Amazon Relational Database Service

2019/07/01 - Amazon Relational Database Service - 1 updated api methods

Changes  Update rds client to latest version

ModifyDBCluster (updated) Link ΒΆ
Changes (request)
{'AllowMajorVersionUpgrade': 'boolean',
 'DBInstanceParameterGroupName': 'string'}

Modify a setting for an Amazon Aurora DB cluster. You can change one or more database configuration parameters by specifying these parameters and the new values in the request. For more information on Amazon Aurora, see What Is Amazon Aurora? in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.


This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'EnableLogTypes': [
        'DisableLogTypes': [
        'MinCapacity': 123,
        'MaxCapacity': 123,
        'AutoPause': True|False,
        'SecondsUntilAutoPause': 123,
        'TimeoutAction': 'string'
type DBClusterIdentifier


param DBClusterIdentifier


The DB cluster identifier for the cluster being modified. This parameter is not case-sensitive.

Constraints: This identifier must match the identifier of an existing DB cluster.

type NewDBClusterIdentifier


param NewDBClusterIdentifier

The new DB cluster identifier for the DB cluster when renaming a DB cluster. This value is stored as a lowercase string.


  • Must contain from 1 to 63 letters, numbers, or hyphens

  • The first character must be a letter

  • Can't end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens

Example: my-cluster2

type ApplyImmediately


param ApplyImmediately

A value that indicates whether the modifications in this request and any pending modifications are asynchronously applied as soon as possible, regardless of the PreferredMaintenanceWindow setting for the DB cluster. If this parameter is disabled, changes to the DB cluster are applied during the next maintenance window.

The ApplyImmediately parameter only affects the EnableIAMDatabaseAuthentication , MasterUserPassword , and NewDBClusterIdentifier values. If the ApplyImmediately parameter is disabled, then changes to the EnableIAMDatabaseAuthentication , MasterUserPassword , and NewDBClusterIdentifier values are applied during the next maintenance window. All other changes are applied immediately, regardless of the value of the ApplyImmediately parameter.

By default, this parameter is disabled.

type BackupRetentionPeriod


param BackupRetentionPeriod

The number of days for which automated backups are retained. You must specify a minimum value of 1.

Default: 1


  • Must be a value from 1 to 35

type DBClusterParameterGroupName


param DBClusterParameterGroupName

The name of the DB cluster parameter group to use for the DB cluster.

type VpcSecurityGroupIds


param VpcSecurityGroupIds

A list of VPC security groups that the DB cluster will belong to.

  • (string) --

type Port


param Port

The port number on which the DB cluster accepts connections.

Constraints: Value must be 1150-65535

Default: The same port as the original DB cluster.

type MasterUserPassword


param MasterUserPassword

The new password for the master database user. This password can contain any printable ASCII character except "/", """, or "@".

Constraints: Must contain from 8 to 41 characters.

type OptionGroupName


param OptionGroupName

A value that indicates that the DB cluster should be associated with the specified option group. Changing this parameter doesn't result in an outage except in the following case, and the change is applied during the next maintenance window unless the ApplyImmediately is enabled for this request. If the parameter change results in an option group that enables OEM, this change can cause a brief (sub-second) period during which new connections are rejected but existing connections are not interrupted.

Permanent options can't be removed from an option group. The option group can't be removed from a DB cluster once it is associated with a DB cluster.

type PreferredBackupWindow


param PreferredBackupWindow

The daily time range during which automated backups are created if automated backups are enabled, using the BackupRetentionPeriod parameter.

The default is a 30-minute window selected at random from an 8-hour block of time for each AWS Region. To see the time blocks available, see Adjusting the Preferred DB Cluster Maintenance Window in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.


  • Must be in the format hh24:mi-hh24:mi .

  • Must be in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

  • Must not conflict with the preferred maintenance window.

  • Must be at least 30 minutes.

type PreferredMaintenanceWindow


param PreferredMaintenanceWindow

The weekly time range during which system maintenance can occur, in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

Format: ddd:hh24:mi-ddd:hh24:mi

The default is a 30-minute window selected at random from an 8-hour block of time for each AWS Region, occurring on a random day of the week. To see the time blocks available, see Adjusting the Preferred DB Cluster Maintenance Window in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.

Valid Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun.

Constraints: Minimum 30-minute window.

type EnableIAMDatabaseAuthentication


param EnableIAMDatabaseAuthentication

A value that indicates whether to enable mapping of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) accounts to database accounts. By default, mapping is disabled.

type BacktrackWindow


param BacktrackWindow

The target backtrack window, in seconds. To disable backtracking, set this value to 0.

Default: 0


  • If specified, this value must be set to a number from 0 to 259,200 (72 hours).

type CloudwatchLogsExportConfiguration


param CloudwatchLogsExportConfiguration

The configuration setting for the log types to be enabled for export to CloudWatch Logs for a specific DB cluster.

  • EnableLogTypes (list) --

    The list of log types to enable.

    • (string) --

  • DisableLogTypes (list) --

    The list of log types to disable.

    • (string) --

type EngineVersion


param EngineVersion

The version number of the database engine to which you want to upgrade. Changing this parameter results in an outage. The change is applied during the next maintenance window unless ApplyImmediately is enabled.

For a list of valid engine versions, use DescribeDBEngineVersions.

type AllowMajorVersionUpgrade


param AllowMajorVersionUpgrade

A value that indicates whether major version upgrades are allowed.

Constraints: You must allow major version upgrades when specifying a value for the EngineVersion parameter that is a different major version than the DB cluster's current version.

type DBInstanceParameterGroupName


param DBInstanceParameterGroupName

The name of the DB parameter group to apply to all instances of the DB cluster.


When you apply a parameter group using the DBInstanceParameterGroupName parameter, the DB cluster isn't rebooted automatically. Also, parameter changes aren't applied during the next maintenance window but instead are applied immediately.

Default: The existing name setting


  • The DB parameter group must be in the same DB parameter group family as this DB cluster.

  • The DBInstanceParameterGroupName parameter is only valid in combination with the AllowMajorVersionUpgrade parameter.

type ScalingConfiguration


param ScalingConfiguration

The scaling properties of the DB cluster. You can only modify scaling properties for DB clusters in serverless DB engine mode.

  • MinCapacity (integer) --

    The minimum capacity for an Aurora DB cluster in serverless DB engine mode.

    Valid capacity values are 1 , 2 , 4 , 8 , 16 , 32 , 64 , 128 , and 256 .

    The minimum capacity must be less than or equal to the maximum capacity.

  • MaxCapacity (integer) --

    The maximum capacity for an Aurora DB cluster in serverless DB engine mode.

    Valid capacity values are 1 , 2 , 4 , 8 , 16 , 32 , 64 , 128 , and 256 .

    The maximum capacity must be greater than or equal to the minimum capacity.

  • AutoPause (boolean) --

    A value that indicates whether to allow or disallow automatic pause for an Aurora DB cluster in serverless DB engine mode. A DB cluster can be paused only when it's idle (it has no connections).


    If a DB cluster is paused for more than seven days, the DB cluster might be backed up with a snapshot. In this case, the DB cluster is restored when there is a request to connect to it.

  • SecondsUntilAutoPause (integer) --

    The time, in seconds, before an Aurora DB cluster in serverless mode is paused.

  • TimeoutAction (string) --

    The action to take when the timeout is reached, either ForceApplyCapacityChange or RollbackCapacityChange .

    ForceApplyCapacityChange sets the capacity to the specified value as soon as possible.

    RollbackCapacityChange , the default, ignores the capacity change if a scaling point is not found in the timeout period.


    If you specify ForceApplyCapacityChange , connections that prevent Aurora Serverless from finding a scaling point might be dropped.

    For more information, see Autoscaling for Aurora Serverless in the Amazon Aurora User Guide .

type DeletionProtection


param DeletionProtection

A value that indicates whether the DB cluster has deletion protection enabled. The database can't be deleted when deletion protection is enabled. By default, deletion protection is disabled.

type EnableHttpEndpoint


param EnableHttpEndpoint

A value that indicates whether to enable the HTTP endpoint for an Aurora Serverless DB cluster. By default, the HTTP endpoint is disabled.

When enabled, the HTTP endpoint provides a connectionless web service API for running SQL queries on the Aurora Serverless DB cluster. You can also query your database from inside the RDS console with the query editor.

For more information, see Using the Data API for Aurora Serverless in the Amazon Aurora User Guide .

type CopyTagsToSnapshot


param CopyTagsToSnapshot

A value that indicates whether to copy all tags from the DB cluster to snapshots of the DB cluster. The default is not to copy them.




Response Syntax

    'DBCluster': {
        'AllocatedStorage': 123,
        'AvailabilityZones': [
        'BackupRetentionPeriod': 123,
        'CharacterSetName': 'string',
        'DatabaseName': 'string',
        'DBClusterIdentifier': 'string',
        'DBClusterParameterGroup': 'string',
        'DBSubnetGroup': 'string',
        'Status': 'string',
        'PercentProgress': 'string',
        'EarliestRestorableTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'Endpoint': 'string',
        'ReaderEndpoint': 'string',
        'CustomEndpoints': [
        'MultiAZ': True|False,
        'Engine': 'string',
        'EngineVersion': 'string',
        'LatestRestorableTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'Port': 123,
        'MasterUsername': 'string',
        'DBClusterOptionGroupMemberships': [
                'DBClusterOptionGroupName': 'string',
                'Status': 'string'
        'PreferredBackupWindow': 'string',
        'PreferredMaintenanceWindow': 'string',
        'ReplicationSourceIdentifier': 'string',
        'ReadReplicaIdentifiers': [
        'DBClusterMembers': [
                'DBInstanceIdentifier': 'string',
                'IsClusterWriter': True|False,
                'DBClusterParameterGroupStatus': 'string',
                'PromotionTier': 123
        'VpcSecurityGroups': [
                'VpcSecurityGroupId': 'string',
                'Status': 'string'
        'HostedZoneId': 'string',
        'StorageEncrypted': True|False,
        'KmsKeyId': 'string',
        'DbClusterResourceId': 'string',
        'DBClusterArn': 'string',
        'AssociatedRoles': [
                'RoleArn': 'string',
                'Status': 'string',
                'FeatureName': 'string'
        'IAMDatabaseAuthenticationEnabled': True|False,
        'CloneGroupId': 'string',
        'ClusterCreateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'EarliestBacktrackTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'BacktrackWindow': 123,
        'BacktrackConsumedChangeRecords': 123,
        'EnabledCloudwatchLogsExports': [
        'Capacity': 123,
        'EngineMode': 'string',
        'ScalingConfigurationInfo': {
            'MinCapacity': 123,
            'MaxCapacity': 123,
            'AutoPause': True|False,
            'SecondsUntilAutoPause': 123,
            'TimeoutAction': 'string'
        'DeletionProtection': True|False,
        'HttpEndpointEnabled': True|False,
        'ActivityStreamMode': 'sync'|'async',
        'ActivityStreamStatus': 'stopped'|'starting'|'started'|'stopping',
        'ActivityStreamKmsKeyId': 'string',
        'ActivityStreamKinesisStreamName': 'string',
        'CopyTagsToSnapshot': True|False

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • DBCluster (dict) --

      Contains the details of an Amazon Aurora DB cluster.

      This data type is used as a response element in the DescribeDBClusters , StopDBCluster , and StartDBCluster actions.

      • AllocatedStorage (integer) --

        For all database engines except Amazon Aurora, AllocatedStorage specifies the allocated storage size in gibibytes (GiB). For Aurora, AllocatedStorage always returns 1, because Aurora DB cluster storage size is not fixed, but instead automatically adjusts as needed.

      • AvailabilityZones (list) --

        Provides the list of Availability Zones (AZs) where instances in the DB cluster can be created.

        • (string) --

      • BackupRetentionPeriod (integer) --

        Specifies the number of days for which automatic DB snapshots are retained.

      • CharacterSetName (string) --

        If present, specifies the name of the character set that this cluster is associated with.

      • DatabaseName (string) --

        Contains the name of the initial database of this DB cluster that was provided at create time, if one was specified when the DB cluster was created. This same name is returned for the life of the DB cluster.

      • DBClusterIdentifier (string) --

        Contains a user-supplied DB cluster identifier. This identifier is the unique key that identifies a DB cluster.

      • DBClusterParameterGroup (string) --

        Specifies the name of the DB cluster parameter group for the DB cluster.

      • DBSubnetGroup (string) --

        Specifies information on the subnet group associated with the DB cluster, including the name, description, and subnets in the subnet group.

      • Status (string) --

        Specifies the current state of this DB cluster.

      • PercentProgress (string) --

        Specifies the progress of the operation as a percentage.

      • EarliestRestorableTime (datetime) --

        The earliest time to which a database can be restored with point-in-time restore.

      • Endpoint (string) --

        Specifies the connection endpoint for the primary instance of the DB cluster.

      • ReaderEndpoint (string) --

        The reader endpoint for the DB cluster. The reader endpoint for a DB cluster load-balances connections across the Aurora Replicas that are available in a DB cluster. As clients request new connections to the reader endpoint, Aurora distributes the connection requests among the Aurora Replicas in the DB cluster. This functionality can help balance your read workload across multiple Aurora Replicas in your DB cluster.

        If a failover occurs, and the Aurora Replica that you are connected to is promoted to be the primary instance, your connection is dropped. To continue sending your read workload to other Aurora Replicas in the cluster, you can then reconnect to the reader endpoint.

      • CustomEndpoints (list) --

        Identifies all custom endpoints associated with the cluster.

        • (string) --

      • MultiAZ (boolean) --

        Specifies whether the DB cluster has instances in multiple Availability Zones.

      • Engine (string) --

        Provides the name of the database engine to be used for this DB cluster.

      • EngineVersion (string) --

        Indicates the database engine version.

      • LatestRestorableTime (datetime) --

        Specifies the latest time to which a database can be restored with point-in-time restore.

      • Port (integer) --

        Specifies the port that the database engine is listening on.

      • MasterUsername (string) --

        Contains the master username for the DB cluster.

      • DBClusterOptionGroupMemberships (list) --

        Provides the list of option group memberships for this DB cluster.

        • (dict) --

          Contains status information for a DB cluster option group.

          • DBClusterOptionGroupName (string) --

            Specifies the name of the DB cluster option group.

          • Status (string) --

            Specifies the status of the DB cluster option group.

      • PreferredBackupWindow (string) --

        Specifies the daily time range during which automated backups are created if automated backups are enabled, as determined by the BackupRetentionPeriod .

      • PreferredMaintenanceWindow (string) --

        Specifies the weekly time range during which system maintenance can occur, in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

      • ReplicationSourceIdentifier (string) --

        Contains the identifier of the source DB cluster if this DB cluster is a Read Replica.

      • ReadReplicaIdentifiers (list) --

        Contains one or more identifiers of the Read Replicas associated with this DB cluster.

        • (string) --

      • DBClusterMembers (list) --

        Provides the list of instances that make up the DB cluster.

        • (dict) --

          Contains information about an instance that is part of a DB cluster.

          • DBInstanceIdentifier (string) --

            Specifies the instance identifier for this member of the DB cluster.

          • IsClusterWriter (boolean) --

            A value that indicates whehter the cluster member is the primary instance for the DB cluster.

          • DBClusterParameterGroupStatus (string) --

            Specifies the status of the DB cluster parameter group for this member of the DB cluster.

          • PromotionTier (integer) --

            A value that specifies the order in which an Aurora Replica is promoted to the primary instance after a failure of the existing primary instance. For more information, see Fault Tolerance for an Aurora DB Cluster in the Amazon Aurora User Guide .

      • VpcSecurityGroups (list) --

        Provides a list of VPC security groups that the DB cluster belongs to.

        • (dict) --

          This data type is used as a response element for queries on VPC security group membership.

          • VpcSecurityGroupId (string) --

            The name of the VPC security group.

          • Status (string) --

            The status of the VPC security group.

      • HostedZoneId (string) --

        Specifies the ID that Amazon Route 53 assigns when you create a hosted zone.

      • StorageEncrypted (boolean) --

        Specifies whether the DB cluster is encrypted.

      • KmsKeyId (string) --

        If StorageEncrypted is enabled, the AWS KMS key identifier for the encrypted DB cluster.

      • DbClusterResourceId (string) --

        The AWS Region-unique, immutable identifier for the DB cluster. This identifier is found in AWS CloudTrail log entries whenever the AWS KMS key for the DB cluster is accessed.

      • DBClusterArn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the DB cluster.

      • AssociatedRoles (list) --

        Provides a list of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles that are associated with the DB cluster. IAM roles that are associated with a DB cluster grant permission for the DB cluster to access other AWS services on your behalf.

        • (dict) --

          Describes an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that is associated with a DB cluster.

          • RoleArn (string) --

            The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that is associated with the DB cluster.

          • Status (string) --

            Describes the state of association between the IAM role and the DB cluster. The Status property returns one of the following values:

            • ACTIVE - the IAM role ARN is associated with the DB cluster and can be used to access other AWS services on your behalf.

            • PENDING - the IAM role ARN is being associated with the DB cluster.

            • INVALID - the IAM role ARN is associated with the DB cluster, but the DB cluster is unable to assume the IAM role in order to access other AWS services on your behalf.

          • FeatureName (string) --

            The name of the feature associated with the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role. For the list of supported feature names, see DBEngineVersion.

      • IAMDatabaseAuthenticationEnabled (boolean) --

        A value that indicates whether the mapping of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) accounts to database accounts is enabled.

      • CloneGroupId (string) --

        Identifies the clone group to which the DB cluster is associated.

      • ClusterCreateTime (datetime) --

        Specifies the time when the DB cluster was created, in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

      • EarliestBacktrackTime (datetime) --

        The earliest time to which a DB cluster can be backtracked.

      • BacktrackWindow (integer) --

        The target backtrack window, in seconds. If this value is set to 0, backtracking is disabled for the DB cluster. Otherwise, backtracking is enabled.

      • BacktrackConsumedChangeRecords (integer) --

        The number of change records stored for Backtrack.

      • EnabledCloudwatchLogsExports (list) --

        A list of log types that this DB cluster is configured to export to CloudWatch Logs.

        Log types vary by DB engine. For information about the log types for each DB engine, see Amazon RDS Database Log Files in the Amazon Aurora User Guide.

        • (string) --

      • Capacity (integer) --

        The current capacity of an Aurora Serverless DB cluster. The capacity is 0 (zero) when the cluster is paused.

        For more information about Aurora Serverless, see Using Amazon Aurora Serverless in the Amazon Aurora User Guide .

      • EngineMode (string) --

        The DB engine mode of the DB cluster, either provisioned , serverless , or parallelquery .

      • ScalingConfigurationInfo (dict) --

        Shows the scaling configuration for an Aurora DB cluster in serverless DB engine mode.

        For more information, see Using Amazon Aurora Serverless in the Amazon Aurora User Guide .

        • MinCapacity (integer) --

          The maximum capacity for the Aurora DB cluster in serverless DB engine mode.

        • MaxCapacity (integer) --

          The maximum capacity for an Aurora DB cluster in serverless DB engine mode.

        • AutoPause (boolean) --

          A value that indicates whether automatic pause is allowed for the Aurora DB cluster in serverless DB engine mode.

          When the value is set to false for an Aurora Serverless DB cluster, the DB cluster automatically resumes.

        • SecondsUntilAutoPause (integer) --

          The remaining amount of time, in seconds, before the Aurora DB cluster in serverless mode is paused. A DB cluster can be paused only when it's idle (it has no connections).

        • TimeoutAction (string) --

          The timeout action of a call to ModifyCurrentDBClusterCapacity , either ForceApplyCapacityChange or RollbackCapacityChange .

      • DeletionProtection (boolean) --

        Indicates if the DB cluster has deletion protection enabled. The database can't be deleted when deletion protection is enabled.

      • HttpEndpointEnabled (boolean) --

        A value that indicates whether the HTTP endpoint for an Aurora Serverless DB cluster is enabled.

        When enabled, the HTTP endpoint provides a connectionless web service API for running SQL queries on the Aurora Serverless DB cluster. You can also query your database from inside the RDS console with the query editor.

        For more information, see Using the Data API for Aurora Serverless in the Amazon Aurora User Guide .

      • ActivityStreamMode (string) --

        The mode of the database activity stream. Database events such as a change or access generate an activity stream event. The database session can handle these events either synchronously or asynchronously.

      • ActivityStreamStatus (string) --

        The status of the database activity stream.

      • ActivityStreamKmsKeyId (string) --

        The AWS KMS key identifier used for encrypting messages in the database activity stream.

      • ActivityStreamKinesisStreamName (string) --

        The name of the Amazon Kinesis data stream used for the database activity stream.

      • CopyTagsToSnapshot (boolean) --

        Specifies whether tags are copied from the DB cluster to snapshots of the DB cluster.