2016/11/16 - Amazon Route 53 - 3 new 4 updated api methods
Changes Adds support for cross account VPC association.
Gets a list of the VPCs that were created by other accounts and that can be associated with a specified hosted zone because you've submitted one or more CreateVPCAssociationAuthorization requests.
Send a GET request to the /2013-04-01/hostedzone/hosted zone ID/authorizevpcassociation resource. The response to this request includes a VPCs element with a VPC child element for each VPC that can be associated with the hosted zone.
Amazon Route 53 returns up to 50 VPCs per page. To return fewer VPCs per page, include the MaxResults parameter:
/2013-04-01/hostedzone/hosted zone ID/authorizevpcassociation?MaxItems=VPCs per page
If the response includes a NextToken element, there are more VPCs to list. To get the next page of VPCs, submit another ListVPCAssociationAuthorizations request, and include the value of the NextToken element from the response in the NextToken request parameter:
/2013-04-01/hostedzone/hosted zone ID/authorizevpcassociation?MaxItems=VPCs per page&NextToken=
Request Syntax
client.list_vpc_association_authorizations( HostedZoneId='string', NextToken='string', MaxResults='string' )
The ID of the hosted zone for which you want a list of VPCs that can be associated with the hosted zone.
Optional : If a response includes a NextToken element, there are more VPCs that can be associated with the specified hosted zone. To get the next page of results, submit another request, and include the value of the NextToken element in from the response in the NextToken parameter in another ListVPCAssociationAuthorizations request.
Optional : An integer that specifies the maximum number of VPCs that you want Amazon Route 53 to return.
Response Syntax
{ 'HostedZoneId': 'string', 'NextToken': 'string', 'VPCs': [ { 'VPCRegion': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'|'sa-east-1'|'cn-north-1', 'VPCId': 'string' }, ] }
Response Structure
(dict) --
A complex type that contains the response information for the request.
HostedZoneId (string) --
The ID of the hosted zone that you can associate the listed VPCs with.
NextToken (string) --
When the response includes a NextToken element, there are more VPCs that can be associated with the specified hosted zone. To get the next page of VPCs, submit another ListVPCAssociationAuthorizations request, and include the value of the NextToken element from the response in the NextToken request parameter:
/2013-04-01/hostedzone/hosted zone ID/authorizevpcassociation?MaxItems=VPCs per page&NextToken=
VPCs (list) --
The list of VPCs that are authorized to be associated with the specified hosted zone.
(dict) --
A complex type that contains information about an Amazon VPC that is associated with a private hosted zone.
VPCRegion (string) --
The region in which you created the VPC that you want to associate with the specified Amazon Route 53 hosted zone.
VPCId (string) --
The ID of an Amazon VPC.
Authorizes the AWS account that created a specified VPC to submit an AssociateVPCWithHostedZone request to associate the VPC with a specified hosted zone that was created by a different account. To submit a CreateVPCAssociationAuthorization request, you must use the account that created the hosted zone. After you authorize the association, use the account that created the VPC to submit an AssociateVPCWithHostedZone request.
If you want to associate multiple VPCs that you created by using one account with a hosted zone that you created by using a different account, you must submit one authorization request for each VPC.
Send a POST request to the /2013-04-01/hostedzone/hosted zone ID/authorizevpcassociation resource. The request body must include a document with a CreateVPCAssociationAuthorizationRequest element. The response contains information about the authorization.
Request Syntax
client.create_vpc_association_authorization( HostedZoneId='string', VPC={ 'VPCRegion': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'|'sa-east-1'|'cn-north-1', 'VPCId': 'string' } )
The ID of the private hosted zone that you want to authorize associating a VPC with.
A complex type that contains the VPC ID and region for the VPC that you want to authorize associating with your hosted zone.
VPCRegion (string) --
The region in which you created the VPC that you want to associate with the specified Amazon Route 53 hosted zone.
VPCId (string) --
The ID of an Amazon VPC.
Response Syntax
{ 'HostedZoneId': 'string', 'VPC': { 'VPCRegion': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'|'sa-east-1'|'cn-north-1', 'VPCId': 'string' } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
A complex type that contains the response information from a CreateVPCAssociationAuthorization request.
HostedZoneId (string) --
The ID of the hosted zone that you authorized associating a VPC with.
VPC (dict) --
The VPC that you authorized associating with a hosted zone.
VPCRegion (string) --
The region in which you created the VPC that you want to associate with the specified Amazon Route 53 hosted zone.
VPCId (string) --
The ID of an Amazon VPC.
Removes authorization to submit an AssociateVPCWithHostedZone request to associate a specified VPC with a hosted zone that was created by a different account. You must use the account that created the hosted zone to submit a DeleteVPCAssociationAuthorization request.
Sending this request only prevents the AWS account that created the VPC from associating the VPC with the Amazon Route 53 hosted zone in the future. If the VPC is already associated with the hosted zone, DeleteVPCAssociationAuthorization won't disassociate the VPC from the hosted zone. If you want to delete an existing association, use DisassociateVPCFromHostedZone .
Send a DELETE request to the /2013-04-01/hostedzone/hosted zone ID/deauthorizevpcassociation resource. The request body must include a document with a DeleteVPCAssociationAuthorizationRequest element.
Request Syntax
client.delete_vpc_association_authorization( HostedZoneId='string', VPC={ 'VPCRegion': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'eu-central-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'|'sa-east-1'|'cn-north-1', 'VPCId': 'string' } )
When removing authorization to associate a VPC that was created by one AWS account with a hosted zone that was created with a different AWS account, the ID of the hosted zone.
When removing authorization to associate a VPC that was created by one AWS account with a hosted zone that was created with a different AWS account, a complex type that includes the ID and region of the VPC.
VPCRegion (string) --
The region in which you created the VPC that you want to associate with the specified Amazon Route 53 hosted zone.
VPCId (string) --
The ID of an Amazon VPC.
Response Syntax
Response Structure
(dict) --
Empty response for the request.
{'HealthCheckConfig': {'AlarmIdentifier': {'Region': {'us-east-2'}}}}Response
{'HealthCheck': {'HealthCheckConfig': {'AlarmIdentifier': {'Region': {'us-east-2'}}}}}
Creates a new health check.
To create a new health check, send a POST request to the /2013-04-01/healthcheck resource. The request body must include a document with a CreateHealthCheckRequest element. The response returns the CreateHealthCheckResponse element, containing the health check ID specified when adding health check to a resource record set. For information about adding health checks to resource record sets, see ResourceRecordSet$HealthCheckId in ChangeResourceRecordSets.
If you are registering EC2 instances with an Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) load balancer, do not create Amazon Route 53 health checks for the EC2 instances. When you register an EC2 instance with a load balancer, you configure settings for an ELB health check, which performs a similar function to an Amazon Route 53 health check.
You can associate health checks with failover resource record sets in a private hosted zone. Note the following:
Amazon Route 53 health checkers are outside the VPC. To check the health of an endpoint within a VPC by IP address, you must assign a public IP address to the instance in the VPC.
You can configure a health checker to check the health of an external resource that the instance relies on, such as a database server.
You can create a CloudWatch metric, associate an alarm with the metric, and then create a health check that is based on the state of the alarm. For example, you might create a CloudWatch metric that checks the status of the Amazon EC2 StatusCheckFailed metric, add an alarm to the metric, and then create a health check that is based on the state of the alarm. For information about creating CloudWatch metrics and alarms by using the CloudWatch console, see the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.
Request Syntax
client.create_health_check( CallerReference='string', HealthCheckConfig={ 'IPAddress': 'string', 'Port': 123, 'Type': 'HTTP'|'HTTPS'|'HTTP_STR_MATCH'|'HTTPS_STR_MATCH'|'TCP'|'CALCULATED'|'CLOUDWATCH_METRIC', 'ResourcePath': 'string', 'FullyQualifiedDomainName': 'string', 'SearchString': 'string', 'RequestInterval': 123, 'FailureThreshold': 123, 'MeasureLatency': True|False, 'Inverted': True|False, 'HealthThreshold': 123, 'ChildHealthChecks': [ 'string', ], 'EnableSNI': True|False, 'Regions': [ 'us-east-1'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'sa-east-1', ], 'AlarmIdentifier': { 'Region': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-central-1'|'eu-west-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'|'sa-east-1', 'Name': 'string' }, 'InsufficientDataHealthStatus': 'Healthy'|'Unhealthy'|'LastKnownStatus' } )
A unique string that identifies the request and that allows failed CreateHealthCheck requests to be retried without the risk of executing the operation twice. You must use a unique CallerReference string every time you create a health check.
A complex type that contains the response to a CreateHealthCheck request.
IPAddress (string) --
The IPv4 IP address of the endpoint on which you want Amazon Route 53 to perform health checks. If you don't specify a value for IPAddress , Amazon Route 53 sends a DNS request to resolve the domain name that you specify in FullyQualifiedDomainName at the interval that you specify in RequestInterval. Using an IP address that DNS returns, Amazon Route 53 then checks the health of the endpoint.
If the endpoint is an EC2 instance, we recommend that you create an Elastic IP address, associate it with your EC2 instance, and specify the Elastic IP address for IPAddress . This ensures that the IP address of your instance will never change.
For more information, see HealthCheckConfig$FullyQualifiedDomainName.
Constraints: Amazon Route 53 can't check the health of endpoints for which the IP address is in local, private, non-routable, or multicast ranges. For more information about IP addresses for which you can't create health checks, see RFC 5735, Special Use IPv4 Addresses and RFC 6598, IANA-Reserved IPv4 Prefix for Shared Address Space.
When the value of Type is CALCULATED or CLOUDWATCH_METRIC , omit IPAddress.
Port (integer) --
The port on the endpoint on which you want Amazon Route 53 to perform health checks. Specify a value for Port only when you specify a value for IPAddress .
Type (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The type of health check that you want to create, which indicates how Amazon Route 53 determines whether an endpoint is healthy.
You can't change the value of Type after you create a health check.
You can create the following types of health checks:
HTTP : Amazon Route 53 tries to establish a TCP connection. If successful, Amazon Route 53 submits an HTTP request and waits for an HTTP status code of 200 or greater and less than 400.
HTTPS : Amazon Route 53 tries to establish a TCP connection. If successful, Amazon Route 53 submits an HTTPS request and waits for an HTTP status code of 200 or greater and less than 400.
If you specify HTTPS for the value of Type , the endpoint must support TLS v1.0 or later.
HTTP_STR_MATCH : Amazon Route 53 tries to establish a TCP connection. If successful, Amazon Route 53 submits an HTTP request and searches the first 5,120 bytes of the response body for the string that you specify in SearchString .
HTTPS_STR_MATCH : Amazon Route 53 tries to establish a TCP connection. If successful, Amazon Route 53 submits an HTTPS request and searches the first 5,120 bytes of the response body for the string that you specify in SearchString .
TCP : Amazon Route 53 tries to establish a TCP connection.
CLOUDWATCH_METRIC : The health check is associated with a CloudWatch alarm. If the state of the alarm is OK , the health check is considered healthy. If the state is ALARM , the health check is considered unhealthy. If CloudWatch doesn't have sufficient data to determine whether the state is OK or ALARM , the health check status depends on the setting for InsufficientDataHealthStatus : Healthy , Unhealthy , or LastKnownStatus .
CALCULATED : For health checks that monitor the status of other health checks, Amazon Route 53 adds up the number of health checks that Amazon Route 53 health checkers consider to be healthy and compares that number with the value of HealthThreshold .
For more information about how Amazon Route 53 determines whether an endpoint is healthy, see the introduction to this topic.
ResourcePath (string) --
The path, if any, that you want Amazon Route 53 to request when performing health checks. The path can be any value for which your endpoint will return an HTTP status code of 2xx or 3xx when the endpoint is healthy, for example, the file /docs/route53-health-check.html.
FullyQualifiedDomainName (string) --
Amazon Route 53 behavior depends on whether you specify a value for IPAddress .
If you specify IPAddress :
The value that you want Amazon Route 53 to pass in the Host header in all health checks except TCP health checks. This is typically the fully qualified DNS name of the website that you are attempting to health check. When Amazon Route 53 checks the health of an endpoint, here is how it constructs the Host header:
If you specify a value of 80 for Port and HTTP or HTTP_STR_MATCH for Type , Amazon Route 53 passes the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName to the endpoint in the Host header.
If you specify a value of 443 for Port and HTTPS or HTTPS_STR_MATCH for Type , Amazon Route 53 passes the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName to the endpoint in the Host header.
If you specify another value for Port and any value except TCP for Type , Amazon Route 53 passes FullyQualifiedDomainName:Port to the endpoint in the Host header.
If you don't specify a value for FullyQualifiedDomainName , Amazon Route 53 substitutes the value of IPAddress in the Host header in each of the preceding cases.
If you don't specify IPAddress :
If you don't specify a value for IPAddress , Amazon Route 53 sends a DNS request to the domain that you specify in FullyQualifiedDomainName at the interval you specify in RequestInterval . Using an IP address that DNS returns, Amazon Route 53 then checks the health of the endpoint.
If you want to check the health of weighted, latency, or failover resource record sets and you choose to specify the endpoint only by FullyQualifiedDomainName , we recommend that you create a separate health check for each endpoint. For example, create a health check for each HTTP server that is serving content for www.example.com. For the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName , specify the domain name of the server (such as us-east-1-www.example.com), not the name of the resource record sets (www.example.com).
In this configuration, if you create a health check for which the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName matches the name of the resource record sets and you then associate the health check with those resource record sets, health check results will be unpredictable.
In addition, if the value that you specify for Type is HTTP , HTTPS , HTTP_STR_MATCH , or HTTPS_STR_MATCH , Amazon Route 53 passes the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName in the Host header, as it does when you specify a value for IPAddress . If the value of Type is TCP , Amazon Route 53 doesn't pass a Host header.
SearchString (string) --
If the value of Type is HTTP_STR_MATCH or HTTP_STR_MATCH , the string that you want Amazon Route 53 to search for in the response body from the specified resource. If the string appears in the response body, Amazon Route 53 considers the resource healthy.
Amazon Route 53 considers case when searching for SearchString in the response body.
RequestInterval (integer) --
The number of seconds between the time that Amazon Route 53 gets a response from your endpoint and the time that it sends the next health-check request. Each Amazon Route 53 health checker makes requests at this interval.
You can't change the value of RequestInterval after you create a health check.
FailureThreshold (integer) --
The number of consecutive health checks that an endpoint must pass or fail for Amazon Route 53 to change the current status of the endpoint from unhealthy to healthy or vice versa. For more information, see How Amazon Route 53 Determines Whether an Endpoint Is Healthy in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide .
MeasureLatency (boolean) --
Specify whether you want Amazon Route 53 to measure the latency between health checkers in multiple AWS regions and your endpoint, and to display CloudWatch latency graphs on the Health Checks page in the Amazon Route 53 console.
You can't change the value of MeasureLatency after you create a health check.
Inverted (boolean) --
Specify whether you want Amazon Route 53 to invert the status of a health check, for example, to consider a health check unhealthy when it otherwise would be considered healthy.
HealthThreshold (integer) --
The number of child health checks that are associated with a CALCULATED health that Amazon Route 53 must consider healthy for the CALCULATED health check to be considered healthy. To specify the child health checks that you want to associate with a CALCULATED health check, use the HealthCheckConfig$ChildHealthChecks and HealthCheckConfig$ChildHealthChecks elements.
Note the following:
If you specify a number greater than the number of child health checks, Amazon Route 53 always considers this health check to be unhealthy.
If you specify 0 , Amazon Route 53 always considers this health check to be healthy.
ChildHealthChecks (list) --
(CALCULATED Health Checks Only) A complex type that contains one ChildHealthCheck element for each health check that you want to associate with a CALCULATED health check.
(string) --
EnableSNI (boolean) --
Specify whether you want Amazon Route 53 to send the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName to the endpoint in the client_hello message during TLS negotiation. This allows the endpoint to respond to HTTPS health check requests with the applicable SSL/TLS certificate.
Some endpoints require that HTTPS requests include the host name in the client_hello message. If you don't enable SNI, the status of the health check will be SSL alert handshake_failure . A health check can also have that status for other reasons. If SNI is enabled and you're still getting the error, check the SSL/TLS configuration on your endpoint and confirm that your certificate is valid.
The SSL/TLS certificate on your endpoint includes a domain name in the Common Name field and possibly several more in the Subject Alternative Names field. One of the domain names in the certificate should match the value that you specify for FullyQualifiedDomainName . If the endpoint responds to the client_hello message with a certificate that does not include the domain name that you specified in FullyQualifiedDomainName , a health checker will retry the handshake. In the second attempt, the health checker will omit FullyQualifiedDomainName from the client_hello message.
Regions (list) --
A complex type that contains one Region element for each region from which you want Amazon Route 53 health checkers to check the specified endpoint.
(string) --
An Amazon EC2 Region that you want Amazon Route 53 to use to perform health checks.
AlarmIdentifier (dict) --
A complex type that identifies the CloudWatch alarm that you want Amazon Route 53 health checkers to use to determine whether this health check is healthy.
Region (string) -- [REQUIRED]
A complex type that identifies the CloudWatch alarm that you want Amazon Route 53 health checkers to use to determine whether this health check is healthy.
For the current list of CloudWatch regions, see Amazon CloudWatch in AWS Regions and Endpoints in the Amazon Web Services General Reference .
Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the CloudWatch alarm that you want Amazon Route 53 health checkers to use to determine whether this health check is healthy.
InsufficientDataHealthStatus (string) --
When CloudWatch has insufficient data about the metric to determine the alarm state, the status that you want Amazon Route 53 to assign to the health check:
Healthy : Amazon Route 53 considers the health check to be healthy.
Unhealthy : Amazon Route 53 considers the health check to be unhealthy.
LastKnownStatus : Amazon Route 53uses the status of the health check from the last time CloudWatch had sufficient data to determine the alarm state. For new health checks that have no last known status, the default status for the health check is healthy.
Response Syntax
{ 'HealthCheck': { 'Id': 'string', 'CallerReference': 'string', 'HealthCheckConfig': { 'IPAddress': 'string', 'Port': 123, 'Type': 'HTTP'|'HTTPS'|'HTTP_STR_MATCH'|'HTTPS_STR_MATCH'|'TCP'|'CALCULATED'|'CLOUDWATCH_METRIC', 'ResourcePath': 'string', 'FullyQualifiedDomainName': 'string', 'SearchString': 'string', 'RequestInterval': 123, 'FailureThreshold': 123, 'MeasureLatency': True|False, 'Inverted': True|False, 'HealthThreshold': 123, 'ChildHealthChecks': [ 'string', ], 'EnableSNI': True|False, 'Regions': [ 'us-east-1'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'sa-east-1', ], 'AlarmIdentifier': { 'Region': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-central-1'|'eu-west-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'|'sa-east-1', 'Name': 'string' }, 'InsufficientDataHealthStatus': 'Healthy'|'Unhealthy'|'LastKnownStatus' }, 'HealthCheckVersion': 123, 'CloudWatchAlarmConfiguration': { 'EvaluationPeriods': 123, 'Threshold': 123.0, 'ComparisonOperator': 'GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold'|'GreaterThanThreshold'|'LessThanThreshold'|'LessThanOrEqualToThreshold', 'Period': 123, 'MetricName': 'string', 'Namespace': 'string', 'Statistic': 'Average'|'Sum'|'SampleCount'|'Maximum'|'Minimum', 'Dimensions': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ] } }, 'Location': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
A complex type containing the response information for the new health check.
HealthCheck (dict) --
A complex type that contains identifying information about the health check.
Id (string) --
The identifier that Amazon Route 53assigned to the health check when you created it. When you add or update a resource record set, you use this value to specify which health check to use. The value can be up to 64 characters long.
CallerReference (string) --
A unique string that you specified when you created the health check.
HealthCheckConfig (dict) --
A complex type that contains detailed information about one health check.
IPAddress (string) --
The IPv4 IP address of the endpoint on which you want Amazon Route 53 to perform health checks. If you don't specify a value for IPAddress , Amazon Route 53 sends a DNS request to resolve the domain name that you specify in FullyQualifiedDomainName at the interval that you specify in RequestInterval. Using an IP address that DNS returns, Amazon Route 53 then checks the health of the endpoint.
If the endpoint is an EC2 instance, we recommend that you create an Elastic IP address, associate it with your EC2 instance, and specify the Elastic IP address for IPAddress . This ensures that the IP address of your instance will never change.
For more information, see HealthCheckConfig$FullyQualifiedDomainName.
Constraints: Amazon Route 53 can't check the health of endpoints for which the IP address is in local, private, non-routable, or multicast ranges. For more information about IP addresses for which you can't create health checks, see RFC 5735, Special Use IPv4 Addresses and RFC 6598, IANA-Reserved IPv4 Prefix for Shared Address Space.
When the value of Type is CALCULATED or CLOUDWATCH_METRIC , omit IPAddress.
Port (integer) --
The port on the endpoint on which you want Amazon Route 53 to perform health checks. Specify a value for Port only when you specify a value for IPAddress .
Type (string) --
The type of health check that you want to create, which indicates how Amazon Route 53 determines whether an endpoint is healthy.
You can't change the value of Type after you create a health check.
You can create the following types of health checks:
HTTP : Amazon Route 53 tries to establish a TCP connection. If successful, Amazon Route 53 submits an HTTP request and waits for an HTTP status code of 200 or greater and less than 400.
HTTPS : Amazon Route 53 tries to establish a TCP connection. If successful, Amazon Route 53 submits an HTTPS request and waits for an HTTP status code of 200 or greater and less than 400.
If you specify HTTPS for the value of Type , the endpoint must support TLS v1.0 or later.
HTTP_STR_MATCH : Amazon Route 53 tries to establish a TCP connection. If successful, Amazon Route 53 submits an HTTP request and searches the first 5,120 bytes of the response body for the string that you specify in SearchString .
HTTPS_STR_MATCH : Amazon Route 53 tries to establish a TCP connection. If successful, Amazon Route 53 submits an HTTPS request and searches the first 5,120 bytes of the response body for the string that you specify in SearchString .
TCP : Amazon Route 53 tries to establish a TCP connection.
CLOUDWATCH_METRIC : The health check is associated with a CloudWatch alarm. If the state of the alarm is OK , the health check is considered healthy. If the state is ALARM , the health check is considered unhealthy. If CloudWatch doesn't have sufficient data to determine whether the state is OK or ALARM , the health check status depends on the setting for InsufficientDataHealthStatus : Healthy , Unhealthy , or LastKnownStatus .
CALCULATED : For health checks that monitor the status of other health checks, Amazon Route 53 adds up the number of health checks that Amazon Route 53 health checkers consider to be healthy and compares that number with the value of HealthThreshold .
For more information about how Amazon Route 53 determines whether an endpoint is healthy, see the introduction to this topic.
ResourcePath (string) --
The path, if any, that you want Amazon Route 53 to request when performing health checks. The path can be any value for which your endpoint will return an HTTP status code of 2xx or 3xx when the endpoint is healthy, for example, the file /docs/route53-health-check.html.
FullyQualifiedDomainName (string) --
Amazon Route 53 behavior depends on whether you specify a value for IPAddress .
If you specify IPAddress :
The value that you want Amazon Route 53 to pass in the Host header in all health checks except TCP health checks. This is typically the fully qualified DNS name of the website that you are attempting to health check. When Amazon Route 53 checks the health of an endpoint, here is how it constructs the Host header:
If you specify a value of 80 for Port and HTTP or HTTP_STR_MATCH for Type , Amazon Route 53 passes the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName to the endpoint in the Host header.
If you specify a value of 443 for Port and HTTPS or HTTPS_STR_MATCH for Type , Amazon Route 53 passes the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName to the endpoint in the Host header.
If you specify another value for Port and any value except TCP for Type , Amazon Route 53 passes FullyQualifiedDomainName:Port to the endpoint in the Host header.
If you don't specify a value for FullyQualifiedDomainName , Amazon Route 53 substitutes the value of IPAddress in the Host header in each of the preceding cases.
If you don't specify IPAddress :
If you don't specify a value for IPAddress , Amazon Route 53 sends a DNS request to the domain that you specify in FullyQualifiedDomainName at the interval you specify in RequestInterval . Using an IP address that DNS returns, Amazon Route 53 then checks the health of the endpoint.
If you want to check the health of weighted, latency, or failover resource record sets and you choose to specify the endpoint only by FullyQualifiedDomainName , we recommend that you create a separate health check for each endpoint. For example, create a health check for each HTTP server that is serving content for www.example.com. For the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName , specify the domain name of the server (such as us-east-1-www.example.com), not the name of the resource record sets (www.example.com).
In this configuration, if you create a health check for which the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName matches the name of the resource record sets and you then associate the health check with those resource record sets, health check results will be unpredictable.
In addition, if the value that you specify for Type is HTTP , HTTPS , HTTP_STR_MATCH , or HTTPS_STR_MATCH , Amazon Route 53 passes the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName in the Host header, as it does when you specify a value for IPAddress . If the value of Type is TCP , Amazon Route 53 doesn't pass a Host header.
SearchString (string) --
If the value of Type is HTTP_STR_MATCH or HTTP_STR_MATCH , the string that you want Amazon Route 53 to search for in the response body from the specified resource. If the string appears in the response body, Amazon Route 53 considers the resource healthy.
Amazon Route 53 considers case when searching for SearchString in the response body.
RequestInterval (integer) --
The number of seconds between the time that Amazon Route 53 gets a response from your endpoint and the time that it sends the next health-check request. Each Amazon Route 53 health checker makes requests at this interval.
You can't change the value of RequestInterval after you create a health check.
FailureThreshold (integer) --
The number of consecutive health checks that an endpoint must pass or fail for Amazon Route 53 to change the current status of the endpoint from unhealthy to healthy or vice versa. For more information, see How Amazon Route 53 Determines Whether an Endpoint Is Healthy in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide .
MeasureLatency (boolean) --
Specify whether you want Amazon Route 53 to measure the latency between health checkers in multiple AWS regions and your endpoint, and to display CloudWatch latency graphs on the Health Checks page in the Amazon Route 53 console.
You can't change the value of MeasureLatency after you create a health check.
Inverted (boolean) --
Specify whether you want Amazon Route 53 to invert the status of a health check, for example, to consider a health check unhealthy when it otherwise would be considered healthy.
HealthThreshold (integer) --
The number of child health checks that are associated with a CALCULATED health that Amazon Route 53 must consider healthy for the CALCULATED health check to be considered healthy. To specify the child health checks that you want to associate with a CALCULATED health check, use the HealthCheckConfig$ChildHealthChecks and HealthCheckConfig$ChildHealthChecks elements.
Note the following:
If you specify a number greater than the number of child health checks, Amazon Route 53 always considers this health check to be unhealthy.
If you specify 0 , Amazon Route 53 always considers this health check to be healthy.
ChildHealthChecks (list) --
(CALCULATED Health Checks Only) A complex type that contains one ChildHealthCheck element for each health check that you want to associate with a CALCULATED health check.
(string) --
EnableSNI (boolean) --
Specify whether you want Amazon Route 53 to send the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName to the endpoint in the client_hello message during TLS negotiation. This allows the endpoint to respond to HTTPS health check requests with the applicable SSL/TLS certificate.
Some endpoints require that HTTPS requests include the host name in the client_hello message. If you don't enable SNI, the status of the health check will be SSL alert handshake_failure . A health check can also have that status for other reasons. If SNI is enabled and you're still getting the error, check the SSL/TLS configuration on your endpoint and confirm that your certificate is valid.
The SSL/TLS certificate on your endpoint includes a domain name in the Common Name field and possibly several more in the Subject Alternative Names field. One of the domain names in the certificate should match the value that you specify for FullyQualifiedDomainName . If the endpoint responds to the client_hello message with a certificate that does not include the domain name that you specified in FullyQualifiedDomainName , a health checker will retry the handshake. In the second attempt, the health checker will omit FullyQualifiedDomainName from the client_hello message.
Regions (list) --
A complex type that contains one Region element for each region from which you want Amazon Route 53 health checkers to check the specified endpoint.
(string) --
An Amazon EC2 Region that you want Amazon Route 53 to use to perform health checks.
AlarmIdentifier (dict) --
A complex type that identifies the CloudWatch alarm that you want Amazon Route 53 health checkers to use to determine whether this health check is healthy.
Region (string) --
A complex type that identifies the CloudWatch alarm that you want Amazon Route 53 health checkers to use to determine whether this health check is healthy.
For the current list of CloudWatch regions, see Amazon CloudWatch in AWS Regions and Endpoints in the Amazon Web Services General Reference .
Name (string) --
The name of the CloudWatch alarm that you want Amazon Route 53 health checkers to use to determine whether this health check is healthy.
InsufficientDataHealthStatus (string) --
When CloudWatch has insufficient data about the metric to determine the alarm state, the status that you want Amazon Route 53 to assign to the health check:
Healthy : Amazon Route 53 considers the health check to be healthy.
Unhealthy : Amazon Route 53 considers the health check to be unhealthy.
LastKnownStatus : Amazon Route 53uses the status of the health check from the last time CloudWatch had sufficient data to determine the alarm state. For new health checks that have no last known status, the default status for the health check is healthy.
HealthCheckVersion (integer) --
The version of the health check. You can optionally pass this value in a call to UpdateHealthCheck to prevent overwriting another change to the health check.
CloudWatchAlarmConfiguration (dict) --
A complex type that contains information about the CloudWatch alarm that Amazon Route 53 is monitoring for this health check.
EvaluationPeriods (integer) --
For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, the number of periods that the metric is compared to the threshold.
Threshold (float) --
For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, the value the metric is compared with.
ComparisonOperator (string) --
For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, the arithmetic operation that is used for the comparison.
Period (integer) --
For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, the duration of one evaluation period in seconds.
MetricName (string) --
The name of the CloudWatch metric that the alarm is associated with.
Namespace (string) --
The namespace of the metric that the alarm is associated with. For more information, see Amazon CloudWatch Namespaces, Dimensions, and Metrics Reference in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide .
Statistic (string) --
For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, the statistic that is applied to the metric.
Dimensions (list) --
For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, a complex type that contains information about the dimensions for the metric.For information, see Amazon CloudWatch Namespaces, Dimensions, and Metrics Reference in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide .
(dict) --
For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, a complex type that contains information about one dimension.
Name (string) --
For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, the name of one dimension.
Value (string) --
For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, the value of one dimension.
Location (string) --
The unique URL representing the new health check.
{'HealthCheck': {'HealthCheckConfig': {'AlarmIdentifier': {'Region': {'us-east-2'}}}}}
Gets information about a specified health check. Send a GET request to the /2013-04-01/healthcheck/health check ID resource. For more information about using the console to perform this operation, see Amazon Route 53 Health Checks and DNS Failover in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.
Request Syntax
client.get_health_check( HealthCheckId='string' )
The identifier that Amazon Route 53 assigned to the health check when you created it. When you add or update a resource record set, you use this value to specify which health check to use. The value can be up to 64 characters long.
Response Syntax
{ 'HealthCheck': { 'Id': 'string', 'CallerReference': 'string', 'HealthCheckConfig': { 'IPAddress': 'string', 'Port': 123, 'Type': 'HTTP'|'HTTPS'|'HTTP_STR_MATCH'|'HTTPS_STR_MATCH'|'TCP'|'CALCULATED'|'CLOUDWATCH_METRIC', 'ResourcePath': 'string', 'FullyQualifiedDomainName': 'string', 'SearchString': 'string', 'RequestInterval': 123, 'FailureThreshold': 123, 'MeasureLatency': True|False, 'Inverted': True|False, 'HealthThreshold': 123, 'ChildHealthChecks': [ 'string', ], 'EnableSNI': True|False, 'Regions': [ 'us-east-1'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'sa-east-1', ], 'AlarmIdentifier': { 'Region': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-central-1'|'eu-west-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'|'sa-east-1', 'Name': 'string' }, 'InsufficientDataHealthStatus': 'Healthy'|'Unhealthy'|'LastKnownStatus' }, 'HealthCheckVersion': 123, 'CloudWatchAlarmConfiguration': { 'EvaluationPeriods': 123, 'Threshold': 123.0, 'ComparisonOperator': 'GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold'|'GreaterThanThreshold'|'LessThanThreshold'|'LessThanOrEqualToThreshold', 'Period': 123, 'MetricName': 'string', 'Namespace': 'string', 'Statistic': 'Average'|'Sum'|'SampleCount'|'Maximum'|'Minimum', 'Dimensions': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ] } } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
A complex type that contains the response to a GetHealthCheck request.
HealthCheck (dict) --
A complex type that contains information about one health check that is associated with the current AWS account.
Id (string) --
The identifier that Amazon Route 53assigned to the health check when you created it. When you add or update a resource record set, you use this value to specify which health check to use. The value can be up to 64 characters long.
CallerReference (string) --
A unique string that you specified when you created the health check.
HealthCheckConfig (dict) --
A complex type that contains detailed information about one health check.
IPAddress (string) --
The IPv4 IP address of the endpoint on which you want Amazon Route 53 to perform health checks. If you don't specify a value for IPAddress , Amazon Route 53 sends a DNS request to resolve the domain name that you specify in FullyQualifiedDomainName at the interval that you specify in RequestInterval. Using an IP address that DNS returns, Amazon Route 53 then checks the health of the endpoint.
If the endpoint is an EC2 instance, we recommend that you create an Elastic IP address, associate it with your EC2 instance, and specify the Elastic IP address for IPAddress . This ensures that the IP address of your instance will never change.
For more information, see HealthCheckConfig$FullyQualifiedDomainName.
Constraints: Amazon Route 53 can't check the health of endpoints for which the IP address is in local, private, non-routable, or multicast ranges. For more information about IP addresses for which you can't create health checks, see RFC 5735, Special Use IPv4 Addresses and RFC 6598, IANA-Reserved IPv4 Prefix for Shared Address Space.
When the value of Type is CALCULATED or CLOUDWATCH_METRIC , omit IPAddress.
Port (integer) --
The port on the endpoint on which you want Amazon Route 53 to perform health checks. Specify a value for Port only when you specify a value for IPAddress .
Type (string) --
The type of health check that you want to create, which indicates how Amazon Route 53 determines whether an endpoint is healthy.
You can't change the value of Type after you create a health check.
You can create the following types of health checks:
HTTP : Amazon Route 53 tries to establish a TCP connection. If successful, Amazon Route 53 submits an HTTP request and waits for an HTTP status code of 200 or greater and less than 400.
HTTPS : Amazon Route 53 tries to establish a TCP connection. If successful, Amazon Route 53 submits an HTTPS request and waits for an HTTP status code of 200 or greater and less than 400.
If you specify HTTPS for the value of Type , the endpoint must support TLS v1.0 or later.
HTTP_STR_MATCH : Amazon Route 53 tries to establish a TCP connection. If successful, Amazon Route 53 submits an HTTP request and searches the first 5,120 bytes of the response body for the string that you specify in SearchString .
HTTPS_STR_MATCH : Amazon Route 53 tries to establish a TCP connection. If successful, Amazon Route 53 submits an HTTPS request and searches the first 5,120 bytes of the response body for the string that you specify in SearchString .
TCP : Amazon Route 53 tries to establish a TCP connection.
CLOUDWATCH_METRIC : The health check is associated with a CloudWatch alarm. If the state of the alarm is OK , the health check is considered healthy. If the state is ALARM , the health check is considered unhealthy. If CloudWatch doesn't have sufficient data to determine whether the state is OK or ALARM , the health check status depends on the setting for InsufficientDataHealthStatus : Healthy , Unhealthy , or LastKnownStatus .
CALCULATED : For health checks that monitor the status of other health checks, Amazon Route 53 adds up the number of health checks that Amazon Route 53 health checkers consider to be healthy and compares that number with the value of HealthThreshold .
For more information about how Amazon Route 53 determines whether an endpoint is healthy, see the introduction to this topic.
ResourcePath (string) --
The path, if any, that you want Amazon Route 53 to request when performing health checks. The path can be any value for which your endpoint will return an HTTP status code of 2xx or 3xx when the endpoint is healthy, for example, the file /docs/route53-health-check.html.
FullyQualifiedDomainName (string) --
Amazon Route 53 behavior depends on whether you specify a value for IPAddress .
If you specify IPAddress :
The value that you want Amazon Route 53 to pass in the Host header in all health checks except TCP health checks. This is typically the fully qualified DNS name of the website that you are attempting to health check. When Amazon Route 53 checks the health of an endpoint, here is how it constructs the Host header:
If you specify a value of 80 for Port and HTTP or HTTP_STR_MATCH for Type , Amazon Route 53 passes the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName to the endpoint in the Host header.
If you specify a value of 443 for Port and HTTPS or HTTPS_STR_MATCH for Type , Amazon Route 53 passes the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName to the endpoint in the Host header.
If you specify another value for Port and any value except TCP for Type , Amazon Route 53 passes FullyQualifiedDomainName:Port to the endpoint in the Host header.
If you don't specify a value for FullyQualifiedDomainName , Amazon Route 53 substitutes the value of IPAddress in the Host header in each of the preceding cases.
If you don't specify IPAddress :
If you don't specify a value for IPAddress , Amazon Route 53 sends a DNS request to the domain that you specify in FullyQualifiedDomainName at the interval you specify in RequestInterval . Using an IP address that DNS returns, Amazon Route 53 then checks the health of the endpoint.
If you want to check the health of weighted, latency, or failover resource record sets and you choose to specify the endpoint only by FullyQualifiedDomainName , we recommend that you create a separate health check for each endpoint. For example, create a health check for each HTTP server that is serving content for www.example.com. For the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName , specify the domain name of the server (such as us-east-1-www.example.com), not the name of the resource record sets (www.example.com).
In this configuration, if you create a health check for which the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName matches the name of the resource record sets and you then associate the health check with those resource record sets, health check results will be unpredictable.
In addition, if the value that you specify for Type is HTTP , HTTPS , HTTP_STR_MATCH , or HTTPS_STR_MATCH , Amazon Route 53 passes the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName in the Host header, as it does when you specify a value for IPAddress . If the value of Type is TCP , Amazon Route 53 doesn't pass a Host header.
SearchString (string) --
If the value of Type is HTTP_STR_MATCH or HTTP_STR_MATCH , the string that you want Amazon Route 53 to search for in the response body from the specified resource. If the string appears in the response body, Amazon Route 53 considers the resource healthy.
Amazon Route 53 considers case when searching for SearchString in the response body.
RequestInterval (integer) --
The number of seconds between the time that Amazon Route 53 gets a response from your endpoint and the time that it sends the next health-check request. Each Amazon Route 53 health checker makes requests at this interval.
You can't change the value of RequestInterval after you create a health check.
FailureThreshold (integer) --
The number of consecutive health checks that an endpoint must pass or fail for Amazon Route 53 to change the current status of the endpoint from unhealthy to healthy or vice versa. For more information, see How Amazon Route 53 Determines Whether an Endpoint Is Healthy in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide .
MeasureLatency (boolean) --
Specify whether you want Amazon Route 53 to measure the latency between health checkers in multiple AWS regions and your endpoint, and to display CloudWatch latency graphs on the Health Checks page in the Amazon Route 53 console.
You can't change the value of MeasureLatency after you create a health check.
Inverted (boolean) --
Specify whether you want Amazon Route 53 to invert the status of a health check, for example, to consider a health check unhealthy when it otherwise would be considered healthy.
HealthThreshold (integer) --
The number of child health checks that are associated with a CALCULATED health that Amazon Route 53 must consider healthy for the CALCULATED health check to be considered healthy. To specify the child health checks that you want to associate with a CALCULATED health check, use the HealthCheckConfig$ChildHealthChecks and HealthCheckConfig$ChildHealthChecks elements.
Note the following:
If you specify a number greater than the number of child health checks, Amazon Route 53 always considers this health check to be unhealthy.
If you specify 0 , Amazon Route 53 always considers this health check to be healthy.
ChildHealthChecks (list) --
(CALCULATED Health Checks Only) A complex type that contains one ChildHealthCheck element for each health check that you want to associate with a CALCULATED health check.
(string) --
EnableSNI (boolean) --
Specify whether you want Amazon Route 53 to send the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName to the endpoint in the client_hello message during TLS negotiation. This allows the endpoint to respond to HTTPS health check requests with the applicable SSL/TLS certificate.
Some endpoints require that HTTPS requests include the host name in the client_hello message. If you don't enable SNI, the status of the health check will be SSL alert handshake_failure . A health check can also have that status for other reasons. If SNI is enabled and you're still getting the error, check the SSL/TLS configuration on your endpoint and confirm that your certificate is valid.
The SSL/TLS certificate on your endpoint includes a domain name in the Common Name field and possibly several more in the Subject Alternative Names field. One of the domain names in the certificate should match the value that you specify for FullyQualifiedDomainName . If the endpoint responds to the client_hello message with a certificate that does not include the domain name that you specified in FullyQualifiedDomainName , a health checker will retry the handshake. In the second attempt, the health checker will omit FullyQualifiedDomainName from the client_hello message.
Regions (list) --
A complex type that contains one Region element for each region from which you want Amazon Route 53 health checkers to check the specified endpoint.
(string) --
An Amazon EC2 Region that you want Amazon Route 53 to use to perform health checks.
AlarmIdentifier (dict) --
A complex type that identifies the CloudWatch alarm that you want Amazon Route 53 health checkers to use to determine whether this health check is healthy.
Region (string) --
A complex type that identifies the CloudWatch alarm that you want Amazon Route 53 health checkers to use to determine whether this health check is healthy.
For the current list of CloudWatch regions, see Amazon CloudWatch in AWS Regions and Endpoints in the Amazon Web Services General Reference .
Name (string) --
The name of the CloudWatch alarm that you want Amazon Route 53 health checkers to use to determine whether this health check is healthy.
InsufficientDataHealthStatus (string) --
When CloudWatch has insufficient data about the metric to determine the alarm state, the status that you want Amazon Route 53 to assign to the health check:
Healthy : Amazon Route 53 considers the health check to be healthy.
Unhealthy : Amazon Route 53 considers the health check to be unhealthy.
LastKnownStatus : Amazon Route 53uses the status of the health check from the last time CloudWatch had sufficient data to determine the alarm state. For new health checks that have no last known status, the default status for the health check is healthy.
HealthCheckVersion (integer) --
The version of the health check. You can optionally pass this value in a call to UpdateHealthCheck to prevent overwriting another change to the health check.
CloudWatchAlarmConfiguration (dict) --
A complex type that contains information about the CloudWatch alarm that Amazon Route 53 is monitoring for this health check.
EvaluationPeriods (integer) --
For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, the number of periods that the metric is compared to the threshold.
Threshold (float) --
For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, the value the metric is compared with.
ComparisonOperator (string) --
For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, the arithmetic operation that is used for the comparison.
Period (integer) --
For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, the duration of one evaluation period in seconds.
MetricName (string) --
The name of the CloudWatch metric that the alarm is associated with.
Namespace (string) --
The namespace of the metric that the alarm is associated with. For more information, see Amazon CloudWatch Namespaces, Dimensions, and Metrics Reference in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide .
Statistic (string) --
For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, the statistic that is applied to the metric.
Dimensions (list) --
For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, a complex type that contains information about the dimensions for the metric.For information, see Amazon CloudWatch Namespaces, Dimensions, and Metrics Reference in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide .
(dict) --
For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, a complex type that contains information about one dimension.
Name (string) --
For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, the name of one dimension.
Value (string) --
For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, the value of one dimension.
{'HealthChecks': {'HealthCheckConfig': {'AlarmIdentifier': {'Region': {'us-east-2'}}}}}
Retrieve a list of your health checks. Send a GET request to the /2013-04-01/healthcheck resource. The response to this request includes a HealthChecks element with zero or more HealthCheck child elements. By default, the list of health checks is displayed on a single page. You can control the length of the page that is displayed by using the MaxItems parameter. You can use the Marker parameter to control the health check that the list begins with.
For information about listing health checks using the Amazon Route 53 console, see Amazon Route 53 Health Checks and DNS Failover.
Request Syntax
client.list_health_checks( Marker='string', MaxItems='string' )
If the response to a ListHealthChecks is more than one page, marker is the health check ID for the first health check on the next page of results. For more information, see ListHealthChecksResponse$MaxItems.
The maximum number of HealthCheck elements you want ListHealthChecks to return on each page of the response body. If the AWS account includes more HealthCheck elements than the value of maxitems , the response is broken into pages. Each page contains the number of HealthCheck elements specified by maxitems .
For example, suppose you specify 10 for maxitems and the current AWS account has 51 health checks. In the response, ListHealthChecks sets ListHealthChecksResponse$IsTruncated to true and includes the ListHealthChecksResponse$NextMarker element. To access the second and subsequent pages, you resend the GET ListHealthChecks request, add the ListHealthChecksResponse$Marker parameter to the request, and specify the value of the ListHealthChecksResponse$NextMarker element from the previous response. On the last (sixth) page of the response, which contains only one HealthCheck element:
The value of ListHealthChecksResponse$IsTruncated is false .
ListHealthChecksResponse$NextMarker is omitted.
Response Syntax
{ 'HealthChecks': [ { 'Id': 'string', 'CallerReference': 'string', 'HealthCheckConfig': { 'IPAddress': 'string', 'Port': 123, 'Type': 'HTTP'|'HTTPS'|'HTTP_STR_MATCH'|'HTTPS_STR_MATCH'|'TCP'|'CALCULATED'|'CLOUDWATCH_METRIC', 'ResourcePath': 'string', 'FullyQualifiedDomainName': 'string', 'SearchString': 'string', 'RequestInterval': 123, 'FailureThreshold': 123, 'MeasureLatency': True|False, 'Inverted': True|False, 'HealthThreshold': 123, 'ChildHealthChecks': [ 'string', ], 'EnableSNI': True|False, 'Regions': [ 'us-east-1'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'sa-east-1', ], 'AlarmIdentifier': { 'Region': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-central-1'|'eu-west-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'|'sa-east-1', 'Name': 'string' }, 'InsufficientDataHealthStatus': 'Healthy'|'Unhealthy'|'LastKnownStatus' }, 'HealthCheckVersion': 123, 'CloudWatchAlarmConfiguration': { 'EvaluationPeriods': 123, 'Threshold': 123.0, 'ComparisonOperator': 'GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold'|'GreaterThanThreshold'|'LessThanThreshold'|'LessThanOrEqualToThreshold', 'Period': 123, 'MetricName': 'string', 'Namespace': 'string', 'Statistic': 'Average'|'Sum'|'SampleCount'|'Maximum'|'Minimum', 'Dimensions': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ] } }, ], 'Marker': 'string', 'IsTruncated': True|False, 'NextMarker': 'string', 'MaxItems': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
A complex type that contains the response to a ListHealthChecks request.
HealthChecks (list) --
A complex type that contains one HealthCheck element for each health check that is associated with the current AWS account.
(dict) --
A complex type that contains information about one health check that is associated with the current AWS account.
Id (string) --
The identifier that Amazon Route 53assigned to the health check when you created it. When you add or update a resource record set, you use this value to specify which health check to use. The value can be up to 64 characters long.
CallerReference (string) --
A unique string that you specified when you created the health check.
HealthCheckConfig (dict) --
A complex type that contains detailed information about one health check.
IPAddress (string) --
The IPv4 IP address of the endpoint on which you want Amazon Route 53 to perform health checks. If you don't specify a value for IPAddress , Amazon Route 53 sends a DNS request to resolve the domain name that you specify in FullyQualifiedDomainName at the interval that you specify in RequestInterval. Using an IP address that DNS returns, Amazon Route 53 then checks the health of the endpoint.
If the endpoint is an EC2 instance, we recommend that you create an Elastic IP address, associate it with your EC2 instance, and specify the Elastic IP address for IPAddress . This ensures that the IP address of your instance will never change.
For more information, see HealthCheckConfig$FullyQualifiedDomainName.
Constraints: Amazon Route 53 can't check the health of endpoints for which the IP address is in local, private, non-routable, or multicast ranges. For more information about IP addresses for which you can't create health checks, see RFC 5735, Special Use IPv4 Addresses and RFC 6598, IANA-Reserved IPv4 Prefix for Shared Address Space.
When the value of Type is CALCULATED or CLOUDWATCH_METRIC , omit IPAddress.
Port (integer) --
The port on the endpoint on which you want Amazon Route 53 to perform health checks. Specify a value for Port only when you specify a value for IPAddress .
Type (string) --
The type of health check that you want to create, which indicates how Amazon Route 53 determines whether an endpoint is healthy.
You can't change the value of Type after you create a health check.
You can create the following types of health checks:
HTTP : Amazon Route 53 tries to establish a TCP connection. If successful, Amazon Route 53 submits an HTTP request and waits for an HTTP status code of 200 or greater and less than 400.
HTTPS : Amazon Route 53 tries to establish a TCP connection. If successful, Amazon Route 53 submits an HTTPS request and waits for an HTTP status code of 200 or greater and less than 400.
If you specify HTTPS for the value of Type , the endpoint must support TLS v1.0 or later.
HTTP_STR_MATCH : Amazon Route 53 tries to establish a TCP connection. If successful, Amazon Route 53 submits an HTTP request and searches the first 5,120 bytes of the response body for the string that you specify in SearchString .
HTTPS_STR_MATCH : Amazon Route 53 tries to establish a TCP connection. If successful, Amazon Route 53 submits an HTTPS request and searches the first 5,120 bytes of the response body for the string that you specify in SearchString .
TCP : Amazon Route 53 tries to establish a TCP connection.
CLOUDWATCH_METRIC : The health check is associated with a CloudWatch alarm. If the state of the alarm is OK , the health check is considered healthy. If the state is ALARM , the health check is considered unhealthy. If CloudWatch doesn't have sufficient data to determine whether the state is OK or ALARM , the health check status depends on the setting for InsufficientDataHealthStatus : Healthy , Unhealthy , or LastKnownStatus .
CALCULATED : For health checks that monitor the status of other health checks, Amazon Route 53 adds up the number of health checks that Amazon Route 53 health checkers consider to be healthy and compares that number with the value of HealthThreshold .
For more information about how Amazon Route 53 determines whether an endpoint is healthy, see the introduction to this topic.
ResourcePath (string) --
The path, if any, that you want Amazon Route 53 to request when performing health checks. The path can be any value for which your endpoint will return an HTTP status code of 2xx or 3xx when the endpoint is healthy, for example, the file /docs/route53-health-check.html.
FullyQualifiedDomainName (string) --
Amazon Route 53 behavior depends on whether you specify a value for IPAddress .
If you specify IPAddress :
The value that you want Amazon Route 53 to pass in the Host header in all health checks except TCP health checks. This is typically the fully qualified DNS name of the website that you are attempting to health check. When Amazon Route 53 checks the health of an endpoint, here is how it constructs the Host header:
If you specify a value of 80 for Port and HTTP or HTTP_STR_MATCH for Type , Amazon Route 53 passes the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName to the endpoint in the Host header.
If you specify a value of 443 for Port and HTTPS or HTTPS_STR_MATCH for Type , Amazon Route 53 passes the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName to the endpoint in the Host header.
If you specify another value for Port and any value except TCP for Type , Amazon Route 53 passes FullyQualifiedDomainName:Port to the endpoint in the Host header.
If you don't specify a value for FullyQualifiedDomainName , Amazon Route 53 substitutes the value of IPAddress in the Host header in each of the preceding cases.
If you don't specify IPAddress :
If you don't specify a value for IPAddress , Amazon Route 53 sends a DNS request to the domain that you specify in FullyQualifiedDomainName at the interval you specify in RequestInterval . Using an IP address that DNS returns, Amazon Route 53 then checks the health of the endpoint.
If you want to check the health of weighted, latency, or failover resource record sets and you choose to specify the endpoint only by FullyQualifiedDomainName , we recommend that you create a separate health check for each endpoint. For example, create a health check for each HTTP server that is serving content for www.example.com. For the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName , specify the domain name of the server (such as us-east-1-www.example.com), not the name of the resource record sets (www.example.com).
In this configuration, if you create a health check for which the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName matches the name of the resource record sets and you then associate the health check with those resource record sets, health check results will be unpredictable.
In addition, if the value that you specify for Type is HTTP , HTTPS , HTTP_STR_MATCH , or HTTPS_STR_MATCH , Amazon Route 53 passes the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName in the Host header, as it does when you specify a value for IPAddress . If the value of Type is TCP , Amazon Route 53 doesn't pass a Host header.
SearchString (string) --
If the value of Type is HTTP_STR_MATCH or HTTP_STR_MATCH , the string that you want Amazon Route 53 to search for in the response body from the specified resource. If the string appears in the response body, Amazon Route 53 considers the resource healthy.
Amazon Route 53 considers case when searching for SearchString in the response body.
RequestInterval (integer) --
The number of seconds between the time that Amazon Route 53 gets a response from your endpoint and the time that it sends the next health-check request. Each Amazon Route 53 health checker makes requests at this interval.
You can't change the value of RequestInterval after you create a health check.
FailureThreshold (integer) --
The number of consecutive health checks that an endpoint must pass or fail for Amazon Route 53 to change the current status of the endpoint from unhealthy to healthy or vice versa. For more information, see How Amazon Route 53 Determines Whether an Endpoint Is Healthy in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide .
MeasureLatency (boolean) --
Specify whether you want Amazon Route 53 to measure the latency between health checkers in multiple AWS regions and your endpoint, and to display CloudWatch latency graphs on the Health Checks page in the Amazon Route 53 console.
You can't change the value of MeasureLatency after you create a health check.
Inverted (boolean) --
Specify whether you want Amazon Route 53 to invert the status of a health check, for example, to consider a health check unhealthy when it otherwise would be considered healthy.
HealthThreshold (integer) --
The number of child health checks that are associated with a CALCULATED health that Amazon Route 53 must consider healthy for the CALCULATED health check to be considered healthy. To specify the child health checks that you want to associate with a CALCULATED health check, use the HealthCheckConfig$ChildHealthChecks and HealthCheckConfig$ChildHealthChecks elements.
Note the following:
If you specify a number greater than the number of child health checks, Amazon Route 53 always considers this health check to be unhealthy.
If you specify 0 , Amazon Route 53 always considers this health check to be healthy.
ChildHealthChecks (list) --
(CALCULATED Health Checks Only) A complex type that contains one ChildHealthCheck element for each health check that you want to associate with a CALCULATED health check.
(string) --
EnableSNI (boolean) --
Specify whether you want Amazon Route 53 to send the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName to the endpoint in the client_hello message during TLS negotiation. This allows the endpoint to respond to HTTPS health check requests with the applicable SSL/TLS certificate.
Some endpoints require that HTTPS requests include the host name in the client_hello message. If you don't enable SNI, the status of the health check will be SSL alert handshake_failure . A health check can also have that status for other reasons. If SNI is enabled and you're still getting the error, check the SSL/TLS configuration on your endpoint and confirm that your certificate is valid.
The SSL/TLS certificate on your endpoint includes a domain name in the Common Name field and possibly several more in the Subject Alternative Names field. One of the domain names in the certificate should match the value that you specify for FullyQualifiedDomainName . If the endpoint responds to the client_hello message with a certificate that does not include the domain name that you specified in FullyQualifiedDomainName , a health checker will retry the handshake. In the second attempt, the health checker will omit FullyQualifiedDomainName from the client_hello message.
Regions (list) --
A complex type that contains one Region element for each region from which you want Amazon Route 53 health checkers to check the specified endpoint.
(string) --
An Amazon EC2 Region that you want Amazon Route 53 to use to perform health checks.
AlarmIdentifier (dict) --
A complex type that identifies the CloudWatch alarm that you want Amazon Route 53 health checkers to use to determine whether this health check is healthy.
Region (string) --
A complex type that identifies the CloudWatch alarm that you want Amazon Route 53 health checkers to use to determine whether this health check is healthy.
For the current list of CloudWatch regions, see Amazon CloudWatch in AWS Regions and Endpoints in the Amazon Web Services General Reference .
Name (string) --
The name of the CloudWatch alarm that you want Amazon Route 53 health checkers to use to determine whether this health check is healthy.
InsufficientDataHealthStatus (string) --
When CloudWatch has insufficient data about the metric to determine the alarm state, the status that you want Amazon Route 53 to assign to the health check:
Healthy : Amazon Route 53 considers the health check to be healthy.
Unhealthy : Amazon Route 53 considers the health check to be unhealthy.
LastKnownStatus : Amazon Route 53uses the status of the health check from the last time CloudWatch had sufficient data to determine the alarm state. For new health checks that have no last known status, the default status for the health check is healthy.
HealthCheckVersion (integer) --
The version of the health check. You can optionally pass this value in a call to UpdateHealthCheck to prevent overwriting another change to the health check.
CloudWatchAlarmConfiguration (dict) --
A complex type that contains information about the CloudWatch alarm that Amazon Route 53 is monitoring for this health check.
EvaluationPeriods (integer) --
For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, the number of periods that the metric is compared to the threshold.
Threshold (float) --
For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, the value the metric is compared with.
ComparisonOperator (string) --
For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, the arithmetic operation that is used for the comparison.
Period (integer) --
For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, the duration of one evaluation period in seconds.
MetricName (string) --
The name of the CloudWatch metric that the alarm is associated with.
Namespace (string) --
The namespace of the metric that the alarm is associated with. For more information, see Amazon CloudWatch Namespaces, Dimensions, and Metrics Reference in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide .
Statistic (string) --
For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, the statistic that is applied to the metric.
Dimensions (list) --
For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, a complex type that contains information about the dimensions for the metric.For information, see Amazon CloudWatch Namespaces, Dimensions, and Metrics Reference in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide .
(dict) --
For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, a complex type that contains information about one dimension.
Name (string) --
For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, the name of one dimension.
Value (string) --
For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, the value of one dimension.
Marker (string) --
For the second and subsequent calls to ListHealthChecks , Marker is the value that you specified for the marker parameter in the previous request.
IsTruncated (boolean) --
A flag that indicates whether there are more health checks to be listed. If the response was truncated, you can get the next group of maxitems health checks by calling ListHealthChecks again and specifying the value of the NextMarker element in the marker parameter.
Valid Values: true | false
NextMarker (string) --
If IsTruncated is true , the value of NextMarker identifies the first health check in the next group of maxitems health checks. Call ListHealthChecks again and specify the value of NextMarker in the marker parameter.
MaxItems (string) --
The value that you specified for the maxitems parameter in the call to ListHealthChecks that produced the current response.
{'AlarmIdentifier': {'Region': {'us-east-2'}}}Response
{'HealthCheck': {'HealthCheckConfig': {'AlarmIdentifier': {'Region': {'us-east-2'}}}}}
Updates an existing health check.
Send a POST request to the /2013-04-01/healthcheck/health check ID resource. The request body must include a document with an UpdateHealthCheckRequest element. For more information about updating health checks, see Creating, Updating, and Deleting Health Checks in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.
Request Syntax
client.update_health_check( HealthCheckId='string', HealthCheckVersion=123, IPAddress='string', Port=123, ResourcePath='string', FullyQualifiedDomainName='string', SearchString='string', FailureThreshold=123, Inverted=True|False, HealthThreshold=123, ChildHealthChecks=[ 'string', ], EnableSNI=True|False, Regions=[ 'us-east-1'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'sa-east-1', ], AlarmIdentifier={ 'Region': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-central-1'|'eu-west-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'|'sa-east-1', 'Name': 'string' }, InsufficientDataHealthStatus='Healthy'|'Unhealthy'|'LastKnownStatus' )
The ID for the health check for which you want detailed information. When you created the health check, CreateHealthCheck returned the ID in the response, in the HealthCheckId element.
A sequential counter that Amazon Route 53 sets to 1 when you create a health check and increments by 1 each time you update settings for the health check.
We recommend that you use GetHealthCheck or ListHealthChecks to get the current value of HealthCheckVersion for the health check that you want to update, and that you include that value in your UpdateHealthCheck request. This prevents Amazon Route 53 from overwriting an intervening update:
f the value in the UpdateHealthCheck request matches the value of HealthCheckVersion in the health check, Amazon Route 53 updates the health check with the new settings.
If the value of HealthCheckVersion in the health check is greater, the health check was changed after you got the version number. Amazon Route 53 does not update the health check, and it returns a HealthCheckVersionMismatch error.
The IPv4 IP address of the endpoint on which you want Amazon Route 53 to perform health checks. If you don't specify a value for IPAddress , Amazon Route 53 sends a DNS request to resolve the domain name that you specify in FullyQualifiedDomainName at the interval you specify in RequestInterval . Using an IP address that DNS returns, Amazon Route 53 then checks the health of the endpoint.
f the endpoint is an EC2 instance, we recommend that you create an Elastic IP address, associate it with your EC2 instance, and specify the Elastic IP address for IPAddress . This ensures that the IP address of your instance never changes. For more information, see Elastic IP Addresses (EIP) in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances .
If a health check already has a value for IPAddress , you can change the value. However, you can't update an existing health check to add or remove the value of IPAddress .
For more information, see UpdateHealthCheckRequest$FullyQualifiedDomainName.
The port on the endpoint on which you want Amazon Route 53 to perform health checks.
The path that you want Amazon Route 53 to request when performing health checks. The path can be any value for which your endpoint will return an HTTP status code of 2xx or 3xx when the endpoint is healthy, for example the file /docs/route53-health-check.html.
Specify this value only if you want to change it.
Amazon Route 53 behavior depends on whether you specify a value for IPAddress .
If a health check already has a value for IPAddress , you can change the value. However, you can't update an existing health check to add or remove the value of IPAddress .
If you specify IPAddress :
The value that you want Amazon Route 53 to pass in the Host header in all health checks except TCP health checks. This is typically the fully qualified DNS name of the endpoint on which you want Amazon Route 53 to perform health checks. When Amazon Route 53 checks the health of an endpoint, here is how it constructs the Host header:
If you specify a value of 80 for Port and HTTP or HTTP_STR_MATCH for Type , Amazon Route 53 passes the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName to the endpoint in the Host header.
If you specify a value of 443 for Port and HTTPS or HTTPS_STR_MATCH for Type , Amazon Route 53 passes the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName to the endpoint in the Host header.
If you specify another value for Port and any value except TCP for Type , Amazon Route 53 passes FullyQualifiedDomainName : Port to the endpoint in the Host header.
If you don't specify a value for FullyQualifiedDomainName , Amazon Route 53 substitutes the value of IPAddress in the Host header in each of the above cases.
If you don't specify IPAddress :
If you don't specify a value for IPAddress , Amazon Route 53 sends a DNS request to the domain that you specify in FullyQualifiedDomainName at the interval you specify in RequestInterval . Using an IP address that DNS returns, Amazon Route 53 then checks the health of the endpoint.
If you want to check the health of weighted, latency, or failover resource record sets and you choose to specify the endpoint only by FullyQualifiedDomainName , we recommend that you create a separate health check for each endpoint. For example, create a health check for each HTTP server that is serving content for www.example.com. For the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName , specify the domain name of the server (such as us-east-1-www.example.com ), not the name of the resource record sets (www.example.com).
In this configuration, if the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName matches the name of the resource record sets and you then associate the health check with those resource record sets, health check results will be unpredictable.
In addition, if the value of Type is HTTP , HTTPS , HTTP_STR_MATCH , or HTTPS_STR_MATCH , Amazon Route 53 passes the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName in the Host header, as it does when you specify a value for IPAddress . If the value of Type is TCP , Amazon Route 53 doesn't pass a Host header.
If the value of Type is HTTP_STR_MATCH or HTTP_STR_MATCH , the string that you want Amazon Route 53 to search for in the response body from the specified resource. If the string appears in the response body, Amazon Route 53 considers the resource healthy. (You can't change the value of Type when you update a health check.)
The number of consecutive health checks that an endpoint must pass or fail for Amazon Route 53 to change the current status of the endpoint from unhealthy to healthy or vice versa. For more information, see How Amazon Route 53 Determines Whether an Endpoint Is Healthy in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide .
Specify whether you want Amazon Route 53 to invert the status of a health check, for example, to consider a health check unhealthy when it otherwise would be considered healthy.
The number of child health checks that are associated with a CALCULATED health that Amazon Route 53 must consider healthy for the CALCULATED health check to be considered healthy. To specify the child health checks that you want to associate with a CALCULATED health check, use the ChildHealthChecks and ChildHealthCheck elements.
Note the following:
If you specify a number greater than the number of child health checks, Amazon Route 53 always considers this health check to be unhealthy.
If you specify 0 , Amazon Route 53 always considers this health check to be healthy.
A complex type that contains one ChildHealthCheck element for each health check that you want to associate with a CALCULATED health check.
(string) --
Specify whether you want Amazon Route 53 to send the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName to the endpoint in the client_hello message during TLS negotiation. This allows the endpoint to respond to HTTPS health check requests with the applicable SSL/TLS certificate.
Some endpoints require that HTTPS requests include the host name in the client_hello message. If you don't enable SNI, the status of the health check will be SSL alert handshake_failure . A health check can also have that status for other reasons. If SNI is enabled and you're still getting the error, check the SSL/TLS configuration on your endpoint and confirm that your certificate is valid.
The SSL/TLS certificate on your endpoint includes a domain name in the Common Name field and possibly several more in the Subject Alternative Names field. One of the domain names in the certificate should match the value that you specify for FullyQualifiedDomainName . If the endpoint responds to the client_hello message with a certificate that does not include the domain name that you specified in FullyQualifiedDomainName , a health checker will retry the handshake. In the second attempt, the health checker will omit FullyQualifiedDomainName from the client_hello message.
A complex type that contains one Region element for each region from which you want Amazon Route 53 health checkers to check the specified endpoint.
(string) --
An Amazon EC2 Region that you want Amazon Route 53 to use to perform health checks.
A complex type that identifies the CloudWatch alarm that you want Amazon Route 53 health checkers to use to determine whether this health check is healthy.
Region (string) -- [REQUIRED]
A complex type that identifies the CloudWatch alarm that you want Amazon Route 53 health checkers to use to determine whether this health check is healthy.
For the current list of CloudWatch regions, see Amazon CloudWatch in AWS Regions and Endpoints in the Amazon Web Services General Reference .
Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the CloudWatch alarm that you want Amazon Route 53 health checkers to use to determine whether this health check is healthy.
When CloudWatch has insufficient data about the metric to determine the alarm state, the status that you want Amazon Route 53 to assign to the health check:
Healthy : Amazon Route 53 considers the health check to be healthy.
Unhealthy : Amazon Route 53 considers the health check to be unhealthy.
LastKnownStatus : Amazon Route 53 uses the status of the health check from the last time CloudWatch had sufficient data to determine the alarm state. For new health checks that have no last known status, the default status for the health check is healthy.
Response Syntax
{ 'HealthCheck': { 'Id': 'string', 'CallerReference': 'string', 'HealthCheckConfig': { 'IPAddress': 'string', 'Port': 123, 'Type': 'HTTP'|'HTTPS'|'HTTP_STR_MATCH'|'HTTPS_STR_MATCH'|'TCP'|'CALCULATED'|'CLOUDWATCH_METRIC', 'ResourcePath': 'string', 'FullyQualifiedDomainName': 'string', 'SearchString': 'string', 'RequestInterval': 123, 'FailureThreshold': 123, 'MeasureLatency': True|False, 'Inverted': True|False, 'HealthThreshold': 123, 'ChildHealthChecks': [ 'string', ], 'EnableSNI': True|False, 'Regions': [ 'us-east-1'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-west-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'sa-east-1', ], 'AlarmIdentifier': { 'Region': 'us-east-1'|'us-east-2'|'us-west-1'|'us-west-2'|'eu-central-1'|'eu-west-1'|'ap-south-1'|'ap-southeast-1'|'ap-southeast-2'|'ap-northeast-1'|'ap-northeast-2'|'sa-east-1', 'Name': 'string' }, 'InsufficientDataHealthStatus': 'Healthy'|'Unhealthy'|'LastKnownStatus' }, 'HealthCheckVersion': 123, 'CloudWatchAlarmConfiguration': { 'EvaluationPeriods': 123, 'Threshold': 123.0, 'ComparisonOperator': 'GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold'|'GreaterThanThreshold'|'LessThanThreshold'|'LessThanOrEqualToThreshold', 'Period': 123, 'MetricName': 'string', 'Namespace': 'string', 'Statistic': 'Average'|'Sum'|'SampleCount'|'Maximum'|'Minimum', 'Dimensions': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ] } } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
HealthCheck (dict) --
A complex type that contains information about one health check that is associated with the current AWS account.
Id (string) --
The identifier that Amazon Route 53assigned to the health check when you created it. When you add or update a resource record set, you use this value to specify which health check to use. The value can be up to 64 characters long.
CallerReference (string) --
A unique string that you specified when you created the health check.
HealthCheckConfig (dict) --
A complex type that contains detailed information about one health check.
IPAddress (string) --
The IPv4 IP address of the endpoint on which you want Amazon Route 53 to perform health checks. If you don't specify a value for IPAddress , Amazon Route 53 sends a DNS request to resolve the domain name that you specify in FullyQualifiedDomainName at the interval that you specify in RequestInterval. Using an IP address that DNS returns, Amazon Route 53 then checks the health of the endpoint.
If the endpoint is an EC2 instance, we recommend that you create an Elastic IP address, associate it with your EC2 instance, and specify the Elastic IP address for IPAddress . This ensures that the IP address of your instance will never change.
For more information, see HealthCheckConfig$FullyQualifiedDomainName.
Constraints: Amazon Route 53 can't check the health of endpoints for which the IP address is in local, private, non-routable, or multicast ranges. For more information about IP addresses for which you can't create health checks, see RFC 5735, Special Use IPv4 Addresses and RFC 6598, IANA-Reserved IPv4 Prefix for Shared Address Space.
When the value of Type is CALCULATED or CLOUDWATCH_METRIC , omit IPAddress.
Port (integer) --
The port on the endpoint on which you want Amazon Route 53 to perform health checks. Specify a value for Port only when you specify a value for IPAddress .
Type (string) --
The type of health check that you want to create, which indicates how Amazon Route 53 determines whether an endpoint is healthy.
You can't change the value of Type after you create a health check.
You can create the following types of health checks:
HTTP : Amazon Route 53 tries to establish a TCP connection. If successful, Amazon Route 53 submits an HTTP request and waits for an HTTP status code of 200 or greater and less than 400.
HTTPS : Amazon Route 53 tries to establish a TCP connection. If successful, Amazon Route 53 submits an HTTPS request and waits for an HTTP status code of 200 or greater and less than 400.
If you specify HTTPS for the value of Type , the endpoint must support TLS v1.0 or later.
HTTP_STR_MATCH : Amazon Route 53 tries to establish a TCP connection. If successful, Amazon Route 53 submits an HTTP request and searches the first 5,120 bytes of the response body for the string that you specify in SearchString .
HTTPS_STR_MATCH : Amazon Route 53 tries to establish a TCP connection. If successful, Amazon Route 53 submits an HTTPS request and searches the first 5,120 bytes of the response body for the string that you specify in SearchString .
TCP : Amazon Route 53 tries to establish a TCP connection.
CLOUDWATCH_METRIC : The health check is associated with a CloudWatch alarm. If the state of the alarm is OK , the health check is considered healthy. If the state is ALARM , the health check is considered unhealthy. If CloudWatch doesn't have sufficient data to determine whether the state is OK or ALARM , the health check status depends on the setting for InsufficientDataHealthStatus : Healthy , Unhealthy , or LastKnownStatus .
CALCULATED : For health checks that monitor the status of other health checks, Amazon Route 53 adds up the number of health checks that Amazon Route 53 health checkers consider to be healthy and compares that number with the value of HealthThreshold .
For more information about how Amazon Route 53 determines whether an endpoint is healthy, see the introduction to this topic.
ResourcePath (string) --
The path, if any, that you want Amazon Route 53 to request when performing health checks. The path can be any value for which your endpoint will return an HTTP status code of 2xx or 3xx when the endpoint is healthy, for example, the file /docs/route53-health-check.html.
FullyQualifiedDomainName (string) --
Amazon Route 53 behavior depends on whether you specify a value for IPAddress .
If you specify IPAddress :
The value that you want Amazon Route 53 to pass in the Host header in all health checks except TCP health checks. This is typically the fully qualified DNS name of the website that you are attempting to health check. When Amazon Route 53 checks the health of an endpoint, here is how it constructs the Host header:
If you specify a value of 80 for Port and HTTP or HTTP_STR_MATCH for Type , Amazon Route 53 passes the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName to the endpoint in the Host header.
If you specify a value of 443 for Port and HTTPS or HTTPS_STR_MATCH for Type , Amazon Route 53 passes the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName to the endpoint in the Host header.
If you specify another value for Port and any value except TCP for Type , Amazon Route 53 passes FullyQualifiedDomainName:Port to the endpoint in the Host header.
If you don't specify a value for FullyQualifiedDomainName , Amazon Route 53 substitutes the value of IPAddress in the Host header in each of the preceding cases.
If you don't specify IPAddress :
If you don't specify a value for IPAddress , Amazon Route 53 sends a DNS request to the domain that you specify in FullyQualifiedDomainName at the interval you specify in RequestInterval . Using an IP address that DNS returns, Amazon Route 53 then checks the health of the endpoint.
If you want to check the health of weighted, latency, or failover resource record sets and you choose to specify the endpoint only by FullyQualifiedDomainName , we recommend that you create a separate health check for each endpoint. For example, create a health check for each HTTP server that is serving content for www.example.com. For the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName , specify the domain name of the server (such as us-east-1-www.example.com), not the name of the resource record sets (www.example.com).
In this configuration, if you create a health check for which the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName matches the name of the resource record sets and you then associate the health check with those resource record sets, health check results will be unpredictable.
In addition, if the value that you specify for Type is HTTP , HTTPS , HTTP_STR_MATCH , or HTTPS_STR_MATCH , Amazon Route 53 passes the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName in the Host header, as it does when you specify a value for IPAddress . If the value of Type is TCP , Amazon Route 53 doesn't pass a Host header.
SearchString (string) --
If the value of Type is HTTP_STR_MATCH or HTTP_STR_MATCH , the string that you want Amazon Route 53 to search for in the response body from the specified resource. If the string appears in the response body, Amazon Route 53 considers the resource healthy.
Amazon Route 53 considers case when searching for SearchString in the response body.
RequestInterval (integer) --
The number of seconds between the time that Amazon Route 53 gets a response from your endpoint and the time that it sends the next health-check request. Each Amazon Route 53 health checker makes requests at this interval.
You can't change the value of RequestInterval after you create a health check.
FailureThreshold (integer) --
The number of consecutive health checks that an endpoint must pass or fail for Amazon Route 53 to change the current status of the endpoint from unhealthy to healthy or vice versa. For more information, see How Amazon Route 53 Determines Whether an Endpoint Is Healthy in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide .
MeasureLatency (boolean) --
Specify whether you want Amazon Route 53 to measure the latency between health checkers in multiple AWS regions and your endpoint, and to display CloudWatch latency graphs on the Health Checks page in the Amazon Route 53 console.
You can't change the value of MeasureLatency after you create a health check.
Inverted (boolean) --
Specify whether you want Amazon Route 53 to invert the status of a health check, for example, to consider a health check unhealthy when it otherwise would be considered healthy.
HealthThreshold (integer) --
The number of child health checks that are associated with a CALCULATED health that Amazon Route 53 must consider healthy for the CALCULATED health check to be considered healthy. To specify the child health checks that you want to associate with a CALCULATED health check, use the HealthCheckConfig$ChildHealthChecks and HealthCheckConfig$ChildHealthChecks elements.
Note the following:
If you specify a number greater than the number of child health checks, Amazon Route 53 always considers this health check to be unhealthy.
If you specify 0 , Amazon Route 53 always considers this health check to be healthy.
ChildHealthChecks (list) --
(CALCULATED Health Checks Only) A complex type that contains one ChildHealthCheck element for each health check that you want to associate with a CALCULATED health check.
(string) --
EnableSNI (boolean) --
Specify whether you want Amazon Route 53 to send the value of FullyQualifiedDomainName to the endpoint in the client_hello message during TLS negotiation. This allows the endpoint to respond to HTTPS health check requests with the applicable SSL/TLS certificate.
Some endpoints require that HTTPS requests include the host name in the client_hello message. If you don't enable SNI, the status of the health check will be SSL alert handshake_failure . A health check can also have that status for other reasons. If SNI is enabled and you're still getting the error, check the SSL/TLS configuration on your endpoint and confirm that your certificate is valid.
The SSL/TLS certificate on your endpoint includes a domain name in the Common Name field and possibly several more in the Subject Alternative Names field. One of the domain names in the certificate should match the value that you specify for FullyQualifiedDomainName . If the endpoint responds to the client_hello message with a certificate that does not include the domain name that you specified in FullyQualifiedDomainName , a health checker will retry the handshake. In the second attempt, the health checker will omit FullyQualifiedDomainName from the client_hello message.
Regions (list) --
A complex type that contains one Region element for each region from which you want Amazon Route 53 health checkers to check the specified endpoint.
(string) --
An Amazon EC2 Region that you want Amazon Route 53 to use to perform health checks.
AlarmIdentifier (dict) --
A complex type that identifies the CloudWatch alarm that you want Amazon Route 53 health checkers to use to determine whether this health check is healthy.
Region (string) --
A complex type that identifies the CloudWatch alarm that you want Amazon Route 53 health checkers to use to determine whether this health check is healthy.
For the current list of CloudWatch regions, see Amazon CloudWatch in AWS Regions and Endpoints in the Amazon Web Services General Reference .
Name (string) --
The name of the CloudWatch alarm that you want Amazon Route 53 health checkers to use to determine whether this health check is healthy.
InsufficientDataHealthStatus (string) --
When CloudWatch has insufficient data about the metric to determine the alarm state, the status that you want Amazon Route 53 to assign to the health check:
Healthy : Amazon Route 53 considers the health check to be healthy.
Unhealthy : Amazon Route 53 considers the health check to be unhealthy.
LastKnownStatus : Amazon Route 53uses the status of the health check from the last time CloudWatch had sufficient data to determine the alarm state. For new health checks that have no last known status, the default status for the health check is healthy.
HealthCheckVersion (integer) --
The version of the health check. You can optionally pass this value in a call to UpdateHealthCheck to prevent overwriting another change to the health check.
CloudWatchAlarmConfiguration (dict) --
A complex type that contains information about the CloudWatch alarm that Amazon Route 53 is monitoring for this health check.
EvaluationPeriods (integer) --
For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, the number of periods that the metric is compared to the threshold.
Threshold (float) --
For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, the value the metric is compared with.
ComparisonOperator (string) --
For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, the arithmetic operation that is used for the comparison.
Period (integer) --
For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, the duration of one evaluation period in seconds.
MetricName (string) --
The name of the CloudWatch metric that the alarm is associated with.
Namespace (string) --
The namespace of the metric that the alarm is associated with. For more information, see Amazon CloudWatch Namespaces, Dimensions, and Metrics Reference in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide .
Statistic (string) --
For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, the statistic that is applied to the metric.
Dimensions (list) --
For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, a complex type that contains information about the dimensions for the metric.For information, see Amazon CloudWatch Namespaces, Dimensions, and Metrics Reference in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide .
(dict) --
For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, a complex type that contains information about one dimension.
Name (string) --
For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, the name of one dimension.
Value (string) --
For the metric that the CloudWatch alarm is associated with, the value of one dimension.