2023/09/13 - Elastic Disaster Recovery Service - 3 new11 updated api methods
Changes Updated existing APIs and added new ones to support using AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery post-launch actions. Added support for new regions.
Lists resource launch actions.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.list_launch_actions( filters={ 'actionIds': [ 'string', ] }, maxResults=123, nextToken='string', resourceId='string' )
Filters to apply when listing resource launch actions.
actionIds (list) --
Launch actions Ids.
(string) --
Launch action Id.
Maximum amount of items to return when listing resource launch actions.
Next token to use when listing resource launch actions.
Launch configuration template Id or Source Server Id
Response Syntax
{ 'items': [ { 'actionCode': 'string', 'actionId': 'string', 'actionVersion': 'string', 'active': True|False, 'category': 'MONITORING'|'VALIDATION'|'CONFIGURATION'|'SECURITY'|'OTHER', 'description': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'optional': True|False, 'order': 123, 'parameters': { 'string': { 'type': 'SSM_STORE'|'DYNAMIC', 'value': 'string' } }, 'type': 'SSM_AUTOMATION'|'SSM_COMMAND' }, ], 'nextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
items (list) --
List of resource launch actions.
(dict) --
Launch action.
actionCode (string) --
Launch action code.
actionId (string) --
Launch action Id.
actionVersion (string) --
Launch action version.
active (boolean) --
Whether the launch action is active.
category (string) --
Launch action category.
description (string) --
Launch action description.
name (string) --
Launch action name.
optional (boolean) --
Whether the launch will not be marked as failed if this action fails.
order (integer) --
Launch action order.
parameters (dict) --
Launch action parameters.
(string) --
(dict) --
Launch action parameter.
type (string) --
value (string) --
type (string) --
Launch action type.
nextToken (string) --
Next token returned when listing resource launch actions.
Puts a resource launch action.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.put_launch_action( actionCode='string', actionId='string', actionVersion='string', active=True|False, category='MONITORING'|'VALIDATION'|'CONFIGURATION'|'SECURITY'|'OTHER', description='string', name='string', optional=True|False, order=123, parameters={ 'string': { 'type': 'SSM_STORE'|'DYNAMIC', 'value': 'string' } }, resourceId='string' )
Launch action code.
Launch action Id.
Launch action version.
Whether the launch action is active.
Launch action category.
Launch action description.
Launch action name.
Whether the launch will not be marked as failed if this action fails.
Launch action order.
Launch action parameters.
(string) --
(dict) --
Launch action parameter.
type (string) --
value (string) --
Launch configuration template Id or Source Server Id
Response Syntax
{ 'actionCode': 'string', 'actionId': 'string', 'actionVersion': 'string', 'active': True|False, 'category': 'MONITORING'|'VALIDATION'|'CONFIGURATION'|'SECURITY'|'OTHER', 'description': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'optional': True|False, 'order': 123, 'parameters': { 'string': { 'type': 'SSM_STORE'|'DYNAMIC', 'value': 'string' } }, 'resourceId': 'string', 'type': 'SSM_AUTOMATION'|'SSM_COMMAND' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
actionCode (string) --
Launch action code.
actionId (string) --
Launch action Id.
actionVersion (string) --
Launch action version.
active (boolean) --
Whether the launch action is active.
category (string) --
Launch action category.
description (string) --
Launch action description.
name (string) --
Launch action name.
optional (boolean) --
Whether the launch will not be marked as failed if this action fails.
order (integer) --
Launch action order.
parameters (dict) --
Launch action parameters.
(string) --
(dict) --
Launch action parameter.
type (string) --
value (string) --
resourceId (string) --
Launch configuration template Id or Source Server Id
type (string) --
Launch action type.
Deletes a resource launch action.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.delete_launch_action( actionId='string', resourceId='string' )
Launch action Id.
Launch configuration template Id or Source Server Id
Response Syntax
Response Structure
(dict) --
{'job': {'participatingServers': {'launchActionsStatus': {'runs': [{'action': {'actionCode': 'string', 'actionId': 'string', 'actionVersion': 'string', 'active': 'boolean', 'category': 'MONITORING ' '| ' 'VALIDATION ' '| ' 'CONFIGURATION ' '| ' 'SECURITY ' '| ' 'OTHER', 'description': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'optional': 'boolean', 'order': 'integer', 'parameters': {'string': {'type': 'SSM_STORE ' '| ' 'DYNAMIC', 'value': 'string'}}, 'type': 'SSM_AUTOMATION ' '| ' 'SSM_COMMAND'}, 'failureReason': 'string', 'runId': 'string', 'status': 'IN_PROGRESS ' '| ' 'SUCCEEDED ' '| ' 'FAILED'}], 'ssmAgentDiscoveryDatetime': 'string'}}}}
Associate a Source Network to an existing CloudFormation Stack and modify launch templates to use this network. Can be used for reverting to previously deployed CloudFormation stacks.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.associate_source_network_stack( cfnStackName='string', sourceNetworkID='string' )
CloudFormation template to associate with a Source Network.
The Source Network ID to associate with CloudFormation template.
Response Syntax
{ 'job': { 'arn': 'string', 'creationDateTime': 'string', 'endDateTime': 'string', 'initiatedBy': 'START_RECOVERY'|'START_DRILL'|'FAILBACK'|'DIAGNOSTIC'|'TERMINATE_RECOVERY_INSTANCES'|'TARGET_ACCOUNT'|'CREATE_NETWORK_RECOVERY'|'UPDATE_NETWORK_RECOVERY'|'ASSOCIATE_NETWORK_RECOVERY', 'jobID': 'string', 'participatingResources': [ { 'launchStatus': 'PENDING'|'IN_PROGRESS'|'LAUNCHED'|'FAILED'|'TERMINATED', 'participatingResourceID': { 'sourceNetworkID': 'string' } }, ], 'participatingServers': [ { 'launchActionsStatus': { 'runs': [ { 'action': { 'actionCode': 'string', 'actionId': 'string', 'actionVersion': 'string', 'active': True|False, 'category': 'MONITORING'|'VALIDATION'|'CONFIGURATION'|'SECURITY'|'OTHER', 'description': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'optional': True|False, 'order': 123, 'parameters': { 'string': { 'type': 'SSM_STORE'|'DYNAMIC', 'value': 'string' } }, 'type': 'SSM_AUTOMATION'|'SSM_COMMAND' }, 'failureReason': 'string', 'runId': 'string', 'status': 'IN_PROGRESS'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED' }, ], 'ssmAgentDiscoveryDatetime': 'string' }, 'launchStatus': 'PENDING'|'IN_PROGRESS'|'LAUNCHED'|'FAILED'|'TERMINATED', 'recoveryInstanceID': 'string', 'sourceServerID': 'string' }, ], 'status': 'PENDING'|'STARTED'|'COMPLETED', 'tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'type': 'LAUNCH'|'TERMINATE'|'CREATE_CONVERTED_SNAPSHOT' } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
job (dict) --
The Source Network association Job.
arn (string) --
The ARN of a Job.
creationDateTime (string) --
The date and time of when the Job was created.
endDateTime (string) --
The date and time of when the Job ended.
initiatedBy (string) --
A string representing who initiated the Job.
jobID (string) --
The ID of the Job.
participatingResources (list) --
A list of resources that the Job is acting upon.
(dict) --
Represents a resource participating in an asynchronous Job.
launchStatus (string) --
The launch status of a participating resource.
participatingResourceID (dict) --
The ID of a participating resource.
sourceNetworkID (string) --
Source Network ID.
participatingServers (list) --
A list of servers that the Job is acting upon.
(dict) --
Represents a server participating in an asynchronous Job.
launchActionsStatus (dict) --
The post-launch action runs of a participating server.
runs (list) --
List of post launch action status.
(dict) --
Launch action run.
action (dict) --
actionCode (string) --
Launch action code.
actionId (string) --
Launch action Id.
actionVersion (string) --
Launch action version.
active (boolean) --
Whether the launch action is active.
category (string) --
Launch action category.
description (string) --
Launch action description.
name (string) --
Launch action name.
optional (boolean) --
Whether the launch will not be marked as failed if this action fails.
order (integer) --
Launch action order.
parameters (dict) --
Launch action parameters.
(string) --
(dict) --
Launch action parameter.
type (string) --
value (string) --
type (string) --
Launch action type.
failureReason (string) --
Failure reason.
runId (string) --
Run Id.
status (string) --
Run status.
ssmAgentDiscoveryDatetime (string) --
Time where the AWS Systems Manager was detected as running on the launched instance.
launchStatus (string) --
The launch status of a participating server.
recoveryInstanceID (string) --
The Recovery Instance ID of a participating server.
sourceServerID (string) --
The Source Server ID of a participating server.
status (string) --
The status of the Job.
tags (dict) --
A list of tags associated with the Job.
(string) --
(string) --
type (string) --
The type of the Job.
{'postLaunchEnabled': 'boolean'}Response
{'launchConfigurationTemplate': {'postLaunchEnabled': 'boolean'}}
Creates a new Launch Configuration Template.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_launch_configuration_template( copyPrivateIp=True|False, copyTags=True|False, exportBucketArn='string', launchDisposition='STOPPED'|'STARTED', licensing={ 'osByol': True|False }, postLaunchEnabled=True|False, tags={ 'string': 'string' }, targetInstanceTypeRightSizingMethod='NONE'|'BASIC'|'IN_AWS' )
Copy private IP.
Copy tags.
S3 bucket ARN to export Source Network templates.
Launch disposition.
osByol (boolean) --
Whether to enable "Bring your own license" or not.
Whether we want to activate post-launch actions.
Request to associate tags during creation of a Launch Configuration Template.
(string) --
(string) --
Target instance type right-sizing method.
Response Syntax
{ 'launchConfigurationTemplate': { 'arn': 'string', 'copyPrivateIp': True|False, 'copyTags': True|False, 'exportBucketArn': 'string', 'launchConfigurationTemplateID': 'string', 'launchDisposition': 'STOPPED'|'STARTED', 'licensing': { 'osByol': True|False }, 'postLaunchEnabled': True|False, 'tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'targetInstanceTypeRightSizingMethod': 'NONE'|'BASIC'|'IN_AWS' } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
launchConfigurationTemplate (dict) --
Created Launch Configuration Template.
arn (string) --
ARN of the Launch Configuration Template.
copyPrivateIp (boolean) --
Copy private IP.
copyTags (boolean) --
Copy tags.
exportBucketArn (string) --
S3 bucket ARN to export Source Network templates.
launchConfigurationTemplateID (string) --
ID of the Launch Configuration Template.
launchDisposition (string) --
Launch disposition.
licensing (dict) --
osByol (boolean) --
Whether to enable "Bring your own license" or not.
postLaunchEnabled (boolean) --
Post-launch actions activated.
tags (dict) --
Tags of the Launch Configuration Template.
(string) --
(string) --
targetInstanceTypeRightSizingMethod (string) --
Target instance type right-sizing method.
{'items': {'participatingServers': {'launchActionsStatus': {'runs': [{'action': {'actionCode': 'string', 'actionId': 'string', 'actionVersion': 'string', 'active': 'boolean', 'category': 'MONITORING ' '| ' 'VALIDATION ' '| ' 'CONFIGURATION ' '| ' 'SECURITY ' '| ' 'OTHER', 'description': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'optional': 'boolean', 'order': 'integer', 'parameters': {'string': {'type': 'SSM_STORE ' '| ' 'DYNAMIC', 'value': 'string'}}, 'type': 'SSM_AUTOMATION ' '| ' 'SSM_COMMAND'}, 'failureReason': 'string', 'runId': 'string', 'status': 'IN_PROGRESS ' '| ' 'SUCCEEDED ' '| ' 'FAILED'}], 'ssmAgentDiscoveryDatetime': 'string'}}}}
Returns a list of Jobs. Use the JobsID and fromDate and toDate filters to limit which jobs are returned. The response is sorted by creationDataTime - latest date first. Jobs are created by the StartRecovery, TerminateRecoveryInstances and StartFailbackLaunch APIs. Jobs are also created by DiagnosticLaunch and TerminateDiagnosticInstances, which are APIs available only to Support and only used in response to relevant support tickets.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.describe_jobs( filters={ 'fromDate': 'string', 'jobIDs': [ 'string', ], 'toDate': 'string' }, maxResults=123, nextToken='string' )
A set of filters by which to return Jobs.
fromDate (string) --
The start date in a date range query.
jobIDs (list) --
An array of Job IDs that should be returned. An empty array means all jobs.
(string) --
toDate (string) --
The end date in a date range query.
Maximum number of Jobs to retrieve.
The token of the next Job to retrieve.
Response Syntax
{ 'items': [ { 'arn': 'string', 'creationDateTime': 'string', 'endDateTime': 'string', 'initiatedBy': 'START_RECOVERY'|'START_DRILL'|'FAILBACK'|'DIAGNOSTIC'|'TERMINATE_RECOVERY_INSTANCES'|'TARGET_ACCOUNT'|'CREATE_NETWORK_RECOVERY'|'UPDATE_NETWORK_RECOVERY'|'ASSOCIATE_NETWORK_RECOVERY', 'jobID': 'string', 'participatingResources': [ { 'launchStatus': 'PENDING'|'IN_PROGRESS'|'LAUNCHED'|'FAILED'|'TERMINATED', 'participatingResourceID': { 'sourceNetworkID': 'string' } }, ], 'participatingServers': [ { 'launchActionsStatus': { 'runs': [ { 'action': { 'actionCode': 'string', 'actionId': 'string', 'actionVersion': 'string', 'active': True|False, 'category': 'MONITORING'|'VALIDATION'|'CONFIGURATION'|'SECURITY'|'OTHER', 'description': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'optional': True|False, 'order': 123, 'parameters': { 'string': { 'type': 'SSM_STORE'|'DYNAMIC', 'value': 'string' } }, 'type': 'SSM_AUTOMATION'|'SSM_COMMAND' }, 'failureReason': 'string', 'runId': 'string', 'status': 'IN_PROGRESS'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED' }, ], 'ssmAgentDiscoveryDatetime': 'string' }, 'launchStatus': 'PENDING'|'IN_PROGRESS'|'LAUNCHED'|'FAILED'|'TERMINATED', 'recoveryInstanceID': 'string', 'sourceServerID': 'string' }, ], 'status': 'PENDING'|'STARTED'|'COMPLETED', 'tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'type': 'LAUNCH'|'TERMINATE'|'CREATE_CONVERTED_SNAPSHOT' }, ], 'nextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
items (list) --
An array of Jobs.
(dict) --
A job is an asynchronous workflow.
arn (string) --
The ARN of a Job.
creationDateTime (string) --
The date and time of when the Job was created.
endDateTime (string) --
The date and time of when the Job ended.
initiatedBy (string) --
A string representing who initiated the Job.
jobID (string) --
The ID of the Job.
participatingResources (list) --
A list of resources that the Job is acting upon.
(dict) --
Represents a resource participating in an asynchronous Job.
launchStatus (string) --
The launch status of a participating resource.
participatingResourceID (dict) --
The ID of a participating resource.
sourceNetworkID (string) --
Source Network ID.
participatingServers (list) --
A list of servers that the Job is acting upon.
(dict) --
Represents a server participating in an asynchronous Job.
launchActionsStatus (dict) --
The post-launch action runs of a participating server.
runs (list) --
List of post launch action status.
(dict) --
Launch action run.
action (dict) --
actionCode (string) --
Launch action code.
actionId (string) --
Launch action Id.
actionVersion (string) --
Launch action version.
active (boolean) --
Whether the launch action is active.
category (string) --
Launch action category.
description (string) --
Launch action description.
name (string) --
Launch action name.
optional (boolean) --
Whether the launch will not be marked as failed if this action fails.
order (integer) --
Launch action order.
parameters (dict) --
Launch action parameters.
(string) --
(dict) --
Launch action parameter.
type (string) --
value (string) --
type (string) --
Launch action type.
failureReason (string) --
Failure reason.
runId (string) --
Run Id.
status (string) --
Run status.
ssmAgentDiscoveryDatetime (string) --
Time where the AWS Systems Manager was detected as running on the launched instance.
launchStatus (string) --
The launch status of a participating server.
recoveryInstanceID (string) --
The Recovery Instance ID of a participating server.
sourceServerID (string) --
The Source Server ID of a participating server.
status (string) --
The status of the Job.
tags (dict) --
A list of tags associated with the Job.
(string) --
(string) --
type (string) --
The type of the Job.
nextToken (string) --
The token of the next Job to retrieve.
{'items': {'postLaunchEnabled': 'boolean'}}
Lists all Launch Configuration Templates, filtered by Launch Configuration Template IDs
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.describe_launch_configuration_templates( launchConfigurationTemplateIDs=[ 'string', ], maxResults=123, nextToken='string' )
Request to filter Launch Configuration Templates list by Launch Configuration Template ID.
(string) --
Maximum results to be returned in DescribeLaunchConfigurationTemplates.
The token of the next Launch Configuration Template to retrieve.
Response Syntax
{ 'items': [ { 'arn': 'string', 'copyPrivateIp': True|False, 'copyTags': True|False, 'exportBucketArn': 'string', 'launchConfigurationTemplateID': 'string', 'launchDisposition': 'STOPPED'|'STARTED', 'licensing': { 'osByol': True|False }, 'postLaunchEnabled': True|False, 'tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'targetInstanceTypeRightSizingMethod': 'NONE'|'BASIC'|'IN_AWS' }, ], 'nextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
items (list) --
List of items returned by DescribeLaunchConfigurationTemplates.
(dict) --
Account level Launch Configuration Template.
arn (string) --
ARN of the Launch Configuration Template.
copyPrivateIp (boolean) --
Copy private IP.
copyTags (boolean) --
Copy tags.
exportBucketArn (string) --
S3 bucket ARN to export Source Network templates.
launchConfigurationTemplateID (string) --
ID of the Launch Configuration Template.
launchDisposition (string) --
Launch disposition.
licensing (dict) --
osByol (boolean) --
Whether to enable "Bring your own license" or not.
postLaunchEnabled (boolean) --
Post-launch actions activated.
tags (dict) --
Tags of the Launch Configuration Template.
(string) --
(string) --
targetInstanceTypeRightSizingMethod (string) --
Target instance type right-sizing method.
nextToken (string) --
The token of the next Launch Configuration Template to retrieve.
{'postLaunchEnabled': 'boolean'}
Gets a LaunchConfiguration, filtered by Source Server IDs.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_launch_configuration( sourceServerID='string' )
The ID of the Source Server that we want to retrieve a Launch Configuration for.
Response Syntax
{ 'copyPrivateIp': True|False, 'copyTags': True|False, 'ec2LaunchTemplateID': 'string', 'launchDisposition': 'STOPPED'|'STARTED', 'licensing': { 'osByol': True|False }, 'name': 'string', 'postLaunchEnabled': True|False, 'sourceServerID': 'string', 'targetInstanceTypeRightSizingMethod': 'NONE'|'BASIC'|'IN_AWS' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
copyPrivateIp (boolean) --
Whether we should copy the Private IP of the Source Server to the Recovery Instance.
copyTags (boolean) --
Whether we want to copy the tags of the Source Server to the EC2 machine of the Recovery Instance.
ec2LaunchTemplateID (string) --
The EC2 launch template ID of this launch configuration.
launchDisposition (string) --
The state of the Recovery Instance in EC2 after the recovery operation.
licensing (dict) --
The licensing configuration to be used for this launch configuration.
osByol (boolean) --
Whether to enable "Bring your own license" or not.
name (string) --
The name of the launch configuration.
postLaunchEnabled (boolean) --
Whether we want to activate post-launch actions for the Source Server.
sourceServerID (string) --
The ID of the Source Server for this launch configuration.
targetInstanceTypeRightSizingMethod (string) --
Whether Elastic Disaster Recovery should try to automatically choose the instance type that best matches the OS, CPU, and RAM of your Source Server.
{'job': {'participatingServers': {'launchActionsStatus': {'runs': [{'action': {'actionCode': 'string', 'actionId': 'string', 'actionVersion': 'string', 'active': 'boolean', 'category': 'MONITORING ' '| ' 'VALIDATION ' '| ' 'CONFIGURATION ' '| ' 'SECURITY ' '| ' 'OTHER', 'description': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'optional': 'boolean', 'order': 'integer', 'parameters': {'string': {'type': 'SSM_STORE ' '| ' 'DYNAMIC', 'value': 'string'}}, 'type': 'SSM_AUTOMATION ' '| ' 'SSM_COMMAND'}, 'failureReason': 'string', 'runId': 'string', 'status': 'IN_PROGRESS ' '| ' 'SUCCEEDED ' '| ' 'FAILED'}], 'ssmAgentDiscoveryDatetime': 'string'}}}}
Initiates a Job for launching the machine that is being failed back to from the specified Recovery Instance. This will run conversion on the failback client and will reboot your machine, thus completing the failback process.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.start_failback_launch( recoveryInstanceIDs=[ 'string', ], tags={ 'string': 'string' } )
The IDs of the Recovery Instance whose failback launch we want to request.
(string) --
The tags to be associated with the failback launch Job.
(string) --
(string) --
Response Syntax
{ 'job': { 'arn': 'string', 'creationDateTime': 'string', 'endDateTime': 'string', 'initiatedBy': 'START_RECOVERY'|'START_DRILL'|'FAILBACK'|'DIAGNOSTIC'|'TERMINATE_RECOVERY_INSTANCES'|'TARGET_ACCOUNT'|'CREATE_NETWORK_RECOVERY'|'UPDATE_NETWORK_RECOVERY'|'ASSOCIATE_NETWORK_RECOVERY', 'jobID': 'string', 'participatingResources': [ { 'launchStatus': 'PENDING'|'IN_PROGRESS'|'LAUNCHED'|'FAILED'|'TERMINATED', 'participatingResourceID': { 'sourceNetworkID': 'string' } }, ], 'participatingServers': [ { 'launchActionsStatus': { 'runs': [ { 'action': { 'actionCode': 'string', 'actionId': 'string', 'actionVersion': 'string', 'active': True|False, 'category': 'MONITORING'|'VALIDATION'|'CONFIGURATION'|'SECURITY'|'OTHER', 'description': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'optional': True|False, 'order': 123, 'parameters': { 'string': { 'type': 'SSM_STORE'|'DYNAMIC', 'value': 'string' } }, 'type': 'SSM_AUTOMATION'|'SSM_COMMAND' }, 'failureReason': 'string', 'runId': 'string', 'status': 'IN_PROGRESS'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED' }, ], 'ssmAgentDiscoveryDatetime': 'string' }, 'launchStatus': 'PENDING'|'IN_PROGRESS'|'LAUNCHED'|'FAILED'|'TERMINATED', 'recoveryInstanceID': 'string', 'sourceServerID': 'string' }, ], 'status': 'PENDING'|'STARTED'|'COMPLETED', 'tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'type': 'LAUNCH'|'TERMINATE'|'CREATE_CONVERTED_SNAPSHOT' } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
job (dict) --
The failback launch Job.
arn (string) --
The ARN of a Job.
creationDateTime (string) --
The date and time of when the Job was created.
endDateTime (string) --
The date and time of when the Job ended.
initiatedBy (string) --
A string representing who initiated the Job.
jobID (string) --
The ID of the Job.
participatingResources (list) --
A list of resources that the Job is acting upon.
(dict) --
Represents a resource participating in an asynchronous Job.
launchStatus (string) --
The launch status of a participating resource.
participatingResourceID (dict) --
The ID of a participating resource.
sourceNetworkID (string) --
Source Network ID.
participatingServers (list) --
A list of servers that the Job is acting upon.
(dict) --
Represents a server participating in an asynchronous Job.
launchActionsStatus (dict) --
The post-launch action runs of a participating server.
runs (list) --
List of post launch action status.
(dict) --
Launch action run.
action (dict) --
actionCode (string) --
Launch action code.
actionId (string) --
Launch action Id.
actionVersion (string) --
Launch action version.
active (boolean) --
Whether the launch action is active.
category (string) --
Launch action category.
description (string) --
Launch action description.
name (string) --
Launch action name.
optional (boolean) --
Whether the launch will not be marked as failed if this action fails.
order (integer) --
Launch action order.
parameters (dict) --
Launch action parameters.
(string) --
(dict) --
Launch action parameter.
type (string) --
value (string) --
type (string) --
Launch action type.
failureReason (string) --
Failure reason.
runId (string) --
Run Id.
status (string) --
Run status.
ssmAgentDiscoveryDatetime (string) --
Time where the AWS Systems Manager was detected as running on the launched instance.
launchStatus (string) --
The launch status of a participating server.
recoveryInstanceID (string) --
The Recovery Instance ID of a participating server.
sourceServerID (string) --
The Source Server ID of a participating server.
status (string) --
The status of the Job.
tags (dict) --
A list of tags associated with the Job.
(string) --
(string) --
type (string) --
The type of the Job.
{'job': {'participatingServers': {'launchActionsStatus': {'runs': [{'action': {'actionCode': 'string', 'actionId': 'string', 'actionVersion': 'string', 'active': 'boolean', 'category': 'MONITORING ' '| ' 'VALIDATION ' '| ' 'CONFIGURATION ' '| ' 'SECURITY ' '| ' 'OTHER', 'description': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'optional': 'boolean', 'order': 'integer', 'parameters': {'string': {'type': 'SSM_STORE ' '| ' 'DYNAMIC', 'value': 'string'}}, 'type': 'SSM_AUTOMATION ' '| ' 'SSM_COMMAND'}, 'failureReason': 'string', 'runId': 'string', 'status': 'IN_PROGRESS ' '| ' 'SUCCEEDED ' '| ' 'FAILED'}], 'ssmAgentDiscoveryDatetime': 'string'}}}}
Launches Recovery Instances for the specified Source Servers. For each Source Server you may choose a point in time snapshot to launch from, or use an on demand snapshot.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.start_recovery( isDrill=True|False, sourceServers=[ { 'recoverySnapshotID': 'string', 'sourceServerID': 'string' }, ], tags={ 'string': 'string' } )
Whether this Source Server Recovery operation is a drill or not.
The Source Servers that we want to start a Recovery Job for.
(dict) --
An object representing the Source Server to recover.
recoverySnapshotID (string) --
The ID of a Recovery Snapshot we want to recover from. Omit this field to launch from the latest data by taking an on-demand snapshot.
sourceServerID (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The ID of the Source Server you want to recover.
The tags to be associated with the Recovery Job.
(string) --
(string) --
Response Syntax
{ 'job': { 'arn': 'string', 'creationDateTime': 'string', 'endDateTime': 'string', 'initiatedBy': 'START_RECOVERY'|'START_DRILL'|'FAILBACK'|'DIAGNOSTIC'|'TERMINATE_RECOVERY_INSTANCES'|'TARGET_ACCOUNT'|'CREATE_NETWORK_RECOVERY'|'UPDATE_NETWORK_RECOVERY'|'ASSOCIATE_NETWORK_RECOVERY', 'jobID': 'string', 'participatingResources': [ { 'launchStatus': 'PENDING'|'IN_PROGRESS'|'LAUNCHED'|'FAILED'|'TERMINATED', 'participatingResourceID': { 'sourceNetworkID': 'string' } }, ], 'participatingServers': [ { 'launchActionsStatus': { 'runs': [ { 'action': { 'actionCode': 'string', 'actionId': 'string', 'actionVersion': 'string', 'active': True|False, 'category': 'MONITORING'|'VALIDATION'|'CONFIGURATION'|'SECURITY'|'OTHER', 'description': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'optional': True|False, 'order': 123, 'parameters': { 'string': { 'type': 'SSM_STORE'|'DYNAMIC', 'value': 'string' } }, 'type': 'SSM_AUTOMATION'|'SSM_COMMAND' }, 'failureReason': 'string', 'runId': 'string', 'status': 'IN_PROGRESS'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED' }, ], 'ssmAgentDiscoveryDatetime': 'string' }, 'launchStatus': 'PENDING'|'IN_PROGRESS'|'LAUNCHED'|'FAILED'|'TERMINATED', 'recoveryInstanceID': 'string', 'sourceServerID': 'string' }, ], 'status': 'PENDING'|'STARTED'|'COMPLETED', 'tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'type': 'LAUNCH'|'TERMINATE'|'CREATE_CONVERTED_SNAPSHOT' } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
job (dict) --
The Recovery Job.
arn (string) --
The ARN of a Job.
creationDateTime (string) --
The date and time of when the Job was created.
endDateTime (string) --
The date and time of when the Job ended.
initiatedBy (string) --
A string representing who initiated the Job.
jobID (string) --
The ID of the Job.
participatingResources (list) --
A list of resources that the Job is acting upon.
(dict) --
Represents a resource participating in an asynchronous Job.
launchStatus (string) --
The launch status of a participating resource.
participatingResourceID (dict) --
The ID of a participating resource.
sourceNetworkID (string) --
Source Network ID.
participatingServers (list) --
A list of servers that the Job is acting upon.
(dict) --
Represents a server participating in an asynchronous Job.
launchActionsStatus (dict) --
The post-launch action runs of a participating server.
runs (list) --
List of post launch action status.
(dict) --
Launch action run.
action (dict) --
actionCode (string) --
Launch action code.
actionId (string) --
Launch action Id.
actionVersion (string) --
Launch action version.
active (boolean) --
Whether the launch action is active.
category (string) --
Launch action category.
description (string) --
Launch action description.
name (string) --
Launch action name.
optional (boolean) --
Whether the launch will not be marked as failed if this action fails.
order (integer) --
Launch action order.
parameters (dict) --
Launch action parameters.
(string) --
(dict) --
Launch action parameter.
type (string) --
value (string) --
type (string) --
Launch action type.
failureReason (string) --
Failure reason.
runId (string) --
Run Id.
status (string) --
Run status.
ssmAgentDiscoveryDatetime (string) --
Time where the AWS Systems Manager was detected as running on the launched instance.
launchStatus (string) --
The launch status of a participating server.
recoveryInstanceID (string) --
The Recovery Instance ID of a participating server.
sourceServerID (string) --
The Source Server ID of a participating server.
status (string) --
The status of the Job.
tags (dict) --
A list of tags associated with the Job.
(string) --
(string) --
type (string) --
The type of the Job.
{'job': {'participatingServers': {'launchActionsStatus': {'runs': [{'action': {'actionCode': 'string', 'actionId': 'string', 'actionVersion': 'string', 'active': 'boolean', 'category': 'MONITORING ' '| ' 'VALIDATION ' '| ' 'CONFIGURATION ' '| ' 'SECURITY ' '| ' 'OTHER', 'description': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'optional': 'boolean', 'order': 'integer', 'parameters': {'string': {'type': 'SSM_STORE ' '| ' 'DYNAMIC', 'value': 'string'}}, 'type': 'SSM_AUTOMATION ' '| ' 'SSM_COMMAND'}, 'failureReason': 'string', 'runId': 'string', 'status': 'IN_PROGRESS ' '| ' 'SUCCEEDED ' '| ' 'FAILED'}], 'ssmAgentDiscoveryDatetime': 'string'}}}}
Deploy VPC for the specified Source Network and modify launch templates to use this network. The VPC will be deployed using a dedicated CloudFormation stack.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.start_source_network_recovery( deployAsNew=True|False, sourceNetworks=[ { 'cfnStackName': 'string', 'sourceNetworkID': 'string' }, ], tags={ 'string': 'string' } )
Don't update existing CloudFormation Stack, recover the network using a new stack.
The Source Networks that we want to start a Recovery Job for.
(dict) --
An object representing the Source Network to recover.
cfnStackName (string) --
CloudFormation stack name to be used for recovering the network.
sourceNetworkID (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The ID of the Source Network you want to recover.
The tags to be associated with the Source Network recovery Job.
(string) --
(string) --
Response Syntax
{ 'job': { 'arn': 'string', 'creationDateTime': 'string', 'endDateTime': 'string', 'initiatedBy': 'START_RECOVERY'|'START_DRILL'|'FAILBACK'|'DIAGNOSTIC'|'TERMINATE_RECOVERY_INSTANCES'|'TARGET_ACCOUNT'|'CREATE_NETWORK_RECOVERY'|'UPDATE_NETWORK_RECOVERY'|'ASSOCIATE_NETWORK_RECOVERY', 'jobID': 'string', 'participatingResources': [ { 'launchStatus': 'PENDING'|'IN_PROGRESS'|'LAUNCHED'|'FAILED'|'TERMINATED', 'participatingResourceID': { 'sourceNetworkID': 'string' } }, ], 'participatingServers': [ { 'launchActionsStatus': { 'runs': [ { 'action': { 'actionCode': 'string', 'actionId': 'string', 'actionVersion': 'string', 'active': True|False, 'category': 'MONITORING'|'VALIDATION'|'CONFIGURATION'|'SECURITY'|'OTHER', 'description': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'optional': True|False, 'order': 123, 'parameters': { 'string': { 'type': 'SSM_STORE'|'DYNAMIC', 'value': 'string' } }, 'type': 'SSM_AUTOMATION'|'SSM_COMMAND' }, 'failureReason': 'string', 'runId': 'string', 'status': 'IN_PROGRESS'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED' }, ], 'ssmAgentDiscoveryDatetime': 'string' }, 'launchStatus': 'PENDING'|'IN_PROGRESS'|'LAUNCHED'|'FAILED'|'TERMINATED', 'recoveryInstanceID': 'string', 'sourceServerID': 'string' }, ], 'status': 'PENDING'|'STARTED'|'COMPLETED', 'tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'type': 'LAUNCH'|'TERMINATE'|'CREATE_CONVERTED_SNAPSHOT' } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
job (dict) --
The Source Network recovery Job.
arn (string) --
The ARN of a Job.
creationDateTime (string) --
The date and time of when the Job was created.
endDateTime (string) --
The date and time of when the Job ended.
initiatedBy (string) --
A string representing who initiated the Job.
jobID (string) --
The ID of the Job.
participatingResources (list) --
A list of resources that the Job is acting upon.
(dict) --
Represents a resource participating in an asynchronous Job.
launchStatus (string) --
The launch status of a participating resource.
participatingResourceID (dict) --
The ID of a participating resource.
sourceNetworkID (string) --
Source Network ID.
participatingServers (list) --
A list of servers that the Job is acting upon.
(dict) --
Represents a server participating in an asynchronous Job.
launchActionsStatus (dict) --
The post-launch action runs of a participating server.
runs (list) --
List of post launch action status.
(dict) --
Launch action run.
action (dict) --
actionCode (string) --
Launch action code.
actionId (string) --
Launch action Id.
actionVersion (string) --
Launch action version.
active (boolean) --
Whether the launch action is active.
category (string) --
Launch action category.
description (string) --
Launch action description.
name (string) --
Launch action name.
optional (boolean) --
Whether the launch will not be marked as failed if this action fails.
order (integer) --
Launch action order.
parameters (dict) --
Launch action parameters.
(string) --
(dict) --
Launch action parameter.
type (string) --
value (string) --
type (string) --
Launch action type.
failureReason (string) --
Failure reason.
runId (string) --
Run Id.
status (string) --
Run status.
ssmAgentDiscoveryDatetime (string) --
Time where the AWS Systems Manager was detected as running on the launched instance.
launchStatus (string) --
The launch status of a participating server.
recoveryInstanceID (string) --
The Recovery Instance ID of a participating server.
sourceServerID (string) --
The Source Server ID of a participating server.
status (string) --
The status of the Job.
tags (dict) --
A list of tags associated with the Job.
(string) --
(string) --
type (string) --
The type of the Job.
{'job': {'participatingServers': {'launchActionsStatus': {'runs': [{'action': {'actionCode': 'string', 'actionId': 'string', 'actionVersion': 'string', 'active': 'boolean', 'category': 'MONITORING ' '| ' 'VALIDATION ' '| ' 'CONFIGURATION ' '| ' 'SECURITY ' '| ' 'OTHER', 'description': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'optional': 'boolean', 'order': 'integer', 'parameters': {'string': {'type': 'SSM_STORE ' '| ' 'DYNAMIC', 'value': 'string'}}, 'type': 'SSM_AUTOMATION ' '| ' 'SSM_COMMAND'}, 'failureReason': 'string', 'runId': 'string', 'status': 'IN_PROGRESS ' '| ' 'SUCCEEDED ' '| ' 'FAILED'}], 'ssmAgentDiscoveryDatetime': 'string'}}}}
Initiates a Job for terminating the EC2 resources associated with the specified Recovery Instances, and then will delete the Recovery Instances from the Elastic Disaster Recovery service.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.terminate_recovery_instances( recoveryInstanceIDs=[ 'string', ] )
The IDs of the Recovery Instances that should be terminated.
(string) --
Response Syntax
{ 'job': { 'arn': 'string', 'creationDateTime': 'string', 'endDateTime': 'string', 'initiatedBy': 'START_RECOVERY'|'START_DRILL'|'FAILBACK'|'DIAGNOSTIC'|'TERMINATE_RECOVERY_INSTANCES'|'TARGET_ACCOUNT'|'CREATE_NETWORK_RECOVERY'|'UPDATE_NETWORK_RECOVERY'|'ASSOCIATE_NETWORK_RECOVERY', 'jobID': 'string', 'participatingResources': [ { 'launchStatus': 'PENDING'|'IN_PROGRESS'|'LAUNCHED'|'FAILED'|'TERMINATED', 'participatingResourceID': { 'sourceNetworkID': 'string' } }, ], 'participatingServers': [ { 'launchActionsStatus': { 'runs': [ { 'action': { 'actionCode': 'string', 'actionId': 'string', 'actionVersion': 'string', 'active': True|False, 'category': 'MONITORING'|'VALIDATION'|'CONFIGURATION'|'SECURITY'|'OTHER', 'description': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'optional': True|False, 'order': 123, 'parameters': { 'string': { 'type': 'SSM_STORE'|'DYNAMIC', 'value': 'string' } }, 'type': 'SSM_AUTOMATION'|'SSM_COMMAND' }, 'failureReason': 'string', 'runId': 'string', 'status': 'IN_PROGRESS'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED' }, ], 'ssmAgentDiscoveryDatetime': 'string' }, 'launchStatus': 'PENDING'|'IN_PROGRESS'|'LAUNCHED'|'FAILED'|'TERMINATED', 'recoveryInstanceID': 'string', 'sourceServerID': 'string' }, ], 'status': 'PENDING'|'STARTED'|'COMPLETED', 'tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'type': 'LAUNCH'|'TERMINATE'|'CREATE_CONVERTED_SNAPSHOT' } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
job (dict) --
The Job for terminating the Recovery Instances.
arn (string) --
The ARN of a Job.
creationDateTime (string) --
The date and time of when the Job was created.
endDateTime (string) --
The date and time of when the Job ended.
initiatedBy (string) --
A string representing who initiated the Job.
jobID (string) --
The ID of the Job.
participatingResources (list) --
A list of resources that the Job is acting upon.
(dict) --
Represents a resource participating in an asynchronous Job.
launchStatus (string) --
The launch status of a participating resource.
participatingResourceID (dict) --
The ID of a participating resource.
sourceNetworkID (string) --
Source Network ID.
participatingServers (list) --
A list of servers that the Job is acting upon.
(dict) --
Represents a server participating in an asynchronous Job.
launchActionsStatus (dict) --
The post-launch action runs of a participating server.
runs (list) --
List of post launch action status.
(dict) --
Launch action run.
action (dict) --
actionCode (string) --
Launch action code.
actionId (string) --
Launch action Id.
actionVersion (string) --
Launch action version.
active (boolean) --
Whether the launch action is active.
category (string) --
Launch action category.
description (string) --
Launch action description.
name (string) --
Launch action name.
optional (boolean) --
Whether the launch will not be marked as failed if this action fails.
order (integer) --
Launch action order.
parameters (dict) --
Launch action parameters.
(string) --
(dict) --
Launch action parameter.
type (string) --
value (string) --
type (string) --
Launch action type.
failureReason (string) --
Failure reason.
runId (string) --
Run Id.
status (string) --
Run status.
ssmAgentDiscoveryDatetime (string) --
Time where the AWS Systems Manager was detected as running on the launched instance.
launchStatus (string) --
The launch status of a participating server.
recoveryInstanceID (string) --
The Recovery Instance ID of a participating server.
sourceServerID (string) --
The Source Server ID of a participating server.
status (string) --
The status of the Job.
tags (dict) --
A list of tags associated with the Job.
(string) --
(string) --
type (string) --
The type of the Job.
{'postLaunchEnabled': 'boolean'}
Updates a LaunchConfiguration by Source Server ID.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.update_launch_configuration( copyPrivateIp=True|False, copyTags=True|False, launchDisposition='STOPPED'|'STARTED', licensing={ 'osByol': True|False }, name='string', postLaunchEnabled=True|False, sourceServerID='string', targetInstanceTypeRightSizingMethod='NONE'|'BASIC'|'IN_AWS' )
Whether we should copy the Private IP of the Source Server to the Recovery Instance.
Whether we want to copy the tags of the Source Server to the EC2 machine of the Recovery Instance.
The state of the Recovery Instance in EC2 after the recovery operation.
The licensing configuration to be used for this launch configuration.
osByol (boolean) --
Whether to enable "Bring your own license" or not.
The name of the launch configuration.
Whether we want to enable post-launch actions for the Source Server.
The ID of the Source Server that we want to retrieve a Launch Configuration for.
Whether Elastic Disaster Recovery should try to automatically choose the instance type that best matches the OS, CPU, and RAM of your Source Server.
Response Syntax
{ 'copyPrivateIp': True|False, 'copyTags': True|False, 'ec2LaunchTemplateID': 'string', 'launchDisposition': 'STOPPED'|'STARTED', 'licensing': { 'osByol': True|False }, 'name': 'string', 'postLaunchEnabled': True|False, 'sourceServerID': 'string', 'targetInstanceTypeRightSizingMethod': 'NONE'|'BASIC'|'IN_AWS' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
copyPrivateIp (boolean) --
Whether we should copy the Private IP of the Source Server to the Recovery Instance.
copyTags (boolean) --
Whether we want to copy the tags of the Source Server to the EC2 machine of the Recovery Instance.
ec2LaunchTemplateID (string) --
The EC2 launch template ID of this launch configuration.
launchDisposition (string) --
The state of the Recovery Instance in EC2 after the recovery operation.
licensing (dict) --
The licensing configuration to be used for this launch configuration.
osByol (boolean) --
Whether to enable "Bring your own license" or not.
name (string) --
The name of the launch configuration.
postLaunchEnabled (boolean) --
Whether we want to activate post-launch actions for the Source Server.
sourceServerID (string) --
The ID of the Source Server for this launch configuration.
targetInstanceTypeRightSizingMethod (string) --
Whether Elastic Disaster Recovery should try to automatically choose the instance type that best matches the OS, CPU, and RAM of your Source Server.
{'postLaunchEnabled': 'boolean'}Response
{'launchConfigurationTemplate': {'postLaunchEnabled': 'boolean'}}
Updates an existing Launch Configuration Template by ID.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.update_launch_configuration_template( copyPrivateIp=True|False, copyTags=True|False, exportBucketArn='string', launchConfigurationTemplateID='string', launchDisposition='STOPPED'|'STARTED', licensing={ 'osByol': True|False }, postLaunchEnabled=True|False, targetInstanceTypeRightSizingMethod='NONE'|'BASIC'|'IN_AWS' )
Copy private IP.
Copy tags.
S3 bucket ARN to export Source Network templates.
Launch Configuration Template ID.
Launch disposition.
osByol (boolean) --
Whether to enable "Bring your own license" or not.
Whether we want to activate post-launch actions.
Target instance type right-sizing method.
Response Syntax
{ 'launchConfigurationTemplate': { 'arn': 'string', 'copyPrivateIp': True|False, 'copyTags': True|False, 'exportBucketArn': 'string', 'launchConfigurationTemplateID': 'string', 'launchDisposition': 'STOPPED'|'STARTED', 'licensing': { 'osByol': True|False }, 'postLaunchEnabled': True|False, 'tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'targetInstanceTypeRightSizingMethod': 'NONE'|'BASIC'|'IN_AWS' } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
launchConfigurationTemplate (dict) --
Updated Launch Configuration Template.
arn (string) --
ARN of the Launch Configuration Template.
copyPrivateIp (boolean) --
Copy private IP.
copyTags (boolean) --
Copy tags.
exportBucketArn (string) --
S3 bucket ARN to export Source Network templates.
launchConfigurationTemplateID (string) --
ID of the Launch Configuration Template.
launchDisposition (string) --
Launch disposition.
licensing (dict) --
osByol (boolean) --
Whether to enable "Bring your own license" or not.
postLaunchEnabled (boolean) --
Post-launch actions activated.
tags (dict) --
Tags of the Launch Configuration Template.
(string) --
(string) --
targetInstanceTypeRightSizingMethod (string) --
Target instance type right-sizing method.