2017/09/21 - AWS Greengrass - 1 new3 updated api methods
Changes Update greengrass client to latest version
Resets a group's deployments.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.reset_deployments( AmznClientToken='string', Force=True|False, GroupId='string' )
The client token used to request idempotent operations.
When set to true, perform a best-effort only core reset.
[REQUIRED] The unique Id of the AWS Greengrass Group
Response Syntax
{ 'DeploymentArn': 'string', 'DeploymentId': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) -- Success. The group's deployments were reset.
DeploymentArn (string) -- The arn of the reset deployment.
DeploymentId (string) -- The id of the reset deployment.
{'DeploymentType': {'ForceResetDeployment', 'ResetDeployment'}}
Creates a deployment.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_deployment( AmznClientToken='string', DeploymentId='string', DeploymentType='NewDeployment'|'Redeployment'|'ResetDeployment'|'ForceResetDeployment', GroupId='string', GroupVersionId='string' )
The client token used to request idempotent operations.
Id of the deployment if you wish to redeploy a previous deployment.
Type of deployment. When used in CreateDeployment, only NewDeployment and Redeployment are valid.
[REQUIRED] The unique Id of the AWS Greengrass Group
Group Version you wish to deploy.
Response Syntax
{ 'DeploymentArn': 'string', 'DeploymentId': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) -- Successfully deployed the given group
DeploymentArn (string) -- The arn of the deployment.
DeploymentId (string) -- The id of the deployment.
{'DeploymentType': 'NewDeployment | Redeployment | ResetDeployment | ' 'ForceResetDeployment', 'ErrorDetails': [{'DetailedErrorCode': 'string', 'DetailedErrorMessage': 'string'}]}
Returns the status of a deployment.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_deployment_status( DeploymentId='string', GroupId='string' )
[REQUIRED] the deployment Id
[REQUIRED] The unique Id of the AWS Greengrass Group
Response Syntax
{ 'DeploymentStatus': 'string', 'DeploymentType': 'NewDeployment'|'Redeployment'|'ResetDeployment'|'ForceResetDeployment', 'ErrorDetails': [ { 'DetailedErrorCode': 'string', 'DetailedErrorMessage': 'string' }, ], 'ErrorMessage': 'string', 'UpdatedAt': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) -- The response body contains the status of a deployment for a group.
DeploymentStatus (string) -- Status of the deployment.
DeploymentType (string) -- The type of the deployment.
ErrorDetails (list) -- The error Details
(dict) -- ErrorDetail
DetailedErrorCode (string) -- Detailed Error Code
DetailedErrorMessage (string) -- Detailed Error Message
ErrorMessage (string) -- Error Message
UpdatedAt (string) -- Last time the deployment status was updated.
{'Deployments': {'DeploymentType': 'NewDeployment | Redeployment | ' 'ResetDeployment | ForceResetDeployment'}}
Returns a history of deployments for the group.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.list_deployments( GroupId='string', MaxResults='string', NextToken='string' )
[REQUIRED] The unique Id of the AWS Greengrass Group
Specifies the maximum number of list results to be returned in this page
Specifies the pagination token used when iterating through a paginated request
Response Syntax
{ 'Deployments': [ { 'CreatedAt': 'string', 'DeploymentArn': 'string', 'DeploymentId': 'string', 'DeploymentType': 'NewDeployment'|'Redeployment'|'ResetDeployment'|'ForceResetDeployment', 'GroupArn': 'string' }, ], 'NextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) -- The response body contains the list of deployments for the given group Id
Deployments (list) -- List of deployments for the requested groups
(dict) -- Information on the deployment
CreatedAt (string) -- Timestamp when the deployment was created.
DeploymentArn (string) -- Arn of the deployment.
DeploymentId (string) -- Id of the deployment.
DeploymentType (string) -- The type of deployment.
GroupArn (string) -- Arn of the group for this deployment.
NextToken (string) -- The token for the next set of results, or ''null'' if there are no additional results.