AWS Glue

2020/05/15 - AWS Glue - 1 new 9 updated api methods

Changes  Update glue client to latest version

StopWorkflowRun (new) Link ¶

Stops the execution of the specified workflow run.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type Name


param Name


The name of the workflow to stop.

type RunId


param RunId


The ID of the workflow run to stop.




Response Syntax


Response Structure

  • (dict) --

BatchGetTriggers (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'Triggers': {'Predicate': {'Conditions': {'CrawlState': {'CANCELLING'}}}}}

Returns a list of resource metadata for a given list of trigger names. After calling the ListTriggers operation, you can call this operation to access the data to which you have been granted permissions. This operation supports all IAM permissions, including permission conditions that uses tags.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type TriggerNames


param TriggerNames


A list of trigger names, which may be the names returned from the ListTriggers operation.

  • (string) --




Response Syntax

    'Triggers': [
            'Name': 'string',
            'WorkflowName': 'string',
            'Id': 'string',
            'Type': 'SCHEDULED'|'CONDITIONAL'|'ON_DEMAND',
            'Description': 'string',
            'Schedule': 'string',
            'Actions': [
                    'JobName': 'string',
                    'Arguments': {
                        'string': 'string'
                    'Timeout': 123,
                    'SecurityConfiguration': 'string',
                    'NotificationProperty': {
                        'NotifyDelayAfter': 123
                    'CrawlerName': 'string'
            'Predicate': {
                'Logical': 'AND'|'ANY',
                'Conditions': [
                        'LogicalOperator': 'EQUALS',
                        'JobName': 'string',
                        'State': 'STARTING'|'RUNNING'|'STOPPING'|'STOPPED'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED'|'TIMEOUT',
                        'CrawlerName': 'string',
                        'CrawlState': 'RUNNING'|'CANCELLING'|'CANCELLED'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED'
    'TriggersNotFound': [

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • Triggers (list) --

      A list of trigger definitions.

      • (dict) --

        Information about a specific trigger.

        • Name (string) --

          The name of the trigger.

        • WorkflowName (string) --

          The name of the workflow associated with the trigger.

        • Id (string) --

          Reserved for future use.

        • Type (string) --

          The type of trigger that this is.

        • State (string) --

          The current state of the trigger.

        • Description (string) --

          A description of this trigger.

        • Schedule (string) --

          A cron expression used to specify the schedule (see Time-Based Schedules for Jobs and Crawlers. For example, to run something every day at 12:15 UTC, you would specify: cron(15 12 * * ? *) .

        • Actions (list) --

          The actions initiated by this trigger.

          • (dict) --

            Defines an action to be initiated by a trigger.

            • JobName (string) --

              The name of a job to be executed.

            • Arguments (dict) --

              The job arguments used when this trigger fires. For this job run, they replace the default arguments set in the job definition itself.

              You can specify arguments here that your own job-execution script consumes, as well as arguments that AWS Glue itself consumes.

              For information about how to specify and consume your own Job arguments, see the Calling AWS Glue APIs in Python topic in the developer guide.

              For information about the key-value pairs that AWS Glue consumes to set up your job, see the Special Parameters Used by AWS Glue topic in the developer guide.

              • (string) --

                • (string) --

            • Timeout (integer) --

              The JobRun timeout in minutes. This is the maximum time that a job run can consume resources before it is terminated and enters TIMEOUT status. The default is 2,880 minutes (48 hours). This overrides the timeout value set in the parent job.

            • SecurityConfiguration (string) --

              The name of the SecurityConfiguration structure to be used with this action.

            • NotificationProperty (dict) --

              Specifies configuration properties of a job run notification.

              • NotifyDelayAfter (integer) --

                After a job run starts, the number of minutes to wait before sending a job run delay notification.

            • CrawlerName (string) --

              The name of the crawler to be used with this action.

        • Predicate (dict) --

          The predicate of this trigger, which defines when it will fire.

          • Logical (string) --

            An optional field if only one condition is listed. If multiple conditions are listed, then this field is required.

          • Conditions (list) --

            A list of the conditions that determine when the trigger will fire.

            • (dict) --

              Defines a condition under which a trigger fires.

              • LogicalOperator (string) --

                A logical operator.

              • JobName (string) --

                The name of the job whose JobRuns this condition applies to, and on which this trigger waits.

              • State (string) --

                The condition state. Currently, the only job states that a trigger can listen for are SUCCEEDED , STOPPED , FAILED , and TIMEOUT . The only crawler states that a trigger can listen for are SUCCEEDED , FAILED , and CANCELLED .

              • CrawlerName (string) --

                The name of the crawler to which this condition applies.

              • CrawlState (string) --

                The state of the crawler to which this condition applies.

    • TriggersNotFound (list) --

      A list of names of triggers not found.

      • (string) --

BatchGetWorkflows (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'Workflows': {'Graph': {'Nodes': {'CrawlerDetails': {'Crawls': {'State': {'CANCELLING'}}},
                                   'TriggerDetails': {'Trigger': {'Predicate': {'Conditions': {'CrawlState': {'CANCELLING'}}}}}}},
               'LastRun': {'Graph': {'Nodes': {'CrawlerDetails': {'Crawls': {'State': {'CANCELLING'}}},
                                               'TriggerDetails': {'Trigger': {'Predicate': {'Conditions': {'CrawlState': {'CANCELLING'}}}}}}},
                           'Status': {'STOPPING', 'STOPPED'}}}}

Returns a list of resource metadata for a given list of workflow names. After calling the ListWorkflows operation, you can call this operation to access the data to which you have been granted permissions. This operation supports all IAM permissions, including permission conditions that uses tags.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type Names


param Names


A list of workflow names, which may be the names returned from the ListWorkflows operation.

  • (string) --

type IncludeGraph


param IncludeGraph

Specifies whether to include a graph when returning the workflow resource metadata.




Response Syntax

    'Workflows': [
            'Name': 'string',
            'Description': 'string',
            'DefaultRunProperties': {
                'string': 'string'
            'CreatedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'LastModifiedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'LastRun': {
                'Name': 'string',
                'WorkflowRunId': 'string',
                'WorkflowRunProperties': {
                    'string': 'string'
                'StartedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                'CompletedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                'Status': 'RUNNING'|'COMPLETED'|'STOPPING'|'STOPPED',
                'Statistics': {
                    'TotalActions': 123,
                    'TimeoutActions': 123,
                    'FailedActions': 123,
                    'StoppedActions': 123,
                    'SucceededActions': 123,
                    'RunningActions': 123
                'Graph': {
                    'Nodes': [
                            'Type': 'CRAWLER'|'JOB'|'TRIGGER',
                            'Name': 'string',
                            'UniqueId': 'string',
                            'TriggerDetails': {
                                'Trigger': {
                                    'Name': 'string',
                                    'WorkflowName': 'string',
                                    'Id': 'string',
                                    'Type': 'SCHEDULED'|'CONDITIONAL'|'ON_DEMAND',
                                    'Description': 'string',
                                    'Schedule': 'string',
                                    'Actions': [
                                            'JobName': 'string',
                                            'Arguments': {
                                                'string': 'string'
                                            'Timeout': 123,
                                            'SecurityConfiguration': 'string',
                                            'NotificationProperty': {
                                                'NotifyDelayAfter': 123
                                            'CrawlerName': 'string'
                                    'Predicate': {
                                        'Logical': 'AND'|'ANY',
                                        'Conditions': [
                                                'LogicalOperator': 'EQUALS',
                                                'JobName': 'string',
                                                'State': 'STARTING'|'RUNNING'|'STOPPING'|'STOPPED'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED'|'TIMEOUT',
                                                'CrawlerName': 'string',
                                                'CrawlState': 'RUNNING'|'CANCELLING'|'CANCELLED'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED'
                            'JobDetails': {
                                'JobRuns': [
                                        'Id': 'string',
                                        'Attempt': 123,
                                        'PreviousRunId': 'string',
                                        'TriggerName': 'string',
                                        'JobName': 'string',
                                        'StartedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                                        'LastModifiedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                                        'CompletedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                                        'JobRunState': 'STARTING'|'RUNNING'|'STOPPING'|'STOPPED'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED'|'TIMEOUT',
                                        'Arguments': {
                                            'string': 'string'
                                        'ErrorMessage': 'string',
                                        'PredecessorRuns': [
                                                'JobName': 'string',
                                                'RunId': 'string'
                                        'AllocatedCapacity': 123,
                                        'ExecutionTime': 123,
                                        'Timeout': 123,
                                        'MaxCapacity': 123.0,
                                        'WorkerType': 'Standard'|'G.1X'|'G.2X',
                                        'NumberOfWorkers': 123,
                                        'SecurityConfiguration': 'string',
                                        'LogGroupName': 'string',
                                        'NotificationProperty': {
                                            'NotifyDelayAfter': 123
                                        'GlueVersion': 'string'
                            'CrawlerDetails': {
                                'Crawls': [
                                        'State': 'RUNNING'|'CANCELLING'|'CANCELLED'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED',
                                        'StartedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                                        'CompletedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                                        'ErrorMessage': 'string',
                                        'LogGroup': 'string',
                                        'LogStream': 'string'
                    'Edges': [
                            'SourceId': 'string',
                            'DestinationId': 'string'
            'Graph': {
                'Nodes': [
                        'Type': 'CRAWLER'|'JOB'|'TRIGGER',
                        'Name': 'string',
                        'UniqueId': 'string',
                        'TriggerDetails': {
                            'Trigger': {
                                'Name': 'string',
                                'WorkflowName': 'string',
                                'Id': 'string',
                                'Type': 'SCHEDULED'|'CONDITIONAL'|'ON_DEMAND',
                                'Description': 'string',
                                'Schedule': 'string',
                                'Actions': [
                                        'JobName': 'string',
                                        'Arguments': {
                                            'string': 'string'
                                        'Timeout': 123,
                                        'SecurityConfiguration': 'string',
                                        'NotificationProperty': {
                                            'NotifyDelayAfter': 123
                                        'CrawlerName': 'string'
                                'Predicate': {
                                    'Logical': 'AND'|'ANY',
                                    'Conditions': [
                                            'LogicalOperator': 'EQUALS',
                                            'JobName': 'string',
                                            'State': 'STARTING'|'RUNNING'|'STOPPING'|'STOPPED'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED'|'TIMEOUT',
                                            'CrawlerName': 'string',
                                            'CrawlState': 'RUNNING'|'CANCELLING'|'CANCELLED'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED'
                        'JobDetails': {
                            'JobRuns': [
                                    'Id': 'string',
                                    'Attempt': 123,
                                    'PreviousRunId': 'string',
                                    'TriggerName': 'string',
                                    'JobName': 'string',
                                    'StartedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                                    'LastModifiedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                                    'CompletedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                                    'JobRunState': 'STARTING'|'RUNNING'|'STOPPING'|'STOPPED'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED'|'TIMEOUT',
                                    'Arguments': {
                                        'string': 'string'
                                    'ErrorMessage': 'string',
                                    'PredecessorRuns': [
                                            'JobName': 'string',
                                            'RunId': 'string'
                                    'AllocatedCapacity': 123,
                                    'ExecutionTime': 123,
                                    'Timeout': 123,
                                    'MaxCapacity': 123.0,
                                    'WorkerType': 'Standard'|'G.1X'|'G.2X',
                                    'NumberOfWorkers': 123,
                                    'SecurityConfiguration': 'string',
                                    'LogGroupName': 'string',
                                    'NotificationProperty': {
                                        'NotifyDelayAfter': 123
                                    'GlueVersion': 'string'
                        'CrawlerDetails': {
                            'Crawls': [
                                    'State': 'RUNNING'|'CANCELLING'|'CANCELLED'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED',
                                    'StartedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                                    'CompletedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                                    'ErrorMessage': 'string',
                                    'LogGroup': 'string',
                                    'LogStream': 'string'
                'Edges': [
                        'SourceId': 'string',
                        'DestinationId': 'string'
    'MissingWorkflows': [

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • Workflows (list) --

      A list of workflow resource metadata.

      • (dict) --

        A workflow represents a flow in which AWS Glue components should be executed to complete a logical task.

        • Name (string) --

          The name of the workflow representing the flow.

        • Description (string) --

          A description of the workflow.

        • DefaultRunProperties (dict) --

          A collection of properties to be used as part of each execution of the workflow.

          • (string) --

            • (string) --

        • CreatedOn (datetime) --

          The date and time when the workflow was created.

        • LastModifiedOn (datetime) --

          The date and time when the workflow was last modified.

        • LastRun (dict) --

          The information about the last execution of the workflow.

          • Name (string) --

            Name of the workflow which was executed.

          • WorkflowRunId (string) --

            The ID of this workflow run.

          • WorkflowRunProperties (dict) --

            The workflow run properties which were set during the run.

            • (string) --

              • (string) --

          • StartedOn (datetime) --

            The date and time when the workflow run was started.

          • CompletedOn (datetime) --

            The date and time when the workflow run completed.

          • Status (string) --

            The status of the workflow run.

          • Statistics (dict) --

            The statistics of the run.

            • TotalActions (integer) --

              Total number of Actions in the workflow run.

            • TimeoutActions (integer) --

              Total number of Actions which timed out.

            • FailedActions (integer) --

              Total number of Actions which have failed.

            • StoppedActions (integer) --

              Total number of Actions which have stopped.

            • SucceededActions (integer) --

              Total number of Actions which have succeeded.

            • RunningActions (integer) --

              Total number Actions in running state.

          • Graph (dict) --

            The graph representing all the AWS Glue components that belong to the workflow as nodes and directed connections between them as edges.

            • Nodes (list) --

              A list of the the AWS Glue components belong to the workflow represented as nodes.

              • (dict) --

                A node represents an AWS Glue component like Trigger, Job etc. which is part of a workflow.

                • Type (string) --

                  The type of AWS Glue component represented by the node.

                • Name (string) --

                  The name of the AWS Glue component represented by the node.

                • UniqueId (string) --

                  The unique Id assigned to the node within the workflow.

                • TriggerDetails (dict) --

                  Details of the Trigger when the node represents a Trigger.

                  • Trigger (dict) --

                    The information of the trigger represented by the trigger node.

                    • Name (string) --

                      The name of the trigger.

                    • WorkflowName (string) --

                      The name of the workflow associated with the trigger.

                    • Id (string) --

                      Reserved for future use.

                    • Type (string) --

                      The type of trigger that this is.

                    • State (string) --

                      The current state of the trigger.

                    • Description (string) --

                      A description of this trigger.

                    • Schedule (string) --

                      A cron expression used to specify the schedule (see Time-Based Schedules for Jobs and Crawlers. For example, to run something every day at 12:15 UTC, you would specify: cron(15 12 * * ? *) .

                    • Actions (list) --

                      The actions initiated by this trigger.

                      • (dict) --

                        Defines an action to be initiated by a trigger.

                        • JobName (string) --

                          The name of a job to be executed.

                        • Arguments (dict) --

                          The job arguments used when this trigger fires. For this job run, they replace the default arguments set in the job definition itself.

                          You can specify arguments here that your own job-execution script consumes, as well as arguments that AWS Glue itself consumes.

                          For information about how to specify and consume your own Job arguments, see the Calling AWS Glue APIs in Python topic in the developer guide.

                          For information about the key-value pairs that AWS Glue consumes to set up your job, see the Special Parameters Used by AWS Glue topic in the developer guide.

                          • (string) --

                            • (string) --

                        • Timeout (integer) --

                          The JobRun timeout in minutes. This is the maximum time that a job run can consume resources before it is terminated and enters TIMEOUT status. The default is 2,880 minutes (48 hours). This overrides the timeout value set in the parent job.

                        • SecurityConfiguration (string) --

                          The name of the SecurityConfiguration structure to be used with this action.

                        • NotificationProperty (dict) --

                          Specifies configuration properties of a job run notification.

                          • NotifyDelayAfter (integer) --

                            After a job run starts, the number of minutes to wait before sending a job run delay notification.

                        • CrawlerName (string) --

                          The name of the crawler to be used with this action.

                    • Predicate (dict) --

                      The predicate of this trigger, which defines when it will fire.

                      • Logical (string) --

                        An optional field if only one condition is listed. If multiple conditions are listed, then this field is required.

                      • Conditions (list) --

                        A list of the conditions that determine when the trigger will fire.

                        • (dict) --

                          Defines a condition under which a trigger fires.

                          • LogicalOperator (string) --

                            A logical operator.

                          • JobName (string) --

                            The name of the job whose JobRuns this condition applies to, and on which this trigger waits.

                          • State (string) --

                            The condition state. Currently, the only job states that a trigger can listen for are SUCCEEDED , STOPPED , FAILED , and TIMEOUT . The only crawler states that a trigger can listen for are SUCCEEDED , FAILED , and CANCELLED .

                          • CrawlerName (string) --

                            The name of the crawler to which this condition applies.

                          • CrawlState (string) --

                            The state of the crawler to which this condition applies.

                • JobDetails (dict) --

                  Details of the Job when the node represents a Job.

                  • JobRuns (list) --

                    The information for the job runs represented by the job node.

                    • (dict) --

                      Contains information about a job run.

                      • Id (string) --

                        The ID of this job run.

                      • Attempt (integer) --

                        The number of the attempt to run this job.

                      • PreviousRunId (string) --

                        The ID of the previous run of this job. For example, the JobRunId specified in the StartJobRun action.

                      • TriggerName (string) --

                        The name of the trigger that started this job run.

                      • JobName (string) --

                        The name of the job definition being used in this run.

                      • StartedOn (datetime) --

                        The date and time at which this job run was started.

                      • LastModifiedOn (datetime) --

                        The last time that this job run was modified.

                      • CompletedOn (datetime) --

                        The date and time that this job run completed.

                      • JobRunState (string) --

                        The current state of the job run. For more information about the statuses of jobs that have terminated abnormally, see AWS Glue Job Run Statuses.

                      • Arguments (dict) --

                        The job arguments associated with this run. For this job run, they replace the default arguments set in the job definition itself.

                        You can specify arguments here that your own job-execution script consumes, as well as arguments that AWS Glue itself consumes.

                        For information about how to specify and consume your own job arguments, see the Calling AWS Glue APIs in Python topic in the developer guide.

                        For information about the key-value pairs that AWS Glue consumes to set up your job, see the Special Parameters Used by AWS Glue topic in the developer guide.

                        • (string) --

                          • (string) --

                      • ErrorMessage (string) --

                        An error message associated with this job run.

                      • PredecessorRuns (list) --

                        A list of predecessors to this job run.

                        • (dict) --

                          A job run that was used in the predicate of a conditional trigger that triggered this job run.

                          • JobName (string) --

                            The name of the job definition used by the predecessor job run.

                          • RunId (string) --

                            The job-run ID of the predecessor job run.

                      • AllocatedCapacity (integer) --

                        This field is deprecated. Use MaxCapacity instead.

                        The number of AWS Glue data processing units (DPUs) allocated to this JobRun. From 2 to 100 DPUs can be allocated; the default is 10. A DPU is a relative measure of processing power that consists of 4 vCPUs of compute capacity and 16 GB of memory. For more information, see the AWS Glue pricing page.

                      • ExecutionTime (integer) --

                        The amount of time (in seconds) that the job run consumed resources.

                      • Timeout (integer) --

                        The JobRun timeout in minutes. This is the maximum time that a job run can consume resources before it is terminated and enters TIMEOUT status. The default is 2,880 minutes (48 hours). This overrides the timeout value set in the parent job.

                      • MaxCapacity (float) --

                        The number of AWS Glue data processing units (DPUs) that can be allocated when this job runs. A DPU is a relative measure of processing power that consists of 4 vCPUs of compute capacity and 16 GB of memory. For more information, see the AWS Glue pricing page.

                        Do not set Max Capacity if using WorkerType and NumberOfWorkers .

                        The value that can be allocated for MaxCapacity depends on whether you are running a Python shell job or an Apache Spark ETL job:

                        • When you specify a Python shell job ( JobCommand.Name ="pythonshell"), you can allocate either 0.0625 or 1 DPU. The default is 0.0625 DPU.

                        • When you specify an Apache Spark ETL job ( JobCommand.Name ="glueetl"), you can allocate from 2 to 100 DPUs. The default is 10 DPUs. This job type cannot have a fractional DPU allocation.

                      • WorkerType (string) --

                        The type of predefined worker that is allocated when a job runs. Accepts a value of Standard, G.1X, or G.2X.

                        • For the Standard worker type, each worker provides 4 vCPU, 16 GB of memory and a 50GB disk, and 2 executors per worker.

                        • For the G.1X worker type, each worker provides 4 vCPU, 16 GB of memory and a 64GB disk, and 1 executor per worker.

                        • For the G.2X worker type, each worker provides 8 vCPU, 32 GB of memory and a 128GB disk, and 1 executor per worker.

                      • NumberOfWorkers (integer) --

                        The number of workers of a defined workerType that are allocated when a job runs.

                        The maximum number of workers you can define are 299 for G.1X , and 149 for G.2X .

                      • SecurityConfiguration (string) --

                        The name of the SecurityConfiguration structure to be used with this job run.

                      • LogGroupName (string) --

                        The name of the log group for secure logging that can be server-side encrypted in Amazon CloudWatch using AWS KMS. This name can be /aws-glue/jobs/ , in which case the default encryption is NONE . If you add a role name and SecurityConfiguration name (in other words, /aws-glue/jobs-yourRoleName-yourSecurityConfigurationName/ ), then that security configuration is used to encrypt the log group.

                      • NotificationProperty (dict) --

                        Specifies configuration properties of a job run notification.

                        • NotifyDelayAfter (integer) --

                          After a job run starts, the number of minutes to wait before sending a job run delay notification.

                      • GlueVersion (string) --

                        Glue version determines the versions of Apache Spark and Python that AWS Glue supports. The Python version indicates the version supported for jobs of type Spark.

                        For more information about the available AWS Glue versions and corresponding Spark and Python versions, see Glue version in the developer guide.

                        Jobs that are created without specifying a Glue version default to Glue 0.9.

                • CrawlerDetails (dict) --

                  Details of the crawler when the node represents a crawler.

                  • Crawls (list) --

                    A list of crawls represented by the crawl node.

                    • (dict) --

                      The details of a crawl in the workflow.

                      • State (string) --

                        The state of the crawler.

                      • StartedOn (datetime) --

                        The date and time on which the crawl started.

                      • CompletedOn (datetime) --

                        The date and time on which the crawl completed.

                      • ErrorMessage (string) --

                        The error message associated with the crawl.

                      • LogGroup (string) --

                        The log group associated with the crawl.

                      • LogStream (string) --

                        The log stream associated with the crawl.

            • Edges (list) --

              A list of all the directed connections between the nodes belonging to the workflow.

              • (dict) --

                An edge represents a directed connection between two AWS Glue components which are part of the workflow the edge belongs to.

                • SourceId (string) --

                  The unique of the node within the workflow where the edge starts.

                • DestinationId (string) --

                  The unique of the node within the workflow where the edge ends.

        • Graph (dict) --

          The graph representing all the AWS Glue components that belong to the workflow as nodes and directed connections between them as edges.

          • Nodes (list) --

            A list of the the AWS Glue components belong to the workflow represented as nodes.

            • (dict) --

              A node represents an AWS Glue component like Trigger, Job etc. which is part of a workflow.

              • Type (string) --

                The type of AWS Glue component represented by the node.

              • Name (string) --

                The name of the AWS Glue component represented by the node.

              • UniqueId (string) --

                The unique Id assigned to the node within the workflow.

              • TriggerDetails (dict) --

                Details of the Trigger when the node represents a Trigger.

                • Trigger (dict) --

                  The information of the trigger represented by the trigger node.

                  • Name (string) --

                    The name of the trigger.

                  • WorkflowName (string) --

                    The name of the workflow associated with the trigger.

                  • Id (string) --

                    Reserved for future use.

                  • Type (string) --

                    The type of trigger that this is.

                  • State (string) --

                    The current state of the trigger.

                  • Description (string) --

                    A description of this trigger.

                  • Schedule (string) --

                    A cron expression used to specify the schedule (see Time-Based Schedules for Jobs and Crawlers. For example, to run something every day at 12:15 UTC, you would specify: cron(15 12 * * ? *) .

                  • Actions (list) --

                    The actions initiated by this trigger.

                    • (dict) --

                      Defines an action to be initiated by a trigger.

                      • JobName (string) --

                        The name of a job to be executed.

                      • Arguments (dict) --

                        The job arguments used when this trigger fires. For this job run, they replace the default arguments set in the job definition itself.

                        You can specify arguments here that your own job-execution script consumes, as well as arguments that AWS Glue itself consumes.

                        For information about how to specify and consume your own Job arguments, see the Calling AWS Glue APIs in Python topic in the developer guide.

                        For information about the key-value pairs that AWS Glue consumes to set up your job, see the Special Parameters Used by AWS Glue topic in the developer guide.

                        • (string) --

                          • (string) --

                      • Timeout (integer) --

                        The JobRun timeout in minutes. This is the maximum time that a job run can consume resources before it is terminated and enters TIMEOUT status. The default is 2,880 minutes (48 hours). This overrides the timeout value set in the parent job.

                      • SecurityConfiguration (string) --

                        The name of the SecurityConfiguration structure to be used with this action.

                      • NotificationProperty (dict) --

                        Specifies configuration properties of a job run notification.

                        • NotifyDelayAfter (integer) --

                          After a job run starts, the number of minutes to wait before sending a job run delay notification.

                      • CrawlerName (string) --

                        The name of the crawler to be used with this action.

                  • Predicate (dict) --

                    The predicate of this trigger, which defines when it will fire.

                    • Logical (string) --

                      An optional field if only one condition is listed. If multiple conditions are listed, then this field is required.

                    • Conditions (list) --

                      A list of the conditions that determine when the trigger will fire.

                      • (dict) --

                        Defines a condition under which a trigger fires.

                        • LogicalOperator (string) --

                          A logical operator.

                        • JobName (string) --

                          The name of the job whose JobRuns this condition applies to, and on which this trigger waits.

                        • State (string) --

                          The condition state. Currently, the only job states that a trigger can listen for are SUCCEEDED , STOPPED , FAILED , and TIMEOUT . The only crawler states that a trigger can listen for are SUCCEEDED , FAILED , and CANCELLED .

                        • CrawlerName (string) --

                          The name of the crawler to which this condition applies.

                        • CrawlState (string) --

                          The state of the crawler to which this condition applies.

              • JobDetails (dict) --

                Details of the Job when the node represents a Job.

                • JobRuns (list) --

                  The information for the job runs represented by the job node.

                  • (dict) --

                    Contains information about a job run.

                    • Id (string) --

                      The ID of this job run.

                    • Attempt (integer) --

                      The number of the attempt to run this job.

                    • PreviousRunId (string) --

                      The ID of the previous run of this job. For example, the JobRunId specified in the StartJobRun action.

                    • TriggerName (string) --

                      The name of the trigger that started this job run.

                    • JobName (string) --

                      The name of the job definition being used in this run.

                    • StartedOn (datetime) --

                      The date and time at which this job run was started.

                    • LastModifiedOn (datetime) --

                      The last time that this job run was modified.

                    • CompletedOn (datetime) --

                      The date and time that this job run completed.

                    • JobRunState (string) --

                      The current state of the job run. For more information about the statuses of jobs that have terminated abnormally, see AWS Glue Job Run Statuses.

                    • Arguments (dict) --

                      The job arguments associated with this run. For this job run, they replace the default arguments set in the job definition itself.

                      You can specify arguments here that your own job-execution script consumes, as well as arguments that AWS Glue itself consumes.

                      For information about how to specify and consume your own job arguments, see the Calling AWS Glue APIs in Python topic in the developer guide.

                      For information about the key-value pairs that AWS Glue consumes to set up your job, see the Special Parameters Used by AWS Glue topic in the developer guide.

                      • (string) --

                        • (string) --

                    • ErrorMessage (string) --

                      An error message associated with this job run.

                    • PredecessorRuns (list) --

                      A list of predecessors to this job run.

                      • (dict) --

                        A job run that was used in the predicate of a conditional trigger that triggered this job run.

                        • JobName (string) --

                          The name of the job definition used by the predecessor job run.

                        • RunId (string) --

                          The job-run ID of the predecessor job run.

                    • AllocatedCapacity (integer) --

                      This field is deprecated. Use MaxCapacity instead.

                      The number of AWS Glue data processing units (DPUs) allocated to this JobRun. From 2 to 100 DPUs can be allocated; the default is 10. A DPU is a relative measure of processing power that consists of 4 vCPUs of compute capacity and 16 GB of memory. For more information, see the AWS Glue pricing page.

                    • ExecutionTime (integer) --

                      The amount of time (in seconds) that the job run consumed resources.

                    • Timeout (integer) --

                      The JobRun timeout in minutes. This is the maximum time that a job run can consume resources before it is terminated and enters TIMEOUT status. The default is 2,880 minutes (48 hours). This overrides the timeout value set in the parent job.

                    • MaxCapacity (float) --

                      The number of AWS Glue data processing units (DPUs) that can be allocated when this job runs. A DPU is a relative measure of processing power that consists of 4 vCPUs of compute capacity and 16 GB of memory. For more information, see the AWS Glue pricing page.

                      Do not set Max Capacity if using WorkerType and NumberOfWorkers .

                      The value that can be allocated for MaxCapacity depends on whether you are running a Python shell job or an Apache Spark ETL job:

                      • When you specify a Python shell job ( JobCommand.Name ="pythonshell"), you can allocate either 0.0625 or 1 DPU. The default is 0.0625 DPU.

                      • When you specify an Apache Spark ETL job ( JobCommand.Name ="glueetl"), you can allocate from 2 to 100 DPUs. The default is 10 DPUs. This job type cannot have a fractional DPU allocation.

                    • WorkerType (string) --

                      The type of predefined worker that is allocated when a job runs. Accepts a value of Standard, G.1X, or G.2X.

                      • For the Standard worker type, each worker provides 4 vCPU, 16 GB of memory and a 50GB disk, and 2 executors per worker.

                      • For the G.1X worker type, each worker provides 4 vCPU, 16 GB of memory and a 64GB disk, and 1 executor per worker.

                      • For the G.2X worker type, each worker provides 8 vCPU, 32 GB of memory and a 128GB disk, and 1 executor per worker.

                    • NumberOfWorkers (integer) --

                      The number of workers of a defined workerType that are allocated when a job runs.

                      The maximum number of workers you can define are 299 for G.1X , and 149 for G.2X .

                    • SecurityConfiguration (string) --

                      The name of the SecurityConfiguration structure to be used with this job run.

                    • LogGroupName (string) --

                      The name of the log group for secure logging that can be server-side encrypted in Amazon CloudWatch using AWS KMS. This name can be /aws-glue/jobs/ , in which case the default encryption is NONE . If you add a role name and SecurityConfiguration name (in other words, /aws-glue/jobs-yourRoleName-yourSecurityConfigurationName/ ), then that security configuration is used to encrypt the log group.

                    • NotificationProperty (dict) --

                      Specifies configuration properties of a job run notification.

                      • NotifyDelayAfter (integer) --

                        After a job run starts, the number of minutes to wait before sending a job run delay notification.

                    • GlueVersion (string) --

                      Glue version determines the versions of Apache Spark and Python that AWS Glue supports. The Python version indicates the version supported for jobs of type Spark.

                      For more information about the available AWS Glue versions and corresponding Spark and Python versions, see Glue version in the developer guide.

                      Jobs that are created without specifying a Glue version default to Glue 0.9.

              • CrawlerDetails (dict) --

                Details of the crawler when the node represents a crawler.

                • Crawls (list) --

                  A list of crawls represented by the crawl node.

                  • (dict) --

                    The details of a crawl in the workflow.

                    • State (string) --

                      The state of the crawler.

                    • StartedOn (datetime) --

                      The date and time on which the crawl started.

                    • CompletedOn (datetime) --

                      The date and time on which the crawl completed.

                    • ErrorMessage (string) --

                      The error message associated with the crawl.

                    • LogGroup (string) --

                      The log group associated with the crawl.

                    • LogStream (string) --

                      The log stream associated with the crawl.

          • Edges (list) --

            A list of all the directed connections between the nodes belonging to the workflow.

            • (dict) --

              An edge represents a directed connection between two AWS Glue components which are part of the workflow the edge belongs to.

              • SourceId (string) --

                The unique of the node within the workflow where the edge starts.

              • DestinationId (string) --

                The unique of the node within the workflow where the edge ends.

    • MissingWorkflows (list) --

      A list of names of workflows not found.

      • (string) --

CreateTrigger (updated) Link ¶
Changes (request)
{'Predicate': {'Conditions': {'CrawlState': {'CANCELLING'}}}}

Creates a new trigger.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'Logical': 'AND'|'ANY',
        'Conditions': [
                'LogicalOperator': 'EQUALS',
                'JobName': 'string',
                'CrawlerName': 'string',
            'JobName': 'string',
            'Arguments': {
                'string': 'string'
            'Timeout': 123,
            'SecurityConfiguration': 'string',
            'NotificationProperty': {
                'NotifyDelayAfter': 123
            'CrawlerName': 'string'
        'string': 'string'
type Name


param Name


The name of the trigger.

type WorkflowName


param WorkflowName

The name of the workflow associated with the trigger.

type Type


param Type


The type of the new trigger.

type Schedule


param Schedule

A cron expression used to specify the schedule (see Time-Based Schedules for Jobs and Crawlers. For example, to run something every day at 12:15 UTC, you would specify: cron(15 12 * * ? *) .

This field is required when the trigger type is SCHEDULED.

type Predicate


param Predicate

A predicate to specify when the new trigger should fire.

This field is required when the trigger type is CONDITIONAL .

  • Logical (string) --

    An optional field if only one condition is listed. If multiple conditions are listed, then this field is required.

  • Conditions (list) --

    A list of the conditions that determine when the trigger will fire.

    • (dict) --

      Defines a condition under which a trigger fires.

      • LogicalOperator (string) --

        A logical operator.

      • JobName (string) --

        The name of the job whose JobRuns this condition applies to, and on which this trigger waits.

      • State (string) --

        The condition state. Currently, the only job states that a trigger can listen for are SUCCEEDED , STOPPED , FAILED , and TIMEOUT . The only crawler states that a trigger can listen for are SUCCEEDED , FAILED , and CANCELLED .

      • CrawlerName (string) --

        The name of the crawler to which this condition applies.

      • CrawlState (string) --

        The state of the crawler to which this condition applies.

type Actions


param Actions


The actions initiated by this trigger when it fires.

  • (dict) --

    Defines an action to be initiated by a trigger.

    • JobName (string) --

      The name of a job to be executed.

    • Arguments (dict) --

      The job arguments used when this trigger fires. For this job run, they replace the default arguments set in the job definition itself.

      You can specify arguments here that your own job-execution script consumes, as well as arguments that AWS Glue itself consumes.

      For information about how to specify and consume your own Job arguments, see the Calling AWS Glue APIs in Python topic in the developer guide.

      For information about the key-value pairs that AWS Glue consumes to set up your job, see the Special Parameters Used by AWS Glue topic in the developer guide.

      • (string) --

        • (string) --

    • Timeout (integer) --

      The JobRun timeout in minutes. This is the maximum time that a job run can consume resources before it is terminated and enters TIMEOUT status. The default is 2,880 minutes (48 hours). This overrides the timeout value set in the parent job.

    • SecurityConfiguration (string) --

      The name of the SecurityConfiguration structure to be used with this action.

    • NotificationProperty (dict) --

      Specifies configuration properties of a job run notification.

      • NotifyDelayAfter (integer) --

        After a job run starts, the number of minutes to wait before sending a job run delay notification.

    • CrawlerName (string) --

      The name of the crawler to be used with this action.

type Description


param Description

A description of the new trigger.

type StartOnCreation


param StartOnCreation

Set to true to start SCHEDULED and CONDITIONAL triggers when created. True is not supported for ON_DEMAND triggers.

type Tags


param Tags

The tags to use with this trigger. You may use tags to limit access to the trigger. For more information about tags in AWS Glue, see AWS Tags in AWS Glue in the developer guide.

  • (string) --

    • (string) --




Response Syntax

    'Name': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • Name (string) --

      The name of the trigger.

GetTrigger (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'Trigger': {'Predicate': {'Conditions': {'CrawlState': {'CANCELLING'}}}}}

Retrieves the definition of a trigger.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type Name


param Name


The name of the trigger to retrieve.




Response Syntax

    'Trigger': {
        'Name': 'string',
        'WorkflowName': 'string',
        'Id': 'string',
        'Description': 'string',
        'Schedule': 'string',
        'Actions': [
                'JobName': 'string',
                'Arguments': {
                    'string': 'string'
                'Timeout': 123,
                'SecurityConfiguration': 'string',
                'NotificationProperty': {
                    'NotifyDelayAfter': 123
                'CrawlerName': 'string'
        'Predicate': {
            'Logical': 'AND'|'ANY',
            'Conditions': [
                    'LogicalOperator': 'EQUALS',
                    'JobName': 'string',
                    'CrawlerName': 'string',
                    'CrawlState': 'RUNNING'|'CANCELLING'|'CANCELLED'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • Trigger (dict) --

      The requested trigger definition.

      • Name (string) --

        The name of the trigger.

      • WorkflowName (string) --

        The name of the workflow associated with the trigger.

      • Id (string) --

        Reserved for future use.

      • Type (string) --

        The type of trigger that this is.

      • State (string) --

        The current state of the trigger.

      • Description (string) --

        A description of this trigger.

      • Schedule (string) --

        A cron expression used to specify the schedule (see Time-Based Schedules for Jobs and Crawlers. For example, to run something every day at 12:15 UTC, you would specify: cron(15 12 * * ? *) .

      • Actions (list) --

        The actions initiated by this trigger.

        • (dict) --

          Defines an action to be initiated by a trigger.

          • JobName (string) --

            The name of a job to be executed.

          • Arguments (dict) --

            The job arguments used when this trigger fires. For this job run, they replace the default arguments set in the job definition itself.

            You can specify arguments here that your own job-execution script consumes, as well as arguments that AWS Glue itself consumes.

            For information about how to specify and consume your own Job arguments, see the Calling AWS Glue APIs in Python topic in the developer guide.

            For information about the key-value pairs that AWS Glue consumes to set up your job, see the Special Parameters Used by AWS Glue topic in the developer guide.

            • (string) --

              • (string) --

          • Timeout (integer) --

            The JobRun timeout in minutes. This is the maximum time that a job run can consume resources before it is terminated and enters TIMEOUT status. The default is 2,880 minutes (48 hours). This overrides the timeout value set in the parent job.

          • SecurityConfiguration (string) --

            The name of the SecurityConfiguration structure to be used with this action.

          • NotificationProperty (dict) --

            Specifies configuration properties of a job run notification.

            • NotifyDelayAfter (integer) --

              After a job run starts, the number of minutes to wait before sending a job run delay notification.

          • CrawlerName (string) --

            The name of the crawler to be used with this action.

      • Predicate (dict) --

        The predicate of this trigger, which defines when it will fire.

        • Logical (string) --

          An optional field if only one condition is listed. If multiple conditions are listed, then this field is required.

        • Conditions (list) --

          A list of the conditions that determine when the trigger will fire.

          • (dict) --

            Defines a condition under which a trigger fires.

            • LogicalOperator (string) --

              A logical operator.

            • JobName (string) --

              The name of the job whose JobRuns this condition applies to, and on which this trigger waits.

            • State (string) --

              The condition state. Currently, the only job states that a trigger can listen for are SUCCEEDED , STOPPED , FAILED , and TIMEOUT . The only crawler states that a trigger can listen for are SUCCEEDED , FAILED , and CANCELLED .

            • CrawlerName (string) --

              The name of the crawler to which this condition applies.

            • CrawlState (string) --

              The state of the crawler to which this condition applies.

GetTriggers (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'Triggers': {'Predicate': {'Conditions': {'CrawlState': {'CANCELLING'}}}}}

Gets all the triggers associated with a job.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type NextToken


param NextToken

A continuation token, if this is a continuation call.

type DependentJobName


param DependentJobName

The name of the job to retrieve triggers for. The trigger that can start this job is returned, and if there is no such trigger, all triggers are returned.

type MaxResults


param MaxResults

The maximum size of the response.




Response Syntax

    'Triggers': [
            'Name': 'string',
            'WorkflowName': 'string',
            'Id': 'string',
            'Type': 'SCHEDULED'|'CONDITIONAL'|'ON_DEMAND',
            'Description': 'string',
            'Schedule': 'string',
            'Actions': [
                    'JobName': 'string',
                    'Arguments': {
                        'string': 'string'
                    'Timeout': 123,
                    'SecurityConfiguration': 'string',
                    'NotificationProperty': {
                        'NotifyDelayAfter': 123
                    'CrawlerName': 'string'
            'Predicate': {
                'Logical': 'AND'|'ANY',
                'Conditions': [
                        'LogicalOperator': 'EQUALS',
                        'JobName': 'string',
                        'State': 'STARTING'|'RUNNING'|'STOPPING'|'STOPPED'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED'|'TIMEOUT',
                        'CrawlerName': 'string',
                        'CrawlState': 'RUNNING'|'CANCELLING'|'CANCELLED'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED'
    'NextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • Triggers (list) --

      A list of triggers for the specified job.

      • (dict) --

        Information about a specific trigger.

        • Name (string) --

          The name of the trigger.

        • WorkflowName (string) --

          The name of the workflow associated with the trigger.

        • Id (string) --

          Reserved for future use.

        • Type (string) --

          The type of trigger that this is.

        • State (string) --

          The current state of the trigger.

        • Description (string) --

          A description of this trigger.

        • Schedule (string) --

          A cron expression used to specify the schedule (see Time-Based Schedules for Jobs and Crawlers. For example, to run something every day at 12:15 UTC, you would specify: cron(15 12 * * ? *) .

        • Actions (list) --

          The actions initiated by this trigger.

          • (dict) --

            Defines an action to be initiated by a trigger.

            • JobName (string) --

              The name of a job to be executed.

            • Arguments (dict) --

              The job arguments used when this trigger fires. For this job run, they replace the default arguments set in the job definition itself.

              You can specify arguments here that your own job-execution script consumes, as well as arguments that AWS Glue itself consumes.

              For information about how to specify and consume your own Job arguments, see the Calling AWS Glue APIs in Python topic in the developer guide.

              For information about the key-value pairs that AWS Glue consumes to set up your job, see the Special Parameters Used by AWS Glue topic in the developer guide.

              • (string) --

                • (string) --

            • Timeout (integer) --

              The JobRun timeout in minutes. This is the maximum time that a job run can consume resources before it is terminated and enters TIMEOUT status. The default is 2,880 minutes (48 hours). This overrides the timeout value set in the parent job.

            • SecurityConfiguration (string) --

              The name of the SecurityConfiguration structure to be used with this action.

            • NotificationProperty (dict) --

              Specifies configuration properties of a job run notification.

              • NotifyDelayAfter (integer) --

                After a job run starts, the number of minutes to wait before sending a job run delay notification.

            • CrawlerName (string) --

              The name of the crawler to be used with this action.

        • Predicate (dict) --

          The predicate of this trigger, which defines when it will fire.

          • Logical (string) --

            An optional field if only one condition is listed. If multiple conditions are listed, then this field is required.

          • Conditions (list) --

            A list of the conditions that determine when the trigger will fire.

            • (dict) --

              Defines a condition under which a trigger fires.

              • LogicalOperator (string) --

                A logical operator.

              • JobName (string) --

                The name of the job whose JobRuns this condition applies to, and on which this trigger waits.

              • State (string) --

                The condition state. Currently, the only job states that a trigger can listen for are SUCCEEDED , STOPPED , FAILED , and TIMEOUT . The only crawler states that a trigger can listen for are SUCCEEDED , FAILED , and CANCELLED .

              • CrawlerName (string) --

                The name of the crawler to which this condition applies.

              • CrawlState (string) --

                The state of the crawler to which this condition applies.

    • NextToken (string) --

      A continuation token, if not all the requested triggers have yet been returned.

GetWorkflow (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'Workflow': {'Graph': {'Nodes': {'CrawlerDetails': {'Crawls': {'State': {'CANCELLING'}}},
                                  'TriggerDetails': {'Trigger': {'Predicate': {'Conditions': {'CrawlState': {'CANCELLING'}}}}}}},
              'LastRun': {'Graph': {'Nodes': {'CrawlerDetails': {'Crawls': {'State': {'CANCELLING'}}},
                                              'TriggerDetails': {'Trigger': {'Predicate': {'Conditions': {'CrawlState': {'CANCELLING'}}}}}}},
                          'Status': {'STOPPING', 'STOPPED'}}}}

Retrieves resource metadata for a workflow.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type Name


param Name


The name of the workflow to retrieve.

type IncludeGraph


param IncludeGraph

Specifies whether to include a graph when returning the workflow resource metadata.




Response Syntax

    'Workflow': {
        'Name': 'string',
        'Description': 'string',
        'DefaultRunProperties': {
            'string': 'string'
        'CreatedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'LastModifiedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'LastRun': {
            'Name': 'string',
            'WorkflowRunId': 'string',
            'WorkflowRunProperties': {
                'string': 'string'
            'StartedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'CompletedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'Status': 'RUNNING'|'COMPLETED'|'STOPPING'|'STOPPED',
            'Statistics': {
                'TotalActions': 123,
                'TimeoutActions': 123,
                'FailedActions': 123,
                'StoppedActions': 123,
                'SucceededActions': 123,
                'RunningActions': 123
            'Graph': {
                'Nodes': [
                        'Type': 'CRAWLER'|'JOB'|'TRIGGER',
                        'Name': 'string',
                        'UniqueId': 'string',
                        'TriggerDetails': {
                            'Trigger': {
                                'Name': 'string',
                                'WorkflowName': 'string',
                                'Id': 'string',
                                'Type': 'SCHEDULED'|'CONDITIONAL'|'ON_DEMAND',
                                'Description': 'string',
                                'Schedule': 'string',
                                'Actions': [
                                        'JobName': 'string',
                                        'Arguments': {
                                            'string': 'string'
                                        'Timeout': 123,
                                        'SecurityConfiguration': 'string',
                                        'NotificationProperty': {
                                            'NotifyDelayAfter': 123
                                        'CrawlerName': 'string'
                                'Predicate': {
                                    'Logical': 'AND'|'ANY',
                                    'Conditions': [
                                            'LogicalOperator': 'EQUALS',
                                            'JobName': 'string',
                                            'State': 'STARTING'|'RUNNING'|'STOPPING'|'STOPPED'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED'|'TIMEOUT',
                                            'CrawlerName': 'string',
                                            'CrawlState': 'RUNNING'|'CANCELLING'|'CANCELLED'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED'
                        'JobDetails': {
                            'JobRuns': [
                                    'Id': 'string',
                                    'Attempt': 123,
                                    'PreviousRunId': 'string',
                                    'TriggerName': 'string',
                                    'JobName': 'string',
                                    'StartedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                                    'LastModifiedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                                    'CompletedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                                    'JobRunState': 'STARTING'|'RUNNING'|'STOPPING'|'STOPPED'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED'|'TIMEOUT',
                                    'Arguments': {
                                        'string': 'string'
                                    'ErrorMessage': 'string',
                                    'PredecessorRuns': [
                                            'JobName': 'string',
                                            'RunId': 'string'
                                    'AllocatedCapacity': 123,
                                    'ExecutionTime': 123,
                                    'Timeout': 123,
                                    'MaxCapacity': 123.0,
                                    'WorkerType': 'Standard'|'G.1X'|'G.2X',
                                    'NumberOfWorkers': 123,
                                    'SecurityConfiguration': 'string',
                                    'LogGroupName': 'string',
                                    'NotificationProperty': {
                                        'NotifyDelayAfter': 123
                                    'GlueVersion': 'string'
                        'CrawlerDetails': {
                            'Crawls': [
                                    'State': 'RUNNING'|'CANCELLING'|'CANCELLED'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED',
                                    'StartedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                                    'CompletedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                                    'ErrorMessage': 'string',
                                    'LogGroup': 'string',
                                    'LogStream': 'string'
                'Edges': [
                        'SourceId': 'string',
                        'DestinationId': 'string'
        'Graph': {
            'Nodes': [
                    'Type': 'CRAWLER'|'JOB'|'TRIGGER',
                    'Name': 'string',
                    'UniqueId': 'string',
                    'TriggerDetails': {
                        'Trigger': {
                            'Name': 'string',
                            'WorkflowName': 'string',
                            'Id': 'string',
                            'Type': 'SCHEDULED'|'CONDITIONAL'|'ON_DEMAND',
                            'Description': 'string',
                            'Schedule': 'string',
                            'Actions': [
                                    'JobName': 'string',
                                    'Arguments': {
                                        'string': 'string'
                                    'Timeout': 123,
                                    'SecurityConfiguration': 'string',
                                    'NotificationProperty': {
                                        'NotifyDelayAfter': 123
                                    'CrawlerName': 'string'
                            'Predicate': {
                                'Logical': 'AND'|'ANY',
                                'Conditions': [
                                        'LogicalOperator': 'EQUALS',
                                        'JobName': 'string',
                                        'State': 'STARTING'|'RUNNING'|'STOPPING'|'STOPPED'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED'|'TIMEOUT',
                                        'CrawlerName': 'string',
                                        'CrawlState': 'RUNNING'|'CANCELLING'|'CANCELLED'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED'
                    'JobDetails': {
                        'JobRuns': [
                                'Id': 'string',
                                'Attempt': 123,
                                'PreviousRunId': 'string',
                                'TriggerName': 'string',
                                'JobName': 'string',
                                'StartedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                                'LastModifiedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                                'CompletedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                                'JobRunState': 'STARTING'|'RUNNING'|'STOPPING'|'STOPPED'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED'|'TIMEOUT',
                                'Arguments': {
                                    'string': 'string'
                                'ErrorMessage': 'string',
                                'PredecessorRuns': [
                                        'JobName': 'string',
                                        'RunId': 'string'
                                'AllocatedCapacity': 123,
                                'ExecutionTime': 123,
                                'Timeout': 123,
                                'MaxCapacity': 123.0,
                                'WorkerType': 'Standard'|'G.1X'|'G.2X',
                                'NumberOfWorkers': 123,
                                'SecurityConfiguration': 'string',
                                'LogGroupName': 'string',
                                'NotificationProperty': {
                                    'NotifyDelayAfter': 123
                                'GlueVersion': 'string'
                    'CrawlerDetails': {
                        'Crawls': [
                                'State': 'RUNNING'|'CANCELLING'|'CANCELLED'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED',
                                'StartedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                                'CompletedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                                'ErrorMessage': 'string',
                                'LogGroup': 'string',
                                'LogStream': 'string'
            'Edges': [
                    'SourceId': 'string',
                    'DestinationId': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • Workflow (dict) --

      The resource metadata for the workflow.

      • Name (string) --

        The name of the workflow representing the flow.

      • Description (string) --

        A description of the workflow.

      • DefaultRunProperties (dict) --

        A collection of properties to be used as part of each execution of the workflow.

        • (string) --

          • (string) --

      • CreatedOn (datetime) --

        The date and time when the workflow was created.

      • LastModifiedOn (datetime) --

        The date and time when the workflow was last modified.

      • LastRun (dict) --

        The information about the last execution of the workflow.

        • Name (string) --

          Name of the workflow which was executed.

        • WorkflowRunId (string) --

          The ID of this workflow run.

        • WorkflowRunProperties (dict) --

          The workflow run properties which were set during the run.

          • (string) --

            • (string) --

        • StartedOn (datetime) --

          The date and time when the workflow run was started.

        • CompletedOn (datetime) --

          The date and time when the workflow run completed.

        • Status (string) --

          The status of the workflow run.

        • Statistics (dict) --

          The statistics of the run.

          • TotalActions (integer) --

            Total number of Actions in the workflow run.

          • TimeoutActions (integer) --

            Total number of Actions which timed out.

          • FailedActions (integer) --

            Total number of Actions which have failed.

          • StoppedActions (integer) --

            Total number of Actions which have stopped.

          • SucceededActions (integer) --

            Total number of Actions which have succeeded.

          • RunningActions (integer) --

            Total number Actions in running state.

        • Graph (dict) --

          The graph representing all the AWS Glue components that belong to the workflow as nodes and directed connections between them as edges.

          • Nodes (list) --

            A list of the the AWS Glue components belong to the workflow represented as nodes.

            • (dict) --

              A node represents an AWS Glue component like Trigger, Job etc. which is part of a workflow.

              • Type (string) --

                The type of AWS Glue component represented by the node.

              • Name (string) --

                The name of the AWS Glue component represented by the node.

              • UniqueId (string) --

                The unique Id assigned to the node within the workflow.

              • TriggerDetails (dict) --

                Details of the Trigger when the node represents a Trigger.

                • Trigger (dict) --

                  The information of the trigger represented by the trigger node.

                  • Name (string) --

                    The name of the trigger.

                  • WorkflowName (string) --

                    The name of the workflow associated with the trigger.

                  • Id (string) --

                    Reserved for future use.

                  • Type (string) --

                    The type of trigger that this is.

                  • State (string) --

                    The current state of the trigger.

                  • Description (string) --

                    A description of this trigger.

                  • Schedule (string) --

                    A cron expression used to specify the schedule (see Time-Based Schedules for Jobs and Crawlers. For example, to run something every day at 12:15 UTC, you would specify: cron(15 12 * * ? *) .

                  • Actions (list) --

                    The actions initiated by this trigger.

                    • (dict) --

                      Defines an action to be initiated by a trigger.

                      • JobName (string) --

                        The name of a job to be executed.

                      • Arguments (dict) --

                        The job arguments used when this trigger fires. For this job run, they replace the default arguments set in the job definition itself.

                        You can specify arguments here that your own job-execution script consumes, as well as arguments that AWS Glue itself consumes.

                        For information about how to specify and consume your own Job arguments, see the Calling AWS Glue APIs in Python topic in the developer guide.

                        For information about the key-value pairs that AWS Glue consumes to set up your job, see the Special Parameters Used by AWS Glue topic in the developer guide.

                        • (string) --

                          • (string) --

                      • Timeout (integer) --

                        The JobRun timeout in minutes. This is the maximum time that a job run can consume resources before it is terminated and enters TIMEOUT status. The default is 2,880 minutes (48 hours). This overrides the timeout value set in the parent job.

                      • SecurityConfiguration (string) --

                        The name of the SecurityConfiguration structure to be used with this action.

                      • NotificationProperty (dict) --

                        Specifies configuration properties of a job run notification.

                        • NotifyDelayAfter (integer) --

                          After a job run starts, the number of minutes to wait before sending a job run delay notification.

                      • CrawlerName (string) --

                        The name of the crawler to be used with this action.

                  • Predicate (dict) --

                    The predicate of this trigger, which defines when it will fire.

                    • Logical (string) --

                      An optional field if only one condition is listed. If multiple conditions are listed, then this field is required.

                    • Conditions (list) --

                      A list of the conditions that determine when the trigger will fire.

                      • (dict) --

                        Defines a condition under which a trigger fires.

                        • LogicalOperator (string) --

                          A logical operator.

                        • JobName (string) --

                          The name of the job whose JobRuns this condition applies to, and on which this trigger waits.

                        • State (string) --

                          The condition state. Currently, the only job states that a trigger can listen for are SUCCEEDED , STOPPED , FAILED , and TIMEOUT . The only crawler states that a trigger can listen for are SUCCEEDED , FAILED , and CANCELLED .

                        • CrawlerName (string) --

                          The name of the crawler to which this condition applies.

                        • CrawlState (string) --

                          The state of the crawler to which this condition applies.

              • JobDetails (dict) --

                Details of the Job when the node represents a Job.

                • JobRuns (list) --

                  The information for the job runs represented by the job node.

                  • (dict) --

                    Contains information about a job run.

                    • Id (string) --

                      The ID of this job run.

                    • Attempt (integer) --

                      The number of the attempt to run this job.

                    • PreviousRunId (string) --

                      The ID of the previous run of this job. For example, the JobRunId specified in the StartJobRun action.

                    • TriggerName (string) --

                      The name of the trigger that started this job run.

                    • JobName (string) --

                      The name of the job definition being used in this run.

                    • StartedOn (datetime) --

                      The date and time at which this job run was started.

                    • LastModifiedOn (datetime) --

                      The last time that this job run was modified.

                    • CompletedOn (datetime) --

                      The date and time that this job run completed.

                    • JobRunState (string) --

                      The current state of the job run. For more information about the statuses of jobs that have terminated abnormally, see AWS Glue Job Run Statuses.

                    • Arguments (dict) --

                      The job arguments associated with this run. For this job run, they replace the default arguments set in the job definition itself.

                      You can specify arguments here that your own job-execution script consumes, as well as arguments that AWS Glue itself consumes.

                      For information about how to specify and consume your own job arguments, see the Calling AWS Glue APIs in Python topic in the developer guide.

                      For information about the key-value pairs that AWS Glue consumes to set up your job, see the Special Parameters Used by AWS Glue topic in the developer guide.

                      • (string) --

                        • (string) --

                    • ErrorMessage (string) --

                      An error message associated with this job run.

                    • PredecessorRuns (list) --

                      A list of predecessors to this job run.

                      • (dict) --

                        A job run that was used in the predicate of a conditional trigger that triggered this job run.

                        • JobName (string) --

                          The name of the job definition used by the predecessor job run.

                        • RunId (string) --

                          The job-run ID of the predecessor job run.

                    • AllocatedCapacity (integer) --

                      This field is deprecated. Use MaxCapacity instead.

                      The number of AWS Glue data processing units (DPUs) allocated to this JobRun. From 2 to 100 DPUs can be allocated; the default is 10. A DPU is a relative measure of processing power that consists of 4 vCPUs of compute capacity and 16 GB of memory. For more information, see the AWS Glue pricing page.

                    • ExecutionTime (integer) --

                      The amount of time (in seconds) that the job run consumed resources.

                    • Timeout (integer) --

                      The JobRun timeout in minutes. This is the maximum time that a job run can consume resources before it is terminated and enters TIMEOUT status. The default is 2,880 minutes (48 hours). This overrides the timeout value set in the parent job.

                    • MaxCapacity (float) --

                      The number of AWS Glue data processing units (DPUs) that can be allocated when this job runs. A DPU is a relative measure of processing power that consists of 4 vCPUs of compute capacity and 16 GB of memory. For more information, see the AWS Glue pricing page.

                      Do not set Max Capacity if using WorkerType and NumberOfWorkers .

                      The value that can be allocated for MaxCapacity depends on whether you are running a Python shell job or an Apache Spark ETL job:

                      • When you specify a Python shell job ( JobCommand.Name ="pythonshell"), you can allocate either 0.0625 or 1 DPU. The default is 0.0625 DPU.

                      • When you specify an Apache Spark ETL job ( JobCommand.Name ="glueetl"), you can allocate from 2 to 100 DPUs. The default is 10 DPUs. This job type cannot have a fractional DPU allocation.

                    • WorkerType (string) --

                      The type of predefined worker that is allocated when a job runs. Accepts a value of Standard, G.1X, or G.2X.

                      • For the Standard worker type, each worker provides 4 vCPU, 16 GB of memory and a 50GB disk, and 2 executors per worker.

                      • For the G.1X worker type, each worker provides 4 vCPU, 16 GB of memory and a 64GB disk, and 1 executor per worker.

                      • For the G.2X worker type, each worker provides 8 vCPU, 32 GB of memory and a 128GB disk, and 1 executor per worker.

                    • NumberOfWorkers (integer) --

                      The number of workers of a defined workerType that are allocated when a job runs.

                      The maximum number of workers you can define are 299 for G.1X , and 149 for G.2X .

                    • SecurityConfiguration (string) --

                      The name of the SecurityConfiguration structure to be used with this job run.

                    • LogGroupName (string) --

                      The name of the log group for secure logging that can be server-side encrypted in Amazon CloudWatch using AWS KMS. This name can be /aws-glue/jobs/ , in which case the default encryption is NONE . If you add a role name and SecurityConfiguration name (in other words, /aws-glue/jobs-yourRoleName-yourSecurityConfigurationName/ ), then that security configuration is used to encrypt the log group.

                    • NotificationProperty (dict) --

                      Specifies configuration properties of a job run notification.

                      • NotifyDelayAfter (integer) --

                        After a job run starts, the number of minutes to wait before sending a job run delay notification.

                    • GlueVersion (string) --

                      Glue version determines the versions of Apache Spark and Python that AWS Glue supports. The Python version indicates the version supported for jobs of type Spark.

                      For more information about the available AWS Glue versions and corresponding Spark and Python versions, see Glue version in the developer guide.

                      Jobs that are created without specifying a Glue version default to Glue 0.9.

              • CrawlerDetails (dict) --

                Details of the crawler when the node represents a crawler.

                • Crawls (list) --

                  A list of crawls represented by the crawl node.

                  • (dict) --

                    The details of a crawl in the workflow.

                    • State (string) --

                      The state of the crawler.

                    • StartedOn (datetime) --

                      The date and time on which the crawl started.

                    • CompletedOn (datetime) --

                      The date and time on which the crawl completed.

                    • ErrorMessage (string) --

                      The error message associated with the crawl.

                    • LogGroup (string) --

                      The log group associated with the crawl.

                    • LogStream (string) --

                      The log stream associated with the crawl.

          • Edges (list) --

            A list of all the directed connections between the nodes belonging to the workflow.

            • (dict) --

              An edge represents a directed connection between two AWS Glue components which are part of the workflow the edge belongs to.

              • SourceId (string) --

                The unique of the node within the workflow where the edge starts.

              • DestinationId (string) --

                The unique of the node within the workflow where the edge ends.

      • Graph (dict) --

        The graph representing all the AWS Glue components that belong to the workflow as nodes and directed connections between them as edges.

        • Nodes (list) --

          A list of the the AWS Glue components belong to the workflow represented as nodes.

          • (dict) --

            A node represents an AWS Glue component like Trigger, Job etc. which is part of a workflow.

            • Type (string) --

              The type of AWS Glue component represented by the node.

            • Name (string) --

              The name of the AWS Glue component represented by the node.

            • UniqueId (string) --

              The unique Id assigned to the node within the workflow.

            • TriggerDetails (dict) --

              Details of the Trigger when the node represents a Trigger.

              • Trigger (dict) --

                The information of the trigger represented by the trigger node.

                • Name (string) --

                  The name of the trigger.

                • WorkflowName (string) --

                  The name of the workflow associated with the trigger.

                • Id (string) --

                  Reserved for future use.

                • Type (string) --

                  The type of trigger that this is.

                • State (string) --

                  The current state of the trigger.

                • Description (string) --

                  A description of this trigger.

                • Schedule (string) --

                  A cron expression used to specify the schedule (see Time-Based Schedules for Jobs and Crawlers. For example, to run something every day at 12:15 UTC, you would specify: cron(15 12 * * ? *) .

                • Actions (list) --

                  The actions initiated by this trigger.

                  • (dict) --

                    Defines an action to be initiated by a trigger.

                    • JobName (string) --

                      The name of a job to be executed.

                    • Arguments (dict) --

                      The job arguments used when this trigger fires. For this job run, they replace the default arguments set in the job definition itself.

                      You can specify arguments here that your own job-execution script consumes, as well as arguments that AWS Glue itself consumes.

                      For information about how to specify and consume your own Job arguments, see the Calling AWS Glue APIs in Python topic in the developer guide.

                      For information about the key-value pairs that AWS Glue consumes to set up your job, see the Special Parameters Used by AWS Glue topic in the developer guide.

                      • (string) --

                        • (string) --

                    • Timeout (integer) --

                      The JobRun timeout in minutes. This is the maximum time that a job run can consume resources before it is terminated and enters TIMEOUT status. The default is 2,880 minutes (48 hours). This overrides the timeout value set in the parent job.

                    • SecurityConfiguration (string) --

                      The name of the SecurityConfiguration structure to be used with this action.

                    • NotificationProperty (dict) --

                      Specifies configuration properties of a job run notification.

                      • NotifyDelayAfter (integer) --

                        After a job run starts, the number of minutes to wait before sending a job run delay notification.

                    • CrawlerName (string) --

                      The name of the crawler to be used with this action.

                • Predicate (dict) --

                  The predicate of this trigger, which defines when it will fire.

                  • Logical (string) --

                    An optional field if only one condition is listed. If multiple conditions are listed, then this field is required.

                  • Conditions (list) --

                    A list of the conditions that determine when the trigger will fire.

                    • (dict) --

                      Defines a condition under which a trigger fires.

                      • LogicalOperator (string) --

                        A logical operator.

                      • JobName (string) --

                        The name of the job whose JobRuns this condition applies to, and on which this trigger waits.

                      • State (string) --

                        The condition state. Currently, the only job states that a trigger can listen for are SUCCEEDED , STOPPED , FAILED , and TIMEOUT . The only crawler states that a trigger can listen for are SUCCEEDED , FAILED , and CANCELLED .

                      • CrawlerName (string) --

                        The name of the crawler to which this condition applies.

                      • CrawlState (string) --

                        The state of the crawler to which this condition applies.

            • JobDetails (dict) --

              Details of the Job when the node represents a Job.

              • JobRuns (list) --

                The information for the job runs represented by the job node.

                • (dict) --

                  Contains information about a job run.

                  • Id (string) --

                    The ID of this job run.

                  • Attempt (integer) --

                    The number of the attempt to run this job.

                  • PreviousRunId (string) --

                    The ID of the previous run of this job. For example, the JobRunId specified in the StartJobRun action.

                  • TriggerName (string) --

                    The name of the trigger that started this job run.

                  • JobName (string) --

                    The name of the job definition being used in this run.

                  • StartedOn (datetime) --

                    The date and time at which this job run was started.

                  • LastModifiedOn (datetime) --

                    The last time that this job run was modified.

                  • CompletedOn (datetime) --

                    The date and time that this job run completed.

                  • JobRunState (string) --

                    The current state of the job run. For more information about the statuses of jobs that have terminated abnormally, see AWS Glue Job Run Statuses.

                  • Arguments (dict) --

                    The job arguments associated with this run. For this job run, they replace the default arguments set in the job definition itself.

                    You can specify arguments here that your own job-execution script consumes, as well as arguments that AWS Glue itself consumes.

                    For information about how to specify and consume your own job arguments, see the Calling AWS Glue APIs in Python topic in the developer guide.

                    For information about the key-value pairs that AWS Glue consumes to set up your job, see the Special Parameters Used by AWS Glue topic in the developer guide.

                    • (string) --

                      • (string) --

                  • ErrorMessage (string) --

                    An error message associated with this job run.

                  • PredecessorRuns (list) --

                    A list of predecessors to this job run.

                    • (dict) --

                      A job run that was used in the predicate of a conditional trigger that triggered this job run.

                      • JobName (string) --

                        The name of the job definition used by the predecessor job run.

                      • RunId (string) --

                        The job-run ID of the predecessor job run.

                  • AllocatedCapacity (integer) --

                    This field is deprecated. Use MaxCapacity instead.

                    The number of AWS Glue data processing units (DPUs) allocated to this JobRun. From 2 to 100 DPUs can be allocated; the default is 10. A DPU is a relative measure of processing power that consists of 4 vCPUs of compute capacity and 16 GB of memory. For more information, see the AWS Glue pricing page.

                  • ExecutionTime (integer) --

                    The amount of time (in seconds) that the job run consumed resources.

                  • Timeout (integer) --

                    The JobRun timeout in minutes. This is the maximum time that a job run can consume resources before it is terminated and enters TIMEOUT status. The default is 2,880 minutes (48 hours). This overrides the timeout value set in the parent job.

                  • MaxCapacity (float) --

                    The number of AWS Glue data processing units (DPUs) that can be allocated when this job runs. A DPU is a relative measure of processing power that consists of 4 vCPUs of compute capacity and 16 GB of memory. For more information, see the AWS Glue pricing page.

                    Do not set Max Capacity if using WorkerType and NumberOfWorkers .

                    The value that can be allocated for MaxCapacity depends on whether you are running a Python shell job or an Apache Spark ETL job:

                    • When you specify a Python shell job ( JobCommand.Name ="pythonshell"), you can allocate either 0.0625 or 1 DPU. The default is 0.0625 DPU.

                    • When you specify an Apache Spark ETL job ( JobCommand.Name ="glueetl"), you can allocate from 2 to 100 DPUs. The default is 10 DPUs. This job type cannot have a fractional DPU allocation.

                  • WorkerType (string) --

                    The type of predefined worker that is allocated when a job runs. Accepts a value of Standard, G.1X, or G.2X.

                    • For the Standard worker type, each worker provides 4 vCPU, 16 GB of memory and a 50GB disk, and 2 executors per worker.

                    • For the G.1X worker type, each worker provides 4 vCPU, 16 GB of memory and a 64GB disk, and 1 executor per worker.

                    • For the G.2X worker type, each worker provides 8 vCPU, 32 GB of memory and a 128GB disk, and 1 executor per worker.

                  • NumberOfWorkers (integer) --

                    The number of workers of a defined workerType that are allocated when a job runs.

                    The maximum number of workers you can define are 299 for G.1X , and 149 for G.2X .

                  • SecurityConfiguration (string) --

                    The name of the SecurityConfiguration structure to be used with this job run.

                  • LogGroupName (string) --

                    The name of the log group for secure logging that can be server-side encrypted in Amazon CloudWatch using AWS KMS. This name can be /aws-glue/jobs/ , in which case the default encryption is NONE . If you add a role name and SecurityConfiguration name (in other words, /aws-glue/jobs-yourRoleName-yourSecurityConfigurationName/ ), then that security configuration is used to encrypt the log group.

                  • NotificationProperty (dict) --

                    Specifies configuration properties of a job run notification.

                    • NotifyDelayAfter (integer) --

                      After a job run starts, the number of minutes to wait before sending a job run delay notification.

                  • GlueVersion (string) --

                    Glue version determines the versions of Apache Spark and Python that AWS Glue supports. The Python version indicates the version supported for jobs of type Spark.

                    For more information about the available AWS Glue versions and corresponding Spark and Python versions, see Glue version in the developer guide.

                    Jobs that are created without specifying a Glue version default to Glue 0.9.

            • CrawlerDetails (dict) --

              Details of the crawler when the node represents a crawler.

              • Crawls (list) --

                A list of crawls represented by the crawl node.

                • (dict) --

                  The details of a crawl in the workflow.

                  • State (string) --

                    The state of the crawler.

                  • StartedOn (datetime) --

                    The date and time on which the crawl started.

                  • CompletedOn (datetime) --

                    The date and time on which the crawl completed.

                  • ErrorMessage (string) --

                    The error message associated with the crawl.

                  • LogGroup (string) --

                    The log group associated with the crawl.

                  • LogStream (string) --

                    The log stream associated with the crawl.

        • Edges (list) --

          A list of all the directed connections between the nodes belonging to the workflow.

          • (dict) --

            An edge represents a directed connection between two AWS Glue components which are part of the workflow the edge belongs to.

            • SourceId (string) --

              The unique of the node within the workflow where the edge starts.

            • DestinationId (string) --

              The unique of the node within the workflow where the edge ends.

GetWorkflowRun (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'Run': {'Graph': {'Nodes': {'CrawlerDetails': {'Crawls': {'State': {'CANCELLING'}}},
                             'TriggerDetails': {'Trigger': {'Predicate': {'Conditions': {'CrawlState': {'CANCELLING'}}}}}}},
         'Status': {'STOPPING', 'STOPPED'}}}

Retrieves the metadata for a given workflow run.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type Name


param Name


Name of the workflow being run.

type RunId


param RunId


The ID of the workflow run.

type IncludeGraph


param IncludeGraph

Specifies whether to include the workflow graph in response or not.




Response Syntax

    'Run': {
        'Name': 'string',
        'WorkflowRunId': 'string',
        'WorkflowRunProperties': {
            'string': 'string'
        'StartedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'CompletedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'Statistics': {
            'TotalActions': 123,
            'TimeoutActions': 123,
            'FailedActions': 123,
            'StoppedActions': 123,
            'SucceededActions': 123,
            'RunningActions': 123
        'Graph': {
            'Nodes': [
                    'Type': 'CRAWLER'|'JOB'|'TRIGGER',
                    'Name': 'string',
                    'UniqueId': 'string',
                    'TriggerDetails': {
                        'Trigger': {
                            'Name': 'string',
                            'WorkflowName': 'string',
                            'Id': 'string',
                            'Type': 'SCHEDULED'|'CONDITIONAL'|'ON_DEMAND',
                            'Description': 'string',
                            'Schedule': 'string',
                            'Actions': [
                                    'JobName': 'string',
                                    'Arguments': {
                                        'string': 'string'
                                    'Timeout': 123,
                                    'SecurityConfiguration': 'string',
                                    'NotificationProperty': {
                                        'NotifyDelayAfter': 123
                                    'CrawlerName': 'string'
                            'Predicate': {
                                'Logical': 'AND'|'ANY',
                                'Conditions': [
                                        'LogicalOperator': 'EQUALS',
                                        'JobName': 'string',
                                        'State': 'STARTING'|'RUNNING'|'STOPPING'|'STOPPED'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED'|'TIMEOUT',
                                        'CrawlerName': 'string',
                                        'CrawlState': 'RUNNING'|'CANCELLING'|'CANCELLED'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED'
                    'JobDetails': {
                        'JobRuns': [
                                'Id': 'string',
                                'Attempt': 123,
                                'PreviousRunId': 'string',
                                'TriggerName': 'string',
                                'JobName': 'string',
                                'StartedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                                'LastModifiedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                                'CompletedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                                'JobRunState': 'STARTING'|'RUNNING'|'STOPPING'|'STOPPED'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED'|'TIMEOUT',
                                'Arguments': {
                                    'string': 'string'
                                'ErrorMessage': 'string',
                                'PredecessorRuns': [
                                        'JobName': 'string',
                                        'RunId': 'string'
                                'AllocatedCapacity': 123,
                                'ExecutionTime': 123,
                                'Timeout': 123,
                                'MaxCapacity': 123.0,
                                'WorkerType': 'Standard'|'G.1X'|'G.2X',
                                'NumberOfWorkers': 123,
                                'SecurityConfiguration': 'string',
                                'LogGroupName': 'string',
                                'NotificationProperty': {
                                    'NotifyDelayAfter': 123
                                'GlueVersion': 'string'
                    'CrawlerDetails': {
                        'Crawls': [
                                'State': 'RUNNING'|'CANCELLING'|'CANCELLED'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED',
                                'StartedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                                'CompletedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                                'ErrorMessage': 'string',
                                'LogGroup': 'string',
                                'LogStream': 'string'
            'Edges': [
                    'SourceId': 'string',
                    'DestinationId': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • Run (dict) --

      The requested workflow run metadata.

      • Name (string) --

        Name of the workflow which was executed.

      • WorkflowRunId (string) --

        The ID of this workflow run.

      • WorkflowRunProperties (dict) --

        The workflow run properties which were set during the run.

        • (string) --

          • (string) --

      • StartedOn (datetime) --

        The date and time when the workflow run was started.

      • CompletedOn (datetime) --

        The date and time when the workflow run completed.

      • Status (string) --

        The status of the workflow run.

      • Statistics (dict) --

        The statistics of the run.

        • TotalActions (integer) --

          Total number of Actions in the workflow run.

        • TimeoutActions (integer) --

          Total number of Actions which timed out.

        • FailedActions (integer) --

          Total number of Actions which have failed.

        • StoppedActions (integer) --

          Total number of Actions which have stopped.

        • SucceededActions (integer) --

          Total number of Actions which have succeeded.

        • RunningActions (integer) --

          Total number Actions in running state.

      • Graph (dict) --

        The graph representing all the AWS Glue components that belong to the workflow as nodes and directed connections between them as edges.

        • Nodes (list) --

          A list of the the AWS Glue components belong to the workflow represented as nodes.

          • (dict) --

            A node represents an AWS Glue component like Trigger, Job etc. which is part of a workflow.

            • Type (string) --

              The type of AWS Glue component represented by the node.

            • Name (string) --

              The name of the AWS Glue component represented by the node.

            • UniqueId (string) --

              The unique Id assigned to the node within the workflow.

            • TriggerDetails (dict) --

              Details of the Trigger when the node represents a Trigger.

              • Trigger (dict) --

                The information of the trigger represented by the trigger node.

                • Name (string) --

                  The name of the trigger.

                • WorkflowName (string) --

                  The name of the workflow associated with the trigger.

                • Id (string) --

                  Reserved for future use.

                • Type (string) --

                  The type of trigger that this is.

                • State (string) --

                  The current state of the trigger.

                • Description (string) --

                  A description of this trigger.

                • Schedule (string) --

                  A cron expression used to specify the schedule (see Time-Based Schedules for Jobs and Crawlers. For example, to run something every day at 12:15 UTC, you would specify: cron(15 12 * * ? *) .

                • Actions (list) --

                  The actions initiated by this trigger.

                  • (dict) --

                    Defines an action to be initiated by a trigger.

                    • JobName (string) --

                      The name of a job to be executed.

                    • Arguments (dict) --

                      The job arguments used when this trigger fires. For this job run, they replace the default arguments set in the job definition itself.

                      You can specify arguments here that your own job-execution script consumes, as well as arguments that AWS Glue itself consumes.

                      For information about how to specify and consume your own Job arguments, see the Calling AWS Glue APIs in Python topic in the developer guide.

                      For information about the key-value pairs that AWS Glue consumes to set up your job, see the Special Parameters Used by AWS Glue topic in the developer guide.

                      • (string) --

                        • (string) --

                    • Timeout (integer) --

                      The JobRun timeout in minutes. This is the maximum time that a job run can consume resources before it is terminated and enters TIMEOUT status. The default is 2,880 minutes (48 hours). This overrides the timeout value set in the parent job.

                    • SecurityConfiguration (string) --

                      The name of the SecurityConfiguration structure to be used with this action.

                    • NotificationProperty (dict) --

                      Specifies configuration properties of a job run notification.

                      • NotifyDelayAfter (integer) --

                        After a job run starts, the number of minutes to wait before sending a job run delay notification.

                    • CrawlerName (string) --

                      The name of the crawler to be used with this action.

                • Predicate (dict) --

                  The predicate of this trigger, which defines when it will fire.

                  • Logical (string) --

                    An optional field if only one condition is listed. If multiple conditions are listed, then this field is required.

                  • Conditions (list) --

                    A list of the conditions that determine when the trigger will fire.

                    • (dict) --

                      Defines a condition under which a trigger fires.

                      • LogicalOperator (string) --

                        A logical operator.

                      • JobName (string) --

                        The name of the job whose JobRuns this condition applies to, and on which this trigger waits.

                      • State (string) --

                        The condition state. Currently, the only job states that a trigger can listen for are SUCCEEDED , STOPPED , FAILED , and TIMEOUT . The only crawler states that a trigger can listen for are SUCCEEDED , FAILED , and CANCELLED .

                      • CrawlerName (string) --

                        The name of the crawler to which this condition applies.

                      • CrawlState (string) --

                        The state of the crawler to which this condition applies.

            • JobDetails (dict) --

              Details of the Job when the node represents a Job.

              • JobRuns (list) --

                The information for the job runs represented by the job node.

                • (dict) --

                  Contains information about a job run.

                  • Id (string) --

                    The ID of this job run.

                  • Attempt (integer) --

                    The number of the attempt to run this job.

                  • PreviousRunId (string) --

                    The ID of the previous run of this job. For example, the JobRunId specified in the StartJobRun action.

                  • TriggerName (string) --

                    The name of the trigger that started this job run.

                  • JobName (string) --

                    The name of the job definition being used in this run.

                  • StartedOn (datetime) --

                    The date and time at which this job run was started.

                  • LastModifiedOn (datetime) --

                    The last time that this job run was modified.

                  • CompletedOn (datetime) --

                    The date and time that this job run completed.

                  • JobRunState (string) --

                    The current state of the job run. For more information about the statuses of jobs that have terminated abnormally, see AWS Glue Job Run Statuses.

                  • Arguments (dict) --

                    The job arguments associated with this run. For this job run, they replace the default arguments set in the job definition itself.

                    You can specify arguments here that your own job-execution script consumes, as well as arguments that AWS Glue itself consumes.

                    For information about how to specify and consume your own job arguments, see the Calling AWS Glue APIs in Python topic in the developer guide.

                    For information about the key-value pairs that AWS Glue consumes to set up your job, see the Special Parameters Used by AWS Glue topic in the developer guide.

                    • (string) --

                      • (string) --

                  • ErrorMessage (string) --

                    An error message associated with this job run.

                  • PredecessorRuns (list) --

                    A list of predecessors to this job run.

                    • (dict) --

                      A job run that was used in the predicate of a conditional trigger that triggered this job run.

                      • JobName (string) --

                        The name of the job definition used by the predecessor job run.

                      • RunId (string) --

                        The job-run ID of the predecessor job run.

                  • AllocatedCapacity (integer) --

                    This field is deprecated. Use MaxCapacity instead.

                    The number of AWS Glue data processing units (DPUs) allocated to this JobRun. From 2 to 100 DPUs can be allocated; the default is 10. A DPU is a relative measure of processing power that consists of 4 vCPUs of compute capacity and 16 GB of memory. For more information, see the AWS Glue pricing page.

                  • ExecutionTime (integer) --

                    The amount of time (in seconds) that the job run consumed resources.

                  • Timeout (integer) --

                    The JobRun timeout in minutes. This is the maximum time that a job run can consume resources before it is terminated and enters TIMEOUT status. The default is 2,880 minutes (48 hours). This overrides the timeout value set in the parent job.

                  • MaxCapacity (float) --

                    The number of AWS Glue data processing units (DPUs) that can be allocated when this job runs. A DPU is a relative measure of processing power that consists of 4 vCPUs of compute capacity and 16 GB of memory. For more information, see the AWS Glue pricing page.

                    Do not set Max Capacity if using WorkerType and NumberOfWorkers .

                    The value that can be allocated for MaxCapacity depends on whether you are running a Python shell job or an Apache Spark ETL job:

                    • When you specify a Python shell job ( JobCommand.Name ="pythonshell"), you can allocate either 0.0625 or 1 DPU. The default is 0.0625 DPU.

                    • When you specify an Apache Spark ETL job ( JobCommand.Name ="glueetl"), you can allocate from 2 to 100 DPUs. The default is 10 DPUs. This job type cannot have a fractional DPU allocation.

                  • WorkerType (string) --

                    The type of predefined worker that is allocated when a job runs. Accepts a value of Standard, G.1X, or G.2X.

                    • For the Standard worker type, each worker provides 4 vCPU, 16 GB of memory and a 50GB disk, and 2 executors per worker.

                    • For the G.1X worker type, each worker provides 4 vCPU, 16 GB of memory and a 64GB disk, and 1 executor per worker.

                    • For the G.2X worker type, each worker provides 8 vCPU, 32 GB of memory and a 128GB disk, and 1 executor per worker.

                  • NumberOfWorkers (integer) --

                    The number of workers of a defined workerType that are allocated when a job runs.

                    The maximum number of workers you can define are 299 for G.1X , and 149 for G.2X .

                  • SecurityConfiguration (string) --

                    The name of the SecurityConfiguration structure to be used with this job run.

                  • LogGroupName (string) --

                    The name of the log group for secure logging that can be server-side encrypted in Amazon CloudWatch using AWS KMS. This name can be /aws-glue/jobs/ , in which case the default encryption is NONE . If you add a role name and SecurityConfiguration name (in other words, /aws-glue/jobs-yourRoleName-yourSecurityConfigurationName/ ), then that security configuration is used to encrypt the log group.

                  • NotificationProperty (dict) --

                    Specifies configuration properties of a job run notification.

                    • NotifyDelayAfter (integer) --

                      After a job run starts, the number of minutes to wait before sending a job run delay notification.

                  • GlueVersion (string) --

                    Glue version determines the versions of Apache Spark and Python that AWS Glue supports. The Python version indicates the version supported for jobs of type Spark.

                    For more information about the available AWS Glue versions and corresponding Spark and Python versions, see Glue version in the developer guide.

                    Jobs that are created without specifying a Glue version default to Glue 0.9.

            • CrawlerDetails (dict) --

              Details of the crawler when the node represents a crawler.

              • Crawls (list) --

                A list of crawls represented by the crawl node.

                • (dict) --

                  The details of a crawl in the workflow.

                  • State (string) --

                    The state of the crawler.

                  • StartedOn (datetime) --

                    The date and time on which the crawl started.

                  • CompletedOn (datetime) --

                    The date and time on which the crawl completed.

                  • ErrorMessage (string) --

                    The error message associated with the crawl.

                  • LogGroup (string) --

                    The log group associated with the crawl.

                  • LogStream (string) --

                    The log stream associated with the crawl.

        • Edges (list) --

          A list of all the directed connections between the nodes belonging to the workflow.

          • (dict) --

            An edge represents a directed connection between two AWS Glue components which are part of the workflow the edge belongs to.

            • SourceId (string) --

              The unique of the node within the workflow where the edge starts.

            • DestinationId (string) --

              The unique of the node within the workflow where the edge ends.

GetWorkflowRuns (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'Runs': {'Graph': {'Nodes': {'CrawlerDetails': {'Crawls': {'State': {'CANCELLING'}}},
                              'TriggerDetails': {'Trigger': {'Predicate': {'Conditions': {'CrawlState': {'CANCELLING'}}}}}}},
          'Status': {'STOPPING', 'STOPPED'}}}

Retrieves metadata for all runs of a given workflow.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type Name


param Name


Name of the workflow whose metadata of runs should be returned.

type IncludeGraph


param IncludeGraph

Specifies whether to include the workflow graph in response or not.

type NextToken


param NextToken

The maximum size of the response.

type MaxResults


param MaxResults

The maximum number of workflow runs to be included in the response.




Response Syntax

    'Runs': [
            'Name': 'string',
            'WorkflowRunId': 'string',
            'WorkflowRunProperties': {
                'string': 'string'
            'StartedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'CompletedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'Status': 'RUNNING'|'COMPLETED'|'STOPPING'|'STOPPED',
            'Statistics': {
                'TotalActions': 123,
                'TimeoutActions': 123,
                'FailedActions': 123,
                'StoppedActions': 123,
                'SucceededActions': 123,
                'RunningActions': 123
            'Graph': {
                'Nodes': [
                        'Type': 'CRAWLER'|'JOB'|'TRIGGER',
                        'Name': 'string',
                        'UniqueId': 'string',
                        'TriggerDetails': {
                            'Trigger': {
                                'Name': 'string',
                                'WorkflowName': 'string',
                                'Id': 'string',
                                'Type': 'SCHEDULED'|'CONDITIONAL'|'ON_DEMAND',
                                'Description': 'string',
                                'Schedule': 'string',
                                'Actions': [
                                        'JobName': 'string',
                                        'Arguments': {
                                            'string': 'string'
                                        'Timeout': 123,
                                        'SecurityConfiguration': 'string',
                                        'NotificationProperty': {
                                            'NotifyDelayAfter': 123
                                        'CrawlerName': 'string'
                                'Predicate': {
                                    'Logical': 'AND'|'ANY',
                                    'Conditions': [
                                            'LogicalOperator': 'EQUALS',
                                            'JobName': 'string',
                                            'State': 'STARTING'|'RUNNING'|'STOPPING'|'STOPPED'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED'|'TIMEOUT',
                                            'CrawlerName': 'string',
                                            'CrawlState': 'RUNNING'|'CANCELLING'|'CANCELLED'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED'
                        'JobDetails': {
                            'JobRuns': [
                                    'Id': 'string',
                                    'Attempt': 123,
                                    'PreviousRunId': 'string',
                                    'TriggerName': 'string',
                                    'JobName': 'string',
                                    'StartedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                                    'LastModifiedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                                    'CompletedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                                    'JobRunState': 'STARTING'|'RUNNING'|'STOPPING'|'STOPPED'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED'|'TIMEOUT',
                                    'Arguments': {
                                        'string': 'string'
                                    'ErrorMessage': 'string',
                                    'PredecessorRuns': [
                                            'JobName': 'string',
                                            'RunId': 'string'
                                    'AllocatedCapacity': 123,
                                    'ExecutionTime': 123,
                                    'Timeout': 123,
                                    'MaxCapacity': 123.0,
                                    'WorkerType': 'Standard'|'G.1X'|'G.2X',
                                    'NumberOfWorkers': 123,
                                    'SecurityConfiguration': 'string',
                                    'LogGroupName': 'string',
                                    'NotificationProperty': {
                                        'NotifyDelayAfter': 123
                                    'GlueVersion': 'string'
                        'CrawlerDetails': {
                            'Crawls': [
                                    'State': 'RUNNING'|'CANCELLING'|'CANCELLED'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED',
                                    'StartedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                                    'CompletedOn': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                                    'ErrorMessage': 'string',
                                    'LogGroup': 'string',
                                    'LogStream': 'string'
                'Edges': [
                        'SourceId': 'string',
                        'DestinationId': 'string'
    'NextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • Runs (list) --

      A list of workflow run metadata objects.

      • (dict) --

        A workflow run is an execution of a workflow providing all the runtime information.

        • Name (string) --

          Name of the workflow which was executed.

        • WorkflowRunId (string) --

          The ID of this workflow run.

        • WorkflowRunProperties (dict) --

          The workflow run properties which were set during the run.

          • (string) --

            • (string) --

        • StartedOn (datetime) --

          The date and time when the workflow run was started.

        • CompletedOn (datetime) --

          The date and time when the workflow run completed.

        • Status (string) --

          The status of the workflow run.

        • Statistics (dict) --

          The statistics of the run.

          • TotalActions (integer) --

            Total number of Actions in the workflow run.

          • TimeoutActions (integer) --

            Total number of Actions which timed out.

          • FailedActions (integer) --

            Total number of Actions which have failed.

          • StoppedActions (integer) --

            Total number of Actions which have stopped.

          • SucceededActions (integer) --

            Total number of Actions which have succeeded.

          • RunningActions (integer) --

            Total number Actions in running state.

        • Graph (dict) --

          The graph representing all the AWS Glue components that belong to the workflow as nodes and directed connections between them as edges.

          • Nodes (list) --

            A list of the the AWS Glue components belong to the workflow represented as nodes.

            • (dict) --

              A node represents an AWS Glue component like Trigger, Job etc. which is part of a workflow.

              • Type (string) --

                The type of AWS Glue component represented by the node.

              • Name (string) --

                The name of the AWS Glue component represented by the node.

              • UniqueId (string) --

                The unique Id assigned to the node within the workflow.

              • TriggerDetails (dict) --

                Details of the Trigger when the node represents a Trigger.

                • Trigger (dict) --

                  The information of the trigger represented by the trigger node.

                  • Name (string) --

                    The name of the trigger.

                  • WorkflowName (string) --

                    The name of the workflow associated with the trigger.

                  • Id (string) --

                    Reserved for future use.

                  • Type (string) --

                    The type of trigger that this is.

                  • State (string) --

                    The current state of the trigger.

                  • Description (string) --

                    A description of this trigger.

                  • Schedule (string) --

                    A cron expression used to specify the schedule (see Time-Based Schedules for Jobs and Crawlers. For example, to run something every day at 12:15 UTC, you would specify: cron(15 12 * * ? *) .

                  • Actions (list) --

                    The actions initiated by this trigger.

                    • (dict) --

                      Defines an action to be initiated by a trigger.

                      • JobName (string) --

                        The name of a job to be executed.

                      • Arguments (dict) --

                        The job arguments used when this trigger fires. For this job run, they replace the default arguments set in the job definition itself.

                        You can specify arguments here that your own job-execution script consumes, as well as arguments that AWS Glue itself consumes.

                        For information about how to specify and consume your own Job arguments, see the Calling AWS Glue APIs in Python topic in the developer guide.

                        For information about the key-value pairs that AWS Glue consumes to set up your job, see the Special Parameters Used by AWS Glue topic in the developer guide.

                        • (string) --

                          • (string) --

                      • Timeout (integer) --

                        The JobRun timeout in minutes. This is the maximum time that a job run can consume resources before it is terminated and enters TIMEOUT status. The default is 2,880 minutes (48 hours). This overrides the timeout value set in the parent job.

                      • SecurityConfiguration (string) --

                        The name of the SecurityConfiguration structure to be used with this action.

                      • NotificationProperty (dict) --

                        Specifies configuration properties of a job run notification.

                        • NotifyDelayAfter (integer) --

                          After a job run starts, the number of minutes to wait before sending a job run delay notification.

                      • CrawlerName (string) --

                        The name of the crawler to be used with this action.

                  • Predicate (dict) --

                    The predicate of this trigger, which defines when it will fire.

                    • Logical (string) --

                      An optional field if only one condition is listed. If multiple conditions are listed, then this field is required.

                    • Conditions (list) --

                      A list of the conditions that determine when the trigger will fire.

                      • (dict) --

                        Defines a condition under which a trigger fires.

                        • LogicalOperator (string) --

                          A logical operator.

                        • JobName (string) --

                          The name of the job whose JobRuns this condition applies to, and on which this trigger waits.

                        • State (string) --

                          The condition state. Currently, the only job states that a trigger can listen for are SUCCEEDED , STOPPED , FAILED , and TIMEOUT . The only crawler states that a trigger can listen for are SUCCEEDED , FAILED , and CANCELLED .

                        • CrawlerName (string) --

                          The name of the crawler to which this condition applies.

                        • CrawlState (string) --

                          The state of the crawler to which this condition applies.

              • JobDetails (dict) --

                Details of the Job when the node represents a Job.

                • JobRuns (list) --

                  The information for the job runs represented by the job node.

                  • (dict) --

                    Contains information about a job run.

                    • Id (string) --

                      The ID of this job run.

                    • Attempt (integer) --

                      The number of the attempt to run this job.

                    • PreviousRunId (string) --

                      The ID of the previous run of this job. For example, the JobRunId specified in the StartJobRun action.

                    • TriggerName (string) --

                      The name of the trigger that started this job run.

                    • JobName (string) --

                      The name of the job definition being used in this run.

                    • StartedOn (datetime) --

                      The date and time at which this job run was started.

                    • LastModifiedOn (datetime) --

                      The last time that this job run was modified.

                    • CompletedOn (datetime) --

                      The date and time that this job run completed.

                    • JobRunState (string) --

                      The current state of the job run. For more information about the statuses of jobs that have terminated abnormally, see AWS Glue Job Run Statuses.

                    • Arguments (dict) --

                      The job arguments associated with this run. For this job run, they replace the default arguments set in the job definition itself.

                      You can specify arguments here that your own job-execution script consumes, as well as arguments that AWS Glue itself consumes.

                      For information about how to specify and consume your own job arguments, see the Calling AWS Glue APIs in Python topic in the developer guide.

                      For information about the key-value pairs that AWS Glue consumes to set up your job, see the Special Parameters Used by AWS Glue topic in the developer guide.

                      • (string) --

                        • (string) --

                    • ErrorMessage (string) --

                      An error message associated with this job run.

                    • PredecessorRuns (list) --

                      A list of predecessors to this job run.

                      • (dict) --

                        A job run that was used in the predicate of a conditional trigger that triggered this job run.

                        • JobName (string) --

                          The name of the job definition used by the predecessor job run.

                        • RunId (string) --

                          The job-run ID of the predecessor job run.

                    • AllocatedCapacity (integer) --

                      This field is deprecated. Use MaxCapacity instead.

                      The number of AWS Glue data processing units (DPUs) allocated to this JobRun. From 2 to 100 DPUs can be allocated; the default is 10. A DPU is a relative measure of processing power that consists of 4 vCPUs of compute capacity and 16 GB of memory. For more information, see the AWS Glue pricing page.

                    • ExecutionTime (integer) --

                      The amount of time (in seconds) that the job run consumed resources.

                    • Timeout (integer) --

                      The JobRun timeout in minutes. This is the maximum time that a job run can consume resources before it is terminated and enters TIMEOUT status. The default is 2,880 minutes (48 hours). This overrides the timeout value set in the parent job.

                    • MaxCapacity (float) --

                      The number of AWS Glue data processing units (DPUs) that can be allocated when this job runs. A DPU is a relative measure of processing power that consists of 4 vCPUs of compute capacity and 16 GB of memory. For more information, see the AWS Glue pricing page.

                      Do not set Max Capacity if using WorkerType and NumberOfWorkers .

                      The value that can be allocated for MaxCapacity depends on whether you are running a Python shell job or an Apache Spark ETL job:

                      • When you specify a Python shell job ( JobCommand.Name ="pythonshell"), you can allocate either 0.0625 or 1 DPU. The default is 0.0625 DPU.

                      • When you specify an Apache Spark ETL job ( JobCommand.Name ="glueetl"), you can allocate from 2 to 100 DPUs. The default is 10 DPUs. This job type cannot have a fractional DPU allocation.

                    • WorkerType (string) --

                      The type of predefined worker that is allocated when a job runs. Accepts a value of Standard, G.1X, or G.2X.

                      • For the Standard worker type, each worker provides 4 vCPU, 16 GB of memory and a 50GB disk, and 2 executors per worker.

                      • For the G.1X worker type, each worker provides 4 vCPU, 16 GB of memory and a 64GB disk, and 1 executor per worker.

                      • For the G.2X worker type, each worker provides 8 vCPU, 32 GB of memory and a 128GB disk, and 1 executor per worker.

                    • NumberOfWorkers (integer) --

                      The number of workers of a defined workerType that are allocated when a job runs.

                      The maximum number of workers you can define are 299 for G.1X , and 149 for G.2X .

                    • SecurityConfiguration (string) --

                      The name of the SecurityConfiguration structure to be used with this job run.

                    • LogGroupName (string) --

                      The name of the log group for secure logging that can be server-side encrypted in Amazon CloudWatch using AWS KMS. This name can be /aws-glue/jobs/ , in which case the default encryption is NONE . If you add a role name and SecurityConfiguration name (in other words, /aws-glue/jobs-yourRoleName-yourSecurityConfigurationName/ ), then that security configuration is used to encrypt the log group.

                    • NotificationProperty (dict) --

                      Specifies configuration properties of a job run notification.

                      • NotifyDelayAfter (integer) --

                        After a job run starts, the number of minutes to wait before sending a job run delay notification.

                    • GlueVersion (string) --

                      Glue version determines the versions of Apache Spark and Python that AWS Glue supports. The Python version indicates the version supported for jobs of type Spark.

                      For more information about the available AWS Glue versions and corresponding Spark and Python versions, see Glue version in the developer guide.

                      Jobs that are created without specifying a Glue version default to Glue 0.9.

              • CrawlerDetails (dict) --

                Details of the crawler when the node represents a crawler.

                • Crawls (list) --

                  A list of crawls represented by the crawl node.

                  • (dict) --

                    The details of a crawl in the workflow.

                    • State (string) --

                      The state of the crawler.

                    • StartedOn (datetime) --

                      The date and time on which the crawl started.

                    • CompletedOn (datetime) --

                      The date and time on which the crawl completed.

                    • ErrorMessage (string) --

                      The error message associated with the crawl.

                    • LogGroup (string) --

                      The log group associated with the crawl.

                    • LogStream (string) --

                      The log stream associated with the crawl.

          • Edges (list) --

            A list of all the directed connections between the nodes belonging to the workflow.

            • (dict) --

              An edge represents a directed connection between two AWS Glue components which are part of the workflow the edge belongs to.

              • SourceId (string) --

                The unique of the node within the workflow where the edge starts.

              • DestinationId (string) --

                The unique of the node within the workflow where the edge ends.

    • NextToken (string) --

      A continuation token, if not all requested workflow runs have been returned.

UpdateTrigger (updated) Link ¶
Changes (request, response)
{'TriggerUpdate': {'Predicate': {'Conditions': {'CrawlState': {'CANCELLING'}}}}}
{'Trigger': {'Predicate': {'Conditions': {'CrawlState': {'CANCELLING'}}}}}

Updates a trigger definition.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'Name': 'string',
        'Description': 'string',
        'Schedule': 'string',
        'Actions': [
                'JobName': 'string',
                'Arguments': {
                    'string': 'string'
                'Timeout': 123,
                'SecurityConfiguration': 'string',
                'NotificationProperty': {
                    'NotifyDelayAfter': 123
                'CrawlerName': 'string'
        'Predicate': {
            'Logical': 'AND'|'ANY',
            'Conditions': [
                    'LogicalOperator': 'EQUALS',
                    'JobName': 'string',
                    'CrawlerName': 'string',
                    'CrawlState': 'RUNNING'|'CANCELLING'|'CANCELLED'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED'
type Name


param Name


The name of the trigger to update.

type TriggerUpdate


param TriggerUpdate


The new values with which to update the trigger.

  • Name (string) --

    Reserved for future use.

  • Description (string) --

    A description of this trigger.

  • Schedule (string) --

    A cron expression used to specify the schedule (see Time-Based Schedules for Jobs and Crawlers. For example, to run something every day at 12:15 UTC, you would specify: cron(15 12 * * ? *) .

  • Actions (list) --

    The actions initiated by this trigger.

    • (dict) --

      Defines an action to be initiated by a trigger.

      • JobName (string) --

        The name of a job to be executed.

      • Arguments (dict) --

        The job arguments used when this trigger fires. For this job run, they replace the default arguments set in the job definition itself.

        You can specify arguments here that your own job-execution script consumes, as well as arguments that AWS Glue itself consumes.

        For information about how to specify and consume your own Job arguments, see the Calling AWS Glue APIs in Python topic in the developer guide.

        For information about the key-value pairs that AWS Glue consumes to set up your job, see the Special Parameters Used by AWS Glue topic in the developer guide.

        • (string) --

          • (string) --

      • Timeout (integer) --

        The JobRun timeout in minutes. This is the maximum time that a job run can consume resources before it is terminated and enters TIMEOUT status. The default is 2,880 minutes (48 hours). This overrides the timeout value set in the parent job.

      • SecurityConfiguration (string) --

        The name of the SecurityConfiguration structure to be used with this action.

      • NotificationProperty (dict) --

        Specifies configuration properties of a job run notification.

        • NotifyDelayAfter (integer) --

          After a job run starts, the number of minutes to wait before sending a job run delay notification.

      • CrawlerName (string) --

        The name of the crawler to be used with this action.

  • Predicate (dict) --

    The predicate of this trigger, which defines when it will fire.

    • Logical (string) --

      An optional field if only one condition is listed. If multiple conditions are listed, then this field is required.

    • Conditions (list) --

      A list of the conditions that determine when the trigger will fire.

      • (dict) --

        Defines a condition under which a trigger fires.

        • LogicalOperator (string) --

          A logical operator.

        • JobName (string) --

          The name of the job whose JobRuns this condition applies to, and on which this trigger waits.

        • State (string) --

          The condition state. Currently, the only job states that a trigger can listen for are SUCCEEDED , STOPPED , FAILED , and TIMEOUT . The only crawler states that a trigger can listen for are SUCCEEDED , FAILED , and CANCELLED .

        • CrawlerName (string) --

          The name of the crawler to which this condition applies.

        • CrawlState (string) --

          The state of the crawler to which this condition applies.




Response Syntax

    'Trigger': {
        'Name': 'string',
        'WorkflowName': 'string',
        'Id': 'string',
        'Description': 'string',
        'Schedule': 'string',
        'Actions': [
                'JobName': 'string',
                'Arguments': {
                    'string': 'string'
                'Timeout': 123,
                'SecurityConfiguration': 'string',
                'NotificationProperty': {
                    'NotifyDelayAfter': 123
                'CrawlerName': 'string'
        'Predicate': {
            'Logical': 'AND'|'ANY',
            'Conditions': [
                    'LogicalOperator': 'EQUALS',
                    'JobName': 'string',
                    'CrawlerName': 'string',
                    'CrawlState': 'RUNNING'|'CANCELLING'|'CANCELLED'|'SUCCEEDED'|'FAILED'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • Trigger (dict) --

      The resulting trigger definition.

      • Name (string) --

        The name of the trigger.

      • WorkflowName (string) --

        The name of the workflow associated with the trigger.

      • Id (string) --

        Reserved for future use.

      • Type (string) --

        The type of trigger that this is.

      • State (string) --

        The current state of the trigger.

      • Description (string) --

        A description of this trigger.

      • Schedule (string) --

        A cron expression used to specify the schedule (see Time-Based Schedules for Jobs and Crawlers. For example, to run something every day at 12:15 UTC, you would specify: cron(15 12 * * ? *) .

      • Actions (list) --

        The actions initiated by this trigger.

        • (dict) --

          Defines an action to be initiated by a trigger.

          • JobName (string) --

            The name of a job to be executed.

          • Arguments (dict) --

            The job arguments used when this trigger fires. For this job run, they replace the default arguments set in the job definition itself.

            You can specify arguments here that your own job-execution script consumes, as well as arguments that AWS Glue itself consumes.

            For information about how to specify and consume your own Job arguments, see the Calling AWS Glue APIs in Python topic in the developer guide.

            For information about the key-value pairs that AWS Glue consumes to set up your job, see the Special Parameters Used by AWS Glue topic in the developer guide.

            • (string) --

              • (string) --

          • Timeout (integer) --

            The JobRun timeout in minutes. This is the maximum time that a job run can consume resources before it is terminated and enters TIMEOUT status. The default is 2,880 minutes (48 hours). This overrides the timeout value set in the parent job.

          • SecurityConfiguration (string) --

            The name of the SecurityConfiguration structure to be used with this action.

          • NotificationProperty (dict) --

            Specifies configuration properties of a job run notification.

            • NotifyDelayAfter (integer) --

              After a job run starts, the number of minutes to wait before sending a job run delay notification.

          • CrawlerName (string) --

            The name of the crawler to be used with this action.

      • Predicate (dict) --

        The predicate of this trigger, which defines when it will fire.

        • Logical (string) --

          An optional field if only one condition is listed. If multiple conditions are listed, then this field is required.

        • Conditions (list) --

          A list of the conditions that determine when the trigger will fire.

          • (dict) --

            Defines a condition under which a trigger fires.

            • LogicalOperator (string) --

              A logical operator.

            • JobName (string) --

              The name of the job whose JobRuns this condition applies to, and on which this trigger waits.

            • State (string) --

              The condition state. Currently, the only job states that a trigger can listen for are SUCCEEDED , STOPPED , FAILED , and TIMEOUT . The only crawler states that a trigger can listen for are SUCCEEDED , FAILED , and CANCELLED .

            • CrawlerName (string) --

              The name of the crawler to which this condition applies.

            • CrawlState (string) --

              The state of the crawler to which this condition applies.