Amazon API Gateway

2018/07/11 - Amazon API Gateway - 4 updated api methods

Changes  Update apigateway client to latest version

CreateUsagePlan (updated) Link ¶
Changes (both)
{'apiStages': {'throttle': {'string': {'burstLimit': 'integer',
                                       'rateLimit': 'double'}}}}

Creates a usage plan with the throttle and quota limits, as well as the associated API stages, specified in the payload.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

            'apiId': 'string',
            'stage': 'string',
            'throttle': {
                'string': {
                    'burstLimit': 123,
                    'rateLimit': 123.0
        'burstLimit': 123,
        'rateLimit': 123.0
        'limit': 123,
        'offset': 123,
        'period': 'DAY'|'WEEK'|'MONTH'
type name:


param name:


[Required] The name of the usage plan.

type description:


param description:

The description of the usage plan.

type apiStages:


param apiStages:

The associated API stages of the usage plan.

  • (dict) --

    API stage name of the associated API stage in a usage plan.

    • apiId (string) --

      API Id of the associated API stage in a usage plan.

    • stage (string) --

      API stage name of the associated API stage in a usage plan.

    • throttle (dict) --

      Map containing method level throttling information for API stage in a usage plan.

      • (string) --

        • (dict) --

          The API request rate limits.

          • burstLimit (integer) --

            The API request burst limit, the maximum rate limit over a time ranging from one to a few seconds, depending upon whether the underlying token bucket is at its full capacity.

          • rateLimit (float) --

            The API request steady-state rate limit.

type throttle:


param throttle:

The throttling limits of the usage plan.

  • burstLimit (integer) --

    The API request burst limit, the maximum rate limit over a time ranging from one to a few seconds, depending upon whether the underlying token bucket is at its full capacity.

  • rateLimit (float) --

    The API request steady-state rate limit.

type quota:


param quota:

The quota of the usage plan.

  • limit (integer) --

    The maximum number of requests that can be made in a given time period.

  • offset (integer) --

    The number of requests subtracted from the given limit in the initial time period.

  • period (string) --

    The time period in which the limit applies. Valid values are "DAY", "WEEK" or "MONTH".




Response Syntax

    'id': 'string',
    'name': 'string',
    'description': 'string',
    'apiStages': [
            'apiId': 'string',
            'stage': 'string',
            'throttle': {
                'string': {
                    'burstLimit': 123,
                    'rateLimit': 123.0
    'throttle': {
        'burstLimit': 123,
        'rateLimit': 123.0
    'quota': {
        'limit': 123,
        'offset': 123,
        'period': 'DAY'|'WEEK'|'MONTH'
    'productCode': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    Represents a usage plan than can specify who can assess associated API stages with specified request limits and quotas.

    In a usage plan, you associate an API by specifying the API's Id and a stage name of the specified API. You add plan customers by adding API keys to the plan.

    Create and Use Usage Plans

    • id (string) --

      The identifier of a UsagePlan resource.

    • name (string) --

      The name of a usage plan.

    • description (string) --

      The description of a usage plan.

    • apiStages (list) --

      The associated API stages of a usage plan.

      • (dict) --

        API stage name of the associated API stage in a usage plan.

        • apiId (string) --

          API Id of the associated API stage in a usage plan.

        • stage (string) --

          API stage name of the associated API stage in a usage plan.

        • throttle (dict) --

          Map containing method level throttling information for API stage in a usage plan.

          • (string) --

            • (dict) --

              The API request rate limits.

              • burstLimit (integer) --

                The API request burst limit, the maximum rate limit over a time ranging from one to a few seconds, depending upon whether the underlying token bucket is at its full capacity.

              • rateLimit (float) --

                The API request steady-state rate limit.

    • throttle (dict) --

      The request throttle limits of a usage plan.

      • burstLimit (integer) --

        The API request burst limit, the maximum rate limit over a time ranging from one to a few seconds, depending upon whether the underlying token bucket is at its full capacity.

      • rateLimit (float) --

        The API request steady-state rate limit.

    • quota (dict) --

      The maximum number of permitted requests per a given unit time interval.

      • limit (integer) --

        The maximum number of requests that can be made in a given time period.

      • offset (integer) --

        The number of requests subtracted from the given limit in the initial time period.

      • period (string) --

        The time period in which the limit applies. Valid values are "DAY", "WEEK" or "MONTH".

    • productCode (string) --

      The AWS Markeplace product identifier to associate with the usage plan as a SaaS product on AWS Marketplace.

GetUsagePlan (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'apiStages': {'throttle': {'string': {'burstLimit': 'integer',
                                       'rateLimit': 'double'}}}}

Gets a usage plan of a given plan identifier.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type usagePlanId:


param usagePlanId:


[Required] The identifier of the UsagePlan resource to be retrieved.




Response Syntax

    'id': 'string',
    'name': 'string',
    'description': 'string',
    'apiStages': [
            'apiId': 'string',
            'stage': 'string',
            'throttle': {
                'string': {
                    'burstLimit': 123,
                    'rateLimit': 123.0
    'throttle': {
        'burstLimit': 123,
        'rateLimit': 123.0
    'quota': {
        'limit': 123,
        'offset': 123,
        'period': 'DAY'|'WEEK'|'MONTH'
    'productCode': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    Represents a usage plan than can specify who can assess associated API stages with specified request limits and quotas.

    In a usage plan, you associate an API by specifying the API's Id and a stage name of the specified API. You add plan customers by adding API keys to the plan.

    Create and Use Usage Plans

    • id (string) --

      The identifier of a UsagePlan resource.

    • name (string) --

      The name of a usage plan.

    • description (string) --

      The description of a usage plan.

    • apiStages (list) --

      The associated API stages of a usage plan.

      • (dict) --

        API stage name of the associated API stage in a usage plan.

        • apiId (string) --

          API Id of the associated API stage in a usage plan.

        • stage (string) --

          API stage name of the associated API stage in a usage plan.

        • throttle (dict) --

          Map containing method level throttling information for API stage in a usage plan.

          • (string) --

            • (dict) --

              The API request rate limits.

              • burstLimit (integer) --

                The API request burst limit, the maximum rate limit over a time ranging from one to a few seconds, depending upon whether the underlying token bucket is at its full capacity.

              • rateLimit (float) --

                The API request steady-state rate limit.

    • throttle (dict) --

      The request throttle limits of a usage plan.

      • burstLimit (integer) --

        The API request burst limit, the maximum rate limit over a time ranging from one to a few seconds, depending upon whether the underlying token bucket is at its full capacity.

      • rateLimit (float) --

        The API request steady-state rate limit.

    • quota (dict) --

      The maximum number of permitted requests per a given unit time interval.

      • limit (integer) --

        The maximum number of requests that can be made in a given time period.

      • offset (integer) --

        The number of requests subtracted from the given limit in the initial time period.

      • period (string) --

        The time period in which the limit applies. Valid values are "DAY", "WEEK" or "MONTH".

    • productCode (string) --

      The AWS Markeplace product identifier to associate with the usage plan as a SaaS product on AWS Marketplace.

GetUsagePlans (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'items': {'apiStages': {'throttle': {'string': {'burstLimit': 'integer',
                                                 'rateLimit': 'double'}}}}}

Gets all the usage plans of the caller's account.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type position:


param position:

The current pagination position in the paged result set.

type keyId:


param keyId:

The identifier of the API key associated with the usage plans.

type limit:


param limit:

The maximum number of returned results per page. The default value is 25 and the maximum value is 500.




Response Syntax

    'position': 'string',
    'items': [
            'id': 'string',
            'name': 'string',
            'description': 'string',
            'apiStages': [
                    'apiId': 'string',
                    'stage': 'string',
                    'throttle': {
                        'string': {
                            'burstLimit': 123,
                            'rateLimit': 123.0
            'throttle': {
                'burstLimit': 123,
                'rateLimit': 123.0
            'quota': {
                'limit': 123,
                'offset': 123,
                'period': 'DAY'|'WEEK'|'MONTH'
            'productCode': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    Represents a collection of usage plans for an AWS account.

    Create and Use Usage Plans

    • position (string) --

    • items (list) --

      The current page of elements from this collection.

      • (dict) --

        Represents a usage plan than can specify who can assess associated API stages with specified request limits and quotas.

        In a usage plan, you associate an API by specifying the API's Id and a stage name of the specified API. You add plan customers by adding API keys to the plan.

        Create and Use Usage Plans

        • id (string) --

          The identifier of a UsagePlan resource.

        • name (string) --

          The name of a usage plan.

        • description (string) --

          The description of a usage plan.

        • apiStages (list) --

          The associated API stages of a usage plan.

          • (dict) --

            API stage name of the associated API stage in a usage plan.

            • apiId (string) --

              API Id of the associated API stage in a usage plan.

            • stage (string) --

              API stage name of the associated API stage in a usage plan.

            • throttle (dict) --

              Map containing method level throttling information for API stage in a usage plan.

              • (string) --

                • (dict) --

                  The API request rate limits.

                  • burstLimit (integer) --

                    The API request burst limit, the maximum rate limit over a time ranging from one to a few seconds, depending upon whether the underlying token bucket is at its full capacity.

                  • rateLimit (float) --

                    The API request steady-state rate limit.

        • throttle (dict) --

          The request throttle limits of a usage plan.

          • burstLimit (integer) --

            The API request burst limit, the maximum rate limit over a time ranging from one to a few seconds, depending upon whether the underlying token bucket is at its full capacity.

          • rateLimit (float) --

            The API request steady-state rate limit.

        • quota (dict) --

          The maximum number of permitted requests per a given unit time interval.

          • limit (integer) --

            The maximum number of requests that can be made in a given time period.

          • offset (integer) --

            The number of requests subtracted from the given limit in the initial time period.

          • period (string) --

            The time period in which the limit applies. Valid values are "DAY", "WEEK" or "MONTH".

        • productCode (string) --

          The AWS Markeplace product identifier to associate with the usage plan as a SaaS product on AWS Marketplace.

UpdateUsagePlan (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'apiStages': {'throttle': {'string': {'burstLimit': 'integer',
                                       'rateLimit': 'double'}}}}

Updates a usage plan of a given plan Id.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

            'op': 'add'|'remove'|'replace'|'move'|'copy'|'test',
            'path': 'string',
            'value': 'string',
            'from': 'string'
type usagePlanId:


param usagePlanId:


[Required] The Id of the to-be-updated usage plan.

type patchOperations:


param patchOperations:

A list of update operations to be applied to the specified resource and in the order specified in this list.

  • (dict) -- A single patch operation to apply to the specified resource. Please refer to for an explanation of how each operation is used.

    • op (string) --

      An update operation to be performed with this PATCH request. The valid value can be add, remove, replace or copy. Not all valid operations are supported for a given resource. Support of the operations depends on specific operational contexts. Attempts to apply an unsupported operation on a resource will return an error message.

    • path (string) --

      The op operation's target, as identified by a JSON Pointer value that references a location within the targeted resource. For example, if the target resource has an updateable property of {"name":"value"}, the path for this property is /name. If the name property value is a JSON object (e.g., {"name": {"child/name": "child-value"}}), the path for the child/name property will be /name/child~1name. Any slash ("/") character appearing in path names must be escaped with "~1", as shown in the example above. Each op operation can have only one path associated with it.

    • value (string) --

      The new target value of the update operation. It is applicable for the add or replace operation. When using AWS CLI to update a property of a JSON value, enclose the JSON object with a pair of single quotes in a Linux shell, e.g., '{"a": ...}'. In a Windows shell, see Using JSON for Parameters.

    • from (string) --

      The copy update operation's source as identified by a JSON-Pointer value referencing the location within the targeted resource to copy the value from. For example, to promote a canary deployment, you copy the canary deployment ID to the affiliated deployment ID by calling a PATCH request on a Stage resource with "op":"copy", "from":"/canarySettings/deploymentId" and "path":"/deploymentId".




Response Syntax

    'id': 'string',
    'name': 'string',
    'description': 'string',
    'apiStages': [
            'apiId': 'string',
            'stage': 'string',
            'throttle': {
                'string': {
                    'burstLimit': 123,
                    'rateLimit': 123.0
    'throttle': {
        'burstLimit': 123,
        'rateLimit': 123.0
    'quota': {
        'limit': 123,
        'offset': 123,
        'period': 'DAY'|'WEEK'|'MONTH'
    'productCode': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    Represents a usage plan than can specify who can assess associated API stages with specified request limits and quotas.

    In a usage plan, you associate an API by specifying the API's Id and a stage name of the specified API. You add plan customers by adding API keys to the plan.

    Create and Use Usage Plans

    • id (string) --

      The identifier of a UsagePlan resource.

    • name (string) --

      The name of a usage plan.

    • description (string) --

      The description of a usage plan.

    • apiStages (list) --

      The associated API stages of a usage plan.

      • (dict) --

        API stage name of the associated API stage in a usage plan.

        • apiId (string) --

          API Id of the associated API stage in a usage plan.

        • stage (string) --

          API stage name of the associated API stage in a usage plan.

        • throttle (dict) --

          Map containing method level throttling information for API stage in a usage plan.

          • (string) --

            • (dict) --

              The API request rate limits.

              • burstLimit (integer) --

                The API request burst limit, the maximum rate limit over a time ranging from one to a few seconds, depending upon whether the underlying token bucket is at its full capacity.

              • rateLimit (float) --

                The API request steady-state rate limit.

    • throttle (dict) --

      The request throttle limits of a usage plan.

      • burstLimit (integer) --

        The API request burst limit, the maximum rate limit over a time ranging from one to a few seconds, depending upon whether the underlying token bucket is at its full capacity.

      • rateLimit (float) --

        The API request steady-state rate limit.

    • quota (dict) --

      The maximum number of permitted requests per a given unit time interval.

      • limit (integer) --

        The maximum number of requests that can be made in a given time period.

      • offset (integer) --

        The number of requests subtracted from the given limit in the initial time period.

      • period (string) --

        The time period in which the limit applies. Valid values are "DAY", "WEEK" or "MONTH".

    • productCode (string) --

      The AWS Markeplace product identifier to associate with the usage plan as a SaaS product on AWS Marketplace.