AWS Database Migration Service

2024/10/21 - AWS Database Migration Service - 10 updated api methods

Changes  Added support for tagging in StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRun API and introduced IsLatestTaskAssessmentRun and ResultStatistic fields for enhanced tracking and assessment result statistics.

CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRun (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun': {'IsLatestTaskAssessmentRun': 'boolean',
                                  'ResultStatistic': {'Cancelled': 'integer',
                                                      'Error': 'integer',
                                                      'Failed': 'integer',
                                                      'Passed': 'integer',
                                                      'Warning': 'integer'}}}

Cancels a single premigration assessment run.

This operation prevents any individual assessments from running if they haven't started running. It also attempts to cancel any individual assessments that are currently running.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunArn


param ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunArn


Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the premigration assessment run to be canceled.




Response Syntax

    'ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun': {
        'ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunArn': 'string',
        'ReplicationTaskArn': 'string',
        'Status': 'string',
        'ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunCreationDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'AssessmentProgress': {
            'IndividualAssessmentCount': 123,
            'IndividualAssessmentCompletedCount': 123
        'LastFailureMessage': 'string',
        'ServiceAccessRoleArn': 'string',
        'ResultLocationBucket': 'string',
        'ResultLocationFolder': 'string',
        'ResultEncryptionMode': 'string',
        'ResultKmsKeyArn': 'string',
        'AssessmentRunName': 'string',
        'IsLatestTaskAssessmentRun': True|False,
        'ResultStatistic': {
            'Passed': 123,
            'Failed': 123,
            'Error': 123,
            'Warning': 123,
            'Cancelled': 123

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun (dict) --

      The ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun object for the canceled assessment run.

      • ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunArn (string) --

        Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of this assessment run.

      • ReplicationTaskArn (string) --

        ARN of the migration task associated with this premigration assessment run.

      • Status (string) --

        Assessment run status.

        This status can have one of the following values:

        • "cancelling" – The assessment run was canceled by the CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRun operation.

        • "deleting" – The assessment run was deleted by the DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRun operation.

        • "failed" – At least one individual assessment completed with a failed status.

        • "error-provisioning" – An internal error occurred while resources were provisioned (during provisioning status).

        • "error-executing" – An internal error occurred while individual assessments ran (during running status).

        • "invalid state" – The assessment run is in an unknown state.

        • "passed" – All individual assessments have completed, and none has a failed status.

        • "provisioning" – Resources required to run individual assessments are being provisioned.

        • "running" – Individual assessments are being run.

        • "starting" – The assessment run is starting, but resources are not yet being provisioned for individual assessments.

      • ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunCreationDate (datetime) --

        Date on which the assessment run was created using the StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRun operation.

      • AssessmentProgress (dict) --

        Indication of the completion progress for the individual assessments specified to run.

        • IndividualAssessmentCount (integer) --

          The number of individual assessments that are specified to run.

        • IndividualAssessmentCompletedCount (integer) --

          The number of individual assessments that have completed, successfully or not.

      • LastFailureMessage (string) --

        Last message generated by an individual assessment failure.

      • ServiceAccessRoleArn (string) --

        ARN of the service role used to start the assessment run using the StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRun operation. The role must allow the iam:PassRole action.

      • ResultLocationBucket (string) --

        Amazon S3 bucket where DMS stores the results of this assessment run.

      • ResultLocationFolder (string) --

        Folder in an Amazon S3 bucket where DMS stores the results of this assessment run.

      • ResultEncryptionMode (string) --

        Encryption mode used to encrypt the assessment run results.

      • ResultKmsKeyArn (string) --

        ARN of the KMS encryption key used to encrypt the assessment run results.

      • AssessmentRunName (string) --

        Unique name of the assessment run.

      • IsLatestTaskAssessmentRun (boolean) --

        Indicates that the following PreflightAssessmentRun is the latest for the ReplicationTask. The status is either true or false.

      • ResultStatistic (dict) --

        Result statistics for a completed assessment run, showing aggregated statistics of IndividualAssessments for how many assessments were passed, failed, or encountered issues such as errors or warnings.

        • Passed (integer) --

          The number of individual assessments that successfully passed all checks in the assessment run.

        • Failed (integer) --

          The number of individual assessments that failed to meet the criteria defined in the assessment run.

        • Error (integer) --

          The number of individual assessments that encountered a critical error and could not complete properly.

        • Warning (integer) --

          Indicates that the recent completed AssessmentRun triggered a warning.

        • Cancelled (integer) --

          The number of individual assessments that were cancelled during the assessment run.

CreateDataMigration (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'DataMigration': {'DataMigrationCidrBlocks': ['string']}}

Creates a data migration using the provided settings.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

            'CDCStartPosition': 'string',
            'CDCStartTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'CDCStopTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'SlotName': 'string'
            'Key': 'string',
            'Value': 'string',
            'ResourceArn': 'string'
type DataMigrationName


param DataMigrationName

A user-friendly name for the data migration. Data migration names have the following constraints:

  • Must begin with a letter, and can only contain ASCII letters, digits, and hyphens.

  • Can't end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens.

  • Length must be from 1 to 255 characters.

type MigrationProjectIdentifier


param MigrationProjectIdentifier


An identifier for the migration project.

type DataMigrationType


param DataMigrationType


Specifies if the data migration is full-load only, change data capture (CDC) only, or full-load and CDC.

type ServiceAccessRoleArn


param ServiceAccessRoleArn


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the service access role that you want to use to create the data migration.

type EnableCloudwatchLogs


param EnableCloudwatchLogs

Specifies whether to enable CloudWatch logs for the data migration.

type SourceDataSettings


param SourceDataSettings

Specifies information about the source data provider.

  • (dict) --

    Defines settings for a source data provider for a data migration.

    • CDCStartPosition (string) --

      The change data capture (CDC) start position for the source data provider.

    • CDCStartTime (datetime) --

      The change data capture (CDC) start time for the source data provider.

    • CDCStopTime (datetime) --

      The change data capture (CDC) stop time for the source data provider.

    • SlotName (string) --

      The name of the replication slot on the source data provider. This attribute is only valid for a PostgreSQL or Aurora PostgreSQL source.

type NumberOfJobs


param NumberOfJobs

The number of parallel jobs that trigger parallel threads to unload the tables from the source, and then load them to the target.

type Tags


param Tags

One or more tags to be assigned to the data migration.

  • (dict) --

    A user-defined key-value pair that describes metadata added to an DMS resource and that is used by operations such as the following:

    • AddTagsToResource

    • ListTagsForResource

    • RemoveTagsFromResource

    • Key (string) --

      A key is the required name of the tag. The string value can be 1-128 Unicode characters in length and can't be prefixed with "aws:" or "dms:". The string can only contain only the set of Unicode letters, digits, white-space, '_', '.', '/', '=', '+', '-' (Java regular expressions: "^([\p{L}\p{Z}\p{N}_.:/=+\-]*)$").

    • Value (string) --

      A value is the optional value of the tag. The string value can be 1-256 Unicode characters in length and can't be prefixed with "aws:" or "dms:". The string can only contain only the set of Unicode letters, digits, white-space, '_', '.', '/', '=', '+', '-' (Java regular expressions: "^([\p{L}\p{Z}\p{N}_.:/=+\-]*)$").

    • ResourceArn (string) --

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) string that uniquely identifies the resource for which the tag is created.

type SelectionRules


param SelectionRules

An optional JSON string specifying what tables, views, and schemas to include or exclude from the migration.




Response Syntax

    'DataMigration': {
        'DataMigrationName': 'string',
        'DataMigrationArn': 'string',
        'DataMigrationCreateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'DataMigrationStartTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'DataMigrationEndTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'ServiceAccessRoleArn': 'string',
        'MigrationProjectArn': 'string',
        'DataMigrationType': 'full-load'|'cdc'|'full-load-and-cdc',
        'DataMigrationSettings': {
            'NumberOfJobs': 123,
            'CloudwatchLogsEnabled': True|False,
            'SelectionRules': 'string'
        'SourceDataSettings': [
                'CDCStartPosition': 'string',
                'CDCStartTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                'CDCStopTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                'SlotName': 'string'
        'DataMigrationStatistics': {
            'TablesLoaded': 123,
            'ElapsedTimeMillis': 123,
            'TablesLoading': 123,
            'FullLoadPercentage': 123,
            'CDCLatency': 123,
            'TablesQueued': 123,
            'TablesErrored': 123,
            'StartTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'StopTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1)
        'DataMigrationStatus': 'string',
        'PublicIpAddresses': [
        'DataMigrationCidrBlocks': [
        'LastFailureMessage': 'string',
        'StopReason': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • DataMigration (dict) --

      Information about the created data migration.

      • DataMigrationName (string) --

        The user-friendly name for the data migration.

      • DataMigrationArn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies this replication.

      • DataMigrationCreateTime (datetime) --

        The UTC time when DMS created the data migration.

      • DataMigrationStartTime (datetime) --

        The UTC time when DMS started the data migration.

      • DataMigrationEndTime (datetime) --

        The UTC time when data migration ended.

      • ServiceAccessRoleArn (string) --

        The IAM role that the data migration uses to access Amazon Web Services resources.

      • MigrationProjectArn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the data migration's associated migration project.

      • DataMigrationType (string) --

        Specifies whether the data migration is full-load only, change data capture (CDC) only, or full-load and CDC.

      • DataMigrationSettings (dict) --

        Specifies CloudWatch settings and selection rules for the data migration.

        • NumberOfJobs (integer) --

          The number of parallel jobs that trigger parallel threads to unload the tables from the source, and then load them to the target.

        • CloudwatchLogsEnabled (boolean) --

          Whether to enable CloudWatch logging for the data migration.

        • SelectionRules (string) --

          A JSON-formatted string that defines what objects to include and exclude from the migration.

      • SourceDataSettings (list) --

        Specifies information about the data migration's source data provider.

        • (dict) --

          Defines settings for a source data provider for a data migration.

          • CDCStartPosition (string) --

            The change data capture (CDC) start position for the source data provider.

          • CDCStartTime (datetime) --

            The change data capture (CDC) start time for the source data provider.

          • CDCStopTime (datetime) --

            The change data capture (CDC) stop time for the source data provider.

          • SlotName (string) --

            The name of the replication slot on the source data provider. This attribute is only valid for a PostgreSQL or Aurora PostgreSQL source.

      • DataMigrationStatistics (dict) --

        Provides information about the data migration's run, including start and stop time, latency, and data migration progress.

        • TablesLoaded (integer) --

          The number of tables loaded in the current data migration run.

        • ElapsedTimeMillis (integer) --

          The elapsed duration of the data migration run.

        • TablesLoading (integer) --

          The data migration's table loading progress.

        • FullLoadPercentage (integer) --

          The data migration's progress in the full-load migration phase.

        • CDCLatency (integer) --

          The current latency of the change data capture (CDC) operation.

        • TablesQueued (integer) --

          The number of tables that are waiting for processing.

        • TablesErrored (integer) --

          The number of tables that DMS failed to process.

        • StartTime (datetime) --

          The time when the migration started.

        • StopTime (datetime) --

          The time when the migration stopped or failed.

      • DataMigrationStatus (string) --

        The current status of the data migration.

      • PublicIpAddresses (list) --

        The IP addresses of the endpoints for the data migration.

        • (string) --

      • DataMigrationCidrBlocks (list) --

        The CIDR blocks of the endpoints for the data migration.

        • (string) --

      • LastFailureMessage (string) --

        Information about the data migration's most recent error or failure.

      • StopReason (string) --

        The reason the data migration last stopped.

DeleteDataMigration (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'DataMigration': {'DataMigrationCidrBlocks': ['string']}}

Deletes the specified data migration.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type DataMigrationIdentifier


param DataMigrationIdentifier


The identifier (name or ARN) of the data migration to delete.




Response Syntax

    'DataMigration': {
        'DataMigrationName': 'string',
        'DataMigrationArn': 'string',
        'DataMigrationCreateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'DataMigrationStartTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'DataMigrationEndTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'ServiceAccessRoleArn': 'string',
        'MigrationProjectArn': 'string',
        'DataMigrationType': 'full-load'|'cdc'|'full-load-and-cdc',
        'DataMigrationSettings': {
            'NumberOfJobs': 123,
            'CloudwatchLogsEnabled': True|False,
            'SelectionRules': 'string'
        'SourceDataSettings': [
                'CDCStartPosition': 'string',
                'CDCStartTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                'CDCStopTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                'SlotName': 'string'
        'DataMigrationStatistics': {
            'TablesLoaded': 123,
            'ElapsedTimeMillis': 123,
            'TablesLoading': 123,
            'FullLoadPercentage': 123,
            'CDCLatency': 123,
            'TablesQueued': 123,
            'TablesErrored': 123,
            'StartTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'StopTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1)
        'DataMigrationStatus': 'string',
        'PublicIpAddresses': [
        'DataMigrationCidrBlocks': [
        'LastFailureMessage': 'string',
        'StopReason': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • DataMigration (dict) --

      The deleted data migration.

      • DataMigrationName (string) --

        The user-friendly name for the data migration.

      • DataMigrationArn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies this replication.

      • DataMigrationCreateTime (datetime) --

        The UTC time when DMS created the data migration.

      • DataMigrationStartTime (datetime) --

        The UTC time when DMS started the data migration.

      • DataMigrationEndTime (datetime) --

        The UTC time when data migration ended.

      • ServiceAccessRoleArn (string) --

        The IAM role that the data migration uses to access Amazon Web Services resources.

      • MigrationProjectArn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the data migration's associated migration project.

      • DataMigrationType (string) --

        Specifies whether the data migration is full-load only, change data capture (CDC) only, or full-load and CDC.

      • DataMigrationSettings (dict) --

        Specifies CloudWatch settings and selection rules for the data migration.

        • NumberOfJobs (integer) --

          The number of parallel jobs that trigger parallel threads to unload the tables from the source, and then load them to the target.

        • CloudwatchLogsEnabled (boolean) --

          Whether to enable CloudWatch logging for the data migration.

        • SelectionRules (string) --

          A JSON-formatted string that defines what objects to include and exclude from the migration.

      • SourceDataSettings (list) --

        Specifies information about the data migration's source data provider.

        • (dict) --

          Defines settings for a source data provider for a data migration.

          • CDCStartPosition (string) --

            The change data capture (CDC) start position for the source data provider.

          • CDCStartTime (datetime) --

            The change data capture (CDC) start time for the source data provider.

          • CDCStopTime (datetime) --

            The change data capture (CDC) stop time for the source data provider.

          • SlotName (string) --

            The name of the replication slot on the source data provider. This attribute is only valid for a PostgreSQL or Aurora PostgreSQL source.

      • DataMigrationStatistics (dict) --

        Provides information about the data migration's run, including start and stop time, latency, and data migration progress.

        • TablesLoaded (integer) --

          The number of tables loaded in the current data migration run.

        • ElapsedTimeMillis (integer) --

          The elapsed duration of the data migration run.

        • TablesLoading (integer) --

          The data migration's table loading progress.

        • FullLoadPercentage (integer) --

          The data migration's progress in the full-load migration phase.

        • CDCLatency (integer) --

          The current latency of the change data capture (CDC) operation.

        • TablesQueued (integer) --

          The number of tables that are waiting for processing.

        • TablesErrored (integer) --

          The number of tables that DMS failed to process.

        • StartTime (datetime) --

          The time when the migration started.

        • StopTime (datetime) --

          The time when the migration stopped or failed.

      • DataMigrationStatus (string) --

        The current status of the data migration.

      • PublicIpAddresses (list) --

        The IP addresses of the endpoints for the data migration.

        • (string) --

      • DataMigrationCidrBlocks (list) --

        The CIDR blocks of the endpoints for the data migration.

        • (string) --

      • LastFailureMessage (string) --

        Information about the data migration's most recent error or failure.

      • StopReason (string) --

        The reason the data migration last stopped.

DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRun (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun': {'IsLatestTaskAssessmentRun': 'boolean',
                                  'ResultStatistic': {'Cancelled': 'integer',
                                                      'Error': 'integer',
                                                      'Failed': 'integer',
                                                      'Passed': 'integer',
                                                      'Warning': 'integer'}}}

Deletes the record of a single premigration assessment run.

This operation removes all metadata that DMS maintains about this assessment run. However, the operation leaves untouched all information about this assessment run that is stored in your Amazon S3 bucket.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunArn


param ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunArn


Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the premigration assessment run to be deleted.




Response Syntax

    'ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun': {
        'ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunArn': 'string',
        'ReplicationTaskArn': 'string',
        'Status': 'string',
        'ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunCreationDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'AssessmentProgress': {
            'IndividualAssessmentCount': 123,
            'IndividualAssessmentCompletedCount': 123
        'LastFailureMessage': 'string',
        'ServiceAccessRoleArn': 'string',
        'ResultLocationBucket': 'string',
        'ResultLocationFolder': 'string',
        'ResultEncryptionMode': 'string',
        'ResultKmsKeyArn': 'string',
        'AssessmentRunName': 'string',
        'IsLatestTaskAssessmentRun': True|False,
        'ResultStatistic': {
            'Passed': 123,
            'Failed': 123,
            'Error': 123,
            'Warning': 123,
            'Cancelled': 123

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun (dict) --

      The ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun object for the deleted assessment run.

      • ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunArn (string) --

        Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of this assessment run.

      • ReplicationTaskArn (string) --

        ARN of the migration task associated with this premigration assessment run.

      • Status (string) --

        Assessment run status.

        This status can have one of the following values:

        • "cancelling" – The assessment run was canceled by the CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRun operation.

        • "deleting" – The assessment run was deleted by the DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRun operation.

        • "failed" – At least one individual assessment completed with a failed status.

        • "error-provisioning" – An internal error occurred while resources were provisioned (during provisioning status).

        • "error-executing" – An internal error occurred while individual assessments ran (during running status).

        • "invalid state" – The assessment run is in an unknown state.

        • "passed" – All individual assessments have completed, and none has a failed status.

        • "provisioning" – Resources required to run individual assessments are being provisioned.

        • "running" – Individual assessments are being run.

        • "starting" – The assessment run is starting, but resources are not yet being provisioned for individual assessments.

      • ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunCreationDate (datetime) --

        Date on which the assessment run was created using the StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRun operation.

      • AssessmentProgress (dict) --

        Indication of the completion progress for the individual assessments specified to run.

        • IndividualAssessmentCount (integer) --

          The number of individual assessments that are specified to run.

        • IndividualAssessmentCompletedCount (integer) --

          The number of individual assessments that have completed, successfully or not.

      • LastFailureMessage (string) --

        Last message generated by an individual assessment failure.

      • ServiceAccessRoleArn (string) --

        ARN of the service role used to start the assessment run using the StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRun operation. The role must allow the iam:PassRole action.

      • ResultLocationBucket (string) --

        Amazon S3 bucket where DMS stores the results of this assessment run.

      • ResultLocationFolder (string) --

        Folder in an Amazon S3 bucket where DMS stores the results of this assessment run.

      • ResultEncryptionMode (string) --

        Encryption mode used to encrypt the assessment run results.

      • ResultKmsKeyArn (string) --

        ARN of the KMS encryption key used to encrypt the assessment run results.

      • AssessmentRunName (string) --

        Unique name of the assessment run.

      • IsLatestTaskAssessmentRun (boolean) --

        Indicates that the following PreflightAssessmentRun is the latest for the ReplicationTask. The status is either true or false.

      • ResultStatistic (dict) --

        Result statistics for a completed assessment run, showing aggregated statistics of IndividualAssessments for how many assessments were passed, failed, or encountered issues such as errors or warnings.

        • Passed (integer) --

          The number of individual assessments that successfully passed all checks in the assessment run.

        • Failed (integer) --

          The number of individual assessments that failed to meet the criteria defined in the assessment run.

        • Error (integer) --

          The number of individual assessments that encountered a critical error and could not complete properly.

        • Warning (integer) --

          Indicates that the recent completed AssessmentRun triggered a warning.

        • Cancelled (integer) --

          The number of individual assessments that were cancelled during the assessment run.

DescribeDataMigrations (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'DataMigrations': {'DataMigrationCidrBlocks': ['string']}}

Returns information about data migrations.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

            'Name': 'string',
            'Values': [
type Filters


param Filters

Filters applied to the data migrations.

  • (dict) --

    Identifies the name and value of a filter object. This filter is used to limit the number and type of DMS objects that are returned for a particular Describe* call or similar operation. Filters are used as an optional parameter for certain API operations.

    • Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The name of the filter as specified for a Describe* or similar operation.

    • Values (list) -- [REQUIRED]

      The filter value, which can specify one or more values used to narrow the returned results.

      • (string) --

type MaxRecords


param MaxRecords

The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a pagination token called a marker is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.

type Marker


param Marker

An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords .

type WithoutSettings


param WithoutSettings

An option to set to avoid returning information about settings. Use this to reduce overhead when setting information is too large. To use this option, choose true ; otherwise, choose false (the default).

type WithoutStatistics


param WithoutStatistics

An option to set to avoid returning information about statistics. Use this to reduce overhead when statistics information is too large. To use this option, choose true ; otherwise, choose false (the default).




Response Syntax

    'DataMigrations': [
            'DataMigrationName': 'string',
            'DataMigrationArn': 'string',
            'DataMigrationCreateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'DataMigrationStartTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'DataMigrationEndTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'ServiceAccessRoleArn': 'string',
            'MigrationProjectArn': 'string',
            'DataMigrationType': 'full-load'|'cdc'|'full-load-and-cdc',
            'DataMigrationSettings': {
                'NumberOfJobs': 123,
                'CloudwatchLogsEnabled': True|False,
                'SelectionRules': 'string'
            'SourceDataSettings': [
                    'CDCStartPosition': 'string',
                    'CDCStartTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                    'CDCStopTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                    'SlotName': 'string'
            'DataMigrationStatistics': {
                'TablesLoaded': 123,
                'ElapsedTimeMillis': 123,
                'TablesLoading': 123,
                'FullLoadPercentage': 123,
                'CDCLatency': 123,
                'TablesQueued': 123,
                'TablesErrored': 123,
                'StartTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                'StopTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1)
            'DataMigrationStatus': 'string',
            'PublicIpAddresses': [
            'DataMigrationCidrBlocks': [
            'LastFailureMessage': 'string',
            'StopReason': 'string'
    'Marker': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • DataMigrations (list) --

      Returns information about the data migrations used in the project.

      • (dict) --

        This object provides information about a DMS data migration.

        • DataMigrationName (string) --

          The user-friendly name for the data migration.

        • DataMigrationArn (string) --

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies this replication.

        • DataMigrationCreateTime (datetime) --

          The UTC time when DMS created the data migration.

        • DataMigrationStartTime (datetime) --

          The UTC time when DMS started the data migration.

        • DataMigrationEndTime (datetime) --

          The UTC time when data migration ended.

        • ServiceAccessRoleArn (string) --

          The IAM role that the data migration uses to access Amazon Web Services resources.

        • MigrationProjectArn (string) --

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the data migration's associated migration project.

        • DataMigrationType (string) --

          Specifies whether the data migration is full-load only, change data capture (CDC) only, or full-load and CDC.

        • DataMigrationSettings (dict) --

          Specifies CloudWatch settings and selection rules for the data migration.

          • NumberOfJobs (integer) --

            The number of parallel jobs that trigger parallel threads to unload the tables from the source, and then load them to the target.

          • CloudwatchLogsEnabled (boolean) --

            Whether to enable CloudWatch logging for the data migration.

          • SelectionRules (string) --

            A JSON-formatted string that defines what objects to include and exclude from the migration.

        • SourceDataSettings (list) --

          Specifies information about the data migration's source data provider.

          • (dict) --

            Defines settings for a source data provider for a data migration.

            • CDCStartPosition (string) --

              The change data capture (CDC) start position for the source data provider.

            • CDCStartTime (datetime) --

              The change data capture (CDC) start time for the source data provider.

            • CDCStopTime (datetime) --

              The change data capture (CDC) stop time for the source data provider.

            • SlotName (string) --

              The name of the replication slot on the source data provider. This attribute is only valid for a PostgreSQL or Aurora PostgreSQL source.

        • DataMigrationStatistics (dict) --

          Provides information about the data migration's run, including start and stop time, latency, and data migration progress.

          • TablesLoaded (integer) --

            The number of tables loaded in the current data migration run.

          • ElapsedTimeMillis (integer) --

            The elapsed duration of the data migration run.

          • TablesLoading (integer) --

            The data migration's table loading progress.

          • FullLoadPercentage (integer) --

            The data migration's progress in the full-load migration phase.

          • CDCLatency (integer) --

            The current latency of the change data capture (CDC) operation.

          • TablesQueued (integer) --

            The number of tables that are waiting for processing.

          • TablesErrored (integer) --

            The number of tables that DMS failed to process.

          • StartTime (datetime) --

            The time when the migration started.

          • StopTime (datetime) --

            The time when the migration stopped or failed.

        • DataMigrationStatus (string) --

          The current status of the data migration.

        • PublicIpAddresses (list) --

          The IP addresses of the endpoints for the data migration.

          • (string) --

        • DataMigrationCidrBlocks (list) --

          The CIDR blocks of the endpoints for the data migration.

          • (string) --

        • LastFailureMessage (string) --

          Information about the data migration's most recent error or failure.

        • StopReason (string) --

          The reason the data migration last stopped.

    • Marker (string) --

      An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords .

DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRuns (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'ReplicationTaskAssessmentRuns': {'IsLatestTaskAssessmentRun': 'boolean',
                                   'ResultStatistic': {'Cancelled': 'integer',
                                                       'Error': 'integer',
                                                       'Failed': 'integer',
                                                       'Passed': 'integer',
                                                       'Warning': 'integer'}}}

Returns a paginated list of premigration assessment runs based on filter settings.

These filter settings can specify a combination of premigration assessment runs, migration tasks, replication instances, and assessment run status values.


This operation doesn't return information about individual assessments. For this information, see the DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessments operation.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

            'Name': 'string',
            'Values': [
type Filters


param Filters

Filters applied to the premigration assessment runs described in the form of key-value pairs.

Valid filter names: replication-task-assessment-run-arn , replication-task-arn , replication-instance-arn , status

  • (dict) --

    Identifies the name and value of a filter object. This filter is used to limit the number and type of DMS objects that are returned for a particular Describe* call or similar operation. Filters are used as an optional parameter for certain API operations.

    • Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The name of the filter as specified for a Describe* or similar operation.

    • Values (list) -- [REQUIRED]

      The filter value, which can specify one or more values used to narrow the returned results.

      • (string) --

type MaxRecords


param MaxRecords

The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a pagination token called a marker is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.

type Marker


param Marker

An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords .




Response Syntax

    'Marker': 'string',
    'ReplicationTaskAssessmentRuns': [
            'ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunArn': 'string',
            'ReplicationTaskArn': 'string',
            'Status': 'string',
            'ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunCreationDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'AssessmentProgress': {
                'IndividualAssessmentCount': 123,
                'IndividualAssessmentCompletedCount': 123
            'LastFailureMessage': 'string',
            'ServiceAccessRoleArn': 'string',
            'ResultLocationBucket': 'string',
            'ResultLocationFolder': 'string',
            'ResultEncryptionMode': 'string',
            'ResultKmsKeyArn': 'string',
            'AssessmentRunName': 'string',
            'IsLatestTaskAssessmentRun': True|False,
            'ResultStatistic': {
                'Passed': 123,
                'Failed': 123,
                'Error': 123,
                'Warning': 123,
                'Cancelled': 123

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • Marker (string) --

      A pagination token returned for you to pass to a subsequent request. If you pass this token as the Marker value in a subsequent request, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified in the request by MaxRecords .

    • ReplicationTaskAssessmentRuns (list) --

      One or more premigration assessment runs as specified by Filters .

      • (dict) --

        Provides information that describes a premigration assessment run that you have started using the StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRun operation.

        Some of the information appears based on other operations that can return the ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun object.

        • ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunArn (string) --

          Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of this assessment run.

        • ReplicationTaskArn (string) --

          ARN of the migration task associated with this premigration assessment run.

        • Status (string) --

          Assessment run status.

          This status can have one of the following values:

          • "cancelling" – The assessment run was canceled by the CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRun operation.

          • "deleting" – The assessment run was deleted by the DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRun operation.

          • "failed" – At least one individual assessment completed with a failed status.

          • "error-provisioning" – An internal error occurred while resources were provisioned (during provisioning status).

          • "error-executing" – An internal error occurred while individual assessments ran (during running status).

          • "invalid state" – The assessment run is in an unknown state.

          • "passed" – All individual assessments have completed, and none has a failed status.

          • "provisioning" – Resources required to run individual assessments are being provisioned.

          • "running" – Individual assessments are being run.

          • "starting" – The assessment run is starting, but resources are not yet being provisioned for individual assessments.

        • ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunCreationDate (datetime) --

          Date on which the assessment run was created using the StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRun operation.

        • AssessmentProgress (dict) --

          Indication of the completion progress for the individual assessments specified to run.

          • IndividualAssessmentCount (integer) --

            The number of individual assessments that are specified to run.

          • IndividualAssessmentCompletedCount (integer) --

            The number of individual assessments that have completed, successfully or not.

        • LastFailureMessage (string) --

          Last message generated by an individual assessment failure.

        • ServiceAccessRoleArn (string) --

          ARN of the service role used to start the assessment run using the StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRun operation. The role must allow the iam:PassRole action.

        • ResultLocationBucket (string) --

          Amazon S3 bucket where DMS stores the results of this assessment run.

        • ResultLocationFolder (string) --

          Folder in an Amazon S3 bucket where DMS stores the results of this assessment run.

        • ResultEncryptionMode (string) --

          Encryption mode used to encrypt the assessment run results.

        • ResultKmsKeyArn (string) --

          ARN of the KMS encryption key used to encrypt the assessment run results.

        • AssessmentRunName (string) --

          Unique name of the assessment run.

        • IsLatestTaskAssessmentRun (boolean) --

          Indicates that the following PreflightAssessmentRun is the latest for the ReplicationTask. The status is either true or false.

        • ResultStatistic (dict) --

          Result statistics for a completed assessment run, showing aggregated statistics of IndividualAssessments for how many assessments were passed, failed, or encountered issues such as errors or warnings.

          • Passed (integer) --

            The number of individual assessments that successfully passed all checks in the assessment run.

          • Failed (integer) --

            The number of individual assessments that failed to meet the criteria defined in the assessment run.

          • Error (integer) --

            The number of individual assessments that encountered a critical error and could not complete properly.

          • Warning (integer) --

            Indicates that the recent completed AssessmentRun triggered a warning.

          • Cancelled (integer) --

            The number of individual assessments that were cancelled during the assessment run.

ModifyDataMigration (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'DataMigration': {'DataMigrationCidrBlocks': ['string']}}

Modifies an existing DMS data migration.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

            'CDCStartPosition': 'string',
            'CDCStartTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'CDCStopTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'SlotName': 'string'
type DataMigrationIdentifier


param DataMigrationIdentifier


The identifier (name or ARN) of the data migration to modify.

type DataMigrationName


param DataMigrationName

The new name for the data migration.

type EnableCloudwatchLogs


param EnableCloudwatchLogs

Whether to enable Cloudwatch logs for the data migration.

type ServiceAccessRoleArn


param ServiceAccessRoleArn

The new service access role ARN for the data migration.

type DataMigrationType


param DataMigrationType

The new migration type for the data migration.

type SourceDataSettings


param SourceDataSettings

The new information about the source data provider for the data migration.

  • (dict) --

    Defines settings for a source data provider for a data migration.

    • CDCStartPosition (string) --

      The change data capture (CDC) start position for the source data provider.

    • CDCStartTime (datetime) --

      The change data capture (CDC) start time for the source data provider.

    • CDCStopTime (datetime) --

      The change data capture (CDC) stop time for the source data provider.

    • SlotName (string) --

      The name of the replication slot on the source data provider. This attribute is only valid for a PostgreSQL or Aurora PostgreSQL source.

type NumberOfJobs


param NumberOfJobs

The number of parallel jobs that trigger parallel threads to unload the tables from the source, and then load them to the target.

type SelectionRules


param SelectionRules

A JSON-formatted string that defines what objects to include and exclude from the migration.




Response Syntax

    'DataMigration': {
        'DataMigrationName': 'string',
        'DataMigrationArn': 'string',
        'DataMigrationCreateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'DataMigrationStartTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'DataMigrationEndTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'ServiceAccessRoleArn': 'string',
        'MigrationProjectArn': 'string',
        'DataMigrationType': 'full-load'|'cdc'|'full-load-and-cdc',
        'DataMigrationSettings': {
            'NumberOfJobs': 123,
            'CloudwatchLogsEnabled': True|False,
            'SelectionRules': 'string'
        'SourceDataSettings': [
                'CDCStartPosition': 'string',
                'CDCStartTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                'CDCStopTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                'SlotName': 'string'
        'DataMigrationStatistics': {
            'TablesLoaded': 123,
            'ElapsedTimeMillis': 123,
            'TablesLoading': 123,
            'FullLoadPercentage': 123,
            'CDCLatency': 123,
            'TablesQueued': 123,
            'TablesErrored': 123,
            'StartTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'StopTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1)
        'DataMigrationStatus': 'string',
        'PublicIpAddresses': [
        'DataMigrationCidrBlocks': [
        'LastFailureMessage': 'string',
        'StopReason': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • DataMigration (dict) --

      Information about the modified data migration.

      • DataMigrationName (string) --

        The user-friendly name for the data migration.

      • DataMigrationArn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies this replication.

      • DataMigrationCreateTime (datetime) --

        The UTC time when DMS created the data migration.

      • DataMigrationStartTime (datetime) --

        The UTC time when DMS started the data migration.

      • DataMigrationEndTime (datetime) --

        The UTC time when data migration ended.

      • ServiceAccessRoleArn (string) --

        The IAM role that the data migration uses to access Amazon Web Services resources.

      • MigrationProjectArn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the data migration's associated migration project.

      • DataMigrationType (string) --

        Specifies whether the data migration is full-load only, change data capture (CDC) only, or full-load and CDC.

      • DataMigrationSettings (dict) --

        Specifies CloudWatch settings and selection rules for the data migration.

        • NumberOfJobs (integer) --

          The number of parallel jobs that trigger parallel threads to unload the tables from the source, and then load them to the target.

        • CloudwatchLogsEnabled (boolean) --

          Whether to enable CloudWatch logging for the data migration.

        • SelectionRules (string) --

          A JSON-formatted string that defines what objects to include and exclude from the migration.

      • SourceDataSettings (list) --

        Specifies information about the data migration's source data provider.

        • (dict) --

          Defines settings for a source data provider for a data migration.

          • CDCStartPosition (string) --

            The change data capture (CDC) start position for the source data provider.

          • CDCStartTime (datetime) --

            The change data capture (CDC) start time for the source data provider.

          • CDCStopTime (datetime) --

            The change data capture (CDC) stop time for the source data provider.

          • SlotName (string) --

            The name of the replication slot on the source data provider. This attribute is only valid for a PostgreSQL or Aurora PostgreSQL source.

      • DataMigrationStatistics (dict) --

        Provides information about the data migration's run, including start and stop time, latency, and data migration progress.

        • TablesLoaded (integer) --

          The number of tables loaded in the current data migration run.

        • ElapsedTimeMillis (integer) --

          The elapsed duration of the data migration run.

        • TablesLoading (integer) --

          The data migration's table loading progress.

        • FullLoadPercentage (integer) --

          The data migration's progress in the full-load migration phase.

        • CDCLatency (integer) --

          The current latency of the change data capture (CDC) operation.

        • TablesQueued (integer) --

          The number of tables that are waiting for processing.

        • TablesErrored (integer) --

          The number of tables that DMS failed to process.

        • StartTime (datetime) --

          The time when the migration started.

        • StopTime (datetime) --

          The time when the migration stopped or failed.

      • DataMigrationStatus (string) --

        The current status of the data migration.

      • PublicIpAddresses (list) --

        The IP addresses of the endpoints for the data migration.

        • (string) --

      • DataMigrationCidrBlocks (list) --

        The CIDR blocks of the endpoints for the data migration.

        • (string) --

      • LastFailureMessage (string) --

        Information about the data migration's most recent error or failure.

      • StopReason (string) --

        The reason the data migration last stopped.

StartDataMigration (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'DataMigration': {'DataMigrationCidrBlocks': ['string']}}

Starts the specified data migration.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type DataMigrationIdentifier


param DataMigrationIdentifier


The identifier (name or ARN) of the data migration to start.

type StartType


param StartType


Specifies the start type for the data migration. Valid values include start-replication , reload-target , and resume-processing .




Response Syntax

    'DataMigration': {
        'DataMigrationName': 'string',
        'DataMigrationArn': 'string',
        'DataMigrationCreateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'DataMigrationStartTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'DataMigrationEndTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'ServiceAccessRoleArn': 'string',
        'MigrationProjectArn': 'string',
        'DataMigrationType': 'full-load'|'cdc'|'full-load-and-cdc',
        'DataMigrationSettings': {
            'NumberOfJobs': 123,
            'CloudwatchLogsEnabled': True|False,
            'SelectionRules': 'string'
        'SourceDataSettings': [
                'CDCStartPosition': 'string',
                'CDCStartTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                'CDCStopTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                'SlotName': 'string'
        'DataMigrationStatistics': {
            'TablesLoaded': 123,
            'ElapsedTimeMillis': 123,
            'TablesLoading': 123,
            'FullLoadPercentage': 123,
            'CDCLatency': 123,
            'TablesQueued': 123,
            'TablesErrored': 123,
            'StartTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'StopTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1)
        'DataMigrationStatus': 'string',
        'PublicIpAddresses': [
        'DataMigrationCidrBlocks': [
        'LastFailureMessage': 'string',
        'StopReason': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • DataMigration (dict) --

      The data migration that DMS started.

      • DataMigrationName (string) --

        The user-friendly name for the data migration.

      • DataMigrationArn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies this replication.

      • DataMigrationCreateTime (datetime) --

        The UTC time when DMS created the data migration.

      • DataMigrationStartTime (datetime) --

        The UTC time when DMS started the data migration.

      • DataMigrationEndTime (datetime) --

        The UTC time when data migration ended.

      • ServiceAccessRoleArn (string) --

        The IAM role that the data migration uses to access Amazon Web Services resources.

      • MigrationProjectArn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the data migration's associated migration project.

      • DataMigrationType (string) --

        Specifies whether the data migration is full-load only, change data capture (CDC) only, or full-load and CDC.

      • DataMigrationSettings (dict) --

        Specifies CloudWatch settings and selection rules for the data migration.

        • NumberOfJobs (integer) --

          The number of parallel jobs that trigger parallel threads to unload the tables from the source, and then load them to the target.

        • CloudwatchLogsEnabled (boolean) --

          Whether to enable CloudWatch logging for the data migration.

        • SelectionRules (string) --

          A JSON-formatted string that defines what objects to include and exclude from the migration.

      • SourceDataSettings (list) --

        Specifies information about the data migration's source data provider.

        • (dict) --

          Defines settings for a source data provider for a data migration.

          • CDCStartPosition (string) --

            The change data capture (CDC) start position for the source data provider.

          • CDCStartTime (datetime) --

            The change data capture (CDC) start time for the source data provider.

          • CDCStopTime (datetime) --

            The change data capture (CDC) stop time for the source data provider.

          • SlotName (string) --

            The name of the replication slot on the source data provider. This attribute is only valid for a PostgreSQL or Aurora PostgreSQL source.

      • DataMigrationStatistics (dict) --

        Provides information about the data migration's run, including start and stop time, latency, and data migration progress.

        • TablesLoaded (integer) --

          The number of tables loaded in the current data migration run.

        • ElapsedTimeMillis (integer) --

          The elapsed duration of the data migration run.

        • TablesLoading (integer) --

          The data migration's table loading progress.

        • FullLoadPercentage (integer) --

          The data migration's progress in the full-load migration phase.

        • CDCLatency (integer) --

          The current latency of the change data capture (CDC) operation.

        • TablesQueued (integer) --

          The number of tables that are waiting for processing.

        • TablesErrored (integer) --

          The number of tables that DMS failed to process.

        • StartTime (datetime) --

          The time when the migration started.

        • StopTime (datetime) --

          The time when the migration stopped or failed.

      • DataMigrationStatus (string) --

        The current status of the data migration.

      • PublicIpAddresses (list) --

        The IP addresses of the endpoints for the data migration.

        • (string) --

      • DataMigrationCidrBlocks (list) --

        The CIDR blocks of the endpoints for the data migration.

        • (string) --

      • LastFailureMessage (string) --

        Information about the data migration's most recent error or failure.

      • StopReason (string) --

        The reason the data migration last stopped.

StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRun (updated) Link ¶
Changes (request, response)
{'Tags': [{'Key': 'string', 'ResourceArn': 'string', 'Value': 'string'}]}
{'ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun': {'IsLatestTaskAssessmentRun': 'boolean',
                                  'ResultStatistic': {'Cancelled': 'integer',
                                                      'Error': 'integer',
                                                      'Failed': 'integer',
                                                      'Passed': 'integer',
                                                      'Warning': 'integer'}}}

Starts a new premigration assessment run for one or more individual assessments of a migration task.

The assessments that you can specify depend on the source and target database engine and the migration type defined for the given task. To run this operation, your migration task must already be created. After you run this operation, you can review the status of each individual assessment. You can also run the migration task manually after the assessment run and its individual assessments complete.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

            'Key': 'string',
            'Value': 'string',
            'ResourceArn': 'string'
type ReplicationTaskArn


param ReplicationTaskArn


Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the migration task associated with the premigration assessment run that you want to start.

type ServiceAccessRoleArn


param ServiceAccessRoleArn


ARN of the service role needed to start the assessment run. The role must allow the iam:PassRole action.

type ResultLocationBucket


param ResultLocationBucket


Amazon S3 bucket where you want DMS to store the results of this assessment run.

type ResultLocationFolder


param ResultLocationFolder

Folder within an Amazon S3 bucket where you want DMS to store the results of this assessment run.

type ResultEncryptionMode


param ResultEncryptionMode

Encryption mode that you can specify to encrypt the results of this assessment run. If you don't specify this request parameter, DMS stores the assessment run results without encryption. You can specify one of the options following:

  • "SSE_S3" – The server-side encryption provided as a default by Amazon S3.

  • "SSE_KMS" – Key Management Service (KMS) encryption. This encryption can use either a custom KMS encryption key that you specify or the default KMS encryption key that DMS provides.

type ResultKmsKeyArn


param ResultKmsKeyArn

ARN of a custom KMS encryption key that you specify when you set ResultEncryptionMode to "SSE_KMS ".

type AssessmentRunName


param AssessmentRunName


Unique name to identify the assessment run.

type IncludeOnly


param IncludeOnly

Space-separated list of names for specific individual assessments that you want to include. These names come from the default list of individual assessments that DMS supports for the associated migration task. This task is specified by ReplicationTaskArn .


You can't set a value for IncludeOnly if you also set a value for Exclude in the API operation.

To identify the names of the default individual assessments that DMS supports for the associated migration task, run the DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessments operation using its own ReplicationTaskArn request parameter.

  • (string) --

type Exclude


param Exclude

Space-separated list of names for specific individual assessments that you want to exclude. These names come from the default list of individual assessments that DMS supports for the associated migration task. This task is specified by ReplicationTaskArn .


You can't set a value for Exclude if you also set a value for IncludeOnly in the API operation.

To identify the names of the default individual assessments that DMS supports for the associated migration task, run the DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessments operation using its own ReplicationTaskArn request parameter.

  • (string) --

type Tags


param Tags

One or more tags to be assigned to the premigration assessment run that you want to start.

  • (dict) --

    A user-defined key-value pair that describes metadata added to an DMS resource and that is used by operations such as the following:

    • AddTagsToResource

    • ListTagsForResource

    • RemoveTagsFromResource

    • Key (string) --

      A key is the required name of the tag. The string value can be 1-128 Unicode characters in length and can't be prefixed with "aws:" or "dms:". The string can only contain only the set of Unicode letters, digits, white-space, '_', '.', '/', '=', '+', '-' (Java regular expressions: "^([\p{L}\p{Z}\p{N}_.:/=+\-]*)$").

    • Value (string) --

      A value is the optional value of the tag. The string value can be 1-256 Unicode characters in length and can't be prefixed with "aws:" or "dms:". The string can only contain only the set of Unicode letters, digits, white-space, '_', '.', '/', '=', '+', '-' (Java regular expressions: "^([\p{L}\p{Z}\p{N}_.:/=+\-]*)$").

    • ResourceArn (string) --

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) string that uniquely identifies the resource for which the tag is created.




Response Syntax

    'ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun': {
        'ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunArn': 'string',
        'ReplicationTaskArn': 'string',
        'Status': 'string',
        'ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunCreationDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'AssessmentProgress': {
            'IndividualAssessmentCount': 123,
            'IndividualAssessmentCompletedCount': 123
        'LastFailureMessage': 'string',
        'ServiceAccessRoleArn': 'string',
        'ResultLocationBucket': 'string',
        'ResultLocationFolder': 'string',
        'ResultEncryptionMode': 'string',
        'ResultKmsKeyArn': 'string',
        'AssessmentRunName': 'string',
        'IsLatestTaskAssessmentRun': True|False,
        'ResultStatistic': {
            'Passed': 123,
            'Failed': 123,
            'Error': 123,
            'Warning': 123,
            'Cancelled': 123

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun (dict) --

      The premigration assessment run that was started.

      • ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunArn (string) --

        Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of this assessment run.

      • ReplicationTaskArn (string) --

        ARN of the migration task associated with this premigration assessment run.

      • Status (string) --

        Assessment run status.

        This status can have one of the following values:

        • "cancelling" – The assessment run was canceled by the CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRun operation.

        • "deleting" – The assessment run was deleted by the DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRun operation.

        • "failed" – At least one individual assessment completed with a failed status.

        • "error-provisioning" – An internal error occurred while resources were provisioned (during provisioning status).

        • "error-executing" – An internal error occurred while individual assessments ran (during running status).

        • "invalid state" – The assessment run is in an unknown state.

        • "passed" – All individual assessments have completed, and none has a failed status.

        • "provisioning" – Resources required to run individual assessments are being provisioned.

        • "running" – Individual assessments are being run.

        • "starting" – The assessment run is starting, but resources are not yet being provisioned for individual assessments.

      • ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunCreationDate (datetime) --

        Date on which the assessment run was created using the StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRun operation.

      • AssessmentProgress (dict) --

        Indication of the completion progress for the individual assessments specified to run.

        • IndividualAssessmentCount (integer) --

          The number of individual assessments that are specified to run.

        • IndividualAssessmentCompletedCount (integer) --

          The number of individual assessments that have completed, successfully or not.

      • LastFailureMessage (string) --

        Last message generated by an individual assessment failure.

      • ServiceAccessRoleArn (string) --

        ARN of the service role used to start the assessment run using the StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRun operation. The role must allow the iam:PassRole action.

      • ResultLocationBucket (string) --

        Amazon S3 bucket where DMS stores the results of this assessment run.

      • ResultLocationFolder (string) --

        Folder in an Amazon S3 bucket where DMS stores the results of this assessment run.

      • ResultEncryptionMode (string) --

        Encryption mode used to encrypt the assessment run results.

      • ResultKmsKeyArn (string) --

        ARN of the KMS encryption key used to encrypt the assessment run results.

      • AssessmentRunName (string) --

        Unique name of the assessment run.

      • IsLatestTaskAssessmentRun (boolean) --

        Indicates that the following PreflightAssessmentRun is the latest for the ReplicationTask. The status is either true or false.

      • ResultStatistic (dict) --

        Result statistics for a completed assessment run, showing aggregated statistics of IndividualAssessments for how many assessments were passed, failed, or encountered issues such as errors or warnings.

        • Passed (integer) --

          The number of individual assessments that successfully passed all checks in the assessment run.

        • Failed (integer) --

          The number of individual assessments that failed to meet the criteria defined in the assessment run.

        • Error (integer) --

          The number of individual assessments that encountered a critical error and could not complete properly.

        • Warning (integer) --

          Indicates that the recent completed AssessmentRun triggered a warning.

        • Cancelled (integer) --

          The number of individual assessments that were cancelled during the assessment run.

StopDataMigration (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'DataMigration': {'DataMigrationCidrBlocks': ['string']}}

Stops the specified data migration.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type DataMigrationIdentifier


param DataMigrationIdentifier


The identifier (name or ARN) of the data migration to stop.




Response Syntax

    'DataMigration': {
        'DataMigrationName': 'string',
        'DataMigrationArn': 'string',
        'DataMigrationCreateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'DataMigrationStartTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'DataMigrationEndTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'ServiceAccessRoleArn': 'string',
        'MigrationProjectArn': 'string',
        'DataMigrationType': 'full-load'|'cdc'|'full-load-and-cdc',
        'DataMigrationSettings': {
            'NumberOfJobs': 123,
            'CloudwatchLogsEnabled': True|False,
            'SelectionRules': 'string'
        'SourceDataSettings': [
                'CDCStartPosition': 'string',
                'CDCStartTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                'CDCStopTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                'SlotName': 'string'
        'DataMigrationStatistics': {
            'TablesLoaded': 123,
            'ElapsedTimeMillis': 123,
            'TablesLoading': 123,
            'FullLoadPercentage': 123,
            'CDCLatency': 123,
            'TablesQueued': 123,
            'TablesErrored': 123,
            'StartTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'StopTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1)
        'DataMigrationStatus': 'string',
        'PublicIpAddresses': [
        'DataMigrationCidrBlocks': [
        'LastFailureMessage': 'string',
        'StopReason': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • DataMigration (dict) --

      The data migration that DMS stopped.

      • DataMigrationName (string) --

        The user-friendly name for the data migration.

      • DataMigrationArn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies this replication.

      • DataMigrationCreateTime (datetime) --

        The UTC time when DMS created the data migration.

      • DataMigrationStartTime (datetime) --

        The UTC time when DMS started the data migration.

      • DataMigrationEndTime (datetime) --

        The UTC time when data migration ended.

      • ServiceAccessRoleArn (string) --

        The IAM role that the data migration uses to access Amazon Web Services resources.

      • MigrationProjectArn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the data migration's associated migration project.

      • DataMigrationType (string) --

        Specifies whether the data migration is full-load only, change data capture (CDC) only, or full-load and CDC.

      • DataMigrationSettings (dict) --

        Specifies CloudWatch settings and selection rules for the data migration.

        • NumberOfJobs (integer) --

          The number of parallel jobs that trigger parallel threads to unload the tables from the source, and then load them to the target.

        • CloudwatchLogsEnabled (boolean) --

          Whether to enable CloudWatch logging for the data migration.

        • SelectionRules (string) --

          A JSON-formatted string that defines what objects to include and exclude from the migration.

      • SourceDataSettings (list) --

        Specifies information about the data migration's source data provider.

        • (dict) --

          Defines settings for a source data provider for a data migration.

          • CDCStartPosition (string) --

            The change data capture (CDC) start position for the source data provider.

          • CDCStartTime (datetime) --

            The change data capture (CDC) start time for the source data provider.

          • CDCStopTime (datetime) --

            The change data capture (CDC) stop time for the source data provider.

          • SlotName (string) --

            The name of the replication slot on the source data provider. This attribute is only valid for a PostgreSQL or Aurora PostgreSQL source.

      • DataMigrationStatistics (dict) --

        Provides information about the data migration's run, including start and stop time, latency, and data migration progress.

        • TablesLoaded (integer) --

          The number of tables loaded in the current data migration run.

        • ElapsedTimeMillis (integer) --

          The elapsed duration of the data migration run.

        • TablesLoading (integer) --

          The data migration's table loading progress.

        • FullLoadPercentage (integer) --

          The data migration's progress in the full-load migration phase.

        • CDCLatency (integer) --

          The current latency of the change data capture (CDC) operation.

        • TablesQueued (integer) --

          The number of tables that are waiting for processing.

        • TablesErrored (integer) --

          The number of tables that DMS failed to process.

        • StartTime (datetime) --

          The time when the migration started.

        • StopTime (datetime) --

          The time when the migration stopped or failed.

      • DataMigrationStatus (string) --

        The current status of the data migration.

      • PublicIpAddresses (list) --

        The IP addresses of the endpoints for the data migration.

        • (string) --

      • DataMigrationCidrBlocks (list) --

        The CIDR blocks of the endpoints for the data migration.

        • (string) --

      • LastFailureMessage (string) --

        Information about the data migration's most recent error or failure.

      • StopReason (string) --

        The reason the data migration last stopped.