Amazon Rekognition

2020/06/22 - Amazon Rekognition - 2 new api methods

Changes  Update rekognition client to latest version

StartSegmentDetection (new) Link ¶

Starts asynchronous detection of segment detection in a stored video.

Amazon Rekognition Video can detect segments in a video stored in an Amazon S3 bucket. Use Video to specify the bucket name and the filename of the video. StartSegmentDetection returns a job identifier ( JobId ) which you use to get the results of the operation. When segment detection is finished, Amazon Rekognition Video publishes a completion status to the Amazon Simple Notification Service topic that you specify in NotificationChannel .

You can use the Filters ( StartSegmentDetectionFilters ) input parameter to specify the minimum detection confidence returned in the response. Within Filters , use ShotFilter ( StartShotDetectionFilter ) to filter detected shots. Use TechnicalCueFilter ( StartTechnicalCueDetectionFilter ) to filter technical cues.

To get the results of the segment detection operation, first check that the status value published to the Amazon SNS topic is SUCCEEDED . if so, call GetSegmentDetection and pass the job identifier ( JobId ) from the initial call to StartSegmentDetection .

For more information, see Detecting Video Segments in Stored Video in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'S3Object': {
            'Bucket': 'string',
            'Name': 'string',
            'Version': 'string'
        'SNSTopicArn': 'string',
        'RoleArn': 'string'
        'TechnicalCueFilter': {
            'MinSegmentConfidence': ...
        'ShotFilter': {
            'MinSegmentConfidence': ...
type Video


param Video


Video file stored in an Amazon S3 bucket. Amazon Rekognition video start operations such as StartLabelDetection use Video to specify a video for analysis. The supported file formats are .mp4, .mov and .avi.

  • S3Object (dict) --

    The Amazon S3 bucket name and file name for the video.

    • Bucket (string) --

      Name of the S3 bucket.

    • Name (string) --

      S3 object key name.

    • Version (string) --

      If the bucket is versioning enabled, you can specify the object version.

type ClientRequestToken


param ClientRequestToken

Idempotent token used to identify the start request. If you use the same token with multiple StartSegmentDetection requests, the same JobId is returned. Use ClientRequestToken to prevent the same job from being accidently started more than once.

type NotificationChannel


param NotificationChannel

The ARN of the Amazon SNS topic to which you want Amazon Rekognition Video to publish the completion status of the segment detection operation.

  • SNSTopicArn (string) -- [REQUIRED]

    The Amazon SNS topic to which Amazon Rekognition to posts the completion status.

  • RoleArn (string) -- [REQUIRED]

    The ARN of an IAM role that gives Amazon Rekognition publishing permissions to the Amazon SNS topic.

type JobTag


param JobTag

An identifier you specify that's returned in the completion notification that's published to your Amazon Simple Notification Service topic. For example, you can use JobTag to group related jobs and identify them in the completion notification.

type Filters


param Filters

Filters for technical cue or shot detection.

  • TechnicalCueFilter (dict) --

    Filters that are specific to technical cues.

    • MinSegmentConfidence (float) --

      Specifies the minimum confidence that Amazon Rekognition Video must have in order to return a detected segment. Confidence represents how certain Amazon Rekognition is that a segment is correctly identified. 0 is the lowest confidence. 100 is the highest confidence. Amazon Rekognition Video doesn't return any segments with a confidence level lower than this specified value.

      If you don't specify MinSegmentConfidence , GetSegmentDetection returns segments with confidence values greater than or equal to 50 percent.

  • ShotFilter (dict) --

    Filters that are specific to shot detections.

    • MinSegmentConfidence (float) --

      Specifies the minimum confidence that Amazon Rekognition Video must have in order to return a detected segment. Confidence represents how certain Amazon Rekognition is that a segment is correctly identified. 0 is the lowest confidence. 100 is the highest confidence. Amazon Rekognition Video doesn't return any segments with a confidence level lower than this specified value.

      If you don't specify MinSegmentConfidence , the GetSegmentDetection returns segments with confidence values greater than or equal to 50 percent.

type SegmentTypes


param SegmentTypes


An array of segment types to detect in the video. Valid values are TECHNICAL_CUE and SHOT.

  • (string) --




Response Syntax

    'JobId': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • JobId (string) --

      Unique identifier for the segment detection job. The JobId is returned from StartSegmentDetection .

GetSegmentDetection (new) Link ¶

Gets the segment detection results of a Amazon Rekognition Video analysis started by StartSegmentDetection.

Segment detection with Amazon Rekognition Video is an asynchronous operation. You start segment detection by calling StartSegmentDetection which returns a job identifier ( JobId ). When the segment detection operation finishes, Amazon Rekognition publishes a completion status to the Amazon Simple Notification Service topic registered in the initial call to StartSegmentDetection . To get the results of the segment detection operation, first check that the status value published to the Amazon SNS topic is SUCCEEDED . if so, call GetSegmentDetection and pass the job identifier ( JobId ) from the initial call of StartSegmentDetection .

GetSegmentDetection returns detected segments in an array ( Segments ) of SegmentDetection objects. Segments is sorted by the segment types specified in the SegmentTypes input parameter of StartSegmentDetection . Each element of the array includes the detected segment, the precentage confidence in the acuracy of the detected segment, the type of the segment, and the frame in which the segment was detected.

Use SelectedSegmentTypes to find out the type of segment detection requested in the call to StartSegmentDetection .

Use the MaxResults parameter to limit the number of segment detections returned. If there are more results than specified in MaxResults , the value of NextToken in the operation response contains a pagination token for getting the next set of results. To get the next page of results, call GetSegmentDetection and populate the NextToken request parameter with the token value returned from the previous call to GetSegmentDetection .

For more information, see Detecting Video Segments in Stored Video in the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type JobId


param JobId


Job identifier for the text detection operation for which you want results returned. You get the job identifer from an initial call to StartSegmentDetection .

type MaxResults


param MaxResults

Maximum number of results to return per paginated call. The largest value you can specify is 1000.

type NextToken


param NextToken

If the response is truncated, Amazon Rekognition Video returns this token that you can use in the subsequent request to retrieve the next set of text.




Response Syntax

    'StatusMessage': 'string',
    'VideoMetadata': [
            'Codec': 'string',
            'DurationMillis': 123,
            'Format': 'string',
            'FrameRate': ...,
            'FrameHeight': 123,
            'FrameWidth': 123
    'AudioMetadata': [
            'Codec': 'string',
            'DurationMillis': 123,
            'SampleRate': 123,
            'NumberOfChannels': 123
    'NextToken': 'string',
    'Segments': [
            'Type': 'TECHNICAL_CUE'|'SHOT',
            'StartTimestampMillis': 123,
            'EndTimestampMillis': 123,
            'DurationMillis': 123,
            'StartTimecodeSMPTE': 'string',
            'EndTimecodeSMPTE': 'string',
            'DurationSMPTE': 'string',
            'TechnicalCueSegment': {
                'Type': 'ColorBars'|'EndCredits'|'BlackFrames',
                'Confidence': ...
            'ShotSegment': {
                'Index': 123,
                'Confidence': ...
    'SelectedSegmentTypes': [
            'Type': 'TECHNICAL_CUE'|'SHOT',
            'ModelVersion': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • JobStatus (string) --

      Current status of the segment detection job.

    • StatusMessage (string) --

      If the job fails, StatusMessage provides a descriptive error message.

    • VideoMetadata (list) --

      Currently, Amazon Rekognition Video returns a single object in the VideoMetadata array. The object contains information about the video stream in the input file that Amazon Rekognition Video chose to analyze. The VideoMetadata object includes the video codec, video format and other information. Video metadata is returned in each page of information returned by GetSegmentDetection .

      • (dict) --

        Information about a video that Amazon Rekognition analyzed. Videometadata is returned in every page of paginated responses from a Amazon Rekognition video operation.

        • Codec (string) --

          Type of compression used in the analyzed video.

        • DurationMillis (integer) --

          Length of the video in milliseconds.

        • Format (string) --

          Format of the analyzed video. Possible values are MP4, MOV and AVI.

        • FrameRate (float) --

          Number of frames per second in the video.

        • FrameHeight (integer) --

          Vertical pixel dimension of the video.

        • FrameWidth (integer) --

          Horizontal pixel dimension of the video.

    • AudioMetadata (list) --

      An array of objects. There can be multiple audio streams. Each AudioMetadata object contains metadata for a single audio stream. Audio information in an AudioMetadata objects includes the audio codec, the number of audio channels, the duration of the audio stream, and the sample rate. Audio metadata is returned in each page of information returned by GetSegmentDetection .

      • (dict) --

        Metadata information about an audio stream. An array of AudioMetadata objects for the audio streams found in a stored video is returned by GetSegmentDetection.

        • Codec (string) --

          The audio codec used to encode or decode the audio stream.

        • DurationMillis (integer) --

          The duration of the audio stream in milliseconds.

        • SampleRate (integer) --

          The sample rate for the audio stream.

        • NumberOfChannels (integer) --

          The number of audio channels in the segement.

    • NextToken (string) --

      If the previous response was incomplete (because there are more labels to retrieve), Amazon Rekognition Video returns a pagination token in the response. You can use this pagination token to retrieve the next set of text.

    • Segments (list) --

      An array of segments detected in a video.

      • (dict) --

        A technical cue or shot detection segment detected in a video. An array of SegmentDetection objects containing all segments detected in a stored video is returned by GetSegmentDetection.

        • Type (string) --

          The type of the segment. Valid values are TECHNICAL_CUE and SHOT .

        • StartTimestampMillis (integer) --

          The start time of the detected segment in milliseconds from the start of the video.

        • EndTimestampMillis (integer) --

          The end time of the detected segment, in milliseconds, from the start of the video.

        • DurationMillis (integer) --

          The duration of the detected segment in milliseconds.

        • StartTimecodeSMPTE (string) --

          The frame-accurate SMPTE timecode, from the start of a video, for the start of a detected segment. StartTimecode is in HH:MM:SS:fr format (and ;fr for drop frame-rates).

        • EndTimecodeSMPTE (string) --

          The frame-accurate SMPTE timecode, from the start of a video, for the end of a detected segment. EndTimecode is in HH:MM:SS:fr format (and ;fr for drop frame-rates).

        • DurationSMPTE (string) --

          The duration of the timecode for the detected segment in SMPTE format.

        • TechnicalCueSegment (dict) --

          If the segment is a technical cue, contains information about the technical cue.

          • Type (string) --

            The type of the technical cue.

          • Confidence (float) --

            The confidence that Amazon Rekognition Video has in the accuracy of the detected segment.

        • ShotSegment (dict) --

          If the segment is a shot detection, contains information about the shot detection.

          • Index (integer) --

            An Identifier for a shot detection segment detected in a video

          • Confidence (float) --

            The confidence that Amazon Rekognition Video has in the accuracy of the detected segment.

    • SelectedSegmentTypes (list) --

      An array containing the segment types requested in the call to StartSegmentDetection .

      • (dict) --

        Information about the type of a segment requested in a call to StartSegmentDetection. An array of SegmentTypeInfo objects is returned by the response from GetSegmentDetection.

        • Type (string) --

          The type of a segment (technical cue or shot detection).

        • ModelVersion (string) --

          The version of the model used to detect segments.