2022/05/18 - AWS IoT Events Data - 1 new api methods
Changes Introducing new API for deleting detectors: BatchDeleteDetector.
Deletes one or more detectors that were created. When a detector is deleted, its state will be cleared and the detector will be removed from the list of detectors. The deleted detector will no longer appear if referenced in the ListDetectors API call.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.batch_delete_detector( detectors=[ { 'messageId': 'string', 'detectorModelName': 'string', 'keyValue': 'string' }, ] )
The list of one or more detectors to be deleted.
(dict) --
Information used to delete the detector model.
messageId (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The ID to assign to the DeleteDetectorRequest. Each "messageId" must be unique within each batch sent.
detectorModelName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the detector model that was used to create the detector instance.
keyValue (string) --
The value of the key used to identify the detector.
Response Syntax
{ 'batchDeleteDetectorErrorEntries': [ { 'messageId': 'string', 'errorCode': 'ResourceNotFoundException'|'InvalidRequestException'|'InternalFailureException'|'ServiceUnavailableException'|'ThrottlingException', 'errorMessage': 'string' }, ] }
Response Structure
(dict) --
batchDeleteDetectorErrorEntries (list) --
A list of errors associated with the request, or an empty array ( []) if there are no errors. Each error entry contains a messageId that helps you identify the entry that failed.
(dict) --
Contains error messages associated with the deletion request.
messageId (string) --
The ID of the message that caused the error. (See the value of the "messageId" in the detectors object of the DeleteDetectorRequest.)
errorCode (string) --
The error code.
errorMessage (string) --
A message that describes the error.