AWS CloudTrail

2015/12/17 - AWS CloudTrail - 3 updated api methods

CreateTrail (updated) Link ¶
Changes (both)
{'IsMultiRegionTrail': 'boolean'}

Creates a trail that specifies the settings for delivery of log data to an Amazon S3 bucket. A maximum of five trails can exist in a region, irrespective of the region in which they were created.

Request Syntax

type Name:


param Name:


Specifies the name of the trail. The name must meet the following requirements:

  • Contain only ASCII letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), periods (.), underscores (_), or dashes (-)

  • Start with a letter or number, and end with a letter or number

  • Be between 3 and 128 characters

  • Have no adjacent periods, underscores or dashes. Names like my-_namespace and my--namespace are invalid.

  • Not be in IP address format (for example,

type S3BucketName:


param S3BucketName:


Specifies the name of the Amazon S3 bucket designated for publishing log files. See Amazon S3 Bucket Naming Requirements.

type S3KeyPrefix:


param S3KeyPrefix:

Specifies the Amazon S3 key prefix that comes after the name of the bucket you have designated for log file delivery. For more information, see Finding Your CloudTrail Log Files. The maximum length is 200 characters.

type SnsTopicName:


param SnsTopicName:

Specifies the name of the Amazon SNS topic defined for notification of log file delivery. The maximum length is 256 characters.

type IncludeGlobalServiceEvents:


param IncludeGlobalServiceEvents:

Specifies whether the trail is publishing events from global services such as IAM to the log files.

type IsMultiRegionTrail:


param IsMultiRegionTrail:

Specifies whether the trail is created in the current region or in all regions. The default is false.

type EnableLogFileValidation:


param EnableLogFileValidation:

Specifies whether log file integrity validation is enabled. The default is false.

type CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn:


param CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn:

Specifies a log group name using an Amazon Resource Name (ARN), a unique identifier that represents the log group to which CloudTrail logs will be delivered. Not required unless you specify CloudWatchLogsRoleArn.

type CloudWatchLogsRoleArn:


param CloudWatchLogsRoleArn:

Specifies the role for the CloudWatch Logs endpoint to assume to write to a user's log group.

type KmsKeyId:


param KmsKeyId:

Specifies the KMS key ID to use to encrypt the logs delivered by CloudTrail. The value can be a an alias name prefixed by "alias/", a fully specified ARN to an alias, a fully specified ARN to a key, or a globally unique identifier.


  • alias/MyAliasName

  • arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:123456789012:alias/MyAliasName

  • arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:123456789012:key/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012

  • 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012




Response Syntax

    'Name': 'string',
    'S3BucketName': 'string',
    'S3KeyPrefix': 'string',
    'SnsTopicName': 'string',
    'IncludeGlobalServiceEvents': True|False,
    'IsMultiRegionTrail': True|False,
    'TrailARN': 'string',
    'LogFileValidationEnabled': True|False,
    'CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn': 'string',
    'CloudWatchLogsRoleArn': 'string',
    'KmsKeyId': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) -- Returns the objects or data listed below if successful. Otherwise, returns an error.

    • Name (string) --

      Specifies the name of the trail.

    • S3BucketName (string) --

      Specifies the name of the Amazon S3 bucket designated for publishing log files.

    • S3KeyPrefix (string) --

      Specifies the Amazon S3 key prefix that comes after the name of the bucket you have designated for log file delivery. For more information, see Finding Your CloudTrail Log Files.

    • SnsTopicName (string) --

      Specifies the name of the Amazon SNS topic defined for notification of log file delivery.

    • IncludeGlobalServiceEvents (boolean) --

      Specifies whether the trail is publishing events from global services such as IAM to the log files.

    • IsMultiRegionTrail (boolean) --

      Specifies whether the trail exists in one region or in all regions.

    • TrailARN (string) --

      Specifies the ARN of the trail that was created.

    • LogFileValidationEnabled (boolean) --

      Specifies whether log file integrity validation is enabled.

    • CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn (string) --

      Specifies the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the log group to which CloudTrail logs will be delivered.

    • CloudWatchLogsRoleArn (string) --

      Specifies the role for the CloudWatch Logs endpoint to assume to write to a user's log group.

    • KmsKeyId (string) --

      Specifies the KMS key ID that encrypts the logs delivered by CloudTrail. The value is a fully specified ARN to a KMS key in the format:


DescribeTrails (updated) Link ¶
Changes (request, response)
{'includeShadowTrails': 'boolean'}
{'trailList': {'HomeRegion': 'string', 'IsMultiRegionTrail': 'boolean'}}

Retrieves settings for the trail associated with the current region for your account.

Request Syntax

type trailNameList:


param trailNameList:

Specifies a list of trail names, trail ARNs, or both, of the trails to describe. The format of a trail ARN is arn:aws:cloudtrail:us-east-1:123456789012:trail/MyTrail. If an empty list is specified, information for the trail in the current region is returned.

  • If an empty list is specified and IncludeShadowTrails is false, then information for all trails in the current region is returned.

  • If an empty list is specified and IncludeShadowTrails is null or true, then information for all trails in the current region and any associated shadow trails in other regions is returned.

  • (string) --

type includeShadowTrails:


param includeShadowTrails:

Specifies whether to include shadow trails in the response. A shadow trail is the replication in a region of a trail that was created in a different region. The default is true.




Response Syntax

    'trailList': [
            'Name': 'string',
            'S3BucketName': 'string',
            'S3KeyPrefix': 'string',
            'SnsTopicName': 'string',
            'IncludeGlobalServiceEvents': True|False,
            'IsMultiRegionTrail': True|False,
            'HomeRegion': 'string',
            'TrailARN': 'string',
            'LogFileValidationEnabled': True|False,
            'CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn': 'string',
            'CloudWatchLogsRoleArn': 'string',
            'KmsKeyId': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    Returns the objects or data listed below if successful. Otherwise, returns an error.

    • trailList (list) --

      The list of trail objects.

      • (dict) --

        The settings for a trail.

        • Name (string) --

          Name of the trail set by calling CreateTrail. The maximum length is 128 characters.

        • S3BucketName (string) --

          Name of the Amazon S3 bucket into which CloudTrail delivers your trail files. See Amazon S3 Bucket Naming Requirements.

        • S3KeyPrefix (string) --

          Specifies the Amazon S3 key prefix that comes after the name of the bucket you have designated for log file delivery. For more information, see Finding Your CloudTrail Log Files.The maximum length is 200 characters.

        • SnsTopicName (string) --

          Name of the existing Amazon SNS topic that CloudTrail uses to notify the account owner when new CloudTrail log files have been delivered. The maximum length is 256 characters.

        • IncludeGlobalServiceEvents (boolean) --

          Set to True to include AWS API calls from AWS global services such as IAM. Otherwise, False.

        • IsMultiRegionTrail (boolean) --

          Specifies whether the trail belongs only to one region or exists in all regions.

        • HomeRegion (string) --

          The region in which the trail was created.

        • TrailARN (string) --

          The Amazon Resource Name of the trail. The TrailARN format is arn:aws:cloudtrail:us-east-1:123456789012:trail/MyTrail.

        • LogFileValidationEnabled (boolean) --

          Specifies whether log file validation is enabled.

        • CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn (string) --

          Specifies an Amazon Resource Name (ARN), a unique identifier that represents the log group to which CloudTrail logs will be delivered.

        • CloudWatchLogsRoleArn (string) --

          Specifies the role for the CloudWatch Logs endpoint to assume to write to a user's log group.

        • KmsKeyId (string) --

          Specifies the KMS key ID that encrypts the logs delivered by CloudTrail. The value is a fully specified ARN to a KMS key in the format:


UpdateTrail (updated) Link ¶
Changes (both)
{'IsMultiRegionTrail': 'boolean'}

Updates the settings that specify delivery of log files. Changes to a trail do not require stopping the CloudTrail service. Use this action to designate an existing bucket for log delivery. If the existing bucket has previously been a target for CloudTrail log files, an IAM policy exists for the bucket. UpdateTrail must be called from the region in which the trail was created; otherwise, an InvalidHomeRegionException is thrown.

Request Syntax

type Name:


param Name:


Specifies the name of the trail or trail ARN. If Name is a trail name, the string must meet the following requirements:

  • Contain only ASCII letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), periods (.), underscores (_), or dashes (-)

  • Start with a letter or number, and end with a letter or number

  • Be between 3 and 128 characters

  • Have no adjacent periods, underscores or dashes. Names like my-_namespace and my--namespace are invalid.

  • Not be in IP address format (for example,

If Name is a trail ARN, it must be in the format arn:aws:cloudtrail:us-east-1:123456789012:trail/MyTrail.

type S3BucketName:


param S3BucketName:

Specifies the name of the Amazon S3 bucket designated for publishing log files. See Amazon S3 Bucket Naming Requirements.

type S3KeyPrefix:


param S3KeyPrefix:

Specifies the Amazon S3 key prefix that comes after the name of the bucket you have designated for log file delivery. For more information, see Finding Your CloudTrail Log Files. The maximum length is 200 characters.

type SnsTopicName:


param SnsTopicName:

Specifies the name of the Amazon SNS topic defined for notification of log file delivery. The maximum length is 256 characters.

type IncludeGlobalServiceEvents:


param IncludeGlobalServiceEvents:

Specifies whether the trail is publishing events from global services such as IAM to the log files.

type IsMultiRegionTrail:


param IsMultiRegionTrail:

Specifies whether the trail applies only to the current region or to all regions. The default is false. If the trail exists only in the current region and this value is set to true, shadow trails (replications of the trail) will be created in the other regions. If the trail exists in all regions and this value is set to false, the trail will remain in the region where it was created, and its shadow trails in other regions will be deleted.

type EnableLogFileValidation:


param EnableLogFileValidation:

Specifies whether log file validation is enabled. The default is false.

type CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn:


param CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn:

Specifies a log group name using an Amazon Resource Name (ARN), a unique identifier that represents the log group to which CloudTrail logs will be delivered. Not required unless you specify CloudWatchLogsRoleArn.

type CloudWatchLogsRoleArn:


param CloudWatchLogsRoleArn:

Specifies the role for the CloudWatch Logs endpoint to assume to write to a user's log group.

type KmsKeyId:


param KmsKeyId:

Specifies the KMS key ID to use to encrypt the logs delivered by CloudTrail. The value can be a an alias name prefixed by "alias/", a fully specified ARN to an alias, a fully specified ARN to a key, or a globally unique identifier.


  • alias/MyAliasName

  • arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:123456789012:alias/MyAliasName

  • arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:123456789012:key/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012

  • 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012




Response Syntax

    'Name': 'string',
    'S3BucketName': 'string',
    'S3KeyPrefix': 'string',
    'SnsTopicName': 'string',
    'IncludeGlobalServiceEvents': True|False,
    'IsMultiRegionTrail': True|False,
    'TrailARN': 'string',
    'LogFileValidationEnabled': True|False,
    'CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn': 'string',
    'CloudWatchLogsRoleArn': 'string',
    'KmsKeyId': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) -- Returns the objects or data listed below if successful. Otherwise, returns an error.

    • Name (string) --

      Specifies the name of the trail.

    • S3BucketName (string) --

      Specifies the name of the Amazon S3 bucket designated for publishing log files.

    • S3KeyPrefix (string) --

      Specifies the Amazon S3 key prefix that comes after the name of the bucket you have designated for log file delivery. For more information, see Finding Your CloudTrail Log Files.

    • SnsTopicName (string) --

      Specifies the name of the Amazon SNS topic defined for notification of log file delivery.

    • IncludeGlobalServiceEvents (boolean) --

      Specifies whether the trail is publishing events from global services such as IAM to the log files.

    • IsMultiRegionTrail (boolean) --

      Specifies whether the trail exists in one region or in all regions.

    • TrailARN (string) --

      Specifies the ARN of the trail that was updated.

    • LogFileValidationEnabled (boolean) --

      Specifies whether log file integrity validation is enabled.

    • CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn (string) --

      Specifies the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the log group to which CloudTrail logs will be delivered.

    • CloudWatchLogsRoleArn (string) --

      Specifies the role for the CloudWatch Logs endpoint to assume to write to a user's log group.

    • KmsKeyId (string) --

      Specifies the KMS key ID that encrypts the logs delivered by CloudTrail. The value is a fully specified ARN to a KMS key in the format:
