2024/04/03 - AWS Ground Station - 2 updated api methods
Changes This release adds visibilityStartTime and visibilityEndTime to DescribeContact and ListContacts responses.
{'visibilityEndTime': 'timestamp', 'visibilityStartTime': 'timestamp'}
Describes an existing contact.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.describe_contact( contactId='string' )
UUID of a contact.
Response Syntax
{ 'contactId': 'string', 'contactStatus': 'AVAILABLE'|'AWS_CANCELLED'|'AWS_FAILED'|'CANCELLED'|'CANCELLING'|'COMPLETED'|'FAILED'|'FAILED_TO_SCHEDULE'|'PASS'|'POSTPASS'|'PREPASS'|'SCHEDULED'|'SCHEDULING', 'dataflowList': [ { 'destination': { 'configDetails': { 'antennaDemodDecodeDetails': { 'outputNode': 'string' }, 'endpointDetails': { 'awsGroundStationAgentEndpoint': { 'agentStatus': 'SUCCESS'|'FAILED'|'ACTIVE'|'INACTIVE', 'auditResults': 'HEALTHY'|'UNHEALTHY', 'egressAddress': { 'mtu': 123, 'socketAddress': { 'name': 'string', 'port': 123 } }, 'ingressAddress': { 'mtu': 123, 'socketAddress': { 'name': 'string', 'portRange': { 'maximum': 123, 'minimum': 123 } } }, 'name': 'string' }, 'endpoint': { 'address': { 'name': 'string', 'port': 123 }, 'mtu': 123, 'name': 'string', 'status': 'created'|'creating'|'deleted'|'deleting'|'failed' }, 'healthReasons': [ 'NO_REGISTERED_AGENT'|'INVALID_IP_OWNERSHIP'|'NOT_AUTHORIZED_TO_CREATE_SLR'|'UNVERIFIED_IP_OWNERSHIP'|'INITIALIZING_DATAPLANE'|'DATAPLANE_FAILURE'|'HEALTHY', ], 'healthStatus': 'UNHEALTHY'|'HEALTHY', 'securityDetails': { 'roleArn': 'string', 'securityGroupIds': [ 'string', ], 'subnetIds': [ 'string', ] } }, 's3RecordingDetails': { 'bucketArn': 'string', 'keyTemplate': 'string' } }, 'configId': 'string', 'configType': 'antenna-downlink'|'antenna-downlink-demod-decode'|'antenna-uplink'|'dataflow-endpoint'|'tracking'|'uplink-echo'|'s3-recording', 'dataflowDestinationRegion': 'string' }, 'errorMessage': 'string', 'source': { 'configDetails': { 'antennaDemodDecodeDetails': { 'outputNode': 'string' }, 'endpointDetails': { 'awsGroundStationAgentEndpoint': { 'agentStatus': 'SUCCESS'|'FAILED'|'ACTIVE'|'INACTIVE', 'auditResults': 'HEALTHY'|'UNHEALTHY', 'egressAddress': { 'mtu': 123, 'socketAddress': { 'name': 'string', 'port': 123 } }, 'ingressAddress': { 'mtu': 123, 'socketAddress': { 'name': 'string', 'portRange': { 'maximum': 123, 'minimum': 123 } } }, 'name': 'string' }, 'endpoint': { 'address': { 'name': 'string', 'port': 123 }, 'mtu': 123, 'name': 'string', 'status': 'created'|'creating'|'deleted'|'deleting'|'failed' }, 'healthReasons': [ 'NO_REGISTERED_AGENT'|'INVALID_IP_OWNERSHIP'|'NOT_AUTHORIZED_TO_CREATE_SLR'|'UNVERIFIED_IP_OWNERSHIP'|'INITIALIZING_DATAPLANE'|'DATAPLANE_FAILURE'|'HEALTHY', ], 'healthStatus': 'UNHEALTHY'|'HEALTHY', 'securityDetails': { 'roleArn': 'string', 'securityGroupIds': [ 'string', ], 'subnetIds': [ 'string', ] } }, 's3RecordingDetails': { 'bucketArn': 'string', 'keyTemplate': 'string' } }, 'configId': 'string', 'configType': 'antenna-downlink'|'antenna-downlink-demod-decode'|'antenna-uplink'|'dataflow-endpoint'|'tracking'|'uplink-echo'|'s3-recording', 'dataflowSourceRegion': 'string' } }, ], 'endTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'errorMessage': 'string', 'groundStation': 'string', 'maximumElevation': { 'unit': 'DEGREE_ANGLE'|'RADIAN', 'value': 123.0 }, 'missionProfileArn': 'string', 'postPassEndTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'prePassStartTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'region': 'string', 'satelliteArn': 'string', 'startTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'visibilityEndTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'visibilityStartTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }
Response Structure
(dict) --
contactId (string) --
UUID of a contact.
contactStatus (string) --
Status of a contact.
dataflowList (list) --
List describing source and destination details for each dataflow edge.
(dict) --
Information about a dataflow edge used in a contact.
destination (dict) --
Dataflow details for the destination side.
configDetails (dict) --
Additional details for a Config, if type is dataflow endpoint or antenna demod decode.
antennaDemodDecodeDetails (dict) --
Details for antenna demod decode Config in a contact.
outputNode (string) --
Name of an antenna demod decode output node used in a contact.
endpointDetails (dict) --
Information about the endpoint details.
awsGroundStationAgentEndpoint (dict) --
An agent endpoint.
agentStatus (string) --
The status of AgentEndpoint.
auditResults (string) --
The results of the audit.
egressAddress (dict) --
The egress address of AgentEndpoint.
mtu (integer) --
Maximum transmission unit (MTU) size in bytes of a dataflow endpoint.
socketAddress (dict) --
A socket address.
name (string) --
Name of a socket address.
port (integer) --
Port of a socket address.
ingressAddress (dict) --
The ingress address of AgentEndpoint.
mtu (integer) --
Maximum transmission unit (MTU) size in bytes of a dataflow endpoint.
socketAddress (dict) --
A ranged socket address.
name (string) --
IPv4 socket address.
portRange (dict) --
Port range of a socket address.
maximum (integer) --
A maximum value.
minimum (integer) --
A minimum value.
name (string) --
Name string associated with AgentEndpoint. Used as a human-readable identifier for AgentEndpoint.
endpoint (dict) --
A dataflow endpoint.
address (dict) --
Socket address of a dataflow endpoint.
name (string) --
Name of a socket address.
port (integer) --
Port of a socket address.
mtu (integer) --
Maximum transmission unit (MTU) size in bytes of a dataflow endpoint.
name (string) --
Name of a dataflow endpoint.
status (string) --
Status of a dataflow endpoint.
healthReasons (list) --
Health reasons for a dataflow endpoint. This field is ignored when calling CreateDataflowEndpointGroup.
(string) --
healthStatus (string) --
A dataflow endpoint health status. This field is ignored when calling CreateDataflowEndpointGroup.
securityDetails (dict) --
Endpoint security details including a list of subnets, a list of security groups and a role to connect streams to instances.
roleArn (string) --
ARN to a role needed for connecting streams to your instances.
securityGroupIds (list) --
The security groups to attach to the elastic network interfaces.
(string) --
subnetIds (list) --
A list of subnets where AWS Ground Station places elastic network interfaces to send streams to your instances.
(string) --
s3RecordingDetails (dict) --
Details for an S3 recording Config in a contact.
bucketArn (string) --
ARN of the bucket used.
keyTemplate (string) --
Key template used for the S3 Recording Configuration
configId (string) --
UUID of a Config.
configType (string) --
Type of a Config.
dataflowDestinationRegion (string) --
Region of a dataflow destination.
errorMessage (string) --
Error message for a dataflow.
source (dict) --
Dataflow details for the source side.
configDetails (dict) --
Additional details for a Config, if type is dataflow-endpoint or antenna-downlink-demod-decode
antennaDemodDecodeDetails (dict) --
Details for antenna demod decode Config in a contact.
outputNode (string) --
Name of an antenna demod decode output node used in a contact.
endpointDetails (dict) --
Information about the endpoint details.
awsGroundStationAgentEndpoint (dict) --
An agent endpoint.
agentStatus (string) --
The status of AgentEndpoint.
auditResults (string) --
The results of the audit.
egressAddress (dict) --
The egress address of AgentEndpoint.
mtu (integer) --
Maximum transmission unit (MTU) size in bytes of a dataflow endpoint.
socketAddress (dict) --
A socket address.
name (string) --
Name of a socket address.
port (integer) --
Port of a socket address.
ingressAddress (dict) --
The ingress address of AgentEndpoint.
mtu (integer) --
Maximum transmission unit (MTU) size in bytes of a dataflow endpoint.
socketAddress (dict) --
A ranged socket address.
name (string) --
IPv4 socket address.
portRange (dict) --
Port range of a socket address.
maximum (integer) --
A maximum value.
minimum (integer) --
A minimum value.
name (string) --
Name string associated with AgentEndpoint. Used as a human-readable identifier for AgentEndpoint.
endpoint (dict) --
A dataflow endpoint.
address (dict) --
Socket address of a dataflow endpoint.
name (string) --
Name of a socket address.
port (integer) --
Port of a socket address.
mtu (integer) --
Maximum transmission unit (MTU) size in bytes of a dataflow endpoint.
name (string) --
Name of a dataflow endpoint.
status (string) --
Status of a dataflow endpoint.
healthReasons (list) --
Health reasons for a dataflow endpoint. This field is ignored when calling CreateDataflowEndpointGroup.
(string) --
healthStatus (string) --
A dataflow endpoint health status. This field is ignored when calling CreateDataflowEndpointGroup.
securityDetails (dict) --
Endpoint security details including a list of subnets, a list of security groups and a role to connect streams to instances.
roleArn (string) --
ARN to a role needed for connecting streams to your instances.
securityGroupIds (list) --
The security groups to attach to the elastic network interfaces.
(string) --
subnetIds (list) --
A list of subnets where AWS Ground Station places elastic network interfaces to send streams to your instances.
(string) --
s3RecordingDetails (dict) --
Details for an S3 recording Config in a contact.
bucketArn (string) --
ARN of the bucket used.
keyTemplate (string) --
Key template used for the S3 Recording Configuration
configId (string) --
UUID of a Config.
configType (string) --
Type of a Config.
dataflowSourceRegion (string) --
Region of a dataflow source.
endTime (datetime) --
End time of a contact in UTC.
errorMessage (string) --
Error message for a contact.
groundStation (string) --
Ground station for a contact.
maximumElevation (dict) --
Maximum elevation angle of a contact.
unit (string) --
Elevation angle units.
value (float) --
Elevation angle value.
missionProfileArn (string) --
ARN of a mission profile.
postPassEndTime (datetime) --
Amount of time after a contact ends that you’d like to receive a CloudWatch event indicating the pass has finished.
prePassStartTime (datetime) --
Amount of time prior to contact start you’d like to receive a CloudWatch event indicating an upcoming pass.
region (string) --
Region of a contact.
satelliteArn (string) --
ARN of a satellite.
startTime (datetime) --
Start time of a contact in UTC.
tags (dict) --
Tags assigned to a contact.
(string) --
(string) --
visibilityEndTime (datetime) --
Projected time in UTC your satellite will set below the receive mask. This time is based on the satellite's current active ephemeris for future contacts and the ephemeris that was active during contact execution for completed contacts.
visibilityStartTime (datetime) --
Projected time in UTC your satellite will rise above the receive mask. This time is based on the satellite's current active ephemeris for future contacts and the ephemeris that was active during contact execution for completed contacts.
{'contactList': {'visibilityEndTime': 'timestamp', 'visibilityStartTime': 'timestamp'}}
Returns a list of contacts.
If statusList contains AVAILABLE, the request must include groundStation, missionprofileArn, and satelliteArn.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.list_contacts( endTime=datetime(2015, 1, 1), groundStation='string', maxResults=123, missionProfileArn='string', nextToken='string', satelliteArn='string', startTime=datetime(2015, 1, 1), statusList=[ 'AVAILABLE'|'AWS_CANCELLED'|'AWS_FAILED'|'CANCELLED'|'CANCELLING'|'COMPLETED'|'FAILED'|'FAILED_TO_SCHEDULE'|'PASS'|'POSTPASS'|'PREPASS'|'SCHEDULED'|'SCHEDULING', ] )
End time of a contact in UTC.
Name of a ground station.
Maximum number of contacts returned.
ARN of a mission profile.
Next token returned in the request of a previous ListContacts call. Used to get the next page of results.
ARN of a satellite.
Start time of a contact in UTC.
Status of a contact reservation.
(string) --
Response Syntax
{ 'contactList': [ { 'contactId': 'string', 'contactStatus': 'AVAILABLE'|'AWS_CANCELLED'|'AWS_FAILED'|'CANCELLED'|'CANCELLING'|'COMPLETED'|'FAILED'|'FAILED_TO_SCHEDULE'|'PASS'|'POSTPASS'|'PREPASS'|'SCHEDULED'|'SCHEDULING', 'endTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'errorMessage': 'string', 'groundStation': 'string', 'maximumElevation': { 'unit': 'DEGREE_ANGLE'|'RADIAN', 'value': 123.0 }, 'missionProfileArn': 'string', 'postPassEndTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'prePassStartTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'region': 'string', 'satelliteArn': 'string', 'startTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'visibilityEndTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'visibilityStartTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }, ], 'nextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
contactList (list) --
List of contacts.
(dict) --
Data describing a contact.
contactId (string) --
UUID of a contact.
contactStatus (string) --
Status of a contact.
endTime (datetime) --
End time of a contact in UTC.
errorMessage (string) --
Error message of a contact.
groundStation (string) --
Name of a ground station.
maximumElevation (dict) --
Maximum elevation angle of a contact.
unit (string) --
Elevation angle units.
value (float) --
Elevation angle value.
missionProfileArn (string) --
ARN of a mission profile.
postPassEndTime (datetime) --
Amount of time after a contact ends that you’d like to receive a CloudWatch event indicating the pass has finished.
prePassStartTime (datetime) --
Amount of time prior to contact start you’d like to receive a CloudWatch event indicating an upcoming pass.
region (string) --
Region of a contact.
satelliteArn (string) --
ARN of a satellite.
startTime (datetime) --
Start time of a contact in UTC.
tags (dict) --
Tags assigned to a contact.
(string) --
(string) --
visibilityEndTime (datetime) --
Projected time in UTC your satellite will set below the receive mask. This time is based on the satellite's current active ephemeris for future contacts and the ephemeris that was active during contact execution for completed contacts. This field is not present for contacts with a SCHEDULING or SCHEDULED status.
visibilityStartTime (datetime) --
Projected time in UTC your satellite will rise above the receive mask. This time is based on the satellite's current active ephemeris for future contacts and the ephemeris that was active during contact execution for completed contacts. This field is not present for contacts with a SCHEDULING or SCHEDULED status.
nextToken (string) --
Next token returned in the response of a previous ListContacts call. Used to get the next page of results.