2015/10/26 - Amazon API Gateway - 67 new api methods
Creates a new domain name.
Request Syntax
client.create_domain_name( domainName='string', certificateName='string', certificateBody='string', certificatePrivateKey='string', certificateChain='string' )
The name of the DomainName resource.
The name of the certificate.
The body of the server certificate provided by your certificate authority.
Your certificate's private key.
The intermediate certificates and optionally the root certificate, one after the other without any blank lines. If you include the root certificate, your certificate chain must start with intermediate certificates and end with the root certificate. Use the intermediate certificates that were provided by your certificate authority. Do not include any intermediaries that are not in the chain of trust path.
Response Syntax
{ 'domainName': 'string', 'certificateName': 'string', 'certificateUploadDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'distributionDomainName': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents a domain name that is contained in a simpler, more intuitive URL that can be called.
domainName (string) --
The name of the DomainName resource.
certificateName (string) --
The name of the certificate.
certificateUploadDate (datetime) --
The date when the certificate was uploaded, in ISO 8601 format.
distributionDomainName (string) --
The domain name of the Amazon CloudFront distribution. For more information, see the Amazon CloudFront documentation.
Describe an existing Method resource.
Request Syntax
client.get_method( restApiId='string', resourceId='string', httpMethod='string' )
The RestApi identifier for the Method resource.
The Resource identifier for the Method resource.
Specifies the put method request's HTTP method type.
Response Syntax
{ 'httpMethod': 'string', 'authorizationType': 'string', 'apiKeyRequired': True|False, 'requestParameters': { 'string': True|False }, 'requestModels': { 'string': 'string' }, 'methodResponses': { 'string': { 'statusCode': 'string', 'responseParameters': { 'string': True|False }, 'responseModels': { 'string': 'string' } } }, 'methodIntegration': { 'type': 'HTTP'|'AWS'|'MOCK', 'httpMethod': 'string', 'uri': 'string', 'credentials': 'string', 'requestParameters': { 'string': 'string' }, 'requestTemplates': { 'string': 'string' }, 'cacheNamespace': 'string', 'cacheKeyParameters': [ 'string', ], 'integrationResponses': { 'string': { 'statusCode': 'string', 'selectionPattern': 'string', 'responseParameters': { 'string': 'string' }, 'responseTemplates': { 'string': 'string' } } } } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents a method.
httpMethod (string) --
The HTTP method.
authorizationType (string) --
The method's authorization type.
apiKeyRequired (boolean) --
Specifies whether the method requires a valid ApiKey.
requestParameters (dict) --
Represents request parameters that can be accepted by Amazon API Gateway. Request parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a source as the key and a Boolean flag as the value. The Boolean flag is used to specify whether the parameter is required. A source must match the pattern method.request.{location}.{name}, where location is either querystring, path, or header. name is a valid, unique parameter name. Sources specified here are available to the integration for mapping to integration request parameters or templates.
(string) --
(boolean) --
requestModels (dict) --
Specifies the Model resources used for the request's content type. Request models are represented as a key/value map, with a content type as the key and a Model name as the value.
(string) --
(string) --
methodResponses (dict) --
Represents available responses that can be sent to the caller. Method responses are represented as a key/value map, with an HTTP status code as the key and a MethodResponse as the value. The status codes are available for the Integration responses to map to.
(string) --
(dict) --
Represents a method response. Amazon API Gateway sends back the status code to the caller as the HTTP status code. Parameters and models can be used to transform the response from the method's integration.
statusCode (string) --
The method response's status code.
responseParameters (dict) --
Represents response parameters that can be sent back to the caller by Amazon API Gateway. Response parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a boolean flag as the value, which is used to specify whether the parameter is required. A destination must match the pattern method.response.header.{name}, where name is a valid, unique header name. Destinations specified here are available to the integration for mapping from integration response parameters.
(string) --
(boolean) --
responseModels (dict) --
Specifies the Model resources used for the response's content-type. Response models are represented as a key/value map, with a content-type as the key and a Model name as the value.
(string) --
(string) --
methodIntegration (dict) --
The method's integration.
type (string) --
Specifies the integration's type.
httpMethod (string) --
Specifies the integration's HTTP method type.
uri (string) --
Specifies the integration's Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). For HTTP integrations, the URI must be a fully formed, encoded HTTP(S) URL according to the RFC-3986 specification. For AWS integrations, the URI should be of the form arn:aws:apigateway:{region}:{service}:{path|action}/{service_api}. Region and service are used to determine the right endpoint. For AWS services that use the Action= query string parameter, service_api should be a valid action for the desired service. For RESTful AWS service APIs, path is used to indicate that the remaining substring in the URI should be treated as the path to the resource, including the initial /.
credentials (string) --
Specifies the credentials required for the integration, if any. For AWS integrations, three options are available. To specify an IAM Role for Amazon API Gateway to assume, use the role's Amazon Resource Name (ARN). To require that the caller's identity be passed through from the request, specify the string arn:aws:iam::\*:user/\*. To use resource-based permissions on supported AWS services, specify null.
requestParameters (dict) --
Represents requests parameters that are sent with the backend request. Request parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a source as the value. A source must match an existing method request parameter, or a static value. Static values must be enclosed with single quotes, and be pre-encoded based on their destination in the request. The destination must match the pattern integration.request.{location}.{name}, where location is either querystring, path, or header. name must be a valid, unique parameter name.
(string) --
(string) --
requestTemplates (dict) --
Specifies the integration's request templates.
(string) --
(string) --
cacheNamespace (string) --
Specifies the integration's cache namespace.
cacheKeyParameters (list) --
Specifies the integration's cache key parameters.
(string) --
integrationResponses (dict) --
Specifies the integration's responses.
(string) --
(dict) --
Represents an integration response. The status code must map to an existing MethodResponse, and parameters and templates can be used to transform the backend response.
statusCode (string) --
Specifies the status code that is used to map the integration response to an existing MethodResponse.
selectionPattern (string) --
Specifies the regular expression (regex) pattern used to choose an integration response based on the response from the backend. If the backend is an AWS Lambda function, the AWS Lambda function error header is matched. For all other HTTP and AWS backends, the HTTP status code is matched.
responseParameters (dict) --
Represents response parameters that can be read from the backend response. Response parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a source as the value. A destination must match an existing response parameter in the Method. The source can be a header from the backend response, or a static value. Static values are specified using enclosing single quotes, and backend response headers can be read using the pattern integration.response.header.{name}.
(string) --
(string) --
responseTemplates (dict) --
Specifies the templates used to transform the integration response body. Response templates are represented as a key/value map, with a content-type as the key and a template as the value.
(string) --
(string) --
Represents a collection of BasePathMapping resources.
Request Syntax
client.get_base_path_mappings( domainName='string', position='string', limit=123 )
The domain name of a BasePathMapping resource.
The position of the current BasePathMapping resource in the collection to get information about.
The maximum number of BasePathMapping resources in the collection to get information about. The default limit is 25. It should be an integer between 1 - 500.
Response Syntax
{ 'position': 'string', 'items': [ { 'basePath': 'string', 'restApiId': 'string', 'stage': 'string' }, ] }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents a collection of BasePathMapping resources.
position (string) --
items (list) --
The current page of any BasePathMapping resources in the collection of base path mapping resources.
(dict) --
Represents the base path that callers of the API that must provide as part of the URL after the domain name.
basePath (string) --
The base path name that callers of the API must provide as part of the URL after the domain name.
restApiId (string) --
The name of the API.
stage (string) --
The name of the API's stage.
Gets information about one or more Stage resources.
Request Syntax
client.get_stages( restApiId='string', deploymentId='string' )
The stages' API identifiers.
The stages' deployment identifiers.
Response Syntax
{ 'item': [ { 'deploymentId': 'string', 'clientCertificateId': 'string', 'stageName': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'cacheClusterEnabled': True|False, 'cacheClusterSize': '0.5'|'1.6'|'6.1'|'13.5'|'28.4'|'58.2'|'118'|'237', 'cacheClusterStatus': 'CREATE_IN_PROGRESS'|'AVAILABLE'|'DELETE_IN_PROGRESS'|'NOT_AVAILABLE'|'FLUSH_IN_PROGRESS', 'methodSettings': { 'string': { 'metricsEnabled': True|False, 'loggingLevel': 'string', 'dataTraceEnabled': True|False, 'throttlingBurstLimit': 123, 'throttlingRateLimit': 123.0, 'cachingEnabled': True|False, 'cacheTtlInSeconds': 123, 'cacheDataEncrypted': True|False } }, 'createdDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'lastUpdatedDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }, ] }
Response Structure
(dict) --
A list of Stage resource that are associated with the ApiKey resource.
item (list) --
An individual Stage resource.
(dict) --
Represents a unique identifier for a version of a deployed RestApi that is callable by users.
deploymentId (string) --
The identifier of the Deployment that the stage points to.
clientCertificateId (string) --
stageName (string) --
The name of the stage is the first path segment in the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of a call to Amazon API Gateway.
description (string) --
The stage's description.
cacheClusterEnabled (boolean) --
Specifies whether a cache cluster is enabled for the stage.
cacheClusterSize (string) --
The size of the cache cluster for the stage, if enabled.
cacheClusterStatus (string) --
The status of the cache cluster for the stage, if enabled.
methodSettings (dict) --
A map that defines the method settings for a Stage resource. Keys are defined as {resource_path}/{http_method} for an individual method override, or \*/\* for the settings applied to all methods in the stage.
(string) --
(dict) --
Specifies the method setting properties.
metricsEnabled (boolean) --
Specifies whether Amazon CloudWatch metrics are enabled for this method. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/metrics/enabled, and the value is a Boolean.
loggingLevel (string) --
Specifies the logging level for this method, which effects the log entries pushed to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/logging/loglevel, and the available levels are OFF, ERROR, and INFO.
dataTraceEnabled (boolean) --
Specifies the whether data trace logging is enabled for this method, which effects the log entries pushed to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/logging/dataTrace, and the value is a Boolean.
throttlingBurstLimit (integer) --
Specifies the throttling burst limit. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/throttling/burstLimit, and the value is an integer.
throttlingRateLimit (float) --
Specifies the throttling rate limit. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/throttling/rateLimit, and the value is a double.
cachingEnabled (boolean) --
Specifies whether responses should be cached and returned for requests. A cache cluster must be enabled on the stage for responses to be cached. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/caching/enabled, and the value is a Boolean.
cacheTtlInSeconds (integer) --
Specifies the time to live (TTL) in seconds, for cached responses. The higher a the TTL, the longer the response will be cached. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/caching/ttlInSeconds, and the value is an integer.
cacheDataEncrypted (boolean) --
Specifies whether the cached responses are encrypted. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/caching/dataEncrypted, and the value is a Boolean.
createdDate (datetime) --
The date and time that the stage was created, in ISO 8601 format.
lastUpdatedDate (datetime) --
The date and time that information about the stage was last updated, in ISO 8601 format.
Deletes the BasePathMapping resource.
Request Syntax
client.delete_base_path_mapping( domainName='string', basePath='string' )
The domain name of the BasePathMapping resource to delete.
The base path name of the BasePathMapping resource to delete.
Gets information about the current ApiKey resource.
Request Syntax
client.get_api_key( apiKey='string' )
The identifier of the ApiKey resource.
Response Syntax
{ 'id': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'enabled': True|False, 'stageKeys': [ 'string', ], 'createdDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'lastUpdatedDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }
Response Structure
(dict) --
A resource that can be distributed to callers for executing Method resources that require an API key. API keys can be mapped to any Stage on any RestApi, which indicates that the callers with the API key can make requests to that stage.
id (string) --
The identifier of the API Key.
name (string) --
The name of the API Key.
description (string) --
The description of the API Key.
enabled (boolean) --
Specifies whether the API Key can be used by callers.
stageKeys (list) --
A list of Stage resources that are associated with the ApiKey resource.
(string) --
createdDate (datetime) --
The date when the API Key was created, in ISO 8601 format.
lastUpdatedDate (datetime) --
When the API Key was last updated, in ISO 8601 format.
Request Syntax
client.get_client_certificates( position='string', limit=123 )
Response Syntax
{ 'position': 'string', 'items': [ { 'clientCertificateId': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'pemEncodedCertificate': 'string', 'createdDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'expirationDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }, ] }
Response Structure
(dict) --
position (string) --
items (list) --
(dict) --
clientCertificateId (string) --
description (string) --
pemEncodedCertificate (string) --
createdDate (datetime) --
expirationDate (datetime) --
Creates a new BasePathMapping resource.
Request Syntax
client.create_base_path_mapping( domainName='string', basePath='string', restApiId='string', stage='string' )
The domain name of the BasePathMapping resource to create.
The base path name that callers of the API must provide as part of the URL after the domain name. This value must be unique for all of the mappings across a single API. Leave this blank if you do not want callers to specify a base path name after the domain name.
The name of the API that you want to apply this mapping to.
The name of the API's stage that you want to use for this mapping. Leave this blank if you do not want callers to explicitly specify the stage name after any base path name.
Response Syntax
{ 'basePath': 'string', 'restApiId': 'string', 'stage': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents the base path that callers of the API that must provide as part of the URL after the domain name.
basePath (string) --
The base path name that callers of the API must provide as part of the URL after the domain name.
restApiId (string) --
The name of the API.
stage (string) --
The name of the API's stage.
Represents a delete integration response.
Request Syntax
client.delete_integration_response( restApiId='string', resourceId='string', httpMethod='string', statusCode='string' )
Specifies a delete integration response request's API identifier.
Specifies a delete integration response request's resource identifier.
Specifies a delete integration response request's HTTP method.
Specifies a delete integration response request's status code.
Gets information about a Deployment resource.
Request Syntax
client.get_deployment( restApiId='string', deploymentId='string' )
The identifier of the RestApi resource for the Deployment resource to get information about.
The identifier of the Deployment resource to get information about.
Response Syntax
{ 'id': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'createdDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'apiSummary': { 'string': { 'string': { 'authorizationType': 'string', 'apiKeyRequired': True|False } } } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
An immutable representation of a RestApi resource that can be called by users using Stages. A deployment must be associated with a Stage for it to be callable over the Internet.
id (string) --
The identifier for the deployment resource.
description (string) --
The description for the deployment resource.
createdDate (datetime) --
The date and time that the deployment resource was created.
apiSummary (dict) --
Gets a summary of the RestApi at the date and time that the deployment resource was created.
(string) --
(dict) --
(string) --
(dict) --
Represents a summary of a Method resource, given a particular date and time.
authorizationType (string) --
Specifies the type of authorization used for the method.
apiKeyRequired (boolean) --
Specifies whether the method requires a valid ApiKey.
Generates a sample mapping template that can be used to transform a payload into the structure of a model.
Request Syntax
client.get_model_template( restApiId='string', modelName='string' )
The ID of the RestApi under which the model exists.
The name of the model for which to generate a template.
Response Syntax
{ 'value': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents a mapping template used to transform a payload.
value (string) --
The Apache Velocity Template Language (VTL) template content used for the template resource.
Changes information about an ApiKey resource.
Request Syntax
client.update_api_key( apiKey='string', patchOperations=[ { 'op': 'add'|'remove'|'replace'|'move'|'copy'|'test', 'path': 'string', 'value': 'string', 'from': 'string' }, ] )
The identifier of the ApiKey resource to be updated.
A list of operations describing the updates to apply to the specified resource. The patches are applied in the order specified in the list.
(dict) -- A single patch operation to apply to the specified resource. Please refer to http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6902#section-4 for an explanation of how each operation is used.
op (string) --
A patch operation whose value indicates the operation to perform. Its value MUST be one of "add", "remove", "replace", "move", "copy", or "test"; other values are errors.
path (string) --
Operation objects MUST have exactly one "path" member. That member's value is a string containing a JSON-Pointer value that references a location within the target document (the "target location") where the operation is performed.
value (string) --
The actual value content.
from (string) --
The "move" and "copy" operation object MUST contain a "from" member, which is a string containing a JSON Pointer value that references the location in the target document to move the value from.
Response Syntax
{ 'id': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'enabled': True|False, 'stageKeys': [ 'string', ], 'createdDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'lastUpdatedDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }
Response Structure
(dict) --
A resource that can be distributed to callers for executing Method resources that require an API key. API keys can be mapped to any Stage on any RestApi, which indicates that the callers with the API key can make requests to that stage.
id (string) --
The identifier of the API Key.
name (string) --
The name of the API Key.
description (string) --
The description of the API Key.
enabled (boolean) --
Specifies whether the API Key can be used by callers.
stageKeys (list) --
A list of Stage resources that are associated with the ApiKey resource.
(string) --
createdDate (datetime) --
The date when the API Key was created, in ISO 8601 format.
lastUpdatedDate (datetime) --
When the API Key was last updated, in ISO 8601 format.
Represents an update integration.
Request Syntax
client.update_integration( restApiId='string', resourceId='string', httpMethod='string', patchOperations=[ { 'op': 'add'|'remove'|'replace'|'move'|'copy'|'test', 'path': 'string', 'value': 'string', 'from': 'string' }, ] )
Represents an update integration request's API identifier.
Represents an update integration request's resource identifier.
Represents an update integration request's HTTP method.
A list of operations describing the updates to apply to the specified resource. The patches are applied in the order specified in the list.
(dict) -- A single patch operation to apply to the specified resource. Please refer to http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6902#section-4 for an explanation of how each operation is used.
op (string) --
A patch operation whose value indicates the operation to perform. Its value MUST be one of "add", "remove", "replace", "move", "copy", or "test"; other values are errors.
path (string) --
Operation objects MUST have exactly one "path" member. That member's value is a string containing a JSON-Pointer value that references a location within the target document (the "target location") where the operation is performed.
value (string) --
The actual value content.
from (string) --
The "move" and "copy" operation object MUST contain a "from" member, which is a string containing a JSON Pointer value that references the location in the target document to move the value from.
Response Syntax
{ 'type': 'HTTP'|'AWS'|'MOCK', 'httpMethod': 'string', 'uri': 'string', 'credentials': 'string', 'requestParameters': { 'string': 'string' }, 'requestTemplates': { 'string': 'string' }, 'cacheNamespace': 'string', 'cacheKeyParameters': [ 'string', ], 'integrationResponses': { 'string': { 'statusCode': 'string', 'selectionPattern': 'string', 'responseParameters': { 'string': 'string' }, 'responseTemplates': { 'string': 'string' } } } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents a HTTP, AWS, or Mock integration.
type (string) --
Specifies the integration's type.
httpMethod (string) --
Specifies the integration's HTTP method type.
uri (string) --
Specifies the integration's Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). For HTTP integrations, the URI must be a fully formed, encoded HTTP(S) URL according to the RFC-3986 specification. For AWS integrations, the URI should be of the form arn:aws:apigateway:{region}:{service}:{path|action}/{service_api}. Region and service are used to determine the right endpoint. For AWS services that use the Action= query string parameter, service_api should be a valid action for the desired service. For RESTful AWS service APIs, path is used to indicate that the remaining substring in the URI should be treated as the path to the resource, including the initial /.
credentials (string) --
Specifies the credentials required for the integration, if any. For AWS integrations, three options are available. To specify an IAM Role for Amazon API Gateway to assume, use the role's Amazon Resource Name (ARN). To require that the caller's identity be passed through from the request, specify the string arn:aws:iam::\*:user/\*. To use resource-based permissions on supported AWS services, specify null.
requestParameters (dict) --
Represents requests parameters that are sent with the backend request. Request parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a source as the value. A source must match an existing method request parameter, or a static value. Static values must be enclosed with single quotes, and be pre-encoded based on their destination in the request. The destination must match the pattern integration.request.{location}.{name}, where location is either querystring, path, or header. name must be a valid, unique parameter name.
(string) --
(string) --
requestTemplates (dict) --
Specifies the integration's request templates.
(string) --
(string) --
cacheNamespace (string) --
Specifies the integration's cache namespace.
cacheKeyParameters (list) --
Specifies the integration's cache key parameters.
(string) --
integrationResponses (dict) --
Specifies the integration's responses.
(string) --
(dict) --
Represents an integration response. The status code must map to an existing MethodResponse, and parameters and templates can be used to transform the backend response.
statusCode (string) --
Specifies the status code that is used to map the integration response to an existing MethodResponse.
selectionPattern (string) --
Specifies the regular expression (regex) pattern used to choose an integration response based on the response from the backend. If the backend is an AWS Lambda function, the AWS Lambda function error header is matched. For all other HTTP and AWS backends, the HTTP status code is matched.
responseParameters (dict) --
Represents response parameters that can be read from the backend response. Response parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a source as the value. A destination must match an existing response parameter in the Method. The source can be a header from the backend response, or a static value. Static values are specified using enclosing single quotes, and backend response headers can be read using the pattern integration.response.header.{name}.
(string) --
(string) --
responseTemplates (dict) --
Specifies the templates used to transform the integration response body. Response templates are represented as a key/value map, with a content-type as the key and a template as the value.
(string) --
(string) --
Describe a BasePathMapping resource.
Request Syntax
client.get_base_path_mapping( domainName='string', basePath='string' )
The domain name of the BasePathMapping resource to be described.
The base path name that callers of the API must provide as part of the URL after the domain name. This value must be unique for all of the mappings across a single API. Leave this blank if you do not want callers to specify any base path name after the domain name.
Response Syntax
{ 'basePath': 'string', 'restApiId': 'string', 'stage': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents the base path that callers of the API that must provide as part of the URL after the domain name.
basePath (string) --
The base path name that callers of the API must provide as part of the URL after the domain name.
restApiId (string) --
The name of the API.
stage (string) --
The name of the API's stage.
Creates a Deployment resource, which makes a specified RestApi callable over the internet.
Request Syntax
client.create_deployment( restApiId='string', stageName='string', stageDescription='string', description='string', cacheClusterEnabled=True|False, cacheClusterSize='0.5'|'1.6'|'6.1'|'13.5'|'28.4'|'58.2'|'118'|'237' )
The RestApi resource identifier for the Deployment resource to create.
The name of the Stage resource for the Deployment resource to create.
The description of the Stage resource for the Deployment resource to create.
The description for the Deployment resource to create.
Enables a cache cluster for the Stage resource specified in the input.
Specifies the cache cluster size for the Stage resource specified in the input, if a cache cluster is enabled.
Response Syntax
{ 'id': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'createdDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'apiSummary': { 'string': { 'string': { 'authorizationType': 'string', 'apiKeyRequired': True|False } } } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
An immutable representation of a RestApi resource that can be called by users using Stages. A deployment must be associated with a Stage for it to be callable over the Internet.
id (string) --
The identifier for the deployment resource.
description (string) --
The description for the deployment resource.
createdDate (datetime) --
The date and time that the deployment resource was created.
apiSummary (dict) --
Gets a summary of the RestApi at the date and time that the deployment resource was created.
(string) --
(dict) --
(string) --
(dict) --
Represents a summary of a Method resource, given a particular date and time.
authorizationType (string) --
Specifies the type of authorization used for the method.
apiKeyRequired (boolean) --
Specifies whether the method requires a valid ApiKey.
Gets information about a Deployments collection.
Request Syntax
client.get_deployments( restApiId='string', position='string', limit=123 )
The identifier of the RestApi resource for the collection of Deployment resources to get information about.
The position of the current Deployment resource in the collection to get information about.
The maximum number of Deployment resources in the collection to get information about. The default limit is 25. It should be an integer between 1 - 500.
Response Syntax
{ 'position': 'string', 'items': [ { 'id': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'createdDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'apiSummary': { 'string': { 'string': { 'authorizationType': 'string', 'apiKeyRequired': True|False } } } }, ] }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents a collection resource that contains zero or more references to your existing deployments, and links that guide you on ways to interact with your collection. The collection offers a paginated view of the contained deployments.
position (string) --
items (list) --
The current page of any Deployment resources in the collection of deployment resources.
(dict) --
An immutable representation of a RestApi resource that can be called by users using Stages. A deployment must be associated with a Stage for it to be callable over the Internet.
id (string) --
The identifier for the deployment resource.
description (string) --
The description for the deployment resource.
createdDate (datetime) --
The date and time that the deployment resource was created.
apiSummary (dict) --
Gets a summary of the RestApi at the date and time that the deployment resource was created.
(string) --
(dict) --
(string) --
(dict) --
Represents a summary of a Method resource, given a particular date and time.
authorizationType (string) --
Specifies the type of authorization used for the method.
apiKeyRequired (boolean) --
Specifies whether the method requires a valid ApiKey.
Lists information about a collection of Resource resources.
Request Syntax
client.get_resources( restApiId='string', position='string', limit=123 )
The RestApi identifier for the Resource.
The position of the next set of results in the current Resources resource to get information about.
The maximum number of Resource resources in the collection to get information about. The default limit is 25. It should be an integer between 1 - 500.
Response Syntax
{ 'position': 'string', 'items': [ { 'id': 'string', 'parentId': 'string', 'pathPart': 'string', 'path': 'string', 'resourceMethods': { 'string': { 'httpMethod': 'string', 'authorizationType': 'string', 'apiKeyRequired': True|False, 'requestParameters': { 'string': True|False }, 'requestModels': { 'string': 'string' }, 'methodResponses': { 'string': { 'statusCode': 'string', 'responseParameters': { 'string': True|False }, 'responseModels': { 'string': 'string' } } }, 'methodIntegration': { 'type': 'HTTP'|'AWS'|'MOCK', 'httpMethod': 'string', 'uri': 'string', 'credentials': 'string', 'requestParameters': { 'string': 'string' }, 'requestTemplates': { 'string': 'string' }, 'cacheNamespace': 'string', 'cacheKeyParameters': [ 'string', ], 'integrationResponses': { 'string': { 'statusCode': 'string', 'selectionPattern': 'string', 'responseParameters': { 'string': 'string' }, 'responseTemplates': { 'string': 'string' } } } } } } }, ] }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents a collection of Resource resources.
position (string) --
items (list) --
Gets the current Resource resource in the collection.
(dict) --
Represents a resource.
id (string) --
The resource's identifier.
parentId (string) --
The parent resource's identifier.
pathPart (string) --
The last path segment for this resource.
path (string) --
The full path for this resource.
resourceMethods (dict) --
Map of methods for this resource, which is included only if requested using the embed option.
(string) --
(dict) --
Represents a method.
httpMethod (string) --
The HTTP method.
authorizationType (string) --
The method's authorization type.
apiKeyRequired (boolean) --
Specifies whether the method requires a valid ApiKey.
requestParameters (dict) --
Represents request parameters that can be accepted by Amazon API Gateway. Request parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a source as the key and a Boolean flag as the value. The Boolean flag is used to specify whether the parameter is required. A source must match the pattern method.request.{location}.{name}, where location is either querystring, path, or header. name is a valid, unique parameter name. Sources specified here are available to the integration for mapping to integration request parameters or templates.
(string) --
(boolean) --
requestModels (dict) --
Specifies the Model resources used for the request's content type. Request models are represented as a key/value map, with a content type as the key and a Model name as the value.
(string) --
(string) --
methodResponses (dict) --
Represents available responses that can be sent to the caller. Method responses are represented as a key/value map, with an HTTP status code as the key and a MethodResponse as the value. The status codes are available for the Integration responses to map to.
(string) --
(dict) --
Represents a method response. Amazon API Gateway sends back the status code to the caller as the HTTP status code. Parameters and models can be used to transform the response from the method's integration.
statusCode (string) --
The method response's status code.
responseParameters (dict) --
Represents response parameters that can be sent back to the caller by Amazon API Gateway. Response parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a boolean flag as the value, which is used to specify whether the parameter is required. A destination must match the pattern method.response.header.{name}, where name is a valid, unique header name. Destinations specified here are available to the integration for mapping from integration response parameters.
(string) --
(boolean) --
responseModels (dict) --
Specifies the Model resources used for the response's content-type. Response models are represented as a key/value map, with a content-type as the key and a Model name as the value.
(string) --
(string) --
methodIntegration (dict) --
The method's integration.
type (string) --
Specifies the integration's type.
httpMethod (string) --
Specifies the integration's HTTP method type.
uri (string) --
Specifies the integration's Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). For HTTP integrations, the URI must be a fully formed, encoded HTTP(S) URL according to the RFC-3986 specification. For AWS integrations, the URI should be of the form arn:aws:apigateway:{region}:{service}:{path|action}/{service_api}. Region and service are used to determine the right endpoint. For AWS services that use the Action= query string parameter, service_api should be a valid action for the desired service. For RESTful AWS service APIs, path is used to indicate that the remaining substring in the URI should be treated as the path to the resource, including the initial /.
credentials (string) --
Specifies the credentials required for the integration, if any. For AWS integrations, three options are available. To specify an IAM Role for Amazon API Gateway to assume, use the role's Amazon Resource Name (ARN). To require that the caller's identity be passed through from the request, specify the string arn:aws:iam::\*:user/\*. To use resource-based permissions on supported AWS services, specify null.
requestParameters (dict) --
Represents requests parameters that are sent with the backend request. Request parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a source as the value. A source must match an existing method request parameter, or a static value. Static values must be enclosed with single quotes, and be pre-encoded based on their destination in the request. The destination must match the pattern integration.request.{location}.{name}, where location is either querystring, path, or header. name must be a valid, unique parameter name.
(string) --
(string) --
requestTemplates (dict) --
Specifies the integration's request templates.
(string) --
(string) --
cacheNamespace (string) --
Specifies the integration's cache namespace.
cacheKeyParameters (list) --
Specifies the integration's cache key parameters.
(string) --
integrationResponses (dict) --
Specifies the integration's responses.
(string) --
(dict) --
Represents an integration response. The status code must map to an existing MethodResponse, and parameters and templates can be used to transform the backend response.
statusCode (string) --
Specifies the status code that is used to map the integration response to an existing MethodResponse.
selectionPattern (string) --
Specifies the regular expression (regex) pattern used to choose an integration response based on the response from the backend. If the backend is an AWS Lambda function, the AWS Lambda function error header is matched. For all other HTTP and AWS backends, the HTTP status code is matched.
responseParameters (dict) --
Represents response parameters that can be read from the backend response. Response parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a source as the value. A destination must match an existing response parameter in the Method. The source can be a header from the backend response, or a static value. Static values are specified using enclosing single quotes, and backend response headers can be read using the pattern integration.response.header.{name}.
(string) --
(string) --
responseTemplates (dict) --
Specifies the templates used to transform the integration response body. Response templates are represented as a key/value map, with a content-type as the key and a template as the value.
(string) --
(string) --
Lists the RestApis resources for your collection.
Request Syntax
client.get_rest_apis( position='string', limit=123 )
The position of the current RestApis resource in the collection to get information about.
The maximum number of RestApi resources in the collection to get information about. The default limit is 25. It should be an integer between 1 - 500.
Response Syntax
{ 'position': 'string', 'items': [ { 'id': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'createdDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }, ] }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Contains references to your APIs and links that guide you in ways to interact with your collection. A collection offers a paginated view of your APIs.
position (string) --
items (list) --
An array of links to the current page of RestApi resources.
(dict) --
Represents a REST API.
id (string) --
The API's identifier. This identifier is unique across all of your APIs in Amazon API Gateway.
name (string) --
The API's name.
description (string) --
The API's description.
createdDate (datetime) --
The date when the API was created, in ISO 8601 format.
Deletes the DomainName resource.
Request Syntax
client.delete_domain_name( domainName='string' )
The name of the DomainName resource to be deleted.
Creates a Resource resource.
Request Syntax
client.create_resource( restApiId='string', parentId='string', pathPart='string' )
The identifier of the RestApi for the resource.
The parent resource's identifier.
The last path segment for this resource.
Response Syntax
{ 'id': 'string', 'parentId': 'string', 'pathPart': 'string', 'path': 'string', 'resourceMethods': { 'string': { 'httpMethod': 'string', 'authorizationType': 'string', 'apiKeyRequired': True|False, 'requestParameters': { 'string': True|False }, 'requestModels': { 'string': 'string' }, 'methodResponses': { 'string': { 'statusCode': 'string', 'responseParameters': { 'string': True|False }, 'responseModels': { 'string': 'string' } } }, 'methodIntegration': { 'type': 'HTTP'|'AWS'|'MOCK', 'httpMethod': 'string', 'uri': 'string', 'credentials': 'string', 'requestParameters': { 'string': 'string' }, 'requestTemplates': { 'string': 'string' }, 'cacheNamespace': 'string', 'cacheKeyParameters': [ 'string', ], 'integrationResponses': { 'string': { 'statusCode': 'string', 'selectionPattern': 'string', 'responseParameters': { 'string': 'string' }, 'responseTemplates': { 'string': 'string' } } } } } } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents a resource.
id (string) --
The resource's identifier.
parentId (string) --
The parent resource's identifier.
pathPart (string) --
The last path segment for this resource.
path (string) --
The full path for this resource.
resourceMethods (dict) --
Map of methods for this resource, which is included only if requested using the embed option.
(string) --
(dict) --
Represents a method.
httpMethod (string) --
The HTTP method.
authorizationType (string) --
The method's authorization type.
apiKeyRequired (boolean) --
Specifies whether the method requires a valid ApiKey.
requestParameters (dict) --
Represents request parameters that can be accepted by Amazon API Gateway. Request parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a source as the key and a Boolean flag as the value. The Boolean flag is used to specify whether the parameter is required. A source must match the pattern method.request.{location}.{name}, where location is either querystring, path, or header. name is a valid, unique parameter name. Sources specified here are available to the integration for mapping to integration request parameters or templates.
(string) --
(boolean) --
requestModels (dict) --
Specifies the Model resources used for the request's content type. Request models are represented as a key/value map, with a content type as the key and a Model name as the value.
(string) --
(string) --
methodResponses (dict) --
Represents available responses that can be sent to the caller. Method responses are represented as a key/value map, with an HTTP status code as the key and a MethodResponse as the value. The status codes are available for the Integration responses to map to.
(string) --
(dict) --
Represents a method response. Amazon API Gateway sends back the status code to the caller as the HTTP status code. Parameters and models can be used to transform the response from the method's integration.
statusCode (string) --
The method response's status code.
responseParameters (dict) --
Represents response parameters that can be sent back to the caller by Amazon API Gateway. Response parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a boolean flag as the value, which is used to specify whether the parameter is required. A destination must match the pattern method.response.header.{name}, where name is a valid, unique header name. Destinations specified here are available to the integration for mapping from integration response parameters.
(string) --
(boolean) --
responseModels (dict) --
Specifies the Model resources used for the response's content-type. Response models are represented as a key/value map, with a content-type as the key and a Model name as the value.
(string) --
(string) --
methodIntegration (dict) --
The method's integration.
type (string) --
Specifies the integration's type.
httpMethod (string) --
Specifies the integration's HTTP method type.
uri (string) --
Specifies the integration's Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). For HTTP integrations, the URI must be a fully formed, encoded HTTP(S) URL according to the RFC-3986 specification. For AWS integrations, the URI should be of the form arn:aws:apigateway:{region}:{service}:{path|action}/{service_api}. Region and service are used to determine the right endpoint. For AWS services that use the Action= query string parameter, service_api should be a valid action for the desired service. For RESTful AWS service APIs, path is used to indicate that the remaining substring in the URI should be treated as the path to the resource, including the initial /.
credentials (string) --
Specifies the credentials required for the integration, if any. For AWS integrations, three options are available. To specify an IAM Role for Amazon API Gateway to assume, use the role's Amazon Resource Name (ARN). To require that the caller's identity be passed through from the request, specify the string arn:aws:iam::\*:user/\*. To use resource-based permissions on supported AWS services, specify null.
requestParameters (dict) --
Represents requests parameters that are sent with the backend request. Request parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a source as the value. A source must match an existing method request parameter, or a static value. Static values must be enclosed with single quotes, and be pre-encoded based on their destination in the request. The destination must match the pattern integration.request.{location}.{name}, where location is either querystring, path, or header. name must be a valid, unique parameter name.
(string) --
(string) --
requestTemplates (dict) --
Specifies the integration's request templates.
(string) --
(string) --
cacheNamespace (string) --
Specifies the integration's cache namespace.
cacheKeyParameters (list) --
Specifies the integration's cache key parameters.
(string) --
integrationResponses (dict) --
Specifies the integration's responses.
(string) --
(dict) --
Represents an integration response. The status code must map to an existing MethodResponse, and parameters and templates can be used to transform the backend response.
statusCode (string) --
Specifies the status code that is used to map the integration response to an existing MethodResponse.
selectionPattern (string) --
Specifies the regular expression (regex) pattern used to choose an integration response based on the response from the backend. If the backend is an AWS Lambda function, the AWS Lambda function error header is matched. For all other HTTP and AWS backends, the HTTP status code is matched.
responseParameters (dict) --
Represents response parameters that can be read from the backend response. Response parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a source as the value. A destination must match an existing response parameter in the Method. The source can be a header from the backend response, or a static value. Static values are specified using enclosing single quotes, and backend response headers can be read using the pattern integration.response.header.{name}.
(string) --
(string) --
responseTemplates (dict) --
Specifies the templates used to transform the integration response body. Response templates are represented as a key/value map, with a content-type as the key and a template as the value.
(string) --
(string) --
Changes information about a Deployment resource.
Request Syntax
client.update_deployment( restApiId='string', deploymentId='string', patchOperations=[ { 'op': 'add'|'remove'|'replace'|'move'|'copy'|'test', 'path': 'string', 'value': 'string', 'from': 'string' }, ] )
The replacement identifier of the RestApi resource for the Deployment resource to change information about.
The replacment identifier for the Deployment resource to change information about.
A list of operations describing the updates to apply to the specified resource. The patches are applied in the order specified in the list.
(dict) -- A single patch operation to apply to the specified resource. Please refer to http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6902#section-4 for an explanation of how each operation is used.
op (string) --
A patch operation whose value indicates the operation to perform. Its value MUST be one of "add", "remove", "replace", "move", "copy", or "test"; other values are errors.
path (string) --
Operation objects MUST have exactly one "path" member. That member's value is a string containing a JSON-Pointer value that references a location within the target document (the "target location") where the operation is performed.
value (string) --
The actual value content.
from (string) --
The "move" and "copy" operation object MUST contain a "from" member, which is a string containing a JSON Pointer value that references the location in the target document to move the value from.
Response Syntax
{ 'id': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'createdDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'apiSummary': { 'string': { 'string': { 'authorizationType': 'string', 'apiKeyRequired': True|False } } } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
An immutable representation of a RestApi resource that can be called by users using Stages. A deployment must be associated with a Stage for it to be callable over the Internet.
id (string) --
The identifier for the deployment resource.
description (string) --
The description for the deployment resource.
createdDate (datetime) --
The date and time that the deployment resource was created.
apiSummary (dict) --
Gets a summary of the RestApi at the date and time that the deployment resource was created.
(string) --
(dict) --
(string) --
(dict) --
Represents a summary of a Method resource, given a particular date and time.
authorizationType (string) --
Specifies the type of authorization used for the method.
apiKeyRequired (boolean) --
Specifies whether the method requires a valid ApiKey.
Request Syntax
client.get_client_certificate( clientCertificateId='string' )
Response Syntax
{ 'clientCertificateId': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'pemEncodedCertificate': 'string', 'createdDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'expirationDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }
Response Structure
(dict) --
clientCertificateId (string) --
description (string) --
pemEncodedCertificate (string) --
createdDate (datetime) --
expirationDate (datetime) --
Deletes a Resource resource.
Request Syntax
client.delete_resource( restApiId='string', resourceId='string' )
The RestApi identifier for the Resource resource.
The identifier of the Resource resource.
Request Syntax
client.update_client_certificate( clientCertificateId='string', patchOperations=[ { 'op': 'add'|'remove'|'replace'|'move'|'copy'|'test', 'path': 'string', 'value': 'string', 'from': 'string' }, ] )
A list of operations describing the updates to apply to the specified resource. The patches are applied in the order specified in the list.
(dict) -- A single patch operation to apply to the specified resource. Please refer to http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6902#section-4 for an explanation of how each operation is used.
op (string) --
A patch operation whose value indicates the operation to perform. Its value MUST be one of "add", "remove", "replace", "move", "copy", or "test"; other values are errors.
path (string) --
Operation objects MUST have exactly one "path" member. That member's value is a string containing a JSON-Pointer value that references a location within the target document (the "target location") where the operation is performed.
value (string) --
The actual value content.
from (string) --
The "move" and "copy" operation object MUST contain a "from" member, which is a string containing a JSON Pointer value that references the location in the target document to move the value from.
Response Syntax
{ 'clientCertificateId': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'pemEncodedCertificate': 'string', 'createdDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'expirationDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }
Response Structure
(dict) --
clientCertificateId (string) --
description (string) --
pemEncodedCertificate (string) --
createdDate (datetime) --
expirationDate (datetime) --
Request Syntax
client.get_sdk( restApiId='string', stageName='string', sdkType='string', parameters={ 'string': 'string' } )
(string) --
(string) --
Response Syntax
{ 'contentType': 'string', 'contentDisposition': 'string', 'body': StreamingBody() }
Response Structure
(dict) --
contentType (string) --
contentDisposition (string) --
body (:class:`.StreamingBody`) --
Deletes an existing Method resource.
Request Syntax
client.delete_method( restApiId='string', resourceId='string', httpMethod='string' )
The RestApi identifier for the Method resource.
The Resource identifier for the Method resource.
The HTTP verb that identifies the Method resource.
Add a method to an existing Resource resource.
Request Syntax
client.put_method( restApiId='string', resourceId='string', httpMethod='string', authorizationType='string', apiKeyRequired=True|False, requestParameters={ 'string': True|False }, requestModels={ 'string': 'string' } )
The RestApi identifier for the new Method resource.
The Resource identifier for the new Method resource.
Specifies the put method request's HTTP method type.
Specifies the type of authorization used for the method.
Specifies whether the method required a valid ApiKey.
Represents requests parameters that are sent with the backend request. Request parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a source as the value. A source must match an existing method request parameter, or a static value. Static values must be enclosed with single quotes, and be pre-encoded based on their destination in the request. The destination must match the pattern integration.request.{location}.{name}, where location is either querystring, path, or header. name must be a valid, unique parameter name.
(string) --
(boolean) --
Specifies the Model resources used for the request's content type. Request models are represented as a key/value map, with a content type as the key and a Model name as the value.
(string) --
(string) --
Response Syntax
{ 'httpMethod': 'string', 'authorizationType': 'string', 'apiKeyRequired': True|False, 'requestParameters': { 'string': True|False }, 'requestModels': { 'string': 'string' }, 'methodResponses': { 'string': { 'statusCode': 'string', 'responseParameters': { 'string': True|False }, 'responseModels': { 'string': 'string' } } }, 'methodIntegration': { 'type': 'HTTP'|'AWS'|'MOCK', 'httpMethod': 'string', 'uri': 'string', 'credentials': 'string', 'requestParameters': { 'string': 'string' }, 'requestTemplates': { 'string': 'string' }, 'cacheNamespace': 'string', 'cacheKeyParameters': [ 'string', ], 'integrationResponses': { 'string': { 'statusCode': 'string', 'selectionPattern': 'string', 'responseParameters': { 'string': 'string' }, 'responseTemplates': { 'string': 'string' } } } } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents a method.
httpMethod (string) --
The HTTP method.
authorizationType (string) --
The method's authorization type.
apiKeyRequired (boolean) --
Specifies whether the method requires a valid ApiKey.
requestParameters (dict) --
Represents request parameters that can be accepted by Amazon API Gateway. Request parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a source as the key and a Boolean flag as the value. The Boolean flag is used to specify whether the parameter is required. A source must match the pattern method.request.{location}.{name}, where location is either querystring, path, or header. name is a valid, unique parameter name. Sources specified here are available to the integration for mapping to integration request parameters or templates.
(string) --
(boolean) --
requestModels (dict) --
Specifies the Model resources used for the request's content type. Request models are represented as a key/value map, with a content type as the key and a Model name as the value.
(string) --
(string) --
methodResponses (dict) --
Represents available responses that can be sent to the caller. Method responses are represented as a key/value map, with an HTTP status code as the key and a MethodResponse as the value. The status codes are available for the Integration responses to map to.
(string) --
(dict) --
Represents a method response. Amazon API Gateway sends back the status code to the caller as the HTTP status code. Parameters and models can be used to transform the response from the method's integration.
statusCode (string) --
The method response's status code.
responseParameters (dict) --
Represents response parameters that can be sent back to the caller by Amazon API Gateway. Response parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a boolean flag as the value, which is used to specify whether the parameter is required. A destination must match the pattern method.response.header.{name}, where name is a valid, unique header name. Destinations specified here are available to the integration for mapping from integration response parameters.
(string) --
(boolean) --
responseModels (dict) --
Specifies the Model resources used for the response's content-type. Response models are represented as a key/value map, with a content-type as the key and a Model name as the value.
(string) --
(string) --
methodIntegration (dict) --
The method's integration.
type (string) --
Specifies the integration's type.
httpMethod (string) --
Specifies the integration's HTTP method type.
uri (string) --
Specifies the integration's Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). For HTTP integrations, the URI must be a fully formed, encoded HTTP(S) URL according to the RFC-3986 specification. For AWS integrations, the URI should be of the form arn:aws:apigateway:{region}:{service}:{path|action}/{service_api}. Region and service are used to determine the right endpoint. For AWS services that use the Action= query string parameter, service_api should be a valid action for the desired service. For RESTful AWS service APIs, path is used to indicate that the remaining substring in the URI should be treated as the path to the resource, including the initial /.
credentials (string) --
Specifies the credentials required for the integration, if any. For AWS integrations, three options are available. To specify an IAM Role for Amazon API Gateway to assume, use the role's Amazon Resource Name (ARN). To require that the caller's identity be passed through from the request, specify the string arn:aws:iam::\*:user/\*. To use resource-based permissions on supported AWS services, specify null.
requestParameters (dict) --
Represents requests parameters that are sent with the backend request. Request parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a source as the value. A source must match an existing method request parameter, or a static value. Static values must be enclosed with single quotes, and be pre-encoded based on their destination in the request. The destination must match the pattern integration.request.{location}.{name}, where location is either querystring, path, or header. name must be a valid, unique parameter name.
(string) --
(string) --
requestTemplates (dict) --
Specifies the integration's request templates.
(string) --
(string) --
cacheNamespace (string) --
Specifies the integration's cache namespace.
cacheKeyParameters (list) --
Specifies the integration's cache key parameters.
(string) --
integrationResponses (dict) --
Specifies the integration's responses.
(string) --
(dict) --
Represents an integration response. The status code must map to an existing MethodResponse, and parameters and templates can be used to transform the backend response.
statusCode (string) --
Specifies the status code that is used to map the integration response to an existing MethodResponse.
selectionPattern (string) --
Specifies the regular expression (regex) pattern used to choose an integration response based on the response from the backend. If the backend is an AWS Lambda function, the AWS Lambda function error header is matched. For all other HTTP and AWS backends, the HTTP status code is matched.
responseParameters (dict) --
Represents response parameters that can be read from the backend response. Response parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a source as the value. A destination must match an existing response parameter in the Method. The source can be a header from the backend response, or a static value. Static values are specified using enclosing single quotes, and backend response headers can be read using the pattern integration.response.header.{name}.
(string) --
(string) --
responseTemplates (dict) --
Specifies the templates used to transform the integration response body. Response templates are represented as a key/value map, with a content-type as the key and a template as the value.
(string) --
(string) --
Flushes a stage's cache.
Request Syntax
client.flush_stage_cache( restApiId='string', stageName='string' )
The API identifier of the stage to flush its cache.
The name of the stage to flush its cache.
Describes existing Models defined for a RestApi resource.
Request Syntax
client.get_models( restApiId='string', position='string', limit=123 )
The RestApi identifier.
The position of the next set of results in the Models resource to get information about.
The maximum number of models in the collection to get information about. The default limit is 25. It should be an integer between 1 - 500.
Response Syntax
{ 'position': 'string', 'items': [ { 'id': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'schema': 'string', 'contentType': 'string' }, ] }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents a collection of Model resources.
position (string) --
items (list) --
Gets the current Model resource in the collection.
(dict) --
Represents the structure of a request or response payload for a method.
id (string) --
The identifier for the model resource.
name (string) --
The name of the model.
description (string) --
The description of the model.
schema (string) --
The schema for the model. For application/json models, this should be JSON-schema draft v4 model.
contentType (string) --
The content-type for the model.
Gets information about a Stage resource.
Request Syntax
client.get_stage( restApiId='string', stageName='string' )
The identifier of the RestApi resource for the Stage resource to get information about.
The name of the Stage resource to get information about.
Response Syntax
{ 'deploymentId': 'string', 'clientCertificateId': 'string', 'stageName': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'cacheClusterEnabled': True|False, 'cacheClusterSize': '0.5'|'1.6'|'6.1'|'13.5'|'28.4'|'58.2'|'118'|'237', 'cacheClusterStatus': 'CREATE_IN_PROGRESS'|'AVAILABLE'|'DELETE_IN_PROGRESS'|'NOT_AVAILABLE'|'FLUSH_IN_PROGRESS', 'methodSettings': { 'string': { 'metricsEnabled': True|False, 'loggingLevel': 'string', 'dataTraceEnabled': True|False, 'throttlingBurstLimit': 123, 'throttlingRateLimit': 123.0, 'cachingEnabled': True|False, 'cacheTtlInSeconds': 123, 'cacheDataEncrypted': True|False } }, 'createdDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'lastUpdatedDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents a unique identifier for a version of a deployed RestApi that is callable by users.
deploymentId (string) --
The identifier of the Deployment that the stage points to.
clientCertificateId (string) --
stageName (string) --
The name of the stage is the first path segment in the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of a call to Amazon API Gateway.
description (string) --
The stage's description.
cacheClusterEnabled (boolean) --
Specifies whether a cache cluster is enabled for the stage.
cacheClusterSize (string) --
The size of the cache cluster for the stage, if enabled.
cacheClusterStatus (string) --
The status of the cache cluster for the stage, if enabled.
methodSettings (dict) --
A map that defines the method settings for a Stage resource. Keys are defined as {resource_path}/{http_method} for an individual method override, or \*/\* for the settings applied to all methods in the stage.
(string) --
(dict) --
Specifies the method setting properties.
metricsEnabled (boolean) --
Specifies whether Amazon CloudWatch metrics are enabled for this method. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/metrics/enabled, and the value is a Boolean.
loggingLevel (string) --
Specifies the logging level for this method, which effects the log entries pushed to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/logging/loglevel, and the available levels are OFF, ERROR, and INFO.
dataTraceEnabled (boolean) --
Specifies the whether data trace logging is enabled for this method, which effects the log entries pushed to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/logging/dataTrace, and the value is a Boolean.
throttlingBurstLimit (integer) --
Specifies the throttling burst limit. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/throttling/burstLimit, and the value is an integer.
throttlingRateLimit (float) --
Specifies the throttling rate limit. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/throttling/rateLimit, and the value is a double.
cachingEnabled (boolean) --
Specifies whether responses should be cached and returned for requests. A cache cluster must be enabled on the stage for responses to be cached. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/caching/enabled, and the value is a Boolean.
cacheTtlInSeconds (integer) --
Specifies the time to live (TTL) in seconds, for cached responses. The higher a the TTL, the longer the response will be cached. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/caching/ttlInSeconds, and the value is an integer.
cacheDataEncrypted (boolean) --
Specifies whether the cached responses are encrypted. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/caching/dataEncrypted, and the value is a Boolean.
createdDate (datetime) --
The date and time that the stage was created, in ISO 8601 format.
lastUpdatedDate (datetime) --
The date and time that information about the stage was last updated, in ISO 8601 format.
Updates an existing MethodResponse resource.
Request Syntax
client.update_method_response( restApiId='string', resourceId='string', httpMethod='string', statusCode='string', patchOperations=[ { 'op': 'add'|'remove'|'replace'|'move'|'copy'|'test', 'path': 'string', 'value': 'string', 'from': 'string' }, ] )
The RestApi identifier for the MethodResponse resource.
The Resource identifier for the MethodResponse resource.
The HTTP verb identifier for the parent Method resource.
The status code identifier for the MethodResponse resource.
A list of operations describing the updates to apply to the specified resource. The patches are applied in the order specified in the list.
(dict) -- A single patch operation to apply to the specified resource. Please refer to http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6902#section-4 for an explanation of how each operation is used.
op (string) --
A patch operation whose value indicates the operation to perform. Its value MUST be one of "add", "remove", "replace", "move", "copy", or "test"; other values are errors.
path (string) --
Operation objects MUST have exactly one "path" member. That member's value is a string containing a JSON-Pointer value that references a location within the target document (the "target location") where the operation is performed.
value (string) --
The actual value content.
from (string) --
The "move" and "copy" operation object MUST contain a "from" member, which is a string containing a JSON Pointer value that references the location in the target document to move the value from.
Response Syntax
{ 'statusCode': 'string', 'responseParameters': { 'string': True|False }, 'responseModels': { 'string': 'string' } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents a method response. Amazon API Gateway sends back the status code to the caller as the HTTP status code. Parameters and models can be used to transform the response from the method's integration.
statusCode (string) --
The method response's status code.
responseParameters (dict) --
Represents response parameters that can be sent back to the caller by Amazon API Gateway. Response parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a boolean flag as the value, which is used to specify whether the parameter is required. A destination must match the pattern method.response.header.{name}, where name is a valid, unique header name. Destinations specified here are available to the integration for mapping from integration response parameters.
(string) --
(boolean) --
responseModels (dict) --
Specifies the Model resources used for the response's content-type. Response models are represented as a key/value map, with a content-type as the key and a Model name as the value.
(string) --
(string) --
Deletes a Stage resource.
Request Syntax
client.delete_stage( restApiId='string', stageName='string' )
The identifier of the RestApi resource for the Stage resource to delete.
The name of the Stage resource to delete.
Changes information about a Resource resource.
Request Syntax
client.update_resource( restApiId='string', resourceId='string', patchOperations=[ { 'op': 'add'|'remove'|'replace'|'move'|'copy'|'test', 'path': 'string', 'value': 'string', 'from': 'string' }, ] )
The RestApi identifier for the Resource resource.
The identifier of the Resource resource.
A list of operations describing the updates to apply to the specified resource. The patches are applied in the order specified in the list.
(dict) -- A single patch operation to apply to the specified resource. Please refer to http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6902#section-4 for an explanation of how each operation is used.
op (string) --
A patch operation whose value indicates the operation to perform. Its value MUST be one of "add", "remove", "replace", "move", "copy", or "test"; other values are errors.
path (string) --
Operation objects MUST have exactly one "path" member. That member's value is a string containing a JSON-Pointer value that references a location within the target document (the "target location") where the operation is performed.
value (string) --
The actual value content.
from (string) --
The "move" and "copy" operation object MUST contain a "from" member, which is a string containing a JSON Pointer value that references the location in the target document to move the value from.
Response Syntax
{ 'id': 'string', 'parentId': 'string', 'pathPart': 'string', 'path': 'string', 'resourceMethods': { 'string': { 'httpMethod': 'string', 'authorizationType': 'string', 'apiKeyRequired': True|False, 'requestParameters': { 'string': True|False }, 'requestModels': { 'string': 'string' }, 'methodResponses': { 'string': { 'statusCode': 'string', 'responseParameters': { 'string': True|False }, 'responseModels': { 'string': 'string' } } }, 'methodIntegration': { 'type': 'HTTP'|'AWS'|'MOCK', 'httpMethod': 'string', 'uri': 'string', 'credentials': 'string', 'requestParameters': { 'string': 'string' }, 'requestTemplates': { 'string': 'string' }, 'cacheNamespace': 'string', 'cacheKeyParameters': [ 'string', ], 'integrationResponses': { 'string': { 'statusCode': 'string', 'selectionPattern': 'string', 'responseParameters': { 'string': 'string' }, 'responseTemplates': { 'string': 'string' } } } } } } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents a resource.
id (string) --
The resource's identifier.
parentId (string) --
The parent resource's identifier.
pathPart (string) --
The last path segment for this resource.
path (string) --
The full path for this resource.
resourceMethods (dict) --
Map of methods for this resource, which is included only if requested using the embed option.
(string) --
(dict) --
Represents a method.
httpMethod (string) --
The HTTP method.
authorizationType (string) --
The method's authorization type.
apiKeyRequired (boolean) --
Specifies whether the method requires a valid ApiKey.
requestParameters (dict) --
Represents request parameters that can be accepted by Amazon API Gateway. Request parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a source as the key and a Boolean flag as the value. The Boolean flag is used to specify whether the parameter is required. A source must match the pattern method.request.{location}.{name}, where location is either querystring, path, or header. name is a valid, unique parameter name. Sources specified here are available to the integration for mapping to integration request parameters or templates.
(string) --
(boolean) --
requestModels (dict) --
Specifies the Model resources used for the request's content type. Request models are represented as a key/value map, with a content type as the key and a Model name as the value.
(string) --
(string) --
methodResponses (dict) --
Represents available responses that can be sent to the caller. Method responses are represented as a key/value map, with an HTTP status code as the key and a MethodResponse as the value. The status codes are available for the Integration responses to map to.
(string) --
(dict) --
Represents a method response. Amazon API Gateway sends back the status code to the caller as the HTTP status code. Parameters and models can be used to transform the response from the method's integration.
statusCode (string) --
The method response's status code.
responseParameters (dict) --
Represents response parameters that can be sent back to the caller by Amazon API Gateway. Response parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a boolean flag as the value, which is used to specify whether the parameter is required. A destination must match the pattern method.response.header.{name}, where name is a valid, unique header name. Destinations specified here are available to the integration for mapping from integration response parameters.
(string) --
(boolean) --
responseModels (dict) --
Specifies the Model resources used for the response's content-type. Response models are represented as a key/value map, with a content-type as the key and a Model name as the value.
(string) --
(string) --
methodIntegration (dict) --
The method's integration.
type (string) --
Specifies the integration's type.
httpMethod (string) --
Specifies the integration's HTTP method type.
uri (string) --
Specifies the integration's Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). For HTTP integrations, the URI must be a fully formed, encoded HTTP(S) URL according to the RFC-3986 specification. For AWS integrations, the URI should be of the form arn:aws:apigateway:{region}:{service}:{path|action}/{service_api}. Region and service are used to determine the right endpoint. For AWS services that use the Action= query string parameter, service_api should be a valid action for the desired service. For RESTful AWS service APIs, path is used to indicate that the remaining substring in the URI should be treated as the path to the resource, including the initial /.
credentials (string) --
Specifies the credentials required for the integration, if any. For AWS integrations, three options are available. To specify an IAM Role for Amazon API Gateway to assume, use the role's Amazon Resource Name (ARN). To require that the caller's identity be passed through from the request, specify the string arn:aws:iam::\*:user/\*. To use resource-based permissions on supported AWS services, specify null.
requestParameters (dict) --
Represents requests parameters that are sent with the backend request. Request parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a source as the value. A source must match an existing method request parameter, or a static value. Static values must be enclosed with single quotes, and be pre-encoded based on their destination in the request. The destination must match the pattern integration.request.{location}.{name}, where location is either querystring, path, or header. name must be a valid, unique parameter name.
(string) --
(string) --
requestTemplates (dict) --
Specifies the integration's request templates.
(string) --
(string) --
cacheNamespace (string) --
Specifies the integration's cache namespace.
cacheKeyParameters (list) --
Specifies the integration's cache key parameters.
(string) --
integrationResponses (dict) --
Specifies the integration's responses.
(string) --
(dict) --
Represents an integration response. The status code must map to an existing MethodResponse, and parameters and templates can be used to transform the backend response.
statusCode (string) --
Specifies the status code that is used to map the integration response to an existing MethodResponse.
selectionPattern (string) --
Specifies the regular expression (regex) pattern used to choose an integration response based on the response from the backend. If the backend is an AWS Lambda function, the AWS Lambda function error header is matched. For all other HTTP and AWS backends, the HTTP status code is matched.
responseParameters (dict) --
Represents response parameters that can be read from the backend response. Response parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a source as the value. A destination must match an existing response parameter in the Method. The source can be a header from the backend response, or a static value. Static values are specified using enclosing single quotes, and backend response headers can be read using the pattern integration.response.header.{name}.
(string) --
(string) --
responseTemplates (dict) --
Specifies the templates used to transform the integration response body. Response templates are represented as a key/value map, with a content-type as the key and a template as the value.
(string) --
(string) --
Changes information about the specified API.
Request Syntax
client.update_rest_api( restApiId='string', patchOperations=[ { 'op': 'add'|'remove'|'replace'|'move'|'copy'|'test', 'path': 'string', 'value': 'string', 'from': 'string' }, ] )
The ID of the RestApi you want to update.
A list of operations describing the updates to apply to the specified resource. The patches are applied in the order specified in the list.
(dict) -- A single patch operation to apply to the specified resource. Please refer to http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6902#section-4 for an explanation of how each operation is used.
op (string) --
A patch operation whose value indicates the operation to perform. Its value MUST be one of "add", "remove", "replace", "move", "copy", or "test"; other values are errors.
path (string) --
Operation objects MUST have exactly one "path" member. That member's value is a string containing a JSON-Pointer value that references a location within the target document (the "target location") where the operation is performed.
value (string) --
The actual value content.
from (string) --
The "move" and "copy" operation object MUST contain a "from" member, which is a string containing a JSON Pointer value that references the location in the target document to move the value from.
Response Syntax
{ 'id': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'createdDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents a REST API.
id (string) --
The API's identifier. This identifier is unique across all of your APIs in Amazon API Gateway.
name (string) --
The API's name.
description (string) --
The API's description.
createdDate (datetime) --
The date when the API was created, in ISO 8601 format.
Adds a new Model resource to an existing RestApi resource.
Request Syntax
client.create_model( restApiId='string', name='string', description='string', schema='string', contentType='string' )
The RestApi identifier under which the Model will be created.
The name of the model.
The description of the model.
The schema for the model. For application/json models, this should be JSON-schema draft v4 model.
The content-type for the model.
Response Syntax
{ 'id': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'schema': 'string', 'contentType': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents the structure of a request or response payload for a method.
id (string) --
The identifier for the model resource.
name (string) --
The name of the model.
description (string) --
The description of the model.
schema (string) --
The schema for the model. For application/json models, this should be JSON-schema draft v4 model.
contentType (string) --
The content-type for the model.
Changes information about a model.
Request Syntax
client.update_model( restApiId='string', modelName='string', patchOperations=[ { 'op': 'add'|'remove'|'replace'|'move'|'copy'|'test', 'path': 'string', 'value': 'string', 'from': 'string' }, ] )
The RestApi identifier under which the model exists.
The name of the model to update.
A list of operations describing the updates to apply to the specified resource. The patches are applied in the order specified in the list.
(dict) -- A single patch operation to apply to the specified resource. Please refer to http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6902#section-4 for an explanation of how each operation is used.
op (string) --
A patch operation whose value indicates the operation to perform. Its value MUST be one of "add", "remove", "replace", "move", "copy", or "test"; other values are errors.
path (string) --
Operation objects MUST have exactly one "path" member. That member's value is a string containing a JSON-Pointer value that references a location within the target document (the "target location") where the operation is performed.
value (string) --
The actual value content.
from (string) --
The "move" and "copy" operation object MUST contain a "from" member, which is a string containing a JSON Pointer value that references the location in the target document to move the value from.
Response Syntax
{ 'id': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'schema': 'string', 'contentType': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents the structure of a request or response payload for a method.
id (string) --
The identifier for the model resource.
name (string) --
The name of the model.
description (string) --
The description of the model.
schema (string) --
The schema for the model. For application/json models, this should be JSON-schema draft v4 model.
contentType (string) --
The content-type for the model.
Represents a get integration response.
Request Syntax
client.get_integration_response( restApiId='string', resourceId='string', httpMethod='string', statusCode='string' )
Specifies a get integration response request's API identifier.
Specifies a get integration response request's resource identifier.
Specifies a get integration response request's HTTP method.
Specifies a get integration response request's status code.
Response Syntax
{ 'statusCode': 'string', 'selectionPattern': 'string', 'responseParameters': { 'string': 'string' }, 'responseTemplates': { 'string': 'string' } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents an integration response. The status code must map to an existing MethodResponse, and parameters and templates can be used to transform the backend response.
statusCode (string) --
Specifies the status code that is used to map the integration response to an existing MethodResponse.
selectionPattern (string) --
Specifies the regular expression (regex) pattern used to choose an integration response based on the response from the backend. If the backend is an AWS Lambda function, the AWS Lambda function error header is matched. For all other HTTP and AWS backends, the HTTP status code is matched.
responseParameters (dict) --
Represents response parameters that can be read from the backend response. Response parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a source as the value. A destination must match an existing response parameter in the Method. The source can be a header from the backend response, or a static value. Static values are specified using enclosing single quotes, and backend response headers can be read using the pattern integration.response.header.{name}.
(string) --
(string) --
responseTemplates (dict) --
Specifies the templates used to transform the integration response body. Response templates are represented as a key/value map, with a content-type as the key and a template as the value.
(string) --
(string) --
Changes information about the BasePathMapping resource.
Request Syntax
client.update_base_path_mapping( domainName='string', basePath='string', patchOperations=[ { 'op': 'add'|'remove'|'replace'|'move'|'copy'|'test', 'path': 'string', 'value': 'string', 'from': 'string' }, ] )
The domain name of the BasePathMapping resource to change.
The base path of the BasePathMapping resource to change.
A list of operations describing the updates to apply to the specified resource. The patches are applied in the order specified in the list.
(dict) -- A single patch operation to apply to the specified resource. Please refer to http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6902#section-4 for an explanation of how each operation is used.
op (string) --
A patch operation whose value indicates the operation to perform. Its value MUST be one of "add", "remove", "replace", "move", "copy", or "test"; other values are errors.
path (string) --
Operation objects MUST have exactly one "path" member. That member's value is a string containing a JSON-Pointer value that references a location within the target document (the "target location") where the operation is performed.
value (string) --
The actual value content.
from (string) --
The "move" and "copy" operation object MUST contain a "from" member, which is a string containing a JSON Pointer value that references the location in the target document to move the value from.
Response Syntax
{ 'basePath': 'string', 'restApiId': 'string', 'stage': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents the base path that callers of the API that must provide as part of the URL after the domain name.
basePath (string) --
The base path name that callers of the API must provide as part of the URL after the domain name.
restApiId (string) --
The name of the API.
stage (string) --
The name of the API's stage.
Represents a domain name that is contained in a simpler, more intuitive URL that can be called.
Request Syntax
client.get_domain_name( domainName='string' )
The name of the DomainName resource.
Response Syntax
{ 'domainName': 'string', 'certificateName': 'string', 'certificateUploadDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'distributionDomainName': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents a domain name that is contained in a simpler, more intuitive URL that can be called.
domainName (string) --
The name of the DomainName resource.
certificateName (string) --
The name of the certificate.
certificateUploadDate (datetime) --
The date when the certificate was uploaded, in ISO 8601 format.
distributionDomainName (string) --
The domain name of the Amazon CloudFront distribution. For more information, see the Amazon CloudFront documentation.
Gets information about the current Account resource.
Request Syntax
Response Syntax
{ 'cloudwatchRoleArn': 'string', 'throttleSettings': { 'burstLimit': 123, 'rateLimit': 123.0 } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents an AWS account that is associated with Amazon API Gateway.
cloudwatchRoleArn (string) --
Specifies the Amazon resource name (ARN) of an Amazon CloudWatch role for the current Account resource.
throttleSettings (dict) --
Specifies the application programming interface (API) throttle settings for the current Account resource.
burstLimit (integer) --
Returns the burstLimit when ThrottleSettings is called.
rateLimit (float) --
Returns the rateLimit when ThrottleSettings is called.
Gets information about the current ApiKeys resource.
Request Syntax
client.get_api_keys( position='string', limit=123 )
The position of the current ApiKeys resource to get information about.
The maximum number of ApiKeys to get information about.
Response Syntax
{ 'position': 'string', 'items': [ { 'id': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'enabled': True|False, 'stageKeys': [ 'string', ], 'createdDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'lastUpdatedDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }, ] }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents a collection of ApiKey resources.
position (string) --
items (list) --
The current page of any ApiKey resources in the collection of ApiKey resources.
(dict) --
A resource that can be distributed to callers for executing Method resources that require an API key. API keys can be mapped to any Stage on any RestApi, which indicates that the callers with the API key can make requests to that stage.
id (string) --
The identifier of the API Key.
name (string) --
The name of the API Key.
description (string) --
The description of the API Key.
enabled (boolean) --
Specifies whether the API Key can be used by callers.
stageKeys (list) --
A list of Stage resources that are associated with the ApiKey resource.
(string) --
createdDate (datetime) --
The date when the API Key was created, in ISO 8601 format.
lastUpdatedDate (datetime) --
When the API Key was last updated, in ISO 8601 format.
Lists information about a resource.
Request Syntax
client.get_resource( restApiId='string', resourceId='string' )
The RestApi identifier for the resource.
The identifier for the Resource resource.
Response Syntax
{ 'id': 'string', 'parentId': 'string', 'pathPart': 'string', 'path': 'string', 'resourceMethods': { 'string': { 'httpMethod': 'string', 'authorizationType': 'string', 'apiKeyRequired': True|False, 'requestParameters': { 'string': True|False }, 'requestModels': { 'string': 'string' }, 'methodResponses': { 'string': { 'statusCode': 'string', 'responseParameters': { 'string': True|False }, 'responseModels': { 'string': 'string' } } }, 'methodIntegration': { 'type': 'HTTP'|'AWS'|'MOCK', 'httpMethod': 'string', 'uri': 'string', 'credentials': 'string', 'requestParameters': { 'string': 'string' }, 'requestTemplates': { 'string': 'string' }, 'cacheNamespace': 'string', 'cacheKeyParameters': [ 'string', ], 'integrationResponses': { 'string': { 'statusCode': 'string', 'selectionPattern': 'string', 'responseParameters': { 'string': 'string' }, 'responseTemplates': { 'string': 'string' } } } } } } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents a resource.
id (string) --
The resource's identifier.
parentId (string) --
The parent resource's identifier.
pathPart (string) --
The last path segment for this resource.
path (string) --
The full path for this resource.
resourceMethods (dict) --
Map of methods for this resource, which is included only if requested using the embed option.
(string) --
(dict) --
Represents a method.
httpMethod (string) --
The HTTP method.
authorizationType (string) --
The method's authorization type.
apiKeyRequired (boolean) --
Specifies whether the method requires a valid ApiKey.
requestParameters (dict) --
Represents request parameters that can be accepted by Amazon API Gateway. Request parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a source as the key and a Boolean flag as the value. The Boolean flag is used to specify whether the parameter is required. A source must match the pattern method.request.{location}.{name}, where location is either querystring, path, or header. name is a valid, unique parameter name. Sources specified here are available to the integration for mapping to integration request parameters or templates.
(string) --
(boolean) --
requestModels (dict) --
Specifies the Model resources used for the request's content type. Request models are represented as a key/value map, with a content type as the key and a Model name as the value.
(string) --
(string) --
methodResponses (dict) --
Represents available responses that can be sent to the caller. Method responses are represented as a key/value map, with an HTTP status code as the key and a MethodResponse as the value. The status codes are available for the Integration responses to map to.
(string) --
(dict) --
Represents a method response. Amazon API Gateway sends back the status code to the caller as the HTTP status code. Parameters and models can be used to transform the response from the method's integration.
statusCode (string) --
The method response's status code.
responseParameters (dict) --
Represents response parameters that can be sent back to the caller by Amazon API Gateway. Response parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a boolean flag as the value, which is used to specify whether the parameter is required. A destination must match the pattern method.response.header.{name}, where name is a valid, unique header name. Destinations specified here are available to the integration for mapping from integration response parameters.
(string) --
(boolean) --
responseModels (dict) --
Specifies the Model resources used for the response's content-type. Response models are represented as a key/value map, with a content-type as the key and a Model name as the value.
(string) --
(string) --
methodIntegration (dict) --
The method's integration.
type (string) --
Specifies the integration's type.
httpMethod (string) --
Specifies the integration's HTTP method type.
uri (string) --
Specifies the integration's Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). For HTTP integrations, the URI must be a fully formed, encoded HTTP(S) URL according to the RFC-3986 specification. For AWS integrations, the URI should be of the form arn:aws:apigateway:{region}:{service}:{path|action}/{service_api}. Region and service are used to determine the right endpoint. For AWS services that use the Action= query string parameter, service_api should be a valid action for the desired service. For RESTful AWS service APIs, path is used to indicate that the remaining substring in the URI should be treated as the path to the resource, including the initial /.
credentials (string) --
Specifies the credentials required for the integration, if any. For AWS integrations, three options are available. To specify an IAM Role for Amazon API Gateway to assume, use the role's Amazon Resource Name (ARN). To require that the caller's identity be passed through from the request, specify the string arn:aws:iam::\*:user/\*. To use resource-based permissions on supported AWS services, specify null.
requestParameters (dict) --
Represents requests parameters that are sent with the backend request. Request parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a source as the value. A source must match an existing method request parameter, or a static value. Static values must be enclosed with single quotes, and be pre-encoded based on their destination in the request. The destination must match the pattern integration.request.{location}.{name}, where location is either querystring, path, or header. name must be a valid, unique parameter name.
(string) --
(string) --
requestTemplates (dict) --
Specifies the integration's request templates.
(string) --
(string) --
cacheNamespace (string) --
Specifies the integration's cache namespace.
cacheKeyParameters (list) --
Specifies the integration's cache key parameters.
(string) --
integrationResponses (dict) --
Specifies the integration's responses.
(string) --
(dict) --
Represents an integration response. The status code must map to an existing MethodResponse, and parameters and templates can be used to transform the backend response.
statusCode (string) --
Specifies the status code that is used to map the integration response to an existing MethodResponse.
selectionPattern (string) --
Specifies the regular expression (regex) pattern used to choose an integration response based on the response from the backend. If the backend is an AWS Lambda function, the AWS Lambda function error header is matched. For all other HTTP and AWS backends, the HTTP status code is matched.
responseParameters (dict) --
Represents response parameters that can be read from the backend response. Response parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a source as the value. A destination must match an existing response parameter in the Method. The source can be a header from the backend response, or a static value. Static values are specified using enclosing single quotes, and backend response headers can be read using the pattern integration.response.header.{name}.
(string) --
(string) --
responseTemplates (dict) --
Specifies the templates used to transform the integration response body. Response templates are represented as a key/value map, with a content-type as the key and a template as the value.
(string) --
(string) --
Represents a get integration.
Request Syntax
client.get_integration( restApiId='string', resourceId='string', httpMethod='string' )
Specifies a get integration request's API identifier.
Specifies a get integration request's resource identifier
Specifies a get integration request's HTTP method.
Response Syntax
{ 'type': 'HTTP'|'AWS'|'MOCK', 'httpMethod': 'string', 'uri': 'string', 'credentials': 'string', 'requestParameters': { 'string': 'string' }, 'requestTemplates': { 'string': 'string' }, 'cacheNamespace': 'string', 'cacheKeyParameters': [ 'string', ], 'integrationResponses': { 'string': { 'statusCode': 'string', 'selectionPattern': 'string', 'responseParameters': { 'string': 'string' }, 'responseTemplates': { 'string': 'string' } } } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents a HTTP, AWS, or Mock integration.
type (string) --
Specifies the integration's type.
httpMethod (string) --
Specifies the integration's HTTP method type.
uri (string) --
Specifies the integration's Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). For HTTP integrations, the URI must be a fully formed, encoded HTTP(S) URL according to the RFC-3986 specification. For AWS integrations, the URI should be of the form arn:aws:apigateway:{region}:{service}:{path|action}/{service_api}. Region and service are used to determine the right endpoint. For AWS services that use the Action= query string parameter, service_api should be a valid action for the desired service. For RESTful AWS service APIs, path is used to indicate that the remaining substring in the URI should be treated as the path to the resource, including the initial /.
credentials (string) --
Specifies the credentials required for the integration, if any. For AWS integrations, three options are available. To specify an IAM Role for Amazon API Gateway to assume, use the role's Amazon Resource Name (ARN). To require that the caller's identity be passed through from the request, specify the string arn:aws:iam::\*:user/\*. To use resource-based permissions on supported AWS services, specify null.
requestParameters (dict) --
Represents requests parameters that are sent with the backend request. Request parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a source as the value. A source must match an existing method request parameter, or a static value. Static values must be enclosed with single quotes, and be pre-encoded based on their destination in the request. The destination must match the pattern integration.request.{location}.{name}, where location is either querystring, path, or header. name must be a valid, unique parameter name.
(string) --
(string) --
requestTemplates (dict) --
Specifies the integration's request templates.
(string) --
(string) --
cacheNamespace (string) --
Specifies the integration's cache namespace.
cacheKeyParameters (list) --
Specifies the integration's cache key parameters.
(string) --
integrationResponses (dict) --
Specifies the integration's responses.
(string) --
(dict) --
Represents an integration response. The status code must map to an existing MethodResponse, and parameters and templates can be used to transform the backend response.
statusCode (string) --
Specifies the status code that is used to map the integration response to an existing MethodResponse.
selectionPattern (string) --
Specifies the regular expression (regex) pattern used to choose an integration response based on the response from the backend. If the backend is an AWS Lambda function, the AWS Lambda function error header is matched. For all other HTTP and AWS backends, the HTTP status code is matched.
responseParameters (dict) --
Represents response parameters that can be read from the backend response. Response parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a source as the value. A destination must match an existing response parameter in the Method. The source can be a header from the backend response, or a static value. Static values are specified using enclosing single quotes, and backend response headers can be read using the pattern integration.response.header.{name}.
(string) --
(string) --
responseTemplates (dict) --
Specifies the templates used to transform the integration response body. Response templates are represented as a key/value map, with a content-type as the key and a template as the value.
(string) --
(string) --
Describes a MethodResponse resource.
Request Syntax
client.get_method_response( restApiId='string', resourceId='string', httpMethod='string', statusCode='string' )
The RestApi identifier for the MethodResponse resource.
The Resource identifier for the MethodResponse resource.
The HTTP verb identifier for the parent Method resource.
The status code identifier for the MethodResponse resource.
Response Syntax
{ 'statusCode': 'string', 'responseParameters': { 'string': True|False }, 'responseModels': { 'string': 'string' } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents a method response. Amazon API Gateway sends back the status code to the caller as the HTTP status code. Parameters and models can be used to transform the response from the method's integration.
statusCode (string) --
The method response's status code.
responseParameters (dict) --
Represents response parameters that can be sent back to the caller by Amazon API Gateway. Response parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a boolean flag as the value, which is used to specify whether the parameter is required. A destination must match the pattern method.response.header.{name}, where name is a valid, unique header name. Destinations specified here are available to the integration for mapping from integration response parameters.
(string) --
(boolean) --
responseModels (dict) --
Specifies the Model resources used for the response's content-type. Response models are represented as a key/value map, with a content-type as the key and a Model name as the value.
(string) --
(string) --
Changes information about the DomainName resource.
Request Syntax
client.update_domain_name( domainName='string', patchOperations=[ { 'op': 'add'|'remove'|'replace'|'move'|'copy'|'test', 'path': 'string', 'value': 'string', 'from': 'string' }, ] )
The name of the DomainName resource to be changed.
A list of operations describing the updates to apply to the specified resource. The patches are applied in the order specified in the list.
(dict) -- A single patch operation to apply to the specified resource. Please refer to http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6902#section-4 for an explanation of how each operation is used.
op (string) --
A patch operation whose value indicates the operation to perform. Its value MUST be one of "add", "remove", "replace", "move", "copy", or "test"; other values are errors.
path (string) --
Operation objects MUST have exactly one "path" member. That member's value is a string containing a JSON-Pointer value that references a location within the target document (the "target location") where the operation is performed.
value (string) --
The actual value content.
from (string) --
The "move" and "copy" operation object MUST contain a "from" member, which is a string containing a JSON Pointer value that references the location in the target document to move the value from.
Response Syntax
{ 'domainName': 'string', 'certificateName': 'string', 'certificateUploadDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'distributionDomainName': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents a domain name that is contained in a simpler, more intuitive URL that can be called.
domainName (string) --
The name of the DomainName resource.
certificateName (string) --
The name of the certificate.
certificateUploadDate (datetime) --
The date when the certificate was uploaded, in ISO 8601 format.
distributionDomainName (string) --
The domain name of the Amazon CloudFront distribution. For more information, see the Amazon CloudFront documentation.
Deletes the specified API.
Request Syntax
client.delete_rest_api( restApiId='string' )
The ID of the RestApi you want to delete.
Adds a MethodResponse to an existing Method resource.
Request Syntax
client.put_method_response( restApiId='string', resourceId='string', httpMethod='string', statusCode='string', responseParameters={ 'string': True|False }, responseModels={ 'string': 'string' } )
The RestApi identifier for the Method resource.
The Resource identifier for the Method resource.
The HTTP verb that identifies the Method resource.
The method response's status code.
Represents response parameters that can be sent back to the caller by Amazon API Gateway. Response parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a Boolean flag as the value. The Boolean flag is used to specify whether the parameter is required. A destination must match the pattern method.response.header.{name}, where name is a valid, unique header name. Destinations specified here are available to the integration for mapping from integration response parameters.
(string) --
(boolean) --
Specifies the Model resources used for the response's content type. Response models are represented as a key/value map, with a content type as the key and a Model name as the value.
(string) --
(string) --
Response Syntax
{ 'statusCode': 'string', 'responseParameters': { 'string': True|False }, 'responseModels': { 'string': 'string' } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents a method response. Amazon API Gateway sends back the status code to the caller as the HTTP status code. Parameters and models can be used to transform the response from the method's integration.
statusCode (string) --
The method response's status code.
responseParameters (dict) --
Represents response parameters that can be sent back to the caller by Amazon API Gateway. Response parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a boolean flag as the value, which is used to specify whether the parameter is required. A destination must match the pattern method.response.header.{name}, where name is a valid, unique header name. Destinations specified here are available to the integration for mapping from integration response parameters.
(string) --
(boolean) --
responseModels (dict) --
Specifies the Model resources used for the response's content-type. Response models are represented as a key/value map, with a content-type as the key and a Model name as the value.
(string) --
(string) --
Deletes a model.
Request Syntax
client.delete_model( restApiId='string', modelName='string' )
The RestApi under which the model will be deleted.
The name of the model to delete.
Represents a collection of DomainName resources.
Request Syntax
client.get_domain_names( position='string', limit=123 )
The position of the current domain names to get information about.
The maximum number of DomainName resources in the collection to get information about. The default limit is 25. It should be an integer between 1 - 500.
Response Syntax
{ 'position': 'string', 'items': [ { 'domainName': 'string', 'certificateName': 'string', 'certificateUploadDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'distributionDomainName': 'string' }, ] }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents a collection of DomainName resources.
position (string) --
items (list) --
The current page of any DomainName resources in the collection of DomainName resources.
(dict) --
Represents a domain name that is contained in a simpler, more intuitive URL that can be called.
domainName (string) --
The name of the DomainName resource.
certificateName (string) --
The name of the certificate.
certificateUploadDate (datetime) --
The date when the certificate was uploaded, in ISO 8601 format.
distributionDomainName (string) --
The domain name of the Amazon CloudFront distribution. For more information, see the Amazon CloudFront documentation.
Creates a new RestApi resource.
Request Syntax
client.create_rest_api( name='string', description='string', cloneFrom='string' )
The name of the RestApi.
The description of the RestApi.
The name of the RestApi that you want to clone from.
Response Syntax
{ 'id': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'createdDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents a REST API.
id (string) --
The API's identifier. This identifier is unique across all of your APIs in Amazon API Gateway.
name (string) --
The API's name.
description (string) --
The API's description.
createdDate (datetime) --
The date when the API was created, in ISO 8601 format.
Represents a put integration.
Request Syntax
client.put_integration_response( restApiId='string', resourceId='string', httpMethod='string', statusCode='string', selectionPattern='string', responseParameters={ 'string': 'string' }, responseTemplates={ 'string': 'string' } )
Specifies a put integration response request's API identifier.
Specifies a put integration response request's resource identifier.
Specifies a put integration response request's HTTP method.
Specifies the status code that is used to map the integration response to an existing MethodResponse.
Specifies the selection pattern of a put integration response.
Represents response parameters that can be read from the backend response. Response parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a source as the value. A destination must match an existing response parameter in the Method. The source can be a header from the backend response, or a static value. Static values are specified using enclosing single quotes, and backend response headers can be read using the pattern integration.response.header.{name}.
(string) --
(string) --
Specifies a put integration response's templates.
(string) --
(string) --
Response Syntax
{ 'statusCode': 'string', 'selectionPattern': 'string', 'responseParameters': { 'string': 'string' }, 'responseTemplates': { 'string': 'string' } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents an integration response. The status code must map to an existing MethodResponse, and parameters and templates can be used to transform the backend response.
statusCode (string) --
Specifies the status code that is used to map the integration response to an existing MethodResponse.
selectionPattern (string) --
Specifies the regular expression (regex) pattern used to choose an integration response based on the response from the backend. If the backend is an AWS Lambda function, the AWS Lambda function error header is matched. For all other HTTP and AWS backends, the HTTP status code is matched.
responseParameters (dict) --
Represents response parameters that can be read from the backend response. Response parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a source as the value. A destination must match an existing response parameter in the Method. The source can be a header from the backend response, or a static value. Static values are specified using enclosing single quotes, and backend response headers can be read using the pattern integration.response.header.{name}.
(string) --
(string) --
responseTemplates (dict) --
Specifies the templates used to transform the integration response body. Response templates are represented as a key/value map, with a content-type as the key and a template as the value.
(string) --
(string) --
Updates an existing Method resource.
Request Syntax
client.update_method( restApiId='string', resourceId='string', httpMethod='string', patchOperations=[ { 'op': 'add'|'remove'|'replace'|'move'|'copy'|'test', 'path': 'string', 'value': 'string', 'from': 'string' }, ] )
The RestApi identifier for the Method resource.
The Resource identifier for the Method resource.
The HTTP verb that identifies the Method resource.
A list of operations describing the updates to apply to the specified resource. The patches are applied in the order specified in the list.
(dict) -- A single patch operation to apply to the specified resource. Please refer to http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6902#section-4 for an explanation of how each operation is used.
op (string) --
A patch operation whose value indicates the operation to perform. Its value MUST be one of "add", "remove", "replace", "move", "copy", or "test"; other values are errors.
path (string) --
Operation objects MUST have exactly one "path" member. That member's value is a string containing a JSON-Pointer value that references a location within the target document (the "target location") where the operation is performed.
value (string) --
The actual value content.
from (string) --
The "move" and "copy" operation object MUST contain a "from" member, which is a string containing a JSON Pointer value that references the location in the target document to move the value from.
Response Syntax
{ 'httpMethod': 'string', 'authorizationType': 'string', 'apiKeyRequired': True|False, 'requestParameters': { 'string': True|False }, 'requestModels': { 'string': 'string' }, 'methodResponses': { 'string': { 'statusCode': 'string', 'responseParameters': { 'string': True|False }, 'responseModels': { 'string': 'string' } } }, 'methodIntegration': { 'type': 'HTTP'|'AWS'|'MOCK', 'httpMethod': 'string', 'uri': 'string', 'credentials': 'string', 'requestParameters': { 'string': 'string' }, 'requestTemplates': { 'string': 'string' }, 'cacheNamespace': 'string', 'cacheKeyParameters': [ 'string', ], 'integrationResponses': { 'string': { 'statusCode': 'string', 'selectionPattern': 'string', 'responseParameters': { 'string': 'string' }, 'responseTemplates': { 'string': 'string' } } } } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents a method.
httpMethod (string) --
The HTTP method.
authorizationType (string) --
The method's authorization type.
apiKeyRequired (boolean) --
Specifies whether the method requires a valid ApiKey.
requestParameters (dict) --
Represents request parameters that can be accepted by Amazon API Gateway. Request parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a source as the key and a Boolean flag as the value. The Boolean flag is used to specify whether the parameter is required. A source must match the pattern method.request.{location}.{name}, where location is either querystring, path, or header. name is a valid, unique parameter name. Sources specified here are available to the integration for mapping to integration request parameters or templates.
(string) --
(boolean) --
requestModels (dict) --
Specifies the Model resources used for the request's content type. Request models are represented as a key/value map, with a content type as the key and a Model name as the value.
(string) --
(string) --
methodResponses (dict) --
Represents available responses that can be sent to the caller. Method responses are represented as a key/value map, with an HTTP status code as the key and a MethodResponse as the value. The status codes are available for the Integration responses to map to.
(string) --
(dict) --
Represents a method response. Amazon API Gateway sends back the status code to the caller as the HTTP status code. Parameters and models can be used to transform the response from the method's integration.
statusCode (string) --
The method response's status code.
responseParameters (dict) --
Represents response parameters that can be sent back to the caller by Amazon API Gateway. Response parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a boolean flag as the value, which is used to specify whether the parameter is required. A destination must match the pattern method.response.header.{name}, where name is a valid, unique header name. Destinations specified here are available to the integration for mapping from integration response parameters.
(string) --
(boolean) --
responseModels (dict) --
Specifies the Model resources used for the response's content-type. Response models are represented as a key/value map, with a content-type as the key and a Model name as the value.
(string) --
(string) --
methodIntegration (dict) --
The method's integration.
type (string) --
Specifies the integration's type.
httpMethod (string) --
Specifies the integration's HTTP method type.
uri (string) --
Specifies the integration's Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). For HTTP integrations, the URI must be a fully formed, encoded HTTP(S) URL according to the RFC-3986 specification. For AWS integrations, the URI should be of the form arn:aws:apigateway:{region}:{service}:{path|action}/{service_api}. Region and service are used to determine the right endpoint. For AWS services that use the Action= query string parameter, service_api should be a valid action for the desired service. For RESTful AWS service APIs, path is used to indicate that the remaining substring in the URI should be treated as the path to the resource, including the initial /.
credentials (string) --
Specifies the credentials required for the integration, if any. For AWS integrations, three options are available. To specify an IAM Role for Amazon API Gateway to assume, use the role's Amazon Resource Name (ARN). To require that the caller's identity be passed through from the request, specify the string arn:aws:iam::\*:user/\*. To use resource-based permissions on supported AWS services, specify null.
requestParameters (dict) --
Represents requests parameters that are sent with the backend request. Request parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a source as the value. A source must match an existing method request parameter, or a static value. Static values must be enclosed with single quotes, and be pre-encoded based on their destination in the request. The destination must match the pattern integration.request.{location}.{name}, where location is either querystring, path, or header. name must be a valid, unique parameter name.
(string) --
(string) --
requestTemplates (dict) --
Specifies the integration's request templates.
(string) --
(string) --
cacheNamespace (string) --
Specifies the integration's cache namespace.
cacheKeyParameters (list) --
Specifies the integration's cache key parameters.
(string) --
integrationResponses (dict) --
Specifies the integration's responses.
(string) --
(dict) --
Represents an integration response. The status code must map to an existing MethodResponse, and parameters and templates can be used to transform the backend response.
statusCode (string) --
Specifies the status code that is used to map the integration response to an existing MethodResponse.
selectionPattern (string) --
Specifies the regular expression (regex) pattern used to choose an integration response based on the response from the backend. If the backend is an AWS Lambda function, the AWS Lambda function error header is matched. For all other HTTP and AWS backends, the HTTP status code is matched.
responseParameters (dict) --
Represents response parameters that can be read from the backend response. Response parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a source as the value. A destination must match an existing response parameter in the Method. The source can be a header from the backend response, or a static value. Static values are specified using enclosing single quotes, and backend response headers can be read using the pattern integration.response.header.{name}.
(string) --
(string) --
responseTemplates (dict) --
Specifies the templates used to transform the integration response body. Response templates are represented as a key/value map, with a content-type as the key and a template as the value.
(string) --
(string) --
Request Syntax
client.create_api_key( name='string', description='string', enabled=True|False, stageKeys=[ { 'restApiId': 'string', 'stageName': 'string' }, ] )
The name of the ApiKey.
The description of the ApiKey.
Specifies whether the ApiKey can be used by callers.
Specifies whether the ApiKey can be used by callers.
(dict) --
A reference to a unique stage identified in the format {restApiId}/{stage}.
restApiId (string) --
A list of Stage resources that are associated with the ApiKey resource.
stageName (string) --
The stage name in the RestApi that the stage key references.
Response Syntax
{ 'id': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'enabled': True|False, 'stageKeys': [ 'string', ], 'createdDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'lastUpdatedDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }
Response Structure
(dict) --
A resource that can be distributed to callers for executing Method resources that require an API key. API keys can be mapped to any Stage on any RestApi, which indicates that the callers with the API key can make requests to that stage.
id (string) --
The identifier of the API Key.
name (string) --
The name of the API Key.
description (string) --
The description of the API Key.
enabled (boolean) --
Specifies whether the API Key can be used by callers.
stageKeys (list) --
A list of Stage resources that are associated with the ApiKey resource.
(string) --
createdDate (datetime) --
The date when the API Key was created, in ISO 8601 format.
lastUpdatedDate (datetime) --
When the API Key was last updated, in ISO 8601 format.
Creates a Stage resource.
Request Syntax
client.create_stage( restApiId='string', stageName='string', deploymentId='string', description='string', cacheClusterEnabled=True|False, cacheClusterSize='0.5'|'1.6'|'6.1'|'13.5'|'28.4'|'58.2'|'118'|'237' )
The identifier of the RestApi resource for the Stage resource to create.
The name for the Stage resource.
The identifier of the Deployment resource for the Stage resource.
The description of the Stage resource.
Whether cache clustering is enabled for the stage.
The stage's cache cluster size.
Response Syntax
{ 'deploymentId': 'string', 'clientCertificateId': 'string', 'stageName': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'cacheClusterEnabled': True|False, 'cacheClusterSize': '0.5'|'1.6'|'6.1'|'13.5'|'28.4'|'58.2'|'118'|'237', 'cacheClusterStatus': 'CREATE_IN_PROGRESS'|'AVAILABLE'|'DELETE_IN_PROGRESS'|'NOT_AVAILABLE'|'FLUSH_IN_PROGRESS', 'methodSettings': { 'string': { 'metricsEnabled': True|False, 'loggingLevel': 'string', 'dataTraceEnabled': True|False, 'throttlingBurstLimit': 123, 'throttlingRateLimit': 123.0, 'cachingEnabled': True|False, 'cacheTtlInSeconds': 123, 'cacheDataEncrypted': True|False } }, 'createdDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'lastUpdatedDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents a unique identifier for a version of a deployed RestApi that is callable by users.
deploymentId (string) --
The identifier of the Deployment that the stage points to.
clientCertificateId (string) --
stageName (string) --
The name of the stage is the first path segment in the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of a call to Amazon API Gateway.
description (string) --
The stage's description.
cacheClusterEnabled (boolean) --
Specifies whether a cache cluster is enabled for the stage.
cacheClusterSize (string) --
The size of the cache cluster for the stage, if enabled.
cacheClusterStatus (string) --
The status of the cache cluster for the stage, if enabled.
methodSettings (dict) --
A map that defines the method settings for a Stage resource. Keys are defined as {resource_path}/{http_method} for an individual method override, or \*/\* for the settings applied to all methods in the stage.
(string) --
(dict) --
Specifies the method setting properties.
metricsEnabled (boolean) --
Specifies whether Amazon CloudWatch metrics are enabled for this method. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/metrics/enabled, and the value is a Boolean.
loggingLevel (string) --
Specifies the logging level for this method, which effects the log entries pushed to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/logging/loglevel, and the available levels are OFF, ERROR, and INFO.
dataTraceEnabled (boolean) --
Specifies the whether data trace logging is enabled for this method, which effects the log entries pushed to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/logging/dataTrace, and the value is a Boolean.
throttlingBurstLimit (integer) --
Specifies the throttling burst limit. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/throttling/burstLimit, and the value is an integer.
throttlingRateLimit (float) --
Specifies the throttling rate limit. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/throttling/rateLimit, and the value is a double.
cachingEnabled (boolean) --
Specifies whether responses should be cached and returned for requests. A cache cluster must be enabled on the stage for responses to be cached. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/caching/enabled, and the value is a Boolean.
cacheTtlInSeconds (integer) --
Specifies the time to live (TTL) in seconds, for cached responses. The higher a the TTL, the longer the response will be cached. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/caching/ttlInSeconds, and the value is an integer.
cacheDataEncrypted (boolean) --
Specifies whether the cached responses are encrypted. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/caching/dataEncrypted, and the value is a Boolean.
createdDate (datetime) --
The date and time that the stage was created, in ISO 8601 format.
lastUpdatedDate (datetime) --
The date and time that information about the stage was last updated, in ISO 8601 format.
Request Syntax
client.delete_client_certificate( clientCertificateId='string' )
Represents a put integration.
Request Syntax
client.put_integration( restApiId='string', resourceId='string', httpMethod='string', type='HTTP'|'AWS'|'MOCK', uri='string', credentials='string', requestParameters={ 'string': 'string' }, requestTemplates={ 'string': 'string' }, cacheNamespace='string', cacheKeyParameters=[ 'string', ] )
Specifies a put integration request's API identifier.
Specifies a put integration request's resource ID.
Specifies a put integration HTTP method.
Specifies a put integration input's type.
Specifies a put integration input's Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).
Specifies whether credentials are required for a put integration.
Represents request parameters that are sent with the backend request. Request parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a source as the value. A source must match an existing method request parameter, or a static value. Static values must be enclosed with single quotes, and be pre-encoded based on their destination in the request. The destination must match the pattern integration.request.{location}.{name}, where location is either querystring, path, or header. name must be a valid, unique parameter name.
(string) --
(string) --
Specifies the templates used to transform the method request body. Request templates are represented as a key/value map, with a content-type as the key and a template as the value.
(string) --
(string) --
Specifies a put integration input's cache namespace.
Specifies a put integration input's cache key parameters.
(string) --
Response Syntax
{ 'type': 'HTTP'|'AWS'|'MOCK', 'httpMethod': 'string', 'uri': 'string', 'credentials': 'string', 'requestParameters': { 'string': 'string' }, 'requestTemplates': { 'string': 'string' }, 'cacheNamespace': 'string', 'cacheKeyParameters': [ 'string', ], 'integrationResponses': { 'string': { 'statusCode': 'string', 'selectionPattern': 'string', 'responseParameters': { 'string': 'string' }, 'responseTemplates': { 'string': 'string' } } } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents a HTTP, AWS, or Mock integration.
type (string) --
Specifies the integration's type.
httpMethod (string) --
Specifies the integration's HTTP method type.
uri (string) --
Specifies the integration's Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). For HTTP integrations, the URI must be a fully formed, encoded HTTP(S) URL according to the RFC-3986 specification. For AWS integrations, the URI should be of the form arn:aws:apigateway:{region}:{service}:{path|action}/{service_api}. Region and service are used to determine the right endpoint. For AWS services that use the Action= query string parameter, service_api should be a valid action for the desired service. For RESTful AWS service APIs, path is used to indicate that the remaining substring in the URI should be treated as the path to the resource, including the initial /.
credentials (string) --
Specifies the credentials required for the integration, if any. For AWS integrations, three options are available. To specify an IAM Role for Amazon API Gateway to assume, use the role's Amazon Resource Name (ARN). To require that the caller's identity be passed through from the request, specify the string arn:aws:iam::\*:user/\*. To use resource-based permissions on supported AWS services, specify null.
requestParameters (dict) --
Represents requests parameters that are sent with the backend request. Request parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a source as the value. A source must match an existing method request parameter, or a static value. Static values must be enclosed with single quotes, and be pre-encoded based on their destination in the request. The destination must match the pattern integration.request.{location}.{name}, where location is either querystring, path, or header. name must be a valid, unique parameter name.
(string) --
(string) --
requestTemplates (dict) --
Specifies the integration's request templates.
(string) --
(string) --
cacheNamespace (string) --
Specifies the integration's cache namespace.
cacheKeyParameters (list) --
Specifies the integration's cache key parameters.
(string) --
integrationResponses (dict) --
Specifies the integration's responses.
(string) --
(dict) --
Represents an integration response. The status code must map to an existing MethodResponse, and parameters and templates can be used to transform the backend response.
statusCode (string) --
Specifies the status code that is used to map the integration response to an existing MethodResponse.
selectionPattern (string) --
Specifies the regular expression (regex) pattern used to choose an integration response based on the response from the backend. If the backend is an AWS Lambda function, the AWS Lambda function error header is matched. For all other HTTP and AWS backends, the HTTP status code is matched.
responseParameters (dict) --
Represents response parameters that can be read from the backend response. Response parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a source as the value. A destination must match an existing response parameter in the Method. The source can be a header from the backend response, or a static value. Static values are specified using enclosing single quotes, and backend response headers can be read using the pattern integration.response.header.{name}.
(string) --
(string) --
responseTemplates (dict) --
Specifies the templates used to transform the integration response body. Response templates are represented as a key/value map, with a content-type as the key and a template as the value.
(string) --
(string) --
Changes information about the current Account resource.
Request Syntax
client.update_account( patchOperations=[ { 'op': 'add'|'remove'|'replace'|'move'|'copy'|'test', 'path': 'string', 'value': 'string', 'from': 'string' }, ] )
A list of operations describing the updates to apply to the specified resource. The patches are applied in the order specified in the list.
(dict) -- A single patch operation to apply to the specified resource. Please refer to http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6902#section-4 for an explanation of how each operation is used.
op (string) --
A patch operation whose value indicates the operation to perform. Its value MUST be one of "add", "remove", "replace", "move", "copy", or "test"; other values are errors.
path (string) --
Operation objects MUST have exactly one "path" member. That member's value is a string containing a JSON-Pointer value that references a location within the target document (the "target location") where the operation is performed.
value (string) --
The actual value content.
from (string) --
The "move" and "copy" operation object MUST contain a "from" member, which is a string containing a JSON Pointer value that references the location in the target document to move the value from.
Response Syntax
{ 'cloudwatchRoleArn': 'string', 'throttleSettings': { 'burstLimit': 123, 'rateLimit': 123.0 } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents an AWS account that is associated with Amazon API Gateway.
cloudwatchRoleArn (string) --
Specifies the Amazon resource name (ARN) of an Amazon CloudWatch role for the current Account resource.
throttleSettings (dict) --
Specifies the application programming interface (API) throttle settings for the current Account resource.
burstLimit (integer) --
Returns the burstLimit when ThrottleSettings is called.
rateLimit (float) --
Returns the rateLimit when ThrottleSettings is called.
Describes an existing model defined for a RestApi resource.
Request Syntax
client.get_model( restApiId='string', modelName='string', flatten=True|False )
The RestApi identifier under which the Model exists.
The name of the model as an identifier.
Resolves all external model references and returns a flattened model schema.
Response Syntax
{ 'id': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'schema': 'string', 'contentType': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents the structure of a request or response payload for a method.
id (string) --
The identifier for the model resource.
name (string) --
The name of the model.
description (string) --
The description of the model.
schema (string) --
The schema for the model. For application/json models, this should be JSON-schema draft v4 model.
contentType (string) --
The content-type for the model.
Deletes an existing MethodResponse resource.
Request Syntax
client.delete_method_response( restApiId='string', resourceId='string', httpMethod='string', statusCode='string' )
The RestApi identifier for the MethodResponse resource.
The Resource identifier for the MethodResponse resource.
The HTTP verb identifier for the parent Method resource.
The status code identifier for the MethodResponse resource.
Changes information about a Stage resource.
Request Syntax
client.update_stage( restApiId='string', stageName='string', patchOperations=[ { 'op': 'add'|'remove'|'replace'|'move'|'copy'|'test', 'path': 'string', 'value': 'string', 'from': 'string' }, ] )
The identifier of the RestApi resource for the Stage resource to change information about.
The name of the Stage resource to change information about.
A list of operations describing the updates to apply to the specified resource. The patches are applied in the order specified in the list.
(dict) -- A single patch operation to apply to the specified resource. Please refer to http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6902#section-4 for an explanation of how each operation is used.
op (string) --
A patch operation whose value indicates the operation to perform. Its value MUST be one of "add", "remove", "replace", "move", "copy", or "test"; other values are errors.
path (string) --
Operation objects MUST have exactly one "path" member. That member's value is a string containing a JSON-Pointer value that references a location within the target document (the "target location") where the operation is performed.
value (string) --
The actual value content.
from (string) --
The "move" and "copy" operation object MUST contain a "from" member, which is a string containing a JSON Pointer value that references the location in the target document to move the value from.
Response Syntax
{ 'deploymentId': 'string', 'clientCertificateId': 'string', 'stageName': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'cacheClusterEnabled': True|False, 'cacheClusterSize': '0.5'|'1.6'|'6.1'|'13.5'|'28.4'|'58.2'|'118'|'237', 'cacheClusterStatus': 'CREATE_IN_PROGRESS'|'AVAILABLE'|'DELETE_IN_PROGRESS'|'NOT_AVAILABLE'|'FLUSH_IN_PROGRESS', 'methodSettings': { 'string': { 'metricsEnabled': True|False, 'loggingLevel': 'string', 'dataTraceEnabled': True|False, 'throttlingBurstLimit': 123, 'throttlingRateLimit': 123.0, 'cachingEnabled': True|False, 'cacheTtlInSeconds': 123, 'cacheDataEncrypted': True|False } }, 'createdDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'lastUpdatedDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents a unique identifier for a version of a deployed RestApi that is callable by users.
deploymentId (string) --
The identifier of the Deployment that the stage points to.
clientCertificateId (string) --
stageName (string) --
The name of the stage is the first path segment in the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of a call to Amazon API Gateway.
description (string) --
The stage's description.
cacheClusterEnabled (boolean) --
Specifies whether a cache cluster is enabled for the stage.
cacheClusterSize (string) --
The size of the cache cluster for the stage, if enabled.
cacheClusterStatus (string) --
The status of the cache cluster for the stage, if enabled.
methodSettings (dict) --
A map that defines the method settings for a Stage resource. Keys are defined as {resource_path}/{http_method} for an individual method override, or \*/\* for the settings applied to all methods in the stage.
(string) --
(dict) --
Specifies the method setting properties.
metricsEnabled (boolean) --
Specifies whether Amazon CloudWatch metrics are enabled for this method. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/metrics/enabled, and the value is a Boolean.
loggingLevel (string) --
Specifies the logging level for this method, which effects the log entries pushed to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/logging/loglevel, and the available levels are OFF, ERROR, and INFO.
dataTraceEnabled (boolean) --
Specifies the whether data trace logging is enabled for this method, which effects the log entries pushed to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/logging/dataTrace, and the value is a Boolean.
throttlingBurstLimit (integer) --
Specifies the throttling burst limit. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/throttling/burstLimit, and the value is an integer.
throttlingRateLimit (float) --
Specifies the throttling rate limit. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/throttling/rateLimit, and the value is a double.
cachingEnabled (boolean) --
Specifies whether responses should be cached and returned for requests. A cache cluster must be enabled on the stage for responses to be cached. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/caching/enabled, and the value is a Boolean.
cacheTtlInSeconds (integer) --
Specifies the time to live (TTL) in seconds, for cached responses. The higher a the TTL, the longer the response will be cached. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/caching/ttlInSeconds, and the value is an integer.
cacheDataEncrypted (boolean) --
Specifies whether the cached responses are encrypted. The PATCH path for this setting is /{method_setting_key}/caching/dataEncrypted, and the value is a Boolean.
createdDate (datetime) --
The date and time that the stage was created, in ISO 8601 format.
lastUpdatedDate (datetime) --
The date and time that information about the stage was last updated, in ISO 8601 format.
Represents a delete integration.
Request Syntax
client.delete_integration( restApiId='string', resourceId='string', httpMethod='string' )
Specifies a delete integration request's API identifier.
Specifies a delete integration request's resource identifier.
Specifies a delete integration request's HTTP method.
Lists the RestApi resource in the collection.
Request Syntax
client.get_rest_api( restApiId='string' )
The identifier of the RestApi resource.
Response Syntax
{ 'id': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'createdDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents a REST API.
id (string) --
The API's identifier. This identifier is unique across all of your APIs in Amazon API Gateway.
name (string) --
The API's name.
description (string) --
The API's description.
createdDate (datetime) --
The date when the API was created, in ISO 8601 format.
Deletes a Deployment resource. Deleting a deployment will only succeed if there are no Stage resources associated with it.
Request Syntax
client.delete_deployment( restApiId='string', deploymentId='string' )
The identifier of the RestApi resource for the Deployment resource to delete.
The identifier of the Deployment resource to delete.
Request Syntax
client.test_invoke_method( restApiId='string', resourceId='string', httpMethod='string', pathWithQueryString='string', body='string', headers={ 'string': 'string' }, clientCertificateId='string' )
(string) --
(string) --
Response Syntax
{ 'status': 123, 'body': 'string', 'headers': { 'string': 'string' }, 'log': 'string', 'latency': 123 }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents the response of the test invoke request in HTTP method.
status (integer) --
The HTTP status code.
body (string) --
The body of HTTP response.
headers (dict) --
The headers of HTTP response.
(string) --
(string) --
log (string) --
The Amazon API Gateway execution log for the test invoke request.
latency (integer) --
The execution latency of the test invoke request.
Request Syntax
client.generate_client_certificate( description='string' )
Response Syntax
{ 'clientCertificateId': 'string', 'description': 'string', 'pemEncodedCertificate': 'string', 'createdDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'expirationDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }
Response Structure
(dict) --
clientCertificateId (string) --
description (string) --
pemEncodedCertificate (string) --
createdDate (datetime) --
expirationDate (datetime) --
Deletes the ApiKey resource.
Request Syntax
client.delete_api_key( apiKey='string' )
The identifier of the ApiKey resource to be deleted.
Represents an update integration response.
Request Syntax
client.update_integration_response( restApiId='string', resourceId='string', httpMethod='string', statusCode='string', patchOperations=[ { 'op': 'add'|'remove'|'replace'|'move'|'copy'|'test', 'path': 'string', 'value': 'string', 'from': 'string' }, ] )
Specifies an update integration response request's API identifier.
Specifies an update integration response request's resource identifier.
Specifies an update integration response request's HTTP method.
Specifies an update integration response request's status code.
A list of operations describing the updates to apply to the specified resource. The patches are applied in the order specified in the list.
(dict) -- A single patch operation to apply to the specified resource. Please refer to http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6902#section-4 for an explanation of how each operation is used.
op (string) --
A patch operation whose value indicates the operation to perform. Its value MUST be one of "add", "remove", "replace", "move", "copy", or "test"; other values are errors.
path (string) --
Operation objects MUST have exactly one "path" member. That member's value is a string containing a JSON-Pointer value that references a location within the target document (the "target location") where the operation is performed.
value (string) --
The actual value content.
from (string) --
The "move" and "copy" operation object MUST contain a "from" member, which is a string containing a JSON Pointer value that references the location in the target document to move the value from.
Response Syntax
{ 'statusCode': 'string', 'selectionPattern': 'string', 'responseParameters': { 'string': 'string' }, 'responseTemplates': { 'string': 'string' } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Represents an integration response. The status code must map to an existing MethodResponse, and parameters and templates can be used to transform the backend response.
statusCode (string) --
Specifies the status code that is used to map the integration response to an existing MethodResponse.
selectionPattern (string) --
Specifies the regular expression (regex) pattern used to choose an integration response based on the response from the backend. If the backend is an AWS Lambda function, the AWS Lambda function error header is matched. For all other HTTP and AWS backends, the HTTP status code is matched.
responseParameters (dict) --
Represents response parameters that can be read from the backend response. Response parameters are represented as a key/value map, with a destination as the key and a source as the value. A destination must match an existing response parameter in the Method. The source can be a header from the backend response, or a static value. Static values are specified using enclosing single quotes, and backend response headers can be read using the pattern integration.response.header.{name}.
(string) --
(string) --
responseTemplates (dict) --
Specifies the templates used to transform the integration response body. Response templates are represented as a key/value map, with a content-type as the key and a template as the value.
(string) --
(string) --