2023/10/19 - Amazon Omics - 2 updated api methods
Changes This change enables customers to retrieve failure reasons with detailed status messages for their failed runs
{'failureReason': 'string', 'logLocation': {'engineLogStream': 'string', 'runLogStream': 'string'}}
Gets information about a workflow run.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_run( id='string', export=[ 'DEFINITION', ] )
The run's ID.
The run's export format.
(string) --
Response Syntax
{ 'arn': 'string', 'id': 'string', 'status': 'PENDING'|'STARTING'|'RUNNING'|'STOPPING'|'COMPLETED'|'DELETED'|'CANCELLED'|'FAILED', 'workflowId': 'string', 'workflowType': 'PRIVATE'|'READY2RUN', 'runId': 'string', 'roleArn': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'runGroupId': 'string', 'priority': 123, 'definition': 'string', 'digest': 'string', 'parameters': {...}|[...]|123|123.4|'string'|True|None, 'storageCapacity': 123, 'outputUri': 'string', 'logLevel': 'OFF'|'FATAL'|'ERROR'|'ALL', 'resourceDigests': { 'string': 'string' }, 'startedBy': 'string', 'creationTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'startTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'stopTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'statusMessage': 'string', 'tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'accelerators': 'GPU', 'retentionMode': 'RETAIN'|'REMOVE', 'failureReason': 'string', 'logLocation': { 'engineLogStream': 'string', 'runLogStream': 'string' } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
arn (string) --
The run's ARN.
id (string) --
The run's ID.
status (string) --
The run's status.
workflowId (string) --
The run's workflow ID.
workflowType (string) --
The run's workflow type.
runId (string) --
The run's ID.
roleArn (string) --
The run's service role ARN.
name (string) --
The run's name.
runGroupId (string) --
The run's group ID.
priority (integer) --
The run's priority.
definition (string) --
The run's definition.
digest (string) --
The run's digest.
parameters (:ref:`document<document>`) --
The run's parameters.
storageCapacity (integer) --
The run's storage capacity in gigabytes.
outputUri (string) --
The run's output URI.
logLevel (string) --
The run's log level.
resourceDigests (dict) --
The run's resource digests.
(string) --
(string) --
startedBy (string) --
Who started the run.
creationTime (datetime) --
When the run was created.
startTime (datetime) --
When the run started.
stopTime (datetime) --
The run's stop time.
statusMessage (string) --
The run's status message.
tags (dict) --
The run's tags.
(string) --
(string) --
accelerators (string) --
The computational accelerator used to run the workflow.
retentionMode (string) --
The run's retention mode.
failureReason (string) --
The reason a run has failed.
logLocation (dict) --
The location of the run log.
engineLogStream (string) --
The log stream ARN for the engine log.
runLogStream (string) --
The log stream ARN for the run log.
{'failureReason': 'string'}
Gets information about a workflow run task.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_run_task( id='string', taskId='string' )
The workflow run ID.
The task's ID.
Response Syntax
{ 'taskId': 'string', 'status': 'PENDING'|'STARTING'|'RUNNING'|'STOPPING'|'COMPLETED'|'CANCELLED'|'FAILED', 'name': 'string', 'cpus': 123, 'memory': 123, 'creationTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'startTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'stopTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'statusMessage': 'string', 'logStream': 'string', 'gpus': 123, 'instanceType': 'string', 'failureReason': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
taskId (string) --
The task's ID.
status (string) --
The task's status.
name (string) --
The task's name.
cpus (integer) --
The task's CPU usage.
memory (integer) --
The task's memory use in gigabytes.
creationTime (datetime) --
When the task was created.
startTime (datetime) --
The task's start time.
stopTime (datetime) --
The task's stop time.
statusMessage (string) --
The task's status message.
logStream (string) --
The task's log stream.
gpus (integer) --
The number of Graphics Processing Units (GPU) specified in the task.
instanceType (string) --
The instance type for a task.
failureReason (string) --
The reason a task has failed.