Amazon AppStream

2023/12/20 - 3 updated api methods

Changes   This release introduces configurable clipboard, allowing admins to specify the maximum length of text that can be copied by the users from their device to the remote session and vice-versa.

2023/12/14 - 15 updated api methods

Changes   This release includes support for images of Windows Server 2022 platform.

2023/10/26 - 4 updated api methods

Changes   This release introduces multi-session fleets, allowing customers to provision more than one user session on a single fleet instance.

2023/09/14 - 4 updated api methods

Changes   This release introduces multi-session fleets, allowing customers to provision more than one user session on a single fleet instance.

2023/06/29 - 10 new 2 updated api methods

Changes   This release introduces app block builder, allowing customers to provision a resource to package applications into an app block

2022/10/28 - 12 updated api methods

Changes   This release includes CertificateBasedAuthProperties in CreateDirectoryConfig and UpdateDirectoryConfig.

2022/06/29 - 3 updated api methods

Changes   Includes support for StreamingExperienceSettings in CreateStack and UpdateStack APIs

2022/04/14 - 3 updated api methods

Changes   Includes updates for create and update fleet APIs to manage the session scripts locations for Elastic fleets.

2022/01/05 - 7 new api methods

Changes   Includes APIs for App Entitlement management regarding entitlement and entitled application association.

2021/11/19 - 10 new 6 updated api methods

Changes   Includes APIs for managing resources for Elastic fleets: applications, app blocks, and application-fleet associations.

2021/11/15 - 8 updated api methods

Changes   This release includes support for images of AmazonLinux2 platform type.

2021/04/08 - 1 new 7 updated api methods

Changes   This release provides support for image updates

2021/01/12 - 13 updated api methods

Changes   Adds support for the Smart Card Redirection feature

2020/08/14 - 5 updated api methods

Changes   Adds support for the Desktop View feature

2019/10/29 - 3 updated api methods

Changes   Adds support for providing domain names that can embed streaming sessions

2019/09/09 - 9 updated api methods

Changes   IamRoleArn support in CreateFleet, UpdateFleet, CreateImageBuilder APIs

2019/08/20 - 11 updated api methods

Changes   Includes API updates to support streaming through VPC endpoints for image builders and stacks.

2019/06/14 - 7 updated api methods

Changes   Added 2 new values(WINDOWS_SERVER_2016, WINDOWS_SERVER_2019) for PlatformType enum.

2019/05/17 - 3 new 3 updated api methods

Changes   Includes APIs for managing subscriptions to AppStream 2.0 usage reports and configuring idle disconnect timeouts on AppStream 2.0 fleets.

2019/02/11 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   This update enables customers to find the start time, max expiration time, and connection status associated with AppStream streaming session.

2019/01/21 - 3 updated api methods

Changes   This API update includes support for tagging Stack, Fleet, and ImageBuilder resources at creation time.

2018/10/18 - 8 new api methods

Changes   This API update adds support for creating, managing, and deleting users in the AppStream 2.0 user pool.

2018/09/05 - 3 updated api methods

Changes   Added support for enabling persistent application settings for a stack. When these settings are enabled, changes that users make to applications and Windows settings are automatically saved after each session and applied to the next session.

2018/07/13 - 3 new 6 updated api methods

Changes   This API update adds support for sharing AppStream images across AWS accounts within the same region.

2018/07/10 - 4 updated api methods

Changes   This API update adds pagination to the DescribeImages API to support future features and enhancements.

2018/06/22 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   This API update enables customers to find their VPC private IP address and ENI ID associated with AppStream streaming sessions.

2018/06/04 - 3 updated api methods

Changes   Amazon AppStream 2.0 adds support for Google Drive for G Suite. With this feature, customers will be able to connect their G Suite accounts with AppStream 2.0 and enable Google Drive access for an AppStream 2.0 stack. Users of the stack can then link their Google Drive using their G Suite login credentials and use their existing files stored in Drive with their AppStream 2.0 applications. File changes will be synced automatically to Google cloud.

2018/05/25 - 3 updated api methods

Changes   This API update enables customers to control whether users can transfer data between their local devices and their streaming applications through file uploads and downloads, clipboard operations, or printing to local devices

2018/03/22 - 3 updated api methods

Changes   Feedback URL allows admins to provide a feedback link or a survey link for collecting user feedback while streaming sessions. When a feedback link is provided, streaming users will see a "Send Feedback" choice in their streaming session toolbar. On selecting this choice, user will be redirected to the link provided in a new browser tab. If a feedback link is not provided, users will not see the "Send Feedback" option.

2018/02/23 - 1 new 2 updated api methods

Changes   This API update is to enable customers to copy their Amazon AppStream 2.0 images within and between AWS Regions

2018/02/08 - 3 updated api methods

Changes   Adds support for allowing customers to provide a redirect URL for a stack. Users will be redirected to the link provided by the admin at the end of their streaming session.

2017/12/15 - 3 new api methods

Changes   This API update is to enable customers to add tags to their Amazon AppStream 2.0 resources

2017/12/08 - 7 updated api methods

Changes   This API update is to support the feature that allows customers to automatically consume the latest Amazon AppStream 2.0 agent as and when published by AWS.

2017/09/29 - 7 new api methods

Changes   Includes APIs for managing and accessing image builders, and deleting images.

2017/09/20 - 3 updated api methods

Changes   API updates for supporting On-Demand fleets.

2017/07/24 - 4 new 3 updated api methods

Changes   Amazon AppStream 2.0 image builders and fleets can now access applications and network resources that rely on Microsoft Active Directory (AD) for authentication and permissions. This new feature allows you to join your streaming instances to your AD, so you can use your existing AD user management tools.

2017/06/05 - 4 updated api methods

Changes   AppStream 2.0 Custom Security Groups allows you to easily control what network resources your streaming instances and images have access to. You can assign up to 5 security groups per Fleet to control the inbound and outbound network access to your streaming instances to specific IP ranges, network protocols, or ports.

2017/05/25 - 4 updated api methods

Changes   Support added for persistent user storage, backed by S3.

2017/04/21 - 5 updated api methods

Changes   The new feature named "Default Internet Access" will enable Internet access from AppStream 2.0 instances - image builders and fleet instances. Admins will check a flag either through AWS management console for AppStream 2.0 or through API while creating an image builder or while creating/updating a fleet.

2016/12/01 - 18 new api methods

Changes   Announcing Amazon AppStream 2.0 - a secure, fully managed desktop application streaming service that provides users instant access to their apps from a web browser.