2019/01/24 - Amazon Pinpoint SMS and Voice Service - 1 new api methods
Changes Update sms-voice client to latest version
List all of the configuration sets associated with your Amazon Pinpoint account in the current region.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.list_configuration_sets( NextToken='string', PageSize='string' )
A token returned from a previous call to the API that indicates the position in the list of results.
Used to specify the number of items that should be returned in the response.
Response Syntax
{ 'ConfigurationSets': [ 'string', ], 'NextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) -- ListConfigurationSetsResponse
ConfigurationSets (list) -- An object that contains a list of configuration sets for your account in the current region.
(string) --
NextToken (string) -- A token returned from a previous call to ListConfigurationSets to indicate the position in the list of configuration sets.