AWS Audit Manager

2024/06/07 - AWS Audit Manager - 7 updated api methods

Changes  New feature: common controls. When creating custom controls, you can now use pre-grouped AWS data sources based on common compliance themes. Also, the awsServices parameter is deprecated because we now manage services in scope for you. If used, the input is ignored and an empty list is returned.

CreateAssessmentFramework (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'framework': {'controlSets': {'controls': {'controlMappingSources': {'sourceType': {'Common_Control',
                                            'state': 'ACTIVE | END_OF_SUPPORT',
                                            'type': {'Core'}}}}}

Creates a custom framework in Audit Manager.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

            'name': 'string',
            'controls': [
                    'id': 'string'
        'string': 'string'
type name


param name


The name of the new custom framework.

type description


param description

An optional description for the new custom framework.

type complianceType


param complianceType

The compliance type that the new custom framework supports, such as CIS or HIPAA.

type controlSets


param controlSets


The control sets that are associated with the framework.

  • (dict) --

    A controlSet entity that represents a collection of controls in Audit Manager. This doesn't contain the control set ID.

    • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The name of the control set.

    • controls (list) --

      The list of controls within the control set. This doesn't contain the control set ID.

      • (dict) --

        The control entity attributes that uniquely identify an existing control to be added to a framework in Audit Manager.

        • id (string) -- [REQUIRED]

          The unique identifier of the control.

type tags


param tags

The tags that are associated with the framework.

  • (string) --

    • (string) --




Response Syntax

    'framework': {
        'arn': 'string',
        'id': 'string',
        'name': 'string',
        'type': 'Standard'|'Custom',
        'complianceType': 'string',
        'description': 'string',
        'logo': 'string',
        'controlSources': 'string',
        'controlSets': [
                'id': 'string',
                'name': 'string',
                'controls': [
                        'arn': 'string',
                        'id': 'string',
                        'type': 'Standard'|'Custom'|'Core',
                        'name': 'string',
                        'description': 'string',
                        'testingInformation': 'string',
                        'actionPlanTitle': 'string',
                        'actionPlanInstructions': 'string',
                        'controlSources': 'string',
                        'controlMappingSources': [
                                'sourceId': 'string',
                                'sourceName': 'string',
                                'sourceDescription': 'string',
                                'sourceSetUpOption': 'System_Controls_Mapping'|'Procedural_Controls_Mapping',
                                'sourceType': 'AWS_Cloudtrail'|'AWS_Config'|'AWS_Security_Hub'|'AWS_API_Call'|'MANUAL'|'Common_Control'|'Core_Control',
                                'sourceKeyword': {
                                    'keywordInputType': 'SELECT_FROM_LIST'|'UPLOAD_FILE'|'INPUT_TEXT',
                                    'keywordValue': 'string'
                                'sourceFrequency': 'DAILY'|'WEEKLY'|'MONTHLY',
                                'troubleshootingText': 'string'
                        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                        'lastUpdatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                        'createdBy': 'string',
                        'lastUpdatedBy': 'string',
                        'tags': {
                            'string': 'string'
                        'state': 'ACTIVE'|'END_OF_SUPPORT'
        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'lastUpdatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'createdBy': 'string',
        'lastUpdatedBy': 'string',
        'tags': {
            'string': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • framework (dict) --

      The name of the new framework that the CreateAssessmentFramework API returned.

      • arn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the framework.

      • id (string) --

        The unique identifier for the framework.

      • name (string) --

        The name of the framework.

      • type (string) --

        Specifies whether the framework is a standard framework or a custom framework.

      • complianceType (string) --

        The compliance type that the framework supports, such as CIS or HIPAA.

      • description (string) --

        The description of the framework.

      • logo (string) --

        The logo that's associated with the framework.

      • controlSources (string) --

        The control data sources where Audit Manager collects evidence from.

      • controlSets (list) --

        The control sets that are associated with the framework.

        • (dict) --

          A set of controls in Audit Manager.

          • id (string) --

            The identifier of the control set in the assessment. This is the control set name in a plain string format.

          • name (string) --

            The name of the control set.

          • controls (list) --

            The list of controls within the control set.

            • (dict) --

              A control in Audit Manager.

              • arn (string) --

                The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the control.

              • id (string) --

                The unique identifier for the control.

              • type (string) --

                Specifies whether the control is a standard control or a custom control.

              • name (string) --

                The name of the control.

              • description (string) --

                The description of the control.

              • testingInformation (string) --

                The steps that you should follow to determine if the control has been satisfied.

              • actionPlanTitle (string) --

                The title of the action plan for remediating the control.

              • actionPlanInstructions (string) --

                The recommended actions to carry out if the control isn't fulfilled.

              • controlSources (string) --

                The data source types that determine where Audit Manager collects evidence from for the control.

              • controlMappingSources (list) --

                The data mapping sources for the control.

                • (dict) --

                  The data source that determines where Audit Manager collects evidence from for the control.

                  • sourceId (string) --

                    The unique identifier for the source.

                  • sourceName (string) --

                    The name of the source.

                  • sourceDescription (string) --

                    The description of the source.

                  • sourceSetUpOption (string) --

                    The setup option for the data source. This option reflects if the evidence collection method is automated or manual. If you don’t provide a value for sourceSetUpOption , Audit Manager automatically infers and populates the correct value based on the sourceType that you specify.

                  • sourceType (string) --

                    Specifies which type of data source is used to collect evidence.

                    • The source can be an individual data source type, such as AWS_Cloudtrail , AWS_Config , AWS_Security_Hub , AWS_API_Call , or MANUAL .

                    • The source can also be a managed grouping of data sources, such as a Core_Control or a Common_Control .

                  • sourceKeyword (dict) --

                    A keyword that relates to the control data source.

                    For manual evidence, this keyword indicates if the manual evidence is a file or text.

                    For automated evidence, this keyword identifies a specific CloudTrail event, Config rule, Security Hub control, or Amazon Web Services API name.

                    To learn more about the supported keywords that you can use when mapping a control data source, see the following pages in the Audit Manager User Guide :

                    • keywordInputType (string) --

                      The input method for the keyword.

                      • SELECT_FROM_LIST is used when mapping a data source for automated evidence.

                        • When keywordInputType is SELECT_FROM_LIST , a keyword must be selected to collect automated evidence. For example, this keyword can be a CloudTrail event name, a rule name for Config, a Security Hub control, or the name of an Amazon Web Services API call.

                      • UPLOAD_FILE and INPUT_TEXT are only used when mapping a data source for manual evidence.

                        • When keywordInputType is UPLOAD_FILE , a file must be uploaded as manual evidence.

                        • When keywordInputType is INPUT_TEXT , text must be entered as manual evidence.

                    • keywordValue (string) --

                      The value of the keyword that's used when mapping a control data source. For example, this can be a CloudTrail event name, a rule name for Config, a Security Hub control, or the name of an Amazon Web Services API call.

                      If you’re mapping a data source to a rule in Config, the keywordValue that you specify depends on the type of rule:

                      • For managed rules, you can use the rule identifier as the keywordValue . You can find the rule identifier from the list of Config managed rules. For some rules, the rule identifier is different from the rule name. For example, the rule name restricted-ssh has the following rule identifier: INCOMING_SSH_DISABLED . Make sure to use the rule identifier, not the rule name. Keyword example for managed rules:

                      • For custom rules, you form the keywordValue by adding the Custom_ prefix to the rule name. This prefix distinguishes the custom rule from a managed rule. Keyword example for custom rules:

                        • Custom rule name: my-custom-config-rule keywordValue : Custom_my-custom-config-rule

                      • For service-linked rules, you form the keywordValue by adding the Custom_ prefix to the rule name. In addition, you remove the suffix ID that appears at the end of the rule name. Keyword examples for service-linked rules:

                        • Service-linked rule name: CustomRuleForAccount-conformance-pack-szsm1uv0w keywordValue : Custom_CustomRuleForAccount-conformance-pack

                        • Service-linked rule name: OrgConfigRule-s3-bucket-versioning-enabled-dbgzf8ba keywordValue : Custom_OrgConfigRule-s3-bucket-versioning-enabled


                      The keywordValue is case sensitive. If you enter a value incorrectly, Audit Manager might not recognize the data source mapping. As a result, you might not successfully collect evidence from that data source as intended.

                      Keep in mind the following requirements, depending on the data source type that you're using.

                      • For Config:

                        • For managed rules, make sure that the keywordValue is the rule identifier in ALL_CAPS_WITH_UNDERSCORES . For example, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP_ENCRYPTED . For accuracy, we recommend that you reference the list of supported Config managed rules.

                        • For custom rules, make sure that the keywordValue has the Custom_ prefix followed by the custom rule name. The format of the custom rule name itself may vary. For accuracy, we recommend that you visit the Config console to verify your custom rule name.

                      • For Security Hub: The format varies for Security Hub control names. For accuracy, we recommend that you reference the list of supported Security Hub controls.

                      • For Amazon Web Services API calls: Make sure that the keywordValue is written as serviceprefix_ActionName . For example, iam_ListGroups . For accuracy, we recommend that you reference the list of supported API calls.

                      • For CloudTrail: Make sure that the keywordValue is written as serviceprefix_ActionName . For example, cloudtrail_StartLogging . For accuracy, we recommend that you review the Amazon Web Service prefix and action names in the Service Authorization Reference.

                  • sourceFrequency (string) --

                    Specifies how often evidence is collected from the control mapping source.

                  • troubleshootingText (string) --

                    The instructions for troubleshooting the control.

              • createdAt (datetime) --

                The time when the control was created.

              • lastUpdatedAt (datetime) --

                The time when the control was most recently updated.

              • createdBy (string) --

                The user or role that created the control.

              • lastUpdatedBy (string) --

                The user or role that most recently updated the control.

              • tags (dict) --

                The tags associated with the control.

                • (string) --

                  • (string) --

              • state (string) --

                The state of the control. The END_OF_SUPPORT state is applicable to standard controls only. This state indicates that the standard control can still be used to collect evidence, but Audit Manager is no longer updating or maintaining that control.

      • createdAt (datetime) --

        The time when the framework was created.

      • lastUpdatedAt (datetime) --

        The time when the framework was most recently updated.

      • createdBy (string) --

        The user or role that created the framework.

      • lastUpdatedBy (string) --

        The user or role that most recently updated the framework.

      • tags (dict) --

        The tags that are associated with the framework.

        • (string) --

          • (string) --

CreateControl (updated) Link ¶
Changes (request, response)
{'controlMappingSources': {'sourceType': {'Common_Control', 'Core_Control'}}}
{'control': {'controlMappingSources': {'sourceType': {'Common_Control',
             'state': 'ACTIVE | END_OF_SUPPORT',
             'type': {'Core'}}}

Creates a new custom control in Audit Manager.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

            'sourceName': 'string',
            'sourceDescription': 'string',
            'sourceSetUpOption': 'System_Controls_Mapping'|'Procedural_Controls_Mapping',
            'sourceType': 'AWS_Cloudtrail'|'AWS_Config'|'AWS_Security_Hub'|'AWS_API_Call'|'MANUAL'|'Common_Control'|'Core_Control',
            'sourceKeyword': {
                'keywordInputType': 'SELECT_FROM_LIST'|'UPLOAD_FILE'|'INPUT_TEXT',
                'keywordValue': 'string'
            'sourceFrequency': 'DAILY'|'WEEKLY'|'MONTHLY',
            'troubleshootingText': 'string'
        'string': 'string'
type name


param name


The name of the control.

type description


param description

The description of the control.

type testingInformation


param testingInformation

The steps to follow to determine if the control is satisfied.

type actionPlanTitle


param actionPlanTitle

The title of the action plan for remediating the control.

type actionPlanInstructions


param actionPlanInstructions

The recommended actions to carry out if the control isn't fulfilled.

type controlMappingSources


param controlMappingSources


The data mapping sources for the control.

  • (dict) --

    The mapping attributes that determine the evidence source for a given control, along with related parameters and metadata. This doesn't contain mappingID .

    • sourceName (string) --

      The name of the control mapping data source.

    • sourceDescription (string) --

      The description of the data source that determines where Audit Manager collects evidence from for the control.

    • sourceSetUpOption (string) --

      The setup option for the data source. This option reflects if the evidence collection method is automated or manual. If you don’t provide a value for sourceSetUpOption , Audit Manager automatically infers and populates the correct value based on the sourceType that you specify.

    • sourceType (string) --

      Specifies which type of data source is used to collect evidence.

      • The source can be an individual data source type, such as AWS_Cloudtrail , AWS_Config , AWS_Security_Hub , AWS_API_Call , or MANUAL .

      • The source can also be a managed grouping of data sources, such as a Core_Control or a Common_Control .

    • sourceKeyword (dict) --

      A keyword that relates to the control data source.

      For manual evidence, this keyword indicates if the manual evidence is a file or text.

      For automated evidence, this keyword identifies a specific CloudTrail event, Config rule, Security Hub control, or Amazon Web Services API name.

      To learn more about the supported keywords that you can use when mapping a control data source, see the following pages in the Audit Manager User Guide :

      • keywordInputType (string) --

        The input method for the keyword.

        • SELECT_FROM_LIST is used when mapping a data source for automated evidence.

          • When keywordInputType is SELECT_FROM_LIST , a keyword must be selected to collect automated evidence. For example, this keyword can be a CloudTrail event name, a rule name for Config, a Security Hub control, or the name of an Amazon Web Services API call.

        • UPLOAD_FILE and INPUT_TEXT are only used when mapping a data source for manual evidence.

          • When keywordInputType is UPLOAD_FILE , a file must be uploaded as manual evidence.

          • When keywordInputType is INPUT_TEXT , text must be entered as manual evidence.

      • keywordValue (string) --

        The value of the keyword that's used when mapping a control data source. For example, this can be a CloudTrail event name, a rule name for Config, a Security Hub control, or the name of an Amazon Web Services API call.

        If you’re mapping a data source to a rule in Config, the keywordValue that you specify depends on the type of rule:

        • For managed rules, you can use the rule identifier as the keywordValue . You can find the rule identifier from the list of Config managed rules. For some rules, the rule identifier is different from the rule name. For example, the rule name restricted-ssh has the following rule identifier: INCOMING_SSH_DISABLED . Make sure to use the rule identifier, not the rule name. Keyword example for managed rules:

        • For custom rules, you form the keywordValue by adding the Custom_ prefix to the rule name. This prefix distinguishes the custom rule from a managed rule. Keyword example for custom rules:

          • Custom rule name: my-custom-config-rule keywordValue : Custom_my-custom-config-rule

        • For service-linked rules, you form the keywordValue by adding the Custom_ prefix to the rule name. In addition, you remove the suffix ID that appears at the end of the rule name. Keyword examples for service-linked rules:

          • Service-linked rule name: CustomRuleForAccount-conformance-pack-szsm1uv0w keywordValue : Custom_CustomRuleForAccount-conformance-pack

          • Service-linked rule name: OrgConfigRule-s3-bucket-versioning-enabled-dbgzf8ba keywordValue : Custom_OrgConfigRule-s3-bucket-versioning-enabled


        The keywordValue is case sensitive. If you enter a value incorrectly, Audit Manager might not recognize the data source mapping. As a result, you might not successfully collect evidence from that data source as intended.

        Keep in mind the following requirements, depending on the data source type that you're using.

        • For Config:

          • For managed rules, make sure that the keywordValue is the rule identifier in ALL_CAPS_WITH_UNDERSCORES . For example, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP_ENCRYPTED . For accuracy, we recommend that you reference the list of supported Config managed rules.

          • For custom rules, make sure that the keywordValue has the Custom_ prefix followed by the custom rule name. The format of the custom rule name itself may vary. For accuracy, we recommend that you visit the Config console to verify your custom rule name.

        • For Security Hub: The format varies for Security Hub control names. For accuracy, we recommend that you reference the list of supported Security Hub controls.

        • For Amazon Web Services API calls: Make sure that the keywordValue is written as serviceprefix_ActionName . For example, iam_ListGroups . For accuracy, we recommend that you reference the list of supported API calls.

        • For CloudTrail: Make sure that the keywordValue is written as serviceprefix_ActionName . For example, cloudtrail_StartLogging . For accuracy, we recommend that you review the Amazon Web Service prefix and action names in the Service Authorization Reference.

    • sourceFrequency (string) --

      Specifies how often evidence is collected from the control mapping source.

    • troubleshootingText (string) --

      The instructions for troubleshooting the control.

type tags


param tags

The tags that are associated with the control.

  • (string) --

    • (string) --




Response Syntax

    'control': {
        'arn': 'string',
        'id': 'string',
        'type': 'Standard'|'Custom'|'Core',
        'name': 'string',
        'description': 'string',
        'testingInformation': 'string',
        'actionPlanTitle': 'string',
        'actionPlanInstructions': 'string',
        'controlSources': 'string',
        'controlMappingSources': [
                'sourceId': 'string',
                'sourceName': 'string',
                'sourceDescription': 'string',
                'sourceSetUpOption': 'System_Controls_Mapping'|'Procedural_Controls_Mapping',
                'sourceType': 'AWS_Cloudtrail'|'AWS_Config'|'AWS_Security_Hub'|'AWS_API_Call'|'MANUAL'|'Common_Control'|'Core_Control',
                'sourceKeyword': {
                    'keywordInputType': 'SELECT_FROM_LIST'|'UPLOAD_FILE'|'INPUT_TEXT',
                    'keywordValue': 'string'
                'sourceFrequency': 'DAILY'|'WEEKLY'|'MONTHLY',
                'troubleshootingText': 'string'
        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'lastUpdatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'createdBy': 'string',
        'lastUpdatedBy': 'string',
        'tags': {
            'string': 'string'
        'state': 'ACTIVE'|'END_OF_SUPPORT'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • control (dict) --

      The new control that the CreateControl API returned.

      • arn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the control.

      • id (string) --

        The unique identifier for the control.

      • type (string) --

        Specifies whether the control is a standard control or a custom control.

      • name (string) --

        The name of the control.

      • description (string) --

        The description of the control.

      • testingInformation (string) --

        The steps that you should follow to determine if the control has been satisfied.

      • actionPlanTitle (string) --

        The title of the action plan for remediating the control.

      • actionPlanInstructions (string) --

        The recommended actions to carry out if the control isn't fulfilled.

      • controlSources (string) --

        The data source types that determine where Audit Manager collects evidence from for the control.

      • controlMappingSources (list) --

        The data mapping sources for the control.

        • (dict) --

          The data source that determines where Audit Manager collects evidence from for the control.

          • sourceId (string) --

            The unique identifier for the source.

          • sourceName (string) --

            The name of the source.

          • sourceDescription (string) --

            The description of the source.

          • sourceSetUpOption (string) --

            The setup option for the data source. This option reflects if the evidence collection method is automated or manual. If you don’t provide a value for sourceSetUpOption , Audit Manager automatically infers and populates the correct value based on the sourceType that you specify.

          • sourceType (string) --

            Specifies which type of data source is used to collect evidence.

            • The source can be an individual data source type, such as AWS_Cloudtrail , AWS_Config , AWS_Security_Hub , AWS_API_Call , or MANUAL .

            • The source can also be a managed grouping of data sources, such as a Core_Control or a Common_Control .

          • sourceKeyword (dict) --

            A keyword that relates to the control data source.

            For manual evidence, this keyword indicates if the manual evidence is a file or text.

            For automated evidence, this keyword identifies a specific CloudTrail event, Config rule, Security Hub control, or Amazon Web Services API name.

            To learn more about the supported keywords that you can use when mapping a control data source, see the following pages in the Audit Manager User Guide :

            • keywordInputType (string) --

              The input method for the keyword.

              • SELECT_FROM_LIST is used when mapping a data source for automated evidence.

                • When keywordInputType is SELECT_FROM_LIST , a keyword must be selected to collect automated evidence. For example, this keyword can be a CloudTrail event name, a rule name for Config, a Security Hub control, or the name of an Amazon Web Services API call.

              • UPLOAD_FILE and INPUT_TEXT are only used when mapping a data source for manual evidence.

                • When keywordInputType is UPLOAD_FILE , a file must be uploaded as manual evidence.

                • When keywordInputType is INPUT_TEXT , text must be entered as manual evidence.

            • keywordValue (string) --

              The value of the keyword that's used when mapping a control data source. For example, this can be a CloudTrail event name, a rule name for Config, a Security Hub control, or the name of an Amazon Web Services API call.

              If you’re mapping a data source to a rule in Config, the keywordValue that you specify depends on the type of rule:

              • For managed rules, you can use the rule identifier as the keywordValue . You can find the rule identifier from the list of Config managed rules. For some rules, the rule identifier is different from the rule name. For example, the rule name restricted-ssh has the following rule identifier: INCOMING_SSH_DISABLED . Make sure to use the rule identifier, not the rule name. Keyword example for managed rules:

              • For custom rules, you form the keywordValue by adding the Custom_ prefix to the rule name. This prefix distinguishes the custom rule from a managed rule. Keyword example for custom rules:

                • Custom rule name: my-custom-config-rule keywordValue : Custom_my-custom-config-rule

              • For service-linked rules, you form the keywordValue by adding the Custom_ prefix to the rule name. In addition, you remove the suffix ID that appears at the end of the rule name. Keyword examples for service-linked rules:

                • Service-linked rule name: CustomRuleForAccount-conformance-pack-szsm1uv0w keywordValue : Custom_CustomRuleForAccount-conformance-pack

                • Service-linked rule name: OrgConfigRule-s3-bucket-versioning-enabled-dbgzf8ba keywordValue : Custom_OrgConfigRule-s3-bucket-versioning-enabled


              The keywordValue is case sensitive. If you enter a value incorrectly, Audit Manager might not recognize the data source mapping. As a result, you might not successfully collect evidence from that data source as intended.

              Keep in mind the following requirements, depending on the data source type that you're using.

              • For Config:

                • For managed rules, make sure that the keywordValue is the rule identifier in ALL_CAPS_WITH_UNDERSCORES . For example, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP_ENCRYPTED . For accuracy, we recommend that you reference the list of supported Config managed rules.

                • For custom rules, make sure that the keywordValue has the Custom_ prefix followed by the custom rule name. The format of the custom rule name itself may vary. For accuracy, we recommend that you visit the Config console to verify your custom rule name.

              • For Security Hub: The format varies for Security Hub control names. For accuracy, we recommend that you reference the list of supported Security Hub controls.

              • For Amazon Web Services API calls: Make sure that the keywordValue is written as serviceprefix_ActionName . For example, iam_ListGroups . For accuracy, we recommend that you reference the list of supported API calls.

              • For CloudTrail: Make sure that the keywordValue is written as serviceprefix_ActionName . For example, cloudtrail_StartLogging . For accuracy, we recommend that you review the Amazon Web Service prefix and action names in the Service Authorization Reference.

          • sourceFrequency (string) --

            Specifies how often evidence is collected from the control mapping source.

          • troubleshootingText (string) --

            The instructions for troubleshooting the control.

      • createdAt (datetime) --

        The time when the control was created.

      • lastUpdatedAt (datetime) --

        The time when the control was most recently updated.

      • createdBy (string) --

        The user or role that created the control.

      • lastUpdatedBy (string) --

        The user or role that most recently updated the control.

      • tags (dict) --

        The tags associated with the control.

        • (string) --

          • (string) --

      • state (string) --

        The state of the control. The END_OF_SUPPORT state is applicable to standard controls only. This state indicates that the standard control can still be used to collect evidence, but Audit Manager is no longer updating or maintaining that control.

GetAssessmentFramework (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'framework': {'controlSets': {'controls': {'controlMappingSources': {'sourceType': {'Common_Control',
                                            'state': 'ACTIVE | END_OF_SUPPORT',
                                            'type': {'Core'}}}}}

Gets information about a specified framework.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type frameworkId


param frameworkId


The identifier for the framework.




Response Syntax

    'framework': {
        'arn': 'string',
        'id': 'string',
        'name': 'string',
        'type': 'Standard'|'Custom',
        'complianceType': 'string',
        'description': 'string',
        'logo': 'string',
        'controlSources': 'string',
        'controlSets': [
                'id': 'string',
                'name': 'string',
                'controls': [
                        'arn': 'string',
                        'id': 'string',
                        'type': 'Standard'|'Custom'|'Core',
                        'name': 'string',
                        'description': 'string',
                        'testingInformation': 'string',
                        'actionPlanTitle': 'string',
                        'actionPlanInstructions': 'string',
                        'controlSources': 'string',
                        'controlMappingSources': [
                                'sourceId': 'string',
                                'sourceName': 'string',
                                'sourceDescription': 'string',
                                'sourceSetUpOption': 'System_Controls_Mapping'|'Procedural_Controls_Mapping',
                                'sourceType': 'AWS_Cloudtrail'|'AWS_Config'|'AWS_Security_Hub'|'AWS_API_Call'|'MANUAL'|'Common_Control'|'Core_Control',
                                'sourceKeyword': {
                                    'keywordInputType': 'SELECT_FROM_LIST'|'UPLOAD_FILE'|'INPUT_TEXT',
                                    'keywordValue': 'string'
                                'sourceFrequency': 'DAILY'|'WEEKLY'|'MONTHLY',
                                'troubleshootingText': 'string'
                        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                        'lastUpdatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                        'createdBy': 'string',
                        'lastUpdatedBy': 'string',
                        'tags': {
                            'string': 'string'
                        'state': 'ACTIVE'|'END_OF_SUPPORT'
        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'lastUpdatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'createdBy': 'string',
        'lastUpdatedBy': 'string',
        'tags': {
            'string': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • framework (dict) --

      The framework that the GetAssessmentFramework API returned.

      • arn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the framework.

      • id (string) --

        The unique identifier for the framework.

      • name (string) --

        The name of the framework.

      • type (string) --

        Specifies whether the framework is a standard framework or a custom framework.

      • complianceType (string) --

        The compliance type that the framework supports, such as CIS or HIPAA.

      • description (string) --

        The description of the framework.

      • logo (string) --

        The logo that's associated with the framework.

      • controlSources (string) --

        The control data sources where Audit Manager collects evidence from.

      • controlSets (list) --

        The control sets that are associated with the framework.

        • (dict) --

          A set of controls in Audit Manager.

          • id (string) --

            The identifier of the control set in the assessment. This is the control set name in a plain string format.

          • name (string) --

            The name of the control set.

          • controls (list) --

            The list of controls within the control set.

            • (dict) --

              A control in Audit Manager.

              • arn (string) --

                The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the control.

              • id (string) --

                The unique identifier for the control.

              • type (string) --

                Specifies whether the control is a standard control or a custom control.

              • name (string) --

                The name of the control.

              • description (string) --

                The description of the control.

              • testingInformation (string) --

                The steps that you should follow to determine if the control has been satisfied.

              • actionPlanTitle (string) --

                The title of the action plan for remediating the control.

              • actionPlanInstructions (string) --

                The recommended actions to carry out if the control isn't fulfilled.

              • controlSources (string) --

                The data source types that determine where Audit Manager collects evidence from for the control.

              • controlMappingSources (list) --

                The data mapping sources for the control.

                • (dict) --

                  The data source that determines where Audit Manager collects evidence from for the control.

                  • sourceId (string) --

                    The unique identifier for the source.

                  • sourceName (string) --

                    The name of the source.

                  • sourceDescription (string) --

                    The description of the source.

                  • sourceSetUpOption (string) --

                    The setup option for the data source. This option reflects if the evidence collection method is automated or manual. If you don’t provide a value for sourceSetUpOption , Audit Manager automatically infers and populates the correct value based on the sourceType that you specify.

                  • sourceType (string) --

                    Specifies which type of data source is used to collect evidence.

                    • The source can be an individual data source type, such as AWS_Cloudtrail , AWS_Config , AWS_Security_Hub , AWS_API_Call , or MANUAL .

                    • The source can also be a managed grouping of data sources, such as a Core_Control or a Common_Control .

                  • sourceKeyword (dict) --

                    A keyword that relates to the control data source.

                    For manual evidence, this keyword indicates if the manual evidence is a file or text.

                    For automated evidence, this keyword identifies a specific CloudTrail event, Config rule, Security Hub control, or Amazon Web Services API name.

                    To learn more about the supported keywords that you can use when mapping a control data source, see the following pages in the Audit Manager User Guide :

                    • keywordInputType (string) --

                      The input method for the keyword.

                      • SELECT_FROM_LIST is used when mapping a data source for automated evidence.

                        • When keywordInputType is SELECT_FROM_LIST , a keyword must be selected to collect automated evidence. For example, this keyword can be a CloudTrail event name, a rule name for Config, a Security Hub control, or the name of an Amazon Web Services API call.

                      • UPLOAD_FILE and INPUT_TEXT are only used when mapping a data source for manual evidence.

                        • When keywordInputType is UPLOAD_FILE , a file must be uploaded as manual evidence.

                        • When keywordInputType is INPUT_TEXT , text must be entered as manual evidence.

                    • keywordValue (string) --

                      The value of the keyword that's used when mapping a control data source. For example, this can be a CloudTrail event name, a rule name for Config, a Security Hub control, or the name of an Amazon Web Services API call.

                      If you’re mapping a data source to a rule in Config, the keywordValue that you specify depends on the type of rule:

                      • For managed rules, you can use the rule identifier as the keywordValue . You can find the rule identifier from the list of Config managed rules. For some rules, the rule identifier is different from the rule name. For example, the rule name restricted-ssh has the following rule identifier: INCOMING_SSH_DISABLED . Make sure to use the rule identifier, not the rule name. Keyword example for managed rules:

                      • For custom rules, you form the keywordValue by adding the Custom_ prefix to the rule name. This prefix distinguishes the custom rule from a managed rule. Keyword example for custom rules:

                        • Custom rule name: my-custom-config-rule keywordValue : Custom_my-custom-config-rule

                      • For service-linked rules, you form the keywordValue by adding the Custom_ prefix to the rule name. In addition, you remove the suffix ID that appears at the end of the rule name. Keyword examples for service-linked rules:

                        • Service-linked rule name: CustomRuleForAccount-conformance-pack-szsm1uv0w keywordValue : Custom_CustomRuleForAccount-conformance-pack

                        • Service-linked rule name: OrgConfigRule-s3-bucket-versioning-enabled-dbgzf8ba keywordValue : Custom_OrgConfigRule-s3-bucket-versioning-enabled


                      The keywordValue is case sensitive. If you enter a value incorrectly, Audit Manager might not recognize the data source mapping. As a result, you might not successfully collect evidence from that data source as intended.

                      Keep in mind the following requirements, depending on the data source type that you're using.

                      • For Config:

                        • For managed rules, make sure that the keywordValue is the rule identifier in ALL_CAPS_WITH_UNDERSCORES . For example, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP_ENCRYPTED . For accuracy, we recommend that you reference the list of supported Config managed rules.

                        • For custom rules, make sure that the keywordValue has the Custom_ prefix followed by the custom rule name. The format of the custom rule name itself may vary. For accuracy, we recommend that you visit the Config console to verify your custom rule name.

                      • For Security Hub: The format varies for Security Hub control names. For accuracy, we recommend that you reference the list of supported Security Hub controls.

                      • For Amazon Web Services API calls: Make sure that the keywordValue is written as serviceprefix_ActionName . For example, iam_ListGroups . For accuracy, we recommend that you reference the list of supported API calls.

                      • For CloudTrail: Make sure that the keywordValue is written as serviceprefix_ActionName . For example, cloudtrail_StartLogging . For accuracy, we recommend that you review the Amazon Web Service prefix and action names in the Service Authorization Reference.

                  • sourceFrequency (string) --

                    Specifies how often evidence is collected from the control mapping source.

                  • troubleshootingText (string) --

                    The instructions for troubleshooting the control.

              • createdAt (datetime) --

                The time when the control was created.

              • lastUpdatedAt (datetime) --

                The time when the control was most recently updated.

              • createdBy (string) --

                The user or role that created the control.

              • lastUpdatedBy (string) --

                The user or role that most recently updated the control.

              • tags (dict) --

                The tags associated with the control.

                • (string) --

                  • (string) --

              • state (string) --

                The state of the control. The END_OF_SUPPORT state is applicable to standard controls only. This state indicates that the standard control can still be used to collect evidence, but Audit Manager is no longer updating or maintaining that control.

      • createdAt (datetime) --

        The time when the framework was created.

      • lastUpdatedAt (datetime) --

        The time when the framework was most recently updated.

      • createdBy (string) --

        The user or role that created the framework.

      • lastUpdatedBy (string) --

        The user or role that most recently updated the framework.

      • tags (dict) --

        The tags that are associated with the framework.

        • (string) --

          • (string) --

GetControl (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'control': {'controlMappingSources': {'sourceType': {'Common_Control',
             'state': 'ACTIVE | END_OF_SUPPORT',
             'type': {'Core'}}}

Gets information about a specified control.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type controlId


param controlId


The identifier for the control.




Response Syntax

    'control': {
        'arn': 'string',
        'id': 'string',
        'type': 'Standard'|'Custom'|'Core',
        'name': 'string',
        'description': 'string',
        'testingInformation': 'string',
        'actionPlanTitle': 'string',
        'actionPlanInstructions': 'string',
        'controlSources': 'string',
        'controlMappingSources': [
                'sourceId': 'string',
                'sourceName': 'string',
                'sourceDescription': 'string',
                'sourceSetUpOption': 'System_Controls_Mapping'|'Procedural_Controls_Mapping',
                'sourceType': 'AWS_Cloudtrail'|'AWS_Config'|'AWS_Security_Hub'|'AWS_API_Call'|'MANUAL'|'Common_Control'|'Core_Control',
                'sourceKeyword': {
                    'keywordInputType': 'SELECT_FROM_LIST'|'UPLOAD_FILE'|'INPUT_TEXT',
                    'keywordValue': 'string'
                'sourceFrequency': 'DAILY'|'WEEKLY'|'MONTHLY',
                'troubleshootingText': 'string'
        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'lastUpdatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'createdBy': 'string',
        'lastUpdatedBy': 'string',
        'tags': {
            'string': 'string'
        'state': 'ACTIVE'|'END_OF_SUPPORT'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • control (dict) --

      The details of the control that the GetControl API returned.

      • arn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the control.

      • id (string) --

        The unique identifier for the control.

      • type (string) --

        Specifies whether the control is a standard control or a custom control.

      • name (string) --

        The name of the control.

      • description (string) --

        The description of the control.

      • testingInformation (string) --

        The steps that you should follow to determine if the control has been satisfied.

      • actionPlanTitle (string) --

        The title of the action plan for remediating the control.

      • actionPlanInstructions (string) --

        The recommended actions to carry out if the control isn't fulfilled.

      • controlSources (string) --

        The data source types that determine where Audit Manager collects evidence from for the control.

      • controlMappingSources (list) --

        The data mapping sources for the control.

        • (dict) --

          The data source that determines where Audit Manager collects evidence from for the control.

          • sourceId (string) --

            The unique identifier for the source.

          • sourceName (string) --

            The name of the source.

          • sourceDescription (string) --

            The description of the source.

          • sourceSetUpOption (string) --

            The setup option for the data source. This option reflects if the evidence collection method is automated or manual. If you don’t provide a value for sourceSetUpOption , Audit Manager automatically infers and populates the correct value based on the sourceType that you specify.

          • sourceType (string) --

            Specifies which type of data source is used to collect evidence.

            • The source can be an individual data source type, such as AWS_Cloudtrail , AWS_Config , AWS_Security_Hub , AWS_API_Call , or MANUAL .

            • The source can also be a managed grouping of data sources, such as a Core_Control or a Common_Control .

          • sourceKeyword (dict) --

            A keyword that relates to the control data source.

            For manual evidence, this keyword indicates if the manual evidence is a file or text.

            For automated evidence, this keyword identifies a specific CloudTrail event, Config rule, Security Hub control, or Amazon Web Services API name.

            To learn more about the supported keywords that you can use when mapping a control data source, see the following pages in the Audit Manager User Guide :

            • keywordInputType (string) --

              The input method for the keyword.

              • SELECT_FROM_LIST is used when mapping a data source for automated evidence.

                • When keywordInputType is SELECT_FROM_LIST , a keyword must be selected to collect automated evidence. For example, this keyword can be a CloudTrail event name, a rule name for Config, a Security Hub control, or the name of an Amazon Web Services API call.

              • UPLOAD_FILE and INPUT_TEXT are only used when mapping a data source for manual evidence.

                • When keywordInputType is UPLOAD_FILE , a file must be uploaded as manual evidence.

                • When keywordInputType is INPUT_TEXT , text must be entered as manual evidence.

            • keywordValue (string) --

              The value of the keyword that's used when mapping a control data source. For example, this can be a CloudTrail event name, a rule name for Config, a Security Hub control, or the name of an Amazon Web Services API call.

              If you’re mapping a data source to a rule in Config, the keywordValue that you specify depends on the type of rule:

              • For managed rules, you can use the rule identifier as the keywordValue . You can find the rule identifier from the list of Config managed rules. For some rules, the rule identifier is different from the rule name. For example, the rule name restricted-ssh has the following rule identifier: INCOMING_SSH_DISABLED . Make sure to use the rule identifier, not the rule name. Keyword example for managed rules:

              • For custom rules, you form the keywordValue by adding the Custom_ prefix to the rule name. This prefix distinguishes the custom rule from a managed rule. Keyword example for custom rules:

                • Custom rule name: my-custom-config-rule keywordValue : Custom_my-custom-config-rule

              • For service-linked rules, you form the keywordValue by adding the Custom_ prefix to the rule name. In addition, you remove the suffix ID that appears at the end of the rule name. Keyword examples for service-linked rules:

                • Service-linked rule name: CustomRuleForAccount-conformance-pack-szsm1uv0w keywordValue : Custom_CustomRuleForAccount-conformance-pack

                • Service-linked rule name: OrgConfigRule-s3-bucket-versioning-enabled-dbgzf8ba keywordValue : Custom_OrgConfigRule-s3-bucket-versioning-enabled


              The keywordValue is case sensitive. If you enter a value incorrectly, Audit Manager might not recognize the data source mapping. As a result, you might not successfully collect evidence from that data source as intended.

              Keep in mind the following requirements, depending on the data source type that you're using.

              • For Config:

                • For managed rules, make sure that the keywordValue is the rule identifier in ALL_CAPS_WITH_UNDERSCORES . For example, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP_ENCRYPTED . For accuracy, we recommend that you reference the list of supported Config managed rules.

                • For custom rules, make sure that the keywordValue has the Custom_ prefix followed by the custom rule name. The format of the custom rule name itself may vary. For accuracy, we recommend that you visit the Config console to verify your custom rule name.

              • For Security Hub: The format varies for Security Hub control names. For accuracy, we recommend that you reference the list of supported Security Hub controls.

              • For Amazon Web Services API calls: Make sure that the keywordValue is written as serviceprefix_ActionName . For example, iam_ListGroups . For accuracy, we recommend that you reference the list of supported API calls.

              • For CloudTrail: Make sure that the keywordValue is written as serviceprefix_ActionName . For example, cloudtrail_StartLogging . For accuracy, we recommend that you review the Amazon Web Service prefix and action names in the Service Authorization Reference.

          • sourceFrequency (string) --

            Specifies how often evidence is collected from the control mapping source.

          • troubleshootingText (string) --

            The instructions for troubleshooting the control.

      • createdAt (datetime) --

        The time when the control was created.

      • lastUpdatedAt (datetime) --

        The time when the control was most recently updated.

      • createdBy (string) --

        The user or role that created the control.

      • lastUpdatedBy (string) --

        The user or role that most recently updated the control.

      • tags (dict) --

        The tags associated with the control.

        • (string) --

          • (string) --

      • state (string) --

        The state of the control. The END_OF_SUPPORT state is applicable to standard controls only. This state indicates that the standard control can still be used to collect evidence, but Audit Manager is no longer updating or maintaining that control.

ListControls (updated) Link ¶
Changes (request)
{'controlCatalogId': 'string', 'controlType': {'Core'}}

Returns a list of controls from Audit Manager.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type controlType


param controlType


A filter that narrows the list of controls to a specific type.

type nextToken


param nextToken

The pagination token that's used to fetch the next set of results.

type maxResults


param maxResults

The maximum number of results on a page or for an API request call.

type controlCatalogId


param controlCatalogId

A filter that narrows the list of controls to a specific resource from the Amazon Web Services Control Catalog.

To use this parameter, specify the ARN of the Control Catalog resource. You can specify either a control domain, a control objective, or a common control. For information about how to find the ARNs for these resources, see ListDomains, ListObjectives, and ListCommonControls.


You can only filter by one Control Catalog resource at a time. Specifying multiple resource ARNs isn’t currently supported. If you want to filter by more than one ARN, we recommend that you run the ListControls operation separately for each ARN.

Alternatively, specify UNCATEGORIZED to list controls that aren't mapped to a Control Catalog resource. For example, this operation might return a list of custom controls that don't belong to any control domain or control objective.




Response Syntax

    'controlMetadataList': [
            'arn': 'string',
            'id': 'string',
            'name': 'string',
            'controlSources': 'string',
            'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'lastUpdatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1)
    'nextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • controlMetadataList (list) --

      A list of metadata that the ListControls API returns for each control.

      • (dict) --

        The metadata that's associated with the standard control or custom control.

        • arn (string) --

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the control.

        • id (string) --

          The unique identifier for the control.

        • name (string) --

          The name of the control.

        • controlSources (string) --

          The data source that determines where Audit Manager collects evidence from for the control.

        • createdAt (datetime) --

          The time when the control was created.

        • lastUpdatedAt (datetime) --

          The time when the control was most recently updated.

    • nextToken (string) --

      The pagination token that's used to fetch the next set of results.

UpdateAssessmentFramework (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'framework': {'controlSets': {'controls': {'controlMappingSources': {'sourceType': {'Common_Control',
                                            'state': 'ACTIVE | END_OF_SUPPORT',
                                            'type': {'Core'}}}}}

Updates a custom framework in Audit Manager.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

            'id': 'string',
            'name': 'string',
            'controls': [
                    'id': 'string'
type frameworkId


param frameworkId


The unique identifier for the framework.

type name


param name


The name of the framework to be updated.

type description


param description

The description of the updated framework.

type complianceType


param complianceType

The compliance type that the new custom framework supports, such as CIS or HIPAA.

type controlSets


param controlSets


The control sets that are associated with the framework.

  • (dict) --

    A controlSet entity that represents a collection of controls in Audit Manager. This doesn't contain the control set ID.

    • id (string) --

      The unique identifier for the control set.

    • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The name of the control set.

    • controls (list) -- [REQUIRED]

      The list of controls that are contained within the control set.

      • (dict) --

        The control entity attributes that uniquely identify an existing control to be added to a framework in Audit Manager.

        • id (string) -- [REQUIRED]

          The unique identifier of the control.




Response Syntax

    'framework': {
        'arn': 'string',
        'id': 'string',
        'name': 'string',
        'type': 'Standard'|'Custom',
        'complianceType': 'string',
        'description': 'string',
        'logo': 'string',
        'controlSources': 'string',
        'controlSets': [
                'id': 'string',
                'name': 'string',
                'controls': [
                        'arn': 'string',
                        'id': 'string',
                        'type': 'Standard'|'Custom'|'Core',
                        'name': 'string',
                        'description': 'string',
                        'testingInformation': 'string',
                        'actionPlanTitle': 'string',
                        'actionPlanInstructions': 'string',
                        'controlSources': 'string',
                        'controlMappingSources': [
                                'sourceId': 'string',
                                'sourceName': 'string',
                                'sourceDescription': 'string',
                                'sourceSetUpOption': 'System_Controls_Mapping'|'Procedural_Controls_Mapping',
                                'sourceType': 'AWS_Cloudtrail'|'AWS_Config'|'AWS_Security_Hub'|'AWS_API_Call'|'MANUAL'|'Common_Control'|'Core_Control',
                                'sourceKeyword': {
                                    'keywordInputType': 'SELECT_FROM_LIST'|'UPLOAD_FILE'|'INPUT_TEXT',
                                    'keywordValue': 'string'
                                'sourceFrequency': 'DAILY'|'WEEKLY'|'MONTHLY',
                                'troubleshootingText': 'string'
                        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                        'lastUpdatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                        'createdBy': 'string',
                        'lastUpdatedBy': 'string',
                        'tags': {
                            'string': 'string'
                        'state': 'ACTIVE'|'END_OF_SUPPORT'
        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'lastUpdatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'createdBy': 'string',
        'lastUpdatedBy': 'string',
        'tags': {
            'string': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • framework (dict) --

      The name of the framework.

      • arn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the framework.

      • id (string) --

        The unique identifier for the framework.

      • name (string) --

        The name of the framework.

      • type (string) --

        Specifies whether the framework is a standard framework or a custom framework.

      • complianceType (string) --

        The compliance type that the framework supports, such as CIS or HIPAA.

      • description (string) --

        The description of the framework.

      • logo (string) --

        The logo that's associated with the framework.

      • controlSources (string) --

        The control data sources where Audit Manager collects evidence from.

      • controlSets (list) --

        The control sets that are associated with the framework.

        • (dict) --

          A set of controls in Audit Manager.

          • id (string) --

            The identifier of the control set in the assessment. This is the control set name in a plain string format.

          • name (string) --

            The name of the control set.

          • controls (list) --

            The list of controls within the control set.

            • (dict) --

              A control in Audit Manager.

              • arn (string) --

                The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the control.

              • id (string) --

                The unique identifier for the control.

              • type (string) --

                Specifies whether the control is a standard control or a custom control.

              • name (string) --

                The name of the control.

              • description (string) --

                The description of the control.

              • testingInformation (string) --

                The steps that you should follow to determine if the control has been satisfied.

              • actionPlanTitle (string) --

                The title of the action plan for remediating the control.

              • actionPlanInstructions (string) --

                The recommended actions to carry out if the control isn't fulfilled.

              • controlSources (string) --

                The data source types that determine where Audit Manager collects evidence from for the control.

              • controlMappingSources (list) --

                The data mapping sources for the control.

                • (dict) --

                  The data source that determines where Audit Manager collects evidence from for the control.

                  • sourceId (string) --

                    The unique identifier for the source.

                  • sourceName (string) --

                    The name of the source.

                  • sourceDescription (string) --

                    The description of the source.

                  • sourceSetUpOption (string) --

                    The setup option for the data source. This option reflects if the evidence collection method is automated or manual. If you don’t provide a value for sourceSetUpOption , Audit Manager automatically infers and populates the correct value based on the sourceType that you specify.

                  • sourceType (string) --

                    Specifies which type of data source is used to collect evidence.

                    • The source can be an individual data source type, such as AWS_Cloudtrail , AWS_Config , AWS_Security_Hub , AWS_API_Call , or MANUAL .

                    • The source can also be a managed grouping of data sources, such as a Core_Control or a Common_Control .

                  • sourceKeyword (dict) --

                    A keyword that relates to the control data source.

                    For manual evidence, this keyword indicates if the manual evidence is a file or text.

                    For automated evidence, this keyword identifies a specific CloudTrail event, Config rule, Security Hub control, or Amazon Web Services API name.

                    To learn more about the supported keywords that you can use when mapping a control data source, see the following pages in the Audit Manager User Guide :

                    • keywordInputType (string) --

                      The input method for the keyword.

                      • SELECT_FROM_LIST is used when mapping a data source for automated evidence.

                        • When keywordInputType is SELECT_FROM_LIST , a keyword must be selected to collect automated evidence. For example, this keyword can be a CloudTrail event name, a rule name for Config, a Security Hub control, or the name of an Amazon Web Services API call.

                      • UPLOAD_FILE and INPUT_TEXT are only used when mapping a data source for manual evidence.

                        • When keywordInputType is UPLOAD_FILE , a file must be uploaded as manual evidence.

                        • When keywordInputType is INPUT_TEXT , text must be entered as manual evidence.

                    • keywordValue (string) --

                      The value of the keyword that's used when mapping a control data source. For example, this can be a CloudTrail event name, a rule name for Config, a Security Hub control, or the name of an Amazon Web Services API call.

                      If you’re mapping a data source to a rule in Config, the keywordValue that you specify depends on the type of rule:

                      • For managed rules, you can use the rule identifier as the keywordValue . You can find the rule identifier from the list of Config managed rules. For some rules, the rule identifier is different from the rule name. For example, the rule name restricted-ssh has the following rule identifier: INCOMING_SSH_DISABLED . Make sure to use the rule identifier, not the rule name. Keyword example for managed rules:

                      • For custom rules, you form the keywordValue by adding the Custom_ prefix to the rule name. This prefix distinguishes the custom rule from a managed rule. Keyword example for custom rules:

                        • Custom rule name: my-custom-config-rule keywordValue : Custom_my-custom-config-rule

                      • For service-linked rules, you form the keywordValue by adding the Custom_ prefix to the rule name. In addition, you remove the suffix ID that appears at the end of the rule name. Keyword examples for service-linked rules:

                        • Service-linked rule name: CustomRuleForAccount-conformance-pack-szsm1uv0w keywordValue : Custom_CustomRuleForAccount-conformance-pack

                        • Service-linked rule name: OrgConfigRule-s3-bucket-versioning-enabled-dbgzf8ba keywordValue : Custom_OrgConfigRule-s3-bucket-versioning-enabled


                      The keywordValue is case sensitive. If you enter a value incorrectly, Audit Manager might not recognize the data source mapping. As a result, you might not successfully collect evidence from that data source as intended.

                      Keep in mind the following requirements, depending on the data source type that you're using.

                      • For Config:

                        • For managed rules, make sure that the keywordValue is the rule identifier in ALL_CAPS_WITH_UNDERSCORES . For example, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP_ENCRYPTED . For accuracy, we recommend that you reference the list of supported Config managed rules.

                        • For custom rules, make sure that the keywordValue has the Custom_ prefix followed by the custom rule name. The format of the custom rule name itself may vary. For accuracy, we recommend that you visit the Config console to verify your custom rule name.

                      • For Security Hub: The format varies for Security Hub control names. For accuracy, we recommend that you reference the list of supported Security Hub controls.

                      • For Amazon Web Services API calls: Make sure that the keywordValue is written as serviceprefix_ActionName . For example, iam_ListGroups . For accuracy, we recommend that you reference the list of supported API calls.

                      • For CloudTrail: Make sure that the keywordValue is written as serviceprefix_ActionName . For example, cloudtrail_StartLogging . For accuracy, we recommend that you review the Amazon Web Service prefix and action names in the Service Authorization Reference.

                  • sourceFrequency (string) --

                    Specifies how often evidence is collected from the control mapping source.

                  • troubleshootingText (string) --

                    The instructions for troubleshooting the control.

              • createdAt (datetime) --

                The time when the control was created.

              • lastUpdatedAt (datetime) --

                The time when the control was most recently updated.

              • createdBy (string) --

                The user or role that created the control.

              • lastUpdatedBy (string) --

                The user or role that most recently updated the control.

              • tags (dict) --

                The tags associated with the control.

                • (string) --

                  • (string) --

              • state (string) --

                The state of the control. The END_OF_SUPPORT state is applicable to standard controls only. This state indicates that the standard control can still be used to collect evidence, but Audit Manager is no longer updating or maintaining that control.

      • createdAt (datetime) --

        The time when the framework was created.

      • lastUpdatedAt (datetime) --

        The time when the framework was most recently updated.

      • createdBy (string) --

        The user or role that created the framework.

      • lastUpdatedBy (string) --

        The user or role that most recently updated the framework.

      • tags (dict) --

        The tags that are associated with the framework.

        • (string) --

          • (string) --

UpdateControl (updated) Link ¶
Changes (request, response)
{'controlMappingSources': {'sourceType': {'Common_Control', 'Core_Control'}}}
{'control': {'controlMappingSources': {'sourceType': {'Common_Control',
             'state': 'ACTIVE | END_OF_SUPPORT',
             'type': {'Core'}}}

Updates a custom control in Audit Manager.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

            'sourceId': 'string',
            'sourceName': 'string',
            'sourceDescription': 'string',
            'sourceSetUpOption': 'System_Controls_Mapping'|'Procedural_Controls_Mapping',
            'sourceType': 'AWS_Cloudtrail'|'AWS_Config'|'AWS_Security_Hub'|'AWS_API_Call'|'MANUAL'|'Common_Control'|'Core_Control',
            'sourceKeyword': {
                'keywordInputType': 'SELECT_FROM_LIST'|'UPLOAD_FILE'|'INPUT_TEXT',
                'keywordValue': 'string'
            'sourceFrequency': 'DAILY'|'WEEKLY'|'MONTHLY',
            'troubleshootingText': 'string'
type controlId


param controlId


The identifier for the control.

type name


param name


The name of the updated control.

type description


param description

The optional description of the control.

type testingInformation


param testingInformation

The steps that you should follow to determine if the control is met.

type actionPlanTitle


param actionPlanTitle

The title of the action plan for remediating the control.

type actionPlanInstructions


param actionPlanInstructions

The recommended actions to carry out if the control isn't fulfilled.

type controlMappingSources


param controlMappingSources


The data mapping sources for the control.

  • (dict) --

    The data source that determines where Audit Manager collects evidence from for the control.

    • sourceId (string) --

      The unique identifier for the source.

    • sourceName (string) --

      The name of the source.

    • sourceDescription (string) --

      The description of the source.

    • sourceSetUpOption (string) --

      The setup option for the data source. This option reflects if the evidence collection method is automated or manual. If you don’t provide a value for sourceSetUpOption , Audit Manager automatically infers and populates the correct value based on the sourceType that you specify.

    • sourceType (string) --

      Specifies which type of data source is used to collect evidence.

      • The source can be an individual data source type, such as AWS_Cloudtrail , AWS_Config , AWS_Security_Hub , AWS_API_Call , or MANUAL .

      • The source can also be a managed grouping of data sources, such as a Core_Control or a Common_Control .

    • sourceKeyword (dict) --

      A keyword that relates to the control data source.

      For manual evidence, this keyword indicates if the manual evidence is a file or text.

      For automated evidence, this keyword identifies a specific CloudTrail event, Config rule, Security Hub control, or Amazon Web Services API name.

      To learn more about the supported keywords that you can use when mapping a control data source, see the following pages in the Audit Manager User Guide :

      • keywordInputType (string) --

        The input method for the keyword.

        • SELECT_FROM_LIST is used when mapping a data source for automated evidence.

          • When keywordInputType is SELECT_FROM_LIST , a keyword must be selected to collect automated evidence. For example, this keyword can be a CloudTrail event name, a rule name for Config, a Security Hub control, or the name of an Amazon Web Services API call.

        • UPLOAD_FILE and INPUT_TEXT are only used when mapping a data source for manual evidence.

          • When keywordInputType is UPLOAD_FILE , a file must be uploaded as manual evidence.

          • When keywordInputType is INPUT_TEXT , text must be entered as manual evidence.

      • keywordValue (string) --

        The value of the keyword that's used when mapping a control data source. For example, this can be a CloudTrail event name, a rule name for Config, a Security Hub control, or the name of an Amazon Web Services API call.

        If you’re mapping a data source to a rule in Config, the keywordValue that you specify depends on the type of rule:

        • For managed rules, you can use the rule identifier as the keywordValue . You can find the rule identifier from the list of Config managed rules. For some rules, the rule identifier is different from the rule name. For example, the rule name restricted-ssh has the following rule identifier: INCOMING_SSH_DISABLED . Make sure to use the rule identifier, not the rule name. Keyword example for managed rules:

        • For custom rules, you form the keywordValue by adding the Custom_ prefix to the rule name. This prefix distinguishes the custom rule from a managed rule. Keyword example for custom rules:

          • Custom rule name: my-custom-config-rule keywordValue : Custom_my-custom-config-rule

        • For service-linked rules, you form the keywordValue by adding the Custom_ prefix to the rule name. In addition, you remove the suffix ID that appears at the end of the rule name. Keyword examples for service-linked rules:

          • Service-linked rule name: CustomRuleForAccount-conformance-pack-szsm1uv0w keywordValue : Custom_CustomRuleForAccount-conformance-pack

          • Service-linked rule name: OrgConfigRule-s3-bucket-versioning-enabled-dbgzf8ba keywordValue : Custom_OrgConfigRule-s3-bucket-versioning-enabled


        The keywordValue is case sensitive. If you enter a value incorrectly, Audit Manager might not recognize the data source mapping. As a result, you might not successfully collect evidence from that data source as intended.

        Keep in mind the following requirements, depending on the data source type that you're using.

        • For Config:

          • For managed rules, make sure that the keywordValue is the rule identifier in ALL_CAPS_WITH_UNDERSCORES . For example, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP_ENCRYPTED . For accuracy, we recommend that you reference the list of supported Config managed rules.

          • For custom rules, make sure that the keywordValue has the Custom_ prefix followed by the custom rule name. The format of the custom rule name itself may vary. For accuracy, we recommend that you visit the Config console to verify your custom rule name.

        • For Security Hub: The format varies for Security Hub control names. For accuracy, we recommend that you reference the list of supported Security Hub controls.

        • For Amazon Web Services API calls: Make sure that the keywordValue is written as serviceprefix_ActionName . For example, iam_ListGroups . For accuracy, we recommend that you reference the list of supported API calls.

        • For CloudTrail: Make sure that the keywordValue is written as serviceprefix_ActionName . For example, cloudtrail_StartLogging . For accuracy, we recommend that you review the Amazon Web Service prefix and action names in the Service Authorization Reference.

    • sourceFrequency (string) --

      Specifies how often evidence is collected from the control mapping source.

    • troubleshootingText (string) --

      The instructions for troubleshooting the control.




Response Syntax

    'control': {
        'arn': 'string',
        'id': 'string',
        'type': 'Standard'|'Custom'|'Core',
        'name': 'string',
        'description': 'string',
        'testingInformation': 'string',
        'actionPlanTitle': 'string',
        'actionPlanInstructions': 'string',
        'controlSources': 'string',
        'controlMappingSources': [
                'sourceId': 'string',
                'sourceName': 'string',
                'sourceDescription': 'string',
                'sourceSetUpOption': 'System_Controls_Mapping'|'Procedural_Controls_Mapping',
                'sourceType': 'AWS_Cloudtrail'|'AWS_Config'|'AWS_Security_Hub'|'AWS_API_Call'|'MANUAL'|'Common_Control'|'Core_Control',
                'sourceKeyword': {
                    'keywordInputType': 'SELECT_FROM_LIST'|'UPLOAD_FILE'|'INPUT_TEXT',
                    'keywordValue': 'string'
                'sourceFrequency': 'DAILY'|'WEEKLY'|'MONTHLY',
                'troubleshootingText': 'string'
        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'lastUpdatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'createdBy': 'string',
        'lastUpdatedBy': 'string',
        'tags': {
            'string': 'string'
        'state': 'ACTIVE'|'END_OF_SUPPORT'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • control (dict) --

      The name of the updated control set that the UpdateControl API returned.

      • arn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the control.

      • id (string) --

        The unique identifier for the control.

      • type (string) --

        Specifies whether the control is a standard control or a custom control.

      • name (string) --

        The name of the control.

      • description (string) --

        The description of the control.

      • testingInformation (string) --

        The steps that you should follow to determine if the control has been satisfied.

      • actionPlanTitle (string) --

        The title of the action plan for remediating the control.

      • actionPlanInstructions (string) --

        The recommended actions to carry out if the control isn't fulfilled.

      • controlSources (string) --

        The data source types that determine where Audit Manager collects evidence from for the control.

      • controlMappingSources (list) --

        The data mapping sources for the control.

        • (dict) --

          The data source that determines where Audit Manager collects evidence from for the control.

          • sourceId (string) --

            The unique identifier for the source.

          • sourceName (string) --

            The name of the source.

          • sourceDescription (string) --

            The description of the source.

          • sourceSetUpOption (string) --

            The setup option for the data source. This option reflects if the evidence collection method is automated or manual. If you don’t provide a value for sourceSetUpOption , Audit Manager automatically infers and populates the correct value based on the sourceType that you specify.

          • sourceType (string) --

            Specifies which type of data source is used to collect evidence.

            • The source can be an individual data source type, such as AWS_Cloudtrail , AWS_Config , AWS_Security_Hub , AWS_API_Call , or MANUAL .

            • The source can also be a managed grouping of data sources, such as a Core_Control or a Common_Control .

          • sourceKeyword (dict) --

            A keyword that relates to the control data source.

            For manual evidence, this keyword indicates if the manual evidence is a file or text.

            For automated evidence, this keyword identifies a specific CloudTrail event, Config rule, Security Hub control, or Amazon Web Services API name.

            To learn more about the supported keywords that you can use when mapping a control data source, see the following pages in the Audit Manager User Guide :

            • keywordInputType (string) --

              The input method for the keyword.

              • SELECT_FROM_LIST is used when mapping a data source for automated evidence.

                • When keywordInputType is SELECT_FROM_LIST , a keyword must be selected to collect automated evidence. For example, this keyword can be a CloudTrail event name, a rule name for Config, a Security Hub control, or the name of an Amazon Web Services API call.

              • UPLOAD_FILE and INPUT_TEXT are only used when mapping a data source for manual evidence.

                • When keywordInputType is UPLOAD_FILE , a file must be uploaded as manual evidence.

                • When keywordInputType is INPUT_TEXT , text must be entered as manual evidence.

            • keywordValue (string) --

              The value of the keyword that's used when mapping a control data source. For example, this can be a CloudTrail event name, a rule name for Config, a Security Hub control, or the name of an Amazon Web Services API call.

              If you’re mapping a data source to a rule in Config, the keywordValue that you specify depends on the type of rule:

              • For managed rules, you can use the rule identifier as the keywordValue . You can find the rule identifier from the list of Config managed rules. For some rules, the rule identifier is different from the rule name. For example, the rule name restricted-ssh has the following rule identifier: INCOMING_SSH_DISABLED . Make sure to use the rule identifier, not the rule name. Keyword example for managed rules:

              • For custom rules, you form the keywordValue by adding the Custom_ prefix to the rule name. This prefix distinguishes the custom rule from a managed rule. Keyword example for custom rules:

                • Custom rule name: my-custom-config-rule keywordValue : Custom_my-custom-config-rule

              • For service-linked rules, you form the keywordValue by adding the Custom_ prefix to the rule name. In addition, you remove the suffix ID that appears at the end of the rule name. Keyword examples for service-linked rules:

                • Service-linked rule name: CustomRuleForAccount-conformance-pack-szsm1uv0w keywordValue : Custom_CustomRuleForAccount-conformance-pack

                • Service-linked rule name: OrgConfigRule-s3-bucket-versioning-enabled-dbgzf8ba keywordValue : Custom_OrgConfigRule-s3-bucket-versioning-enabled


              The keywordValue is case sensitive. If you enter a value incorrectly, Audit Manager might not recognize the data source mapping. As a result, you might not successfully collect evidence from that data source as intended.

              Keep in mind the following requirements, depending on the data source type that you're using.

              • For Config:

                • For managed rules, make sure that the keywordValue is the rule identifier in ALL_CAPS_WITH_UNDERSCORES . For example, CLOUDWATCH_LOG_GROUP_ENCRYPTED . For accuracy, we recommend that you reference the list of supported Config managed rules.

                • For custom rules, make sure that the keywordValue has the Custom_ prefix followed by the custom rule name. The format of the custom rule name itself may vary. For accuracy, we recommend that you visit the Config console to verify your custom rule name.

              • For Security Hub: The format varies for Security Hub control names. For accuracy, we recommend that you reference the list of supported Security Hub controls.

              • For Amazon Web Services API calls: Make sure that the keywordValue is written as serviceprefix_ActionName . For example, iam_ListGroups . For accuracy, we recommend that you reference the list of supported API calls.

              • For CloudTrail: Make sure that the keywordValue is written as serviceprefix_ActionName . For example, cloudtrail_StartLogging . For accuracy, we recommend that you review the Amazon Web Service prefix and action names in the Service Authorization Reference.

          • sourceFrequency (string) --

            Specifies how often evidence is collected from the control mapping source.

          • troubleshootingText (string) --

            The instructions for troubleshooting the control.

      • createdAt (datetime) --

        The time when the control was created.

      • lastUpdatedAt (datetime) --

        The time when the control was most recently updated.

      • createdBy (string) --

        The user or role that created the control.

      • lastUpdatedBy (string) --

        The user or role that most recently updated the control.

      • tags (dict) --

        The tags associated with the control.

        • (string) --

          • (string) --

      • state (string) --

        The state of the control. The END_OF_SUPPORT state is applicable to standard controls only. This state indicates that the standard control can still be used to collect evidence, but Audit Manager is no longer updating or maintaining that control.