AWS Certificate Manager

2022/11/08 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Support added for requesting elliptic curve certificate key algorithm types P-256 (EC_prime256v1) and P-384 (EC_secp384r1).

2022/09/29 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   This update returns additional certificate details such as certificate SANs and allows sorting in the ListCertificates API.

2021/07/14 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   Added support for RSA 3072 SSL certificate import

2021/03/03 - 2 new api methods

Changes   Adds 2 new APIs to add and retrieve account configuration in AWS Certificate Manager.

2020/08/17 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   ACM provides support for the new Private CA feature Cross-account CA sharing. ACM users can issue certificates signed by a private CA belonging to another account where the CA was shared with them.

2019/11/22 - 3 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for Tag-Based IAM for AWS Certificate Manager and adding tags to certificates upon creation.

2019/03/14 - 1 new 1 updated api methods

Changes   AWS Certificate Manager has added a new API action, RenewCertificate. RenewCertificate causes ACM to force the renewal of any private certificate which has been exported.

2018/04/04 - 1 new 2 updated api methods

Changes   AWS Certificate Manager has added support for AWS Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority (CA). Customers can now request private certificates with the RequestCertificate API, and also export private certificates with the ExportCertificate API.

2018/03/27 - 1 new 2 updated api methods

Changes   AWS Certificate Manager has added support for customers to disable Certificate Transparency logging on a per-certificate basis.

2017/11/22 - 3 updated api methods

Changes   AWS Certificate Manager now supports the ability to import domainless certs and additional Key Types as well as an additional validation method for DNS.

2017/01/20 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Updated response elements for DescribeCertificate API in support of managed renewal.

2016/10/13 - 1 new 1 updated api methods

Changes   This change allows users to import third-party SSL/TLS certificates into ACM.

2016/07/21 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Adds reason for failure when describing certificates.