Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service

2020/10/09 - Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service - 8 updated api methods

Changes  Update eks client to latest version

CreateNodegroup (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'nodegroup': {'health': {'issues': {'code': {'ClusterUnreachable'}}}}}

Creates a managed worker node group for an Amazon EKS cluster. You can only create a node group for your cluster that is equal to the current Kubernetes version for the cluster. All node groups are created with the latest AMI release version for the respective minor Kubernetes version of the cluster, unless you deploy a custom AMI using a launch template. For more information about using launch templates, see Launch template support.

An Amazon EKS managed node group is an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group and associated Amazon EC2 instances that are managed by AWS for an Amazon EKS cluster. Each node group uses a version of the Amazon EKS-optimized Amazon Linux 2 AMI. For more information, see Managed Node Groups in the Amazon EKS User Guide .

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'minSize': 123,
        'maxSize': 123,
        'desiredSize': 123
        'ec2SshKey': 'string',
        'sourceSecurityGroups': [
        'string': 'string'
        'string': 'string'
        'name': 'string',
        'version': 'string',
        'id': 'string'
type clusterName


param clusterName


The name of the cluster to create the node group in.

type nodegroupName


param nodegroupName


The unique name to give your node group.

type scalingConfig


param scalingConfig

The scaling configuration details for the Auto Scaling group that is created for your node group.

  • minSize (integer) --

    The minimum number of worker nodes that the managed node group can scale in to. This number must be greater than zero.

  • maxSize (integer) --

    The maximum number of worker nodes that the managed node group can scale out to. Managed node groups can support up to 100 nodes by default.

  • desiredSize (integer) --

    The current number of worker nodes that the managed node group should maintain.

type diskSize


param diskSize

The root device disk size (in GiB) for your node group instances. The default disk size is 20 GiB. If you specify launchTemplate , then don't specify diskSize , or the node group deployment will fail. For more information about using launch templates with Amazon EKS, see Launch template support in the Amazon EKS User Guide.

type subnets


param subnets


The subnets to use for the Auto Scaling group that is created for your node group. These subnets must have the tag key with a value of shared , where CLUSTER_NAME is replaced with the name of your cluster. If you specify launchTemplate , then don't specify SubnetId in your launch template, or the node group deployment will fail. For more information about using launch templates with Amazon EKS, see Launch template support in the Amazon EKS User Guide.

  • (string) --

type instanceTypes


param instanceTypes

The instance type to use for your node group. You can specify a single instance type for a node group. The default value for instanceTypes is t3.medium . If you choose a GPU instance type, be sure to specify AL2_x86_64_GPU with the amiType parameter. If you specify launchTemplate , then don't specify instanceTypes , or the node group deployment will fail. For more information about using launch templates with Amazon EKS, see Launch template support in the Amazon EKS User Guide.

  • (string) --

type amiType


param amiType

The AMI type for your node group. GPU instance types should use the AL2_x86_64_GPU AMI type. Non-GPU instances should use the AL2_x86_64 AMI type. Arm instances should use the AL2_ARM_64 AMI type. All types use the Amazon EKS-optimized Amazon Linux 2 AMI. If you specify launchTemplate , and your launch template uses a custom AMI, then don't specify amiType , or the node group deployment will fail. For more information about using launch templates with Amazon EKS, see Launch template support in the Amazon EKS User Guide.

type remoteAccess


param remoteAccess

The remote access (SSH) configuration to use with your node group. If you specify launchTemplate , then don't specify remoteAccess , or the node group deployment will fail. For more information about using launch templates with Amazon EKS, see Launch template support in the Amazon EKS User Guide.

  • ec2SshKey (string) --

    The Amazon EC2 SSH key that provides access for SSH communication with the worker nodes in the managed node group. For more information, see Amazon EC2 Key Pairs in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide for Linux Instances .

  • sourceSecurityGroups (list) --

    The security groups that are allowed SSH access (port 22) to the worker nodes. If you specify an Amazon EC2 SSH key but do not specify a source security group when you create a managed node group, then port 22 on the worker nodes is opened to the internet ( For more information, see Security Groups for Your VPC in the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud User Guide .

    • (string) --

type nodeRole


param nodeRole


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role to associate with your node group. The Amazon EKS worker node kubelet daemon makes calls to AWS APIs on your behalf. Worker nodes receive permissions for these API calls through an IAM instance profile and associated policies. Before you can launch worker nodes and register them into a cluster, you must create an IAM role for those worker nodes to use when they are launched. For more information, see Amazon EKS Worker Node IAM Role in the Amazon EKS User Guide . If you specify launchTemplate , then don't specify IamInstanceProfile in your launch template, or the node group deployment will fail. For more information about using launch templates with Amazon EKS, see Launch template support in the Amazon EKS User Guide.

type labels


param labels

The Kubernetes labels to be applied to the nodes in the node group when they are created.

  • (string) --

    • (string) --

type tags


param tags

The metadata to apply to the node group to assist with categorization and organization. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. Node group tags do not propagate to any other resources associated with the node group, such as the Amazon EC2 instances or subnets.

  • (string) --

    • (string) --

type clientRequestToken


param clientRequestToken

Unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request.

This field is autopopulated if not provided.

type launchTemplate


param launchTemplate

An object representing a node group's launch template specification. If specified, then do not specify instanceTypes , diskSize , or remoteAccess and make sure that the launch template meets the requirements in launchTemplateSpecification .

  • name (string) --

    The name of the launch template.

  • version (string) --

    The version of the launch template to use. If no version is specified, then the template's default version is used.

  • id (string) --

    The ID of the launch template.

type version


param version

The Kubernetes version to use for your managed nodes. By default, the Kubernetes version of the cluster is used, and this is the only accepted specified value. If you specify launchTemplate , and your launch template uses a custom AMI, then don't specify version , or the node group deployment will fail. For more information about using launch templates with Amazon EKS, see Launch template support in the Amazon EKS User Guide.

type releaseVersion


param releaseVersion

The AMI version of the Amazon EKS-optimized AMI to use with your node group. By default, the latest available AMI version for the node group's current Kubernetes version is used. For more information, see Amazon EKS-Optimized Linux AMI Versions in the Amazon EKS User Guide . If you specify launchTemplate , and your launch template uses a custom AMI, then don't specify releaseVersion , or the node group deployment will fail. For more information about using launch templates with Amazon EKS, see Launch template support in the Amazon EKS User Guide.




Response Syntax

    'nodegroup': {
        'nodegroupName': 'string',
        'nodegroupArn': 'string',
        'clusterName': 'string',
        'version': 'string',
        'releaseVersion': 'string',
        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'modifiedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'scalingConfig': {
            'minSize': 123,
            'maxSize': 123,
            'desiredSize': 123
        'instanceTypes': [
        'subnets': [
        'remoteAccess': {
            'ec2SshKey': 'string',
            'sourceSecurityGroups': [
        'amiType': 'AL2_x86_64'|'AL2_x86_64_GPU'|'AL2_ARM_64',
        'nodeRole': 'string',
        'labels': {
            'string': 'string'
        'resources': {
            'autoScalingGroups': [
                    'name': 'string'
            'remoteAccessSecurityGroup': 'string'
        'diskSize': 123,
        'health': {
            'issues': [
                    'code': 'AutoScalingGroupNotFound'|'AutoScalingGroupInvalidConfiguration'|'Ec2SecurityGroupNotFound'|'Ec2SecurityGroupDeletionFailure'|'Ec2LaunchTemplateNotFound'|'Ec2LaunchTemplateVersionMismatch'|'Ec2SubnetNotFound'|'Ec2SubnetInvalidConfiguration'|'IamInstanceProfileNotFound'|'IamLimitExceeded'|'IamNodeRoleNotFound'|'NodeCreationFailure'|'AsgInstanceLaunchFailures'|'InstanceLimitExceeded'|'InsufficientFreeAddresses'|'AccessDenied'|'InternalFailure'|'ClusterUnreachable',
                    'message': 'string',
                    'resourceIds': [
        'launchTemplate': {
            'name': 'string',
            'version': 'string',
            'id': 'string'
        'tags': {
            'string': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • nodegroup (dict) --

      The full description of your new node group.

      • nodegroupName (string) --

        The name associated with an Amazon EKS managed node group.

      • nodegroupArn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) associated with the managed node group.

      • clusterName (string) --

        The name of the cluster that the managed node group resides in.

      • version (string) --

        The Kubernetes version of the managed node group.

      • releaseVersion (string) --

        If the node group was deployed using a launch template with a custom AMI, then this is the AMI ID that was specified in the launch template. For node groups that weren't deployed using a launch template, this is the version of the Amazon EKS-optimized AMI that the node group was deployed with.

      • createdAt (datetime) --

        The Unix epoch timestamp in seconds for when the managed node group was created.

      • modifiedAt (datetime) --

        The Unix epoch timestamp in seconds for when the managed node group was last modified.

      • status (string) --

        The current status of the managed node group.

      • scalingConfig (dict) --

        The scaling configuration details for the Auto Scaling group that is associated with your node group.

        • minSize (integer) --

          The minimum number of worker nodes that the managed node group can scale in to. This number must be greater than zero.

        • maxSize (integer) --

          The maximum number of worker nodes that the managed node group can scale out to. Managed node groups can support up to 100 nodes by default.

        • desiredSize (integer) --

          The current number of worker nodes that the managed node group should maintain.

      • instanceTypes (list) --

        If the node group wasn't deployed with a launch template, then this is the instance type that is associated with the node group. If the node group was deployed with a launch template, then this is null .

        • (string) --

      • subnets (list) --

        The subnets that were specified for the Auto Scaling group that is associated with your node group.

        • (string) --

      • remoteAccess (dict) --

        If the node group wasn't deployed with a launch template, then this is the remote access configuration that is associated with the node group. If the node group was deployed with a launch template, then this is null .

        • ec2SshKey (string) --

          The Amazon EC2 SSH key that provides access for SSH communication with the worker nodes in the managed node group. For more information, see Amazon EC2 Key Pairs in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide for Linux Instances .

        • sourceSecurityGroups (list) --

          The security groups that are allowed SSH access (port 22) to the worker nodes. If you specify an Amazon EC2 SSH key but do not specify a source security group when you create a managed node group, then port 22 on the worker nodes is opened to the internet ( For more information, see Security Groups for Your VPC in the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud User Guide .

          • (string) --

      • amiType (string) --

        If the node group was deployed using a launch template with a custom AMI, then this is CUSTOM . For node groups that weren't deployed using a launch template, this is the AMI type that was specified in the node group configuration.

      • nodeRole (string) --

        The IAM role associated with your node group. The Amazon EKS worker node kubelet daemon makes calls to AWS APIs on your behalf. Worker nodes receive permissions for these API calls through an IAM instance profile and associated policies.

      • labels (dict) --

        The Kubernetes labels applied to the nodes in the node group.


        Only labels that are applied with the Amazon EKS API are shown here. There may be other Kubernetes labels applied to the nodes in this group.

        • (string) --

          • (string) --

      • resources (dict) --

        The resources associated with the node group, such as Auto Scaling groups and security groups for remote access.

        • autoScalingGroups (list) --

          The Auto Scaling groups associated with the node group.

          • (dict) --

            An Auto Scaling group that is associated with an Amazon EKS managed node group.

            • name (string) --

              The name of the Auto Scaling group associated with an Amazon EKS managed node group.

        • remoteAccessSecurityGroup (string) --

          The remote access security group associated with the node group. This security group controls SSH access to the worker nodes.

      • diskSize (integer) --

        If the node group wasn't deployed with a launch template, then this is the disk size in the node group configuration. If the node group was deployed with a launch template, then this is null .

      • health (dict) --

        The health status of the node group. If there are issues with your node group's health, they are listed here.

        • issues (list) --

          Any issues that are associated with the node group.

          • (dict) --

            An object representing an issue with an Amazon EKS resource.

            • code (string) --

              A brief description of the error.

              • AutoScalingGroupNotFound : We couldn't find the Auto Scaling group associated with the managed node group. You may be able to recreate an Auto Scaling group with the same settings to recover.

              • Ec2SecurityGroupNotFound : We couldn't find the cluster security group for the cluster. You must recreate your cluster.

              • Ec2SecurityGroupDeletionFailure : We could not delete the remote access security group for your managed node group. Remove any dependencies from the security group.

              • Ec2LaunchTemplateNotFound : We couldn't find the Amazon EC2 launch template for your managed node group. You may be able to recreate a launch template with the same settings to recover.

              • Ec2LaunchTemplateVersionMismatch : The Amazon EC2 launch template version for your managed node group does not match the version that Amazon EKS created. You may be able to revert to the version that Amazon EKS created to recover.

              • Ec2SubnetInvalidConfiguration : One or more Amazon EC2 subnets specified for a node group do not automatically assign public IP addresses to instances launched into it. If you want your instances to be assigned a public IP address, then you need to enable the auto-assign public IP address setting for the subnet. See Modifying the public IPv4 addressing attribute for your subnet in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

              • IamInstanceProfileNotFound : We couldn't find the IAM instance profile for your managed node group. You may be able to recreate an instance profile with the same settings to recover.

              • IamNodeRoleNotFound : We couldn't find the IAM role for your managed node group. You may be able to recreate an IAM role with the same settings to recover.

              • AsgInstanceLaunchFailures : Your Auto Scaling group is experiencing failures while attempting to launch instances.

              • NodeCreationFailure : Your launched instances are unable to register with your Amazon EKS cluster. Common causes of this failure are insufficient worker node IAM role permissions or lack of outbound internet access for the nodes.

              • InstanceLimitExceeded : Your AWS account is unable to launch any more instances of the specified instance type. You may be able to request an Amazon EC2 instance limit increase to recover.

              • InsufficientFreeAddresses : One or more of the subnets associated with your managed node group does not have enough available IP addresses for new nodes.

              • AccessDenied : Amazon EKS or one or more of your managed nodes is unable to communicate with your cluster API server.

              • InternalFailure : These errors are usually caused by an Amazon EKS server-side issue.

            • message (string) --

              The error message associated with the issue.

            • resourceIds (list) --

              The AWS resources that are afflicted by this issue.

              • (string) --

      • launchTemplate (dict) --

        If a launch template was used to create the node group, then this is the launch template that was used.

        • name (string) --

          The name of the launch template.

        • version (string) --

          The version of the launch template to use. If no version is specified, then the template's default version is used.

        • id (string) --

          The ID of the launch template.

      • tags (dict) --

        The metadata applied to the node group to assist with categorization and organization. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. Node group tags do not propagate to any other resources associated with the node group, such as the Amazon EC2 instances or subnets.

        • (string) --

          • (string) --

DeleteNodegroup (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'nodegroup': {'health': {'issues': {'code': {'ClusterUnreachable'}}}}}

Deletes an Amazon EKS node group for a cluster.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type clusterName


param clusterName


The name of the Amazon EKS cluster that is associated with your node group.

type nodegroupName


param nodegroupName


The name of the node group to delete.




Response Syntax

    'nodegroup': {
        'nodegroupName': 'string',
        'nodegroupArn': 'string',
        'clusterName': 'string',
        'version': 'string',
        'releaseVersion': 'string',
        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'modifiedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'scalingConfig': {
            'minSize': 123,
            'maxSize': 123,
            'desiredSize': 123
        'instanceTypes': [
        'subnets': [
        'remoteAccess': {
            'ec2SshKey': 'string',
            'sourceSecurityGroups': [
        'amiType': 'AL2_x86_64'|'AL2_x86_64_GPU'|'AL2_ARM_64',
        'nodeRole': 'string',
        'labels': {
            'string': 'string'
        'resources': {
            'autoScalingGroups': [
                    'name': 'string'
            'remoteAccessSecurityGroup': 'string'
        'diskSize': 123,
        'health': {
            'issues': [
                    'code': 'AutoScalingGroupNotFound'|'AutoScalingGroupInvalidConfiguration'|'Ec2SecurityGroupNotFound'|'Ec2SecurityGroupDeletionFailure'|'Ec2LaunchTemplateNotFound'|'Ec2LaunchTemplateVersionMismatch'|'Ec2SubnetNotFound'|'Ec2SubnetInvalidConfiguration'|'IamInstanceProfileNotFound'|'IamLimitExceeded'|'IamNodeRoleNotFound'|'NodeCreationFailure'|'AsgInstanceLaunchFailures'|'InstanceLimitExceeded'|'InsufficientFreeAddresses'|'AccessDenied'|'InternalFailure'|'ClusterUnreachable',
                    'message': 'string',
                    'resourceIds': [
        'launchTemplate': {
            'name': 'string',
            'version': 'string',
            'id': 'string'
        'tags': {
            'string': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • nodegroup (dict) --

      The full description of your deleted node group.

      • nodegroupName (string) --

        The name associated with an Amazon EKS managed node group.

      • nodegroupArn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) associated with the managed node group.

      • clusterName (string) --

        The name of the cluster that the managed node group resides in.

      • version (string) --

        The Kubernetes version of the managed node group.

      • releaseVersion (string) --

        If the node group was deployed using a launch template with a custom AMI, then this is the AMI ID that was specified in the launch template. For node groups that weren't deployed using a launch template, this is the version of the Amazon EKS-optimized AMI that the node group was deployed with.

      • createdAt (datetime) --

        The Unix epoch timestamp in seconds for when the managed node group was created.

      • modifiedAt (datetime) --

        The Unix epoch timestamp in seconds for when the managed node group was last modified.

      • status (string) --

        The current status of the managed node group.

      • scalingConfig (dict) --

        The scaling configuration details for the Auto Scaling group that is associated with your node group.

        • minSize (integer) --

          The minimum number of worker nodes that the managed node group can scale in to. This number must be greater than zero.

        • maxSize (integer) --

          The maximum number of worker nodes that the managed node group can scale out to. Managed node groups can support up to 100 nodes by default.

        • desiredSize (integer) --

          The current number of worker nodes that the managed node group should maintain.

      • instanceTypes (list) --

        If the node group wasn't deployed with a launch template, then this is the instance type that is associated with the node group. If the node group was deployed with a launch template, then this is null .

        • (string) --

      • subnets (list) --

        The subnets that were specified for the Auto Scaling group that is associated with your node group.

        • (string) --

      • remoteAccess (dict) --

        If the node group wasn't deployed with a launch template, then this is the remote access configuration that is associated with the node group. If the node group was deployed with a launch template, then this is null .

        • ec2SshKey (string) --

          The Amazon EC2 SSH key that provides access for SSH communication with the worker nodes in the managed node group. For more information, see Amazon EC2 Key Pairs in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide for Linux Instances .

        • sourceSecurityGroups (list) --

          The security groups that are allowed SSH access (port 22) to the worker nodes. If you specify an Amazon EC2 SSH key but do not specify a source security group when you create a managed node group, then port 22 on the worker nodes is opened to the internet ( For more information, see Security Groups for Your VPC in the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud User Guide .

          • (string) --

      • amiType (string) --

        If the node group was deployed using a launch template with a custom AMI, then this is CUSTOM . For node groups that weren't deployed using a launch template, this is the AMI type that was specified in the node group configuration.

      • nodeRole (string) --

        The IAM role associated with your node group. The Amazon EKS worker node kubelet daemon makes calls to AWS APIs on your behalf. Worker nodes receive permissions for these API calls through an IAM instance profile and associated policies.

      • labels (dict) --

        The Kubernetes labels applied to the nodes in the node group.


        Only labels that are applied with the Amazon EKS API are shown here. There may be other Kubernetes labels applied to the nodes in this group.

        • (string) --

          • (string) --

      • resources (dict) --

        The resources associated with the node group, such as Auto Scaling groups and security groups for remote access.

        • autoScalingGroups (list) --

          The Auto Scaling groups associated with the node group.

          • (dict) --

            An Auto Scaling group that is associated with an Amazon EKS managed node group.

            • name (string) --

              The name of the Auto Scaling group associated with an Amazon EKS managed node group.

        • remoteAccessSecurityGroup (string) --

          The remote access security group associated with the node group. This security group controls SSH access to the worker nodes.

      • diskSize (integer) --

        If the node group wasn't deployed with a launch template, then this is the disk size in the node group configuration. If the node group was deployed with a launch template, then this is null .

      • health (dict) --

        The health status of the node group. If there are issues with your node group's health, they are listed here.

        • issues (list) --

          Any issues that are associated with the node group.

          • (dict) --

            An object representing an issue with an Amazon EKS resource.

            • code (string) --

              A brief description of the error.

              • AutoScalingGroupNotFound : We couldn't find the Auto Scaling group associated with the managed node group. You may be able to recreate an Auto Scaling group with the same settings to recover.

              • Ec2SecurityGroupNotFound : We couldn't find the cluster security group for the cluster. You must recreate your cluster.

              • Ec2SecurityGroupDeletionFailure : We could not delete the remote access security group for your managed node group. Remove any dependencies from the security group.

              • Ec2LaunchTemplateNotFound : We couldn't find the Amazon EC2 launch template for your managed node group. You may be able to recreate a launch template with the same settings to recover.

              • Ec2LaunchTemplateVersionMismatch : The Amazon EC2 launch template version for your managed node group does not match the version that Amazon EKS created. You may be able to revert to the version that Amazon EKS created to recover.

              • Ec2SubnetInvalidConfiguration : One or more Amazon EC2 subnets specified for a node group do not automatically assign public IP addresses to instances launched into it. If you want your instances to be assigned a public IP address, then you need to enable the auto-assign public IP address setting for the subnet. See Modifying the public IPv4 addressing attribute for your subnet in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

              • IamInstanceProfileNotFound : We couldn't find the IAM instance profile for your managed node group. You may be able to recreate an instance profile with the same settings to recover.

              • IamNodeRoleNotFound : We couldn't find the IAM role for your managed node group. You may be able to recreate an IAM role with the same settings to recover.

              • AsgInstanceLaunchFailures : Your Auto Scaling group is experiencing failures while attempting to launch instances.

              • NodeCreationFailure : Your launched instances are unable to register with your Amazon EKS cluster. Common causes of this failure are insufficient worker node IAM role permissions or lack of outbound internet access for the nodes.

              • InstanceLimitExceeded : Your AWS account is unable to launch any more instances of the specified instance type. You may be able to request an Amazon EC2 instance limit increase to recover.

              • InsufficientFreeAddresses : One or more of the subnets associated with your managed node group does not have enough available IP addresses for new nodes.

              • AccessDenied : Amazon EKS or one or more of your managed nodes is unable to communicate with your cluster API server.

              • InternalFailure : These errors are usually caused by an Amazon EKS server-side issue.

            • message (string) --

              The error message associated with the issue.

            • resourceIds (list) --

              The AWS resources that are afflicted by this issue.

              • (string) --

      • launchTemplate (dict) --

        If a launch template was used to create the node group, then this is the launch template that was used.

        • name (string) --

          The name of the launch template.

        • version (string) --

          The version of the launch template to use. If no version is specified, then the template's default version is used.

        • id (string) --

          The ID of the launch template.

      • tags (dict) --

        The metadata applied to the node group to assist with categorization and organization. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. Node group tags do not propagate to any other resources associated with the node group, such as the Amazon EC2 instances or subnets.

        • (string) --

          • (string) --

DescribeNodegroup (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'nodegroup': {'health': {'issues': {'code': {'ClusterUnreachable'}}}}}

Returns descriptive information about an Amazon EKS node group.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type clusterName


param clusterName


The name of the Amazon EKS cluster associated with the node group.

type nodegroupName


param nodegroupName


The name of the node group to describe.




Response Syntax

    'nodegroup': {
        'nodegroupName': 'string',
        'nodegroupArn': 'string',
        'clusterName': 'string',
        'version': 'string',
        'releaseVersion': 'string',
        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'modifiedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'scalingConfig': {
            'minSize': 123,
            'maxSize': 123,
            'desiredSize': 123
        'instanceTypes': [
        'subnets': [
        'remoteAccess': {
            'ec2SshKey': 'string',
            'sourceSecurityGroups': [
        'amiType': 'AL2_x86_64'|'AL2_x86_64_GPU'|'AL2_ARM_64',
        'nodeRole': 'string',
        'labels': {
            'string': 'string'
        'resources': {
            'autoScalingGroups': [
                    'name': 'string'
            'remoteAccessSecurityGroup': 'string'
        'diskSize': 123,
        'health': {
            'issues': [
                    'code': 'AutoScalingGroupNotFound'|'AutoScalingGroupInvalidConfiguration'|'Ec2SecurityGroupNotFound'|'Ec2SecurityGroupDeletionFailure'|'Ec2LaunchTemplateNotFound'|'Ec2LaunchTemplateVersionMismatch'|'Ec2SubnetNotFound'|'Ec2SubnetInvalidConfiguration'|'IamInstanceProfileNotFound'|'IamLimitExceeded'|'IamNodeRoleNotFound'|'NodeCreationFailure'|'AsgInstanceLaunchFailures'|'InstanceLimitExceeded'|'InsufficientFreeAddresses'|'AccessDenied'|'InternalFailure'|'ClusterUnreachable',
                    'message': 'string',
                    'resourceIds': [
        'launchTemplate': {
            'name': 'string',
            'version': 'string',
            'id': 'string'
        'tags': {
            'string': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • nodegroup (dict) --

      The full description of your node group.

      • nodegroupName (string) --

        The name associated with an Amazon EKS managed node group.

      • nodegroupArn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) associated with the managed node group.

      • clusterName (string) --

        The name of the cluster that the managed node group resides in.

      • version (string) --

        The Kubernetes version of the managed node group.

      • releaseVersion (string) --

        If the node group was deployed using a launch template with a custom AMI, then this is the AMI ID that was specified in the launch template. For node groups that weren't deployed using a launch template, this is the version of the Amazon EKS-optimized AMI that the node group was deployed with.

      • createdAt (datetime) --

        The Unix epoch timestamp in seconds for when the managed node group was created.

      • modifiedAt (datetime) --

        The Unix epoch timestamp in seconds for when the managed node group was last modified.

      • status (string) --

        The current status of the managed node group.

      • scalingConfig (dict) --

        The scaling configuration details for the Auto Scaling group that is associated with your node group.

        • minSize (integer) --

          The minimum number of worker nodes that the managed node group can scale in to. This number must be greater than zero.

        • maxSize (integer) --

          The maximum number of worker nodes that the managed node group can scale out to. Managed node groups can support up to 100 nodes by default.

        • desiredSize (integer) --

          The current number of worker nodes that the managed node group should maintain.

      • instanceTypes (list) --

        If the node group wasn't deployed with a launch template, then this is the instance type that is associated with the node group. If the node group was deployed with a launch template, then this is null .

        • (string) --

      • subnets (list) --

        The subnets that were specified for the Auto Scaling group that is associated with your node group.

        • (string) --

      • remoteAccess (dict) --

        If the node group wasn't deployed with a launch template, then this is the remote access configuration that is associated with the node group. If the node group was deployed with a launch template, then this is null .

        • ec2SshKey (string) --

          The Amazon EC2 SSH key that provides access for SSH communication with the worker nodes in the managed node group. For more information, see Amazon EC2 Key Pairs in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide for Linux Instances .

        • sourceSecurityGroups (list) --

          The security groups that are allowed SSH access (port 22) to the worker nodes. If you specify an Amazon EC2 SSH key but do not specify a source security group when you create a managed node group, then port 22 on the worker nodes is opened to the internet ( For more information, see Security Groups for Your VPC in the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud User Guide .

          • (string) --

      • amiType (string) --

        If the node group was deployed using a launch template with a custom AMI, then this is CUSTOM . For node groups that weren't deployed using a launch template, this is the AMI type that was specified in the node group configuration.

      • nodeRole (string) --

        The IAM role associated with your node group. The Amazon EKS worker node kubelet daemon makes calls to AWS APIs on your behalf. Worker nodes receive permissions for these API calls through an IAM instance profile and associated policies.

      • labels (dict) --

        The Kubernetes labels applied to the nodes in the node group.


        Only labels that are applied with the Amazon EKS API are shown here. There may be other Kubernetes labels applied to the nodes in this group.

        • (string) --

          • (string) --

      • resources (dict) --

        The resources associated with the node group, such as Auto Scaling groups and security groups for remote access.

        • autoScalingGroups (list) --

          The Auto Scaling groups associated with the node group.

          • (dict) --

            An Auto Scaling group that is associated with an Amazon EKS managed node group.

            • name (string) --

              The name of the Auto Scaling group associated with an Amazon EKS managed node group.

        • remoteAccessSecurityGroup (string) --

          The remote access security group associated with the node group. This security group controls SSH access to the worker nodes.

      • diskSize (integer) --

        If the node group wasn't deployed with a launch template, then this is the disk size in the node group configuration. If the node group was deployed with a launch template, then this is null .

      • health (dict) --

        The health status of the node group. If there are issues with your node group's health, they are listed here.

        • issues (list) --

          Any issues that are associated with the node group.

          • (dict) --

            An object representing an issue with an Amazon EKS resource.

            • code (string) --

              A brief description of the error.

              • AutoScalingGroupNotFound : We couldn't find the Auto Scaling group associated with the managed node group. You may be able to recreate an Auto Scaling group with the same settings to recover.

              • Ec2SecurityGroupNotFound : We couldn't find the cluster security group for the cluster. You must recreate your cluster.

              • Ec2SecurityGroupDeletionFailure : We could not delete the remote access security group for your managed node group. Remove any dependencies from the security group.

              • Ec2LaunchTemplateNotFound : We couldn't find the Amazon EC2 launch template for your managed node group. You may be able to recreate a launch template with the same settings to recover.

              • Ec2LaunchTemplateVersionMismatch : The Amazon EC2 launch template version for your managed node group does not match the version that Amazon EKS created. You may be able to revert to the version that Amazon EKS created to recover.

              • Ec2SubnetInvalidConfiguration : One or more Amazon EC2 subnets specified for a node group do not automatically assign public IP addresses to instances launched into it. If you want your instances to be assigned a public IP address, then you need to enable the auto-assign public IP address setting for the subnet. See Modifying the public IPv4 addressing attribute for your subnet in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

              • IamInstanceProfileNotFound : We couldn't find the IAM instance profile for your managed node group. You may be able to recreate an instance profile with the same settings to recover.

              • IamNodeRoleNotFound : We couldn't find the IAM role for your managed node group. You may be able to recreate an IAM role with the same settings to recover.

              • AsgInstanceLaunchFailures : Your Auto Scaling group is experiencing failures while attempting to launch instances.

              • NodeCreationFailure : Your launched instances are unable to register with your Amazon EKS cluster. Common causes of this failure are insufficient worker node IAM role permissions or lack of outbound internet access for the nodes.

              • InstanceLimitExceeded : Your AWS account is unable to launch any more instances of the specified instance type. You may be able to request an Amazon EC2 instance limit increase to recover.

              • InsufficientFreeAddresses : One or more of the subnets associated with your managed node group does not have enough available IP addresses for new nodes.

              • AccessDenied : Amazon EKS or one or more of your managed nodes is unable to communicate with your cluster API server.

              • InternalFailure : These errors are usually caused by an Amazon EKS server-side issue.

            • message (string) --

              The error message associated with the issue.

            • resourceIds (list) --

              The AWS resources that are afflicted by this issue.

              • (string) --

      • launchTemplate (dict) --

        If a launch template was used to create the node group, then this is the launch template that was used.

        • name (string) --

          The name of the launch template.

        • version (string) --

          The version of the launch template to use. If no version is specified, then the template's default version is used.

        • id (string) --

          The ID of the launch template.

      • tags (dict) --

        The metadata applied to the node group to assist with categorization and organization. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. Node group tags do not propagate to any other resources associated with the node group, such as the Amazon EC2 instances or subnets.

        • (string) --

          • (string) --

DescribeUpdate (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'update': {'errors': {'errorCode': {'ClusterUnreachable'}}}}

Returns descriptive information about an update against your Amazon EKS cluster or associated managed node group.

When the status of the update is Succeeded , the update is complete. If an update fails, the status is Failed , and an error detail explains the reason for the failure.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type name


param name


The name of the Amazon EKS cluster associated with the update.

type updateId


param updateId


The ID of the update to describe.

type nodegroupName


param nodegroupName

The name of the Amazon EKS node group associated with the update.




Response Syntax

    'update': {
        'id': 'string',
        'status': 'InProgress'|'Failed'|'Cancelled'|'Successful',
        'type': 'VersionUpdate'|'EndpointAccessUpdate'|'LoggingUpdate'|'ConfigUpdate',
        'params': [
                'type': 'Version'|'PlatformVersion'|'EndpointPrivateAccess'|'EndpointPublicAccess'|'ClusterLogging'|'DesiredSize'|'LabelsToAdd'|'LabelsToRemove'|'MaxSize'|'MinSize'|'ReleaseVersion'|'PublicAccessCidrs',
                'value': 'string'
        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'errors': [
                'errorCode': 'SubnetNotFound'|'SecurityGroupNotFound'|'EniLimitReached'|'IpNotAvailable'|'AccessDenied'|'OperationNotPermitted'|'VpcIdNotFound'|'Unknown'|'NodeCreationFailure'|'PodEvictionFailure'|'InsufficientFreeAddresses'|'ClusterUnreachable',
                'errorMessage': 'string',
                'resourceIds': [

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • update (dict) --

      The full description of the specified update.

      • id (string) --

        A UUID that is used to track the update.

      • status (string) --

        The current status of the update.

      • type (string) --

        The type of the update.

      • params (list) --

        A key-value map that contains the parameters associated with the update.

        • (dict) --

          An object representing the details of an update request.

          • type (string) --

            The keys associated with an update request.

          • value (string) --

            The value of the keys submitted as part of an update request.

      • createdAt (datetime) --

        The Unix epoch timestamp in seconds for when the update was created.

      • errors (list) --

        Any errors associated with a Failed update.

        • (dict) --

          An object representing an error when an asynchronous operation fails.

          • errorCode (string) --

            A brief description of the error.

            • SubnetNotFound : We couldn't find one of the subnets associated with the cluster.

            • SecurityGroupNotFound : We couldn't find one of the security groups associated with the cluster.

            • EniLimitReached : You have reached the elastic network interface limit for your account.

            • IpNotAvailable : A subnet associated with the cluster doesn't have any free IP addresses.

            • AccessDenied : You don't have permissions to perform the specified operation.

            • OperationNotPermitted : The service role associated with the cluster doesn't have the required access permissions for Amazon EKS.

            • VpcIdNotFound : We couldn't find the VPC associated with the cluster.

          • errorMessage (string) --

            A more complete description of the error.

          • resourceIds (list) --

            An optional field that contains the resource IDs associated with the error.

            • (string) --

UpdateClusterConfig (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'update': {'errors': {'errorCode': {'ClusterUnreachable'}}}}

Updates an Amazon EKS cluster configuration. Your cluster continues to function during the update. The response output includes an update ID that you can use to track the status of your cluster update with the DescribeUpdate API operation.

You can use this API operation to enable or disable exporting the Kubernetes control plane logs for your cluster to CloudWatch Logs. By default, cluster control plane logs aren't exported to CloudWatch Logs. For more information, see Amazon EKS Cluster Control Plane Logs in the Amazon EKS User Guide .


CloudWatch Logs ingestion, archive storage, and data scanning rates apply to exported control plane logs. For more information, see Amazon CloudWatch Pricing.

You can also use this API operation to enable or disable public and private access to your cluster's Kubernetes API server endpoint. By default, public access is enabled, and private access is disabled. For more information, see Amazon EKS Cluster Endpoint Access Control in the Amazon EKS User Guide .


At this time, you can not update the subnets or security group IDs for an existing cluster.

Cluster updates are asynchronous, and they should finish within a few minutes. During an update, the cluster status moves to UPDATING (this status transition is eventually consistent). When the update is complete (either Failed or Successful ), the cluster status moves to Active .

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'subnetIds': [
        'securityGroupIds': [
        'endpointPublicAccess': True|False,
        'endpointPrivateAccess': True|False,
        'publicAccessCidrs': [
        'clusterLogging': [
                'types': [
                'enabled': True|False
type name


param name


The name of the Amazon EKS cluster to update.

type resourcesVpcConfig


param resourcesVpcConfig

An object representing the VPC configuration to use for an Amazon EKS cluster.

  • subnetIds (list) --

    Specify subnets for your Amazon EKS worker nodes. Amazon EKS creates cross-account elastic network interfaces in these subnets to allow communication between your worker nodes and the Kubernetes control plane.

    • (string) --

  • securityGroupIds (list) --

    Specify one or more security groups for the cross-account elastic network interfaces that Amazon EKS creates to use to allow communication between your worker nodes and the Kubernetes control plane. If you don't specify a security group, the default security group for your VPC is used.

    • (string) --

  • endpointPublicAccess (boolean) --

    Set this value to false to disable public access to your cluster's Kubernetes API server endpoint. If you disable public access, your cluster's Kubernetes API server can only receive requests from within the cluster VPC. The default value for this parameter is true , which enables public access for your Kubernetes API server. For more information, see Amazon EKS Cluster Endpoint Access Control in the Amazon EKS User Guide .

  • endpointPrivateAccess (boolean) --

    Set this value to true to enable private access for your cluster's Kubernetes API server endpoint. If you enable private access, Kubernetes API requests from within your cluster's VPC use the private VPC endpoint. The default value for this parameter is false , which disables private access for your Kubernetes API server. If you disable private access and you have worker nodes or AWS Fargate pods in the cluster, then ensure that publicAccessCidrs includes the necessary CIDR blocks for communication with the worker nodes or Fargate pods. For more information, see Amazon EKS Cluster Endpoint Access Control in the Amazon EKS User Guide .

  • publicAccessCidrs (list) --

    The CIDR blocks that are allowed access to your cluster's public Kubernetes API server endpoint. Communication to the endpoint from addresses outside of the CIDR blocks that you specify is denied. The default value is . If you've disabled private endpoint access and you have worker nodes or AWS Fargate pods in the cluster, then ensure that you specify the necessary CIDR blocks. For more information, see Amazon EKS Cluster Endpoint Access Control in the Amazon EKS User Guide .

    • (string) --

type logging


param logging

Enable or disable exporting the Kubernetes control plane logs for your cluster to CloudWatch Logs. By default, cluster control plane logs aren't exported to CloudWatch Logs. For more information, see Amazon EKS Cluster Control Plane Logs in the Amazon EKS User Guide .


CloudWatch Logs ingestion, archive storage, and data scanning rates apply to exported control plane logs. For more information, see Amazon CloudWatch Pricing.

  • clusterLogging (list) --

    The cluster control plane logging configuration for your cluster.

    • (dict) --

      An object representing the enabled or disabled Kubernetes control plane logs for your cluster.

      • types (list) --

        The available cluster control plane log types.

        • (string) --

      • enabled (boolean) --

        If a log type is enabled, that log type exports its control plane logs to CloudWatch Logs. If a log type isn't enabled, that log type doesn't export its control plane logs. Each individual log type can be enabled or disabled independently.

type clientRequestToken


param clientRequestToken

Unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request.

This field is autopopulated if not provided.




Response Syntax

    'update': {
        'id': 'string',
        'status': 'InProgress'|'Failed'|'Cancelled'|'Successful',
        'type': 'VersionUpdate'|'EndpointAccessUpdate'|'LoggingUpdate'|'ConfigUpdate',
        'params': [
                'type': 'Version'|'PlatformVersion'|'EndpointPrivateAccess'|'EndpointPublicAccess'|'ClusterLogging'|'DesiredSize'|'LabelsToAdd'|'LabelsToRemove'|'MaxSize'|'MinSize'|'ReleaseVersion'|'PublicAccessCidrs',
                'value': 'string'
        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'errors': [
                'errorCode': 'SubnetNotFound'|'SecurityGroupNotFound'|'EniLimitReached'|'IpNotAvailable'|'AccessDenied'|'OperationNotPermitted'|'VpcIdNotFound'|'Unknown'|'NodeCreationFailure'|'PodEvictionFailure'|'InsufficientFreeAddresses'|'ClusterUnreachable',
                'errorMessage': 'string',
                'resourceIds': [

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • update (dict) --

      An object representing an asynchronous update.

      • id (string) --

        A UUID that is used to track the update.

      • status (string) --

        The current status of the update.

      • type (string) --

        The type of the update.

      • params (list) --

        A key-value map that contains the parameters associated with the update.

        • (dict) --

          An object representing the details of an update request.

          • type (string) --

            The keys associated with an update request.

          • value (string) --

            The value of the keys submitted as part of an update request.

      • createdAt (datetime) --

        The Unix epoch timestamp in seconds for when the update was created.

      • errors (list) --

        Any errors associated with a Failed update.

        • (dict) --

          An object representing an error when an asynchronous operation fails.

          • errorCode (string) --

            A brief description of the error.

            • SubnetNotFound : We couldn't find one of the subnets associated with the cluster.

            • SecurityGroupNotFound : We couldn't find one of the security groups associated with the cluster.

            • EniLimitReached : You have reached the elastic network interface limit for your account.

            • IpNotAvailable : A subnet associated with the cluster doesn't have any free IP addresses.

            • AccessDenied : You don't have permissions to perform the specified operation.

            • OperationNotPermitted : The service role associated with the cluster doesn't have the required access permissions for Amazon EKS.

            • VpcIdNotFound : We couldn't find the VPC associated with the cluster.

          • errorMessage (string) --

            A more complete description of the error.

          • resourceIds (list) --

            An optional field that contains the resource IDs associated with the error.

            • (string) --

UpdateClusterVersion (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'update': {'errors': {'errorCode': {'ClusterUnreachable'}}}}

Updates an Amazon EKS cluster to the specified Kubernetes version. Your cluster continues to function during the update. The response output includes an update ID that you can use to track the status of your cluster update with the DescribeUpdate API operation.

Cluster updates are asynchronous, and they should finish within a few minutes. During an update, the cluster status moves to UPDATING (this status transition is eventually consistent). When the update is complete (either Failed or Successful ), the cluster status moves to Active .

If your cluster has managed node groups attached to it, all of your node groups’ Kubernetes versions must match the cluster’s Kubernetes version in order to update the cluster to a new Kubernetes version.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type name


param name


The name of the Amazon EKS cluster to update.

type version


param version


The desired Kubernetes version following a successful update.

type clientRequestToken


param clientRequestToken

Unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request.

This field is autopopulated if not provided.




Response Syntax

    'update': {
        'id': 'string',
        'status': 'InProgress'|'Failed'|'Cancelled'|'Successful',
        'type': 'VersionUpdate'|'EndpointAccessUpdate'|'LoggingUpdate'|'ConfigUpdate',
        'params': [
                'type': 'Version'|'PlatformVersion'|'EndpointPrivateAccess'|'EndpointPublicAccess'|'ClusterLogging'|'DesiredSize'|'LabelsToAdd'|'LabelsToRemove'|'MaxSize'|'MinSize'|'ReleaseVersion'|'PublicAccessCidrs',
                'value': 'string'
        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'errors': [
                'errorCode': 'SubnetNotFound'|'SecurityGroupNotFound'|'EniLimitReached'|'IpNotAvailable'|'AccessDenied'|'OperationNotPermitted'|'VpcIdNotFound'|'Unknown'|'NodeCreationFailure'|'PodEvictionFailure'|'InsufficientFreeAddresses'|'ClusterUnreachable',
                'errorMessage': 'string',
                'resourceIds': [

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • update (dict) --

      The full description of the specified update

      • id (string) --

        A UUID that is used to track the update.

      • status (string) --

        The current status of the update.

      • type (string) --

        The type of the update.

      • params (list) --

        A key-value map that contains the parameters associated with the update.

        • (dict) --

          An object representing the details of an update request.

          • type (string) --

            The keys associated with an update request.

          • value (string) --

            The value of the keys submitted as part of an update request.

      • createdAt (datetime) --

        The Unix epoch timestamp in seconds for when the update was created.

      • errors (list) --

        Any errors associated with a Failed update.

        • (dict) --

          An object representing an error when an asynchronous operation fails.

          • errorCode (string) --

            A brief description of the error.

            • SubnetNotFound : We couldn't find one of the subnets associated with the cluster.

            • SecurityGroupNotFound : We couldn't find one of the security groups associated with the cluster.

            • EniLimitReached : You have reached the elastic network interface limit for your account.

            • IpNotAvailable : A subnet associated with the cluster doesn't have any free IP addresses.

            • AccessDenied : You don't have permissions to perform the specified operation.

            • OperationNotPermitted : The service role associated with the cluster doesn't have the required access permissions for Amazon EKS.

            • VpcIdNotFound : We couldn't find the VPC associated with the cluster.

          • errorMessage (string) --

            A more complete description of the error.

          • resourceIds (list) --

            An optional field that contains the resource IDs associated with the error.

            • (string) --

UpdateNodegroupConfig (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'update': {'errors': {'errorCode': {'ClusterUnreachable'}}}}

Updates an Amazon EKS managed node group configuration. Your node group continues to function during the update. The response output includes an update ID that you can use to track the status of your node group update with the DescribeUpdate API operation. Currently you can update the Kubernetes labels for a node group or the scaling configuration.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'addOrUpdateLabels': {
            'string': 'string'
        'removeLabels': [
        'minSize': 123,
        'maxSize': 123,
        'desiredSize': 123
type clusterName


param clusterName


The name of the Amazon EKS cluster that the managed node group resides in.

type nodegroupName


param nodegroupName


The name of the managed node group to update.

type labels


param labels

The Kubernetes labels to be applied to the nodes in the node group after the update.

  • addOrUpdateLabels (dict) --

    Kubernetes labels to be added or updated.

    • (string) --

      • (string) --

  • removeLabels (list) --

    Kubernetes labels to be removed.

    • (string) --

type scalingConfig


param scalingConfig

The scaling configuration details for the Auto Scaling group after the update.

  • minSize (integer) --

    The minimum number of worker nodes that the managed node group can scale in to. This number must be greater than zero.

  • maxSize (integer) --

    The maximum number of worker nodes that the managed node group can scale out to. Managed node groups can support up to 100 nodes by default.

  • desiredSize (integer) --

    The current number of worker nodes that the managed node group should maintain.

type clientRequestToken


param clientRequestToken

Unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request.

This field is autopopulated if not provided.




Response Syntax

    'update': {
        'id': 'string',
        'status': 'InProgress'|'Failed'|'Cancelled'|'Successful',
        'type': 'VersionUpdate'|'EndpointAccessUpdate'|'LoggingUpdate'|'ConfigUpdate',
        'params': [
                'type': 'Version'|'PlatformVersion'|'EndpointPrivateAccess'|'EndpointPublicAccess'|'ClusterLogging'|'DesiredSize'|'LabelsToAdd'|'LabelsToRemove'|'MaxSize'|'MinSize'|'ReleaseVersion'|'PublicAccessCidrs',
                'value': 'string'
        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'errors': [
                'errorCode': 'SubnetNotFound'|'SecurityGroupNotFound'|'EniLimitReached'|'IpNotAvailable'|'AccessDenied'|'OperationNotPermitted'|'VpcIdNotFound'|'Unknown'|'NodeCreationFailure'|'PodEvictionFailure'|'InsufficientFreeAddresses'|'ClusterUnreachable',
                'errorMessage': 'string',
                'resourceIds': [

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • update (dict) --

      An object representing an asynchronous update.

      • id (string) --

        A UUID that is used to track the update.

      • status (string) --

        The current status of the update.

      • type (string) --

        The type of the update.

      • params (list) --

        A key-value map that contains the parameters associated with the update.

        • (dict) --

          An object representing the details of an update request.

          • type (string) --

            The keys associated with an update request.

          • value (string) --

            The value of the keys submitted as part of an update request.

      • createdAt (datetime) --

        The Unix epoch timestamp in seconds for when the update was created.

      • errors (list) --

        Any errors associated with a Failed update.

        • (dict) --

          An object representing an error when an asynchronous operation fails.

          • errorCode (string) --

            A brief description of the error.

            • SubnetNotFound : We couldn't find one of the subnets associated with the cluster.

            • SecurityGroupNotFound : We couldn't find one of the security groups associated with the cluster.

            • EniLimitReached : You have reached the elastic network interface limit for your account.

            • IpNotAvailable : A subnet associated with the cluster doesn't have any free IP addresses.

            • AccessDenied : You don't have permissions to perform the specified operation.

            • OperationNotPermitted : The service role associated with the cluster doesn't have the required access permissions for Amazon EKS.

            • VpcIdNotFound : We couldn't find the VPC associated with the cluster.

          • errorMessage (string) --

            A more complete description of the error.

          • resourceIds (list) --

            An optional field that contains the resource IDs associated with the error.

            • (string) --

UpdateNodegroupVersion (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'update': {'errors': {'errorCode': {'ClusterUnreachable'}}}}

Updates the Kubernetes version or AMI version of an Amazon EKS managed node group.

You can update a node group using a launch template only if the node group was originally deployed with a launch template. If you need to update a custom AMI in a node group that was deployed with a launch template, then update your custom AMI, specify the new ID in a new version of the launch template, and then update the node group to the new version of the launch template.

If you update without a launch template, then you can update to the latest available AMI version of a node group's current Kubernetes version by not specifying a Kubernetes version in the request. You can update to the latest AMI version of your cluster's current Kubernetes version by specifying your cluster's Kubernetes version in the request. For more information, see Amazon EKS-Optimized Linux AMI Versions in the Amazon EKS User Guide .

You cannot roll back a node group to an earlier Kubernetes version or AMI version.

When a node in a managed node group is terminated due to a scaling action or update, the pods in that node are drained first. Amazon EKS attempts to drain the nodes gracefully and will fail if it is unable to do so. You can force the update if Amazon EKS is unable to drain the nodes as a result of a pod disruption budget issue.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'name': 'string',
        'version': 'string',
        'id': 'string'
type clusterName


param clusterName


The name of the Amazon EKS cluster that is associated with the managed node group to update.

type nodegroupName


param nodegroupName


The name of the managed node group to update.

type version


param version

The Kubernetes version to update to. If no version is specified, then the Kubernetes version of the node group does not change. You can specify the Kubernetes version of the cluster to update the node group to the latest AMI version of the cluster's Kubernetes version. If you specify launchTemplate , and your launch template uses a custom AMI, then don't specify version , or the node group update will fail. For more information about using launch templates with Amazon EKS, see Launch template support in the Amazon EKS User Guide.

type releaseVersion


param releaseVersion

The AMI version of the Amazon EKS-optimized AMI to use for the update. By default, the latest available AMI version for the node group's Kubernetes version is used. For more information, see Amazon EKS-Optimized Linux AMI Versions in the Amazon EKS User Guide . If you specify launchTemplate , and your launch template uses a custom AMI, then don't specify releaseVersion , or the node group update will fail. For more information about using launch templates with Amazon EKS, see Launch template support in the Amazon EKS User Guide.

type launchTemplate


param launchTemplate

An object representing a node group's launch template specification. You can only update a node group using a launch template if the node group was originally deployed with a launch template.

  • name (string) --

    The name of the launch template.

  • version (string) --

    The version of the launch template to use. If no version is specified, then the template's default version is used.

  • id (string) --

    The ID of the launch template.

type force


param force

Force the update if the existing node group's pods are unable to be drained due to a pod disruption budget issue. If an update fails because pods could not be drained, you can force the update after it fails to terminate the old node whether or not any pods are running on the node.

type clientRequestToken


param clientRequestToken

Unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request.

This field is autopopulated if not provided.




Response Syntax

    'update': {
        'id': 'string',
        'status': 'InProgress'|'Failed'|'Cancelled'|'Successful',
        'type': 'VersionUpdate'|'EndpointAccessUpdate'|'LoggingUpdate'|'ConfigUpdate',
        'params': [
                'type': 'Version'|'PlatformVersion'|'EndpointPrivateAccess'|'EndpointPublicAccess'|'ClusterLogging'|'DesiredSize'|'LabelsToAdd'|'LabelsToRemove'|'MaxSize'|'MinSize'|'ReleaseVersion'|'PublicAccessCidrs',
                'value': 'string'
        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'errors': [
                'errorCode': 'SubnetNotFound'|'SecurityGroupNotFound'|'EniLimitReached'|'IpNotAvailable'|'AccessDenied'|'OperationNotPermitted'|'VpcIdNotFound'|'Unknown'|'NodeCreationFailure'|'PodEvictionFailure'|'InsufficientFreeAddresses'|'ClusterUnreachable',
                'errorMessage': 'string',
                'resourceIds': [

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • update (dict) --

      An object representing an asynchronous update.

      • id (string) --

        A UUID that is used to track the update.

      • status (string) --

        The current status of the update.

      • type (string) --

        The type of the update.

      • params (list) --

        A key-value map that contains the parameters associated with the update.

        • (dict) --

          An object representing the details of an update request.

          • type (string) --

            The keys associated with an update request.

          • value (string) --

            The value of the keys submitted as part of an update request.

      • createdAt (datetime) --

        The Unix epoch timestamp in seconds for when the update was created.

      • errors (list) --

        Any errors associated with a Failed update.

        • (dict) --

          An object representing an error when an asynchronous operation fails.

          • errorCode (string) --

            A brief description of the error.

            • SubnetNotFound : We couldn't find one of the subnets associated with the cluster.

            • SecurityGroupNotFound : We couldn't find one of the security groups associated with the cluster.

            • EniLimitReached : You have reached the elastic network interface limit for your account.

            • IpNotAvailable : A subnet associated with the cluster doesn't have any free IP addresses.

            • AccessDenied : You don't have permissions to perform the specified operation.

            • OperationNotPermitted : The service role associated with the cluster doesn't have the required access permissions for Amazon EKS.

            • VpcIdNotFound : We couldn't find the VPC associated with the cluster.

          • errorMessage (string) --

            A more complete description of the error.

          • resourceIds (list) --

            An optional field that contains the resource IDs associated with the error.

            • (string) --