Amazon Detective

2023/11/27 - 5 new api methods

Changes   Added new APIs in Detective to support resource investigations

2023/05/16 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Added and updated API operations in Detective to support the integration of ASFF Security Hub findings.

2022/07/26 - 4 new 4 updated api methods

Changes   Added the ability to get data source package information for the behavior graph. Graph administrators can now start (or stop) optional datasources on the behavior graph.

2022/01/03 - 5 new 4 updated api methods

Changes   Added and updated API operations to support the Detective integration with AWS Organizations. New actions are used to manage the delegated administrator account and the integration configuration.

2021/04/21 - 4 updated api methods

Changes   Added parameters to track the data volume in bytes for a member account. Deprecated the existing parameters that tracked the volume as a percentage of the allowed volume for a behavior graph. Changes reflected in MemberDetails object.

2021/03/31 - 3 new api methods

Changes   Added the ability to assign tag values to Detective behavior graphs. Tag values can be used for attribute-based access control, and for cost allocation for billing.

2021/02/25 - 4 updated api methods

Changes   Changed "master account" to "administrator account." A new AdministratorId field replaces the deprecated MasterId field. Added an option to disable email notifications for member account invitations.

2020/03/25 - 1 new 4 updated api methods

Changes   The new ACCEPTED_BUT_DISABLED member account status indicates that a member account that accepted the invitation is blocked from contributing data to the behavior graph. The reason is provided in the new DISABLED_REASON property. The new StartMonitoringMember operation enables a blocked member account.

2019/12/13 - 11 new api methods

Changes   This is the initial release of Amazon Detective.