Amazon Transcribe Service

2018/11/15 - Amazon Transcribe Service - 7 updated api methods

Changes  Update transcribe client to latest version

CreateVocabulary (updated) Link ¶
Changes (both)
{'LanguageCode': {'en-GB', 'pt-BR', 'de-DE', 'fr-FR'}}

Creates a new custom vocabulary that you can use to change the way Amazon Transcribe handles transcription of an audio file. Note that vocabularies for en-AU, en-UK, and fr-CA languages that are in preview are not available. In the console, the vocabulary section will be greyed-out and SDK will return error message.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type VocabularyName:


param VocabularyName:


The name of the vocabulary. The name must be unique within an AWS account. The name is case-sensitive.

type LanguageCode:


param LanguageCode:


The language code of the vocabulary entries.

type Phrases:


param Phrases:


An array of strings that contains the vocabulary entries.

  • (string) --




Response Syntax

    'VocabularyName': 'string',
    'LanguageCode': 'en-US'|'es-US'|'en-AU'|'fr-CA'|'en-GB'|'de-DE'|'pt-BR'|'fr-FR',
    'VocabularyState': 'PENDING'|'READY'|'FAILED',
    'LastModifiedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'FailureReason': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • VocabularyName (string) --

      The name of the vocabulary.

    • LanguageCode (string) --

      The language code of the vocabulary entries.

    • VocabularyState (string) --

      The processing state of the vocabulary. When the VocabularyState field contains READY the vocabulary is ready to be used in a StartTranscriptionJob request.

    • LastModifiedTime (datetime) --

      The date and time that the vocabulary was created.

    • FailureReason (string) --

      If the VocabularyState field is FAILED, this field contains information about why the job failed.

GetTranscriptionJob (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'TranscriptionJob': {'LanguageCode': {'en-GB', 'pt-BR', 'de-DE', 'fr-FR'}}}

Returns information about a transcription job. To see the status of the job, check the TranscriptionJobStatus field. If the status is COMPLETED, the job is finished and you can find the results at the location specified in the TranscriptionFileUri field.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type TranscriptionJobName:


param TranscriptionJobName:


The name of the job.




Response Syntax

    'TranscriptionJob': {
        'TranscriptionJobName': 'string',
        'TranscriptionJobStatus': 'IN_PROGRESS'|'FAILED'|'COMPLETED',
        'LanguageCode': 'en-US'|'es-US'|'en-AU'|'fr-CA'|'en-GB'|'de-DE'|'pt-BR'|'fr-FR',
        'MediaSampleRateHertz': 123,
        'MediaFormat': 'mp3'|'mp4'|'wav'|'flac',
        'Media': {
            'MediaFileUri': 'string'
        'Transcript': {
            'TranscriptFileUri': 'string'
        'CreationTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'CompletionTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'FailureReason': 'string',
        'Settings': {
            'VocabularyName': 'string',
            'ShowSpeakerLabels': True|False,
            'MaxSpeakerLabels': 123,
            'ChannelIdentification': True|False

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • TranscriptionJob (dict) --

      An object that contains the results of the transcription job.

      • TranscriptionJobName (string) --

        The name of the transcription job.

      • TranscriptionJobStatus (string) --

        The status of the transcription job.

      • LanguageCode (string) --

        The language code for the input speech.

      • MediaSampleRateHertz (integer) --

        The sample rate, in Hertz, of the audio track in the input media file.

      • MediaFormat (string) --

        The format of the input media file.

      • Media (dict) --

        An object that describes the input media for the transcription job.

        • MediaFileUri (string) --

          The S3 location of the input media file. The URI must be in the same region as the API endpoint that you are calling. The general form is:


          For example:

          For more information about S3 object names, see Object Keys in the Amazon S3 Developer Guide.

      • Transcript (dict) --

        An object that describes the output of the transcription job.

        • TranscriptFileUri (string) --

          The location where the transcription is stored.

          Use this URI to access the transcription. If you specified an S3 bucket in the OutputBucketName field when you created the job, this is the URI of that bucket. If you chose to store the transcription in Amazon Transcribe, this is a shareable URL that provides secure access to that location.

      • CreationTime (datetime) --

        A timestamp that shows when the job was created.

      • CompletionTime (datetime) --

        A timestamp that shows when the job was completed.

      • FailureReason (string) --

        If the TranscriptionJobStatus field is FAILED, this field contains information about why the job failed.

      • Settings (dict) --

        Optional settings for the transcription job. Use these settings to turn on speaker recognition, to set the maximum number of speakers that should be identified and to specify a custom vocabulary to use when processing the transcription job.

        • VocabularyName (string) --

          The name of a vocabulary to use when processing the transcription job.

        • ShowSpeakerLabels (boolean) --

          Determines whether the transcription job uses speaker recognition to identify different speakers in the input audio. Speaker recognition labels individual speakers in the audio file. If you set the ShowSpeakerLabels field to true, you must also set the maximum number of speaker labels MaxSpeakerLabels field.

          You can't set both ShowSpeakerLabels and ChannelIdentification in the same request. If you set both, your request returns a BadRequestException.

        • MaxSpeakerLabels (integer) --

          The maximum number of speakers to identify in the input audio. If there are more speakers in the audio than this number, multiple speakers will be identified as a single speaker. If you specify the MaxSpeakerLabels field, you must set the ShowSpeakerLabels field to true.

        • ChannelIdentification (boolean) --

          Instructs Amazon Transcribe to process each audio channel separately and then merge the transcription output of each channel into a single transcription.

          Amazon Transcribe also produces a transcription of each item detected on an audio channel, including the start time and end time of the item and alternative transcriptions of the item including the confidence that Amazon Transcribe has in the transcription.

          You can't set both ShowSpeakerLabels and ChannelIdentification in the same request. If you set both, your request returns a BadRequestException.

GetVocabulary (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'LanguageCode': {'en-GB', 'pt-BR', 'de-DE', 'fr-FR'}}

Gets information about a vocabulary. Note that vocabularies for en-AU, en-UK, and fr-CA languages that are in preview are not available. In the console, the vocabulary section will be greyed-out and SDK will return error message.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type VocabularyName:


param VocabularyName:


The name of the vocabulary to return information about. The name is case-sensitive.




Response Syntax

    'VocabularyName': 'string',
    'LanguageCode': 'en-US'|'es-US'|'en-AU'|'fr-CA'|'en-GB'|'de-DE'|'pt-BR'|'fr-FR',
    'VocabularyState': 'PENDING'|'READY'|'FAILED',
    'LastModifiedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'FailureReason': 'string',
    'DownloadUri': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • VocabularyName (string) --

      The name of the vocabulary to return.

    • LanguageCode (string) --

      The language code of the vocabulary entries.

    • VocabularyState (string) --

      The processing state of the vocabulary.

    • LastModifiedTime (datetime) --

      The date and time that the vocabulary was last modified.

    • FailureReason (string) --

      If the VocabularyState field is FAILED, this field contains information about why the job failed.

    • DownloadUri (string) --

      The S3 location where the vocabulary is stored. Use this URI to get the contents of the vocabulary. The URI is available for a limited time.

ListTranscriptionJobs (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'TranscriptionJobSummaries': {'LanguageCode': {'de-DE',

Lists transcription jobs with the specified status.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type Status:


param Status:

When specified, returns only transcription jobs with the specified status.

type JobNameContains:


param JobNameContains:

When specified, the jobs returned in the list are limited to jobs whose name contains the specified string.

type NextToken:


param NextToken:

If the result of the previous request to ListTranscriptionJobs was truncated, include the NextToken to fetch the next set of jobs.

type MaxResults:


param MaxResults:

The maximum number of jobs to return in the response. If there are fewer results in the list, this response contains only the actual results.




Response Syntax

    'NextToken': 'string',
    'TranscriptionJobSummaries': [
            'TranscriptionJobName': 'string',
            'CreationTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'CompletionTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'LanguageCode': 'en-US'|'es-US'|'en-AU'|'fr-CA'|'en-GB'|'de-DE'|'pt-BR'|'fr-FR',
            'TranscriptionJobStatus': 'IN_PROGRESS'|'FAILED'|'COMPLETED',
            'FailureReason': 'string',
            'OutputLocationType': 'CUSTOMER_BUCKET'|'SERVICE_BUCKET'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • Status (string) --

      The requested status of the jobs returned.

    • NextToken (string) --

      The ListTranscriptionJobs operation returns a page of jobs at a time. The maximum size of the page is set by the MaxResults parameter. If there are more jobs in the list than the page size, Amazon Transcribe returns the NextPage token. Include the token in the next request to the ListTranscriptionJobs operation to return in the next page of jobs.

    • TranscriptionJobSummaries (list) --

      A list of objects containing summary information for a transcription job.

      • (dict) --

        Provides a summary of information about a transcription job. Note that en-AU, en-UK, and fr-CA languages are in preview and are only available to whitelisted customers.

        • TranscriptionJobName (string) --

          The name of the transcription job.

        • CreationTime (datetime) --

          A timestamp that shows when the job was created.

        • CompletionTime (datetime) --

          A timestamp that shows when the job was completed.

        • LanguageCode (string) --

          The language code for the input speech.

        • TranscriptionJobStatus (string) --

          The status of the transcription job. When the status is COMPLETED, use the GetTranscriptionJob operation to get the results of the transcription.

        • FailureReason (string) --

          If the TranscriptionJobStatus field is FAILED, a description of the error.

        • OutputLocationType (string) --

          Indicates the location of the output of the transcription job.

          If the value is CUSTOMER_BUCKET then the location is the S3 bucket specified in the outputBucketName field when the transcription job was started with the StartTranscriptionJob operation.

          If the value is SERVICE_BUCKET then the output is stored by Amazon Transcribe and can be retrieved using the URI in the GetTranscriptionJob response's TranscriptFileUri field.

ListVocabularies (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'Vocabularies': {'LanguageCode': {'en-GB', 'pt-BR', 'de-DE', 'fr-FR'}}}

Returns a list of vocabularies that match the specified criteria. If no criteria are specified, returns the entire list of vocabularies.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type NextToken:


param NextToken:

If the result of the previous request to ListVocabularies was truncated, include the NextToken to fetch the next set of jobs.

type MaxResults:


param MaxResults:

The maximum number of vocabularies to return in the response. If there are fewer results in the list, this response contains only the actual results.

type StateEquals:


param StateEquals:

When specified, only returns vocabularies with the VocabularyState field equal to the specified state.

type NameContains:


param NameContains:

When specified, the vocabularies returned in the list are limited to vocabularies whose name contains the specified string. The search is case-insensitive, ListVocabularies will return both "vocabularyname" and "VocabularyName" in the response list.




Response Syntax

    'NextToken': 'string',
    'Vocabularies': [
            'VocabularyName': 'string',
            'LanguageCode': 'en-US'|'es-US'|'en-AU'|'fr-CA'|'en-GB'|'de-DE'|'pt-BR'|'fr-FR',
            'LastModifiedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'VocabularyState': 'PENDING'|'READY'|'FAILED'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • Status (string) --

      The requested vocabulary state.

    • NextToken (string) --

      The ListVocabularies operation returns a page of vocabularies at a time. The maximum size of the page is set by the MaxResults parameter. If there are more jobs in the list than the page size, Amazon Transcribe returns the NextPage token. Include the token in the next request to the ListVocabularies operation to return in the next page of jobs.

    • Vocabularies (list) --

      A list of objects that describe the vocabularies that match the search criteria in the request.

      • (dict) --

        Provides information about a custom vocabulary. Note that vocabularies for en-AU, en-UK, and fr-CA languages that are in preview are not available. In the console, the vocabulary section will be greyed-out and SDK will return error message.

        • VocabularyName (string) --

          The name of the vocabulary.

        • LanguageCode (string) --

          The language code of the vocabulary entries.

        • LastModifiedTime (datetime) --

          The date and time that the vocabulary was last modified.

        • VocabularyState (string) --

          The processing state of the vocabulary. If the state is READY you can use the vocabulary in a StartTranscriptionJob request.

StartTranscriptionJob (updated) Link ¶
Changes (request, response)
{'LanguageCode': {'en-GB', 'pt-BR', 'de-DE', 'fr-FR'}}
{'TranscriptionJob': {'LanguageCode': {'en-GB', 'pt-BR', 'de-DE', 'fr-FR'}}}

Starts an asynchronous job to transcribe speech to text. Note that en-AU, en-UK, and fr-CA languages are in preview and are only available to whitelisted customers.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'MediaFileUri': 'string'
        'VocabularyName': 'string',
        'ShowSpeakerLabels': True|False,
        'MaxSpeakerLabels': 123,
        'ChannelIdentification': True|False
type TranscriptionJobName:


param TranscriptionJobName:


The name of the job. Note that you can't use the strings "." or ".." by themselves as the job name. The name must also be unique within an AWS account.

type LanguageCode:


param LanguageCode:


The language code for the language used in the input media file.

type MediaSampleRateHertz:


param MediaSampleRateHertz:

The sample rate, in Hertz, of the audio track in the input media file.

type MediaFormat:


param MediaFormat:


The format of the input media file.

type Media:


param Media:


An object that describes the input media for a transcription job.

  • MediaFileUri (string) --

    The S3 location of the input media file. The URI must be in the same region as the API endpoint that you are calling. The general form is:


    For example:

    For more information about S3 object names, see Object Keys in the Amazon S3 Developer Guide.

type OutputBucketName:


param OutputBucketName:

The location where the transcription is stored.

If you set the OutputBucketName, Amazon Transcribe puts the transcription in the specified S3 bucket. When you call the GetTranscriptionJob operation, the operation returns this location in the TranscriptFileUri field. The S3 bucket must have permissions that allow Amazon Transcribe to put files in the bucket. For more information, see Permissions Required for IAM User Roles.

If you don't set the OutputBucketName, Amazon Transcribe generates a pre-signed URL, a shareable URL that provides secure access to your transcription, and returns it in the TranscriptFileUri field. Use this URL to download the transcription.

type Settings:


param Settings:

A Settings object that provides optional settings for a transcription job.

  • VocabularyName (string) --

    The name of a vocabulary to use when processing the transcription job.

  • ShowSpeakerLabels (boolean) --

    Determines whether the transcription job uses speaker recognition to identify different speakers in the input audio. Speaker recognition labels individual speakers in the audio file. If you set the ShowSpeakerLabels field to true, you must also set the maximum number of speaker labels MaxSpeakerLabels field.

    You can't set both ShowSpeakerLabels and ChannelIdentification in the same request. If you set both, your request returns a BadRequestException.

  • MaxSpeakerLabels (integer) --

    The maximum number of speakers to identify in the input audio. If there are more speakers in the audio than this number, multiple speakers will be identified as a single speaker. If you specify the MaxSpeakerLabels field, you must set the ShowSpeakerLabels field to true.

  • ChannelIdentification (boolean) --

    Instructs Amazon Transcribe to process each audio channel separately and then merge the transcription output of each channel into a single transcription.

    Amazon Transcribe also produces a transcription of each item detected on an audio channel, including the start time and end time of the item and alternative transcriptions of the item including the confidence that Amazon Transcribe has in the transcription.

    You can't set both ShowSpeakerLabels and ChannelIdentification in the same request. If you set both, your request returns a BadRequestException.




Response Syntax

    'TranscriptionJob': {
        'TranscriptionJobName': 'string',
        'TranscriptionJobStatus': 'IN_PROGRESS'|'FAILED'|'COMPLETED',
        'LanguageCode': 'en-US'|'es-US'|'en-AU'|'fr-CA'|'en-GB'|'de-DE'|'pt-BR'|'fr-FR',
        'MediaSampleRateHertz': 123,
        'MediaFormat': 'mp3'|'mp4'|'wav'|'flac',
        'Media': {
            'MediaFileUri': 'string'
        'Transcript': {
            'TranscriptFileUri': 'string'
        'CreationTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'CompletionTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'FailureReason': 'string',
        'Settings': {
            'VocabularyName': 'string',
            'ShowSpeakerLabels': True|False,
            'MaxSpeakerLabels': 123,
            'ChannelIdentification': True|False

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • TranscriptionJob (dict) --

      An object containing details of the asynchronous transcription job.

      • TranscriptionJobName (string) --

        The name of the transcription job.

      • TranscriptionJobStatus (string) --

        The status of the transcription job.

      • LanguageCode (string) --

        The language code for the input speech.

      • MediaSampleRateHertz (integer) --

        The sample rate, in Hertz, of the audio track in the input media file.

      • MediaFormat (string) --

        The format of the input media file.

      • Media (dict) --

        An object that describes the input media for the transcription job.

        • MediaFileUri (string) --

          The S3 location of the input media file. The URI must be in the same region as the API endpoint that you are calling. The general form is:


          For example:

          For more information about S3 object names, see Object Keys in the Amazon S3 Developer Guide.

      • Transcript (dict) --

        An object that describes the output of the transcription job.

        • TranscriptFileUri (string) --

          The location where the transcription is stored.

          Use this URI to access the transcription. If you specified an S3 bucket in the OutputBucketName field when you created the job, this is the URI of that bucket. If you chose to store the transcription in Amazon Transcribe, this is a shareable URL that provides secure access to that location.

      • CreationTime (datetime) --

        A timestamp that shows when the job was created.

      • CompletionTime (datetime) --

        A timestamp that shows when the job was completed.

      • FailureReason (string) --

        If the TranscriptionJobStatus field is FAILED, this field contains information about why the job failed.

      • Settings (dict) --

        Optional settings for the transcription job. Use these settings to turn on speaker recognition, to set the maximum number of speakers that should be identified and to specify a custom vocabulary to use when processing the transcription job.

        • VocabularyName (string) --

          The name of a vocabulary to use when processing the transcription job.

        • ShowSpeakerLabels (boolean) --

          Determines whether the transcription job uses speaker recognition to identify different speakers in the input audio. Speaker recognition labels individual speakers in the audio file. If you set the ShowSpeakerLabels field to true, you must also set the maximum number of speaker labels MaxSpeakerLabels field.

          You can't set both ShowSpeakerLabels and ChannelIdentification in the same request. If you set both, your request returns a BadRequestException.

        • MaxSpeakerLabels (integer) --

          The maximum number of speakers to identify in the input audio. If there are more speakers in the audio than this number, multiple speakers will be identified as a single speaker. If you specify the MaxSpeakerLabels field, you must set the ShowSpeakerLabels field to true.

        • ChannelIdentification (boolean) --

          Instructs Amazon Transcribe to process each audio channel separately and then merge the transcription output of each channel into a single transcription.

          Amazon Transcribe also produces a transcription of each item detected on an audio channel, including the start time and end time of the item and alternative transcriptions of the item including the confidence that Amazon Transcribe has in the transcription.

          You can't set both ShowSpeakerLabels and ChannelIdentification in the same request. If you set both, your request returns a BadRequestException.

UpdateVocabulary (updated) Link ¶
Changes (both)
{'LanguageCode': {'en-GB', 'pt-BR', 'de-DE', 'fr-FR'}}

Updates an existing vocabulary with new values. The UpdateVocabulary operation overwrites all of the existing information with the values that you provide in the request. Note that vocabularies for en-AU, en-UK, and fr-CA languages that are in preview are not available. In the console, the vocabulary section will be greyed-out and SDK will return error message.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type VocabularyName:


param VocabularyName:


The name of the vocabulary to update. The name is case-sensitive.

type LanguageCode:


param LanguageCode:


The language code of the vocabulary entries.

type Phrases:


param Phrases:


An array of strings containing the vocabulary entries.

  • (string) --




Response Syntax

    'VocabularyName': 'string',
    'LanguageCode': 'en-US'|'es-US'|'en-AU'|'fr-CA'|'en-GB'|'de-DE'|'pt-BR'|'fr-FR',
    'LastModifiedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'VocabularyState': 'PENDING'|'READY'|'FAILED'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • VocabularyName (string) --

      The name of the vocabulary that was updated.

    • LanguageCode (string) --

      The language code of the vocabulary entries.

    • LastModifiedTime (datetime) --

      The date and time that the vocabulary was updated.

    • VocabularyState (string) --

      The processing state of the vocabulary. When the VocabularyState field contains READY the vocabulary is ready to be used in a StartTranscriptionJob request.