2017/10/04 - Amazon Route 53 Domains - 1 new7 updated api methods
Changes Update route53domains client to latest version
Checks whether a domain name can be transferred to Amazon Route 53.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.check_domain_transferability( DomainName='string', AuthCode='string' )
The name of the domain that you want to transfer to Amazon Route 53.
Constraints: The domain name can contain only the letters a through z, the numbers 0 through 9, and hyphen (-). Internationalized Domain Names are not supported.
If the registrar for the top-level domain (TLD) requires an authorization code to transfer the domain, the code that you got from the current registrar for the domain.
Response Syntax
{ 'Transferability': { 'Transferable': 'TRANSFERABLE'|'UNTRANSFERABLE'|'DONT_KNOW' } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
The CheckDomainTransferability response includes the following elements.
Transferability (dict) --
A complex type that contains information about whether the specified domain can be transferred to Amazon Route 53.
Transferable (string) --
Whether the domain name can be transferred to Amazon Route 53.
Valid values:
The domain name can be transferred to Amazon Route 53.
The domain name can't be transferred to Amazon Route 53.
Reserved for future use.
This operation returns detailed information about a specified domain that is associated with the current AWS account. Contact information for the domain is also returned as part of the output.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_domain_detail( DomainName='string' )
The name of the domain that you want to get detailed information about.
Response Syntax
{ 'DomainName': 'string', 'Nameservers': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'GlueIps': [ 'string', ] }, ], 'AutoRenew': True|False, 'AdminContact': { 'FirstName': 'string', 'LastName': 'string', 'ContactType': 'PERSON'|'COMPANY'|'ASSOCIATION'|'PUBLIC_BODY'|'RESELLER', 'OrganizationName': 'string', 'AddressLine1': 'string', 'AddressLine2': 'string', 'City': 'string', 'State': 'string', 'CountryCode': 'AD'|'AE'|'AF'|'AG'|'AI'|'AL'|'AM'|'AN'|'AO'|'AQ'|'AR'|'AS'|'AT'|'AU'|'AW'|'AZ'|'BA'|'BB'|'BD'|'BE'|'BF'|'BG'|'BH'|'BI'|'BJ'|'BL'|'BM'|'BN'|'BO'|'BR'|'BS'|'BT'|'BW'|'BY'|'BZ'|'CA'|'CC'|'CD'|'CF'|'CG'|'CH'|'CI'|'CK'|'CL'|'CM'|'CN'|'CO'|'CR'|'CU'|'CV'|'CX'|'CY'|'CZ'|'DE'|'DJ'|'DK'|'DM'|'DO'|'DZ'|'EC'|'EE'|'EG'|'ER'|'ES'|'ET'|'FI'|'FJ'|'FK'|'FM'|'FO'|'FR'|'GA'|'GB'|'GD'|'GE'|'GH'|'GI'|'GL'|'GM'|'GN'|'GQ'|'GR'|'GT'|'GU'|'GW'|'GY'|'HK'|'HN'|'HR'|'HT'|'HU'|'ID'|'IE'|'IL'|'IM'|'IN'|'IQ'|'IR'|'IS'|'IT'|'JM'|'JO'|'JP'|'KE'|'KG'|'KH'|'KI'|'KM'|'KN'|'KP'|'KR'|'KW'|'KY'|'KZ'|'LA'|'LB'|'LC'|'LI'|'LK'|'LR'|'LS'|'LT'|'LU'|'LV'|'LY'|'MA'|'MC'|'MD'|'ME'|'MF'|'MG'|'MH'|'MK'|'ML'|'MM'|'MN'|'MO'|'MP'|'MR'|'MS'|'MT'|'MU'|'MV'|'MW'|'MX'|'MY'|'MZ'|'NA'|'NC'|'NE'|'NG'|'NI'|'NL'|'NO'|'NP'|'NR'|'NU'|'NZ'|'OM'|'PA'|'PE'|'PF'|'PG'|'PH'|'PK'|'PL'|'PM'|'PN'|'PR'|'PT'|'PW'|'PY'|'QA'|'RO'|'RS'|'RU'|'RW'|'SA'|'SB'|'SC'|'SD'|'SE'|'SG'|'SH'|'SI'|'SK'|'SL'|'SM'|'SN'|'SO'|'SR'|'ST'|'SV'|'SY'|'SZ'|'TC'|'TD'|'TG'|'TH'|'TJ'|'TK'|'TL'|'TM'|'TN'|'TO'|'TR'|'TT'|'TV'|'TW'|'TZ'|'UA'|'UG'|'US'|'UY'|'UZ'|'VA'|'VC'|'VE'|'VG'|'VI'|'VN'|'VU'|'WF'|'WS'|'YE'|'YT'|'ZA'|'ZM'|'ZW', 'ZipCode': 'string', 'PhoneNumber': 'string', 'Email': 'string', 'Fax': 'string', 'ExtraParams': [ { 'Name': 'DUNS_NUMBER'|'BRAND_NUMBER'|'BIRTH_DEPARTMENT'|'BIRTH_DATE_IN_YYYY_MM_DD'|'BIRTH_COUNTRY'|'BIRTH_CITY'|'DOCUMENT_NUMBER'|'AU_ID_NUMBER'|'AU_ID_TYPE'|'CA_LEGAL_TYPE'|'CA_BUSINESS_ENTITY_TYPE'|'ES_IDENTIFICATION'|'ES_IDENTIFICATION_TYPE'|'ES_LEGAL_FORM'|'FI_BUSINESS_NUMBER'|'FI_ID_NUMBER'|'FI_NATIONALITY'|'FI_ORGANIZATION_TYPE'|'IT_PIN'|'IT_REGISTRANT_ENTITY_TYPE'|'RU_PASSPORT_DATA'|'SE_ID_NUMBER'|'SG_ID_NUMBER'|'VAT_NUMBER'|'UK_CONTACT_TYPE'|'UK_COMPANY_NUMBER', 'Value': 'string' }, ] }, 'RegistrantContact': { 'FirstName': 'string', 'LastName': 'string', 'ContactType': 'PERSON'|'COMPANY'|'ASSOCIATION'|'PUBLIC_BODY'|'RESELLER', 'OrganizationName': 'string', 'AddressLine1': 'string', 'AddressLine2': 'string', 'City': 'string', 'State': 'string', 'CountryCode': 'AD'|'AE'|'AF'|'AG'|'AI'|'AL'|'AM'|'AN'|'AO'|'AQ'|'AR'|'AS'|'AT'|'AU'|'AW'|'AZ'|'BA'|'BB'|'BD'|'BE'|'BF'|'BG'|'BH'|'BI'|'BJ'|'BL'|'BM'|'BN'|'BO'|'BR'|'BS'|'BT'|'BW'|'BY'|'BZ'|'CA'|'CC'|'CD'|'CF'|'CG'|'CH'|'CI'|'CK'|'CL'|'CM'|'CN'|'CO'|'CR'|'CU'|'CV'|'CX'|'CY'|'CZ'|'DE'|'DJ'|'DK'|'DM'|'DO'|'DZ'|'EC'|'EE'|'EG'|'ER'|'ES'|'ET'|'FI'|'FJ'|'FK'|'FM'|'FO'|'FR'|'GA'|'GB'|'GD'|'GE'|'GH'|'GI'|'GL'|'GM'|'GN'|'GQ'|'GR'|'GT'|'GU'|'GW'|'GY'|'HK'|'HN'|'HR'|'HT'|'HU'|'ID'|'IE'|'IL'|'IM'|'IN'|'IQ'|'IR'|'IS'|'IT'|'JM'|'JO'|'JP'|'KE'|'KG'|'KH'|'KI'|'KM'|'KN'|'KP'|'KR'|'KW'|'KY'|'KZ'|'LA'|'LB'|'LC'|'LI'|'LK'|'LR'|'LS'|'LT'|'LU'|'LV'|'LY'|'MA'|'MC'|'MD'|'ME'|'MF'|'MG'|'MH'|'MK'|'ML'|'MM'|'MN'|'MO'|'MP'|'MR'|'MS'|'MT'|'MU'|'MV'|'MW'|'MX'|'MY'|'MZ'|'NA'|'NC'|'NE'|'NG'|'NI'|'NL'|'NO'|'NP'|'NR'|'NU'|'NZ'|'OM'|'PA'|'PE'|'PF'|'PG'|'PH'|'PK'|'PL'|'PM'|'PN'|'PR'|'PT'|'PW'|'PY'|'QA'|'RO'|'RS'|'RU'|'RW'|'SA'|'SB'|'SC'|'SD'|'SE'|'SG'|'SH'|'SI'|'SK'|'SL'|'SM'|'SN'|'SO'|'SR'|'ST'|'SV'|'SY'|'SZ'|'TC'|'TD'|'TG'|'TH'|'TJ'|'TK'|'TL'|'TM'|'TN'|'TO'|'TR'|'TT'|'TV'|'TW'|'TZ'|'UA'|'UG'|'US'|'UY'|'UZ'|'VA'|'VC'|'VE'|'VG'|'VI'|'VN'|'VU'|'WF'|'WS'|'YE'|'YT'|'ZA'|'ZM'|'ZW', 'ZipCode': 'string', 'PhoneNumber': 'string', 'Email': 'string', 'Fax': 'string', 'ExtraParams': [ { 'Name': 'DUNS_NUMBER'|'BRAND_NUMBER'|'BIRTH_DEPARTMENT'|'BIRTH_DATE_IN_YYYY_MM_DD'|'BIRTH_COUNTRY'|'BIRTH_CITY'|'DOCUMENT_NUMBER'|'AU_ID_NUMBER'|'AU_ID_TYPE'|'CA_LEGAL_TYPE'|'CA_BUSINESS_ENTITY_TYPE'|'ES_IDENTIFICATION'|'ES_IDENTIFICATION_TYPE'|'ES_LEGAL_FORM'|'FI_BUSINESS_NUMBER'|'FI_ID_NUMBER'|'FI_NATIONALITY'|'FI_ORGANIZATION_TYPE'|'IT_PIN'|'IT_REGISTRANT_ENTITY_TYPE'|'RU_PASSPORT_DATA'|'SE_ID_NUMBER'|'SG_ID_NUMBER'|'VAT_NUMBER'|'UK_CONTACT_TYPE'|'UK_COMPANY_NUMBER', 'Value': 'string' }, ] }, 'TechContact': { 'FirstName': 'string', 'LastName': 'string', 'ContactType': 'PERSON'|'COMPANY'|'ASSOCIATION'|'PUBLIC_BODY'|'RESELLER', 'OrganizationName': 'string', 'AddressLine1': 'string', 'AddressLine2': 'string', 'City': 'string', 'State': 'string', 'CountryCode': 'AD'|'AE'|'AF'|'AG'|'AI'|'AL'|'AM'|'AN'|'AO'|'AQ'|'AR'|'AS'|'AT'|'AU'|'AW'|'AZ'|'BA'|'BB'|'BD'|'BE'|'BF'|'BG'|'BH'|'BI'|'BJ'|'BL'|'BM'|'BN'|'BO'|'BR'|'BS'|'BT'|'BW'|'BY'|'BZ'|'CA'|'CC'|'CD'|'CF'|'CG'|'CH'|'CI'|'CK'|'CL'|'CM'|'CN'|'CO'|'CR'|'CU'|'CV'|'CX'|'CY'|'CZ'|'DE'|'DJ'|'DK'|'DM'|'DO'|'DZ'|'EC'|'EE'|'EG'|'ER'|'ES'|'ET'|'FI'|'FJ'|'FK'|'FM'|'FO'|'FR'|'GA'|'GB'|'GD'|'GE'|'GH'|'GI'|'GL'|'GM'|'GN'|'GQ'|'GR'|'GT'|'GU'|'GW'|'GY'|'HK'|'HN'|'HR'|'HT'|'HU'|'ID'|'IE'|'IL'|'IM'|'IN'|'IQ'|'IR'|'IS'|'IT'|'JM'|'JO'|'JP'|'KE'|'KG'|'KH'|'KI'|'KM'|'KN'|'KP'|'KR'|'KW'|'KY'|'KZ'|'LA'|'LB'|'LC'|'LI'|'LK'|'LR'|'LS'|'LT'|'LU'|'LV'|'LY'|'MA'|'MC'|'MD'|'ME'|'MF'|'MG'|'MH'|'MK'|'ML'|'MM'|'MN'|'MO'|'MP'|'MR'|'MS'|'MT'|'MU'|'MV'|'MW'|'MX'|'MY'|'MZ'|'NA'|'NC'|'NE'|'NG'|'NI'|'NL'|'NO'|'NP'|'NR'|'NU'|'NZ'|'OM'|'PA'|'PE'|'PF'|'PG'|'PH'|'PK'|'PL'|'PM'|'PN'|'PR'|'PT'|'PW'|'PY'|'QA'|'RO'|'RS'|'RU'|'RW'|'SA'|'SB'|'SC'|'SD'|'SE'|'SG'|'SH'|'SI'|'SK'|'SL'|'SM'|'SN'|'SO'|'SR'|'ST'|'SV'|'SY'|'SZ'|'TC'|'TD'|'TG'|'TH'|'TJ'|'TK'|'TL'|'TM'|'TN'|'TO'|'TR'|'TT'|'TV'|'TW'|'TZ'|'UA'|'UG'|'US'|'UY'|'UZ'|'VA'|'VC'|'VE'|'VG'|'VI'|'VN'|'VU'|'WF'|'WS'|'YE'|'YT'|'ZA'|'ZM'|'ZW', 'ZipCode': 'string', 'PhoneNumber': 'string', 'Email': 'string', 'Fax': 'string', 'ExtraParams': [ { 'Name': 'DUNS_NUMBER'|'BRAND_NUMBER'|'BIRTH_DEPARTMENT'|'BIRTH_DATE_IN_YYYY_MM_DD'|'BIRTH_COUNTRY'|'BIRTH_CITY'|'DOCUMENT_NUMBER'|'AU_ID_NUMBER'|'AU_ID_TYPE'|'CA_LEGAL_TYPE'|'CA_BUSINESS_ENTITY_TYPE'|'ES_IDENTIFICATION'|'ES_IDENTIFICATION_TYPE'|'ES_LEGAL_FORM'|'FI_BUSINESS_NUMBER'|'FI_ID_NUMBER'|'FI_NATIONALITY'|'FI_ORGANIZATION_TYPE'|'IT_PIN'|'IT_REGISTRANT_ENTITY_TYPE'|'RU_PASSPORT_DATA'|'SE_ID_NUMBER'|'SG_ID_NUMBER'|'VAT_NUMBER'|'UK_CONTACT_TYPE'|'UK_COMPANY_NUMBER', 'Value': 'string' }, ] }, 'AdminPrivacy': True|False, 'RegistrantPrivacy': True|False, 'TechPrivacy': True|False, 'RegistrarName': 'string', 'WhoIsServer': 'string', 'RegistrarUrl': 'string', 'AbuseContactEmail': 'string', 'AbuseContactPhone': 'string', 'RegistryDomainId': 'string', 'CreationDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'UpdatedDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'ExpirationDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'Reseller': 'string', 'DnsSec': 'string', 'StatusList': [ 'string', ] }
Response Structure
(dict) --
The GetDomainDetail response includes the following elements.
DomainName (string) --
The name of a domain.
Nameservers (list) --
The name of the domain.
(dict) --
Nameserver includes the following elements.
Name (string) --
The fully qualified host name of the name server.
Constraint: Maximum 255 characters
GlueIps (list) --
Glue IP address of a name server entry. Glue IP addresses are required only when the name of the name server is a subdomain of the domain. For example, if your domain is example.com and the name server for the domain is ns.example.com, you need to specify the IP address for ns.example.com.
Constraints: The list can contain only one IPv4 and one IPv6 address.
(string) --
AutoRenew (boolean) --
Specifies whether the domain registration is set to renew automatically.
AdminContact (dict) --
Provides details about the domain administrative contact.
FirstName (string) --
First name of contact.
LastName (string) --
Last name of contact.
ContactType (string) --
Indicates whether the contact is a person, company, association, or public organization. If you choose an option other than PERSON, you must enter an organization name, and you can't enable privacy protection for the contact.
OrganizationName (string) --
Name of the organization for contact types other than PERSON.
AddressLine1 (string) --
First line of the contact's address.
AddressLine2 (string) --
Second line of contact's address, if any.
City (string) --
The city of the contact's address.
State (string) --
The state or province of the contact's city.
CountryCode (string) --
Code for the country of the contact's address.
ZipCode (string) --
The zip or postal code of the contact's address.
PhoneNumber (string) --
The phone number of the contact.
Constraints: Phone number must be specified in the format "+[country dialing code].[number including any area code>]". For example, a US phone number might appear as "+1.1234567890".
Email (string) --
Email address of the contact.
Fax (string) --
Fax number of the contact.
Constraints: Phone number must be specified in the format "+[country dialing code].[number including any area code]". For example, a US phone number might appear as "+1.1234567890".
ExtraParams (list) --
A list of name-value pairs for parameters required by certain top-level domains.
(dict) --
ExtraParam includes the following elements.
Name (string) --
Name of the additional parameter required by the top-level domain.
Value (string) --
Values corresponding to the additional parameter names required by some top-level domains.
RegistrantContact (dict) --
Provides details about the domain registrant.
FirstName (string) --
First name of contact.
LastName (string) --
Last name of contact.
ContactType (string) --
Indicates whether the contact is a person, company, association, or public organization. If you choose an option other than PERSON, you must enter an organization name, and you can't enable privacy protection for the contact.
OrganizationName (string) --
Name of the organization for contact types other than PERSON.
AddressLine1 (string) --
First line of the contact's address.
AddressLine2 (string) --
Second line of contact's address, if any.
City (string) --
The city of the contact's address.
State (string) --
The state or province of the contact's city.
CountryCode (string) --
Code for the country of the contact's address.
ZipCode (string) --
The zip or postal code of the contact's address.
PhoneNumber (string) --
The phone number of the contact.
Constraints: Phone number must be specified in the format "+[country dialing code].[number including any area code>]". For example, a US phone number might appear as "+1.1234567890".
Email (string) --
Email address of the contact.
Fax (string) --
Fax number of the contact.
Constraints: Phone number must be specified in the format "+[country dialing code].[number including any area code]". For example, a US phone number might appear as "+1.1234567890".
ExtraParams (list) --
A list of name-value pairs for parameters required by certain top-level domains.
(dict) --
ExtraParam includes the following elements.
Name (string) --
Name of the additional parameter required by the top-level domain.
Value (string) --
Values corresponding to the additional parameter names required by some top-level domains.
TechContact (dict) --
Provides details about the domain technical contact.
FirstName (string) --
First name of contact.
LastName (string) --
Last name of contact.
ContactType (string) --
Indicates whether the contact is a person, company, association, or public organization. If you choose an option other than PERSON, you must enter an organization name, and you can't enable privacy protection for the contact.
OrganizationName (string) --
Name of the organization for contact types other than PERSON.
AddressLine1 (string) --
First line of the contact's address.
AddressLine2 (string) --
Second line of contact's address, if any.
City (string) --
The city of the contact's address.
State (string) --
The state or province of the contact's city.
CountryCode (string) --
Code for the country of the contact's address.
ZipCode (string) --
The zip or postal code of the contact's address.
PhoneNumber (string) --
The phone number of the contact.
Constraints: Phone number must be specified in the format "+[country dialing code].[number including any area code>]". For example, a US phone number might appear as "+1.1234567890".
Email (string) --
Email address of the contact.
Fax (string) --
Fax number of the contact.
Constraints: Phone number must be specified in the format "+[country dialing code].[number including any area code]". For example, a US phone number might appear as "+1.1234567890".
ExtraParams (list) --
A list of name-value pairs for parameters required by certain top-level domains.
(dict) --
ExtraParam includes the following elements.
Name (string) --
Name of the additional parameter required by the top-level domain.
Value (string) --
Values corresponding to the additional parameter names required by some top-level domains.
AdminPrivacy (boolean) --
Specifies whether contact information for the admin contact is concealed from WHOIS queries. If the value is true, WHOIS ("who is") queries will return contact information for our registrar partner, Gandi, instead of the contact information that you enter.
RegistrantPrivacy (boolean) --
Specifies whether contact information for the registrant contact is concealed from WHOIS queries. If the value is true, WHOIS ("who is") queries will return contact information for our registrar partner, Gandi, instead of the contact information that you enter.
TechPrivacy (boolean) --
Specifies whether contact information for the tech contact is concealed from WHOIS queries. If the value is true, WHOIS ("who is") queries will return contact information for our registrar partner, Gandi, instead of the contact information that you enter.
RegistrarName (string) --
Name of the registrar of the domain as identified in the registry. Amazon Route 53 domains are registered by registrar Gandi. The value is "GANDI SAS".
WhoIsServer (string) --
The fully qualified name of the WHOIS server that can answer the WHOIS query for the domain.
RegistrarUrl (string) --
Web address of the registrar.
AbuseContactEmail (string) --
Email address to contact to report incorrect contact information for a domain, to report that the domain is being used to send spam, to report that someone is cybersquatting on a domain name, or report some other type of abuse.
AbuseContactPhone (string) --
Phone number for reporting abuse.
RegistryDomainId (string) --
Reserved for future use.
CreationDate (datetime) --
The date when the domain was created as found in the response to a WHOIS query. The date format is Unix time.
UpdatedDate (datetime) --
The last updated date of the domain as found in the response to a WHOIS query. The date format is Unix time.
ExpirationDate (datetime) --
The date when the registration for the domain is set to expire. The date format is Unix time.
Reseller (string) --
Reseller of the domain. Domains registered or transferred using Amazon Route 53 domains will have "Amazon" as the reseller.
DnsSec (string) --
Reserved for future use.
StatusList (list) --
An array of domain name status codes, also known as Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) status codes.
ICANN, the organization that maintains a central database of domain names, has developed a set of domain name status codes that tell you the status of a variety of operations on a domain name, for example, registering a domain name, transferring a domain name to another registrar, renewing the registration for a domain name, and so on. All registrars use this same set of status codes.
For a current list of domain name status codes and an explanation of what each code means, go to the ICANN website and search for epp status codes. (Search on the ICANN website; web searches sometimes return an old version of the document.)
(string) --
This operation returns the current status of an operation that is not completed.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_operation_detail( OperationId='string' )
The identifier for the operation for which you want to get the status. Amazon Route 53 returned the identifier in the response to the original request.
Response Syntax
Response Structure
(dict) --
The GetOperationDetail response includes the following elements.
OperationId (string) --
The identifier for the operation.
Status (string) --
The current status of the requested operation in the system.
Message (string) --
Detailed information on the status including possible errors.
DomainName (string) --
The name of a domain.
Type (string) --
The type of operation that was requested.
SubmittedDate (datetime) --
The date when the request was submitted.
This operation returns the operation IDs of operations that are not yet complete.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.list_operations( Marker='string', MaxItems=123 )
For an initial request for a list of operations, omit this element. If the number of operations that are not yet complete is greater than the value that you specified for MaxItems, you can use Marker to return additional operations. Get the value of NextPageMarker from the previous response, and submit another request that includes the value of NextPageMarker in the Marker element.
Number of domains to be returned.
Default: 20
Response Syntax
Response Structure
(dict) --
The ListOperations response includes the following elements.
Operations (list) --
Lists summaries of the operations.
(dict) --
OperationSummary includes the following elements.
OperationId (string) --
Identifier returned to track the requested action.
Status (string) --
The current status of the requested operation in the system.
Type (string) --
Type of the action requested.
SubmittedDate (datetime) --
The date when the request was submitted.
NextPageMarker (string) --
If there are more operations than you specified for MaxItems in the request, submit another request and include the value of NextPageMarker in the value of Marker.
This operation registers a domain. Domains are registered by the AWS registrar partner, Gandi. For some top-level domains (TLDs), this operation requires extra parameters.
When you register a domain, Amazon Route 53 does the following:
Creates a Amazon Route 53 hosted zone that has the same name as the domain. Amazon Route 53 assigns four name servers to your hosted zone and automatically updates your domain registration with the names of these name servers.
Enables autorenew, so your domain registration will renew automatically each year. We'll notify you in advance of the renewal date so you can choose whether to renew the registration.
Optionally enables privacy protection, so WHOIS queries return contact information for our registrar partner, Gandi, instead of the information you entered for registrant, admin, and tech contacts.
If registration is successful, returns an operation ID that you can use to track the progress and completion of the action. If the request is not completed successfully, the domain registrant is notified by email.
Charges your AWS account an amount based on the top-level domain. For more information, see Amazon Route 53 Pricing.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.register_domain( DomainName='string', IdnLangCode='string', DurationInYears=123, AutoRenew=True|False, AdminContact={ 'FirstName': 'string', 'LastName': 'string', 'ContactType': 'PERSON'|'COMPANY'|'ASSOCIATION'|'PUBLIC_BODY'|'RESELLER', 'OrganizationName': 'string', 'AddressLine1': 'string', 'AddressLine2': 'string', 'City': 'string', 'State': 'string', 'CountryCode': 'AD'|'AE'|'AF'|'AG'|'AI'|'AL'|'AM'|'AN'|'AO'|'AQ'|'AR'|'AS'|'AT'|'AU'|'AW'|'AZ'|'BA'|'BB'|'BD'|'BE'|'BF'|'BG'|'BH'|'BI'|'BJ'|'BL'|'BM'|'BN'|'BO'|'BR'|'BS'|'BT'|'BW'|'BY'|'BZ'|'CA'|'CC'|'CD'|'CF'|'CG'|'CH'|'CI'|'CK'|'CL'|'CM'|'CN'|'CO'|'CR'|'CU'|'CV'|'CX'|'CY'|'CZ'|'DE'|'DJ'|'DK'|'DM'|'DO'|'DZ'|'EC'|'EE'|'EG'|'ER'|'ES'|'ET'|'FI'|'FJ'|'FK'|'FM'|'FO'|'FR'|'GA'|'GB'|'GD'|'GE'|'GH'|'GI'|'GL'|'GM'|'GN'|'GQ'|'GR'|'GT'|'GU'|'GW'|'GY'|'HK'|'HN'|'HR'|'HT'|'HU'|'ID'|'IE'|'IL'|'IM'|'IN'|'IQ'|'IR'|'IS'|'IT'|'JM'|'JO'|'JP'|'KE'|'KG'|'KH'|'KI'|'KM'|'KN'|'KP'|'KR'|'KW'|'KY'|'KZ'|'LA'|'LB'|'LC'|'LI'|'LK'|'LR'|'LS'|'LT'|'LU'|'LV'|'LY'|'MA'|'MC'|'MD'|'ME'|'MF'|'MG'|'MH'|'MK'|'ML'|'MM'|'MN'|'MO'|'MP'|'MR'|'MS'|'MT'|'MU'|'MV'|'MW'|'MX'|'MY'|'MZ'|'NA'|'NC'|'NE'|'NG'|'NI'|'NL'|'NO'|'NP'|'NR'|'NU'|'NZ'|'OM'|'PA'|'PE'|'PF'|'PG'|'PH'|'PK'|'PL'|'PM'|'PN'|'PR'|'PT'|'PW'|'PY'|'QA'|'RO'|'RS'|'RU'|'RW'|'SA'|'SB'|'SC'|'SD'|'SE'|'SG'|'SH'|'SI'|'SK'|'SL'|'SM'|'SN'|'SO'|'SR'|'ST'|'SV'|'SY'|'SZ'|'TC'|'TD'|'TG'|'TH'|'TJ'|'TK'|'TL'|'TM'|'TN'|'TO'|'TR'|'TT'|'TV'|'TW'|'TZ'|'UA'|'UG'|'US'|'UY'|'UZ'|'VA'|'VC'|'VE'|'VG'|'VI'|'VN'|'VU'|'WF'|'WS'|'YE'|'YT'|'ZA'|'ZM'|'ZW', 'ZipCode': 'string', 'PhoneNumber': 'string', 'Email': 'string', 'Fax': 'string', 'ExtraParams': [ { 'Name': 'DUNS_NUMBER'|'BRAND_NUMBER'|'BIRTH_DEPARTMENT'|'BIRTH_DATE_IN_YYYY_MM_DD'|'BIRTH_COUNTRY'|'BIRTH_CITY'|'DOCUMENT_NUMBER'|'AU_ID_NUMBER'|'AU_ID_TYPE'|'CA_LEGAL_TYPE'|'CA_BUSINESS_ENTITY_TYPE'|'ES_IDENTIFICATION'|'ES_IDENTIFICATION_TYPE'|'ES_LEGAL_FORM'|'FI_BUSINESS_NUMBER'|'FI_ID_NUMBER'|'FI_NATIONALITY'|'FI_ORGANIZATION_TYPE'|'IT_PIN'|'IT_REGISTRANT_ENTITY_TYPE'|'RU_PASSPORT_DATA'|'SE_ID_NUMBER'|'SG_ID_NUMBER'|'VAT_NUMBER'|'UK_CONTACT_TYPE'|'UK_COMPANY_NUMBER', 'Value': 'string' }, ] }, RegistrantContact={ 'FirstName': 'string', 'LastName': 'string', 'ContactType': 'PERSON'|'COMPANY'|'ASSOCIATION'|'PUBLIC_BODY'|'RESELLER', 'OrganizationName': 'string', 'AddressLine1': 'string', 'AddressLine2': 'string', 'City': 'string', 'State': 'string', 'CountryCode': 'AD'|'AE'|'AF'|'AG'|'AI'|'AL'|'AM'|'AN'|'AO'|'AQ'|'AR'|'AS'|'AT'|'AU'|'AW'|'AZ'|'BA'|'BB'|'BD'|'BE'|'BF'|'BG'|'BH'|'BI'|'BJ'|'BL'|'BM'|'BN'|'BO'|'BR'|'BS'|'BT'|'BW'|'BY'|'BZ'|'CA'|'CC'|'CD'|'CF'|'CG'|'CH'|'CI'|'CK'|'CL'|'CM'|'CN'|'CO'|'CR'|'CU'|'CV'|'CX'|'CY'|'CZ'|'DE'|'DJ'|'DK'|'DM'|'DO'|'DZ'|'EC'|'EE'|'EG'|'ER'|'ES'|'ET'|'FI'|'FJ'|'FK'|'FM'|'FO'|'FR'|'GA'|'GB'|'GD'|'GE'|'GH'|'GI'|'GL'|'GM'|'GN'|'GQ'|'GR'|'GT'|'GU'|'GW'|'GY'|'HK'|'HN'|'HR'|'HT'|'HU'|'ID'|'IE'|'IL'|'IM'|'IN'|'IQ'|'IR'|'IS'|'IT'|'JM'|'JO'|'JP'|'KE'|'KG'|'KH'|'KI'|'KM'|'KN'|'KP'|'KR'|'KW'|'KY'|'KZ'|'LA'|'LB'|'LC'|'LI'|'LK'|'LR'|'LS'|'LT'|'LU'|'LV'|'LY'|'MA'|'MC'|'MD'|'ME'|'MF'|'MG'|'MH'|'MK'|'ML'|'MM'|'MN'|'MO'|'MP'|'MR'|'MS'|'MT'|'MU'|'MV'|'MW'|'MX'|'MY'|'MZ'|'NA'|'NC'|'NE'|'NG'|'NI'|'NL'|'NO'|'NP'|'NR'|'NU'|'NZ'|'OM'|'PA'|'PE'|'PF'|'PG'|'PH'|'PK'|'PL'|'PM'|'PN'|'PR'|'PT'|'PW'|'PY'|'QA'|'RO'|'RS'|'RU'|'RW'|'SA'|'SB'|'SC'|'SD'|'SE'|'SG'|'SH'|'SI'|'SK'|'SL'|'SM'|'SN'|'SO'|'SR'|'ST'|'SV'|'SY'|'SZ'|'TC'|'TD'|'TG'|'TH'|'TJ'|'TK'|'TL'|'TM'|'TN'|'TO'|'TR'|'TT'|'TV'|'TW'|'TZ'|'UA'|'UG'|'US'|'UY'|'UZ'|'VA'|'VC'|'VE'|'VG'|'VI'|'VN'|'VU'|'WF'|'WS'|'YE'|'YT'|'ZA'|'ZM'|'ZW', 'ZipCode': 'string', 'PhoneNumber': 'string', 'Email': 'string', 'Fax': 'string', 'ExtraParams': [ { 'Name': 'DUNS_NUMBER'|'BRAND_NUMBER'|'BIRTH_DEPARTMENT'|'BIRTH_DATE_IN_YYYY_MM_DD'|'BIRTH_COUNTRY'|'BIRTH_CITY'|'DOCUMENT_NUMBER'|'AU_ID_NUMBER'|'AU_ID_TYPE'|'CA_LEGAL_TYPE'|'CA_BUSINESS_ENTITY_TYPE'|'ES_IDENTIFICATION'|'ES_IDENTIFICATION_TYPE'|'ES_LEGAL_FORM'|'FI_BUSINESS_NUMBER'|'FI_ID_NUMBER'|'FI_NATIONALITY'|'FI_ORGANIZATION_TYPE'|'IT_PIN'|'IT_REGISTRANT_ENTITY_TYPE'|'RU_PASSPORT_DATA'|'SE_ID_NUMBER'|'SG_ID_NUMBER'|'VAT_NUMBER'|'UK_CONTACT_TYPE'|'UK_COMPANY_NUMBER', 'Value': 'string' }, ] }, TechContact={ 'FirstName': 'string', 'LastName': 'string', 'ContactType': 'PERSON'|'COMPANY'|'ASSOCIATION'|'PUBLIC_BODY'|'RESELLER', 'OrganizationName': 'string', 'AddressLine1': 'string', 'AddressLine2': 'string', 'City': 'string', 'State': 'string', 'CountryCode': 'AD'|'AE'|'AF'|'AG'|'AI'|'AL'|'AM'|'AN'|'AO'|'AQ'|'AR'|'AS'|'AT'|'AU'|'AW'|'AZ'|'BA'|'BB'|'BD'|'BE'|'BF'|'BG'|'BH'|'BI'|'BJ'|'BL'|'BM'|'BN'|'BO'|'BR'|'BS'|'BT'|'BW'|'BY'|'BZ'|'CA'|'CC'|'CD'|'CF'|'CG'|'CH'|'CI'|'CK'|'CL'|'CM'|'CN'|'CO'|'CR'|'CU'|'CV'|'CX'|'CY'|'CZ'|'DE'|'DJ'|'DK'|'DM'|'DO'|'DZ'|'EC'|'EE'|'EG'|'ER'|'ES'|'ET'|'FI'|'FJ'|'FK'|'FM'|'FO'|'FR'|'GA'|'GB'|'GD'|'GE'|'GH'|'GI'|'GL'|'GM'|'GN'|'GQ'|'GR'|'GT'|'GU'|'GW'|'GY'|'HK'|'HN'|'HR'|'HT'|'HU'|'ID'|'IE'|'IL'|'IM'|'IN'|'IQ'|'IR'|'IS'|'IT'|'JM'|'JO'|'JP'|'KE'|'KG'|'KH'|'KI'|'KM'|'KN'|'KP'|'KR'|'KW'|'KY'|'KZ'|'LA'|'LB'|'LC'|'LI'|'LK'|'LR'|'LS'|'LT'|'LU'|'LV'|'LY'|'MA'|'MC'|'MD'|'ME'|'MF'|'MG'|'MH'|'MK'|'ML'|'MM'|'MN'|'MO'|'MP'|'MR'|'MS'|'MT'|'MU'|'MV'|'MW'|'MX'|'MY'|'MZ'|'NA'|'NC'|'NE'|'NG'|'NI'|'NL'|'NO'|'NP'|'NR'|'NU'|'NZ'|'OM'|'PA'|'PE'|'PF'|'PG'|'PH'|'PK'|'PL'|'PM'|'PN'|'PR'|'PT'|'PW'|'PY'|'QA'|'RO'|'RS'|'RU'|'RW'|'SA'|'SB'|'SC'|'SD'|'SE'|'SG'|'SH'|'SI'|'SK'|'SL'|'SM'|'SN'|'SO'|'SR'|'ST'|'SV'|'SY'|'SZ'|'TC'|'TD'|'TG'|'TH'|'TJ'|'TK'|'TL'|'TM'|'TN'|'TO'|'TR'|'TT'|'TV'|'TW'|'TZ'|'UA'|'UG'|'US'|'UY'|'UZ'|'VA'|'VC'|'VE'|'VG'|'VI'|'VN'|'VU'|'WF'|'WS'|'YE'|'YT'|'ZA'|'ZM'|'ZW', 'ZipCode': 'string', 'PhoneNumber': 'string', 'Email': 'string', 'Fax': 'string', 'ExtraParams': [ { 'Name': 'DUNS_NUMBER'|'BRAND_NUMBER'|'BIRTH_DEPARTMENT'|'BIRTH_DATE_IN_YYYY_MM_DD'|'BIRTH_COUNTRY'|'BIRTH_CITY'|'DOCUMENT_NUMBER'|'AU_ID_NUMBER'|'AU_ID_TYPE'|'CA_LEGAL_TYPE'|'CA_BUSINESS_ENTITY_TYPE'|'ES_IDENTIFICATION'|'ES_IDENTIFICATION_TYPE'|'ES_LEGAL_FORM'|'FI_BUSINESS_NUMBER'|'FI_ID_NUMBER'|'FI_NATIONALITY'|'FI_ORGANIZATION_TYPE'|'IT_PIN'|'IT_REGISTRANT_ENTITY_TYPE'|'RU_PASSPORT_DATA'|'SE_ID_NUMBER'|'SG_ID_NUMBER'|'VAT_NUMBER'|'UK_CONTACT_TYPE'|'UK_COMPANY_NUMBER', 'Value': 'string' }, ] }, PrivacyProtectAdminContact=True|False, PrivacyProtectRegistrantContact=True|False, PrivacyProtectTechContact=True|False )
The domain name that you want to register.
Constraints: The domain name can contain only the letters a through z, the numbers 0 through 9, and hyphen (-). Internationalized Domain Names are not supported.
Reserved for future use.
The number of years that you want to register the domain for. Domains are registered for a minimum of one year. The maximum period depends on the top-level domain. For the range of valid values for your domain, see Domains that You Can Register with Amazon Route 53 in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.
Default: 1
Indicates whether the domain will be automatically renewed ( true) or not ( false). Autorenewal only takes effect after the account is charged.
Default: true
Provides detailed contact information.
FirstName (string) --
First name of contact.
LastName (string) --
Last name of contact.
ContactType (string) --
Indicates whether the contact is a person, company, association, or public organization. If you choose an option other than PERSON, you must enter an organization name, and you can't enable privacy protection for the contact.
OrganizationName (string) --
Name of the organization for contact types other than PERSON.
AddressLine1 (string) --
First line of the contact's address.
AddressLine2 (string) --
Second line of contact's address, if any.
City (string) --
The city of the contact's address.
State (string) --
The state or province of the contact's city.
CountryCode (string) --
Code for the country of the contact's address.
ZipCode (string) --
The zip or postal code of the contact's address.
PhoneNumber (string) --
The phone number of the contact.
Constraints: Phone number must be specified in the format "+[country dialing code].[number including any area code>]". For example, a US phone number might appear as "+1.1234567890".
Email (string) --
Email address of the contact.
Fax (string) --
Fax number of the contact.
Constraints: Phone number must be specified in the format "+[country dialing code].[number including any area code]". For example, a US phone number might appear as "+1.1234567890".
ExtraParams (list) --
A list of name-value pairs for parameters required by certain top-level domains.
(dict) --
ExtraParam includes the following elements.
Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Name of the additional parameter required by the top-level domain.
Value (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Values corresponding to the additional parameter names required by some top-level domains.
Provides detailed contact information.
FirstName (string) --
First name of contact.
LastName (string) --
Last name of contact.
ContactType (string) --
Indicates whether the contact is a person, company, association, or public organization. If you choose an option other than PERSON, you must enter an organization name, and you can't enable privacy protection for the contact.
OrganizationName (string) --
Name of the organization for contact types other than PERSON.
AddressLine1 (string) --
First line of the contact's address.
AddressLine2 (string) --
Second line of contact's address, if any.
City (string) --
The city of the contact's address.
State (string) --
The state or province of the contact's city.
CountryCode (string) --
Code for the country of the contact's address.
ZipCode (string) --
The zip or postal code of the contact's address.
PhoneNumber (string) --
The phone number of the contact.
Constraints: Phone number must be specified in the format "+[country dialing code].[number including any area code>]". For example, a US phone number might appear as "+1.1234567890".
Email (string) --
Email address of the contact.
Fax (string) --
Fax number of the contact.
Constraints: Phone number must be specified in the format "+[country dialing code].[number including any area code]". For example, a US phone number might appear as "+1.1234567890".
ExtraParams (list) --
A list of name-value pairs for parameters required by certain top-level domains.
(dict) --
ExtraParam includes the following elements.
Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Name of the additional parameter required by the top-level domain.
Value (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Values corresponding to the additional parameter names required by some top-level domains.
Provides detailed contact information.
FirstName (string) --
First name of contact.
LastName (string) --
Last name of contact.
ContactType (string) --
Indicates whether the contact is a person, company, association, or public organization. If you choose an option other than PERSON, you must enter an organization name, and you can't enable privacy protection for the contact.
OrganizationName (string) --
Name of the organization for contact types other than PERSON.
AddressLine1 (string) --
First line of the contact's address.
AddressLine2 (string) --
Second line of contact's address, if any.
City (string) --
The city of the contact's address.
State (string) --
The state or province of the contact's city.
CountryCode (string) --
Code for the country of the contact's address.
ZipCode (string) --
The zip or postal code of the contact's address.
PhoneNumber (string) --
The phone number of the contact.
Constraints: Phone number must be specified in the format "+[country dialing code].[number including any area code>]". For example, a US phone number might appear as "+1.1234567890".
Email (string) --
Email address of the contact.
Fax (string) --
Fax number of the contact.
Constraints: Phone number must be specified in the format "+[country dialing code].[number including any area code]". For example, a US phone number might appear as "+1.1234567890".
ExtraParams (list) --
A list of name-value pairs for parameters required by certain top-level domains.
(dict) --
ExtraParam includes the following elements.
Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Name of the additional parameter required by the top-level domain.
Value (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Values corresponding to the additional parameter names required by some top-level domains.
Whether you want to conceal contact information from WHOIS queries. If you specify true, WHOIS ("who is") queries will return contact information for our registrar partner, Gandi, instead of the contact information that you enter.
Default: true
Whether you want to conceal contact information from WHOIS queries. If you specify true, WHOIS ("who is") queries will return contact information for our registrar partner, Gandi, instead of the contact information that you enter.
Default: true
Whether you want to conceal contact information from WHOIS queries. If you specify true, WHOIS ("who is") queries will return contact information for our registrar partner, Gandi, instead of the contact information that you enter.
Default: true
Response Syntax
{ 'OperationId': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
The RegisterDomain response includes the following element.
OperationId (string) --
Identifier for tracking the progress of the request. To use this ID to query the operation status, use GetOperationDetail.
This operation transfers a domain from another registrar to Amazon Route 53. When the transfer is complete, the domain is registered with the AWS registrar partner, Gandi.
For transfer requirements, a detailed procedure, and information about viewing the status of a domain transfer, see Transferring Registration for a Domain to Amazon Route 53 in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.
If the registrar for your domain is also the DNS service provider for the domain, we highly recommend that you consider transferring your DNS service to Amazon Route 53 or to another DNS service provider before you transfer your registration. Some registrars provide free DNS service when you purchase a domain registration. When you transfer the registration, the previous registrar will not renew your domain registration and could end your DNS service at any time.
If the transfer is successful, this method returns an operation ID that you can use to track the progress and completion of the action. If the transfer doesn't complete successfully, the domain registrant will be notified by email.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.transfer_domain( DomainName='string', IdnLangCode='string', DurationInYears=123, Nameservers=[ { 'Name': 'string', 'GlueIps': [ 'string', ] }, ], AuthCode='string', AutoRenew=True|False, AdminContact={ 'FirstName': 'string', 'LastName': 'string', 'ContactType': 'PERSON'|'COMPANY'|'ASSOCIATION'|'PUBLIC_BODY'|'RESELLER', 'OrganizationName': 'string', 'AddressLine1': 'string', 'AddressLine2': 'string', 'City': 'string', 'State': 'string', 'CountryCode': 'AD'|'AE'|'AF'|'AG'|'AI'|'AL'|'AM'|'AN'|'AO'|'AQ'|'AR'|'AS'|'AT'|'AU'|'AW'|'AZ'|'BA'|'BB'|'BD'|'BE'|'BF'|'BG'|'BH'|'BI'|'BJ'|'BL'|'BM'|'BN'|'BO'|'BR'|'BS'|'BT'|'BW'|'BY'|'BZ'|'CA'|'CC'|'CD'|'CF'|'CG'|'CH'|'CI'|'CK'|'CL'|'CM'|'CN'|'CO'|'CR'|'CU'|'CV'|'CX'|'CY'|'CZ'|'DE'|'DJ'|'DK'|'DM'|'DO'|'DZ'|'EC'|'EE'|'EG'|'ER'|'ES'|'ET'|'FI'|'FJ'|'FK'|'FM'|'FO'|'FR'|'GA'|'GB'|'GD'|'GE'|'GH'|'GI'|'GL'|'GM'|'GN'|'GQ'|'GR'|'GT'|'GU'|'GW'|'GY'|'HK'|'HN'|'HR'|'HT'|'HU'|'ID'|'IE'|'IL'|'IM'|'IN'|'IQ'|'IR'|'IS'|'IT'|'JM'|'JO'|'JP'|'KE'|'KG'|'KH'|'KI'|'KM'|'KN'|'KP'|'KR'|'KW'|'KY'|'KZ'|'LA'|'LB'|'LC'|'LI'|'LK'|'LR'|'LS'|'LT'|'LU'|'LV'|'LY'|'MA'|'MC'|'MD'|'ME'|'MF'|'MG'|'MH'|'MK'|'ML'|'MM'|'MN'|'MO'|'MP'|'MR'|'MS'|'MT'|'MU'|'MV'|'MW'|'MX'|'MY'|'MZ'|'NA'|'NC'|'NE'|'NG'|'NI'|'NL'|'NO'|'NP'|'NR'|'NU'|'NZ'|'OM'|'PA'|'PE'|'PF'|'PG'|'PH'|'PK'|'PL'|'PM'|'PN'|'PR'|'PT'|'PW'|'PY'|'QA'|'RO'|'RS'|'RU'|'RW'|'SA'|'SB'|'SC'|'SD'|'SE'|'SG'|'SH'|'SI'|'SK'|'SL'|'SM'|'SN'|'SO'|'SR'|'ST'|'SV'|'SY'|'SZ'|'TC'|'TD'|'TG'|'TH'|'TJ'|'TK'|'TL'|'TM'|'TN'|'TO'|'TR'|'TT'|'TV'|'TW'|'TZ'|'UA'|'UG'|'US'|'UY'|'UZ'|'VA'|'VC'|'VE'|'VG'|'VI'|'VN'|'VU'|'WF'|'WS'|'YE'|'YT'|'ZA'|'ZM'|'ZW', 'ZipCode': 'string', 'PhoneNumber': 'string', 'Email': 'string', 'Fax': 'string', 'ExtraParams': [ { 'Name': 'DUNS_NUMBER'|'BRAND_NUMBER'|'BIRTH_DEPARTMENT'|'BIRTH_DATE_IN_YYYY_MM_DD'|'BIRTH_COUNTRY'|'BIRTH_CITY'|'DOCUMENT_NUMBER'|'AU_ID_NUMBER'|'AU_ID_TYPE'|'CA_LEGAL_TYPE'|'CA_BUSINESS_ENTITY_TYPE'|'ES_IDENTIFICATION'|'ES_IDENTIFICATION_TYPE'|'ES_LEGAL_FORM'|'FI_BUSINESS_NUMBER'|'FI_ID_NUMBER'|'FI_NATIONALITY'|'FI_ORGANIZATION_TYPE'|'IT_PIN'|'IT_REGISTRANT_ENTITY_TYPE'|'RU_PASSPORT_DATA'|'SE_ID_NUMBER'|'SG_ID_NUMBER'|'VAT_NUMBER'|'UK_CONTACT_TYPE'|'UK_COMPANY_NUMBER', 'Value': 'string' }, ] }, RegistrantContact={ 'FirstName': 'string', 'LastName': 'string', 'ContactType': 'PERSON'|'COMPANY'|'ASSOCIATION'|'PUBLIC_BODY'|'RESELLER', 'OrganizationName': 'string', 'AddressLine1': 'string', 'AddressLine2': 'string', 'City': 'string', 'State': 'string', 'CountryCode': 'AD'|'AE'|'AF'|'AG'|'AI'|'AL'|'AM'|'AN'|'AO'|'AQ'|'AR'|'AS'|'AT'|'AU'|'AW'|'AZ'|'BA'|'BB'|'BD'|'BE'|'BF'|'BG'|'BH'|'BI'|'BJ'|'BL'|'BM'|'BN'|'BO'|'BR'|'BS'|'BT'|'BW'|'BY'|'BZ'|'CA'|'CC'|'CD'|'CF'|'CG'|'CH'|'CI'|'CK'|'CL'|'CM'|'CN'|'CO'|'CR'|'CU'|'CV'|'CX'|'CY'|'CZ'|'DE'|'DJ'|'DK'|'DM'|'DO'|'DZ'|'EC'|'EE'|'EG'|'ER'|'ES'|'ET'|'FI'|'FJ'|'FK'|'FM'|'FO'|'FR'|'GA'|'GB'|'GD'|'GE'|'GH'|'GI'|'GL'|'GM'|'GN'|'GQ'|'GR'|'GT'|'GU'|'GW'|'GY'|'HK'|'HN'|'HR'|'HT'|'HU'|'ID'|'IE'|'IL'|'IM'|'IN'|'IQ'|'IR'|'IS'|'IT'|'JM'|'JO'|'JP'|'KE'|'KG'|'KH'|'KI'|'KM'|'KN'|'KP'|'KR'|'KW'|'KY'|'KZ'|'LA'|'LB'|'LC'|'LI'|'LK'|'LR'|'LS'|'LT'|'LU'|'LV'|'LY'|'MA'|'MC'|'MD'|'ME'|'MF'|'MG'|'MH'|'MK'|'ML'|'MM'|'MN'|'MO'|'MP'|'MR'|'MS'|'MT'|'MU'|'MV'|'MW'|'MX'|'MY'|'MZ'|'NA'|'NC'|'NE'|'NG'|'NI'|'NL'|'NO'|'NP'|'NR'|'NU'|'NZ'|'OM'|'PA'|'PE'|'PF'|'PG'|'PH'|'PK'|'PL'|'PM'|'PN'|'PR'|'PT'|'PW'|'PY'|'QA'|'RO'|'RS'|'RU'|'RW'|'SA'|'SB'|'SC'|'SD'|'SE'|'SG'|'SH'|'SI'|'SK'|'SL'|'SM'|'SN'|'SO'|'SR'|'ST'|'SV'|'SY'|'SZ'|'TC'|'TD'|'TG'|'TH'|'TJ'|'TK'|'TL'|'TM'|'TN'|'TO'|'TR'|'TT'|'TV'|'TW'|'TZ'|'UA'|'UG'|'US'|'UY'|'UZ'|'VA'|'VC'|'VE'|'VG'|'VI'|'VN'|'VU'|'WF'|'WS'|'YE'|'YT'|'ZA'|'ZM'|'ZW', 'ZipCode': 'string', 'PhoneNumber': 'string', 'Email': 'string', 'Fax': 'string', 'ExtraParams': [ { 'Name': 'DUNS_NUMBER'|'BRAND_NUMBER'|'BIRTH_DEPARTMENT'|'BIRTH_DATE_IN_YYYY_MM_DD'|'BIRTH_COUNTRY'|'BIRTH_CITY'|'DOCUMENT_NUMBER'|'AU_ID_NUMBER'|'AU_ID_TYPE'|'CA_LEGAL_TYPE'|'CA_BUSINESS_ENTITY_TYPE'|'ES_IDENTIFICATION'|'ES_IDENTIFICATION_TYPE'|'ES_LEGAL_FORM'|'FI_BUSINESS_NUMBER'|'FI_ID_NUMBER'|'FI_NATIONALITY'|'FI_ORGANIZATION_TYPE'|'IT_PIN'|'IT_REGISTRANT_ENTITY_TYPE'|'RU_PASSPORT_DATA'|'SE_ID_NUMBER'|'SG_ID_NUMBER'|'VAT_NUMBER'|'UK_CONTACT_TYPE'|'UK_COMPANY_NUMBER', 'Value': 'string' }, ] }, TechContact={ 'FirstName': 'string', 'LastName': 'string', 'ContactType': 'PERSON'|'COMPANY'|'ASSOCIATION'|'PUBLIC_BODY'|'RESELLER', 'OrganizationName': 'string', 'AddressLine1': 'string', 'AddressLine2': 'string', 'City': 'string', 'State': 'string', 'CountryCode': 'AD'|'AE'|'AF'|'AG'|'AI'|'AL'|'AM'|'AN'|'AO'|'AQ'|'AR'|'AS'|'AT'|'AU'|'AW'|'AZ'|'BA'|'BB'|'BD'|'BE'|'BF'|'BG'|'BH'|'BI'|'BJ'|'BL'|'BM'|'BN'|'BO'|'BR'|'BS'|'BT'|'BW'|'BY'|'BZ'|'CA'|'CC'|'CD'|'CF'|'CG'|'CH'|'CI'|'CK'|'CL'|'CM'|'CN'|'CO'|'CR'|'CU'|'CV'|'CX'|'CY'|'CZ'|'DE'|'DJ'|'DK'|'DM'|'DO'|'DZ'|'EC'|'EE'|'EG'|'ER'|'ES'|'ET'|'FI'|'FJ'|'FK'|'FM'|'FO'|'FR'|'GA'|'GB'|'GD'|'GE'|'GH'|'GI'|'GL'|'GM'|'GN'|'GQ'|'GR'|'GT'|'GU'|'GW'|'GY'|'HK'|'HN'|'HR'|'HT'|'HU'|'ID'|'IE'|'IL'|'IM'|'IN'|'IQ'|'IR'|'IS'|'IT'|'JM'|'JO'|'JP'|'KE'|'KG'|'KH'|'KI'|'KM'|'KN'|'KP'|'KR'|'KW'|'KY'|'KZ'|'LA'|'LB'|'LC'|'LI'|'LK'|'LR'|'LS'|'LT'|'LU'|'LV'|'LY'|'MA'|'MC'|'MD'|'ME'|'MF'|'MG'|'MH'|'MK'|'ML'|'MM'|'MN'|'MO'|'MP'|'MR'|'MS'|'MT'|'MU'|'MV'|'MW'|'MX'|'MY'|'MZ'|'NA'|'NC'|'NE'|'NG'|'NI'|'NL'|'NO'|'NP'|'NR'|'NU'|'NZ'|'OM'|'PA'|'PE'|'PF'|'PG'|'PH'|'PK'|'PL'|'PM'|'PN'|'PR'|'PT'|'PW'|'PY'|'QA'|'RO'|'RS'|'RU'|'RW'|'SA'|'SB'|'SC'|'SD'|'SE'|'SG'|'SH'|'SI'|'SK'|'SL'|'SM'|'SN'|'SO'|'SR'|'ST'|'SV'|'SY'|'SZ'|'TC'|'TD'|'TG'|'TH'|'TJ'|'TK'|'TL'|'TM'|'TN'|'TO'|'TR'|'TT'|'TV'|'TW'|'TZ'|'UA'|'UG'|'US'|'UY'|'UZ'|'VA'|'VC'|'VE'|'VG'|'VI'|'VN'|'VU'|'WF'|'WS'|'YE'|'YT'|'ZA'|'ZM'|'ZW', 'ZipCode': 'string', 'PhoneNumber': 'string', 'Email': 'string', 'Fax': 'string', 'ExtraParams': [ { 'Name': 'DUNS_NUMBER'|'BRAND_NUMBER'|'BIRTH_DEPARTMENT'|'BIRTH_DATE_IN_YYYY_MM_DD'|'BIRTH_COUNTRY'|'BIRTH_CITY'|'DOCUMENT_NUMBER'|'AU_ID_NUMBER'|'AU_ID_TYPE'|'CA_LEGAL_TYPE'|'CA_BUSINESS_ENTITY_TYPE'|'ES_IDENTIFICATION'|'ES_IDENTIFICATION_TYPE'|'ES_LEGAL_FORM'|'FI_BUSINESS_NUMBER'|'FI_ID_NUMBER'|'FI_NATIONALITY'|'FI_ORGANIZATION_TYPE'|'IT_PIN'|'IT_REGISTRANT_ENTITY_TYPE'|'RU_PASSPORT_DATA'|'SE_ID_NUMBER'|'SG_ID_NUMBER'|'VAT_NUMBER'|'UK_CONTACT_TYPE'|'UK_COMPANY_NUMBER', 'Value': 'string' }, ] }, PrivacyProtectAdminContact=True|False, PrivacyProtectRegistrantContact=True|False, PrivacyProtectTechContact=True|False )
The name of the domain that you want to transfer to Amazon Route 53.
Constraints: The domain name can contain only the letters a through z, the numbers 0 through 9, and hyphen (-). Internationalized Domain Names are not supported.
Reserved for future use.
The number of years that you want to register the domain for. Domains are registered for a minimum of one year. The maximum period depends on the top-level domain.
Default: 1
Contains details for the host and glue IP addresses.
(dict) --
Nameserver includes the following elements.
Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The fully qualified host name of the name server.
Constraint: Maximum 255 characters
GlueIps (list) --
Glue IP address of a name server entry. Glue IP addresses are required only when the name of the name server is a subdomain of the domain. For example, if your domain is example.com and the name server for the domain is ns.example.com, you need to specify the IP address for ns.example.com.
Constraints: The list can contain only one IPv4 and one IPv6 address.
(string) --
The authorization code for the domain. You get this value from the current registrar.
Indicates whether the domain will be automatically renewed (true) or not (false). Autorenewal only takes effect after the account is charged.
Default: true
Provides detailed contact information.
FirstName (string) --
First name of contact.
LastName (string) --
Last name of contact.
ContactType (string) --
Indicates whether the contact is a person, company, association, or public organization. If you choose an option other than PERSON, you must enter an organization name, and you can't enable privacy protection for the contact.
OrganizationName (string) --
Name of the organization for contact types other than PERSON.
AddressLine1 (string) --
First line of the contact's address.
AddressLine2 (string) --
Second line of contact's address, if any.
City (string) --
The city of the contact's address.
State (string) --
The state or province of the contact's city.
CountryCode (string) --
Code for the country of the contact's address.
ZipCode (string) --
The zip or postal code of the contact's address.
PhoneNumber (string) --
The phone number of the contact.
Constraints: Phone number must be specified in the format "+[country dialing code].[number including any area code>]". For example, a US phone number might appear as "+1.1234567890".
Email (string) --
Email address of the contact.
Fax (string) --
Fax number of the contact.
Constraints: Phone number must be specified in the format "+[country dialing code].[number including any area code]". For example, a US phone number might appear as "+1.1234567890".
ExtraParams (list) --
A list of name-value pairs for parameters required by certain top-level domains.
(dict) --
ExtraParam includes the following elements.
Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Name of the additional parameter required by the top-level domain.
Value (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Values corresponding to the additional parameter names required by some top-level domains.
Provides detailed contact information.
FirstName (string) --
First name of contact.
LastName (string) --
Last name of contact.
ContactType (string) --
Indicates whether the contact is a person, company, association, or public organization. If you choose an option other than PERSON, you must enter an organization name, and you can't enable privacy protection for the contact.
OrganizationName (string) --
Name of the organization for contact types other than PERSON.
AddressLine1 (string) --
First line of the contact's address.
AddressLine2 (string) --
Second line of contact's address, if any.
City (string) --
The city of the contact's address.
State (string) --
The state or province of the contact's city.
CountryCode (string) --
Code for the country of the contact's address.
ZipCode (string) --
The zip or postal code of the contact's address.
PhoneNumber (string) --
The phone number of the contact.
Constraints: Phone number must be specified in the format "+[country dialing code].[number including any area code>]". For example, a US phone number might appear as "+1.1234567890".
Email (string) --
Email address of the contact.
Fax (string) --
Fax number of the contact.
Constraints: Phone number must be specified in the format "+[country dialing code].[number including any area code]". For example, a US phone number might appear as "+1.1234567890".
ExtraParams (list) --
A list of name-value pairs for parameters required by certain top-level domains.
(dict) --
ExtraParam includes the following elements.
Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Name of the additional parameter required by the top-level domain.
Value (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Values corresponding to the additional parameter names required by some top-level domains.
Provides detailed contact information.
FirstName (string) --
First name of contact.
LastName (string) --
Last name of contact.
ContactType (string) --
Indicates whether the contact is a person, company, association, or public organization. If you choose an option other than PERSON, you must enter an organization name, and you can't enable privacy protection for the contact.
OrganizationName (string) --
Name of the organization for contact types other than PERSON.
AddressLine1 (string) --
First line of the contact's address.
AddressLine2 (string) --
Second line of contact's address, if any.
City (string) --
The city of the contact's address.
State (string) --
The state or province of the contact's city.
CountryCode (string) --
Code for the country of the contact's address.
ZipCode (string) --
The zip or postal code of the contact's address.
PhoneNumber (string) --
The phone number of the contact.
Constraints: Phone number must be specified in the format "+[country dialing code].[number including any area code>]". For example, a US phone number might appear as "+1.1234567890".
Email (string) --
Email address of the contact.
Fax (string) --
Fax number of the contact.
Constraints: Phone number must be specified in the format "+[country dialing code].[number including any area code]". For example, a US phone number might appear as "+1.1234567890".
ExtraParams (list) --
A list of name-value pairs for parameters required by certain top-level domains.
(dict) --
ExtraParam includes the following elements.
Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Name of the additional parameter required by the top-level domain.
Value (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Values corresponding to the additional parameter names required by some top-level domains.
Whether you want to conceal contact information from WHOIS queries. If you specify true, WHOIS ("who is") queries will return contact information for our registrar partner, Gandi, instead of the contact information that you enter.
Default: true
Whether you want to conceal contact information from WHOIS queries. If you specify true, WHOIS ("who is") queries will return contact information for our registrar partner, Gandi, instead of the contact information that you enter.
Default: true
Whether you want to conceal contact information from WHOIS queries. If you specify true, WHOIS ("who is") queries will return contact information for our registrar partner, Gandi, instead of the contact information that you enter.
Default: true
Response Syntax
{ 'OperationId': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
The TranserDomain response includes the following element.
OperationId (string) --
Identifier for tracking the progress of the request. To use this ID to query the operation status, use GetOperationDetail.
This operation updates the contact information for a particular domain. Information for at least one contact (registrant, administrator, or technical) must be supplied for update.
If the update is successful, this method returns an operation ID that you can use to track the progress and completion of the action. If the request is not completed successfully, the domain registrant will be notified by email.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.update_domain_contact( DomainName='string', AdminContact={ 'FirstName': 'string', 'LastName': 'string', 'ContactType': 'PERSON'|'COMPANY'|'ASSOCIATION'|'PUBLIC_BODY'|'RESELLER', 'OrganizationName': 'string', 'AddressLine1': 'string', 'AddressLine2': 'string', 'City': 'string', 'State': 'string', 'CountryCode': 'AD'|'AE'|'AF'|'AG'|'AI'|'AL'|'AM'|'AN'|'AO'|'AQ'|'AR'|'AS'|'AT'|'AU'|'AW'|'AZ'|'BA'|'BB'|'BD'|'BE'|'BF'|'BG'|'BH'|'BI'|'BJ'|'BL'|'BM'|'BN'|'BO'|'BR'|'BS'|'BT'|'BW'|'BY'|'BZ'|'CA'|'CC'|'CD'|'CF'|'CG'|'CH'|'CI'|'CK'|'CL'|'CM'|'CN'|'CO'|'CR'|'CU'|'CV'|'CX'|'CY'|'CZ'|'DE'|'DJ'|'DK'|'DM'|'DO'|'DZ'|'EC'|'EE'|'EG'|'ER'|'ES'|'ET'|'FI'|'FJ'|'FK'|'FM'|'FO'|'FR'|'GA'|'GB'|'GD'|'GE'|'GH'|'GI'|'GL'|'GM'|'GN'|'GQ'|'GR'|'GT'|'GU'|'GW'|'GY'|'HK'|'HN'|'HR'|'HT'|'HU'|'ID'|'IE'|'IL'|'IM'|'IN'|'IQ'|'IR'|'IS'|'IT'|'JM'|'JO'|'JP'|'KE'|'KG'|'KH'|'KI'|'KM'|'KN'|'KP'|'KR'|'KW'|'KY'|'KZ'|'LA'|'LB'|'LC'|'LI'|'LK'|'LR'|'LS'|'LT'|'LU'|'LV'|'LY'|'MA'|'MC'|'MD'|'ME'|'MF'|'MG'|'MH'|'MK'|'ML'|'MM'|'MN'|'MO'|'MP'|'MR'|'MS'|'MT'|'MU'|'MV'|'MW'|'MX'|'MY'|'MZ'|'NA'|'NC'|'NE'|'NG'|'NI'|'NL'|'NO'|'NP'|'NR'|'NU'|'NZ'|'OM'|'PA'|'PE'|'PF'|'PG'|'PH'|'PK'|'PL'|'PM'|'PN'|'PR'|'PT'|'PW'|'PY'|'QA'|'RO'|'RS'|'RU'|'RW'|'SA'|'SB'|'SC'|'SD'|'SE'|'SG'|'SH'|'SI'|'SK'|'SL'|'SM'|'SN'|'SO'|'SR'|'ST'|'SV'|'SY'|'SZ'|'TC'|'TD'|'TG'|'TH'|'TJ'|'TK'|'TL'|'TM'|'TN'|'TO'|'TR'|'TT'|'TV'|'TW'|'TZ'|'UA'|'UG'|'US'|'UY'|'UZ'|'VA'|'VC'|'VE'|'VG'|'VI'|'VN'|'VU'|'WF'|'WS'|'YE'|'YT'|'ZA'|'ZM'|'ZW', 'ZipCode': 'string', 'PhoneNumber': 'string', 'Email': 'string', 'Fax': 'string', 'ExtraParams': [ { 'Name': 'DUNS_NUMBER'|'BRAND_NUMBER'|'BIRTH_DEPARTMENT'|'BIRTH_DATE_IN_YYYY_MM_DD'|'BIRTH_COUNTRY'|'BIRTH_CITY'|'DOCUMENT_NUMBER'|'AU_ID_NUMBER'|'AU_ID_TYPE'|'CA_LEGAL_TYPE'|'CA_BUSINESS_ENTITY_TYPE'|'ES_IDENTIFICATION'|'ES_IDENTIFICATION_TYPE'|'ES_LEGAL_FORM'|'FI_BUSINESS_NUMBER'|'FI_ID_NUMBER'|'FI_NATIONALITY'|'FI_ORGANIZATION_TYPE'|'IT_PIN'|'IT_REGISTRANT_ENTITY_TYPE'|'RU_PASSPORT_DATA'|'SE_ID_NUMBER'|'SG_ID_NUMBER'|'VAT_NUMBER'|'UK_CONTACT_TYPE'|'UK_COMPANY_NUMBER', 'Value': 'string' }, ] }, RegistrantContact={ 'FirstName': 'string', 'LastName': 'string', 'ContactType': 'PERSON'|'COMPANY'|'ASSOCIATION'|'PUBLIC_BODY'|'RESELLER', 'OrganizationName': 'string', 'AddressLine1': 'string', 'AddressLine2': 'string', 'City': 'string', 'State': 'string', 'CountryCode': 'AD'|'AE'|'AF'|'AG'|'AI'|'AL'|'AM'|'AN'|'AO'|'AQ'|'AR'|'AS'|'AT'|'AU'|'AW'|'AZ'|'BA'|'BB'|'BD'|'BE'|'BF'|'BG'|'BH'|'BI'|'BJ'|'BL'|'BM'|'BN'|'BO'|'BR'|'BS'|'BT'|'BW'|'BY'|'BZ'|'CA'|'CC'|'CD'|'CF'|'CG'|'CH'|'CI'|'CK'|'CL'|'CM'|'CN'|'CO'|'CR'|'CU'|'CV'|'CX'|'CY'|'CZ'|'DE'|'DJ'|'DK'|'DM'|'DO'|'DZ'|'EC'|'EE'|'EG'|'ER'|'ES'|'ET'|'FI'|'FJ'|'FK'|'FM'|'FO'|'FR'|'GA'|'GB'|'GD'|'GE'|'GH'|'GI'|'GL'|'GM'|'GN'|'GQ'|'GR'|'GT'|'GU'|'GW'|'GY'|'HK'|'HN'|'HR'|'HT'|'HU'|'ID'|'IE'|'IL'|'IM'|'IN'|'IQ'|'IR'|'IS'|'IT'|'JM'|'JO'|'JP'|'KE'|'KG'|'KH'|'KI'|'KM'|'KN'|'KP'|'KR'|'KW'|'KY'|'KZ'|'LA'|'LB'|'LC'|'LI'|'LK'|'LR'|'LS'|'LT'|'LU'|'LV'|'LY'|'MA'|'MC'|'MD'|'ME'|'MF'|'MG'|'MH'|'MK'|'ML'|'MM'|'MN'|'MO'|'MP'|'MR'|'MS'|'MT'|'MU'|'MV'|'MW'|'MX'|'MY'|'MZ'|'NA'|'NC'|'NE'|'NG'|'NI'|'NL'|'NO'|'NP'|'NR'|'NU'|'NZ'|'OM'|'PA'|'PE'|'PF'|'PG'|'PH'|'PK'|'PL'|'PM'|'PN'|'PR'|'PT'|'PW'|'PY'|'QA'|'RO'|'RS'|'RU'|'RW'|'SA'|'SB'|'SC'|'SD'|'SE'|'SG'|'SH'|'SI'|'SK'|'SL'|'SM'|'SN'|'SO'|'SR'|'ST'|'SV'|'SY'|'SZ'|'TC'|'TD'|'TG'|'TH'|'TJ'|'TK'|'TL'|'TM'|'TN'|'TO'|'TR'|'TT'|'TV'|'TW'|'TZ'|'UA'|'UG'|'US'|'UY'|'UZ'|'VA'|'VC'|'VE'|'VG'|'VI'|'VN'|'VU'|'WF'|'WS'|'YE'|'YT'|'ZA'|'ZM'|'ZW', 'ZipCode': 'string', 'PhoneNumber': 'string', 'Email': 'string', 'Fax': 'string', 'ExtraParams': [ { 'Name': 'DUNS_NUMBER'|'BRAND_NUMBER'|'BIRTH_DEPARTMENT'|'BIRTH_DATE_IN_YYYY_MM_DD'|'BIRTH_COUNTRY'|'BIRTH_CITY'|'DOCUMENT_NUMBER'|'AU_ID_NUMBER'|'AU_ID_TYPE'|'CA_LEGAL_TYPE'|'CA_BUSINESS_ENTITY_TYPE'|'ES_IDENTIFICATION'|'ES_IDENTIFICATION_TYPE'|'ES_LEGAL_FORM'|'FI_BUSINESS_NUMBER'|'FI_ID_NUMBER'|'FI_NATIONALITY'|'FI_ORGANIZATION_TYPE'|'IT_PIN'|'IT_REGISTRANT_ENTITY_TYPE'|'RU_PASSPORT_DATA'|'SE_ID_NUMBER'|'SG_ID_NUMBER'|'VAT_NUMBER'|'UK_CONTACT_TYPE'|'UK_COMPANY_NUMBER', 'Value': 'string' }, ] }, TechContact={ 'FirstName': 'string', 'LastName': 'string', 'ContactType': 'PERSON'|'COMPANY'|'ASSOCIATION'|'PUBLIC_BODY'|'RESELLER', 'OrganizationName': 'string', 'AddressLine1': 'string', 'AddressLine2': 'string', 'City': 'string', 'State': 'string', 'CountryCode': 'AD'|'AE'|'AF'|'AG'|'AI'|'AL'|'AM'|'AN'|'AO'|'AQ'|'AR'|'AS'|'AT'|'AU'|'AW'|'AZ'|'BA'|'BB'|'BD'|'BE'|'BF'|'BG'|'BH'|'BI'|'BJ'|'BL'|'BM'|'BN'|'BO'|'BR'|'BS'|'BT'|'BW'|'BY'|'BZ'|'CA'|'CC'|'CD'|'CF'|'CG'|'CH'|'CI'|'CK'|'CL'|'CM'|'CN'|'CO'|'CR'|'CU'|'CV'|'CX'|'CY'|'CZ'|'DE'|'DJ'|'DK'|'DM'|'DO'|'DZ'|'EC'|'EE'|'EG'|'ER'|'ES'|'ET'|'FI'|'FJ'|'FK'|'FM'|'FO'|'FR'|'GA'|'GB'|'GD'|'GE'|'GH'|'GI'|'GL'|'GM'|'GN'|'GQ'|'GR'|'GT'|'GU'|'GW'|'GY'|'HK'|'HN'|'HR'|'HT'|'HU'|'ID'|'IE'|'IL'|'IM'|'IN'|'IQ'|'IR'|'IS'|'IT'|'JM'|'JO'|'JP'|'KE'|'KG'|'KH'|'KI'|'KM'|'KN'|'KP'|'KR'|'KW'|'KY'|'KZ'|'LA'|'LB'|'LC'|'LI'|'LK'|'LR'|'LS'|'LT'|'LU'|'LV'|'LY'|'MA'|'MC'|'MD'|'ME'|'MF'|'MG'|'MH'|'MK'|'ML'|'MM'|'MN'|'MO'|'MP'|'MR'|'MS'|'MT'|'MU'|'MV'|'MW'|'MX'|'MY'|'MZ'|'NA'|'NC'|'NE'|'NG'|'NI'|'NL'|'NO'|'NP'|'NR'|'NU'|'NZ'|'OM'|'PA'|'PE'|'PF'|'PG'|'PH'|'PK'|'PL'|'PM'|'PN'|'PR'|'PT'|'PW'|'PY'|'QA'|'RO'|'RS'|'RU'|'RW'|'SA'|'SB'|'SC'|'SD'|'SE'|'SG'|'SH'|'SI'|'SK'|'SL'|'SM'|'SN'|'SO'|'SR'|'ST'|'SV'|'SY'|'SZ'|'TC'|'TD'|'TG'|'TH'|'TJ'|'TK'|'TL'|'TM'|'TN'|'TO'|'TR'|'TT'|'TV'|'TW'|'TZ'|'UA'|'UG'|'US'|'UY'|'UZ'|'VA'|'VC'|'VE'|'VG'|'VI'|'VN'|'VU'|'WF'|'WS'|'YE'|'YT'|'ZA'|'ZM'|'ZW', 'ZipCode': 'string', 'PhoneNumber': 'string', 'Email': 'string', 'Fax': 'string', 'ExtraParams': [ { 'Name': 'DUNS_NUMBER'|'BRAND_NUMBER'|'BIRTH_DEPARTMENT'|'BIRTH_DATE_IN_YYYY_MM_DD'|'BIRTH_COUNTRY'|'BIRTH_CITY'|'DOCUMENT_NUMBER'|'AU_ID_NUMBER'|'AU_ID_TYPE'|'CA_LEGAL_TYPE'|'CA_BUSINESS_ENTITY_TYPE'|'ES_IDENTIFICATION'|'ES_IDENTIFICATION_TYPE'|'ES_LEGAL_FORM'|'FI_BUSINESS_NUMBER'|'FI_ID_NUMBER'|'FI_NATIONALITY'|'FI_ORGANIZATION_TYPE'|'IT_PIN'|'IT_REGISTRANT_ENTITY_TYPE'|'RU_PASSPORT_DATA'|'SE_ID_NUMBER'|'SG_ID_NUMBER'|'VAT_NUMBER'|'UK_CONTACT_TYPE'|'UK_COMPANY_NUMBER', 'Value': 'string' }, ] } )
The name of the domain that you want to update contact information for.
Provides detailed contact information.
FirstName (string) --
First name of contact.
LastName (string) --
Last name of contact.
ContactType (string) --
Indicates whether the contact is a person, company, association, or public organization. If you choose an option other than PERSON, you must enter an organization name, and you can't enable privacy protection for the contact.
OrganizationName (string) --
Name of the organization for contact types other than PERSON.
AddressLine1 (string) --
First line of the contact's address.
AddressLine2 (string) --
Second line of contact's address, if any.
City (string) --
The city of the contact's address.
State (string) --
The state or province of the contact's city.
CountryCode (string) --
Code for the country of the contact's address.
ZipCode (string) --
The zip or postal code of the contact's address.
PhoneNumber (string) --
The phone number of the contact.
Constraints: Phone number must be specified in the format "+[country dialing code].[number including any area code>]". For example, a US phone number might appear as "+1.1234567890".
Email (string) --
Email address of the contact.
Fax (string) --
Fax number of the contact.
Constraints: Phone number must be specified in the format "+[country dialing code].[number including any area code]". For example, a US phone number might appear as "+1.1234567890".
ExtraParams (list) --
A list of name-value pairs for parameters required by certain top-level domains.
(dict) --
ExtraParam includes the following elements.
Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Name of the additional parameter required by the top-level domain.
Value (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Values corresponding to the additional parameter names required by some top-level domains.
Provides detailed contact information.
FirstName (string) --
First name of contact.
LastName (string) --
Last name of contact.
ContactType (string) --
Indicates whether the contact is a person, company, association, or public organization. If you choose an option other than PERSON, you must enter an organization name, and you can't enable privacy protection for the contact.
OrganizationName (string) --
Name of the organization for contact types other than PERSON.
AddressLine1 (string) --
First line of the contact's address.
AddressLine2 (string) --
Second line of contact's address, if any.
City (string) --
The city of the contact's address.
State (string) --
The state or province of the contact's city.
CountryCode (string) --
Code for the country of the contact's address.
ZipCode (string) --
The zip or postal code of the contact's address.
PhoneNumber (string) --
The phone number of the contact.
Constraints: Phone number must be specified in the format "+[country dialing code].[number including any area code>]". For example, a US phone number might appear as "+1.1234567890".
Email (string) --
Email address of the contact.
Fax (string) --
Fax number of the contact.
Constraints: Phone number must be specified in the format "+[country dialing code].[number including any area code]". For example, a US phone number might appear as "+1.1234567890".
ExtraParams (list) --
A list of name-value pairs for parameters required by certain top-level domains.
(dict) --
ExtraParam includes the following elements.
Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Name of the additional parameter required by the top-level domain.
Value (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Values corresponding to the additional parameter names required by some top-level domains.
Provides detailed contact information.
FirstName (string) --
First name of contact.
LastName (string) --
Last name of contact.
ContactType (string) --
Indicates whether the contact is a person, company, association, or public organization. If you choose an option other than PERSON, you must enter an organization name, and you can't enable privacy protection for the contact.
OrganizationName (string) --
Name of the organization for contact types other than PERSON.
AddressLine1 (string) --
First line of the contact's address.
AddressLine2 (string) --
Second line of contact's address, if any.
City (string) --
The city of the contact's address.
State (string) --
The state or province of the contact's city.
CountryCode (string) --
Code for the country of the contact's address.
ZipCode (string) --
The zip or postal code of the contact's address.
PhoneNumber (string) --
The phone number of the contact.
Constraints: Phone number must be specified in the format "+[country dialing code].[number including any area code>]". For example, a US phone number might appear as "+1.1234567890".
Email (string) --
Email address of the contact.
Fax (string) --
Fax number of the contact.
Constraints: Phone number must be specified in the format "+[country dialing code].[number including any area code]". For example, a US phone number might appear as "+1.1234567890".
ExtraParams (list) --
A list of name-value pairs for parameters required by certain top-level domains.
(dict) --
ExtraParam includes the following elements.
Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Name of the additional parameter required by the top-level domain.
Value (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Values corresponding to the additional parameter names required by some top-level domains.
Response Syntax
{ 'OperationId': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
The UpdateDomainContact response includes the following element.
OperationId (string) --
Identifier for tracking the progress of the request. To use this ID to query the operation status, use GetOperationDetail.
Returns all the domain-related billing records for the current AWS account for a specified period
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.view_billing( Start=datetime(2015, 1, 1), End=datetime(2015, 1, 1), Marker='string', MaxItems=123 )
The beginning date and time for the time period for which you want a list of billing records. Specify the date in Unix time format.
The end date and time for the time period for which you want a list of billing records. Specify the date in Unix time format.
For an initial request for a list of billing records, omit this element. If the number of billing records that are associated with the current AWS account during the specified period is greater than the value that you specified for MaxItems, you can use Marker to return additional billing records. Get the value of NextPageMarker from the previous response, and submit another request that includes the value of NextPageMarker in the Marker element.
Constraints: The marker must match the value of NextPageMarker that was returned in the previous response.
The number of billing records to be returned.
Default: 20
Response Syntax
Response Structure
(dict) --
The ViewBilling response includes the following elements.
NextPageMarker (string) --
If there are more billing records than you specified for MaxItems in the request, submit another request and include the value of NextPageMarker in the value of Marker.
BillingRecords (list) --
A summary of billing records.
(dict) --
Information for one billing record.
DomainName (string) --
The name of the domain that the billing record applies to. If the domain name contains characters other than a-z, 0-9, and - (hyphen), such as an internationalized domain name, then this value is in Punycode. For more information, see DNS Domain Name Format in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guidezzz.
Operation (string) --
The operation that you were charged for.
InvoiceId (string) --
The ID of the invoice that is associated with the billing record.
BillDate (datetime) --
The date that the operation was billed, in Unix format.
Price (float) --
The price that you were charged for the operation, in US dollars.
Example value: 12.0