2024/11/08 - Amazon Chime SDK Media Pipelines - 3 updated api methods
Changes Added support for Media Capture Pipeline and Media Concatenation Pipeline for customer managed server side encryption. Now Media Capture Pipeline can use IAM sink role to get access to KMS key and encrypt/decrypt recorded artifacts. KMS key ID can also be supplied with encryption context.
{'SinkIamRoleArn': 'string', 'SseAwsKeyManagementParams': {'AwsKmsEncryptionContext': 'string', 'AwsKmsKeyId': 'string'}}Response
{'MediaCapturePipeline': {'SinkIamRoleArn': 'string', 'SseAwsKeyManagementParams': {'AwsKmsEncryptionContext': 'string', 'AwsKmsKeyId': 'string'}}}
Creates a media pipeline.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_media_capture_pipeline( SourceType='ChimeSdkMeeting', SourceArn='string', SinkType='S3Bucket', SinkArn='string', ClientRequestToken='string', ChimeSdkMeetingConfiguration={ 'SourceConfiguration': { 'SelectedVideoStreams': { 'AttendeeIds': [ 'string', ], 'ExternalUserIds': [ 'string', ] } }, 'ArtifactsConfiguration': { 'Audio': { 'MuxType': 'AudioOnly'|'AudioWithActiveSpeakerVideo'|'AudioWithCompositedVideo' }, 'Video': { 'State': 'Enabled'|'Disabled', 'MuxType': 'VideoOnly' }, 'Content': { 'State': 'Enabled'|'Disabled', 'MuxType': 'ContentOnly' }, 'CompositedVideo': { 'Layout': 'GridView', 'Resolution': 'HD'|'FHD', 'GridViewConfiguration': { 'ContentShareLayout': 'PresenterOnly'|'Horizontal'|'Vertical'|'ActiveSpeakerOnly', 'PresenterOnlyConfiguration': { 'PresenterPosition': 'TopLeft'|'TopRight'|'BottomLeft'|'BottomRight' }, 'ActiveSpeakerOnlyConfiguration': { 'ActiveSpeakerPosition': 'TopLeft'|'TopRight'|'BottomLeft'|'BottomRight' }, 'HorizontalLayoutConfiguration': { 'TileOrder': 'JoinSequence'|'SpeakerSequence', 'TilePosition': 'Top'|'Bottom', 'TileCount': 123, 'TileAspectRatio': 'string' }, 'VerticalLayoutConfiguration': { 'TileOrder': 'JoinSequence'|'SpeakerSequence', 'TilePosition': 'Left'|'Right', 'TileCount': 123, 'TileAspectRatio': 'string' }, 'VideoAttribute': { 'CornerRadius': 123, 'BorderColor': 'Black'|'Blue'|'Red'|'Green'|'White'|'Yellow', 'HighlightColor': 'Black'|'Blue'|'Red'|'Green'|'White'|'Yellow', 'BorderThickness': 123 }, 'CanvasOrientation': 'Landscape'|'Portrait' } } } }, SseAwsKeyManagementParams={ 'AwsKmsKeyId': 'string', 'AwsKmsEncryptionContext': 'string' }, SinkIamRoleArn='string', Tags=[ { 'Key': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ] )
Source type from which the media artifacts are captured. A Chime SDK Meeting is the only supported source.
ARN of the source from which the media artifacts are captured.
Destination type to which the media artifacts are saved. You must use an S3 bucket.
The ARN of the sink type.
The unique identifier for the client request. The token makes the API request idempotent. Use a unique token for each media pipeline request.
This field is autopopulated if not provided.
The configuration for a specified media pipeline. SourceType must be ChimeSdkMeeting.
SourceConfiguration (dict) --
The source configuration for a specified media pipeline.
SelectedVideoStreams (dict) --
The selected video streams for a specified media pipeline. The number of video streams can't exceed 25.
AttendeeIds (list) --
The attendee IDs of the streams selected for a media pipeline.
(string) --
ExternalUserIds (list) --
The external user IDs of the streams selected for a media pipeline.
(string) --
ArtifactsConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration for the artifacts in an Amazon Chime SDK meeting.
Audio (dict) -- [REQUIRED]
The configuration for the audio artifacts.
MuxType (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The MUX type of the audio artifact configuration object.
Video (dict) -- [REQUIRED]
The configuration for the video artifacts.
State (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Indicates whether the video artifact is enabled or disabled.
MuxType (string) --
The MUX type of the video artifact configuration object.
Content (dict) -- [REQUIRED]
The configuration for the content artifacts.
State (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Indicates whether the content artifact is enabled or disabled.
MuxType (string) --
The MUX type of the artifact configuration.
CompositedVideo (dict) --
Enables video compositing.
Layout (string) --
The layout setting, such as GridView in the configuration object.
Resolution (string) --
The video resolution setting in the configuration object. Default: HD at 1280 x 720. FHD resolution: 1920 x 1080.
GridViewConfiguration (dict) -- [REQUIRED]
The GridView configuration setting.
ContentShareLayout (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Defines the layout of the video tiles when content sharing is enabled.
PresenterOnlyConfiguration (dict) --
Defines the configuration options for a presenter only video tile.
PresenterPosition (string) --
Defines the position of the presenter video tile. Default: TopRight.
ActiveSpeakerOnlyConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration settings for an ActiveSpeakerOnly video tile.
ActiveSpeakerPosition (string) --
The position of the ActiveSpeakerOnly video tile.
HorizontalLayoutConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration settings for a horizontal layout.
TileOrder (string) --
Sets the automatic ordering of the video tiles.
TilePosition (string) --
Sets the position of horizontal tiles.
TileCount (integer) --
The maximum number of video tiles to display.
TileAspectRatio (string) --
Specifies the aspect ratio of all video tiles.
VerticalLayoutConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration settings for a vertical layout.
TileOrder (string) --
Sets the automatic ordering of the video tiles.
TilePosition (string) --
Sets the position of vertical tiles.
TileCount (integer) --
The maximum number of tiles to display.
TileAspectRatio (string) --
Sets the aspect ratio of the video tiles, such as 16:9.
VideoAttribute (dict) --
The attribute settings for the video tiles.
CornerRadius (integer) --
Sets the corner radius of all video tiles.
BorderColor (string) --
Defines the border color of all video tiles.
HighlightColor (string) --
Defines the highlight color for the active video tile.
BorderThickness (integer) --
Defines the border thickness for all video tiles.
CanvasOrientation (string) --
The orientation setting, horizontal or vertical.
An object that contains server side encryption parameters to be used by media capture pipeline. The parameters can also be used by media concatenation pipeline taking media capture pipeline as a media source.
AwsKmsKeyId (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The KMS key you want to use to encrypt your media pipeline output. Decryption is required for concatenation pipeline. If using a key located in the current Amazon Web Services account, you can specify your KMS key in one of four ways:
Use the KMS key ID itself. For example, 1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab.
Use an alias for the KMS key ID. For example, alias/ExampleAlias.
Use the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the KMS key ID. For example, arn:aws:kms:region:account-ID:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab.
Use the ARN for the KMS key alias. For example, arn:aws:kms:region:account-ID:alias/ExampleAlias.
If using a key located in a different Amazon Web Services account than the current Amazon Web Services account, you can specify your KMS key in one of two ways:
Use the ARN for the KMS key ID. For example, arn:aws:kms:region:account-ID:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab.
Use the ARN for the KMS key alias. For example, arn:aws:kms:region:account-ID:alias/ExampleAlias.
If you don't specify an encryption key, your output is encrypted with the default Amazon S3 key (SSE-S3).
Note that the role specified in the SinkIamRoleArn request parameter must have permission to use the specified KMS key.
AwsKmsEncryptionContext (string) --
Base64-encoded string of a UTF-8 encoded JSON, which contains the encryption context as non-secret key-value pair known as encryption context pairs, that provides an added layer of security for your data. For more information, see KMS encryption context and Asymmetric keys in KMS in the Key Management Service Developer Guide.
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the sink role to be used with AwsKmsKeyId in SseAwsKeyManagementParams. Can only interact with S3Bucket sink type. The role must belong to the caller’s account and be able to act on behalf of the caller during the API call. All minimum policy permissions requirements for the caller to perform sink-related actions are the same for SinkIamRoleArn.
Additionally, the role must have permission to kms:GenerateDataKey using KMS key supplied as AwsKmsKeyId in SseAwsKeyManagementParams. If media concatenation will be required later, the role must also have permission to kms:Decrypt for the same KMS key.
The tag key-value pairs.
(dict) --
A key/value pair that grants users access to meeting resources.
Key (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The key half of a tag.
Value (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The value half of a tag.
Response Syntax
{ 'MediaCapturePipeline': { 'MediaPipelineId': 'string', 'MediaPipelineArn': 'string', 'SourceType': 'ChimeSdkMeeting', 'SourceArn': 'string', 'Status': 'Initializing'|'InProgress'|'Failed'|'Stopping'|'Stopped'|'Paused'|'NotStarted', 'SinkType': 'S3Bucket', 'SinkArn': 'string', 'CreatedTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'UpdatedTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'ChimeSdkMeetingConfiguration': { 'SourceConfiguration': { 'SelectedVideoStreams': { 'AttendeeIds': [ 'string', ], 'ExternalUserIds': [ 'string', ] } }, 'ArtifactsConfiguration': { 'Audio': { 'MuxType': 'AudioOnly'|'AudioWithActiveSpeakerVideo'|'AudioWithCompositedVideo' }, 'Video': { 'State': 'Enabled'|'Disabled', 'MuxType': 'VideoOnly' }, 'Content': { 'State': 'Enabled'|'Disabled', 'MuxType': 'ContentOnly' }, 'CompositedVideo': { 'Layout': 'GridView', 'Resolution': 'HD'|'FHD', 'GridViewConfiguration': { 'ContentShareLayout': 'PresenterOnly'|'Horizontal'|'Vertical'|'ActiveSpeakerOnly', 'PresenterOnlyConfiguration': { 'PresenterPosition': 'TopLeft'|'TopRight'|'BottomLeft'|'BottomRight' }, 'ActiveSpeakerOnlyConfiguration': { 'ActiveSpeakerPosition': 'TopLeft'|'TopRight'|'BottomLeft'|'BottomRight' }, 'HorizontalLayoutConfiguration': { 'TileOrder': 'JoinSequence'|'SpeakerSequence', 'TilePosition': 'Top'|'Bottom', 'TileCount': 123, 'TileAspectRatio': 'string' }, 'VerticalLayoutConfiguration': { 'TileOrder': 'JoinSequence'|'SpeakerSequence', 'TilePosition': 'Left'|'Right', 'TileCount': 123, 'TileAspectRatio': 'string' }, 'VideoAttribute': { 'CornerRadius': 123, 'BorderColor': 'Black'|'Blue'|'Red'|'Green'|'White'|'Yellow', 'HighlightColor': 'Black'|'Blue'|'Red'|'Green'|'White'|'Yellow', 'BorderThickness': 123 }, 'CanvasOrientation': 'Landscape'|'Portrait' } } } }, 'SseAwsKeyManagementParams': { 'AwsKmsKeyId': 'string', 'AwsKmsEncryptionContext': 'string' }, 'SinkIamRoleArn': 'string' } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
MediaCapturePipeline (dict) --
A media pipeline object, the ID, source type, source ARN, sink type, and sink ARN of a media pipeline object.
MediaPipelineId (string) --
The ID of a media pipeline.
MediaPipelineArn (string) --
The ARN of the media capture pipeline
SourceType (string) --
Source type from which media artifacts are saved. You must use ChimeMeeting.
SourceArn (string) --
ARN of the source from which the media artifacts are saved.
Status (string) --
The status of the media pipeline.
SinkType (string) --
Destination type to which the media artifacts are saved. You must use an S3 Bucket.
SinkArn (string) --
ARN of the destination to which the media artifacts are saved.
CreatedTimestamp (datetime) --
The time at which the pipeline was created, in ISO 8601 format.
UpdatedTimestamp (datetime) --
The time at which the pipeline was updated, in ISO 8601 format.
ChimeSdkMeetingConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration for a specified media pipeline. SourceType must be ChimeSdkMeeting.
SourceConfiguration (dict) --
The source configuration for a specified media pipeline.
SelectedVideoStreams (dict) --
The selected video streams for a specified media pipeline. The number of video streams can't exceed 25.
AttendeeIds (list) --
The attendee IDs of the streams selected for a media pipeline.
(string) --
ExternalUserIds (list) --
The external user IDs of the streams selected for a media pipeline.
(string) --
ArtifactsConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration for the artifacts in an Amazon Chime SDK meeting.
Audio (dict) --
The configuration for the audio artifacts.
MuxType (string) --
The MUX type of the audio artifact configuration object.
Video (dict) --
The configuration for the video artifacts.
State (string) --
Indicates whether the video artifact is enabled or disabled.
MuxType (string) --
The MUX type of the video artifact configuration object.
Content (dict) --
The configuration for the content artifacts.
State (string) --
Indicates whether the content artifact is enabled or disabled.
MuxType (string) --
The MUX type of the artifact configuration.
CompositedVideo (dict) --
Enables video compositing.
Layout (string) --
The layout setting, such as GridView in the configuration object.
Resolution (string) --
The video resolution setting in the configuration object. Default: HD at 1280 x 720. FHD resolution: 1920 x 1080.
GridViewConfiguration (dict) --
The GridView configuration setting.
ContentShareLayout (string) --
Defines the layout of the video tiles when content sharing is enabled.
PresenterOnlyConfiguration (dict) --
Defines the configuration options for a presenter only video tile.
PresenterPosition (string) --
Defines the position of the presenter video tile. Default: TopRight.
ActiveSpeakerOnlyConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration settings for an ActiveSpeakerOnly video tile.
ActiveSpeakerPosition (string) --
The position of the ActiveSpeakerOnly video tile.
HorizontalLayoutConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration settings for a horizontal layout.
TileOrder (string) --
Sets the automatic ordering of the video tiles.
TilePosition (string) --
Sets the position of horizontal tiles.
TileCount (integer) --
The maximum number of video tiles to display.
TileAspectRatio (string) --
Specifies the aspect ratio of all video tiles.
VerticalLayoutConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration settings for a vertical layout.
TileOrder (string) --
Sets the automatic ordering of the video tiles.
TilePosition (string) --
Sets the position of vertical tiles.
TileCount (integer) --
The maximum number of tiles to display.
TileAspectRatio (string) --
Sets the aspect ratio of the video tiles, such as 16:9.
VideoAttribute (dict) --
The attribute settings for the video tiles.
CornerRadius (integer) --
Sets the corner radius of all video tiles.
BorderColor (string) --
Defines the border color of all video tiles.
HighlightColor (string) --
Defines the highlight color for the active video tile.
BorderThickness (integer) --
Defines the border thickness for all video tiles.
CanvasOrientation (string) --
The orientation setting, horizontal or vertical.
SseAwsKeyManagementParams (dict) --
An object that contains server side encryption parameters to be used by media capture pipeline. The parameters can also be used by media concatenation pipeline taking media capture pipeline as a media source.
AwsKmsKeyId (string) --
The KMS key you want to use to encrypt your media pipeline output. Decryption is required for concatenation pipeline. If using a key located in the current Amazon Web Services account, you can specify your KMS key in one of four ways:
Use the KMS key ID itself. For example, 1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab.
Use an alias for the KMS key ID. For example, alias/ExampleAlias.
Use the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the KMS key ID. For example, arn:aws:kms:region:account-ID:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab.
Use the ARN for the KMS key alias. For example, arn:aws:kms:region:account-ID:alias/ExampleAlias.
If using a key located in a different Amazon Web Services account than the current Amazon Web Services account, you can specify your KMS key in one of two ways:
Use the ARN for the KMS key ID. For example, arn:aws:kms:region:account-ID:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab.
Use the ARN for the KMS key alias. For example, arn:aws:kms:region:account-ID:alias/ExampleAlias.
If you don't specify an encryption key, your output is encrypted with the default Amazon S3 key (SSE-S3).
Note that the role specified in the SinkIamRoleArn request parameter must have permission to use the specified KMS key.
AwsKmsEncryptionContext (string) --
Base64-encoded string of a UTF-8 encoded JSON, which contains the encryption context as non-secret key-value pair known as encryption context pairs, that provides an added layer of security for your data. For more information, see KMS encryption context and Asymmetric keys in KMS in the Key Management Service Developer Guide.
SinkIamRoleArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the sink role to be used with AwsKmsKeyId in SseAwsKeyManagementParams.
{'MediaCapturePipeline': {'SinkIamRoleArn': 'string', 'SseAwsKeyManagementParams': {'AwsKmsEncryptionContext': 'string', 'AwsKmsKeyId': 'string'}}}
Gets an existing media pipeline.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_media_capture_pipeline( MediaPipelineId='string' )
The ID of the pipeline that you want to get.
Response Syntax
{ 'MediaCapturePipeline': { 'MediaPipelineId': 'string', 'MediaPipelineArn': 'string', 'SourceType': 'ChimeSdkMeeting', 'SourceArn': 'string', 'Status': 'Initializing'|'InProgress'|'Failed'|'Stopping'|'Stopped'|'Paused'|'NotStarted', 'SinkType': 'S3Bucket', 'SinkArn': 'string', 'CreatedTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'UpdatedTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'ChimeSdkMeetingConfiguration': { 'SourceConfiguration': { 'SelectedVideoStreams': { 'AttendeeIds': [ 'string', ], 'ExternalUserIds': [ 'string', ] } }, 'ArtifactsConfiguration': { 'Audio': { 'MuxType': 'AudioOnly'|'AudioWithActiveSpeakerVideo'|'AudioWithCompositedVideo' }, 'Video': { 'State': 'Enabled'|'Disabled', 'MuxType': 'VideoOnly' }, 'Content': { 'State': 'Enabled'|'Disabled', 'MuxType': 'ContentOnly' }, 'CompositedVideo': { 'Layout': 'GridView', 'Resolution': 'HD'|'FHD', 'GridViewConfiguration': { 'ContentShareLayout': 'PresenterOnly'|'Horizontal'|'Vertical'|'ActiveSpeakerOnly', 'PresenterOnlyConfiguration': { 'PresenterPosition': 'TopLeft'|'TopRight'|'BottomLeft'|'BottomRight' }, 'ActiveSpeakerOnlyConfiguration': { 'ActiveSpeakerPosition': 'TopLeft'|'TopRight'|'BottomLeft'|'BottomRight' }, 'HorizontalLayoutConfiguration': { 'TileOrder': 'JoinSequence'|'SpeakerSequence', 'TilePosition': 'Top'|'Bottom', 'TileCount': 123, 'TileAspectRatio': 'string' }, 'VerticalLayoutConfiguration': { 'TileOrder': 'JoinSequence'|'SpeakerSequence', 'TilePosition': 'Left'|'Right', 'TileCount': 123, 'TileAspectRatio': 'string' }, 'VideoAttribute': { 'CornerRadius': 123, 'BorderColor': 'Black'|'Blue'|'Red'|'Green'|'White'|'Yellow', 'HighlightColor': 'Black'|'Blue'|'Red'|'Green'|'White'|'Yellow', 'BorderThickness': 123 }, 'CanvasOrientation': 'Landscape'|'Portrait' } } } }, 'SseAwsKeyManagementParams': { 'AwsKmsKeyId': 'string', 'AwsKmsEncryptionContext': 'string' }, 'SinkIamRoleArn': 'string' } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
MediaCapturePipeline (dict) --
The media pipeline object.
MediaPipelineId (string) --
The ID of a media pipeline.
MediaPipelineArn (string) --
The ARN of the media capture pipeline
SourceType (string) --
Source type from which media artifacts are saved. You must use ChimeMeeting.
SourceArn (string) --
ARN of the source from which the media artifacts are saved.
Status (string) --
The status of the media pipeline.
SinkType (string) --
Destination type to which the media artifacts are saved. You must use an S3 Bucket.
SinkArn (string) --
ARN of the destination to which the media artifacts are saved.
CreatedTimestamp (datetime) --
The time at which the pipeline was created, in ISO 8601 format.
UpdatedTimestamp (datetime) --
The time at which the pipeline was updated, in ISO 8601 format.
ChimeSdkMeetingConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration for a specified media pipeline. SourceType must be ChimeSdkMeeting.
SourceConfiguration (dict) --
The source configuration for a specified media pipeline.
SelectedVideoStreams (dict) --
The selected video streams for a specified media pipeline. The number of video streams can't exceed 25.
AttendeeIds (list) --
The attendee IDs of the streams selected for a media pipeline.
(string) --
ExternalUserIds (list) --
The external user IDs of the streams selected for a media pipeline.
(string) --
ArtifactsConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration for the artifacts in an Amazon Chime SDK meeting.
Audio (dict) --
The configuration for the audio artifacts.
MuxType (string) --
The MUX type of the audio artifact configuration object.
Video (dict) --
The configuration for the video artifacts.
State (string) --
Indicates whether the video artifact is enabled or disabled.
MuxType (string) --
The MUX type of the video artifact configuration object.
Content (dict) --
The configuration for the content artifacts.
State (string) --
Indicates whether the content artifact is enabled or disabled.
MuxType (string) --
The MUX type of the artifact configuration.
CompositedVideo (dict) --
Enables video compositing.
Layout (string) --
The layout setting, such as GridView in the configuration object.
Resolution (string) --
The video resolution setting in the configuration object. Default: HD at 1280 x 720. FHD resolution: 1920 x 1080.
GridViewConfiguration (dict) --
The GridView configuration setting.
ContentShareLayout (string) --
Defines the layout of the video tiles when content sharing is enabled.
PresenterOnlyConfiguration (dict) --
Defines the configuration options for a presenter only video tile.
PresenterPosition (string) --
Defines the position of the presenter video tile. Default: TopRight.
ActiveSpeakerOnlyConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration settings for an ActiveSpeakerOnly video tile.
ActiveSpeakerPosition (string) --
The position of the ActiveSpeakerOnly video tile.
HorizontalLayoutConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration settings for a horizontal layout.
TileOrder (string) --
Sets the automatic ordering of the video tiles.
TilePosition (string) --
Sets the position of horizontal tiles.
TileCount (integer) --
The maximum number of video tiles to display.
TileAspectRatio (string) --
Specifies the aspect ratio of all video tiles.
VerticalLayoutConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration settings for a vertical layout.
TileOrder (string) --
Sets the automatic ordering of the video tiles.
TilePosition (string) --
Sets the position of vertical tiles.
TileCount (integer) --
The maximum number of tiles to display.
TileAspectRatio (string) --
Sets the aspect ratio of the video tiles, such as 16:9.
VideoAttribute (dict) --
The attribute settings for the video tiles.
CornerRadius (integer) --
Sets the corner radius of all video tiles.
BorderColor (string) --
Defines the border color of all video tiles.
HighlightColor (string) --
Defines the highlight color for the active video tile.
BorderThickness (integer) --
Defines the border thickness for all video tiles.
CanvasOrientation (string) --
The orientation setting, horizontal or vertical.
SseAwsKeyManagementParams (dict) --
An object that contains server side encryption parameters to be used by media capture pipeline. The parameters can also be used by media concatenation pipeline taking media capture pipeline as a media source.
AwsKmsKeyId (string) --
The KMS key you want to use to encrypt your media pipeline output. Decryption is required for concatenation pipeline. If using a key located in the current Amazon Web Services account, you can specify your KMS key in one of four ways:
Use the KMS key ID itself. For example, 1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab.
Use an alias for the KMS key ID. For example, alias/ExampleAlias.
Use the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the KMS key ID. For example, arn:aws:kms:region:account-ID:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab.
Use the ARN for the KMS key alias. For example, arn:aws:kms:region:account-ID:alias/ExampleAlias.
If using a key located in a different Amazon Web Services account than the current Amazon Web Services account, you can specify your KMS key in one of two ways:
Use the ARN for the KMS key ID. For example, arn:aws:kms:region:account-ID:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab.
Use the ARN for the KMS key alias. For example, arn:aws:kms:region:account-ID:alias/ExampleAlias.
If you don't specify an encryption key, your output is encrypted with the default Amazon S3 key (SSE-S3).
Note that the role specified in the SinkIamRoleArn request parameter must have permission to use the specified KMS key.
AwsKmsEncryptionContext (string) --
Base64-encoded string of a UTF-8 encoded JSON, which contains the encryption context as non-secret key-value pair known as encryption context pairs, that provides an added layer of security for your data. For more information, see KMS encryption context and Asymmetric keys in KMS in the Key Management Service Developer Guide.
SinkIamRoleArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the sink role to be used with AwsKmsKeyId in SseAwsKeyManagementParams.
{'MediaPipeline': {'MediaCapturePipeline': {'SinkIamRoleArn': 'string', 'SseAwsKeyManagementParams': {'AwsKmsEncryptionContext': 'string', 'AwsKmsKeyId': 'string'}}}}
Gets an existing media pipeline.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_media_pipeline( MediaPipelineId='string' )
The ID of the pipeline that you want to get.
Response Syntax
{ 'MediaPipeline': { 'MediaCapturePipeline': { 'MediaPipelineId': 'string', 'MediaPipelineArn': 'string', 'SourceType': 'ChimeSdkMeeting', 'SourceArn': 'string', 'Status': 'Initializing'|'InProgress'|'Failed'|'Stopping'|'Stopped'|'Paused'|'NotStarted', 'SinkType': 'S3Bucket', 'SinkArn': 'string', 'CreatedTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'UpdatedTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'ChimeSdkMeetingConfiguration': { 'SourceConfiguration': { 'SelectedVideoStreams': { 'AttendeeIds': [ 'string', ], 'ExternalUserIds': [ 'string', ] } }, 'ArtifactsConfiguration': { 'Audio': { 'MuxType': 'AudioOnly'|'AudioWithActiveSpeakerVideo'|'AudioWithCompositedVideo' }, 'Video': { 'State': 'Enabled'|'Disabled', 'MuxType': 'VideoOnly' }, 'Content': { 'State': 'Enabled'|'Disabled', 'MuxType': 'ContentOnly' }, 'CompositedVideo': { 'Layout': 'GridView', 'Resolution': 'HD'|'FHD', 'GridViewConfiguration': { 'ContentShareLayout': 'PresenterOnly'|'Horizontal'|'Vertical'|'ActiveSpeakerOnly', 'PresenterOnlyConfiguration': { 'PresenterPosition': 'TopLeft'|'TopRight'|'BottomLeft'|'BottomRight' }, 'ActiveSpeakerOnlyConfiguration': { 'ActiveSpeakerPosition': 'TopLeft'|'TopRight'|'BottomLeft'|'BottomRight' }, 'HorizontalLayoutConfiguration': { 'TileOrder': 'JoinSequence'|'SpeakerSequence', 'TilePosition': 'Top'|'Bottom', 'TileCount': 123, 'TileAspectRatio': 'string' }, 'VerticalLayoutConfiguration': { 'TileOrder': 'JoinSequence'|'SpeakerSequence', 'TilePosition': 'Left'|'Right', 'TileCount': 123, 'TileAspectRatio': 'string' }, 'VideoAttribute': { 'CornerRadius': 123, 'BorderColor': 'Black'|'Blue'|'Red'|'Green'|'White'|'Yellow', 'HighlightColor': 'Black'|'Blue'|'Red'|'Green'|'White'|'Yellow', 'BorderThickness': 123 }, 'CanvasOrientation': 'Landscape'|'Portrait' } } } }, 'SseAwsKeyManagementParams': { 'AwsKmsKeyId': 'string', 'AwsKmsEncryptionContext': 'string' }, 'SinkIamRoleArn': 'string' }, 'MediaLiveConnectorPipeline': { 'Sources': [ { 'SourceType': 'ChimeSdkMeeting', 'ChimeSdkMeetingLiveConnectorConfiguration': { 'Arn': 'string', 'MuxType': 'AudioWithCompositedVideo'|'AudioWithActiveSpeakerVideo', 'CompositedVideo': { 'Layout': 'GridView', 'Resolution': 'HD'|'FHD', 'GridViewConfiguration': { 'ContentShareLayout': 'PresenterOnly'|'Horizontal'|'Vertical'|'ActiveSpeakerOnly', 'PresenterOnlyConfiguration': { 'PresenterPosition': 'TopLeft'|'TopRight'|'BottomLeft'|'BottomRight' }, 'ActiveSpeakerOnlyConfiguration': { 'ActiveSpeakerPosition': 'TopLeft'|'TopRight'|'BottomLeft'|'BottomRight' }, 'HorizontalLayoutConfiguration': { 'TileOrder': 'JoinSequence'|'SpeakerSequence', 'TilePosition': 'Top'|'Bottom', 'TileCount': 123, 'TileAspectRatio': 'string' }, 'VerticalLayoutConfiguration': { 'TileOrder': 'JoinSequence'|'SpeakerSequence', 'TilePosition': 'Left'|'Right', 'TileCount': 123, 'TileAspectRatio': 'string' }, 'VideoAttribute': { 'CornerRadius': 123, 'BorderColor': 'Black'|'Blue'|'Red'|'Green'|'White'|'Yellow', 'HighlightColor': 'Black'|'Blue'|'Red'|'Green'|'White'|'Yellow', 'BorderThickness': 123 }, 'CanvasOrientation': 'Landscape'|'Portrait' } }, 'SourceConfiguration': { 'SelectedVideoStreams': { 'AttendeeIds': [ 'string', ], 'ExternalUserIds': [ 'string', ] } } } }, ], 'Sinks': [ { 'SinkType': 'RTMP', 'RTMPConfiguration': { 'Url': 'string', 'AudioChannels': 'Stereo'|'Mono', 'AudioSampleRate': 'string' } }, ], 'MediaPipelineId': 'string', 'MediaPipelineArn': 'string', 'Status': 'Initializing'|'InProgress'|'Failed'|'Stopping'|'Stopped'|'Paused'|'NotStarted', 'CreatedTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'UpdatedTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }, 'MediaConcatenationPipeline': { 'MediaPipelineId': 'string', 'MediaPipelineArn': 'string', 'Sources': [ { 'Type': 'MediaCapturePipeline', 'MediaCapturePipelineSourceConfiguration': { 'MediaPipelineArn': 'string', 'ChimeSdkMeetingConfiguration': { 'ArtifactsConfiguration': { 'Audio': { 'State': 'Enabled' }, 'Video': { 'State': 'Enabled'|'Disabled' }, 'Content': { 'State': 'Enabled'|'Disabled' }, 'DataChannel': { 'State': 'Enabled'|'Disabled' }, 'TranscriptionMessages': { 'State': 'Enabled'|'Disabled' }, 'MeetingEvents': { 'State': 'Enabled'|'Disabled' }, 'CompositedVideo': { 'State': 'Enabled'|'Disabled' } } } } }, ], 'Sinks': [ { 'Type': 'S3Bucket', 'S3BucketSinkConfiguration': { 'Destination': 'string' } }, ], 'Status': 'Initializing'|'InProgress'|'Failed'|'Stopping'|'Stopped'|'Paused'|'NotStarted', 'CreatedTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'UpdatedTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }, 'MediaInsightsPipeline': { 'MediaPipelineId': 'string', 'MediaPipelineArn': 'string', 'MediaInsightsPipelineConfigurationArn': 'string', 'Status': 'Initializing'|'InProgress'|'Failed'|'Stopping'|'Stopped'|'Paused'|'NotStarted', 'KinesisVideoStreamSourceRuntimeConfiguration': { 'Streams': [ { 'StreamArn': 'string', 'FragmentNumber': 'string', 'StreamChannelDefinition': { 'NumberOfChannels': 123, 'ChannelDefinitions': [ { 'ChannelId': 123, 'ParticipantRole': 'AGENT'|'CUSTOMER' }, ] } }, ], 'MediaEncoding': 'pcm', 'MediaSampleRate': 123 }, 'MediaInsightsRuntimeMetadata': { 'string': 'string' }, 'KinesisVideoStreamRecordingSourceRuntimeConfiguration': { 'Streams': [ { 'StreamArn': 'string' }, ], 'FragmentSelector': { 'FragmentSelectorType': 'ProducerTimestamp'|'ServerTimestamp', 'TimestampRange': { 'StartTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'EndTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1) } } }, 'S3RecordingSinkRuntimeConfiguration': { 'Destination': 'string', 'RecordingFileFormat': 'Wav'|'Opus' }, 'CreatedTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'ElementStatuses': [ { 'Type': 'AmazonTranscribeCallAnalyticsProcessor'|'VoiceAnalyticsProcessor'|'AmazonTranscribeProcessor'|'KinesisDataStreamSink'|'LambdaFunctionSink'|'SqsQueueSink'|'SnsTopicSink'|'S3RecordingSink'|'VoiceEnhancementSink', 'Status': 'NotStarted'|'NotSupported'|'Initializing'|'InProgress'|'Failed'|'Stopping'|'Stopped'|'Paused' }, ] }, 'MediaStreamPipeline': { 'MediaPipelineId': 'string', 'MediaPipelineArn': 'string', 'CreatedTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'UpdatedTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'Status': 'Initializing'|'InProgress'|'Failed'|'Stopping'|'Stopped'|'Paused'|'NotStarted', 'Sources': [ { 'SourceType': 'ChimeSdkMeeting', 'SourceArn': 'string' }, ], 'Sinks': [ { 'SinkArn': 'string', 'SinkType': 'KinesisVideoStreamPool', 'ReservedStreamCapacity': 123, 'MediaStreamType': 'MixedAudio'|'IndividualAudio' }, ] } } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
MediaPipeline (dict) --
The media pipeline object.
MediaCapturePipeline (dict) --
A pipeline that enables users to capture audio and video.
MediaPipelineId (string) --
The ID of a media pipeline.
MediaPipelineArn (string) --
The ARN of the media capture pipeline
SourceType (string) --
Source type from which media artifacts are saved. You must use ChimeMeeting.
SourceArn (string) --
ARN of the source from which the media artifacts are saved.
Status (string) --
The status of the media pipeline.
SinkType (string) --
Destination type to which the media artifacts are saved. You must use an S3 Bucket.
SinkArn (string) --
ARN of the destination to which the media artifacts are saved.
CreatedTimestamp (datetime) --
The time at which the pipeline was created, in ISO 8601 format.
UpdatedTimestamp (datetime) --
The time at which the pipeline was updated, in ISO 8601 format.
ChimeSdkMeetingConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration for a specified media pipeline. SourceType must be ChimeSdkMeeting.
SourceConfiguration (dict) --
The source configuration for a specified media pipeline.
SelectedVideoStreams (dict) --
The selected video streams for a specified media pipeline. The number of video streams can't exceed 25.
AttendeeIds (list) --
The attendee IDs of the streams selected for a media pipeline.
(string) --
ExternalUserIds (list) --
The external user IDs of the streams selected for a media pipeline.
(string) --
ArtifactsConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration for the artifacts in an Amazon Chime SDK meeting.
Audio (dict) --
The configuration for the audio artifacts.
MuxType (string) --
The MUX type of the audio artifact configuration object.
Video (dict) --
The configuration for the video artifacts.
State (string) --
Indicates whether the video artifact is enabled or disabled.
MuxType (string) --
The MUX type of the video artifact configuration object.
Content (dict) --
The configuration for the content artifacts.
State (string) --
Indicates whether the content artifact is enabled or disabled.
MuxType (string) --
The MUX type of the artifact configuration.
CompositedVideo (dict) --
Enables video compositing.
Layout (string) --
The layout setting, such as GridView in the configuration object.
Resolution (string) --
The video resolution setting in the configuration object. Default: HD at 1280 x 720. FHD resolution: 1920 x 1080.
GridViewConfiguration (dict) --
The GridView configuration setting.
ContentShareLayout (string) --
Defines the layout of the video tiles when content sharing is enabled.
PresenterOnlyConfiguration (dict) --
Defines the configuration options for a presenter only video tile.
PresenterPosition (string) --
Defines the position of the presenter video tile. Default: TopRight.
ActiveSpeakerOnlyConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration settings for an ActiveSpeakerOnly video tile.
ActiveSpeakerPosition (string) --
The position of the ActiveSpeakerOnly video tile.
HorizontalLayoutConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration settings for a horizontal layout.
TileOrder (string) --
Sets the automatic ordering of the video tiles.
TilePosition (string) --
Sets the position of horizontal tiles.
TileCount (integer) --
The maximum number of video tiles to display.
TileAspectRatio (string) --
Specifies the aspect ratio of all video tiles.
VerticalLayoutConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration settings for a vertical layout.
TileOrder (string) --
Sets the automatic ordering of the video tiles.
TilePosition (string) --
Sets the position of vertical tiles.
TileCount (integer) --
The maximum number of tiles to display.
TileAspectRatio (string) --
Sets the aspect ratio of the video tiles, such as 16:9.
VideoAttribute (dict) --
The attribute settings for the video tiles.
CornerRadius (integer) --
Sets the corner radius of all video tiles.
BorderColor (string) --
Defines the border color of all video tiles.
HighlightColor (string) --
Defines the highlight color for the active video tile.
BorderThickness (integer) --
Defines the border thickness for all video tiles.
CanvasOrientation (string) --
The orientation setting, horizontal or vertical.
SseAwsKeyManagementParams (dict) --
An object that contains server side encryption parameters to be used by media capture pipeline. The parameters can also be used by media concatenation pipeline taking media capture pipeline as a media source.
AwsKmsKeyId (string) --
The KMS key you want to use to encrypt your media pipeline output. Decryption is required for concatenation pipeline. If using a key located in the current Amazon Web Services account, you can specify your KMS key in one of four ways:
Use the KMS key ID itself. For example, 1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab.
Use an alias for the KMS key ID. For example, alias/ExampleAlias.
Use the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the KMS key ID. For example, arn:aws:kms:region:account-ID:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab.
Use the ARN for the KMS key alias. For example, arn:aws:kms:region:account-ID:alias/ExampleAlias.
If using a key located in a different Amazon Web Services account than the current Amazon Web Services account, you can specify your KMS key in one of two ways:
Use the ARN for the KMS key ID. For example, arn:aws:kms:region:account-ID:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab.
Use the ARN for the KMS key alias. For example, arn:aws:kms:region:account-ID:alias/ExampleAlias.
If you don't specify an encryption key, your output is encrypted with the default Amazon S3 key (SSE-S3).
Note that the role specified in the SinkIamRoleArn request parameter must have permission to use the specified KMS key.
AwsKmsEncryptionContext (string) --
Base64-encoded string of a UTF-8 encoded JSON, which contains the encryption context as non-secret key-value pair known as encryption context pairs, that provides an added layer of security for your data. For more information, see KMS encryption context and Asymmetric keys in KMS in the Key Management Service Developer Guide.
SinkIamRoleArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the sink role to be used with AwsKmsKeyId in SseAwsKeyManagementParams.
MediaLiveConnectorPipeline (dict) --
The connector pipeline of the media pipeline.
Sources (list) --
The connector pipeline's data sources.
(dict) --
The data source configuration object of a streaming media pipeline.
SourceType (string) --
The source configuration's media source type.
ChimeSdkMeetingLiveConnectorConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration settings of the connector pipeline.
Arn (string) --
The configuration object's Chime SDK meeting ARN.
MuxType (string) --
The configuration object's multiplex type.
CompositedVideo (dict) --
The media pipeline's composited video.
Layout (string) --
The layout setting, such as GridView in the configuration object.
Resolution (string) --
The video resolution setting in the configuration object. Default: HD at 1280 x 720. FHD resolution: 1920 x 1080.
GridViewConfiguration (dict) --
The GridView configuration setting.
ContentShareLayout (string) --
Defines the layout of the video tiles when content sharing is enabled.
PresenterOnlyConfiguration (dict) --
Defines the configuration options for a presenter only video tile.
PresenterPosition (string) --
Defines the position of the presenter video tile. Default: TopRight.
ActiveSpeakerOnlyConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration settings for an ActiveSpeakerOnly video tile.
ActiveSpeakerPosition (string) --
The position of the ActiveSpeakerOnly video tile.
HorizontalLayoutConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration settings for a horizontal layout.
TileOrder (string) --
Sets the automatic ordering of the video tiles.
TilePosition (string) --
Sets the position of horizontal tiles.
TileCount (integer) --
The maximum number of video tiles to display.
TileAspectRatio (string) --
Specifies the aspect ratio of all video tiles.
VerticalLayoutConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration settings for a vertical layout.
TileOrder (string) --
Sets the automatic ordering of the video tiles.
TilePosition (string) --
Sets the position of vertical tiles.
TileCount (integer) --
The maximum number of tiles to display.
TileAspectRatio (string) --
Sets the aspect ratio of the video tiles, such as 16:9.
VideoAttribute (dict) --
The attribute settings for the video tiles.
CornerRadius (integer) --
Sets the corner radius of all video tiles.
BorderColor (string) --
Defines the border color of all video tiles.
HighlightColor (string) --
Defines the highlight color for the active video tile.
BorderThickness (integer) --
Defines the border thickness for all video tiles.
CanvasOrientation (string) --
The orientation setting, horizontal or vertical.
SourceConfiguration (dict) --
The source configuration settings of the media pipeline's configuration object.
SelectedVideoStreams (dict) --
The selected video streams for a specified media pipeline. The number of video streams can't exceed 25.
AttendeeIds (list) --
The attendee IDs of the streams selected for a media pipeline.
(string) --
ExternalUserIds (list) --
The external user IDs of the streams selected for a media pipeline.
(string) --
Sinks (list) --
The connector pipeline's data sinks.
(dict) --
The media pipeline's sink configuration settings.
SinkType (string) --
The sink configuration's sink type.
RTMPConfiguration (dict) --
The sink configuration's RTMP configuration settings.
Url (string) --
The URL of the RTMP configuration.
AudioChannels (string) --
The audio channels set for the RTMP configuration
AudioSampleRate (string) --
The audio sample rate set for the RTMP configuration. Default: 48000.
MediaPipelineId (string) --
The connector pipeline's ID.
MediaPipelineArn (string) --
The connector pipeline's ARN.
Status (string) --
The connector pipeline's status.
CreatedTimestamp (datetime) --
The time at which the connector pipeline was created.
UpdatedTimestamp (datetime) --
The time at which the connector pipeline was last updated.
MediaConcatenationPipeline (dict) --
The media concatenation pipeline in a media pipeline.
MediaPipelineId (string) --
The ID of the media pipeline being concatenated.
MediaPipelineArn (string) --
The ARN of the media pipeline that you specify in the SourceConfiguration object.
Sources (list) --
The data sources being concatenated.
(dict) --
The source type and media pipeline configuration settings in a configuration object.
Type (string) --
The type of concatenation source in a configuration object.
MediaCapturePipelineSourceConfiguration (dict) --
The concatenation settings for the media pipeline in a configuration object.
MediaPipelineArn (string) --
The media pipeline ARN in the configuration object of a media capture pipeline.
ChimeSdkMeetingConfiguration (dict) --
The meeting configuration settings in a media capture pipeline configuration object.
ArtifactsConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration for the artifacts in an Amazon Chime SDK meeting concatenation.
Audio (dict) --
The configuration for the audio artifacts concatenation.
State (string) --
Enables or disables the configuration object.
Video (dict) --
The configuration for the video artifacts concatenation.
State (string) --
Enables or disables the configuration object.
Content (dict) --
The configuration for the content artifacts concatenation.
State (string) --
Enables or disables the configuration object.
DataChannel (dict) --
The configuration for the data channel artifacts concatenation.
State (string) --
Enables or disables the configuration object.
TranscriptionMessages (dict) --
The configuration for the transcription messages artifacts concatenation.
State (string) --
Enables or disables the configuration object.
MeetingEvents (dict) --
The configuration for the meeting events artifacts concatenation.
State (string) --
Enables or disables the configuration object.
CompositedVideo (dict) --
The configuration for the composited video artifacts concatenation.
State (string) --
Enables or disables the configuration object.
Sinks (list) --
The data sinks of the concatenation pipeline.
(dict) --
The data sink of the configuration object.
Type (string) --
The type of data sink in the configuration object.
S3BucketSinkConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration settings for an Amazon S3 bucket sink.
Destination (string) --
The destination URL of the S3 bucket.
Status (string) --
The status of the concatenation pipeline.
CreatedTimestamp (datetime) --
The time at which the concatenation pipeline was created.
UpdatedTimestamp (datetime) --
The time at which the concatenation pipeline was last updated.
MediaInsightsPipeline (dict) --
The media insights pipeline of a media pipeline.
MediaPipelineId (string) --
The ID of a media insights pipeline.
MediaPipelineArn (string) --
The ARN of a media insights pipeline.
MediaInsightsPipelineConfigurationArn (string) --
The ARN of a media insight pipeline's configuration settings.
Status (string) --
The status of a media insights pipeline.
KinesisVideoStreamSourceRuntimeConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration settings for a Kinesis runtime video stream in a media insights pipeline.
Streams (list) --
The streams in the source runtime configuration of a Kinesis video stream.
(dict) --
The configuration settings for a stream.
StreamArn (string) --
The ARN of the stream.
FragmentNumber (string) --
The unique identifier of the fragment to begin processing.
StreamChannelDefinition (dict) --
The streaming channel definition in the stream configuration.
NumberOfChannels (integer) --
The number of channels in a streaming channel.
ChannelDefinitions (list) --
The definitions of the channels in a streaming channel.
(dict) --
Defines an audio channel in a Kinesis video stream.
ChannelId (integer) --
The channel ID.
ParticipantRole (string) --
Specifies whether the audio in a channel belongs to the AGENT or CUSTOMER.
MediaEncoding (string) --
Specifies the encoding of your input audio. Supported format: PCM (only signed 16-bit little-endian audio formats, which does not include WAV)
For more information, see Media formats in the Amazon Transcribe Developer Guide.
MediaSampleRate (integer) --
The sample rate of the input audio (in hertz). Low-quality audio, such as telephone audio, is typically around 8,000 Hz. High-quality audio typically ranges from 16,000 Hz to 48,000 Hz. Note that the sample rate you specify must match that of your audio.
Valid Range: Minimum value of 8000. Maximum value of 48000.
MediaInsightsRuntimeMetadata (dict) --
The runtime metadata of a media insights pipeline.
(string) --
(string) --
KinesisVideoStreamRecordingSourceRuntimeConfiguration (dict) --
The runtime configuration settings for a Kinesis recording video stream in a media insights pipeline.
Streams (list) --
The stream or streams to be recorded.
(dict) --
A structure that holds the settings for recording media.
StreamArn (string) --
The ARN of the recording stream.
FragmentSelector (dict) --
Describes the timestamp range and timestamp origin of a range of fragments in the Kinesis video stream.
FragmentSelectorType (string) --
The origin of the timestamps to use, Server or Producer. For more information, see StartSelectorType in the Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Developer Guide.
TimestampRange (dict) --
The range of timestamps to return.
StartTimestamp (datetime) --
The starting timestamp for the specified range.
EndTimestamp (datetime) --
The ending timestamp for the specified range.
S3RecordingSinkRuntimeConfiguration (dict) --
The runtime configuration of the Amazon S3 bucket that stores recordings in a media insights pipeline.
Destination (string) --
The URI of the S3 bucket used as the sink.
RecordingFileFormat (string) --
The file format for the media files sent to the Amazon S3 bucket.
CreatedTimestamp (datetime) --
The time at which the media insights pipeline was created.
ElementStatuses (list) --
The statuses that the elements in a media insights pipeline can have during data processing.
(dict) --
The status of the pipeline element.
Type (string) --
The type of status.
Status (string) --
The element's status.
MediaStreamPipeline (dict) --
Designates a media pipeline as a media stream pipeline.
MediaPipelineId (string) --
The ID of the media stream pipeline
MediaPipelineArn (string) --
The ARN of the media stream pipeline.
CreatedTimestamp (datetime) --
The time at which the media stream pipeline was created.
UpdatedTimestamp (datetime) --
The time at which the media stream pipeline was updated.
Status (string) --
The status of the media stream pipeline.
Sources (list) --
The media stream pipeline's data sources.
(dict) --
Structure that contains the settings for media stream sources.
SourceType (string) --
The type of media stream source.
SourceArn (string) --
The ARN of the meeting.
Sinks (list) --
The media stream pipeline's data sinks.
(dict) --
Structure that contains the settings for a media stream sink.
SinkArn (string) --
The ARN of the Kinesis Video Stream pool returned by the CreateMediaPipelineKinesisVideoStreamPool API.
SinkType (string) --
The media stream sink's type.
ReservedStreamCapacity (integer) --
Specifies the number of streams that the sink can accept.
MediaStreamType (string) --
The media stream sink's media stream type.