AWS Transfer Family

2024/12/02 - AWS Transfer Family - 8 new api methods

Changes  AWS Transfer Family now offers Web apps that enables simple and secure access to data stored in Amazon S3.

DeleteWebAppCustomization (new) Link ¶

Deletes the WebAppCustomization object that corresponds to the web app ID specified.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type WebAppId:


param WebAppId:


Provide the unique identifier for the web app that contains the customizations that you are deleting.



DescribeWebApp (new) Link ¶

Describes the web app that's identified by WebAppId.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type WebAppId:


param WebAppId:


Provide the unique identifier for the web app.




Response Syntax

    'WebApp': {
        'Arn': 'string',
        'WebAppId': 'string',
        'DescribedIdentityProviderDetails': {
            'IdentityCenterConfig': {
                'ApplicationArn': 'string',
                'InstanceArn': 'string',
                'Role': 'string'
        'AccessEndpoint': 'string',
        'WebAppEndpoint': 'string',
        'WebAppUnits': {
            'Provisioned': 123
        'Tags': [
                'Key': 'string',
                'Value': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • WebApp (dict) --

      Returns a structure that contains the details of the web app.

      • Arn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the web app.

      • WebAppId (string) --

        The unique identifier for the web app.

      • DescribedIdentityProviderDetails (dict) --

        A structure that contains the details for the identity provider used by the web app.

        • IdentityCenterConfig (dict) --

          Returns a structure for your identity provider details. This structure contains the instance ARN and role being used for the web app.

          • ApplicationArn (string) --

            The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the IAM Identity Center application: this value is set automatically when you create your web app.

          • InstanceArn (string) --

            The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the IAM Identity Center used for the web app.

          • Role (string) --

            The IAM role in IAM Identity Center used for the web app.

      • AccessEndpoint (string) --

        The AccessEndpoint is the URL that you provide to your users for them to interact with the Transfer Family web app. You can specify a custom URL or use the default value.

      • WebAppEndpoint (string) --

        The WebAppEndpoint is the unique URL for your Transfer Family web app. This is the value that you use when you configure Origins on CloudFront.

      • WebAppUnits (dict) --

        A union that contains the value for number of concurrent connections or the user sessions on your web app.

        • Provisioned (integer) --

          An integer that represents the number of units for your desired number of concurrent connections, or the number of user sessions on your web app at the same time.

          Each increment allows an additional 250 concurrent sessions: a value of 1 sets the number of concurrent sessions to 250; 2 sets a value of 500, and so on.

      • Tags (list) --

        Key-value pairs that can be used to group and search for web apps. Tags are metadata attached to web apps for any purpose.

        • (dict) --

          Creates a key-value pair for a specific resource. Tags are metadata that you can use to search for and group a resource for various purposes. You can apply tags to servers, users, and roles. A tag key can take more than one value. For example, to group servers for accounting purposes, you might create a tag called Group and assign the values Research and Accounting to that group.

          • Key (string) --

            The name assigned to the tag that you create.

          • Value (string) --

            Contains one or more values that you assigned to the key name you create.

ListWebApps (new) Link ¶

Lists all web apps associated with your Amazon Web Services account for your current region.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type MaxResults:


param MaxResults:

The maximum number of items to return.

type NextToken:


param NextToken:

Returns the NextToken parameter in the output. You can then pass the NextToken parameter in a subsequent command to continue listing additional web apps.




Response Syntax

    'NextToken': 'string',
    'WebApps': [
            'Arn': 'string',
            'WebAppId': 'string',
            'AccessEndpoint': 'string',
            'WebAppEndpoint': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • NextToken (string) --

      Provide this value for the NextToken parameter in a subsequent command to continue listing additional web apps.

    • WebApps (list) --

      Returns, for each listed web app, a structure that contains details for the web app.

      • (dict) --

        a structure that contains details for the web app.

        • Arn (string) --

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the web app.

        • WebAppId (string) --

          The unique identifier for the web app.

        • AccessEndpoint (string) --

          The AccessEndpoint is the URL that you provide to your users for them to interact with the Transfer Family web app. You can specify a custom URL or use the default value.

        • WebAppEndpoint (string) --

          The WebAppEndpoint is the unique URL for your Transfer Family web app. This is the value that you use when you configure Origins on CloudFront.

CreateWebApp (new) Link ¶

Creates a web app based on specified parameters, and returns the ID for the new web app.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'IdentityCenterConfig': {
            'InstanceArn': 'string',
            'Role': 'string'
        'Provisioned': 123
            'Key': 'string',
            'Value': 'string'
type IdentityProviderDetails:


param IdentityProviderDetails:


You can provide a structure that contains the details for the identity provider to use with your web app.

  • IdentityCenterConfig (dict) --

    A structure that describes the values to use for the IAM Identity Center settings when you create a web app.

    • InstanceArn (string) --

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the IAM Identity Center used for the web app.

    • Role (string) --

      The IAM role in IAM Identity Center used for the web app.

type AccessEndpoint:


param AccessEndpoint:

The AccessEndpoint is the URL that you provide to your users for them to interact with the Transfer Family web app. You can specify a custom URL or use the default value.

type WebAppUnits:


param WebAppUnits:

A union that contains the value for number of concurrent connections or the user sessions on your web app.

  • Provisioned (integer) --

    An integer that represents the number of units for your desired number of concurrent connections, or the number of user sessions on your web app at the same time.

    Each increment allows an additional 250 concurrent sessions: a value of 1 sets the number of concurrent sessions to 250; 2 sets a value of 500, and so on.

type Tags:


param Tags:

Key-value pairs that can be used to group and search for web apps.

  • (dict) --

    Creates a key-value pair for a specific resource. Tags are metadata that you can use to search for and group a resource for various purposes. You can apply tags to servers, users, and roles. A tag key can take more than one value. For example, to group servers for accounting purposes, you might create a tag called Group and assign the values Research and Accounting to that group.

    • Key (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The name assigned to the tag that you create.

    • Value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      Contains one or more values that you assigned to the key name you create.




Response Syntax

    'WebAppId': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • WebAppId (string) --

      Returns a unique identifier for the web app.

DeleteWebApp (new) Link ¶

Deletes the specified web app.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type WebAppId:


param WebAppId:


Provide the unique identifier for the web app that you are deleting.



UpdateWebAppCustomization (new) Link ¶

Assigns new customization properties to a web app. You can modify the icon file, logo file, and title.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type WebAppId:


param WebAppId:


Provide the identifier of the web app that you are updating.

type Title:


param Title:

Provide an updated title.

type LogoFile:


param LogoFile:

Specify logo file data string (in base64 encoding).

type FaviconFile:


param FaviconFile:

Specify icon file data string (in base64 encoding).




Response Syntax

    'WebAppId': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • WebAppId (string) --

      Returns the unique identifier for the web app being updated.

UpdateWebApp (new) Link ¶

Assigns new properties to a web app. You can modify the access point, identity provider details, and the web app units.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'IdentityCenterConfig': {
            'Role': 'string'
        'Provisioned': 123
type WebAppId:


param WebAppId:


Provide the identifier of the web app that you are updating.

type IdentityProviderDetails:


param IdentityProviderDetails:

Provide updated identity provider values in a WebAppIdentityProviderDetails object.

  • IdentityCenterConfig (dict) --

    A structure that describes the values to use for the IAM Identity Center settings when you update a web app.

    • Role (string) --

      The IAM role used to access IAM Identity Center.

type AccessEndpoint:


param AccessEndpoint:

The AccessEndpoint is the URL that you provide to your users for them to interact with the Transfer Family web app. You can specify a custom URL or use the default value.

type WebAppUnits:


param WebAppUnits:

A union that contains the value for number of concurrent connections or the user sessions on your web app.

  • Provisioned (integer) --

    An integer that represents the number of units for your desired number of concurrent connections, or the number of user sessions on your web app at the same time.

    Each increment allows an additional 250 concurrent sessions: a value of 1 sets the number of concurrent sessions to 250; 2 sets a value of 500, and so on.




Response Syntax

    'WebAppId': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • WebAppId (string) --

      Returns the unique identifier for the web app being updated.

DescribeWebAppCustomization (new) Link ¶

Describes the web app customization object that's identified by WebAppId.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type WebAppId:


param WebAppId:


Provide the unique identifier for the web app.




Response Syntax

    'WebAppCustomization': {
        'Arn': 'string',
        'WebAppId': 'string',
        'Title': 'string',
        'LogoFile': b'bytes',
        'FaviconFile': b'bytes'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • WebAppCustomization (dict) --

      Returns a structure that contains the details of the web app customizations.

      • Arn (string) --

        Returns the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the web app.

      • WebAppId (string) --

        Returns the unique identifier for your web app.

      • Title (string) --

        Returns the page title that you defined for your web app.

      • LogoFile (bytes) --

        Returns a logo file data string (in base64 encoding).

      • FaviconFile (bytes) --

        Returns a icon file data string (in base64 encoding).