AWS Resource Groups

2024/04/05 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   Added a new QueryErrorCode RESOURCE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED that is returned by the ListGroupResources operation if the group query contains unsupported resource types.

2023/01/13 - 2 new 2 updated api methods

Changes   AWS Resource Groups customers can now turn on Group Lifecycle Events in their AWS account. When you turn this on, Resource Groups monitors your groups for changes to group state or membership. Those changes are sent to Amazon EventBridge as events that you can respond to using rules you create.

2020/12/23 - 1 new 3 updated api methods

Changes   Add operation `PutGroupConfiguration`. Support dedicated hosts and add `Pending` in operations `Un/GroupResources`. Add `Resources` in `ListGroupResources` and deprecate `ResourceIdentifiers`.

2020/07/29 - 3 new 8 updated api methods

Changes   Resource Groups released a new feature that enables you to create a group with an associated configuration that specifies how other AWS services interact with the group. There are two new operations `GroupResources` and `UngroupResources` to work on a group with a configuration. In this release, you can associate EC2 Capacity Reservations with a resource group. Resource Groups also added a new request parameter `Group` to replace `GroupName` for all existing operations.

2018/11/14 - 5 updated api methods

Changes   The AWS Resource Groups service added support for AWS CloudFormation stack-based groups.

2018/10/16 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   AWS Resource Groups service added a new feature to filter resource groups by resource-type when using the ListGroups operation.

2018/08/02 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   AWS Resource Groups service added a new feature to filter group resources by resource-type when using the ListGroupResources operation.

2017/11/30 - 12 new api methods

Changes   AWS Resource Groups lets you search and group AWS resources from multiple services based on their tags.