2024/06/14 - Amazon DataZone - 7 new4 updated api methods
Changes This release introduces a new default service blueprint for custom environment creation.
Associates the environment role in Amazon DataZone.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.associate_environment_role( domainIdentifier='string', environmentIdentifier='string', environmentRoleArn='string' )
The ID of the Amazon DataZone domain in which the environment role is associated.
The ID of the Amazon DataZone environment.
The ARN of the environment role.
Response Syntax
Response Structure
(dict) --
Deletes an action for the environment, for example, deletes a console link for an analytics tool that is available in this environment.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.delete_environment_action( domainIdentifier='string', environmentIdentifier='string', identifier='string' )
The ID of the Amazon DataZone domain in which an environment action is deleted.
The ID of the environment where an environment action is deleted.
The ID of the environment action that is deleted.
Gets the specified environment action.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_environment_action( domainIdentifier='string', environmentIdentifier='string', identifier='string' )
The ID of the Amazon DataZone domain in which the GetEnvironmentAction API is invoked.
The environment ID of the environment action.
The ID of the environment action
Response Syntax
{ 'description': 'string', 'domainId': 'string', 'environmentId': 'string', 'id': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'parameters': { 'awsConsoleLink': { 'uri': 'string' } } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
description (string) --
The description of the environment action.
domainId (string) --
The ID of the Amazon DataZone domain in which the environment action lives.
environmentId (string) --
The environment ID of the environment action.
id (string) --
The ID of the environment action.
name (string) --
The name of the environment action.
parameters (dict) --
The parameters of the environment action.
awsConsoleLink (dict) --
The console link specified as part of the environment action.
uri (string) --
The URI of the console link specified as part of the environment action.
Updates an environment action.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.update_environment_action( description='string', domainIdentifier='string', environmentIdentifier='string', identifier='string', name='string', parameters={ 'awsConsoleLink': { 'uri': 'string' } } )
The description of the environment action.
The domain ID of the environment action.
The environment ID of the environment action.
The ID of the environment action.
The name of the environment action.
The parameters of the environment action.
awsConsoleLink (dict) --
The console link specified as part of the environment action.
uri (string) --
The URI of the console link specified as part of the environment action.
Response Syntax
{ 'description': 'string', 'domainId': 'string', 'environmentId': 'string', 'id': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'parameters': { 'awsConsoleLink': { 'uri': 'string' } } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
description (string) --
The description of the environment action.
domainId (string) --
The domain ID of the environment action.
environmentId (string) --
The environment ID of the environment action.
id (string) --
The ID of the environment action.
name (string) --
The name of the environment action.
parameters (dict) --
The parameters of the environment action.
awsConsoleLink (dict) --
The console link specified as part of the environment action.
uri (string) --
The URI of the console link specified as part of the environment action.
Disassociates the environment role in Amazon DataZone.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.disassociate_environment_role( domainIdentifier='string', environmentIdentifier='string', environmentRoleArn='string' )
The ID of the Amazon DataZone domain in which an environment role is disassociated.
The ID of the environment.
The ARN of the environment role.
Response Syntax
Response Structure
(dict) --
Creates an action for the environment, for example, creates a console link for an analytics tool that is available in this environment.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_environment_action( description='string', domainIdentifier='string', environmentIdentifier='string', name='string', parameters={ 'awsConsoleLink': { 'uri': 'string' } } )
The description of the environment action that is being created in the environment.
The ID of the Amazon DataZone domain in which the environment action is created.
The ID of the environment in which the environment action is created.
The name of the environment action.
The parameters of the environment action.
awsConsoleLink (dict) --
The console link specified as part of the environment action.
uri (string) --
The URI of the console link specified as part of the environment action.
Response Syntax
{ 'description': 'string', 'domainId': 'string', 'environmentId': 'string', 'id': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'parameters': { 'awsConsoleLink': { 'uri': 'string' } } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
description (string) --
The description of the environment action.
domainId (string) --
The ID of the domain in which the environment action is created.
environmentId (string) --
The ID of the environment in which the environment is created.
id (string) --
The ID of the environment action.
name (string) --
The name of the environment action.
parameters (dict) --
The parameters of the environment action.
awsConsoleLink (dict) --
The console link specified as part of the environment action.
uri (string) --
The URI of the console link specified as part of the environment action.
Lists existing environment actions.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.list_environment_actions( domainIdentifier='string', environmentIdentifier='string', maxResults=123, nextToken='string' )
The ID of the Amazon DataZone domain in which the environment actions are listed.
The ID of the envrironment whose environment actions are listed.
The maximum number of environment actions to return in a single call to ListEnvironmentActions. When the number of environment actions to be listed is greater than the value of MaxResults, the response contains a NextToken value that you can use in a subsequent call to ListEnvironmentActions to list the next set of environment actions.
When the number of environment actions is greater than the default value for the MaxResults parameter, or if you explicitly specify a value for MaxResults that is less than the number of environment actions, the response includes a pagination token named NextToken. You can specify this NextToken value in a subsequent call to ListEnvironmentActions to list the next set of environment actions.
Response Syntax
{ 'items': [ { 'description': 'string', 'domainId': 'string', 'environmentId': 'string', 'id': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'parameters': { 'awsConsoleLink': { 'uri': 'string' } } }, ], 'nextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
items (list) --
The results of ListEnvironmentActions.
(dict) --
The details about the specified action configured for an environment. For example, the details of the specified console links for an analytics tool that is available in this environment.
description (string) --
The environment action description.
domainId (string) --
The Amazon DataZone domain ID of the environment action.
environmentId (string) --
The environment ID of the environment action.
id (string) --
The ID of the environment action.
name (string) --
The name of the environment action.
parameters (dict) --
The parameters of the environment action.
awsConsoleLink (dict) --
The console link specified as part of the environment action.
uri (string) --
The URI of the console link specified as part of the environment action.
nextToken (string) --
When the number of environment actions is greater than the default value for the MaxResults parameter, or if you explicitly specify a value for MaxResults that is less than the number of environment actions, the response includes a pagination token named NextToken. You can specify this NextToken value in a subsequent call to ListEnvironmentActions to list the next set of environment actions.
{'environmentAccountIdentifier': 'string', 'environmentAccountRegion': 'string', 'environmentBlueprintIdentifier': 'string'}
Create an Amazon DataZone environment.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_environment( description='string', domainIdentifier='string', environmentAccountIdentifier='string', environmentAccountRegion='string', environmentBlueprintIdentifier='string', environmentProfileIdentifier='string', glossaryTerms=[ 'string', ], name='string', projectIdentifier='string', userParameters=[ { 'name': 'string', 'value': 'string' }, ] )
The description of the Amazon DataZone environment.
The identifier of the Amazon DataZone domain in which the environment is created.
The ID of the account in which the environment is being created.
The region of the account in which the environment is being created.
The ID of the blueprint with which the environment is being created.
The identifier of the environment profile that is used to create this Amazon DataZone environment.
The glossary terms that can be used in this Amazon DataZone environment.
(string) --
The name of the Amazon DataZone environment.
The identifier of the Amazon DataZone project in which this environment is created.
The user parameters of this Amazon DataZone environment.
(dict) --
The parameter details of an evironment profile.
name (string) --
The name of an environment profile parameter.
value (string) --
The value of an environment profile parameter.
Response Syntax
{ 'awsAccountId': 'string', 'awsAccountRegion': 'string', 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'createdBy': 'string', 'deploymentProperties': { 'endTimeoutMinutes': 123, 'startTimeoutMinutes': 123 }, 'description': 'string', 'domainId': 'string', 'environmentActions': [ { 'auth': 'IAM'|'HTTPS', 'parameters': [ { 'key': 'string', 'value': 'string' }, ], 'type': 'string' }, ], 'environmentBlueprintId': 'string', 'environmentProfileId': 'string', 'glossaryTerms': [ 'string', ], 'id': 'string', 'lastDeployment': { 'deploymentId': 'string', 'deploymentStatus': 'IN_PROGRESS'|'SUCCESSFUL'|'FAILED'|'PENDING_DEPLOYMENT', 'deploymentType': 'CREATE'|'UPDATE'|'DELETE', 'failureReason': { 'code': 'string', 'message': 'string' }, 'isDeploymentComplete': True|False, 'messages': [ 'string', ] }, 'name': 'string', 'projectId': 'string', 'provider': 'string', 'provisionedResources': [ { 'name': 'string', 'provider': 'string', 'type': 'string', 'value': 'string' }, ], 'provisioningProperties': { 'cloudFormation': { 'templateUrl': 'string' } }, 'status': 'ACTIVE'|'CREATING'|'UPDATING'|'DELETING'|'CREATE_FAILED'|'UPDATE_FAILED'|'DELETE_FAILED'|'VALIDATION_FAILED'|'SUSPENDED'|'DISABLED'|'EXPIRED'|'DELETED'|'INACCESSIBLE', 'updatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'userParameters': [ { 'defaultValue': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'fieldType': 'string', 'isEditable': True|False, 'isOptional': True|False, 'keyName': 'string' }, ] }
Response Structure
(dict) --
awsAccountId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services account in which the Amazon DataZone environment is created.
awsAccountRegion (string) --
The Amazon Web Services region in which the Amazon DataZone environment is created.
createdAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the environment was created.
createdBy (string) --
The Amazon DataZone user who created this environment.
deploymentProperties (dict) --
The deployment properties of this Amazon DataZone environment.
endTimeoutMinutes (integer) --
The end timeout of the environment blueprint deployment.
startTimeoutMinutes (integer) --
The start timeout of the environment blueprint deployment.
description (string) --
The description of this Amazon DataZone environment.
domainId (string) --
The identifier of the Amazon DataZone domain in which the environment is created.
environmentActions (list) --
The configurable actions of this Amazon DataZone environment.
(dict) --
The configurable action of a Amazon DataZone environment.
auth (string) --
The authentication type of a configurable action of a Amazon DataZone environment.
parameters (list) --
The parameters of a configurable action in a Amazon DataZone environment.
(dict) --
The details of the parameters for the configurable environment action.
key (string) --
The key of the configurable action parameter.
value (string) --
The value of the configurable action parameter.
type (string) --
The type of a configurable action in a Amazon DataZone environment.
environmentBlueprintId (string) --
The ID of the blueprint with which this Amazon DataZone environment was created.
environmentProfileId (string) --
The ID of the environment profile with which this Amazon DataZone environment was created.
glossaryTerms (list) --
The glossary terms that can be used in this Amazon DataZone environment.
(string) --
id (string) --
The ID of this Amazon DataZone environment.
lastDeployment (dict) --
The details of the last deployment of this Amazon DataZone environment.
deploymentId (string) --
The identifier of the last deployment of the environment.
deploymentStatus (string) --
The status of the last deployment of the environment.
deploymentType (string) --
The type of the last deployment of the environment.
failureReason (dict) --
The failure reason of the last deployment of the environment.
code (string) --
The error code for the failure reason for the environment deployment.
message (string) --
The error message for the failure reason for the environment deployment.
isDeploymentComplete (boolean) --
Specifies whether the last deployment of the environment is complete.
messages (list) --
The messages of the last deployment of the environment.
(string) --
name (string) --
The name of this environment.
projectId (string) --
The ID of the Amazon DataZone project in which this environment is created.
provider (string) --
The provider of this Amazon DataZone environment.
provisionedResources (list) --
The provisioned resources of this Amazon DataZone environment.
(dict) --
The details of a provisioned resource of this Amazon DataZone environment.
name (string) --
The name of a provisioned resource of this Amazon DataZone environment.
provider (string) --
The provider of a provisioned resource of this Amazon DataZone environment.
type (string) --
The type of a provisioned resource of this Amazon DataZone environment.
value (string) --
The value of a provisioned resource of this Amazon DataZone environment.
provisioningProperties (dict) --
The provisioning properties of this Amazon DataZone environment.
cloudFormation (dict) --
The cloud formation properties included as part of the provisioning properties of an environment blueprint.
templateUrl (string) --
The template URL of the cloud formation provisioning properties of the environment blueprint.
status (string) --
The status of this Amazon DataZone environment.
updatedAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when this environment was updated.
userParameters (list) --
The user parameters of this Amazon DataZone environment.
(dict) --
The details of user parameters of an environment blueprint.
defaultValue (string) --
The default value of the parameter.
description (string) --
The description of the parameter.
fieldType (string) --
The filed type of the parameter.
isEditable (boolean) --
Specifies whether the parameter is editable.
isOptional (boolean) --
Specifies whether the custom parameter is optional.
keyName (string) --
The key name of the parameter.
{'retainPermissionsOnRevokeFailure': 'boolean'}Response
{'retainPermissionsOnRevokeFailure': 'boolean', 'selfGrantStatus': {'glueSelfGrantStatus': {'selfGrantStatusDetails': [{'databaseName': 'string', 'failureCause': 'string', 'schemaName': 'string', 'status': 'GRANT_PENDING ' '| ' 'REVOKE_PENDING ' '| ' 'GRANT_IN_PROGRESS ' '| ' 'REVOKE_IN_PROGRESS ' '| ' 'GRANTED ' '| ' 'GRANT_FAILED ' '| ' 'REVOKE_FAILED'}]}, 'redshiftSelfGrantStatus': {'selfGrantStatusDetails': [{'databaseName': 'string', 'failureCause': 'string', 'schemaName': 'string', 'status': 'GRANT_PENDING ' '| ' 'REVOKE_PENDING ' '| ' 'GRANT_IN_PROGRESS ' '| ' 'REVOKE_IN_PROGRESS ' '| ' 'GRANTED ' '| ' 'GRANT_FAILED ' '| ' 'REVOKE_FAILED'}]}}}
Deletes a data source in Amazon DataZone.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.delete_data_source( clientToken='string', domainIdentifier='string', identifier='string', retainPermissionsOnRevokeFailure=True|False )
A unique, case-sensitive identifier that is provided to ensure the idempotency of the request.
This field is autopopulated if not provided.
The ID of the Amazon DataZone domain in which the data source is deleted.
The identifier of the data source that is deleted.
Specifies that the granted permissions are retained in case of a self-subscribe functionality failure for a data source.
Response Syntax
{ 'assetFormsOutput': [ { 'content': 'string', 'formName': 'string', 'typeName': 'string', 'typeRevision': 'string' }, ], 'configuration': { 'glueRunConfiguration': { 'accountId': 'string', 'autoImportDataQualityResult': True|False, 'dataAccessRole': 'string', 'region': 'string', 'relationalFilterConfigurations': [ { 'databaseName': 'string', 'filterExpressions': [ { 'expression': 'string', 'type': 'INCLUDE'|'EXCLUDE' }, ], 'schemaName': 'string' }, ] }, 'redshiftRunConfiguration': { 'accountId': 'string', 'dataAccessRole': 'string', 'redshiftCredentialConfiguration': { 'secretManagerArn': 'string' }, 'redshiftStorage': { 'redshiftClusterSource': { 'clusterName': 'string' }, 'redshiftServerlessSource': { 'workgroupName': 'string' } }, 'region': 'string', 'relationalFilterConfigurations': [ { 'databaseName': 'string', 'filterExpressions': [ { 'expression': 'string', 'type': 'INCLUDE'|'EXCLUDE' }, ], 'schemaName': 'string' }, ] } }, 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'description': 'string', 'domainId': 'string', 'enableSetting': 'ENABLED'|'DISABLED', 'environmentId': 'string', 'errorMessage': { 'errorDetail': 'string', 'errorType': 'ACCESS_DENIED_EXCEPTION'|'CONFLICT_EXCEPTION'|'INTERNAL_SERVER_EXCEPTION'|'RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION'|'SERVICE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED_EXCEPTION'|'THROTTLING_EXCEPTION'|'VALIDATION_EXCEPTION' }, 'id': 'string', 'lastRunAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'lastRunErrorMessage': { 'errorDetail': 'string', 'errorType': 'ACCESS_DENIED_EXCEPTION'|'CONFLICT_EXCEPTION'|'INTERNAL_SERVER_EXCEPTION'|'RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION'|'SERVICE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED_EXCEPTION'|'THROTTLING_EXCEPTION'|'VALIDATION_EXCEPTION' }, 'lastRunStatus': 'REQUESTED'|'RUNNING'|'FAILED'|'PARTIALLY_SUCCEEDED'|'SUCCESS', 'name': 'string', 'projectId': 'string', 'publishOnImport': True|False, 'retainPermissionsOnRevokeFailure': True|False, 'schedule': { 'schedule': 'string', 'timezone': 'UTC'|'AFRICA_JOHANNESBURG'|'AMERICA_MONTREAL'|'AMERICA_SAO_PAULO'|'ASIA_BAHRAIN'|'ASIA_BANGKOK'|'ASIA_CALCUTTA'|'ASIA_DUBAI'|'ASIA_HONG_KONG'|'ASIA_JAKARTA'|'ASIA_KUALA_LUMPUR'|'ASIA_SEOUL'|'ASIA_SHANGHAI'|'ASIA_SINGAPORE'|'ASIA_TAIPEI'|'ASIA_TOKYO'|'AUSTRALIA_MELBOURNE'|'AUSTRALIA_SYDNEY'|'CANADA_CENTRAL'|'CET'|'CST6CDT'|'ETC_GMT'|'ETC_GMT0'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_0'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_1'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_10'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_11'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_12'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_2'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_3'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_4'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_5'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_6'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_7'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_8'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_9'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_0'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_1'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_10'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_11'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_12'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_13'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_14'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_2'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_3'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_4'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_5'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_6'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_7'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_8'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_9'|'EUROPE_DUBLIN'|'EUROPE_LONDON'|'EUROPE_PARIS'|'EUROPE_STOCKHOLM'|'EUROPE_ZURICH'|'ISRAEL'|'MEXICO_GENERAL'|'MST7MDT'|'PACIFIC_AUCKLAND'|'US_CENTRAL'|'US_EASTERN'|'US_MOUNTAIN'|'US_PACIFIC' }, 'selfGrantStatus': { 'glueSelfGrantStatus': { 'selfGrantStatusDetails': [ { 'databaseName': 'string', 'failureCause': 'string', 'schemaName': 'string', 'status': 'GRANT_PENDING'|'REVOKE_PENDING'|'GRANT_IN_PROGRESS'|'REVOKE_IN_PROGRESS'|'GRANTED'|'GRANT_FAILED'|'REVOKE_FAILED' }, ] }, 'redshiftSelfGrantStatus': { 'selfGrantStatusDetails': [ { 'databaseName': 'string', 'failureCause': 'string', 'schemaName': 'string', 'status': 'GRANT_PENDING'|'REVOKE_PENDING'|'GRANT_IN_PROGRESS'|'REVOKE_IN_PROGRESS'|'GRANTED'|'GRANT_FAILED'|'REVOKE_FAILED' }, ] } }, 'status': 'CREATING'|'FAILED_CREATION'|'READY'|'UPDATING'|'FAILED_UPDATE'|'RUNNING'|'DELETING'|'FAILED_DELETION', 'type': 'string', 'updatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }
Response Structure
(dict) --
assetFormsOutput (list) --
The asset data forms associated with this data source.
(dict) --
The details of a metadata form.
content (string) --
The content of the metadata form.
formName (string) --
The name of the metadata form.
typeName (string) --
The name of the metadata form type.
typeRevision (string) --
The revision of the metadata form type.
configuration (dict) --
The configuration of the data source that is deleted.
glueRunConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
accountId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services account ID included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
autoImportDataQualityResult (boolean) --
Specifies whether to automatically import data quality metrics as part of the data source run.
dataAccessRole (string) --
The data access role included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
region (string) --
The Amazon Web Services region included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
relationalFilterConfigurations (list) --
The relational filter configurations included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
(dict) --
The relational filter configuration for the data source.
databaseName (string) --
The database name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
filterExpressions (list) --
The filter expressions specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
(dict) --
A filter expression in Amazon DataZone.
expression (string) --
The search filter expression.
type (string) --
The search filter explresison type.
schemaName (string) --
The schema name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
redshiftRunConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration of the Amazon Redshift data source.
accountId (string) --
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.
dataAccessRole (string) --
The data access role included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.
redshiftCredentialConfiguration (dict) --
The details of the credentials required to access an Amazon Redshift cluster.
secretManagerArn (string) --
The ARN of a secret manager for an Amazon Redshift cluster.
redshiftStorage (dict) --
The details of the Amazon Redshift storage as part of the configuration of an Amazon Redshift data source run.
redshiftClusterSource (dict) --
The details of the Amazon Redshift cluster source.
clusterName (string) --
The name of an Amazon Redshift cluster.
redshiftServerlessSource (dict) --
The details of the Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup source.
workgroupName (string) --
The name of the Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup.
region (string) --
The Amazon Web Services region included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.
relationalFilterConfigurations (list) --
The relational filger configurations included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.
(dict) --
The relational filter configuration for the data source.
databaseName (string) --
The database name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
filterExpressions (list) --
The filter expressions specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
(dict) --
A filter expression in Amazon DataZone.
expression (string) --
The search filter expression.
type (string) --
The search filter explresison type.
schemaName (string) --
The schema name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
createdAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when this data source was created.
description (string) --
The description of the data source that is deleted.
domainId (string) --
The ID of the Amazon DataZone domain in which the data source is deleted.
enableSetting (string) --
The enable setting of the data source that specifies whether the data source is enabled or disabled.
environmentId (string) --
The ID of the environemnt associated with this data source.
errorMessage (dict) --
Specifies the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
errorDetail (string) --
The details of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
errorType (string) --
The type of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
id (string) --
The ID of the data source that is deleted.
lastRunAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the data source was last run.
lastRunErrorMessage (dict) --
Specifies the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
errorDetail (string) --
The details of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
errorType (string) --
The type of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
lastRunStatus (string) --
The status of the last run of this data source.
name (string) --
The name of the data source that is deleted.
projectId (string) --
The ID of the project in which this data source exists and from which it's deleted.
publishOnImport (boolean) --
Specifies whether the assets that this data source creates in the inventory are to be also automatically published to the catalog.
retainPermissionsOnRevokeFailure (boolean) --
Specifies that the granted permissions are retained in case of a self-subscribe functionality failure for a data source.
schedule (dict) --
The schedule of runs for this data source.
schedule (string) --
The schedule of the data source runs.
timezone (string) --
The timezone of the data source run.
selfGrantStatus (dict) --
Specifies the status of the self-granting functionality.
glueSelfGrantStatus (dict) --
The details for the self granting status for a Glue data source.
selfGrantStatusDetails (list) --
The details for the self granting status for a Glue data source.
(dict) --
The details for the self granting status.
databaseName (string) --
The name of the database used for the data source.
failureCause (string) --
The reason for why the operation failed.
schemaName (string) --
The name of the schema used in the data source.
status (string) --
The self granting status of the data source.
redshiftSelfGrantStatus (dict) --
The details for the self granting status for an Amazon Redshift data source.
selfGrantStatusDetails (list) --
The details for the self granting status for an Amazon Redshift data source.
(dict) --
The details for the self granting status.
databaseName (string) --
The name of the database used for the data source.
failureCause (string) --
The reason for why the operation failed.
schemaName (string) --
The name of the schema used in the data source.
status (string) --
The self granting status of the data source.
status (string) --
The status of this data source.
type (string) --
The type of this data source.
updatedAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when this data source was updated.
{'selfGrantStatus': {'glueSelfGrantStatus': {'selfGrantStatusDetails': [{'databaseName': 'string', 'failureCause': 'string', 'schemaName': 'string', 'status': 'GRANT_PENDING ' '| ' 'REVOKE_PENDING ' '| ' 'GRANT_IN_PROGRESS ' '| ' 'REVOKE_IN_PROGRESS ' '| ' 'GRANTED ' '| ' 'GRANT_FAILED ' '| ' 'REVOKE_FAILED'}]}, 'redshiftSelfGrantStatus': {'selfGrantStatusDetails': [{'databaseName': 'string', 'failureCause': 'string', 'schemaName': 'string', 'status': 'GRANT_PENDING ' '| ' 'REVOKE_PENDING ' '| ' 'GRANT_IN_PROGRESS ' '| ' 'REVOKE_IN_PROGRESS ' '| ' 'GRANTED ' '| ' 'GRANT_FAILED ' '| ' 'REVOKE_FAILED'}]}}}
Gets an Amazon DataZone data source.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_data_source( domainIdentifier='string', identifier='string' )
The ID of the Amazon DataZone domain in which the data source exists.
The ID of the Amazon DataZone data source.
Response Syntax
{ 'assetFormsOutput': [ { 'content': 'string', 'formName': 'string', 'typeName': 'string', 'typeRevision': 'string' }, ], 'configuration': { 'glueRunConfiguration': { 'accountId': 'string', 'autoImportDataQualityResult': True|False, 'dataAccessRole': 'string', 'region': 'string', 'relationalFilterConfigurations': [ { 'databaseName': 'string', 'filterExpressions': [ { 'expression': 'string', 'type': 'INCLUDE'|'EXCLUDE' }, ], 'schemaName': 'string' }, ] }, 'redshiftRunConfiguration': { 'accountId': 'string', 'dataAccessRole': 'string', 'redshiftCredentialConfiguration': { 'secretManagerArn': 'string' }, 'redshiftStorage': { 'redshiftClusterSource': { 'clusterName': 'string' }, 'redshiftServerlessSource': { 'workgroupName': 'string' } }, 'region': 'string', 'relationalFilterConfigurations': [ { 'databaseName': 'string', 'filterExpressions': [ { 'expression': 'string', 'type': 'INCLUDE'|'EXCLUDE' }, ], 'schemaName': 'string' }, ] } }, 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'description': 'string', 'domainId': 'string', 'enableSetting': 'ENABLED'|'DISABLED', 'environmentId': 'string', 'errorMessage': { 'errorDetail': 'string', 'errorType': 'ACCESS_DENIED_EXCEPTION'|'CONFLICT_EXCEPTION'|'INTERNAL_SERVER_EXCEPTION'|'RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION'|'SERVICE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED_EXCEPTION'|'THROTTLING_EXCEPTION'|'VALIDATION_EXCEPTION' }, 'id': 'string', 'lastRunAssetCount': 123, 'lastRunAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'lastRunErrorMessage': { 'errorDetail': 'string', 'errorType': 'ACCESS_DENIED_EXCEPTION'|'CONFLICT_EXCEPTION'|'INTERNAL_SERVER_EXCEPTION'|'RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION'|'SERVICE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED_EXCEPTION'|'THROTTLING_EXCEPTION'|'VALIDATION_EXCEPTION' }, 'lastRunStatus': 'REQUESTED'|'RUNNING'|'FAILED'|'PARTIALLY_SUCCEEDED'|'SUCCESS', 'name': 'string', 'projectId': 'string', 'publishOnImport': True|False, 'recommendation': { 'enableBusinessNameGeneration': True|False }, 'schedule': { 'schedule': 'string', 'timezone': 'UTC'|'AFRICA_JOHANNESBURG'|'AMERICA_MONTREAL'|'AMERICA_SAO_PAULO'|'ASIA_BAHRAIN'|'ASIA_BANGKOK'|'ASIA_CALCUTTA'|'ASIA_DUBAI'|'ASIA_HONG_KONG'|'ASIA_JAKARTA'|'ASIA_KUALA_LUMPUR'|'ASIA_SEOUL'|'ASIA_SHANGHAI'|'ASIA_SINGAPORE'|'ASIA_TAIPEI'|'ASIA_TOKYO'|'AUSTRALIA_MELBOURNE'|'AUSTRALIA_SYDNEY'|'CANADA_CENTRAL'|'CET'|'CST6CDT'|'ETC_GMT'|'ETC_GMT0'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_0'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_1'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_10'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_11'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_12'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_2'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_3'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_4'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_5'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_6'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_7'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_8'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_9'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_0'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_1'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_10'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_11'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_12'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_13'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_14'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_2'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_3'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_4'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_5'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_6'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_7'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_8'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_9'|'EUROPE_DUBLIN'|'EUROPE_LONDON'|'EUROPE_PARIS'|'EUROPE_STOCKHOLM'|'EUROPE_ZURICH'|'ISRAEL'|'MEXICO_GENERAL'|'MST7MDT'|'PACIFIC_AUCKLAND'|'US_CENTRAL'|'US_EASTERN'|'US_MOUNTAIN'|'US_PACIFIC' }, 'selfGrantStatus': { 'glueSelfGrantStatus': { 'selfGrantStatusDetails': [ { 'databaseName': 'string', 'failureCause': 'string', 'schemaName': 'string', 'status': 'GRANT_PENDING'|'REVOKE_PENDING'|'GRANT_IN_PROGRESS'|'REVOKE_IN_PROGRESS'|'GRANTED'|'GRANT_FAILED'|'REVOKE_FAILED' }, ] }, 'redshiftSelfGrantStatus': { 'selfGrantStatusDetails': [ { 'databaseName': 'string', 'failureCause': 'string', 'schemaName': 'string', 'status': 'GRANT_PENDING'|'REVOKE_PENDING'|'GRANT_IN_PROGRESS'|'REVOKE_IN_PROGRESS'|'GRANTED'|'GRANT_FAILED'|'REVOKE_FAILED' }, ] } }, 'status': 'CREATING'|'FAILED_CREATION'|'READY'|'UPDATING'|'FAILED_UPDATE'|'RUNNING'|'DELETING'|'FAILED_DELETION', 'type': 'string', 'updatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }
Response Structure
(dict) --
assetFormsOutput (list) --
The metadata forms attached to the assets created by this data source.
(dict) --
The details of a metadata form.
content (string) --
The content of the metadata form.
formName (string) --
The name of the metadata form.
typeName (string) --
The name of the metadata form type.
typeRevision (string) --
The revision of the metadata form type.
configuration (dict) --
The configuration of the data source.
glueRunConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
accountId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services account ID included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
autoImportDataQualityResult (boolean) --
Specifies whether to automatically import data quality metrics as part of the data source run.
dataAccessRole (string) --
The data access role included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
region (string) --
The Amazon Web Services region included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
relationalFilterConfigurations (list) --
The relational filter configurations included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
(dict) --
The relational filter configuration for the data source.
databaseName (string) --
The database name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
filterExpressions (list) --
The filter expressions specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
(dict) --
A filter expression in Amazon DataZone.
expression (string) --
The search filter expression.
type (string) --
The search filter explresison type.
schemaName (string) --
The schema name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
redshiftRunConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration of the Amazon Redshift data source.
accountId (string) --
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.
dataAccessRole (string) --
The data access role included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.
redshiftCredentialConfiguration (dict) --
The details of the credentials required to access an Amazon Redshift cluster.
secretManagerArn (string) --
The ARN of a secret manager for an Amazon Redshift cluster.
redshiftStorage (dict) --
The details of the Amazon Redshift storage as part of the configuration of an Amazon Redshift data source run.
redshiftClusterSource (dict) --
The details of the Amazon Redshift cluster source.
clusterName (string) --
The name of an Amazon Redshift cluster.
redshiftServerlessSource (dict) --
The details of the Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup source.
workgroupName (string) --
The name of the Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup.
region (string) --
The Amazon Web Services region included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.
relationalFilterConfigurations (list) --
The relational filger configurations included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.
(dict) --
The relational filter configuration for the data source.
databaseName (string) --
The database name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
filterExpressions (list) --
The filter expressions specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
(dict) --
A filter expression in Amazon DataZone.
expression (string) --
The search filter expression.
type (string) --
The search filter explresison type.
schemaName (string) --
The schema name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
createdAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the data source was created.
description (string) --
The description of the data source.
domainId (string) --
The ID of the Amazon DataZone domain in which the data source exists.
enableSetting (string) --
Specifies whether this data source is enabled or not.
environmentId (string) --
The ID of the environment where this data source creates and publishes assets,
errorMessage (dict) --
Specifies the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
errorDetail (string) --
The details of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
errorType (string) --
The type of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
id (string) --
The ID of the data source.
lastRunAssetCount (integer) --
The number of assets created by the data source during its last run.
lastRunAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of the last run of the data source.
lastRunErrorMessage (dict) --
Specifies the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
errorDetail (string) --
The details of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
errorType (string) --
The type of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
lastRunStatus (string) --
The status of the last run of the data source.
name (string) --
The name of the data source.
projectId (string) --
The ID of the project where the data source creates and publishes assets.
publishOnImport (boolean) --
Specifies whether the assets that this data source creates in the inventory are to be also automatically published to the catalog.
recommendation (dict) --
The recommendation configuration of the data source.
enableBusinessNameGeneration (boolean) --
Specifies whether automatic business name generation is to be enabled or not as part of the recommendation configuration.
schedule (dict) --
The schedule of the data source runs.
schedule (string) --
The schedule of the data source runs.
timezone (string) --
The timezone of the data source run.
selfGrantStatus (dict) --
Specifies the status of the self-granting functionality.
glueSelfGrantStatus (dict) --
The details for the self granting status for a Glue data source.
selfGrantStatusDetails (list) --
The details for the self granting status for a Glue data source.
(dict) --
The details for the self granting status.
databaseName (string) --
The name of the database used for the data source.
failureCause (string) --
The reason for why the operation failed.
schemaName (string) --
The name of the schema used in the data source.
status (string) --
The self granting status of the data source.
redshiftSelfGrantStatus (dict) --
The details for the self granting status for an Amazon Redshift data source.
selfGrantStatusDetails (list) --
The details for the self granting status for an Amazon Redshift data source.
(dict) --
The details for the self granting status.
databaseName (string) --
The name of the database used for the data source.
failureCause (string) --
The reason for why the operation failed.
schemaName (string) --
The name of the schema used in the data source.
status (string) --
The self granting status of the data source.
status (string) --
The status of the data source.
type (string) --
The type of the data source.
updatedAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the data source was updated.
{'retainPermissionsOnRevokeFailure': 'boolean'}Response
{'retainPermissionsOnRevokeFailure': 'boolean', 'selfGrantStatus': {'glueSelfGrantStatus': {'selfGrantStatusDetails': [{'databaseName': 'string', 'failureCause': 'string', 'schemaName': 'string', 'status': 'GRANT_PENDING ' '| ' 'REVOKE_PENDING ' '| ' 'GRANT_IN_PROGRESS ' '| ' 'REVOKE_IN_PROGRESS ' '| ' 'GRANTED ' '| ' 'GRANT_FAILED ' '| ' 'REVOKE_FAILED'}]}, 'redshiftSelfGrantStatus': {'selfGrantStatusDetails': [{'databaseName': 'string', 'failureCause': 'string', 'schemaName': 'string', 'status': 'GRANT_PENDING ' '| ' 'REVOKE_PENDING ' '| ' 'GRANT_IN_PROGRESS ' '| ' 'REVOKE_IN_PROGRESS ' '| ' 'GRANTED ' '| ' 'GRANT_FAILED ' '| ' 'REVOKE_FAILED'}]}}}
Updates the specified data source in Amazon DataZone.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.update_data_source( assetFormsInput=[ { 'content': 'string', 'formName': 'string', 'typeIdentifier': 'string', 'typeRevision': 'string' }, ], configuration={ 'glueRunConfiguration': { 'autoImportDataQualityResult': True|False, 'dataAccessRole': 'string', 'relationalFilterConfigurations': [ { 'databaseName': 'string', 'filterExpressions': [ { 'expression': 'string', 'type': 'INCLUDE'|'EXCLUDE' }, ], 'schemaName': 'string' }, ] }, 'redshiftRunConfiguration': { 'dataAccessRole': 'string', 'redshiftCredentialConfiguration': { 'secretManagerArn': 'string' }, 'redshiftStorage': { 'redshiftClusterSource': { 'clusterName': 'string' }, 'redshiftServerlessSource': { 'workgroupName': 'string' } }, 'relationalFilterConfigurations': [ { 'databaseName': 'string', 'filterExpressions': [ { 'expression': 'string', 'type': 'INCLUDE'|'EXCLUDE' }, ], 'schemaName': 'string' }, ] } }, description='string', domainIdentifier='string', enableSetting='ENABLED'|'DISABLED', identifier='string', name='string', publishOnImport=True|False, recommendation={ 'enableBusinessNameGeneration': True|False }, retainPermissionsOnRevokeFailure=True|False, schedule={ 'schedule': 'string', 'timezone': 'UTC'|'AFRICA_JOHANNESBURG'|'AMERICA_MONTREAL'|'AMERICA_SAO_PAULO'|'ASIA_BAHRAIN'|'ASIA_BANGKOK'|'ASIA_CALCUTTA'|'ASIA_DUBAI'|'ASIA_HONG_KONG'|'ASIA_JAKARTA'|'ASIA_KUALA_LUMPUR'|'ASIA_SEOUL'|'ASIA_SHANGHAI'|'ASIA_SINGAPORE'|'ASIA_TAIPEI'|'ASIA_TOKYO'|'AUSTRALIA_MELBOURNE'|'AUSTRALIA_SYDNEY'|'CANADA_CENTRAL'|'CET'|'CST6CDT'|'ETC_GMT'|'ETC_GMT0'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_0'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_1'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_10'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_11'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_12'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_2'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_3'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_4'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_5'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_6'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_7'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_8'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_9'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_0'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_1'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_10'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_11'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_12'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_13'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_14'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_2'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_3'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_4'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_5'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_6'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_7'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_8'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_9'|'EUROPE_DUBLIN'|'EUROPE_LONDON'|'EUROPE_PARIS'|'EUROPE_STOCKHOLM'|'EUROPE_ZURICH'|'ISRAEL'|'MEXICO_GENERAL'|'MST7MDT'|'PACIFIC_AUCKLAND'|'US_CENTRAL'|'US_EASTERN'|'US_MOUNTAIN'|'US_PACIFIC' } )
The asset forms to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
(dict) --
The details of a metadata form.
content (string) --
The content of the metadata form.
formName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the metadata form.
typeIdentifier (string) --
The ID of the metadata form type.
typeRevision (string) --
The revision of the metadata form type.
The configuration to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
glueRunConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
autoImportDataQualityResult (boolean) --
Specifies whether to automatically import data quality metrics as part of the data source run.
dataAccessRole (string) --
The data access role included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
relationalFilterConfigurations (list) -- [REQUIRED]
The relational filter configurations included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
(dict) --
The relational filter configuration for the data source.
databaseName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The database name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
filterExpressions (list) --
The filter expressions specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
(dict) --
A filter expression in Amazon DataZone.
expression (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The search filter expression.
type (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The search filter explresison type.
schemaName (string) --
The schema name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
redshiftRunConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration of the Amazon Redshift data source.
dataAccessRole (string) --
The data access role included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.
redshiftCredentialConfiguration (dict) -- [REQUIRED]
The details of the credentials required to access an Amazon Redshift cluster.
secretManagerArn (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The ARN of a secret manager for an Amazon Redshift cluster.
redshiftStorage (dict) -- [REQUIRED]
The details of the Amazon Redshift storage as part of the configuration of an Amazon Redshift data source run.
redshiftClusterSource (dict) --
The details of the Amazon Redshift cluster source.
clusterName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of an Amazon Redshift cluster.
redshiftServerlessSource (dict) --
The details of the Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup source.
workgroupName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup.
relationalFilterConfigurations (list) -- [REQUIRED]
The relational filger configurations included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.
(dict) --
The relational filter configuration for the data source.
databaseName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The database name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
filterExpressions (list) --
The filter expressions specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
(dict) --
A filter expression in Amazon DataZone.
expression (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The search filter expression.
type (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The search filter explresison type.
schemaName (string) --
The schema name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
The description to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
The identifier of the domain in which to update a data source.
The enable setting to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
The identifier of the data source to be updated.
The name to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
The publish on import setting to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
The recommendation to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
enableBusinessNameGeneration (boolean) --
Specifies whether automatic business name generation is to be enabled or not as part of the recommendation configuration.
Specifies that the granted permissions are retained in case of a self-subscribe functionality failure for a data source.
The schedule to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
schedule (string) --
The schedule of the data source runs.
timezone (string) --
The timezone of the data source run.
Response Syntax
{ 'assetFormsOutput': [ { 'content': 'string', 'formName': 'string', 'typeName': 'string', 'typeRevision': 'string' }, ], 'configuration': { 'glueRunConfiguration': { 'accountId': 'string', 'autoImportDataQualityResult': True|False, 'dataAccessRole': 'string', 'region': 'string', 'relationalFilterConfigurations': [ { 'databaseName': 'string', 'filterExpressions': [ { 'expression': 'string', 'type': 'INCLUDE'|'EXCLUDE' }, ], 'schemaName': 'string' }, ] }, 'redshiftRunConfiguration': { 'accountId': 'string', 'dataAccessRole': 'string', 'redshiftCredentialConfiguration': { 'secretManagerArn': 'string' }, 'redshiftStorage': { 'redshiftClusterSource': { 'clusterName': 'string' }, 'redshiftServerlessSource': { 'workgroupName': 'string' } }, 'region': 'string', 'relationalFilterConfigurations': [ { 'databaseName': 'string', 'filterExpressions': [ { 'expression': 'string', 'type': 'INCLUDE'|'EXCLUDE' }, ], 'schemaName': 'string' }, ] } }, 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'description': 'string', 'domainId': 'string', 'enableSetting': 'ENABLED'|'DISABLED', 'environmentId': 'string', 'errorMessage': { 'errorDetail': 'string', 'errorType': 'ACCESS_DENIED_EXCEPTION'|'CONFLICT_EXCEPTION'|'INTERNAL_SERVER_EXCEPTION'|'RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION'|'SERVICE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED_EXCEPTION'|'THROTTLING_EXCEPTION'|'VALIDATION_EXCEPTION' }, 'id': 'string', 'lastRunAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'lastRunErrorMessage': { 'errorDetail': 'string', 'errorType': 'ACCESS_DENIED_EXCEPTION'|'CONFLICT_EXCEPTION'|'INTERNAL_SERVER_EXCEPTION'|'RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION'|'SERVICE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED_EXCEPTION'|'THROTTLING_EXCEPTION'|'VALIDATION_EXCEPTION' }, 'lastRunStatus': 'REQUESTED'|'RUNNING'|'FAILED'|'PARTIALLY_SUCCEEDED'|'SUCCESS', 'name': 'string', 'projectId': 'string', 'publishOnImport': True|False, 'recommendation': { 'enableBusinessNameGeneration': True|False }, 'retainPermissionsOnRevokeFailure': True|False, 'schedule': { 'schedule': 'string', 'timezone': 'UTC'|'AFRICA_JOHANNESBURG'|'AMERICA_MONTREAL'|'AMERICA_SAO_PAULO'|'ASIA_BAHRAIN'|'ASIA_BANGKOK'|'ASIA_CALCUTTA'|'ASIA_DUBAI'|'ASIA_HONG_KONG'|'ASIA_JAKARTA'|'ASIA_KUALA_LUMPUR'|'ASIA_SEOUL'|'ASIA_SHANGHAI'|'ASIA_SINGAPORE'|'ASIA_TAIPEI'|'ASIA_TOKYO'|'AUSTRALIA_MELBOURNE'|'AUSTRALIA_SYDNEY'|'CANADA_CENTRAL'|'CET'|'CST6CDT'|'ETC_GMT'|'ETC_GMT0'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_0'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_1'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_10'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_11'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_12'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_2'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_3'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_4'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_5'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_6'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_7'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_8'|'ETC_GMT_ADD_9'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_0'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_1'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_10'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_11'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_12'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_13'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_14'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_2'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_3'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_4'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_5'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_6'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_7'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_8'|'ETC_GMT_NEG_9'|'EUROPE_DUBLIN'|'EUROPE_LONDON'|'EUROPE_PARIS'|'EUROPE_STOCKHOLM'|'EUROPE_ZURICH'|'ISRAEL'|'MEXICO_GENERAL'|'MST7MDT'|'PACIFIC_AUCKLAND'|'US_CENTRAL'|'US_EASTERN'|'US_MOUNTAIN'|'US_PACIFIC' }, 'selfGrantStatus': { 'glueSelfGrantStatus': { 'selfGrantStatusDetails': [ { 'databaseName': 'string', 'failureCause': 'string', 'schemaName': 'string', 'status': 'GRANT_PENDING'|'REVOKE_PENDING'|'GRANT_IN_PROGRESS'|'REVOKE_IN_PROGRESS'|'GRANTED'|'GRANT_FAILED'|'REVOKE_FAILED' }, ] }, 'redshiftSelfGrantStatus': { 'selfGrantStatusDetails': [ { 'databaseName': 'string', 'failureCause': 'string', 'schemaName': 'string', 'status': 'GRANT_PENDING'|'REVOKE_PENDING'|'GRANT_IN_PROGRESS'|'REVOKE_IN_PROGRESS'|'GRANTED'|'GRANT_FAILED'|'REVOKE_FAILED' }, ] } }, 'status': 'CREATING'|'FAILED_CREATION'|'READY'|'UPDATING'|'FAILED_UPDATE'|'RUNNING'|'DELETING'|'FAILED_DELETION', 'type': 'string', 'updatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }
Response Structure
(dict) --
assetFormsOutput (list) --
The asset forms to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
(dict) --
The details of a metadata form.
content (string) --
The content of the metadata form.
formName (string) --
The name of the metadata form.
typeName (string) --
The name of the metadata form type.
typeRevision (string) --
The revision of the metadata form type.
configuration (dict) --
The configuration to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
glueRunConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
accountId (string) --
The Amazon Web Services account ID included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
autoImportDataQualityResult (boolean) --
Specifies whether to automatically import data quality metrics as part of the data source run.
dataAccessRole (string) --
The data access role included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
region (string) --
The Amazon Web Services region included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
relationalFilterConfigurations (list) --
The relational filter configurations included in the configuration details of the Amazon Web Services Glue data source.
(dict) --
The relational filter configuration for the data source.
databaseName (string) --
The database name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
filterExpressions (list) --
The filter expressions specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
(dict) --
A filter expression in Amazon DataZone.
expression (string) --
The search filter expression.
type (string) --
The search filter explresison type.
schemaName (string) --
The schema name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
redshiftRunConfiguration (dict) --
The configuration of the Amazon Redshift data source.
accountId (string) --
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.
dataAccessRole (string) --
The data access role included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.
redshiftCredentialConfiguration (dict) --
The details of the credentials required to access an Amazon Redshift cluster.
secretManagerArn (string) --
The ARN of a secret manager for an Amazon Redshift cluster.
redshiftStorage (dict) --
The details of the Amazon Redshift storage as part of the configuration of an Amazon Redshift data source run.
redshiftClusterSource (dict) --
The details of the Amazon Redshift cluster source.
clusterName (string) --
The name of an Amazon Redshift cluster.
redshiftServerlessSource (dict) --
The details of the Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup source.
workgroupName (string) --
The name of the Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup.
region (string) --
The Amazon Web Services region included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.
relationalFilterConfigurations (list) --
The relational filger configurations included in the configuration details of the Amazon Redshift data source.
(dict) --
The relational filter configuration for the data source.
databaseName (string) --
The database name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
filterExpressions (list) --
The filter expressions specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
(dict) --
A filter expression in Amazon DataZone.
expression (string) --
The search filter expression.
type (string) --
The search filter explresison type.
schemaName (string) --
The schema name specified in the relational filter configuration for the data source.
createdAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the data source was updated.
description (string) --
The description to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
domainId (string) --
The identifier of the Amazon DataZone domain in which a data source is to be updated.
enableSetting (string) --
The enable setting to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
environmentId (string) --
The identifier of the environment in which a data source is to be updated.
errorMessage (dict) --
Specifies the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
errorDetail (string) --
The details of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
errorType (string) --
The type of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
id (string) --
The identifier of the data source to be updated.
lastRunAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the data source was last run.
lastRunErrorMessage (dict) --
The last run error message of the data source.
errorDetail (string) --
The details of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
errorType (string) --
The type of the error message that is returned if the operation cannot be successfully completed.
lastRunStatus (string) --
The last run status of the data source.
name (string) --
The name to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
projectId (string) --
The identifier of the project where data source is to be updated.
publishOnImport (boolean) --
The publish on import setting to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
recommendation (dict) --
The recommendation to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
enableBusinessNameGeneration (boolean) --
Specifies whether automatic business name generation is to be enabled or not as part of the recommendation configuration.
retainPermissionsOnRevokeFailure (boolean) --
Specifies that the granted permissions are retained in case of a self-subscribe functionality failure for a data source.
schedule (dict) --
The schedule to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
schedule (string) --
The schedule of the data source runs.
timezone (string) --
The timezone of the data source run.
selfGrantStatus (dict) --
Specifies the status of the self-granting functionality.
glueSelfGrantStatus (dict) --
The details for the self granting status for a Glue data source.
selfGrantStatusDetails (list) --
The details for the self granting status for a Glue data source.
(dict) --
The details for the self granting status.
databaseName (string) --
The name of the database used for the data source.
failureCause (string) --
The reason for why the operation failed.
schemaName (string) --
The name of the schema used in the data source.
status (string) --
The self granting status of the data source.
redshiftSelfGrantStatus (dict) --
The details for the self granting status for an Amazon Redshift data source.
selfGrantStatusDetails (list) --
The details for the self granting status for an Amazon Redshift data source.
(dict) --
The details for the self granting status.
databaseName (string) --
The name of the database used for the data source.
failureCause (string) --
The reason for why the operation failed.
schemaName (string) --
The name of the schema used in the data source.
status (string) --
The self granting status of the data source.
status (string) --
The status to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
type (string) --
The type to be updated as part of the UpdateDataSource action.
updatedAt (datetime) --
The timestamp of when the data source was updated.