Amazon QuickSight

2020/11/24 - Amazon QuickSight - 1 updated api methods

Changes  Update quicksight client to latest version

GetDashboardEmbedUrl (updated) Link ¶
Changes (request)
{'AdditionalDashboardIds': ['string'],
 'IdentityType': {'ANONYMOUS'},
 'Namespace': 'string'}

Generates a session URL and authorization code that you can use to embed an Amazon QuickSight read-only dashboard in your web server code. Before you use this command, make sure that you have configured the dashboards and permissions.

Currently, you can use GetDashboardEmbedURL only from the server, not from the user's browser. The following rules apply to the combination of URL and authorization code:

  • They must be used together.

  • They can be used one time only.

  • They are valid for 5 minutes after you run this command.

  • The resulting user session is valid for 10 hours.

For more information, see Embedding Amazon QuickSight in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide .

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type AwsAccountId


param AwsAccountId


The ID for the AWS account that contains the dashboard that you're embedding.

type DashboardId


param DashboardId


The ID for the dashboard, also added to the IAM policy.

type IdentityType


param IdentityType


The authentication method that the user uses to sign in.

type SessionLifetimeInMinutes


param SessionLifetimeInMinutes

How many minutes the session is valid. The session lifetime must be 15-600 minutes.

type UndoRedoDisabled


param UndoRedoDisabled

Remove the undo/redo button on the embedded dashboard. The default is FALSE, which enables the undo/redo button.

type ResetDisabled


param ResetDisabled

Remove the reset button on the embedded dashboard. The default is FALSE, which enables the reset button.

type StatePersistenceEnabled


param StatePersistenceEnabled

Adds persistence of state for the user session in an embedded dashboard. Persistence applies to the sheet and the parameter settings. These are control settings that the dashboard subscriber (QuickSight reader) chooses while viewing the dashboard. If this is set to TRUE , the settings are the same when the the subscriber reopens the same dashboard URL. The state is stored in QuickSight, not in a browser cookie. If this is set to FALSE, the state of the user session is not persisted. The default is FALSE .

type UserArn


param UserArn

The Amazon QuickSight user's Amazon Resource Name (ARN), for use with QUICKSIGHT identity type. You can use this for any Amazon QuickSight users in your account (readers, authors, or admins) authenticated as one of the following:

  • Active Directory (AD) users or group members

  • Invited nonfederated users

  • IAM users and IAM role-based sessions authenticated through Federated Single Sign-On using SAML, OpenID Connect, or IAM federation.

Omit this parameter for users in the third group – IAM users and IAM role-based sessions.

type Namespace


param Namespace

The QuickSight namespace that contains the dashboard IDs in this request. If you're not using a custom namespace, set this to " default ".

type AdditionalDashboardIds


param AdditionalDashboardIds

A list of one or more dashboard ids that you want to add to a session that includes anonymous authorizations. IdentityType must be set to ANONYMOUS for this to work, because other other identity types authenticate as QuickSight users. For example, if you set " --dashboard-id dash_id1 --dashboard-id dash_id2 dash_id3 identity-type ANONYMOUS ", the session can access all three dashboards.

  • (string) --




Response Syntax

    'EmbedUrl': 'string',
    'Status': 123,
    'RequestId': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    Output returned from the GetDashboardEmbedUrl operation.

    • EmbedUrl (string) --

      A single-use URL that you can put into your server-side webpage to embed your dashboard. This URL is valid for 5 minutes. The API operation provides the URL with an auth_code value that enables one (and only one) sign-on to a user session that is valid for 10 hours.

    • Status (integer) --

      The HTTP status of the request.

    • RequestId (string) --

      The AWS request ID for this operation.