2024/04/08 - Application Migration Service - 9 updated api methods
Changes Added USE_SOURCE as default option to LaunchConfigurationTemplate bootMode parameter.
{'bootMode': {'USE_SOURCE'}}
Creates a new Launch Configuration Template.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_launch_configuration_template( associatePublicIpAddress=True|False, bootMode='LEGACY_BIOS'|'UEFI'|'USE_SOURCE', copyPrivateIp=True|False, copyTags=True|False, enableMapAutoTagging=True|False, largeVolumeConf={ 'iops': 123, 'throughput': 123, 'volumeType': 'io1'|'io2'|'gp3'|'gp2'|'st1'|'sc1'|'standard' }, launchDisposition='STOPPED'|'STARTED', licensing={ 'osByol': True|False }, mapAutoTaggingMpeID='string', postLaunchActions={ 'cloudWatchLogGroupName': 'string', 'deployment': 'TEST_AND_CUTOVER'|'CUTOVER_ONLY'|'TEST_ONLY', 's3LogBucket': 'string', 's3OutputKeyPrefix': 'string', 'ssmDocuments': [ { 'actionName': 'string', 'externalParameters': { 'string': { 'dynamicPath': 'string' } }, 'mustSucceedForCutover': True|False, 'parameters': { 'string': [ { 'parameterName': 'string', 'parameterType': 'STRING' }, ] }, 'ssmDocumentName': 'string', 'timeoutSeconds': 123 }, ] }, smallVolumeConf={ 'iops': 123, 'throughput': 123, 'volumeType': 'io1'|'io2'|'gp3'|'gp2'|'st1'|'sc1'|'standard' }, smallVolumeMaxSize=123, tags={ 'string': 'string' }, targetInstanceTypeRightSizingMethod='NONE'|'BASIC' )
Associate public Ip address.
Launch configuration template boot mode.
Copy private Ip.
Copy tags.
Enable map auto tagging.
Large volume config.
iops (integer) --
Launch template disk iops configuration.
throughput (integer) --
Launch template disk throughput configuration.
volumeType (string) --
Launch template disk volume type configuration.
Launch disposition.
Configure Licensing.
osByol (boolean) --
Configure BYOL OS licensing.
Launch configuration template map auto tagging MPE ID.
Launch configuration template post launch actions.
cloudWatchLogGroupName (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Command's CloudWatch log group name.
deployment (string) --
Deployment type in which AWS Systems Manager Documents will be executed.
s3LogBucket (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Command's logs S3 log bucket.
s3OutputKeyPrefix (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Command's logs S3 output key prefix.
ssmDocuments (list) --
AWS Systems Manager Documents.
(dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document.
actionName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
User-friendly name for the AWS Systems Manager Document.
externalParameters (dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document external parameters.
(string) --
(dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document external parameter.
dynamicPath (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Document external parameters dynamic path.
mustSucceedForCutover (boolean) --
If true, Cutover will not be enabled if the document has failed.
parameters (dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document parameters.
(string) --
(list) --
(dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter.
parameterName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter name.
parameterType (string) -- [REQUIRED]
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter type.
ssmDocumentName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
AWS Systems Manager Document name or full ARN.
timeoutSeconds (integer) --
AWS Systems Manager Document timeout seconds.
Small volume config.
iops (integer) --
Launch template disk iops configuration.
throughput (integer) --
Launch template disk throughput configuration.
volumeType (string) --
Launch template disk volume type configuration.
Small volume maximum size.
Request to associate tags during creation of a Launch Configuration Template.
(string) --
(string) --
Target instance type right-sizing method.
Response Syntax
{ 'arn': 'string', 'associatePublicIpAddress': True|False, 'bootMode': 'LEGACY_BIOS'|'UEFI'|'USE_SOURCE', 'copyPrivateIp': True|False, 'copyTags': True|False, 'ec2LaunchTemplateID': 'string', 'enableMapAutoTagging': True|False, 'largeVolumeConf': { 'iops': 123, 'throughput': 123, 'volumeType': 'io1'|'io2'|'gp3'|'gp2'|'st1'|'sc1'|'standard' }, 'launchConfigurationTemplateID': 'string', 'launchDisposition': 'STOPPED'|'STARTED', 'licensing': { 'osByol': True|False }, 'mapAutoTaggingMpeID': 'string', 'postLaunchActions': { 'cloudWatchLogGroupName': 'string', 'deployment': 'TEST_AND_CUTOVER'|'CUTOVER_ONLY'|'TEST_ONLY', 's3LogBucket': 'string', 's3OutputKeyPrefix': 'string', 'ssmDocuments': [ { 'actionName': 'string', 'externalParameters': { 'string': { 'dynamicPath': 'string' } }, 'mustSucceedForCutover': True|False, 'parameters': { 'string': [ { 'parameterName': 'string', 'parameterType': 'STRING' }, ] }, 'ssmDocumentName': 'string', 'timeoutSeconds': 123 }, ] }, 'smallVolumeConf': { 'iops': 123, 'throughput': 123, 'volumeType': 'io1'|'io2'|'gp3'|'gp2'|'st1'|'sc1'|'standard' }, 'smallVolumeMaxSize': 123, 'tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'targetInstanceTypeRightSizingMethod': 'NONE'|'BASIC' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
arn (string) --
ARN of the Launch Configuration Template.
associatePublicIpAddress (boolean) --
Associate public Ip address.
bootMode (string) --
Launch configuration template boot mode.
copyPrivateIp (boolean) --
Copy private Ip.
copyTags (boolean) --
Copy tags.
ec2LaunchTemplateID (string) --
EC2 launch template ID.
enableMapAutoTagging (boolean) --
Enable map auto tagging.
largeVolumeConf (dict) --
Large volume config.
iops (integer) --
Launch template disk iops configuration.
throughput (integer) --
Launch template disk throughput configuration.
volumeType (string) --
Launch template disk volume type configuration.
launchConfigurationTemplateID (string) --
ID of the Launch Configuration Template.
launchDisposition (string) --
Launch disposition.
licensing (dict) --
Configure Licensing.
osByol (boolean) --
Configure BYOL OS licensing.
mapAutoTaggingMpeID (string) --
Launch configuration template map auto tagging MPE ID.
postLaunchActions (dict) --
Post Launch Actions of the Launch Configuration Template.
cloudWatchLogGroupName (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Command's CloudWatch log group name.
deployment (string) --
Deployment type in which AWS Systems Manager Documents will be executed.
s3LogBucket (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Command's logs S3 log bucket.
s3OutputKeyPrefix (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Command's logs S3 output key prefix.
ssmDocuments (list) --
AWS Systems Manager Documents.
(dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document.
actionName (string) --
User-friendly name for the AWS Systems Manager Document.
externalParameters (dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document external parameters.
(string) --
(dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document external parameter.
dynamicPath (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Document external parameters dynamic path.
mustSucceedForCutover (boolean) --
If true, Cutover will not be enabled if the document has failed.
parameters (dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document parameters.
(string) --
(list) --
(dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter.
parameterName (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter name.
parameterType (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter type.
ssmDocumentName (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Document name or full ARN.
timeoutSeconds (integer) --
AWS Systems Manager Document timeout seconds.
smallVolumeConf (dict) --
Small volume config.
iops (integer) --
Launch template disk iops configuration.
throughput (integer) --
Launch template disk throughput configuration.
volumeType (string) --
Launch template disk volume type configuration.
smallVolumeMaxSize (integer) --
Small volume maximum size.
tags (dict) --
Tags of the Launch Configuration Template.
(string) --
(string) --
targetInstanceTypeRightSizingMethod (string) --
Target instance type right-sizing method.
{'items': {'bootMode': {'USE_SOURCE'}}}
Lists all Launch Configuration Templates, filtered by Launch Configuration Template IDs
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.describe_launch_configuration_templates( launchConfigurationTemplateIDs=[ 'string', ], maxResults=123, nextToken='string' )
Request to filter Launch Configuration Templates list by Launch Configuration Template ID.
(string) --
Maximum results to be returned in DescribeLaunchConfigurationTemplates.
Next pagination token returned from DescribeLaunchConfigurationTemplates.
Response Syntax
{ 'items': [ { 'arn': 'string', 'associatePublicIpAddress': True|False, 'bootMode': 'LEGACY_BIOS'|'UEFI'|'USE_SOURCE', 'copyPrivateIp': True|False, 'copyTags': True|False, 'ec2LaunchTemplateID': 'string', 'enableMapAutoTagging': True|False, 'largeVolumeConf': { 'iops': 123, 'throughput': 123, 'volumeType': 'io1'|'io2'|'gp3'|'gp2'|'st1'|'sc1'|'standard' }, 'launchConfigurationTemplateID': 'string', 'launchDisposition': 'STOPPED'|'STARTED', 'licensing': { 'osByol': True|False }, 'mapAutoTaggingMpeID': 'string', 'postLaunchActions': { 'cloudWatchLogGroupName': 'string', 'deployment': 'TEST_AND_CUTOVER'|'CUTOVER_ONLY'|'TEST_ONLY', 's3LogBucket': 'string', 's3OutputKeyPrefix': 'string', 'ssmDocuments': [ { 'actionName': 'string', 'externalParameters': { 'string': { 'dynamicPath': 'string' } }, 'mustSucceedForCutover': True|False, 'parameters': { 'string': [ { 'parameterName': 'string', 'parameterType': 'STRING' }, ] }, 'ssmDocumentName': 'string', 'timeoutSeconds': 123 }, ] }, 'smallVolumeConf': { 'iops': 123, 'throughput': 123, 'volumeType': 'io1'|'io2'|'gp3'|'gp2'|'st1'|'sc1'|'standard' }, 'smallVolumeMaxSize': 123, 'tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'targetInstanceTypeRightSizingMethod': 'NONE'|'BASIC' }, ], 'nextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
items (list) --
List of items returned by DescribeLaunchConfigurationTemplates.
(dict) --
arn (string) --
ARN of the Launch Configuration Template.
associatePublicIpAddress (boolean) --
Associate public Ip address.
bootMode (string) --
Launch configuration template boot mode.
copyPrivateIp (boolean) --
Copy private Ip.
copyTags (boolean) --
Copy tags.
ec2LaunchTemplateID (string) --
EC2 launch template ID.
enableMapAutoTagging (boolean) --
Enable map auto tagging.
largeVolumeConf (dict) --
Large volume config.
iops (integer) --
Launch template disk iops configuration.
throughput (integer) --
Launch template disk throughput configuration.
volumeType (string) --
Launch template disk volume type configuration.
launchConfigurationTemplateID (string) --
ID of the Launch Configuration Template.
launchDisposition (string) --
Launch disposition.
licensing (dict) --
Configure Licensing.
osByol (boolean) --
Configure BYOL OS licensing.
mapAutoTaggingMpeID (string) --
Launch configuration template map auto tagging MPE ID.
postLaunchActions (dict) --
Post Launch Actions of the Launch Configuration Template.
cloudWatchLogGroupName (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Command's CloudWatch log group name.
deployment (string) --
Deployment type in which AWS Systems Manager Documents will be executed.
s3LogBucket (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Command's logs S3 log bucket.
s3OutputKeyPrefix (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Command's logs S3 output key prefix.
ssmDocuments (list) --
AWS Systems Manager Documents.
(dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document.
actionName (string) --
User-friendly name for the AWS Systems Manager Document.
externalParameters (dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document external parameters.
(string) --
(dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document external parameter.
dynamicPath (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Document external parameters dynamic path.
mustSucceedForCutover (boolean) --
If true, Cutover will not be enabled if the document has failed.
parameters (dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document parameters.
(string) --
(list) --
(dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter.
parameterName (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter name.
parameterType (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter type.
ssmDocumentName (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Document name or full ARN.
timeoutSeconds (integer) --
AWS Systems Manager Document timeout seconds.
smallVolumeConf (dict) --
Small volume config.
iops (integer) --
Launch template disk iops configuration.
throughput (integer) --
Launch template disk throughput configuration.
volumeType (string) --
Launch template disk volume type configuration.
smallVolumeMaxSize (integer) --
Small volume maximum size.
tags (dict) --
Tags of the Launch Configuration Template.
(string) --
(string) --
targetInstanceTypeRightSizingMethod (string) --
Target instance type right-sizing method.
nextToken (string) --
Next pagination token returned from DescribeLaunchConfigurationTemplates.
{'bootMode': {'USE_SOURCE'}}
Lists all LaunchConfigurations available, filtered by Source Server IDs.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_launch_configuration( accountID='string', sourceServerID='string' )
Request to get Launch Configuration information by Account ID.
Request to get Launch Configuration information by Source Server ID.
Response Syntax
{ 'bootMode': 'LEGACY_BIOS'|'UEFI'|'USE_SOURCE', 'copyPrivateIp': True|False, 'copyTags': True|False, 'ec2LaunchTemplateID': 'string', 'enableMapAutoTagging': True|False, 'launchDisposition': 'STOPPED'|'STARTED', 'licensing': { 'osByol': True|False }, 'mapAutoTaggingMpeID': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'postLaunchActions': { 'cloudWatchLogGroupName': 'string', 'deployment': 'TEST_AND_CUTOVER'|'CUTOVER_ONLY'|'TEST_ONLY', 's3LogBucket': 'string', 's3OutputKeyPrefix': 'string', 'ssmDocuments': [ { 'actionName': 'string', 'externalParameters': { 'string': { 'dynamicPath': 'string' } }, 'mustSucceedForCutover': True|False, 'parameters': { 'string': [ { 'parameterName': 'string', 'parameterType': 'STRING' }, ] }, 'ssmDocumentName': 'string', 'timeoutSeconds': 123 }, ] }, 'sourceServerID': 'string', 'targetInstanceTypeRightSizingMethod': 'NONE'|'BASIC' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
bootMode (string) --
Launch configuration boot mode.
copyPrivateIp (boolean) --
Copy Private IP during Launch Configuration.
copyTags (boolean) --
Copy Tags during Launch Configuration.
ec2LaunchTemplateID (string) --
Launch configuration EC2 Launch template ID.
enableMapAutoTagging (boolean) --
Enable map auto tagging.
launchDisposition (string) --
Launch disposition for launch configuration.
licensing (dict) --
Launch configuration OS licensing.
osByol (boolean) --
Configure BYOL OS licensing.
mapAutoTaggingMpeID (string) --
Map auto tagging MPE ID.
name (string) --
Launch configuration name.
postLaunchActions (dict) --
Post Launch Actions to executed on the Test or Cutover instance.
cloudWatchLogGroupName (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Command's CloudWatch log group name.
deployment (string) --
Deployment type in which AWS Systems Manager Documents will be executed.
s3LogBucket (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Command's logs S3 log bucket.
s3OutputKeyPrefix (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Command's logs S3 output key prefix.
ssmDocuments (list) --
AWS Systems Manager Documents.
(dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document.
actionName (string) --
User-friendly name for the AWS Systems Manager Document.
externalParameters (dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document external parameters.
(string) --
(dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document external parameter.
dynamicPath (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Document external parameters dynamic path.
mustSucceedForCutover (boolean) --
If true, Cutover will not be enabled if the document has failed.
parameters (dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document parameters.
(string) --
(list) --
(dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter.
parameterName (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter name.
parameterType (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter type.
ssmDocumentName (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Document name or full ARN.
timeoutSeconds (integer) --
AWS Systems Manager Document timeout seconds.
sourceServerID (string) --
Launch configuration Source Server ID.
targetInstanceTypeRightSizingMethod (string) --
Launch configuration Target instance type right sizing method.
{'items': {'category': {'REFACTORING'}}}
List source server post migration custom actions.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.list_source_server_actions( accountID='string', filters={ 'actionIDs': [ 'string', ] }, maxResults=123, nextToken='string', sourceServerID='string' )
Account ID to return when listing source server post migration custom actions.
Filters to apply when listing source server post migration custom actions.
actionIDs (list) --
Action IDs to filter source server post migration custom actions by.
(string) --
Maximum amount of items to return when listing source server post migration custom actions.
Next token to use when listing source server post migration custom actions.
Source server ID.
Response Syntax
{ 'items': [ { 'actionID': 'string', 'actionName': 'string', 'active': True|False, 'category': 'DISASTER_RECOVERY'|'OPERATING_SYSTEM'|'LICENSE_AND_SUBSCRIPTION'|'VALIDATION'|'OBSERVABILITY'|'REFACTORING'|'SECURITY'|'NETWORKING'|'CONFIGURATION'|'BACKUP'|'OTHER', 'description': 'string', 'documentIdentifier': 'string', 'documentVersion': 'string', 'externalParameters': { 'string': { 'dynamicPath': 'string' } }, 'mustSucceedForCutover': True|False, 'order': 123, 'parameters': { 'string': [ { 'parameterName': 'string', 'parameterType': 'STRING' }, ] }, 'timeoutSeconds': 123 }, ], 'nextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
items (list) --
List of source server post migration custom actions.
(dict) --
actionID (string) --
Source server post migration custom action ID.
actionName (string) --
Source server post migration custom action name.
active (boolean) --
Source server post migration custom action active status.
category (string) --
Source server post migration custom action category.
description (string) --
Source server post migration custom action description.
documentIdentifier (string) --
Source server post migration custom action document identifier.
documentVersion (string) --
Source server post migration custom action document version.
externalParameters (dict) --
Source server post migration custom action external parameters.
(string) --
(dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document external parameter.
dynamicPath (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Document external parameters dynamic path.
mustSucceedForCutover (boolean) --
Source server post migration custom action must succeed for cutover.
order (integer) --
Source server post migration custom action order.
parameters (dict) --
Source server post migration custom action parameters.
(string) --
(list) --
(dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter.
parameterName (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter name.
parameterType (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter type.
timeoutSeconds (integer) --
Source server post migration custom action timeout in seconds.
nextToken (string) --
Next token returned when listing source server post migration custom actions.
{'items': {'category': {'REFACTORING'}}}
List template post migration custom actions.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.list_template_actions( filters={ 'actionIDs': [ 'string', ] }, launchConfigurationTemplateID='string', maxResults=123, nextToken='string' )
Filters to apply when listing template post migration custom actions.
actionIDs (list) --
Action IDs to filter template post migration custom actions by.
(string) --
Launch configuration template ID.
Maximum amount of items to return when listing template post migration custom actions.
Next token to use when listing template post migration custom actions.
Response Syntax
{ 'items': [ { 'actionID': 'string', 'actionName': 'string', 'active': True|False, 'category': 'DISASTER_RECOVERY'|'OPERATING_SYSTEM'|'LICENSE_AND_SUBSCRIPTION'|'VALIDATION'|'OBSERVABILITY'|'REFACTORING'|'SECURITY'|'NETWORKING'|'CONFIGURATION'|'BACKUP'|'OTHER', 'description': 'string', 'documentIdentifier': 'string', 'documentVersion': 'string', 'externalParameters': { 'string': { 'dynamicPath': 'string' } }, 'mustSucceedForCutover': True|False, 'operatingSystem': 'string', 'order': 123, 'parameters': { 'string': [ { 'parameterName': 'string', 'parameterType': 'STRING' }, ] }, 'timeoutSeconds': 123 }, ], 'nextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
items (list) --
List of template post migration custom actions.
(dict) --
actionID (string) --
Template post migration custom action ID.
actionName (string) --
Template post migration custom action name.
active (boolean) --
Template post migration custom action active status.
category (string) --
Template post migration custom action category.
description (string) --
Template post migration custom action description.
documentIdentifier (string) --
Template post migration custom action document identifier.
documentVersion (string) --
Template post migration custom action document version.
externalParameters (dict) --
Template post migration custom action external parameters.
(string) --
(dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document external parameter.
dynamicPath (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Document external parameters dynamic path.
mustSucceedForCutover (boolean) --
Template post migration custom action must succeed for cutover.
operatingSystem (string) --
Operating system eligible for this template post migration custom action.
order (integer) --
Template post migration custom action order.
parameters (dict) --
Template post migration custom action parameters.
(string) --
(list) --
(dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter.
parameterName (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter name.
parameterType (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter type.
timeoutSeconds (integer) --
Template post migration custom action timeout in seconds.
nextToken (string) --
Next token returned when listing template post migration custom actions.
{'category': {'REFACTORING'}}
Put source server post migration custom action.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.put_source_server_action( accountID='string', actionID='string', actionName='string', active=True|False, category='DISASTER_RECOVERY'|'OPERATING_SYSTEM'|'LICENSE_AND_SUBSCRIPTION'|'VALIDATION'|'OBSERVABILITY'|'REFACTORING'|'SECURITY'|'NETWORKING'|'CONFIGURATION'|'BACKUP'|'OTHER', description='string', documentIdentifier='string', documentVersion='string', externalParameters={ 'string': { 'dynamicPath': 'string' } }, mustSucceedForCutover=True|False, order=123, parameters={ 'string': [ { 'parameterName': 'string', 'parameterType': 'STRING' }, ] }, sourceServerID='string', timeoutSeconds=123 )
Source server post migration custom account ID.
Source server post migration custom action ID.
Source server post migration custom action name.
Source server post migration custom action active status.
Source server post migration custom action category.
Source server post migration custom action description.
Source server post migration custom action document identifier.
Source server post migration custom action document version.
Source server post migration custom action external parameters.
(string) --
(dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document external parameter.
dynamicPath (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Document external parameters dynamic path.
Source server post migration custom action must succeed for cutover.
Source server post migration custom action order.
Source server post migration custom action parameters.
(string) --
(list) --
(dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter.
parameterName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter name.
parameterType (string) -- [REQUIRED]
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter type.
Source server ID.
Source server post migration custom action timeout in seconds.
Response Syntax
{ 'actionID': 'string', 'actionName': 'string', 'active': True|False, 'category': 'DISASTER_RECOVERY'|'OPERATING_SYSTEM'|'LICENSE_AND_SUBSCRIPTION'|'VALIDATION'|'OBSERVABILITY'|'REFACTORING'|'SECURITY'|'NETWORKING'|'CONFIGURATION'|'BACKUP'|'OTHER', 'description': 'string', 'documentIdentifier': 'string', 'documentVersion': 'string', 'externalParameters': { 'string': { 'dynamicPath': 'string' } }, 'mustSucceedForCutover': True|False, 'order': 123, 'parameters': { 'string': [ { 'parameterName': 'string', 'parameterType': 'STRING' }, ] }, 'timeoutSeconds': 123 }
Response Structure
(dict) --
actionID (string) --
Source server post migration custom action ID.
actionName (string) --
Source server post migration custom action name.
active (boolean) --
Source server post migration custom action active status.
category (string) --
Source server post migration custom action category.
description (string) --
Source server post migration custom action description.
documentIdentifier (string) --
Source server post migration custom action document identifier.
documentVersion (string) --
Source server post migration custom action document version.
externalParameters (dict) --
Source server post migration custom action external parameters.
(string) --
(dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document external parameter.
dynamicPath (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Document external parameters dynamic path.
mustSucceedForCutover (boolean) --
Source server post migration custom action must succeed for cutover.
order (integer) --
Source server post migration custom action order.
parameters (dict) --
Source server post migration custom action parameters.
(string) --
(list) --
(dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter.
parameterName (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter name.
parameterType (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter type.
timeoutSeconds (integer) --
Source server post migration custom action timeout in seconds.
{'category': {'REFACTORING'}}
Put template post migration custom action.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.put_template_action( actionID='string', actionName='string', active=True|False, category='DISASTER_RECOVERY'|'OPERATING_SYSTEM'|'LICENSE_AND_SUBSCRIPTION'|'VALIDATION'|'OBSERVABILITY'|'REFACTORING'|'SECURITY'|'NETWORKING'|'CONFIGURATION'|'BACKUP'|'OTHER', description='string', documentIdentifier='string', documentVersion='string', externalParameters={ 'string': { 'dynamicPath': 'string' } }, launchConfigurationTemplateID='string', mustSucceedForCutover=True|False, operatingSystem='string', order=123, parameters={ 'string': [ { 'parameterName': 'string', 'parameterType': 'STRING' }, ] }, timeoutSeconds=123 )
Template post migration custom action ID.
Template post migration custom action name.
Template post migration custom action active status.
Template post migration custom action category.
Template post migration custom action description.
Template post migration custom action document identifier.
Template post migration custom action document version.
Template post migration custom action external parameters.
(string) --
(dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document external parameter.
dynamicPath (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Document external parameters dynamic path.
Launch configuration template ID.
Template post migration custom action must succeed for cutover.
Operating system eligible for this template post migration custom action.
Template post migration custom action order.
Template post migration custom action parameters.
(string) --
(list) --
(dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter.
parameterName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter name.
parameterType (string) -- [REQUIRED]
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter type.
Template post migration custom action timeout in seconds.
Response Syntax
{ 'actionID': 'string', 'actionName': 'string', 'active': True|False, 'category': 'DISASTER_RECOVERY'|'OPERATING_SYSTEM'|'LICENSE_AND_SUBSCRIPTION'|'VALIDATION'|'OBSERVABILITY'|'REFACTORING'|'SECURITY'|'NETWORKING'|'CONFIGURATION'|'BACKUP'|'OTHER', 'description': 'string', 'documentIdentifier': 'string', 'documentVersion': 'string', 'externalParameters': { 'string': { 'dynamicPath': 'string' } }, 'mustSucceedForCutover': True|False, 'operatingSystem': 'string', 'order': 123, 'parameters': { 'string': [ { 'parameterName': 'string', 'parameterType': 'STRING' }, ] }, 'timeoutSeconds': 123 }
Response Structure
(dict) --
actionID (string) --
Template post migration custom action ID.
actionName (string) --
Template post migration custom action name.
active (boolean) --
Template post migration custom action active status.
category (string) --
Template post migration custom action category.
description (string) --
Template post migration custom action description.
documentIdentifier (string) --
Template post migration custom action document identifier.
documentVersion (string) --
Template post migration custom action document version.
externalParameters (dict) --
Template post migration custom action external parameters.
(string) --
(dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document external parameter.
dynamicPath (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Document external parameters dynamic path.
mustSucceedForCutover (boolean) --
Template post migration custom action must succeed for cutover.
operatingSystem (string) --
Operating system eligible for this template post migration custom action.
order (integer) --
Template post migration custom action order.
parameters (dict) --
Template post migration custom action parameters.
(string) --
(list) --
(dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter.
parameterName (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter name.
parameterType (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter type.
timeoutSeconds (integer) --
Template post migration custom action timeout in seconds.
{'bootMode': {'USE_SOURCE'}}
Updates multiple LaunchConfigurations by Source Server ID.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.update_launch_configuration( accountID='string', bootMode='LEGACY_BIOS'|'UEFI'|'USE_SOURCE', copyPrivateIp=True|False, copyTags=True|False, enableMapAutoTagging=True|False, launchDisposition='STOPPED'|'STARTED', licensing={ 'osByol': True|False }, mapAutoTaggingMpeID='string', name='string', postLaunchActions={ 'cloudWatchLogGroupName': 'string', 'deployment': 'TEST_AND_CUTOVER'|'CUTOVER_ONLY'|'TEST_ONLY', 's3LogBucket': 'string', 's3OutputKeyPrefix': 'string', 'ssmDocuments': [ { 'actionName': 'string', 'externalParameters': { 'string': { 'dynamicPath': 'string' } }, 'mustSucceedForCutover': True|False, 'parameters': { 'string': [ { 'parameterName': 'string', 'parameterType': 'STRING' }, ] }, 'ssmDocumentName': 'string', 'timeoutSeconds': 123 }, ] }, sourceServerID='string', targetInstanceTypeRightSizingMethod='NONE'|'BASIC' )
Update Launch configuration Account ID.
Update Launch configuration boot mode request.
Update Launch configuration copy Private IP request.
Update Launch configuration copy Tags request.
Enable map auto tagging.
Update Launch configuration launch disposition request.
Update Launch configuration licensing request.
osByol (boolean) --
Configure BYOL OS licensing.
Launch configuration map auto tagging MPE ID.
Update Launch configuration name request.
Post Launch Actions to executed on the Test or Cutover instance.
cloudWatchLogGroupName (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Command's CloudWatch log group name.
deployment (string) --
Deployment type in which AWS Systems Manager Documents will be executed.
s3LogBucket (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Command's logs S3 log bucket.
s3OutputKeyPrefix (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Command's logs S3 output key prefix.
ssmDocuments (list) --
AWS Systems Manager Documents.
(dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document.
actionName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
User-friendly name for the AWS Systems Manager Document.
externalParameters (dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document external parameters.
(string) --
(dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document external parameter.
dynamicPath (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Document external parameters dynamic path.
mustSucceedForCutover (boolean) --
If true, Cutover will not be enabled if the document has failed.
parameters (dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document parameters.
(string) --
(list) --
(dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter.
parameterName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter name.
parameterType (string) -- [REQUIRED]
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter type.
ssmDocumentName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
AWS Systems Manager Document name or full ARN.
timeoutSeconds (integer) --
AWS Systems Manager Document timeout seconds.
Update Launch configuration by Source Server ID request.
Update Launch configuration Target instance right sizing request.
Response Syntax
{ 'bootMode': 'LEGACY_BIOS'|'UEFI'|'USE_SOURCE', 'copyPrivateIp': True|False, 'copyTags': True|False, 'ec2LaunchTemplateID': 'string', 'enableMapAutoTagging': True|False, 'launchDisposition': 'STOPPED'|'STARTED', 'licensing': { 'osByol': True|False }, 'mapAutoTaggingMpeID': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'postLaunchActions': { 'cloudWatchLogGroupName': 'string', 'deployment': 'TEST_AND_CUTOVER'|'CUTOVER_ONLY'|'TEST_ONLY', 's3LogBucket': 'string', 's3OutputKeyPrefix': 'string', 'ssmDocuments': [ { 'actionName': 'string', 'externalParameters': { 'string': { 'dynamicPath': 'string' } }, 'mustSucceedForCutover': True|False, 'parameters': { 'string': [ { 'parameterName': 'string', 'parameterType': 'STRING' }, ] }, 'ssmDocumentName': 'string', 'timeoutSeconds': 123 }, ] }, 'sourceServerID': 'string', 'targetInstanceTypeRightSizingMethod': 'NONE'|'BASIC' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
bootMode (string) --
Launch configuration boot mode.
copyPrivateIp (boolean) --
Copy Private IP during Launch Configuration.
copyTags (boolean) --
Copy Tags during Launch Configuration.
ec2LaunchTemplateID (string) --
Launch configuration EC2 Launch template ID.
enableMapAutoTagging (boolean) --
Enable map auto tagging.
launchDisposition (string) --
Launch disposition for launch configuration.
licensing (dict) --
Launch configuration OS licensing.
osByol (boolean) --
Configure BYOL OS licensing.
mapAutoTaggingMpeID (string) --
Map auto tagging MPE ID.
name (string) --
Launch configuration name.
postLaunchActions (dict) --
Post Launch Actions to executed on the Test or Cutover instance.
cloudWatchLogGroupName (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Command's CloudWatch log group name.
deployment (string) --
Deployment type in which AWS Systems Manager Documents will be executed.
s3LogBucket (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Command's logs S3 log bucket.
s3OutputKeyPrefix (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Command's logs S3 output key prefix.
ssmDocuments (list) --
AWS Systems Manager Documents.
(dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document.
actionName (string) --
User-friendly name for the AWS Systems Manager Document.
externalParameters (dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document external parameters.
(string) --
(dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document external parameter.
dynamicPath (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Document external parameters dynamic path.
mustSucceedForCutover (boolean) --
If true, Cutover will not be enabled if the document has failed.
parameters (dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document parameters.
(string) --
(list) --
(dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter.
parameterName (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter name.
parameterType (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter type.
ssmDocumentName (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Document name or full ARN.
timeoutSeconds (integer) --
AWS Systems Manager Document timeout seconds.
sourceServerID (string) --
Launch configuration Source Server ID.
targetInstanceTypeRightSizingMethod (string) --
Launch configuration Target instance type right sizing method.
{'bootMode': {'USE_SOURCE'}}
Updates an existing Launch Configuration Template by ID.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.update_launch_configuration_template( associatePublicIpAddress=True|False, bootMode='LEGACY_BIOS'|'UEFI'|'USE_SOURCE', copyPrivateIp=True|False, copyTags=True|False, enableMapAutoTagging=True|False, largeVolumeConf={ 'iops': 123, 'throughput': 123, 'volumeType': 'io1'|'io2'|'gp3'|'gp2'|'st1'|'sc1'|'standard' }, launchConfigurationTemplateID='string', launchDisposition='STOPPED'|'STARTED', licensing={ 'osByol': True|False }, mapAutoTaggingMpeID='string', postLaunchActions={ 'cloudWatchLogGroupName': 'string', 'deployment': 'TEST_AND_CUTOVER'|'CUTOVER_ONLY'|'TEST_ONLY', 's3LogBucket': 'string', 's3OutputKeyPrefix': 'string', 'ssmDocuments': [ { 'actionName': 'string', 'externalParameters': { 'string': { 'dynamicPath': 'string' } }, 'mustSucceedForCutover': True|False, 'parameters': { 'string': [ { 'parameterName': 'string', 'parameterType': 'STRING' }, ] }, 'ssmDocumentName': 'string', 'timeoutSeconds': 123 }, ] }, smallVolumeConf={ 'iops': 123, 'throughput': 123, 'volumeType': 'io1'|'io2'|'gp3'|'gp2'|'st1'|'sc1'|'standard' }, smallVolumeMaxSize=123, targetInstanceTypeRightSizingMethod='NONE'|'BASIC' )
Associate public Ip address.
Launch configuration template boot mode.
Copy private Ip.
Copy tags.
Enable map auto tagging.
Large volume config.
iops (integer) --
Launch template disk iops configuration.
throughput (integer) --
Launch template disk throughput configuration.
volumeType (string) --
Launch template disk volume type configuration.
Launch Configuration Template ID.
Launch disposition.
Configure Licensing.
osByol (boolean) --
Configure BYOL OS licensing.
Launch configuration template map auto tagging MPE ID.
Post Launch Action to execute on the Test or Cutover instance.
cloudWatchLogGroupName (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Command's CloudWatch log group name.
deployment (string) --
Deployment type in which AWS Systems Manager Documents will be executed.
s3LogBucket (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Command's logs S3 log bucket.
s3OutputKeyPrefix (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Command's logs S3 output key prefix.
ssmDocuments (list) --
AWS Systems Manager Documents.
(dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document.
actionName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
User-friendly name for the AWS Systems Manager Document.
externalParameters (dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document external parameters.
(string) --
(dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document external parameter.
dynamicPath (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Document external parameters dynamic path.
mustSucceedForCutover (boolean) --
If true, Cutover will not be enabled if the document has failed.
parameters (dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document parameters.
(string) --
(list) --
(dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter.
parameterName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter name.
parameterType (string) -- [REQUIRED]
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter type.
ssmDocumentName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
AWS Systems Manager Document name or full ARN.
timeoutSeconds (integer) --
AWS Systems Manager Document timeout seconds.
Small volume config.
iops (integer) --
Launch template disk iops configuration.
throughput (integer) --
Launch template disk throughput configuration.
volumeType (string) --
Launch template disk volume type configuration.
Small volume maximum size.
Target instance type right-sizing method.
Response Syntax
{ 'arn': 'string', 'associatePublicIpAddress': True|False, 'bootMode': 'LEGACY_BIOS'|'UEFI'|'USE_SOURCE', 'copyPrivateIp': True|False, 'copyTags': True|False, 'ec2LaunchTemplateID': 'string', 'enableMapAutoTagging': True|False, 'largeVolumeConf': { 'iops': 123, 'throughput': 123, 'volumeType': 'io1'|'io2'|'gp3'|'gp2'|'st1'|'sc1'|'standard' }, 'launchConfigurationTemplateID': 'string', 'launchDisposition': 'STOPPED'|'STARTED', 'licensing': { 'osByol': True|False }, 'mapAutoTaggingMpeID': 'string', 'postLaunchActions': { 'cloudWatchLogGroupName': 'string', 'deployment': 'TEST_AND_CUTOVER'|'CUTOVER_ONLY'|'TEST_ONLY', 's3LogBucket': 'string', 's3OutputKeyPrefix': 'string', 'ssmDocuments': [ { 'actionName': 'string', 'externalParameters': { 'string': { 'dynamicPath': 'string' } }, 'mustSucceedForCutover': True|False, 'parameters': { 'string': [ { 'parameterName': 'string', 'parameterType': 'STRING' }, ] }, 'ssmDocumentName': 'string', 'timeoutSeconds': 123 }, ] }, 'smallVolumeConf': { 'iops': 123, 'throughput': 123, 'volumeType': 'io1'|'io2'|'gp3'|'gp2'|'st1'|'sc1'|'standard' }, 'smallVolumeMaxSize': 123, 'tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'targetInstanceTypeRightSizingMethod': 'NONE'|'BASIC' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
arn (string) --
ARN of the Launch Configuration Template.
associatePublicIpAddress (boolean) --
Associate public Ip address.
bootMode (string) --
Launch configuration template boot mode.
copyPrivateIp (boolean) --
Copy private Ip.
copyTags (boolean) --
Copy tags.
ec2LaunchTemplateID (string) --
EC2 launch template ID.
enableMapAutoTagging (boolean) --
Enable map auto tagging.
largeVolumeConf (dict) --
Large volume config.
iops (integer) --
Launch template disk iops configuration.
throughput (integer) --
Launch template disk throughput configuration.
volumeType (string) --
Launch template disk volume type configuration.
launchConfigurationTemplateID (string) --
ID of the Launch Configuration Template.
launchDisposition (string) --
Launch disposition.
licensing (dict) --
Configure Licensing.
osByol (boolean) --
Configure BYOL OS licensing.
mapAutoTaggingMpeID (string) --
Launch configuration template map auto tagging MPE ID.
postLaunchActions (dict) --
Post Launch Actions of the Launch Configuration Template.
cloudWatchLogGroupName (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Command's CloudWatch log group name.
deployment (string) --
Deployment type in which AWS Systems Manager Documents will be executed.
s3LogBucket (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Command's logs S3 log bucket.
s3OutputKeyPrefix (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Command's logs S3 output key prefix.
ssmDocuments (list) --
AWS Systems Manager Documents.
(dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document.
actionName (string) --
User-friendly name for the AWS Systems Manager Document.
externalParameters (dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document external parameters.
(string) --
(dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document external parameter.
dynamicPath (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Document external parameters dynamic path.
mustSucceedForCutover (boolean) --
If true, Cutover will not be enabled if the document has failed.
parameters (dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Document parameters.
(string) --
(list) --
(dict) --
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter.
parameterName (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter name.
parameterType (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter type.
ssmDocumentName (string) --
AWS Systems Manager Document name or full ARN.
timeoutSeconds (integer) --
AWS Systems Manager Document timeout seconds.
smallVolumeConf (dict) --
Small volume config.
iops (integer) --
Launch template disk iops configuration.
throughput (integer) --
Launch template disk throughput configuration.
volumeType (string) --
Launch template disk volume type configuration.
smallVolumeMaxSize (integer) --
Small volume maximum size.
tags (dict) --
Tags of the Launch Configuration Template.
(string) --
(string) --
targetInstanceTypeRightSizingMethod (string) --
Target instance type right-sizing method.