Amazon Route 53 Resolver

2024/04/30 - 4 updated api methods

Changes   Release of FirewallDomainRedirectionAction parameter on the Route 53 DNS Firewall Rule. This allows customers to configure a DNS Firewall rule to inspect all the domains in the DNS redirection chain (default) , such as CNAME, ALIAS, DNAME, etc., or just the first domain and trust the rest.

2024/01/08 - 4 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for query type configuration on firewall rules that enables customers for granular action (ALLOW, ALERT, BLOCK) by DNS query type.

2023/12/18 - 12 updated api methods

Changes   Add DOH protocols in resolver endpoints.

2023/07/20 - 5 new 8 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for Route 53 On Outposts, a new feature that allows customers to run Route 53 Resolver and Resolver endpoints locally on their Outposts.

2023/03/08 - 22 updated api methods

Changes   Add dual-stack and IPv6 support for Route 53 Resolver Endpoint,Add IPv6 target IP in Route 53 Resolver Forwarding Rule

2021/10/25 - 3 new api methods

Changes   New API for ResolverConfig, which allows autodefined rules for reverse DNS resolution to be disabled for a VPC

2021/04/01 - 25 new api methods

Changes   Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall is a firewall service that allows you to filter and regulate outbound DNS traffic for your VPCs.

2020/12/17 - 3 new api methods

Changes   Route 53 Resolver adds support for enabling resolver DNSSEC validation in virtual private cloud (VPC).

2020/08/26 - 10 new 5 updated api methods

Changes   Route 53 Resolver adds support for resolver query logs

2018/11/16 - 22 new api methods

Changes   This is the first release of the Amazon Route 53 Resolver API. Customers now have the ability to create and manage Amazon Route 53 Resolver endpoints and Amazon Route 53 Resolver rules.