AWS Network Firewall

2021/12/09 - AWS Network Firewall - 1 new4 updated api methods

Changes  This release adds support for managed rule groups.

DescribeRuleGroupMetadata (new) Link ¶

High-level information about a rule group, returned by operations like create and describe. You can use the information provided in the metadata to retrieve and manage a rule group. You can retrieve all objects for a rule group by calling DescribeRuleGroup.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type RuleGroupName:


param RuleGroupName:

The descriptive name of the rule group. You can't change the name of a rule group after you create it.

You must specify the ARN or the name, and you can specify both.

type RuleGroupArn:


param RuleGroupArn:

The descriptive name of the rule group. You can't change the name of a rule group after you create it.

You must specify the ARN or the name, and you can specify both.

type Type:


param Type:

Indicates whether the rule group is stateless or stateful. If the rule group is stateless, it contains stateless rules. If it is stateful, it contains stateful rules.




Response Syntax

    'RuleGroupArn': 'string',
    'RuleGroupName': 'string',
    'Description': 'string',
    'Capacity': 123,
    'StatefulRuleOptions': {

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • RuleGroupArn (string) --

      The descriptive name of the rule group. You can't change the name of a rule group after you create it.

      You must specify the ARN or the name, and you can specify both.

    • RuleGroupName (string) --

      The descriptive name of the rule group. You can't change the name of a rule group after you create it.

      You must specify the ARN or the name, and you can specify both.

    • Description (string) --

      Returns the metadata objects for the specified rule group.

    • Type (string) --

      Indicates whether the rule group is stateless or stateful. If the rule group is stateless, it contains stateless rules. If it is stateful, it contains stateful rules.

    • Capacity (integer) --

      The maximum operating resources that this rule group can use. Rule group capacity is fixed at creation. When you update a rule group, you are limited to this capacity. When you reference a rule group from a firewall policy, Network Firewall reserves this capacity for the rule group.

      You can retrieve the capacity that would be required for a rule group before you create the rule group by calling CreateRuleGroup with DryRun set to TRUE.

    • StatefulRuleOptions (dict) --

      Additional options governing how Network Firewall handles the rule group. You can only use these for stateful rule groups.

      • RuleOrder (string) --

        Indicates how to manage the order of the rule evaluation for the rule group. DEFAULT_ACTION_ORDER is the default behavior. Stateful rules are provided to the rule engine as Suricata compatible strings, and Suricata evaluates them based on certain settings. For more information, see Evaluation order for stateful rules in the AWS Network Firewall Developer Guide.

CreateFirewallPolicy (updated) Link ¶
Changes (request)
{'FirewallPolicy': {'StatefulRuleGroupReferences': {'Override': {'Action': 'DROP_TO_ALERT'}}}}

Creates the firewall policy for the firewall according to the specifications.

An AWS Network Firewall firewall policy defines the behavior of a firewall, in a collection of stateless and stateful rule groups and other settings. You can use one firewall policy for multiple firewalls.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'StatelessRuleGroupReferences': [
                'ResourceArn': 'string',
                'Priority': 123
        'StatelessDefaultActions': [
        'StatelessFragmentDefaultActions': [
        'StatelessCustomActions': [
                'ActionName': 'string',
                'ActionDefinition': {
                    'PublishMetricAction': {
                        'Dimensions': [
                                'Value': 'string'
        'StatefulRuleGroupReferences': [
                'ResourceArn': 'string',
                'Priority': 123,
                'Override': {
                    'Action': 'DROP_TO_ALERT'
        'StatefulDefaultActions': [
        'StatefulEngineOptions': {
            'RuleOrder': 'DEFAULT_ACTION_ORDER'|'STRICT_ORDER'
            'Key': 'string',
            'Value': 'string'
type FirewallPolicyName:


param FirewallPolicyName:


The descriptive name of the firewall policy. You can't change the name of a firewall policy after you create it.

type FirewallPolicy:


param FirewallPolicy:


The rule groups and policy actions to use in the firewall policy.

  • StatelessRuleGroupReferences (list) --

    References to the stateless rule groups that are used in the policy. These define the matching criteria in stateless rules.

    • (dict) --

      Identifier for a single stateless rule group, used in a firewall policy to refer to the rule group.

      • ResourceArn (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the stateless rule group.

      • Priority (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

        An integer setting that indicates the order in which to run the stateless rule groups in a single FirewallPolicy. Network Firewall applies each stateless rule group to a packet starting with the group that has the lowest priority setting. You must ensure that the priority settings are unique within each policy.

  • StatelessDefaultActions (list) -- [REQUIRED]

    The actions to take on a packet if it doesn't match any of the stateless rules in the policy. If you want non-matching packets to be forwarded for stateful inspection, specify aws:forward_to_sfe.

    You must specify one of the standard actions: aws:pass, aws:drop, or aws:forward_to_sfe. In addition, you can specify custom actions that are compatible with your standard section choice.

    For example, you could specify ["aws:pass"] or you could specify ["aws:pass", “customActionName”]. For information about compatibility, see the custom action descriptions under CustomAction.

    • (string) --

  • StatelessFragmentDefaultActions (list) -- [REQUIRED]

    The actions to take on a fragmented UDP packet if it doesn't match any of the stateless rules in the policy. Network Firewall only manages UDP packet fragments and silently drops packet fragments for other protocols. If you want non-matching fragmented UDP packets to be forwarded for stateful inspection, specify aws:forward_to_sfe.

    You must specify one of the standard actions: aws:pass, aws:drop, or aws:forward_to_sfe. In addition, you can specify custom actions that are compatible with your standard section choice.

    For example, you could specify ["aws:pass"] or you could specify ["aws:pass", “customActionName”]. For information about compatibility, see the custom action descriptions under CustomAction.

    • (string) --

  • StatelessCustomActions (list) --

    The custom action definitions that are available for use in the firewall policy's StatelessDefaultActions setting. You name each custom action that you define, and then you can use it by name in your default actions specifications.

    • (dict) --

      An optional, non-standard action to use for stateless packet handling. You can define this in addition to the standard action that you must specify.

      You define and name the custom actions that you want to be able to use, and then you reference them by name in your actions settings.

      You can use custom actions in the following places:

      • In a rule group's StatelessRulesAndCustomActions specification. The custom actions are available for use by name inside the StatelessRulesAndCustomActions where you define them. You can use them for your stateless rule actions to specify what to do with a packet that matches the rule's match attributes.

      • In a FirewallPolicy specification, in StatelessCustomActions. The custom actions are available for use inside the policy where you define them. You can use them for the policy's default stateless actions settings to specify what to do with packets that don't match any of the policy's stateless rules.

      • ActionName (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The descriptive name of the custom action. You can't change the name of a custom action after you create it.

      • ActionDefinition (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

        The custom action associated with the action name.

        • PublishMetricAction (dict) --

          Stateless inspection criteria that publishes the specified metrics to Amazon CloudWatch for the matching packet. This setting defines a CloudWatch dimension value to be published.

          You can pair this custom action with any of the standard stateless rule actions. For example, you could pair this in a rule action with the standard action that forwards the packet for stateful inspection. Then, when a packet matches the rule, Network Firewall publishes metrics for the packet and forwards it.

          • Dimensions (list) -- [REQUIRED]

            • (dict) --

              The value to use in an Amazon CloudWatch custom metric dimension. This is used in the PublishMetrics CustomAction. A CloudWatch custom metric dimension is a name/value pair that's part of the identity of a metric.

              AWS Network Firewall sets the dimension name to CustomAction and you provide the dimension value.

              For more information about CloudWatch custom metric dimensions, see Publishing Custom Metrics in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

              • Value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The value to use in the custom metric dimension.

  • StatefulRuleGroupReferences (list) --

    References to the stateful rule groups that are used in the policy. These define the inspection criteria in stateful rules.

    • (dict) --

      Identifier for a single stateful rule group, used in a firewall policy to refer to a rule group.

      • ResourceArn (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the stateful rule group.

      • Priority (integer) --

        An integer setting that indicates the order in which to run the stateful rule groups in a single FirewallPolicy. This setting only applies to firewall policies that specify the STRICT_ORDER rule order in the stateful engine options settings.

        Network Firewall evalutes each stateful rule group against a packet starting with the group that has the lowest priority setting. You must ensure that the priority settings are unique within each policy.

        You can change the priority settings of your rule groups at any time. To make it easier to insert rule groups later, number them so there's a wide range in between, for example use 100, 200, and so on.

      • Override (dict) --

        The action that allows the policy owner to override the behavior of the rule group within a policy.

        • Action (string) --

          The action that changes the rule group from DROP to ALERT. This only applies to managed rule groups.

  • StatefulDefaultActions (list) --

    The default actions to take on a packet that doesn't match any stateful rules. The stateful default action is optional, and is only valid when using the strict rule order.

    Valid values of the stateful default action:

    • aws:drop_strict

    • aws:drop_established

    • aws:alert_strict

    • aws:alert_established

    For more information, see Strict evaluation order in the AWS Network Firewall Developer Guide.

    • (string) --

  • StatefulEngineOptions (dict) --

    Additional options governing how Network Firewall handles stateful rules. The stateful rule groups that you use in your policy must have stateful rule options settings that are compatible with these settings.

    • RuleOrder (string) --

      Indicates how to manage the order of stateful rule evaluation for the policy. DEFAULT_ACTION_ORDER is the default behavior. Stateful rules are provided to the rule engine as Suricata compatible strings, and Suricata evaluates them based on certain settings. For more information, see Evaluation order for stateful rules in the AWS Network Firewall Developer Guide.

type Description:


param Description:

A description of the firewall policy.

type Tags:


param Tags:

The key:value pairs to associate with the resource.

  • (dict) --

    A key:value pair associated with an AWS resource. The key:value pair can be anything you define. Typically, the tag key represents a category (such as "environment") and the tag value represents a specific value within that category (such as "test," "development," or "production"). You can add up to 50 tags to each AWS resource.

    • Key (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The part of the key:value pair that defines a tag. You can use a tag key to describe a category of information, such as "customer." Tag keys are case-sensitive.

    • Value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The part of the key:value pair that defines a tag. You can use a tag value to describe a specific value within a category, such as "companyA" or "companyB." Tag values are case-sensitive.

type DryRun:


param DryRun:

Indicates whether you want Network Firewall to just check the validity of the request, rather than run the request.

If set to TRUE, Network Firewall checks whether the request can run successfully, but doesn't actually make the requested changes. The call returns the value that the request would return if you ran it with dry run set to FALSE, but doesn't make additions or changes to your resources. This option allows you to make sure that you have the required permissions to run the request and that your request parameters are valid.

If set to FALSE, Network Firewall makes the requested changes to your resources.




Response Syntax

    'UpdateToken': 'string',
    'FirewallPolicyResponse': {
        'FirewallPolicyName': 'string',
        'FirewallPolicyArn': 'string',
        'FirewallPolicyId': 'string',
        'Description': 'string',
        'FirewallPolicyStatus': 'ACTIVE'|'DELETING',
        'Tags': [
                'Key': 'string',
                'Value': 'string'
        'ConsumedStatelessRuleCapacity': 123,
        'ConsumedStatefulRuleCapacity': 123,
        'NumberOfAssociations': 123

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • UpdateToken (string) --

      A token used for optimistic locking. Network Firewall returns a token to your requests that access the firewall policy. The token marks the state of the policy resource at the time of the request.

      To make changes to the policy, you provide the token in your request. Network Firewall uses the token to ensure that the policy hasn't changed since you last retrieved it. If it has changed, the operation fails with an InvalidTokenException. If this happens, retrieve the firewall policy again to get a current copy of it with current token. Reapply your changes as needed, then try the operation again using the new token.

    • FirewallPolicyResponse (dict) --

      The high-level properties of a firewall policy. This, along with the FirewallPolicy, define the policy. You can retrieve all objects for a firewall policy by calling DescribeFirewallPolicy.

      • FirewallPolicyName (string) --

        The descriptive name of the firewall policy. You can't change the name of a firewall policy after you create it.

      • FirewallPolicyArn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the firewall policy.

      • FirewallPolicyId (string) --

        The unique identifier for the firewall policy.

      • Description (string) --

        A description of the firewall policy.

      • FirewallPolicyStatus (string) --

        The current status of the firewall policy. You can retrieve this for a firewall policy by calling DescribeFirewallPolicy and providing the firewall policy's name or ARN.

      • Tags (list) --

        The key:value pairs to associate with the resource.

        • (dict) --

          A key:value pair associated with an AWS resource. The key:value pair can be anything you define. Typically, the tag key represents a category (such as "environment") and the tag value represents a specific value within that category (such as "test," "development," or "production"). You can add up to 50 tags to each AWS resource.

          • Key (string) --

            The part of the key:value pair that defines a tag. You can use a tag key to describe a category of information, such as "customer." Tag keys are case-sensitive.

          • Value (string) --

            The part of the key:value pair that defines a tag. You can use a tag value to describe a specific value within a category, such as "companyA" or "companyB." Tag values are case-sensitive.

      • ConsumedStatelessRuleCapacity (integer) --

        The number of capacity units currently consumed by the policy's stateless rules.

      • ConsumedStatefulRuleCapacity (integer) --

        The number of capacity units currently consumed by the policy's stateful rules.

      • NumberOfAssociations (integer) --

        The number of firewalls that are associated with this firewall policy.

DescribeFirewallPolicy (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'FirewallPolicy': {'StatefulRuleGroupReferences': {'Override': {'Action': 'DROP_TO_ALERT'}}}}

Returns the data objects for the specified firewall policy.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type FirewallPolicyName:


param FirewallPolicyName:

The descriptive name of the firewall policy. You can't change the name of a firewall policy after you create it.

You must specify the ARN or the name, and you can specify both.

type FirewallPolicyArn:


param FirewallPolicyArn:

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the firewall policy.

You must specify the ARN or the name, and you can specify both.




Response Syntax

    'UpdateToken': 'string',
    'FirewallPolicyResponse': {
        'FirewallPolicyName': 'string',
        'FirewallPolicyArn': 'string',
        'FirewallPolicyId': 'string',
        'Description': 'string',
        'FirewallPolicyStatus': 'ACTIVE'|'DELETING',
        'Tags': [
                'Key': 'string',
                'Value': 'string'
        'ConsumedStatelessRuleCapacity': 123,
        'ConsumedStatefulRuleCapacity': 123,
        'NumberOfAssociations': 123
    'FirewallPolicy': {
        'StatelessRuleGroupReferences': [
                'ResourceArn': 'string',
                'Priority': 123
        'StatelessDefaultActions': [
        'StatelessFragmentDefaultActions': [
        'StatelessCustomActions': [
                'ActionName': 'string',
                'ActionDefinition': {
                    'PublishMetricAction': {
                        'Dimensions': [
                                'Value': 'string'
        'StatefulRuleGroupReferences': [
                'ResourceArn': 'string',
                'Priority': 123,
                'Override': {
                    'Action': 'DROP_TO_ALERT'
        'StatefulDefaultActions': [
        'StatefulEngineOptions': {
            'RuleOrder': 'DEFAULT_ACTION_ORDER'|'STRICT_ORDER'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • UpdateToken (string) --

      A token used for optimistic locking. Network Firewall returns a token to your requests that access the firewall policy. The token marks the state of the policy resource at the time of the request.

      To make changes to the policy, you provide the token in your request. Network Firewall uses the token to ensure that the policy hasn't changed since you last retrieved it. If it has changed, the operation fails with an InvalidTokenException. If this happens, retrieve the firewall policy again to get a current copy of it with current token. Reapply your changes as needed, then try the operation again using the new token.

    • FirewallPolicyResponse (dict) --

      The high-level properties of a firewall policy. This, along with the FirewallPolicy, define the policy. You can retrieve all objects for a firewall policy by calling DescribeFirewallPolicy.

      • FirewallPolicyName (string) --

        The descriptive name of the firewall policy. You can't change the name of a firewall policy after you create it.

      • FirewallPolicyArn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the firewall policy.

      • FirewallPolicyId (string) --

        The unique identifier for the firewall policy.

      • Description (string) --

        A description of the firewall policy.

      • FirewallPolicyStatus (string) --

        The current status of the firewall policy. You can retrieve this for a firewall policy by calling DescribeFirewallPolicy and providing the firewall policy's name or ARN.

      • Tags (list) --

        The key:value pairs to associate with the resource.

        • (dict) --

          A key:value pair associated with an AWS resource. The key:value pair can be anything you define. Typically, the tag key represents a category (such as "environment") and the tag value represents a specific value within that category (such as "test," "development," or "production"). You can add up to 50 tags to each AWS resource.

          • Key (string) --

            The part of the key:value pair that defines a tag. You can use a tag key to describe a category of information, such as "customer." Tag keys are case-sensitive.

          • Value (string) --

            The part of the key:value pair that defines a tag. You can use a tag value to describe a specific value within a category, such as "companyA" or "companyB." Tag values are case-sensitive.

      • ConsumedStatelessRuleCapacity (integer) --

        The number of capacity units currently consumed by the policy's stateless rules.

      • ConsumedStatefulRuleCapacity (integer) --

        The number of capacity units currently consumed by the policy's stateful rules.

      • NumberOfAssociations (integer) --

        The number of firewalls that are associated with this firewall policy.

    • FirewallPolicy (dict) --

      The policy for the specified firewall policy.

      • StatelessRuleGroupReferences (list) --

        References to the stateless rule groups that are used in the policy. These define the matching criteria in stateless rules.

        • (dict) --

          Identifier for a single stateless rule group, used in a firewall policy to refer to the rule group.

          • ResourceArn (string) --

            The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the stateless rule group.

          • Priority (integer) --

            An integer setting that indicates the order in which to run the stateless rule groups in a single FirewallPolicy. Network Firewall applies each stateless rule group to a packet starting with the group that has the lowest priority setting. You must ensure that the priority settings are unique within each policy.

      • StatelessDefaultActions (list) --

        The actions to take on a packet if it doesn't match any of the stateless rules in the policy. If you want non-matching packets to be forwarded for stateful inspection, specify aws:forward_to_sfe.

        You must specify one of the standard actions: aws:pass, aws:drop, or aws:forward_to_sfe. In addition, you can specify custom actions that are compatible with your standard section choice.

        For example, you could specify ["aws:pass"] or you could specify ["aws:pass", “customActionName”]. For information about compatibility, see the custom action descriptions under CustomAction.

        • (string) --

      • StatelessFragmentDefaultActions (list) --

        The actions to take on a fragmented UDP packet if it doesn't match any of the stateless rules in the policy. Network Firewall only manages UDP packet fragments and silently drops packet fragments for other protocols. If you want non-matching fragmented UDP packets to be forwarded for stateful inspection, specify aws:forward_to_sfe.

        You must specify one of the standard actions: aws:pass, aws:drop, or aws:forward_to_sfe. In addition, you can specify custom actions that are compatible with your standard section choice.

        For example, you could specify ["aws:pass"] or you could specify ["aws:pass", “customActionName”]. For information about compatibility, see the custom action descriptions under CustomAction.

        • (string) --

      • StatelessCustomActions (list) --

        The custom action definitions that are available for use in the firewall policy's StatelessDefaultActions setting. You name each custom action that you define, and then you can use it by name in your default actions specifications.

        • (dict) --

          An optional, non-standard action to use for stateless packet handling. You can define this in addition to the standard action that you must specify.

          You define and name the custom actions that you want to be able to use, and then you reference them by name in your actions settings.

          You can use custom actions in the following places:

          • In a rule group's StatelessRulesAndCustomActions specification. The custom actions are available for use by name inside the StatelessRulesAndCustomActions where you define them. You can use them for your stateless rule actions to specify what to do with a packet that matches the rule's match attributes.

          • In a FirewallPolicy specification, in StatelessCustomActions. The custom actions are available for use inside the policy where you define them. You can use them for the policy's default stateless actions settings to specify what to do with packets that don't match any of the policy's stateless rules.

          • ActionName (string) --

            The descriptive name of the custom action. You can't change the name of a custom action after you create it.

          • ActionDefinition (dict) --

            The custom action associated with the action name.

            • PublishMetricAction (dict) --

              Stateless inspection criteria that publishes the specified metrics to Amazon CloudWatch for the matching packet. This setting defines a CloudWatch dimension value to be published.

              You can pair this custom action with any of the standard stateless rule actions. For example, you could pair this in a rule action with the standard action that forwards the packet for stateful inspection. Then, when a packet matches the rule, Network Firewall publishes metrics for the packet and forwards it.

              • Dimensions (list) --

                • (dict) --

                  The value to use in an Amazon CloudWatch custom metric dimension. This is used in the PublishMetrics CustomAction. A CloudWatch custom metric dimension is a name/value pair that's part of the identity of a metric.

                  AWS Network Firewall sets the dimension name to CustomAction and you provide the dimension value.

                  For more information about CloudWatch custom metric dimensions, see Publishing Custom Metrics in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

                  • Value (string) --

                    The value to use in the custom metric dimension.

      • StatefulRuleGroupReferences (list) --

        References to the stateful rule groups that are used in the policy. These define the inspection criteria in stateful rules.

        • (dict) --

          Identifier for a single stateful rule group, used in a firewall policy to refer to a rule group.

          • ResourceArn (string) --

            The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the stateful rule group.

          • Priority (integer) --

            An integer setting that indicates the order in which to run the stateful rule groups in a single FirewallPolicy. This setting only applies to firewall policies that specify the STRICT_ORDER rule order in the stateful engine options settings.

            Network Firewall evalutes each stateful rule group against a packet starting with the group that has the lowest priority setting. You must ensure that the priority settings are unique within each policy.

            You can change the priority settings of your rule groups at any time. To make it easier to insert rule groups later, number them so there's a wide range in between, for example use 100, 200, and so on.

          • Override (dict) --

            The action that allows the policy owner to override the behavior of the rule group within a policy.

            • Action (string) --

              The action that changes the rule group from DROP to ALERT. This only applies to managed rule groups.

      • StatefulDefaultActions (list) --

        The default actions to take on a packet that doesn't match any stateful rules. The stateful default action is optional, and is only valid when using the strict rule order.

        Valid values of the stateful default action:

        • aws:drop_strict

        • aws:drop_established

        • aws:alert_strict

        • aws:alert_established

        For more information, see Strict evaluation order in the AWS Network Firewall Developer Guide.

        • (string) --

      • StatefulEngineOptions (dict) --

        Additional options governing how Network Firewall handles stateful rules. The stateful rule groups that you use in your policy must have stateful rule options settings that are compatible with these settings.

        • RuleOrder (string) --

          Indicates how to manage the order of stateful rule evaluation for the policy. DEFAULT_ACTION_ORDER is the default behavior. Stateful rules are provided to the rule engine as Suricata compatible strings, and Suricata evaluates them based on certain settings. For more information, see Evaluation order for stateful rules in the AWS Network Firewall Developer Guide.

ListRuleGroups (updated) Link ¶
Changes (request)
{'Scope': 'MANAGED | ACCOUNT'}

Retrieves the metadata for the rule groups that you have defined. Depending on your setting for max results and the number of rule groups, a single call might not return the full list.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type NextToken:


param NextToken:

When you request a list of objects with a MaxResults setting, if the number of objects that are still available for retrieval exceeds the maximum you requested, Network Firewall returns a NextToken value in the response. To retrieve the next batch of objects, use the token returned from the prior request in your next request.

type MaxResults:


param MaxResults:

The maximum number of objects that you want Network Firewall to return for this request. If more objects are available, in the response, Network Firewall provides a NextToken value that you can use in a subsequent call to get the next batch of objects.

type Scope:


param Scope:

The scope of the request. The default setting of ACCOUNT or a setting of NULL returns all of the rule groups in your account. A setting of MANAGED returns all available managed rule groups.




Response Syntax

    'NextToken': 'string',
    'RuleGroups': [
            'Name': 'string',
            'Arn': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • NextToken (string) --

      When you request a list of objects with a MaxResults setting, if the number of objects that are still available for retrieval exceeds the maximum you requested, Network Firewall returns a NextToken value in the response. To retrieve the next batch of objects, use the token returned from the prior request in your next request.

    • RuleGroups (list) --

      The rule group metadata objects that you've defined. Depending on your setting for max results and the number of rule groups, this might not be the full list.

      • (dict) --

        High-level information about a rule group, returned by ListRuleGroups. You can use the information provided in the metadata to retrieve and manage a rule group.

        • Name (string) --

          The descriptive name of the rule group. You can't change the name of a rule group after you create it.

        • Arn (string) --

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the rule group.

UpdateFirewallPolicy (updated) Link ¶
Changes (request)
{'FirewallPolicy': {'StatefulRuleGroupReferences': {'Override': {'Action': 'DROP_TO_ALERT'}}}}

Updates the properties of the specified firewall policy.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'StatelessRuleGroupReferences': [
                'ResourceArn': 'string',
                'Priority': 123
        'StatelessDefaultActions': [
        'StatelessFragmentDefaultActions': [
        'StatelessCustomActions': [
                'ActionName': 'string',
                'ActionDefinition': {
                    'PublishMetricAction': {
                        'Dimensions': [
                                'Value': 'string'
        'StatefulRuleGroupReferences': [
                'ResourceArn': 'string',
                'Priority': 123,
                'Override': {
                    'Action': 'DROP_TO_ALERT'
        'StatefulDefaultActions': [
        'StatefulEngineOptions': {
            'RuleOrder': 'DEFAULT_ACTION_ORDER'|'STRICT_ORDER'
type UpdateToken:


param UpdateToken:


A token used for optimistic locking. Network Firewall returns a token to your requests that access the firewall policy. The token marks the state of the policy resource at the time of the request.

To make changes to the policy, you provide the token in your request. Network Firewall uses the token to ensure that the policy hasn't changed since you last retrieved it. If it has changed, the operation fails with an InvalidTokenException. If this happens, retrieve the firewall policy again to get a current copy of it with current token. Reapply your changes as needed, then try the operation again using the new token.

type FirewallPolicyArn:


param FirewallPolicyArn:

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the firewall policy.

You must specify the ARN or the name, and you can specify both.

type FirewallPolicyName:


param FirewallPolicyName:

The descriptive name of the firewall policy. You can't change the name of a firewall policy after you create it.

You must specify the ARN or the name, and you can specify both.

type FirewallPolicy:


param FirewallPolicy:


The updated firewall policy to use for the firewall.

  • StatelessRuleGroupReferences (list) --

    References to the stateless rule groups that are used in the policy. These define the matching criteria in stateless rules.

    • (dict) --

      Identifier for a single stateless rule group, used in a firewall policy to refer to the rule group.

      • ResourceArn (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the stateless rule group.

      • Priority (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

        An integer setting that indicates the order in which to run the stateless rule groups in a single FirewallPolicy. Network Firewall applies each stateless rule group to a packet starting with the group that has the lowest priority setting. You must ensure that the priority settings are unique within each policy.

  • StatelessDefaultActions (list) -- [REQUIRED]

    The actions to take on a packet if it doesn't match any of the stateless rules in the policy. If you want non-matching packets to be forwarded for stateful inspection, specify aws:forward_to_sfe.

    You must specify one of the standard actions: aws:pass, aws:drop, or aws:forward_to_sfe. In addition, you can specify custom actions that are compatible with your standard section choice.

    For example, you could specify ["aws:pass"] or you could specify ["aws:pass", “customActionName”]. For information about compatibility, see the custom action descriptions under CustomAction.

    • (string) --

  • StatelessFragmentDefaultActions (list) -- [REQUIRED]

    The actions to take on a fragmented UDP packet if it doesn't match any of the stateless rules in the policy. Network Firewall only manages UDP packet fragments and silently drops packet fragments for other protocols. If you want non-matching fragmented UDP packets to be forwarded for stateful inspection, specify aws:forward_to_sfe.

    You must specify one of the standard actions: aws:pass, aws:drop, or aws:forward_to_sfe. In addition, you can specify custom actions that are compatible with your standard section choice.

    For example, you could specify ["aws:pass"] or you could specify ["aws:pass", “customActionName”]. For information about compatibility, see the custom action descriptions under CustomAction.

    • (string) --

  • StatelessCustomActions (list) --

    The custom action definitions that are available for use in the firewall policy's StatelessDefaultActions setting. You name each custom action that you define, and then you can use it by name in your default actions specifications.

    • (dict) --

      An optional, non-standard action to use for stateless packet handling. You can define this in addition to the standard action that you must specify.

      You define and name the custom actions that you want to be able to use, and then you reference them by name in your actions settings.

      You can use custom actions in the following places:

      • In a rule group's StatelessRulesAndCustomActions specification. The custom actions are available for use by name inside the StatelessRulesAndCustomActions where you define them. You can use them for your stateless rule actions to specify what to do with a packet that matches the rule's match attributes.

      • In a FirewallPolicy specification, in StatelessCustomActions. The custom actions are available for use inside the policy where you define them. You can use them for the policy's default stateless actions settings to specify what to do with packets that don't match any of the policy's stateless rules.

      • ActionName (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The descriptive name of the custom action. You can't change the name of a custom action after you create it.

      • ActionDefinition (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

        The custom action associated with the action name.

        • PublishMetricAction (dict) --

          Stateless inspection criteria that publishes the specified metrics to Amazon CloudWatch for the matching packet. This setting defines a CloudWatch dimension value to be published.

          You can pair this custom action with any of the standard stateless rule actions. For example, you could pair this in a rule action with the standard action that forwards the packet for stateful inspection. Then, when a packet matches the rule, Network Firewall publishes metrics for the packet and forwards it.

          • Dimensions (list) -- [REQUIRED]

            • (dict) --

              The value to use in an Amazon CloudWatch custom metric dimension. This is used in the PublishMetrics CustomAction. A CloudWatch custom metric dimension is a name/value pair that's part of the identity of a metric.

              AWS Network Firewall sets the dimension name to CustomAction and you provide the dimension value.

              For more information about CloudWatch custom metric dimensions, see Publishing Custom Metrics in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

              • Value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The value to use in the custom metric dimension.

  • StatefulRuleGroupReferences (list) --

    References to the stateful rule groups that are used in the policy. These define the inspection criteria in stateful rules.

    • (dict) --

      Identifier for a single stateful rule group, used in a firewall policy to refer to a rule group.

      • ResourceArn (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the stateful rule group.

      • Priority (integer) --

        An integer setting that indicates the order in which to run the stateful rule groups in a single FirewallPolicy. This setting only applies to firewall policies that specify the STRICT_ORDER rule order in the stateful engine options settings.

        Network Firewall evalutes each stateful rule group against a packet starting with the group that has the lowest priority setting. You must ensure that the priority settings are unique within each policy.

        You can change the priority settings of your rule groups at any time. To make it easier to insert rule groups later, number them so there's a wide range in between, for example use 100, 200, and so on.

      • Override (dict) --

        The action that allows the policy owner to override the behavior of the rule group within a policy.

        • Action (string) --

          The action that changes the rule group from DROP to ALERT. This only applies to managed rule groups.

  • StatefulDefaultActions (list) --

    The default actions to take on a packet that doesn't match any stateful rules. The stateful default action is optional, and is only valid when using the strict rule order.

    Valid values of the stateful default action:

    • aws:drop_strict

    • aws:drop_established

    • aws:alert_strict

    • aws:alert_established

    For more information, see Strict evaluation order in the AWS Network Firewall Developer Guide.

    • (string) --

  • StatefulEngineOptions (dict) --

    Additional options governing how Network Firewall handles stateful rules. The stateful rule groups that you use in your policy must have stateful rule options settings that are compatible with these settings.

    • RuleOrder (string) --

      Indicates how to manage the order of stateful rule evaluation for the policy. DEFAULT_ACTION_ORDER is the default behavior. Stateful rules are provided to the rule engine as Suricata compatible strings, and Suricata evaluates them based on certain settings. For more information, see Evaluation order for stateful rules in the AWS Network Firewall Developer Guide.

type Description:


param Description:

A description of the firewall policy.

type DryRun:


param DryRun:

Indicates whether you want Network Firewall to just check the validity of the request, rather than run the request.

If set to TRUE, Network Firewall checks whether the request can run successfully, but doesn't actually make the requested changes. The call returns the value that the request would return if you ran it with dry run set to FALSE, but doesn't make additions or changes to your resources. This option allows you to make sure that you have the required permissions to run the request and that your request parameters are valid.

If set to FALSE, Network Firewall makes the requested changes to your resources.




Response Syntax

    'UpdateToken': 'string',
    'FirewallPolicyResponse': {
        'FirewallPolicyName': 'string',
        'FirewallPolicyArn': 'string',
        'FirewallPolicyId': 'string',
        'Description': 'string',
        'FirewallPolicyStatus': 'ACTIVE'|'DELETING',
        'Tags': [
                'Key': 'string',
                'Value': 'string'
        'ConsumedStatelessRuleCapacity': 123,
        'ConsumedStatefulRuleCapacity': 123,
        'NumberOfAssociations': 123

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • UpdateToken (string) --

      A token used for optimistic locking. Network Firewall returns a token to your requests that access the firewall policy. The token marks the state of the policy resource at the time of the request.

      To make changes to the policy, you provide the token in your request. Network Firewall uses the token to ensure that the policy hasn't changed since you last retrieved it. If it has changed, the operation fails with an InvalidTokenException. If this happens, retrieve the firewall policy again to get a current copy of it with current token. Reapply your changes as needed, then try the operation again using the new token.

    • FirewallPolicyResponse (dict) --

      The high-level properties of a firewall policy. This, along with the FirewallPolicy, define the policy. You can retrieve all objects for a firewall policy by calling DescribeFirewallPolicy.

      • FirewallPolicyName (string) --

        The descriptive name of the firewall policy. You can't change the name of a firewall policy after you create it.

      • FirewallPolicyArn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the firewall policy.

      • FirewallPolicyId (string) --

        The unique identifier for the firewall policy.

      • Description (string) --

        A description of the firewall policy.

      • FirewallPolicyStatus (string) --

        The current status of the firewall policy. You can retrieve this for a firewall policy by calling DescribeFirewallPolicy and providing the firewall policy's name or ARN.

      • Tags (list) --

        The key:value pairs to associate with the resource.

        • (dict) --

          A key:value pair associated with an AWS resource. The key:value pair can be anything you define. Typically, the tag key represents a category (such as "environment") and the tag value represents a specific value within that category (such as "test," "development," or "production"). You can add up to 50 tags to each AWS resource.

          • Key (string) --

            The part of the key:value pair that defines a tag. You can use a tag key to describe a category of information, such as "customer." Tag keys are case-sensitive.

          • Value (string) --

            The part of the key:value pair that defines a tag. You can use a tag value to describe a specific value within a category, such as "companyA" or "companyB." Tag values are case-sensitive.

      • ConsumedStatelessRuleCapacity (integer) --

        The number of capacity units currently consumed by the policy's stateless rules.

      • ConsumedStatefulRuleCapacity (integer) --

        The number of capacity units currently consumed by the policy's stateful rules.

      • NumberOfAssociations (integer) --

        The number of firewalls that are associated with this firewall policy.