2023/05/04 - Amazon QuickSight - 18 new13 updated api methods
Changes Add support for Topic, Dataset parameters and VPC
Updates a topic refresh schedule.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.update_topic_refresh_schedule( AwsAccountId='string', TopicId='string', DatasetId='string', RefreshSchedule={ 'IsEnabled': True|False, 'BasedOnSpiceSchedule': True|False, 'StartingAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'Timezone': 'string', 'RepeatAt': 'string', 'TopicScheduleType': 'HOURLY'|'DAILY'|'WEEKLY'|'MONTHLY' } )
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the topic whose refresh schedule you want to update.
The ID of the topic that you want to modify. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
The ID of the dataset.
The definition of a refresh schedule.
IsEnabled (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]
A Boolean value that controls whether to schedule is enabled.
BasedOnSpiceSchedule (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]
A Boolean value that controls whether to schedule runs at the same schedule that is specified in SPICE dataset.
StartingAt (datetime) --
The starting date and time for the refresh schedule.
Timezone (string) --
The timezone that you want the refresh schedule to use.
RepeatAt (string) --
The time of day when the refresh should run, for example, Monday-Sunday.
TopicScheduleType (string) --
The type of refresh schedule. Valid values for this structure are HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, and MONTHLY.
Response Syntax
{ 'TopicId': 'string', 'TopicArn': 'string', 'DatasetArn': 'string', 'Status': 123, 'RequestId': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
TopicId (string) --
The ID of the topic that you want to modify. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
TopicArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic.
DatasetArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset.
Status (integer) --
The HTTP status of the request.
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
Deletes a topic refresh schedule.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.describe_topic_refresh_schedule( AwsAccountId='string', TopicId='string', DatasetId='string' )
The Amazon Web Services account ID.
The ID of the topic that contains the refresh schedule that you want to describe. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
The ID of the dataset.
Response Syntax
{ 'TopicId': 'string', 'TopicArn': 'string', 'DatasetArn': 'string', 'RefreshSchedule': { 'IsEnabled': True|False, 'BasedOnSpiceSchedule': True|False, 'StartingAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'Timezone': 'string', 'RepeatAt': 'string', 'TopicScheduleType': 'HOURLY'|'DAILY'|'WEEKLY'|'MONTHLY' }, 'Status': 123, 'RequestId': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
TopicId (string) --
The ID of the topic that contains the refresh schedule that you want to describe. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
TopicArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic.
DatasetArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset.
RefreshSchedule (dict) --
The definition of a refresh schedule.
IsEnabled (boolean) --
A Boolean value that controls whether to schedule is enabled.
BasedOnSpiceSchedule (boolean) --
A Boolean value that controls whether to schedule runs at the same schedule that is specified in SPICE dataset.
StartingAt (datetime) --
The starting date and time for the refresh schedule.
Timezone (string) --
The timezone that you want the refresh schedule to use.
RepeatAt (string) --
The time of day when the refresh should run, for example, Monday-Sunday.
TopicScheduleType (string) --
The type of refresh schedule. Valid values for this structure are HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, and MONTHLY.
Status (integer) --
The HTTP status of the request.
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
Lists all of the topics within an account.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.list_topics( AwsAccountId='string', NextToken='string', MaxResults=123 )
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the topics that you want to list.
The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
Response Syntax
{ 'TopicsSummaries': [ { 'Arn': 'string', 'TopicId': 'string', 'Name': 'string' }, ], 'NextToken': 'string', 'RequestId': 'string', 'Status': 123 }
Response Structure
(dict) --
TopicsSummaries (list) --
A list of topic summaries.
(dict) --
A topic summary.
Arn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic.
TopicId (string) --
The ID for the topic. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
Name (string) --
The name of the topic.
NextToken (string) --
The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
Status (integer) --
The HTTP status of the request.
Describes the status of a topic refresh.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.describe_topic_refresh( AwsAccountId='string', TopicId='string', RefreshId='string' )
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the topic whose refresh you want to describe.
The ID of the topic that you want to describe. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
The ID of the refresh, which is performed when the topic is created or updated.
Response Syntax
{ 'RefreshDetails': { 'RefreshArn': 'string', 'RefreshId': 'string', 'RefreshStatus': 'INITIALIZED'|'RUNNING'|'FAILED'|'COMPLETED'|'CANCELLED' }, 'RequestId': 'string', 'Status': 123 }
Response Structure
(dict) --
RefreshDetails (dict) --
Details of the refresh, which is performed when the topic is created or updated.
RefreshArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic refresh.
RefreshId (string) --
The ID of the refresh, which occurs as a result of topic creation or topic update.
RefreshStatus (string) --
The status of the refresh job that indicates whether the job is still running, completed successfully, or failed.
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
Status (integer) --
The HTTP status of the request.
Updates a VPC connection.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.update_vpc_connection( AwsAccountId='string', VPCConnectionId='string', Name='string', SubnetIds=[ 'string', ], SecurityGroupIds=[ 'string', ], DnsResolvers=[ 'string', ], RoleArn='string' )
The Amazon Web Services account ID of the account that contains the VPC connection that you want to update.
The ID of the VPC connection that you're updating. This ID is a unique identifier for each Amazon Web Services Region in an Amazon Web Services account.
The display name for the VPC connection.
A list of subnet IDs for the VPC connection.
(string) --
A list of security group IDs for the VPC connection.
(string) --
A list of IP addresses of DNS resolver endpoints for the VPC connection.
(string) --
An IAM role associated with the VPC connection.
Response Syntax
Response Structure
(dict) --
Arn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the VPC connection.
VPCConnectionId (string) --
The ID of the VPC connection that you are updating. This ID is a unique identifier for each Amazon Web Services Region in anAmazon Web Services account.
UpdateStatus (string) --
The update status of the VPC connection's last update.
AvailabilityStatus (string) --
The availability status of the VPC connection.
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
Status (integer) --
The HTTP status of the request.
Creates a new Q topic.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_topic( AwsAccountId='string', TopicId='string', Topic={ 'Name': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'DataSets': [ { 'DatasetArn': 'string', 'DatasetName': 'string', 'DatasetDescription': 'string', 'DataAggregation': { 'DatasetRowDateGranularity': 'SECOND'|'MINUTE'|'HOUR'|'DAY'|'WEEK'|'MONTH'|'QUARTER'|'YEAR', 'DefaultDateColumnName': 'string' }, 'Filters': [ { 'FilterDescription': 'string', 'FilterClass': 'ENFORCED_VALUE_FILTER'|'CONDITIONAL_VALUE_FILTER'|'NAMED_VALUE_FILTER', 'FilterName': 'string', 'FilterSynonyms': [ 'string', ], 'OperandFieldName': 'string', 'FilterType': 'CATEGORY_FILTER'|'NUMERIC_EQUALITY_FILTER'|'NUMERIC_RANGE_FILTER'|'DATE_RANGE_FILTER'|'RELATIVE_DATE_FILTER', 'CategoryFilter': { 'CategoryFilterFunction': 'EXACT'|'CONTAINS', 'CategoryFilterType': 'CUSTOM_FILTER'|'CUSTOM_FILTER_LIST'|'FILTER_LIST', 'Constant': { 'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE', 'SingularConstant': 'string', 'CollectiveConstant': { 'ValueList': [ 'string', ] } }, 'Inverse': True|False }, 'NumericEqualityFilter': { 'Constant': { 'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE', 'SingularConstant': 'string' }, 'Aggregation': 'NO_AGGREGATION'|'SUM'|'AVERAGE'|'COUNT'|'DISTINCT_COUNT'|'MAX'|'MEDIAN'|'MIN'|'STDEV'|'STDEVP'|'VAR'|'VARP' }, 'NumericRangeFilter': { 'Inclusive': True|False, 'Constant': { 'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE', 'RangeConstant': { 'Minimum': 'string', 'Maximum': 'string' } }, 'Aggregation': 'NO_AGGREGATION'|'SUM'|'AVERAGE'|'COUNT'|'DISTINCT_COUNT'|'MAX'|'MEDIAN'|'MIN'|'STDEV'|'STDEVP'|'VAR'|'VARP' }, 'DateRangeFilter': { 'Inclusive': True|False, 'Constant': { 'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE', 'RangeConstant': { 'Minimum': 'string', 'Maximum': 'string' } } }, 'RelativeDateFilter': { 'TimeGranularity': 'SECOND'|'MINUTE'|'HOUR'|'DAY'|'WEEK'|'MONTH'|'QUARTER'|'YEAR', 'RelativeDateFilterFunction': 'PREVIOUS'|'THIS'|'LAST'|'NEXT'|'NOW', 'Constant': { 'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE', 'SingularConstant': 'string' } } }, ], 'Columns': [ { 'ColumnName': 'string', 'ColumnFriendlyName': 'string', 'ColumnDescription': 'string', 'ColumnSynonyms': [ 'string', ], 'ColumnDataRole': 'DIMENSION'|'MEASURE', 'Aggregation': 'SUM'|'MAX'|'MIN'|'COUNT'|'DISTINCT_COUNT'|'AVERAGE', 'IsIncludedInTopic': True|False, 'DisableIndexing': True|False, 'ComparativeOrder': { 'UseOrdering': 'GREATER_IS_BETTER'|'LESSER_IS_BETTER'|'SPECIFIED', 'SpecifedOrder': [ 'string', ], 'TreatUndefinedSpecifiedValues': 'LEAST'|'MOST' }, 'SemanticType': { 'TypeName': 'string', 'SubTypeName': 'string', 'TypeParameters': { 'string': 'string' }, 'TruthyCellValue': 'string', 'TruthyCellValueSynonyms': [ 'string', ], 'FalseyCellValue': 'string', 'FalseyCellValueSynonyms': [ 'string', ] }, 'TimeGranularity': 'SECOND'|'MINUTE'|'HOUR'|'DAY'|'WEEK'|'MONTH'|'QUARTER'|'YEAR', 'AllowedAggregations': [ 'COUNT'|'DISTINCT_COUNT'|'MIN'|'MAX'|'MEDIAN'|'SUM'|'AVERAGE'|'STDEV'|'STDEVP'|'VAR'|'VARP'|'PERCENTILE', ], 'NotAllowedAggregations': [ 'COUNT'|'DISTINCT_COUNT'|'MIN'|'MAX'|'MEDIAN'|'SUM'|'AVERAGE'|'STDEV'|'STDEVP'|'VAR'|'VARP'|'PERCENTILE', ], 'DefaultFormatting': { 'DisplayFormat': 'AUTO'|'PERCENT'|'CURRENCY'|'NUMBER'|'DATE'|'STRING', 'DisplayFormatOptions': { 'UseBlankCellFormat': True|False, 'BlankCellFormat': 'string', 'DateFormat': 'string', 'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA'|'DOT', 'GroupingSeparator': 'string', 'UseGrouping': True|False, 'FractionDigits': 123, 'Prefix': 'string', 'Suffix': 'string', 'UnitScaler': 'NONE'|'AUTO'|'THOUSANDS'|'MILLIONS'|'BILLIONS'|'TRILLIONS', 'NegativeFormat': { 'Prefix': 'string', 'Suffix': 'string' }, 'CurrencySymbol': 'string' } }, 'NeverAggregateInFilter': True|False, 'CellValueSynonyms': [ { 'CellValue': 'string', 'Synonyms': [ 'string', ] }, ] }, ], 'CalculatedFields': [ { 'CalculatedFieldName': 'string', 'CalculatedFieldDescription': 'string', 'Expression': 'string', 'CalculatedFieldSynonyms': [ 'string', ], 'IsIncludedInTopic': True|False, 'DisableIndexing': True|False, 'ColumnDataRole': 'DIMENSION'|'MEASURE', 'TimeGranularity': 'SECOND'|'MINUTE'|'HOUR'|'DAY'|'WEEK'|'MONTH'|'QUARTER'|'YEAR', 'DefaultFormatting': { 'DisplayFormat': 'AUTO'|'PERCENT'|'CURRENCY'|'NUMBER'|'DATE'|'STRING', 'DisplayFormatOptions': { 'UseBlankCellFormat': True|False, 'BlankCellFormat': 'string', 'DateFormat': 'string', 'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA'|'DOT', 'GroupingSeparator': 'string', 'UseGrouping': True|False, 'FractionDigits': 123, 'Prefix': 'string', 'Suffix': 'string', 'UnitScaler': 'NONE'|'AUTO'|'THOUSANDS'|'MILLIONS'|'BILLIONS'|'TRILLIONS', 'NegativeFormat': { 'Prefix': 'string', 'Suffix': 'string' }, 'CurrencySymbol': 'string' } }, 'Aggregation': 'SUM'|'MAX'|'MIN'|'COUNT'|'DISTINCT_COUNT'|'AVERAGE', 'ComparativeOrder': { 'UseOrdering': 'GREATER_IS_BETTER'|'LESSER_IS_BETTER'|'SPECIFIED', 'SpecifedOrder': [ 'string', ], 'TreatUndefinedSpecifiedValues': 'LEAST'|'MOST' }, 'SemanticType': { 'TypeName': 'string', 'SubTypeName': 'string', 'TypeParameters': { 'string': 'string' }, 'TruthyCellValue': 'string', 'TruthyCellValueSynonyms': [ 'string', ], 'FalseyCellValue': 'string', 'FalseyCellValueSynonyms': [ 'string', ] }, 'AllowedAggregations': [ 'COUNT'|'DISTINCT_COUNT'|'MIN'|'MAX'|'MEDIAN'|'SUM'|'AVERAGE'|'STDEV'|'STDEVP'|'VAR'|'VARP'|'PERCENTILE', ], 'NotAllowedAggregations': [ 'COUNT'|'DISTINCT_COUNT'|'MIN'|'MAX'|'MEDIAN'|'SUM'|'AVERAGE'|'STDEV'|'STDEVP'|'VAR'|'VARP'|'PERCENTILE', ], 'NeverAggregateInFilter': True|False, 'CellValueSynonyms': [ { 'CellValue': 'string', 'Synonyms': [ 'string', ] }, ] }, ], 'NamedEntities': [ { 'EntityName': 'string', 'EntityDescription': 'string', 'EntitySynonyms': [ 'string', ], 'SemanticEntityType': { 'TypeName': 'string', 'SubTypeName': 'string', 'TypeParameters': { 'string': 'string' } }, 'Definition': [ { 'FieldName': 'string', 'PropertyName': 'string', 'PropertyRole': 'PRIMARY'|'ID', 'PropertyUsage': 'INHERIT'|'DIMENSION'|'MEASURE', 'Metric': { 'Aggregation': 'SUM'|'MIN'|'MAX'|'COUNT'|'AVERAGE'|'DISTINCT_COUNT'|'STDEV'|'STDEVP'|'VAR'|'VARP'|'PERCENTILE'|'MEDIAN'|'CUSTOM', 'AggregationFunctionParameters': { 'string': 'string' } } }, ] }, ] }, ] }, Tags=[ { 'Key': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ] )
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that you want to create a topic in.
The ID for the topic that you want to create. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
The definition of a topic to create.
Name (string) --
The name of the topic.
Description (string) --
The description of the topic.
DataSets (list) --
The data sets that the topic is associated with.
(dict) --
A structure that represents a dataset.
DatasetArn (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset.
DatasetName (string) --
The name of the dataset.
DatasetDescription (string) --
The description of the dataset.
DataAggregation (dict) --
The definition of a data aggregation.
DatasetRowDateGranularity (string) --
The level of time precision that is used to aggregate DateTime values.
DefaultDateColumnName (string) --
The column name for the default date.
Filters (list) --
The list of filter definitions.
(dict) --
A structure that represents a filter used to select items for a topic.
FilterDescription (string) --
A description of the filter used to select items for a topic.
FilterClass (string) --
The class of the filter. Valid values for this structure are ENFORCED_VALUE_FILTER, CONDITIONAL_VALUE_FILTER, and NAMED_VALUE_FILTER.
FilterName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the filter.
FilterSynonyms (list) --
The other names or aliases for the filter.
(string) --
OperandFieldName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the field that the filter operates on.
FilterType (string) --
CategoryFilter (dict) --
The category filter that is associated with this filter.
CategoryFilterFunction (string) --
The category filter function. Valid values for this structure are EXACT and CONTAINS.
CategoryFilterType (string) --
The category filter type. This element is used to specify whether a filter is a simple category filter or an inverse category filter.
Constant (dict) --
The constant used in a category filter.
ConstantType (string) --
The type of category filter constant. This element is used to specify whether a constant is a singular or collective. Valid values are SINGULAR and COLLECTIVE.
SingularConstant (string) --
A singular constant used in a category filter. This element is used to specify a single value for the constant.
CollectiveConstant (dict) --
A collective constant used in a category filter. This element is used to specify a list of values for the constant.
ValueList (list) --
A list of values for the collective constant.
(string) --
Inverse (boolean) --
A Boolean value that indicates if the filter is inverse.
NumericEqualityFilter (dict) --
The numeric equality filter.
Constant (dict) --
The constant used in a numeric equality filter.
ConstantType (string) --
The type of the singular filter constant. Valid values for this structure are SINGULAR.
SingularConstant (string) --
The value of the singular filter constant.
Aggregation (string) --
An aggregation function that specifies how to calculate the value of a numeric field for a topic. Valid values for this structure are NO_AGGREGATION, SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, DISTINCT_COUNT, MAX, MEDIAN, MIN, STDEV, STDEVP, VAR, and VARP.
NumericRangeFilter (dict) --
The numeric range filter.
Inclusive (boolean) --
A Boolean value that indicates whether the endpoints of the numeric range are included in the filter. If set to true, topics whose numeric field value is equal to the endpoint values will be included in the filter. If set to false, topics whose numeric field value is equal to the endpoint values will be excluded from the filter.
Constant (dict) --
The constant used in a numeric range filter.
ConstantType (string) --
The data type of the constant value that is used in a range filter. Valid values for this structure are RANGE.
RangeConstant (dict) --
The value of the constant that is used to specify the endpoints of a range filter.
Minimum (string) --
The minimum value for a range constant.
Maximum (string) --
The maximum value for a range constant.
Aggregation (string) --
An aggregation function that specifies how to calculate the value of a numeric field for a topic, Valid values for this structure are NO_AGGREGATION, SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, DISTINCT_COUNT, MAX, MEDIAN, MIN, STDEV, STDEVP, VAR, and VARP.
DateRangeFilter (dict) --
The date range filter.
Inclusive (boolean) --
A Boolean value that indicates whether the date range filter should include the boundary values. If set to true, the filter includes the start and end dates. If set to false, the filter excludes them.
Constant (dict) --
The constant used in a date range filter.
ConstantType (string) --
The data type of the constant value that is used in a range filter. Valid values for this structure are RANGE.
RangeConstant (dict) --
The value of the constant that is used to specify the endpoints of a range filter.
Minimum (string) --
The minimum value for a range constant.
Maximum (string) --
The maximum value for a range constant.
RelativeDateFilter (dict) --
The relative date filter.
TimeGranularity (string) --
The level of time precision that is used to aggregate DateTime values.
RelativeDateFilterFunction (string) --
The function to be used in a relative date filter to determine the range of dates to include in the results. Valid values for this structure are BEFORE, AFTER, and BETWEEN.
Constant (dict) --
The constant used in a relative date filter.
ConstantType (string) --
The type of the singular filter constant. Valid values for this structure are SINGULAR.
SingularConstant (string) --
The value of the singular filter constant.
Columns (list) --
The list of column definitions.
(dict) --
Represents a column in a dataset.
ColumnName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the column.
ColumnFriendlyName (string) --
A user-friendly name for the column.
ColumnDescription (string) --
A description of the column and its contents.
ColumnSynonyms (list) --
The other names or aliases for the column.
(string) --
ColumnDataRole (string) --
The role of the column in the data. Valid values are DIMENSION and MEASURE.
Aggregation (string) --
The type of aggregation that is performed on the column data when it's queried. Valid values for this structure are SUM, MAX, MIN, COUNT, DISTINCT_COUNT, and AVERAGE.
IsIncludedInTopic (boolean) --
A Boolean value that indicates whether the column is included in the query results.
DisableIndexing (boolean) --
A Boolean value that indicates whether the column shows in the autocomplete functionality.
ComparativeOrder (dict) --
The order in which data is displayed for the column when it's used in a comparative context.
UseOrdering (string) --
The ordering type for a column. Valid values for this structure are GREATER_IS_BETTER, LESSER_IS_BETTER and SPECIFIED.
SpecifedOrder (list) --
The list of columns to be used in the ordering.
(string) --
TreatUndefinedSpecifiedValues (string) --
The treat of undefined specified values. Valid values for this structure are LEAST and MOST.
SemanticType (dict) --
The semantic type of data contained in the column.
TypeName (string) --
The semantic type name.
SubTypeName (string) --
The semantic type sub type name.
TypeParameters (dict) --
The semantic type parameters.
(string) --
(string) --
TruthyCellValue (string) --
The semantic type truthy cell value.
TruthyCellValueSynonyms (list) --
The other names or aliases for the true cell value.
(string) --
FalseyCellValue (string) --
The semantic type falsey cell value.
FalseyCellValueSynonyms (list) --
The other names or aliases for the false cell value.
(string) --
TimeGranularity (string) --
The level of time precision that is used to aggregate DateTime values.
AllowedAggregations (list) --
The list of aggregation types that are allowed for the column. Valid values for this structure are COUNT, DISTINCT_COUNT, MIN, MAX, MEDIAN, SUM, AVERAGE, STDEV, STDEVP, VAR, VARP, and PERCENTILE.
(string) --
NotAllowedAggregations (list) --
The list of aggregation types that are not allowed for the column. Valid values for this structure are COUNT, DISTINCT_COUNT, MIN, MAX, MEDIAN, SUM, AVERAGE, STDEV, STDEVP, VAR, VARP, and PERCENTILE.
(string) --
DefaultFormatting (dict) --
The default formatting used for values in the column.
DisplayFormat (string) --
The display format. Valid values for this structure are AUTO, PERCENT, CURRENCY, NUMBER, DATE, and STRING.
DisplayFormatOptions (dict) --
The additional options for display formatting.
UseBlankCellFormat (boolean) --
A Boolean value that indicates whether to use blank cell format.
BlankCellFormat (string) --
Determines the blank cell format.
DateFormat (string) --
Determines the DateTime format.
DecimalSeparator (string) --
Determines the decimal separator.
GroupingSeparator (string) --
Determines the grouping separator.
UseGrouping (boolean) --
A Boolean value that indicates whether to use grouping.
FractionDigits (integer) --
Determines the number of fraction digits.
Prefix (string) --
The prefix value for a display format.
Suffix (string) --
The suffix value for a display format.
UnitScaler (string) --
The unit scaler. Valid values for this structure are: NONE, AUTO, THOUSANDS, MILLIONS, BILLIONS, and TRILLIONS.
NegativeFormat (dict) --
The negative format.
Prefix (string) --
The prefix for a negative format.
Suffix (string) --
The suffix for a negative format.
CurrencySymbol (string) --
The currency symbol, such as USD.
NeverAggregateInFilter (boolean) --
A Boolean value that indicates whether to aggregate the column data when it's used in a filter context.
CellValueSynonyms (list) --
The other names or aliases for the column cell value.
(dict) --
A structure that represents the cell value synonym.
CellValue (string) --
The cell value.
Synonyms (list) --
Other names or aliases for the cell value.
(string) --
CalculatedFields (list) --
The list of calculated field definitions.
(dict) --
A structure that represents a calculated field.
CalculatedFieldName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The calculated field name.
CalculatedFieldDescription (string) --
The calculated field description.
Expression (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The calculated field expression.
CalculatedFieldSynonyms (list) --
The other names or aliases for the calculated field.
(string) --
IsIncludedInTopic (boolean) --
A boolean value that indicates if a calculated field is included in the topic.
DisableIndexing (boolean) --
A Boolean value that indicates if a calculated field is visible in the autocomplete.
ColumnDataRole (string) --
The column data role for a calculated field. Valid values for this structure are DIMENSION and MEASURE.
TimeGranularity (string) --
The level of time precision that is used to aggregate DateTime values.
DefaultFormatting (dict) --
The default formatting definition.
DisplayFormat (string) --
The display format. Valid values for this structure are AUTO, PERCENT, CURRENCY, NUMBER, DATE, and STRING.
DisplayFormatOptions (dict) --
The additional options for display formatting.
UseBlankCellFormat (boolean) --
A Boolean value that indicates whether to use blank cell format.
BlankCellFormat (string) --
Determines the blank cell format.
DateFormat (string) --
Determines the DateTime format.
DecimalSeparator (string) --
Determines the decimal separator.
GroupingSeparator (string) --
Determines the grouping separator.
UseGrouping (boolean) --
A Boolean value that indicates whether to use grouping.
FractionDigits (integer) --
Determines the number of fraction digits.
Prefix (string) --
The prefix value for a display format.
Suffix (string) --
The suffix value for a display format.
UnitScaler (string) --
The unit scaler. Valid values for this structure are: NONE, AUTO, THOUSANDS, MILLIONS, BILLIONS, and TRILLIONS.
NegativeFormat (dict) --
The negative format.
Prefix (string) --
The prefix for a negative format.
Suffix (string) --
The suffix for a negative format.
CurrencySymbol (string) --
The currency symbol, such as USD.
Aggregation (string) --
The default aggregation. Valid values for this structure are SUM, MAX, MIN, COUNT, DISTINCT_COUNT, and AVERAGE.
ComparativeOrder (dict) --
The order in which data is displayed for the calculated field when it's used in a comparative context.
UseOrdering (string) --
The ordering type for a column. Valid values for this structure are GREATER_IS_BETTER, LESSER_IS_BETTER and SPECIFIED.
SpecifedOrder (list) --
The list of columns to be used in the ordering.
(string) --
TreatUndefinedSpecifiedValues (string) --
The treat of undefined specified values. Valid values for this structure are LEAST and MOST.
SemanticType (dict) --
The semantic type.
TypeName (string) --
The semantic type name.
SubTypeName (string) --
The semantic type sub type name.
TypeParameters (dict) --
The semantic type parameters.
(string) --
(string) --
TruthyCellValue (string) --
The semantic type truthy cell value.
TruthyCellValueSynonyms (list) --
The other names or aliases for the true cell value.
(string) --
FalseyCellValue (string) --
The semantic type falsey cell value.
FalseyCellValueSynonyms (list) --
The other names or aliases for the false cell value.
(string) --
AllowedAggregations (list) --
The list of aggregation types that are allowed for the calculated field. Valid values for this structure are COUNT, DISTINCT_COUNT, MIN, MAX, MEDIAN, SUM, AVERAGE, STDEV, STDEVP, VAR, VARP, and PERCENTILE.
(string) --
NotAllowedAggregations (list) --
The list of aggregation types that are not allowed for the calculated field. Valid values for this structure are COUNT, DISTINCT_COUNT, MIN, MAX, MEDIAN, SUM, AVERAGE, STDEV, STDEVP, VAR, VARP, and PERCENTILE.
(string) --
NeverAggregateInFilter (boolean) --
A Boolean value that indicates whether to never aggregate calculated field in filters.
CellValueSynonyms (list) --
The other names or aliases for the calculated field cell value.
(dict) --
A structure that represents the cell value synonym.
CellValue (string) --
The cell value.
Synonyms (list) --
Other names or aliases for the cell value.
(string) --
NamedEntities (list) --
The list of named entities definitions.
(dict) --
A structure that represents a named entity.
EntityName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the named entity.
EntityDescription (string) --
The description of the named entity.
EntitySynonyms (list) --
The other names or aliases for the named entity.
(string) --
SemanticEntityType (dict) --
The type of named entity that a topic represents.
TypeName (string) --
The semantic entity type name.
SubTypeName (string) --
The semantic entity sub type name.
TypeParameters (dict) --
The semantic entity type parameters.
(string) --
(string) --
Definition (list) --
The definition of a named entity.
(dict) --
A structure that represents a named entity.
FieldName (string) --
The name of the entity.
PropertyName (string) --
The property name to be used for the named entity.
PropertyRole (string) --
The property role. Valid values for this structure are PRIMARY and ID.
PropertyUsage (string) --
The property usage. Valid values for this structure are INHERIT, DIMENSION, and MEASURE.
Metric (dict) --
The definition of a metric.
Aggregation (string) --
The aggregation of a named entity. Valid values for this structure are SUM, MIN, MAX, COUNT, AVERAGE, DISTINCT_COUNT, STDEV, STDEVP, VAR, VARP, PERCENTILE, MEDIAN, and CUSTOM.
AggregationFunctionParameters (dict) --
The additional parameters for an aggregation function.
(string) --
(string) --
Contains a map of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags that are assigned to the dataset.
(dict) --
The key or keys of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags assigned to the resource.
Key (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Tag key.
Value (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Tag value.
Response Syntax
{ 'Arn': 'string', 'TopicId': 'string', 'RefreshArn': 'string', 'RequestId': 'string', 'Status': 123 }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Arn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic.
TopicId (string) --
The ID for the topic that you want to create. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
RefreshArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic refresh.
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
Status (integer) --
The HTTP status of the request.
Describes a topic.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.describe_topic( AwsAccountId='string', TopicId='string' )
The Amazon Web Services account ID.
The ID of the topic that you want to describe. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
Response Syntax
{ 'Arn': 'string', 'TopicId': 'string', 'Topic': { 'Name': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'DataSets': [ { 'DatasetArn': 'string', 'DatasetName': 'string', 'DatasetDescription': 'string', 'DataAggregation': { 'DatasetRowDateGranularity': 'SECOND'|'MINUTE'|'HOUR'|'DAY'|'WEEK'|'MONTH'|'QUARTER'|'YEAR', 'DefaultDateColumnName': 'string' }, 'Filters': [ { 'FilterDescription': 'string', 'FilterClass': 'ENFORCED_VALUE_FILTER'|'CONDITIONAL_VALUE_FILTER'|'NAMED_VALUE_FILTER', 'FilterName': 'string', 'FilterSynonyms': [ 'string', ], 'OperandFieldName': 'string', 'FilterType': 'CATEGORY_FILTER'|'NUMERIC_EQUALITY_FILTER'|'NUMERIC_RANGE_FILTER'|'DATE_RANGE_FILTER'|'RELATIVE_DATE_FILTER', 'CategoryFilter': { 'CategoryFilterFunction': 'EXACT'|'CONTAINS', 'CategoryFilterType': 'CUSTOM_FILTER'|'CUSTOM_FILTER_LIST'|'FILTER_LIST', 'Constant': { 'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE', 'SingularConstant': 'string', 'CollectiveConstant': { 'ValueList': [ 'string', ] } }, 'Inverse': True|False }, 'NumericEqualityFilter': { 'Constant': { 'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE', 'SingularConstant': 'string' }, 'Aggregation': 'NO_AGGREGATION'|'SUM'|'AVERAGE'|'COUNT'|'DISTINCT_COUNT'|'MAX'|'MEDIAN'|'MIN'|'STDEV'|'STDEVP'|'VAR'|'VARP' }, 'NumericRangeFilter': { 'Inclusive': True|False, 'Constant': { 'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE', 'RangeConstant': { 'Minimum': 'string', 'Maximum': 'string' } }, 'Aggregation': 'NO_AGGREGATION'|'SUM'|'AVERAGE'|'COUNT'|'DISTINCT_COUNT'|'MAX'|'MEDIAN'|'MIN'|'STDEV'|'STDEVP'|'VAR'|'VARP' }, 'DateRangeFilter': { 'Inclusive': True|False, 'Constant': { 'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE', 'RangeConstant': { 'Minimum': 'string', 'Maximum': 'string' } } }, 'RelativeDateFilter': { 'TimeGranularity': 'SECOND'|'MINUTE'|'HOUR'|'DAY'|'WEEK'|'MONTH'|'QUARTER'|'YEAR', 'RelativeDateFilterFunction': 'PREVIOUS'|'THIS'|'LAST'|'NEXT'|'NOW', 'Constant': { 'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE', 'SingularConstant': 'string' } } }, ], 'Columns': [ { 'ColumnName': 'string', 'ColumnFriendlyName': 'string', 'ColumnDescription': 'string', 'ColumnSynonyms': [ 'string', ], 'ColumnDataRole': 'DIMENSION'|'MEASURE', 'Aggregation': 'SUM'|'MAX'|'MIN'|'COUNT'|'DISTINCT_COUNT'|'AVERAGE', 'IsIncludedInTopic': True|False, 'DisableIndexing': True|False, 'ComparativeOrder': { 'UseOrdering': 'GREATER_IS_BETTER'|'LESSER_IS_BETTER'|'SPECIFIED', 'SpecifedOrder': [ 'string', ], 'TreatUndefinedSpecifiedValues': 'LEAST'|'MOST' }, 'SemanticType': { 'TypeName': 'string', 'SubTypeName': 'string', 'TypeParameters': { 'string': 'string' }, 'TruthyCellValue': 'string', 'TruthyCellValueSynonyms': [ 'string', ], 'FalseyCellValue': 'string', 'FalseyCellValueSynonyms': [ 'string', ] }, 'TimeGranularity': 'SECOND'|'MINUTE'|'HOUR'|'DAY'|'WEEK'|'MONTH'|'QUARTER'|'YEAR', 'AllowedAggregations': [ 'COUNT'|'DISTINCT_COUNT'|'MIN'|'MAX'|'MEDIAN'|'SUM'|'AVERAGE'|'STDEV'|'STDEVP'|'VAR'|'VARP'|'PERCENTILE', ], 'NotAllowedAggregations': [ 'COUNT'|'DISTINCT_COUNT'|'MIN'|'MAX'|'MEDIAN'|'SUM'|'AVERAGE'|'STDEV'|'STDEVP'|'VAR'|'VARP'|'PERCENTILE', ], 'DefaultFormatting': { 'DisplayFormat': 'AUTO'|'PERCENT'|'CURRENCY'|'NUMBER'|'DATE'|'STRING', 'DisplayFormatOptions': { 'UseBlankCellFormat': True|False, 'BlankCellFormat': 'string', 'DateFormat': 'string', 'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA'|'DOT', 'GroupingSeparator': 'string', 'UseGrouping': True|False, 'FractionDigits': 123, 'Prefix': 'string', 'Suffix': 'string', 'UnitScaler': 'NONE'|'AUTO'|'THOUSANDS'|'MILLIONS'|'BILLIONS'|'TRILLIONS', 'NegativeFormat': { 'Prefix': 'string', 'Suffix': 'string' }, 'CurrencySymbol': 'string' } }, 'NeverAggregateInFilter': True|False, 'CellValueSynonyms': [ { 'CellValue': 'string', 'Synonyms': [ 'string', ] }, ] }, ], 'CalculatedFields': [ { 'CalculatedFieldName': 'string', 'CalculatedFieldDescription': 'string', 'Expression': 'string', 'CalculatedFieldSynonyms': [ 'string', ], 'IsIncludedInTopic': True|False, 'DisableIndexing': True|False, 'ColumnDataRole': 'DIMENSION'|'MEASURE', 'TimeGranularity': 'SECOND'|'MINUTE'|'HOUR'|'DAY'|'WEEK'|'MONTH'|'QUARTER'|'YEAR', 'DefaultFormatting': { 'DisplayFormat': 'AUTO'|'PERCENT'|'CURRENCY'|'NUMBER'|'DATE'|'STRING', 'DisplayFormatOptions': { 'UseBlankCellFormat': True|False, 'BlankCellFormat': 'string', 'DateFormat': 'string', 'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA'|'DOT', 'GroupingSeparator': 'string', 'UseGrouping': True|False, 'FractionDigits': 123, 'Prefix': 'string', 'Suffix': 'string', 'UnitScaler': 'NONE'|'AUTO'|'THOUSANDS'|'MILLIONS'|'BILLIONS'|'TRILLIONS', 'NegativeFormat': { 'Prefix': 'string', 'Suffix': 'string' }, 'CurrencySymbol': 'string' } }, 'Aggregation': 'SUM'|'MAX'|'MIN'|'COUNT'|'DISTINCT_COUNT'|'AVERAGE', 'ComparativeOrder': { 'UseOrdering': 'GREATER_IS_BETTER'|'LESSER_IS_BETTER'|'SPECIFIED', 'SpecifedOrder': [ 'string', ], 'TreatUndefinedSpecifiedValues': 'LEAST'|'MOST' }, 'SemanticType': { 'TypeName': 'string', 'SubTypeName': 'string', 'TypeParameters': { 'string': 'string' }, 'TruthyCellValue': 'string', 'TruthyCellValueSynonyms': [ 'string', ], 'FalseyCellValue': 'string', 'FalseyCellValueSynonyms': [ 'string', ] }, 'AllowedAggregations': [ 'COUNT'|'DISTINCT_COUNT'|'MIN'|'MAX'|'MEDIAN'|'SUM'|'AVERAGE'|'STDEV'|'STDEVP'|'VAR'|'VARP'|'PERCENTILE', ], 'NotAllowedAggregations': [ 'COUNT'|'DISTINCT_COUNT'|'MIN'|'MAX'|'MEDIAN'|'SUM'|'AVERAGE'|'STDEV'|'STDEVP'|'VAR'|'VARP'|'PERCENTILE', ], 'NeverAggregateInFilter': True|False, 'CellValueSynonyms': [ { 'CellValue': 'string', 'Synonyms': [ 'string', ] }, ] }, ], 'NamedEntities': [ { 'EntityName': 'string', 'EntityDescription': 'string', 'EntitySynonyms': [ 'string', ], 'SemanticEntityType': { 'TypeName': 'string', 'SubTypeName': 'string', 'TypeParameters': { 'string': 'string' } }, 'Definition': [ { 'FieldName': 'string', 'PropertyName': 'string', 'PropertyRole': 'PRIMARY'|'ID', 'PropertyUsage': 'INHERIT'|'DIMENSION'|'MEASURE', 'Metric': { 'Aggregation': 'SUM'|'MIN'|'MAX'|'COUNT'|'AVERAGE'|'DISTINCT_COUNT'|'STDEV'|'STDEVP'|'VAR'|'VARP'|'PERCENTILE'|'MEDIAN'|'CUSTOM', 'AggregationFunctionParameters': { 'string': 'string' } } }, ] }, ] }, ] }, 'RequestId': 'string', 'Status': 123 }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Arn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic.
TopicId (string) --
The ID of the topic that you want to describe. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
Topic (dict) --
The definition of a topic.
Name (string) --
The name of the topic.
Description (string) --
The description of the topic.
DataSets (list) --
The data sets that the topic is associated with.
(dict) --
A structure that represents a dataset.
DatasetArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset.
DatasetName (string) --
The name of the dataset.
DatasetDescription (string) --
The description of the dataset.
DataAggregation (dict) --
The definition of a data aggregation.
DatasetRowDateGranularity (string) --
The level of time precision that is used to aggregate DateTime values.
DefaultDateColumnName (string) --
The column name for the default date.
Filters (list) --
The list of filter definitions.
(dict) --
A structure that represents a filter used to select items for a topic.
FilterDescription (string) --
A description of the filter used to select items for a topic.
FilterClass (string) --
The class of the filter. Valid values for this structure are ENFORCED_VALUE_FILTER, CONDITIONAL_VALUE_FILTER, and NAMED_VALUE_FILTER.
FilterName (string) --
The name of the filter.
FilterSynonyms (list) --
The other names or aliases for the filter.
(string) --
OperandFieldName (string) --
The name of the field that the filter operates on.
FilterType (string) --
CategoryFilter (dict) --
The category filter that is associated with this filter.
CategoryFilterFunction (string) --
The category filter function. Valid values for this structure are EXACT and CONTAINS.
CategoryFilterType (string) --
The category filter type. This element is used to specify whether a filter is a simple category filter or an inverse category filter.
Constant (dict) --
The constant used in a category filter.
ConstantType (string) --
The type of category filter constant. This element is used to specify whether a constant is a singular or collective. Valid values are SINGULAR and COLLECTIVE.
SingularConstant (string) --
A singular constant used in a category filter. This element is used to specify a single value for the constant.
CollectiveConstant (dict) --
A collective constant used in a category filter. This element is used to specify a list of values for the constant.
ValueList (list) --
A list of values for the collective constant.
(string) --
Inverse (boolean) --
A Boolean value that indicates if the filter is inverse.
NumericEqualityFilter (dict) --
The numeric equality filter.
Constant (dict) --
The constant used in a numeric equality filter.
ConstantType (string) --
The type of the singular filter constant. Valid values for this structure are SINGULAR.
SingularConstant (string) --
The value of the singular filter constant.
Aggregation (string) --
An aggregation function that specifies how to calculate the value of a numeric field for a topic. Valid values for this structure are NO_AGGREGATION, SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, DISTINCT_COUNT, MAX, MEDIAN, MIN, STDEV, STDEVP, VAR, and VARP.
NumericRangeFilter (dict) --
The numeric range filter.
Inclusive (boolean) --
A Boolean value that indicates whether the endpoints of the numeric range are included in the filter. If set to true, topics whose numeric field value is equal to the endpoint values will be included in the filter. If set to false, topics whose numeric field value is equal to the endpoint values will be excluded from the filter.
Constant (dict) --
The constant used in a numeric range filter.
ConstantType (string) --
The data type of the constant value that is used in a range filter. Valid values for this structure are RANGE.
RangeConstant (dict) --
The value of the constant that is used to specify the endpoints of a range filter.
Minimum (string) --
The minimum value for a range constant.
Maximum (string) --
The maximum value for a range constant.
Aggregation (string) --
An aggregation function that specifies how to calculate the value of a numeric field for a topic, Valid values for this structure are NO_AGGREGATION, SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, DISTINCT_COUNT, MAX, MEDIAN, MIN, STDEV, STDEVP, VAR, and VARP.
DateRangeFilter (dict) --
The date range filter.
Inclusive (boolean) --
A Boolean value that indicates whether the date range filter should include the boundary values. If set to true, the filter includes the start and end dates. If set to false, the filter excludes them.
Constant (dict) --
The constant used in a date range filter.
ConstantType (string) --
The data type of the constant value that is used in a range filter. Valid values for this structure are RANGE.
RangeConstant (dict) --
The value of the constant that is used to specify the endpoints of a range filter.
Minimum (string) --
The minimum value for a range constant.
Maximum (string) --
The maximum value for a range constant.
RelativeDateFilter (dict) --
The relative date filter.
TimeGranularity (string) --
The level of time precision that is used to aggregate DateTime values.
RelativeDateFilterFunction (string) --
The function to be used in a relative date filter to determine the range of dates to include in the results. Valid values for this structure are BEFORE, AFTER, and BETWEEN.
Constant (dict) --
The constant used in a relative date filter.
ConstantType (string) --
The type of the singular filter constant. Valid values for this structure are SINGULAR.
SingularConstant (string) --
The value of the singular filter constant.
Columns (list) --
The list of column definitions.
(dict) --
Represents a column in a dataset.
ColumnName (string) --
The name of the column.
ColumnFriendlyName (string) --
A user-friendly name for the column.
ColumnDescription (string) --
A description of the column and its contents.
ColumnSynonyms (list) --
The other names or aliases for the column.
(string) --
ColumnDataRole (string) --
The role of the column in the data. Valid values are DIMENSION and MEASURE.
Aggregation (string) --
The type of aggregation that is performed on the column data when it's queried. Valid values for this structure are SUM, MAX, MIN, COUNT, DISTINCT_COUNT, and AVERAGE.
IsIncludedInTopic (boolean) --
A Boolean value that indicates whether the column is included in the query results.
DisableIndexing (boolean) --
A Boolean value that indicates whether the column shows in the autocomplete functionality.
ComparativeOrder (dict) --
The order in which data is displayed for the column when it's used in a comparative context.
UseOrdering (string) --
The ordering type for a column. Valid values for this structure are GREATER_IS_BETTER, LESSER_IS_BETTER and SPECIFIED.
SpecifedOrder (list) --
The list of columns to be used in the ordering.
(string) --
TreatUndefinedSpecifiedValues (string) --
The treat of undefined specified values. Valid values for this structure are LEAST and MOST.
SemanticType (dict) --
The semantic type of data contained in the column.
TypeName (string) --
The semantic type name.
SubTypeName (string) --
The semantic type sub type name.
TypeParameters (dict) --
The semantic type parameters.
(string) --
(string) --
TruthyCellValue (string) --
The semantic type truthy cell value.
TruthyCellValueSynonyms (list) --
The other names or aliases for the true cell value.
(string) --
FalseyCellValue (string) --
The semantic type falsey cell value.
FalseyCellValueSynonyms (list) --
The other names or aliases for the false cell value.
(string) --
TimeGranularity (string) --
The level of time precision that is used to aggregate DateTime values.
AllowedAggregations (list) --
The list of aggregation types that are allowed for the column. Valid values for this structure are COUNT, DISTINCT_COUNT, MIN, MAX, MEDIAN, SUM, AVERAGE, STDEV, STDEVP, VAR, VARP, and PERCENTILE.
(string) --
NotAllowedAggregations (list) --
The list of aggregation types that are not allowed for the column. Valid values for this structure are COUNT, DISTINCT_COUNT, MIN, MAX, MEDIAN, SUM, AVERAGE, STDEV, STDEVP, VAR, VARP, and PERCENTILE.
(string) --
DefaultFormatting (dict) --
The default formatting used for values in the column.
DisplayFormat (string) --
The display format. Valid values for this structure are AUTO, PERCENT, CURRENCY, NUMBER, DATE, and STRING.
DisplayFormatOptions (dict) --
The additional options for display formatting.
UseBlankCellFormat (boolean) --
A Boolean value that indicates whether to use blank cell format.
BlankCellFormat (string) --
Determines the blank cell format.
DateFormat (string) --
Determines the DateTime format.
DecimalSeparator (string) --
Determines the decimal separator.
GroupingSeparator (string) --
Determines the grouping separator.
UseGrouping (boolean) --
A Boolean value that indicates whether to use grouping.
FractionDigits (integer) --
Determines the number of fraction digits.
Prefix (string) --
The prefix value for a display format.
Suffix (string) --
The suffix value for a display format.
UnitScaler (string) --
The unit scaler. Valid values for this structure are: NONE, AUTO, THOUSANDS, MILLIONS, BILLIONS, and TRILLIONS.
NegativeFormat (dict) --
The negative format.
Prefix (string) --
The prefix for a negative format.
Suffix (string) --
The suffix for a negative format.
CurrencySymbol (string) --
The currency symbol, such as USD.
NeverAggregateInFilter (boolean) --
A Boolean value that indicates whether to aggregate the column data when it's used in a filter context.
CellValueSynonyms (list) --
The other names or aliases for the column cell value.
(dict) --
A structure that represents the cell value synonym.
CellValue (string) --
The cell value.
Synonyms (list) --
Other names or aliases for the cell value.
(string) --
CalculatedFields (list) --
The list of calculated field definitions.
(dict) --
A structure that represents a calculated field.
CalculatedFieldName (string) --
The calculated field name.
CalculatedFieldDescription (string) --
The calculated field description.
Expression (string) --
The calculated field expression.
CalculatedFieldSynonyms (list) --
The other names or aliases for the calculated field.
(string) --
IsIncludedInTopic (boolean) --
A boolean value that indicates if a calculated field is included in the topic.
DisableIndexing (boolean) --
A Boolean value that indicates if a calculated field is visible in the autocomplete.
ColumnDataRole (string) --
The column data role for a calculated field. Valid values for this structure are DIMENSION and MEASURE.
TimeGranularity (string) --
The level of time precision that is used to aggregate DateTime values.
DefaultFormatting (dict) --
The default formatting definition.
DisplayFormat (string) --
The display format. Valid values for this structure are AUTO, PERCENT, CURRENCY, NUMBER, DATE, and STRING.
DisplayFormatOptions (dict) --
The additional options for display formatting.
UseBlankCellFormat (boolean) --
A Boolean value that indicates whether to use blank cell format.
BlankCellFormat (string) --
Determines the blank cell format.
DateFormat (string) --
Determines the DateTime format.
DecimalSeparator (string) --
Determines the decimal separator.
GroupingSeparator (string) --
Determines the grouping separator.
UseGrouping (boolean) --
A Boolean value that indicates whether to use grouping.
FractionDigits (integer) --
Determines the number of fraction digits.
Prefix (string) --
The prefix value for a display format.
Suffix (string) --
The suffix value for a display format.
UnitScaler (string) --
The unit scaler. Valid values for this structure are: NONE, AUTO, THOUSANDS, MILLIONS, BILLIONS, and TRILLIONS.
NegativeFormat (dict) --
The negative format.
Prefix (string) --
The prefix for a negative format.
Suffix (string) --
The suffix for a negative format.
CurrencySymbol (string) --
The currency symbol, such as USD.
Aggregation (string) --
The default aggregation. Valid values for this structure are SUM, MAX, MIN, COUNT, DISTINCT_COUNT, and AVERAGE.
ComparativeOrder (dict) --
The order in which data is displayed for the calculated field when it's used in a comparative context.
UseOrdering (string) --
The ordering type for a column. Valid values for this structure are GREATER_IS_BETTER, LESSER_IS_BETTER and SPECIFIED.
SpecifedOrder (list) --
The list of columns to be used in the ordering.
(string) --
TreatUndefinedSpecifiedValues (string) --
The treat of undefined specified values. Valid values for this structure are LEAST and MOST.
SemanticType (dict) --
The semantic type.
TypeName (string) --
The semantic type name.
SubTypeName (string) --
The semantic type sub type name.
TypeParameters (dict) --
The semantic type parameters.
(string) --
(string) --
TruthyCellValue (string) --
The semantic type truthy cell value.
TruthyCellValueSynonyms (list) --
The other names or aliases for the true cell value.
(string) --
FalseyCellValue (string) --
The semantic type falsey cell value.
FalseyCellValueSynonyms (list) --
The other names or aliases for the false cell value.
(string) --
AllowedAggregations (list) --
The list of aggregation types that are allowed for the calculated field. Valid values for this structure are COUNT, DISTINCT_COUNT, MIN, MAX, MEDIAN, SUM, AVERAGE, STDEV, STDEVP, VAR, VARP, and PERCENTILE.
(string) --
NotAllowedAggregations (list) --
The list of aggregation types that are not allowed for the calculated field. Valid values for this structure are COUNT, DISTINCT_COUNT, MIN, MAX, MEDIAN, SUM, AVERAGE, STDEV, STDEVP, VAR, VARP, and PERCENTILE.
(string) --
NeverAggregateInFilter (boolean) --
A Boolean value that indicates whether to never aggregate calculated field in filters.
CellValueSynonyms (list) --
The other names or aliases for the calculated field cell value.
(dict) --
A structure that represents the cell value synonym.
CellValue (string) --
The cell value.
Synonyms (list) --
Other names or aliases for the cell value.
(string) --
NamedEntities (list) --
The list of named entities definitions.
(dict) --
A structure that represents a named entity.
EntityName (string) --
The name of the named entity.
EntityDescription (string) --
The description of the named entity.
EntitySynonyms (list) --
The other names or aliases for the named entity.
(string) --
SemanticEntityType (dict) --
The type of named entity that a topic represents.
TypeName (string) --
The semantic entity type name.
SubTypeName (string) --
The semantic entity sub type name.
TypeParameters (dict) --
The semantic entity type parameters.
(string) --
(string) --
Definition (list) --
The definition of a named entity.
(dict) --
A structure that represents a named entity.
FieldName (string) --
The name of the entity.
PropertyName (string) --
The property name to be used for the named entity.
PropertyRole (string) --
The property role. Valid values for this structure are PRIMARY and ID.
PropertyUsage (string) --
The property usage. Valid values for this structure are INHERIT, DIMENSION, and MEASURE.
Metric (dict) --
The definition of a metric.
Aggregation (string) --
The aggregation of a named entity. Valid values for this structure are SUM, MIN, MAX, COUNT, AVERAGE, DISTINCT_COUNT, STDEV, STDEVP, VAR, VARP, PERCENTILE, MEDIAN, and CUSTOM.
AggregationFunctionParameters (dict) --
The additional parameters for an aggregation function.
(string) --
(string) --
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
Status (integer) --
The HTTP status of the request.
Updates a topic.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.update_topic( AwsAccountId='string', TopicId='string', Topic={ 'Name': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'DataSets': [ { 'DatasetArn': 'string', 'DatasetName': 'string', 'DatasetDescription': 'string', 'DataAggregation': { 'DatasetRowDateGranularity': 'SECOND'|'MINUTE'|'HOUR'|'DAY'|'WEEK'|'MONTH'|'QUARTER'|'YEAR', 'DefaultDateColumnName': 'string' }, 'Filters': [ { 'FilterDescription': 'string', 'FilterClass': 'ENFORCED_VALUE_FILTER'|'CONDITIONAL_VALUE_FILTER'|'NAMED_VALUE_FILTER', 'FilterName': 'string', 'FilterSynonyms': [ 'string', ], 'OperandFieldName': 'string', 'FilterType': 'CATEGORY_FILTER'|'NUMERIC_EQUALITY_FILTER'|'NUMERIC_RANGE_FILTER'|'DATE_RANGE_FILTER'|'RELATIVE_DATE_FILTER', 'CategoryFilter': { 'CategoryFilterFunction': 'EXACT'|'CONTAINS', 'CategoryFilterType': 'CUSTOM_FILTER'|'CUSTOM_FILTER_LIST'|'FILTER_LIST', 'Constant': { 'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE', 'SingularConstant': 'string', 'CollectiveConstant': { 'ValueList': [ 'string', ] } }, 'Inverse': True|False }, 'NumericEqualityFilter': { 'Constant': { 'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE', 'SingularConstant': 'string' }, 'Aggregation': 'NO_AGGREGATION'|'SUM'|'AVERAGE'|'COUNT'|'DISTINCT_COUNT'|'MAX'|'MEDIAN'|'MIN'|'STDEV'|'STDEVP'|'VAR'|'VARP' }, 'NumericRangeFilter': { 'Inclusive': True|False, 'Constant': { 'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE', 'RangeConstant': { 'Minimum': 'string', 'Maximum': 'string' } }, 'Aggregation': 'NO_AGGREGATION'|'SUM'|'AVERAGE'|'COUNT'|'DISTINCT_COUNT'|'MAX'|'MEDIAN'|'MIN'|'STDEV'|'STDEVP'|'VAR'|'VARP' }, 'DateRangeFilter': { 'Inclusive': True|False, 'Constant': { 'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE', 'RangeConstant': { 'Minimum': 'string', 'Maximum': 'string' } } }, 'RelativeDateFilter': { 'TimeGranularity': 'SECOND'|'MINUTE'|'HOUR'|'DAY'|'WEEK'|'MONTH'|'QUARTER'|'YEAR', 'RelativeDateFilterFunction': 'PREVIOUS'|'THIS'|'LAST'|'NEXT'|'NOW', 'Constant': { 'ConstantType': 'SINGULAR'|'RANGE'|'COLLECTIVE', 'SingularConstant': 'string' } } }, ], 'Columns': [ { 'ColumnName': 'string', 'ColumnFriendlyName': 'string', 'ColumnDescription': 'string', 'ColumnSynonyms': [ 'string', ], 'ColumnDataRole': 'DIMENSION'|'MEASURE', 'Aggregation': 'SUM'|'MAX'|'MIN'|'COUNT'|'DISTINCT_COUNT'|'AVERAGE', 'IsIncludedInTopic': True|False, 'DisableIndexing': True|False, 'ComparativeOrder': { 'UseOrdering': 'GREATER_IS_BETTER'|'LESSER_IS_BETTER'|'SPECIFIED', 'SpecifedOrder': [ 'string', ], 'TreatUndefinedSpecifiedValues': 'LEAST'|'MOST' }, 'SemanticType': { 'TypeName': 'string', 'SubTypeName': 'string', 'TypeParameters': { 'string': 'string' }, 'TruthyCellValue': 'string', 'TruthyCellValueSynonyms': [ 'string', ], 'FalseyCellValue': 'string', 'FalseyCellValueSynonyms': [ 'string', ] }, 'TimeGranularity': 'SECOND'|'MINUTE'|'HOUR'|'DAY'|'WEEK'|'MONTH'|'QUARTER'|'YEAR', 'AllowedAggregations': [ 'COUNT'|'DISTINCT_COUNT'|'MIN'|'MAX'|'MEDIAN'|'SUM'|'AVERAGE'|'STDEV'|'STDEVP'|'VAR'|'VARP'|'PERCENTILE', ], 'NotAllowedAggregations': [ 'COUNT'|'DISTINCT_COUNT'|'MIN'|'MAX'|'MEDIAN'|'SUM'|'AVERAGE'|'STDEV'|'STDEVP'|'VAR'|'VARP'|'PERCENTILE', ], 'DefaultFormatting': { 'DisplayFormat': 'AUTO'|'PERCENT'|'CURRENCY'|'NUMBER'|'DATE'|'STRING', 'DisplayFormatOptions': { 'UseBlankCellFormat': True|False, 'BlankCellFormat': 'string', 'DateFormat': 'string', 'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA'|'DOT', 'GroupingSeparator': 'string', 'UseGrouping': True|False, 'FractionDigits': 123, 'Prefix': 'string', 'Suffix': 'string', 'UnitScaler': 'NONE'|'AUTO'|'THOUSANDS'|'MILLIONS'|'BILLIONS'|'TRILLIONS', 'NegativeFormat': { 'Prefix': 'string', 'Suffix': 'string' }, 'CurrencySymbol': 'string' } }, 'NeverAggregateInFilter': True|False, 'CellValueSynonyms': [ { 'CellValue': 'string', 'Synonyms': [ 'string', ] }, ] }, ], 'CalculatedFields': [ { 'CalculatedFieldName': 'string', 'CalculatedFieldDescription': 'string', 'Expression': 'string', 'CalculatedFieldSynonyms': [ 'string', ], 'IsIncludedInTopic': True|False, 'DisableIndexing': True|False, 'ColumnDataRole': 'DIMENSION'|'MEASURE', 'TimeGranularity': 'SECOND'|'MINUTE'|'HOUR'|'DAY'|'WEEK'|'MONTH'|'QUARTER'|'YEAR', 'DefaultFormatting': { 'DisplayFormat': 'AUTO'|'PERCENT'|'CURRENCY'|'NUMBER'|'DATE'|'STRING', 'DisplayFormatOptions': { 'UseBlankCellFormat': True|False, 'BlankCellFormat': 'string', 'DateFormat': 'string', 'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA'|'DOT', 'GroupingSeparator': 'string', 'UseGrouping': True|False, 'FractionDigits': 123, 'Prefix': 'string', 'Suffix': 'string', 'UnitScaler': 'NONE'|'AUTO'|'THOUSANDS'|'MILLIONS'|'BILLIONS'|'TRILLIONS', 'NegativeFormat': { 'Prefix': 'string', 'Suffix': 'string' }, 'CurrencySymbol': 'string' } }, 'Aggregation': 'SUM'|'MAX'|'MIN'|'COUNT'|'DISTINCT_COUNT'|'AVERAGE', 'ComparativeOrder': { 'UseOrdering': 'GREATER_IS_BETTER'|'LESSER_IS_BETTER'|'SPECIFIED', 'SpecifedOrder': [ 'string', ], 'TreatUndefinedSpecifiedValues': 'LEAST'|'MOST' }, 'SemanticType': { 'TypeName': 'string', 'SubTypeName': 'string', 'TypeParameters': { 'string': 'string' }, 'TruthyCellValue': 'string', 'TruthyCellValueSynonyms': [ 'string', ], 'FalseyCellValue': 'string', 'FalseyCellValueSynonyms': [ 'string', ] }, 'AllowedAggregations': [ 'COUNT'|'DISTINCT_COUNT'|'MIN'|'MAX'|'MEDIAN'|'SUM'|'AVERAGE'|'STDEV'|'STDEVP'|'VAR'|'VARP'|'PERCENTILE', ], 'NotAllowedAggregations': [ 'COUNT'|'DISTINCT_COUNT'|'MIN'|'MAX'|'MEDIAN'|'SUM'|'AVERAGE'|'STDEV'|'STDEVP'|'VAR'|'VARP'|'PERCENTILE', ], 'NeverAggregateInFilter': True|False, 'CellValueSynonyms': [ { 'CellValue': 'string', 'Synonyms': [ 'string', ] }, ] }, ], 'NamedEntities': [ { 'EntityName': 'string', 'EntityDescription': 'string', 'EntitySynonyms': [ 'string', ], 'SemanticEntityType': { 'TypeName': 'string', 'SubTypeName': 'string', 'TypeParameters': { 'string': 'string' } }, 'Definition': [ { 'FieldName': 'string', 'PropertyName': 'string', 'PropertyRole': 'PRIMARY'|'ID', 'PropertyUsage': 'INHERIT'|'DIMENSION'|'MEASURE', 'Metric': { 'Aggregation': 'SUM'|'MIN'|'MAX'|'COUNT'|'AVERAGE'|'DISTINCT_COUNT'|'STDEV'|'STDEVP'|'VAR'|'VARP'|'PERCENTILE'|'MEDIAN'|'CUSTOM', 'AggregationFunctionParameters': { 'string': 'string' } } }, ] }, ] }, ] } )
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the topic that you want to update.
The ID of the topic that you want to modify. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
The definition of the topic that you want to update.
Name (string) --
The name of the topic.
Description (string) --
The description of the topic.
DataSets (list) --
The data sets that the topic is associated with.
(dict) --
A structure that represents a dataset.
DatasetArn (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset.
DatasetName (string) --
The name of the dataset.
DatasetDescription (string) --
The description of the dataset.
DataAggregation (dict) --
The definition of a data aggregation.
DatasetRowDateGranularity (string) --
The level of time precision that is used to aggregate DateTime values.
DefaultDateColumnName (string) --
The column name for the default date.
Filters (list) --
The list of filter definitions.
(dict) --
A structure that represents a filter used to select items for a topic.
FilterDescription (string) --
A description of the filter used to select items for a topic.
FilterClass (string) --
The class of the filter. Valid values for this structure are ENFORCED_VALUE_FILTER, CONDITIONAL_VALUE_FILTER, and NAMED_VALUE_FILTER.
FilterName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the filter.
FilterSynonyms (list) --
The other names or aliases for the filter.
(string) --
OperandFieldName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the field that the filter operates on.
FilterType (string) --
CategoryFilter (dict) --
The category filter that is associated with this filter.
CategoryFilterFunction (string) --
The category filter function. Valid values for this structure are EXACT and CONTAINS.
CategoryFilterType (string) --
The category filter type. This element is used to specify whether a filter is a simple category filter or an inverse category filter.
Constant (dict) --
The constant used in a category filter.
ConstantType (string) --
The type of category filter constant. This element is used to specify whether a constant is a singular or collective. Valid values are SINGULAR and COLLECTIVE.
SingularConstant (string) --
A singular constant used in a category filter. This element is used to specify a single value for the constant.
CollectiveConstant (dict) --
A collective constant used in a category filter. This element is used to specify a list of values for the constant.
ValueList (list) --
A list of values for the collective constant.
(string) --
Inverse (boolean) --
A Boolean value that indicates if the filter is inverse.
NumericEqualityFilter (dict) --
The numeric equality filter.
Constant (dict) --
The constant used in a numeric equality filter.
ConstantType (string) --
The type of the singular filter constant. Valid values for this structure are SINGULAR.
SingularConstant (string) --
The value of the singular filter constant.
Aggregation (string) --
An aggregation function that specifies how to calculate the value of a numeric field for a topic. Valid values for this structure are NO_AGGREGATION, SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, DISTINCT_COUNT, MAX, MEDIAN, MIN, STDEV, STDEVP, VAR, and VARP.
NumericRangeFilter (dict) --
The numeric range filter.
Inclusive (boolean) --
A Boolean value that indicates whether the endpoints of the numeric range are included in the filter. If set to true, topics whose numeric field value is equal to the endpoint values will be included in the filter. If set to false, topics whose numeric field value is equal to the endpoint values will be excluded from the filter.
Constant (dict) --
The constant used in a numeric range filter.
ConstantType (string) --
The data type of the constant value that is used in a range filter. Valid values for this structure are RANGE.
RangeConstant (dict) --
The value of the constant that is used to specify the endpoints of a range filter.
Minimum (string) --
The minimum value for a range constant.
Maximum (string) --
The maximum value for a range constant.
Aggregation (string) --
An aggregation function that specifies how to calculate the value of a numeric field for a topic, Valid values for this structure are NO_AGGREGATION, SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, DISTINCT_COUNT, MAX, MEDIAN, MIN, STDEV, STDEVP, VAR, and VARP.
DateRangeFilter (dict) --
The date range filter.
Inclusive (boolean) --
A Boolean value that indicates whether the date range filter should include the boundary values. If set to true, the filter includes the start and end dates. If set to false, the filter excludes them.
Constant (dict) --
The constant used in a date range filter.
ConstantType (string) --
The data type of the constant value that is used in a range filter. Valid values for this structure are RANGE.
RangeConstant (dict) --
The value of the constant that is used to specify the endpoints of a range filter.
Minimum (string) --
The minimum value for a range constant.
Maximum (string) --
The maximum value for a range constant.
RelativeDateFilter (dict) --
The relative date filter.
TimeGranularity (string) --
The level of time precision that is used to aggregate DateTime values.
RelativeDateFilterFunction (string) --
The function to be used in a relative date filter to determine the range of dates to include in the results. Valid values for this structure are BEFORE, AFTER, and BETWEEN.
Constant (dict) --
The constant used in a relative date filter.
ConstantType (string) --
The type of the singular filter constant. Valid values for this structure are SINGULAR.
SingularConstant (string) --
The value of the singular filter constant.
Columns (list) --
The list of column definitions.
(dict) --
Represents a column in a dataset.
ColumnName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the column.
ColumnFriendlyName (string) --
A user-friendly name for the column.
ColumnDescription (string) --
A description of the column and its contents.
ColumnSynonyms (list) --
The other names or aliases for the column.
(string) --
ColumnDataRole (string) --
The role of the column in the data. Valid values are DIMENSION and MEASURE.
Aggregation (string) --
The type of aggregation that is performed on the column data when it's queried. Valid values for this structure are SUM, MAX, MIN, COUNT, DISTINCT_COUNT, and AVERAGE.
IsIncludedInTopic (boolean) --
A Boolean value that indicates whether the column is included in the query results.
DisableIndexing (boolean) --
A Boolean value that indicates whether the column shows in the autocomplete functionality.
ComparativeOrder (dict) --
The order in which data is displayed for the column when it's used in a comparative context.
UseOrdering (string) --
The ordering type for a column. Valid values for this structure are GREATER_IS_BETTER, LESSER_IS_BETTER and SPECIFIED.
SpecifedOrder (list) --
The list of columns to be used in the ordering.
(string) --
TreatUndefinedSpecifiedValues (string) --
The treat of undefined specified values. Valid values for this structure are LEAST and MOST.
SemanticType (dict) --
The semantic type of data contained in the column.
TypeName (string) --
The semantic type name.
SubTypeName (string) --
The semantic type sub type name.
TypeParameters (dict) --
The semantic type parameters.
(string) --
(string) --
TruthyCellValue (string) --
The semantic type truthy cell value.
TruthyCellValueSynonyms (list) --
The other names or aliases for the true cell value.
(string) --
FalseyCellValue (string) --
The semantic type falsey cell value.
FalseyCellValueSynonyms (list) --
The other names or aliases for the false cell value.
(string) --
TimeGranularity (string) --
The level of time precision that is used to aggregate DateTime values.
AllowedAggregations (list) --
The list of aggregation types that are allowed for the column. Valid values for this structure are COUNT, DISTINCT_COUNT, MIN, MAX, MEDIAN, SUM, AVERAGE, STDEV, STDEVP, VAR, VARP, and PERCENTILE.
(string) --
NotAllowedAggregations (list) --
The list of aggregation types that are not allowed for the column. Valid values for this structure are COUNT, DISTINCT_COUNT, MIN, MAX, MEDIAN, SUM, AVERAGE, STDEV, STDEVP, VAR, VARP, and PERCENTILE.
(string) --
DefaultFormatting (dict) --
The default formatting used for values in the column.
DisplayFormat (string) --
The display format. Valid values for this structure are AUTO, PERCENT, CURRENCY, NUMBER, DATE, and STRING.
DisplayFormatOptions (dict) --
The additional options for display formatting.
UseBlankCellFormat (boolean) --
A Boolean value that indicates whether to use blank cell format.
BlankCellFormat (string) --
Determines the blank cell format.
DateFormat (string) --
Determines the DateTime format.
DecimalSeparator (string) --
Determines the decimal separator.
GroupingSeparator (string) --
Determines the grouping separator.
UseGrouping (boolean) --
A Boolean value that indicates whether to use grouping.
FractionDigits (integer) --
Determines the number of fraction digits.
Prefix (string) --
The prefix value for a display format.
Suffix (string) --
The suffix value for a display format.
UnitScaler (string) --
The unit scaler. Valid values for this structure are: NONE, AUTO, THOUSANDS, MILLIONS, BILLIONS, and TRILLIONS.
NegativeFormat (dict) --
The negative format.
Prefix (string) --
The prefix for a negative format.
Suffix (string) --
The suffix for a negative format.
CurrencySymbol (string) --
The currency symbol, such as USD.
NeverAggregateInFilter (boolean) --
A Boolean value that indicates whether to aggregate the column data when it's used in a filter context.
CellValueSynonyms (list) --
The other names or aliases for the column cell value.
(dict) --
A structure that represents the cell value synonym.
CellValue (string) --
The cell value.
Synonyms (list) --
Other names or aliases for the cell value.
(string) --
CalculatedFields (list) --
The list of calculated field definitions.
(dict) --
A structure that represents a calculated field.
CalculatedFieldName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The calculated field name.
CalculatedFieldDescription (string) --
The calculated field description.
Expression (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The calculated field expression.
CalculatedFieldSynonyms (list) --
The other names or aliases for the calculated field.
(string) --
IsIncludedInTopic (boolean) --
A boolean value that indicates if a calculated field is included in the topic.
DisableIndexing (boolean) --
A Boolean value that indicates if a calculated field is visible in the autocomplete.
ColumnDataRole (string) --
The column data role for a calculated field. Valid values for this structure are DIMENSION and MEASURE.
TimeGranularity (string) --
The level of time precision that is used to aggregate DateTime values.
DefaultFormatting (dict) --
The default formatting definition.
DisplayFormat (string) --
The display format. Valid values for this structure are AUTO, PERCENT, CURRENCY, NUMBER, DATE, and STRING.
DisplayFormatOptions (dict) --
The additional options for display formatting.
UseBlankCellFormat (boolean) --
A Boolean value that indicates whether to use blank cell format.
BlankCellFormat (string) --
Determines the blank cell format.
DateFormat (string) --
Determines the DateTime format.
DecimalSeparator (string) --
Determines the decimal separator.
GroupingSeparator (string) --
Determines the grouping separator.
UseGrouping (boolean) --
A Boolean value that indicates whether to use grouping.
FractionDigits (integer) --
Determines the number of fraction digits.
Prefix (string) --
The prefix value for a display format.
Suffix (string) --
The suffix value for a display format.
UnitScaler (string) --
The unit scaler. Valid values for this structure are: NONE, AUTO, THOUSANDS, MILLIONS, BILLIONS, and TRILLIONS.
NegativeFormat (dict) --
The negative format.
Prefix (string) --
The prefix for a negative format.
Suffix (string) --
The suffix for a negative format.
CurrencySymbol (string) --
The currency symbol, such as USD.
Aggregation (string) --
The default aggregation. Valid values for this structure are SUM, MAX, MIN, COUNT, DISTINCT_COUNT, and AVERAGE.
ComparativeOrder (dict) --
The order in which data is displayed for the calculated field when it's used in a comparative context.
UseOrdering (string) --
The ordering type for a column. Valid values for this structure are GREATER_IS_BETTER, LESSER_IS_BETTER and SPECIFIED.
SpecifedOrder (list) --
The list of columns to be used in the ordering.
(string) --
TreatUndefinedSpecifiedValues (string) --
The treat of undefined specified values. Valid values for this structure are LEAST and MOST.
SemanticType (dict) --
The semantic type.
TypeName (string) --
The semantic type name.
SubTypeName (string) --
The semantic type sub type name.
TypeParameters (dict) --
The semantic type parameters.
(string) --
(string) --
TruthyCellValue (string) --
The semantic type truthy cell value.
TruthyCellValueSynonyms (list) --
The other names or aliases for the true cell value.
(string) --
FalseyCellValue (string) --
The semantic type falsey cell value.
FalseyCellValueSynonyms (list) --
The other names or aliases for the false cell value.
(string) --
AllowedAggregations (list) --
The list of aggregation types that are allowed for the calculated field. Valid values for this structure are COUNT, DISTINCT_COUNT, MIN, MAX, MEDIAN, SUM, AVERAGE, STDEV, STDEVP, VAR, VARP, and PERCENTILE.
(string) --
NotAllowedAggregations (list) --
The list of aggregation types that are not allowed for the calculated field. Valid values for this structure are COUNT, DISTINCT_COUNT, MIN, MAX, MEDIAN, SUM, AVERAGE, STDEV, STDEVP, VAR, VARP, and PERCENTILE.
(string) --
NeverAggregateInFilter (boolean) --
A Boolean value that indicates whether to never aggregate calculated field in filters.
CellValueSynonyms (list) --
The other names or aliases for the calculated field cell value.
(dict) --
A structure that represents the cell value synonym.
CellValue (string) --
The cell value.
Synonyms (list) --
Other names or aliases for the cell value.
(string) --
NamedEntities (list) --
The list of named entities definitions.
(dict) --
A structure that represents a named entity.
EntityName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the named entity.
EntityDescription (string) --
The description of the named entity.
EntitySynonyms (list) --
The other names or aliases for the named entity.
(string) --
SemanticEntityType (dict) --
The type of named entity that a topic represents.
TypeName (string) --
The semantic entity type name.
SubTypeName (string) --
The semantic entity sub type name.
TypeParameters (dict) --
The semantic entity type parameters.
(string) --
(string) --
Definition (list) --
The definition of a named entity.
(dict) --
A structure that represents a named entity.
FieldName (string) --
The name of the entity.
PropertyName (string) --
The property name to be used for the named entity.
PropertyRole (string) --
The property role. Valid values for this structure are PRIMARY and ID.
PropertyUsage (string) --
The property usage. Valid values for this structure are INHERIT, DIMENSION, and MEASURE.
Metric (dict) --
The definition of a metric.
Aggregation (string) --
The aggregation of a named entity. Valid values for this structure are SUM, MIN, MAX, COUNT, AVERAGE, DISTINCT_COUNT, STDEV, STDEVP, VAR, VARP, PERCENTILE, MEDIAN, and CUSTOM.
AggregationFunctionParameters (dict) --
The additional parameters for an aggregation function.
(string) --
(string) --
Response Syntax
{ 'TopicId': 'string', 'Arn': 'string', 'RefreshArn': 'string', 'RequestId': 'string', 'Status': 123 }
Response Structure
(dict) --
TopicId (string) --
The ID of the topic that you want to modify. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
Arn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic.
RefreshArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic refresh.
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
Status (integer) --
The HTTP status of the request.
Lists all of the VPC connections in the current set Amazon Web Services Region of an Amazon Web Services account.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.list_vpc_connections( AwsAccountId='string', NextToken='string', MaxResults=123 )
The Amazon Web Services account ID of the account that contains the VPC connections that you want to list.
The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
Response Syntax
{ 'VPCConnectionSummaries': [ { 'VPCConnectionId': 'string', 'Arn': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'VPCId': 'string', 'SecurityGroupIds': [ 'string', ], 'DnsResolvers': [ 'string', ], 'Status': 'CREATION_IN_PROGRESS'|'CREATION_SUCCESSFUL'|'CREATION_FAILED'|'UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS'|'UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL'|'UPDATE_FAILED'|'DELETION_IN_PROGRESS'|'DELETION_FAILED'|'DELETED', 'AvailabilityStatus': 'AVAILABLE'|'UNAVAILABLE'|'PARTIALLY_AVAILABLE', 'NetworkInterfaces': [ { 'SubnetId': 'string', 'AvailabilityZone': 'string', 'ErrorMessage': 'string', 'Status': 'CREATING'|'AVAILABLE'|'CREATION_FAILED'|'UPDATING'|'UPDATE_FAILED'|'DELETING'|'DELETED'|'DELETION_FAILED'|'DELETION_SCHEDULED'|'ATTACHMENT_FAILED_ROLLBACK_FAILED', 'NetworkInterfaceId': 'string' }, ], 'RoleArn': 'string', 'CreatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'LastUpdatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }, ], 'NextToken': 'string', 'RequestId': 'string', 'Status': 123 }
Response Structure
(dict) --
VPCConnectionSummaries (list) --
A VPCConnectionSummaries object that returns a summary of VPC connection objects.
(dict) --
The summary metadata that describes a VPC connection.
VPCConnectionId (string) --
The ID of the VPC connection that you're creating. This ID is a unique identifier for each Amazon Web Services Region in an Amazon Web Services account.
Arn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the VPC connection.
Name (string) --
The display name for the VPC connection.
VPCId (string) --
The Amazon EC2 VPC ID associated with the VPC connection.
SecurityGroupIds (list) --
The Amazon EC2 security group IDs associated with the VPC connection.
(string) --
DnsResolvers (list) --
A list of IP addresses of DNS resolver endpoints for the VPC connection.
(string) --
Status (string) --
The status of the VPC connection.
AvailabilityStatus (string) --
The availability status of the VPC connection.
NetworkInterfaces (list) --
A list of network interfaces.
(dict) --
The structure that contains information about a network interface.
SubnetId (string) --
The subnet ID associated with the network interface.
AvailabilityZone (string) --
The availability zone that the network interface resides in.
ErrorMessage (string) --
An error message.
Status (string) --
The status of the network interface.
NetworkInterfaceId (string) --
The network interface ID.
RoleArn (string) --
The ARN of the IAM role associated with the VPC connection.
CreatedTime (datetime) --
The time that the VPC connection was created.
LastUpdatedTime (datetime) --
The time that the VPC connection was last updated.
NextToken (string) --
The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
Status (integer) --
The HTTP status of the request.
Creates a new VPC connection.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_vpc_connection( AwsAccountId='string', VPCConnectionId='string', Name='string', SubnetIds=[ 'string', ], SecurityGroupIds=[ 'string', ], DnsResolvers=[ 'string', ], RoleArn='string', Tags=[ { 'Key': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ] )
The Amazon Web Services account ID of the account where you want to create a new VPC connection.
The ID of the VPC connection that you're creating. This ID is a unique identifier for each Amazon Web Services Region in an Amazon Web Services account.
The display name for the VPC connection.
A list of subnet IDs for the VPC connection.
(string) --
A list of security group IDs for the VPC connection.
(string) --
A list of IP addresses of DNS resolver endpoints for the VPC connection.
(string) --
The IAM role to associate with the VPC connection.
A map of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags assigned to the VPC connection.
(dict) --
The key or keys of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags assigned to the resource.
Key (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Tag key.
Value (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Tag value.
Response Syntax
Response Structure
(dict) --
Arn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the VPC connection.
VPCConnectionId (string) --
The ID for the VPC connection that you're creating. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
CreationStatus (string) --
The status of the creation of the VPC connection.
AvailabilityStatus (string) --
The availability status of the VPC connection.
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
Status (integer) --
The HTTP status of the request.
Describes a VPC connection.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.describe_vpc_connection( AwsAccountId='string', VPCConnectionId='string' )
The Amazon Web Services account ID of the account that contains the VPC connection that you want described.
The ID of the VPC connection that you're creating. This ID is a unique identifier for each Amazon Web Services Region in an Amazon Web Services account.
Response Syntax
{ 'VPCConnection': { 'VPCConnectionId': 'string', 'Arn': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'VPCId': 'string', 'SecurityGroupIds': [ 'string', ], 'DnsResolvers': [ 'string', ], 'Status': 'CREATION_IN_PROGRESS'|'CREATION_SUCCESSFUL'|'CREATION_FAILED'|'UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS'|'UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL'|'UPDATE_FAILED'|'DELETION_IN_PROGRESS'|'DELETION_FAILED'|'DELETED', 'AvailabilityStatus': 'AVAILABLE'|'UNAVAILABLE'|'PARTIALLY_AVAILABLE', 'NetworkInterfaces': [ { 'SubnetId': 'string', 'AvailabilityZone': 'string', 'ErrorMessage': 'string', 'Status': 'CREATING'|'AVAILABLE'|'CREATION_FAILED'|'UPDATING'|'UPDATE_FAILED'|'DELETING'|'DELETED'|'DELETION_FAILED'|'DELETION_SCHEDULED'|'ATTACHMENT_FAILED_ROLLBACK_FAILED', 'NetworkInterfaceId': 'string' }, ], 'RoleArn': 'string', 'CreatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'LastUpdatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }, 'RequestId': 'string', 'Status': 123 }
Response Structure
(dict) --
VPCConnection (dict) --
A response object that provides information for the specified VPC connection.
VPCConnectionId (string) --
The ID of the VPC connection that you're creating. This ID is a unique identifier for each Amazon Web Services Region in an Amazon Web Services account.
Arn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the VPC connection.
Name (string) --
The display name for the VPC connection.
VPCId (string) --
The Amazon EC2 VPC ID associated with the VPC connection.
SecurityGroupIds (list) --
The Amazon EC2 security group IDs associated with the VPC connection.
(string) --
DnsResolvers (list) --
A list of IP addresses of DNS resolver endpoints for the VPC connection.
(string) --
Status (string) --
The status of the VPC connection.
AvailabilityStatus (string) --
The availability status of the VPC connection.
NetworkInterfaces (list) --
A list of network interfaces.
(dict) --
The structure that contains information about a network interface.
SubnetId (string) --
The subnet ID associated with the network interface.
AvailabilityZone (string) --
The availability zone that the network interface resides in.
ErrorMessage (string) --
An error message.
Status (string) --
The status of the network interface.
NetworkInterfaceId (string) --
The network interface ID.
RoleArn (string) --
The ARN of the IAM role associated with the VPC connection.
CreatedTime (datetime) --
The time that the VPC connection was created.
LastUpdatedTime (datetime) --
The time that the VPC connection was last updated.
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
Status (integer) --
The HTTP status of the request.
Deletes a topic refresh schedule.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.delete_topic_refresh_schedule( AwsAccountId='string', TopicId='string', DatasetId='string' )
The Amazon Web Services account ID.
The ID of the topic that you want to modify. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
The ID of the dataset.
Response Syntax
{ 'TopicId': 'string', 'TopicArn': 'string', 'DatasetArn': 'string', 'Status': 123, 'RequestId': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
TopicId (string) --
The ID of the topic that you want to modify. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
TopicArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic.
DatasetArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset.
Status (integer) --
The HTTP status of the request.
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
Lists all of the refresh schedules for a topic.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.list_topic_refresh_schedules( AwsAccountId='string', TopicId='string' )
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the topic whose refresh schedule you want described.
The ID for the topic that you want to describe. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
Response Syntax
{ 'TopicId': 'string', 'TopicArn': 'string', 'RefreshSchedules': [ { 'DatasetId': 'string', 'DatasetArn': 'string', 'DatasetName': 'string', 'RefreshSchedule': { 'IsEnabled': True|False, 'BasedOnSpiceSchedule': True|False, 'StartingAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'Timezone': 'string', 'RepeatAt': 'string', 'TopicScheduleType': 'HOURLY'|'DAILY'|'WEEKLY'|'MONTHLY' } }, ], 'Status': 123, 'RequestId': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
TopicId (string) --
The ID for the topic that you want to describe. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
TopicArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic.
RefreshSchedules (list) --
The list of topic refresh schedules.
(dict) --
A summary of the refresh schedule details for a dataset.
DatasetId (string) --
The ID of the dataset.
DatasetArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset.
DatasetName (string) --
The name of the dataset.
RefreshSchedule (dict) --
The definition of a refresh schedule.
IsEnabled (boolean) --
A Boolean value that controls whether to schedule is enabled.
BasedOnSpiceSchedule (boolean) --
A Boolean value that controls whether to schedule runs at the same schedule that is specified in SPICE dataset.
StartingAt (datetime) --
The starting date and time for the refresh schedule.
Timezone (string) --
The timezone that you want the refresh schedule to use.
RepeatAt (string) --
The time of day when the refresh should run, for example, Monday-Sunday.
TopicScheduleType (string) --
The type of refresh schedule. Valid values for this structure are HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, and MONTHLY.
Status (integer) --
The HTTP status of the request.
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
Creates a topic refresh schedule.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_topic_refresh_schedule( AwsAccountId='string', TopicId='string', DatasetArn='string', DatasetName='string', RefreshSchedule={ 'IsEnabled': True|False, 'BasedOnSpiceSchedule': True|False, 'StartingAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'Timezone': 'string', 'RepeatAt': 'string', 'TopicScheduleType': 'HOURLY'|'DAILY'|'WEEKLY'|'MONTHLY' } )
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the topic you're creating a refresh schedule for.
The ID of the topic that you want to modify. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset.
The name of the dataset.
The definition of a refresh schedule.
IsEnabled (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]
A Boolean value that controls whether to schedule is enabled.
BasedOnSpiceSchedule (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]
A Boolean value that controls whether to schedule runs at the same schedule that is specified in SPICE dataset.
StartingAt (datetime) --
The starting date and time for the refresh schedule.
Timezone (string) --
The timezone that you want the refresh schedule to use.
RepeatAt (string) --
The time of day when the refresh should run, for example, Monday-Sunday.
TopicScheduleType (string) --
The type of refresh schedule. Valid values for this structure are HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, and MONTHLY.
Response Syntax
{ 'TopicId': 'string', 'TopicArn': 'string', 'DatasetArn': 'string', 'Status': 123, 'RequestId': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
TopicId (string) --
The ID of the topic that you want to modify. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
TopicArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic.
DatasetArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset.
Status (integer) --
The HTTP status of the request.
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
Describes the permissions of a topic.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.describe_topic_permissions( AwsAccountId='string', TopicId='string' )
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the topic that you want described.
The ID of the topic that you want to describe. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
Response Syntax
{ 'TopicId': 'string', 'TopicArn': 'string', 'Permissions': [ { 'Principal': 'string', 'Actions': [ 'string', ] }, ], 'Status': 123, 'RequestId': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
TopicId (string) --
The ID of the topic that you want to describe. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
TopicArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic.
Permissions (list) --
A list of resource permissions that are configured to the topic.
(dict) --
Permission for the resource.
Principal (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the principal. This can be one of the following:
The ARN of an Amazon QuickSight user or group associated with a data source or dataset. (This is common.)
The ARN of an Amazon QuickSight user, group, or namespace associated with an analysis, dashboard, template, or theme. (This is common.)
The ARN of an Amazon Web Services account root: This is an IAM ARN rather than a QuickSight ARN. Use this option only to share resources (templates) across Amazon Web Services accounts. (This is less common.)
Actions (list) --
The IAM action to grant or revoke permissions on.
(string) --
Status (integer) --
The HTTP status of the request.
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
Updates the permissions of a topic.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.update_topic_permissions( AwsAccountId='string', TopicId='string', GrantPermissions=[ { 'Principal': 'string', 'Actions': [ 'string', ] }, ], RevokePermissions=[ { 'Principal': 'string', 'Actions': [ 'string', ] }, ] )
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the topic that you want to update the permissions for.
The ID of the topic that you want to modify. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
The resource permissions that you want to grant to the topic.
(dict) --
Permission for the resource.
Principal (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the principal. This can be one of the following:
The ARN of an Amazon QuickSight user or group associated with a data source or dataset. (This is common.)
The ARN of an Amazon QuickSight user, group, or namespace associated with an analysis, dashboard, template, or theme. (This is common.)
The ARN of an Amazon Web Services account root: This is an IAM ARN rather than a QuickSight ARN. Use this option only to share resources (templates) across Amazon Web Services accounts. (This is less common.)
Actions (list) -- [REQUIRED]
The IAM action to grant or revoke permissions on.
(string) --
The resource permissions that you want to revoke from the topic.
(dict) --
Permission for the resource.
Principal (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the principal. This can be one of the following:
The ARN of an Amazon QuickSight user or group associated with a data source or dataset. (This is common.)
The ARN of an Amazon QuickSight user, group, or namespace associated with an analysis, dashboard, template, or theme. (This is common.)
The ARN of an Amazon Web Services account root: This is an IAM ARN rather than a QuickSight ARN. Use this option only to share resources (templates) across Amazon Web Services accounts. (This is less common.)
Actions (list) -- [REQUIRED]
The IAM action to grant or revoke permissions on.
(string) --
Response Syntax
{ 'TopicId': 'string', 'TopicArn': 'string', 'Permissions': [ { 'Principal': 'string', 'Actions': [ 'string', ] }, ], 'Status': 123, 'RequestId': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
TopicId (string) --
The ID of the topic that you want to modify. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
TopicArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic.
Permissions (list) --
A list of resource permissions on the topic.
(dict) --
Permission for the resource.
Principal (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the principal. This can be one of the following:
The ARN of an Amazon QuickSight user or group associated with a data source or dataset. (This is common.)
The ARN of an Amazon QuickSight user, group, or namespace associated with an analysis, dashboard, template, or theme. (This is common.)
The ARN of an Amazon Web Services account root: This is an IAM ARN rather than a QuickSight ARN. Use this option only to share resources (templates) across Amazon Web Services accounts. (This is less common.)
Actions (list) --
The IAM action to grant or revoke permissions on.
(string) --
Status (integer) --
The HTTP status of the request.
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
Deletes a topic.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.delete_topic( AwsAccountId='string', TopicId='string' )
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the topic that you want to delete.
The ID of the topic that you want to delete. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
Response Syntax
{ 'Arn': 'string', 'TopicId': 'string', 'RequestId': 'string', 'Status': 123 }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Arn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic.
TopicId (string) --
The ID of the topic that you want to delete. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
Status (integer) --
The HTTP status of the request.
Deletes a VPC connection.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.delete_vpc_connection( AwsAccountId='string', VPCConnectionId='string' )
The Amazon Web Services account ID of the account where you want to delete a VPC connection.
The ID of the VPC connection that you're creating. This ID is a unique identifier for each Amazon Web Services Region in an Amazon Web Services account.
Response Syntax
Response Structure
(dict) --
Arn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the deleted VPC connection.
VPCConnectionId (string) --
The ID of the VPC connection that you're creating. This ID is a unique identifier for each Amazon Web Services Region in an Amazon Web Services account.
DeletionStatus (string) --
The deletion status of the VPC connection.
AvailabilityStatus (string) --
The availability status of the VPC connection.
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
Status (integer) --
The HTTP status of the request.
{'Definition': {'ParameterDeclarations': {'DateTimeParameterDeclaration': {'MappedDataSetParameters': [{'DataSetIdentifier': 'string', 'DataSetParameterName': 'string'}]}, 'DecimalParameterDeclaration': {'MappedDataSetParameters': [{'DataSetIdentifier': 'string', 'DataSetParameterName': 'string'}]}, 'IntegerParameterDeclaration': {'MappedDataSetParameters': [{'DataSetIdentifier': 'string', 'DataSetParameterName': 'string'}]}, 'StringParameterDeclaration': {'MappedDataSetParameters': [{'DataSetIdentifier': 'string', 'DataSetParameterName': 'string'}]}}, 'Sheets': {'Visuals': {'BarChartVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 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{'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'HistogramVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'InsightVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'KPIVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'LineChartVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'PieChartVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'PivotTableVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'RadarChartVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'SankeyDiagramVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'ScatterPlotVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}, 'FieldWells': {'ScatterPlotCategoricallyAggregatedFieldWells': {'Label': [{'CategoricalDimensionField': {'Column': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}, 'FieldId': 'string', 'FormatConfiguration': {'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumericFormatConfiguration': {'CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string', 'Symbol': 'string'}, 'NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}, 'PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}}}, 'HierarchyId': 'string'}, 'DateDimensionField': {'Column': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}, 'DateGranularity': 'YEAR ' '| ' 'QUARTER ' '| ' 'MONTH ' '| ' 'WEEK ' '| ' 'DAY ' '| ' 'HOUR ' '| ' 'MINUTE ' '| ' 'SECOND ' '| ' 'MILLISECOND', 'FieldId': 'string', 'FormatConfiguration': {'DateTimeFormat': 'string', 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumericFormatConfiguration': {'CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string', 'Symbol': 'string'}, 'NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 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{'CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string', 'Symbol': 'string'}, 'NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' 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'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'WaterfallVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'WordCloudVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}}}}}
Creates an analysis in Amazon QuickSight. Analyses can be created either from a template or from an AnalysisDefinition.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
# This section is too large to render. # Please see the AWS API Documentation linked below.Parameters
# This section is too large to render. # Please see the AWS API Documentation linked below.
Response Syntax
{ 'Arn': 'string', 'AnalysisId': 'string', 'CreationStatus': 'CREATION_IN_PROGRESS'|'CREATION_SUCCESSFUL'|'CREATION_FAILED'|'UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS'|'UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL'|'UPDATE_FAILED'|'DELETED', 'Status': 123, 'RequestId': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Arn (string) --
The ARN for the analysis.
AnalysisId (string) --
The ID of the analysis.
CreationStatus (string) --
The status of the creation of the analysis.
Status (integer) --
The HTTP status of the request.
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
{'Definition': {'ParameterDeclarations': {'DateTimeParameterDeclaration': {'MappedDataSetParameters': [{'DataSetIdentifier': 'string', 'DataSetParameterName': 'string'}]}, 'DecimalParameterDeclaration': {'MappedDataSetParameters': [{'DataSetIdentifier': 'string', 'DataSetParameterName': 'string'}]}, 'IntegerParameterDeclaration': {'MappedDataSetParameters': [{'DataSetIdentifier': 'string', 'DataSetParameterName': 'string'}]}, 'StringParameterDeclaration': {'MappedDataSetParameters': [{'DataSetIdentifier': 'string', 'DataSetParameterName': 'string'}]}}, 'Sheets': {'Visuals': {'BarChartVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 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'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}, 'PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}}}, 'HierarchyId': 'string'}, 'DateDimensionField': {'Column': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}, 'DateGranularity': 'YEAR ' '| ' 'QUARTER ' '| ' 'MONTH ' '| ' 'WEEK ' '| ' 'DAY ' '| ' 'HOUR ' '| ' 'MINUTE ' '| ' 'SECOND ' '| ' 'MILLISECOND', 'FieldId': 'string', 'FormatConfiguration': {'DateTimeFormat': 'string', 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumericFormatConfiguration': {'CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string', 'Symbol': 'string'}, 'NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}, 'PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}}}, 'HierarchyId': 'string'}, 'NumericalDimensionField': {'Column': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}, 'FieldId': 'string', 'FormatConfiguration': {'FormatConfiguration': {'CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string', 'Symbol': 'string'}, 'NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}, 'PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}}}, 'HierarchyId': 'string'}}]}, 'ScatterPlotUnaggregatedFieldWells': {'Category': [{'CategoricalDimensionField': {'Column': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}, 'FieldId': 'string', 'FormatConfiguration': {'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumericFormatConfiguration': {'CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string', 'Symbol': 'string'}, 'NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}, 'PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}}}, 'HierarchyId': 'string'}, 'DateDimensionField': {'Column': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}, 'DateGranularity': 'YEAR ' '| ' 'QUARTER ' '| ' 'MONTH ' '| ' 'WEEK ' '| ' 'DAY ' '| ' 'HOUR ' '| ' 'MINUTE ' '| ' 'SECOND ' '| ' 'MILLISECOND', 'FieldId': 'string', 'FormatConfiguration': {'DateTimeFormat': 'string', 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumericFormatConfiguration': {'CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string', 'Symbol': 'string'}, 'NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}, 'PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}}}, 'HierarchyId': 'string'}, 'NumericalDimensionField': {'Column': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}, 'FieldId': 'string', 'FormatConfiguration': {'FormatConfiguration': {'CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string', 'Symbol': 'string'}, 'NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}, 'PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}}}, 'HierarchyId': 'string'}}], 'Label': [{'CategoricalDimensionField': {'Column': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}, 'FieldId': 'string', 'FormatConfiguration': {'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumericFormatConfiguration': {'CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string', 'Symbol': 'string'}, 'NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}, 'PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}}}, 'HierarchyId': 'string'}, 'DateDimensionField': {'Column': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}, 'DateGranularity': 'YEAR ' '| ' 'QUARTER ' '| ' 'MONTH ' '| ' 'WEEK ' '| ' 'DAY ' '| ' 'HOUR ' '| ' 'MINUTE ' '| ' 'SECOND ' '| ' 'MILLISECOND', 'FieldId': 'string', 'FormatConfiguration': {'DateTimeFormat': 'string', 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumericFormatConfiguration': {'CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string', 'Symbol': 'string'}, 'NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}, 'PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}}}, 'HierarchyId': 'string'}, 'NumericalDimensionField': {'Column': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}, 'FieldId': 'string', 'FormatConfiguration': {'FormatConfiguration': {'CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string', 'Symbol': 'string'}, 'NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}, 'PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}}}, 'HierarchyId': 'string'}}]}}}}, 'TableVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'TreeMapVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'WaterfallVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'WordCloudVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}}}}}
Creates a dashboard from either a template or directly with a DashboardDefinition. To first create a template, see the CreateTemplate API operation.
A dashboard is an entity in Amazon QuickSight that identifies Amazon QuickSight reports, created from analyses. You can share Amazon QuickSight dashboards. With the right permissions, you can create scheduled email reports from them. If you have the correct permissions, you can create a dashboard from a template that exists in a different Amazon Web Services account.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
# This section is too large to render. # Please see the AWS API Documentation linked below.Parameters
# This section is too large to render. # Please see the AWS API Documentation linked below.
Response Syntax
{ 'Arn': 'string', 'VersionArn': 'string', 'DashboardId': 'string', 'CreationStatus': 'CREATION_IN_PROGRESS'|'CREATION_SUCCESSFUL'|'CREATION_FAILED'|'UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS'|'UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL'|'UPDATE_FAILED'|'DELETED', 'Status': 123, 'RequestId': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Arn (string) --
The ARN of the dashboard.
VersionArn (string) --
The ARN of the dashboard, including the version number of the first version that is created.
DashboardId (string) --
The ID for the dashboard.
CreationStatus (string) --
The status of the dashboard creation request.
Status (integer) --
The HTTP status of the request.
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
{'DatasetParameters': [{'DateTimeDatasetParameter': {'DefaultValues': {'StaticValues': ['timestamp']}, 'Id': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'TimeGranularity': 'YEAR ' '| ' 'QUARTER ' '| ' 'MONTH ' '| ' 'WEEK ' '| DAY ' '| ' 'HOUR ' '| ' 'MINUTE ' '| ' 'SECOND ' '| ' 'MILLISECOND', 'ValueType': 'MULTI_VALUED ' '| ' 'SINGLE_VALUED'}, 'DecimalDatasetParameter': {'DefaultValues': {'StaticValues': ['double']}, 'Id': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'ValueType': 'MULTI_VALUED ' '| ' 'SINGLE_VALUED'}, 'IntegerDatasetParameter': {'DefaultValues': {'StaticValues': ['long']}, 'Id': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'ValueType': 'MULTI_VALUED ' '| ' 'SINGLE_VALUED'}, 'StringDatasetParameter': {'DefaultValues': {'StaticValues': ['string']}, 'Id': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'ValueType': 'MULTI_VALUED ' '| ' 'SINGLE_VALUED'}}], 'LogicalTableMap': {'DataTransforms': {'OverrideDatasetParameterOperation': {'NewDefaultValues': {'DateTimeStaticValues': ['timestamp'], 'DecimalStaticValues': ['double'], 'IntegerStaticValues': ['long'], 'StringStaticValues': ['string']}, 'NewParameterName': 'string', 'ParameterName': 'string'}}}}
Creates a dataset. This operation doesn't support datasets that include uploaded files as a source.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_data_set( AwsAccountId='string', DataSetId='string', Name='string', PhysicalTableMap={ 'string': { 'RelationalTable': { 'DataSourceArn': 'string', 'Catalog': 'string', 'Schema': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'InputColumns': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Type': 'STRING'|'INTEGER'|'DECIMAL'|'DATETIME'|'BIT'|'BOOLEAN'|'JSON' }, ] }, 'CustomSql': { 'DataSourceArn': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'SqlQuery': 'string', 'Columns': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Type': 'STRING'|'INTEGER'|'DECIMAL'|'DATETIME'|'BIT'|'BOOLEAN'|'JSON' }, ] }, 'S3Source': { 'DataSourceArn': 'string', 'UploadSettings': { 'Format': 'CSV'|'TSV'|'CLF'|'ELF'|'XLSX'|'JSON', 'StartFromRow': 123, 'ContainsHeader': True|False, 'TextQualifier': 'DOUBLE_QUOTE'|'SINGLE_QUOTE', 'Delimiter': 'string' }, 'InputColumns': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Type': 'STRING'|'INTEGER'|'DECIMAL'|'DATETIME'|'BIT'|'BOOLEAN'|'JSON' }, ] } } }, LogicalTableMap={ 'string': { 'Alias': 'string', 'DataTransforms': [ { 'ProjectOperation': { 'ProjectedColumns': [ 'string', ] }, 'FilterOperation': { 'ConditionExpression': 'string' }, 'CreateColumnsOperation': { 'Columns': [ { 'ColumnName': 'string', 'ColumnId': 'string', 'Expression': 'string' }, ] }, 'RenameColumnOperation': { 'ColumnName': 'string', 'NewColumnName': 'string' }, 'CastColumnTypeOperation': { 'ColumnName': 'string', 'NewColumnType': 'STRING'|'INTEGER'|'DECIMAL'|'DATETIME', 'Format': 'string' }, 'TagColumnOperation': { 'ColumnName': 'string', 'Tags': [ { 'ColumnGeographicRole': 'COUNTRY'|'STATE'|'COUNTY'|'CITY'|'POSTCODE'|'LONGITUDE'|'LATITUDE', 'ColumnDescription': { 'Text': 'string' } }, ] }, 'UntagColumnOperation': { 'ColumnName': 'string', 'TagNames': [ 'COLUMN_GEOGRAPHIC_ROLE'|'COLUMN_DESCRIPTION', ] }, 'OverrideDatasetParameterOperation': { 'ParameterName': 'string', 'NewParameterName': 'string', 'NewDefaultValues': { 'StringStaticValues': [ 'string', ], 'DecimalStaticValues': [ 123.0, ], 'DateTimeStaticValues': [ datetime(2015, 1, 1), ], 'IntegerStaticValues': [ 123, ] } } }, ], 'Source': { 'JoinInstruction': { 'LeftOperand': 'string', 'RightOperand': 'string', 'LeftJoinKeyProperties': { 'UniqueKey': True|False }, 'RightJoinKeyProperties': { 'UniqueKey': True|False }, 'Type': 'INNER'|'OUTER'|'LEFT'|'RIGHT', 'OnClause': 'string' }, 'PhysicalTableId': 'string', 'DataSetArn': 'string' } } }, ImportMode='SPICE'|'DIRECT_QUERY', ColumnGroups=[ { 'GeoSpatialColumnGroup': { 'Name': 'string', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'Columns': [ 'string', ] } }, ], FieldFolders={ 'string': { 'description': 'string', 'columns': [ 'string', ] } }, Permissions=[ { 'Principal': 'string', 'Actions': [ 'string', ] }, ], RowLevelPermissionDataSet={ 'Namespace': 'string', 'Arn': 'string', 'PermissionPolicy': 'GRANT_ACCESS'|'DENY_ACCESS', 'FormatVersion': 'VERSION_1'|'VERSION_2', 'Status': 'ENABLED'|'DISABLED' }, RowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration={ 'Status': 'ENABLED'|'DISABLED', 'TagRules': [ { 'TagKey': 'string', 'ColumnName': 'string', 'TagMultiValueDelimiter': 'string', 'MatchAllValue': 'string' }, ], 'TagRuleConfigurations': [ [ 'string', ], ] }, ColumnLevelPermissionRules=[ { 'Principals': [ 'string', ], 'ColumnNames': [ 'string', ] }, ], Tags=[ { 'Key': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ], DataSetUsageConfiguration={ 'DisableUseAsDirectQuerySource': True|False, 'DisableUseAsImportedSource': True|False }, DatasetParameters=[ { 'StringDatasetParameter': { 'Id': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'ValueType': 'MULTI_VALUED'|'SINGLE_VALUED', 'DefaultValues': { 'StaticValues': [ 'string', ] } }, 'DecimalDatasetParameter': { 'Id': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'ValueType': 'MULTI_VALUED'|'SINGLE_VALUED', 'DefaultValues': { 'StaticValues': [ 123.0, ] } }, 'IntegerDatasetParameter': { 'Id': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'ValueType': 'MULTI_VALUED'|'SINGLE_VALUED', 'DefaultValues': { 'StaticValues': [ 123, ] } }, 'DateTimeDatasetParameter': { 'Id': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'ValueType': 'MULTI_VALUED'|'SINGLE_VALUED', 'TimeGranularity': 'YEAR'|'QUARTER'|'MONTH'|'WEEK'|'DAY'|'HOUR'|'MINUTE'|'SECOND'|'MILLISECOND', 'DefaultValues': { 'StaticValues': [ datetime(2015, 1, 1), ] } } }, ] )
The Amazon Web Services account ID.
An ID for the dataset that you want to create. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
The display name for the dataset.
Declares the physical tables that are available in the underlying data sources.
(string) --
(dict) --
A view of a data source that contains information about the shape of the data in the underlying source. This is a variant type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be non-null.
RelationalTable (dict) --
A physical table type for relational data sources.
DataSourceArn (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the data source.
Catalog (string) --
The catalog associated with a table.
Schema (string) --
The schema name. This name applies to certain relational database engines.
Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the relational table.
InputColumns (list) -- [REQUIRED]
The column schema of the table.
(dict) --
Metadata for a column that is used as the input of a transform operation.
Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of this column in the underlying data source.
Type (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The data type of the column.
CustomSql (dict) --
A physical table type built from the results of the custom SQL query.
DataSourceArn (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the data source.
Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]
A display name for the SQL query result.
SqlQuery (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The SQL query.
Columns (list) --
The column schema from the SQL query result set.
(dict) --
Metadata for a column that is used as the input of a transform operation.
Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of this column in the underlying data source.
Type (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The data type of the column.
S3Source (dict) --
A physical table type for as S3 data source.
DataSourceArn (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the data source.
UploadSettings (dict) --
Information about the format for the S3 source file or files.
Format (string) --
File format.
StartFromRow (integer) --
A row number to start reading data from.
ContainsHeader (boolean) --
Whether the file has a header row, or the files each have a header row.
TextQualifier (string) --
Text qualifier.
Delimiter (string) --
The delimiter between values in the file.
InputColumns (list) -- [REQUIRED]
A physical table type for an S3 data source.
(dict) --
Metadata for a column that is used as the input of a transform operation.
Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of this column in the underlying data source.
Type (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The data type of the column.
Configures the combination and transformation of the data from the physical tables.
(string) --
An identifier for the logical table that is defined in the dataset
(dict) --
A logical table is a unit that joins and that data transformations operate on. A logical table has a source, which can be either a physical table or result of a join. When a logical table points to a physical table, the logical table acts as a mutable copy of that physical table through transform operations.
Alias (string) -- [REQUIRED]
A display name for the logical table.
DataTransforms (list) --
Transform operations that act on this logical table. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be non-null.
(dict) --
A data transformation on a logical table. This is a variant type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be non-null.
ProjectOperation (dict) --
An operation that projects columns. Operations that come after a projection can only refer to projected columns.
ProjectedColumns (list) -- [REQUIRED]
Projected columns.
(string) --
FilterOperation (dict) --
An operation that filters rows based on some condition.
ConditionExpression (string) -- [REQUIRED]
An expression that must evaluate to a Boolean value. Rows for which the expression evaluates to true are kept in the dataset.
CreateColumnsOperation (dict) --
An operation that creates calculated columns. Columns created in one such operation form a lexical closure.
Columns (list) -- [REQUIRED]
Calculated columns to create.
(dict) --
A calculated column for a dataset.
ColumnName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Column name.
ColumnId (string) -- [REQUIRED]
A unique ID to identify a calculated column. During a dataset update, if the column ID of a calculated column matches that of an existing calculated column, Amazon QuickSight preserves the existing calculated column.
Expression (string) -- [REQUIRED]
An expression that defines the calculated column.
RenameColumnOperation (dict) --
An operation that renames a column.
ColumnName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the column to be renamed.
NewColumnName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The new name for the column.
CastColumnTypeOperation (dict) --
A transform operation that casts a column to a different type.
ColumnName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Column name.
NewColumnType (string) -- [REQUIRED]
New column data type.
Format (string) --
When casting a column from string to datetime type, you can supply a string in a format supported by Amazon QuickSight to denote the source data format.
TagColumnOperation (dict) --
An operation that tags a column with additional information.
ColumnName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The column that this operation acts on.
Tags (list) -- [REQUIRED]
The dataset column tag, currently only used for geospatial type tagging.
(dict) --
A tag for a column in a TagColumnOperation structure. This is a variant type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be non-null.
ColumnGeographicRole (string) --
A geospatial role for a column.
ColumnDescription (dict) --
A description for a column.
Text (string) --
The text of a description for a column.
UntagColumnOperation (dict) --
A transform operation that removes tags associated with a column.
ColumnName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The column that this operation acts on.
TagNames (list) -- [REQUIRED]
The column tags to remove from this column.
(string) --
OverrideDatasetParameterOperation (dict) --
A transform operation that overrides the dataset parameter values that are defined in another dataset.
ParameterName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the parameter to be overridden with different values.
NewParameterName (string) --
The new name for the parameter.
NewDefaultValues (dict) --
The new default values for the parameter.
StringStaticValues (list) --
A list of static default values for a given string parameter.
(string) --
The default value for the string parameter.
DecimalStaticValues (list) --
A list of static default values for a given decimal parameter.
(float) --
The default value for the decimal parameter.
DateTimeStaticValues (list) --
A list of static default values for a given date time parameter.
(datetime) --
The default value for the date time parameter.
IntegerStaticValues (list) --
A list of static default values for a given integer parameter.
(integer) --
The default value for the integer parameter.
Source (dict) -- [REQUIRED]
Source of this logical table.
JoinInstruction (dict) --
Specifies the result of a join of two logical tables.
LeftOperand (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The operand on the left side of a join.
RightOperand (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The operand on the right side of a join.
LeftJoinKeyProperties (dict) --
Join key properties of the left operand.
UniqueKey (boolean) --
A value that indicates that a row in a table is uniquely identified by the columns in a join key. This is used by Amazon QuickSight to optimize query performance.
RightJoinKeyProperties (dict) --
Join key properties of the right operand.
UniqueKey (boolean) --
A value that indicates that a row in a table is uniquely identified by the columns in a join key. This is used by Amazon QuickSight to optimize query performance.
Type (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The type of join that it is.
OnClause (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The join instructions provided in the ON clause of a join.
PhysicalTableId (string) --
Physical table ID.
DataSetArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) of the parent dataset.
Indicates whether you want to import the data into SPICE.
Groupings of columns that work together in certain Amazon QuickSight features. Currently, only geospatial hierarchy is supported.
(dict) --
Groupings of columns that work together in certain Amazon QuickSight features. This is a variant type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be non-null.
GeoSpatialColumnGroup (dict) --
Geospatial column group that denotes a hierarchy.
Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]
A display name for the hierarchy.
CountryCode (string) --
Country code.
Columns (list) -- [REQUIRED]
Columns in this hierarchy.
(string) --
The folder that contains fields and nested subfolders for your dataset.
(string) --
(dict) --
A FieldFolder element is a folder that contains fields and nested subfolders.
description (string) --
The description for a field folder.
columns (list) --
A folder has a list of columns. A column can only be in one folder.
(string) --
A list of resource permissions on the dataset.
(dict) --
Permission for the resource.
Principal (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the principal. This can be one of the following:
The ARN of an Amazon QuickSight user or group associated with a data source or dataset. (This is common.)
The ARN of an Amazon QuickSight user, group, or namespace associated with an analysis, dashboard, template, or theme. (This is common.)
The ARN of an Amazon Web Services account root: This is an IAM ARN rather than a QuickSight ARN. Use this option only to share resources (templates) across Amazon Web Services accounts. (This is less common.)
Actions (list) -- [REQUIRED]
The IAM action to grant or revoke permissions on.
(string) --
The row-level security configuration for the data that you want to create.
Namespace (string) --
The namespace associated with the dataset that contains permissions for RLS.
Arn (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset that contains permissions for RLS.
PermissionPolicy (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The type of permissions to use when interpreting the permissions for RLS. DENY_ACCESS is included for backward compatibility only.
FormatVersion (string) --
The user or group rules associated with the dataset that contains permissions for RLS.
By default, FormatVersion is VERSION_1. When FormatVersion is VERSION_1, UserName and GroupName are required. When FormatVersion is VERSION_2, UserARN and GroupARN are required, and Namespace must not exist.
Status (string) --
The status of the row-level security permission dataset. If enabled, the status is ENABLED. If disabled, the status is DISABLED.
The configuration of tags on a dataset to set row-level security. Row-level security tags are currently supported for anonymous embedding only.
Status (string) --
The status of row-level security tags. If enabled, the status is ENABLED. If disabled, the status is DISABLED.
TagRules (list) -- [REQUIRED]
A set of rules associated with row-level security, such as the tag names and columns that they are assigned to.
(dict) --
A set of rules associated with a tag.
TagKey (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The unique key for a tag.
ColumnName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The column name that a tag key is assigned to.
TagMultiValueDelimiter (string) --
A string that you want to use to delimit the values when you pass the values at run time. For example, you can delimit the values with a comma.
MatchAllValue (string) --
A string that you want to use to filter by all the values in a column in the dataset and don’t want to list the values one by one. For example, you can use an asterisk as your match all value.
TagRuleConfigurations (list) --
A list of tag configuration rules to apply to a dataset. All tag configurations have the OR condition. Tags within each tile will be joined (AND). At least one rule in this structure must have all tag values assigned to it to apply Row-level security (RLS) to the dataset.
(list) --
(string) --
A set of one or more definitions of a ``ColumnLevelPermissionRule ``.
(dict) --
A rule defined to grant access on one or more restricted columns. Each dataset can have multiple rules. To create a restricted column, you add it to one or more rules. Each rule must contain at least one column and at least one user or group. To be able to see a restricted column, a user or group needs to be added to a rule for that column.
Principals (list) --
An array of Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) for Amazon QuickSight users or groups.
(string) --
ColumnNames (list) --
An array of column names.
(string) --
Contains a map of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags assigned to the dataset.
(dict) --
The key or keys of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags assigned to the resource.
Key (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Tag key.
Value (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Tag value.
The usage configuration to apply to child datasets that reference this dataset as a source.
DisableUseAsDirectQuerySource (boolean) --
An option that controls whether a child dataset of a direct query can use this dataset as a source.
DisableUseAsImportedSource (boolean) --
An option that controls whether a child dataset that's stored in QuickSight can use this dataset as a source.
The parameter declarations of the dataset.
(dict) --
A dataset parameter.
StringDatasetParameter (dict) --
A string parameter that is created in the dataset.
Id (string) -- [REQUIRED]
An identifier for the string parameter that is created in the dataset.
Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the string parameter that is created in the dataset.
ValueType (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The value type of the dataset parameter. Valid values are single value or multi value.
DefaultValues (dict) --
A list of default values for a given string dataset parameter type. This structure only accepts static values.
StaticValues (list) --
A list of static default values for a given string parameter.
(string) --
The default value for the string parameter.
DecimalDatasetParameter (dict) --
A decimal parameter that is created in the dataset.
Id (string) -- [REQUIRED]
An identifier for the decimal parameter created in the dataset.
Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the decimal parameter that is created in the dataset.
ValueType (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The value type of the dataset parameter. Valid values are single value or multi value.
DefaultValues (dict) --
A list of default values for a given decimal parameter. This structure only accepts static values.
StaticValues (list) --
A list of static default values for a given decimal parameter.
(float) --
The default value for the decimal parameter.
IntegerDatasetParameter (dict) --
An integer parameter that is created in the dataset.
Id (string) -- [REQUIRED]
An identifier for the integer parameter created in the dataset.
Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the integer parameter that is created in the dataset.
ValueType (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The value type of the dataset parameter. Valid values are single value or multi value.
DefaultValues (dict) --
A list of default values for a given integer parameter. This structure only accepts static values.
StaticValues (list) --
A list of static default values for a given integer parameter.
(integer) --
The default value for the integer parameter.
DateTimeDatasetParameter (dict) --
A date time parameter that is created in the dataset.
Id (string) -- [REQUIRED]
An identifier for the parameter that is created in the dataset.
Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the date time parameter that is created in the dataset.
ValueType (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The value type of the dataset parameter. Valid values are single value or multi value.
TimeGranularity (string) --
The time granularity of the date time parameter.
DefaultValues (dict) --
A list of default values for a given date time parameter. This structure only accepts static values.
StaticValues (list) --
A list of static default values for a given date time parameter.
(datetime) --
The default value for the date time parameter.
Response Syntax
{ 'Arn': 'string', 'DataSetId': 'string', 'IngestionArn': 'string', 'IngestionId': 'string', 'RequestId': 'string', 'Status': 123 }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Arn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset.
DataSetId (string) --
The ID for the dataset that you want to create. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
IngestionArn (string) --
The ARN for the ingestion, which is triggered as a result of dataset creation if the import mode is SPICE.
IngestionId (string) --
The ID of the ingestion, which is triggered as a result of dataset creation if the import mode is SPICE.
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
Status (integer) --
The HTTP status of the request.
{'Definition': {'ParameterDeclarations': {'DateTimeParameterDeclaration': {'MappedDataSetParameters': [{'DataSetIdentifier': 'string', 'DataSetParameterName': 'string'}]}, 'DecimalParameterDeclaration': {'MappedDataSetParameters': [{'DataSetIdentifier': 'string', 'DataSetParameterName': 'string'}]}, 'IntegerParameterDeclaration': {'MappedDataSetParameters': [{'DataSetIdentifier': 'string', 'DataSetParameterName': 'string'}]}, 'StringParameterDeclaration': {'MappedDataSetParameters': [{'DataSetIdentifier': 'string', 'DataSetParameterName': 'string'}]}}, 'Sheets': {'Visuals': {'BarChartVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'BoxPlotVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'ComboChartVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'BarDataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}, 'LineDataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'CustomContentVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'EmptyVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'FilledMapVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'FunnelChartVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'GaugeChartVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'GeospatialMapVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'HeatMapVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'HistogramVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'InsightVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'KPIVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'LineChartVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'PieChartVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'PivotTableVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'RadarChartVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'SankeyDiagramVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'ScatterPlotVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}, 'FieldWells': {'ScatterPlotCategoricallyAggregatedFieldWells': {'Label': [{'CategoricalDimensionField': {'Column': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}, 'FieldId': 'string', 'FormatConfiguration': {'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumericFormatConfiguration': {'CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string', 'Symbol': 'string'}, 'NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}, 'PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}}}, 'HierarchyId': 'string'}, 'DateDimensionField': {'Column': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}, 'DateGranularity': 'YEAR ' '| ' 'QUARTER ' '| ' 'MONTH ' '| ' 'WEEK ' '| ' 'DAY ' '| ' 'HOUR ' '| ' 'MINUTE ' '| ' 'SECOND ' '| ' 'MILLISECOND', 'FieldId': 'string', 'FormatConfiguration': {'DateTimeFormat': 'string', 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumericFormatConfiguration': {'CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string', 'Symbol': 'string'}, 'NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}, 'PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}}}, 'HierarchyId': 'string'}, 'NumericalDimensionField': {'Column': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}, 'FieldId': 'string', 'FormatConfiguration': {'FormatConfiguration': {'CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string', 'Symbol': 'string'}, 'NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}, 'PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}}}, 'HierarchyId': 'string'}}]}, 'ScatterPlotUnaggregatedFieldWells': {'Category': [{'CategoricalDimensionField': {'Column': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}, 'FieldId': 'string', 'FormatConfiguration': {'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumericFormatConfiguration': {'CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration': 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'PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}}}, 'HierarchyId': 'string'}}], 'Label': [{'CategoricalDimensionField': {'Column': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}, 'FieldId': 'string', 'FormatConfiguration': {'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumericFormatConfiguration': {'CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO 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'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}}}, 'HierarchyId': 'string'}, 'DateDimensionField': {'Column': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}, 'DateGranularity': 'YEAR ' '| ' 'QUARTER ' '| ' 'MONTH ' '| ' 'WEEK ' '| ' 'DAY ' '| ' 'HOUR ' '| ' 'MINUTE ' '| ' 'SECOND ' '| ' 'MILLISECOND', 'FieldId': 'string', 'FormatConfiguration': {'DateTimeFormat': 'string', 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumericFormatConfiguration': {'CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': 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{'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string', 'Symbol': 'string'}, 'NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}, 'PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}}}, 'HierarchyId': 'string'}}]}}}}, 'TableVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'TreeMapVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'WaterfallVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'WordCloudVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}}}}}
Creates a template either from a TemplateDefinition or from an existing Amazon QuickSight analysis or template. You can use the resulting template to create additional dashboards, templates, or analyses.
A template is an entity in Amazon QuickSight that encapsulates the metadata required to create an analysis and that you can use to create s dashboard. A template adds a layer of abstraction by using placeholders to replace the dataset associated with the analysis. You can use templates to create dashboards by replacing dataset placeholders with datasets that follow the same schema that was used to create the source analysis and template.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
# This section is too large to render. # Please see the AWS API Documentation linked below.Parameters
# This section is too large to render. # Please see the AWS API Documentation linked below.
Response Syntax
{ 'Arn': 'string', 'VersionArn': 'string', 'TemplateId': 'string', 'CreationStatus': 'CREATION_IN_PROGRESS'|'CREATION_SUCCESSFUL'|'CREATION_FAILED'|'UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS'|'UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL'|'UPDATE_FAILED'|'DELETED', 'Status': 123, 'RequestId': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Arn (string) --
The ARN for the template.
VersionArn (string) --
The ARN for the template, including the version information of the first version.
TemplateId (string) --
The ID of the template.
CreationStatus (string) --
The template creation status.
Status (integer) --
The HTTP status of the request.
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
{'Definition': {'ParameterDeclarations': {'DateTimeParameterDeclaration': {'MappedDataSetParameters': [{'DataSetIdentifier': 'string', 'DataSetParameterName': 'string'}]}, 'DecimalParameterDeclaration': {'MappedDataSetParameters': [{'DataSetIdentifier': 'string', 'DataSetParameterName': 'string'}]}, 'IntegerParameterDeclaration': {'MappedDataSetParameters': [{'DataSetIdentifier': 'string', 'DataSetParameterName': 'string'}]}, 'StringParameterDeclaration': {'MappedDataSetParameters': [{'DataSetIdentifier': 'string', 'DataSetParameterName': 'string'}]}}, 'Sheets': {'Visuals': {'BarChartVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'BoxPlotVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'ComboChartVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'BarDataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}, 'LineDataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'CustomContentVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'EmptyVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'FilledMapVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'FunnelChartVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 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{'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'HistogramVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'InsightVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'KPIVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'LineChartVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'PieChartVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': 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'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'WaterfallVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'WordCloudVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}}}}}
Provides a detailed description of the definition of an analysis.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.describe_analysis_definition( AwsAccountId='string', AnalysisId='string' )
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the analysis. You must be using the Amazon Web Services account that the analysis is in.
The ID of the analysis that you're describing. The ID is part of the URL of the analysis.
Response Syntax
# This section is too large to render. # Please see the AWS API Documentation linked below.
Response Structure
# This section is too large to render. # Please see the AWS API Documentation linked below.
{'Definition': {'ParameterDeclarations': {'DateTimeParameterDeclaration': {'MappedDataSetParameters': [{'DataSetIdentifier': 'string', 'DataSetParameterName': 'string'}]}, 'DecimalParameterDeclaration': {'MappedDataSetParameters': [{'DataSetIdentifier': 'string', 'DataSetParameterName': 'string'}]}, 'IntegerParameterDeclaration': {'MappedDataSetParameters': [{'DataSetIdentifier': 'string', 'DataSetParameterName': 'string'}]}, 'StringParameterDeclaration': {'MappedDataSetParameters': [{'DataSetIdentifier': 'string', 'DataSetParameterName': 'string'}]}}, 'Sheets': {'Visuals': {'BarChartVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 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'PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}}}, 'HierarchyId': 'string'}}], 'Label': [{'CategoricalDimensionField': {'Column': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}, 'FieldId': 'string', 'FormatConfiguration': {'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumericFormatConfiguration': {'CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO 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'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}}}, 'HierarchyId': 'string'}, 'DateDimensionField': {'Column': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}, 'DateGranularity': 'YEAR ' '| ' 'QUARTER ' '| ' 'MONTH ' '| ' 'WEEK ' '| ' 'DAY ' '| ' 'HOUR ' '| ' 'MINUTE ' '| ' 'SECOND ' '| ' 'MILLISECOND', 'FieldId': 'string', 'FormatConfiguration': {'DateTimeFormat': 'string', 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumericFormatConfiguration': {'CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string', 'Symbol': 'string'}, 'NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}, 'PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}}}, 'HierarchyId': 'string'}, 'NumericalDimensionField': {'Column': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}, 'FieldId': 'string', 'FormatConfiguration': {'FormatConfiguration': {'CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string', 'Symbol': 'string'}, 'NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}, 'PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}}}, 'HierarchyId': 'string'}}]}}}}, 'TableVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'TreeMapVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'WaterfallVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'WordCloudVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}}}}}
Provides a detailed description of the definition of a dashboard.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.describe_dashboard_definition( AwsAccountId='string', DashboardId='string', VersionNumber=123, AliasName='string' )
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the dashboard that you're describing.
The ID for the dashboard.
The version number for the dashboard. If a version number isn't passed, the latest published dashboard version is described.
The alias name.
Response Syntax
# This section is too large to render. # Please see the AWS API Documentation linked below.
Response Structure
# This section is too large to render. # Please see the AWS API Documentation linked below.
{'DataSet': {'DatasetParameters': [{'DateTimeDatasetParameter': {'DefaultValues': {'StaticValues': ['timestamp']}, 'Id': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'TimeGranularity': 'YEAR ' '| ' 'QUARTER ' '| ' 'MONTH ' '| ' 'WEEK ' '| ' 'DAY ' '| ' 'HOUR ' '| ' 'MINUTE ' '| ' 'SECOND ' '| ' 'MILLISECOND', 'ValueType': 'MULTI_VALUED ' '| ' 'SINGLE_VALUED'}, 'DecimalDatasetParameter': {'DefaultValues': {'StaticValues': ['double']}, 'Id': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'ValueType': 'MULTI_VALUED ' '| ' 'SINGLE_VALUED'}, 'IntegerDatasetParameter': {'DefaultValues': {'StaticValues': ['long']}, 'Id': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'ValueType': 'MULTI_VALUED ' '| ' 'SINGLE_VALUED'}, 'StringDatasetParameter': {'DefaultValues': {'StaticValues': ['string']}, 'Id': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'ValueType': 'MULTI_VALUED ' '| ' 'SINGLE_VALUED'}}], 'LogicalTableMap': {'DataTransforms': {'OverrideDatasetParameterOperation': {'NewDefaultValues': {'DateTimeStaticValues': ['timestamp'], 'DecimalStaticValues': ['double'], 'IntegerStaticValues': ['long'], 'StringStaticValues': ['string']}, 'NewParameterName': 'string', 'ParameterName': 'string'}}}}}
Describes a dataset. This operation doesn't support datasets that include uploaded files as a source.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.describe_data_set( AwsAccountId='string', DataSetId='string' )
The Amazon Web Services account ID.
The ID for the dataset that you want to create. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
Response Syntax
{ 'DataSet': { 'Arn': 'string', 'DataSetId': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'CreatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'LastUpdatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'PhysicalTableMap': { 'string': { 'RelationalTable': { 'DataSourceArn': 'string', 'Catalog': 'string', 'Schema': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'InputColumns': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Type': 'STRING'|'INTEGER'|'DECIMAL'|'DATETIME'|'BIT'|'BOOLEAN'|'JSON' }, ] }, 'CustomSql': { 'DataSourceArn': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'SqlQuery': 'string', 'Columns': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Type': 'STRING'|'INTEGER'|'DECIMAL'|'DATETIME'|'BIT'|'BOOLEAN'|'JSON' }, ] }, 'S3Source': { 'DataSourceArn': 'string', 'UploadSettings': { 'Format': 'CSV'|'TSV'|'CLF'|'ELF'|'XLSX'|'JSON', 'StartFromRow': 123, 'ContainsHeader': True|False, 'TextQualifier': 'DOUBLE_QUOTE'|'SINGLE_QUOTE', 'Delimiter': 'string' }, 'InputColumns': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Type': 'STRING'|'INTEGER'|'DECIMAL'|'DATETIME'|'BIT'|'BOOLEAN'|'JSON' }, ] } } }, 'LogicalTableMap': { 'string': { 'Alias': 'string', 'DataTransforms': [ { 'ProjectOperation': { 'ProjectedColumns': [ 'string', ] }, 'FilterOperation': { 'ConditionExpression': 'string' }, 'CreateColumnsOperation': { 'Columns': [ { 'ColumnName': 'string', 'ColumnId': 'string', 'Expression': 'string' }, ] }, 'RenameColumnOperation': { 'ColumnName': 'string', 'NewColumnName': 'string' }, 'CastColumnTypeOperation': { 'ColumnName': 'string', 'NewColumnType': 'STRING'|'INTEGER'|'DECIMAL'|'DATETIME', 'Format': 'string' }, 'TagColumnOperation': { 'ColumnName': 'string', 'Tags': [ { 'ColumnGeographicRole': 'COUNTRY'|'STATE'|'COUNTY'|'CITY'|'POSTCODE'|'LONGITUDE'|'LATITUDE', 'ColumnDescription': { 'Text': 'string' } }, ] }, 'UntagColumnOperation': { 'ColumnName': 'string', 'TagNames': [ 'COLUMN_GEOGRAPHIC_ROLE'|'COLUMN_DESCRIPTION', ] }, 'OverrideDatasetParameterOperation': { 'ParameterName': 'string', 'NewParameterName': 'string', 'NewDefaultValues': { 'StringStaticValues': [ 'string', ], 'DecimalStaticValues': [ 123.0, ], 'DateTimeStaticValues': [ datetime(2015, 1, 1), ], 'IntegerStaticValues': [ 123, ] } } }, ], 'Source': { 'JoinInstruction': { 'LeftOperand': 'string', 'RightOperand': 'string', 'LeftJoinKeyProperties': { 'UniqueKey': True|False }, 'RightJoinKeyProperties': { 'UniqueKey': True|False }, 'Type': 'INNER'|'OUTER'|'LEFT'|'RIGHT', 'OnClause': 'string' }, 'PhysicalTableId': 'string', 'DataSetArn': 'string' } } }, 'OutputColumns': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'Type': 'STRING'|'INTEGER'|'DECIMAL'|'DATETIME' }, ], 'ImportMode': 'SPICE'|'DIRECT_QUERY', 'ConsumedSpiceCapacityInBytes': 123, 'ColumnGroups': [ { 'GeoSpatialColumnGroup': { 'Name': 'string', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'Columns': [ 'string', ] } }, ], 'FieldFolders': { 'string': { 'description': 'string', 'columns': [ 'string', ] } }, 'RowLevelPermissionDataSet': { 'Namespace': 'string', 'Arn': 'string', 'PermissionPolicy': 'GRANT_ACCESS'|'DENY_ACCESS', 'FormatVersion': 'VERSION_1'|'VERSION_2', 'Status': 'ENABLED'|'DISABLED' }, 'RowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration': { 'Status': 'ENABLED'|'DISABLED', 'TagRules': [ { 'TagKey': 'string', 'ColumnName': 'string', 'TagMultiValueDelimiter': 'string', 'MatchAllValue': 'string' }, ], 'TagRuleConfigurations': [ [ 'string', ], ] }, 'ColumnLevelPermissionRules': [ { 'Principals': [ 'string', ], 'ColumnNames': [ 'string', ] }, ], 'DataSetUsageConfiguration': { 'DisableUseAsDirectQuerySource': True|False, 'DisableUseAsImportedSource': True|False }, 'DatasetParameters': [ { 'StringDatasetParameter': { 'Id': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'ValueType': 'MULTI_VALUED'|'SINGLE_VALUED', 'DefaultValues': { 'StaticValues': [ 'string', ] } }, 'DecimalDatasetParameter': { 'Id': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'ValueType': 'MULTI_VALUED'|'SINGLE_VALUED', 'DefaultValues': { 'StaticValues': [ 123.0, ] } }, 'IntegerDatasetParameter': { 'Id': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'ValueType': 'MULTI_VALUED'|'SINGLE_VALUED', 'DefaultValues': { 'StaticValues': [ 123, ] } }, 'DateTimeDatasetParameter': { 'Id': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'ValueType': 'MULTI_VALUED'|'SINGLE_VALUED', 'TimeGranularity': 'YEAR'|'QUARTER'|'MONTH'|'WEEK'|'DAY'|'HOUR'|'MINUTE'|'SECOND'|'MILLISECOND', 'DefaultValues': { 'StaticValues': [ datetime(2015, 1, 1), ] } } }, ] }, 'RequestId': 'string', 'Status': 123 }
Response Structure
(dict) --
DataSet (dict) --
Information on the dataset.
Arn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.
DataSetId (string) --
The ID of the dataset.
Name (string) --
A display name for the dataset.
CreatedTime (datetime) --
The time that this dataset was created.
LastUpdatedTime (datetime) --
The last time that this dataset was updated.
PhysicalTableMap (dict) --
Declares the physical tables that are available in the underlying data sources.
(string) --
(dict) --
A view of a data source that contains information about the shape of the data in the underlying source. This is a variant type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be non-null.
RelationalTable (dict) --
A physical table type for relational data sources.
DataSourceArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the data source.
Catalog (string) --
The catalog associated with a table.
Schema (string) --
The schema name. This name applies to certain relational database engines.
Name (string) --
The name of the relational table.
InputColumns (list) --
The column schema of the table.
(dict) --
Metadata for a column that is used as the input of a transform operation.
Name (string) --
The name of this column in the underlying data source.
Type (string) --
The data type of the column.
CustomSql (dict) --
A physical table type built from the results of the custom SQL query.
DataSourceArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the data source.
Name (string) --
A display name for the SQL query result.
SqlQuery (string) --
The SQL query.
Columns (list) --
The column schema from the SQL query result set.
(dict) --
Metadata for a column that is used as the input of a transform operation.
Name (string) --
The name of this column in the underlying data source.
Type (string) --
The data type of the column.
S3Source (dict) --
A physical table type for as S3 data source.
DataSourceArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the data source.
UploadSettings (dict) --
Information about the format for the S3 source file or files.
Format (string) --
File format.
StartFromRow (integer) --
A row number to start reading data from.
ContainsHeader (boolean) --
Whether the file has a header row, or the files each have a header row.
TextQualifier (string) --
Text qualifier.
Delimiter (string) --
The delimiter between values in the file.
InputColumns (list) --
A physical table type for an S3 data source.
(dict) --
Metadata for a column that is used as the input of a transform operation.
Name (string) --
The name of this column in the underlying data source.
Type (string) --
The data type of the column.
LogicalTableMap (dict) --
Configures the combination and transformation of the data from the physical tables.
(string) --
An identifier for the logical table that is defined in the dataset
(dict) --
A logical table is a unit that joins and that data transformations operate on. A logical table has a source, which can be either a physical table or result of a join. When a logical table points to a physical table, the logical table acts as a mutable copy of that physical table through transform operations.
Alias (string) --
A display name for the logical table.
DataTransforms (list) --
Transform operations that act on this logical table. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be non-null.
(dict) --
A data transformation on a logical table. This is a variant type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be non-null.
ProjectOperation (dict) --
An operation that projects columns. Operations that come after a projection can only refer to projected columns.
ProjectedColumns (list) --
Projected columns.
(string) --
FilterOperation (dict) --
An operation that filters rows based on some condition.
ConditionExpression (string) --
An expression that must evaluate to a Boolean value. Rows for which the expression evaluates to true are kept in the dataset.
CreateColumnsOperation (dict) --
An operation that creates calculated columns. Columns created in one such operation form a lexical closure.
Columns (list) --
Calculated columns to create.
(dict) --
A calculated column for a dataset.
ColumnName (string) --
Column name.
ColumnId (string) --
A unique ID to identify a calculated column. During a dataset update, if the column ID of a calculated column matches that of an existing calculated column, Amazon QuickSight preserves the existing calculated column.
Expression (string) --
An expression that defines the calculated column.
RenameColumnOperation (dict) --
An operation that renames a column.
ColumnName (string) --
The name of the column to be renamed.
NewColumnName (string) --
The new name for the column.
CastColumnTypeOperation (dict) --
A transform operation that casts a column to a different type.
ColumnName (string) --
Column name.
NewColumnType (string) --
New column data type.
Format (string) --
When casting a column from string to datetime type, you can supply a string in a format supported by Amazon QuickSight to denote the source data format.
TagColumnOperation (dict) --
An operation that tags a column with additional information.
ColumnName (string) --
The column that this operation acts on.
Tags (list) --
The dataset column tag, currently only used for geospatial type tagging.
(dict) --
A tag for a column in a TagColumnOperation structure. This is a variant type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be non-null.
ColumnGeographicRole (string) --
A geospatial role for a column.
ColumnDescription (dict) --
A description for a column.
Text (string) --
The text of a description for a column.
UntagColumnOperation (dict) --
A transform operation that removes tags associated with a column.
ColumnName (string) --
The column that this operation acts on.
TagNames (list) --
The column tags to remove from this column.
(string) --
OverrideDatasetParameterOperation (dict) --
A transform operation that overrides the dataset parameter values that are defined in another dataset.
ParameterName (string) --
The name of the parameter to be overridden with different values.
NewParameterName (string) --
The new name for the parameter.
NewDefaultValues (dict) --
The new default values for the parameter.
StringStaticValues (list) --
A list of static default values for a given string parameter.
(string) --
The default value for the string parameter.
DecimalStaticValues (list) --
A list of static default values for a given decimal parameter.
(float) --
The default value for the decimal parameter.
DateTimeStaticValues (list) --
A list of static default values for a given date time parameter.
(datetime) --
The default value for the date time parameter.
IntegerStaticValues (list) --
A list of static default values for a given integer parameter.
(integer) --
The default value for the integer parameter.
Source (dict) --
Source of this logical table.
JoinInstruction (dict) --
Specifies the result of a join of two logical tables.
LeftOperand (string) --
The operand on the left side of a join.
RightOperand (string) --
The operand on the right side of a join.
LeftJoinKeyProperties (dict) --
Join key properties of the left operand.
UniqueKey (boolean) --
A value that indicates that a row in a table is uniquely identified by the columns in a join key. This is used by Amazon QuickSight to optimize query performance.
RightJoinKeyProperties (dict) --
Join key properties of the right operand.
UniqueKey (boolean) --
A value that indicates that a row in a table is uniquely identified by the columns in a join key. This is used by Amazon QuickSight to optimize query performance.
Type (string) --
The type of join that it is.
OnClause (string) --
The join instructions provided in the ON clause of a join.
PhysicalTableId (string) --
Physical table ID.
DataSetArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) of the parent dataset.
OutputColumns (list) --
The list of columns after all transforms. These columns are available in templates, analyses, and dashboards.
(dict) --
Output column.
Name (string) --
A display name for the dataset.
Description (string) --
A description for a column.
Type (string) --
The type.
ImportMode (string) --
A value that indicates whether you want to import the data into SPICE.
ConsumedSpiceCapacityInBytes (integer) --
The amount of SPICE capacity used by this dataset. This is 0 if the dataset isn't imported into SPICE.
ColumnGroups (list) --
Groupings of columns that work together in certain Amazon QuickSight features. Currently, only geospatial hierarchy is supported.
(dict) --
Groupings of columns that work together in certain Amazon QuickSight features. This is a variant type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be non-null.
GeoSpatialColumnGroup (dict) --
Geospatial column group that denotes a hierarchy.
Name (string) --
A display name for the hierarchy.
CountryCode (string) --
Country code.
Columns (list) --
Columns in this hierarchy.
(string) --
FieldFolders (dict) --
The folder that contains fields and nested subfolders for your dataset.
(string) --
(dict) --
A FieldFolder element is a folder that contains fields and nested subfolders.
description (string) --
The description for a field folder.
columns (list) --
A folder has a list of columns. A column can only be in one folder.
(string) --
RowLevelPermissionDataSet (dict) --
The row-level security configuration for the dataset.
Namespace (string) --
The namespace associated with the dataset that contains permissions for RLS.
Arn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset that contains permissions for RLS.
PermissionPolicy (string) --
The type of permissions to use when interpreting the permissions for RLS. DENY_ACCESS is included for backward compatibility only.
FormatVersion (string) --
The user or group rules associated with the dataset that contains permissions for RLS.
By default, FormatVersion is VERSION_1. When FormatVersion is VERSION_1, UserName and GroupName are required. When FormatVersion is VERSION_2, UserARN and GroupARN are required, and Namespace must not exist.
Status (string) --
The status of the row-level security permission dataset. If enabled, the status is ENABLED. If disabled, the status is DISABLED.
RowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration (dict) --
The element you can use to define tags for row-level security.
Status (string) --
The status of row-level security tags. If enabled, the status is ENABLED. If disabled, the status is DISABLED.
TagRules (list) --
A set of rules associated with row-level security, such as the tag names and columns that they are assigned to.
(dict) --
A set of rules associated with a tag.
TagKey (string) --
The unique key for a tag.
ColumnName (string) --
The column name that a tag key is assigned to.
TagMultiValueDelimiter (string) --
A string that you want to use to delimit the values when you pass the values at run time. For example, you can delimit the values with a comma.
MatchAllValue (string) --
A string that you want to use to filter by all the values in a column in the dataset and don’t want to list the values one by one. For example, you can use an asterisk as your match all value.
TagRuleConfigurations (list) --
A list of tag configuration rules to apply to a dataset. All tag configurations have the OR condition. Tags within each tile will be joined (AND). At least one rule in this structure must have all tag values assigned to it to apply Row-level security (RLS) to the dataset.
(list) --
(string) --
ColumnLevelPermissionRules (list) --
A set of one or more definitions of a ``ColumnLevelPermissionRule ``.
(dict) --
A rule defined to grant access on one or more restricted columns. Each dataset can have multiple rules. To create a restricted column, you add it to one or more rules. Each rule must contain at least one column and at least one user or group. To be able to see a restricted column, a user or group needs to be added to a rule for that column.
Principals (list) --
An array of Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) for Amazon QuickSight users or groups.
(string) --
ColumnNames (list) --
An array of column names.
(string) --
DataSetUsageConfiguration (dict) --
The usage configuration to apply to child datasets that reference this dataset as a source.
DisableUseAsDirectQuerySource (boolean) --
An option that controls whether a child dataset of a direct query can use this dataset as a source.
DisableUseAsImportedSource (boolean) --
An option that controls whether a child dataset that's stored in QuickSight can use this dataset as a source.
DatasetParameters (list) --
The parameters that are declared in a dataset.
(dict) --
A dataset parameter.
StringDatasetParameter (dict) --
A string parameter that is created in the dataset.
Id (string) --
An identifier for the string parameter that is created in the dataset.
Name (string) --
The name of the string parameter that is created in the dataset.
ValueType (string) --
The value type of the dataset parameter. Valid values are single value or multi value.
DefaultValues (dict) --
A list of default values for a given string dataset parameter type. This structure only accepts static values.
StaticValues (list) --
A list of static default values for a given string parameter.
(string) --
The default value for the string parameter.
DecimalDatasetParameter (dict) --
A decimal parameter that is created in the dataset.
Id (string) --
An identifier for the decimal parameter created in the dataset.
Name (string) --
The name of the decimal parameter that is created in the dataset.
ValueType (string) --
The value type of the dataset parameter. Valid values are single value or multi value.
DefaultValues (dict) --
A list of default values for a given decimal parameter. This structure only accepts static values.
StaticValues (list) --
A list of static default values for a given decimal parameter.
(float) --
The default value for the decimal parameter.
IntegerDatasetParameter (dict) --
An integer parameter that is created in the dataset.
Id (string) --
An identifier for the integer parameter created in the dataset.
Name (string) --
The name of the integer parameter that is created in the dataset.
ValueType (string) --
The value type of the dataset parameter. Valid values are single value or multi value.
DefaultValues (dict) --
A list of default values for a given integer parameter. This structure only accepts static values.
StaticValues (list) --
A list of static default values for a given integer parameter.
(integer) --
The default value for the integer parameter.
DateTimeDatasetParameter (dict) --
A date time parameter that is created in the dataset.
Id (string) --
An identifier for the parameter that is created in the dataset.
Name (string) --
The name of the date time parameter that is created in the dataset.
ValueType (string) --
The value type of the dataset parameter. Valid values are single value or multi value.
TimeGranularity (string) --
The time granularity of the date time parameter.
DefaultValues (dict) --
A list of default values for a given date time parameter. This structure only accepts static values.
StaticValues (list) --
A list of static default values for a given date time parameter.
(datetime) --
The default value for the date time parameter.
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
Status (integer) --
The HTTP status of the request.
{'Definition': {'ParameterDeclarations': {'DateTimeParameterDeclaration': {'MappedDataSetParameters': [{'DataSetIdentifier': 'string', 'DataSetParameterName': 'string'}]}, 'DecimalParameterDeclaration': {'MappedDataSetParameters': [{'DataSetIdentifier': 'string', 'DataSetParameterName': 'string'}]}, 'IntegerParameterDeclaration': {'MappedDataSetParameters': [{'DataSetIdentifier': 'string', 'DataSetParameterName': 'string'}]}, 'StringParameterDeclaration': {'MappedDataSetParameters': [{'DataSetIdentifier': 'string', 'DataSetParameterName': 'string'}]}}, 'Sheets': {'Visuals': {'BarChartVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'BoxPlotVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'ComboChartVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'BarDataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}, 'LineDataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'CustomContentVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'EmptyVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'FilledMapVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'FunnelChartVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'GaugeChartVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'GeospatialMapVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'HeatMapVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'HistogramVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'InsightVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'KPIVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'LineChartVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'PieChartVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'PivotTableVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'RadarChartVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'SankeyDiagramVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'ScatterPlotVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}, 'FieldWells': {'ScatterPlotCategoricallyAggregatedFieldWells': {'Label': [{'CategoricalDimensionField': {'Column': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}, 'FieldId': 'string', 'FormatConfiguration': {'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumericFormatConfiguration': {'CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string', 'Symbol': 'string'}, 'NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}, 'PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}}}, 'HierarchyId': 'string'}, 'DateDimensionField': {'Column': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}, 'DateGranularity': 'YEAR ' '| ' 'QUARTER ' '| ' 'MONTH ' '| ' 'WEEK ' '| ' 'DAY ' '| ' 'HOUR ' '| ' 'MINUTE ' '| ' 'SECOND ' '| ' 'MILLISECOND', 'FieldId': 'string', 'FormatConfiguration': {'DateTimeFormat': 'string', 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumericFormatConfiguration': {'CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string', 'Symbol': 'string'}, 'NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}, 'PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}}}, 'HierarchyId': 'string'}, 'NumericalDimensionField': {'Column': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}, 'FieldId': 'string', 'FormatConfiguration': {'FormatConfiguration': {'CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string', 'Symbol': 'string'}, 'NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}, 'PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}}}, 'HierarchyId': 'string'}}]}, 'ScatterPlotUnaggregatedFieldWells': {'Category': [{'CategoricalDimensionField': {'Column': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}, 'FieldId': 'string', 'FormatConfiguration': {'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumericFormatConfiguration': {'CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string', 'Symbol': 'string'}, 'NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}, 'PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}}}, 'HierarchyId': 'string'}, 'DateDimensionField': {'Column': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}, 'DateGranularity': 'YEAR ' '| ' 'QUARTER ' '| ' 'MONTH ' '| ' 'WEEK ' '| ' 'DAY ' '| ' 'HOUR ' '| ' 'MINUTE ' '| ' 'SECOND ' '| ' 'MILLISECOND', 'FieldId': 'string', 'FormatConfiguration': {'DateTimeFormat': 'string', 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumericFormatConfiguration': {'CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string', 'Symbol': 'string'}, 'NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}, 'PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}}}, 'HierarchyId': 'string'}, 'NumericalDimensionField': {'Column': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}, 'FieldId': 'string', 'FormatConfiguration': {'FormatConfiguration': {'CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string', 'Symbol': 'string'}, 'NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}, 'PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}}}, 'HierarchyId': 'string'}}], 'Label': [{'CategoricalDimensionField': {'Column': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}, 'FieldId': 'string', 'FormatConfiguration': {'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumericFormatConfiguration': {'CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string', 'Symbol': 'string'}, 'NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}, 'PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}}}, 'HierarchyId': 'string'}, 'DateDimensionField': {'Column': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}, 'DateGranularity': 'YEAR ' '| ' 'QUARTER ' '| ' 'MONTH ' '| ' 'WEEK ' '| ' 'DAY ' '| ' 'HOUR ' '| ' 'MINUTE ' '| ' 'SECOND ' '| ' 'MILLISECOND', 'FieldId': 'string', 'FormatConfiguration': {'DateTimeFormat': 'string', 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumericFormatConfiguration': {'CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string', 'Symbol': 'string'}, 'NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}, 'PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}}}, 'HierarchyId': 'string'}, 'NumericalDimensionField': {'Column': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}, 'FieldId': 'string', 'FormatConfiguration': {'FormatConfiguration': {'CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string', 'Symbol': 'string'}, 'NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'NumberScale': 'NONE ' '| ' 'AUTO ' '| ' 'THOUSANDS ' '| ' 'MILLIONS ' '| ' 'BILLIONS ' '| ' 'TRILLIONS', 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}, 'PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration': {'DecimalPlacesConfiguration': {'DecimalPlaces': 'long'}, 'NegativeValueConfiguration': {'DisplayMode': 'POSITIVE ' '| ' 'NEGATIVE'}, 'NullValueFormatConfiguration': {'NullString': 'string'}, 'Prefix': 'string', 'SeparatorConfiguration': {'DecimalSeparator': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'ThousandsSeparator': {'Symbol': 'COMMA ' '| ' 'DOT ' '| ' 'SPACE', 'Visibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}, 'Suffix': 'string'}}}, 'HierarchyId': 'string'}}]}}}}, 'TableVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'TreeMapVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'WaterfallVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'WordCloudVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}}}}}
Provides a detailed description of the definition of a template.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.describe_template_definition( AwsAccountId='string', TemplateId='string', VersionNumber=123, AliasName='string' )
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the template. You must be using the Amazon Web Services account that the template is in.
The ID of the template that you're describing.
The version number of the template.
The alias of the template that you want to describe. If you name a specific alias, you describe the version that the alias points to. You can specify the latest version of the template by providing the keyword $LATEST in the AliasName parameter. The keyword $PUBLISHED doesn't apply to templates.
Response Syntax
# This section is too large to render. # Please see the AWS API Documentation linked below.
Response Structure
# This section is too large to render. # Please see the AWS API Documentation linked below.
{'ExperienceConfiguration': {'Dashboard': {'FeatureConfigurations': {'Bookmarks': {'Enabled': 'boolean'}}}}}
Generates an embed URL that you can use to embed an Amazon QuickSight experience in your website. This action can be used for any type of user registered in an Amazon QuickSight account. Before you use this action, make sure that you have configured the relevant Amazon QuickSight resource and permissions.
The following rules apply to the generated URL:
It contains a temporary bearer token. It is valid for 5 minutes after it is generated. Once redeemed within this period, it cannot be re-used again.
The URL validity period should not be confused with the actual session lifetime that can be customized using the SessionLifetimeInMinutes parameter. The resulting user session is valid for 15 minutes (minimum) to 10 hours (maximum). The default session duration is 10 hours.
You are charged only when the URL is used or there is interaction with Amazon QuickSight.
For more information, see Embedded Analytics in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.
For more information about the high-level steps for embedding and for an interactive demo of the ways you can customize embedding, visit the Amazon QuickSight Developer Portal.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.generate_embed_url_for_registered_user( AwsAccountId='string', SessionLifetimeInMinutes=123, UserArn='string', ExperienceConfiguration={ 'Dashboard': { 'InitialDashboardId': 'string', 'FeatureConfigurations': { 'StatePersistence': { 'Enabled': True|False }, 'Bookmarks': { 'Enabled': True|False } } }, 'QuickSightConsole': { 'InitialPath': 'string', 'FeatureConfigurations': { 'StatePersistence': { 'Enabled': True|False } } }, 'QSearchBar': { 'InitialTopicId': 'string' }, 'DashboardVisual': { 'InitialDashboardVisualId': { 'DashboardId': 'string', 'SheetId': 'string', 'VisualId': 'string' } } }, AllowedDomains=[ 'string', ] )
The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the dashboard that you're embedding.
How many minutes the session is valid. The session lifetime must be in [15-600] minutes range.
The Amazon Resource Name for the registered user.
The experience you are embedding. For registered users, you can embed Amazon QuickSight dashboards, Amazon QuickSight visuals, the Amazon QuickSight Q search bar, or the entire Amazon QuickSight console.
Dashboard (dict) --
The configuration details for providing a dashboard embedding experience.
InitialDashboardId (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The dashboard ID for the dashboard that you want the user to see first. This ID is included in the output URL. When the URL in response is accessed, Amazon QuickSight renders this dashboard if the user has permissions to view it.
If the user does not have permission to view this dashboard, they see a permissions error message.
FeatureConfigurations (dict) --
The feature configurations of an embbedded Amazon QuickSight dashboard.
StatePersistence (dict) --
The state persistence settings of an embedded dashboard.
Enabled (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]
Determines if a Amazon QuickSight dashboard's state persistence settings are turned on or off.
Bookmarks (dict) --
The bookmarks configuration for an embedded dashboard in Amazon QuickSight.
Enabled (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]
A Boolean value that determines whether a user can bookmark an embedded dashboard.
QuickSightConsole (dict) --
The configuration details for providing each Amazon QuickSight console embedding experience. This can be used along with custom permissions to restrict access to certain features. For more information, see Customizing Access to the Amazon QuickSight Console in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.
Use GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUser where you want to provide an authoring portal that allows users to create data sources, datasets, analyses, and dashboards. The users who accesses an embedded Amazon QuickSight console needs to belong to the author or admin security cohort. If you want to restrict permissions to some of these features, add a custom permissions profile to the user with the UpdateUser API operation. Use the RegisterUser API operation to add a new user with a custom permission profile attached. For more information, see the following sections in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide:
For more information about the high-level steps for embedding and for an interactive demo of the ways you can customize embedding, visit the Amazon QuickSight Developer Portal.
InitialPath (string) --
The initial URL path for the Amazon QuickSight console. InitialPath is required.
The entry point URL is constrained to the following paths:
/dashboards/DashboardId. DashboardId is the actual ID key from the Amazon QuickSight console URL of the dashboard.
/analyses/AnalysisId. AnalysisId is the actual ID key from the Amazon QuickSight console URL of the analysis.
FeatureConfigurations (dict) --
The embedding configuration of an embedded Amazon QuickSight console.
StatePersistence (dict) --
The state persistence configurations of an embedded Amazon QuickSight console.
Enabled (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]
Determines if a Amazon QuickSight dashboard's state persistence settings are turned on or off.
QSearchBar (dict) --
The configuration details for embedding the Q search bar.
For more information about embedding the Q search bar, see Embedding Overview in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.
InitialTopicId (string) --
The ID of the Q topic that you want to make the starting topic in the Q search bar. You can find a topic ID by navigating to the Topics pane in the Amazon QuickSight application and opening a topic. The ID is in the URL for the topic that you open.
If you don't specify an initial topic, a list of all shared topics is shown in the Q bar for your readers. When you select an initial topic, you can specify whether or not readers are allowed to select other topics from the available ones in the list.
DashboardVisual (dict) --
The type of embedding experience. In this case, Amazon QuickSight visuals.
InitialDashboardVisualId (dict) -- [REQUIRED]
The visual ID for the visual that you want the user to embed. This ID is included in the output URL. When the URL in response is accessed, Amazon QuickSight renders this visual.
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dashboard that the visual belongs to must be included in the AuthorizedResourceArns parameter. Otherwise, the request will fail with InvalidParameterValueException.
DashboardId (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The ID of the dashboard that has the visual that you want to embed. The DashboardId can be found in the IDs for developers section of the Embed visual pane of the visual's on-visual menu of the Amazon QuickSight console. You can also get the DashboardId with a ListDashboards API operation.
SheetId (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The ID of the sheet that the has visual that you want to embed. The SheetId can be found in the IDs for developers section of the Embed visual pane of the visual's on-visual menu of the Amazon QuickSight console.
VisualId (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The ID of the visual that you want to embed. The VisualID can be found in the IDs for developers section of the Embed visual pane of the visual's on-visual menu of the Amazon QuickSight console.
The domains that you want to add to the allow list for access to the generated URL that is then embedded. This optional parameter overrides the static domains that are configured in the Manage QuickSight menu in the Amazon QuickSight console. Instead, it allows only the domains that you include in this parameter. You can list up to three domains or subdomains in each API call.
To include all subdomains under a specific domain to the allow list, use *. For example, https://*.sapp.amazon.com includes all subdomains under https://sapp.amazon.com.
(string) --
Response Syntax
{ 'EmbedUrl': 'string', 'Status': 123, 'RequestId': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
EmbedUrl (string) --
The embed URL for the Amazon QuickSight dashboard, visual, Q search bar, or console.
Status (integer) --
The HTTP status of the request.
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
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Updates an analysis in Amazon QuickSight
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
# This section is too large to render. # Please see the AWS API Documentation linked below.Parameters
# This section is too large to render. # Please see the AWS API Documentation linked below.
Response Syntax
{ 'Arn': 'string', 'AnalysisId': 'string', 'UpdateStatus': 'CREATION_IN_PROGRESS'|'CREATION_SUCCESSFUL'|'CREATION_FAILED'|'UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS'|'UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL'|'UPDATE_FAILED'|'DELETED', 'Status': 123, 'RequestId': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Arn (string) --
The ARN of the analysis that you're updating.
AnalysisId (string) --
The ID of the analysis.
UpdateStatus (string) --
The update status of the last update that was made to the analysis.
Status (integer) --
The HTTP status of the request.
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
{'Definition': {'ParameterDeclarations': {'DateTimeParameterDeclaration': {'MappedDataSetParameters': [{'DataSetIdentifier': 'string', 'DataSetParameterName': 'string'}]}, 'DecimalParameterDeclaration': {'MappedDataSetParameters': [{'DataSetIdentifier': 'string', 'DataSetParameterName': 'string'}]}, 'IntegerParameterDeclaration': {'MappedDataSetParameters': [{'DataSetIdentifier': 'string', 'DataSetParameterName': 'string'}]}, 'StringParameterDeclaration': {'MappedDataSetParameters': [{'DataSetIdentifier': 'string', 'DataSetParameterName': 'string'}]}}, 'Sheets': {'Visuals': {'BarChartVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 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Updates a dashboard in an Amazon Web Services account.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
# This section is too large to render. # Please see the AWS API Documentation linked below.Parameters
# This section is too large to render. # Please see the AWS API Documentation linked below.
Response Syntax
{ 'Arn': 'string', 'VersionArn': 'string', 'DashboardId': 'string', 'CreationStatus': 'CREATION_IN_PROGRESS'|'CREATION_SUCCESSFUL'|'CREATION_FAILED'|'UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS'|'UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL'|'UPDATE_FAILED'|'DELETED', 'Status': 123, 'RequestId': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Arn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.
VersionArn (string) --
The ARN of the dashboard, including the version number.
DashboardId (string) --
The ID for the dashboard.
CreationStatus (string) --
The creation status of the request.
Status (integer) --
The HTTP status of the request.
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
{'DatasetParameters': [{'DateTimeDatasetParameter': {'DefaultValues': {'StaticValues': ['timestamp']}, 'Id': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'TimeGranularity': 'YEAR ' '| ' 'QUARTER ' '| ' 'MONTH ' '| ' 'WEEK ' '| DAY ' '| ' 'HOUR ' '| ' 'MINUTE ' '| ' 'SECOND ' '| ' 'MILLISECOND', 'ValueType': 'MULTI_VALUED ' '| ' 'SINGLE_VALUED'}, 'DecimalDatasetParameter': {'DefaultValues': {'StaticValues': ['double']}, 'Id': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'ValueType': 'MULTI_VALUED ' '| ' 'SINGLE_VALUED'}, 'IntegerDatasetParameter': {'DefaultValues': {'StaticValues': ['long']}, 'Id': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'ValueType': 'MULTI_VALUED ' '| ' 'SINGLE_VALUED'}, 'StringDatasetParameter': {'DefaultValues': {'StaticValues': ['string']}, 'Id': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'ValueType': 'MULTI_VALUED ' '| ' 'SINGLE_VALUED'}}], 'LogicalTableMap': {'DataTransforms': {'OverrideDatasetParameterOperation': {'NewDefaultValues': {'DateTimeStaticValues': ['timestamp'], 'DecimalStaticValues': ['double'], 'IntegerStaticValues': ['long'], 'StringStaticValues': ['string']}, 'NewParameterName': 'string', 'ParameterName': 'string'}}}}
Updates a dataset. This operation doesn't support datasets that include uploaded files as a source. Partial updates are not supported by this operation.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.update_data_set( AwsAccountId='string', DataSetId='string', Name='string', PhysicalTableMap={ 'string': { 'RelationalTable': { 'DataSourceArn': 'string', 'Catalog': 'string', 'Schema': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'InputColumns': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Type': 'STRING'|'INTEGER'|'DECIMAL'|'DATETIME'|'BIT'|'BOOLEAN'|'JSON' }, ] }, 'CustomSql': { 'DataSourceArn': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'SqlQuery': 'string', 'Columns': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Type': 'STRING'|'INTEGER'|'DECIMAL'|'DATETIME'|'BIT'|'BOOLEAN'|'JSON' }, ] }, 'S3Source': { 'DataSourceArn': 'string', 'UploadSettings': { 'Format': 'CSV'|'TSV'|'CLF'|'ELF'|'XLSX'|'JSON', 'StartFromRow': 123, 'ContainsHeader': True|False, 'TextQualifier': 'DOUBLE_QUOTE'|'SINGLE_QUOTE', 'Delimiter': 'string' }, 'InputColumns': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Type': 'STRING'|'INTEGER'|'DECIMAL'|'DATETIME'|'BIT'|'BOOLEAN'|'JSON' }, ] } } }, LogicalTableMap={ 'string': { 'Alias': 'string', 'DataTransforms': [ { 'ProjectOperation': { 'ProjectedColumns': [ 'string', ] }, 'FilterOperation': { 'ConditionExpression': 'string' }, 'CreateColumnsOperation': { 'Columns': [ { 'ColumnName': 'string', 'ColumnId': 'string', 'Expression': 'string' }, ] }, 'RenameColumnOperation': { 'ColumnName': 'string', 'NewColumnName': 'string' }, 'CastColumnTypeOperation': { 'ColumnName': 'string', 'NewColumnType': 'STRING'|'INTEGER'|'DECIMAL'|'DATETIME', 'Format': 'string' }, 'TagColumnOperation': { 'ColumnName': 'string', 'Tags': [ { 'ColumnGeographicRole': 'COUNTRY'|'STATE'|'COUNTY'|'CITY'|'POSTCODE'|'LONGITUDE'|'LATITUDE', 'ColumnDescription': { 'Text': 'string' } }, ] }, 'UntagColumnOperation': { 'ColumnName': 'string', 'TagNames': [ 'COLUMN_GEOGRAPHIC_ROLE'|'COLUMN_DESCRIPTION', ] }, 'OverrideDatasetParameterOperation': { 'ParameterName': 'string', 'NewParameterName': 'string', 'NewDefaultValues': { 'StringStaticValues': [ 'string', ], 'DecimalStaticValues': [ 123.0, ], 'DateTimeStaticValues': [ datetime(2015, 1, 1), ], 'IntegerStaticValues': [ 123, ] } } }, ], 'Source': { 'JoinInstruction': { 'LeftOperand': 'string', 'RightOperand': 'string', 'LeftJoinKeyProperties': { 'UniqueKey': True|False }, 'RightJoinKeyProperties': { 'UniqueKey': True|False }, 'Type': 'INNER'|'OUTER'|'LEFT'|'RIGHT', 'OnClause': 'string' }, 'PhysicalTableId': 'string', 'DataSetArn': 'string' } } }, ImportMode='SPICE'|'DIRECT_QUERY', ColumnGroups=[ { 'GeoSpatialColumnGroup': { 'Name': 'string', 'CountryCode': 'US', 'Columns': [ 'string', ] } }, ], FieldFolders={ 'string': { 'description': 'string', 'columns': [ 'string', ] } }, RowLevelPermissionDataSet={ 'Namespace': 'string', 'Arn': 'string', 'PermissionPolicy': 'GRANT_ACCESS'|'DENY_ACCESS', 'FormatVersion': 'VERSION_1'|'VERSION_2', 'Status': 'ENABLED'|'DISABLED' }, RowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration={ 'Status': 'ENABLED'|'DISABLED', 'TagRules': [ { 'TagKey': 'string', 'ColumnName': 'string', 'TagMultiValueDelimiter': 'string', 'MatchAllValue': 'string' }, ], 'TagRuleConfigurations': [ [ 'string', ], ] }, ColumnLevelPermissionRules=[ { 'Principals': [ 'string', ], 'ColumnNames': [ 'string', ] }, ], DataSetUsageConfiguration={ 'DisableUseAsDirectQuerySource': True|False, 'DisableUseAsImportedSource': True|False }, DatasetParameters=[ { 'StringDatasetParameter': { 'Id': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'ValueType': 'MULTI_VALUED'|'SINGLE_VALUED', 'DefaultValues': { 'StaticValues': [ 'string', ] } }, 'DecimalDatasetParameter': { 'Id': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'ValueType': 'MULTI_VALUED'|'SINGLE_VALUED', 'DefaultValues': { 'StaticValues': [ 123.0, ] } }, 'IntegerDatasetParameter': { 'Id': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'ValueType': 'MULTI_VALUED'|'SINGLE_VALUED', 'DefaultValues': { 'StaticValues': [ 123, ] } }, 'DateTimeDatasetParameter': { 'Id': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'ValueType': 'MULTI_VALUED'|'SINGLE_VALUED', 'TimeGranularity': 'YEAR'|'QUARTER'|'MONTH'|'WEEK'|'DAY'|'HOUR'|'MINUTE'|'SECOND'|'MILLISECOND', 'DefaultValues': { 'StaticValues': [ datetime(2015, 1, 1), ] } } }, ] )
The Amazon Web Services account ID.
The ID for the dataset that you want to update. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
The display name for the dataset.
Declares the physical tables that are available in the underlying data sources.
(string) --
(dict) --
A view of a data source that contains information about the shape of the data in the underlying source. This is a variant type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be non-null.
RelationalTable (dict) --
A physical table type for relational data sources.
DataSourceArn (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the data source.
Catalog (string) --
The catalog associated with a table.
Schema (string) --
The schema name. This name applies to certain relational database engines.
Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the relational table.
InputColumns (list) -- [REQUIRED]
The column schema of the table.
(dict) --
Metadata for a column that is used as the input of a transform operation.
Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of this column in the underlying data source.
Type (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The data type of the column.
CustomSql (dict) --
A physical table type built from the results of the custom SQL query.
DataSourceArn (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the data source.
Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]
A display name for the SQL query result.
SqlQuery (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The SQL query.
Columns (list) --
The column schema from the SQL query result set.
(dict) --
Metadata for a column that is used as the input of a transform operation.
Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of this column in the underlying data source.
Type (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The data type of the column.
S3Source (dict) --
A physical table type for as S3 data source.
DataSourceArn (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the data source.
UploadSettings (dict) --
Information about the format for the S3 source file or files.
Format (string) --
File format.
StartFromRow (integer) --
A row number to start reading data from.
ContainsHeader (boolean) --
Whether the file has a header row, or the files each have a header row.
TextQualifier (string) --
Text qualifier.
Delimiter (string) --
The delimiter between values in the file.
InputColumns (list) -- [REQUIRED]
A physical table type for an S3 data source.
(dict) --
Metadata for a column that is used as the input of a transform operation.
Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of this column in the underlying data source.
Type (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The data type of the column.
Configures the combination and transformation of the data from the physical tables.
(string) --
An identifier for the logical table that is defined in the dataset
(dict) --
A logical table is a unit that joins and that data transformations operate on. A logical table has a source, which can be either a physical table or result of a join. When a logical table points to a physical table, the logical table acts as a mutable copy of that physical table through transform operations.
Alias (string) -- [REQUIRED]
A display name for the logical table.
DataTransforms (list) --
Transform operations that act on this logical table. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be non-null.
(dict) --
A data transformation on a logical table. This is a variant type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be non-null.
ProjectOperation (dict) --
An operation that projects columns. Operations that come after a projection can only refer to projected columns.
ProjectedColumns (list) -- [REQUIRED]
Projected columns.
(string) --
FilterOperation (dict) --
An operation that filters rows based on some condition.
ConditionExpression (string) -- [REQUIRED]
An expression that must evaluate to a Boolean value. Rows for which the expression evaluates to true are kept in the dataset.
CreateColumnsOperation (dict) --
An operation that creates calculated columns. Columns created in one such operation form a lexical closure.
Columns (list) -- [REQUIRED]
Calculated columns to create.
(dict) --
A calculated column for a dataset.
ColumnName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Column name.
ColumnId (string) -- [REQUIRED]
A unique ID to identify a calculated column. During a dataset update, if the column ID of a calculated column matches that of an existing calculated column, Amazon QuickSight preserves the existing calculated column.
Expression (string) -- [REQUIRED]
An expression that defines the calculated column.
RenameColumnOperation (dict) --
An operation that renames a column.
ColumnName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the column to be renamed.
NewColumnName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The new name for the column.
CastColumnTypeOperation (dict) --
A transform operation that casts a column to a different type.
ColumnName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Column name.
NewColumnType (string) -- [REQUIRED]
New column data type.
Format (string) --
When casting a column from string to datetime type, you can supply a string in a format supported by Amazon QuickSight to denote the source data format.
TagColumnOperation (dict) --
An operation that tags a column with additional information.
ColumnName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The column that this operation acts on.
Tags (list) -- [REQUIRED]
The dataset column tag, currently only used for geospatial type tagging.
(dict) --
A tag for a column in a TagColumnOperation structure. This is a variant type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be non-null.
ColumnGeographicRole (string) --
A geospatial role for a column.
ColumnDescription (dict) --
A description for a column.
Text (string) --
The text of a description for a column.
UntagColumnOperation (dict) --
A transform operation that removes tags associated with a column.
ColumnName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The column that this operation acts on.
TagNames (list) -- [REQUIRED]
The column tags to remove from this column.
(string) --
OverrideDatasetParameterOperation (dict) --
A transform operation that overrides the dataset parameter values that are defined in another dataset.
ParameterName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the parameter to be overridden with different values.
NewParameterName (string) --
The new name for the parameter.
NewDefaultValues (dict) --
The new default values for the parameter.
StringStaticValues (list) --
A list of static default values for a given string parameter.
(string) --
The default value for the string parameter.
DecimalStaticValues (list) --
A list of static default values for a given decimal parameter.
(float) --
The default value for the decimal parameter.
DateTimeStaticValues (list) --
A list of static default values for a given date time parameter.
(datetime) --
The default value for the date time parameter.
IntegerStaticValues (list) --
A list of static default values for a given integer parameter.
(integer) --
The default value for the integer parameter.
Source (dict) -- [REQUIRED]
Source of this logical table.
JoinInstruction (dict) --
Specifies the result of a join of two logical tables.
LeftOperand (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The operand on the left side of a join.
RightOperand (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The operand on the right side of a join.
LeftJoinKeyProperties (dict) --
Join key properties of the left operand.
UniqueKey (boolean) --
A value that indicates that a row in a table is uniquely identified by the columns in a join key. This is used by Amazon QuickSight to optimize query performance.
RightJoinKeyProperties (dict) --
Join key properties of the right operand.
UniqueKey (boolean) --
A value that indicates that a row in a table is uniquely identified by the columns in a join key. This is used by Amazon QuickSight to optimize query performance.
Type (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The type of join that it is.
OnClause (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The join instructions provided in the ON clause of a join.
PhysicalTableId (string) --
Physical table ID.
DataSetArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) of the parent dataset.
Indicates whether you want to import the data into SPICE.
Groupings of columns that work together in certain Amazon QuickSight features. Currently, only geospatial hierarchy is supported.
(dict) --
Groupings of columns that work together in certain Amazon QuickSight features. This is a variant type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes can be non-null.
GeoSpatialColumnGroup (dict) --
Geospatial column group that denotes a hierarchy.
Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]
A display name for the hierarchy.
CountryCode (string) --
Country code.
Columns (list) -- [REQUIRED]
Columns in this hierarchy.
(string) --
The folder that contains fields and nested subfolders for your dataset.
(string) --
(dict) --
A FieldFolder element is a folder that contains fields and nested subfolders.
description (string) --
The description for a field folder.
columns (list) --
A folder has a list of columns. A column can only be in one folder.
(string) --
The row-level security configuration for the data you want to create.
Namespace (string) --
The namespace associated with the dataset that contains permissions for RLS.
Arn (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset that contains permissions for RLS.
PermissionPolicy (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The type of permissions to use when interpreting the permissions for RLS. DENY_ACCESS is included for backward compatibility only.
FormatVersion (string) --
The user or group rules associated with the dataset that contains permissions for RLS.
By default, FormatVersion is VERSION_1. When FormatVersion is VERSION_1, UserName and GroupName are required. When FormatVersion is VERSION_2, UserARN and GroupARN are required, and Namespace must not exist.
Status (string) --
The status of the row-level security permission dataset. If enabled, the status is ENABLED. If disabled, the status is DISABLED.
The configuration of tags on a dataset to set row-level security. Row-level security tags are currently supported for anonymous embedding only.
Status (string) --
The status of row-level security tags. If enabled, the status is ENABLED. If disabled, the status is DISABLED.
TagRules (list) -- [REQUIRED]
A set of rules associated with row-level security, such as the tag names and columns that they are assigned to.
(dict) --
A set of rules associated with a tag.
TagKey (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The unique key for a tag.
ColumnName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The column name that a tag key is assigned to.
TagMultiValueDelimiter (string) --
A string that you want to use to delimit the values when you pass the values at run time. For example, you can delimit the values with a comma.
MatchAllValue (string) --
A string that you want to use to filter by all the values in a column in the dataset and don’t want to list the values one by one. For example, you can use an asterisk as your match all value.
TagRuleConfigurations (list) --
A list of tag configuration rules to apply to a dataset. All tag configurations have the OR condition. Tags within each tile will be joined (AND). At least one rule in this structure must have all tag values assigned to it to apply Row-level security (RLS) to the dataset.
(list) --
(string) --
A set of one or more definitions of a ``ColumnLevelPermissionRule ``.
(dict) --
A rule defined to grant access on one or more restricted columns. Each dataset can have multiple rules. To create a restricted column, you add it to one or more rules. Each rule must contain at least one column and at least one user or group. To be able to see a restricted column, a user or group needs to be added to a rule for that column.
Principals (list) --
An array of Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) for Amazon QuickSight users or groups.
(string) --
ColumnNames (list) --
An array of column names.
(string) --
The usage configuration to apply to child datasets that reference this dataset as a source.
DisableUseAsDirectQuerySource (boolean) --
An option that controls whether a child dataset of a direct query can use this dataset as a source.
DisableUseAsImportedSource (boolean) --
An option that controls whether a child dataset that's stored in QuickSight can use this dataset as a source.
The parameter declarations of the dataset.
(dict) --
A dataset parameter.
StringDatasetParameter (dict) --
A string parameter that is created in the dataset.
Id (string) -- [REQUIRED]
An identifier for the string parameter that is created in the dataset.
Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the string parameter that is created in the dataset.
ValueType (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The value type of the dataset parameter. Valid values are single value or multi value.
DefaultValues (dict) --
A list of default values for a given string dataset parameter type. This structure only accepts static values.
StaticValues (list) --
A list of static default values for a given string parameter.
(string) --
The default value for the string parameter.
DecimalDatasetParameter (dict) --
A decimal parameter that is created in the dataset.
Id (string) -- [REQUIRED]
An identifier for the decimal parameter created in the dataset.
Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the decimal parameter that is created in the dataset.
ValueType (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The value type of the dataset parameter. Valid values are single value or multi value.
DefaultValues (dict) --
A list of default values for a given decimal parameter. This structure only accepts static values.
StaticValues (list) --
A list of static default values for a given decimal parameter.
(float) --
The default value for the decimal parameter.
IntegerDatasetParameter (dict) --
An integer parameter that is created in the dataset.
Id (string) -- [REQUIRED]
An identifier for the integer parameter created in the dataset.
Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the integer parameter that is created in the dataset.
ValueType (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The value type of the dataset parameter. Valid values are single value or multi value.
DefaultValues (dict) --
A list of default values for a given integer parameter. This structure only accepts static values.
StaticValues (list) --
A list of static default values for a given integer parameter.
(integer) --
The default value for the integer parameter.
DateTimeDatasetParameter (dict) --
A date time parameter that is created in the dataset.
Id (string) -- [REQUIRED]
An identifier for the parameter that is created in the dataset.
Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the date time parameter that is created in the dataset.
ValueType (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The value type of the dataset parameter. Valid values are single value or multi value.
TimeGranularity (string) --
The time granularity of the date time parameter.
DefaultValues (dict) --
A list of default values for a given date time parameter. This structure only accepts static values.
StaticValues (list) --
A list of static default values for a given date time parameter.
(datetime) --
The default value for the date time parameter.
Response Syntax
{ 'Arn': 'string', 'DataSetId': 'string', 'IngestionArn': 'string', 'IngestionId': 'string', 'RequestId': 'string', 'Status': 123 }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Arn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset.
DataSetId (string) --
The ID for the dataset that you want to create. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
IngestionArn (string) --
The ARN for the ingestion, which is triggered as a result of dataset creation if the import mode is SPICE.
IngestionId (string) --
The ID of the ingestion, which is triggered as a result of dataset creation if the import mode is SPICE.
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
Status (integer) --
The HTTP status of the request.
{'Definition': {'ParameterDeclarations': {'DateTimeParameterDeclaration': {'MappedDataSetParameters': [{'DataSetIdentifier': 'string', 'DataSetParameterName': 'string'}]}, 'DecimalParameterDeclaration': {'MappedDataSetParameters': [{'DataSetIdentifier': 'string', 'DataSetParameterName': 'string'}]}, 'IntegerParameterDeclaration': {'MappedDataSetParameters': [{'DataSetIdentifier': 'string', 'DataSetParameterName': 'string'}]}, 'StringParameterDeclaration': {'MappedDataSetParameters': [{'DataSetIdentifier': 'string', 'DataSetParameterName': 'string'}]}}, 'Sheets': {'Visuals': {'BarChartVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'BoxPlotVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'ComboChartVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'BarDataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}, 'LineDataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'CustomContentVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'EmptyVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'FilledMapVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'FunnelChartVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'GaugeChartVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'GeospatialMapVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'HeatMapVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'HistogramVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'InsightVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'KPIVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'LineChartVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'PieChartVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'PivotTableVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'RadarChartVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}, 'SankeyDiagramVisual': {'Actions': 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'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'WaterfallVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}, 'ChartConfiguration': {'DataLabels': {'TotalsVisibility': 'HIDDEN ' '| ' 'VISIBLE'}}}, 'WordCloudVisual': {'Actions': {'ActionOperations': {'FilterOperation': {'SelectedFieldsConfiguration': {'SelectedColumns': [{'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}]}}, 'SetParametersOperation': {'ParameterValueConfigurations': {'Value': {'SourceColumn': {'ColumnName': 'string', 'DataSetIdentifier': 'string'}}}}}}}}}}}
Updates a template from an existing Amazon QuickSight analysis or another template.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
# This section is too large to render. # Please see the AWS API Documentation linked below.Parameters
# This section is too large to render. # Please see the AWS API Documentation linked below.
Response Syntax
{ 'TemplateId': 'string', 'Arn': 'string', 'VersionArn': 'string', 'CreationStatus': 'CREATION_IN_PROGRESS'|'CREATION_SUCCESSFUL'|'CREATION_FAILED'|'UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS'|'UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL'|'UPDATE_FAILED'|'DELETED', 'Status': 123, 'RequestId': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
TemplateId (string) --
The ID for the template.
Arn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the template.
VersionArn (string) --
The ARN for the template, including the version information of the first version.
CreationStatus (string) --
The creation status of the template.
Status (integer) --
The HTTP status of the request.
RequestId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.