeout value specified in Quotas for CodePipeline. This attribute is available only to the manual approval ActionType.

          • onFailure (dict) --

            The method to use when a stage has not completed successfully. For example, configuring this field for rollback will roll back a failed stage automatically to the last successful pipeline execution in the stage.

            • result (string) --

              The specified result for when the failure conditions are met, such as rolling back the stage.

            • retryConfiguration (dict) --

              The retry configuration specifies automatic retry for a failed stage, along with the configured retry mode.

              • retryMode (string) --

                The method that you want to configure for automatic stage retry on stage failure. You can specify to retry only failed action in the stage or all actions in the stage.

            • conditions (list) --

              The conditions that are configured as failure conditions.

              • (dict) --

                The condition for the stage. A condition is made up of the rules and the result for the condition.

                • result (string) --

                  The action to be done when the condition is met. For example, rolling back an execution for a failure condition.

                • rules (list) --

                  The rules that make up the condition.

                  • (dict) --

                    Represents information about the rule to be created for an associated condition. An example would be creating a new rule for an entry condition, such as a rule that checks for a test result before allowing the run to enter the deployment stage.

                    • name (string) --

                      The name of the rule that is created for the condition, such as CheckAllResults.

                    • ruleTypeId (dict) --

                      The ID for the rule type, which is made up of the combined values for category, owner, provider, and version.

                      • category (string) --

                        A category defines what kind of rule can be run in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the rule. The valid category is Rule .

                      • owner (string) --

                        The creator of the rule being called. The valid value for the Owner field in the rule category is AWS .

                      • provider (string) --

                        The rule provider, such as the DeploymentWindow rule.

                      • version (string) --

                        A string that describes the rule version.

                    • configuration (dict) --

                      The action configuration fields for the rule.

                      • (string) --

                        • (string) --

                    • inputArtifacts (list) --

                      The input artifacts fields for the rule, such as specifying an input file for the rule.

                      • (dict) --

                        Represents information about an artifact to be worked on, such as a test or build artifact.

                        • name (string) --

                          The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                          Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name:

                          The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

                    • roleArn (string) --

                      The pipeline role ARN associated with the rule.

                    • region (string) --

                      The Region for the condition associated with the rule.

                    • timeoutInMinutes (integer) --

                      The action timeout for the rule.

          • onSuccess (dict) --

            The method to use when a stage has succeeded. For example, configuring this field for conditions will allow the stage to succeed when the conditions are met.

            • conditions (list) --

              The conditions that are success conditions.

              • (dict) --

                The condition for the stage. A condition is made up of the rules and the result for the condition.

                • result (string) --

                  The action to be done when the condition is met. For example, rolling back an execution for a failure condition.

                • rules (list) --

                  The rules that make up the condition.

                  • (dict) --

                    Represents information about the rule to be created for an associated condition. An example would be creating a new rule for an entry condition, such as a rule that checks for a test result before allowing the run to enter the deployment stage.

                    • name (string) --

                      The name of the rule that is created for the condition, such as CheckAllResults.

                    • ruleTypeId (dict) --

                      The ID for the rule type, which is made up of the combined values for category, owner, provider, and version.

                      • category (string) --

                        A category defines what kind of rule can be run in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the rule. The valid category is Rule .

                      • owner (string) --

                        The creator of the rule being called. The valid value for the Owner field in the rule category is AWS .

                      • provider (string) --

                        The rule provider, such as the DeploymentWindow rule.

                      • version (string) --

                        A string that describes the rule version.

                    • configuration (dict) --

                      The action configuration fields for the rule.

                      • (string) --

                        • (string) --

                    • inputArtifacts (list) --

                      The input artifacts fields for the rule, such as specifying an input file for the rule.

                      • (dict) --

                        Represents information about an artifact to be worked on, such as a test or build artifact.

                        • name (string) --

                          The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                          Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name:

                          The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

                    • roleArn (string) --

                      The pipeline role ARN associated with the rule.

                    • region (string) --

                      The Region for the condition associated with the rule.

                    • timeoutInMinutes (integer) --

                      The action timeout for the rule.

          • beforeEntry (dict) --

            The method to use when a stage allows entry. For example, configuring this field for conditions will allow entry to the stage when the conditions are met.

            • conditions (list) --

              The conditions that are configured as entry conditions.

              • (dict) --

                The condition for the stage. A condition is made up of the rules and the result for the condition.

                • result (string) --

                  The action to be done when the condition is met. For example, rolling back an execution for a failure condition.

                • rules (list) --

                  The rules that make up the condition.

                  • (dict) --

                    Represents information about the rule to be created for an associated condition. An example would be creating a new rule for an entry condition, such as a rule that checks for a test result before allowing the run to enter the deployment stage.

                    • name (string) --

                      The name of the rule that is created for the condition, such as CheckAllResults.

                    • ruleTypeId (dict) --

                      The ID for the rule type, which is made up of the combined values for category, owner, provider, and version.

                      • category (string) --

                        A category defines what kind of rule can be run in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the rule. The valid category is Rule .

                      • owner (string) --

                        The creator of the rule being called. The valid value for the Owner field in the rule category is AWS .

                      • provider (string) --

                        The rule provider, such as the DeploymentWindow rule.

                      • version (string) --

                        A string that describes the rule version.

                    • configuration (dict) --

                      The action configuration fields for the rule.

                      • (string) --

                        • (string) --

                    • inputArtifacts (list) --

                      The input artifacts fields for the rule, such as specifying an input file for the rule.

                      • (dict) --

                        Represents information about an artifact to be worked on, such as a test or build artifact.

                        • name (string) --

                          The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                          Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name:

                          The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

                    • roleArn (string) --

                      The pipeline role ARN associated with the rule.

                    • region (string) --

                      The Region for the condition associated with the rule.

                    • timeoutInMinutes (integer) --

                      The action timeout for the rule.

      • version (integer) --

        The version number of the pipeline. A new pipeline always has a version number of 1. This number is incremented when a pipeline is updated.

      • executionMode (string) --

        The method that the pipeline will use to handle multiple executions. The default mode is SUPERSEDED.

      • pipelineType (string) --

        CodePipeline provides the following pipeline types, which differ in characteristics and price, so that you can tailor your pipeline features and cost to the needs of your applications.

        • V1 type pipelines have a JSON structure that contains standard pipeline, stage, and action-level parameters.

        • V2 type pipelines have the same structure as a V1 type, along with additional parameters for release safety and trigger configuration.


        Including V2 parameters, such as triggers on Git tags, in the pipeline JSON when creating or updating a pipeline will result in the pipeline having the V2 type of pipeline and the associated costs.

        For information about pricing for CodePipeline, see Pricing.

        For information about which type of pipeline to choose, see What type of pipeline is right for me?.

      • variables (list) --

        A list that defines the pipeline variables for a pipeline resource. Variable names can have alphanumeric and underscore characters, and the values must match [A-Za-z0-9@\-_]+ .

        • (dict) --

          A variable declared at the pipeline level.

          • name (string) --

            The name of a pipeline-level variable.

          • defaultValue (string) --

            The value of a pipeline-level variable.

          • description (string) --

            The description of a pipeline-level variable. It's used to add additional context about the variable, and not being used at time when pipeline executes.

      • triggers (list) --

        The trigger configuration specifying a type of event, such as Git tags, that starts the pipeline.


        When a trigger configuration is specified, default change detection for repository and branch commits is disabled.

        • (dict) --

          Represents information about the specified trigger configuration, such as the filter criteria and the source stage for the action that contains the trigger.


          This is only supported for the CodeStarSourceConnection action type.


          When a trigger configuration is specified, default change detection for repository and branch commits is disabled.

          • providerType (string) --

            The source provider for the event, such as connections configured for a repository with Git tags, for the specified trigger configuration.

          • gitConfiguration (dict) --

            Provides the filter criteria and the source stage for the repository event that starts the pipeline, such as Git tags.

            • sourceActionName (string) --

              The name of the pipeline source action where the trigger configuration, such as Git tags, is specified. The trigger configuration will start the pipeline upon the specified change only.


              You can only specify one trigger configuration per source action.

            • push (list) --

              The field where the repository event that will start the pipeline, such as pushing Git tags, is specified with details.

              • (dict) --

                The event criteria that specify when a specified repository event will start the pipeline for the specified trigger configuration, such as the lists of Git tags to include and exclude.

                • tags (dict) --

                  The field that contains the details for the Git tags trigger configuration.

                  • includes (list) --

                    The list of patterns of Git tags that, when pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                    • (string) --

                  • excludes (list) --

                    The list of patterns of Git tags that, when pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

                    • (string) --

                • branches (dict) --

                  The field that specifies to filter on branches for the push trigger configuration.

                  • includes (list) --

                    The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                    • (string) --

                  • excludes (list) --

                    The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

                    • (string) --

                • filePaths (dict) --

                  The field that specifies to filter on file paths for the push trigger configuration.

                  • includes (list) --

                    The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                    • (string) --

                  • excludes (list) --

                    The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

                    • (string) --

            • pullRequest (list) --

              The field where the repository event that will start the pipeline is specified as pull requests.

              • (dict) --

                The event criteria for the pull request trigger configuration, such as the lists of branches or file paths to include and exclude.

                • events (list) --

                  The field that specifies which pull request events to filter on (opened, updated, closed) for the trigger configuration.

                  • (string) --

                • branches (dict) --

                  The field that specifies to filter on branches for the pull request trigger configuration.

                  • includes (list) --

                    The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                    • (string) --

                  • excludes (list) --

                    The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

                    • (string) --

                • filePaths (dict) --

                  The field that specifies to filter on file paths for the pull request trigger configuration.

                  • includes (list) --

                    The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                    • (string) --

                  • excludes (list) --

                    The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

                    • (string) --

    • tags (list) --

      Specifies the tags applied to the pipeline.

      • (dict) --

        A tag is a key-value pair that is used to manage the resource.

        • key (string) --

          The tag's key.

        • value (string) --

          The tag's value.

GetPipeline (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'pipeline': {'stages': {'beforeEntry': {'conditions': {'result': {'RETRY',
                         'onFailure': {'conditions': {'result': {'RETRY',
                                       'result': {'RETRY', 'SKIP'},
                                       'retryConfiguration': {'retryMode': 'FAILED_ACTIONS '
                                                                           '| '
                         'onSuccess': {'conditions': {'result': {'RETRY',

Returns the metadata, structure, stages, and actions of a pipeline. Can be used to return the entire structure of a pipeline in JSON format, which can then be modified and used to update the pipeline structure with UpdatePipeline.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type name


param name


The name of the pipeline for which you want to get information. Pipeline names must be unique in an Amazon Web Services account.

type version


param version

The version number of the pipeline. If you do not specify a version, defaults to the current version.




Response Syntax

    'pipeline': {
        'name': 'string',
        'roleArn': 'string',
        'artifactStore': {
            'type': 'S3',
            'location': 'string',
            'encryptionKey': {
                'id': 'string',
                'type': 'KMS'
        'artifactStores': {
            'string': {
                'type': 'S3',
                'location': 'string',
                'encryptionKey': {
                    'id': 'string',
                    'type': 'KMS'
        'stages': [
                'name': 'string',
                'blockers': [
                        'name': 'string',
                        'type': 'Schedule'
                'actions': [
                        'name': 'string',
                        'actionTypeId': {
                            'category': 'Source'|'Build'|'Deploy'|'Test'|'Invoke'|'Approval'|'Compute',
                            'owner': 'AWS'|'ThirdParty'|'Custom',
                            'provider': 'string',
                            'version': 'string'
                        'runOrder': 123,
                        'configuration': {
                            'string': 'string'
                        'commands': [
                        'outputArtifacts': [
                                'name': 'string',
                                'files': [
                        'inputArtifacts': [
                                'name': 'string'
                        'outputVariables': [
                        'roleArn': 'string',
                        'region': 'string',
                        'namespace': 'string',
                        'timeoutInMinutes': 123
                'onFailure': {
                    'result': 'ROLLBACK'|'FAIL'|'RETRY'|'SKIP',
                    'retryConfiguration': {
                        'retryMode': 'FAILED_ACTIONS'|'ALL_ACTIONS'
                    'conditions': [
                            'result': 'ROLLBACK'|'FAIL'|'RETRY'|'SKIP',
                            'rules': [
                                    'name': 'string',
                                    'ruleTypeId': {
                                        'category': 'Rule',
                                        'owner': 'AWS',
                                        'provider': 'string',
                                        'version': 'string'
                                    'configuration': {
                                        'string': 'string'
                                    'inputArtifacts': [
                                            'name': 'string'
                                    'roleArn': 'string',
                                    'region': 'string',
                                    'timeoutInMinutes': 123
                'onSuccess': {
                    'conditions': [
                            'result': 'ROLLBACK'|'FAIL'|'RETRY'|'SKIP',
                            'rules': [
                                    'name': 'string',
                                    'ruleTypeId': {
                                        'category': 'Rule',
                                        'owner': 'AWS',
                                        'provider': 'string',
                                        'version': 'string'
                                    'configuration': {
                                        'string': 'string'
                                    'inputArtifacts': [
                                            'name': 'string'
                                    'roleArn': 'string',
                                    'region': 'string',
                                    'timeoutInMinutes': 123
                'beforeEntry': {
                    'conditions': [
                            'result': 'ROLLBACK'|'FAIL'|'RETRY'|'SKIP',
                            'rules': [
                                    'name': 'string',
                                    'ruleTypeId': {
                                        'category': 'Rule',
                                        'owner': 'AWS',
                                        'provider': 'string',
                                        'version': 'string'
                                    'configuration': {
                                        'string': 'string'
                                    'inputArtifacts': [
                                            'name': 'string'
                                    'roleArn': 'string',
                                    'region': 'string',
                                    'timeoutInMinutes': 123
        'version': 123,
        'executionMode': 'QUEUED'|'SUPERSEDED'|'PARALLEL',
        'pipelineType': 'V1'|'V2',
        'variables': [
                'name': 'string',
                'defaultValue': 'string',
                'description': 'string'
        'triggers': [
                'providerType': 'CodeStarSourceConnection',
                'gitConfiguration': {
                    'sourceActionName': 'string',
                    'push': [
                            'tags': {
                                'includes': [
                                'excludes': [
                            'branches': {
                                'includes': [
                                'excludes': [
                            'filePaths': {
                                'includes': [
                                'excludes': [
                    'pullRequest': [
                            'events': [
                            'branches': {
                                'includes': [
                                'excludes': [
                            'filePaths': {
                                'includes': [
                                'excludes': [
    'metadata': {
        'pipelineArn': 'string',
        'created': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'updated': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'pollingDisabledAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1)

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    Represents the output of a GetPipeline action.

    • pipeline (dict) --

      Represents the structure of actions and stages to be performed in the pipeline.

      • name (string) --

        The name of the pipeline.

      • roleArn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for CodePipeline to use to either perform actions with no actionRoleArn , or to use to assume roles for actions with an actionRoleArn .

      • artifactStore (dict) --

        Represents information about the S3 bucket where artifacts are stored for the pipeline.


        You must include either artifactStore or artifactStores in your pipeline, but you cannot use both. If you create a cross-region action in your pipeline, you must use artifactStores .

        • type (string) --

          The type of the artifact store, such as S3.

        • location (string) --

          The S3 bucket used for storing the artifacts for a pipeline. You can specify the name of an S3 bucket but not a folder in the bucket. A folder to contain the pipeline artifacts is created for you based on the name of the pipeline. You can use any S3 bucket in the same Amazon Web Services Region as the pipeline to store your pipeline artifacts.

        • encryptionKey (dict) --

          The encryption key used to encrypt the data in the artifact store, such as an Amazon Web Services Key Management Service key. If this is undefined, the default key for Amazon S3 is used.

          • id (string) --

            The ID used to identify the key. For an Amazon Web Services KMS key, you can use the key ID, the key ARN, or the alias ARN.


            Aliases are recognized only in the account that created the KMS key. For cross-account actions, you can only use the key ID or key ARN to identify the key. Cross-account actions involve using the role from the other account (AccountB), so specifying the key ID will use the key from the other account (AccountB).

          • type (string) --

            The type of encryption key, such as an Amazon Web Services KMS key. When creating or updating a pipeline, the value must be set to 'KMS'.

      • artifactStores (dict) --

        A mapping of artifactStore objects and their corresponding Amazon Web Services Regions. There must be an artifact store for the pipeline Region and for each cross-region action in the pipeline.


        You must include either artifactStore or artifactStores in your pipeline, but you cannot use both. If you create a cross-region action in your pipeline, you must use artifactStores .

        • (string) --

          • (dict) --

            The S3 bucket where artifacts for the pipeline are stored.


            You must include either artifactStore or artifactStores in your pipeline, but you cannot use both. If you create a cross-region action in your pipeline, you must use artifactStores .

            • type (string) --

              The type of the artifact store, such as S3.

            • location (string) --

              The S3 bucket used for storing the artifacts for a pipeline. You can specify the name of an S3 bucket but not a folder in the bucket. A folder to contain the pipeline artifacts is created for you based on the name of the pipeline. You can use any S3 bucket in the same Amazon Web Services Region as the pipeline to store your pipeline artifacts.

            • encryptionKey (dict) --

              The encryption key used to encrypt the data in the artifact store, such as an Amazon Web Services Key Management Service key. If this is undefined, the default key for Amazon S3 is used.

              • id (string) --

                The ID used to identify the key. For an Amazon Web Services KMS key, you can use the key ID, the key ARN, or the alias ARN.


                Aliases are recognized only in the account that created the KMS key. For cross-account actions, you can only use the key ID or key ARN to identify the key. Cross-account actions involve using the role from the other account (AccountB), so specifying the key ID will use the key from the other account (AccountB).

              • type (string) --

                The type of encryption key, such as an Amazon Web Services KMS key. When creating or updating a pipeline, the value must be set to 'KMS'.

      • stages (list) --

        The stage in which to perform the action.

        • (dict) --

          Represents information about a stage and its definition.

          • name (string) --

            The name of the stage.

          • blockers (list) --

            Reserved for future use.

            • (dict) --

              Reserved for future use.

              • name (string) --

                Reserved for future use.

              • type (string) --

                Reserved for future use.

          • actions (list) --

            The actions included in a stage.

            • (dict) --

              Represents information about an action declaration.

              • name (string) --

                The action declaration's name.

              • actionTypeId (dict) --

                Specifies the action type and the provider of the action.

                • category (string) --

                  A category defines what kind of action can be taken in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the action. Valid categories are limited to one of the following values.

                  • Source

                  • Build

                  • Test

                  • Deploy

                  • Invoke

                  • Approval

                • owner (string) --

                  The creator of the action being called. There are three valid values for the Owner field in the action category section within your pipeline structure: AWS , ThirdParty , and Custom . For more information, see Valid Action Types and Providers in CodePipeline.

                • provider (string) --

                  The provider of the service being called by the action. Valid providers are determined by the action category. For example, an action in the Deploy category type might have a provider of CodeDeploy, which would be specified as CodeDeploy . For more information, see Valid Action Types and Providers in CodePipeline.

                • version (string) --

                  A string that describes the action version.

              • runOrder (integer) --

                The order in which actions are run.

              • configuration (dict) --

                The action's configuration. These are key-value pairs that specify input values for an action. For more information, see Action Structure Requirements in CodePipeline. For the list of configuration properties for the CloudFormation action type in CodePipeline, see Configuration Properties Reference in the CloudFormation User Guide . For template snippets with examples, see Using Parameter Override Functions with CodePipeline Pipelines in the CloudFormation User Guide .

                The values can be represented in either JSON or YAML format. For example, the JSON configuration item format is as follows:


                "Configuration" : { Key : Value },

                • (string) --

                  • (string) --

              • commands (list) --

                The shell commands to run with your compute action in CodePipeline. All commands are supported except multi-line formats. While CodeBuild logs and permissions are used, you do not need to create any resources in CodeBuild.


                Using compute time for this action will incur separate charges in CodeBuild.

                • (string) --

              • outputArtifacts (list) --

                The name or ID of the result of the action declaration, such as a test or build artifact.

                • (dict) --

                  Represents information about the output of an action.

                  • name (string) --

                    The name of the output of an artifact, such as "My App".

                    The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

                    Output artifact names must be unique within a pipeline.

                  • files (list) --

                    The files that you want to associate with the output artifact that will be exported from the compute action.

                    • (string) --

              • inputArtifacts (list) --

                The name or ID of the artifact consumed by the action, such as a test or build artifact.

                • (dict) --

                  Represents information about an artifact to be worked on, such as a test or build artifact.

                  • name (string) --

                    The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                    Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name:

                    The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

              • outputVariables (list) --

                The list of variables that are to be exported from the compute action. This is specifically CodeBuild environment variables as used for that action.

                • (string) --

              • roleArn (string) --

                The ARN of the IAM service role that performs the declared action. This is assumed through the roleArn for the pipeline.

              • region (string) --

                The action declaration's Amazon Web Services Region, such as us-east-1.

              • namespace (string) --

                The variable namespace associated with the action. All variables produced as output by this action fall under this namespace.

              • timeoutInMinutes (integer) --

                A timeout duration in minutes that can be applied against the ActionType’s default timeout value specified in Quotas for CodePipeline. This attribute is available only to the manual approval ActionType.

          • onFailure (dict) --

            The method to use when a stage has not completed successfully. For example, configuring this field for rollback will roll back a failed stage automatically to the last successful pipeline execution in the stage.

            • result (string) --

              The specified result for when the failure conditions are met, such as rolling back the stage.

            • retryConfiguration (dict) --

              The retry configuration specifies automatic retry for a failed stage, along with the configured retry mode.

              • retryMode (string) --

                The method that you want to configure for automatic stage retry on stage failure. You can specify to retry only failed action in the stage or all actions in the stage.

            • conditions (list) --

              The conditions that are configured as failure conditions.

              • (dict) --

                The condition for the stage. A condition is made up of the rules and the result for the condition.

                • result (string) --

                  The action to be done when the condition is met. For example, rolling back an execution for a failure condition.

                • rules (list) --

                  The rules that make up the condition.

                  • (dict) --

                    Represents information about the rule to be created for an associated condition. An example would be creating a new rule for an entry condition, such as a rule that checks for a test result before allowing the run to enter the deployment stage.

                    • name (string) --

                      The name of the rule that is created for the condition, such as CheckAllResults.

                    • ruleTypeId (dict) --

                      The ID for the rule type, which is made up of the combined values for category, owner, provider, and version.

                      • category (string) --

                        A category defines what kind of rule can be run in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the rule. The valid category is Rule .

                      • owner (string) --

                        The creator of the rule being called. The valid value for the Owner field in the rule category is AWS .

                      • provider (string) --

                        The rule provider, such as the DeploymentWindow rule.

                      • version (string) --

                        A string that describes the rule version.

                    • configuration (dict) --

                      The action configuration fields for the rule.

                      • (string) --

                        • (string) --

                    • inputArtifacts (list) --

                      The input artifacts fields for the rule, such as specifying an input file for the rule.

                      • (dict) --

                        Represents information about an artifact to be worked on, such as a test or build artifact.

                        • name (string) --

                          The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                          Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name:

                          The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

                    • roleArn (string) --

                      The pipeline role ARN associated with the rule.

                    • region (string) --

                      The Region for the condition associated with the rule.

                    • timeoutInMinutes (integer) --

                      The action timeout for the rule.

          • onSuccess (dict) --

            The method to use when a stage has succeeded. For example, configuring this field for conditions will allow the stage to succeed when the conditions are met.

            • conditions (list) --

              The conditions that are success conditions.

              • (dict) --

                The condition for the stage. A condition is made up of the rules and the result for the condition.

                • result (string) --

                  The action to be done when the condition is met. For example, rolling back an execution for a failure condition.

                • rules (list) --

                  The rules that make up the condition.

                  • (dict) --

                    Represents information about the rule to be created for an associated condition. An example would be creating a new rule for an entry condition, such as a rule that checks for a test result before allowing the run to enter the deployment stage.

                    • name (string) --

                      The name of the rule that is created for the condition, such as CheckAllResults.

                    • ruleTypeId (dict) --

                      The ID for the rule type, which is made up of the combined values for category, owner, provider, and version.

                      • category (string) --

                        A category defines what kind of rule can be run in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the rule. The valid category is Rule .

                      • owner (string) --

                        The creator of the rule being called. The valid value for the Owner field in the rule category is AWS .

                      • provider (string) --

                        The rule provider, such as the DeploymentWindow rule.

                      • version (string) --

                        A string that describes the rule version.

                    • configuration (dict) --

                      The action configuration fields for the rule.

                      • (string) --

                        • (string) --

                    • inputArtifacts (list) --

                      The input artifacts fields for the rule, such as specifying an input file for the rule.

                      • (dict) --

                        Represents information about an artifact to be worked on, such as a test or build artifact.

                        • name (string) --

                          The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                          Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name:

                          The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

                    • roleArn (string) --

                      The pipeline role ARN associated with the rule.

                    • region (string) --

                      The Region for the condition associated with the rule.

                    • timeoutInMinutes (integer) --

                      The action timeout for the rule.

          • beforeEntry (dict) --

            The method to use when a stage allows entry. For example, configuring this field for conditions will allow entry to the stage when the conditions are met.

            • conditions (list) --

              The conditions that are configured as entry conditions.

              • (dict) --

                The condition for the stage. A condition is made up of the rules and the result for the condition.

                • result (string) --

                  The action to be done when the condition is met. For example, rolling back an execution for a failure condition.

                • rules (list) --

                  The rules that make up the condition.

                  • (dict) --

                    Represents information about the rule to be created for an associated condition. An example would be creating a new rule for an entry condition, such as a rule that checks for a test result before allowing the run to enter the deployment stage.

                    • name (string) --

                      The name of the rule that is created for the condition, such as CheckAllResults.

                    • ruleTypeId (dict) --

                      The ID for the rule type, which is made up of the combined values for category, owner, provider, and version.

                      • category (string) --

                        A category defines what kind of rule can be run in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the rule. The valid category is Rule .

                      • owner (string) --

                        The creator of the rule being called. The valid value for the Owner field in the rule category is AWS .

                      • provider (string) --

                        The rule provider, such as the DeploymentWindow rule.

                      • version (string) --

                        A string that describes the rule version.

                    • configuration (dict) --

                      The action configuration fields for the rule.

                      • (string) --

                        • (string) --

                    • inputArtifacts (list) --

                      The input artifacts fields for the rule, such as specifying an input file for the rule.

                      • (dict) --

                        Represents information about an artifact to be worked on, such as a test or build artifact.

                        • name (string) --

                          The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                          Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name:

                          The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

                    • roleArn (string) --

                      The pipeline role ARN associated with the rule.

                    • region (string) --

                      The Region for the condition associated with the rule.

                    • timeoutInMinutes (integer) --

                      The action timeout for the rule.

      • version (integer) --

        The version number of the pipeline. A new pipeline always has a version number of 1. This number is incremented when a pipeline is updated.

      • executionMode (string) --

        The method that the pipeline will use to handle multiple executions. The default mode is SUPERSEDED.

      • pipelineType (string) --

        CodePipeline provides the following pipeline types, which differ in characteristics and price, so that you can tailor your pipeline features and cost to the needs of your applications.

        • V1 type pipelines have a JSON structure that contains standard pipeline, stage, and action-level parameters.

        • V2 type pipelines have the same structure as a V1 type, along with additional parameters for release safety and trigger configuration.


        Including V2 parameters, such as triggers on Git tags, in the pipeline JSON when creating or updating a pipeline will result in the pipeline having the V2 type of pipeline and the associated costs.

        For information about pricing for CodePipeline, see Pricing.

        For information about which type of pipeline to choose, see What type of pipeline is right for me?.

      • variables (list) --

        A list that defines the pipeline variables for a pipeline resource. Variable names can have alphanumeric and underscore characters, and the values must match [A-Za-z0-9@\-_]+ .

        • (dict) --

          A variable declared at the pipeline level.

          • name (string) --

            The name of a pipeline-level variable.

          • defaultValue (string) --

            The value of a pipeline-level variable.

          • description (string) --

            The description of a pipeline-level variable. It's used to add additional context about the variable, and not being used at time when pipeline executes.

      • triggers (list) --

        The trigger configuration specifying a type of event, such as Git tags, that starts the pipeline.


        When a trigger configuration is specified, default change detection for repository and branch commits is disabled.

        • (dict) --

          Represents information about the specified trigger configuration, such as the filter criteria and the source stage for the action that contains the trigger.


          This is only supported for the CodeStarSourceConnection action type.


          When a trigger configuration is specified, default change detection for repository and branch commits is disabled.

          • providerType (string) --

            The source provider for the event, such as connections configured for a repository with Git tags, for the specified trigger configuration.

          • gitConfiguration (dict) --

            Provides the filter criteria and the source stage for the repository event that starts the pipeline, such as Git tags.

            • sourceActionName (string) --

              The name of the pipeline source action where the trigger configuration, such as Git tags, is specified. The trigger configuration will start the pipeline upon the specified change only.


              You can only specify one trigger configuration per source action.

            • push (list) --

              The field where the repository event that will start the pipeline, such as pushing Git tags, is specified with details.

              • (dict) --

                The event criteria that specify when a specified repository event will start the pipeline for the specified trigger configuration, such as the lists of Git tags to include and exclude.

                • tags (dict) --

                  The field that contains the details for the Git tags trigger configuration.

                  • includes (list) --

                    The list of patterns of Git tags that, when pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                    • (string) --

                  • excludes (list) --

                    The list of patterns of Git tags that, when pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

                    • (string) --

                • branches (dict) --

                  The field that specifies to filter on branches for the push trigger configuration.

                  • includes (list) --

                    The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                    • (string) --

                  • excludes (list) --

                    The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

                    • (string) --

                • filePaths (dict) --

                  The field that specifies to filter on file paths for the push trigger configuration.

                  • includes (list) --

                    The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                    • (string) --

                  • excludes (list) --

                    The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

                    • (string) --

            • pullRequest (list) --

              The field where the repository event that will start the pipeline is specified as pull requests.

              • (dict) --

                The event criteria for the pull request trigger configuration, such as the lists of branches or file paths to include and exclude.

                • events (list) --

                  The field that specifies which pull request events to filter on (opened, updated, closed) for the trigger configuration.

                  • (string) --

                • branches (dict) --

                  The field that specifies to filter on branches for the pull request trigger configuration.

                  • includes (list) --

                    The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                    • (string) --

                  • excludes (list) --

                    The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

                    • (string) --

                • filePaths (dict) --

                  The field that specifies to filter on file paths for the pull request trigger configuration.

                  • includes (list) --

                    The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                    • (string) --

                  • excludes (list) --

                    The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

                    • (string) --

    • metadata (dict) --

      Represents the pipeline metadata information returned as part of the output of a GetPipeline action.

      • pipelineArn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the pipeline.

      • created (datetime) --

        The date and time the pipeline was created, in timestamp format.

      • updated (datetime) --

        The date and time the pipeline was last updated, in timestamp format.

      • pollingDisabledAt (datetime) --

        The date and time that polling for source changes (periodic checks) was stopped for the pipeline, in timestamp format. You can migrate (update) a polling pipeline to use event-based change detection. For example, for a pipeline with a CodeCommit source, we recommend you migrate (update) your pipeline to use CloudWatch Events. To learn more, see Migrate polling pipelines to use event-based change detection in the CodePipeline User Guide.

GetPipelineState (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'stageStates': {'inboundExecution': {'status': {'Skipped'}},
                 'inboundExecutions': {'status': {'Skipped'}},
                 'latestExecution': {'status': {'Skipped'}},
                 'retryStageMetadata': {'autoStageRetryAttempt': 'integer',
                                        'latestRetryTrigger': 'AutomatedStageRetry '
                                                              '| '
                                        'manualStageRetryAttempt': 'integer'}}}

Returns information about the state of a pipeline, including the stages and actions.


Values returned in the revisionId and revisionUrl fields indicate the source revision information, such as the commit ID, for the current state.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type name


param name


The name of the pipeline about which you want to get information.




Response Syntax

    'pipelineName': 'string',
    'pipelineVersion': 123,
    'stageStates': [
            'stageName': 'string',
            'inboundExecution': {
                'pipelineExecutionId': 'string',
                'status': 'Cancelled'|'InProgress'|'Failed'|'Stopped'|'Stopping'|'Succeeded'|'Skipped',
                'type': 'STANDARD'|'ROLLBACK'
            'inboundExecutions': [
                    'pipelineExecutionId': 'string',
                    'status': 'Cancelled'|'InProgress'|'Failed'|'Stopped'|'Stopping'|'Succeeded'|'Skipped',
                    'type': 'STANDARD'|'ROLLBACK'
            'inboundTransitionState': {
                'enabled': True|False,
                'lastChangedBy': 'string',
                'lastChangedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                'disabledReason': 'string'
            'actionStates': [
                    'actionName': 'string',
                    'currentRevision': {
                        'revisionId': 'string',
                        'revisionChangeId': 'string',
                        'created': datetime(2015, 1, 1)
                    'latestExecution': {
                        'actionExecutionId': 'string',
                        'status': 'InProgress'|'Abandoned'|'Succeeded'|'Failed',
                        'summary': 'string',
                        'lastStatusChange': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                        'token': 'string',
                        'lastUpdatedBy': 'string',
                        'externalExecutionId': 'string',
                        'externalExecutionUrl': 'string',
                        'percentComplete': 123,
                        'errorDetails': {
                            'code': 'string',
                            'message': 'string'
                    'entityUrl': 'string',
                    'revisionUrl': 'string'
            'latestExecution': {
                'pipelineExecutionId': 'string',
                'status': 'Cancelled'|'InProgress'|'Failed'|'Stopped'|'Stopping'|'Succeeded'|'Skipped',
                'type': 'STANDARD'|'ROLLBACK'
            'beforeEntryConditionState': {
                'latestExecution': {
                    'status': 'InProgress'|'Failed'|'Errored'|'Succeeded'|'Cancelled'|'Abandoned'|'Overridden',
                    'summary': 'string'
                'conditionStates': [
                        'latestExecution': {
                            'status': 'InProgress'|'Failed'|'Errored'|'Succeeded'|'Cancelled'|'Abandoned'|'Overridden',
                            'summary': 'string',
                            'lastStatusChange': datetime(2015, 1, 1)
                        'ruleStates': [
                                'ruleName': 'string',
                                'currentRevision': {
                                    'revisionId': 'string',
                                    'revisionChangeId': 'string',
                                    'created': datetime(2015, 1, 1)
                                'latestExecution': {
                                    'ruleExecutionId': 'string',
                                    'status': 'InProgress'|'Abandoned'|'Succeeded'|'Failed',
                                    'summary': 'string',
                                    'lastStatusChange': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                                    'token': 'string',
                                    'lastUpdatedBy': 'string',
                                    'externalExecutionId': 'string',
                                    'externalExecutionUrl': 'string',
                                    'errorDetails': {
                                        'code': 'string',
                                        'message': 'string'
                                'entityUrl': 'string',
                                'revisionUrl': 'string'
            'onSuccessConditionState': {
                'latestExecution': {
                    'status': 'InProgress'|'Failed'|'Errored'|'Succeeded'|'Cancelled'|'Abandoned'|'Overridden',
                    'summary': 'string'
                'conditionStates': [
                        'latestExecution': {
                            'status': 'InProgress'|'Failed'|'Errored'|'Succeeded'|'Cancelled'|'Abandoned'|'Overridden',
                            'summary': 'string',
                            'lastStatusChange': datetime(2015, 1, 1)
                        'ruleStates': [
                                'ruleName': 'string',
                                'currentRevision': {
                                    'revisionId': 'string',
                                    'revisionChangeId': 'string',
                                    'created': datetime(2015, 1, 1)
                                'latestExecution': {
                                    'ruleExecutionId': 'string',
                                    'status': 'InProgress'|'Abandoned'|'Succeeded'|'Failed',
                                    'summary': 'string',
                                    'lastStatusChange': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                                    'token': 'string',
                                    'lastUpdatedBy': 'string',
                                    'externalExecutionId': 'string',
                                    'externalExecutionUrl': 'string',
                                    'errorDetails': {
                                        'code': 'string',
                                        'message': 'string'
                                'entityUrl': 'string',
                                'revisionUrl': 'string'
            'onFailureConditionState': {
                'latestExecution': {
                    'status': 'InProgress'|'Failed'|'Errored'|'Succeeded'|'Cancelled'|'Abandoned'|'Overridden',
                    'summary': 'string'
                'conditionStates': [
                        'latestExecution': {
                            'status': 'InProgress'|'Failed'|'Errored'|'Succeeded'|'Cancelled'|'Abandoned'|'Overridden',
                            'summary': 'string',
                            'lastStatusChange': datetime(2015, 1, 1)
                        'ruleStates': [
                                'ruleName': 'string',
                                'currentRevision': {
                                    'revisionId': 'string',
                                    'revisionChangeId': 'string',
                                    'created': datetime(2015, 1, 1)
                                'latestExecution': {
                                    'ruleExecutionId': 'string',
                                    'status': 'InProgress'|'Abandoned'|'Succeeded'|'Failed',
                                    'summary': 'string',
                                    'lastStatusChange': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                                    'token': 'string',
                                    'lastUpdatedBy': 'string',
                                    'externalExecutionId': 'string',
                                    'externalExecutionUrl': 'string',
                                    'errorDetails': {
                                        'code': 'string',
                                        'message': 'string'
                                'entityUrl': 'string',
                                'revisionUrl': 'string'
            'retryStageMetadata': {
                'autoStageRetryAttempt': 123,
                'manualStageRetryAttempt': 123,
                'latestRetryTrigger': 'AutomatedStageRetry'|'ManualStageRetry'
    'created': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'updated': datetime(2015, 1, 1)

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    Represents the output of a GetPipelineState action.

    • pipelineName (string) --

      The name of the pipeline for which you want to get the state.

    • pipelineVersion (integer) --

      The version number of the pipeline.


      A newly created pipeline is always assigned a version number of 1 .

    • stageStates (list) --

      A list of the pipeline stage output information, including stage name, state, most recent run details, whether the stage is disabled, and other data.

      • (dict) --

        Represents information about the state of the stage.

        • stageName (string) --

          The name of the stage.

        • inboundExecution (dict) --

          Represents information about the run of a stage.

          • pipelineExecutionId (string) --

            The ID of the pipeline execution associated with the stage.

          • status (string) --

            The status of the stage, or for a completed stage, the last status of the stage.


            A status of cancelled means that the pipeline’s definition was updated before the stage execution could be completed.

          • type (string) --

            The type of pipeline execution for the stage, such as a rollback pipeline execution.

        • inboundExecutions (list) --

          The inbound executions for a stage.

          • (dict) --

            Represents information about the run of a stage.

            • pipelineExecutionId (string) --

              The ID of the pipeline execution associated with the stage.

            • status (string) --

              The status of the stage, or for a completed stage, the last status of the stage.


              A status of cancelled means that the pipeline’s definition was updated before the stage execution could be completed.

            • type (string) --

              The type of pipeline execution for the stage, such as a rollback pipeline execution.

        • inboundTransitionState (dict) --

          The state of the inbound transition, which is either enabled or disabled.

          • enabled (boolean) --

            Whether the transition between stages is enabled (true) or disabled (false).

          • lastChangedBy (string) --

            The ID of the user who last changed the transition state.

          • lastChangedAt (datetime) --

            The timestamp when the transition state was last changed.

          • disabledReason (string) --

            The user-specified reason why the transition between two stages of a pipeline was disabled.

        • actionStates (list) --

          The state of the stage.

          • (dict) --

            Represents information about the state of an action.

            • actionName (string) --

              The name of the action.

            • currentRevision (dict) --

              Represents information about the version (or revision) of an action.

              • revisionId (string) --

                The system-generated unique ID that identifies the revision number of the action.

              • revisionChangeId (string) --

                The unique identifier of the change that set the state to this revision (for example, a deployment ID or timestamp).

              • created (datetime) --

                The date and time when the most recent version of the action was created, in timestamp format.

            • latestExecution (dict) --

              Represents information about the run of an action.

              • actionExecutionId (string) --

                ID of the workflow action execution in the current stage. Use the GetPipelineState action to retrieve the current action execution details of the current stage.


                For older executions, this field might be empty. The action execution ID is available for executions run on or after March 2020.

              • status (string) --

                The status of the action, or for a completed action, the last status of the action.

              • summary (string) --

                A summary of the run of the action.

              • lastStatusChange (datetime) --

                The last status change of the action.

              • token (string) --

                The system-generated token used to identify a unique approval request. The token for each open approval request can be obtained using the GetPipelineState command. It is used to validate that the approval request corresponding to this token is still valid.

              • lastUpdatedBy (string) --

                The ARN of the user who last changed the pipeline.

              • externalExecutionId (string) --

                The external ID of the run of the action.

              • externalExecutionUrl (string) --

                The URL of a resource external to Amazon Web Services that is used when running the action (for example, an external repository URL).

              • percentComplete (integer) --

                A percentage of completeness of the action as it runs.

              • errorDetails (dict) --

                The details of an error returned by a URL external to Amazon Web Services.

                • code (string) --

                  The system ID or number code of the error.

                • message (string) --

                  The text of the error message.

            • entityUrl (string) --

              A URL link for more information about the state of the action, such as a deployment group details page.

            • revisionUrl (string) --

              A URL link for more information about the revision, such as a commit details page.

        • latestExecution (dict) --

          Information about the latest execution in the stage, including its ID and status.

          • pipelineExecutionId (string) --

            The ID of the pipeline execution associated with the stage.

          • status (string) --

            The status of the stage, or for a completed stage, the last status of the stage.


            A status of cancelled means that the pipeline’s definition was updated before the stage execution could be completed.

          • type (string) --

            The type of pipeline execution for the stage, such as a rollback pipeline execution.

        • beforeEntryConditionState (dict) --

          The state of the entry conditions for a stage.

          • latestExecution (dict) --

            Represents information about the latest run of a condition for a stage.

            • status (string) --

              The status of a run of a condition for a stage.

            • summary (string) --

              A summary of the run of the condition for a stage.

          • conditionStates (list) --

            The states of the conditions for a run of a condition for a stage.

            • (dict) --

              Information about the state of the condition.

              • latestExecution (dict) --

                The state of the latest run of the rule.

                • status (string) --

                  The status of the run for a condition.

                • summary (string) --

                  The summary of information about a run for a condition.

                • lastStatusChange (datetime) --

                  The last status change of the condition.

              • ruleStates (list) --

                The state of the rules for the condition.

                • (dict) --

                  Returns information about the state of a rule.


                  Values returned in the revisionId field indicate the rule revision information, such as the commit ID, for the current state.

                  • ruleName (string) --

                    The name of the rule.

                  • currentRevision (dict) --

                    The ID of the current revision of the artifact successfully worked on by the job.

                    • revisionId (string) --

                      The system-generated unique ID that identifies the revision number of the rule.

                    • revisionChangeId (string) --

                      The unique identifier of the change that set the state to this revision (for example, a deployment ID or timestamp).

                    • created (datetime) --

                      The date and time when the most recent version of the rule was created, in timestamp format.

                  • latestExecution (dict) --

                    Represents information about the latest run of an rule.

                    • ruleExecutionId (string) --

                      The execution ID for the run of the rule.

                    • status (string) --

                      The status of the run of the rule, such as FAILED.

                    • summary (string) --

                      A summary of the run of the rule.

                    • lastStatusChange (datetime) --

                      The last status change of the rule.

                    • token (string) --

                      The system-generated token used to identify a unique request.

                    • lastUpdatedBy (string) --

                      The ARN of the user who last changed the rule.

                    • externalExecutionId (string) --

                      The external ID of the run of the rule.

                    • externalExecutionUrl (string) --

                      The URL of a resource external to Amazon Web Services that is used when running the rule (for example, an external repository URL).

                    • errorDetails (dict) --

                      Represents information about an error in CodePipeline.

                      • code (string) --

                        The system ID or number code of the error.

                      • message (string) --

                        The text of the error message.

                  • entityUrl (string) --

                    A URL link for more information about the state of the action, such as a details page.

                  • revisionUrl (string) --

                    A URL link for more information about the revision, such as a commit details page.

        • onSuccessConditionState (dict) --

          The state of the success conditions for a stage.

          • latestExecution (dict) --

            Represents information about the latest run of a condition for a stage.

            • status (string) --

              The status of a run of a condition for a stage.

            • summary (string) --

              A summary of the run of the condition for a stage.

          • conditionStates (list) --

            The states of the conditions for a run of a condition for a stage.

            • (dict) --

              Information about the state of the condition.

              • latestExecution (dict) --

                The state of the latest run of the rule.

                • status (string) --

                  The status of the run for a condition.

                • summary (string) --

                  The summary of information about a run for a condition.

                • lastStatusChange (datetime) --

                  The last status change of the condition.

              • ruleStates (list) --

                The state of the rules for the condition.

                • (dict) --

                  Returns information about the state of a rule.


                  Values returned in the revisionId field indicate the rule revision information, such as the commit ID, for the current state.

                  • ruleName (string) --

                    The name of the rule.

                  • currentRevision (dict) --

                    The ID of the current revision of the artifact successfully worked on by the job.

                    • revisionId (string) --

                      The system-generated unique ID that identifies the revision number of the rule.

                    • revisionChangeId (string) --

                      The unique identifier of the change that set the state to this revision (for example, a deployment ID or timestamp).

                    • created (datetime) --

                      The date and time when the most recent version of the rule was created, in timestamp format.

                  • latestExecution (dict) --

                    Represents information about the latest run of an rule.

                    • ruleExecutionId (string) --

                      The execution ID for the run of the rule.

                    • status (string) --

                      The status of the run of the rule, such as FAILED.

                    • summary (string) --

                      A summary of the run of the rule.

                    • lastStatusChange (datetime) --

                      The last status change of the rule.

                    • token (string) --

                      The system-generated token used to identify a unique request.

                    • lastUpdatedBy (string) --

                      The ARN of the user who last changed the rule.

                    • externalExecutionId (string) --

                      The external ID of the run of the rule.

                    • externalExecutionUrl (string) --

                      The URL of a resource external to Amazon Web Services that is used when running the rule (for example, an external repository URL).

                    • errorDetails (dict) --

                      Represents information about an error in CodePipeline.

                      • code (string) --

                        The system ID or number code of the error.

                      • message (string) --

                        The text of the error message.

                  • entityUrl (string) --

                    A URL link for more information about the state of the action, such as a details page.

                  • revisionUrl (string) --

                    A URL link for more information about the revision, such as a commit details page.

        • onFailureConditionState (dict) --

          The state of the failure conditions for a stage.

          • latestExecution (dict) --

            Represents information about the latest run of a condition for a stage.

            • status (string) --

              The status of a run of a condition for a stage.

            • summary (string) --

              A summary of the run of the condition for a stage.

          • conditionStates (list) --

            The states of the conditions for a run of a condition for a stage.

            • (dict) --

              Information about the state of the condition.

              • latestExecution (dict) --

                The state of the latest run of the rule.

                • status (string) --

                  The status of the run for a condition.

                • summary (string) --

                  The summary of information about a run for a condition.

                • lastStatusChange (datetime) --

                  The last status change of the condition.

              • ruleStates (list) --

                The state of the rules for the condition.

                • (dict) --

                  Returns information about the state of a rule.


                  Values returned in the revisionId field indicate the rule revision information, such as the commit ID, for the current state.

                  • ruleName (string) --

                    The name of the rule.

                  • currentRevision (dict) --

                    The ID of the current revision of the artifact successfully worked on by the job.

                    • revisionId (string) --

                      The system-generated unique ID that identifies the revision number of the rule.

                    • revisionChangeId (string) --

                      The unique identifier of the change that set the state to this revision (for example, a deployment ID or timestamp).

                    • created (datetime) --

                      The date and time when the most recent version of the rule was created, in timestamp format.

                  • latestExecution (dict) --

                    Represents information about the latest run of an rule.

                    • ruleExecutionId (string) --

                      The execution ID for the run of the rule.

                    • status (string) --

                      The status of the run of the rule, such as FAILED.

                    • summary (string) --

                      A summary of the run of the rule.

                    • lastStatusChange (datetime) --

                      The last status change of the rule.

                    • token (string) --

                      The system-generated token used to identify a unique request.

                    • lastUpdatedBy (string) --

                      The ARN of the user who last changed the rule.

                    • externalExecutionId (string) --

                      The external ID of the run of the rule.

                    • externalExecutionUrl (string) --

                      The URL of a resource external to Amazon Web Services that is used when running the rule (for example, an external repository URL).

                    • errorDetails (dict) --

                      Represents information about an error in CodePipeline.

                      • code (string) --

                        The system ID or number code of the error.

                      • message (string) --

                        The text of the error message.

                  • entityUrl (string) --

                    A URL link for more information about the state of the action, such as a details page.

                  • revisionUrl (string) --

                    A URL link for more information about the revision, such as a commit details page.

        • retryStageMetadata (dict) --

          he details of a specific automatic retry on stage failure, including the attempt number and trigger.

          • autoStageRetryAttempt (integer) --

            The number of attempts for a specific stage with automatic retry on stage failure. One attempt is allowed for automatic stage retry on failure.

          • manualStageRetryAttempt (integer) --

            The number of attempts for a specific stage where manual retries have been made upon stage failure.

          • latestRetryTrigger (string) --

            The latest trigger for a specific stage where manual or automatic retries have been made upon stage failure.

    • created (datetime) --

      The date and time the pipeline was created, in timestamp format.

    • updated (datetime) --

      The date and time the pipeline was last updated, in timestamp format.

UpdatePipeline (updated) Link ¶
Changes (both)
{'pipeline': {'stages': {'beforeEntry': {'conditions': {'result': {'RETRY',
                         'onFailure': {'conditions': {'result': {'RETRY',
                                       'result': {'RETRY', 'SKIP'},
                                       'retryConfiguration': {'retryMode': 'FAILED_ACTIONS '
                                                                           '| '
                         'onSuccess': {'conditions': {'result': {'RETRY',

Updates a specified pipeline with edits or changes to its structure. Use a JSON file with the pipeline structure and UpdatePipeline to provide the full structure of the pipeline. Updating the pipeline increases the version number of the pipeline by 1.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'name': 'string',
        'roleArn': 'string',
        'artifactStore': {
            'type': 'S3',
            'location': 'string',
            'encryptionKey': {
                'id': 'string',
                'type': 'KMS'
        'artifactStores': {
            'string': {
                'type': 'S3',
                'location': 'string',
                'encryptionKey': {
                    'id': 'string',
                    'type': 'KMS'
        'stages': [
                'name': 'string',
                'blockers': [
                        'name': 'string',
                        'type': 'Schedule'
                'actions': [
                        'name': 'string',
                        'actionTypeId': {
                            'category': 'Source'|'Build'|'Deploy'|'Test'|'Invoke'|'Approval'|'Compute',
                            'owner': 'AWS'|'ThirdParty'|'Custom',
                            'provider': 'string',
                            'version': 'string'
                        'runOrder': 123,
                        'configuration': {
                            'string': 'string'
                        'commands': [
                        'outputArtifacts': [
                                'name': 'string',
                                'files': [
                        'inputArtifacts': [
                                'name': 'string'
                        'outputVariables': [
                        'roleArn': 'string',
                        'region': 'string',
                        'namespace': 'string',
                        'timeoutInMinutes': 123
                'onFailure': {
                    'result': 'ROLLBACK'|'FAIL'|'RETRY'|'SKIP',
                    'retryConfiguration': {
                        'retryMode': 'FAILED_ACTIONS'|'ALL_ACTIONS'
                    'conditions': [
                            'result': 'ROLLBACK'|'FAIL'|'RETRY'|'SKIP',
                            'rules': [
                                    'name': 'string',
                                    'ruleTypeId': {
                                        'category': 'Rule',
                                        'owner': 'AWS',
                                        'provider': 'string',
                                        'version': 'string'
                                    'configuration': {
                                        'string': 'string'
                                    'inputArtifacts': [
                                            'name': 'string'
                                    'roleArn': 'string',
                                    'region': 'string',
                                    'timeoutInMinutes': 123
                'onSuccess': {
                    'conditions': [
                            'result': 'ROLLBACK'|'FAIL'|'RETRY'|'SKIP',
                            'rules': [
                                    'name': 'string',
                                    'ruleTypeId': {
                                        'category': 'Rule',
                                        'owner': 'AWS',
                                        'provider': 'string',
                                        'version': 'string'
                                    'configuration': {
                                        'string': 'string'
                                    'inputArtifacts': [
                                            'name': 'string'
                                    'roleArn': 'string',
                                    'region': 'string',
                                    'timeoutInMinutes': 123
                'beforeEntry': {
                    'conditions': [
                            'result': 'ROLLBACK'|'FAIL'|'RETRY'|'SKIP',
                            'rules': [
                                    'name': 'string',
                                    'ruleTypeId': {
                                        'category': 'Rule',
                                        'owner': 'AWS',
                                        'provider': 'string',
                                        'version': 'string'
                                    'configuration': {
                                        'string': 'string'
                                    'inputArtifacts': [
                                            'name': 'string'
                                    'roleArn': 'string',
                                    'region': 'string',
                                    'timeoutInMinutes': 123
        'version': 123,
        'executionMode': 'QUEUED'|'SUPERSEDED'|'PARALLEL',
        'pipelineType': 'V1'|'V2',
        'variables': [
                'name': 'string',
                'defaultValue': 'string',
                'description': 'string'
        'triggers': [
                'providerType': 'CodeStarSourceConnection',
                'gitConfiguration': {
                    'sourceActionName': 'string',
                    'push': [
                            'tags': {
                                'includes': [
                                'excludes': [
                            'branches': {
                                'includes': [
                                'excludes': [
                            'filePaths': {
                                'includes': [
                                'excludes': [
                    'pullRequest': [
                            'events': [
                            'branches': {
                                'includes': [
                                'excludes': [
                            'filePaths': {
                                'includes': [
                                'excludes': [
type pipeline


param pipeline


The name of the pipeline to be updated.

  • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

    The name of the pipeline.

  • roleArn (string) -- [REQUIRED]

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for CodePipeline to use to either perform actions with no actionRoleArn , or to use to assume roles for actions with an actionRoleArn .

  • artifactStore (dict) --

    Represents information about the S3 bucket where artifacts are stored for the pipeline.


    You must include either artifactStore or artifactStores in your pipeline, but you cannot use both. If you create a cross-region action in your pipeline, you must use artifactStores .

    • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The type of the artifact store, such as S3.

    • location (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The S3 bucket used for storing the artifacts for a pipeline. You can specify the name of an S3 bucket but not a folder in the bucket. A folder to contain the pipeline artifacts is created for you based on the name of the pipeline. You can use any S3 bucket in the same Amazon Web Services Region as the pipeline to store your pipeline artifacts.

    • encryptionKey (dict) --

      The encryption key used to encrypt the data in the artifact store, such as an Amazon Web Services Key Management Service key. If this is undefined, the default key for Amazon S3 is used.

      • id (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The ID used to identify the key. For an Amazon Web Services KMS key, you can use the key ID, the key ARN, or the alias ARN.


        Aliases are recognized only in the account that created the KMS key. For cross-account actions, you can only use the key ID or key ARN to identify the key. Cross-account actions involve using the role from the other account (AccountB), so specifying the key ID will use the key from the other account (AccountB).

      • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The type of encryption key, such as an Amazon Web Services KMS key. When creating or updating a pipeline, the value must be set to 'KMS'.

  • artifactStores (dict) --

    A mapping of artifactStore objects and their corresponding Amazon Web Services Regions. There must be an artifact store for the pipeline Region and for each cross-region action in the pipeline.


    You must include either artifactStore or artifactStores in your pipeline, but you cannot use both. If you create a cross-region action in your pipeline, you must use artifactStores .

    • (string) --

      • (dict) --

        The S3 bucket where artifacts for the pipeline are stored.


        You must include either artifactStore or artifactStores in your pipeline, but you cannot use both. If you create a cross-region action in your pipeline, you must use artifactStores .

        • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

          The type of the artifact store, such as S3.

        • location (string) -- [REQUIRED]

          The S3 bucket used for storing the artifacts for a pipeline. You can specify the name of an S3 bucket but not a folder in the bucket. A folder to contain the pipeline artifacts is created for you based on the name of the pipeline. You can use any S3 bucket in the same Amazon Web Services Region as the pipeline to store your pipeline artifacts.

        • encryptionKey (dict) --

          The encryption key used to encrypt the data in the artifact store, such as an Amazon Web Services Key Management Service key. If this is undefined, the default key for Amazon S3 is used.

          • id (string) -- [REQUIRED]

            The ID used to identify the key. For an Amazon Web Services KMS key, you can use the key ID, the key ARN, or the alias ARN.


            Aliases are recognized only in the account that created the KMS key. For cross-account actions, you can only use the key ID or key ARN to identify the key. Cross-account actions involve using the role from the other account (AccountB), so specifying the key ID will use the key from the other account (AccountB).

          • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

            The type of encryption key, such as an Amazon Web Services KMS key. When creating or updating a pipeline, the value must be set to 'KMS'.

  • stages (list) -- [REQUIRED]

    The stage in which to perform the action.

    • (dict) --

      Represents information about a stage and its definition.

      • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The name of the stage.

      • blockers (list) --

        Reserved for future use.

        • (dict) --

          Reserved for future use.

          • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

            Reserved for future use.

          • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

            Reserved for future use.

      • actions (list) -- [REQUIRED]

        The actions included in a stage.

        • (dict) --

          Represents information about an action declaration.

          • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

            The action declaration's name.

          • actionTypeId (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

            Specifies the action type and the provider of the action.

            • category (string) -- [REQUIRED]

              A category defines what kind of action can be taken in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the action. Valid categories are limited to one of the following values.

              • Source

              • Build

              • Test

              • Deploy

              • Invoke

              • Approval

            • owner (string) -- [REQUIRED]

              The creator of the action being called. There are three valid values for the Owner field in the action category section within your pipeline structure: AWS , ThirdParty , and Custom . For more information, see Valid Action Types and Providers in CodePipeline.

            • provider (string) -- [REQUIRED]

              The provider of the service being called by the action. Valid providers are determined by the action category. For example, an action in the Deploy category type might have a provider of CodeDeploy, which would be specified as CodeDeploy . For more information, see Valid Action Types and Providers in CodePipeline.

            • version (string) -- [REQUIRED]

              A string that describes the action version.

          • runOrder (integer) --

            The order in which actions are run.

          • configuration (dict) --

            The action's configuration. These are key-value pairs that specify input values for an action. For more information, see Action Structure Requirements in CodePipeline. For the list of configuration properties for the CloudFormation action type in CodePipeline, see Configuration Properties Reference in the CloudFormation User Guide . For template snippets with examples, see Using Parameter Override Functions with CodePipeline Pipelines in the CloudFormation User Guide .

            The values can be represented in either JSON or YAML format. For example, the JSON configuration item format is as follows:


            "Configuration" : { Key : Value },

            • (string) --

              • (string) --

          • commands (list) --

            The shell commands to run with your compute action in CodePipeline. All commands are supported except multi-line formats. While CodeBuild logs and permissions are used, you do not need to create any resources in CodeBuild.


            Using compute time for this action will incur separate charges in CodeBuild.

            • (string) --

          • outputArtifacts (list) --

            The name or ID of the result of the action declaration, such as a test or build artifact.

            • (dict) --

              Represents information about the output of an action.

              • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The name of the output of an artifact, such as "My App".

                The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

                Output artifact names must be unique within a pipeline.

              • files (list) --

                The files that you want to associate with the output artifact that will be exported from the compute action.

                • (string) --

          • inputArtifacts (list) --

            The name or ID of the artifact consumed by the action, such as a test or build artifact.

            • (dict) --

              Represents information about an artifact to be worked on, such as a test or build artifact.

              • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name:

                The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

          • outputVariables (list) --

            The list of variables that are to be exported from the compute action. This is specifically CodeBuild environment variables as used for that action.

            • (string) --

          • roleArn (string) --

            The ARN of the IAM service role that performs the declared action. This is assumed through the roleArn for the pipeline.

          • region (string) --

            The action declaration's Amazon Web Services Region, such as us-east-1.

          • namespace (string) --

            The variable namespace associated with the action. All variables produced as output by this action fall under this namespace.

          • timeoutInMinutes (integer) --

            A timeout duration in minutes that can be applied against the ActionType’s default timeout value specified in Quotas for CodePipeline. This attribute is available only to the manual approval ActionType.

      • onFailure (dict) --

        The method to use when a stage has not completed successfully. For example, configuring this field for rollback will roll back a failed stage automatically to the last successful pipeline execution in the stage.

        • result (string) --

          The specified result for when the failure conditions are met, such as rolling back the stage.

        • retryConfiguration (dict) --

          The retry configuration specifies automatic retry for a failed stage, along with the configured retry mode.

          • retryMode (string) --

            The method that you want to configure for automatic stage retry on stage failure. You can specify to retry only failed action in the stage or all actions in the stage.

        • conditions (list) --

          The conditions that are configured as failure conditions.

          • (dict) --

            The condition for the stage. A condition is made up of the rules and the result for the condition.

            • result (string) --

              The action to be done when the condition is met. For example, rolling back an execution for a failure condition.

            • rules (list) --

              The rules that make up the condition.

              • (dict) --

                Represents information about the rule to be created for an associated condition. An example would be creating a new rule for an entry condition, such as a rule that checks for a test result before allowing the run to enter the deployment stage.

                • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The name of the rule that is created for the condition, such as CheckAllResults.

                • ruleTypeId (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The ID for the rule type, which is made up of the combined values for category, owner, provider, and version.

                  • category (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    A category defines what kind of rule can be run in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the rule. The valid category is Rule .

                  • owner (string) --

                    The creator of the rule being called. The valid value for the Owner field in the rule category is AWS .

                  • provider (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The rule provider, such as the DeploymentWindow rule.

                  • version (string) --

                    A string that describes the rule version.

                • configuration (dict) --

                  The action configuration fields for the rule.

                  • (string) --

                    • (string) --

                • inputArtifacts (list) --

                  The input artifacts fields for the rule, such as specifying an input file for the rule.

                  • (dict) --

                    Represents information about an artifact to be worked on, such as a test or build artifact.

                    • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                      Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name:

                      The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

                • roleArn (string) --

                  The pipeline role ARN associated with the rule.

                • region (string) --

                  The Region for the condition associated with the rule.

                • timeoutInMinutes (integer) --

                  The action timeout for the rule.

      • onSuccess (dict) --

        The method to use when a stage has succeeded. For example, configuring this field for conditions will allow the stage to succeed when the conditions are met.

        • conditions (list) -- [REQUIRED]

          The conditions that are success conditions.

          • (dict) --

            The condition for the stage. A condition is made up of the rules and the result for the condition.

            • result (string) --

              The action to be done when the condition is met. For example, rolling back an execution for a failure condition.

            • rules (list) --

              The rules that make up the condition.

              • (dict) --

                Represents information about the rule to be created for an associated condition. An example would be creating a new rule for an entry condition, such as a rule that checks for a test result before allowing the run to enter the deployment stage.

                • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The name of the rule that is created for the condition, such as CheckAllResults.

                • ruleTypeId (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The ID for the rule type, which is made up of the combined values for category, owner, provider, and version.

                  • category (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    A category defines what kind of rule can be run in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the rule. The valid category is Rule .

                  • owner (string) --

                    The creator of the rule being called. The valid value for the Owner field in the rule category is AWS .

                  • provider (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The rule provider, such as the DeploymentWindow rule.

                  • version (string) --

                    A string that describes the rule version.

                • configuration (dict) --

                  The action configuration fields for the rule.

                  • (string) --

                    • (string) --

                • inputArtifacts (list) --

                  The input artifacts fields for the rule, such as specifying an input file for the rule.

                  • (dict) --

                    Represents information about an artifact to be worked on, such as a test or build artifact.

                    • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                      Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name:

                      The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

                • roleArn (string) --

                  The pipeline role ARN associated with the rule.

                • region (string) --

                  The Region for the condition associated with the rule.

                • timeoutInMinutes (integer) --

                  The action timeout for the rule.

      • beforeEntry (dict) --

        The method to use when a stage allows entry. For example, configuring this field for conditions will allow entry to the stage when the conditions are met.

        • conditions (list) -- [REQUIRED]

          The conditions that are configured as entry conditions.

          • (dict) --

            The condition for the stage. A condition is made up of the rules and the result for the condition.

            • result (string) --

              The action to be done when the condition is met. For example, rolling back an execution for a failure condition.

            • rules (list) --

              The rules that make up the condition.

              • (dict) --

                Represents information about the rule to be created for an associated condition. An example would be creating a new rule for an entry condition, such as a rule that checks for a test result before allowing the run to enter the deployment stage.

                • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The name of the rule that is created for the condition, such as CheckAllResults.

                • ruleTypeId (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The ID for the rule type, which is made up of the combined values for category, owner, provider, and version.

                  • category (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    A category defines what kind of rule can be run in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the rule. The valid category is Rule .

                  • owner (string) --

                    The creator of the rule being called. The valid value for the Owner field in the rule category is AWS .

                  • provider (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The rule provider, such as the DeploymentWindow rule.

                  • version (string) --

                    A string that describes the rule version.

                • configuration (dict) --

                  The action configuration fields for the rule.

                  • (string) --

                    • (string) --

                • inputArtifacts (list) --

                  The input artifacts fields for the rule, such as specifying an input file for the rule.

                  • (dict) --

                    Represents information about an artifact to be worked on, such as a test or build artifact.

                    • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                      Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name:

                      The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

                • roleArn (string) --

                  The pipeline role ARN associated with the rule.

                • region (string) --

                  The Region for the condition associated with the rule.

                • timeoutInMinutes (integer) --

                  The action timeout for the rule.

  • version (integer) --

    The version number of the pipeline. A new pipeline always has a version number of 1. This number is incremented when a pipeline is updated.

  • executionMode (string) --

    The method that the pipeline will use to handle multiple executions. The default mode is SUPERSEDED.

  • pipelineType (string) --

    CodePipeline provides the following pipeline types, which differ in characteristics and price, so that you can tailor your pipeline features and cost to the needs of your applications.

    • V1 type pipelines have a JSON structure that contains standard pipeline, stage, and action-level parameters.

    • V2 type pipelines have the same structure as a V1 type, along with additional parameters for release safety and trigger configuration.


    Including V2 parameters, such as triggers on Git tags, in the pipeline JSON when creating or updating a pipeline will result in the pipeline having the V2 type of pipeline and the associated costs.

    For information about pricing for CodePipeline, see Pricing.

    For information about which type of pipeline to choose, see What type of pipeline is right for me?.

  • variables (list) --

    A list that defines the pipeline variables for a pipeline resource. Variable names can have alphanumeric and underscore characters, and the values must match [A-Za-z0-9@\-_]+ .

    • (dict) --

      A variable declared at the pipeline level.

      • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The name of a pipeline-level variable.

      • defaultValue (string) --

        The value of a pipeline-level variable.

      • description (string) --

        The description of a pipeline-level variable. It's used to add additional context about the variable, and not being used at time when pipeline executes.

  • triggers (list) --

    The trigger configuration specifying a type of event, such as Git tags, that starts the pipeline.


    When a trigger configuration is specified, default change detection for repository and branch commits is disabled.

    • (dict) --

      Represents information about the specified trigger configuration, such as the filter criteria and the source stage for the action that contains the trigger.


      This is only supported for the CodeStarSourceConnection action type.


      When a trigger configuration is specified, default change detection for repository and branch commits is disabled.

      • providerType (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The source provider for the event, such as connections configured for a repository with Git tags, for the specified trigger configuration.

      • gitConfiguration (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

        Provides the filter criteria and the source stage for the repository event that starts the pipeline, such as Git tags.

        • sourceActionName (string) -- [REQUIRED]

          The name of the pipeline source action where the trigger configuration, such as Git tags, is specified. The trigger configuration will start the pipeline upon the specified change only.


          You can only specify one trigger configuration per source action.

        • push (list) --

          The field where the repository event that will start the pipeline, such as pushing Git tags, is specified with details.

          • (dict) --

            The event criteria that specify when a specified repository event will start the pipeline for the specified trigger configuration, such as the lists of Git tags to include and exclude.

            • tags (dict) --

              The field that contains the details for the Git tags trigger configuration.

              • includes (list) --

                The list of patterns of Git tags that, when pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                • (string) --

              • excludes (list) --

                The list of patterns of Git tags that, when pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

                • (string) --

            • branches (dict) --

              The field that specifies to filter on branches for the push trigger configuration.

              • includes (list) --

                The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                • (string) --

              • excludes (list) --

                The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

                • (string) --

            • filePaths (dict) --

              The field that specifies to filter on file paths for the push trigger configuration.

              • includes (list) --

                The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                • (string) --

              • excludes (list) --

                The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

                • (string) --

        • pullRequest (list) --

          The field where the repository event that will start the pipeline is specified as pull requests.

          • (dict) --

            The event criteria for the pull request trigger configuration, such as the lists of branches or file paths to include and exclude.

            • events (list) --

              The field that specifies which pull request events to filter on (opened, updated, closed) for the trigger configuration.

              • (string) --

            • branches (dict) --

              The field that specifies to filter on branches for the pull request trigger configuration.

              • includes (list) --

                The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                • (string) --

              • excludes (list) --

                The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

                • (string) --

            • filePaths (dict) --

              The field that specifies to filter on file paths for the pull request trigger configuration.

              • includes (list) --

                The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                • (string) --

              • excludes (list) --

                The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

                • (string) --




Response Syntax

    'pipeline': {
        'name': 'string',
        'roleArn': 'string',
        'artifactStore': {
            'type': 'S3',
            'location': 'string',
            'encryptionKey': {
                'id': 'string',
                'type': 'KMS'
        'artifactStores': {
            'string': {
                'type': 'S3',
                'location': 'string',
                'encryptionKey': {
                    'id': 'string',
                    'type': 'KMS'
        'stages': [
                'name': 'string',
                'blockers': [
                        'name': 'string',
                        'type': 'Schedule'
                'actions': [
                        'name': 'string',
                        'actionTypeId': {
                            'category': 'Source'|'Build'|'Deploy'|'Test'|'Invoke'|'Approval'|'Compute',
                            'owner': 'AWS'|'ThirdParty'|'Custom',
                            'provider': 'string',
                            'version': 'string'
                        'runOrder': 123,
                        'configuration': {
                            'string': 'string'
                        'commands': [
                        'outputArtifacts': [
                                'name': 'string',
                                'files': [
                        'inputArtifacts': [
                                'name': 'string'
                        'outputVariables': [
                        'roleArn': 'string',
                        'region': 'string',
                        'namespace': 'string',
                        'timeoutInMinutes': 123
                'onFailure': {
                    'result': 'ROLLBACK'|'FAIL'|'RETRY'|'SKIP',
                    'retryConfiguration': {
                        'retryMode': 'FAILED_ACTIONS'|'ALL_ACTIONS'
                    'conditions': [
                            'result': 'ROLLBACK'|'FAIL'|'RETRY'|'SKIP',
                            'rules': [
                                    'name': 'string',
                                    'ruleTypeId': {
                                        'category': 'Rule',
                                        'owner': 'AWS',
                                        'provider': 'string',
                                        'version': 'string'
                                    'configuration': {
                                        'string': 'string'
                                    'inputArtifacts': [
                                            'name': 'string'
                                    'roleArn': 'string',
                                    'region': 'string',
                                    'timeoutInMinutes': 123
                'onSuccess': {
                    'conditions': [
                            'result': 'ROLLBACK'|'FAIL'|'RETRY'|'SKIP',
                            'rules': [
                                    'name': 'string',
                                    'ruleTypeId': {
                                        'category': 'Rule',
                                        'owner': 'AWS',
                                        'provider': 'string',
                                        'version': 'string'
                                    'configuration': {
                                        'string': 'string'
                                    'inputArtifacts': [
                                            'name': 'string'
                                    'roleArn': 'string',
                                    'region': 'string',
                                    'timeoutInMinutes': 123
                'beforeEntry': {
                    'conditions': [
                            'result': 'ROLLBACK'|'FAIL'|'RETRY'|'SKIP',
                            'rules': [
                                    'name': 'string',
                                    'ruleTypeId': {
                                        'category': 'Rule',
                                        'owner': 'AWS',
                                        'provider': 'string',
                                        'version': 'string'
                                    'configuration': {
                                        'string': 'string'
                                    'inputArtifacts': [
                                            'name': 'string'
                                    'roleArn': 'string',
                                    'region': 'string',
                                    'timeoutInMinutes': 123
        'version': 123,
        'executionMode': 'QUEUED'|'SUPERSEDED'|'PARALLEL',
        'pipelineType': 'V1'|'V2',
        'variables': [
                'name': 'string',
                'defaultValue': 'string',
                'description': 'string'
        'triggers': [
                'providerType': 'CodeStarSourceConnection',
                'gitConfiguration': {
                    'sourceActionName': 'string',
                    'push': [
                            'tags': {
                                'includes': [
                                'excludes': [
                            'branches': {
                                'includes': [
                                'excludes': [
                            'filePaths': {
                                'includes': [
                                'excludes': [
                    'pullRequest': [
                            'events': [
                            'branches': {
                                'includes': [
                                'excludes': [
                            'filePaths': {
                                'includes': [
                                'excludes': [

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    Represents the output of an UpdatePipeline action.

    • pipeline (dict) --

      The structure of the updated pipeline.

      • name (string) --

        The name of the pipeline.

      • roleArn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for CodePipeline to use to either perform actions with no actionRoleArn , or to use to assume roles for actions with an actionRoleArn .

      • artifactStore (dict) --

        Represents information about the S3 bucket where artifacts are stored for the pipeline.


        You must include either artifactStore or artifactStores in your pipeline, but you cannot use both. If you create a cross-region action in your pipeline, you must use artifactStores .

        • type (string) --

          The type of the artifact store, such as S3.

        • location (string) --

          The S3 bucket used for storing the artifacts for a pipeline. You can specify the name of an S3 bucket but not a folder in the bucket. A folder to contain the pipeline artifacts is created for you based on the name of the pipeline. You can use any S3 bucket in the same Amazon Web Services Region as the pipeline to store your pipeline artifacts.

        • encryptionKey (dict) --

          The encryption key used to encrypt the data in the artifact store, such as an Amazon Web Services Key Management Service key. If this is undefined, the default key for Amazon S3 is used.

          • id (string) --

            The ID used to identify the key. For an Amazon Web Services KMS key, you can use the key ID, the key ARN, or the alias ARN.


            Aliases are recognized only in the account that created the KMS key. For cross-account actions, you can only use the key ID or key ARN to identify the key. Cross-account actions involve using the role from the other account (AccountB), so specifying the key ID will use the key from the other account (AccountB).

          • type (string) --

            The type of encryption key, such as an Amazon Web Services KMS key. When creating or updating a pipeline, the value must be set to 'KMS'.

      • artifactStores (dict) --

        A mapping of artifactStore objects and their corresponding Amazon Web Services Regions. There must be an artifact store for the pipeline Region and for each cross-region action in the pipeline.


        You must include either artifactStore or artifactStores in your pipeline, but you cannot use both. If you create a cross-region action in your pipeline, you must use artifactStores .

        • (string) --

          • (dict) --

            The S3 bucket where artifacts for the pipeline are stored.


            You must include either artifactStore or artifactStores in your pipeline, but you cannot use both. If you create a cross-region action in your pipeline, you must use artifactStores .

            • type (string) --

              The type of the artifact store, such as S3.

            • location (string) --

              The S3 bucket used for storing the artifacts for a pipeline. You can specify the name of an S3 bucket but not a folder in the bucket. A folder to contain the pipeline artifacts is created for you based on the name of the pipeline. You can use any S3 bucket in the same Amazon Web Services Region as the pipeline to store your pipeline artifacts.

            • encryptionKey (dict) --

              The encryption key used to encrypt the data in the artifact store, such as an Amazon Web Services Key Management Service key. If this is undefined, the default key for Amazon S3 is used.

              • id (string) --

                The ID used to identify the key. For an Amazon Web Services KMS key, you can use the key ID, the key ARN, or the alias ARN.


                Aliases are recognized only in the account that created the KMS key. For cross-account actions, you can only use the key ID or key ARN to identify the key. Cross-account actions involve using the role from the other account (AccountB), so specifying the key ID will use the key from the other account (AccountB).

              • type (string) --

                The type of encryption key, such as an Amazon Web Services KMS key. When creating or updating a pipeline, the value must be set to 'KMS'.

      • stages (list) --

        The stage in which to perform the action.

        • (dict) --

          Represents information about a stage and its definition.

          • name (string) --

            The name of the stage.

          • blockers (list) --

            Reserved for future use.

            • (dict) --

              Reserved for future use.

              • name (string) --

                Reserved for future use.

              • type (string) --

                Reserved for future use.

          • actions (list) --

            The actions included in a stage.

            • (dict) --

              Represents information about an action declaration.

              • name (string) --

                The action declaration's name.

              • actionTypeId (dict) --

                Specifies the action type and the provider of the action.

                • category (string) --

                  A category defines what kind of action can be taken in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the action. Valid categories are limited to one of the following values.

                  • Source

                  • Build

                  • Test

                  • Deploy

                  • Invoke

                  • Approval

                • owner (string) --

                  The creator of the action being called. There are three valid values for the Owner field in the action category section within your pipeline structure: AWS , ThirdParty , and Custom . For more information, see Valid Action Types and Providers in CodePipeline.

                • provider (string) --

                  The provider of the service being called by the action. Valid providers are determined by the action category. For example, an action in the Deploy category type might have a provider of CodeDeploy, which would be specified as CodeDeploy . For more information, see Valid Action Types and Providers in CodePipeline.

                • version (string) --

                  A string that describes the action version.

              • runOrder (integer) --

                The order in which actions are run.

              • configuration (dict) --

                The action's configuration. These are key-value pairs that specify input values for an action. For more information, see Action Structure Requirements in CodePipeline. For the list of configuration properties for the CloudFormation action type in CodePipeline, see Configuration Properties Reference in the CloudFormation User Guide . For template snippets with examples, see Using Parameter Override Functions with CodePipeline Pipelines in the CloudFormation User Guide .

                The values can be represented in either JSON or YAML format. For example, the JSON configuration item format is as follows:


                "Configuration" : { Key : Value },

                • (string) --

                  • (string) --

              • commands (list) --

                The shell commands to run with your compute action in CodePipeline. All commands are supported except multi-line formats. While CodeBuild logs and permissions are used, you do not need to create any resources in CodeBuild.


                Using compute time for this action will incur separate charges in CodeBuild.

                • (string) --

              • outputArtifacts (list) --

                The name or ID of the result of the action declaration, such as a test or build artifact.

                • (dict) --

                  Represents information about the output of an action.

                  • name (string) --

                    The name of the output of an artifact, such as "My App".

                    The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

                    Output artifact names must be unique within a pipeline.

                  • files (list) --

                    The files that you want to associate with the output artifact that will be exported from the compute action.

                    • (string) --

              • inputArtifacts (list) --

                The name or ID of the artifact consumed by the action, such as a test or build artifact.

                • (dict) --

                  Represents information about an artifact to be worked on, such as a test or build artifact.

                  • name (string) --

                    The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                    Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name:

                    The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

              • outputVariables (list) --

                The list of variables that are to be exported from the compute action. This is specifically CodeBuild environment variables as used for that action.

                • (string) --

              • roleArn (string) --

                The ARN of the IAM service role that performs the declared action. This is assumed through the roleArn for the pipeline.

              • region (string) --

                The action declaration's Amazon Web Services Region, such as us-east-1.

              • namespace (string) --

                The variable namespace associated with the action. All variables produced as output by this action fall under this namespace.

              • timeoutInMinutes (integer) --

                A timeout duration in minutes that can be applied against the ActionType’s default timeout value specified in Quotas for CodePipeline. This attribute is available only to the manual approval ActionType.

          • onFailure (dict) --

            The method to use when a stage has not completed successfully. For example, configuring this field for rollback will roll back a failed stage automatically to the last successful pipeline execution in the stage.

            • result (string) --

              The specified result for when the failure conditions are met, such as rolling back the stage.

            • retryConfiguration (dict) --

              The retry configuration specifies automatic retry for a failed stage, along with the configured retry mode.

              • retryMode (string) --

                The method that you want to configure for automatic stage retry on stage failure. You can specify to retry only failed action in the stage or all actions in the stage.

            • conditions (list) --

              The conditions that are configured as failure conditions.

              • (dict) --

                The condition for the stage. A condition is made up of the rules and the result for the condition.

                • result (string) --

                  The action to be done when the condition is met. For example, rolling back an execution for a failure condition.

                • rules (list) --

                  The rules that make up the condition.

                  • (dict) --

                    Represents information about the rule to be created for an associated condition. An example would be creating a new rule for an entry condition, such as a rule that checks for a test result before allowing the run to enter the deployment stage.

                    • name (string) --

                      The name of the rule that is created for the condition, such as CheckAllResults.

                    • ruleTypeId (dict) --

                      The ID for the rule type, which is made up of the combined values for category, owner, provider, and version.

                      • category (string) --

                        A category defines what kind of rule can be run in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the rule. The valid category is Rule .

                      • owner (string) --

                        The creator of the rule being called. The valid value for the Owner field in the rule category is AWS .

                      • provider (string) --

                        The rule provider, such as the DeploymentWindow rule.

                      • version (string) --

                        A string that describes the rule version.

                    • configuration (dict) --

                      The action configuration fields for the rule.

                      • (string) --

                        • (string) --

                    • inputArtifacts (list) --

                      The input artifacts fields for the rule, such as specifying an input file for the rule.

                      • (dict) --

                        Represents information about an artifact to be worked on, such as a test or build artifact.

                        • name (string) --

                          The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                          Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name:

                          The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

                    • roleArn (string) --

                      The pipeline role ARN associated with the rule.

                    • region (string) --

                      The Region for the condition associated with the rule.

                    • timeoutInMinutes (integer) --

                      The action timeout for the rule.

          • onSuccess (dict) --

            The method to use when a stage has succeeded. For example, configuring this field for conditions will allow the stage to succeed when the conditions are met.

            • conditions (list) --

              The conditions that are success conditions.

              • (dict) --

                The condition for the stage. A condition is made up of the rules and the result for the condition.

                • result (string) --

                  The action to be done when the condition is met. For example, rolling back an execution for a failure condition.

                • rules (list) --

                  The rules that make up the condition.

                  • (dict) --

                    Represents information about the rule to be created for an associated condition. An example would be creating a new rule for an entry condition, such as a rule that checks for a test result before allowing the run to enter the deployment stage.

                    • name (string) --

                      The name of the rule that is created for the condition, such as CheckAllResults.

                    • ruleTypeId (dict) --

                      The ID for the rule type, which is made up of the combined values for category, owner, provider, and version.

                      • category (string) --

                        A category defines what kind of rule can be run in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the rule. The valid category is Rule .

                      • owner (string) --

                        The creator of the rule being called. The valid value for the Owner field in the rule category is AWS .

                      • provider (string) --

                        The rule provider, such as the DeploymentWindow rule.

                      • version (string) --

                        A string that describes the rule version.

                    • configuration (dict) --

                      The action configuration fields for the rule.

                      • (string) --

                        • (string) --

                    • inputArtifacts (list) --

                      The input artifacts fields for the rule, such as specifying an input file for the rule.

                      • (dict) --

                        Represents information about an artifact to be worked on, such as a test or build artifact.

                        • name (string) --

                          The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                          Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name:

                          The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

                    • roleArn (string) --

                      The pipeline role ARN associated with the rule.

                    • region (string) --

                      The Region for the condition associated with the rule.

                    • timeoutInMinutes (integer) --

                      The action timeout for the rule.

          • beforeEntry (dict) --

            The method to use when a stage allows entry. For example, configuring this field for conditions will allow entry to the stage when the conditions are met.

            • conditions (list) --

              The conditions that are configured as entry conditions.

              • (dict) --

                The condition for the stage. A condition is made up of the rules and the result for the condition.

                • result (string) --

                  The action to be done when the condition is met. For example, rolling back an execution for a failure condition.

                • rules (list) --

                  The rules that make up the condition.

                  • (dict) --

                    Represents information about the rule to be created for an associated condition. An example would be creating a new rule for an entry condition, such as a rule that checks for a test result before allowing the run to enter the deployment stage.

                    • name (string) --

                      The name of the rule that is created for the condition, such as CheckAllResults.

                    • ruleTypeId (dict) --

                      The ID for the rule type, which is made up of the combined values for category, owner, provider, and version.

                      • category (string) --

                        A category defines what kind of rule can be run in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the rule. The valid category is Rule .

                      • owner (string) --

                        The creator of the rule being called. The valid value for the Owner field in the rule category is AWS .

                      • provider (string) --

                        The rule provider, such as the DeploymentWindow rule.

                      • version (string) --

                        A string that describes the rule version.

                    • configuration (dict) --

                      The action configuration fields for the rule.

                      • (string) --

                        • (string) --

                    • inputArtifacts (list) --

                      The input artifacts fields for the rule, such as specifying an input file for the rule.

                      • (dict) --

                        Represents information about an artifact to be worked on, such as a test or build artifact.

                        • name (string) --

                          The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                          Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name:

                          The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

                    • roleArn (string) --

                      The pipeline role ARN associated with the rule.

                    • region (string) --

                      The Region for the condition associated with the rule.

                    • timeoutInMinutes (integer) --

                      The action timeout for the rule.

      • version (integer) --

        The version number of the pipeline. A new pipeline always has a version number of 1. This number is incremented when a pipeline is updated.

      • executionMode (string) --

        The method that the pipeline will use to handle multiple executions. The default mode is SUPERSEDED.

      • pipelineType (string) --

        CodePipeline provides the following pipeline types, which differ in characteristics and price, so that you can tailor your pipeline features and cost to the needs of your applications.

        • V1 type pipelines have a JSON structure that contains standard pipeline, stage, and action-level parameters.

        • V2 type pipelines have the same structure as a V1 type, along with additional parameters for release safety and trigger configuration.


        Including V2 parameters, such as triggers on Git tags, in the pipeline JSON when creating or updating a pipeline will result in the pipeline having the V2 type of pipeline and the associated costs.

        For information about pricing for CodePipeline, see Pricing.

        For information about which type of pipeline to choose, see What type of pipeline is right for me?.

      • variables (list) --

        A list that defines the pipeline variables for a pipeline resource. Variable names can have alphanumeric and underscore characters, and the values must match [A-Za-z0-9@\-_]+ .

        • (dict) --

          A variable declared at the pipeline level.

          • name (string) --

            The name of a pipeline-level variable.

          • defaultValue (string) --

            The value of a pipeline-level variable.

          • description (string) --

            The description of a pipeline-level variable. It's used to add additional context about the variable, and not being used at time when pipeline executes.

      • triggers (list) --

        The trigger configuration specifying a type of event, such as Git tags, that starts the pipeline.


        When a trigger configuration is specified, default change detection for repository and branch commits is disabled.

        • (dict) --

          Represents information about the specified trigger configuration, such as the filter criteria and the source stage for the action that contains the trigger.


          This is only supported for the CodeStarSourceConnection action type.


          When a trigger configuration is specified, default change detection for repository and branch commits is disabled.

          • providerType (string) --

            The source provider for the event, such as connections configured for a repository with Git tags, for the specified trigger configuration.

          • gitConfiguration (dict) --

            Provides the filter criteria and the source stage for the repository event that starts the pipeline, such as Git tags.

            • sourceActionName (string) --

              The name of the pipeline source action where the trigger configuration, such as Git tags, is specified. The trigger configuration will start the pipeline upon the specified change only.


              You can only specify one trigger configuration per source action.

            • push (list) --

              The field where the repository event that will start the pipeline, such as pushing Git tags, is specified with details.

              • (dict) --

                The event criteria that specify when a specified repository event will start the pipeline for the specified trigger configuration, such as the lists of Git tags to include and exclude.

                • tags (dict) --

                  The field that contains the details for the Git tags trigger configuration.

                  • includes (list) --

                    The list of patterns of Git tags that, when pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                    • (string) --

                  • excludes (list) --

                    The list of patterns of Git tags that, when pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

                    • (string) --

                • branches (dict) --

                  The field that specifies to filter on branches for the push trigger configuration.

                  • includes (list) --

                    The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                    • (string) --

                  • excludes (list) --

                    The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

                    • (string) --

                • filePaths (dict) --

                  The field that specifies to filter on file paths for the push trigger configuration.

                  • includes (list) --

                    The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                    • (string) --

                  • excludes (list) --

                    The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

                    • (string) --

            • pullRequest (list) --

              The field where the repository event that will start the pipeline is specified as pull requests.

              • (dict) --

                The event criteria for the pull request trigger configuration, such as the lists of branches or file paths to include and exclude.

                • events (list) --

                  The field that specifies which pull request events to filter on (opened, updated, closed) for the trigger configuration.

                  • (string) --

                • branches (dict) --

                  The field that specifies to filter on branches for the pull request trigger configuration.

                  • includes (list) --

                    The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                    • (string) --

                  • excludes (list) --

                    The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

                    • (string) --

                • filePaths (dict) --

                  The field that specifies to filter on file paths for the pull request trigger configuration.

                  • includes (list) --

                    The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                    • (string) --

                  • excludes (list) --

                    The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

                    • (string) --