Elastic Disaster Recovery Service

2022/07/15 - Elastic Disaster Recovery Service - 5 updated api methods

Changes  Changed existing APIs to allow choosing a dynamic volume type for replicating volumes, to reduce costs for customers.

CreateReplicationConfigurationTemplate (updated) Link ¶
Changes (both)
{'defaultLargeStagingDiskType': {'AUTO'}}

Creates a new ReplicationConfigurationTemplate.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

            'enabled': True|False,
            'interval': 123,
            'retentionDuration': 123,
            'ruleID': 123,
            'units': 'MINUTE'|'HOUR'|'DAY'
        'string': 'string'
        'string': 'string'
type associateDefaultSecurityGroup


param associateDefaultSecurityGroup


Whether to associate the default Elastic Disaster Recovery Security group with the Replication Configuration Template.

type bandwidthThrottling


param bandwidthThrottling


Configure bandwidth throttling for the outbound data transfer rate of the Source Server in Mbps.

type createPublicIP


param createPublicIP


Whether to create a Public IP for the Recovery Instance by default.

type dataPlaneRouting


param dataPlaneRouting


The data plane routing mechanism that will be used for replication.

type defaultLargeStagingDiskType


param defaultLargeStagingDiskType


The Staging Disk EBS volume type to be used during replication.

type ebsEncryption


param ebsEncryption


The type of EBS encryption to be used during replication.

type ebsEncryptionKeyArn


param ebsEncryptionKeyArn

The ARN of the EBS encryption key to be used during replication.

type pitPolicy


param pitPolicy


The Point in time (PIT) policy to manage snapshots taken during replication.

  • (dict) --

    A rule in the Point in Time (PIT) policy representing when to take snapshots and how long to retain them for.

    • enabled (boolean) --

      Whether this rule is enabled or not.

    • interval (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

      How often, in the chosen units, a snapshot should be taken.

    • retentionDuration (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

      The duration to retain a snapshot for, in the chosen units.

    • ruleID (integer) --

      The ID of the rule.

    • units (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The units used to measure the interval and retentionDuration.

type replicationServerInstanceType


param replicationServerInstanceType


The instance type to be used for the replication server.

type replicationServersSecurityGroupsIDs


param replicationServersSecurityGroupsIDs


The security group IDs that will be used by the replication server.

  • (string) --

type stagingAreaSubnetId


param stagingAreaSubnetId


The subnet to be used by the replication staging area.

type stagingAreaTags


param stagingAreaTags


A set of tags to be associated with all resources created in the replication staging area: EC2 replication server, EBS volumes, EBS snapshots, etc.

  • (string) --

    • (string) --

type tags


param tags

A set of tags to be associated with the Replication Configuration Template resource.

  • (string) --

    • (string) --

type useDedicatedReplicationServer


param useDedicatedReplicationServer


Whether to use a dedicated Replication Server in the replication staging area.




Response Syntax

    'arn': 'string',
    'associateDefaultSecurityGroup': True|False,
    'bandwidthThrottling': 123,
    'createPublicIP': True|False,
    'dataPlaneRouting': 'PRIVATE_IP'|'PUBLIC_IP',
    'defaultLargeStagingDiskType': 'GP2'|'GP3'|'ST1'|'AUTO',
    'ebsEncryption': 'DEFAULT'|'CUSTOM',
    'ebsEncryptionKeyArn': 'string',
    'pitPolicy': [
            'enabled': True|False,
            'interval': 123,
            'retentionDuration': 123,
            'ruleID': 123,
            'units': 'MINUTE'|'HOUR'|'DAY'
    'replicationConfigurationTemplateID': 'string',
    'replicationServerInstanceType': 'string',
    'replicationServersSecurityGroupsIDs': [
    'stagingAreaSubnetId': 'string',
    'stagingAreaTags': {
        'string': 'string'
    'tags': {
        'string': 'string'
    'useDedicatedReplicationServer': True|False

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • arn (string) --

      The Replication Configuration Template ARN.

    • associateDefaultSecurityGroup (boolean) --

      Whether to associate the default Elastic Disaster Recovery Security group with the Replication Configuration Template.

    • bandwidthThrottling (integer) --

      Configure bandwidth throttling for the outbound data transfer rate of the Source Server in Mbps.

    • createPublicIP (boolean) --

      Whether to create a Public IP for the Recovery Instance by default.

    • dataPlaneRouting (string) --

      The data plane routing mechanism that will be used for replication.

    • defaultLargeStagingDiskType (string) --

      The Staging Disk EBS volume type to be used during replication.

    • ebsEncryption (string) --

      The type of EBS encryption to be used during replication.

    • ebsEncryptionKeyArn (string) --

      The ARN of the EBS encryption key to be used during replication.

    • pitPolicy (list) --

      The Point in time (PIT) policy to manage snapshots taken during replication.

      • (dict) --

        A rule in the Point in Time (PIT) policy representing when to take snapshots and how long to retain them for.

        • enabled (boolean) --

          Whether this rule is enabled or not.

        • interval (integer) --

          How often, in the chosen units, a snapshot should be taken.

        • retentionDuration (integer) --

          The duration to retain a snapshot for, in the chosen units.

        • ruleID (integer) --

          The ID of the rule.

        • units (string) --

          The units used to measure the interval and retentionDuration.

    • replicationConfigurationTemplateID (string) --

      The Replication Configuration Template ID.

    • replicationServerInstanceType (string) --

      The instance type to be used for the replication server.

    • replicationServersSecurityGroupsIDs (list) --

      The security group IDs that will be used by the replication server.

      • (string) --

    • stagingAreaSubnetId (string) --

      The subnet to be used by the replication staging area.

    • stagingAreaTags (dict) --

      A set of tags to be associated with all resources created in the replication staging area: EC2 replication server, EBS volumes, EBS snapshots, etc.

      • (string) --

        • (string) --

    • tags (dict) --

      A set of tags to be associated with the Replication Configuration Template resource.

      • (string) --

        • (string) --

    • useDedicatedReplicationServer (boolean) --

      Whether to use a dedicated Replication Server in the replication staging area.

DescribeReplicationConfigurationTemplates (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'items': {'defaultLargeStagingDiskType': {'AUTO'}}}

Lists all ReplicationConfigurationTemplates, filtered by Source Server IDs.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type maxResults


param maxResults

Maximum number of Replication Configuration Templates to retrieve.

type nextToken


param nextToken

The token of the next Replication Configuration Template to retrieve.

type replicationConfigurationTemplateIDs


param replicationConfigurationTemplateIDs

The IDs of the Replication Configuration Templates to retrieve. An empty list means all Replication Configuration Templates.

  • (string) --




Response Syntax

    'items': [
            'arn': 'string',
            'associateDefaultSecurityGroup': True|False,
            'bandwidthThrottling': 123,
            'createPublicIP': True|False,
            'dataPlaneRouting': 'PRIVATE_IP'|'PUBLIC_IP',
            'defaultLargeStagingDiskType': 'GP2'|'GP3'|'ST1'|'AUTO',
            'ebsEncryption': 'DEFAULT'|'CUSTOM',
            'ebsEncryptionKeyArn': 'string',
            'pitPolicy': [
                    'enabled': True|False,
                    'interval': 123,
                    'retentionDuration': 123,
                    'ruleID': 123,
                    'units': 'MINUTE'|'HOUR'|'DAY'
            'replicationConfigurationTemplateID': 'string',
            'replicationServerInstanceType': 'string',
            'replicationServersSecurityGroupsIDs': [
            'stagingAreaSubnetId': 'string',
            'stagingAreaTags': {
                'string': 'string'
            'tags': {
                'string': 'string'
            'useDedicatedReplicationServer': True|False
    'nextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • items (list) --

      An array of Replication Configuration Templates.

      • (dict) --

        • arn (string) --

          The Replication Configuration Template ARN.

        • associateDefaultSecurityGroup (boolean) --

          Whether to associate the default Elastic Disaster Recovery Security group with the Replication Configuration Template.

        • bandwidthThrottling (integer) --

          Configure bandwidth throttling for the outbound data transfer rate of the Source Server in Mbps.

        • createPublicIP (boolean) --

          Whether to create a Public IP for the Recovery Instance by default.

        • dataPlaneRouting (string) --

          The data plane routing mechanism that will be used for replication.

        • defaultLargeStagingDiskType (string) --

          The Staging Disk EBS volume type to be used during replication.

        • ebsEncryption (string) --

          The type of EBS encryption to be used during replication.

        • ebsEncryptionKeyArn (string) --

          The ARN of the EBS encryption key to be used during replication.

        • pitPolicy (list) --

          The Point in time (PIT) policy to manage snapshots taken during replication.

          • (dict) --

            A rule in the Point in Time (PIT) policy representing when to take snapshots and how long to retain them for.

            • enabled (boolean) --

              Whether this rule is enabled or not.

            • interval (integer) --

              How often, in the chosen units, a snapshot should be taken.

            • retentionDuration (integer) --

              The duration to retain a snapshot for, in the chosen units.

            • ruleID (integer) --

              The ID of the rule.

            • units (string) --

              The units used to measure the interval and retentionDuration.

        • replicationConfigurationTemplateID (string) --

          The Replication Configuration Template ID.

        • replicationServerInstanceType (string) --

          The instance type to be used for the replication server.

        • replicationServersSecurityGroupsIDs (list) --

          The security group IDs that will be used by the replication server.

          • (string) --

        • stagingAreaSubnetId (string) --

          The subnet to be used by the replication staging area.

        • stagingAreaTags (dict) --

          A set of tags to be associated with all resources created in the replication staging area: EC2 replication server, EBS volumes, EBS snapshots, etc.

          • (string) --

            • (string) --

        • tags (dict) --

          A set of tags to be associated with the Replication Configuration Template resource.

          • (string) --

            • (string) --

        • useDedicatedReplicationServer (boolean) --

          Whether to use a dedicated Replication Server in the replication staging area.

    • nextToken (string) --

      The token of the next Replication Configuration Template to retrieve.

GetReplicationConfiguration (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'defaultLargeStagingDiskType': {'AUTO'},
 'replicatedDisks': {'optimizedStagingDiskType': 'AUTO | GP2 | GP3 | IO1 | SC1 '
                                                 '| ST1 | STANDARD'}}

Gets a ReplicationConfiguration, filtered by Source Server ID.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type sourceServerID


param sourceServerID


The ID of the Source Serve for this Replication Configuration.r




Response Syntax

    'associateDefaultSecurityGroup': True|False,
    'bandwidthThrottling': 123,
    'createPublicIP': True|False,
    'dataPlaneRouting': 'PRIVATE_IP'|'PUBLIC_IP',
    'defaultLargeStagingDiskType': 'GP2'|'GP3'|'ST1'|'AUTO',
    'ebsEncryption': 'DEFAULT'|'CUSTOM',
    'ebsEncryptionKeyArn': 'string',
    'name': 'string',
    'pitPolicy': [
            'enabled': True|False,
            'interval': 123,
            'retentionDuration': 123,
            'ruleID': 123,
            'units': 'MINUTE'|'HOUR'|'DAY'
    'replicatedDisks': [
            'deviceName': 'string',
            'iops': 123,
            'isBootDisk': True|False,
            'optimizedStagingDiskType': 'AUTO'|'GP2'|'GP3'|'IO1'|'SC1'|'ST1'|'STANDARD',
            'stagingDiskType': 'AUTO'|'GP2'|'GP3'|'IO1'|'SC1'|'ST1'|'STANDARD',
            'throughput': 123
    'replicationServerInstanceType': 'string',
    'replicationServersSecurityGroupsIDs': [
    'sourceServerID': 'string',
    'stagingAreaSubnetId': 'string',
    'stagingAreaTags': {
        'string': 'string'
    'useDedicatedReplicationServer': True|False

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • associateDefaultSecurityGroup (boolean) --

      Whether to associate the default Elastic Disaster Recovery Security group with the Replication Configuration.

    • bandwidthThrottling (integer) --

      Configure bandwidth throttling for the outbound data transfer rate of the Source Server in Mbps.

    • createPublicIP (boolean) --

      Whether to create a Public IP for the Recovery Instance by default.

    • dataPlaneRouting (string) --

      The data plane routing mechanism that will be used for replication.

    • defaultLargeStagingDiskType (string) --

      The Staging Disk EBS volume type to be used during replication.

    • ebsEncryption (string) --

      The type of EBS encryption to be used during replication.

    • ebsEncryptionKeyArn (string) --

      The ARN of the EBS encryption key to be used during replication.

    • name (string) --

      The name of the Replication Configuration.

    • pitPolicy (list) --

      The Point in time (PIT) policy to manage snapshots taken during replication.

      • (dict) --

        A rule in the Point in Time (PIT) policy representing when to take snapshots and how long to retain them for.

        • enabled (boolean) --

          Whether this rule is enabled or not.

        • interval (integer) --

          How often, in the chosen units, a snapshot should be taken.

        • retentionDuration (integer) --

          The duration to retain a snapshot for, in the chosen units.

        • ruleID (integer) --

          The ID of the rule.

        • units (string) --

          The units used to measure the interval and retentionDuration.

    • replicatedDisks (list) --

      The configuration of the disks of the Source Server to be replicated.

      • (dict) --

        The configuration of a disk of the Source Server to be replicated.

        • deviceName (string) --

          The name of the device.

        • iops (integer) --

          The requested number of I/O operations per second (IOPS).

        • isBootDisk (boolean) --

          Whether to boot from this disk or not.

        • optimizedStagingDiskType (string) --

          The Staging Disk EBS volume type to be used during replication when stagingDiskType is set to Auto. This is a read-only field.

        • stagingDiskType (string) --

          The Staging Disk EBS volume type to be used during replication.

        • throughput (integer) --

          The throughput to use for the EBS volume in MiB/s. This parameter is valid only for gp3 volumes.

    • replicationServerInstanceType (string) --

      The instance type to be used for the replication server.

    • replicationServersSecurityGroupsIDs (list) --

      The security group IDs that will be used by the replication server.

      • (string) --

    • sourceServerID (string) --

      The ID of the Source Server for this Replication Configuration.

    • stagingAreaSubnetId (string) --

      The subnet to be used by the replication staging area.

    • stagingAreaTags (dict) --

      A set of tags to be associated with all resources created in the replication staging area: EC2 replication server, EBS volumes, EBS snapshots, etc.

      • (string) --

        • (string) --

    • useDedicatedReplicationServer (boolean) --

      Whether to use a dedicated Replication Server in the replication staging area.

UpdateReplicationConfiguration (updated) Link ¶
Changes (both)
{'defaultLargeStagingDiskType': {'AUTO'},
 'replicatedDisks': {'optimizedStagingDiskType': 'AUTO | GP2 | GP3 | IO1 | SC1 '
                                                 '| ST1 | STANDARD'}}

Allows you to update a ReplicationConfiguration by Source Server ID.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

            'enabled': True|False,
            'interval': 123,
            'retentionDuration': 123,
            'ruleID': 123,
            'units': 'MINUTE'|'HOUR'|'DAY'
            'deviceName': 'string',
            'iops': 123,
            'isBootDisk': True|False,
            'optimizedStagingDiskType': 'AUTO'|'GP2'|'GP3'|'IO1'|'SC1'|'ST1'|'STANDARD',
            'stagingDiskType': 'AUTO'|'GP2'|'GP3'|'IO1'|'SC1'|'ST1'|'STANDARD',
            'throughput': 123
        'string': 'string'
type associateDefaultSecurityGroup


param associateDefaultSecurityGroup

Whether to associate the default Elastic Disaster Recovery Security group with the Replication Configuration.

type bandwidthThrottling


param bandwidthThrottling

Configure bandwidth throttling for the outbound data transfer rate of the Source Server in Mbps.

type createPublicIP


param createPublicIP

Whether to create a Public IP for the Recovery Instance by default.

type dataPlaneRouting


param dataPlaneRouting

The data plane routing mechanism that will be used for replication.

type defaultLargeStagingDiskType


param defaultLargeStagingDiskType

The Staging Disk EBS volume type to be used during replication.

type ebsEncryption


param ebsEncryption

The type of EBS encryption to be used during replication.

type ebsEncryptionKeyArn


param ebsEncryptionKeyArn

The ARN of the EBS encryption key to be used during replication.

type name


param name

The name of the Replication Configuration.

type pitPolicy


param pitPolicy

The Point in time (PIT) policy to manage snapshots taken during replication.

  • (dict) --

    A rule in the Point in Time (PIT) policy representing when to take snapshots and how long to retain them for.

    • enabled (boolean) --

      Whether this rule is enabled or not.

    • interval (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

      How often, in the chosen units, a snapshot should be taken.

    • retentionDuration (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

      The duration to retain a snapshot for, in the chosen units.

    • ruleID (integer) --

      The ID of the rule.

    • units (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The units used to measure the interval and retentionDuration.

type replicatedDisks


param replicatedDisks

The configuration of the disks of the Source Server to be replicated.

  • (dict) --

    The configuration of a disk of the Source Server to be replicated.

    • deviceName (string) --

      The name of the device.

    • iops (integer) --

      The requested number of I/O operations per second (IOPS).

    • isBootDisk (boolean) --

      Whether to boot from this disk or not.

    • optimizedStagingDiskType (string) --

      The Staging Disk EBS volume type to be used during replication when stagingDiskType is set to Auto. This is a read-only field.

    • stagingDiskType (string) --

      The Staging Disk EBS volume type to be used during replication.

    • throughput (integer) --

      The throughput to use for the EBS volume in MiB/s. This parameter is valid only for gp3 volumes.

type replicationServerInstanceType


param replicationServerInstanceType

The instance type to be used for the replication server.

type replicationServersSecurityGroupsIDs


param replicationServersSecurityGroupsIDs

The security group IDs that will be used by the replication server.

  • (string) --

type sourceServerID


param sourceServerID


The ID of the Source Server for this Replication Configuration.

type stagingAreaSubnetId


param stagingAreaSubnetId

The subnet to be used by the replication staging area.

type stagingAreaTags


param stagingAreaTags

A set of tags to be associated with all resources created in the replication staging area: EC2 replication server, EBS volumes, EBS snapshots, etc.

  • (string) --

    • (string) --

type useDedicatedReplicationServer


param useDedicatedReplicationServer

Whether to use a dedicated Replication Server in the replication staging area.




Response Syntax

    'associateDefaultSecurityGroup': True|False,
    'bandwidthThrottling': 123,
    'createPublicIP': True|False,
    'dataPlaneRouting': 'PRIVATE_IP'|'PUBLIC_IP',
    'defaultLargeStagingDiskType': 'GP2'|'GP3'|'ST1'|'AUTO',
    'ebsEncryption': 'DEFAULT'|'CUSTOM',
    'ebsEncryptionKeyArn': 'string',
    'name': 'string',
    'pitPolicy': [
            'enabled': True|False,
            'interval': 123,
            'retentionDuration': 123,
            'ruleID': 123,
            'units': 'MINUTE'|'HOUR'|'DAY'
    'replicatedDisks': [
            'deviceName': 'string',
            'iops': 123,
            'isBootDisk': True|False,
            'optimizedStagingDiskType': 'AUTO'|'GP2'|'GP3'|'IO1'|'SC1'|'ST1'|'STANDARD',
            'stagingDiskType': 'AUTO'|'GP2'|'GP3'|'IO1'|'SC1'|'ST1'|'STANDARD',
            'throughput': 123
    'replicationServerInstanceType': 'string',
    'replicationServersSecurityGroupsIDs': [
    'sourceServerID': 'string',
    'stagingAreaSubnetId': 'string',
    'stagingAreaTags': {
        'string': 'string'
    'useDedicatedReplicationServer': True|False

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • associateDefaultSecurityGroup (boolean) --

      Whether to associate the default Elastic Disaster Recovery Security group with the Replication Configuration.

    • bandwidthThrottling (integer) --

      Configure bandwidth throttling for the outbound data transfer rate of the Source Server in Mbps.

    • createPublicIP (boolean) --

      Whether to create a Public IP for the Recovery Instance by default.

    • dataPlaneRouting (string) --

      The data plane routing mechanism that will be used for replication.

    • defaultLargeStagingDiskType (string) --

      The Staging Disk EBS volume type to be used during replication.

    • ebsEncryption (string) --

      The type of EBS encryption to be used during replication.

    • ebsEncryptionKeyArn (string) --

      The ARN of the EBS encryption key to be used during replication.

    • name (string) --

      The name of the Replication Configuration.

    • pitPolicy (list) --

      The Point in time (PIT) policy to manage snapshots taken during replication.

      • (dict) --

        A rule in the Point in Time (PIT) policy representing when to take snapshots and how long to retain them for.

        • enabled (boolean) --

          Whether this rule is enabled or not.

        • interval (integer) --

          How often, in the chosen units, a snapshot should be taken.

        • retentionDuration (integer) --

          The duration to retain a snapshot for, in the chosen units.

        • ruleID (integer) --

          The ID of the rule.

        • units (string) --

          The units used to measure the interval and retentionDuration.

    • replicatedDisks (list) --

      The configuration of the disks of the Source Server to be replicated.

      • (dict) --

        The configuration of a disk of the Source Server to be replicated.

        • deviceName (string) --

          The name of the device.

        • iops (integer) --

          The requested number of I/O operations per second (IOPS).

        • isBootDisk (boolean) --

          Whether to boot from this disk or not.

        • optimizedStagingDiskType (string) --

          The Staging Disk EBS volume type to be used during replication when stagingDiskType is set to Auto. This is a read-only field.

        • stagingDiskType (string) --

          The Staging Disk EBS volume type to be used during replication.

        • throughput (integer) --

          The throughput to use for the EBS volume in MiB/s. This parameter is valid only for gp3 volumes.

    • replicationServerInstanceType (string) --

      The instance type to be used for the replication server.

    • replicationServersSecurityGroupsIDs (list) --

      The security group IDs that will be used by the replication server.

      • (string) --

    • sourceServerID (string) --

      The ID of the Source Server for this Replication Configuration.

    • stagingAreaSubnetId (string) --

      The subnet to be used by the replication staging area.

    • stagingAreaTags (dict) --

      A set of tags to be associated with all resources created in the replication staging area: EC2 replication server, EBS volumes, EBS snapshots, etc.

      • (string) --

        • (string) --

    • useDedicatedReplicationServer (boolean) --

      Whether to use a dedicated Replication Server in the replication staging area.

UpdateReplicationConfigurationTemplate (updated) Link ¶
Changes (both)
{'defaultLargeStagingDiskType': {'AUTO'}}

Updates a ReplicationConfigurationTemplate by ID.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

            'enabled': True|False,
            'interval': 123,
            'retentionDuration': 123,
            'ruleID': 123,
            'units': 'MINUTE'|'HOUR'|'DAY'
        'string': 'string'
type arn


param arn

The Replication Configuration Template ARN.

type associateDefaultSecurityGroup


param associateDefaultSecurityGroup

Whether to associate the default Elastic Disaster Recovery Security group with the Replication Configuration Template.

type bandwidthThrottling


param bandwidthThrottling

Configure bandwidth throttling for the outbound data transfer rate of the Source Server in Mbps.

type createPublicIP


param createPublicIP

Whether to create a Public IP for the Recovery Instance by default.

type dataPlaneRouting


param dataPlaneRouting

The data plane routing mechanism that will be used for replication.

type defaultLargeStagingDiskType


param defaultLargeStagingDiskType

The Staging Disk EBS volume type to be used during replication.

type ebsEncryption


param ebsEncryption

The type of EBS encryption to be used during replication.

type ebsEncryptionKeyArn


param ebsEncryptionKeyArn

The ARN of the EBS encryption key to be used during replication.

type pitPolicy


param pitPolicy

The Point in time (PIT) policy to manage snapshots taken during replication.

  • (dict) --

    A rule in the Point in Time (PIT) policy representing when to take snapshots and how long to retain them for.

    • enabled (boolean) --

      Whether this rule is enabled or not.

    • interval (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

      How often, in the chosen units, a snapshot should be taken.

    • retentionDuration (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

      The duration to retain a snapshot for, in the chosen units.

    • ruleID (integer) --

      The ID of the rule.

    • units (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The units used to measure the interval and retentionDuration.

type replicationConfigurationTemplateID


param replicationConfigurationTemplateID


The Replication Configuration Template ID.

type replicationServerInstanceType


param replicationServerInstanceType

The instance type to be used for the replication server.

type replicationServersSecurityGroupsIDs


param replicationServersSecurityGroupsIDs

The security group IDs that will be used by the replication server.

  • (string) --

type stagingAreaSubnetId


param stagingAreaSubnetId

The subnet to be used by the replication staging area.

type stagingAreaTags


param stagingAreaTags

A set of tags to be associated with all resources created in the replication staging area: EC2 replication server, EBS volumes, EBS snapshots, etc.

  • (string) --

    • (string) --

type useDedicatedReplicationServer


param useDedicatedReplicationServer

Whether to use a dedicated Replication Server in the replication staging area.




Response Syntax

    'arn': 'string',
    'associateDefaultSecurityGroup': True|False,
    'bandwidthThrottling': 123,
    'createPublicIP': True|False,
    'dataPlaneRouting': 'PRIVATE_IP'|'PUBLIC_IP',
    'defaultLargeStagingDiskType': 'GP2'|'GP3'|'ST1'|'AUTO',
    'ebsEncryption': 'DEFAULT'|'CUSTOM',
    'ebsEncryptionKeyArn': 'string',
    'pitPolicy': [
            'enabled': True|False,
            'interval': 123,
            'retentionDuration': 123,
            'ruleID': 123,
            'units': 'MINUTE'|'HOUR'|'DAY'
    'replicationConfigurationTemplateID': 'string',
    'replicationServerInstanceType': 'string',
    'replicationServersSecurityGroupsIDs': [
    'stagingAreaSubnetId': 'string',
    'stagingAreaTags': {
        'string': 'string'
    'tags': {
        'string': 'string'
    'useDedicatedReplicationServer': True|False

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • arn (string) --

      The Replication Configuration Template ARN.

    • associateDefaultSecurityGroup (boolean) --

      Whether to associate the default Elastic Disaster Recovery Security group with the Replication Configuration Template.

    • bandwidthThrottling (integer) --

      Configure bandwidth throttling for the outbound data transfer rate of the Source Server in Mbps.

    • createPublicIP (boolean) --

      Whether to create a Public IP for the Recovery Instance by default.

    • dataPlaneRouting (string) --

      The data plane routing mechanism that will be used for replication.

    • defaultLargeStagingDiskType (string) --

      The Staging Disk EBS volume type to be used during replication.

    • ebsEncryption (string) --

      The type of EBS encryption to be used during replication.

    • ebsEncryptionKeyArn (string) --

      The ARN of the EBS encryption key to be used during replication.

    • pitPolicy (list) --

      The Point in time (PIT) policy to manage snapshots taken during replication.

      • (dict) --

        A rule in the Point in Time (PIT) policy representing when to take snapshots and how long to retain them for.

        • enabled (boolean) --

          Whether this rule is enabled or not.

        • interval (integer) --

          How often, in the chosen units, a snapshot should be taken.

        • retentionDuration (integer) --

          The duration to retain a snapshot for, in the chosen units.

        • ruleID (integer) --

          The ID of the rule.

        • units (string) --

          The units used to measure the interval and retentionDuration.

    • replicationConfigurationTemplateID (string) --

      The Replication Configuration Template ID.

    • replicationServerInstanceType (string) --

      The instance type to be used for the replication server.

    • replicationServersSecurityGroupsIDs (list) --

      The security group IDs that will be used by the replication server.

      • (string) --

    • stagingAreaSubnetId (string) --

      The subnet to be used by the replication staging area.

    • stagingAreaTags (dict) --

      A set of tags to be associated with all resources created in the replication staging area: EC2 replication server, EBS volumes, EBS snapshots, etc.

      • (string) --

        • (string) --

    • tags (dict) --

      A set of tags to be associated with the Replication Configuration Template resource.

      • (string) --

        • (string) --

    • useDedicatedReplicationServer (boolean) --

      Whether to use a dedicated Replication Server in the replication staging area.