2025/02/18 - AWS Elemental MediaLive - 4 updated api methods
Changes Adds support for creating CloudWatchAlarmTemplates for AWS Elemental MediaTailor Playback Configuration resources.
Creates a cloudwatch alarm template to dynamically generate cloudwatch metric alarms on targeted resource types.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_cloud_watch_alarm_template( ComparisonOperator='GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold'|'GreaterThanThreshold'|'LessThanThreshold'|'LessThanOrEqualToThreshold', DatapointsToAlarm=123, Description='string', EvaluationPeriods=123, GroupIdentifier='string', MetricName='string', Name='string', Period=123, Statistic='SampleCount'|'Average'|'Sum'|'Minimum'|'Maximum', Tags={ 'string': 'string' }, TargetResourceType='CLOUDFRONT_DISTRIBUTION'|'MEDIALIVE_MULTIPLEX'|'MEDIALIVE_CHANNEL'|'MEDIALIVE_INPUT_DEVICE'|'MEDIAPACKAGE_CHANNEL'|'MEDIAPACKAGE_ORIGIN_ENDPOINT'|'MEDIACONNECT_FLOW'|'S3_BUCKET'|'MEDIATAILOR_PLAYBACK_CONFIGURATION', Threshold=123.0, TreatMissingData='notBreaching'|'breaching'|'ignore'|'missing', RequestId='string' )
[REQUIRED] The comparison operator used to compare the specified statistic and the threshold.
The number of datapoints within the evaluation period that must be breaching to trigger the alarm.
A resource's optional description.
[REQUIRED] The number of periods over which data is compared to the specified threshold.
[REQUIRED] A cloudwatch alarm template group's identifier. Can be either be its id or current name.
[REQUIRED] The name of the metric associated with the alarm. Must be compatible with targetResourceType.
[REQUIRED] A resource's name. Names must be unique within the scope of a resource type in a specific region.
[REQUIRED] The period, in seconds, over which the specified statistic is applied.
[REQUIRED] The statistic to apply to the alarm's metric data.
Represents the tags associated with a resource.
(string) -- Placeholder documentation for __string
(string) -- Placeholder documentation for __string
[REQUIRED] The resource type this template should dynamically generate cloudwatch metric alarms for.
[REQUIRED] The threshold value to compare with the specified statistic.
[REQUIRED] Specifies how missing data points are treated when evaluating the alarm's condition.
An ID that you assign to a create request. This ID ensures idempotency when creating resources.This field is autopopulated if not provided.
Response Syntax
{ 'Arn': 'string', 'ComparisonOperator': 'GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold'|'GreaterThanThreshold'|'LessThanThreshold'|'LessThanOrEqualToThreshold', 'CreatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'DatapointsToAlarm': 123, 'Description': 'string', 'EvaluationPeriods': 123, 'GroupId': 'string', 'Id': 'string', 'MetricName': 'string', 'ModifiedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'Name': 'string', 'Period': 123, 'Statistic': 'SampleCount'|'Average'|'Sum'|'Minimum'|'Maximum', 'Tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'TargetResourceType': 'CLOUDFRONT_DISTRIBUTION'|'MEDIALIVE_MULTIPLEX'|'MEDIALIVE_CHANNEL'|'MEDIALIVE_INPUT_DEVICE'|'MEDIAPACKAGE_CHANNEL'|'MEDIAPACKAGE_ORIGIN_ENDPOINT'|'MEDIACONNECT_FLOW'|'S3_BUCKET'|'MEDIATAILOR_PLAYBACK_CONFIGURATION', 'Threshold': 123.0, 'TreatMissingData': 'notBreaching'|'breaching'|'ignore'|'missing' }
Response Structure
(dict) -- CreateCloudWatchAlarmTemplate 201 response
Arn (string) -- A cloudwatch alarm template's ARN (Amazon Resource Name)
ComparisonOperator (string) -- The comparison operator used to compare the specified statistic and the threshold.
CreatedAt (datetime) -- Placeholder documentation for __timestampIso8601
DatapointsToAlarm (integer) -- The number of datapoints within the evaluation period that must be breaching to trigger the alarm.
Description (string) -- A resource's optional description.
EvaluationPeriods (integer) -- The number of periods over which data is compared to the specified threshold.
GroupId (string) -- A cloudwatch alarm template group's id. AWS provided template groups have ids that start with aws-
Id (string) -- A cloudwatch alarm template's id. AWS provided templates have ids that start with aws-
MetricName (string) -- The name of the metric associated with the alarm. Must be compatible with targetResourceType.
ModifiedAt (datetime) -- Placeholder documentation for __timestampIso8601
Name (string) -- A resource's name. Names must be unique within the scope of a resource type in a specific region.
Period (integer) -- The period, in seconds, over which the specified statistic is applied.
Statistic (string) -- The statistic to apply to the alarm's metric data.
Tags (dict) -- Represents the tags associated with a resource.
(string) -- Placeholder documentation for __string
(string) -- Placeholder documentation for __string
TargetResourceType (string) -- The resource type this template should dynamically generate cloudwatch metric alarms for.
Threshold (float) -- The threshold value to compare with the specified statistic.
TreatMissingData (string) -- Specifies how missing data points are treated when evaluating the alarm's condition.
Retrieves the specified cloudwatch alarm template.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_cloud_watch_alarm_template( Identifier='string' )
[REQUIRED] A cloudwatch alarm template's identifier. Can be either be its id or current name.
Response Syntax
{ 'Arn': 'string', 'ComparisonOperator': 'GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold'|'GreaterThanThreshold'|'LessThanThreshold'|'LessThanOrEqualToThreshold', 'CreatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'DatapointsToAlarm': 123, 'Description': 'string', 'EvaluationPeriods': 123, 'GroupId': 'string', 'Id': 'string', 'MetricName': 'string', 'ModifiedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'Name': 'string', 'Period': 123, 'Statistic': 'SampleCount'|'Average'|'Sum'|'Minimum'|'Maximum', 'Tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'TargetResourceType': 'CLOUDFRONT_DISTRIBUTION'|'MEDIALIVE_MULTIPLEX'|'MEDIALIVE_CHANNEL'|'MEDIALIVE_INPUT_DEVICE'|'MEDIAPACKAGE_CHANNEL'|'MEDIAPACKAGE_ORIGIN_ENDPOINT'|'MEDIACONNECT_FLOW'|'S3_BUCKET'|'MEDIATAILOR_PLAYBACK_CONFIGURATION', 'Threshold': 123.0, 'TreatMissingData': 'notBreaching'|'breaching'|'ignore'|'missing' }
Response Structure
(dict) -- GetCloudWatchAlarmTemplate 200 response
Arn (string) -- A cloudwatch alarm template's ARN (Amazon Resource Name)
ComparisonOperator (string) -- The comparison operator used to compare the specified statistic and the threshold.
CreatedAt (datetime) -- Placeholder documentation for __timestampIso8601
DatapointsToAlarm (integer) -- The number of datapoints within the evaluation period that must be breaching to trigger the alarm.
Description (string) -- A resource's optional description.
EvaluationPeriods (integer) -- The number of periods over which data is compared to the specified threshold.
GroupId (string) -- A cloudwatch alarm template group's id. AWS provided template groups have ids that start with aws-
Id (string) -- A cloudwatch alarm template's id. AWS provided templates have ids that start with aws-
MetricName (string) -- The name of the metric associated with the alarm. Must be compatible with targetResourceType.
ModifiedAt (datetime) -- Placeholder documentation for __timestampIso8601
Name (string) -- A resource's name. Names must be unique within the scope of a resource type in a specific region.
Period (integer) -- The period, in seconds, over which the specified statistic is applied.
Statistic (string) -- The statistic to apply to the alarm's metric data.
Tags (dict) -- Represents the tags associated with a resource.
(string) -- Placeholder documentation for __string
(string) -- Placeholder documentation for __string
TargetResourceType (string) -- The resource type this template should dynamically generate cloudwatch metric alarms for.
Threshold (float) -- The threshold value to compare with the specified statistic.
TreatMissingData (string) -- Specifies how missing data points are treated when evaluating the alarm's condition.
{'CloudWatchAlarmTemplates': {'TargetResourceType': {'MEDIATAILOR_PLAYBACK_CONFIGURATION'}}}
Lists cloudwatch alarm templates.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.list_cloud_watch_alarm_templates( GroupIdentifier='string', MaxResults=123, NextToken='string', Scope='string', SignalMapIdentifier='string' )
A cloudwatch alarm template group's identifier. Can be either be its id or current name.
Placeholder documentation for MaxResults
A token used to retrieve the next set of results in paginated list responses.
Represents the scope of a resource, with options for all scopes, AWS provided resources, or local resources.
A signal map's identifier. Can be either be its id or current name.
Response Syntax
{ 'CloudWatchAlarmTemplates': [ { 'Arn': 'string', 'ComparisonOperator': 'GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold'|'GreaterThanThreshold'|'LessThanThreshold'|'LessThanOrEqualToThreshold', 'CreatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'DatapointsToAlarm': 123, 'Description': 'string', 'EvaluationPeriods': 123, 'GroupId': 'string', 'Id': 'string', 'MetricName': 'string', 'ModifiedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'Name': 'string', 'Period': 123, 'Statistic': 'SampleCount'|'Average'|'Sum'|'Minimum'|'Maximum', 'Tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'TargetResourceType': 'CLOUDFRONT_DISTRIBUTION'|'MEDIALIVE_MULTIPLEX'|'MEDIALIVE_CHANNEL'|'MEDIALIVE_INPUT_DEVICE'|'MEDIAPACKAGE_CHANNEL'|'MEDIAPACKAGE_ORIGIN_ENDPOINT'|'MEDIACONNECT_FLOW'|'S3_BUCKET'|'MEDIATAILOR_PLAYBACK_CONFIGURATION', 'Threshold': 123.0, 'TreatMissingData': 'notBreaching'|'breaching'|'ignore'|'missing' }, ], 'NextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) -- ListCloudWatchAlarmTemplates 200 response
CloudWatchAlarmTemplates (list) -- Placeholder documentation for __listOfCloudWatchAlarmTemplateSummary
(dict) -- Placeholder documentation for CloudWatchAlarmTemplateSummary
Arn (string) -- A cloudwatch alarm template's ARN (Amazon Resource Name)
ComparisonOperator (string) -- The comparison operator used to compare the specified statistic and the threshold.
CreatedAt (datetime) -- Placeholder documentation for __timestampIso8601
DatapointsToAlarm (integer) -- The number of datapoints within the evaluation period that must be breaching to trigger the alarm.
Description (string) -- A resource's optional description.
EvaluationPeriods (integer) -- The number of periods over which data is compared to the specified threshold.
GroupId (string) -- A cloudwatch alarm template group's id. AWS provided template groups have ids that start with aws-
Id (string) -- A cloudwatch alarm template's id. AWS provided templates have ids that start with aws-
MetricName (string) -- The name of the metric associated with the alarm. Must be compatible with targetResourceType.
ModifiedAt (datetime) -- Placeholder documentation for __timestampIso8601
Name (string) -- A resource's name. Names must be unique within the scope of a resource type in a specific region.
Period (integer) -- The period, in seconds, over which the specified statistic is applied.
Statistic (string) -- The statistic to apply to the alarm's metric data.
Tags (dict) -- Represents the tags associated with a resource.
(string) -- Placeholder documentation for __string
(string) -- Placeholder documentation for __string
TargetResourceType (string) -- The resource type this template should dynamically generate cloudwatch metric alarms for.
Threshold (float) -- The threshold value to compare with the specified statistic.
TreatMissingData (string) -- Specifies how missing data points are treated when evaluating the alarm's condition.
NextToken (string) -- A token used to retrieve the next set of results in paginated list responses.
Updates the specified cloudwatch alarm template.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.update_cloud_watch_alarm_template( ComparisonOperator='GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold'|'GreaterThanThreshold'|'LessThanThreshold'|'LessThanOrEqualToThreshold', DatapointsToAlarm=123, Description='string', EvaluationPeriods=123, GroupIdentifier='string', Identifier='string', MetricName='string', Name='string', Period=123, Statistic='SampleCount'|'Average'|'Sum'|'Minimum'|'Maximum', TargetResourceType='CLOUDFRONT_DISTRIBUTION'|'MEDIALIVE_MULTIPLEX'|'MEDIALIVE_CHANNEL'|'MEDIALIVE_INPUT_DEVICE'|'MEDIAPACKAGE_CHANNEL'|'MEDIAPACKAGE_ORIGIN_ENDPOINT'|'MEDIACONNECT_FLOW'|'S3_BUCKET'|'MEDIATAILOR_PLAYBACK_CONFIGURATION', Threshold=123.0, TreatMissingData='notBreaching'|'breaching'|'ignore'|'missing' )
The comparison operator used to compare the specified statistic and the threshold.
The number of datapoints within the evaluation period that must be breaching to trigger the alarm.
A resource's optional description.
The number of periods over which data is compared to the specified threshold.
A cloudwatch alarm template group's identifier. Can be either be its id or current name.
[REQUIRED] A cloudwatch alarm template's identifier. Can be either be its id or current name.
The name of the metric associated with the alarm. Must be compatible with targetResourceType.
A resource's name. Names must be unique within the scope of a resource type in a specific region.
The period, in seconds, over which the specified statistic is applied.
The statistic to apply to the alarm's metric data.
The resource type this template should dynamically generate cloudwatch metric alarms for.
The threshold value to compare with the specified statistic.
Specifies how missing data points are treated when evaluating the alarm's condition.
Response Syntax
{ 'Arn': 'string', 'ComparisonOperator': 'GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold'|'GreaterThanThreshold'|'LessThanThreshold'|'LessThanOrEqualToThreshold', 'CreatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'DatapointsToAlarm': 123, 'Description': 'string', 'EvaluationPeriods': 123, 'GroupId': 'string', 'Id': 'string', 'MetricName': 'string', 'ModifiedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'Name': 'string', 'Period': 123, 'Statistic': 'SampleCount'|'Average'|'Sum'|'Minimum'|'Maximum', 'Tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'TargetResourceType': 'CLOUDFRONT_DISTRIBUTION'|'MEDIALIVE_MULTIPLEX'|'MEDIALIVE_CHANNEL'|'MEDIALIVE_INPUT_DEVICE'|'MEDIAPACKAGE_CHANNEL'|'MEDIAPACKAGE_ORIGIN_ENDPOINT'|'MEDIACONNECT_FLOW'|'S3_BUCKET'|'MEDIATAILOR_PLAYBACK_CONFIGURATION', 'Threshold': 123.0, 'TreatMissingData': 'notBreaching'|'breaching'|'ignore'|'missing' }
Response Structure
(dict) -- UpdateCloudWatchAlarmTemplate 200 response
Arn (string) -- A cloudwatch alarm template's ARN (Amazon Resource Name)
ComparisonOperator (string) -- The comparison operator used to compare the specified statistic and the threshold.
CreatedAt (datetime) -- Placeholder documentation for __timestampIso8601
DatapointsToAlarm (integer) -- The number of datapoints within the evaluation period that must be breaching to trigger the alarm.
Description (string) -- A resource's optional description.
EvaluationPeriods (integer) -- The number of periods over which data is compared to the specified threshold.
GroupId (string) -- A cloudwatch alarm template group's id. AWS provided template groups have ids that start with aws-
Id (string) -- A cloudwatch alarm template's id. AWS provided templates have ids that start with aws-
MetricName (string) -- The name of the metric associated with the alarm. Must be compatible with targetResourceType.
ModifiedAt (datetime) -- Placeholder documentation for __timestampIso8601
Name (string) -- A resource's name. Names must be unique within the scope of a resource type in a specific region.
Period (integer) -- The period, in seconds, over which the specified statistic is applied.
Statistic (string) -- The statistic to apply to the alarm's metric data.
Tags (dict) -- Represents the tags associated with a resource.
(string) -- Placeholder documentation for __string
(string) -- Placeholder documentation for __string
TargetResourceType (string) -- The resource type this template should dynamically generate cloudwatch metric alarms for.
Threshold (float) -- The threshold value to compare with the specified statistic.
TreatMissingData (string) -- Specifies how missing data points are treated when evaluating the alarm's condition.