2024/04/16 - AWS IoT Wireless - 1 updated api methods
Changes Add PublicGateways in the GetWirelessStatistics call response, indicating the LoRaWAN public network accessed by the device.
{'LoRaWAN': {'PublicGateways': [{'DlAllowed': 'boolean', 'Id': 'string', 'ProviderNetId': 'string', 'RfRegion': 'string', 'Rssi': 'double', 'Snr': 'double'}]}}
Gets operating information about a wireless device.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_wireless_device_statistics( WirelessDeviceId='string' )
The ID of the wireless device for which to get the data.
Response Syntax
{ 'WirelessDeviceId': 'string', 'LastUplinkReceivedAt': 'string', 'LoRaWAN': { 'DevEui': 'string', 'FPort': 123, 'DataRate': 123, 'Frequency': 123, 'Timestamp': 'string', 'Gateways': [ { 'GatewayEui': 'string', 'Snr': 123.0, 'Rssi': 123.0 }, ], 'PublicGateways': [ { 'ProviderNetId': 'string', 'Id': 'string', 'Rssi': 123.0, 'Snr': 123.0, 'RfRegion': 'string', 'DlAllowed': True|False }, ] }, 'Sidewalk': { 'Rssi': 123, 'BatteryLevel': 'normal'|'low'|'critical', 'Event': 'discovered'|'lost'|'ack'|'nack'|'passthrough', 'DeviceState': 'Provisioned'|'RegisteredNotSeen'|'RegisteredReachable'|'RegisteredUnreachable' } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
WirelessDeviceId (string) --
The ID of the wireless device.
LastUplinkReceivedAt (string) --
The date and time when the most recent uplink was received.
LoRaWAN (dict) --
Information about the wireless device's operations.
DevEui (string) --
The DevEUI value.
FPort (integer) --
The FPort value.
DataRate (integer) --
The DataRate value.
Frequency (integer) --
The device's channel frequency in Hz.
Timestamp (string) --
The date and time of the metadata.
Gateways (list) --
Information about the gateways accessed by the device.
(dict) --
LoRaWAN gateway metatdata.
GatewayEui (string) --
The gateway's EUI value.
Snr (float) --
The SNR value.
Rssi (float) --
The RSSI value.
PublicGateways (list) --
Information about the LoRaWAN public network accessed by the device.
(dict) --
LoRaWAN public gateway metadata.
ProviderNetId (string) --
The ID of the LoRaWAN public network provider.
Id (string) --
The ID of the gateways that are operated by the network provider.
Rssi (float) --
The RSSI (received signal strength indicator) value.
Snr (float) --
The SNR (signal to noise ratio) value.
RfRegion (string) --
The frequency band (RFRegion) value.
DlAllowed (boolean) --
Boolean that indicates whether downlink is allowed using the network.
Sidewalk (dict) --
MetaData for Sidewalk device.
Rssi (integer) --
The RSSI value.
BatteryLevel (string) --
Sidewalk device battery level.
Event (string) --
Sidewalk device status notification.
DeviceState (string) --
Device state defines the device status of sidewalk device.