Amazon Pinpoint

2017/08/01 - Amazon Pinpoint - 4 new 7 updated api methods

Changes  This release of the Pinpoint SDK enables App management - create, delete, update operations, Raw Content delivery for APNs and GCM campaign messages and From Address override.

CreateApp (new) Link ¶

Used to create an app.

Request Syntax

        'Name': 'string'
type CreateApplicationRequest


param CreateApplicationRequest

[REQUIRED] Application Request.

  • Name (string) -- The display name of the application. Used in the Amazon Pinpoint console.




Response Syntax

    'ApplicationResponse': {
        'Id': 'string',
        'Name': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • ApplicationResponse (dict) -- Application Response.

      • Id (string) -- The unique application ID.

      • Name (string) -- The display name of the application.

GetApps (new) Link ¶

Returns information about your apps.

Request Syntax

type PageSize


param PageSize

type Token


param Token




Response Syntax

    'ApplicationsResponse': {
        'Item': [
                'Id': 'string',
                'Name': 'string'
        'NextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • ApplicationsResponse (dict) -- Get Applications Result.

      • Item (list) -- List of applications returned in this page.

        • (dict) -- Application Response.

          • Id (string) -- The unique application ID.

          • Name (string) -- The display name of the application.

      • NextToken (string) -- The string that you use in a subsequent request to get the next page of results in a paginated response.

GetApp (new) Link ¶

Returns information about an app.

Request Syntax

type ApplicationId


param ApplicationId





Response Syntax

    'ApplicationResponse': {
        'Id': 'string',
        'Name': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • ApplicationResponse (dict) -- Application Response.

      • Id (string) -- The unique application ID.

      • Name (string) -- The display name of the application.

DeleteApp (new) Link ¶

Deletes an app.

Request Syntax

type ApplicationId


param ApplicationId





Response Syntax

    'ApplicationResponse': {
        'Id': 'string',
        'Name': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • ApplicationResponse (dict) -- Application Response.

      • Id (string) -- The unique application ID.

      • Name (string) -- The display name of the application.

CreateCampaign (updated) Link ¶
Changes (request, response)
{'WriteCampaignRequest': {'AdditionalTreatments': {'MessageConfiguration': {'APNSMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'},
                                                                            'DefaultMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'},
                                                                            'EmailMessage': {'FromAddress': 'string'},
                                                                            'GCMMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'}}},
                          'MessageConfiguration': {'APNSMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'},
                                                   'DefaultMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'},
                                                   'EmailMessage': {'FromAddress': 'string'},
                                                   'GCMMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'}}}}
{'CampaignResponse': {'AdditionalTreatments': {'MessageConfiguration': {'APNSMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'},
                                                                        'DefaultMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'},
                                                                        'EmailMessage': {'FromAddress': 'string'},
                                                                        'GCMMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'}}},
                      'MessageConfiguration': {'APNSMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'},
                                               'DefaultMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'},
                                               'EmailMessage': {'FromAddress': 'string'},
                                               'GCMMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'}}}}

Creates or updates a campaign.

Request Syntax

        'AdditionalTreatments': [
                'MessageConfiguration': {
                    'APNSMessage': {
                        'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageUrl': 'string',
                        'JsonBody': 'string',
                        'MediaUrl': 'string',
                        'RawContent': 'string',
                        'SilentPush': True|False,
                        'Title': 'string',
                        'Url': 'string'
                    'DefaultMessage': {
                        'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageUrl': 'string',
                        'JsonBody': 'string',
                        'MediaUrl': 'string',
                        'RawContent': 'string',
                        'SilentPush': True|False,
                        'Title': 'string',
                        'Url': 'string'
                    'EmailMessage': {
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'FromAddress': 'string',
                        'HtmlBody': 'string',
                        'Title': 'string'
                    'GCMMessage': {
                        'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageUrl': 'string',
                        'JsonBody': 'string',
                        'MediaUrl': 'string',
                        'RawContent': 'string',
                        'SilentPush': True|False,
                        'Title': 'string',
                        'Url': 'string'
                    'SMSMessage': {
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'MessageType': 'TRANSACTIONAL'|'PROMOTIONAL',
                        'SenderId': 'string'
                'Schedule': {
                    'EndTime': 'string',
                    'Frequency': 'ONCE'|'HOURLY'|'DAILY'|'WEEKLY'|'MONTHLY',
                    'IsLocalTime': True|False,
                    'QuietTime': {
                        'End': 'string',
                        'Start': 'string'
                    'StartTime': 'string',
                    'Timezone': 'string'
                'SizePercent': 123,
                'TreatmentDescription': 'string',
                'TreatmentName': 'string'
        'Description': 'string',
        'HoldoutPercent': 123,
        'IsPaused': True|False,
        'Limits': {
            'Daily': 123,
            'Total': 123
        'MessageConfiguration': {
            'APNSMessage': {
                'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                'Body': 'string',
                'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageUrl': 'string',
                'JsonBody': 'string',
                'MediaUrl': 'string',
                'RawContent': 'string',
                'SilentPush': True|False,
                'Title': 'string',
                'Url': 'string'
            'DefaultMessage': {
                'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                'Body': 'string',
                'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageUrl': 'string',
                'JsonBody': 'string',
                'MediaUrl': 'string',
                'RawContent': 'string',
                'SilentPush': True|False,
                'Title': 'string',
                'Url': 'string'
            'EmailMessage': {
                'Body': 'string',
                'FromAddress': 'string',
                'HtmlBody': 'string',
                'Title': 'string'
            'GCMMessage': {
                'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                'Body': 'string',
                'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageUrl': 'string',
                'JsonBody': 'string',
                'MediaUrl': 'string',
                'RawContent': 'string',
                'SilentPush': True|False,
                'Title': 'string',
                'Url': 'string'
            'SMSMessage': {
                'Body': 'string',
                'MessageType': 'TRANSACTIONAL'|'PROMOTIONAL',
                'SenderId': 'string'
        'Name': 'string',
        'Schedule': {
            'EndTime': 'string',
            'Frequency': 'ONCE'|'HOURLY'|'DAILY'|'WEEKLY'|'MONTHLY',
            'IsLocalTime': True|False,
            'QuietTime': {
                'End': 'string',
                'Start': 'string'
            'StartTime': 'string',
            'Timezone': 'string'
        'SegmentId': 'string',
        'SegmentVersion': 123,
        'TreatmentDescription': 'string',
        'TreatmentName': 'string'
type ApplicationId


param ApplicationId


type WriteCampaignRequest


param WriteCampaignRequest

[REQUIRED] Used to create a campaign.

  • AdditionalTreatments (list) -- Treatments that are defined in addition to the default treatment.

    • (dict) -- Used to create a campaign treatment.

      • MessageConfiguration (dict) -- The message configuration settings.

        • APNSMessage (dict) -- The message that the campaign delivers to APNS channels. Overrides the default message.

          • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

          • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

          • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

          • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

          • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

          • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

          • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

          • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

          • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

        • DefaultMessage (dict) -- The default message for all channels.

          • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

          • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

          • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

          • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

          • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

          • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

          • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

          • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

          • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

        • EmailMessage (dict) -- The email message configuration.

          • Body (string) -- The email text body.

          • FromAddress (string) -- The email address used to send the email from. Defaults to use FromAddress specified in the Email Channel.

          • HtmlBody (string) -- The email html body.

          • Title (string) -- The email title (Or subject).

        • GCMMessage (dict) -- The message that the campaign delivers to GCM channels. Overrides the default message.

          • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

          • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

          • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

          • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

          • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

          • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

          • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

          • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

          • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

        • SMSMessage (dict) -- The SMS message configuration.

          • Body (string) -- The SMS text body.

          • MessageType (string) -- Is this is a transactional SMS message, otherwise a promotional message.

          • SenderId (string) -- Sender ID of sent message.

      • Schedule (dict) -- The campaign schedule.

        • EndTime (string) -- The scheduled time that the campaign ends in ISO 8601 format.

        • Frequency (string) -- How often the campaign delivers messages. Valid values: ONCE, HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY

        • IsLocalTime (boolean) -- Indicates whether the campaign schedule takes effect according to each user's local time.

        • QuietTime (dict) -- The time during which the campaign sends no messages.

          • End (string) -- The default end time for quiet time in ISO 8601 format.

          • Start (string) -- The default start time for quiet time in ISO 8601 format.

        • StartTime (string) -- The scheduled time that the campaign begins in ISO 8601 format.

        • Timezone (string) -- The starting UTC offset for the schedule if the value for isLocalTime is true Valid values: UTC UTC+01 UTC+02 UTC+03 UTC+03:30 UTC+04 UTC+04:30 UTC+05 UTC+05:30 UTC+05:45 UTC+06 UTC+06:30 UTC+07 UTC+08 UTC+09 UTC+09:30 UTC+10 UTC+10:30 UTC+11 UTC+12 UTC+13 UTC-02 UTC-03 UTC-04 UTC-05 UTC-06 UTC-07 UTC-08 UTC-09 UTC-10 UTC-11

      • SizePercent (integer) -- The allocated percentage of users for this treatment.

      • TreatmentDescription (string) -- A custom description for the treatment.

      • TreatmentName (string) -- The custom name of a variation of the campaign used for A/B testing.

  • Description (string) -- A description of the campaign.

  • HoldoutPercent (integer) -- The allocated percentage of end users who will not receive messages from this campaign.

  • IsPaused (boolean) -- Indicates whether the campaign is paused. A paused campaign does not send messages unless you resume it by setting IsPaused to false.

  • Limits (dict) -- The campaign limits settings.

    • Daily (integer) -- The maximum number of messages that the campaign can send daily.

    • Total (integer) -- The maximum total number of messages that the campaign can send.

  • MessageConfiguration (dict) -- The message configuration settings.

    • APNSMessage (dict) -- The message that the campaign delivers to APNS channels. Overrides the default message.

      • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

      • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

      • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

      • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

      • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

      • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

      • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

      • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

      • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

      • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

      • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

    • DefaultMessage (dict) -- The default message for all channels.

      • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

      • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

      • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

      • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

      • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

      • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

      • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

      • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

      • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

      • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

      • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

    • EmailMessage (dict) -- The email message configuration.

      • Body (string) -- The email text body.

      • FromAddress (string) -- The email address used to send the email from. Defaults to use FromAddress specified in the Email Channel.

      • HtmlBody (string) -- The email html body.

      • Title (string) -- The email title (Or subject).

    • GCMMessage (dict) -- The message that the campaign delivers to GCM channels. Overrides the default message.

      • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

      • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

      • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

      • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

      • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

      • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

      • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

      • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

      • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

      • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

      • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

    • SMSMessage (dict) -- The SMS message configuration.

      • Body (string) -- The SMS text body.

      • MessageType (string) -- Is this is a transactional SMS message, otherwise a promotional message.

      • SenderId (string) -- Sender ID of sent message.

  • Name (string) -- The custom name of the campaign.

  • Schedule (dict) -- The campaign schedule.

    • EndTime (string) -- The scheduled time that the campaign ends in ISO 8601 format.

    • Frequency (string) -- How often the campaign delivers messages. Valid values: ONCE, HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY

    • IsLocalTime (boolean) -- Indicates whether the campaign schedule takes effect according to each user's local time.

    • QuietTime (dict) -- The time during which the campaign sends no messages.

      • End (string) -- The default end time for quiet time in ISO 8601 format.

      • Start (string) -- The default start time for quiet time in ISO 8601 format.

    • StartTime (string) -- The scheduled time that the campaign begins in ISO 8601 format.

    • Timezone (string) -- The starting UTC offset for the schedule if the value for isLocalTime is true Valid values: UTC UTC+01 UTC+02 UTC+03 UTC+03:30 UTC+04 UTC+04:30 UTC+05 UTC+05:30 UTC+05:45 UTC+06 UTC+06:30 UTC+07 UTC+08 UTC+09 UTC+09:30 UTC+10 UTC+10:30 UTC+11 UTC+12 UTC+13 UTC-02 UTC-03 UTC-04 UTC-05 UTC-06 UTC-07 UTC-08 UTC-09 UTC-10 UTC-11

  • SegmentId (string) -- The ID of the segment to which the campaign sends messages.

  • SegmentVersion (integer) -- The version of the segment to which the campaign sends messages.

  • TreatmentDescription (string) -- A custom description for the treatment.

  • TreatmentName (string) -- The custom name of a variation of the campaign used for A/B testing.




Response Syntax

    'CampaignResponse': {
        'AdditionalTreatments': [
                'Id': 'string',
                'MessageConfiguration': {
                    'APNSMessage': {
                        'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageUrl': 'string',
                        'JsonBody': 'string',
                        'MediaUrl': 'string',
                        'RawContent': 'string',
                        'SilentPush': True|False,
                        'Title': 'string',
                        'Url': 'string'
                    'DefaultMessage': {
                        'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageUrl': 'string',
                        'JsonBody': 'string',
                        'MediaUrl': 'string',
                        'RawContent': 'string',
                        'SilentPush': True|False,
                        'Title': 'string',
                        'Url': 'string'
                    'EmailMessage': {
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'FromAddress': 'string',
                        'HtmlBody': 'string',
                        'Title': 'string'
                    'GCMMessage': {
                        'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageUrl': 'string',
                        'JsonBody': 'string',
                        'MediaUrl': 'string',
                        'RawContent': 'string',
                        'SilentPush': True|False,
                        'Title': 'string',
                        'Url': 'string'
                    'SMSMessage': {
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'MessageType': 'TRANSACTIONAL'|'PROMOTIONAL',
                        'SenderId': 'string'
                'Schedule': {
                    'EndTime': 'string',
                    'Frequency': 'ONCE'|'HOURLY'|'DAILY'|'WEEKLY'|'MONTHLY',
                    'IsLocalTime': True|False,
                    'QuietTime': {
                        'End': 'string',
                        'Start': 'string'
                    'StartTime': 'string',
                    'Timezone': 'string'
                'SizePercent': 123,
                'State': {
                    'CampaignStatus': 'SCHEDULED'|'EXECUTING'|'PENDING_NEXT_RUN'|'COMPLETED'|'PAUSED'
                'TreatmentDescription': 'string',
                'TreatmentName': 'string'
        'ApplicationId': 'string',
        'CreationDate': 'string',
        'DefaultState': {
        'Description': 'string',
        'HoldoutPercent': 123,
        'Id': 'string',
        'IsPaused': True|False,
        'LastModifiedDate': 'string',
        'Limits': {
            'Daily': 123,
            'Total': 123
        'MessageConfiguration': {
            'APNSMessage': {
                'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                'Body': 'string',
                'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageUrl': 'string',
                'JsonBody': 'string',
                'MediaUrl': 'string',
                'RawContent': 'string',
                'SilentPush': True|False,
                'Title': 'string',
                'Url': 'string'
            'DefaultMessage': {
                'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                'Body': 'string',
                'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageUrl': 'string',
                'JsonBody': 'string',
                'MediaUrl': 'string',
                'RawContent': 'string',
                'SilentPush': True|False,
                'Title': 'string',
                'Url': 'string'
            'EmailMessage': {
                'Body': 'string',
                'FromAddress': 'string',
                'HtmlBody': 'string',
                'Title': 'string'
            'GCMMessage': {
                'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                'Body': 'string',
                'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageUrl': 'string',
                'JsonBody': 'string',
                'MediaUrl': 'string',
                'RawContent': 'string',
                'SilentPush': True|False,
                'Title': 'string',
                'Url': 'string'
            'SMSMessage': {
                'Body': 'string',
                'MessageType': 'TRANSACTIONAL'|'PROMOTIONAL',
                'SenderId': 'string'
        'Name': 'string',
        'Schedule': {
            'EndTime': 'string',
            'Frequency': 'ONCE'|'HOURLY'|'DAILY'|'WEEKLY'|'MONTHLY',
            'IsLocalTime': True|False,
            'QuietTime': {
                'End': 'string',
                'Start': 'string'
            'StartTime': 'string',
            'Timezone': 'string'
        'SegmentId': 'string',
        'SegmentVersion': 123,
        'State': {
        'TreatmentDescription': 'string',
        'TreatmentName': 'string',
        'Version': 123

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • CampaignResponse (dict) -- Campaign definition

      • AdditionalTreatments (list) -- Treatments that are defined in addition to the default treatment.

        • (dict) -- Treatment resource

          • Id (string) -- The unique treatment ID.

          • MessageConfiguration (dict) -- The message configuration settings.

            • APNSMessage (dict) -- The message that the campaign delivers to APNS channels. Overrides the default message.

              • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

              • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

              • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

              • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

              • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

              • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

              • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

              • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

              • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

            • DefaultMessage (dict) -- The default message for all channels.

              • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

              • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

              • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

              • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

              • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

              • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

              • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

              • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

              • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

            • EmailMessage (dict) -- The email message configuration.

              • Body (string) -- The email text body.

              • FromAddress (string) -- The email address used to send the email from. Defaults to use FromAddress specified in the Email Channel.

              • HtmlBody (string) -- The email html body.

              • Title (string) -- The email title (Or subject).

            • GCMMessage (dict) -- The message that the campaign delivers to GCM channels. Overrides the default message.

              • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

              • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

              • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

              • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

              • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

              • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

              • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

              • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

              • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

            • SMSMessage (dict) -- The SMS message configuration.

              • Body (string) -- The SMS text body.

              • MessageType (string) -- Is this is a transactional SMS message, otherwise a promotional message.

              • SenderId (string) -- Sender ID of sent message.

          • Schedule (dict) -- The campaign schedule.

            • EndTime (string) -- The scheduled time that the campaign ends in ISO 8601 format.

            • Frequency (string) -- How often the campaign delivers messages. Valid values: ONCE, HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY

            • IsLocalTime (boolean) -- Indicates whether the campaign schedule takes effect according to each user's local time.

            • QuietTime (dict) -- The time during which the campaign sends no messages.

              • End (string) -- The default end time for quiet time in ISO 8601 format.

              • Start (string) -- The default start time for quiet time in ISO 8601 format.

            • StartTime (string) -- The scheduled time that the campaign begins in ISO 8601 format.

            • Timezone (string) -- The starting UTC offset for the schedule if the value for isLocalTime is true Valid values: UTC UTC+01 UTC+02 UTC+03 UTC+03:30 UTC+04 UTC+04:30 UTC+05 UTC+05:30 UTC+05:45 UTC+06 UTC+06:30 UTC+07 UTC+08 UTC+09 UTC+09:30 UTC+10 UTC+10:30 UTC+11 UTC+12 UTC+13 UTC-02 UTC-03 UTC-04 UTC-05 UTC-06 UTC-07 UTC-08 UTC-09 UTC-10 UTC-11

          • SizePercent (integer) -- The allocated percentage of users for this treatment.

          • State (dict) -- The treatment status.

            • CampaignStatus (string) -- The status of the campaign, or the status of a treatment that belongs to an A/B test campaign. Valid values: SCHEDULED, EXECUTING, PENDING_NEXT_RUN, COMPLETED, PAUSED

          • TreatmentDescription (string) -- A custom description for the treatment.

          • TreatmentName (string) -- The custom name of a variation of the campaign used for A/B testing.

      • ApplicationId (string) -- The ID of the application to which the campaign applies.

      • CreationDate (string) -- The date the campaign was created in ISO 8601 format.

      • DefaultState (dict) -- The status of the campaign's default treatment. Only present for A/B test campaigns.

        • CampaignStatus (string) -- The status of the campaign, or the status of a treatment that belongs to an A/B test campaign. Valid values: SCHEDULED, EXECUTING, PENDING_NEXT_RUN, COMPLETED, PAUSED

      • Description (string) -- A description of the campaign.

      • HoldoutPercent (integer) -- The allocated percentage of end users who will not receive messages from this campaign.

      • Id (string) -- The unique campaign ID.

      • IsPaused (boolean) -- Indicates whether the campaign is paused. A paused campaign does not send messages unless you resume it by setting IsPaused to false.

      • LastModifiedDate (string) -- The date the campaign was last updated in ISO 8601 format.

      • Limits (dict) -- The campaign limits settings.

        • Daily (integer) -- The maximum number of messages that the campaign can send daily.

        • Total (integer) -- The maximum total number of messages that the campaign can send.

      • MessageConfiguration (dict) -- The message configuration settings.

        • APNSMessage (dict) -- The message that the campaign delivers to APNS channels. Overrides the default message.

          • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

          • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

          • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

          • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

          • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

          • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

          • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

          • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

          • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

        • DefaultMessage (dict) -- The default message for all channels.

          • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

          • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

          • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

          • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

          • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

          • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

          • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

          • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

          • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

        • EmailMessage (dict) -- The email message configuration.

          • Body (string) -- The email text body.

          • FromAddress (string) -- The email address used to send the email from. Defaults to use FromAddress specified in the Email Channel.

          • HtmlBody (string) -- The email html body.

          • Title (string) -- The email title (Or subject).

        • GCMMessage (dict) -- The message that the campaign delivers to GCM channels. Overrides the default message.

          • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

          • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

          • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

          • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

          • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

          • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

          • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

          • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

          • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

        • SMSMessage (dict) -- The SMS message configuration.

          • Body (string) -- The SMS text body.

          • MessageType (string) -- Is this is a transactional SMS message, otherwise a promotional message.

          • SenderId (string) -- Sender ID of sent message.

      • Name (string) -- The custom name of the campaign.

      • Schedule (dict) -- The campaign schedule.

        • EndTime (string) -- The scheduled time that the campaign ends in ISO 8601 format.

        • Frequency (string) -- How often the campaign delivers messages. Valid values: ONCE, HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY

        • IsLocalTime (boolean) -- Indicates whether the campaign schedule takes effect according to each user's local time.

        • QuietTime (dict) -- The time during which the campaign sends no messages.

          • End (string) -- The default end time for quiet time in ISO 8601 format.

          • Start (string) -- The default start time for quiet time in ISO 8601 format.

        • StartTime (string) -- The scheduled time that the campaign begins in ISO 8601 format.

        • Timezone (string) -- The starting UTC offset for the schedule if the value for isLocalTime is true Valid values: UTC UTC+01 UTC+02 UTC+03 UTC+03:30 UTC+04 UTC+04:30 UTC+05 UTC+05:30 UTC+05:45 UTC+06 UTC+06:30 UTC+07 UTC+08 UTC+09 UTC+09:30 UTC+10 UTC+10:30 UTC+11 UTC+12 UTC+13 UTC-02 UTC-03 UTC-04 UTC-05 UTC-06 UTC-07 UTC-08 UTC-09 UTC-10 UTC-11

      • SegmentId (string) -- The ID of the segment to which the campaign sends messages.

      • SegmentVersion (integer) -- The version of the segment to which the campaign sends messages.

      • State (dict) -- The campaign status. An A/B test campaign will have a status of COMPLETED only when all treatments have a status of COMPLETED.

        • CampaignStatus (string) -- The status of the campaign, or the status of a treatment that belongs to an A/B test campaign. Valid values: SCHEDULED, EXECUTING, PENDING_NEXT_RUN, COMPLETED, PAUSED

      • TreatmentDescription (string) -- A custom description for the treatment.

      • TreatmentName (string) -- The custom name of a variation of the campaign used for A/B testing.

      • Version (integer) -- The campaign version number.

DeleteCampaign (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'CampaignResponse': {'AdditionalTreatments': {'MessageConfiguration': {'APNSMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'},
                                                                        'DefaultMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'},
                                                                        'EmailMessage': {'FromAddress': 'string'},
                                                                        'GCMMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'}}},
                      'MessageConfiguration': {'APNSMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'},
                                               'DefaultMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'},
                                               'EmailMessage': {'FromAddress': 'string'},
                                               'GCMMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'}}}}

Deletes a campaign.

Request Syntax

type ApplicationId


param ApplicationId


type CampaignId


param CampaignId





Response Syntax

    'CampaignResponse': {
        'AdditionalTreatments': [
                'Id': 'string',
                'MessageConfiguration': {
                    'APNSMessage': {
                        'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageUrl': 'string',
                        'JsonBody': 'string',
                        'MediaUrl': 'string',
                        'RawContent': 'string',
                        'SilentPush': True|False,
                        'Title': 'string',
                        'Url': 'string'
                    'DefaultMessage': {
                        'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageUrl': 'string',
                        'JsonBody': 'string',
                        'MediaUrl': 'string',
                        'RawContent': 'string',
                        'SilentPush': True|False,
                        'Title': 'string',
                        'Url': 'string'
                    'EmailMessage': {
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'FromAddress': 'string',
                        'HtmlBody': 'string',
                        'Title': 'string'
                    'GCMMessage': {
                        'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageUrl': 'string',
                        'JsonBody': 'string',
                        'MediaUrl': 'string',
                        'RawContent': 'string',
                        'SilentPush': True|False,
                        'Title': 'string',
                        'Url': 'string'
                    'SMSMessage': {
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'MessageType': 'TRANSACTIONAL'|'PROMOTIONAL',
                        'SenderId': 'string'
                'Schedule': {
                    'EndTime': 'string',
                    'Frequency': 'ONCE'|'HOURLY'|'DAILY'|'WEEKLY'|'MONTHLY',
                    'IsLocalTime': True|False,
                    'QuietTime': {
                        'End': 'string',
                        'Start': 'string'
                    'StartTime': 'string',
                    'Timezone': 'string'
                'SizePercent': 123,
                'State': {
                    'CampaignStatus': 'SCHEDULED'|'EXECUTING'|'PENDING_NEXT_RUN'|'COMPLETED'|'PAUSED'
                'TreatmentDescription': 'string',
                'TreatmentName': 'string'
        'ApplicationId': 'string',
        'CreationDate': 'string',
        'DefaultState': {
        'Description': 'string',
        'HoldoutPercent': 123,
        'Id': 'string',
        'IsPaused': True|False,
        'LastModifiedDate': 'string',
        'Limits': {
            'Daily': 123,
            'Total': 123
        'MessageConfiguration': {
            'APNSMessage': {
                'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                'Body': 'string',
                'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageUrl': 'string',
                'JsonBody': 'string',
                'MediaUrl': 'string',
                'RawContent': 'string',
                'SilentPush': True|False,
                'Title': 'string',
                'Url': 'string'
            'DefaultMessage': {
                'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                'Body': 'string',
                'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageUrl': 'string',
                'JsonBody': 'string',
                'MediaUrl': 'string',
                'RawContent': 'string',
                'SilentPush': True|False,
                'Title': 'string',
                'Url': 'string'
            'EmailMessage': {
                'Body': 'string',
                'FromAddress': 'string',
                'HtmlBody': 'string',
                'Title': 'string'
            'GCMMessage': {
                'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                'Body': 'string',
                'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageUrl': 'string',
                'JsonBody': 'string',
                'MediaUrl': 'string',
                'RawContent': 'string',
                'SilentPush': True|False,
                'Title': 'string',
                'Url': 'string'
            'SMSMessage': {
                'Body': 'string',
                'MessageType': 'TRANSACTIONAL'|'PROMOTIONAL',
                'SenderId': 'string'
        'Name': 'string',
        'Schedule': {
            'EndTime': 'string',
            'Frequency': 'ONCE'|'HOURLY'|'DAILY'|'WEEKLY'|'MONTHLY',
            'IsLocalTime': True|False,
            'QuietTime': {
                'End': 'string',
                'Start': 'string'
            'StartTime': 'string',
            'Timezone': 'string'
        'SegmentId': 'string',
        'SegmentVersion': 123,
        'State': {
        'TreatmentDescription': 'string',
        'TreatmentName': 'string',
        'Version': 123

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • CampaignResponse (dict) -- Campaign definition

      • AdditionalTreatments (list) -- Treatments that are defined in addition to the default treatment.

        • (dict) -- Treatment resource

          • Id (string) -- The unique treatment ID.

          • MessageConfiguration (dict) -- The message configuration settings.

            • APNSMessage (dict) -- The message that the campaign delivers to APNS channels. Overrides the default message.

              • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

              • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

              • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

              • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

              • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

              • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

              • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

              • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

              • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

            • DefaultMessage (dict) -- The default message for all channels.

              • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

              • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

              • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

              • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

              • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

              • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

              • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

              • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

              • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

            • EmailMessage (dict) -- The email message configuration.

              • Body (string) -- The email text body.

              • FromAddress (string) -- The email address used to send the email from. Defaults to use FromAddress specified in the Email Channel.

              • HtmlBody (string) -- The email html body.

              • Title (string) -- The email title (Or subject).

            • GCMMessage (dict) -- The message that the campaign delivers to GCM channels. Overrides the default message.

              • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

              • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

              • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

              • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

              • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

              • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

              • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

              • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

              • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

            • SMSMessage (dict) -- The SMS message configuration.

              • Body (string) -- The SMS text body.

              • MessageType (string) -- Is this is a transactional SMS message, otherwise a promotional message.

              • SenderId (string) -- Sender ID of sent message.

          • Schedule (dict) -- The campaign schedule.

            • EndTime (string) -- The scheduled time that the campaign ends in ISO 8601 format.

            • Frequency (string) -- How often the campaign delivers messages. Valid values: ONCE, HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY

            • IsLocalTime (boolean) -- Indicates whether the campaign schedule takes effect according to each user's local time.

            • QuietTime (dict) -- The time during which the campaign sends no messages.

              • End (string) -- The default end time for quiet time in ISO 8601 format.

              • Start (string) -- The default start time for quiet time in ISO 8601 format.

            • StartTime (string) -- The scheduled time that the campaign begins in ISO 8601 format.

            • Timezone (string) -- The starting UTC offset for the schedule if the value for isLocalTime is true Valid values: UTC UTC+01 UTC+02 UTC+03 UTC+03:30 UTC+04 UTC+04:30 UTC+05 UTC+05:30 UTC+05:45 UTC+06 UTC+06:30 UTC+07 UTC+08 UTC+09 UTC+09:30 UTC+10 UTC+10:30 UTC+11 UTC+12 UTC+13 UTC-02 UTC-03 UTC-04 UTC-05 UTC-06 UTC-07 UTC-08 UTC-09 UTC-10 UTC-11

          • SizePercent (integer) -- The allocated percentage of users for this treatment.

          • State (dict) -- The treatment status.

            • CampaignStatus (string) -- The status of the campaign, or the status of a treatment that belongs to an A/B test campaign. Valid values: SCHEDULED, EXECUTING, PENDING_NEXT_RUN, COMPLETED, PAUSED

          • TreatmentDescription (string) -- A custom description for the treatment.

          • TreatmentName (string) -- The custom name of a variation of the campaign used for A/B testing.

      • ApplicationId (string) -- The ID of the application to which the campaign applies.

      • CreationDate (string) -- The date the campaign was created in ISO 8601 format.

      • DefaultState (dict) -- The status of the campaign's default treatment. Only present for A/B test campaigns.

        • CampaignStatus (string) -- The status of the campaign, or the status of a treatment that belongs to an A/B test campaign. Valid values: SCHEDULED, EXECUTING, PENDING_NEXT_RUN, COMPLETED, PAUSED

      • Description (string) -- A description of the campaign.

      • HoldoutPercent (integer) -- The allocated percentage of end users who will not receive messages from this campaign.

      • Id (string) -- The unique campaign ID.

      • IsPaused (boolean) -- Indicates whether the campaign is paused. A paused campaign does not send messages unless you resume it by setting IsPaused to false.

      • LastModifiedDate (string) -- The date the campaign was last updated in ISO 8601 format.

      • Limits (dict) -- The campaign limits settings.

        • Daily (integer) -- The maximum number of messages that the campaign can send daily.

        • Total (integer) -- The maximum total number of messages that the campaign can send.

      • MessageConfiguration (dict) -- The message configuration settings.

        • APNSMessage (dict) -- The message that the campaign delivers to APNS channels. Overrides the default message.

          • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

          • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

          • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

          • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

          • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

          • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

          • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

          • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

          • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

        • DefaultMessage (dict) -- The default message for all channels.

          • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

          • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

          • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

          • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

          • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

          • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

          • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

          • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

          • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

        • EmailMessage (dict) -- The email message configuration.

          • Body (string) -- The email text body.

          • FromAddress (string) -- The email address used to send the email from. Defaults to use FromAddress specified in the Email Channel.

          • HtmlBody (string) -- The email html body.

          • Title (string) -- The email title (Or subject).

        • GCMMessage (dict) -- The message that the campaign delivers to GCM channels. Overrides the default message.

          • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

          • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

          • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

          • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

          • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

          • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

          • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

          • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

          • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

        • SMSMessage (dict) -- The SMS message configuration.

          • Body (string) -- The SMS text body.

          • MessageType (string) -- Is this is a transactional SMS message, otherwise a promotional message.

          • SenderId (string) -- Sender ID of sent message.

      • Name (string) -- The custom name of the campaign.

      • Schedule (dict) -- The campaign schedule.

        • EndTime (string) -- The scheduled time that the campaign ends in ISO 8601 format.

        • Frequency (string) -- How often the campaign delivers messages. Valid values: ONCE, HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY

        • IsLocalTime (boolean) -- Indicates whether the campaign schedule takes effect according to each user's local time.

        • QuietTime (dict) -- The time during which the campaign sends no messages.

          • End (string) -- The default end time for quiet time in ISO 8601 format.

          • Start (string) -- The default start time for quiet time in ISO 8601 format.

        • StartTime (string) -- The scheduled time that the campaign begins in ISO 8601 format.

        • Timezone (string) -- The starting UTC offset for the schedule if the value for isLocalTime is true Valid values: UTC UTC+01 UTC+02 UTC+03 UTC+03:30 UTC+04 UTC+04:30 UTC+05 UTC+05:30 UTC+05:45 UTC+06 UTC+06:30 UTC+07 UTC+08 UTC+09 UTC+09:30 UTC+10 UTC+10:30 UTC+11 UTC+12 UTC+13 UTC-02 UTC-03 UTC-04 UTC-05 UTC-06 UTC-07 UTC-08 UTC-09 UTC-10 UTC-11

      • SegmentId (string) -- The ID of the segment to which the campaign sends messages.

      • SegmentVersion (integer) -- The version of the segment to which the campaign sends messages.

      • State (dict) -- The campaign status. An A/B test campaign will have a status of COMPLETED only when all treatments have a status of COMPLETED.

        • CampaignStatus (string) -- The status of the campaign, or the status of a treatment that belongs to an A/B test campaign. Valid values: SCHEDULED, EXECUTING, PENDING_NEXT_RUN, COMPLETED, PAUSED

      • TreatmentDescription (string) -- A custom description for the treatment.

      • TreatmentName (string) -- The custom name of a variation of the campaign used for A/B testing.

      • Version (integer) -- The campaign version number.

GetCampaign (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'CampaignResponse': {'AdditionalTreatments': {'MessageConfiguration': {'APNSMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'},
                                                                        'DefaultMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'},
                                                                        'EmailMessage': {'FromAddress': 'string'},
                                                                        'GCMMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'}}},
                      'MessageConfiguration': {'APNSMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'},
                                               'DefaultMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'},
                                               'EmailMessage': {'FromAddress': 'string'},
                                               'GCMMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'}}}}

Returns information about a campaign.

Request Syntax

type ApplicationId


param ApplicationId


type CampaignId


param CampaignId





Response Syntax

    'CampaignResponse': {
        'AdditionalTreatments': [
                'Id': 'string',
                'MessageConfiguration': {
                    'APNSMessage': {
                        'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageUrl': 'string',
                        'JsonBody': 'string',
                        'MediaUrl': 'string',
                        'RawContent': 'string',
                        'SilentPush': True|False,
                        'Title': 'string',
                        'Url': 'string'
                    'DefaultMessage': {
                        'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageUrl': 'string',
                        'JsonBody': 'string',
                        'MediaUrl': 'string',
                        'RawContent': 'string',
                        'SilentPush': True|False,
                        'Title': 'string',
                        'Url': 'string'
                    'EmailMessage': {
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'FromAddress': 'string',
                        'HtmlBody': 'string',
                        'Title': 'string'
                    'GCMMessage': {
                        'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageUrl': 'string',
                        'JsonBody': 'string',
                        'MediaUrl': 'string',
                        'RawContent': 'string',
                        'SilentPush': True|False,
                        'Title': 'string',
                        'Url': 'string'
                    'SMSMessage': {
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'MessageType': 'TRANSACTIONAL'|'PROMOTIONAL',
                        'SenderId': 'string'
                'Schedule': {
                    'EndTime': 'string',
                    'Frequency': 'ONCE'|'HOURLY'|'DAILY'|'WEEKLY'|'MONTHLY',
                    'IsLocalTime': True|False,
                    'QuietTime': {
                        'End': 'string',
                        'Start': 'string'
                    'StartTime': 'string',
                    'Timezone': 'string'
                'SizePercent': 123,
                'State': {
                    'CampaignStatus': 'SCHEDULED'|'EXECUTING'|'PENDING_NEXT_RUN'|'COMPLETED'|'PAUSED'
                'TreatmentDescription': 'string',
                'TreatmentName': 'string'
        'ApplicationId': 'string',
        'CreationDate': 'string',
        'DefaultState': {
        'Description': 'string',
        'HoldoutPercent': 123,
        'Id': 'string',
        'IsPaused': True|False,
        'LastModifiedDate': 'string',
        'Limits': {
            'Daily': 123,
            'Total': 123
        'MessageConfiguration': {
            'APNSMessage': {
                'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                'Body': 'string',
                'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageUrl': 'string',
                'JsonBody': 'string',
                'MediaUrl': 'string',
                'RawContent': 'string',
                'SilentPush': True|False,
                'Title': 'string',
                'Url': 'string'
            'DefaultMessage': {
                'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                'Body': 'string',
                'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageUrl': 'string',
                'JsonBody': 'string',
                'MediaUrl': 'string',
                'RawContent': 'string',
                'SilentPush': True|False,
                'Title': 'string',
                'Url': 'string'
            'EmailMessage': {
                'Body': 'string',
                'FromAddress': 'string',
                'HtmlBody': 'string',
                'Title': 'string'
            'GCMMessage': {
                'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                'Body': 'string',
                'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageUrl': 'string',
                'JsonBody': 'string',
                'MediaUrl': 'string',
                'RawContent': 'string',
                'SilentPush': True|False,
                'Title': 'string',
                'Url': 'string'
            'SMSMessage': {
                'Body': 'string',
                'MessageType': 'TRANSACTIONAL'|'PROMOTIONAL',
                'SenderId': 'string'
        'Name': 'string',
        'Schedule': {
            'EndTime': 'string',
            'Frequency': 'ONCE'|'HOURLY'|'DAILY'|'WEEKLY'|'MONTHLY',
            'IsLocalTime': True|False,
            'QuietTime': {
                'End': 'string',
                'Start': 'string'
            'StartTime': 'string',
            'Timezone': 'string'
        'SegmentId': 'string',
        'SegmentVersion': 123,
        'State': {
        'TreatmentDescription': 'string',
        'TreatmentName': 'string',
        'Version': 123

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • CampaignResponse (dict) -- Campaign definition

      • AdditionalTreatments (list) -- Treatments that are defined in addition to the default treatment.

        • (dict) -- Treatment resource

          • Id (string) -- The unique treatment ID.

          • MessageConfiguration (dict) -- The message configuration settings.

            • APNSMessage (dict) -- The message that the campaign delivers to APNS channels. Overrides the default message.

              • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

              • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

              • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

              • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

              • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

              • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

              • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

              • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

              • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

            • DefaultMessage (dict) -- The default message for all channels.

              • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

              • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

              • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

              • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

              • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

              • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

              • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

              • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

              • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

            • EmailMessage (dict) -- The email message configuration.

              • Body (string) -- The email text body.

              • FromAddress (string) -- The email address used to send the email from. Defaults to use FromAddress specified in the Email Channel.

              • HtmlBody (string) -- The email html body.

              • Title (string) -- The email title (Or subject).

            • GCMMessage (dict) -- The message that the campaign delivers to GCM channels. Overrides the default message.

              • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

              • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

              • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

              • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

              • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

              • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

              • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

              • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

              • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

            • SMSMessage (dict) -- The SMS message configuration.

              • Body (string) -- The SMS text body.

              • MessageType (string) -- Is this is a transactional SMS message, otherwise a promotional message.

              • SenderId (string) -- Sender ID of sent message.

          • Schedule (dict) -- The campaign schedule.

            • EndTime (string) -- The scheduled time that the campaign ends in ISO 8601 format.

            • Frequency (string) -- How often the campaign delivers messages. Valid values: ONCE, HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY

            • IsLocalTime (boolean) -- Indicates whether the campaign schedule takes effect according to each user's local time.

            • QuietTime (dict) -- The time during which the campaign sends no messages.

              • End (string) -- The default end time for quiet time in ISO 8601 format.

              • Start (string) -- The default start time for quiet time in ISO 8601 format.

            • StartTime (string) -- The scheduled time that the campaign begins in ISO 8601 format.

            • Timezone (string) -- The starting UTC offset for the schedule if the value for isLocalTime is true Valid values: UTC UTC+01 UTC+02 UTC+03 UTC+03:30 UTC+04 UTC+04:30 UTC+05 UTC+05:30 UTC+05:45 UTC+06 UTC+06:30 UTC+07 UTC+08 UTC+09 UTC+09:30 UTC+10 UTC+10:30 UTC+11 UTC+12 UTC+13 UTC-02 UTC-03 UTC-04 UTC-05 UTC-06 UTC-07 UTC-08 UTC-09 UTC-10 UTC-11

          • SizePercent (integer) -- The allocated percentage of users for this treatment.

          • State (dict) -- The treatment status.

            • CampaignStatus (string) -- The status of the campaign, or the status of a treatment that belongs to an A/B test campaign. Valid values: SCHEDULED, EXECUTING, PENDING_NEXT_RUN, COMPLETED, PAUSED

          • TreatmentDescription (string) -- A custom description for the treatment.

          • TreatmentName (string) -- The custom name of a variation of the campaign used for A/B testing.

      • ApplicationId (string) -- The ID of the application to which the campaign applies.

      • CreationDate (string) -- The date the campaign was created in ISO 8601 format.

      • DefaultState (dict) -- The status of the campaign's default treatment. Only present for A/B test campaigns.

        • CampaignStatus (string) -- The status of the campaign, or the status of a treatment that belongs to an A/B test campaign. Valid values: SCHEDULED, EXECUTING, PENDING_NEXT_RUN, COMPLETED, PAUSED

      • Description (string) -- A description of the campaign.

      • HoldoutPercent (integer) -- The allocated percentage of end users who will not receive messages from this campaign.

      • Id (string) -- The unique campaign ID.

      • IsPaused (boolean) -- Indicates whether the campaign is paused. A paused campaign does not send messages unless you resume it by setting IsPaused to false.

      • LastModifiedDate (string) -- The date the campaign was last updated in ISO 8601 format.

      • Limits (dict) -- The campaign limits settings.

        • Daily (integer) -- The maximum number of messages that the campaign can send daily.

        • Total (integer) -- The maximum total number of messages that the campaign can send.

      • MessageConfiguration (dict) -- The message configuration settings.

        • APNSMessage (dict) -- The message that the campaign delivers to APNS channels. Overrides the default message.

          • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

          • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

          • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

          • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

          • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

          • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

          • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

          • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

          • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

        • DefaultMessage (dict) -- The default message for all channels.

          • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

          • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

          • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

          • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

          • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

          • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

          • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

          • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

          • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

        • EmailMessage (dict) -- The email message configuration.

          • Body (string) -- The email text body.

          • FromAddress (string) -- The email address used to send the email from. Defaults to use FromAddress specified in the Email Channel.

          • HtmlBody (string) -- The email html body.

          • Title (string) -- The email title (Or subject).

        • GCMMessage (dict) -- The message that the campaign delivers to GCM channels. Overrides the default message.

          • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

          • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

          • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

          • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

          • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

          • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

          • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

          • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

          • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

        • SMSMessage (dict) -- The SMS message configuration.

          • Body (string) -- The SMS text body.

          • MessageType (string) -- Is this is a transactional SMS message, otherwise a promotional message.

          • SenderId (string) -- Sender ID of sent message.

      • Name (string) -- The custom name of the campaign.

      • Schedule (dict) -- The campaign schedule.

        • EndTime (string) -- The scheduled time that the campaign ends in ISO 8601 format.

        • Frequency (string) -- How often the campaign delivers messages. Valid values: ONCE, HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY

        • IsLocalTime (boolean) -- Indicates whether the campaign schedule takes effect according to each user's local time.

        • QuietTime (dict) -- The time during which the campaign sends no messages.

          • End (string) -- The default end time for quiet time in ISO 8601 format.

          • Start (string) -- The default start time for quiet time in ISO 8601 format.

        • StartTime (string) -- The scheduled time that the campaign begins in ISO 8601 format.

        • Timezone (string) -- The starting UTC offset for the schedule if the value for isLocalTime is true Valid values: UTC UTC+01 UTC+02 UTC+03 UTC+03:30 UTC+04 UTC+04:30 UTC+05 UTC+05:30 UTC+05:45 UTC+06 UTC+06:30 UTC+07 UTC+08 UTC+09 UTC+09:30 UTC+10 UTC+10:30 UTC+11 UTC+12 UTC+13 UTC-02 UTC-03 UTC-04 UTC-05 UTC-06 UTC-07 UTC-08 UTC-09 UTC-10 UTC-11

      • SegmentId (string) -- The ID of the segment to which the campaign sends messages.

      • SegmentVersion (integer) -- The version of the segment to which the campaign sends messages.

      • State (dict) -- The campaign status. An A/B test campaign will have a status of COMPLETED only when all treatments have a status of COMPLETED.

        • CampaignStatus (string) -- The status of the campaign, or the status of a treatment that belongs to an A/B test campaign. Valid values: SCHEDULED, EXECUTING, PENDING_NEXT_RUN, COMPLETED, PAUSED

      • TreatmentDescription (string) -- A custom description for the treatment.

      • TreatmentName (string) -- The custom name of a variation of the campaign used for A/B testing.

      • Version (integer) -- The campaign version number.

GetCampaignVersion (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'CampaignResponse': {'AdditionalTreatments': {'MessageConfiguration': {'APNSMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'},
                                                                        'DefaultMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'},
                                                                        'EmailMessage': {'FromAddress': 'string'},
                                                                        'GCMMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'}}},
                      'MessageConfiguration': {'APNSMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'},
                                               'DefaultMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'},
                                               'EmailMessage': {'FromAddress': 'string'},
                                               'GCMMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'}}}}

Returns information about a specific version of a campaign.

Request Syntax

type ApplicationId


param ApplicationId


type CampaignId


param CampaignId


type Version


param Version





Response Syntax

    'CampaignResponse': {
        'AdditionalTreatments': [
                'Id': 'string',
                'MessageConfiguration': {
                    'APNSMessage': {
                        'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageUrl': 'string',
                        'JsonBody': 'string',
                        'MediaUrl': 'string',
                        'RawContent': 'string',
                        'SilentPush': True|False,
                        'Title': 'string',
                        'Url': 'string'
                    'DefaultMessage': {
                        'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageUrl': 'string',
                        'JsonBody': 'string',
                        'MediaUrl': 'string',
                        'RawContent': 'string',
                        'SilentPush': True|False,
                        'Title': 'string',
                        'Url': 'string'
                    'EmailMessage': {
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'FromAddress': 'string',
                        'HtmlBody': 'string',
                        'Title': 'string'
                    'GCMMessage': {
                        'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageUrl': 'string',
                        'JsonBody': 'string',
                        'MediaUrl': 'string',
                        'RawContent': 'string',
                        'SilentPush': True|False,
                        'Title': 'string',
                        'Url': 'string'
                    'SMSMessage': {
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'MessageType': 'TRANSACTIONAL'|'PROMOTIONAL',
                        'SenderId': 'string'
                'Schedule': {
                    'EndTime': 'string',
                    'Frequency': 'ONCE'|'HOURLY'|'DAILY'|'WEEKLY'|'MONTHLY',
                    'IsLocalTime': True|False,
                    'QuietTime': {
                        'End': 'string',
                        'Start': 'string'
                    'StartTime': 'string',
                    'Timezone': 'string'
                'SizePercent': 123,
                'State': {
                    'CampaignStatus': 'SCHEDULED'|'EXECUTING'|'PENDING_NEXT_RUN'|'COMPLETED'|'PAUSED'
                'TreatmentDescription': 'string',
                'TreatmentName': 'string'
        'ApplicationId': 'string',
        'CreationDate': 'string',
        'DefaultState': {
        'Description': 'string',
        'HoldoutPercent': 123,
        'Id': 'string',
        'IsPaused': True|False,
        'LastModifiedDate': 'string',
        'Limits': {
            'Daily': 123,
            'Total': 123
        'MessageConfiguration': {
            'APNSMessage': {
                'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                'Body': 'string',
                'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageUrl': 'string',
                'JsonBody': 'string',
                'MediaUrl': 'string',
                'RawContent': 'string',
                'SilentPush': True|False,
                'Title': 'string',
                'Url': 'string'
            'DefaultMessage': {
                'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                'Body': 'string',
                'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageUrl': 'string',
                'JsonBody': 'string',
                'MediaUrl': 'string',
                'RawContent': 'string',
                'SilentPush': True|False,
                'Title': 'string',
                'Url': 'string'
            'EmailMessage': {
                'Body': 'string',
                'FromAddress': 'string',
                'HtmlBody': 'string',
                'Title': 'string'
            'GCMMessage': {
                'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                'Body': 'string',
                'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageUrl': 'string',
                'JsonBody': 'string',
                'MediaUrl': 'string',
                'RawContent': 'string',
                'SilentPush': True|False,
                'Title': 'string',
                'Url': 'string'
            'SMSMessage': {
                'Body': 'string',
                'MessageType': 'TRANSACTIONAL'|'PROMOTIONAL',
                'SenderId': 'string'
        'Name': 'string',
        'Schedule': {
            'EndTime': 'string',
            'Frequency': 'ONCE'|'HOURLY'|'DAILY'|'WEEKLY'|'MONTHLY',
            'IsLocalTime': True|False,
            'QuietTime': {
                'End': 'string',
                'Start': 'string'
            'StartTime': 'string',
            'Timezone': 'string'
        'SegmentId': 'string',
        'SegmentVersion': 123,
        'State': {
        'TreatmentDescription': 'string',
        'TreatmentName': 'string',
        'Version': 123

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • CampaignResponse (dict) -- Campaign definition

      • AdditionalTreatments (list) -- Treatments that are defined in addition to the default treatment.

        • (dict) -- Treatment resource

          • Id (string) -- The unique treatment ID.

          • MessageConfiguration (dict) -- The message configuration settings.

            • APNSMessage (dict) -- The message that the campaign delivers to APNS channels. Overrides the default message.

              • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

              • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

              • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

              • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

              • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

              • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

              • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

              • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

              • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

            • DefaultMessage (dict) -- The default message for all channels.

              • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

              • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

              • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

              • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

              • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

              • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

              • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

              • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

              • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

            • EmailMessage (dict) -- The email message configuration.

              • Body (string) -- The email text body.

              • FromAddress (string) -- The email address used to send the email from. Defaults to use FromAddress specified in the Email Channel.

              • HtmlBody (string) -- The email html body.

              • Title (string) -- The email title (Or subject).

            • GCMMessage (dict) -- The message that the campaign delivers to GCM channels. Overrides the default message.

              • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

              • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

              • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

              • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

              • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

              • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

              • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

              • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

              • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

            • SMSMessage (dict) -- The SMS message configuration.

              • Body (string) -- The SMS text body.

              • MessageType (string) -- Is this is a transactional SMS message, otherwise a promotional message.

              • SenderId (string) -- Sender ID of sent message.

          • Schedule (dict) -- The campaign schedule.

            • EndTime (string) -- The scheduled time that the campaign ends in ISO 8601 format.

            • Frequency (string) -- How often the campaign delivers messages. Valid values: ONCE, HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY

            • IsLocalTime (boolean) -- Indicates whether the campaign schedule takes effect according to each user's local time.

            • QuietTime (dict) -- The time during which the campaign sends no messages.

              • End (string) -- The default end time for quiet time in ISO 8601 format.

              • Start (string) -- The default start time for quiet time in ISO 8601 format.

            • StartTime (string) -- The scheduled time that the campaign begins in ISO 8601 format.

            • Timezone (string) -- The starting UTC offset for the schedule if the value for isLocalTime is true Valid values: UTC UTC+01 UTC+02 UTC+03 UTC+03:30 UTC+04 UTC+04:30 UTC+05 UTC+05:30 UTC+05:45 UTC+06 UTC+06:30 UTC+07 UTC+08 UTC+09 UTC+09:30 UTC+10 UTC+10:30 UTC+11 UTC+12 UTC+13 UTC-02 UTC-03 UTC-04 UTC-05 UTC-06 UTC-07 UTC-08 UTC-09 UTC-10 UTC-11

          • SizePercent (integer) -- The allocated percentage of users for this treatment.

          • State (dict) -- The treatment status.

            • CampaignStatus (string) -- The status of the campaign, or the status of a treatment that belongs to an A/B test campaign. Valid values: SCHEDULED, EXECUTING, PENDING_NEXT_RUN, COMPLETED, PAUSED

          • TreatmentDescription (string) -- A custom description for the treatment.

          • TreatmentName (string) -- The custom name of a variation of the campaign used for A/B testing.

      • ApplicationId (string) -- The ID of the application to which the campaign applies.

      • CreationDate (string) -- The date the campaign was created in ISO 8601 format.

      • DefaultState (dict) -- The status of the campaign's default treatment. Only present for A/B test campaigns.

        • CampaignStatus (string) -- The status of the campaign, or the status of a treatment that belongs to an A/B test campaign. Valid values: SCHEDULED, EXECUTING, PENDING_NEXT_RUN, COMPLETED, PAUSED

      • Description (string) -- A description of the campaign.

      • HoldoutPercent (integer) -- The allocated percentage of end users who will not receive messages from this campaign.

      • Id (string) -- The unique campaign ID.

      • IsPaused (boolean) -- Indicates whether the campaign is paused. A paused campaign does not send messages unless you resume it by setting IsPaused to false.

      • LastModifiedDate (string) -- The date the campaign was last updated in ISO 8601 format.

      • Limits (dict) -- The campaign limits settings.

        • Daily (integer) -- The maximum number of messages that the campaign can send daily.

        • Total (integer) -- The maximum total number of messages that the campaign can send.

      • MessageConfiguration (dict) -- The message configuration settings.

        • APNSMessage (dict) -- The message that the campaign delivers to APNS channels. Overrides the default message.

          • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

          • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

          • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

          • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

          • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

          • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

          • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

          • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

          • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

        • DefaultMessage (dict) -- The default message for all channels.

          • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

          • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

          • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

          • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

          • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

          • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

          • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

          • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

          • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

        • EmailMessage (dict) -- The email message configuration.

          • Body (string) -- The email text body.

          • FromAddress (string) -- The email address used to send the email from. Defaults to use FromAddress specified in the Email Channel.

          • HtmlBody (string) -- The email html body.

          • Title (string) -- The email title (Or subject).

        • GCMMessage (dict) -- The message that the campaign delivers to GCM channels. Overrides the default message.

          • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

          • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

          • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

          • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

          • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

          • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

          • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

          • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

          • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

        • SMSMessage (dict) -- The SMS message configuration.

          • Body (string) -- The SMS text body.

          • MessageType (string) -- Is this is a transactional SMS message, otherwise a promotional message.

          • SenderId (string) -- Sender ID of sent message.

      • Name (string) -- The custom name of the campaign.

      • Schedule (dict) -- The campaign schedule.

        • EndTime (string) -- The scheduled time that the campaign ends in ISO 8601 format.

        • Frequency (string) -- How often the campaign delivers messages. Valid values: ONCE, HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY

        • IsLocalTime (boolean) -- Indicates whether the campaign schedule takes effect according to each user's local time.

        • QuietTime (dict) -- The time during which the campaign sends no messages.

          • End (string) -- The default end time for quiet time in ISO 8601 format.

          • Start (string) -- The default start time for quiet time in ISO 8601 format.

        • StartTime (string) -- The scheduled time that the campaign begins in ISO 8601 format.

        • Timezone (string) -- The starting UTC offset for the schedule if the value for isLocalTime is true Valid values: UTC UTC+01 UTC+02 UTC+03 UTC+03:30 UTC+04 UTC+04:30 UTC+05 UTC+05:30 UTC+05:45 UTC+06 UTC+06:30 UTC+07 UTC+08 UTC+09 UTC+09:30 UTC+10 UTC+10:30 UTC+11 UTC+12 UTC+13 UTC-02 UTC-03 UTC-04 UTC-05 UTC-06 UTC-07 UTC-08 UTC-09 UTC-10 UTC-11

      • SegmentId (string) -- The ID of the segment to which the campaign sends messages.

      • SegmentVersion (integer) -- The version of the segment to which the campaign sends messages.

      • State (dict) -- The campaign status. An A/B test campaign will have a status of COMPLETED only when all treatments have a status of COMPLETED.

        • CampaignStatus (string) -- The status of the campaign, or the status of a treatment that belongs to an A/B test campaign. Valid values: SCHEDULED, EXECUTING, PENDING_NEXT_RUN, COMPLETED, PAUSED

      • TreatmentDescription (string) -- A custom description for the treatment.

      • TreatmentName (string) -- The custom name of a variation of the campaign used for A/B testing.

      • Version (integer) -- The campaign version number.

GetCampaignVersions (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'CampaignsResponse': {'Item': {'AdditionalTreatments': {'MessageConfiguration': {'APNSMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'},
                                                                                  'DefaultMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'},
                                                                                  'EmailMessage': {'FromAddress': 'string'},
                                                                                  'GCMMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'}}},
                                'MessageConfiguration': {'APNSMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'},
                                                         'DefaultMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'},
                                                         'EmailMessage': {'FromAddress': 'string'},
                                                         'GCMMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'}}}}}

Returns information about your campaign versions.

Request Syntax

type ApplicationId


param ApplicationId


type CampaignId


param CampaignId


type PageSize


param PageSize

The number of entries you want on each page in the response.

type Token


param Token

The NextToken string returned on a previous page that you use to get the next page of results in a paginated response.




Response Syntax

    'CampaignsResponse': {
        'Item': [
                'AdditionalTreatments': [
                        'Id': 'string',
                        'MessageConfiguration': {
                            'APNSMessage': {
                                'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                                'Body': 'string',
                                'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                                'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                                'ImageUrl': 'string',
                                'JsonBody': 'string',
                                'MediaUrl': 'string',
                                'RawContent': 'string',
                                'SilentPush': True|False,
                                'Title': 'string',
                                'Url': 'string'
                            'DefaultMessage': {
                                'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                                'Body': 'string',
                                'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                                'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                                'ImageUrl': 'string',
                                'JsonBody': 'string',
                                'MediaUrl': 'string',
                                'RawContent': 'string',
                                'SilentPush': True|False,
                                'Title': 'string',
                                'Url': 'string'
                            'EmailMessage': {
                                'Body': 'string',
                                'FromAddress': 'string',
                                'HtmlBody': 'string',
                                'Title': 'string'
                            'GCMMessage': {
                                'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                                'Body': 'string',
                                'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                                'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                                'ImageUrl': 'string',
                                'JsonBody': 'string',
                                'MediaUrl': 'string',
                                'RawContent': 'string',
                                'SilentPush': True|False,
                                'Title': 'string',
                                'Url': 'string'
                            'SMSMessage': {
                                'Body': 'string',
                                'MessageType': 'TRANSACTIONAL'|'PROMOTIONAL',
                                'SenderId': 'string'
                        'Schedule': {
                            'EndTime': 'string',
                            'Frequency': 'ONCE'|'HOURLY'|'DAILY'|'WEEKLY'|'MONTHLY',
                            'IsLocalTime': True|False,
                            'QuietTime': {
                                'End': 'string',
                                'Start': 'string'
                            'StartTime': 'string',
                            'Timezone': 'string'
                        'SizePercent': 123,
                        'State': {
                            'CampaignStatus': 'SCHEDULED'|'EXECUTING'|'PENDING_NEXT_RUN'|'COMPLETED'|'PAUSED'
                        'TreatmentDescription': 'string',
                        'TreatmentName': 'string'
                'ApplicationId': 'string',
                'CreationDate': 'string',
                'DefaultState': {
                    'CampaignStatus': 'SCHEDULED'|'EXECUTING'|'PENDING_NEXT_RUN'|'COMPLETED'|'PAUSED'
                'Description': 'string',
                'HoldoutPercent': 123,
                'Id': 'string',
                'IsPaused': True|False,
                'LastModifiedDate': 'string',
                'Limits': {
                    'Daily': 123,
                    'Total': 123
                'MessageConfiguration': {
                    'APNSMessage': {
                        'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageUrl': 'string',
                        'JsonBody': 'string',
                        'MediaUrl': 'string',
                        'RawContent': 'string',
                        'SilentPush': True|False,
                        'Title': 'string',
                        'Url': 'string'
                    'DefaultMessage': {
                        'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageUrl': 'string',
                        'JsonBody': 'string',
                        'MediaUrl': 'string',
                        'RawContent': 'string',
                        'SilentPush': True|False,
                        'Title': 'string',
                        'Url': 'string'
                    'EmailMessage': {
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'FromAddress': 'string',
                        'HtmlBody': 'string',
                        'Title': 'string'
                    'GCMMessage': {
                        'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageUrl': 'string',
                        'JsonBody': 'string',
                        'MediaUrl': 'string',
                        'RawContent': 'string',
                        'SilentPush': True|False,
                        'Title': 'string',
                        'Url': 'string'
                    'SMSMessage': {
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'MessageType': 'TRANSACTIONAL'|'PROMOTIONAL',
                        'SenderId': 'string'
                'Name': 'string',
                'Schedule': {
                    'EndTime': 'string',
                    'Frequency': 'ONCE'|'HOURLY'|'DAILY'|'WEEKLY'|'MONTHLY',
                    'IsLocalTime': True|False,
                    'QuietTime': {
                        'End': 'string',
                        'Start': 'string'
                    'StartTime': 'string',
                    'Timezone': 'string'
                'SegmentId': 'string',
                'SegmentVersion': 123,
                'State': {
                    'CampaignStatus': 'SCHEDULED'|'EXECUTING'|'PENDING_NEXT_RUN'|'COMPLETED'|'PAUSED'
                'TreatmentDescription': 'string',
                'TreatmentName': 'string',
                'Version': 123
        'NextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • CampaignsResponse (dict) -- List of available campaigns.

      • Item (list) -- A list of campaigns.

        • (dict) -- Campaign definition

          • AdditionalTreatments (list) -- Treatments that are defined in addition to the default treatment.

            • (dict) -- Treatment resource

              • Id (string) -- The unique treatment ID.

              • MessageConfiguration (dict) -- The message configuration settings.

                • APNSMessage (dict) -- The message that the campaign delivers to APNS channels. Overrides the default message.

                  • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

                  • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

                  • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

                  • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

                  • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

                  • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

                  • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

                  • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

                  • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

                  • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

                  • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

                • DefaultMessage (dict) -- The default message for all channels.

                  • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

                  • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

                  • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

                  • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

                  • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

                  • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

                  • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

                  • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

                  • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

                  • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

                  • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

                • EmailMessage (dict) -- The email message configuration.

                  • Body (string) -- The email text body.

                  • FromAddress (string) -- The email address used to send the email from. Defaults to use FromAddress specified in the Email Channel.

                  • HtmlBody (string) -- The email html body.

                  • Title (string) -- The email title (Or subject).

                • GCMMessage (dict) -- The message that the campaign delivers to GCM channels. Overrides the default message.

                  • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

                  • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

                  • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

                  • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

                  • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

                  • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

                  • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

                  • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

                  • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

                  • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

                  • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

                • SMSMessage (dict) -- The SMS message configuration.

                  • Body (string) -- The SMS text body.

                  • MessageType (string) -- Is this is a transactional SMS message, otherwise a promotional message.

                  • SenderId (string) -- Sender ID of sent message.

              • Schedule (dict) -- The campaign schedule.

                • EndTime (string) -- The scheduled time that the campaign ends in ISO 8601 format.

                • Frequency (string) -- How often the campaign delivers messages. Valid values: ONCE, HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY

                • IsLocalTime (boolean) -- Indicates whether the campaign schedule takes effect according to each user's local time.

                • QuietTime (dict) -- The time during which the campaign sends no messages.

                  • End (string) -- The default end time for quiet time in ISO 8601 format.

                  • Start (string) -- The default start time for quiet time in ISO 8601 format.

                • StartTime (string) -- The scheduled time that the campaign begins in ISO 8601 format.

                • Timezone (string) -- The starting UTC offset for the schedule if the value for isLocalTime is true Valid values: UTC UTC+01 UTC+02 UTC+03 UTC+03:30 UTC+04 UTC+04:30 UTC+05 UTC+05:30 UTC+05:45 UTC+06 UTC+06:30 UTC+07 UTC+08 UTC+09 UTC+09:30 UTC+10 UTC+10:30 UTC+11 UTC+12 UTC+13 UTC-02 UTC-03 UTC-04 UTC-05 UTC-06 UTC-07 UTC-08 UTC-09 UTC-10 UTC-11

              • SizePercent (integer) -- The allocated percentage of users for this treatment.

              • State (dict) -- The treatment status.

                • CampaignStatus (string) -- The status of the campaign, or the status of a treatment that belongs to an A/B test campaign. Valid values: SCHEDULED, EXECUTING, PENDING_NEXT_RUN, COMPLETED, PAUSED

              • TreatmentDescription (string) -- A custom description for the treatment.

              • TreatmentName (string) -- The custom name of a variation of the campaign used for A/B testing.

          • ApplicationId (string) -- The ID of the application to which the campaign applies.

          • CreationDate (string) -- The date the campaign was created in ISO 8601 format.

          • DefaultState (dict) -- The status of the campaign's default treatment. Only present for A/B test campaigns.

            • CampaignStatus (string) -- The status of the campaign, or the status of a treatment that belongs to an A/B test campaign. Valid values: SCHEDULED, EXECUTING, PENDING_NEXT_RUN, COMPLETED, PAUSED

          • Description (string) -- A description of the campaign.

          • HoldoutPercent (integer) -- The allocated percentage of end users who will not receive messages from this campaign.

          • Id (string) -- The unique campaign ID.

          • IsPaused (boolean) -- Indicates whether the campaign is paused. A paused campaign does not send messages unless you resume it by setting IsPaused to false.

          • LastModifiedDate (string) -- The date the campaign was last updated in ISO 8601 format.

          • Limits (dict) -- The campaign limits settings.

            • Daily (integer) -- The maximum number of messages that the campaign can send daily.

            • Total (integer) -- The maximum total number of messages that the campaign can send.

          • MessageConfiguration (dict) -- The message configuration settings.

            • APNSMessage (dict) -- The message that the campaign delivers to APNS channels. Overrides the default message.

              • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

              • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

              • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

              • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

              • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

              • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

              • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

              • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

              • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

            • DefaultMessage (dict) -- The default message for all channels.

              • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

              • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

              • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

              • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

              • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

              • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

              • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

              • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

              • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

            • EmailMessage (dict) -- The email message configuration.

              • Body (string) -- The email text body.

              • FromAddress (string) -- The email address used to send the email from. Defaults to use FromAddress specified in the Email Channel.

              • HtmlBody (string) -- The email html body.

              • Title (string) -- The email title (Or subject).

            • GCMMessage (dict) -- The message that the campaign delivers to GCM channels. Overrides the default message.

              • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

              • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

              • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

              • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

              • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

              • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

              • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

              • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

              • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

            • SMSMessage (dict) -- The SMS message configuration.

              • Body (string) -- The SMS text body.

              • MessageType (string) -- Is this is a transactional SMS message, otherwise a promotional message.

              • SenderId (string) -- Sender ID of sent message.

          • Name (string) -- The custom name of the campaign.

          • Schedule (dict) -- The campaign schedule.

            • EndTime (string) -- The scheduled time that the campaign ends in ISO 8601 format.

            • Frequency (string) -- How often the campaign delivers messages. Valid values: ONCE, HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY

            • IsLocalTime (boolean) -- Indicates whether the campaign schedule takes effect according to each user's local time.

            • QuietTime (dict) -- The time during which the campaign sends no messages.

              • End (string) -- The default end time for quiet time in ISO 8601 format.

              • Start (string) -- The default start time for quiet time in ISO 8601 format.

            • StartTime (string) -- The scheduled time that the campaign begins in ISO 8601 format.

            • Timezone (string) -- The starting UTC offset for the schedule if the value for isLocalTime is true Valid values: UTC UTC+01 UTC+02 UTC+03 UTC+03:30 UTC+04 UTC+04:30 UTC+05 UTC+05:30 UTC+05:45 UTC+06 UTC+06:30 UTC+07 UTC+08 UTC+09 UTC+09:30 UTC+10 UTC+10:30 UTC+11 UTC+12 UTC+13 UTC-02 UTC-03 UTC-04 UTC-05 UTC-06 UTC-07 UTC-08 UTC-09 UTC-10 UTC-11

          • SegmentId (string) -- The ID of the segment to which the campaign sends messages.

          • SegmentVersion (integer) -- The version of the segment to which the campaign sends messages.

          • State (dict) -- The campaign status. An A/B test campaign will have a status of COMPLETED only when all treatments have a status of COMPLETED.

            • CampaignStatus (string) -- The status of the campaign, or the status of a treatment that belongs to an A/B test campaign. Valid values: SCHEDULED, EXECUTING, PENDING_NEXT_RUN, COMPLETED, PAUSED

          • TreatmentDescription (string) -- A custom description for the treatment.

          • TreatmentName (string) -- The custom name of a variation of the campaign used for A/B testing.

          • Version (integer) -- The campaign version number.

      • NextToken (string) -- The string that you use in a subsequent request to get the next page of results in a paginated response.

GetCampaigns (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'CampaignsResponse': {'Item': {'AdditionalTreatments': {'MessageConfiguration': {'APNSMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'},
                                                                                  'DefaultMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'},
                                                                                  'EmailMessage': {'FromAddress': 'string'},
                                                                                  'GCMMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'}}},
                                'MessageConfiguration': {'APNSMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'},
                                                         'DefaultMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'},
                                                         'EmailMessage': {'FromAddress': 'string'},
                                                         'GCMMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'}}}}}

Returns information about your campaigns.

Request Syntax

type ApplicationId


param ApplicationId


type PageSize


param PageSize

The number of entries you want on each page in the response.

type Token


param Token

The NextToken string returned on a previous page that you use to get the next page of results in a paginated response.




Response Syntax

    'CampaignsResponse': {
        'Item': [
                'AdditionalTreatments': [
                        'Id': 'string',
                        'MessageConfiguration': {
                            'APNSMessage': {
                                'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                                'Body': 'string',
                                'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                                'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                                'ImageUrl': 'string',
                                'JsonBody': 'string',
                                'MediaUrl': 'string',
                                'RawContent': 'string',
                                'SilentPush': True|False,
                                'Title': 'string',
                                'Url': 'string'
                            'DefaultMessage': {
                                'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                                'Body': 'string',
                                'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                                'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                                'ImageUrl': 'string',
                                'JsonBody': 'string',
                                'MediaUrl': 'string',
                                'RawContent': 'string',
                                'SilentPush': True|False,
                                'Title': 'string',
                                'Url': 'string'
                            'EmailMessage': {
                                'Body': 'string',
                                'FromAddress': 'string',
                                'HtmlBody': 'string',
                                'Title': 'string'
                            'GCMMessage': {
                                'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                                'Body': 'string',
                                'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                                'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                                'ImageUrl': 'string',
                                'JsonBody': 'string',
                                'MediaUrl': 'string',
                                'RawContent': 'string',
                                'SilentPush': True|False,
                                'Title': 'string',
                                'Url': 'string'
                            'SMSMessage': {
                                'Body': 'string',
                                'MessageType': 'TRANSACTIONAL'|'PROMOTIONAL',
                                'SenderId': 'string'
                        'Schedule': {
                            'EndTime': 'string',
                            'Frequency': 'ONCE'|'HOURLY'|'DAILY'|'WEEKLY'|'MONTHLY',
                            'IsLocalTime': True|False,
                            'QuietTime': {
                                'End': 'string',
                                'Start': 'string'
                            'StartTime': 'string',
                            'Timezone': 'string'
                        'SizePercent': 123,
                        'State': {
                            'CampaignStatus': 'SCHEDULED'|'EXECUTING'|'PENDING_NEXT_RUN'|'COMPLETED'|'PAUSED'
                        'TreatmentDescription': 'string',
                        'TreatmentName': 'string'
                'ApplicationId': 'string',
                'CreationDate': 'string',
                'DefaultState': {
                    'CampaignStatus': 'SCHEDULED'|'EXECUTING'|'PENDING_NEXT_RUN'|'COMPLETED'|'PAUSED'
                'Description': 'string',
                'HoldoutPercent': 123,
                'Id': 'string',
                'IsPaused': True|False,
                'LastModifiedDate': 'string',
                'Limits': {
                    'Daily': 123,
                    'Total': 123
                'MessageConfiguration': {
                    'APNSMessage': {
                        'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageUrl': 'string',
                        'JsonBody': 'string',
                        'MediaUrl': 'string',
                        'RawContent': 'string',
                        'SilentPush': True|False,
                        'Title': 'string',
                        'Url': 'string'
                    'DefaultMessage': {
                        'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageUrl': 'string',
                        'JsonBody': 'string',
                        'MediaUrl': 'string',
                        'RawContent': 'string',
                        'SilentPush': True|False,
                        'Title': 'string',
                        'Url': 'string'
                    'EmailMessage': {
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'FromAddress': 'string',
                        'HtmlBody': 'string',
                        'Title': 'string'
                    'GCMMessage': {
                        'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageUrl': 'string',
                        'JsonBody': 'string',
                        'MediaUrl': 'string',
                        'RawContent': 'string',
                        'SilentPush': True|False,
                        'Title': 'string',
                        'Url': 'string'
                    'SMSMessage': {
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'MessageType': 'TRANSACTIONAL'|'PROMOTIONAL',
                        'SenderId': 'string'
                'Name': 'string',
                'Schedule': {
                    'EndTime': 'string',
                    'Frequency': 'ONCE'|'HOURLY'|'DAILY'|'WEEKLY'|'MONTHLY',
                    'IsLocalTime': True|False,
                    'QuietTime': {
                        'End': 'string',
                        'Start': 'string'
                    'StartTime': 'string',
                    'Timezone': 'string'
                'SegmentId': 'string',
                'SegmentVersion': 123,
                'State': {
                    'CampaignStatus': 'SCHEDULED'|'EXECUTING'|'PENDING_NEXT_RUN'|'COMPLETED'|'PAUSED'
                'TreatmentDescription': 'string',
                'TreatmentName': 'string',
                'Version': 123
        'NextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • CampaignsResponse (dict) -- List of available campaigns.

      • Item (list) -- A list of campaigns.

        • (dict) -- Campaign definition

          • AdditionalTreatments (list) -- Treatments that are defined in addition to the default treatment.

            • (dict) -- Treatment resource

              • Id (string) -- The unique treatment ID.

              • MessageConfiguration (dict) -- The message configuration settings.

                • APNSMessage (dict) -- The message that the campaign delivers to APNS channels. Overrides the default message.

                  • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

                  • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

                  • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

                  • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

                  • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

                  • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

                  • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

                  • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

                  • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

                  • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

                  • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

                • DefaultMessage (dict) -- The default message for all channels.

                  • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

                  • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

                  • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

                  • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

                  • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

                  • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

                  • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

                  • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

                  • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

                  • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

                  • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

                • EmailMessage (dict) -- The email message configuration.

                  • Body (string) -- The email text body.

                  • FromAddress (string) -- The email address used to send the email from. Defaults to use FromAddress specified in the Email Channel.

                  • HtmlBody (string) -- The email html body.

                  • Title (string) -- The email title (Or subject).

                • GCMMessage (dict) -- The message that the campaign delivers to GCM channels. Overrides the default message.

                  • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

                  • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

                  • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

                  • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

                  • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

                  • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

                  • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

                  • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

                  • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

                  • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

                  • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

                • SMSMessage (dict) -- The SMS message configuration.

                  • Body (string) -- The SMS text body.

                  • MessageType (string) -- Is this is a transactional SMS message, otherwise a promotional message.

                  • SenderId (string) -- Sender ID of sent message.

              • Schedule (dict) -- The campaign schedule.

                • EndTime (string) -- The scheduled time that the campaign ends in ISO 8601 format.

                • Frequency (string) -- How often the campaign delivers messages. Valid values: ONCE, HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY

                • IsLocalTime (boolean) -- Indicates whether the campaign schedule takes effect according to each user's local time.

                • QuietTime (dict) -- The time during which the campaign sends no messages.

                  • End (string) -- The default end time for quiet time in ISO 8601 format.

                  • Start (string) -- The default start time for quiet time in ISO 8601 format.

                • StartTime (string) -- The scheduled time that the campaign begins in ISO 8601 format.

                • Timezone (string) -- The starting UTC offset for the schedule if the value for isLocalTime is true Valid values: UTC UTC+01 UTC+02 UTC+03 UTC+03:30 UTC+04 UTC+04:30 UTC+05 UTC+05:30 UTC+05:45 UTC+06 UTC+06:30 UTC+07 UTC+08 UTC+09 UTC+09:30 UTC+10 UTC+10:30 UTC+11 UTC+12 UTC+13 UTC-02 UTC-03 UTC-04 UTC-05 UTC-06 UTC-07 UTC-08 UTC-09 UTC-10 UTC-11

              • SizePercent (integer) -- The allocated percentage of users for this treatment.

              • State (dict) -- The treatment status.

                • CampaignStatus (string) -- The status of the campaign, or the status of a treatment that belongs to an A/B test campaign. Valid values: SCHEDULED, EXECUTING, PENDING_NEXT_RUN, COMPLETED, PAUSED

              • TreatmentDescription (string) -- A custom description for the treatment.

              • TreatmentName (string) -- The custom name of a variation of the campaign used for A/B testing.

          • ApplicationId (string) -- The ID of the application to which the campaign applies.

          • CreationDate (string) -- The date the campaign was created in ISO 8601 format.

          • DefaultState (dict) -- The status of the campaign's default treatment. Only present for A/B test campaigns.

            • CampaignStatus (string) -- The status of the campaign, or the status of a treatment that belongs to an A/B test campaign. Valid values: SCHEDULED, EXECUTING, PENDING_NEXT_RUN, COMPLETED, PAUSED

          • Description (string) -- A description of the campaign.

          • HoldoutPercent (integer) -- The allocated percentage of end users who will not receive messages from this campaign.

          • Id (string) -- The unique campaign ID.

          • IsPaused (boolean) -- Indicates whether the campaign is paused. A paused campaign does not send messages unless you resume it by setting IsPaused to false.

          • LastModifiedDate (string) -- The date the campaign was last updated in ISO 8601 format.

          • Limits (dict) -- The campaign limits settings.

            • Daily (integer) -- The maximum number of messages that the campaign can send daily.

            • Total (integer) -- The maximum total number of messages that the campaign can send.

          • MessageConfiguration (dict) -- The message configuration settings.

            • APNSMessage (dict) -- The message that the campaign delivers to APNS channels. Overrides the default message.

              • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

              • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

              • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

              • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

              • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

              • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

              • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

              • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

              • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

            • DefaultMessage (dict) -- The default message for all channels.

              • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

              • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

              • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

              • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

              • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

              • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

              • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

              • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

              • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

            • EmailMessage (dict) -- The email message configuration.

              • Body (string) -- The email text body.

              • FromAddress (string) -- The email address used to send the email from. Defaults to use FromAddress specified in the Email Channel.

              • HtmlBody (string) -- The email html body.

              • Title (string) -- The email title (Or subject).

            • GCMMessage (dict) -- The message that the campaign delivers to GCM channels. Overrides the default message.

              • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

              • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

              • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

              • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

              • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

              • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

              • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

              • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

              • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

            • SMSMessage (dict) -- The SMS message configuration.

              • Body (string) -- The SMS text body.

              • MessageType (string) -- Is this is a transactional SMS message, otherwise a promotional message.

              • SenderId (string) -- Sender ID of sent message.

          • Name (string) -- The custom name of the campaign.

          • Schedule (dict) -- The campaign schedule.

            • EndTime (string) -- The scheduled time that the campaign ends in ISO 8601 format.

            • Frequency (string) -- How often the campaign delivers messages. Valid values: ONCE, HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY

            • IsLocalTime (boolean) -- Indicates whether the campaign schedule takes effect according to each user's local time.

            • QuietTime (dict) -- The time during which the campaign sends no messages.

              • End (string) -- The default end time for quiet time in ISO 8601 format.

              • Start (string) -- The default start time for quiet time in ISO 8601 format.

            • StartTime (string) -- The scheduled time that the campaign begins in ISO 8601 format.

            • Timezone (string) -- The starting UTC offset for the schedule if the value for isLocalTime is true Valid values: UTC UTC+01 UTC+02 UTC+03 UTC+03:30 UTC+04 UTC+04:30 UTC+05 UTC+05:30 UTC+05:45 UTC+06 UTC+06:30 UTC+07 UTC+08 UTC+09 UTC+09:30 UTC+10 UTC+10:30 UTC+11 UTC+12 UTC+13 UTC-02 UTC-03 UTC-04 UTC-05 UTC-06 UTC-07 UTC-08 UTC-09 UTC-10 UTC-11

          • SegmentId (string) -- The ID of the segment to which the campaign sends messages.

          • SegmentVersion (integer) -- The version of the segment to which the campaign sends messages.

          • State (dict) -- The campaign status. An A/B test campaign will have a status of COMPLETED only when all treatments have a status of COMPLETED.

            • CampaignStatus (string) -- The status of the campaign, or the status of a treatment that belongs to an A/B test campaign. Valid values: SCHEDULED, EXECUTING, PENDING_NEXT_RUN, COMPLETED, PAUSED

          • TreatmentDescription (string) -- A custom description for the treatment.

          • TreatmentName (string) -- The custom name of a variation of the campaign used for A/B testing.

          • Version (integer) -- The campaign version number.

      • NextToken (string) -- The string that you use in a subsequent request to get the next page of results in a paginated response.

UpdateCampaign (updated) Link ¶
Changes (request, response)
{'WriteCampaignRequest': {'AdditionalTreatments': {'MessageConfiguration': {'APNSMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'},
                                                                            'DefaultMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'},
                                                                            'EmailMessage': {'FromAddress': 'string'},
                                                                            'GCMMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'}}},
                          'MessageConfiguration': {'APNSMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'},
                                                   'DefaultMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'},
                                                   'EmailMessage': {'FromAddress': 'string'},
                                                   'GCMMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'}}}}
{'CampaignResponse': {'AdditionalTreatments': {'MessageConfiguration': {'APNSMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'},
                                                                        'DefaultMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'},
                                                                        'EmailMessage': {'FromAddress': 'string'},
                                                                        'GCMMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'}}},
                      'MessageConfiguration': {'APNSMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'},
                                               'DefaultMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'},
                                               'EmailMessage': {'FromAddress': 'string'},
                                               'GCMMessage': {'RawContent': 'string'}}}}

Use to update a campaign.

Request Syntax

        'AdditionalTreatments': [
                'MessageConfiguration': {
                    'APNSMessage': {
                        'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageUrl': 'string',
                        'JsonBody': 'string',
                        'MediaUrl': 'string',
                        'RawContent': 'string',
                        'SilentPush': True|False,
                        'Title': 'string',
                        'Url': 'string'
                    'DefaultMessage': {
                        'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageUrl': 'string',
                        'JsonBody': 'string',
                        'MediaUrl': 'string',
                        'RawContent': 'string',
                        'SilentPush': True|False,
                        'Title': 'string',
                        'Url': 'string'
                    'EmailMessage': {
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'FromAddress': 'string',
                        'HtmlBody': 'string',
                        'Title': 'string'
                    'GCMMessage': {
                        'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageUrl': 'string',
                        'JsonBody': 'string',
                        'MediaUrl': 'string',
                        'RawContent': 'string',
                        'SilentPush': True|False,
                        'Title': 'string',
                        'Url': 'string'
                    'SMSMessage': {
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'MessageType': 'TRANSACTIONAL'|'PROMOTIONAL',
                        'SenderId': 'string'
                'Schedule': {
                    'EndTime': 'string',
                    'Frequency': 'ONCE'|'HOURLY'|'DAILY'|'WEEKLY'|'MONTHLY',
                    'IsLocalTime': True|False,
                    'QuietTime': {
                        'End': 'string',
                        'Start': 'string'
                    'StartTime': 'string',
                    'Timezone': 'string'
                'SizePercent': 123,
                'TreatmentDescription': 'string',
                'TreatmentName': 'string'
        'Description': 'string',
        'HoldoutPercent': 123,
        'IsPaused': True|False,
        'Limits': {
            'Daily': 123,
            'Total': 123
        'MessageConfiguration': {
            'APNSMessage': {
                'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                'Body': 'string',
                'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageUrl': 'string',
                'JsonBody': 'string',
                'MediaUrl': 'string',
                'RawContent': 'string',
                'SilentPush': True|False,
                'Title': 'string',
                'Url': 'string'
            'DefaultMessage': {
                'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                'Body': 'string',
                'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageUrl': 'string',
                'JsonBody': 'string',
                'MediaUrl': 'string',
                'RawContent': 'string',
                'SilentPush': True|False,
                'Title': 'string',
                'Url': 'string'
            'EmailMessage': {
                'Body': 'string',
                'FromAddress': 'string',
                'HtmlBody': 'string',
                'Title': 'string'
            'GCMMessage': {
                'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                'Body': 'string',
                'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageUrl': 'string',
                'JsonBody': 'string',
                'MediaUrl': 'string',
                'RawContent': 'string',
                'SilentPush': True|False,
                'Title': 'string',
                'Url': 'string'
            'SMSMessage': {
                'Body': 'string',
                'MessageType': 'TRANSACTIONAL'|'PROMOTIONAL',
                'SenderId': 'string'
        'Name': 'string',
        'Schedule': {
            'EndTime': 'string',
            'Frequency': 'ONCE'|'HOURLY'|'DAILY'|'WEEKLY'|'MONTHLY',
            'IsLocalTime': True|False,
            'QuietTime': {
                'End': 'string',
                'Start': 'string'
            'StartTime': 'string',
            'Timezone': 'string'
        'SegmentId': 'string',
        'SegmentVersion': 123,
        'TreatmentDescription': 'string',
        'TreatmentName': 'string'
type ApplicationId


param ApplicationId


type CampaignId


param CampaignId


type WriteCampaignRequest


param WriteCampaignRequest

[REQUIRED] Used to create a campaign.

  • AdditionalTreatments (list) -- Treatments that are defined in addition to the default treatment.

    • (dict) -- Used to create a campaign treatment.

      • MessageConfiguration (dict) -- The message configuration settings.

        • APNSMessage (dict) -- The message that the campaign delivers to APNS channels. Overrides the default message.

          • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

          • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

          • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

          • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

          • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

          • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

          • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

          • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

          • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

        • DefaultMessage (dict) -- The default message for all channels.

          • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

          • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

          • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

          • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

          • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

          • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

          • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

          • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

          • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

        • EmailMessage (dict) -- The email message configuration.

          • Body (string) -- The email text body.

          • FromAddress (string) -- The email address used to send the email from. Defaults to use FromAddress specified in the Email Channel.

          • HtmlBody (string) -- The email html body.

          • Title (string) -- The email title (Or subject).

        • GCMMessage (dict) -- The message that the campaign delivers to GCM channels. Overrides the default message.

          • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

          • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

          • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

          • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

          • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

          • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

          • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

          • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

          • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

        • SMSMessage (dict) -- The SMS message configuration.

          • Body (string) -- The SMS text body.

          • MessageType (string) -- Is this is a transactional SMS message, otherwise a promotional message.

          • SenderId (string) -- Sender ID of sent message.

      • Schedule (dict) -- The campaign schedule.

        • EndTime (string) -- The scheduled time that the campaign ends in ISO 8601 format.

        • Frequency (string) -- How often the campaign delivers messages. Valid values: ONCE, HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY

        • IsLocalTime (boolean) -- Indicates whether the campaign schedule takes effect according to each user's local time.

        • QuietTime (dict) -- The time during which the campaign sends no messages.

          • End (string) -- The default end time for quiet time in ISO 8601 format.

          • Start (string) -- The default start time for quiet time in ISO 8601 format.

        • StartTime (string) -- The scheduled time that the campaign begins in ISO 8601 format.

        • Timezone (string) -- The starting UTC offset for the schedule if the value for isLocalTime is true Valid values: UTC UTC+01 UTC+02 UTC+03 UTC+03:30 UTC+04 UTC+04:30 UTC+05 UTC+05:30 UTC+05:45 UTC+06 UTC+06:30 UTC+07 UTC+08 UTC+09 UTC+09:30 UTC+10 UTC+10:30 UTC+11 UTC+12 UTC+13 UTC-02 UTC-03 UTC-04 UTC-05 UTC-06 UTC-07 UTC-08 UTC-09 UTC-10 UTC-11

      • SizePercent (integer) -- The allocated percentage of users for this treatment.

      • TreatmentDescription (string) -- A custom description for the treatment.

      • TreatmentName (string) -- The custom name of a variation of the campaign used for A/B testing.

  • Description (string) -- A description of the campaign.

  • HoldoutPercent (integer) -- The allocated percentage of end users who will not receive messages from this campaign.

  • IsPaused (boolean) -- Indicates whether the campaign is paused. A paused campaign does not send messages unless you resume it by setting IsPaused to false.

  • Limits (dict) -- The campaign limits settings.

    • Daily (integer) -- The maximum number of messages that the campaign can send daily.

    • Total (integer) -- The maximum total number of messages that the campaign can send.

  • MessageConfiguration (dict) -- The message configuration settings.

    • APNSMessage (dict) -- The message that the campaign delivers to APNS channels. Overrides the default message.

      • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

      • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

      • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

      • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

      • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

      • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

      • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

      • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

      • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

      • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

      • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

    • DefaultMessage (dict) -- The default message for all channels.

      • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

      • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

      • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

      • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

      • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

      • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

      • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

      • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

      • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

      • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

      • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

    • EmailMessage (dict) -- The email message configuration.

      • Body (string) -- The email text body.

      • FromAddress (string) -- The email address used to send the email from. Defaults to use FromAddress specified in the Email Channel.

      • HtmlBody (string) -- The email html body.

      • Title (string) -- The email title (Or subject).

    • GCMMessage (dict) -- The message that the campaign delivers to GCM channels. Overrides the default message.

      • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

      • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

      • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

      • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

      • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

      • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

      • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

      • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

      • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

      • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

      • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

    • SMSMessage (dict) -- The SMS message configuration.

      • Body (string) -- The SMS text body.

      • MessageType (string) -- Is this is a transactional SMS message, otherwise a promotional message.

      • SenderId (string) -- Sender ID of sent message.

  • Name (string) -- The custom name of the campaign.

  • Schedule (dict) -- The campaign schedule.

    • EndTime (string) -- The scheduled time that the campaign ends in ISO 8601 format.

    • Frequency (string) -- How often the campaign delivers messages. Valid values: ONCE, HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY

    • IsLocalTime (boolean) -- Indicates whether the campaign schedule takes effect according to each user's local time.

    • QuietTime (dict) -- The time during which the campaign sends no messages.

      • End (string) -- The default end time for quiet time in ISO 8601 format.

      • Start (string) -- The default start time for quiet time in ISO 8601 format.

    • StartTime (string) -- The scheduled time that the campaign begins in ISO 8601 format.

    • Timezone (string) -- The starting UTC offset for the schedule if the value for isLocalTime is true Valid values: UTC UTC+01 UTC+02 UTC+03 UTC+03:30 UTC+04 UTC+04:30 UTC+05 UTC+05:30 UTC+05:45 UTC+06 UTC+06:30 UTC+07 UTC+08 UTC+09 UTC+09:30 UTC+10 UTC+10:30 UTC+11 UTC+12 UTC+13 UTC-02 UTC-03 UTC-04 UTC-05 UTC-06 UTC-07 UTC-08 UTC-09 UTC-10 UTC-11

  • SegmentId (string) -- The ID of the segment to which the campaign sends messages.

  • SegmentVersion (integer) -- The version of the segment to which the campaign sends messages.

  • TreatmentDescription (string) -- A custom description for the treatment.

  • TreatmentName (string) -- The custom name of a variation of the campaign used for A/B testing.




Response Syntax

    'CampaignResponse': {
        'AdditionalTreatments': [
                'Id': 'string',
                'MessageConfiguration': {
                    'APNSMessage': {
                        'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageUrl': 'string',
                        'JsonBody': 'string',
                        'MediaUrl': 'string',
                        'RawContent': 'string',
                        'SilentPush': True|False,
                        'Title': 'string',
                        'Url': 'string'
                    'DefaultMessage': {
                        'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageUrl': 'string',
                        'JsonBody': 'string',
                        'MediaUrl': 'string',
                        'RawContent': 'string',
                        'SilentPush': True|False,
                        'Title': 'string',
                        'Url': 'string'
                    'EmailMessage': {
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'FromAddress': 'string',
                        'HtmlBody': 'string',
                        'Title': 'string'
                    'GCMMessage': {
                        'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                        'ImageUrl': 'string',
                        'JsonBody': 'string',
                        'MediaUrl': 'string',
                        'RawContent': 'string',
                        'SilentPush': True|False,
                        'Title': 'string',
                        'Url': 'string'
                    'SMSMessage': {
                        'Body': 'string',
                        'MessageType': 'TRANSACTIONAL'|'PROMOTIONAL',
                        'SenderId': 'string'
                'Schedule': {
                    'EndTime': 'string',
                    'Frequency': 'ONCE'|'HOURLY'|'DAILY'|'WEEKLY'|'MONTHLY',
                    'IsLocalTime': True|False,
                    'QuietTime': {
                        'End': 'string',
                        'Start': 'string'
                    'StartTime': 'string',
                    'Timezone': 'string'
                'SizePercent': 123,
                'State': {
                    'CampaignStatus': 'SCHEDULED'|'EXECUTING'|'PENDING_NEXT_RUN'|'COMPLETED'|'PAUSED'
                'TreatmentDescription': 'string',
                'TreatmentName': 'string'
        'ApplicationId': 'string',
        'CreationDate': 'string',
        'DefaultState': {
        'Description': 'string',
        'HoldoutPercent': 123,
        'Id': 'string',
        'IsPaused': True|False,
        'LastModifiedDate': 'string',
        'Limits': {
            'Daily': 123,
            'Total': 123
        'MessageConfiguration': {
            'APNSMessage': {
                'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                'Body': 'string',
                'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageUrl': 'string',
                'JsonBody': 'string',
                'MediaUrl': 'string',
                'RawContent': 'string',
                'SilentPush': True|False,
                'Title': 'string',
                'Url': 'string'
            'DefaultMessage': {
                'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                'Body': 'string',
                'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageUrl': 'string',
                'JsonBody': 'string',
                'MediaUrl': 'string',
                'RawContent': 'string',
                'SilentPush': True|False,
                'Title': 'string',
                'Url': 'string'
            'EmailMessage': {
                'Body': 'string',
                'FromAddress': 'string',
                'HtmlBody': 'string',
                'Title': 'string'
            'GCMMessage': {
                'Action': 'OPEN_APP'|'DEEP_LINK'|'URL',
                'Body': 'string',
                'ImageIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageSmallIconUrl': 'string',
                'ImageUrl': 'string',
                'JsonBody': 'string',
                'MediaUrl': 'string',
                'RawContent': 'string',
                'SilentPush': True|False,
                'Title': 'string',
                'Url': 'string'
            'SMSMessage': {
                'Body': 'string',
                'MessageType': 'TRANSACTIONAL'|'PROMOTIONAL',
                'SenderId': 'string'
        'Name': 'string',
        'Schedule': {
            'EndTime': 'string',
            'Frequency': 'ONCE'|'HOURLY'|'DAILY'|'WEEKLY'|'MONTHLY',
            'IsLocalTime': True|False,
            'QuietTime': {
                'End': 'string',
                'Start': 'string'
            'StartTime': 'string',
            'Timezone': 'string'
        'SegmentId': 'string',
        'SegmentVersion': 123,
        'State': {
        'TreatmentDescription': 'string',
        'TreatmentName': 'string',
        'Version': 123

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • CampaignResponse (dict) -- Campaign definition

      • AdditionalTreatments (list) -- Treatments that are defined in addition to the default treatment.

        • (dict) -- Treatment resource

          • Id (string) -- The unique treatment ID.

          • MessageConfiguration (dict) -- The message configuration settings.

            • APNSMessage (dict) -- The message that the campaign delivers to APNS channels. Overrides the default message.

              • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

              • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

              • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

              • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

              • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

              • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

              • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

              • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

              • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

            • DefaultMessage (dict) -- The default message for all channels.

              • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

              • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

              • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

              • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

              • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

              • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

              • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

              • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

              • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

            • EmailMessage (dict) -- The email message configuration.

              • Body (string) -- The email text body.

              • FromAddress (string) -- The email address used to send the email from. Defaults to use FromAddress specified in the Email Channel.

              • HtmlBody (string) -- The email html body.

              • Title (string) -- The email title (Or subject).

            • GCMMessage (dict) -- The message that the campaign delivers to GCM channels. Overrides the default message.

              • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

              • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

              • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

              • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

              • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

              • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

              • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

              • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

              • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

              • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

            • SMSMessage (dict) -- The SMS message configuration.

              • Body (string) -- The SMS text body.

              • MessageType (string) -- Is this is a transactional SMS message, otherwise a promotional message.

              • SenderId (string) -- Sender ID of sent message.

          • Schedule (dict) -- The campaign schedule.

            • EndTime (string) -- The scheduled time that the campaign ends in ISO 8601 format.

            • Frequency (string) -- How often the campaign delivers messages. Valid values: ONCE, HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY

            • IsLocalTime (boolean) -- Indicates whether the campaign schedule takes effect according to each user's local time.

            • QuietTime (dict) -- The time during which the campaign sends no messages.

              • End (string) -- The default end time for quiet time in ISO 8601 format.

              • Start (string) -- The default start time for quiet time in ISO 8601 format.

            • StartTime (string) -- The scheduled time that the campaign begins in ISO 8601 format.

            • Timezone (string) -- The starting UTC offset for the schedule if the value for isLocalTime is true Valid values: UTC UTC+01 UTC+02 UTC+03 UTC+03:30 UTC+04 UTC+04:30 UTC+05 UTC+05:30 UTC+05:45 UTC+06 UTC+06:30 UTC+07 UTC+08 UTC+09 UTC+09:30 UTC+10 UTC+10:30 UTC+11 UTC+12 UTC+13 UTC-02 UTC-03 UTC-04 UTC-05 UTC-06 UTC-07 UTC-08 UTC-09 UTC-10 UTC-11

          • SizePercent (integer) -- The allocated percentage of users for this treatment.

          • State (dict) -- The treatment status.

            • CampaignStatus (string) -- The status of the campaign, or the status of a treatment that belongs to an A/B test campaign. Valid values: SCHEDULED, EXECUTING, PENDING_NEXT_RUN, COMPLETED, PAUSED

          • TreatmentDescription (string) -- A custom description for the treatment.

          • TreatmentName (string) -- The custom name of a variation of the campaign used for A/B testing.

      • ApplicationId (string) -- The ID of the application to which the campaign applies.

      • CreationDate (string) -- The date the campaign was created in ISO 8601 format.

      • DefaultState (dict) -- The status of the campaign's default treatment. Only present for A/B test campaigns.

        • CampaignStatus (string) -- The status of the campaign, or the status of a treatment that belongs to an A/B test campaign. Valid values: SCHEDULED, EXECUTING, PENDING_NEXT_RUN, COMPLETED, PAUSED

      • Description (string) -- A description of the campaign.

      • HoldoutPercent (integer) -- The allocated percentage of end users who will not receive messages from this campaign.

      • Id (string) -- The unique campaign ID.

      • IsPaused (boolean) -- Indicates whether the campaign is paused. A paused campaign does not send messages unless you resume it by setting IsPaused to false.

      • LastModifiedDate (string) -- The date the campaign was last updated in ISO 8601 format.

      • Limits (dict) -- The campaign limits settings.

        • Daily (integer) -- The maximum number of messages that the campaign can send daily.

        • Total (integer) -- The maximum total number of messages that the campaign can send.

      • MessageConfiguration (dict) -- The message configuration settings.

        • APNSMessage (dict) -- The message that the campaign delivers to APNS channels. Overrides the default message.

          • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

          • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

          • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

          • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

          • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

          • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

          • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

          • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

          • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

        • DefaultMessage (dict) -- The default message for all channels.

          • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

          • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

          • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

          • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

          • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

          • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

          • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

          • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

          • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

        • EmailMessage (dict) -- The email message configuration.

          • Body (string) -- The email text body.

          • FromAddress (string) -- The email address used to send the email from. Defaults to use FromAddress specified in the Email Channel.

          • HtmlBody (string) -- The email html body.

          • Title (string) -- The email title (Or subject).

        • GCMMessage (dict) -- The message that the campaign delivers to GCM channels. Overrides the default message.

          • Action (string) -- The action that occurs if the user taps a push notification delivered by the campaign: OPEN_APP - Your app launches, or it becomes the foreground app if it has been sent to the background. This is the default action. DEEP_LINK - Uses deep linking features in iOS and Android to open your app and display a designated user interface within the app. URL - The default mobile browser on the user's device launches and opens a web page at the URL you specify.

          • Body (string) -- The message body. Can include up to 140 characters.

          • ImageIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageSmallIconUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the small icon image for the push notification icon, for example, the app icon.

          • ImageUrl (string) -- The URL that points to an image used in the push notification.

          • JsonBody (string) -- The JSON payload used for a silent push.

          • MediaUrl (string) -- The URL that points to the media resource, for example a .mp4 or .gif file.

          • RawContent (string) -- The Raw JSON formatted string to be used as the payload. This value overrides the message.

          • SilentPush (boolean) -- Indicates if the message should display on the users device. Silent pushes can be used for Remote Configuration and Phone Home use cases.

          • Title (string) -- The message title that displays above the message on the user's device.

          • Url (string) -- The URL to open in the user's mobile browser. Used if the value for Action is URL.

        • SMSMessage (dict) -- The SMS message configuration.

          • Body (string) -- The SMS text body.

          • MessageType (string) -- Is this is a transactional SMS message, otherwise a promotional message.

          • SenderId (string) -- Sender ID of sent message.

      • Name (string) -- The custom name of the campaign.

      • Schedule (dict) -- The campaign schedule.

        • EndTime (string) -- The scheduled time that the campaign ends in ISO 8601 format.

        • Frequency (string) -- How often the campaign delivers messages. Valid values: ONCE, HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY

        • IsLocalTime (boolean) -- Indicates whether the campaign schedule takes effect according to each user's local time.

        • QuietTime (dict) -- The time during which the campaign sends no messages.

          • End (string) -- The default end time for quiet time in ISO 8601 format.

          • Start (string) -- The default start time for quiet time in ISO 8601 format.

        • StartTime (string) -- The scheduled time that the campaign begins in ISO 8601 format.

        • Timezone (string) -- The starting UTC offset for the schedule if the value for isLocalTime is true Valid values: UTC UTC+01 UTC+02 UTC+03 UTC+03:30 UTC+04 UTC+04:30 UTC+05 UTC+05:30 UTC+05:45 UTC+06 UTC+06:30 UTC+07 UTC+08 UTC+09 UTC+09:30 UTC+10 UTC+10:30 UTC+11 UTC+12 UTC+13 UTC-02 UTC-03 UTC-04 UTC-05 UTC-06 UTC-07 UTC-08 UTC-09 UTC-10 UTC-11

      • SegmentId (string) -- The ID of the segment to which the campaign sends messages.

      • SegmentVersion (integer) -- The version of the segment to which the campaign sends messages.

      • State (dict) -- The campaign status. An A/B test campaign will have a status of COMPLETED only when all treatments have a status of COMPLETED.

        • CampaignStatus (string) -- The status of the campaign, or the status of a treatment that belongs to an A/B test campaign. Valid values: SCHEDULED, EXECUTING, PENDING_NEXT_RUN, COMPLETED, PAUSED

      • TreatmentDescription (string) -- A custom description for the treatment.

      • TreatmentName (string) -- The custom name of a variation of the campaign used for A/B testing.

      • Version (integer) -- The campaign version number.