2023/11/27 - AWS Free Tier - 1 new api methods
Changes This is the initial SDK release for the AWS Free Tier GetFreeTierUsage API
Returns a list of all Free Tier usage objects that match your filters.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_free_tier_usage( filter={ 'And': [ {'... recursive ...'}, ], 'Dimensions': { 'Key': 'SERVICE'|'OPERATION'|'USAGE_TYPE'|'REGION'|'FREE_TIER_TYPE'|'DESCRIPTION'|'USAGE_PERCENTAGE', 'MatchOptions': [ 'EQUALS'|'STARTS_WITH'|'ENDS_WITH'|'CONTAINS'|'GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL', ], 'Values': [ 'string', ] }, 'Not': {'... recursive ...'}, 'Or': [ {'... recursive ...'}, ] }, maxResults=123, nextToken='string' )
An expression that specifies the conditions that you want each FreeTierUsage object to meet.
And (list) --
Return results that match all Expressions that you specified in the array.
(dict) --
Use Expression to filter in the GetFreeTierUsage API operation.
You can use the following patterns:
Simple dimension values ( Dimensions root operator)
Complex expressions with logical operators ( AND, NOT, and OR root operators).
For simple dimension values, you can set the dimension name, values, and match type for the filters that you plan to use.
Example for simple dimension values
You can filter to match exactly for REGION==us-east-1 OR REGION==us-west-1.
The corresponding Expression appears like the following: { "Dimensions": { "Key": "REGION", "Values": [ "us-east-1", "us-west-1" ], "MatchOptions": ["EQUALS"] } }
As shown in the previous example, lists of dimension values are combined with OR when you apply the filter.
For complex expressions with logical operators, you can have nested expressions to use the logical operators and specify advanced filtering.
Example for complex expressions with logical operators
You can filter by ((REGION == us-east-1 OR REGION == us-west-1) OR (SERVICE CONTAINS AWSLambda)) AND (USAGE_TYPE !CONTAINS DataTransfer).
The corresponding Expression appears like the following: { "And": [ {"Or": [ {"Dimensions": { "Key": "REGION", "Values": [ "us-east-1", "us-west-1" ], "MatchOptions": ["EQUALS"] }}, {"Dimensions": { "Key": "SERVICE", "Values": ["AWSLambda"], "MatchOptions": ["CONTAINS"] } } ]}, {"Not": {"Dimensions": { "Key": "USAGE_TYPE", "Values": ["DataTransfer"], "MatchOptions": ["CONTAINS"] }}} ] }
In the following Contents, you must specify exactly one of the following root operators.
Dimensions (dict) --
The specific dimension, values, and match type to filter objects with.
Key (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the dimension that you want to filter on.
MatchOptions (list) -- [REQUIRED]
The match options that you can use to filter your results. You can specify only one of these values in the array.
(string) --
Values (list) -- [REQUIRED]
The metadata values you can specify to filter upon, so that the results all match at least one of the specified values.
(string) --
Not (dict) --
Return results that don’t match the Expression that you specified.
Or (list) --
Return results that match any of the Expressions that you specified. in the array.
(dict) --
Use Expression to filter in the GetFreeTierUsage API operation.
You can use the following patterns:
Simple dimension values ( Dimensions root operator)
Complex expressions with logical operators ( AND, NOT, and OR root operators).
For simple dimension values, you can set the dimension name, values, and match type for the filters that you plan to use.
Example for simple dimension values
You can filter to match exactly for REGION==us-east-1 OR REGION==us-west-1.
The corresponding Expression appears like the following: { "Dimensions": { "Key": "REGION", "Values": [ "us-east-1", "us-west-1" ], "MatchOptions": ["EQUALS"] } }
As shown in the previous example, lists of dimension values are combined with OR when you apply the filter.
For complex expressions with logical operators, you can have nested expressions to use the logical operators and specify advanced filtering.
Example for complex expressions with logical operators
You can filter by ((REGION == us-east-1 OR REGION == us-west-1) OR (SERVICE CONTAINS AWSLambda)) AND (USAGE_TYPE !CONTAINS DataTransfer).
The corresponding Expression appears like the following: { "And": [ {"Or": [ {"Dimensions": { "Key": "REGION", "Values": [ "us-east-1", "us-west-1" ], "MatchOptions": ["EQUALS"] }}, {"Dimensions": { "Key": "SERVICE", "Values": ["AWSLambda"], "MatchOptions": ["CONTAINS"] } } ]}, {"Not": {"Dimensions": { "Key": "USAGE_TYPE", "Values": ["DataTransfer"], "MatchOptions": ["CONTAINS"] }}} ] }
In the following Contents, you must specify exactly one of the following root operators.
The maximum number of results to return in the response. MaxResults means that there can be up to the specified number of values, but there might be fewer results based on your filters.
The pagination token that indicates the next set of results to retrieve.
Response Syntax
{ 'freeTierUsages': [ { 'actualUsageAmount': 123.0, 'description': 'string', 'forecastedUsageAmount': 123.0, 'freeTierType': 'string', 'limit': 123.0, 'operation': 'string', 'region': 'string', 'service': 'string', 'unit': 'string', 'usageType': 'string' }, ], 'nextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
freeTierUsages (list) --
The list of Free Tier usage objects that meet your filter expression.
(dict) --
Consists of a Amazon Web Services Free Tier offer’s metadata and your data usage for the offer.
actualUsageAmount (float) --
Describes the actual usage accrued month-to-day (MTD) that you've used so far.
description (string) --
The description of the Free Tier offer.
forecastedUsageAmount (float) --
Describes the forecasted usage by the month that you're expected to use.
freeTierType (string) --
Describes the type of the Free Tier offer. For example, the offer can be "12 Months Free", "Always Free", and "Free Trial".
limit (float) --
Describes the maximum usage allowed in Free Tier.
operation (string) --
Describes usageType more granularly with the specific Amazon Web Service API operation. For example, this can be the RunInstances API operation for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.
region (string) --
Describes the Amazon Web Services Region for which this offer is applicable
service (string) --
The name of the Amazon Web Service providing the Free Tier offer. For example, this can be Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.
unit (string) --
Describes the unit of the usageType, such as Hrs.
usageType (string) --
Describes the usage details of the offer. For example, this might be Global-BoxUsage:freetrial.
nextToken (string) --
The pagination token that indicates the next set of results to retrieve.