2014/12/04 - Amazon Route 53 - 1 new 3 updated api methods
To update the hosted zone comment, send a POST request to the 2013-04-01/hostedzone/hosted zone ID resource. The request body must include an XML document with a UpdateHostedZoneCommentRequest element. The response to this request includes the modified HostedZone element.
The comment can have a maximum length of 256 characters.
Request Syntax
client.update_hosted_zone_comment( Id='string', Comment='string' )
The ID of the hosted zone you want to update.
A comment about your hosted zone.
Response Syntax
{ 'HostedZone': { 'Id': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'CallerReference': 'string', 'Config': { 'Comment': 'string', 'PrivateZone': True|False }, 'ResourceRecordSetCount': 123 } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
A complex type containing information about the specified hosted zone after the update.
HostedZone (dict) --
A complex type that contain information about the specified hosted zone.
Id (string) --
The ID of the specified hosted zone.
Name (string) --
The name of the domain. This must be a fully-specified domain, for example, www.example.com. The trailing dot is optional; Route 53 assumes that the domain name is fully qualified. This means that Route 53 treats www.example.com (without a trailing dot) and www.example.com. (with a trailing dot) as identical.
This is the name you have registered with your DNS registrar. You should ask your registrar to change the authoritative name servers for your domain to the set of NameServers elements returned in DelegationSet .
CallerReference (string) --
A unique string that identifies the request to create the hosted zone.
Config (dict) --
A complex type that contains the Comment element.
Comment (string) --
An optional comment about your hosted zone. If you don't want to specify a comment, you can omit the HostedZoneConfig and Comment elements from the XML document.
PrivateZone (boolean) --
A value that indicates whether this is a private hosted zone. The value is returned in the response; do not specify it in the request.
ResourceRecordSetCount (integer) --
Total number of resource record sets in the hosted zone.
{'ResourceType': {'hostedzone'}}
Request Syntax
client.change_tags_for_resource( ResourceType='healthcheck'|'hostedzone', ResourceId='string', AddTags=[ { 'Key': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ], RemoveTagKeys=[ 'string', ] )
The type of the resource.
The resource type for health checks is healthcheck .
The resource type for hosted zones is hostedzone .
The ID of the resource for which you want to add, change, or delete tags.
A complex type that contains a list of Tag elements. Each Tag element identifies a tag that you want to add or update for the specified resource.
(dict) --
A single tag containing a key and value.
Key (string) --
The key for a Tag .
Value (string) --
The value for a Tag .
A list of Tag keys that you want to remove from the specified resource.
(string) --
Response Syntax
Response Structure
(dict) --
Empty response for the request.
{'ResourceType': {'hostedzone'}}Response
{'ResourceTagSet': {'ResourceType': {'hostedzone'}}}
Request Syntax
client.list_tags_for_resource( ResourceType='healthcheck'|'hostedzone', ResourceId='string' )
The type of the resource.
The resource type for health checks is healthcheck .
The resource type for hosted zones is hostedzone .
The ID of the resource for which you want to retrieve tags.
Response Syntax
{ 'ResourceTagSet': { 'ResourceType': 'healthcheck'|'hostedzone', 'ResourceId': 'string', 'Tags': [ { 'Key': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ] } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
A complex type containing tags for the specified resource.
ResourceTagSet (dict) --
A ResourceTagSet containing tags associated with the specified resource.
ResourceType (string) --
The type of the resource.
The resource type for health checks is healthcheck .
The resource type for hosted zones is hostedzone .
ResourceId (string) --
The ID for the specified resource.
Tags (list) --
The tags associated with the specified resource.
(dict) --
A single tag containing a key and value.
Key (string) --
The key for a Tag .
Value (string) --
The value for a Tag .
{'ResourceType': {'hostedzone'}}Response
{'ResourceTagSets': {'ResourceType': {'hostedzone'}}}
Request Syntax
client.list_tags_for_resources( ResourceType='healthcheck'|'hostedzone', ResourceIds=[ 'string', ] )
The type of the resources.
The resource type for health checks is healthcheck .
The resource type for hosted zones is hostedzone .
A complex type that contains the ResourceId element for each resource for which you want to get a list of tags.
(string) --
Response Syntax
{ 'ResourceTagSets': [ { 'ResourceType': 'healthcheck'|'hostedzone', 'ResourceId': 'string', 'Tags': [ { 'Key': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ] }, ] }
Response Structure
(dict) --
A complex type containing tags for the specified resources.
ResourceTagSets (list) --
A list of ResourceTagSet s containing tags associated with the specified resources.
(dict) --
A complex type containing a resource and its associated tags.
ResourceType (string) --
The type of the resource.
The resource type for health checks is healthcheck .
The resource type for hosted zones is hostedzone .
ResourceId (string) --
The ID for the specified resource.
Tags (list) --
The tags associated with the specified resource.
(dict) --
A single tag containing a key and value.
Key (string) --
The key for a Tag .
Value (string) --
The value for a Tag .