Amazon Lightsail

2017/11/14 - Amazon Lightsail - 11 new 38 updated api methods

Changes  Update lightsail client to latest version

CreateDiskFromSnapshot (new) Link ¶

Creates a block storage disk from a disk snapshot that can be attached to a Lightsail instance in the same Availability Zone (e.g., us-east-2a ). The disk is created in the regional endpoint that you send the HTTP request to. For more information, see Regions and Availability Zones in Lightsail.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type diskName


param diskName


The unique Lightsail disk name (e.g., my-disk ).

type diskSnapshotName


param diskSnapshotName


The name of the disk snapshot (e.g., my-snapshot ) from which to create the new storage disk.

type availabilityZone


param availabilityZone


The Availability Zone where you want to create the disk (e.g., us-east-2a ). Choose the same Availability Zone as the Lightsail instance where you want to create the disk.

Use the GetRegions operation to list the Availability Zones where Lightsail is currently available.

type sizeInGb


param sizeInGb


The size of the disk in GB (e.g., 32 ).




Response Syntax

    'operations': [
            'id': 'string',
            'resourceName': 'string',
            'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
            'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'location': {
                'availabilityZone': 'string',
                'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
            'isTerminal': True|False,
            'operationDetails': 'string',
            'operationType': 'DeleteInstance'|'CreateInstance'|'StopInstance'|'StartInstance'|'RebootInstance'|'OpenInstancePublicPorts'|'PutInstancePublicPorts'|'CloseInstancePublicPorts'|'AllocateStaticIp'|'ReleaseStaticIp'|'AttachStaticIp'|'DetachStaticIp'|'UpdateDomainEntry'|'DeleteDomainEntry'|'CreateDomain'|'DeleteDomain'|'CreateInstanceSnapshot'|'DeleteInstanceSnapshot'|'CreateInstancesFromSnapshot'|'CreateDisk'|'DeleteDisk'|'AttachDisk'|'DetachDisk'|'CreateDiskSnapshot'|'DeleteDiskSnapshot'|'CreateDiskFromSnapshot',
            'status': 'NotStarted'|'Started'|'Failed'|'Completed',
            'statusChangedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'errorCode': 'string',
            'errorDetails': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • operations (list) --

      An object describing the API operations.

      • (dict) --

        Describes the API operation.

        • id (string) --

          The ID of the operation.

        • resourceName (string) --

          The resource name.

        • resourceType (string) --

          The resource type.

        • createdAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the operation was initialized (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • location (dict) --

          The region and Availability Zone.

          • availabilityZone (string) --

            The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

          • regionName (string) --

            The AWS Region name.

        • isTerminal (boolean) --

          A Boolean value indicating whether the operation is terminal.

        • operationDetails (string) --

          Details about the operation (e.g., Debian-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

        • operationType (string) --

          The type of operation.

        • status (string) --

          The status of the operation.

        • statusChangedAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the status was changed (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • errorCode (string) --

          The error code.

        • errorDetails (string) --

          The error details.

CreateDiskSnapshot (new) Link ¶

Creates a snapshot of a block storage disk. You can use snapshots for backups, to make copies of disks, and to save data before shutting down a Lightsail instance.

You can take a snapshot of an attached disk that is in use; however, snapshots only capture data that has been written to your disk at the time the snapshot command is issued. This may exclude any data that has been cached by any applications or the operating system. If you can pause any file systems on the disk long enough to take a snapshot, your snapshot should be complete. Nevertheless, if you cannot pause all file writes to the disk, you should unmount the disk from within the Lightsail instance, issue the create disk snapshot command, and then remount the disk to ensure a consistent and complete snapshot. You may remount and use your disk while the snapshot status is pending.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type diskName


param diskName


The unique name of the source disk (e.g., my-source-disk ).

type diskSnapshotName


param diskSnapshotName


The name of the destination disk snapshot (e.g., my-disk-snapshot ) based on the source disk.




Response Syntax

    'operations': [
            'id': 'string',
            'resourceName': 'string',
            'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
            'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'location': {
                'availabilityZone': 'string',
                'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
            'isTerminal': True|False,
            'operationDetails': 'string',
            'operationType': 'DeleteInstance'|'CreateInstance'|'StopInstance'|'StartInstance'|'RebootInstance'|'OpenInstancePublicPorts'|'PutInstancePublicPorts'|'CloseInstancePublicPorts'|'AllocateStaticIp'|'ReleaseStaticIp'|'AttachStaticIp'|'DetachStaticIp'|'UpdateDomainEntry'|'DeleteDomainEntry'|'CreateDomain'|'DeleteDomain'|'CreateInstanceSnapshot'|'DeleteInstanceSnapshot'|'CreateInstancesFromSnapshot'|'CreateDisk'|'DeleteDisk'|'AttachDisk'|'DetachDisk'|'CreateDiskSnapshot'|'DeleteDiskSnapshot'|'CreateDiskFromSnapshot',
            'status': 'NotStarted'|'Started'|'Failed'|'Completed',
            'statusChangedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'errorCode': 'string',
            'errorDetails': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • operations (list) --

      An object describing the API operations.

      • (dict) --

        Describes the API operation.

        • id (string) --

          The ID of the operation.

        • resourceName (string) --

          The resource name.

        • resourceType (string) --

          The resource type.

        • createdAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the operation was initialized (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • location (dict) --

          The region and Availability Zone.

          • availabilityZone (string) --

            The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

          • regionName (string) --

            The AWS Region name.

        • isTerminal (boolean) --

          A Boolean value indicating whether the operation is terminal.

        • operationDetails (string) --

          Details about the operation (e.g., Debian-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

        • operationType (string) --

          The type of operation.

        • status (string) --

          The status of the operation.

        • statusChangedAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the status was changed (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • errorCode (string) --

          The error code.

        • errorDetails (string) --

          The error details.

GetDiskSnapshot (new) Link ¶

Returns information about a specific block storage disk snapshot.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type diskSnapshotName


param diskSnapshotName


The name of the disk snapshot (e.g., my-disk-snapshot ).




Response Syntax

    'diskSnapshot': {
        'name': 'string',
        'arn': 'string',
        'supportCode': 'string',
        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'location': {
            'availabilityZone': 'string',
            'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
        'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
        'sizeInGb': 123,
        'state': 'pending'|'completed'|'error'|'unknown',
        'progress': 'string',
        'fromDiskName': 'string',
        'fromDiskArn': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • diskSnapshot (dict) --

      An object containing information about the disk snapshot.

      • name (string) --

        The name of the disk snapshot (e.g., my-disk-snapshot ).

      • arn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the disk snapshot.

      • supportCode (string) --

        The support code. Include this code in your email to support when you have questions about an instance or another resource in Lightsail. This code enables our support team to look up your Lightsail information more easily.

      • createdAt (datetime) --

        The date when the disk snapshot was created.

      • location (dict) --

        The AWS Region and Availability Zone where the disk snapshot was created.

        • availabilityZone (string) --

          The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

        • regionName (string) --

          The AWS Region name.

      • resourceType (string) --

        The Lightsail resource type (e.g., DiskSnapshot ).

      • sizeInGb (integer) --

        The size of the disk in GB.

      • state (string) --

        The status of the disk snapshot operation.

      • progress (string) --

        The progress of the disk snapshot operation.

      • fromDiskName (string) --

        The unique name of the source disk from which you are creating the disk snapshot.

      • fromDiskArn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the source disk from which you are creating the disk snapshot.

DeleteDiskSnapshot (new) Link ¶

Deletes the specified disk snapshot.

When you make periodic snapshots of a disk, the snapshots are incremental, and only the blocks on the device that have changed since your last snapshot are saved in the new snapshot. When you delete a snapshot, only the data not needed for any other snapshot is removed. So regardless of which prior snapshots have been deleted, all active snapshots will have access to all the information needed to restore the disk.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type diskSnapshotName


param diskSnapshotName


The name of the disk snapshot you want to delete (e.g., my-disk-snapshot ).




Response Syntax

    'operations': [
            'id': 'string',
            'resourceName': 'string',
            'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
            'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'location': {
                'availabilityZone': 'string',
                'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
            'isTerminal': True|False,
            'operationDetails': 'string',
            'operationType': 'DeleteInstance'|'CreateInstance'|'StopInstance'|'StartInstance'|'RebootInstance'|'OpenInstancePublicPorts'|'PutInstancePublicPorts'|'CloseInstancePublicPorts'|'AllocateStaticIp'|'ReleaseStaticIp'|'AttachStaticIp'|'DetachStaticIp'|'UpdateDomainEntry'|'DeleteDomainEntry'|'CreateDomain'|'DeleteDomain'|'CreateInstanceSnapshot'|'DeleteInstanceSnapshot'|'CreateInstancesFromSnapshot'|'CreateDisk'|'DeleteDisk'|'AttachDisk'|'DetachDisk'|'CreateDiskSnapshot'|'DeleteDiskSnapshot'|'CreateDiskFromSnapshot',
            'status': 'NotStarted'|'Started'|'Failed'|'Completed',
            'statusChangedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'errorCode': 'string',
            'errorDetails': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • operations (list) --

      An object describing the API operations.

      • (dict) --

        Describes the API operation.

        • id (string) --

          The ID of the operation.

        • resourceName (string) --

          The resource name.

        • resourceType (string) --

          The resource type.

        • createdAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the operation was initialized (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • location (dict) --

          The region and Availability Zone.

          • availabilityZone (string) --

            The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

          • regionName (string) --

            The AWS Region name.

        • isTerminal (boolean) --

          A Boolean value indicating whether the operation is terminal.

        • operationDetails (string) --

          Details about the operation (e.g., Debian-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

        • operationType (string) --

          The type of operation.

        • status (string) --

          The status of the operation.

        • statusChangedAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the status was changed (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • errorCode (string) --

          The error code.

        • errorDetails (string) --

          The error details.

GetDisk (new) Link ¶

Returns information about a specific block storage disk.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type diskName


param diskName


The name of the disk (e.g., my-disk ).




Response Syntax

    'disk': {
        'name': 'string',
        'arn': 'string',
        'supportCode': 'string',
        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'location': {
            'availabilityZone': 'string',
            'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
        'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
        'sizeInGb': 123,
        'isSystemDisk': True|False,
        'iops': 123,
        'path': 'string',
        'state': 'pending'|'error'|'available'|'in-use'|'unknown',
        'attachedTo': 'string',
        'isAttached': True|False,
        'attachmentState': 'string',
        'gbInUse': 123

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • disk (dict) --

      An object containing information about the disk.

      • name (string) --

        The unique name of the disk.

      • arn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the disk.

      • supportCode (string) --

        The support code. Include this code in your email to support when you have questions about an instance or another resource in Lightsail. This code enables our support team to look up your Lightsail information more easily.

      • createdAt (datetime) --

        The date when the disk was created.

      • location (dict) --

        The AWS Region and Availability Zone where the disk is located.

        • availabilityZone (string) --

          The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

        • regionName (string) --

          The AWS Region name.

      • resourceType (string) --

        The Lightsail resource type (e.g., Disk ).

      • sizeInGb (integer) --

        The size of the disk in GB.

      • isSystemDisk (boolean) --

        A Boolean value indicating whether this disk is a system disk (has an operating system loaded on it).

      • iops (integer) --

        The input/output operations per second (IOPS) of the disk.

      • path (string) --

        The disk path.

      • state (string) --

        Describes the status of the disk.

      • attachedTo (string) --

        The resources to which the disk is attached.

      • isAttached (boolean) --

        A Boolean value indicating whether the disk is attached.

      • attachmentState (string) --

        (Deprecated) The attachment state of the disk.


        In releases prior to November 9, 2017, this parameter returned attached for system disks in the API response. It is now deprecated, but still included in the response. Use isAttached instead.

      • gbInUse (integer) --

        (Deprecated) The number of GB in use by the disk.


        In releases prior to November 9, 2017, this parameter was not included in the API response. It is now deprecated.

AttachDisk (new) Link ¶

Attaches a block storage disk to a running or stopped Lightsail instance and exposes it to the instance with the specified disk name.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type diskName


param diskName


The unique Lightsail disk name (e.g., my-disk ).

type instanceName


param instanceName


The name of the Lightsail instance where you want to utilize the storage disk.

type diskPath


param diskPath


The disk path to expose to the instance (e.g., /dev/xvdf ).




Response Syntax

    'operations': [
            'id': 'string',
            'resourceName': 'string',
            'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
            'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'location': {
                'availabilityZone': 'string',
                'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
            'isTerminal': True|False,
            'operationDetails': 'string',
            'operationType': 'DeleteInstance'|'CreateInstance'|'StopInstance'|'StartInstance'|'RebootInstance'|'OpenInstancePublicPorts'|'PutInstancePublicPorts'|'CloseInstancePublicPorts'|'AllocateStaticIp'|'ReleaseStaticIp'|'AttachStaticIp'|'DetachStaticIp'|'UpdateDomainEntry'|'DeleteDomainEntry'|'CreateDomain'|'DeleteDomain'|'CreateInstanceSnapshot'|'DeleteInstanceSnapshot'|'CreateInstancesFromSnapshot'|'CreateDisk'|'DeleteDisk'|'AttachDisk'|'DetachDisk'|'CreateDiskSnapshot'|'DeleteDiskSnapshot'|'CreateDiskFromSnapshot',
            'status': 'NotStarted'|'Started'|'Failed'|'Completed',
            'statusChangedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'errorCode': 'string',
            'errorDetails': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • operations (list) --

      An object describing the API operation.

      • (dict) --

        Describes the API operation.

        • id (string) --

          The ID of the operation.

        • resourceName (string) --

          The resource name.

        • resourceType (string) --

          The resource type.

        • createdAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the operation was initialized (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • location (dict) --

          The region and Availability Zone.

          • availabilityZone (string) --

            The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

          • regionName (string) --

            The AWS Region name.

        • isTerminal (boolean) --

          A Boolean value indicating whether the operation is terminal.

        • operationDetails (string) --

          Details about the operation (e.g., Debian-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

        • operationType (string) --

          The type of operation.

        • status (string) --

          The status of the operation.

        • statusChangedAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the status was changed (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • errorCode (string) --

          The error code.

        • errorDetails (string) --

          The error details.

DetachDisk (new) Link ¶

Detaches a stopped block storage disk from a Lightsail instance. Make sure to unmount any file systems on the device within your operating system before stopping the instance and detaching the disk.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type diskName


param diskName


The unique name of the disk you want to detach from your instance (e.g., my-disk ).




Response Syntax

    'operations': [
            'id': 'string',
            'resourceName': 'string',
            'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
            'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'location': {
                'availabilityZone': 'string',
                'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
            'isTerminal': True|False,
            'operationDetails': 'string',
            'operationType': 'DeleteInstance'|'CreateInstance'|'StopInstance'|'StartInstance'|'RebootInstance'|'OpenInstancePublicPorts'|'PutInstancePublicPorts'|'CloseInstancePublicPorts'|'AllocateStaticIp'|'ReleaseStaticIp'|'AttachStaticIp'|'DetachStaticIp'|'UpdateDomainEntry'|'DeleteDomainEntry'|'CreateDomain'|'DeleteDomain'|'CreateInstanceSnapshot'|'DeleteInstanceSnapshot'|'CreateInstancesFromSnapshot'|'CreateDisk'|'DeleteDisk'|'AttachDisk'|'DetachDisk'|'CreateDiskSnapshot'|'DeleteDiskSnapshot'|'CreateDiskFromSnapshot',
            'status': 'NotStarted'|'Started'|'Failed'|'Completed',
            'statusChangedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'errorCode': 'string',
            'errorDetails': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • operations (list) --

      An object describing the API operations.

      • (dict) --

        Describes the API operation.

        • id (string) --

          The ID of the operation.

        • resourceName (string) --

          The resource name.

        • resourceType (string) --

          The resource type.

        • createdAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the operation was initialized (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • location (dict) --

          The region and Availability Zone.

          • availabilityZone (string) --

            The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

          • regionName (string) --

            The AWS Region name.

        • isTerminal (boolean) --

          A Boolean value indicating whether the operation is terminal.

        • operationDetails (string) --

          Details about the operation (e.g., Debian-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

        • operationType (string) --

          The type of operation.

        • status (string) --

          The status of the operation.

        • statusChangedAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the status was changed (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • errorCode (string) --

          The error code.

        • errorDetails (string) --

          The error details.

DeleteDisk (new) Link ¶

Deletes the specified block storage disk. The disk must be in the available state (not attached to a Lightsail instance).


The disk may remain in the deleting state for several minutes.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type diskName


param diskName


The unique name of the disk you want to delete (e.g., my-disk ).




Response Syntax

    'operations': [
            'id': 'string',
            'resourceName': 'string',
            'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
            'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'location': {
                'availabilityZone': 'string',
                'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
            'isTerminal': True|False,
            'operationDetails': 'string',
            'operationType': 'DeleteInstance'|'CreateInstance'|'StopInstance'|'StartInstance'|'RebootInstance'|'OpenInstancePublicPorts'|'PutInstancePublicPorts'|'CloseInstancePublicPorts'|'AllocateStaticIp'|'ReleaseStaticIp'|'AttachStaticIp'|'DetachStaticIp'|'UpdateDomainEntry'|'DeleteDomainEntry'|'CreateDomain'|'DeleteDomain'|'CreateInstanceSnapshot'|'DeleteInstanceSnapshot'|'CreateInstancesFromSnapshot'|'CreateDisk'|'DeleteDisk'|'AttachDisk'|'DetachDisk'|'CreateDiskSnapshot'|'DeleteDiskSnapshot'|'CreateDiskFromSnapshot',
            'status': 'NotStarted'|'Started'|'Failed'|'Completed',
            'statusChangedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'errorCode': 'string',
            'errorDetails': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • operations (list) --

      An object describing the API operations.

      • (dict) --

        Describes the API operation.

        • id (string) --

          The ID of the operation.

        • resourceName (string) --

          The resource name.

        • resourceType (string) --

          The resource type.

        • createdAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the operation was initialized (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • location (dict) --

          The region and Availability Zone.

          • availabilityZone (string) --

            The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

          • regionName (string) --

            The AWS Region name.

        • isTerminal (boolean) --

          A Boolean value indicating whether the operation is terminal.

        • operationDetails (string) --

          Details about the operation (e.g., Debian-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

        • operationType (string) --

          The type of operation.

        • status (string) --

          The status of the operation.

        • statusChangedAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the status was changed (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • errorCode (string) --

          The error code.

        • errorDetails (string) --

          The error details.

GetDiskSnapshots (new) Link ¶

Returns information about all block storage disk snapshots in your AWS account and region.

If you are describing a long list of disk snapshots, you can paginate the output to make the list more manageable. You can use the pageToken and nextPageToken values to retrieve the next items in the list.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type pageToken


param pageToken

A token used for advancing to the next page of results from your GetDiskSnapshots request.




Response Syntax

    'diskSnapshots': [
            'name': 'string',
            'arn': 'string',
            'supportCode': 'string',
            'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'location': {
                'availabilityZone': 'string',
                'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
            'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
            'sizeInGb': 123,
            'state': 'pending'|'completed'|'error'|'unknown',
            'progress': 'string',
            'fromDiskName': 'string',
            'fromDiskArn': 'string'
    'nextPageToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • diskSnapshots (list) --

      An array of objects containing information about all block storage disk snapshots.

      • (dict) --

        Describes a block storage disk snapshot.

        • name (string) --

          The name of the disk snapshot (e.g., my-disk-snapshot ).

        • arn (string) --

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the disk snapshot.

        • supportCode (string) --

          The support code. Include this code in your email to support when you have questions about an instance or another resource in Lightsail. This code enables our support team to look up your Lightsail information more easily.

        • createdAt (datetime) --

          The date when the disk snapshot was created.

        • location (dict) --

          The AWS Region and Availability Zone where the disk snapshot was created.

          • availabilityZone (string) --

            The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

          • regionName (string) --

            The AWS Region name.

        • resourceType (string) --

          The Lightsail resource type (e.g., DiskSnapshot ).

        • sizeInGb (integer) --

          The size of the disk in GB.

        • state (string) --

          The status of the disk snapshot operation.

        • progress (string) --

          The progress of the disk snapshot operation.

        • fromDiskName (string) --

          The unique name of the source disk from which you are creating the disk snapshot.

        • fromDiskArn (string) --

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the source disk from which you are creating the disk snapshot.

    • nextPageToken (string) --

      A token used for advancing to the next page of results from your GetDiskSnapshots request.

GetDisks (new) Link ¶

Returns information about all block storage disks in your AWS account and region.

If you are describing a long list of disks, you can paginate the output to make the list more manageable. You can use the pageToken and nextPageToken values to retrieve the next items in the list.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type pageToken


param pageToken

A token used for advancing to the next page of results from your GetDisks request.




Response Syntax

    'disks': [
            'name': 'string',
            'arn': 'string',
            'supportCode': 'string',
            'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'location': {
                'availabilityZone': 'string',
                'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
            'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
            'sizeInGb': 123,
            'isSystemDisk': True|False,
            'iops': 123,
            'path': 'string',
            'state': 'pending'|'error'|'available'|'in-use'|'unknown',
            'attachedTo': 'string',
            'isAttached': True|False,
            'attachmentState': 'string',
            'gbInUse': 123
    'nextPageToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • disks (list) --

      An array of objects containing information about all block storage disks.

      • (dict) --

        Describes a system disk or an block storage disk.

        • name (string) --

          The unique name of the disk.

        • arn (string) --

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the disk.

        • supportCode (string) --

          The support code. Include this code in your email to support when you have questions about an instance or another resource in Lightsail. This code enables our support team to look up your Lightsail information more easily.

        • createdAt (datetime) --

          The date when the disk was created.

        • location (dict) --

          The AWS Region and Availability Zone where the disk is located.

          • availabilityZone (string) --

            The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

          • regionName (string) --

            The AWS Region name.

        • resourceType (string) --

          The Lightsail resource type (e.g., Disk ).

        • sizeInGb (integer) --

          The size of the disk in GB.

        • isSystemDisk (boolean) --

          A Boolean value indicating whether this disk is a system disk (has an operating system loaded on it).

        • iops (integer) --

          The input/output operations per second (IOPS) of the disk.

        • path (string) --

          The disk path.

        • state (string) --

          Describes the status of the disk.

        • attachedTo (string) --

          The resources to which the disk is attached.

        • isAttached (boolean) --

          A Boolean value indicating whether the disk is attached.

        • attachmentState (string) --

          (Deprecated) The attachment state of the disk.


          In releases prior to November 9, 2017, this parameter returned attached for system disks in the API response. It is now deprecated, but still included in the response. Use isAttached instead.

        • gbInUse (integer) --

          (Deprecated) The number of GB in use by the disk.


          In releases prior to November 9, 2017, this parameter was not included in the API response. It is now deprecated.

    • nextPageToken (string) --

      A token used for advancing to the next page of results from your GetDisks request.

CreateDisk (new) Link ¶

Creates a block storage disk that can be attached to a Lightsail instance in the same Availability Zone (e.g., us-east-2a ). The disk is created in the regional endpoint that you send the HTTP request to. For more information, see Regions and Availability Zones in Lightsail.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type diskName


param diskName


The unique Lightsail disk name (e.g., my-disk ).

type availabilityZone


param availabilityZone


The Availability Zone where you want to create the disk (e.g., us-east-2a ). Choose the same Availability Zone as the Lightsail instance where you want to create the disk.

Use the GetRegions operation to list the Availability Zones where Lightsail is currently available.

type sizeInGb


param sizeInGb


The size of the disk in GB (e.g., 32 ).




Response Syntax

    'operations': [
            'id': 'string',
            'resourceName': 'string',
            'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
            'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'location': {
                'availabilityZone': 'string',
                'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
            'isTerminal': True|False,
            'operationDetails': 'string',
            'operationType': 'DeleteInstance'|'CreateInstance'|'StopInstance'|'StartInstance'|'RebootInstance'|'OpenInstancePublicPorts'|'PutInstancePublicPorts'|'CloseInstancePublicPorts'|'AllocateStaticIp'|'ReleaseStaticIp'|'AttachStaticIp'|'DetachStaticIp'|'UpdateDomainEntry'|'DeleteDomainEntry'|'CreateDomain'|'DeleteDomain'|'CreateInstanceSnapshot'|'DeleteInstanceSnapshot'|'CreateInstancesFromSnapshot'|'CreateDisk'|'DeleteDisk'|'AttachDisk'|'DetachDisk'|'CreateDiskSnapshot'|'DeleteDiskSnapshot'|'CreateDiskFromSnapshot',
            'status': 'NotStarted'|'Started'|'Failed'|'Completed',
            'statusChangedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'errorCode': 'string',
            'errorDetails': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • operations (list) --

      An object describing the API operations.

      • (dict) --

        Describes the API operation.

        • id (string) --

          The ID of the operation.

        • resourceName (string) --

          The resource name.

        • resourceType (string) --

          The resource type.

        • createdAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the operation was initialized (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • location (dict) --

          The region and Availability Zone.

          • availabilityZone (string) --

            The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

          • regionName (string) --

            The AWS Region name.

        • isTerminal (boolean) --

          A Boolean value indicating whether the operation is terminal.

        • operationDetails (string) --

          Details about the operation (e.g., Debian-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

        • operationType (string) --

          The type of operation.

        • status (string) --

          The status of the operation.

        • statusChangedAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the status was changed (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • errorCode (string) --

          The error code.

        • errorDetails (string) --

          The error details.

AllocateStaticIp (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'operations': {'operationType': {'AttachDisk',
                'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Allocates a static IP address.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type staticIpName


param staticIpName


The name of the static IP address.




Response Syntax

    'operations': [
            'id': 'string',
            'resourceName': 'string',
            'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
            'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'location': {
                'availabilityZone': 'string',
                'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
            'isTerminal': True|False,
            'operationDetails': 'string',
            'operationType': 'DeleteInstance'|'CreateInstance'|'StopInstance'|'StartInstance'|'RebootInstance'|'OpenInstancePublicPorts'|'PutInstancePublicPorts'|'CloseInstancePublicPorts'|'AllocateStaticIp'|'ReleaseStaticIp'|'AttachStaticIp'|'DetachStaticIp'|'UpdateDomainEntry'|'DeleteDomainEntry'|'CreateDomain'|'DeleteDomain'|'CreateInstanceSnapshot'|'DeleteInstanceSnapshot'|'CreateInstancesFromSnapshot'|'CreateDisk'|'DeleteDisk'|'AttachDisk'|'DetachDisk'|'CreateDiskSnapshot'|'DeleteDiskSnapshot'|'CreateDiskFromSnapshot',
            'status': 'NotStarted'|'Started'|'Failed'|'Completed',
            'statusChangedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'errorCode': 'string',
            'errorDetails': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • operations (list) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about the static IP address you allocated.

      • (dict) --

        Describes the API operation.

        • id (string) --

          The ID of the operation.

        • resourceName (string) --

          The resource name.

        • resourceType (string) --

          The resource type.

        • createdAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the operation was initialized (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • location (dict) --

          The region and Availability Zone.

          • availabilityZone (string) --

            The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

          • regionName (string) --

            The AWS Region name.

        • isTerminal (boolean) --

          A Boolean value indicating whether the operation is terminal.

        • operationDetails (string) --

          Details about the operation (e.g., Debian-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

        • operationType (string) --

          The type of operation.

        • status (string) --

          The status of the operation.

        • statusChangedAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the status was changed (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • errorCode (string) --

          The error code.

        • errorDetails (string) --

          The error details.

AttachStaticIp (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'operations': {'operationType': {'AttachDisk',
                'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Attaches a static IP address to a specific Amazon Lightsail instance.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type staticIpName


param staticIpName


The name of the static IP.

type instanceName


param instanceName


The instance name to which you want to attach the static IP address.




Response Syntax

    'operations': [
            'id': 'string',
            'resourceName': 'string',
            'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
            'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'location': {
                'availabilityZone': 'string',
                'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
            'isTerminal': True|False,
            'operationDetails': 'string',
            'operationType': 'DeleteInstance'|'CreateInstance'|'StopInstance'|'StartInstance'|'RebootInstance'|'OpenInstancePublicPorts'|'PutInstancePublicPorts'|'CloseInstancePublicPorts'|'AllocateStaticIp'|'ReleaseStaticIp'|'AttachStaticIp'|'DetachStaticIp'|'UpdateDomainEntry'|'DeleteDomainEntry'|'CreateDomain'|'DeleteDomain'|'CreateInstanceSnapshot'|'DeleteInstanceSnapshot'|'CreateInstancesFromSnapshot'|'CreateDisk'|'DeleteDisk'|'AttachDisk'|'DetachDisk'|'CreateDiskSnapshot'|'DeleteDiskSnapshot'|'CreateDiskFromSnapshot',
            'status': 'NotStarted'|'Started'|'Failed'|'Completed',
            'statusChangedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'errorCode': 'string',
            'errorDetails': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • operations (list) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about your API operations.

      • (dict) --

        Describes the API operation.

        • id (string) --

          The ID of the operation.

        • resourceName (string) --

          The resource name.

        • resourceType (string) --

          The resource type.

        • createdAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the operation was initialized (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • location (dict) --

          The region and Availability Zone.

          • availabilityZone (string) --

            The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

          • regionName (string) --

            The AWS Region name.

        • isTerminal (boolean) --

          A Boolean value indicating whether the operation is terminal.

        • operationDetails (string) --

          Details about the operation (e.g., Debian-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

        • operationType (string) --

          The type of operation.

        • status (string) --

          The status of the operation.

        • statusChangedAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the status was changed (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • errorCode (string) --

          The error code.

        • errorDetails (string) --

          The error details.

CloseInstancePublicPorts (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'operation': {'operationType': {'AttachDisk',
               'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Closes the public ports on a specific Amazon Lightsail instance.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'fromPort': 123,
        'toPort': 123,
        'protocol': 'tcp'|'all'|'udp'
type portInfo


param portInfo


Information about the public port you are trying to close.

  • fromPort (integer) --

    The first port in the range.

  • toPort (integer) --

    The last port in the range.

  • protocol (string) --

    The protocol.

type instanceName


param instanceName


The name of the instance on which you're attempting to close the public ports.




Response Syntax

    'operation': {
        'id': 'string',
        'resourceName': 'string',
        'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'location': {
            'availabilityZone': 'string',
            'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
        'isTerminal': True|False,
        'operationDetails': 'string',
        'operationType': 'DeleteInstance'|'CreateInstance'|'StopInstance'|'StartInstance'|'RebootInstance'|'OpenInstancePublicPorts'|'PutInstancePublicPorts'|'CloseInstancePublicPorts'|'AllocateStaticIp'|'ReleaseStaticIp'|'AttachStaticIp'|'DetachStaticIp'|'UpdateDomainEntry'|'DeleteDomainEntry'|'CreateDomain'|'DeleteDomain'|'CreateInstanceSnapshot'|'DeleteInstanceSnapshot'|'CreateInstancesFromSnapshot'|'CreateDisk'|'DeleteDisk'|'AttachDisk'|'DetachDisk'|'CreateDiskSnapshot'|'DeleteDiskSnapshot'|'CreateDiskFromSnapshot',
        'status': 'NotStarted'|'Started'|'Failed'|'Completed',
        'statusChangedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'errorCode': 'string',
        'errorDetails': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • operation (dict) --

      An array of key-value pairs that contains information about the operation.

      • id (string) --

        The ID of the operation.

      • resourceName (string) --

        The resource name.

      • resourceType (string) --

        The resource type.

      • createdAt (datetime) --

        The timestamp when the operation was initialized (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

      • location (dict) --

        The region and Availability Zone.

        • availabilityZone (string) --

          The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

        • regionName (string) --

          The AWS Region name.

      • isTerminal (boolean) --

        A Boolean value indicating whether the operation is terminal.

      • operationDetails (string) --

        Details about the operation (e.g., Debian-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

      • operationType (string) --

        The type of operation.

      • status (string) --

        The status of the operation.

      • statusChangedAt (datetime) --

        The timestamp when the status was changed (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

      • errorCode (string) --

        The error code.

      • errorDetails (string) --

        The error details.

CreateDomain (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'operation': {'operationType': {'AttachDisk',
               'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Creates a domain resource for the specified domain (e.g.,

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type domainName


param domainName


The domain name to manage (e.g., ).


You cannot register a new domain name using Lightsail. You must register a domain name using Amazon Route 53 or another domain name registrar. If you have already registered your domain, you can enter its name in this parameter to manage the DNS records for that domain.




Response Syntax

    'operation': {
        'id': 'string',
        'resourceName': 'string',
        'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'location': {
            'availabilityZone': 'string',
            'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
        'isTerminal': True|False,
        'operationDetails': 'string',
        'operationType': 'DeleteInstance'|'CreateInstance'|'StopInstance'|'StartInstance'|'RebootInstance'|'OpenInstancePublicPorts'|'PutInstancePublicPorts'|'CloseInstancePublicPorts'|'AllocateStaticIp'|'ReleaseStaticIp'|'AttachStaticIp'|'DetachStaticIp'|'UpdateDomainEntry'|'DeleteDomainEntry'|'CreateDomain'|'DeleteDomain'|'CreateInstanceSnapshot'|'DeleteInstanceSnapshot'|'CreateInstancesFromSnapshot'|'CreateDisk'|'DeleteDisk'|'AttachDisk'|'DetachDisk'|'CreateDiskSnapshot'|'DeleteDiskSnapshot'|'CreateDiskFromSnapshot',
        'status': 'NotStarted'|'Started'|'Failed'|'Completed',
        'statusChangedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'errorCode': 'string',
        'errorDetails': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • operation (dict) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about the domain resource you created.

      • id (string) --

        The ID of the operation.

      • resourceName (string) --

        The resource name.

      • resourceType (string) --

        The resource type.

      • createdAt (datetime) --

        The timestamp when the operation was initialized (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

      • location (dict) --

        The region and Availability Zone.

        • availabilityZone (string) --

          The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

        • regionName (string) --

          The AWS Region name.

      • isTerminal (boolean) --

        A Boolean value indicating whether the operation is terminal.

      • operationDetails (string) --

        Details about the operation (e.g., Debian-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

      • operationType (string) --

        The type of operation.

      • status (string) --

        The status of the operation.

      • statusChangedAt (datetime) --

        The timestamp when the status was changed (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

      • errorCode (string) --

        The error code.

      • errorDetails (string) --

        The error details.

CreateDomainEntry (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'operation': {'operationType': {'AttachDisk',
               'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Creates one of the following entry records associated with the domain: A record, CNAME record, TXT record, or MX record.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'id': 'string',
        'name': 'string',
        'target': 'string',
        'type': 'string',
        'options': {
            'string': 'string'
type domainName


param domainName


The domain name (e.g., ) for which you want to create the domain entry.

type domainEntry


param domainEntry


An array of key-value pairs containing information about the domain entry request.

  • id (string) --

    The ID of the domain recordset entry.

  • name (string) --

    The name of the domain.

  • target (string) --

    The target AWS name server (e.g., ).

  • type (string) --

    The type of domain entry (e.g., SOA or NS ).

  • options (dict) --

    The options for the domain entry.

    • (string) --

      • (string) --




Response Syntax

    'operation': {
        'id': 'string',
        'resourceName': 'string',
        'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'location': {
            'availabilityZone': 'string',
            'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
        'isTerminal': True|False,
        'operationDetails': 'string',
        'operationType': 'DeleteInstance'|'CreateInstance'|'StopInstance'|'StartInstance'|'RebootInstance'|'OpenInstancePublicPorts'|'PutInstancePublicPorts'|'CloseInstancePublicPorts'|'AllocateStaticIp'|'ReleaseStaticIp'|'AttachStaticIp'|'DetachStaticIp'|'UpdateDomainEntry'|'DeleteDomainEntry'|'CreateDomain'|'DeleteDomain'|'CreateInstanceSnapshot'|'DeleteInstanceSnapshot'|'CreateInstancesFromSnapshot'|'CreateDisk'|'DeleteDisk'|'AttachDisk'|'DetachDisk'|'CreateDiskSnapshot'|'DeleteDiskSnapshot'|'CreateDiskFromSnapshot',
        'status': 'NotStarted'|'Started'|'Failed'|'Completed',
        'statusChangedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'errorCode': 'string',
        'errorDetails': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • operation (dict) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about the operation.

      • id (string) --

        The ID of the operation.

      • resourceName (string) --

        The resource name.

      • resourceType (string) --

        The resource type.

      • createdAt (datetime) --

        The timestamp when the operation was initialized (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

      • location (dict) --

        The region and Availability Zone.

        • availabilityZone (string) --

          The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

        • regionName (string) --

          The AWS Region name.

      • isTerminal (boolean) --

        A Boolean value indicating whether the operation is terminal.

      • operationDetails (string) --

        Details about the operation (e.g., Debian-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

      • operationType (string) --

        The type of operation.

      • status (string) --

        The status of the operation.

      • statusChangedAt (datetime) --

        The timestamp when the status was changed (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

      • errorCode (string) --

        The error code.

      • errorDetails (string) --

        The error details.

CreateInstanceSnapshot (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'operations': {'operationType': {'AttachDisk',
                'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Creates a snapshot of a specific virtual private server, or instance . You can use a snapshot to create a new instance that is based on that snapshot.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type instanceSnapshotName


param instanceSnapshotName


The name for your new snapshot.

type instanceName


param instanceName


The Lightsail instance on which to base your snapshot.




Response Syntax

    'operations': [
            'id': 'string',
            'resourceName': 'string',
            'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
            'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'location': {
                'availabilityZone': 'string',
                'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
            'isTerminal': True|False,
            'operationDetails': 'string',
            'operationType': 'DeleteInstance'|'CreateInstance'|'StopInstance'|'StartInstance'|'RebootInstance'|'OpenInstancePublicPorts'|'PutInstancePublicPorts'|'CloseInstancePublicPorts'|'AllocateStaticIp'|'ReleaseStaticIp'|'AttachStaticIp'|'DetachStaticIp'|'UpdateDomainEntry'|'DeleteDomainEntry'|'CreateDomain'|'DeleteDomain'|'CreateInstanceSnapshot'|'DeleteInstanceSnapshot'|'CreateInstancesFromSnapshot'|'CreateDisk'|'DeleteDisk'|'AttachDisk'|'DetachDisk'|'CreateDiskSnapshot'|'DeleteDiskSnapshot'|'CreateDiskFromSnapshot',
            'status': 'NotStarted'|'Started'|'Failed'|'Completed',
            'statusChangedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'errorCode': 'string',
            'errorDetails': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • operations (list) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about the results of your create instances snapshot request.

      • (dict) --

        Describes the API operation.

        • id (string) --

          The ID of the operation.

        • resourceName (string) --

          The resource name.

        • resourceType (string) --

          The resource type.

        • createdAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the operation was initialized (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • location (dict) --

          The region and Availability Zone.

          • availabilityZone (string) --

            The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

          • regionName (string) --

            The AWS Region name.

        • isTerminal (boolean) --

          A Boolean value indicating whether the operation is terminal.

        • operationDetails (string) --

          Details about the operation (e.g., Debian-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

        • operationType (string) --

          The type of operation.

        • status (string) --

          The status of the operation.

        • statusChangedAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the status was changed (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • errorCode (string) --

          The error code.

        • errorDetails (string) --

          The error details.

CreateInstances (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'operations': {'operationType': {'AttachDisk',
                'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Creates one or more Amazon Lightsail virtual private servers, or instances .

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type instanceNames


param instanceNames


The names to use for your new Lightsail instances. Separate multiple values using quotation marks and commas, for example: ["MyFirstInstance","MySecondInstance"]

  • (string) --

type availabilityZone


param availabilityZone


The Availability Zone in which to create your instance. Use the following format: us-east-2a (case sensitive). You can get a list of availability zones by using the get regions operation. Be sure to add the include availability zones parameter to your request.

type customImageName


param customImageName

(Deprecated) The name for your custom image.


In releases prior to June 12, 2017, this parameter was ignored by the API. It is now deprecated.

type blueprintId


param blueprintId


The ID for a virtual private server image (e.g., app_wordpress_4_4 or app_lamp_7_0 ). Use the get blueprints operation to return a list of available images (or blueprints ).

type bundleId


param bundleId


The bundle of specification information for your virtual private server (or instance ), including the pricing plan (e.g., micro_1_0 ).

type userData


param userData

A launch script you can create that configures a server with additional user data. For example, you might want to run apt-get –y update .


Depending on the machine image you choose, the command to get software on your instance varies. Amazon Linux and CentOS use yum , Debian and Ubuntu use apt-get , and FreeBSD uses pkg . For a complete list, see the Dev Guide.

type keyPairName


param keyPairName

The name of your key pair.




Response Syntax

    'operations': [
            'id': 'string',
            'resourceName': 'string',
            'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
            'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'location': {
                'availabilityZone': 'string',
                'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
            'isTerminal': True|False,
            'operationDetails': 'string',
            'operationType': 'DeleteInstance'|'CreateInstance'|'StopInstance'|'StartInstance'|'RebootInstance'|'OpenInstancePublicPorts'|'PutInstancePublicPorts'|'CloseInstancePublicPorts'|'AllocateStaticIp'|'ReleaseStaticIp'|'AttachStaticIp'|'DetachStaticIp'|'UpdateDomainEntry'|'DeleteDomainEntry'|'CreateDomain'|'DeleteDomain'|'CreateInstanceSnapshot'|'DeleteInstanceSnapshot'|'CreateInstancesFromSnapshot'|'CreateDisk'|'DeleteDisk'|'AttachDisk'|'DetachDisk'|'CreateDiskSnapshot'|'DeleteDiskSnapshot'|'CreateDiskFromSnapshot',
            'status': 'NotStarted'|'Started'|'Failed'|'Completed',
            'statusChangedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'errorCode': 'string',
            'errorDetails': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • operations (list) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about the results of your create instances request.

      • (dict) --

        Describes the API operation.

        • id (string) --

          The ID of the operation.

        • resourceName (string) --

          The resource name.

        • resourceType (string) --

          The resource type.

        • createdAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the operation was initialized (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • location (dict) --

          The region and Availability Zone.

          • availabilityZone (string) --

            The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

          • regionName (string) --

            The AWS Region name.

        • isTerminal (boolean) --

          A Boolean value indicating whether the operation is terminal.

        • operationDetails (string) --

          Details about the operation (e.g., Debian-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

        • operationType (string) --

          The type of operation.

        • status (string) --

          The status of the operation.

        • statusChangedAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the status was changed (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • errorCode (string) --

          The error code.

        • errorDetails (string) --

          The error details.

CreateInstancesFromSnapshot (updated) Link ¶
Changes (request, response)
{'attachedDiskMapping': {'string': [{'newDiskName': 'string',
                                     'originalDiskPath': 'string'}]}}
{'operations': {'operationType': {'AttachDisk',
                'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Uses a specific snapshot as a blueprint for creating one or more new instances that are based on that identical configuration.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'string': [
                'originalDiskPath': 'string',
                'newDiskName': 'string'
type instanceNames


param instanceNames


The names for your new instances.

  • (string) --

type attachedDiskMapping


param attachedDiskMapping

An object containing information about one or more disk mappings.

  • (string) --

    • (list) --

      • (dict) --

        Describes a block storage disk mapping.

        • originalDiskPath (string) --

          The original disk path exposed to the instance (for example, /dev/sdh ).

        • newDiskName (string) --

          The new disk name (e.g., my-new-disk ).

type availabilityZone


param availabilityZone


The Availability Zone where you want to create your instances. Use the following formatting: us-east-2a (case sensitive). You can get a list of availability zones by using the get regions operation. Be sure to add the include availability zones parameter to your request.

type instanceSnapshotName


param instanceSnapshotName


The name of the instance snapshot on which you are basing your new instances. Use the get instance snapshots operation to return information about your existing snapshots.

type bundleId


param bundleId


The bundle of specification information for your virtual private server (or instance ), including the pricing plan (e.g., micro_1_0 ).

type userData


param userData

You can create a launch script that configures a server with additional user data. For example, apt-get –y update .


Depending on the machine image you choose, the command to get software on your instance varies. Amazon Linux and CentOS use yum , Debian and Ubuntu use apt-get , and FreeBSD uses pkg . For a complete list, see the Dev Guide.

type keyPairName


param keyPairName

The name for your key pair.




Response Syntax

    'operations': [
            'id': 'string',
            'resourceName': 'string',
            'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
            'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'location': {
                'availabilityZone': 'string',
                'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
            'isTerminal': True|False,
            'operationDetails': 'string',
            'operationType': 'DeleteInstance'|'CreateInstance'|'StopInstance'|'StartInstance'|'RebootInstance'|'OpenInstancePublicPorts'|'PutInstancePublicPorts'|'CloseInstancePublicPorts'|'AllocateStaticIp'|'ReleaseStaticIp'|'AttachStaticIp'|'DetachStaticIp'|'UpdateDomainEntry'|'DeleteDomainEntry'|'CreateDomain'|'DeleteDomain'|'CreateInstanceSnapshot'|'DeleteInstanceSnapshot'|'CreateInstancesFromSnapshot'|'CreateDisk'|'DeleteDisk'|'AttachDisk'|'DetachDisk'|'CreateDiskSnapshot'|'DeleteDiskSnapshot'|'CreateDiskFromSnapshot',
            'status': 'NotStarted'|'Started'|'Failed'|'Completed',
            'statusChangedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'errorCode': 'string',
            'errorDetails': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • operations (list) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about the results of your create instances from snapshot request.

      • (dict) --

        Describes the API operation.

        • id (string) --

          The ID of the operation.

        • resourceName (string) --

          The resource name.

        • resourceType (string) --

          The resource type.

        • createdAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the operation was initialized (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • location (dict) --

          The region and Availability Zone.

          • availabilityZone (string) --

            The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

          • regionName (string) --

            The AWS Region name.

        • isTerminal (boolean) --

          A Boolean value indicating whether the operation is terminal.

        • operationDetails (string) --

          Details about the operation (e.g., Debian-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

        • operationType (string) --

          The type of operation.

        • status (string) --

          The status of the operation.

        • statusChangedAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the status was changed (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • errorCode (string) --

          The error code.

        • errorDetails (string) --

          The error details.

CreateKeyPair (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'keyPair': {'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}},
 'operation': {'operationType': {'AttachDisk',
               'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Creates sn SSH key pair.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type keyPairName


param keyPairName


The name for your new key pair.




Response Syntax

    'keyPair': {
        'name': 'string',
        'arn': 'string',
        'supportCode': 'string',
        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'location': {
            'availabilityZone': 'string',
            'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
        'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
        'fingerprint': 'string'
    'publicKeyBase64': 'string',
    'privateKeyBase64': 'string',
    'operation': {
        'id': 'string',
        'resourceName': 'string',
        'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'location': {
            'availabilityZone': 'string',
            'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
        'isTerminal': True|False,
        'operationDetails': 'string',
        'operationType': 'DeleteInstance'|'CreateInstance'|'StopInstance'|'StartInstance'|'RebootInstance'|'OpenInstancePublicPorts'|'PutInstancePublicPorts'|'CloseInstancePublicPorts'|'AllocateStaticIp'|'ReleaseStaticIp'|'AttachStaticIp'|'DetachStaticIp'|'UpdateDomainEntry'|'DeleteDomainEntry'|'CreateDomain'|'DeleteDomain'|'CreateInstanceSnapshot'|'DeleteInstanceSnapshot'|'CreateInstancesFromSnapshot'|'CreateDisk'|'DeleteDisk'|'AttachDisk'|'DetachDisk'|'CreateDiskSnapshot'|'DeleteDiskSnapshot'|'CreateDiskFromSnapshot',
        'status': 'NotStarted'|'Started'|'Failed'|'Completed',
        'statusChangedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'errorCode': 'string',
        'errorDetails': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • keyPair (dict) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about the new key pair you just created.

      • name (string) --

        The friendly name of the SSH key pair.

      • arn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the key pair (e.g., arn:aws:lightsail:us-east-2:123456789101:KeyPair/05859e3d-331d-48ba-9034-12345EXAMPLE ).

      • supportCode (string) --

        The support code. Include this code in your email to support when you have questions about an instance or another resource in Lightsail. This code enables our support team to look up your Lightsail information more easily.

      • createdAt (datetime) --

        The timestamp when the key pair was created (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

      • location (dict) --

        The region name and Availability Zone where the key pair was created.

        • availabilityZone (string) --

          The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

        • regionName (string) --

          The AWS Region name.

      • resourceType (string) --

        The resource type (usually KeyPair ).

      • fingerprint (string) --

        The RSA fingerprint of the key pair.

    • publicKeyBase64 (string) --

      A base64-encoded public key of the ssh-rsa type.

    • privateKeyBase64 (string) --

      A base64-encoded RSA private key.

    • operation (dict) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about the results of your create key pair request.

      • id (string) --

        The ID of the operation.

      • resourceName (string) --

        The resource name.

      • resourceType (string) --

        The resource type.

      • createdAt (datetime) --

        The timestamp when the operation was initialized (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

      • location (dict) --

        The region and Availability Zone.

        • availabilityZone (string) --

          The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

        • regionName (string) --

          The AWS Region name.

      • isTerminal (boolean) --

        A Boolean value indicating whether the operation is terminal.

      • operationDetails (string) --

        Details about the operation (e.g., Debian-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

      • operationType (string) --

        The type of operation.

      • status (string) --

        The status of the operation.

      • statusChangedAt (datetime) --

        The timestamp when the status was changed (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

      • errorCode (string) --

        The error code.

      • errorDetails (string) --

        The error details.

DeleteDomain (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'operation': {'operationType': {'AttachDisk',
               'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Deletes the specified domain recordset and all of its domain records.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type domainName


param domainName


The specific domain name to delete.




Response Syntax

    'operation': {
        'id': 'string',
        'resourceName': 'string',
        'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'location': {
            'availabilityZone': 'string',
            'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
        'isTerminal': True|False,
        'operationDetails': 'string',
        'operationType': 'DeleteInstance'|'CreateInstance'|'StopInstance'|'StartInstance'|'RebootInstance'|'OpenInstancePublicPorts'|'PutInstancePublicPorts'|'CloseInstancePublicPorts'|'AllocateStaticIp'|'ReleaseStaticIp'|'AttachStaticIp'|'DetachStaticIp'|'UpdateDomainEntry'|'DeleteDomainEntry'|'CreateDomain'|'DeleteDomain'|'CreateInstanceSnapshot'|'DeleteInstanceSnapshot'|'CreateInstancesFromSnapshot'|'CreateDisk'|'DeleteDisk'|'AttachDisk'|'DetachDisk'|'CreateDiskSnapshot'|'DeleteDiskSnapshot'|'CreateDiskFromSnapshot',
        'status': 'NotStarted'|'Started'|'Failed'|'Completed',
        'statusChangedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'errorCode': 'string',
        'errorDetails': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • operation (dict) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about the results of your delete domain request.

      • id (string) --

        The ID of the operation.

      • resourceName (string) --

        The resource name.

      • resourceType (string) --

        The resource type.

      • createdAt (datetime) --

        The timestamp when the operation was initialized (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

      • location (dict) --

        The region and Availability Zone.

        • availabilityZone (string) --

          The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

        • regionName (string) --

          The AWS Region name.

      • isTerminal (boolean) --

        A Boolean value indicating whether the operation is terminal.

      • operationDetails (string) --

        Details about the operation (e.g., Debian-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

      • operationType (string) --

        The type of operation.

      • status (string) --

        The status of the operation.

      • statusChangedAt (datetime) --

        The timestamp when the status was changed (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

      • errorCode (string) --

        The error code.

      • errorDetails (string) --

        The error details.

DeleteDomainEntry (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'operation': {'operationType': {'AttachDisk',
               'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Deletes a specific domain entry.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'id': 'string',
        'name': 'string',
        'target': 'string',
        'type': 'string',
        'options': {
            'string': 'string'
type domainName


param domainName


The name of the domain entry to delete.

type domainEntry


param domainEntry


An array of key-value pairs containing information about your domain entries.

  • id (string) --

    The ID of the domain recordset entry.

  • name (string) --

    The name of the domain.

  • target (string) --

    The target AWS name server (e.g., ).

  • type (string) --

    The type of domain entry (e.g., SOA or NS ).

  • options (dict) --

    The options for the domain entry.

    • (string) --

      • (string) --




Response Syntax

    'operation': {
        'id': 'string',
        'resourceName': 'string',
        'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'location': {
            'availabilityZone': 'string',
            'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
        'isTerminal': True|False,
        'operationDetails': 'string',
        'operationType': 'DeleteInstance'|'CreateInstance'|'StopInstance'|'StartInstance'|'RebootInstance'|'OpenInstancePublicPorts'|'PutInstancePublicPorts'|'CloseInstancePublicPorts'|'AllocateStaticIp'|'ReleaseStaticIp'|'AttachStaticIp'|'DetachStaticIp'|'UpdateDomainEntry'|'DeleteDomainEntry'|'CreateDomain'|'DeleteDomain'|'CreateInstanceSnapshot'|'DeleteInstanceSnapshot'|'CreateInstancesFromSnapshot'|'CreateDisk'|'DeleteDisk'|'AttachDisk'|'DetachDisk'|'CreateDiskSnapshot'|'DeleteDiskSnapshot'|'CreateDiskFromSnapshot',
        'status': 'NotStarted'|'Started'|'Failed'|'Completed',
        'statusChangedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'errorCode': 'string',
        'errorDetails': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • operation (dict) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about the results of your delete domain entry request.

      • id (string) --

        The ID of the operation.

      • resourceName (string) --

        The resource name.

      • resourceType (string) --

        The resource type.

      • createdAt (datetime) --

        The timestamp when the operation was initialized (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

      • location (dict) --

        The region and Availability Zone.

        • availabilityZone (string) --

          The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

        • regionName (string) --

          The AWS Region name.

      • isTerminal (boolean) --

        A Boolean value indicating whether the operation is terminal.

      • operationDetails (string) --

        Details about the operation (e.g., Debian-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

      • operationType (string) --

        The type of operation.

      • status (string) --

        The status of the operation.

      • statusChangedAt (datetime) --

        The timestamp when the status was changed (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

      • errorCode (string) --

        The error code.

      • errorDetails (string) --

        The error details.

DeleteInstance (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'operations': {'operationType': {'AttachDisk',
                'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Deletes a specific Amazon Lightsail virtual private server, or instance .

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type instanceName


param instanceName


The name of the instance to delete.




Response Syntax

    'operations': [
            'id': 'string',
            'resourceName': 'string',
            'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
            'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'location': {
                'availabilityZone': 'string',
                'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
            'isTerminal': True|False,
            'operationDetails': 'string',
            'operationType': 'DeleteInstance'|'CreateInstance'|'StopInstance'|'StartInstance'|'RebootInstance'|'OpenInstancePublicPorts'|'PutInstancePublicPorts'|'CloseInstancePublicPorts'|'AllocateStaticIp'|'ReleaseStaticIp'|'AttachStaticIp'|'DetachStaticIp'|'UpdateDomainEntry'|'DeleteDomainEntry'|'CreateDomain'|'DeleteDomain'|'CreateInstanceSnapshot'|'DeleteInstanceSnapshot'|'CreateInstancesFromSnapshot'|'CreateDisk'|'DeleteDisk'|'AttachDisk'|'DetachDisk'|'CreateDiskSnapshot'|'DeleteDiskSnapshot'|'CreateDiskFromSnapshot',
            'status': 'NotStarted'|'Started'|'Failed'|'Completed',
            'statusChangedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'errorCode': 'string',
            'errorDetails': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • operations (list) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about the results of your delete instance request.

      • (dict) --

        Describes the API operation.

        • id (string) --

          The ID of the operation.

        • resourceName (string) --

          The resource name.

        • resourceType (string) --

          The resource type.

        • createdAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the operation was initialized (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • location (dict) --

          The region and Availability Zone.

          • availabilityZone (string) --

            The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

          • regionName (string) --

            The AWS Region name.

        • isTerminal (boolean) --

          A Boolean value indicating whether the operation is terminal.

        • operationDetails (string) --

          Details about the operation (e.g., Debian-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

        • operationType (string) --

          The type of operation.

        • status (string) --

          The status of the operation.

        • statusChangedAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the status was changed (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • errorCode (string) --

          The error code.

        • errorDetails (string) --

          The error details.

DeleteInstanceSnapshot (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'operations': {'operationType': {'AttachDisk',
                'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Deletes a specific snapshot of a virtual private server (or instance ).

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type instanceSnapshotName


param instanceSnapshotName


The name of the snapshot to delete.




Response Syntax

    'operations': [
            'id': 'string',
            'resourceName': 'string',
            'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
            'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'location': {
                'availabilityZone': 'string',
                'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
            'isTerminal': True|False,
            'operationDetails': 'string',
            'operationType': 'DeleteInstance'|'CreateInstance'|'StopInstance'|'StartInstance'|'RebootInstance'|'OpenInstancePublicPorts'|'PutInstancePublicPorts'|'CloseInstancePublicPorts'|'AllocateStaticIp'|'ReleaseStaticIp'|'AttachStaticIp'|'DetachStaticIp'|'UpdateDomainEntry'|'DeleteDomainEntry'|'CreateDomain'|'DeleteDomain'|'CreateInstanceSnapshot'|'DeleteInstanceSnapshot'|'CreateInstancesFromSnapshot'|'CreateDisk'|'DeleteDisk'|'AttachDisk'|'DetachDisk'|'CreateDiskSnapshot'|'DeleteDiskSnapshot'|'CreateDiskFromSnapshot',
            'status': 'NotStarted'|'Started'|'Failed'|'Completed',
            'statusChangedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'errorCode': 'string',
            'errorDetails': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • operations (list) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about the results of your delete instance snapshot request.

      • (dict) --

        Describes the API operation.

        • id (string) --

          The ID of the operation.

        • resourceName (string) --

          The resource name.

        • resourceType (string) --

          The resource type.

        • createdAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the operation was initialized (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • location (dict) --

          The region and Availability Zone.

          • availabilityZone (string) --

            The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

          • regionName (string) --

            The AWS Region name.

        • isTerminal (boolean) --

          A Boolean value indicating whether the operation is terminal.

        • operationDetails (string) --

          Details about the operation (e.g., Debian-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

        • operationType (string) --

          The type of operation.

        • status (string) --

          The status of the operation.

        • statusChangedAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the status was changed (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • errorCode (string) --

          The error code.

        • errorDetails (string) --

          The error details.

DeleteKeyPair (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'operation': {'operationType': {'AttachDisk',
               'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Deletes a specific SSH key pair.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type keyPairName


param keyPairName


The name of the key pair to delete.




Response Syntax

    'operation': {
        'id': 'string',
        'resourceName': 'string',
        'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'location': {
            'availabilityZone': 'string',
            'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
        'isTerminal': True|False,
        'operationDetails': 'string',
        'operationType': 'DeleteInstance'|'CreateInstance'|'StopInstance'|'StartInstance'|'RebootInstance'|'OpenInstancePublicPorts'|'PutInstancePublicPorts'|'CloseInstancePublicPorts'|'AllocateStaticIp'|'ReleaseStaticIp'|'AttachStaticIp'|'DetachStaticIp'|'UpdateDomainEntry'|'DeleteDomainEntry'|'CreateDomain'|'DeleteDomain'|'CreateInstanceSnapshot'|'DeleteInstanceSnapshot'|'CreateInstancesFromSnapshot'|'CreateDisk'|'DeleteDisk'|'AttachDisk'|'DetachDisk'|'CreateDiskSnapshot'|'DeleteDiskSnapshot'|'CreateDiskFromSnapshot',
        'status': 'NotStarted'|'Started'|'Failed'|'Completed',
        'statusChangedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'errorCode': 'string',
        'errorDetails': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • operation (dict) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about the results of your delete key pair request.

      • id (string) --

        The ID of the operation.

      • resourceName (string) --

        The resource name.

      • resourceType (string) --

        The resource type.

      • createdAt (datetime) --

        The timestamp when the operation was initialized (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

      • location (dict) --

        The region and Availability Zone.

        • availabilityZone (string) --

          The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

        • regionName (string) --

          The AWS Region name.

      • isTerminal (boolean) --

        A Boolean value indicating whether the operation is terminal.

      • operationDetails (string) --

        Details about the operation (e.g., Debian-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

      • operationType (string) --

        The type of operation.

      • status (string) --

        The status of the operation.

      • statusChangedAt (datetime) --

        The timestamp when the status was changed (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

      • errorCode (string) --

        The error code.

      • errorDetails (string) --

        The error details.

DetachStaticIp (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'operations': {'operationType': {'AttachDisk',
                'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Detaches a static IP from the Amazon Lightsail instance to which it is attached.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type staticIpName


param staticIpName


The name of the static IP to detach from the instance.




Response Syntax

    'operations': [
            'id': 'string',
            'resourceName': 'string',
            'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
            'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'location': {
                'availabilityZone': 'string',
                'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
            'isTerminal': True|False,
            'operationDetails': 'string',
            'operationType': 'DeleteInstance'|'CreateInstance'|'StopInstance'|'StartInstance'|'RebootInstance'|'OpenInstancePublicPorts'|'PutInstancePublicPorts'|'CloseInstancePublicPorts'|'AllocateStaticIp'|'ReleaseStaticIp'|'AttachStaticIp'|'DetachStaticIp'|'UpdateDomainEntry'|'DeleteDomainEntry'|'CreateDomain'|'DeleteDomain'|'CreateInstanceSnapshot'|'DeleteInstanceSnapshot'|'CreateInstancesFromSnapshot'|'CreateDisk'|'DeleteDisk'|'AttachDisk'|'DetachDisk'|'CreateDiskSnapshot'|'DeleteDiskSnapshot'|'CreateDiskFromSnapshot',
            'status': 'NotStarted'|'Started'|'Failed'|'Completed',
            'statusChangedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'errorCode': 'string',
            'errorDetails': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • operations (list) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about the results of your detach static IP request.

      • (dict) --

        Describes the API operation.

        • id (string) --

          The ID of the operation.

        • resourceName (string) --

          The resource name.

        • resourceType (string) --

          The resource type.

        • createdAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the operation was initialized (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • location (dict) --

          The region and Availability Zone.

          • availabilityZone (string) --

            The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

          • regionName (string) --

            The AWS Region name.

        • isTerminal (boolean) --

          A Boolean value indicating whether the operation is terminal.

        • operationDetails (string) --

          Details about the operation (e.g., Debian-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

        • operationType (string) --

          The type of operation.

        • status (string) --

          The status of the operation.

        • statusChangedAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the status was changed (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • errorCode (string) --

          The error code.

        • errorDetails (string) --

          The error details.

GetDomain (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'domain': {'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Returns information about a specific domain recordset.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type domainName


param domainName


The domain name for which your want to return information about.




Response Syntax

    'domain': {
        'name': 'string',
        'arn': 'string',
        'supportCode': 'string',
        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'location': {
            'availabilityZone': 'string',
            'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
        'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
        'domainEntries': [
                'id': 'string',
                'name': 'string',
                'target': 'string',
                'type': 'string',
                'options': {
                    'string': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • domain (dict) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about your get domain request.

      • name (string) --

        The name of the domain.

      • arn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the domain recordset (e.g., arn:aws:lightsail:global:123456789101:Domain/824cede0-abc7-4f84-8dbc-12345EXAMPLE ).

      • supportCode (string) --

        The support code. Include this code in your email to support when you have questions about an instance or another resource in Lightsail. This code enables our support team to look up your Lightsail information more easily.

      • createdAt (datetime) --

        The date when the domain recordset was created.

      • location (dict) --

        The AWS Region and Availability Zones where the domain recordset was created.

        • availabilityZone (string) --

          The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

        • regionName (string) --

          The AWS Region name.

      • resourceType (string) --

        The resource type.

      • domainEntries (list) --

        An array of key-value pairs containing information about the domain entries.

        • (dict) --

          Describes a domain recordset entry.

          • id (string) --

            The ID of the domain recordset entry.

          • name (string) --

            The name of the domain.

          • target (string) --

            The target AWS name server (e.g., ).

          • type (string) --

            The type of domain entry (e.g., SOA or NS ).

          • options (dict) --

            The options for the domain entry.

            • (string) --

              • (string) --

GetDomains (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'domains': {'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Returns a list of all domains in the user's account.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type pageToken


param pageToken

A token used for advancing to the next page of results from your get domains request.




Response Syntax

    'domains': [
            'name': 'string',
            'arn': 'string',
            'supportCode': 'string',
            'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'location': {
                'availabilityZone': 'string',
                'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
            'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
            'domainEntries': [
                    'id': 'string',
                    'name': 'string',
                    'target': 'string',
                    'type': 'string',
                    'options': {
                        'string': 'string'
    'nextPageToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • domains (list) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about each of the domain entries in the user's account.

      • (dict) --

        Describes a domain where you are storing recordsets in Lightsail.

        • name (string) --

          The name of the domain.

        • arn (string) --

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the domain recordset (e.g., arn:aws:lightsail:global:123456789101:Domain/824cede0-abc7-4f84-8dbc-12345EXAMPLE ).

        • supportCode (string) --

          The support code. Include this code in your email to support when you have questions about an instance or another resource in Lightsail. This code enables our support team to look up your Lightsail information more easily.

        • createdAt (datetime) --

          The date when the domain recordset was created.

        • location (dict) --

          The AWS Region and Availability Zones where the domain recordset was created.

          • availabilityZone (string) --

            The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

          • regionName (string) --

            The AWS Region name.

        • resourceType (string) --

          The resource type.

        • domainEntries (list) --

          An array of key-value pairs containing information about the domain entries.

          • (dict) --

            Describes a domain recordset entry.

            • id (string) --

              The ID of the domain recordset entry.

            • name (string) --

              The name of the domain.

            • target (string) --

              The target AWS name server (e.g., ).

            • type (string) --

              The type of domain entry (e.g., SOA or NS ).

            • options (dict) --

              The options for the domain entry.

              • (string) --

                • (string) --

    • nextPageToken (string) --

      A token used for advancing to the next page of results from your get active names request.

GetInstance (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'instance': {'hardware': {'disks': {'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'},
                                     'state': 'pending | error | available | '
                                              'in-use | unknown'}},
              'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Returns information about a specific Amazon Lightsail instance, which is a virtual private server.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type instanceName


param instanceName


The name of the instance.




Response Syntax

    'instance': {
        'name': 'string',
        'arn': 'string',
        'supportCode': 'string',
        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'location': {
            'availabilityZone': 'string',
            'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
        'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
        'blueprintId': 'string',
        'blueprintName': 'string',
        'bundleId': 'string',
        'isStaticIp': True|False,
        'privateIpAddress': 'string',
        'publicIpAddress': 'string',
        'ipv6Address': 'string',
        'hardware': {
            'cpuCount': 123,
            'disks': [
                    'name': 'string',
                    'arn': 'string',
                    'supportCode': 'string',
                    'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                    'location': {
                        'availabilityZone': 'string',
                        'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
                    'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
                    'sizeInGb': 123,
                    'isSystemDisk': True|False,
                    'iops': 123,
                    'path': 'string',
                    'state': 'pending'|'error'|'available'|'in-use'|'unknown',
                    'attachedTo': 'string',
                    'isAttached': True|False,
                    'attachmentState': 'string',
                    'gbInUse': 123
            'ramSizeInGb': ...
        'networking': {
            'monthlyTransfer': {
                'gbPerMonthAllocated': 123
            'ports': [
                    'fromPort': 123,
                    'toPort': 123,
                    'protocol': 'tcp'|'all'|'udp',
                    'accessFrom': 'string',
                    'accessType': 'Public'|'Private',
                    'commonName': 'string',
                    'accessDirection': 'inbound'|'outbound'
        'state': {
            'code': 123,
            'name': 'string'
        'username': 'string',
        'sshKeyName': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • instance (dict) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about the specified instance.

      • name (string) --

        The name the user gave the instance (e.g., Amazon_Linux-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

      • arn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance (e.g., arn:aws:lightsail:us-east-2:123456789101:Instance/244ad76f-8aad-4741-809f-12345EXAMPLE ).

      • supportCode (string) --

        The support code. Include this code in your email to support when you have questions about an instance or another resource in Lightsail. This code enables our support team to look up your Lightsail information more easily.

      • createdAt (datetime) --

        The timestamp when the instance was created (e.g., 1479734909.17 ).

      • location (dict) --

        The region name and availability zone where the instance is located.

        • availabilityZone (string) --

          The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

        • regionName (string) --

          The AWS Region name.

      • resourceType (string) --

        The type of resource (usually Instance ).

      • blueprintId (string) --

        The blueprint ID (e.g., os_amlinux_2016_03 ).

      • blueprintName (string) --

        The friendly name of the blueprint (e.g., Amazon Linux ).

      • bundleId (string) --

        The bundle for the instance (e.g., micro_1_0 ).

      • isStaticIp (boolean) --

        A Boolean value indicating whether this instance has a static IP assigned to it.

      • privateIpAddress (string) --

        The private IP address of the instance.

      • publicIpAddress (string) --

        The public IP address of the instance.

      • ipv6Address (string) --

        The IPv6 address of the instance.

      • hardware (dict) --

        The size of the vCPU and the amount of RAM for the instance.

        • cpuCount (integer) --

          The number of vCPUs the instance has.

        • disks (list) --

          The disks attached to the instance.

          • (dict) --

            Describes a system disk or an block storage disk.

            • name (string) --

              The unique name of the disk.

            • arn (string) --

              The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the disk.

            • supportCode (string) --

              The support code. Include this code in your email to support when you have questions about an instance or another resource in Lightsail. This code enables our support team to look up your Lightsail information more easily.

            • createdAt (datetime) --

              The date when the disk was created.

            • location (dict) --

              The AWS Region and Availability Zone where the disk is located.

              • availabilityZone (string) --

                The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

              • regionName (string) --

                The AWS Region name.

            • resourceType (string) --

              The Lightsail resource type (e.g., Disk ).

            • sizeInGb (integer) --

              The size of the disk in GB.

            • isSystemDisk (boolean) --

              A Boolean value indicating whether this disk is a system disk (has an operating system loaded on it).

            • iops (integer) --

              The input/output operations per second (IOPS) of the disk.

            • path (string) --

              The disk path.

            • state (string) --

              Describes the status of the disk.

            • attachedTo (string) --

              The resources to which the disk is attached.

            • isAttached (boolean) --

              A Boolean value indicating whether the disk is attached.

            • attachmentState (string) --

              (Deprecated) The attachment state of the disk.


              In releases prior to November 9, 2017, this parameter returned attached for system disks in the API response. It is now deprecated, but still included in the response. Use isAttached instead.

            • gbInUse (integer) --

              (Deprecated) The number of GB in use by the disk.


              In releases prior to November 9, 2017, this parameter was not included in the API response. It is now deprecated.

        • ramSizeInGb (float) --

          The amount of RAM in GB on the instance (e.g., 1.0 ).

      • networking (dict) --

        Information about the public ports and monthly data transfer rates for the instance.

        • monthlyTransfer (dict) --

          The amount of data in GB allocated for monthly data transfers.

          • gbPerMonthAllocated (integer) --

            The amount allocated per month (in GB).

        • ports (list) --

          An array of key-value pairs containing information about the ports on the instance.

          • (dict) --

            Describes information about the instance ports.

            • fromPort (integer) --

              The first port in the range.

            • toPort (integer) --

              The last port in the range.

            • protocol (string) --

              The protocol being used. Can be one of the following.

              • tcp - Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) provides reliable, ordered, and error-checked delivery of streamed data between applications running on hosts communicating by an IP network. If you have an application that doesn't require reliable data stream service, use UDP instead.

              • all - All transport layer protocol types. For more general information, see Transport layer on Wikipedia.

              • udp - With User Datagram Protocol (UDP), computer applications can send messages (or datagrams) to other hosts on an Internet Protocol (IP) network. Prior communications are not required to set up transmission channels or data paths. Applications that don't require reliable data stream service can use UDP, which provides a connectionless datagram service that emphasizes reduced latency over reliability. If you do require reliable data stream service, use TCP instead.

            • accessFrom (string) --

              The location from which access is allowed (e.g., Anywhere ( ).

            • accessType (string) --

              The type of access ( Public or Private ).

            • commonName (string) --

              The common name.

            • accessDirection (string) --

              The access direction ( inbound or outbound ).

      • state (dict) --

        The status code and the state (e.g., running ) for the instance.

        • code (integer) --

          The status code for the instance.

        • name (string) --

          The state of the instance (e.g., running or pending ).

      • username (string) --

        The user name for connecting to the instance (e.g., ec2-user ).

      • sshKeyName (string) --

        The name of the SSH key being used to connect to the instance (e.g., LightsailDefaultKeyPair ).

GetInstanceSnapshot (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'instanceSnapshot': {'fromAttachedDisks': [{'arn': 'string',
                                             'attachedTo': 'string',
                                             'attachmentState': 'string',
                                             'createdAt': 'timestamp',
                                             'gbInUse': 'integer',
                                             'iops': 'integer',
                                             'isAttached': 'boolean',
                                             'isSystemDisk': 'boolean',
                                             'location': {'availabilityZone': 'string',
                                                          'regionName': 'us-east-1 '
                                                                        '| '
                                                                        'us-east-2 '
                                                                        '| '
                                                                        'us-west-1 '
                                                                        '| '
                                                                        'us-west-2 '
                                                                        '| '
                                                                        'eu-west-1 '
                                                                        '| '
                                                                        'eu-central-1 '
                                                                        '| '
                                                                        'ap-south-1 '
                                                                        '| '
                                                                        'ap-southeast-1 '
                                                                        '| '
                                                                        'ap-southeast-2 '
                                                                        '| '
                                                                        'ap-northeast-1 '
                                                                        '| '
                                             'name': 'string',
                                             'path': 'string',
                                             'resourceType': 'Instance | '
                                                             'StaticIp | '
                                                             'KeyPair | '
                                                             'InstanceSnapshot '
                                                             '| Domain | '
                                                             'PeeredVpc | Disk '
                                                             '| DiskSnapshot',
                                             'sizeInGb': 'integer',
                                             'state': 'pending | error | '
                                                      'available | in-use | '
                                             'supportCode': 'string'}],
                      'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Returns information about a specific instance snapshot.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type instanceSnapshotName


param instanceSnapshotName


The name of the snapshot for which you are requesting information.




Response Syntax

    'instanceSnapshot': {
        'name': 'string',
        'arn': 'string',
        'supportCode': 'string',
        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'location': {
            'availabilityZone': 'string',
            'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
        'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
        'state': 'pending'|'error'|'available',
        'progress': 'string',
        'fromAttachedDisks': [
                'name': 'string',
                'arn': 'string',
                'supportCode': 'string',
                'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                'location': {
                    'availabilityZone': 'string',
                    'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
                'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
                'sizeInGb': 123,
                'isSystemDisk': True|False,
                'iops': 123,
                'path': 'string',
                'state': 'pending'|'error'|'available'|'in-use'|'unknown',
                'attachedTo': 'string',
                'isAttached': True|False,
                'attachmentState': 'string',
                'gbInUse': 123
        'fromInstanceName': 'string',
        'fromInstanceArn': 'string',
        'fromBlueprintId': 'string',
        'fromBundleId': 'string',
        'sizeInGb': 123

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • instanceSnapshot (dict) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about the results of your get instance snapshot request.

      • name (string) --

        The name of the snapshot.

      • arn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the snapshot (e.g., arn:aws:lightsail:us-east-2:123456789101:InstanceSnapshot/d23b5706-3322-4d83-81e5-12345EXAMPLE ).

      • supportCode (string) --

        The support code. Include this code in your email to support when you have questions about an instance or another resource in Lightsail. This code enables our support team to look up your Lightsail information more easily.

      • createdAt (datetime) --

        The timestamp when the snapshot was created (e.g., 1479907467.024 ).

      • location (dict) --

        The region name and availability zone where you created the snapshot.

        • availabilityZone (string) --

          The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

        • regionName (string) --

          The AWS Region name.

      • resourceType (string) --

        The type of resource (usually InstanceSnapshot ).

      • state (string) --

        The state the snapshot is in.

      • progress (string) --

        The progress of the snapshot.

      • fromAttachedDisks (list) --

        An array of disk objects containing information about all block storage disks.

        • (dict) --

          Describes a system disk or an block storage disk.

          • name (string) --

            The unique name of the disk.

          • arn (string) --

            The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the disk.

          • supportCode (string) --

            The support code. Include this code in your email to support when you have questions about an instance or another resource in Lightsail. This code enables our support team to look up your Lightsail information more easily.

          • createdAt (datetime) --

            The date when the disk was created.

          • location (dict) --

            The AWS Region and Availability Zone where the disk is located.

            • availabilityZone (string) --

              The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

            • regionName (string) --

              The AWS Region name.

          • resourceType (string) --

            The Lightsail resource type (e.g., Disk ).

          • sizeInGb (integer) --

            The size of the disk in GB.

          • isSystemDisk (boolean) --

            A Boolean value indicating whether this disk is a system disk (has an operating system loaded on it).

          • iops (integer) --

            The input/output operations per second (IOPS) of the disk.

          • path (string) --

            The disk path.

          • state (string) --

            Describes the status of the disk.

          • attachedTo (string) --

            The resources to which the disk is attached.

          • isAttached (boolean) --

            A Boolean value indicating whether the disk is attached.

          • attachmentState (string) --

            (Deprecated) The attachment state of the disk.


            In releases prior to November 9, 2017, this parameter returned attached for system disks in the API response. It is now deprecated, but still included in the response. Use isAttached instead.

          • gbInUse (integer) --

            (Deprecated) The number of GB in use by the disk.


            In releases prior to November 9, 2017, this parameter was not included in the API response. It is now deprecated.

      • fromInstanceName (string) --

        The instance from which the snapshot was created.

      • fromInstanceArn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance from which the snapshot was created (e.g., arn:aws:lightsail:us-east-2:123456789101:Instance/64b8404c-ccb1-430b-8daf-12345EXAMPLE ).

      • fromBlueprintId (string) --

        The blueprint ID from which you created the snapshot (e.g., os_debian_8_3 ). A blueprint is a virtual private server (or instance ) image used to create instances quickly.

      • fromBundleId (string) --

        The bundle ID from which you created the snapshot (e.g., micro_1_0 ).

      • sizeInGb (integer) --

        The size in GB of the SSD.

GetInstanceSnapshots (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'instanceSnapshots': {'fromAttachedDisks': [{'arn': 'string',
                                              'attachedTo': 'string',
                                              'attachmentState': 'string',
                                              'createdAt': 'timestamp',
                                              'gbInUse': 'integer',
                                              'iops': 'integer',
                                              'isAttached': 'boolean',
                                              'isSystemDisk': 'boolean',
                                              'location': {'availabilityZone': 'string',
                                                           'regionName': 'us-east-1 '
                                                                         '| '
                                                                         'us-east-2 '
                                                                         '| '
                                                                         'us-west-1 '
                                                                         '| '
                                                                         'us-west-2 '
                                                                         '| '
                                                                         'eu-west-1 '
                                                                         '| '
                                                                         'eu-central-1 '
                                                                         '| '
                                                                         'ap-south-1 '
                                                                         '| '
                                                                         'ap-southeast-1 '
                                                                         '| '
                                                                         'ap-southeast-2 '
                                                                         '| '
                                                                         'ap-northeast-1 '
                                                                         '| '
                                              'name': 'string',
                                              'path': 'string',
                                              'resourceType': 'Instance | '
                                                              'StaticIp | '
                                                              'KeyPair | '
                                                              'InstanceSnapshot '
                                                              '| Domain | '
                                                              'PeeredVpc | '
                                                              'Disk | '
                                              'sizeInGb': 'integer',
                                              'state': 'pending | error | '
                                                       'available | in-use | '
                                              'supportCode': 'string'}],
                       'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Returns all instance snapshots for the user's account.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type pageToken


param pageToken

A token used for advancing to the next page of results from your get instance snapshots request.




Response Syntax

    'instanceSnapshots': [
            'name': 'string',
            'arn': 'string',
            'supportCode': 'string',
            'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'location': {
                'availabilityZone': 'string',
                'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
            'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
            'state': 'pending'|'error'|'available',
            'progress': 'string',
            'fromAttachedDisks': [
                    'name': 'string',
                    'arn': 'string',
                    'supportCode': 'string',
                    'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                    'location': {
                        'availabilityZone': 'string',
                        'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
                    'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
                    'sizeInGb': 123,
                    'isSystemDisk': True|False,
                    'iops': 123,
                    'path': 'string',
                    'state': 'pending'|'error'|'available'|'in-use'|'unknown',
                    'attachedTo': 'string',
                    'isAttached': True|False,
                    'attachmentState': 'string',
                    'gbInUse': 123
            'fromInstanceName': 'string',
            'fromInstanceArn': 'string',
            'fromBlueprintId': 'string',
            'fromBundleId': 'string',
            'sizeInGb': 123
    'nextPageToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • instanceSnapshots (list) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about the results of your get instance snapshots request.

      • (dict) --

        Describes the snapshot of the virtual private server, or instance .

        • name (string) --

          The name of the snapshot.

        • arn (string) --

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the snapshot (e.g., arn:aws:lightsail:us-east-2:123456789101:InstanceSnapshot/d23b5706-3322-4d83-81e5-12345EXAMPLE ).

        • supportCode (string) --

          The support code. Include this code in your email to support when you have questions about an instance or another resource in Lightsail. This code enables our support team to look up your Lightsail information more easily.

        • createdAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the snapshot was created (e.g., 1479907467.024 ).

        • location (dict) --

          The region name and availability zone where you created the snapshot.

          • availabilityZone (string) --

            The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

          • regionName (string) --

            The AWS Region name.

        • resourceType (string) --

          The type of resource (usually InstanceSnapshot ).

        • state (string) --

          The state the snapshot is in.

        • progress (string) --

          The progress of the snapshot.

        • fromAttachedDisks (list) --

          An array of disk objects containing information about all block storage disks.

          • (dict) --

            Describes a system disk or an block storage disk.

            • name (string) --

              The unique name of the disk.

            • arn (string) --

              The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the disk.

            • supportCode (string) --

              The support code. Include this code in your email to support when you have questions about an instance or another resource in Lightsail. This code enables our support team to look up your Lightsail information more easily.

            • createdAt (datetime) --

              The date when the disk was created.

            • location (dict) --

              The AWS Region and Availability Zone where the disk is located.

              • availabilityZone (string) --

                The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

              • regionName (string) --

                The AWS Region name.

            • resourceType (string) --

              The Lightsail resource type (e.g., Disk ).

            • sizeInGb (integer) --

              The size of the disk in GB.

            • isSystemDisk (boolean) --

              A Boolean value indicating whether this disk is a system disk (has an operating system loaded on it).

            • iops (integer) --

              The input/output operations per second (IOPS) of the disk.

            • path (string) --

              The disk path.

            • state (string) --

              Describes the status of the disk.

            • attachedTo (string) --

              The resources to which the disk is attached.

            • isAttached (boolean) --

              A Boolean value indicating whether the disk is attached.

            • attachmentState (string) --

              (Deprecated) The attachment state of the disk.


              In releases prior to November 9, 2017, this parameter returned attached for system disks in the API response. It is now deprecated, but still included in the response. Use isAttached instead.

            • gbInUse (integer) --

              (Deprecated) The number of GB in use by the disk.


              In releases prior to November 9, 2017, this parameter was not included in the API response. It is now deprecated.

        • fromInstanceName (string) --

          The instance from which the snapshot was created.

        • fromInstanceArn (string) --

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance from which the snapshot was created (e.g., arn:aws:lightsail:us-east-2:123456789101:Instance/64b8404c-ccb1-430b-8daf-12345EXAMPLE ).

        • fromBlueprintId (string) --

          The blueprint ID from which you created the snapshot (e.g., os_debian_8_3 ). A blueprint is a virtual private server (or instance ) image used to create instances quickly.

        • fromBundleId (string) --

          The bundle ID from which you created the snapshot (e.g., micro_1_0 ).

        • sizeInGb (integer) --

          The size in GB of the SSD.

    • nextPageToken (string) --

      A token used for advancing to the next page of results from your get instance snapshots request.

GetInstances (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'instances': {'hardware': {'disks': {'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'},
                                      'state': 'pending | error | available | '
                                               'in-use | unknown'}},
               'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Returns information about all Amazon Lightsail virtual private servers, or instances .

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type pageToken


param pageToken

A token used for advancing to the next page of results from your get instances request.




Response Syntax

    'instances': [
            'name': 'string',
            'arn': 'string',
            'supportCode': 'string',
            'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'location': {
                'availabilityZone': 'string',
                'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
            'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
            'blueprintId': 'string',
            'blueprintName': 'string',
            'bundleId': 'string',
            'isStaticIp': True|False,
            'privateIpAddress': 'string',
            'publicIpAddress': 'string',
            'ipv6Address': 'string',
            'hardware': {
                'cpuCount': 123,
                'disks': [
                        'name': 'string',
                        'arn': 'string',
                        'supportCode': 'string',
                        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                        'location': {
                            'availabilityZone': 'string',
                            'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
                        'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
                        'sizeInGb': 123,
                        'isSystemDisk': True|False,
                        'iops': 123,
                        'path': 'string',
                        'state': 'pending'|'error'|'available'|'in-use'|'unknown',
                        'attachedTo': 'string',
                        'isAttached': True|False,
                        'attachmentState': 'string',
                        'gbInUse': 123
                'ramSizeInGb': ...
            'networking': {
                'monthlyTransfer': {
                    'gbPerMonthAllocated': 123
                'ports': [
                        'fromPort': 123,
                        'toPort': 123,
                        'protocol': 'tcp'|'all'|'udp',
                        'accessFrom': 'string',
                        'accessType': 'Public'|'Private',
                        'commonName': 'string',
                        'accessDirection': 'inbound'|'outbound'
            'state': {
                'code': 123,
                'name': 'string'
            'username': 'string',
            'sshKeyName': 'string'
    'nextPageToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • instances (list) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about your instances.

      • (dict) --

        Describes an instance (a virtual private server).

        • name (string) --

          The name the user gave the instance (e.g., Amazon_Linux-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

        • arn (string) --

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance (e.g., arn:aws:lightsail:us-east-2:123456789101:Instance/244ad76f-8aad-4741-809f-12345EXAMPLE ).

        • supportCode (string) --

          The support code. Include this code in your email to support when you have questions about an instance or another resource in Lightsail. This code enables our support team to look up your Lightsail information more easily.

        • createdAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the instance was created (e.g., 1479734909.17 ).

        • location (dict) --

          The region name and availability zone where the instance is located.

          • availabilityZone (string) --

            The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

          • regionName (string) --

            The AWS Region name.

        • resourceType (string) --

          The type of resource (usually Instance ).

        • blueprintId (string) --

          The blueprint ID (e.g., os_amlinux_2016_03 ).

        • blueprintName (string) --

          The friendly name of the blueprint (e.g., Amazon Linux ).

        • bundleId (string) --

          The bundle for the instance (e.g., micro_1_0 ).

        • isStaticIp (boolean) --

          A Boolean value indicating whether this instance has a static IP assigned to it.

        • privateIpAddress (string) --

          The private IP address of the instance.

        • publicIpAddress (string) --

          The public IP address of the instance.

        • ipv6Address (string) --

          The IPv6 address of the instance.

        • hardware (dict) --

          The size of the vCPU and the amount of RAM for the instance.

          • cpuCount (integer) --

            The number of vCPUs the instance has.

          • disks (list) --

            The disks attached to the instance.

            • (dict) --

              Describes a system disk or an block storage disk.

              • name (string) --

                The unique name of the disk.

              • arn (string) --

                The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the disk.

              • supportCode (string) --

                The support code. Include this code in your email to support when you have questions about an instance or another resource in Lightsail. This code enables our support team to look up your Lightsail information more easily.

              • createdAt (datetime) --

                The date when the disk was created.

              • location (dict) --

                The AWS Region and Availability Zone where the disk is located.

                • availabilityZone (string) --

                  The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

                • regionName (string) --

                  The AWS Region name.

              • resourceType (string) --

                The Lightsail resource type (e.g., Disk ).

              • sizeInGb (integer) --

                The size of the disk in GB.

              • isSystemDisk (boolean) --

                A Boolean value indicating whether this disk is a system disk (has an operating system loaded on it).

              • iops (integer) --

                The input/output operations per second (IOPS) of the disk.

              • path (string) --

                The disk path.

              • state (string) --

                Describes the status of the disk.

              • attachedTo (string) --

                The resources to which the disk is attached.

              • isAttached (boolean) --

                A Boolean value indicating whether the disk is attached.

              • attachmentState (string) --

                (Deprecated) The attachment state of the disk.


                In releases prior to November 9, 2017, this parameter returned attached for system disks in the API response. It is now deprecated, but still included in the response. Use isAttached instead.

              • gbInUse (integer) --

                (Deprecated) The number of GB in use by the disk.


                In releases prior to November 9, 2017, this parameter was not included in the API response. It is now deprecated.

          • ramSizeInGb (float) --

            The amount of RAM in GB on the instance (e.g., 1.0 ).

        • networking (dict) --

          Information about the public ports and monthly data transfer rates for the instance.

          • monthlyTransfer (dict) --

            The amount of data in GB allocated for monthly data transfers.

            • gbPerMonthAllocated (integer) --

              The amount allocated per month (in GB).

          • ports (list) --

            An array of key-value pairs containing information about the ports on the instance.

            • (dict) --

              Describes information about the instance ports.

              • fromPort (integer) --

                The first port in the range.

              • toPort (integer) --

                The last port in the range.

              • protocol (string) --

                The protocol being used. Can be one of the following.

                • tcp - Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) provides reliable, ordered, and error-checked delivery of streamed data between applications running on hosts communicating by an IP network. If you have an application that doesn't require reliable data stream service, use UDP instead.

                • all - All transport layer protocol types. For more general information, see Transport layer on Wikipedia.

                • udp - With User Datagram Protocol (UDP), computer applications can send messages (or datagrams) to other hosts on an Internet Protocol (IP) network. Prior communications are not required to set up transmission channels or data paths. Applications that don't require reliable data stream service can use UDP, which provides a connectionless datagram service that emphasizes reduced latency over reliability. If you do require reliable data stream service, use TCP instead.

              • accessFrom (string) --

                The location from which access is allowed (e.g., Anywhere ( ).

              • accessType (string) --

                The type of access ( Public or Private ).

              • commonName (string) --

                The common name.

              • accessDirection (string) --

                The access direction ( inbound or outbound ).

        • state (dict) --

          The status code and the state (e.g., running ) for the instance.

          • code (integer) --

            The status code for the instance.

          • name (string) --

            The state of the instance (e.g., running or pending ).

        • username (string) --

          The user name for connecting to the instance (e.g., ec2-user ).

        • sshKeyName (string) --

          The name of the SSH key being used to connect to the instance (e.g., LightsailDefaultKeyPair ).

    • nextPageToken (string) --

      A token used for advancing to the next page of results from your get instances request.

GetKeyPair (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'keyPair': {'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Returns information about a specific key pair.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type keyPairName


param keyPairName


The name of the key pair for which you are requesting information.




Response Syntax

    'keyPair': {
        'name': 'string',
        'arn': 'string',
        'supportCode': 'string',
        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'location': {
            'availabilityZone': 'string',
            'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
        'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
        'fingerprint': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • keyPair (dict) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about the key pair.

      • name (string) --

        The friendly name of the SSH key pair.

      • arn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the key pair (e.g., arn:aws:lightsail:us-east-2:123456789101:KeyPair/05859e3d-331d-48ba-9034-12345EXAMPLE ).

      • supportCode (string) --

        The support code. Include this code in your email to support when you have questions about an instance or another resource in Lightsail. This code enables our support team to look up your Lightsail information more easily.

      • createdAt (datetime) --

        The timestamp when the key pair was created (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

      • location (dict) --

        The region name and Availability Zone where the key pair was created.

        • availabilityZone (string) --

          The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

        • regionName (string) --

          The AWS Region name.

      • resourceType (string) --

        The resource type (usually KeyPair ).

      • fingerprint (string) --

        The RSA fingerprint of the key pair.

GetKeyPairs (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'keyPairs': {'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Returns information about all key pairs in the user's account.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type pageToken


param pageToken

A token used for advancing to the next page of results from your get key pairs request.




Response Syntax

    'keyPairs': [
            'name': 'string',
            'arn': 'string',
            'supportCode': 'string',
            'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'location': {
                'availabilityZone': 'string',
                'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
            'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
            'fingerprint': 'string'
    'nextPageToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • keyPairs (list) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about the key pairs.

      • (dict) --

        Describes the SSH key pair.

        • name (string) --

          The friendly name of the SSH key pair.

        • arn (string) --

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the key pair (e.g., arn:aws:lightsail:us-east-2:123456789101:KeyPair/05859e3d-331d-48ba-9034-12345EXAMPLE ).

        • supportCode (string) --

          The support code. Include this code in your email to support when you have questions about an instance or another resource in Lightsail. This code enables our support team to look up your Lightsail information more easily.

        • createdAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the key pair was created (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • location (dict) --

          The region name and Availability Zone where the key pair was created.

          • availabilityZone (string) --

            The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

          • regionName (string) --

            The AWS Region name.

        • resourceType (string) --

          The resource type (usually KeyPair ).

        • fingerprint (string) --

          The RSA fingerprint of the key pair.

    • nextPageToken (string) --

      A token used for advancing to the next page of results from your get key pairs request.

GetOperation (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'operation': {'operationType': {'AttachDisk',
               'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Returns information about a specific operation. Operations include events such as when you create an instance, allocate a static IP, attach a static IP, and so on.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type operationId


param operationId


A GUID used to identify the operation.




Response Syntax

    'operation': {
        'id': 'string',
        'resourceName': 'string',
        'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'location': {
            'availabilityZone': 'string',
            'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
        'isTerminal': True|False,
        'operationDetails': 'string',
        'operationType': 'DeleteInstance'|'CreateInstance'|'StopInstance'|'StartInstance'|'RebootInstance'|'OpenInstancePublicPorts'|'PutInstancePublicPorts'|'CloseInstancePublicPorts'|'AllocateStaticIp'|'ReleaseStaticIp'|'AttachStaticIp'|'DetachStaticIp'|'UpdateDomainEntry'|'DeleteDomainEntry'|'CreateDomain'|'DeleteDomain'|'CreateInstanceSnapshot'|'DeleteInstanceSnapshot'|'CreateInstancesFromSnapshot'|'CreateDisk'|'DeleteDisk'|'AttachDisk'|'DetachDisk'|'CreateDiskSnapshot'|'DeleteDiskSnapshot'|'CreateDiskFromSnapshot',
        'status': 'NotStarted'|'Started'|'Failed'|'Completed',
        'statusChangedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'errorCode': 'string',
        'errorDetails': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • operation (dict) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about the results of your get operation request.

      • id (string) --

        The ID of the operation.

      • resourceName (string) --

        The resource name.

      • resourceType (string) --

        The resource type.

      • createdAt (datetime) --

        The timestamp when the operation was initialized (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

      • location (dict) --

        The region and Availability Zone.

        • availabilityZone (string) --

          The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

        • regionName (string) --

          The AWS Region name.

      • isTerminal (boolean) --

        A Boolean value indicating whether the operation is terminal.

      • operationDetails (string) --

        Details about the operation (e.g., Debian-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

      • operationType (string) --

        The type of operation.

      • status (string) --

        The status of the operation.

      • statusChangedAt (datetime) --

        The timestamp when the status was changed (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

      • errorCode (string) --

        The error code.

      • errorDetails (string) --

        The error details.

GetOperations (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'operations': {'operationType': {'AttachDisk',
                'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Returns information about all operations.

Results are returned from oldest to newest, up to a maximum of 200. Results can be paged by making each subsequent call to GetOperations use the maximum (last) statusChangedAt value from the previous request.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type pageToken


param pageToken

A token used for advancing to the next page of results from your get operations request.




Response Syntax

    'operations': [
            'id': 'string',
            'resourceName': 'string',
            'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
            'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'location': {
                'availabilityZone': 'string',
                'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
            'isTerminal': True|False,
            'operationDetails': 'string',
            'operationType': 'DeleteInstance'|'CreateInstance'|'StopInstance'|'StartInstance'|'RebootInstance'|'OpenInstancePublicPorts'|'PutInstancePublicPorts'|'CloseInstancePublicPorts'|'AllocateStaticIp'|'ReleaseStaticIp'|'AttachStaticIp'|'DetachStaticIp'|'UpdateDomainEntry'|'DeleteDomainEntry'|'CreateDomain'|'DeleteDomain'|'CreateInstanceSnapshot'|'DeleteInstanceSnapshot'|'CreateInstancesFromSnapshot'|'CreateDisk'|'DeleteDisk'|'AttachDisk'|'DetachDisk'|'CreateDiskSnapshot'|'DeleteDiskSnapshot'|'CreateDiskFromSnapshot',
            'status': 'NotStarted'|'Started'|'Failed'|'Completed',
            'statusChangedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'errorCode': 'string',
            'errorDetails': 'string'
    'nextPageToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • operations (list) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about the results of your get operations request.

      • (dict) --

        Describes the API operation.

        • id (string) --

          The ID of the operation.

        • resourceName (string) --

          The resource name.

        • resourceType (string) --

          The resource type.

        • createdAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the operation was initialized (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • location (dict) --

          The region and Availability Zone.

          • availabilityZone (string) --

            The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

          • regionName (string) --

            The AWS Region name.

        • isTerminal (boolean) --

          A Boolean value indicating whether the operation is terminal.

        • operationDetails (string) --

          Details about the operation (e.g., Debian-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

        • operationType (string) --

          The type of operation.

        • status (string) --

          The status of the operation.

        • statusChangedAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the status was changed (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • errorCode (string) --

          The error code.

        • errorDetails (string) --

          The error details.

    • nextPageToken (string) --

      A token used for advancing to the next page of results from your get operations request.

GetOperationsForResource (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'operations': {'operationType': {'AttachDisk',
                'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Gets operations for a specific resource (e.g., an instance or a static IP).

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type resourceName


param resourceName


The name of the resource for which you are requesting information.

type pageToken


param pageToken

A token used for advancing to the next page of results from your get operations for resource request.




Response Syntax

    'operations': [
            'id': 'string',
            'resourceName': 'string',
            'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
            'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'location': {
                'availabilityZone': 'string',
                'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
            'isTerminal': True|False,
            'operationDetails': 'string',
            'operationType': 'DeleteInstance'|'CreateInstance'|'StopInstance'|'StartInstance'|'RebootInstance'|'OpenInstancePublicPorts'|'PutInstancePublicPorts'|'CloseInstancePublicPorts'|'AllocateStaticIp'|'ReleaseStaticIp'|'AttachStaticIp'|'DetachStaticIp'|'UpdateDomainEntry'|'DeleteDomainEntry'|'CreateDomain'|'DeleteDomain'|'CreateInstanceSnapshot'|'DeleteInstanceSnapshot'|'CreateInstancesFromSnapshot'|'CreateDisk'|'DeleteDisk'|'AttachDisk'|'DetachDisk'|'CreateDiskSnapshot'|'DeleteDiskSnapshot'|'CreateDiskFromSnapshot',
            'status': 'NotStarted'|'Started'|'Failed'|'Completed',
            'statusChangedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'errorCode': 'string',
            'errorDetails': 'string'
    'nextPageCount': 'string',
    'nextPageToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • operations (list) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about the results of your get operations for resource request.

      • (dict) --

        Describes the API operation.

        • id (string) --

          The ID of the operation.

        • resourceName (string) --

          The resource name.

        • resourceType (string) --

          The resource type.

        • createdAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the operation was initialized (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • location (dict) --

          The region and Availability Zone.

          • availabilityZone (string) --

            The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

          • regionName (string) --

            The AWS Region name.

        • isTerminal (boolean) --

          A Boolean value indicating whether the operation is terminal.

        • operationDetails (string) --

          Details about the operation (e.g., Debian-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

        • operationType (string) --

          The type of operation.

        • status (string) --

          The status of the operation.

        • statusChangedAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the status was changed (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • errorCode (string) --

          The error code.

        • errorDetails (string) --

          The error details.

    • nextPageCount (string) --

      (Deprecated) Returns the number of pages of results that remain.


      In releases prior to June 12, 2017, this parameter returned null by the API. It is now deprecated, and the API returns the nextPageToken parameter instead.

    • nextPageToken (string) --

      An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.

GetStaticIp (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'staticIp': {'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Returns information about a specific static IP.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type staticIpName


param staticIpName


The name of the static IP in Lightsail.




Response Syntax

    'staticIp': {
        'name': 'string',
        'arn': 'string',
        'supportCode': 'string',
        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'location': {
            'availabilityZone': 'string',
            'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
        'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
        'ipAddress': 'string',
        'attachedTo': 'string',
        'isAttached': True|False

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • staticIp (dict) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about the requested static IP.

      • name (string) --

        The name of the static IP (e.g., StaticIP-Ohio-EXAMPLE ).

      • arn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the static IP (e.g., arn:aws:lightsail:us-east-2:123456789101:StaticIp/9cbb4a9e-f8e3-4dfe-b57e-12345EXAMPLE ).

      • supportCode (string) --

        The support code. Include this code in your email to support when you have questions about an instance or another resource in Lightsail. This code enables our support team to look up your Lightsail information more easily.

      • createdAt (datetime) --

        The timestamp when the static IP was created (e.g., 1479735304.222 ).

      • location (dict) --

        The region and Availability Zone where the static IP was created.

        • availabilityZone (string) --

          The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

        • regionName (string) --

          The AWS Region name.

      • resourceType (string) --

        The resource type (usually StaticIp ).

      • ipAddress (string) --

        The static IP address.

      • attachedTo (string) --

        The instance where the static IP is attached (e.g., Amazon_Linux-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

      • isAttached (boolean) --

        A Boolean value indicating whether the static IP is attached.

GetStaticIps (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'staticIps': {'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Returns information about all static IPs in the user's account.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type pageToken


param pageToken

A token used for advancing to the next page of results from your get static IPs request.




Response Syntax

    'staticIps': [
            'name': 'string',
            'arn': 'string',
            'supportCode': 'string',
            'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'location': {
                'availabilityZone': 'string',
                'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
            'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
            'ipAddress': 'string',
            'attachedTo': 'string',
            'isAttached': True|False
    'nextPageToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • staticIps (list) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about your get static IPs request.

      • (dict) --

        Describes the static IP.

        • name (string) --

          The name of the static IP (e.g., StaticIP-Ohio-EXAMPLE ).

        • arn (string) --

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the static IP (e.g., arn:aws:lightsail:us-east-2:123456789101:StaticIp/9cbb4a9e-f8e3-4dfe-b57e-12345EXAMPLE ).

        • supportCode (string) --

          The support code. Include this code in your email to support when you have questions about an instance or another resource in Lightsail. This code enables our support team to look up your Lightsail information more easily.

        • createdAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the static IP was created (e.g., 1479735304.222 ).

        • location (dict) --

          The region and Availability Zone where the static IP was created.

          • availabilityZone (string) --

            The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

          • regionName (string) --

            The AWS Region name.

        • resourceType (string) --

          The resource type (usually StaticIp ).

        • ipAddress (string) --

          The static IP address.

        • attachedTo (string) --

          The instance where the static IP is attached (e.g., Amazon_Linux-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

        • isAttached (boolean) --

          A Boolean value indicating whether the static IP is attached.

    • nextPageToken (string) --

      A token used for advancing to the next page of results from your get static IPs request.

ImportKeyPair (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'operation': {'operationType': {'AttachDisk',
               'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Imports a public SSH key from a specific key pair.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type keyPairName


param keyPairName


The name of the key pair for which you want to import the public key.

type publicKeyBase64


param publicKeyBase64


A base64-encoded public key of the ssh-rsa type.




Response Syntax

    'operation': {
        'id': 'string',
        'resourceName': 'string',
        'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'location': {
            'availabilityZone': 'string',
            'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
        'isTerminal': True|False,
        'operationDetails': 'string',
        'operationType': 'DeleteInstance'|'CreateInstance'|'StopInstance'|'StartInstance'|'RebootInstance'|'OpenInstancePublicPorts'|'PutInstancePublicPorts'|'CloseInstancePublicPorts'|'AllocateStaticIp'|'ReleaseStaticIp'|'AttachStaticIp'|'DetachStaticIp'|'UpdateDomainEntry'|'DeleteDomainEntry'|'CreateDomain'|'DeleteDomain'|'CreateInstanceSnapshot'|'DeleteInstanceSnapshot'|'CreateInstancesFromSnapshot'|'CreateDisk'|'DeleteDisk'|'AttachDisk'|'DetachDisk'|'CreateDiskSnapshot'|'DeleteDiskSnapshot'|'CreateDiskFromSnapshot',
        'status': 'NotStarted'|'Started'|'Failed'|'Completed',
        'statusChangedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'errorCode': 'string',
        'errorDetails': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • operation (dict) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about the request operation.

      • id (string) --

        The ID of the operation.

      • resourceName (string) --

        The resource name.

      • resourceType (string) --

        The resource type.

      • createdAt (datetime) --

        The timestamp when the operation was initialized (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

      • location (dict) --

        The region and Availability Zone.

        • availabilityZone (string) --

          The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

        • regionName (string) --

          The AWS Region name.

      • isTerminal (boolean) --

        A Boolean value indicating whether the operation is terminal.

      • operationDetails (string) --

        Details about the operation (e.g., Debian-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

      • operationType (string) --

        The type of operation.

      • status (string) --

        The status of the operation.

      • statusChangedAt (datetime) --

        The timestamp when the status was changed (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

      • errorCode (string) --

        The error code.

      • errorDetails (string) --

        The error details.

OpenInstancePublicPorts (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'operation': {'operationType': {'AttachDisk',
               'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Adds public ports to an Amazon Lightsail instance.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'fromPort': 123,
        'toPort': 123,
        'protocol': 'tcp'|'all'|'udp'
type portInfo


param portInfo


An array of key-value pairs containing information about the port mappings.

  • fromPort (integer) --

    The first port in the range.

  • toPort (integer) --

    The last port in the range.

  • protocol (string) --

    The protocol.

type instanceName


param instanceName


The name of the instance for which you want to open the public ports.




Response Syntax

    'operation': {
        'id': 'string',
        'resourceName': 'string',
        'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'location': {
            'availabilityZone': 'string',
            'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
        'isTerminal': True|False,
        'operationDetails': 'string',
        'operationType': 'DeleteInstance'|'CreateInstance'|'StopInstance'|'StartInstance'|'RebootInstance'|'OpenInstancePublicPorts'|'PutInstancePublicPorts'|'CloseInstancePublicPorts'|'AllocateStaticIp'|'ReleaseStaticIp'|'AttachStaticIp'|'DetachStaticIp'|'UpdateDomainEntry'|'DeleteDomainEntry'|'CreateDomain'|'DeleteDomain'|'CreateInstanceSnapshot'|'DeleteInstanceSnapshot'|'CreateInstancesFromSnapshot'|'CreateDisk'|'DeleteDisk'|'AttachDisk'|'DetachDisk'|'CreateDiskSnapshot'|'DeleteDiskSnapshot'|'CreateDiskFromSnapshot',
        'status': 'NotStarted'|'Started'|'Failed'|'Completed',
        'statusChangedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'errorCode': 'string',
        'errorDetails': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • operation (dict) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about the request operation.

      • id (string) --

        The ID of the operation.

      • resourceName (string) --

        The resource name.

      • resourceType (string) --

        The resource type.

      • createdAt (datetime) --

        The timestamp when the operation was initialized (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

      • location (dict) --

        The region and Availability Zone.

        • availabilityZone (string) --

          The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

        • regionName (string) --

          The AWS Region name.

      • isTerminal (boolean) --

        A Boolean value indicating whether the operation is terminal.

      • operationDetails (string) --

        Details about the operation (e.g., Debian-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

      • operationType (string) --

        The type of operation.

      • status (string) --

        The status of the operation.

      • statusChangedAt (datetime) --

        The timestamp when the status was changed (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

      • errorCode (string) --

        The error code.

      • errorDetails (string) --

        The error details.

PeerVpc (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'operation': {'operationType': {'AttachDisk',
               'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Tries to peer the Lightsail VPC with the user's default VPC.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax




Response Syntax

    'operation': {
        'id': 'string',
        'resourceName': 'string',
        'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'location': {
            'availabilityZone': 'string',
            'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
        'isTerminal': True|False,
        'operationDetails': 'string',
        'operationType': 'DeleteInstance'|'CreateInstance'|'StopInstance'|'StartInstance'|'RebootInstance'|'OpenInstancePublicPorts'|'PutInstancePublicPorts'|'CloseInstancePublicPorts'|'AllocateStaticIp'|'ReleaseStaticIp'|'AttachStaticIp'|'DetachStaticIp'|'UpdateDomainEntry'|'DeleteDomainEntry'|'CreateDomain'|'DeleteDomain'|'CreateInstanceSnapshot'|'DeleteInstanceSnapshot'|'CreateInstancesFromSnapshot'|'CreateDisk'|'DeleteDisk'|'AttachDisk'|'DetachDisk'|'CreateDiskSnapshot'|'DeleteDiskSnapshot'|'CreateDiskFromSnapshot',
        'status': 'NotStarted'|'Started'|'Failed'|'Completed',
        'statusChangedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'errorCode': 'string',
        'errorDetails': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • operation (dict) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about the request operation.

      • id (string) --

        The ID of the operation.

      • resourceName (string) --

        The resource name.

      • resourceType (string) --

        The resource type.

      • createdAt (datetime) --

        The timestamp when the operation was initialized (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

      • location (dict) --

        The region and Availability Zone.

        • availabilityZone (string) --

          The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

        • regionName (string) --

          The AWS Region name.

      • isTerminal (boolean) --

        A Boolean value indicating whether the operation is terminal.

      • operationDetails (string) --

        Details about the operation (e.g., Debian-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

      • operationType (string) --

        The type of operation.

      • status (string) --

        The status of the operation.

      • statusChangedAt (datetime) --

        The timestamp when the status was changed (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

      • errorCode (string) --

        The error code.

      • errorDetails (string) --

        The error details.

PutInstancePublicPorts (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'operation': {'operationType': {'AttachDisk',
               'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Sets the specified open ports for an Amazon Lightsail instance, and closes all ports for every protocol not included in the current request.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

            'fromPort': 123,
            'toPort': 123,
            'protocol': 'tcp'|'all'|'udp'
type portInfos


param portInfos


Specifies information about the public port(s).

  • (dict) --

    Describes information about the ports on your virtual private server (or instance ).

    • fromPort (integer) --

      The first port in the range.

    • toPort (integer) --

      The last port in the range.

    • protocol (string) --

      The protocol.

type instanceName


param instanceName


The Lightsail instance name of the public port(s) you are setting.




Response Syntax

    'operation': {
        'id': 'string',
        'resourceName': 'string',
        'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'location': {
            'availabilityZone': 'string',
            'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
        'isTerminal': True|False,
        'operationDetails': 'string',
        'operationType': 'DeleteInstance'|'CreateInstance'|'StopInstance'|'StartInstance'|'RebootInstance'|'OpenInstancePublicPorts'|'PutInstancePublicPorts'|'CloseInstancePublicPorts'|'AllocateStaticIp'|'ReleaseStaticIp'|'AttachStaticIp'|'DetachStaticIp'|'UpdateDomainEntry'|'DeleteDomainEntry'|'CreateDomain'|'DeleteDomain'|'CreateInstanceSnapshot'|'DeleteInstanceSnapshot'|'CreateInstancesFromSnapshot'|'CreateDisk'|'DeleteDisk'|'AttachDisk'|'DetachDisk'|'CreateDiskSnapshot'|'DeleteDiskSnapshot'|'CreateDiskFromSnapshot',
        'status': 'NotStarted'|'Started'|'Failed'|'Completed',
        'statusChangedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'errorCode': 'string',
        'errorDetails': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • operation (dict) --

      Describes metadata about the operation you just executed.

      • id (string) --

        The ID of the operation.

      • resourceName (string) --

        The resource name.

      • resourceType (string) --

        The resource type.

      • createdAt (datetime) --

        The timestamp when the operation was initialized (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

      • location (dict) --

        The region and Availability Zone.

        • availabilityZone (string) --

          The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

        • regionName (string) --

          The AWS Region name.

      • isTerminal (boolean) --

        A Boolean value indicating whether the operation is terminal.

      • operationDetails (string) --

        Details about the operation (e.g., Debian-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

      • operationType (string) --

        The type of operation.

      • status (string) --

        The status of the operation.

      • statusChangedAt (datetime) --

        The timestamp when the status was changed (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

      • errorCode (string) --

        The error code.

      • errorDetails (string) --

        The error details.

RebootInstance (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'operations': {'operationType': {'AttachDisk',
                'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Restarts a specific instance. When your Amazon Lightsail instance is finished rebooting, Lightsail assigns a new public IP address. To use the same IP address after restarting, create a static IP address and attach it to the instance.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type instanceName


param instanceName


The name of the instance to reboot.




Response Syntax

    'operations': [
            'id': 'string',
            'resourceName': 'string',
            'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
            'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'location': {
                'availabilityZone': 'string',
                'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
            'isTerminal': True|False,
            'operationDetails': 'string',
            'operationType': 'DeleteInstance'|'CreateInstance'|'StopInstance'|'StartInstance'|'RebootInstance'|'OpenInstancePublicPorts'|'PutInstancePublicPorts'|'CloseInstancePublicPorts'|'AllocateStaticIp'|'ReleaseStaticIp'|'AttachStaticIp'|'DetachStaticIp'|'UpdateDomainEntry'|'DeleteDomainEntry'|'CreateDomain'|'DeleteDomain'|'CreateInstanceSnapshot'|'DeleteInstanceSnapshot'|'CreateInstancesFromSnapshot'|'CreateDisk'|'DeleteDisk'|'AttachDisk'|'DetachDisk'|'CreateDiskSnapshot'|'DeleteDiskSnapshot'|'CreateDiskFromSnapshot',
            'status': 'NotStarted'|'Started'|'Failed'|'Completed',
            'statusChangedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'errorCode': 'string',
            'errorDetails': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • operations (list) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about the request operation.

      • (dict) --

        Describes the API operation.

        • id (string) --

          The ID of the operation.

        • resourceName (string) --

          The resource name.

        • resourceType (string) --

          The resource type.

        • createdAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the operation was initialized (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • location (dict) --

          The region and Availability Zone.

          • availabilityZone (string) --

            The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

          • regionName (string) --

            The AWS Region name.

        • isTerminal (boolean) --

          A Boolean value indicating whether the operation is terminal.

        • operationDetails (string) --

          Details about the operation (e.g., Debian-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

        • operationType (string) --

          The type of operation.

        • status (string) --

          The status of the operation.

        • statusChangedAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the status was changed (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • errorCode (string) --

          The error code.

        • errorDetails (string) --

          The error details.

ReleaseStaticIp (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'operations': {'operationType': {'AttachDisk',
                'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Deletes a specific static IP from your account.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type staticIpName


param staticIpName


The name of the static IP to delete.




Response Syntax

    'operations': [
            'id': 'string',
            'resourceName': 'string',
            'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
            'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'location': {
                'availabilityZone': 'string',
                'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
            'isTerminal': True|False,
            'operationDetails': 'string',
            'operationType': 'DeleteInstance'|'CreateInstance'|'StopInstance'|'StartInstance'|'RebootInstance'|'OpenInstancePublicPorts'|'PutInstancePublicPorts'|'CloseInstancePublicPorts'|'AllocateStaticIp'|'ReleaseStaticIp'|'AttachStaticIp'|'DetachStaticIp'|'UpdateDomainEntry'|'DeleteDomainEntry'|'CreateDomain'|'DeleteDomain'|'CreateInstanceSnapshot'|'DeleteInstanceSnapshot'|'CreateInstancesFromSnapshot'|'CreateDisk'|'DeleteDisk'|'AttachDisk'|'DetachDisk'|'CreateDiskSnapshot'|'DeleteDiskSnapshot'|'CreateDiskFromSnapshot',
            'status': 'NotStarted'|'Started'|'Failed'|'Completed',
            'statusChangedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'errorCode': 'string',
            'errorDetails': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • operations (list) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about the request operation.

      • (dict) --

        Describes the API operation.

        • id (string) --

          The ID of the operation.

        • resourceName (string) --

          The resource name.

        • resourceType (string) --

          The resource type.

        • createdAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the operation was initialized (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • location (dict) --

          The region and Availability Zone.

          • availabilityZone (string) --

            The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

          • regionName (string) --

            The AWS Region name.

        • isTerminal (boolean) --

          A Boolean value indicating whether the operation is terminal.

        • operationDetails (string) --

          Details about the operation (e.g., Debian-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

        • operationType (string) --

          The type of operation.

        • status (string) --

          The status of the operation.

        • statusChangedAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the status was changed (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • errorCode (string) --

          The error code.

        • errorDetails (string) --

          The error details.

StartInstance (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'operations': {'operationType': {'AttachDisk',
                'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Starts a specific Amazon Lightsail instance from a stopped state. To restart an instance, use the reboot instance operation.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type instanceName


param instanceName


The name of the instance (a virtual private server) to start.




Response Syntax

    'operations': [
            'id': 'string',
            'resourceName': 'string',
            'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
            'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'location': {
                'availabilityZone': 'string',
                'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
            'isTerminal': True|False,
            'operationDetails': 'string',
            'operationType': 'DeleteInstance'|'CreateInstance'|'StopInstance'|'StartInstance'|'RebootInstance'|'OpenInstancePublicPorts'|'PutInstancePublicPorts'|'CloseInstancePublicPorts'|'AllocateStaticIp'|'ReleaseStaticIp'|'AttachStaticIp'|'DetachStaticIp'|'UpdateDomainEntry'|'DeleteDomainEntry'|'CreateDomain'|'DeleteDomain'|'CreateInstanceSnapshot'|'DeleteInstanceSnapshot'|'CreateInstancesFromSnapshot'|'CreateDisk'|'DeleteDisk'|'AttachDisk'|'DetachDisk'|'CreateDiskSnapshot'|'DeleteDiskSnapshot'|'CreateDiskFromSnapshot',
            'status': 'NotStarted'|'Started'|'Failed'|'Completed',
            'statusChangedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'errorCode': 'string',
            'errorDetails': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • operations (list) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about the request operation.

      • (dict) --

        Describes the API operation.

        • id (string) --

          The ID of the operation.

        • resourceName (string) --

          The resource name.

        • resourceType (string) --

          The resource type.

        • createdAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the operation was initialized (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • location (dict) --

          The region and Availability Zone.

          • availabilityZone (string) --

            The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

          • regionName (string) --

            The AWS Region name.

        • isTerminal (boolean) --

          A Boolean value indicating whether the operation is terminal.

        • operationDetails (string) --

          Details about the operation (e.g., Debian-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

        • operationType (string) --

          The type of operation.

        • status (string) --

          The status of the operation.

        • statusChangedAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the status was changed (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • errorCode (string) --

          The error code.

        • errorDetails (string) --

          The error details.

StopInstance (updated) Link ¶
Changes (request, response)
{'force': 'boolean'}
{'operations': {'operationType': {'AttachDisk',
                'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Stops a specific Amazon Lightsail instance that is currently running.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type instanceName


param instanceName


The name of the instance (a virtual private server) to stop.

type force


param force

When set to True , forces a Lightsail instance that is stuck in a stopping state to stop.


Only use the force parameter if your instance is stuck in the stopping state. In any other state, your instance should stop normally without adding this parameter to your API request.




Response Syntax

    'operations': [
            'id': 'string',
            'resourceName': 'string',
            'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
            'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'location': {
                'availabilityZone': 'string',
                'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
            'isTerminal': True|False,
            'operationDetails': 'string',
            'operationType': 'DeleteInstance'|'CreateInstance'|'StopInstance'|'StartInstance'|'RebootInstance'|'OpenInstancePublicPorts'|'PutInstancePublicPorts'|'CloseInstancePublicPorts'|'AllocateStaticIp'|'ReleaseStaticIp'|'AttachStaticIp'|'DetachStaticIp'|'UpdateDomainEntry'|'DeleteDomainEntry'|'CreateDomain'|'DeleteDomain'|'CreateInstanceSnapshot'|'DeleteInstanceSnapshot'|'CreateInstancesFromSnapshot'|'CreateDisk'|'DeleteDisk'|'AttachDisk'|'DetachDisk'|'CreateDiskSnapshot'|'DeleteDiskSnapshot'|'CreateDiskFromSnapshot',
            'status': 'NotStarted'|'Started'|'Failed'|'Completed',
            'statusChangedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'errorCode': 'string',
            'errorDetails': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • operations (list) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about the request operation.

      • (dict) --

        Describes the API operation.

        • id (string) --

          The ID of the operation.

        • resourceName (string) --

          The resource name.

        • resourceType (string) --

          The resource type.

        • createdAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the operation was initialized (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • location (dict) --

          The region and Availability Zone.

          • availabilityZone (string) --

            The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

          • regionName (string) --

            The AWS Region name.

        • isTerminal (boolean) --

          A Boolean value indicating whether the operation is terminal.

        • operationDetails (string) --

          Details about the operation (e.g., Debian-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

        • operationType (string) --

          The type of operation.

        • status (string) --

          The status of the operation.

        • statusChangedAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the status was changed (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • errorCode (string) --

          The error code.

        • errorDetails (string) --

          The error details.

UnpeerVpc (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'operation': {'operationType': {'AttachDisk',
               'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Attempts to unpeer the Lightsail VPC from the user's default VPC.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax




Response Syntax

    'operation': {
        'id': 'string',
        'resourceName': 'string',
        'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'location': {
            'availabilityZone': 'string',
            'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
        'isTerminal': True|False,
        'operationDetails': 'string',
        'operationType': 'DeleteInstance'|'CreateInstance'|'StopInstance'|'StartInstance'|'RebootInstance'|'OpenInstancePublicPorts'|'PutInstancePublicPorts'|'CloseInstancePublicPorts'|'AllocateStaticIp'|'ReleaseStaticIp'|'AttachStaticIp'|'DetachStaticIp'|'UpdateDomainEntry'|'DeleteDomainEntry'|'CreateDomain'|'DeleteDomain'|'CreateInstanceSnapshot'|'DeleteInstanceSnapshot'|'CreateInstancesFromSnapshot'|'CreateDisk'|'DeleteDisk'|'AttachDisk'|'DetachDisk'|'CreateDiskSnapshot'|'DeleteDiskSnapshot'|'CreateDiskFromSnapshot',
        'status': 'NotStarted'|'Started'|'Failed'|'Completed',
        'statusChangedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'errorCode': 'string',
        'errorDetails': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • operation (dict) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about the request operation.

      • id (string) --

        The ID of the operation.

      • resourceName (string) --

        The resource name.

      • resourceType (string) --

        The resource type.

      • createdAt (datetime) --

        The timestamp when the operation was initialized (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

      • location (dict) --

        The region and Availability Zone.

        • availabilityZone (string) --

          The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

        • regionName (string) --

          The AWS Region name.

      • isTerminal (boolean) --

        A Boolean value indicating whether the operation is terminal.

      • operationDetails (string) --

        Details about the operation (e.g., Debian-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

      • operationType (string) --

        The type of operation.

      • status (string) --

        The status of the operation.

      • statusChangedAt (datetime) --

        The timestamp when the status was changed (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

      • errorCode (string) --

        The error code.

      • errorDetails (string) --

        The error details.

UpdateDomainEntry (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'operations': {'operationType': {'AttachDisk',
                'resourceType': {'DiskSnapshot', 'Disk'}}}

Updates a domain recordset after it is created.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'id': 'string',
        'name': 'string',
        'target': 'string',
        'type': 'string',
        'options': {
            'string': 'string'
type domainName


param domainName


The name of the domain recordset to update.

type domainEntry


param domainEntry


An array of key-value pairs containing information about the domain entry.

  • id (string) --

    The ID of the domain recordset entry.

  • name (string) --

    The name of the domain.

  • target (string) --

    The target AWS name server (e.g., ).

  • type (string) --

    The type of domain entry (e.g., SOA or NS ).

  • options (dict) --

    The options for the domain entry.

    • (string) --

      • (string) --




Response Syntax

    'operations': [
            'id': 'string',
            'resourceName': 'string',
            'resourceType': 'Instance'|'StaticIp'|'KeyPair'|'InstanceSnapshot'|'Domain'|'PeeredVpc'|'Disk'|'DiskSnapshot',
            'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'location': {
                'availabilityZone': 'string',
                'regionName': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'
            'isTerminal': True|False,
            'operationDetails': 'string',
            'operationType': 'DeleteInstance'|'CreateInstance'|'StopInstance'|'StartInstance'|'RebootInstance'|'OpenInstancePublicPorts'|'PutInstancePublicPorts'|'CloseInstancePublicPorts'|'AllocateStaticIp'|'ReleaseStaticIp'|'AttachStaticIp'|'DetachStaticIp'|'UpdateDomainEntry'|'DeleteDomainEntry'|'CreateDomain'|'DeleteDomain'|'CreateInstanceSnapshot'|'DeleteInstanceSnapshot'|'CreateInstancesFromSnapshot'|'CreateDisk'|'DeleteDisk'|'AttachDisk'|'DetachDisk'|'CreateDiskSnapshot'|'DeleteDiskSnapshot'|'CreateDiskFromSnapshot',
            'status': 'NotStarted'|'Started'|'Failed'|'Completed',
            'statusChangedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'errorCode': 'string',
            'errorDetails': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • operations (list) --

      An array of key-value pairs containing information about the request operation.

      • (dict) --

        Describes the API operation.

        • id (string) --

          The ID of the operation.

        • resourceName (string) --

          The resource name.

        • resourceType (string) --

          The resource type.

        • createdAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the operation was initialized (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • location (dict) --

          The region and Availability Zone.

          • availabilityZone (string) --

            The Availability Zone. Follows the format us-east-2a (case-sensitive).

          • regionName (string) --

            The AWS Region name.

        • isTerminal (boolean) --

          A Boolean value indicating whether the operation is terminal.

        • operationDetails (string) --

          Details about the operation (e.g., Debian-1GB-Ohio-1 ).

        • operationType (string) --

          The type of operation.

        • status (string) --

          The status of the operation.

        • statusChangedAt (datetime) --

          The timestamp when the status was changed (e.g., 1479816991.349 ).

        • errorCode (string) --

          The error code.

        • errorDetails (string) --

          The error details.