AWS SecurityHub

2024/05/29 - 4 updated api methods

Changes   Add ROOT type for TargetType model

2024/03/22 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   Added new resource detail object to ASFF, including resource for LastKnownExploitAt

2023/12/11 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   Added new resource detail objects to ASFF, including resources for AwsDynamoDbTable, AwsEc2ClientVpnEndpoint, AwsMskCluster, AwsS3AccessPoint, AwsS3Bucket

2023/11/27 - 10 new 11 updated api methods

Changes   Adds and updates APIs to support central configuration. This feature allows the Security Hub delegated administrator to configure Security Hub for their entire AWS Org across multiple regions from a home Region. With this release, findings also include account name and application metadata.

2023/11/27 - 2 new 11 updated api methods

Changes   Adds and updates APIs to support customizable security controls. This feature allows Security Hub customers to provide custom parameters for security controls. With this release, findings for controls that support custom parameters will include the parameters used to generate the findings.

2023/10/05 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   Added new resource detail objects to ASFF, including resources for AwsEventsEventbus, AwsEventsEndpoint, AwsDmsEndpoint, AwsDmsReplicationTask, AwsDmsReplicationInstance, AwsRoute53HostedZone, and AwsMskCluster

2023/08/18 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   Added Inspector Lambda code Vulnerability section to ASFF, including GeneratorDetails, EpssScore, ExploitAvailable, and CodeVulnerabilities.

2023/07/25 - 9 updated api methods

Changes   Add support for CONTAINS and NOT_CONTAINS comparison operators for Automation Rules string filters and map filters

2023/06/13 - 5 new api methods

Changes   Add support for Security Hub Automation Rules

2023/05/30 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   Added new resource detail objects to ASFF, including resources for AwsGuardDutyDetector, AwsAmazonMqBroker, AwsEventSchemasRegistry, AwsAppSyncGraphQlApi and AwsStepFunctionStateMachine.

2023/05/04 - 1 new api methods

Changes   Add support for Finding History.

2023/03/27 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   Added new resource detail objects to ASFF, including resources for AwsEksCluster, AWSS3Bucket, AwsEc2RouteTable and AwsEC2Instance.

2023/02/24 - 5 new 3 updated api methods

Changes   New Security Hub APIs and updates to existing APIs that help you consolidate control findings and enable and disable controls across all supported standards

2023/01/31 - 6 updated api methods

Changes   New fields have been added to the AWS Security Finding Format. Compliance.SecurityControlId is a unique identifier for a security control across standards. Compliance.AssociatedStandards contains all enabled standards in which a security control is enabled.

2022/12/15 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   Added new resource details objects to ASFF, including resources for AwsEc2LaunchTemplate, AwsSageMakerNotebookInstance, AwsWafv2WebAcl and AwsWafv2RuleGroup.

2022/11/29 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Adding StandardsManagedBy field to DescribeStandards API response

2022/11/17 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   Added SourceLayerArn and SourceLayerHash field for security findings. Updated AwsLambdaFunction Resource detail

2022/08/22 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   Added new resource details objects to ASFF, including resources for AwsBackupBackupVault, AwsBackupBackupPlan and AwsBackupRecoveryPoint. Added FixAvailable, FixedInVersion and Remediation to Vulnerability.

2022/06/16 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   Added Threats field for security findings. Added new resource details for ECS Container, ECS Task, RDS SecurityGroup, Kinesis Stream, EC2 TransitGateway, EFS AccessPoint, CloudFormation Stack, CloudWatch Alarm, VPC Peering Connection and WAF Rules

2022/04/25 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   Security Hub now lets you opt-out of auto-enabling the defaults standards (CIS and FSBP) in accounts that are auto-enabled with Security Hub via Security Hub's integration with AWS Organizations.

2022/04/05 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   Added additional ASFF details for RdsSecurityGroup AutoScalingGroup, ElbLoadBalancer, CodeBuildProject and RedshiftCluster.

2022/01/26 - 6 updated api methods

Changes   Adding top level Sample boolean field

2021/12/20 - 5 updated api methods

Changes   Added new resource details objects to ASFF, including resources for Firewall, and RuleGroup, FirewallPolicy Added additional details for AutoScalingGroup, LaunchConfiguration, and S3 buckets.

2021/10/20 - 5 new api methods

Changes   Added support for cross-Region finding aggregation, which replicates findings from linked Regions to a single aggregation Region. Added operations to view, enable, update, and delete the finding aggregation.

2021/10/08 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   Added new resource details objects to ASFF, including resources for WAF rate-based rules, EC2 VPC endpoints, ECR repositories, EKS clusters, X-Ray encryption, and OpenSearch domains. Added additional details for CloudFront distributions, CodeBuild projects, ELB V2 load balancers, and S3 buckets.

2021/09/02 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   New ASFF Resources: AwsAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration, AwsEc2VpnConnection, AwsEcrContainerImage. Added KeyRotationStatus to AwsKmsKey. Added AccessControlList, BucketLoggingConfiguration,BucketNotificationConfiguration and BucketNotificationConfiguration to AwsS3Bucket.

2021/07/23 - 6 updated api methods

Changes   Added product name, company name, and Region fields for security findings. Added details objects for RDS event subscriptions and AWS ECS services. Added fields to the details for AWS Elasticsearch domains.

2021/06/24 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   Added new resource details for ECS clusters and ECS task definitions. Added additional information for S3 buckets, Elasticsearch domains, and API Gateway V2 stages.

2021/05/03 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   Updated ASFF to add the following new resource details objects: AwsEc2NetworkAcl, AwsEc2Subnet, and AwsElasticBeanstalkEnvironment.

2021/04/22 - 3 new 3 updated api methods

Changes   Replaced the term "master" with "administrator". Added new actions to replace AcceptInvitation, GetMasterAccount, and DisassociateFromMasterAccount. In Member, replaced MasterId with AdministratorId.

2021/03/18 - 6 updated api methods

Changes   New object for separate provider and customer values. New objects track S3 Public Access Block configuration and identify sensitive data. BatchImportFinding requests are limited to 100 findings.

2021/02/03 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Update securityhub client to latest version

2021/01/21 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   Update securityhub client to latest version

2020/11/23 - 5 new api methods

Changes   Update securityhub client to latest version

2020/09/30 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   Update securityhub client to latest version

2020/09/01 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   Update securityhub client to latest version

2020/08/18 - 6 updated api methods

Changes   Update securityhub client to latest version

2020/07/28 - 1 new 1 updated api methods

Changes   Update securityhub client to latest version

2020/07/01 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   Update securityhub client to latest version

2020/05/20 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   Update securityhub client to latest version

2020/04/16 - 1 new api methods

Changes   Update securityhub client to latest version

2020/03/26 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   Update securityhub client to latest version

2020/03/12 - 6 updated api methods

Changes   Update securityhub client to latest version

2020/02/26 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Update securityhub client to latest version

2020/02/14 - 1 new 1 updated api methods

Changes   Update securityhub client to latest version

2020/02/05 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   Update securityhub client to latest version

2020/01/15 - 2 new api methods

Changes   Update securityhub client to latest version

2019/12/20 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   Update securityhub client to latest version

2019/06/24 - 8 new 1 updated api methods

Changes   Update securityhub client to latest version

2019/05/29 - 2 new 8 updated api methods

Changes   Update securityhub client to latest version

2018/11/28 - 29 new api methods

Changes   Update securityhub client to latest version